IL POSTINO Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno! - VOL.15 NO.5 JANUARY2014::GENNAIO2014 $2.00

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IL POSTINO Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno! - VOL.15 NO.5 JANUARY2014::GENNAIO2014 .00
V O L . 15 NO. 5 JANUARY 2014 :: GENNAIO 2014              $2.00

Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno!

                          IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
IL POSTINO Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno! - VOL.15 NO.5 JANUARY2014::GENNAIO2014 .00
Page 2                                                                                                                                                       JANUARY 2014

 865 Gladstone Avenue, Suite 101 • Ottawa,
                                              Letters to the Editor
    Ontario K1R 7T4 (613) 567-4532 •
        information@ilpostinocana                 U of G Names Eighth President and Vice-Chancellor
             Publisher                             Following an international                 Among other positions at U             and further developing and pro-
    Preston Street Community                  search, the University of Guelph           of T, he has served as chair of the         moting its potential for excellence,
            Foundation                        has appointed Prof. Franco Vacca-          Department of Psychology; gradu-            particularly in food, health, envi-
  Italian Canadian Community                  rino as the University’s eighth presi-     ate chair of the tri-campus Gradu-          ronment and communities.”
              Centre                          dent and vice-chancellor.                  ate Department of Psychology; and                A widely published and interna-
  of the National Capital Region                   He will succeed President             head of the Department of Psychia-          tionally recognized researcher, Vac-
                Inc.                          Alastair Summerlee effective Aug.          try’s neuroscience program.                 carino has received major awards
         Executive Editor                     15, 2014. The announcement                                                                 from leading research and scien-
           Angelo Filoso                      was made today by Dick Free-                                                               tific organizations, including the
                                              borough, chair of the Univer-                                                              former Medical Research Coun-
          Managing Editor                     sity’s Board of Governors.                                                                 cil of Canada and the Canadian
           Marcus Filoso                           Vaccarino is currently                                                                Institutes of Health Research.
                                              principal of the University of                                                             His prominence in the field was
          Layout & Design                     Toronto Scarborough (UTSC)                                                                 recognized by the World Health
         Laura Natalia Garcia                 and vice-president at the Uni-                                                             Organization in his role as the
                                              versity of Toronto, a position                                                             principal editor of its “Neurosci-
   Web Site Design & Hosting                  he has held since 2007.                                                                    ence of Psychoactive Substance                             “We had an outstanding                                                                Use and Dependence” report.
                                              slate of candidates from Can-                                                              His studies of the neurobiology
           Printing                           ada and abroad,” said Free-                                                                of stress and motivation are con-
  Winchester Print & Stationary               borough, who also chaired                                                                  sidered a model for bridging the
                                              the Presidential Selection                                                                 neural and behavioural sciences.
        Special thanks to                     Committee.                                                                                 He holds a B.Sc. from the Uni-
 these contributors for this issue                 “Professor Vaccarino has                                                              versity of Toronto and an M.Sc.
  Giovanni, Gina Marinelli,                   had a distinguished academic                                                               and a PhD in psychology from
 Domenico Cellucci, Jim Wat-                  career and a proven record                                                                 McGill University.
     son, Angelo Filoso,                      in organizational leadership.                                                                   “I know that the U of G
                                              He is a remarkable scholar                                                                 community will join me in wel-
   Photographers for this issue               and educator as well as an                                                                 coming Professor Vaccarino to
    Lucia Micucci, Luciano                    accomplished administrator.                                                                campus,” Summerlee said.
            Pradal,                           He has an entrepreneurial spirit, a             He also served as executive vice-           “He is coming to an incredible
   Angelo Filoso, Rina Filoso,                powerful sense of community and            president (programs) and vice-pres-         place. We have an amazing team of
          Giovanni,                           a profound commitment to societal          ident (research) at the Centre for          people here at Guelph, and we all
                                              engagement. He clearly has what it         Addiction and Mental Health, and            share in every success and challenge.
                                              takes to lead the University in the        as vice-president and director of re-       Caring for this place and its people
            Submissions                       years to come.”                            search, Clarke Institute of Psychia-        is imbedded in our culture.”
  We welcome submissions, let-                     Vaccarino helped UTSC to grow         try, both in Toronto.                            Summerlee will leave office in
   ters, articles, story ideas and            in size and stature, drawing faculty            Speaking of his appointment            June as U of G’s longest-serving
 photos. All materials for editorial          and students to emerging areas of          at Guelph, Vaccarino said, “I am            president. In 2003, he became
  consideration must be double                study and innovative experiential          extremely proud and humbled to              the first internal candidate to be
  spaced, include a word count,               learning opportunities. He also            be given the honour, privilege and          named president.
 and your full name, address and              led a strategic planning process           trust to lead this University.                   During his tenure, Summerlee
  phone number. The editorial                 that provided a strong framework                “Working with a strong com-            has been commended for his lead-
 staff reserves the right to edit all         for campus plans and has helped            munity of faculty, students, staff,         ership, and his contributions have
  submissions for length, clarity             position UTSC as a key intellec-           administrators, board members               been recognized by a number of na-
              and style.                      tual and cultural hub in the eastern       and alumni, I look forward to               tional and international awards.
                                              Greater Toronto Area.                      building upon U of G’s strengths
      Next Deadline
     January 22, 2014
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                                             IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
IL POSTINO Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno! - VOL.15 NO.5 JANUARY2014::GENNAIO2014 .00
JANUARY 2014                                          Page 3

               A Year in Review 2013

IL POSTINO Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno! - VOL.15 NO.5 JANUARY2014::GENNAIO2014 .00
Page 4                                                                                                                                                  JANUARY 2014

