A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni

Page created by Ivan Mueller
A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni
a partnership that works
A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni

                                    Honouring Hani in uncertain times
                                    Executive Mayor, City of Ekurhuleni
                                    The 27th anniversary of South African Communist Party stalwart and
                                    Umkhonto we Sizwe commander Chris Martin Thembisile Hani takes
                                    place in fearful and uncertain times. It finds almost half the world’s
                                    population under various forms of restrictive measures adopted to
                                    contain the spread of the Covid19 pandemic.

South Africa is in the midst of      mood both tense and sombre,          precious: namely life itself?”
an unprecedented lockdown            we awaited to be addressed by        That sums up the man that
which prevented us as the City       the then chairman of the ANC         Hani was.
of Ekurhuleni from hosting the       in the Pretoria Witwatersrand
commemoration as would have          and Vaal region, Tokyo               More importantly, without
wished. This would have              Sexwale.                             being conscious of it, Hani’s
included the opening of the                                               principles and those of a
Chris Hani Museum at the             I was also at Hani’s funeral a       number of other struggle
stalwart’s home in Dawn Park         week later to listen to ANC          heroes who did not live to see
on 10 April 2020. But this           President Nelson Mandela call        democracy underpin South
should not prevent us from           for calm and restraint and the       Africa’s constitution. Most
celebrating his memory in our        resolve as we were working to        notable of these is the Bill of
hearts, through virtual means as     usher in a democratic order.         Rights, which contains rights
enabled by technology and            These events shaped my desire        that Hani believed citizens are
through the written words as         to honour struggle heroes,           entitled to from birth without
we do in this special Chris Hani     especially those who paid with       having to fight for them. From
digital edition today.               their lives, and I am grateful for   an early age, Hani was driven
                                     the opportunity to lead the          by a desire for a better
Hani’s assassination was a           process since assuming office        treatment of African workers
potentially cataclysmic event        in August 2016. The process          who were exploited and
that simultaneously threatened       turning Hani’s home into the         treated unjustly. His exposure
to derail South Africa’s             Chris Hani museum, now in its        to the racist nature of
democracy project, as its            final stages, is a profound and      successive minority
orchestrators had intended, but      significant one.                     governments that shaped his
also galvanised the country to                                            belief in human rights as
embark on the last leg of the        Hani’s most enduring value is        contained in the constitution.
journey towards the historic         that of selflessness and
1994 general election.               sacrifice. He is known to have       Hani was passionate about and
                                     openly declared “I have never        preoccupied with eradicating
I was 19 at the time of this         wanted to spare myself               Hunger, promoting good
tragic incident and a student at     because I feel there are people      Health and Housing for all.
Mpontseng High School in             who are no longer around and         These three Hs of Health,
Katlehong, I was among the           died for this struggle. What         Housing and Hunger guide our
hundreds of young people who         right do I have to hold back, to     work as a city and realising
poured into Dawn Park when           rest, to preserve my health, to      them is our tribute to this
news of the incident first broke.    have time with my family when        revolutionary giant, who was
We found the scene cordoned          there are other people who are       granted freedom of the city in
off by police before Hani’s          no longer alive when they            November 2006.
body was removed. With the           sacrificed what is most
a partnership that works                                                                               2.
A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni
Executive Mayor Cllr Mzwandile Masina laying a
         reef during the previous Chris Hani’s

 Our 93 clinics all enjoy ideal     which is aimed at stimulating      limit our movement and
 status and are ready to serve as   economic activity through          observe strict hygiene
 sites for the National Health      tourism. Hani would have           measures.
 Insurance (NHI) and makes us       wanted the museum to
 one of the best regions in         stimulate economic activities to   If Hani were alive today, his call
 primary health care in the         benefit primarily his              to the global leadership would
 country. On housing, we set        neighbouring community of          be for calm and solutions in the
 ourselves the target of            Dawn Park but also the wider       midst of an epidemic. Hani
 providing 100 000 during our       community of Ekurhuleni. He        would call for the
 term of office and to date, we     would want to see the museum       strengthening of global public
 have provided 30 000 houses        and the Memorial Park named        health systems and
 and 59 000 serviced stands to      in his honour and situated next    improvement of universal
 improve access to housing. As      to his grave contribute directly   access to health. For South
 a city, we spend R4 billion        towards the creation of jobs, to   Africa, he would refuse to allow
 towards cushioning the poor        help fight unemployment in the     us to rest on the laurels of
 against the effects of hunger      country. As he often used to       global praise we are receiving
 and poverty and believe this is    say “if you want peace, you        for our handling of the crisis
 among the highest levels of        must fight for social justice.”    and instead call for a rollout of
 expenditure for the poor and                                          an aggressive screening,
 indigent.                          Hani was also a believer in        testing and treatment
                                    active citizenship and would       programme at no cost to the
 We must maintain and improve       expect South Africans to           citizens. Post Covid19, he
 on these standards to truly        remain actively engaged with       would call for the preservation
 honour the legacy of fallen        the government between             of jobs and livelihoods by
 heroes like Hani, Thomas           elections and hold all public      strengthening and reviving
 Nkobi, Bertha Gxowa and            representatives, from              economies.
 Margaret Gazo among many           councillors to members of
 others.                            parliament and the executive,      We need his wisdom now more
                                    accountable. He would also         than when he was brutally
 The Chris Hani Museum is a         expect us to play our part         taken away from us. His spirit
 critical component of              whenever called upon, such as      lives on.
 Ekurhuleni’s struggle route,       now when we are expected to
a partnership that works                                                                             3.
A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni
A struggle icon’s life in words and pictures.

