IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives - September 9-10, 2019 Torino, Italy

Page created by Ralph Porter
IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives - September 9-10, 2019 Torino, Italy
       International Symposium
on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives
         September 9- 10, 2019 • Torino, Italy

   Venue: Energy Center Auditorium - Via Paolo Borsellino 38/16
IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives - September 9-10, 2019 Torino, Italy
IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives - September 9-10, 2019 Torino, Italy
                       International Symposium
                on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives


p. 4    Sponsors

p. 5    Welcome message

p. 6    Committees

p. 7    Keynote lectures

p. 10   IEEE Fellow Elevation of Silverio Bolognani

p. 11   Scientific programme

p. 18   Social events

p. 18   Conference information

p. 19   General information

p. 21   City map

IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives - September 9-10, 2019 Torino, Italy
        International Symposium
 on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives


Platinum Partners


IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives - September 9-10, 2019 Torino, Italy
                                          International Symposium
                                   on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                               WELCOME MESSAGE
  Welcome to Torino!
  It is our pleasure to welcome you to to the IEEE 10th International Symposium on
Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED 2019), on September 9th to 10th, 2019,
sponsored by the IEEE Power Electronic Society (PELS), the IEEE Industry Applications
Society (IAS), the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) and the European Power
Electronics and Drives Association (EPE).
   This year we celebrate the 10th edition of SLED, with three world-class keynote
lectures and 36 high-quality technical papers from across the globe and an expected
number of 60 participants, from the industry and the academia.
We are honored to have with us Prof. Seung-Ki Sul from Seoul National University,
Korea, Prof. Silverio Bolognani, from the University of Padova, Italy, who was also the
General Chair of the first edition of SLED in 2010, and Prof. Marko Hinkkanen from
Aalto University, Finland, who hosted SLED last edition, in 2018.
   We cannot forget the recent loss of Prof. Robert D. (Bob) Lorenz, founder of this
discipline, source of inspiration and great friend of all of us. We will miss your presence
Bob, and we organized a Special Session dedicated to your memory, with some of your
students and colleagues from WEMPEC participating.
   We are looking forward to many fruitful discussions in the technical sessions, during
the breaks, at the welcome reception on Sunday, September 8 and at the symposium
dinner, on September 9.
   During the symposium, take the opportunity of visiting laboratory of the Politecnico
di Torino and its new Power Electronics Innovation Center (PEIC).
  We would like to thank the industrial sponsors HBM Italy, PEIC and Imperix, for
supporting us, and the staff of Politenico di Torino.

                                                                         Sincerely yours,

                                                   Gianmario Pellegrino and Radu Bojoi
                                                       General Co-Chairs of SLED 2019

IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives - September 9-10, 2019 Torino, Italy
                               International Symposium
                        on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives


                        General Co-Chair
         Gianmario Pellegrino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
           Iustin Radu Bojoi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

                      Steering Committee
Robert Lorenz, University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA (in memory)
     Ralph Kennel, Technical University of Munich, Germany
            Mario Pacas, Siegen University, Germany
            Aldo Boglietti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
      Frank Betin, University of Picardie Jules Verne, France
           Marko Hinkkanen, Aalto University, Finland

                    Technical Program Chair
         David Diaz Reigosa, University of Oviedo, Spain

                  Technical Program Committee
           Giacomo Scelba, University of Catania, Italy
     Giulio De Donato, University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy
           Michael Harke, UTC Aerospace Systems, USA
             Eric Armando, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
            Matthias Preindl, Columbia University, USA
             Fabio Tinazzi, University of Padova, Italy

                  Local Organizing Committee
                   (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
                      Salvatore Musumeci
                         Paolo Pescetto
                          Sandro Rubino
                           Fausto Stella

IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives - September 9-10, 2019 Torino, Italy
                                                        International Symposium
                                                 on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                                           KEYNOTE LECTURES

                                                        Keynote Session 1
                                                        (Monday, September 9, 2019 • h. 9.00)

                                                        Seung-Ki Sul
                                                        Seoul National University, Korea