  The pursuit of pride and approval from
      the Italian immigrant parents
F              For over a decade, this
             reporter immersed herself

ing news stories throughout Ottawa
South’s rural communities. My beat
                                      invent herself, but into what? A few
                                      months of pondering, reflecting,
      in chasing after the latest break-
                                      discussing, comparing, and research-
                                      ing, I finally made a decision. Yes, I
                                      was going to go back to school and
                                                                                      and over again to my Italian parents
                                                                                      that I was not, I repeat, was not, for
                                                                                      the millionth time, being paid to go
                                                                                      back to school. To this they would
                                                                                      reply, “if a you no get money, why
                                                                                                                                      As always I am left with the usual
                                                                                                                                 knee-jerk reaction – mouth dropped
                                                                                                                                 open, dial tone in left ear, and pain in
                                                                                                                                 left side of my chest. I have said this
                                                                                                                                 before and I will say it again, “it is
was from Manotick to Metcalfe and     begin my new career as a real estate            a you go den?” I shouldn’t have            not easy being the offspring of Italian
every small town in between. From     sales person. I had spent years run-            expected anything different. They          immigrants.” That being said, I have
barn fires to broken water mains, to  ning around at all hours of the day             share the identical view on volun-         decided to take on a new approach to
contaminated wells and shootings      and night, weekends, etc., so real es-          teering, participation in any orga-        their 1950’s Southern Italy parenting
in a corn field, I had my ear to the  tate seemed like a perfect fit.                 nized sport, and giving blood.             style: my parents are now my moti-
ground and camera around my neck          Showing up to a classroom with                  By the time this paper goes to         vational life coaches. They have no
ready to scoop th¬¬e next big head-   most students young enough to be                press, I hope to have sold my first        idea, but because of my impermeable
line. Chasing sirens down a winding   my children was somewhat daunt-                 house. At last, maybe Mom and Pop          iron will to earn that proud pat on
country road was not out of the ordi- ing. Relearning how to do math                  will finally be proud of me; maybe         the back, I will persevere, I will be pa-
nary, as was photographing livestock  that I had not seen in decades, was             the barrage of phone calls that be-        tient, all while remaining as polite as
gone astray along a busy highway.     somewhat daunting. Early mornings               gin with, “allo? You sella the house       possible during those dreaded ques-
          It was one heck of a great  and long days in class, followed by             yet?” will come to an end. It’s quite      tion periods. I will pave this trail, not
                                                      homework and study-             amazing what high expectations my          only for myself, but for the children
                                                      ing for exams, was              immigrant parents have set for their       of all Italian immigrants who share
                                                      somewhat daunting.              daughters. Not even two days into          this struggle! Yes, Mom and Pop, I
                                                   Nine months later, the             celebrating the arrival by post of my      will gain your approval, your respect,
                                                   hard work and persever-            license, and the phone calls began.        and finally, your recognition. And if
                                                   ance paid off and I got            Suddenly I began to find myself            this fails, I will put your house on the
                                                   my real estate license. The        jabbering on justifying that I had         market and arrange your moves to
                                                   only other times it took           only just begun and these things           the nearest Italian retirement centre.
                                                   me nine months of hard             take time. Their reply, “mayabe to-
                                                   work and perseverance              morrow!” I soon came to view these
                                                   to receive something was           phone calls as a kind of telemarket-       Dosi Cotroneo
                                                   when I gave birth to my            ing, annoying, and at times, harass-       Royal Lepage Gale Realty Manotick
                                                   three kids!                        ing, followed by a long pause, and         The Jarvis Team
                                                       Looking back, it               the ever familiar, deep sigh of dis-       (613) 692-2555
     ride, and when it came to an wasn’t all the learning, studying                   appointment, and then the grand
end, as most great rides do, this 40- and exam jitters that was the most              finale to the conversation, “okay,
something Italian mother had to re- challenging, it was explaining over               Italiana newsa now. Ciao!”                                     By Dosi Cotroneo

   Italia 2.0, un Movimento per le istanze degli Italiani
    nel Mondo: una risorsa ancora tutta da valorizzare
Preservare e vivificare la Memoria, il senso di ap-       rapporti con gli oriundi italiani nel mondo, perché      vani italiani nel mondo, sia oriundi che coloro che
partenenza identitaria e i legami tra le due Italie è     i giovani discendenti, interessati sia per motivi af-    emigrano oggi, e quindi collaborare con il prezioso
uno degli obiettivi prioritari del Movimento polit-       fettivi che culturali a mantenere vivi i legami con      universo dell’Associazionismo all’estero che attual-
ico nazionale Italia 2.0, attivo da un anno e di cui      l’Italia, si aspettano da noi segnali di attenzione ma   mente sta vivendo l’impegnativa sfida culturale di
è Fondatrice e Presidente la Dott.ssa Pierangiola         soprattutto concrete proposte. Per questo Italia 2.0     configurare nuove forme connettive e relazionali
Cattaneo, da sempre attiva nel campo delle attività       ha deciso di istituire un Dipartimento dedicato ai       per mantenere vivi i legami con i milioni di oriun-
sociali e umanitarie: “Vengo dal mondo politico,          Connazionali all’estero che si occuperà di inter-        di. Ritengo fondamentale rafforzare i legami con le
ma quella politica, che ho svolto per 25 anni, che io     scambi economico-sociali, di associazioni degli          nostre comunità all’estero, una risorsa ancora tutta
definisco ‘della strada’, perché è quella che ascolta     italiani all’estero, facilitando partenariati economi-   da valorizzare, persone che al di là delle distanze,
e affronta fattivamente i bisogni della gente, della      ci e commerciali e corridoi produttivi bilaterali per    solo geografiche, non hanno dimenticato le pro-
polis - ha dichiarato la Cattaneo durante la con-         promuovere sinergie con la terra di origine e con        prie radici e la propria storia e che si impegnano
ferenza stampa tenuta nei giorni scorsi nella sede        il . In un’ottica bidirezionale di in-   nel mantenere vivi i costumi, la lingua, la cultura
romana di Italia 2.0 - e tra le questioni sociali più     ternazionalizzazione e di valorizzazione del Made        e i valori del Paese di origine. Per questo Italia 2.0
delicate, perché legate alla mancanza e alla ricerca di   in Italy nel mondo, il Movimento di cui sono             vorrà essere sempre più vicina a loro e in connes-
lavoro e dignità, c’è anche la Grande Emigrazione         Presidente intende così dare il proprio contributo       sione anche con le Regioni italiane che sono im-
che il nostro Paese ha vissuto tra ‘800 e ‘900 e che è    promuovendo il ruolo degli Italiani che operano          pegnate in questa prospettiva, stimolando la messa
stata, ed è, parte fondativa della Storia italiana, an-   sui mercati esteri dando rilievo al valore aggiunto      in rete di iniziative intergenerazionali nel segno
che se spesso ci si dimentica del grande contributo       delle loro storie di successo. Ma non solo. Italia       dell’italianità, dell’orgoglio e dell’appartenenza”.
che gli Italiani oltreconfine ci hanno dato. Trovo        2.0, come già la denominazione indica, intende
quindi doveroso e necessario rafforzare i legami e i      prestare la massima attenzione al mondo dei gio-

