SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

Page created by Brittany Warner
SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
           HARRY EDWARDS                           HARRY EDWARDS
 healingsanctuary                      healingsanctuary
                                                                                  SPRING 2019                            ISSUE 666

  A GIFT FOR                            TELEPHONE                                 Deadline for letters, articles and other contribu-

 TOMORROW                                HEALING                                  tions for the next issue: 23rd April 2019

     your healing legacy
                                            For those unable to visit the
The Harry Edwards Healing               Sanctuary for Contact Healing, we         The passing of a good                            4
                                          offer a telephone-based service         friend of the sanctuary
 Sanctuary is a beacon of                   which provides a more direct
 hope to all, wherever they                contact with a healer than our
                                          normal Distant Healing service.
                                                                                  A message from the                               6
         may be.
                                         Initially this service is available to   trustees
 Legacies help us to maintain our         UK landlines only but we hope
contact and distant healing service        to expand that to mobiles and          Forthcoming healing                              8
  and ensure that healing remains     international locations in due course.      courses
 accessible to all who are in need.
                                       Healing over the telephone allows          My journey                                     10
 Thank you for considering leaving    a direct connection between healer
a gift to the Harry Edwards Healing      and recipient and a telephone            Spring song                                    11
  Sanctuary. For more information      healing follows a similar sequence
          please contact us:           to the healing we provide to those
                                        who visit the Sanctuary. There is
                                                                                  Through the brush,                             12
              EMAIL                     time for talking at the beginning         through the pen
     info@burrowslea.org.uk             and relaxation before the healer
                                      attunes to the healing energies and         The Sanctuary shop                             13
         TELEPHONE                    commences the formal healing after
          01483 202054                 which there will usually be time for       The journey to thirty paths                    21
                                      a little more talk before the session
           ADDRESS                                     ends.                      Naomi’s story                                  24
Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary,
    Burrows Lea, Hook Lane,            A telephone healing session costs          The HEHS distant healing                       26
                                        £15 (a discount of £5 applies for
        Shere, Guildford,                                                         process
        Surrey. GU5 9QG                 members of Sanctuary Friends).

                                      Telephone 01483 202054 to make              An interview with Stephen                      28
                                              an appointment.                     Harris
                                                                                  Retreats at the Sanctuary                      30
SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
Hello! A belated welcome to the New
Year and to the 2019 Spring Edition of                                      Join us now - become a friend!
                                                                         In return for your £25 annual subscription you
The Healer.                                                              will receive a membership card, a twice yearly
                                                                         newsletter, a £5 reduction in the charge for
                                                                         a normal healing appointment in our healing
You will see by the signature at the bottom of this page that The        rooms, a 10% reduction in the cost of items
Healer has got a guest editor for this issue. You will also note the     purchased from our shop and, from time to time,
                                                                         invitations to specific events at the sanctuary.
reason for this in the following article.
It is a daunting task to compile this magazine, even though I have
done it in the past, but that was well over thirteen years ago.
However, this task has been made a great deal easier by the efforts
of a very talented graphic designer. Laura Newman was already            EMAIL
involved in the production of the Healer, having helped with the
Christmas issue. She had done a great deal of the ground work, so        Send to:
                                                                         Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary, Burrows Lea,
all that I had to do, was cross the “T”s and dot the “I”s. Help was      Hook Lane, Shere, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9QG.
also at hand with the Sanctuary Shop, in the form of her mother,
                                                                         Join online:
whose knowledge of the products assisted immensely. Thank you            harryedwardshealingsanctuary.org.uk/friends
Judith.                                                                  If you are a UK tax payer, please make your donation
                                                                         under the Gift Aid scheme, which allows us to reclaim
                                                                         the tax on your donation at no extra cost to you.
We trust that this edition will be to you, our valued readers,
                                                                              I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of
satisfactory and enjoyable. It has been a team effort, involving every        income tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each
department of The Sanctuary, including the Trustees. We look to          tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to
                                                                         the amount of tax that all the charities or Community
maintain this overall team effort as we continue to produce The          Amateur Sports Clubs that I dontate to will reclaim
                                                                         on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other
Healer magazine.                                                         taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I
                                                                         understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every
                                                                         £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2015.
We seek to keep you fully advised of the healing, and all the other
services that are offered here at Burrows Lea. I have enjoyed this       SIGNED

excursion into print, and whoever follows, I wish them well.             DATE

                                                                              I enclose a cheque for £25 made payable
With best wishes from us all.                                                 to HEHS Ltd.

Vincent Hill                                                                  Charge my credit / debit card.

Guest Editor                                                             CARD NO

                                                                         EXPIRY DATE

                                                         3               SECURITY CODE
SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

In the Christmas Healer magazine          For many years Gary had
you will have seen the article            undergone quite a few ailments,
by Martin Thomas, our chair               but his humour and stoicism had
of Trustees, in which, amongst            kept him going through all of these.
many things he alluded to the             The worst was severe arthritis
return of Gary Waugh, as editor of        which over a period of time, limited
that publication. The Healer has          his movements and meant that           looked as if they would crash into
been the voice of the Sanctuary           he was often in pain but it never      oblivion, hauled them back to
for many years, many of which             limited his enthusiasm for life.       life, so that the letters and emails
were under Gary’s stewardship.                                                   could continue to flow out to the
                                          Here was a man who lived life          many people who write to us.
It is with a great deal of sadness        to the full. He had a vast array       The Sanctuary owes him a great
that we have to report the passing        of interests, including collecting     debt, in respect of this, as indeed
of Gary in December, just days            watches, steam and model trains,       do all of the hundreds of people
before his 60th Birthday. He is           antiquarian books, and an avid         who write for Distant Healing, for
and will be much missed by all of         involvement with computers.            themselves, family, friends and
us here at the Sanctuary, as his          He admitted to be ‘somewhat            even pets.
involvement has stretched over            of a geek’ when it came to the
22 years. His wife Rose and his           computing world, but he certainly      Few knew that Gary’s father
mother Lynn Farmer were by his            knew his stuff.                        passed at forty years of age,
bedside in the intensive care unit                                               leaving Gary to be brought up by
at the time of his transition into that   In his time at the Sanctuary, Gary     his mother Lynn, who worked on
spiritual heritage that belongs to        managed the IT system and on           the Harry Edwards reception for
us all.                                   many occasions, when systems           many years and first introduced

SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
Gary to the Sanctuary. They           Gary’s life, his numerous jobs, the
had a close relationship which        well-known people he met, and
lasted right up to his passing.       on a personal note his love of Real
She should be rightly proud of        Ale. Thank you for introducing me
his achievements throughout his       to Old Tom! However, what does
career, as I have no doubt he was
of hers’.
                                      shine through is the fact that he
                                      was one of the good guys.               bluebells
                                                                              at the harry edwards healing sanctuary

In 2004 he married Rose, his          No doubt that where he is now,
American sweetheart, and they set     the computers will be running                          Bluebells is a friendly,
up home with Lynn in Cranleigh, a     smoothly, the trains will be on time,                    sharing group for
                                                                                             anyone with cancer.
nearby village. You may think that    with well-designed timetables,
this was a brave thing to do, for     and his love for Rose will be                            We offer caring
I recall Harry Edwards’ saying to     maintained.                                            support, meditation
my wife and I, about an unrelated                                                              and visualisation,
subject, ‘two women in the same       Cheerio for now Old Friend; see                      healing, complementary
kitchen is a disaster waiting to      you ‘in the morning.’                                     therapies - and
happen’; but in this case it worked
out!                                                                                       Do come and join us at
                                                   HARRY EDWARDS

The love that Rose and Gary had
                                          healingsanctuary                                   the Sanctuary on the
                                                                                           first and third Thursday
was unbending, Rose confided in               SUPPORT THE                                  morning of each month
me saying ‘I only had to look at                                                             and see for yourself.
                                             SANCTUARY BY
him, as he was looking at me, and              TEXTING A                                    Contact Carolyn Low
I knew he loved me. No one has                 DONATION                                       on 01483 203540
ever had that look!’                                                                           or email: carolyn.
                                           Simply send HEHS22 £10                           graeme@hotmail.co.uk
When Jean and I visited him in             (or other amount as below)                          for more details.
hospital, to give him some healing             to 70070 to make a
                                                  £10 donation.
help, Gary told us, and I quote,
‘Rose was the best thing that had                                             Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
                                           Text HEHS22 £2 / £5 / £10          Burrows Lea, Hook Lane, Shere,
ever happened to me.’                       to 70070 to donate now              Guildford, Surrey, GU5 9QG
                                                                                     Tel: 01483 202054
In a brief article such as this it                                            www.harryedwardshealingsanctuary.org.uk
is hard to impart the full story of                                                   Registered Charity No: 1098712

SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
by Martin Thomas

Welcome back to ‘The Healer’.        gathering the potential articles,
                                     formatting them into the copy
It is a pleasure to once again be    template and coordinating with the
part of creating a new edition of    printers. On Sept 1st in the middle
the magazine, although we so do      of all the hubbub, Gary sent us the
so this time, with a heavy heart.    following note, which says it all:
As you can see from Vincent Hill’s
introduction, Gary Waugh has         “I’ve loved this charity for 30 years
passed on, and his is quite a gap    or more and have been aware of
to fill.                             the place since the age of five,
                                     However long you may need my
We were in a tight spot in the       services - even if it’s only long       Gary for all your help and for
middle of 2018 when we started       enough to get this issue out - this     all you have contributed to the
work on the Autumn edition, as       has allowed my time with the place      Sanctuary over the many years you
at that time, we had no editor.      to end on an up-note, for which I       were here.
Although Gary had retired from       am grateful.”
the Sanctuary earlier in the year,                                           It was mentioned in previous
and was not in good health even      Anyway, all went well, and we           issues that we would appreciate
then, he agreed to come back and     heaved a huge sigh of relief when       your feedback, not just about the
organise the whole publication       the Autumn edition was finally          Healer but about broader issues at
process for us. It is quite a job    mailed out to you. So thank you         the Sanctuary. We would like the

SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
to say that it is now available         links established with support
                                       every Tuesday in the Sanctuary          groups for the terminally ill. Taking
                                       chapel - just mention it when           our healing message out to the
                                       booking the appointment. If it          community is central to this work.
                                       proves successful, we will look at      We have even accepted invitations
                                       extending it to an additional day.      to be interviewed on the radio,
                                                                               and the soundtracks of these will
                                       As our day-to-day activities            be posted to our website shortly.
                                       become more stable, we have             The Sanctuary is such a calm and
                                       been able to pursue some of             secluded place, that it would be all
                                       the many ideas that have been           too easy for us to become a little
                                       suggested, including engaging with      isolated!
                                       other Healing related organisations.
                                       Reciprocal visits have been             Finally, trustees have been asked
                                       organised between healers from          what is happening regarding the
                                       Stansted Hall and ourselves, and        appointment of new manager to
                                       the good relationships made will        run the Sanctuary. The interim
                                       help us to explore the possibility of   solution has been for trustees to
                                       combined events in the future. The      become more involved in day to
                                       Healing Trust are also starting to      day activities, but we are aware
                                       hold their regional meetings at the     of the need to appoint a manager
                                       Sanctuary again after a long break,     on a permanent basis. We are
                                       and along with this, links have         discussing the various options we
                                       been made with their leadership.        have, mindful of the need to spend
                                       In both cases, exploring areas of       prudently on the one hand, yet
magazine to feel more interactive      mutual interest in Healing related      explore the many opportunities we
to you, so if you have an article or   activities, can only lead to benefits   see to raise our profile externally,
letter that you think others would     for our patient clients.                on the other. Anyway, we will let
be interested in reading, please                                               you know as soon as we are able.
send it in to us.                      Meanwhile contacts are also being
                                       made with local organisations, to       Meanwhile with very best wishes,
I mentioned last time that we          explain what the Sanctuary is all
would let you know when we are         about. Bookings have been made          Martin Thomas
re-introducing ‘donation only’         to give presentations at local WI       On behalf of the HEHS trustees
Chair Healing. Well I’m pleased        events, at local churches, and

SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
                   HEALING COURSES
Foundation Course                                               Harry Edwards Healer Training Course

A one-day course that provides an introduction to               This is a two year part-taught, part self-study
spiritual healing, lightly touching on several aspects          programme for those who wish to become
and giving an understanding of what is involved in              certificated healers. Successful students will be
being a healer. There is a certificate of attendance at         awarded the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
the end of the day.                                             Certificate in Spiritual Healing.

Course Date: Saturday 8th June 2019                             Courses date: 13-14 April 2019
Time: 10am - 4.30pm                                             This course is fully booked subject to Foundation attendees booking on the course

Cost: £100
                                                                Next Course Commencing: 5-6 October 2019
Book your two-year Healing Course within six                    Cost: £1300 (Deposit £225)
months and receive a £50 refund at the end of the
Healing Course.                                                 Those taking this course will first need to attend our
                                                                Foundation Course first.
This course is mandatory if you wish to proceed on to our
two-year Healing Course.