         Application of Sensorless Drive from Automotive to Home Appliance
   Since the first sensorless drive for general purpose IPMSM was commercialized by Yaskawa
Electric Co. from 2008, the sensorless drive has been applied in many areas from automotive to
home appliance. Several tens of million units of washing machine based on sensorless drive of
PM motor has been used worldwide for last 5 years. Also drive system for oil pump as an auxiliary
drive of hybrid electric vehicle has used sensorless control for last 10 years.
And in soon Integrated Starter-Generator (ISG) machine in vehicle will be driven by high
frequency injection sensorless drive where enough dynamics of control under severe magnetic
saturation of ISG should be guaranteed.
   In this speech, the application examples of sensorless drive, especially permanent magnet
motor drive, will be introduced. The most of the examples are based on the algorithm developed
in Power Electronics Lab. of Seoul National University, Korea.
To apply sensroless drive, each application has its own challenges. Through last 20 years of my
experience of sensorless drive, solutions against the challenges for some sensorless drive cases
will be discussed.

Seung-Ki Sul (S’78, M’87, SM’98, F’00) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Seoul National
University, Seoul, Korea, in 1980, 1983, and 1986, respectively. From 1986 to 1988, he was an Associate Researcher with the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison. From 1988 to 1990, he was a Principal
Research Engineer with LG Industrial Systems Company, Korea. Since 1991, he has been a member of faculty of School of the
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, where he is currently a Professor.
He has published over 160 IEEE journal papers and a total of more than 350 international conference papers in the area of power
electronics. He was the program chair of IEEE PESC’06 and general chair of IEEE ECCE-Asia, ICPE, 2011.
From 2011 to 2014, he had served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Power Electronics, which is a SCIE registered journal,
published by the Korean Institute of Power Electronics (KIPE), Seoul, Korea. For year 2015, he was the president of KIPE.
He was recipient of 2015 IEEE Transaction 1st and 2nd paper awards on Industrial Application, simultaneously.
He was also recipient of 2016 Outstanding Achievement Award of IEEE Industrial Application Society. He was also selected as
the recipient of 2017 Newell award sponsored IEEE PELS. His current research interests include position sensorless control of
electrical machines, electric/hybrid vehicles and ship drives, and power-converter circuits based on SiC MOSFET.

IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives - September 9-10, 2019 Torino, Italy
                                                          International Symposium
                                                   on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                                                       Keynote Session 1
                                                       (Monday, September 9, 2019 • h. 10.00)

                                                       Silverio Bolognani
                                                       University of Padova, Italy

       Convergence and Robustness Properties of Rotor Position Estimation
     by HF Voltage Injection in IPM and Reluctance Synchronous Motor Drives
   Rotor position estimation at zero and low speed operation of Interior PM and reluctance
synchronous motors by HF voltage injection exploits the dependency of the stator inductances
on the rotor position. This method of estimation injects voltage signals superimposed to the
fundamental (power) voltages commanded by the current controllers and evaluate the position
dependent inductances from the measured HF stator currents. The method was introduced in
the 90’ mainly through the seminal papers by R. D. Lorenz and S. K. Sul. Since then, many studies
have been performed on this topic in order to understand deeply the principle and to enhance
the overall performance of the algorithm. Iron saturation and airgap harmonics effects are
among the issues more investigated. Today, rotor position (and speed) estimation of salient
rotor machines is ready to be transferred to industrial applications.
  After a description of the principle, the keynote will describe estimation convergence
conditions and robustness properties in real operating conditions; presentation is supported by
simulation and experimental results. Hints for the design of the estimator will be given.
Extension to other different synchronous motors will be also discussed.

Silverio Bolognani (M’98, SM’16, F’19) received the Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Padova, Italy,
in 1976. In the same year, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of that University, where he was involved in the
analysis and design of thyristor converters and synchronous motor drives. Successively he carried out researches about the
design and control of motor drives for land and marine propulsion, energy generation and conversion, home appliances,
automotive, industry, etc.. He has been and is principal investigator of several research contracts with industries, as well as
research projects funded by national and European Institutions. He is author of three patents and more than 250 international
publications on electric machines and drives. He has given seminars and invited presentations in international conferences and
foreign universities. Now he is mainly involved in drive sensorless and predictive control projects. He is of the Scientific
Committee of national and international conferences and associations, reviewer of international scientific journals and evaluator
of research projects in national and international programmes. He was Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering from
2001 to 2008, member of the Scientific Committee of the University of Padova from 2004 to 2008, vice-Rector for the Research
from 2009 to 2015. His teaching activity at the University of Padova dealt with courses of Electromagnetic fields and Electrical
circuit theory and, later, with Electric traction, Electric drives, Design of electric machines, Industrial electrical applications.