                 Annual Fund Raising Dinner
                   Saint Anthony’s Church
                                 Saturday February 1, 2014
                                       IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
IL POSTINO Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno! - VOL.15 NO.5 JANUARY2014::GENNAIO2014 .00
JANUARY 2014                                                                                                                                           Page 5

            Un Bicchiere di Vino con Il Postino
    Italy in both modern and an-              Today, Bodegas Catena Zapata,     try went from producing mostly jug           A step up is the Catena Alta
cient times played a pivotal role in      is Argentina’s most famous wine-      wine to today’s best Malbecs in the     Malbec at $49.95 (LCBO 982355).
the development of viticulture. In        making family. Nicola’s grandson      world. She has continued her fa-        This wine is deep red in colour, al-
the last 2 centuries, her sons and        Nicolás Catena Zapata is cred-        ther’s experiments with the planting    most bordering on opaque. On
daughters have immigrated to every        ited with putting both Argentina      of Malbec at higher elevations.         the nose, you notice right away
single corner of the world due to         and the Malbec grape on the wine          The company has many offerings      the complexity of this wine versus
many reasons such as war, famine,         map. A highly educated man, he        at the LCBO under three lines at        the 1st. White and black pepper
economics, etc.. The diaspora lead        is a graduate of the Universidad de   different price points: Catena, Cat-    with some tobacco notes. It is a
to the spreading of winemaking            Cuyo in Argentina and Berkeley in     ena Alta and Catena Zapata. Also        blockbuster of a wine in the mouth.
talent from Italy to many diverse         California. While in California in    available in late November at the       Full-bodied with tannins that go
countries.                                the 1980’s he witnessed the wine      LCBO is the Catena Zapata Nicasia       on forever. The blackberry fruit is
    As I have touched upon in pre-        growing prac-                                             Malbec grown at     even more pronounced on the pal-
vious articles, Italians have played a    tices in use at                                           an elevation of     ate. The wine while spectacular, is
major role in the winemaking coun-        the time. He                                              3593 feet above     well balanced, with a fine amount
tries that they immigrated to. We         returned home                                             sea level. While    of acidity. This is what makes Mal-
need to look no further than places       and modernized                                            the     company     bec an excellent partner to grilled
close to home such as the Niagara         the family win-                                           produces wine       meats. The tannins and the acid-
region to see the role Italian-Cana-      ery. He began                                             with different      ity present in good Malbec stands
dians have played in developing that      to use French                                             grape varieties     up to the grilled flavours. For those
area’s wine industry. An even bigger      oak       barrels,                                        such as Pinot       of you who don’t BBQ much in
role was witnessed last year, when Il     drip irrigation                                           Grigio, Char-       the winter, Malbec is excellent with
Postino travelled to California.          and low yield                                             donnay,       and   stews.
    In this month’s column, I would       cuttings.     He                                          Pinot Noir, it           The Catena family was impor-
like to touch upon those men and          brought Mal-                                              is their Malbec     tant in making Malbec, Argentina’s
women of Italian origin that were         bec clones from                                           wines that are      signature grape. With decades of
fundamental to the development of         Cahors, France.                                           highly sought       work and experimentation, they
viticulture in their new countries.       Today,      wine-                                         after.              have pushed the limits of high el-
This month I would like to touch          makers around                                                 When I am       evation wine making. For those of
upon the Catena family from Ar-           the world are                                             having       BBQ    you that have never tried Malbec,
gentina.                                  fascinated by the                                         in the summer,      I urge you to try some this holiday
    Nicola Catena emigrated from          potential of Ar-                                          one of my go to     season.
the Marche region in 1898 and             gentina’s high al-                                        wines is Malbec.    Grazie e salute!
settled in the winemaking area of         titude vineyards:                                         At the LCBO, I           If you have any questions or sug-
Argentina called Mendoza. He did          consistent daily                                          look for the af-    gestions for future columns, please
not plant Italian varieties but the red   sunshine during the day and cool      fordable Catena Malbec at $19.95.       contact me at vinumbonumest@
variety known as Malbec. The Mal-         summer nights leading to extremely    (LCBO 478727). Good Malbec    
bec grape is also an “immigrant”. It      complex wines. This man was a         such as this one is medium to full-          Domenico Cellucci is a wine
was brought to Argentina from its         pioneer in planting Malbec vines at   bodied, dry and dominated by black      consultant and educator and is a
French ancestral home in Bordeaux.        higher and higher elevations.         fruit such as blackberry and black      graduate of Algonquin College’s
(Today, in France, little Malbec is           Today, the Bodegas Catena is      cherry and also plums. These fea-       Sommelier Program. He puts on
grown in Bordeaux and mostly only         run by his daughter Laura Catena,     tures give the wine a bit of a jammy    food and wine matching events in
in Cahors.) The Catena vineyard           who holds the title of president.     note. It is mouth coating and has       the national capital area. He has
under the management of Nicola’s          Like her father, she is highly edu-   the same effect as dark chocolate on    visited wineries and vineyards in It-
son Domingo Catena, did very well         cated with degrees from both Har-     the palate. Malbec tends to have        aly, France, British Columbia, On-
in the production of Malbec. In           vard and Stanford Universities. She   higher levels of acidity than most      tario and the United States.
time, the family became significant       has written about Argentina’s wine    new world red wines. Making it a
vineyard holders in Mendoza.              industry, describing how the coun-    wonderful food wine.                                 by Domenico Cellucci