                                                                             The Chris Hani Museum

 The life and times of SACP           24th March in 2017 before           struggle and the negotiated
 stalwart and liberation struggle     being unveiled by former            transition for a free and
 icon Chris Hani are fittingly paid   president Jacob Zuma on April       democratic South Africa.” The
 tribute to in the Chris Hani         10 2017.                            citation from SAHRA reads. It
 Museum and the Chris Hani                                                tells of his role as leader of
 monument and Walk of                 Thomas Nkobi is a former            the Luthuli Detachment in the
 Remembrance respectively             Treasurer General of the ANC        Wankie Campaign and was
 located at his home and his          who played a key part in the        instrumental in the drafting of
 grave in Dawn Park, a suburb of      liberation struggle after joining   the “Hani Memorandum”
 Boksburg in Ekurhuleni.              the ANC in 1950. At the time        which ultimately led to the
 The Chris Hani monument in           of his death in 1994 at the age     Morogoro Conference in 1969
 South Park cemetery now              of 72, he was an ANC Member         which brought about strategic
 known as the Thomas Nkobi            of Parliament.                      changes within the ANC.
 Memorial Garden was unveiled
 at the 2015 anniversary of his       “Chris Hani, was a well             SAHRA further notes Hani as a
 death while the South African        respected and revered leader        strong proponent of the
 Heritage Resource Agency             of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK),          peaceful negotiations after
 (SAHRA) declared his grave and       the South African Communist         the unbanning of liberation
 the Chris Hani Memorial and          Party and senior ranking ANC        movements and played a
 Walk of Remembrance as a             official, who played an             critical role in the MK
 National Heritage site on the        important role in the liberation    abandoning the armed

a partnership that works                                                                              4.
A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni
struggle. “His assassination         The Memorial and Walk of             Wattville, then through the Hani
brought the country to the brink     remembrance are characterised        Memorial and museum and
of civil war that led to Nelson      by the use of simple material        takes in the Khumalo Street in
Mandela’s plea, in what is           rich earthy tones to show            nearby Thokoza, which has a
regarded as a “presidential”         capture the essence of the life of   memorial in honour of those
statement, for calm and for all      simplicity that Hani exemplified.    who died in intense political
South Africans to stand together     The Monument consists of the         violence in the early 90s.
in ensuring a peaceful transition.   four pillars of the liberation
“The tensions at the time            struggle. The Walk of                The museum is created from the
hastened the CODESA                  Remembrance is a short               compact home that Hani and his
negotiations and an agreement        meandering route that leads to       family made their home in the
on a date for the first              a Wall of Remembrance for            early 90s, when Dawn Park was
democratic elections,” the           fallen struggle heroes.              still a predominantly white
citation says of the historical                                           neighbourhood. The house has
moment.                              Ekurhuleni executive Mayor           been restored to its original
                                     Mzwandile Masina sees the            state at the time of Hani’s
Finally, the agency notes that his   museum and Memorial Park as a        passing. Its four bedrooms and
gravesite and the Chris Hani         critical part of a Struggle route    living area now serves as a
Memorial and Walk of                 that can be explored by local        tribute to various aspects of
Remembrance commemorate              and international tourists.          Hani’s life and activism.
his life, work and sacrifice and     Masina says the route starts at
contribution to a free and a         the OR Tambo International           “What we need in South Africa is
democratic South Africa “and         Airport and the OR Tambo             for egos to be suppressed in favour
mark a pivotal point in our          Narrative Centre and goes            of peace” reads part of an
history in which the leadership      through the home and grave of        inscription at the entrance of the
and commitment to peaceful           another giant of the struggle,       museum. “We need to create a new
transition was proved.”              Oliver Reginald Tambo in             breed of South Africans who love

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A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni
A hole left by one of the
                                                                       bullets that missed Chris Hani

their country and love                  devout Catholic, while his sense    The main bedroom of the house
everybody, irrespective of their        of patriarchy was shaped by his     tells the Hani love story centred
colour” the inscription                 experience of his father’s          on Hani’s marriage in 1974 to
continues.                              generation being away in the        Limpo, whom he married in
                                        mines in the Transvaal, sugar       Lusaka and with whom he has
Inside the house on walls and           plantations in Natal and farms in   three daughters: Neo, the late
sandblasted windows, Hani’s             the Cape.                           Nomakhwezi buried alongside
story is told through words and                                             him and Lindiwe.
pictures. From his belief that “if      He obtained his education at
you want peace, you have to             Sabalele, Zingudu, Matanzima        The Children’s bedrooms are
fight for social justice” to his        High in Cala before enrolling in    dedicated to their own life
desire to see “progress towards         the prestigious Lovedale            journeys while the main family
the eradication of hunger” and          College in Alice, where he          room tells of Hani’s political
“the promotion of good health           joined youth and political          career and leadership and
and housing for all” his values         movements including the ANC         activism and life in exile. Hani’s
resonate throughout the house.          Youth League, inspired by the       journey into exile started when
                                        arrest of the 1956 Treason          he received a jail sentence and
The first section of the museum         Trialists. The sight of African     went into hiding, moving to
comprising the entrance,garden          workers who were exploited with     Bechaunaland (Botswana) and
and thatch area tells of Hani’s         no union rights attracted him to    the Northern Rhodesia (Zambia)
early life. Born in 1942 in             socialism. In 1959 he               where he was briefly detained
Sabalele, Cofimvaba in the              registered in Fort Hare and was     then moved to Tanganyika
Eastern Cape, the museum                attracted to Marxist ideas after    (Tanzania) before being
traces his timeline and                 being exposed to the brutality      dispatched to receive military
upbringing in various ways. The         and racism of the apartheid         training.
fifth of six children, his early life   regime at the time.
was shaped through being a

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A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni
Gym equipment previously
          used by Chris Hani