IEEE International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives - September 9-10, 2019 Torino, Italy
                                                        International Symposium
                                                 on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                                                     Keynote Session 2
                                                     (Tuesday, September 10, 2019 • h. 9.00)

                                                     Marko Hinkkanen
                                                     Aalto University, Finland

                    Sensorless Plug-and-Play Control of Industrial Drives
  Induction machines still dominate in industrial applications, but synchronous reluctance
machines (SyRMs) and PM-SyRMs are becoming more popular due to their higher torque
density and efficiency. For cost saving reasons, industrial drives are typically required to be
sensorless and their start-up process should be quick and easy.
   Ideally, any unknown AC motor can be plugged into a general-purpose inverter, which first
automatically identifies the motor model with minimal user intervention, then configures the
control system based on the identified model, and finally runs the motor in an optimal manner.
Sensorless induction motor drives with these kind of plug-and-play features have been
commercially available for the last 20 years, but suitable methods for SyRMs and PM-SyRMs are
just emerging.
   This presentation discusses the state-of-the-art, challenges, and future trends of sensorless
plug-and-play control from the perspective of industrial drives (but many aspects are applicable
to traction drives as well).

Marko Hinkkanen (M’06, SM’13) received the M.Sc.(Eng.) and D.Sc.(Tech.) degrees in electrical engineering from the Helsinki
University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, in 2000 and 2004, respectively.
He is an Associate Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo.
He has authored or co-authored more than 120 technical papers (of which more than 40 are in IEEE journals) and he has several
patents. His research interests include control systems, electric drives, and grid-tied converters.
Dr. Hinkkanen was a General Co-Chair for the 2018 IEEE 9th International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives
He was the co-recipient of the 2016 ICEM Brian J. Chalmers Best Paper Award and the 2016 and 2018 IEEE IAS Industrial Drives
Committee Best Paper Awards. He is an IEEE Senior Member and an Editorial Board Member of IET Electric Power Applications.

                                                          International Symposium
                                                   on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                            IEEE Fellow Elevation of Silverio Bolognani

                                                       Monday, September 9, 2019 • h. 9.45

                                                       Silverio Bolognani
                                                       University of Padova, Italy

                     For contributions to permanent magnet
                         synchronous motor technology
                                                  Ceremony officed by
                                                   Chiara Boccaletti
                                                     IAS Treasurer

Silverio Bolognani (M’98, SM’16, F’19) received the Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Padova, Italy,
in 1976. In the same year, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of that University, where he was involved in the
analysis and design of thyristor converters and synchronous motor drives. Successively he carried out researches about the
design and control of motor drives for land and marine propulsion, energy generation and conversion, home appliances,
automotive, industry, etc.. He has been and is principal investigator of several research contracts with industries, as well as
research projects funded by national and European Institutions. He is author of three patents and more than 250 international
publications on electric machines and drives. He has given seminars and invited presentations in international conferences and
foreign universities. Now he is mainly involved in drive sensorless and predictive control projects. He is of the Scientific
Committee of national and international conferences and associations, reviewer of international scientific journals and evaluator
of research projects in national and international programmes. He was Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering from
2001 to 2008, member of the Scientific Committee of the University of Padova from 2004 to 2008, vice-Rector for the Research
from 2009 to 2015. His teaching activity at the University of Padova dealt with courses of Electromagnetic fields and Electrical
circuit theory and, later, with Electric traction, Electric drives, Design of electric machines, Industrial electrical applications.

                                           International Symposium
                                    on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                            SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME

Sunday, September 8, 2019 • Castello del Valentino

19:30   Welcome Cocktail Reception.
        (Sala delle Colonne, Castello del Valentino)

Monday, September 9, 2019

8:30    Registration.