   Email: college.secretary@burrowslea.org.uk
   Telephone: 07516 974790
   Find out more on our website:

SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
We can provide overnight accommodation                                          FREE ENTRY!
for the following Healing Training courses,

                                                      SPRING FAIR
accommodating people on the Friday and
Saturday evenings.

                                                      Saturday 27th April 2019
February - G13 M5 course on 16th and 17th
                                                      10:30am - 4:00pm
April - G15 M1 course on 13th and 14th
May - G13 M6 course on 18th and 19th
July - G14 M4 course on 13th and 14th                 Enjoy a Spring day in the beautiful
Invite to Scottish Country Dance!                     surroundings of Harry Edwards Healing
November - G14 S/D 16th and 17th                      Sanctuary and Burrows Lea Country House.

                                                      An opportunity to take time to browse the
                                                      many visiting stalls.
January - Course on 18th and 19th
January - Course on 25th and 26th                     Jewellery - Candles - Gifts - Books -
                                                      Essential Oils - Skincare - Therapies
February - Course on 1st and 2nd
                                                      and many more...
March - Course on 21st and 22nd
April - Course on 4th and 5th                         Delicious refreshments available including light
September - Course on 12th and 13th                   lunches and homemade pastries.

                                                      Short taster sessions of healing will be
                                                      available throughout the day.
January - course on 16th and 17th

Accommodation details

•   Our charges will be £70 for sharing and £90
    for single per night.
•   Includes breakfast.

SPRING 2019 - The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
by daniel lewis

It all started with the dog.            I asked him
                                        if he felt any
Woody was a Cavalier King               particular hot
Charles spaniel who needed some         spots and
sort of treatment for a multitude of    he said that
reasons known only to the owners        my left knee
of this particular breed. One           cap needed
Sunday I decided to be radical and      attention. To this
see if healing at Harry Edwards’        day I am waiting
Sanctuary would have any effect         for my left knee
at all.                                 cap to give up                        turning up every Sunday morning
                                        the ghost, but not yet I am pleased   for a chat and a healing session.
Naturally I was sceptical but as the    to say!
weeks passed I realised that I really                                         In 2016 Woody, remember him?
enjoyed going up to the Sanctuary       In 2013 I was seriously ill and it    He started it all? Woody developed
every Sunday morning and that           lasted about 4 months with a 6        canine anorexia, and was having
the regular healers were becoming       month healing period. When I was      to be drip fed liquid food through
friends. Woody enjoyed it as well       up to going out briefly, there were   a syringe in order to keep him
and was as good as gold. It was         two things I wanted to do – go to     going. On the third week of the
then suggested that I might benefit     the pub, and go to the Sanctuary.     disorder, I took him up as usual
from a healing session which I          Interesting combination. Everyone     to the Sanctuary and there was a
thought was highly unlikely as my       at both venues were really kind to    lady healer I had never met before.
feet are firmly rooted in traditional   me and I came to the conclusion       I did not tell her what was wrong
medicine. However I did allow my        that although I could not totally     with the dog, but asked her to
favourite healer to give it a go, and   identify what the healing process     do a healing session on him for
I have to say I felt much calmer        was achieving, clearly it was very    me. At the end of the half hour,
and more relaxed after the session.     good for me, mentally. So, I kept     she said to me that she had a

sense of a possible blockage in
his throat, and through the healing
had sought for its clearance. I
thought this was pretty amazing.
                                        SPRING SONG
However, the next day, he started       by lucy maud montgomery
to eat again and was restored to
health. Woody died aged 14 and
                                        Hark, I hear a robin calling!
his ashes are buried in the wood
                                        List, the wind is from the south!
to the side of the Sanctuary. That      And the orchard-bloom is falling
way, I can say hello to him every       Sweet as kisses on the mouth.
                                        In the dreamy vale of beeches
I now have a one year old Cavalier      Fair and faint is woven mist,
called Figaro, who really doesn’t       and the river’s orient reaches
need any healing, but because           Are the palest amethyst.
he is one year old, a very naughty
and boisterous one at that; I am in     Every limpid brook is singing
need of the healing! I never realised   Of the lure of April days;
how stressful a puppy can be –          Every piney glen is ringing
never again! I have to say I do love    With the maddest roundelays.
him though...
                                        Come and let us seek together
                                        Springtime lore of daffodils,
I am still working at trying to
                                        Giving to the golden weather
understand how healing works.
                                        Greeting on the sun-warm hills.
But I have to ask the question,
would I still be going up every         Ours shall be the moonrise stealing
Sunday morning if I didn’t think it     Through the birches ivory-white;
did?                                    Ours shall be the mystic healing
                                        Of the velvet-footed night.
So, however sceptical you are,
give healing a try - you might just     Ours shall be the gypsy winding
be converted!                           Of the path with violets blue,
                                        Ours at last the wizard finding
                                        Of the land where dreams come true.

by felicity medland

From an early age all I ever wanted to do was paint and write and
it was years later that I learned that these were to be my psychic

My father wanted me to become involved in his healing work, and
though I accompanied him throughout the war and after to his
                                                                                   These words were given to Harry’s oldest
healing demonstrations I knew that my mediumship lay elsewhere.             daughter Felicity just after he left us in 1976 and
The power to heal was never going to be mine.                              this tapestry is hanging in the Sanctuary Chapel.

                                                         My mediumship lay with the pen and the brush. I
                                                         remember the time when I told Dad that I could
                                                         feel the power motivating the brush and in one of
                                                         those magic moments that united us both Dad said
                                                         “Haven’t I always told you, if the power is there just
                                                         let it flow through” and for me it has.

                                                         Through the pen I have been used by those no
                                                         longer with us. I have a number of very powerful
                                                         and emotional World War 1 poems about a time and
                                                         circumstances I never knew.

                                                         Through the brush more wonderful things happened
                                                         and the evidence is there at Burrows Lea in the
Felicity’s painting hanging in the Dining Room           dining room.
                                                           books, cds and other gifts from the sanctuary

A range of CDs
£10.75 each                                                                    Harry Edwards Meditation CD

Sleep Therapy, Pure Meditation, Music for Pets, Animal Healing Volume 1,       £6.25
Animal Healing Volume 2, Sound Medicine Man, Touched by Angels,                A step-by-step guide to meditation
Protected by Angels, Natural Anti-Stress, Pure Healing, Pure Calm,             by Harry Edwards, which includes
Music for Healing, Journey to the Temple, Music for Relaxation, Tranquility.   ‘My Philosophy of Life’.