In sections of the museum, he                                                 Chris Hani Tombstone
takes up his life story in his own
words in a February 1991
narrative. “In 1961 I joined the
underground South African
Communist Party as I realised
that national liberation,
although essential, would not
bring about economic
liberation” Hani says, noting
that the decision was
influenced by the likes of
Govan Mbeki, Braam Fischer,
JB Marks, Moses Kotane and           present crisis of apartheid.” He   and agreeing to negotiate. He
Ray Simons.                          wrote at the time.                 ends off the narrative by noting
                                     In 1967, Hani fought alongside     that the decision to suspend
This was followed in 1962 by         the Zipra forces in Zimbabwe       the armed struggle was the
his decision to join the then        as a political commissar before    correct one and an important
fledgling uMkhonto we Sizwe          returning to South Africa in       contribution to sustaining the
(MK) because of what he              1974 and then to exile in          momentum of negotiations.
describes as the “intransigence      Lesotho to set up underground
of the racist regime” This saw       structures in South Africa. Hani   The SACP, which is arguably
three unsuccessful assassination     maintained that the four pillars   the most embedded in Hani’s
attempts on him. “The armed          of the liberation struggle         identity and to whose central
struggle, which we never             brought apartheid to its knees     committee Hani was elected in
regarded as exclusive as we          with the regime reluctantly        1970, is paid tribute through a
combined it with other forms of      recognising the legitimacy of      “red room” in the patio,
struggle, has brought about the      banned political organisations     espousing Hani’s values and

a partnership that works                                                                              7.
A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni
Chris Hani by Reiner Leist.

                                     When completed, the museum         Ekurhuleni was already spending
 the party’s beliefs. Its slogan,
                                     will also serve as a tribute to    R4 billion on cushioning its
 “for the workers and the poor”
                                     Hani’s legacy. Masina believes     poorest residents against
 was a guiding Matra in Hani’s
                                     that the best way that the city    hunger and poverty. The
 life and comes to mind as one
                                     can pay tribute to Hani is to      heightened response to
 meanders through the rooms as
                                     realise its goals of providing     Covid19 has seen the City beef
 it is also etched at the walk of
                                     Housing, Health and fighting       up its food parcel distribution
                                     Hunger among its citizens. The     network.
 The Lounge is dedicated to          executive mayor says the city’s
                                     progress on these goals is being   In 1998, the SACP awarded the
 Hani’s later political life
                                     tested by the Covid 19 outbreak    late former President Nelson
 including the negotiations to
                                     which has led to a nationwide      Mandela the Chris Hani award.
 transition to democracy at the
                                     shutdown since late March.         Ten years after his passing, in
 Congress for Democratic South
                                                                        2003 the Chris Hani Institute was
 Africa (Codesa) while the kitchen
                                     Masina notes the city’s clinics    launched in Braamfontein,
 pays tribute to gender based
                                     are graded as ideal and some       Johannesburg.
 roles in running the household.
 The garage and driveway             are testing sites for Covid19 and
                                     are ready to serve as sites of     In 2006, the City bestowed its
 leading to the exit are dedicated
                                     launching the National Health      highest honour on the stalwart
 to the final horrific moments of
                                     Insurance (NHI).                   when it gave him the Freedom
 Hani’s assasination. Reminders
                                                                        of the City. “Chris Hani is the
 of the tragic shooting on the
                                     Masina’s administration has        freeman of the City of
 morning of 10 April 1993 are
                                     launched a number of mega          Ekurhuleni, conferred upon him
 etched on his driveway through
                                     projects to provide housing in     for his outstanding political life
 bullet holes on his garage door
 and a wooden panel that was         pursuit of its goal to provide 100 and contributions towards the
                                     000 housing units over its term    freedom enjoyed by South
 ripped when he was shot at
 close range.                        of office. Even before Covid19, Africans today,” the City
a partnership that works                                                                                8.
A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni
why he was happy to
                                                                             participate in structures that
                                                                             led to its preservation.
                                                                             The Struggle route is located
                                                                             within the broader tourism
                                                                             offering within Ekurhuleni,
                                                                             home of the busiest airport in
                                                                             Africa. The development of the
                                                                             struggle routes and the
                                                                             Khumalo Street tourism hub
                                                                             will also include the museum
                                                                             for the Congress for
                                                                             Democratic South Africa
                                                                             (Codesa), the negotiations that
                                                                             took place in two parts in
                                                                             Kempton Park in which the
                                                                             likes of Hani played a key role.
                                                                             Entertainment in the area is
                                                                             anchored on two major
                                                                             casinos, Emperors Palace and
                                                                             Carnival City in Brakpan then
                                                                             complemented by shopping at
                                     Chris Hani: Leader of the South         major shopping centres and
                                     African Communist Party                 outdoor on the region’s lakes
                                                                             and Wetlands. All this with
                                                                             easy access to Pretoria and
“The HHH (Health, Hunger and            Sozi Singwane, a neighbour           Johannesburg.
                                                                                  Chris Hani Tombstone
Housing) - campaign is part of          residing a stone throw away
the legacy that Chris Hani left         from the museum, says he is          People with an interest in
for us to carry forward. It is our      looking forward to seeing it         history and architecture can
responsibility to break down            take off and streaming with          visit Iron Age settlements
the barriers of social injustice        visitors. “it is an important part   which predate the discovery of
and advance the heroes’ vision          of history and I look forward to     gold in 1886 on a section of
of minimizing unemployment,             informing people about this          the reef now known as
eradicating poverty, providing          development, which will also         Johannesburg. Ekurhuleni has
shelter to everyone and                 change the perception that           the second highest
promoting an environment                everything happens in Soweto,        concentration of Art Décor
characterised by healthy society        “he says. Having moved into          buildings in the world after
that is at peace with itself” the       the years after the tragic events    Florida in the United States.
city stated in its declaration.         of April 1993 and in his 30s         The buildings are found in
in 2012, Hani was awarded               relatively to fully comprehend       areas such as around the
Gold Medal for Bravery for his          the scale and context of those       Springs Station.
central role in the Wankie              events, he feels the museum
campaign by the department of           will be an important tool of         In 2016, the City adopted a
Military Veterans. The                  teaching history to younger          Tourism strategy that aims to
department also awarded                 generations. Singwane hopes          position the region as a
Platinum Medal Class II for his         the museum can also directly         preferred tourism destination,
leadership role in the ANC and          benefit his taxi hailing business,   taking advantage of the
MK in exile and extreme                 where he is a driver.                proximity to OR Tambo airport.
devotion to duty. Africa’s                                                   The City plans to invest over R
largest hospital, the Chris Hani        A local activist in the              500 million to develop tourism
Baragwanath hospital in                 neighbourhood describes the          in the Ekurhuleni region in the
Soweto, bears the stalwart’s            house as “symbolic” and thus         coming few years.
name.                                   important to preserve, which is
a partnership that works                                                                                 9.
A partnership that works - Ekurhuleni
The Chris Hani Museum & Wall of Remembrance Gallery