Room: Energy Center Auditorium
        Keynote Session 1
9:00    Application of Sensorless Drive from Automotive to Home Appliance.
        Seung Ki Sul - Professor, Seoul National University, Korea
9:45    IEEE Fellow Elevation of Silverio Bolognani
        Chiara Boccaletti - IAS Treasurer
10:00   Convergence and Robustness Properties of Rotor Position Estimation
        by HF Voltage Injection in IPM and Reluctance Synchronous Motor Drives.
        Silverio Bolognani - Professor, University of Padova, Italy

10:45   Coffee Break

        Oral Session A - Self Commissioning and Automatic Tuning Methods.
        Chair: Axel Mertens

11:15   Automatic Tuning Procedure at Standstill for Extended Kalman Filter
        in Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors.
        Ludovico Ortombina, Dario Pasqualotto, Fabio Tinazzi, Mauro Zigliotto
        University of Padova, Italy

11:40   Commissioning and Sensorless Control of High Power SyR Machine
        Paolo Pescetto, Eric Armando, Gianmario Pellegrino - Politecnico di Torino, Italy

                                           International Symposium
                                    on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                                                                         Monday, September 9

12:05   Feasible Auto-Tuning Procedure for Mid-Performance Sensorless IPMSM
        and SynRM Drives.
        Nicola Bedetti 1, Sandro Calligaro 2, Roberto Petrella 3
         Gefran Spa, Italy, 2Free University of Bolzano, Italy, 3University of Udine, Italy

12:30   Lunch (Room: Energy Center Foyer)

Room: Energy Center Auditorium
        Oral Session B - New and Improved Sensorless Algorithms
        Chair: Mauro Zigliotto

13:40   Iterative Tracker for Anisotropy-Based Self-Sensing Control of PMSM.
        Niklas Himker, Georg Lindemann, Axel Mertens
        Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

14:05   Enhanced Observer with Adaptive Reference Frame for Self-Sensing
        Control of PMSM.
        Georg Lindemann, Niklas Himker, Axel Mertens
        Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

14:30   Applying the Square-Root-Condition combined with DB-DTFC as a Flux
        Observer-Based Maximum Torque per Flux Strategy.
        Hadi El Khatib 1, Mario Pena 2, Emebet Gedlu 2, Michael Saur 3
         Technical University of Munich, Germany, 2University of Oviedo, Spain,
          Audi AG, Germany

14:55   Novel Sensorless Control Algorithm for SyR Machines Based on Low Speed
        Active Flux.
        Paolo Pescetto 1, Arzhang Yousefi-Talouki 2, Gianmario Pellegrino 1
         Politecnico di Torino, Italy, 2ABB Oy, Finland

15:20   Coffee Break

        Oral Session C - Analysis of State Observers for Sensorless Control
        Chair: Seung-Ki Sul

15:40   Comparison of Anisotropy Signals for Sensorless Control of Star-Connected
        Klaus Schuhmacher, Stephan Kleen, Matthias Nienhaus
        Saarland University, Germany

                                         International Symposium
                                  on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                                                                   Monday, September 9

16:05   Convergence Properties of Direct Position and Speed Estimation
        in Synchronous Motor Drives.
        Matthias Preindl - Columbia University, USA

16:30   Evaluation of Extended Electro Motive Force Observer Dynamic
        Performances Using Complex Vectors.
        Abdelrahman Elsman, Fabio Giulii Capponi, Giulio De Donato,
        Federico Caricchi - Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy

16:55   Discrete Time Implementation Issues in Back-EMF Observer for Sensorless
        Control of PMSM and SynRM.
        Sandro Calligaro 1, Roberto Petrella 2
         Free University of Bolzano, Italy, 2University of Udine, Italy

17:20   Sensorless Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives: A Sensitivity Analysis
        Framework and Design to Achieve Stator Resistance Immunity.
        Anantaram Varatharajan, Gianmario Pellegrino
        Politecnico di Torino, Italy

20:00 Social Dinner (Unione Industriale di Torino)

                                          International Symposium
                                   on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                                                                      Tuesday, September 10

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

8:30    Registration.