                       Guide To The Understanding & Practice Of                             Harry Edwards by Ramus
                       Spiritual Healing                                                    Branch
                       £11.25                                                               £10.25
                       Harry Edwards draws upon his vast healing                            The biography of the man who
                       experience and his unparalleled knowledge of                         rose from humble origins to
                       spirit science to explain how spiritual healing                      become the greatest healer of
                       is accomplished and how those who have                               modern times. It is told by a
                       that deep inner yearning to help the sick can                        healing colleague who knew
                       develop their own healing potential.                                 him well.
                       HARDBACK                                                             HARDBACK

The Healing Intelligence                             Life in Spirit
                                 by Harry Edwards                                by Harry Edwards
                                 £11.25                                                        £11.25
                                 How the healing processes               This unique and absorbing
                                 operates & how people can                 adventure is the story of
                                 more closely co-operate with              John and Mary - both of
                                 the healing purpose.                   whom have completed their
                                                                                     time on earth.

                  Spirit Healing
              by Harry Edwards                                                                      Life Around My Father
                                                                                                    by Felicity Joan Medland
 This book covers the panorama
of spiritual healing, answering all                                                                 Felicity Medland is Harry
those inevitable questions which                                                                    Edwards’ eldest daughter and
              arise in the lay mind.                                                                this is her latest book about her
                                                                                                    remarkable father.

                                 The Power of
                                 Spiritual Healing
                                 by Harry Edwards
                                 Harry Edwards
                                 presents the subject                 The Way of Absent Healing
                                 in plain terms                               by Harry Edwards
                                 explaining its powers,
                                 its limitations, and its                                       £2.50
                                 processes, and how                  A very helpful little booklet with
                                 everyone in need can                easy to follow explanations for
                                 benefit from it.                               healers or students.
                                 HARDBACK                                                     BOOKLET

Felicity Medland Art Notelets            3 Burrows Lea Postcards
                                          £2.50                                    £1.00
                                          A set of 12 luxury notelets featuring    Burrows Lea, Stained glass windows
Thirty Paths Collection                   the beautiful landscape paintings of     in the Old Sanctuary & Portrait of
                                          Felicity Medland, daughter of Harry      Harry Edwards.
£6.50 each / £22.00 for all 4             Edwards.
Each book contains 30 basic, simple
visualisations, dedicated to all those    Supplied with envelopes in an
who are continually seeking that still    attractive presentation box.
small voice within, that which is.


Read our article on page 23

                                          Burrows Lea Notelets
                                          A packet of 12 Notelets and
                                          envelopes.                               Thinking of You Greetings Card
Set of Three Prayer Cards
                                          3 x Red Rose, 3 x Delphinium, 3 x        £1.25
£2.00                                     Rainbow over the Surrey Downs,           Wording inside the card reads
Laminated prayer cards - just the right   3x Water feature in the rose garden of   ‘Thinking of you’ accompanied by the
size for your wallet or handbag.          Burrows Lea.                             Harry Edwards Healing Prayer.

The Sanctuary Silver

Healing Moments Candle                                                   Harry Edwards Healing Bear

£6.50                                                                    £10.00

Created especially for the                                               Stands 10.5 inches tall and comes with a blue bow
Sanctuary, this candle is 8” tall                                        and a label which reads:
and scented with aromatherapy                The Sanctuary Thimble
                                                                         Blessed by our healers and sent to you filled with
oils.                                        £1.50                       loving prayers and thoughts.

                                    Aromatherapy                                             Inhalers
                                    Mists and Aura                                           £3.99
                                                                                             Choose from Calm, Focus
                                    £9.50                                                    Breathe, Allergy Ease, Nausea
                                    Choose from                                              Relief or Protect.
                                    Seasonal, Protect,
                                    And So To Sleep,
                                    Chakra Balance,
                                    Ground and Relax.

LIMITED STOCK                         LIMITED STOCK

                                                                                Loving Angel
Crystal Guardian Angel                                                          £6.50
£5.00                                                                           Choose from Garnet, Amethyst,
Available in orange, green, purple, blue and pink.                              Aquamarine, Crystal, Light Amethyst,
                                                                                Rose, Sapphire, Emerald, Blue
                                                                                Zircon, Peridot and Topaz.

                            Fantasy Glass
                                                                                  LIMITED STOCK   Guardian Angel
                            £10.00                                                                Pin
                            Hand blown, painted                                                   £4.50
                            in vibrant colours. 24
                            carat gold accents                                                    Choose from
                            and a Swarovski®                                                      Rose, Crystal,
                            drop.                                                                 Peridot or Blue

                                                     Songbird Suncatcher
                            Glass Seahorse
                                                     £9.00                                        Rainbow Maker
                                                     Songbird suncatcher with                     £9.00
                            Handmade and             a blue and green crystal
                            painted with a                                                        Almond 28mm
                                                     cascade, finished with
                            Swarovski® crystal                                                    Crystal Blue AB
                                                     a Swarovski® Spectra
                            and 24 carat gold                                                     (Aurora Borealis).
                                                     38mm crystal. Supplied
                            enhancements.            with an organza bag.

Solrox Handheld Crystal       Elderberry Syrup
                                                       Small - £7.95                 £9.95
                                                       Medium - £9.95                Delicious anti-viral immune
Solrox Bath Crystals                                                                 support.
                                                       Large - £11.95
£6.95                                                                                A potent and tasty
                                                       SolRox Ocean Spa Therapy
Restore the natural mineral salt balance and soothe                                  traditional blend of
                                                       Crystals are crafted for
away aches and pains, moisturise skin and regenerate                                 Elderberries infused with
                                                       use on topical areas of the
the body, balance your chemistry and repair wear and                                 cloves, cinnamon, ginger
                                                       body; joint & muscle pain,
tear. Available as fine crystals or chunks.                                          and lemon.
                                                       damage to cell tissue & age
                                                       related conditions.           Dilute to taste as a hot
                                                                                     cup of tea or drizzle over
                                                                                     yoghurt or porridge.

100% Beeswax Candle
                                                       Solrox Ocean Spa Lamp
Small £7.00 / Large £12.50
Deep rich honey like scent.                                                          Wax Melts
                                                       SolRox™ Ocean Spa
Olibanum Candle                                        Therapy Crystal Lamp is       £4.99
                                                       designed for the heating      Three melts per pack.
Small £11.50 / Large £20.50
                                                       your hands and hand-held
100% natural eco soya wax, essential oils of                                         Choose from lavender or
                                                       SolRox™ Crystal.
Frankincense, Benzoin, Cedarwood.                                                    lemongrass.