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                                     IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
IL POSTINO Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno! - VOL.15 NO.5 JANUARY2014::GENNAIO2014 .00
Page 6                                                                                                                                                   JANUARY 2014


                     iscriminati e abbandonati, così              La stipula di un accordo di sicurezza so-          in Argentina, Brasile, Uruguay, Venezuela o in
                     si sentono i cittadini italiani         ciale con il Messico consentirebbe ai lavoratori        altri Paesi di emigrazione italiana con i quali
residenti in Messico o rientrati in Italia dopo un           italiani i quali possono far valere contributi          l’Italia ha già stipulato un accordo bilaterale di
periodo di emigrazione in quel Paese, che mi sc-             previdenziali in Messico e in Italia e che, per         sicurezza sociale.
rivono e mi chiamano per chiedermi di incalzare              varie ragioni, al compimento dell’età pension-               Nella passata legislatura il Ministero del lav-
Governo e Parlamento italiani al fine di perve-              abile non sono in grado di maturare un dirit-           oro e delle politiche sociali aveva evidenziato
nire finalmente alla stipula della convenzione di            to previdenziale autonomo per insufficienza             come la tematica della sicurezza sociale negli ac-
sicurezza sociale tra i due Paesi.                           contributiva, di attivare il meccanismo della           cordi internazionali è stata oggetto di approfon-
     Ho proprio presentato in questi giorni                  totalizzazione dei contributi versati nei due           dite analisi anche a livello interministeriale (Min-
un’interrogazione ai ministeri competenti per                Paesi contraenti e perfezionare così il diritto a       istero degli affari esteri, Ministero dell’economia
sensibilizzarli su questa questione che è una delle          un pro-rata (quota parte di pensione) e quindi          e delle finanze, Ministero del lavoro e delle polit-
più sentite dai nostri connazionali che vivono               di utilizzare proficuamente contributi che al-          iche sociali, Ministero della salute, Inps) ove sare-
in Messico (o che sono rientrati in Italia) e dai            trimenti rimarrebbero inutilizzati.                     bbero emerse alcune problematiche di complessa
tanti cittadini messicani che vivono in Italia.                   La consistenza della presenza di cittadini ital-   soluzione che riguardano, in particolare, la diffi-
     Nella mia interrogazione stigmatizzo che in ef-         iani in Messico e di cittadini messicani in Ita-        coltà nel quantificare con certezza tutti gli oneri
fetti da anni è sospesa l’attività dello Stato italiano      lia privi di tutela previdenziale in convenzione,       finanziari derivanti da tali atti internazionali e la
per garantire ai cittadini italiani residenti all’estero     impone, se lo si ritiene un dovere di un Paese          relativa incidenza sul bilancio dello Stato.
una adeguata tutela socio-previdenziale in regime            civile, la stipula di una convenzione bilaterale di          Ma in realtà, come rilevato dagli stessi minis-
internazionale. Fino agli anni 2000 l’Italia aveva assi-     sicurezza sociale che tuteli adeguatamente questi       teri competenti, i benefici che deriverebbero dal-
curato un buon livello di tutela ai lavoratori emigrati      lavoratori nell’ambito socio-previdenziale, an-         la vigenza di un accordo di sicurezza sociale con
all’estero con la stipula di numerose convenzioni            che per evitare che i lavoratori immigrati in Ita-      il Messico sarebbero fruiti non solo dai lavora-
multilaterali e bilaterali di sicurezza sociale. Tutta-      lia rappresentino un onere per il nostro Stato,         tori ora privi di tutela ma anche dalle imprese
via il sistema di tutela previdenziale in regime in-         richiedendo all’Inps, al compimento dell’età pre-       italiane che sono interessate ad evitare la dop-
ternazionale costruito nel corso degli anni dall’Italia      vista, l’erogazione dell’assegno sociale che dovr à     pia contribuzione (in Italia e all’estero) al fine
non è purtroppo completo, perché numerosi Paesi              essere concesso in mancanza di una prestazione          di migliorare la propria competitività sul piano
di emigrazione italiana sono rimasti esclusi come il         erogata dal Paese di provenienza.                       internazionale rispetto alle imprese di altri Paesi
Messico dove risiedono quasi 15.000 cittadini ital-               Ho evidenziato nella mia interrogazione che        che invece beneficiano di analoghe convenzioni;
iani iscritti all’AIRE (Anagrafe degli italiani residenti    sono numerose e pressanti le richieste di questi             Insomma dalla vigenza di un accordo con
all’estero) e un numero elevato di cittadini non an-         cittadini privi di tutela e a rischio di non poter      il Messico in materia di sicurezza sociale deriv-
cora iscritti tra i quali molti giovani recentemente         utilizzare i contributi versati sia in Italia che in    erebbero benefici, in termini di reciprocità, cal-
emigrati dall’Italia. Sono altresì residenti in Italia con   Messico ai fini del perfezionamento di un di-           colabili sotto il profilo della tutela previdenziale
regolare permesso di soggiorno quasi 6.000 cittadini         ritto previdenziale, e ho chiesto che il Governo        dei lavoratori, nonché di aumento dei redditi e
messicani e migliaia di ex emigrati italiani in Messico      italiano si adoperi per assicurare loro gli stessi      della competitività delle imprese.
rientrati nel territorio della nostra Repubblica.            diritti garantiti ai lavoratori italiani emigrati

                                                                                                                        CIBPA of Ottawa
                                                                                                                      held its 12th annual
                                                                                                                      Scholarship Night at
                                                                                                                        the Villa Marconi
                                                                                                                                   photos GioVanni
                                                                                                                         the Canadian-Italian Business and Profes-
                                                                                                                     sional Association (CIBPA) of Ottawa held
                                                                                                                     its 12th annual Scholarship Night at the Villa
                                                                                                                     Marconi Long-term Care Centre. CIBPA Ot-
                                                                                                                     tawa presented scholarships to three deserving
                                                                                                                     post-secondary students of Italian descent. In
                                                                                                                     being named a recipient of a CIBPA schol-
                                                                                                                     arship Sophia Colantonio, Leanna Sammon
                                                                                                                     and Briana Samson have each demonstrated
                                                                                                                     academic excellence and outstanding commu-
                                                                                                                     nity involvement. CIBPA Ottawa president,
                                                                                                                     Gino Milito, and CIBPA Ottawa Scholarship
                                                                                                                     Awards Program president, Michael Aquilino,
                                                                                                                     helped hand out the awards. The evening also
                                                                                                                     featured a keynote speech by Ottawa lawyer
                                                                                                                     Pasquale (Pat) Santini and a special address
                                                                                                                     by the Honourable Madam Justice Giovanna
                                                                                                                     Toscano Roccamo. Pictures on Page 8.