Room: Energy Center Auditorium
        Keynote Session 2
9:00    Sensorless Plug-and-Play Control of Industrial Drives.
        Marko Hinkkanen - Associate Professor, Aalto University, Finland

        Oral Session D - Robert Lorenz Memorial Session • part 1
        Chair: Bulent Sarlioglu

9:45    Carrier Separation Techniques for Improved Disturbance Rejection
        of Injection-Based Self-Sensing Control.
        Marc S. Petit 1, Bulent Sarlioglu 1, Robert D. Lorenz 1,
        Christoph H. van der Broeck 2
         University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA,
          RWTH Aachen University, Germany

10:10   Sensorless Estimation of Machine Parameters in Synchronous Reluctance
        Motor Drives.
        Salvatore Foti 1, Antonio Testa 1, Giacomo Scelba 2, Luigi Danilo Tornello 2,
        Salvatore De Caro 1, Tommaso Scimone 1
         University of Messina, Italy, 2University of Catania, Italy

10:35   Coffee Break and start of Poster Session

Room: Energy Center Foyer
11:00   Poster Session
  51    Analysis of Voltage Distortion and Comparison of Two Simple Voltage
		      Compensation Methods for Sensorless Control of Induction Motor.
		      Ondrej Lipcak, Jan Bauer
		      Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

                                        International Symposium
                                 on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                                                                  Tuesday, September 10

 132   Investigation of the Linear Alternative of the SMO Switching Function
		     Used for Self-Sensing High-Speed PMSM.
		     Andreas Krämer, Mirza Cizmic, Tobias Strnad, Abid Ali
		     University of Applied Sciences Wurzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany

 159   Challenges of Sensorless Controlled High-speed PMSM Drives.
		     Simon Zossak 1, Marek Musak 2, Marek Stulrajter 2 , Pavol Makys 1
        University of Zilina, Slovakia, 2NXP Semiconductors, Czech Republic

 191   Machine-Parameter-Independent Reduction of Harmonic Errors
		     in Self-Sensing Control of PMSM.
		     Mirza Cizmic, Andreas Krämer, Abid Ali
		     University of Applied Sciences Wurzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany

 205 Current Sensorless Field Oriented Control of a RSM by Extended-Kalman-
		     Filter Based State Estimation.
		     Matthias Laumann 1,2, Christian Weiner 1, Ralph Kennel 2
        University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany,
         Technical University Munich, Germany

 329 Comparative Study of Speed Ripple Reduction in Sensorless PMSM Drive
		     System with Pulsating Load.
		     Yukinori Inoue, Yuma Komaru, Shigeo Morimoto, Masayuki Sanad
		     Osaka Prefecture University, Japan

 388 Self-sensing Control of a Synchronous Homopolar Machine Using Field
		     Current Response from Phase-shifted PWM
		     Alecksey Anuchin, Maxim Lashkevich, Dmitry Aliamkin, Maria Gulyaeva
		     Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia

 507   Robust phase-shift Estimator for Self-sensing Control of PM Synchronous
		     Amir Messali 1, Malek Ghanes 1, Mohamad Koteich 2
        LS2N, France, 2Renault Group, France

 515   An Improved Low-Noise Sensorless PMSM Drive Able to Face Highly
		     Intermittent Load Torque.
		     Mario Marchesoni 1, Massimiliano Passalacqua 1, Luis Vaccaro 1,
		     Marco Calvini 2, Marco Venturini 2
        University of Genova, Italy, 2Phase Motion Control, Italy

                                          International Symposium
                                   on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                                                                      Tuesday, September 10

  728   Fast Moving Horizon Estimator for Induction Motor Sensorless Control.
		      Andrea Favato, Paolo Gherardo Carlet, Francesco Toso, Matteo Carbonieri,
		      Silverio Bolognani - University of Padova, Italy

  736   Sensorless Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Motor Using a Moving
		      Horizon Estimator Bbased on a Linearized Motor Model.
		      Paolo Gherardo Carlet, Francesco Toso, Andrea Favato, Silverio Bolognani
		      University of Padova, Italy

  752   Improved Simple I-F Open-Loop Start-up of PMSM Drives Without Speed
		      or Position Sensor.
        Matej Pacha 1, Simon Zossak 2
         NXP Semiconductors, Czech Republic, 2University of Zilina, Slovakia

  795   Identification of Moment of Inertia in Sensorless PMSM drive at Quasi
        Sandro Calligaro 1, Jose Jacob 1, Roberto Petrella 2
         Free University of Bolzano, Italy, 2University of Udine, Italy

  957   An Open Loop Starting Procedure for Sensorless Control of Synchronous
		      Reluctance Motors.
		      Andrea Credo 1, Marco Tursini 1, Simone Paolini 2, Mauro Paletta 1
         University of L’Aquila, Italy, 1R13 Technology Srl, Italy