Marigold and Lavender Healing
This traditional remedy may help
support the healing of minor burns
and wounds and itchy patches.
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                                                            £9.95 each

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                                         250g - £6.50 each / 500g - £12.50 each

order form

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 EMAIL                                                                        Donation cheques should be made out to HEHS Ltd.

                                                    Item Description (including fragrance, flavour, size etc)                Qty     Price
 Orders costing up to £12 - £2.75 p&p
 Orders costing up to £25 - £4.75 p&p
 Orders costing up to £49.99 - £6.00 p&p
 Orders over £50 - contact us for a quote

 Please contact us for overseas shipping rates or
 order online via our web shop.

 Email: info@burrowslea.org.uk

 Telephone: +44 1483 202054

 Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary, Burrows Lea,
 Hook Lane, Shere, Surrey, GU5 9QG

 Alternatively you may pay by credit card via
 telephone on 01483 202054

                                                                                     For shipping costs please see left   Shipping

                                                      THIRTY PATHS
                                                                              by susan johnson

                                     took three full years and was         Over the years I had collected
                                     very intense. There were no such      a selection of relaxations and
                                     things as modules, or ‘learn to       visualisations, but I could never
                                     teach in ten easy weeks’. This was    find what I was looking for.
                                     a comprehensive course which          This being a selection of short
I started going to a Yoga class      contained, Philosophy, Asanas,        visualisations that were good for
in the early eighties as I had       Pranayama and Yoga Nidra (or          a class situation. It was then I
two small boys and needed the        yogic sleep as it is commonly         decided to write my own, which
relaxation. I soon became hooked     known).                               I did, first in longhand and then
on Yoga. This was Hatha Yoga                                               typing on an old typewriter.
and I had really great traditional   To this day I teach in exactly that
teachers, trained by The British     same structure, except I omit the     Once you start to write and get
Wheel of Yoga.                       philosophy and replace it with        into a state of visualisation, the
                                     more meditation and mindfulness.      words seem to flow and the
Hatha involves most yoga             I became a qualified Yoga teacher     imagination takes over. I found
styles; it includes the practice     in the early nineties and I soon      I could conjure up stories quite
of Asanas (yoga positions) and       found out that my students looked     quickly if given a title, some of my
pranayama (breathing exercises       forward to the Yoga Nidra and the     meditations have not been thought
and techniques). This prepares the   relaxation more than the Asanas.      up entirely by me, but have been
mind and body for meditation and                                           developed and progressed from
deeper spiritual practices.          The majority of my students are       other’s ideas and then adapted
                                     teachers, and sometimes arrive in     and tweaked to suit the style I
In those days the Diploma course     very stressed state.                  wanted to create.

Initially they were all tried and      qualified Yoga teacher.
tested on my students for timing
and suitability.                       A reprint happened straight away,
                                       then an award from The Arts
In 2002 I found a local designer/      Council bought me a computer,
printer, who had an interest in Yoga   printer and desk, helping me with
and who was willing to take on         the creation of a website and a
my typed manuscript and turn it        valued logo. These items and
into a book. We worked together,       advice helped to market and sell
something rare today. I gathered       my books.
most of the photographs myself
and self-published in September        The title, Thirty Paths came from
2002, ordering 500 copies.             the idea of the thirty weeks in
                                       the academic year, thus the
To sell them I wrote to Yoga           book lasted the teacher for that
teachers throughout the country,       whole year. The visualisations
in those days we had a directory       were based on colours, chakras,
of Yoga teachers listed in the         space, the season’s, nature, the
back of the Spectrum Magazine,         sea and elements, short breathing
a delivered quarterly publication.     techniques and other influences.
It had all the workshops, classes      Then the second book, Thirty
and addresses of teachers, so          Paths to Peace used the                 the elderly. One more publication,
that gave me access to an instant      remainder of the visualisations         Thirty Paths to Meditate was to
market.                                from the first book. This publication   be my last book, in what has now
                                       was followed by a CD of ten             become a companion set of four.
By that December every copy            visualisations, which you can listen
had gone!                              to at home and take yourself on a       My vocation as a teacher and
                                       journey, but also connect to, in the    writer, took me to France to work,
It was then I realised that            class situation.                        setting up Yoga and therapy
Yoga teachers needed ready                                                     sessions within the Eurocamp
written, relaxations, short            Two more books came on stream           holiday structure; this ran for two
pranayama techniques and               Thirty Paths to Silence containing      seasons. I also travelled across to
timed visualisations; written in a     some visualisations for children,       Ireland several times, where the
style that was linked and timed        requested by practitioners who          teachers and students there just
to a traditional Yoga class, by a      worked with special needs and           love the books.

I am now supplying the Harry             recognise the boatman as your
                                         Edwards Healing Sanctuary and            friend, he is slowly drawing the
                                         The Arthur Findlay College, which        oars together as he comes to the
                                         comes as no surprise to me, as           lakeshore, he invites you inside the
                                         my mother was a spiritualist. I have     boat, you sit down and admire the
                                         always believed in The Angel at my       view, the fine day, the crystal clear
                                         shoulder. I am continually grateful      water, not a ripple in sight, only the
                                         for my abundance and it never            sound of the oars as they skim the
                                         ceases to amaze me how the               water.
                                         universe works.
                                                                                  The boat is steady and drifts along.
                                         I have just finished my first            All you are aware of is the blue
                                         children’s book The Monkey in            of the sky, the blue lake, and the
                                         the Kilt, who finds that sitting         sound of the oars skimming the
                                         still and listening to the still small   water. Eventually you come to a
                                         voice, takes him on journeys to          small island; someone is waiting to
                                         exotic places. I do hope it will do      greet you...
                                         just as well as my other books. I
                                         also have another ten Christmas          I trust you will enjoy this extract,
                                         visualisations already written, so       and indeed the rest of the book!
                                         who knows, maybe a Christmas
Despite being over fifteen years                                                  *See the Sanctuary Shop page to order your
                                         book is in the pipeline. My classes      copies of Susan Johnson’s books.
old, The Thirty Paths series still       remain full as ever, we are all
remain popular. So if you are            ageing together, my teachers are
working as a practitioner in the         all retired and so I adapt my class
fields of relaxation, meditation and     accordingly!
mindfulness, these books could
help you in your class. Massage          As a taster, here is a sample of The
and Reiki practitioners in particular,   Colour Blue, from Thirty Paths to
like to read a visualisation at the      Stillness.
end of a treatment.
                                         You find yourself waiting beside
This has been a labour of love, but      a lakeside, it is a warm day, the
at the same time you have to be          lake is still and placid, and a small
able to sell and market the books.       boat is coming towards you, you