a partnership that works                              10.
Chris Hani Tombstone

a partnership that works                          11.
Chris Hani Tombstone

a partnership that works                          12.
Chris Hani – a daughter keeps the legacy alive

                                                                             Lindiwe Hani

Lindiwe Hani still cannot bring        commemorating Hani’s                company of her father when he
herself to look at the historic        assassination without               was killed, passed away in 2001.
photograph of her father’s             prominently carrying the
bloodied body lying in the             photograph.                         While the grisly moment frozen
driveway of their home after                                               in time brought positive change
being struck by an assassin’s          It has come to symbolise Hani as    to the political landscape in
bullets on 10 April 1993.              a political martyr whose killing    South Africa, to Lindiwe, who
                                       fast tracked South Africa’s         was only 12 years old then, it
The gory, repulsive photograph         journey to its first democratic     meant the beginning of a long,
has earned its place on the            election on 27 April 1994.          tumultuous journey of sorrow.
significant timeline of history – in
the same vein as the iconic            But to the Hani’s last born child   “That was always a very jarring
photograph of a dying Hector           Lindiwe, the photograph             experience, very difficult to
Pietersen being carried by             remains a source of great pain, a   move on from such brutality,”
Mbuyisa Makhubu at the                 reminder of the agony she has       Lindiwe reflects on the moment
outbreak of the 16 June 1976           been trying to run away from for    that brought SA to the brink of a
riots.                                 the better part of the past two     bloody, racial civil war.
                                       and a half decades.
In the past 27 years since his                                             She was visiting her mom’s
death at the hands of right-           Lindiwe is the third of Chris and   family in Maseru when Hani was
winger Janus Waluz, it has             Limpho Hani’s three daughters,      shot during the Easter weekend
become almost impossible to            Nomakhwezi and Neo.                 of 1993.
come across a publication              Nomakhwezi, who was in the

a partnership that works                                                                                13.
Chris Hani

Twenty seven long years have       bullet found its mark. Lindiwe     “I think that if Ekurhuleni does
passed since the image was         sank into a state of deep          it properly with dignity and
shot. Yet for Lindiwe, time has    depression which saw her later     sensitivity, he was a huge part
not eroded the pain.               slip into drug and alcohol         of our history and our Struggle
                                   addiction. She has been clean      and I appreciate him being
It still evokes shock and          for the past five years and now    commemorated that way,” she
disbelief that the doting father   confronting her life as the        says.
she loved and respected            daughter of the SA Communist
dearly, is the one lying in a pool Party and uMkhonto we Sizwe        Lindiwe wishes that one of the
of blood, helpless and silent.     stalwart.                          things the museum would
                                                                      achieve is to offer young
“No, I don’t manage to look at       News that the Ekurhuleni         people an opportunity to learn
the image. If I see it I just        Metro will be honouring Hani’s   about her father’s best
glance past it. It is a reminder     legacy this year by among        attributes which included
of one of the worst day of my        others turning his Dawn Park     giving to the needy, speaking
life. It’s effectively the day our   home into a museum, has          out against injustice and
family was destroyed,” Lindiwe       reassured Lindiwe her father’s   contributing to the building of
says in a telephonic interview.      legacy will not evaporate into   society.
                                     memory. It will also help her
In her book Being Chris Hani’s       and probably her family, move
Daughter, Lindiwe offers             towards some form of closure.
insights into her close
relationship with her father,
how they swam together in               I think that if Ekurhuleni does it properly with
their Dawn Park home and also
how she used to cycle behind
                                         dignity and sensitivity, he was a huge part of
him as he jogged around the              our history and our Struggle and I appreciate
                                                  him being commemorated that way
All that ended when Waluz’s

a partnership that works                                                                                14.
“Before he was assassinated it    She believes Hani was an
[our house] was a home of joy,    ordinary man doing
bustling and full of people in    extraordinary things and
and out. If we can curate it in
that manner it would be great,”
                                  should be remembered that
                                                                       He was put in
Lindiwe says.
                                                                          a situation
Lindiwe believes that although
the killing of her father was a
tragic moment in our history,
more should be done to learn
from and commemorate his
legacy than focusing solely on
the spilling of his blood.
                                  “He was put in a situation
                                  where he had no choice but to
                                  fight for his country,” she says,
                                  adding that at home Hani
                                  could be strict.

                                  “He didn’t understand giving
                                  up,” Lindiwe says of her
                                                                       where he had
                                                                       no choice but
                                                                      to fight for his
                                  father’s resilience.
It is a journey she too                                                      country,
embarked on a few years ago       Hani had such an impact on
since she emerged from a          Lindiwe that after his death she
period of ridding herself from    lived with the constant fear of
the substance addiction behind    failing to live up to his high
which she was trying to avoid     expectations. She felt a heavy
confronting her pain.             load carrying the name of this

a partnership that works                                                             15.
days where I feel like I’m letting
                                                                        my father down,” she says.