  1023 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Torque Estimation Using Low
		      Cost Hall-Effect Sensors.
		      Daniel Fernandez, Ye Gu Kang, Diego Fernandez, Maria Martinez,
		      David Reigosa, Fernando Briz - University of Oviedo, Spain

  1031 Critical Aspects and Strategies for Sensorless Control of IPMSM based
		      on Low-Frequency Voltage Injection.
		      Riccardo Brugioni, Emilio Carfagna, Emilio Lorenzani, Fabio Immovilli
		      University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

  442 Electrical-Sensorless Control of Induction Motor.
		      Kenza Bouhoune1, Krim Yazid1, Mohamed Seghir Boucherit2,
		      Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh 3, Mohamed Menaa 1
         USTHB Algers, Algeria, 2ENP Algers, Algeria, 3ENSEM Nancy, France

12:40   Lunch (Room: Energy Center Foyer)

                                          International Symposium
                                   on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                                                                     Tuesday, September 10

Room: Energy Center Auditorium

        Oral Session D - Robert Lorenz Memorial Session • part 2
        Chair: Fabio Giulii Capponi

14:00   Full Order Discrete-Time Modeling for Accurate and Speed Independent
        Pulsating Voltage Injection Self-Sensing.
        Timothy Slininger 1, Marc Petit 1, Huthaifa Flieh 1, Shao-Chuan Chien 2,
        Li-Hsing Ku 2, Robert Lorenz 1
         University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA, 2Delta Electronics, Inc, Taiwan

10:10   SynRM Sensorless Torque Estimation Using High Frequency Signal Injection.
        Maria Martinez, Diego Laborda, David Reigosa, Daniel Fernandez,
        Juan Manuel Guerrero, Fernando Briz - University of Oviedo, Spain

15:50   Oral Session E - Special Solutions
        Chair: Giacomo Scelba

14:50   An Improved IDIM Technique for Sensorless Control of Single-Phase
        Electromagnetic Drives.
        Niklas Koenig 1, Giorgia Anzelmi 2, David Naso 2, Matthias Nienhaus 1,
        Emanuele Grasso 2 - 1Saarland University, Germany, 2Politecnico di Bari, Italy
15:15   Self-Sensing-Oriented Optimization of Synchronous Reluctance Machine Design.
        Giacomo Bacco 1, Virginia Manzolini 1, Silverio Bolognani 1, Nicola Bianchi 1
         University of Padova, Italy, 2EEI Spa, Italy

15:40   Search Coils Based Sensorless Controls for Permanent Magnet
        Synchronous Motor Drives.
        Luigi Danilo Tornello 1, Giacomo Scelba 1, Giuseppe Scarcella 1, Salvatore Foti 2,
        Antonio Testa 2 - 1University of Catania, Italy, 2University of Messina, Italy

16:05   Coffee Break and Conclusion

                                                International Symposium
                                         on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                                          SOCIAL EVENTS

Welcome cocktail reception
The welcome cocktail reception will take place on Sunday September 8, as of 19:00 at Castello del
Valentino, viale Mattioli 39 (a 16th century royal residence now housing the Politecnico’s Faculty of
Architecture. Admittance will be limited to regularly enrolled participants only. The Castello del
Valentino is located in the Valentino’s park alongside the river Po (see map at page 21).
Closest subway stop is Marconi (about 5 minutes’ walking distance).
It can also be reached in about 15 minutes by tram (line 9) from the city centre (tram stop close to
Porta Nuova railway station).

Social dinner
The social dinner will be held on Monday, September 9 at 20:00 at the Restaurant of the Unione
Industriale (Employers’ Association of Turin).
Admittance will be limited to ticket holders. Regularly enrolled participants can collect their invitation
card at the conference registration desk.
The dinner venue is located at walking distance from the Politecnico (see map at page 21).

                                 CONFERENCE INFORMATION

The venue
The Symposium (September 9 and 10) will be held in the new Energy Center Auditorium, Via Paolo
Borsellino 38/16, located in the Main Campus Area of Politecnico di Torino.
It can be reached from the city centre in a short time by metro or bus. The closest metro station is
Vinzaglio (about 10 minutes’ walking distance). Bus lines …

Instructions for speakers
Speakers are required to be in the meeting room at least 10 minutes before their session begins.
Sessions are tightly scheduled and the allotted time must be strictly observed.
Please apply to your session chairpersons for further information on the session schedule.
Each conference room will be equipped with computers with PowerPoint 2010.
Use of personal laptops for presentations is discouraged due to the need for time savings and the
possibility of problems with multiple computers switched in and out.
Presentations on USB stick must be loaded in advance (e.g. during breaks) on the PCs available in the
conference room before the beginning of the session.
For any further information on the audiovisual means, please apply to your session chair or conference
staff in the meeting room.