by sue and john deane

Our involvement with the Harry       a 10-day old baby in the hope of
Edwards Healing Sanctuary            getting healing. We did not know
all began in December 1984           where the Sanctuary was but were
when, following the birth of our     redirected from Shere post office.
daughter, we were informed that      One of the secretaries arranged
she had a serious hole in her        for us to enter the building
heart known as a VSD. We were        through the side door and sit in
suddenly in a very deep dark         the conservatory which is still very
place. She was only a few days       much as it was. The pervading           pneumonia, in addition to her
old and a very dear friend gave      smell of lilies emanated from the       heart problems. Miraculously she
us a copy of the Daily Star, dated   corridor next to the Sanctuary          survived this bearing in mind that
12 November 1984, which was          Chapel and will live with us forever.   her lungs were full of fluid. She
published just 8 days before our     We were surprised to meet both          struggled to breathe and would
daughter was born. In it was a       Ray and Joan who took us into the       sweat profusely round her head
double page spread about two         chapel. As Ray placed his hands         and neck. She was unable to
of the most wonderful people         on her frail and small body she         feed normally and had to be fed
we will ever meet. Ray and Joan      flinched as though she had felt         by 1mm syringes of milk. The
Branch who were the successors       an energy touch her. Her brother        cardiologist said to us one day ‘I
to Harry Edwards at Burrows Lea.     who was 5 years old at the time         do not know what your daughter
                                     was naturally concerned, but was        is up to but tell her to keep it up.’
As Spiritualists we were inspired    reassured by Ray. From that day         We of course knew distant healing
to seek their help and aid the       we knew spirit were with us.            was being dispensed by Ray
wonderful medical work being                                                 Branch from the Sanctuary. We
done by Hammersmith Hospital.        Naomi was admitted to                   were very concerned at the small
Thus, we turned up on a wet          Hammersmith hospital when she           amount of nourishment Naomi
Wednesday at Burrows Lea with        was 5 weeks old, due to bronchial       was getting and Sue phoned Ray

to express our concerns, he went       say a word as we would disturb          gladly volunteered as chaperones.
to the Sanctuary and carried out       her. We believe Spirit through Ray      From that time, we progressed
an intercession. On arrival at the     Branch supported her through this       to being fully badged healers and
Hospital the wonderful Nurse           long period of time to ensure that      have served at Burrows Lea two
assigned to care for Naomi in          the work of the NHS could take          Saturdays per month ever since.
our absence was in shock and           their part to ensure this little girl
disbelief because Naomi had just       would live. We are delighted to tell    We know that without the healing
downed a full 8 ounce bottle of        you Naomi is now aged 34 and            intercessions from Ray and Joan
milk. It never happened before         was signed off from the Hospital as     our daughters’ story might be
or since but, on that day, Spiritual   totally healed at the age of 21.        very different. Ray Branch was a
Healing intervened.                                                            very special man, and like Harry
                                       During the first 9 months of            Edwards, we may not see his like
When Naomi was 9-months-old            Naomi’s life she was admitted to        again in our lifetime.
the cardiologist decided it was        hospital with various problems,
time to operate and she selected a     and each time Sue rang Ray
surgeon to whom we are eternally       Branch for help. He told her
grateful. Dr Halliday Smith, the       that he had left an instruction
Cardiologist, believed Naomi would     anytime she rang she must be put
not last another winter so the         through to him personally. Ray
operation date was set. We were        was an enormous help to us all
aware that Naomi’s heart was no        as a family, especially Naomi. The         Setting the standard for healing
bigger than a walnut and the hole      number of times Sue cried down                UK Healers was established in 1999 by healing
big enough to put an adult little      the phone to him, and every time             organisations that shared an interest in achieving
                                                                                   common standards for the protection of the public,
finger through. We phoned the          without exception, he showed                  maintaining high standards of healing practice.

Sanctuary and Ray said he would        such kindness understanding                UK Healers is the largest voluntary professional
                                                                                 standards setting accrediting body for the training
be in the Sanctuary throughout         and strength. We will always be            and practice of spiritual healing organisations in
                                                                                                       the UK.
the operation sending distant          thankful to this wonderful man.
                                                                                    UK Healers has established standards for:
healing. The cardiologist was on                                                        Membership of healer organisations
                                                                                             Training of spiritual healers
hand from 7.00am until 11.00pm         We had cause to visit Burrows                              Code of conduct
                                                                                              Compliance with the law
that day and the Surgeon was           Lea in 2006 and met Ray and               Assessment and accreditation of healing organisations
                                                                                       Complaints and disciplinary procedures
primed. We were In the Hospital        Joan Branch’s colleagues Vincent
Chapel praying for all we were         and Jean Hill who we have been

worth. In the late afternoon, we       friends with ever since. The debt                   Lupton House, Churston Ferrers,
                                                                                              Brixham, Devon TQ5 0LD
were summoned to visit Naomi in        we owed to the Sanctuary could                             Tel: 07743 988 962
intensive care and warned not to       not be paid with money so we

by vincent hill

Over the seventy two years of            transferred as a paper copy
the Sanctuary’s existence Distant        (either directly from speaking
Healing, formerly Absent Healing,        to client or from answerphone
has been a major part of the             message)
healing endeavour.
                                         Direct telephone healing is also
There are six ways in which this         available by appointment.
form of healing is carried out, but
primarily after initial contact is    All written requests are read by       by the healers who then sign them
made by our patients or clients,      healers, who at that time seek for     off. The replies are then sent to the
the process is the same.              healing help to be with that person,   clients via email, text or Royal Mail.
                                      and all those for whom they may        These individual letters are crafted
Contact can be made by any one        be seeking help. Notes are made        to bring as much comfort, solace
of the following ways:                and these letters and forms, and       and reassurance as possible,
                                      are then taken to the typists,         so that we may see changes for
1. Letter                             who scan the individuals healing       the better being brought about,
2. Email                              request into their own confidential    although unfortunately we are
3. Website                            file. This acts as a record of         unable to guarantee this. A copy
4. Distant Healing internal forms.    progress and a point of reference      of the reply is then added to
   (entered in a daybook in the       for further correspondence. All        the individuals computer file to
   Chapel)                            communications are covered by          complete the process.
5. Distant Healing forms external     the Data Protection Act.
   forms (found in HEHS                                                      It may surprise people who are
   literature, take away, filled in   The typists then produce a reply       not healers, but are involved in
   and returned)                      from the noted correspondence,         this whole letter writing process,
6. Telephone. Messages                which in turn are read and checked     that they are as much a part of the