                                                                                                                             Carnevale dei
                                                                                                                                  feb. 23 2014
                                                                                                                          St. Anthony’s soccer club

                                         IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
IL POSTINO Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno! - VOL.15 NO.5 JANUARY2014::GENNAIO2014 .00
JANUARY 2014                                                                                                                                      Page 7

         Interview with Lauryn Santini

W               ith a passion for the arts from a
              young age, it’s no surprise to see
Ottawa-born Lauryn Santini in a pop-up shop
at Bell Place on Elgin Street filled to the brim
with paintings and pictures. Though she didn’t
                                                         As an art consultant, Santini works
                                                     closely with over 20 artists, running what
                                                     she calls a “gallery with a mobile space”
                                                     throughout the city and online, allowing
                                                     for these artists to have exposure that they
                                                                                                          According to Lauryn, the city has a lot of po-
                                                                                                      tential but has a tight knit art scene with a lot
                                                                                                      of artists who need promotion, to have their art
                                                                                                      on walls and seen in multiple venues. “It’s im-
                                                                                                      portant to specialize in local and affordable art
start in visual arts, Santini has always been        need. The pop-up shop is a perfect exam-         because a lot of people think art is expensive”,
surrounded by the arts; music, dance, drama          ple of this – these shops are fairly new to      she said. Her shop had many original, unique
and more. She first began to pursue her love         the city and aren’t as common in Ottawa          pieces from local artists with a price range be-
of art with a bachelor’s degree in Art History       as in other big cities, but this year there      tween $150 and $1000, all of which were visu-
and Critism from the University of Western           have been more pop-up shops because art-         ally stunning. Santini helps artists get their work
Ontario, finding an interest in the history and      ists know this temporary space allows you        out to the public, letting people see what Ottawa
research of art. However, instead of becom-          to move around the city and gain exposure,       artists are capable of creating. With her passion
ing a historian she chose to apply to Sotheby's      showing a lot of people your art. Lauryn         and dedication, Ottawa will likely be seeing a lot
Institute of Art in New York for their art busi-     feels that a great deal of her success comes     more art in the near future.
ness program to differentiate herself from her       from the constant movement throughout
peers, a choice that would be instrumental in        the city, bringing art to a wide range of
letting her pursue her own desires.                  people instead of having them come to a
     After finishing her degree, Santini found her   gallery.                                             “I think there’s something
way back from the lights of New York to Ot-              Santini is also involved in charity events       really nice about support-
tawa, to her family and to her home. New York        in Ottawa, combining benevolence with
is a big city with a huge arts scene and more op-
portunities than Ottawa, but there was far more
                                                     art. As the Vice President of the Ottawa-
                                                     Gatineau Chapter of the Crohn’s and Coli-
                                                                                                          ing local and ... when you
competition for a new graduate. Lauryn wanted        tis Foundation of Canada (CCFC), she was             stay in one place all your
to go out on her own and create her own busi-        involved in the 8th annual Martini Mad-
ness; she wanted to help grow the arts in Ottawa     ness, helping to raise approximately $54             life you have a lot of pride
through supporting local artists. “I think there’s   thousand towards the foundation. This is
something really nice about supporting local         her fourth year volunteering for the event,          for your city”
and ... when you stay in one place all your life     putting together an art show and silent auc-
you have a lot of pride for your city” she said.     tion that was the most successful to date.

                            Victoria Day Festival
                                             May 9th to 19th, 2014

                                    IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
IL POSTINO Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno! - VOL.15 NO.5 JANUARY2014::GENNAIO2014 .00
V O L . 15 NO. 5 JANUARY 2014 :: GENNAIO 2014              $2.00

              CIPBA Scholarship Awards Jan 16, 2014

                                                                   Photos by Giovanni

                          IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
IL POSTINO Happy New Year! Bonne année! Buon anno! - VOL.15 NO.5 JANUARY2014::GENNAIO2014 .00
V O L . 15 NO. 5 JANUARY 2014 :: GENNAIO 2014             $2.00

  New Year’s Event 2014 at Tudor Hall Ottawa

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Page 10                                          JANUARY 2014


JANUARY 2014                                                                               Page 11

                  IL POSTINO GOES TO MEXICO 2014

   Mexican Sunset                                   Clare and Joe

   Banderas Bay Resort

   Giovanni Battista, Angela and Tony Spina         Angela, Giovanni, Tommasina and Rina

   Anna Silvano ,Salvatore and Aristide

                                IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
Page 12                                                                                                                                   JANUARY 2014

    Congratulations to Tuan Nguyen in Receiving CHEO’s Highest Honour
                           Order of the Good Bear
   CHEO Foundation’s highest          History of Casco                        – a clinic where medical doctors
form of recognition and apprecia-     Through the shared vision of Alex-      offer the best of east and west
tion for many years of support for    andre St-Jean and Tuan Nguyen,          medicine to help those with
CHEO. Tuan was honoured for           CASCO was founded in Septem-            chronic pain. Lastly, Tuan is a
his long-time support and dedica-     ber of 1998, in honour of their         partner at Uniforge Inc, a mar-
tion to the children and youth at     dearly departed friend Eric Danis,      keting firm focused on strategic
CHEO through his volunteer ef-        who passed away from leukemia.          planning and creative develop-
forts with 14 generations of CAS-     In twelve years it has touched and      ment for organizations in gov-
CO members at the University of       inspired over 1000 students to give     ernment, travel and tourism,
Ottawa. CASCO is a student-run        back, and raised over $250,000.         and conference planning.
organization comprised primarily
of Telfer School of Management            Tuan Nguyen, a philanthropist           However, he believes that his
students from the University of       and entrepreneur, began his life        passion in the community has the
Ottawa. For the past 14 years,        with a simple goal of always mak-       main contributor to his profes-
CASCO has produced an annual          ing a positive difference in people’s   sional success. Over the last 20
gala show, putting the spotlight      lives. Surviving death during his       years, Tuan has dedicated his life
on the talents of Telfer students.    escape after the fall of Viet Nam       to volunteerism. His balanced
The much anticipated soirée is        in 1975, he sees the world from         approach that leverages his aca-
one comprised of song, dance and      a lens of gratitude and has been        demic and experience in account-
fashion, and succeeds in unify-       the foundation for all his hopes,       ing with a respectful and spiritual
ing 200 students, 200 business        dreams, and vision. His stories         approach to life has helped him
professionals and 200 commu-          demonstrates how volunteerism is        develop projects and raise over
nity members with the common          the best platform for professional      $10,000,000 for various charities
goal of providing support for the     and personal development.               across the country. He has received
Children’s Hospital of Eastern                                                many prestigious recognition in-
Ontario (CHEO) and promoting          Biography                               cluding United Way Community
social responsibility among busi-     Tuan Nguyen is a philanthro-            Builder Award, Top Forty Un-
ness students. 600 tickets are sold   pist and what he calls himself,         der 40, Dean Philo Award, CTV
out within 3 weeks every year.        an accidental entrepreneur. He          Amazing Person Award, and his
CASCO is the training ground          is the president of Health Genie        named is engraved on the Wall of
where commerce students can ap-       Group, a group of companies             Inspiration at Ottawa City Hall.
ply business knowledge to raise       focused on helping the health           He speaks across the country on
awareness and funds for charity       of small and medium health              topics of volunteerism, leader-
causes, and see first hand what       businesses. He is also the ex-          ship, entrepreneurship, and moti-
difference their involvement in       ecutive director of the Seekers         vation.
the community makes.                  Centre for Integrative Medicine