                                                International Symposium
                                         on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

Pre-registered participants can collect their conference kit and personal name badge at the organizing
secretariat desk located in the foyer of the Energy Centre as of Monday September 9 at 08:00.

All delegates and exhibitors are kindly requested to always wear their name badge.
Entrance to the meeting room will be limited to regularly enrolled participants only.

Official language will be English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.

Coffee breaks and lunches
Coffee breaks and standing buffet lunches will be served in the conference venue lobby.
See conference programme for coffee break and lunch times.

Tourist information
The main tourist information point is located in the city centre (Piazza Castello) and it is open from
Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 19:00. Phone: +39 011 535181.

                                     GENERAL INFORMATION

The Euro is the national currency. Automatic cash dispenser and bank exchanges are plentiful.
Most hotels, restaurants and shops accept the usual credit cards.

The Unicredit bank with cash dispenser is located inside the Politecnico main building.
Opening times, from Monday to Friday: from 8:30 to 13:30 and from 14.40 to 16.10.

Post office
A post office is located inside the Politecnico main building. Opening times, from Monday to Friday:
from 8:30 to 13:30.

Medical service
A medical service for first aid (infermeria) is available in the Politecnico main building.
Opening times, from Monday to Friday: from 8:00 to 18:00.

                                                  International Symposium
                                           on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

Torino offers both luxury and characteristic shops. Most of the luxury shops are located in the city
centre on via Roma: fashion boutiques, jewelry shops, perfume shops and food and wine stores which
feature the best of the regional products. Then there are the characteristic shops in the little alleys of
the inner city, full of cafes and craftshops. Torino has a little bit (or, as is often the case, a lot) of
everything and for all budgets as well.

Torino is well known for its local cuisine, which is considered among the best in Italy.
Restaurants are usually open from 12:00 to 14:30 and from 19:30 to 22:30. For those who prefer
something different to the classic menus, Torino proposes a most pleasant alternative: wine bars.
Torino is also renowned for the ability of its pastrycooks.

Torino offers a wide choice of museums (more than 40): from the Egyptian Museum, the most
important collection in the world after Cairo, to the Sabauda (Savoyard) picture gallery, from the
Cinema Museum, located in the Mole Antonelliana the 167-metre tower symbol of Torino, to the
recently renovated Automobile Museum. Besides its collections of old and modern art, Torino is also
an important centre for contemporary art.
Museums are usually open from Tuesday to Sunday and closed on Mondays.

Registered conference participants agree that neither the Organizing Committee nor the conference
Secretariat are liable or assume any responsibility for damage or injuries to persons or property during the
conference. Participants are advised to arrange for their own health, travel and personal insurances.
The conference organization does not cover individuals against cancellation of bookings, theft or damage to

All best endeavours will be made to present the conference programme as published.
However, the conference Organizing Committee and the Secretariat reserve the right to alter or cancel,
without prior notice, any arrangements, timetables, plans or other items relating directly or indirectly to the
conference, for any cause beyond our reasonable control.
The conference Organizing Committee and the Secretariat are not liable for any loss or inconvenience
caused as a result of such alteration.

                               International Symposium
                        on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives

                           CITY MAP




    1. Congress venue
      Energy Center Auditorium
      Via Paolo Borsellino 38/16

                        2. Welcome cocktail reception
                           Castello del Valentino
                           Viale Mattioli 39

                                           3. Social dinner venue
                                             Restaurant Il Circolo
                                             of the Unione Industriale di Torino
                                             (Employers’ Association of Turin)
                                             Via Vincenzo Vela, 15

       International Symposium
on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives


       International Symposium
on Sensorless Control for Elettrical Drives
       September 9-10, 2019 • Torino, Italy

                  Organizing Secretariat

                        Symposium srl
           Infoline 011 921.14.67 Fax 011 922.49.92
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