healing endeavour, as the healers         Here at the Sanctuary we are often     spiritually supported.
themselves. As they put the words         informed that, to paraphrase, ‘as      Allied to this, The Healing
into the email, text or letter their      soon as I finished writing, I felt a   Minute takes place at 10am and
compassion for the client also            sense of calm and tranquillity’ or     10pm every day. The morning
‘filters’ into the finished text adding   ‘there was an easing of the pain’.     observance of this is carried out
more positive thoughts, which can                                                in the Chapel, by our volunteer
only be a good thing.                     Distant Healing is most                healers. People worldwide join in
                                          definitely not a poor relation         with this, as they do with the night
The composing and writing of              to Contact Healing. The many           time observance. Healers are not
correspondence to the Sanctuary,          tens of thousands, written             present for this, but many link
by the healing ‘patients, is also a       correspondence that have flowed        up in their own homes with the
beneficial process. This sounds           out from the Sanctuary, during its     Sanctuary and all those, who tune
like an obvious statement, as the         70+ year history give testament to     in at that time.
written word conveys the patient’s        this, whether the healing request
needs, but the actual act of putting      is for the writer, a loved one or a    The history of the origins of the
the symptoms, whether physical or         friend. Thanks to technology a         healing minute are available on our
mental, helps that person to relieve      reply can be on a client’s screen      website, from an article written by
their anxieties and concerns. As          in an instant, which can only be       Claire Dixon which was published
the words spill out onto the paper        a good thing, as it shows that         in the 2013 December copy of the
or screen, it can act like a pressure     the healing request has been           Healer. It is hoped that in the near
valve on a steam cooker, releasing        implemented, and that whoever          future a hard copy of this will be
those pent up feelings, which             the request was for, that person       available from the Sanctuary.
cause undue stress.                       is not alone and is now being

      How to help promote the work of the Sanctuary
         We are always looking for ways to let people know about the
        Sanctuary and the work we do. Although this can be found on
      our website, we know that not everybody has a computer or smart
      phone and so we have produced a leaflet giving information about
     contact, distant, telephone and animal healing as well as providing all
      the contact details needed. If you would like some of these leaflets
     to give out to any friends or family who you feel may benefit from out
             help, please let us know and we will send you some.

head gardener at burrows lea
Continuing our series on the people who staff the Sanctuary.

Born and raised in Guildford,          It was his father-in-law, John
Stephen’s senior education was         Philips, a volunteer healer at
at Kings College School in the         the Sanctuary, who brought his
Surrey town. During his teens and      attention to a part-time vacancy
early twenties, he had a variety of    as a gardener at Burrows Lea.        gardening mentor Monty Don’s TV
jobs, ranging from employment          Stephen successfully applied for     programmes and books, assists
with The Book People, being a          this and has never looked back.      him in his work. “I would have to
window cleaner, and working for a                                           say that Monty Don inspires me,
well-known shoe retailer. The latter   The position led to a full-time      as he’s really easy to listen to, and
being his least favourite job, which   post and under the tuition of Paul   knows so much!”.
made him realise that he was not       Smith, the then senior gardener,
cut out for a ‘desk job’, much         Stephen learned many aspects of      Having been in the job for five
preferring the outdoors. “I love       the trade, from raising seedlings,   years, and now attained the Head
being outside” he says, “I am not      planting out, hedge trimming and     Gardener’s position, Stephen is
an office person”.                     landscaping.                         now at one of the busiest times of
                                                                            the gardening year, Spring. This
Horticulture and gardening were        His many gardening books and his     is also Stephen’s favourite time,
not at the top of Stephen’s            membership of the RHS at Wisley      as all the Spring flowers emerge
employment list, despite mowing        help to give Stephen insight and     from their Winter hibernation,
his Grandparents lawn, as well as      ideas, which he can implement        including his favourite the Camellia,
working for a cousin who had a         at Burrows Lea; this along with      “although it does not flower long”,
landscaping business.                  inspiration he takes from his        he states.

Stephen also likes the Autumn,           spend happy times, with Stephen
even though there are a                  and Hazel, in the gardens and                     DO YOU
tremendous amount of leaves that         grounds of the Sanctuary, as has
need clearing at Burrows Lea,            Stephen, tending the plants and
                                                                                        SHOP ON THE
which he does enjoy, surprisingly!       enjoying every part of his job.                 INTERNET?
What would be the task he enjoys         Possible exceptions? “Rabbits!                If so, you could help The
the most? “I like cutting all the        Every plant has to be protected or              Sanctuary raise funds!
hedges, it’s my favourite thing to       they end up on the wildlife menu!”
do; I like the way that it looks, like
a good, tidy haircut.” He continues,     Stephen was asked, at this point                Shop online and raise money!
“Keeping the grounds tidy and            in your life, what would be the one         It’s the easiest way to help raise money for the
with the lovely flowers, is very         thing you would like most? He              Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary. If you already
                                                                                        shop online with retailers such as Amazon,
rewarding, and the encouraging           replied, “To be a good Dad”, what             Argos, iTunes, eBay or over 2,000 other well
                                                                                    known stores, then we need you to sign up for
words from the visitors gives you a      an admirable sentiment!                            free to raise money while you shop.
sense of pride in what you do.”
                                                                                               So how does it work?
                                         Stephen enjoys visiting zoos,
                                                                                    You shop directly with the retailer as you would
The job has altered over his             seeing the bears and tigers in                     normally but you sign up to:
five-year tenure, but would he           particular, but his special favourite
recommend gardening as a                 is the Jaguar. Having memberships
                                                                                    for free and use the links on the easyfundraising
career? “Yes! You have to be             at several zoos, he and Hazel visit        site to take you to the retailer, then a percentage
reasonably hardy as the weather          quite a few, Marwell being the              of whatever you spend comes directly to us as
                                                                                                 no extra cost to yourself.
can be against you, but if you love      most visited. However, Chester
being outside you can overcome           is firmly at the top of the list. “It is           How much can you raise?