                                                                        Months before Hani was
                                                                        murdered, Lindiwe was
                                                                        troubled by nightmares in
                                                                        which a killer was on the
                                                                        lookout for him. Now that he is
                                                                        no more in the physical Lindiwe
                                                                        still has a strong spiritual
                                                                        connection to Hani who vividly
                                                                        visits her in her dreams.

                                                                        “I sensed him very strongly
                                                                        during lockdown. We are very
                                                                        much connected spiritually with
                                                                        my father.”

                                                                        Hani’s killer Waluz was denied
                                                                        parole in March by Minister of
                                                                        Justice Ronald Lamola. Lindiwe
                                                                        has met the man who pulled
                                                                        the trigger that fateful morning
                                                                        in April 1993 several times.
                                                                        She prefers to keep her views
                                                                        on whether the convicted
                                                                        murderer   should
                                                                            Chris Hani     be granted
                                                                        parole to herself.
                                   Chris Hani’s widow
                                   Limpho Hani                          But adds: “I have different
                                                                        feelings about it, my biggest
                                                                        emotion is that it would will not
                                                                        bring back my father, whether
man, who was to millions of        the blood of one of the              he is in jail or free it doesn’t
oppressed black South Africans     country’s greatest                   affect my life [and] I have made
a source of hope and a shining     revolutionaries courses through      a conscious decision not to
example of good, ethical           her own veins.                       focus on that.”
                                   “Now I do think that I am            Lindiwe has kept one of her
“Disappointing my father was       going in the right direction. I      father’s favourite items of
my greatest fear,” says Lindiwe.   am living; I am helping to make      clothing, a woollen jersey he
                                   myself proud of who I am             wears in a lengthy TV interview
The fear and weight of carrying    instead of hiding from it. Now       with Afravision shortly before
the Hani name saw her slide        it’s [being Hani’s daughter] a       his death. She has donated his
into the dark world of drug and    sense of pride [and] joy, it’s not   favourite treadmill and bike to
alcohol addiction, a subject she   something that gives me heart        the museum in Dawn Park.
tackles with open honesty in       palpitations anymore,” says          The museum will no doubt
her memoir Being Chris Hani’s      Lindiwe.                             ensure that even in death,
daughter.                                                               Hani’s voice remains influential
                                   “Once I managed to separate          and powerful just as it was in
Lindiwe has worked hard to kick    Lindiwe from addiction it            life.
her addiction is now working       became clear who I was. I still
the marketing field and has        have those moments of
come to terms with the fact that   insecurity but I no longer have

a partnership that works                                                                             16.
Hani’s ‘revolutionary restlessness’ needed to drive struggle values -

                                                                ANC stalwart and former Gauteng
                                                                Premier Tokyo Sexwale outside Chris
                                                                Hani's house soon after the former
                                                                liberation fighter was gunned down
                                                                in 1993.

Monuments come and go. And         monuments,” said Sexwale, who       But within three years Hani,
even when they are erected         was among the first senior ANC      aged 50, was killed by assassin
sometimes bad things that go       leaders to arrive at the scene of   Januz Waluzs. Images of a
against the values of the people   Hani’s slaying on 10 April 1993.    tearful Sexwale weeping over
in whose honour they are                                               the bloodied body of his
erected happen right under         Sexwale, who spent 13 years on      comrade moved a nation and
their silent, towering gaze.       Robben Island after he was          evoked anger among the men
It is the values of the            convicted for his role in the       and women who served with
distinguished men and women        underground activities of the       and under Hani in the ranks of
in whose honour the statues and    then banned ANC and                 the ANC and its military wing.
monuments are erected that live    Umkhonto we Sizwe in 1977 –
on to touch, move and inspire      knew of Hani’s role as a fearless   Sexwale said the values that
generations long after they have   and honest cadre even back          defined Hani and that should be
passed on.                         then.                               guiding the ANC today were his
                                                                       revolutionary honesty, analysing
ANC stalwart Tokyo Sexwale         But it was only after his release   problems and not rushing to
thanks and commends the City       from prison in 1990 after the       find quick solutions.
of Ekurhuleni for keeping Hani’s   signing of the Groote Schuur
name alive. But the greatest       Minute agreement between the        He said presently the country
honour befitting the late          ANC and the ruling National         misses the ‘revolutionary
Umkhonto we Sizwe chief of         Party – that he finally got to      restlessness’ that drove Hani
staff would be if those in         meet Hani.                          and ensured he never rested on
leadership live according to the                                       his laurels or on his hands.
values that made him one of the    He was deployed to pick him up      Sexwale said Hani was militant
most respected leaders during      from the airport on his return      against wrong, hated corruption
the Struggle against apartheid.    home from a quarter of a            and never held back to speak
                                   century in political exile. They    out against wrongdoing
“I don’t think Chris would be      served together in the structures   whenever he felt something was
dying to be remembered with        of the ANC and grew very close.     wrong.

a partnership that works                                                                            17.
Sexwale said Hani showed
courage and discipline even
after he was disciplined by the
ANC for challenging the
leadership on the direction the
struggle was taking in exile
after the ill-fated Wankie and
Sipolilo campaigns in 1967.
Instead of walking away from
the ANC – Hani instead
continued to serve with
discipline and emerged as one
its most courageous leaders in
the 70s and 80s.

Sexwale said while he was very          Tokyo Sexwale and former Reserve
critical and outspoken against          Bank Governor Gill Marcus at the
                                        scene of Hani's murder in 1993.
wrongdoing, Hani was himself
‘a master of self-criticism.’