                                      Monthly Column – 2014 Look Ahead
                                                                By Mayor Jim Watson

    Last month in this space I looked back at        time coming and I am thrilled to see the results        We will also continue to do more to make
some of the things council has accomplished          of council’s decisive action to move forward with   City Hall a people place rather than just a place
during the first three years of our term. Now that   redeveloping Lansdowne Park start to come to        for residents to pay parking tickets.
the holidays are far in the rear-view and people     fruition this summer.
are back in their usual rhythms, I wanted to write       Ottawa On the Move, LRT, and Lansdowne             I have been incredibly impressed with Ot-
this month about what 2014 has in store.             Park are the biggest infrastructure projects un-   tawa’s entrepreneurial talent over the past three
    This year marks the third year of our Ottawa     derway in 2014 but this year will also mark the    years and will be partnering with the YMCA-
On the Move project with 150 infrastructure          beginning of some smaller but equally impor-       YWCA to host the Y-Biz Expo in Jean Pigott
projects across the city underway. Roads, sewers,    tant projects as well including:                   Place at City Hall in June. This expo will show-
sidewalks, bike paths, and more will continue to                                                        case some great burgeoning Ottawa companies
be upgraded to prepare our city’s transit infra-     • The start of construction on the Rideau as well as others who started through the Y Biz
structure for the coming of Light Rapid Transit      River Pedestrian and Cycling Bridge between network and have grown into significant busi-
(LRT).                                               Donald Street and Somerset Street – an $8.2 nesses since then.
    The LRT tunnel beneath the downtown core         million investment
will continue to be dug by our three boring ma-                                                             Finally, I will also be hosting a “2017
chines (Chewrocka, Jawbreaker, and Crocodile         • Breaking ground for the new Arts Court as well Ideas Town Hall” event, to solicit feedback
Rouge as named by the Grade 4 students who           as the Bayview Yards innovation complex            from residents about how the City of Ottawa
won our naming competition). In January we                                                              can make the most of Canada’s 150th year.
passed the 10% mark of the 2.5km tunnel and          • The expansion of the successful Elgin Street re- As the nation’s capital, we want to own 2017
the system remains on track to be fully operation    cycling program to Laurier Avenue East between and I will be asking residents what we should
by 2018.                                             Nicholas and Charlotte                             be doing to best celebrate our country’s ses-
    Opening in 2014 will be TD Place at Lans-                                                           quicentennial in Ottawa.
downe Park as we welcome Ottawa’s new CFL            • Breaking ground on the $76-million west
franchise, the Ottawa REDBLACKS, and Ot-             Transitway extension from Bayshore to All in all it’s shaping up to be a year of
tawa Fury FC to Ottawa. This has been a long         Moodie Drive                                       progress in Ottawa.

                                            Grape Festival
                                  September 18th to 22th, 2014

                                   IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
JANUARY 2014                                                                                                                                              Page 13