this. Being made Head Gardener           exceptional!” Other interests are            Spend £100 with M&S online or Amazon and
                                                                                       you raise £2.50 for us. £100 with WHSmith
brings a deal of responsibility, but a   surfing, movies and indie rock               puts £2.00 in our pocket and so on. Some of
great deal of satisfaction.”             music. His favourite bands are              the donations can be as much as 15% of your
                                         Queens of the Stone Age and
                                                                                                  Save money too!
Stephen is married to Hazel and          Alkaline Trio.
they are expecting their first child                                                 easyfundraising is free to use plus you’ll get
                                                                                    access to hundreds of exclusive discounts and
in February, aptly just before the       Stephen is another member of the                          voucher codes!
Spring. Living locally makes it          team, whose enthusiasm makes               Please consider supporting The Sanctuary this
easier for Stephen to look after the     the patients and guests visits             way and ask friends and family to do the same.
                                                                                     It’s an easy way for us to raise much needed
greenhouses and their contents           to the Harry Edwards Healing                   extra funds at no cost to either you or us.
                                                                                                       Thank you.
over the weekends, and who               Sanctuary at Burrows Lea, a more
knows, little Harris junior may          pleasurable experience.

 Whether you join us for one of our traditional one or four day healing retreats, or opt to experience
 a range of alternative therapies on one of our new wellness retreats, you will have plenty of chance
         to relax and unwind in the serenity of the Surrey Hills. Go ahead, pamper yourself!

            HEALING RETREATS                                          PREMIUM RETREATS

   4 day retreats 2019             1 day retreats 2019                        4 day retreats 2019

      12-15 March                       27 March                                 21-24 May
       9-12 April                        24 April                              22-25 October
        7-10 May                         15 May                               £425 per person
        4-7 June                         26 June                           £625 double occupancy
         2-5 July                        24 July
     3-6 September                    11 September
      1-4 October                      16 October
     4-7 December                      6 November                      To book onto one of our
                                                                     retreats please give us a call
    £425 per person                  £55 per person                   on 01483 205620 or email
 £625 double occupancy

                                                                      For further details and to book, please call 01483 202650

                                                                                              Email: events@burrowslea.org.uk

HOW TO FIND US                                                  REQUEST DISTANT HEALING                                                                 SUBSCRIBE TO

                                                                               To request distant healing, please
                                                                                  fill in this form and send to:
                                                                                                                                                                MR            MRS             MS
                                                                               Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
                                                                                   Burrows Lea, Hook Lane                                                    NAME

                                                                                 Shere, Surrey, GU5 9QG UK.                                                  ADDRESS

                                                                                    MR                 MRS                   MS
                                                                                                                                                             POST CODE
Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
                                                                                                                                                             Suggested donation for the magazine:
    Burrows Lea Hook Lane                                                      POST CODE

     Shere Surrey GU5 9QG                                                      EMAIL
                                                                                                                                                                 £30 (1 year)                £60 (2 years)

       Tel: 01483 202054                                                       Do you currently have healing from The                                            I enclose a donation to the Healer
                                                                               Sanctuary? YES / NO                                                               Magazine of: £ ......................

            HEALING REQUESTS                                                   Is the request for you? YES / NO                                                  I also wish to make a donation to
       healing@burrowslea.org.uk                                               If the request is for someone else, please give
                                                                                                                                                                 the Sanctuary of: £ ......................
                                                                               us their first name(s) only:                                                  Please make cheques payable to HEHS Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                             If you are a UK tax payer, please make your
           info@burrowslea.org.uk                                                                                                                            donation under the Gift Aid scheme, which
                                                                               Would you like to receive a letter from the
                                                                                                                                                             allows us to reclaim the tax on your donation
                                                                               healing team? YES / NO
                                                                                                                                                             at no extra cost to you.
                                                                               CONDITION / SITUATION
                                                                                                                                                                 I confirm I have paid or will pay an
                                                                                                                                                                 amount of Income Tax and/or Capital
   The Sanctuary is open for                                                                                                                                     Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5
 contact healing by appointment                                                                                                                                  April) that is at least equal to the amount
                                                                                                                                                                 of tax that all the charities or Community
every day (except Bank Holidays)                                                                                                                                 Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to
                                                                                                                                                                 will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year.
The Publishers of the Healer make every effort to ensure accuracy of
                                                                               Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary Limited and Burrows Lea Country
                                                                               House Limited together (The Sanctuary) process your Personal Data (as
                                                                                                                                                                 I understand that other taxes such as
information at the time of going to press but can take no responsibility for   defined by the Data Protection Act 1998 (the 1998 Act)) disclosed to it for       VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I
inaccuracies due to changes after that date.                                   the purposes of achieving their charitable objectives, fund-raising and the
                                                                               operation and marketing of a Spiritual Healing Sanctuary. The Sanctuary           understand the charity will reclaim 25p of
The opinions expressed in The Healer are not necessarily the views of the
Editor or Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary, nor do the Editor and HEHS
                                                                               continues to process the Personal Data until notified to stop. If you would
                                                                               prefer The Sanctuary to cease to process the Personal Data disclosed
                                                                                                                                                                 tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6
accept responsibility for claims or statements made by authors or              to it please write to the Information Manager at Harry Edwards Healing            April 2015.
advertisers.                                                                   Sanctuary Limited, Burrows Lea, Hook Lane, Shere, Guildford, Surrey,
                                                                               GU5 9QG. The Sanctuary may process the sensitive personal data (as
The acceptance of advertisements does not mean that HEHS                       defined by the 1998 Act) disclosed to it within the powers granted by the
recommends or endorses any product or service.                                 1998 Act. The Sanctuary undertakes to process your sensitive personal         SIGNED
                                                                               data only for the purposes for which it was disclosed. No data held by
Registered Charity No. 1098712                                                 The Sanctuary will be disclosed to any third-party person or organisation
Registered in England & Wales No. 4731491                                      except as may be required by the law.                                         DATE

Your dream wedding with amazing views of quintessentially English countryside is offered at
   Burrows Lea, including a grand marquee for up to 150 people. Burrows Lea Country House
   is nestled in some of Surrey’s most idyllic countryside, above the picturesque village of Shere.
                Making it the perfect venue for a beautiful English country wedding .

                      For an unforgettable Country House Wedding set in the Surrey Hills
                                                Telephone: 01483 205620
HOOK LANE, SHERE, SURREY GU5 9QG                                                           www.burrowsleacountryhouse.co.uk

      Burrows Lea Country House is the trading arm of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary (a registered Charity no.
   1098712). All profits go back into the running costs of this wonderful charity - enabling us to continue our healing work
                           and maintain the wonderful house and grounds that are loved by so many.
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