“What we are missing today is        the values of honesty and             that of exemplary courage and
that revolutionary                   being true to the values of the       selflessness in which he never
honesty…that revolutionary           Struggle.                             sought personal glory. He cited
voice, honest voice, pure                                                  the historic moment when at
honest voice. He was a               He said his was the kind of           the first ANC conference back
practitioner, a doer,” said          attitude that was always              in SA after 30 years in 1991 –
Sexwale.                             questioning what was wrong            Hani withdrew his nomination
                                     and even going further to try         as vice president at the 11th
Sexwale who underwent                find solutions – but not quick        hour.
military training in the Soviet      fix solutions. He said Hani was
Union in the mid-70s after           restless politically, in a positive   Three other strong candidates,
having lived in political exile in   manner in that he was always          Walter Sisulu, Harry Gwala and
Swaziland said Hani’s                on his toes seeking to fix what       Thabo Mbeki were also in the
dedication to the Struggle was       was wrong.                            running. But Hani who enjoyed
shaped by Nelson Mandela’s                                                 popular support decided to
clarion call during the Rivonia      “Don’t sit on your hands when         withdraw from the race for the
trial in 1964 when he                people don’t have health,             sake of unity and peace in the
announced from the dock he           don’t sit on your hands when          movement.
was ready to die for his beliefs.    there’s no sufficient
                                     housing…don’t sit back                Although some may have been
He said Hani was shaped firstly      because we are in government.         disappointed in the move and
by his roots in rural Sabalele in    This is the type of a leader who      saw it as an act of cowardice
Eastern Cape where he was
born in 1942 and grew up until
he went to study at Fort Hare
University from 1959 to 1961.

“It is the philosophy of the life
of the man, a disciplined
                                     questions more. Do not sit on
                                     your hands, do not sit on your
                                     laurels,” he said.

                                     He highlighted Hani’s life as
                                                                           on his part – Sexwale argues
                                                                           this was one of the greatest
                                                                           displays of discipline from a
                                                                           loyal cadre who saw matters
                                                                           way beyond his own interests.

                                                It is the philosophy of the life of the
leader,” Sexwale said about
what can be learnt from Hani’s                              man, a disciplined leader
legacy today.

Hani, said Sexwale, espoused

a partnership that works                                                                              18.
Hani – fearless beacon of courage and ethical leadership

                                                                       The movement had been
                                                                       banned by apartheid SA and
                                                                       forced into exile nine years
                                                                       earlier. With Tambo as acting
                                                                       president in the wake of the
                                                                       death of Chief Albert Luthuli,
                                                                       and the collapse of the Wankie
                                                                       campaign in 1967 the ANC in
                                                                       exile found itself in limbo.

                                                                       And when young comrades like
                                                                       Hani who had seen action in the
                                                                       Wankie campaign regrouped
                                                                       after serving terms of
                                                                       imprisonment in Botswana and
                                                                       Zimbabwe – they were shocked
                                                                       to find the organisation was

                                                                       Academic Hugh Macmillan aptly
                                                                       captures this troubled period in
                                                                       the ANC’s history in his highly
                                                                       acclaimed book The Lusaka
                                                                       Years – The ANC in exile in
                                                                       Zambia 1963-1994.

                                                                       Macmillan writes that the 3 000-
                                                                       word memorandum opened
                                                                       with the statement: “The ANC in
                                                                       exile is in a deep crisis [and], as
                                                                       a result, rot has set in. From
                                                                       informal discussions with the
Chris Hani shook the core of the   Taking a leadership role in this    revolutionary members of MK,
ANC in exile in 1969 when          move to call the leadership to      we have inferred that they have
together with other comrades       order perhaps best captures         lost all confidence in the ANC
they wrote and signed a            Hani’s attributes as a leader. He   leadership abroad. This they say
memorandum highly critical of      was fearless and didn’t worry       openly and, in fact, show.”
the leadership.                    about appearing unpopular
In the memorandum that has         before the leadership. He did       The explosive memorandum
become known as the Morogoro       not fear speaking truth to          went further to accuse the ANC
Memorandum, Hani and other         power.                              national executive committee of
MK members who had fought in                                           losing control of MK and
the ill-fated Wankie campaign in   Although at the time he was         allowing commander-in-chief
Southern Rhodesia [Zimbabwe],      among the leading cadres in the     Joe Modise to run it alone and
“accused the leadership of the     ranks of uMkhonto we Sizwe at       arbitrarily.
movement under Oliver Tambo        the time, aged only 29 years
of careerism and of becoming a     old, he didn’t shy away from        Macmillan quotes Leonard Pitso,
middle class of globetrotting      pointing out what he believed       one of the signatories of the
salaried bureaucrats”.             was ailing the ANC at the time.     memorandum: “Orders were

a partnership that works                                                                              19.
given for our arrest for alleged
treachery. Dungeons were dug
at Livingstone for our
reception. We would probably
have been thrown into these
dungeons but for the
intervention of a leading
comrade. The acting president
[Oliver Tambo] ordered the
dungeons to be closed, and
convened a meeting of
militants to consider our case.”