    Troppe, ingiuste e irragionevoli sono le             I deputati del PD ricordano che la legge di         adibita ad abitazione principale l'unità immobil-
imposte sulla casa posseduta in Italia dai citta-    stabilità per il 2014 ha introdotto la IUC e ha         iare posseduta dai cittadini italiani non residenti
dini italiani residenti all’estero. E’ quanto sos-   delegato ai comuni italiani la possibilità di intro-    nel territorio dello Stato a titolo di proprietà o di
tengono in una lettera inviata a Piero Fassino,      durre esenzioni, agevolazioni e riduzioni fiscali       usufrutto in Italia, a condizione che non risulti
presidente dell’ANCI, i deputati del PD Gian-        a favore dei cittadini italiani residenti all’estero    locata; per l'anno 2014, essa attribuisce ai comuni
ni Farina, Marco Fedi, Laura Garavini, Fran-         proprietari di immobili in Italia. In particolare,      un contributo di 500 milioni di euro finalizzato
cesca La Marca e Fabio Porta. I cinque depu-         la componente della IUC riferita ai servizi, si ar-     a finanziare le eventuali detrazioni dalla TASI.
tati eletti nella Circoscrizione Estero chiedono     ticola nel tributo per i servizi indivisibili (TASI),   Tali risorse, comunque, possono essere utilizzate
infatti all’Associazione Nazionale dei Comuni        a carico sia del possessore che dell'eventuale uti-     dai comuni anche per finanziare detrazioni in
Italiani di applicare, come previsto dalla legge     lizzatore dell'immobile, e nella tassa sui rifiuti      favore dei cittadini italiani iscritti nell'Anagrafe
di stabilità del 2014, esenzioni, riduzioni e        (TARI), destinata a finanziare i costi del servizio     degli italiani residenti all'estero (AIRE),
detrazioni a favore degli emigrati. L’iniziativa     di raccolta e smaltimento dei rifiuti, a carico             I deputati, inoltre, richiamano che dal 1993
dei deputati del PD è abbinata alla prossima         dell'utilizzatore. Il legislatore ha opportuna-         fino al 2011 – per ben 18 anni - la casa posseduta
audizione dell’ANCI che sarà convocata dal           mente previsto che:                                     in Italia dai cittadini italiani residenti all’estero
“Comitato permanente Italiani nel mondo e            a) nel caso della TARI, il comune, nel ris-             è stata sempre equiparata dalla legge italiana ad
per la promozione del sistema Paese” per dis-        petto del principio «chi inquina paga»,                 abitazione principale. Ora, invece, i nostri con-
cutere proprio delle imposte sugli immobili          sancito dall'articolo 14 della direttiva                nazionali rischiano, se i comuni decidessero di
posseduti in Italia dai nostri connazionali.         2008/98/CE del Parlamento europeo e del                 non deliberare esenzioni o riduzioni fiscali a loro
    I cinque deputati scrivono al presidente         Consiglio, del 19 novembre 2008, relativa               favore, di dover pagare sia l’IMU, con le aliquote
Piero Fassino che la questione del paga-             ai rifiuti, può commisurare la tariffa alle             più elevate per la “seconda casa”, sia la TARI,
mento di IMU, Tari e Tasi è molto avverti-           quantità e qualità medie ordinarie di rifiuti           per rifiuti che non producono, che la TASI, per
ta dai nostri connazionali e che necessita di        prodotti per unità di superficie, in relazione          servizi che non fruiscono.
una equa e indifferibile soluzione. Porta,           agli usi e alla tipologia delle attività svolte             Porta, Farina, Fedi, Garavini e La Marca con-
Farina, Fedi, Garavini, La Marca rimarcano           nonché al costo del servizio sui rifiuti; esso,         cludono la lettera con una esortazione “credia-
nella lettera che per motivi di ragionevolez-        inoltre, può prevedere riduzioni tariffarie             mo che sia opportuno e politicamente rilevante,
za ed equità le imposte che i cittadini ital-        ed esenzioni anche nel caso di abitazioni               oltre che equanime, che l’ANCI dia un forte
iani residenti all’estero devono pagare sugli        occupate da soggetti che risiedano o abbia-             segnale verso “l’altra Italia” (quasi 5 milioni di
immobili posseduti in Italia e non locati,           no la dimora, per più di sei mesi all'anno,             cittadini italiani iscritti all’AIRE!) sollecitando
debbano essere commisurate alla natura               all'estero;                                             i comuni associati, nel rispetto dell’autonomia
e al valore dei servizi erogati dai comuni           b) nel caso della TASI, il comune può pre-              politica e finanziaria di ciascuno di loro, a pre-
italiani. Servizi di cui oggettivamente solo         vedere riduzioni ed esenzioni nel caso di               vedere, nei prossimi regolamenti e delibere da
in parte fruiscono i nostri connazionali             abitazioni occupate da soggetti che risieda-            adottare, l’introduzione di criteri di determi-
poiché occupano l’immobile posseduto in              no o abbiano la dimora, per più di sei mesi             nazione delle tariffe e della disciplina delle esen-
Italia solo per brevi periodi di permanenza          all'anno, all'estero.                                   zioni e/o riduzioni del pagamento delle impos-
e, per lo stesso motivo, usufruiscono solo               Per ciò che riguarda l’IMU, sottolineano i          te comunali relative all’IMU, alla TARI e alla
limitatamente dei cosiddetti servizi indi-           cinque deputati - la legge di stabilità prevede         TASI, che vengano incontro alle giuste richieste
visibili (illuminazione, viabilità, etc.).           che i comuni possono considerare direttamente           delle nostre collettività emigrate”.

    Opera Lyra announces Kevin Mallon will step in as
                Interim Artistic Director
    Opera Lyra’s General Director, Jeep Jef-         rituel and Les Arts Florissants in Paris. With          2013-2014 season. Maestro Paterson will re-
fries, is pleased to announce that Conductor         these groups, Mallon conducted, performed               turn to conduct the fall production of Opera
Kevin Mallon is Opera Lyra Ottawa’s Interim          and recorded concerts all over Europe. Along            Lyra’s new season with Mallon conducting in
Artistic Director. Officially, Mallon’s year-        with invitations to guest conduct, Mallon has           the spring. The announcement of the new sea-
long contract begins on July 1, 2014 but, un-        composed and conducted soundtracks for                  son, Opera Lyra’s 30th, will be made on Feb-
officially, he is now working on next season’s       documentaries, television, film, and has made           ruary 18, 2014. In the meantime, Opera Lyra
productions and on a variety of ideas and ini-       over 50 recordings. For his full biography,             will be conducting an extensive, nation-wide
tiatives for the company.                            please visit                        search for a permanent Artistic Director.
    “My conversations with Kevin Mallon                  “I am passionate about bringing more op-
are full of fresh ideas that will be seen on the     era to the city, seeking out new audiences, and         Opera Lyra’s 29th Season:
mainstage and that will take the company into        seducing new audiences with all sorts of inno-              Opera Lyra is dedicated to the music, the
the community with collaborations and new            vative opera projects,” said Kevin Mallon.              passion and the adventure that is opera, com-
presentations,” said Jeep Jeffries.                      Many of Mallon’s initiatives will be devel-         mitted to nurturing and showcasing Canadian
    Mallon brings a wealth of national and in-       oped under a new program called “InHarmony              talent and to educating young audiences and
ternational experience to Opera Lyra Ottawa.         – Opera Community Development Program.”                 instilling in them the love of opera and the
He is currently Artistic Director for Thirteen       These initiatives will enhance the company’s            arts.
Strings Chamber Orchestra in Ottawa (2010-           mainstage productions by showcasing Opera                   The operas presented this season are
present) and for the Aradia Ensemble in To-          Lyra Chorus singers, bringing small innova-             Georges Bizet’s most popular opera Car-
ronto which he also founded (1999-present).          tive opera companies from across the country            men, Giacomo Puccini’s beloved masterpiece
His most recent appointment is as Conductor          to unusual venues in the city and by taking             Madama Butterfly and Opera Lyra’s annual
of Orchestra Toronto (2013). An experienced          advantage of city events such as Nuit Blanche           opera for families – an adaptation of Gilbert
opera conductor, Mallon was Conductor for            and Open Doors to present more opera.                   & Sullivan’s witty The Pirates of Penzance.
the Centre for Opera Studies in Italy (2010-             “My objective is to build on the good work              On April 19, 21, 23, 26 2014 Opera Lyra
2013), was Special Projects and Touring Con-         and the good will generated by the company              will present on of the most famous and beauti-
ductor for the Odessa Opera Theatre, Ukraine         over the past 29 years and bring new audiences          ful operas – Madama Butterfly . This haunting
(2009) and was Artistic Director of Opera            to this amazing art form.”                              tale is set in Japan in the late 1880’s. Southam
2005 in Cork, Ireland (2004-2009). While he               Opera Lyra’s current Artistic Director,            Hall, National Arts Centre. Tickets – NAC
led and directed the Irish Baroque Orchestra,        Tyrone Paterson, announced last fall that he            Box Office – 613-947-7000, x. 620.
he was also concert-master of Le Concert Spi-        was stepping down at the end of this current