This act by Hani, challenging
the leadership at a time when
most of the rank and file
members of the movement
chose to cower for fear of
reprisals far away from home; is
an example of his fearless
stance for his beliefs.
                                   perform,” Mandela told the         mentioned is what would have
                                   100 000 mourners who packed        been his role or attitude
He could have chosen to
                                   the FNB Stadium in Crown           towards the state of affairs
remain silent and wait for the
                                   Mines.                             today?
leadership to decide a new
course of action. But he didn’t.
                                   Perhaps in these times when        Would he be among the elite
He directed the wrath he had
                                   the country and the ANC            who have exchanged the
pointed at the enemy earlier at
                                   alliance are facing a new          slogans of the struggle for the
the leadership of the ANC
                                   struggle against poverty,          flowery language of the
which by then, were not used
                                   underdevelopment, corruption       boardroom?
to that kind of open criticism
                                   and declining standards of         Would he be an indifferent
especially from young cadres.
                                   governance and accountability      government leader caring only
Such was the courage by the
                                   – it is to Hani’s legacy the       about his welfare and forgotten
young cadre. The Morogoro
                                   movement should be looking         about the plight of the poor?
Memorandum episode also
                                   to.                                What would be his role in
exposed his commitment to the
                                                                      corruption plaguing the civil
Struggle and the ANC, his
                                   Hani had the common touch          service and government?
courage and vision because like
                                   and never saw himself as better    Perhaps the answer lies in
many he could have allowed
                                   off or above the ordinary man.     Hani’s own words spoken
himself to be demoralised by
                                   He identified with the poor and    before his murder in the early
the state of affairs.
                                   their struggle. Mandela            90s.
                                   identified this humility and       ““The perks of a new
At his funeral in April 1993,
                                   level headedness in Hani’s rural   government are not really
ANC president Nelson Mandela
                                   roots.                             appealing to me. Everybody
aptly captured Hani’s
                                   “Chris Hani’s passion for          would like to have a good job,
commitment to the Struggle
                                   justice, for addressing the        a good salary….but for me that
and personality.
                                   problems that plague the rural     is not the all of struggle. What
“We worked together in the
                                   poor, were rooted in his           is important is the continuation
National Executive Committee
                                   childhood in Sabalele. His         of the struggle…the real
of the ANC. We had vigorous
                                   roots were so deep, so true,       problems of the country, are
debates and an intense
                                   that he never lost them.”          not [going to be resolved]
exchange of ideas. You were
                                   The question that always gets      whether one is in Cabinet.”
completely unafraid. No task
                                   asked when Hani’s name is
was too small for you to

a partnership that works                                                                         20.
Being Chris Hani’s daughter

                                                                   dream house, I began to feel the
                                                                   first stirrings of excitement.

                                                                   As Daddy parked the car in the
                                                                   driveway, I found myself dashing
                                                                   out, through the front rooms
                                                                   and arches, into the back yard,
                                                                   stopping at the edge of the
                                                                   huge blue swimming pool, and
                                                                   taking the wonder of it all in.
                                                                   Not only did our new house
                                                                   have a pool and the best kitchen
                                                                   on the planet, it finally dawned
                                                                   on me that for the first time in
                                                                   my life I would have my very
                                                                   own bedroom.

                                                                   I also made my first friend in the
                                                                   neighbourhood, a vivacious
                                                                   blonde Afrikaans-speaking girl,
                                                                   Sonya, who lived next door.
                                                                   From the moment we laid eyes
                                                                   on each other, we were
                                                                   inseparable and spent most
                                                                   days running in and out of each
                                                                   other’s houses. At this time,
                                                                   about to turn 10 years old, I was
                                                                   still entirely oblivious to racism.
                                                                   I had grown up in the
                                                                   multicultural mixing pot of
                                                                   Maseru and even during those
                                                                   first few months in South Africa I
                                                                   was unaware of any racial
                                                                   undercurrents. The irony that my
                                                                   first real friend in South Africa
                                                                   was a white Afrikaner girl from
                                                                   Boksburg totally escaped me.

                                                                   With Daddy at home, we were
                                                                   now a ‘real’ family. Initially,
In this extract from the book   like thunder as I watched          however, it was quite an
Being Chris Hani’s Daughter     forlornly, from the back of        adjustment because we had all
author Lindiwe Hani offers      Mama’s car, my familiar            kind of got used to having a dad
glimpses of the father figure   childhood streets fade into the    we only saw a couple of times a
behind the image of the         distance behind us.                year. As thrilled as I was to have
colossal political leader.                                         him home, I now faced many
                                …after the four –hour journey,     challenges accepting my dad as
We drove out of my beloved      once we entered Dawn Park,
Maseru as a family in early                                        the new head of the family. I had
                                drove down Hakea Crescent,         lived many years with just having
December 1990. My heart felt    and got closer to our face-brick

a partnership that works                                                                          21.
Mama as the be-all-and-end-all,
so I found myself challenging
him on a number of issues.

One of the areas of contention
was my bedtime: I was used to
going to bed after watching TV
shows such as Dynasty or
Dallas, which I simply adored,
but he wanted to set my
bedtime at 8pm! I vehemently
resisted, shouting that “Mama
always lets me go to bed later”.
We finally struck a compromise
in which some days I went to                                             Lindiwe Hani
bed earlier, while on others I
enjoyed some leniency. Very
soon the TV remote also
became a battleground. My            he often swam at dawn as well.     It seemed like I was forever
dad immediately laid claim to it     We soon bought him a               being summoned to make
but all he ever seemed to want       stationary exercise bike and a     coffee or bring drinks out for
to watch was the news or             treadmill so even in bad           Uncle So-and-so. My main
serious documentaries. He was        weather the man wouldn’t be        gripe with so many people in
a news man to the bone, and          deprived of his endorphin and      the house was that I was often
even slept with the radio on.        adrenalin fix.                     not allowed to watch TV,
Numerous times I’d get out of                                           because the noise from the
bed in the middle of the night       When he jogged out on the          television would drown out the
to go to the toilet and hear,        suburban streets, I would be       conversation.
“This is the BBC” coming from        right behind him on my bike,
my parents’ bedroom. That            keeping up with him as much        The one show Daddy insisted
particular conflict was finally      as my wheels would allow. The      on not missing, besides the
resolved by getting another          one thing Daddy was totally        news, was Going Up with Joe
television set, which was placed     hopeless at was handyman           Mafela. I loved watching it with
in their bedroom.                    stuff.                             him, giggling as my dad roared
                                     The man who could put an AK-       with laughter. If he wasn’t there
Besides the few battles over         47 together in under two           to watch it, we would have to
bedtime and the television           minutes had no idea how to         tape it on our big VHS video
remote, I adored having Daddy        wire a plug or change a light      machine.
permanently back in our lives. I     bulb.
was especially drawn to his          My father constantly attracted     The other TV show Daddy
passion for exercise. I loved        people to him. Our new home        never missed was his favourite
nothing more than swimming           always seemed full of visitors     news show, Agenda – unless,
with him in our beautiful blue       and activity. There was hardly a   of course, he was being
pool.                                time that you didn’t walk in to    interviewed for the show by
                                     find comrades either in the        Freek Robinson. I would sit
He taught me how to dive and         lounge or outside around the       glued to the screen, watching
how to master all the different      pool, engrossed in robust          every second, literally shaking
strokes –backstroke, breast          discussions. Mama would            with pride for my father,
stroke, butterfly, crawl. I mainly   invariably be in her dream         knowing that the whole country
joined him in the pool in the        kitchen preparing food for the     was watching him talk about
early summer evenings, though        men.                               politics like an expert.