                                    IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
 V O L . 15 NO. 5 JANUARY 2014 :: GENNAIO 2014                                                                             $2.00

     Giovanni Gets Up Close With Buddy Valastro
               Cake Boss, Buddy Valastro Invites Ottawans To Get Baking With Canadian Tire.

No better time to learn how to “bake like a           2.   Giovanni - What is so special about the Cake             10. Giovanni- With the holidays coming up
boss” with Canadian Tire’s Cake Boss Baking           Boss Baking Collection of products?                           how do you spend them ?
Collection, currently available in stores across      Buddy - The Cake Boss Collection is one-of-a-kind;            Buddy- With the whole famiglia! My whole
the country. The one-of-a-kind bakeware line          you won’t be able to find a bakeware collection any-          family comes over and we have this huge meal
offers a range of products from bakeware and          where else that not only looks great, but allows you          together. I always look forward to it.
decorating tools to serving dishes and cake           to create masterpieces at home and become a boss
carriers. Inspired by the Cake Boss himself,          in the kitchen. After spending my life in the bakery,         11. Giovanni- What is your 2014 New Years
Buddy Valastro, star of the hit TLC series, the       I know it’s the little details, like measurement con-         Resolution?
collection is designed to provide home bakers         versions on the scraping spatula and drop zones on            Buddy-This is the year that I’m going to work
with everything they need to produce a Cake           cookie sheets that can make the difference between            out more. It’s hard to find the time when things
Boss quality dessert.                                 an easy and a difficult baking experience. My goal            get busy, but I’m going to be much better about
    The Cake Boss Baking Collection features          with the collection was to give everybody the chance          it this year.
bright colours and unique designs that are            to get into the kitchen, no matter their skill level.
both appealing to the eye and offer consumers
some of Buddy’s best tips and tricks. Unique          3. Giovanni - What kind of items are of-
features include cake pans with a quilted pat-        fered in the exclusive Cake Boss line?
tern on the bottom that allow even heat re-           Buddy - The collection contains tools, gad-
lease and durable aluminized steel cookie             gets, pans, ceramics and servingware - basi-
sheets with drop zones to create the perfect          cally everything you need to create and serve
sized cookie every time.                              your baked goods, and all at great prices too,
    “Canadian Tire is a natural fit for launch-       making it accessible for everyone.
ing my new Cake Boss Baking Collection to
Canadian fans and consumers,” said Valastro.          4. Giovanni -     What has been your favourite
“We have a lot in common from solid roots to          creation in your career thus far?
years and years of experience. Together we can        Buddy - One of my favorites has to be the Trans-
prove that anyone can become a baker given            formers cake. That cake was on a whole other
the right tools and a few Cake Boss tips.”            level from what we’d done before. It was defi-
    Canadian Tire has long-been Canada’s              nitely a challenge, but I loved the way it turned
store for countless items including kitchen           out.
appliances, gadgets and tools. With the intro-
duction of the Cake Boss Baking Collection,           5. Giovanni - What would your fans be sur-
Canadian Tire is making their mark as Cana-           prised to know about you ?
da’s Baking Store and will continue to grow in        Buddy- I’m a huge fan of Frank Sinatra. I love
this area going forward.                              his music and come on, he’s from Hoboken!
“We are thrilled to be launching the Cake             6.   Giovanni - Tell me about your Italian roots
Boss Baking Collection at our stores across the       ? where are your parents from ?
country in time for the holiday baking season.        Buddy- My father is from Sicily and my mother
This collection will provide families with fun        is from Altamura. They made sure all the kids
in the kitchen as the cold weather comes and          stayed connected to our roots. We still carry on
they move their activities indoors,” says Greg        family traditions that started decades ago.
Hicks, Senior Vice President, Merchandising,
Canadian Tire. “We are delighted to be the            7. Giovanni- If you could have another career, what
exclusive retailer of this collection in Canada       would it be and why ?
and we’re excited to offer this unique, high          Buddy- You know, there’s nothing else that I’d rather be
quality line to our customers.”                       doing. There are tough days every now and then, but
                                                      I’ve never thought twice about doing something else.
1.    Giovanni - Why did Cake Boss and Cana-
dian Tire come together on this collection?           8.  Giovanni- Your all-time favourite food is ?
Buddy - Canadian Tire and I have a lot in com-        Buddy- I love a good slice of pizza. It’s perfect on a busy
mon: we both have solid roots, years and years of     day when I don’t have much time to eat.
experience, and we’re both always looking for new
ways to grow and evolve, so it seemed like the per-   9.   Giovanni- Who is your Hero and why ?
fect fit. Plus, Canadians already turn to Canadian    Buddy- My father has always been my hero. He was
Tire to provide them with the solutions for the       my best friend, confidant, teacher. He showed me what
jobs and joys of everyday life, now they can turn     it takes to be a successful baker, businessman, husband
there for all their baking needs too.                 and father. I wouldn’t be who I am today without him.

                                                                                                                                               Photos by Giovanni

                                    IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
JANUARY 2014                                            Page 15


V O L . 15 NO. 5 JANUARY 2014 :: GENNAIO 2014              $2.00

                          IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
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