a partnership that works                                                                            22.
Lindiwe Hani

  After the show I would wait up for him, as he made his way home from the SABC. The moment I
  heard the door open, I’d be sitting at the dinner table, knowing that he didn’t like eating by
  While he was chewing on a meal that my mother had lovingly prepared for him – shepherd’s pie,
  roast chicken or lamb chops – I would take out my carefully prepared notes and go through what he
  had mispronounced in all my 11-year-old wisdom. “Daddy, it’s Vic-tree, not Vic-tawry.”

  He would sit there all serious, nodding at my crit, listening to every word and pretending to take it
  all on board. The one thing the whole Hani family had in common was a love for meat. So when
  Daddy was diagnosed with gout not long after we moved to Dawn Park, he really suffered on the
  strict no red- meat diet of fish and chicken that Mama now insisted on. But that didn’t mean a thing
  when it came to lamb chops, his favourite meal. - Being Chris Hani’s Daughter by Lindiwe Hani and
  Melinda Ferguson was published in 2016. Copyright - Melinda Ferguson Books, an imprint of NB
  Publishers. During Lockdown the book is available as an e-book on Amazon.com

a partnership that works                                                                             23.
How Fort Hare shaped Hani’s ideals

                                    “For young black South Africans       course as a cross-disciplinary
                                    like myself, it was Oxford and        initiative that conducts research,
                                    Cambridge, Harvard and Yale,          develops postgraduate curricula
                                    all rolled into one,” Mandela         and shapes debates about
                                    wrote glowingly of Fort Hare in       leadership ethics in post-
                                    his celebrated memoir Long            apartheid South Africa and its
                                    Walk to Freedom.                      wider theoretical and global
                                    Hani recalled his time at the
                                    institution as the place where he     “CLEA sees itself contributing to
                                    became openly involved in the         the crafting of a new generation
                                    Struggle. He said this because        of enlightened leaders within a
                                    Fort Hare was a liberal campus.       space of lively and imaginative
                                                                          intellectual engagement.”
                                    “It was here that I got exposed
Chris Hani identified Fort Hare     to Marxist ideas and the scope        It is perhaps befitting that the
University where he was a           and nature of the racist capitalist   CLEA is housed in the aptly
student between 1959 and 1961       system. My conversion to              named Chris Hani Building in
as a place where he was             Marxism also deepened my non-         East London.
exposed to ideals that              racial perspective.”
deepened his non-racial                                                   Writing in a tribute to the
perspective.                        He said his early Catholicism led     institution on its centenary in
                                    to a fascination with Latin           2016, former student and now
This is one of the ideals that
                                    studies and English literature        renowned businessman
shaped his vigour as a fearless
                                    which he took up at Fort Hare.        Luthando Bara said: “The
fighter against racial oppression
                                                                          institution’s alumni acts as a
and injustice.
                                    “These studies in these two           powerful magnet for present
                                    courses were gobbled up by me         and past pupils to merge, to
It was not surprising that Fort
                                    and I became an ardent lover of       share experiences and insights,
Hare University played such an
                                    English, Latin and Greek              and to contribute to solving the
influential role on the man from
                                    literature, both modern and           many challenges that exist in
Sabalele because it was no
                                    classical. My studies of literature   today’s turbulent world.”
ordinary institution.
                                    further strengthened my hatred
                                    of all forms of oppression,           Although he eventually
Long before his time there, the
                                    persecution and obscurantism.         graduated from Rhodes
institution produced notable
                                    The action of tyrants as              University – Hani’s name will
alumni – among them seven
                                    portrayed in various literary         continue to rank among the
men who went on to become
                                    works also made me hate               most notable of those who were
state presidents in Africa,
                                    tyranny and institutionalised         honed in the institution’s lecture
emerging from the dark days of
                                    oppression.”                          halls.
colonial occupation.

The roll of honour includes SA’s    In line with its reputation for
first democratically elected        producing great leaders
president Nelson Mandela,           throughout its 104 year history,
Mwalimu Julius Nyerere of           Fort Hare runs The Centre for
Tanzania, Yusuf Lule of Uganda,     Leadership Ethics in Africa
Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe,          (CLEA).
Ntsu Mokhehle of Lesotho and
Botswana’s Sir Seretse Khama.       The university describes the

a partnership that works                                                                                 24.
Hani identified corruption as the new enemy

                                                                           enemy and a new struggle that
                                                                           enemy, he said, was socio-
                                                                           economic. The fight would be
                                                                           about the struggle for jobs,
                                                                           houses and schools, so that we
                                                                           could build a society that cares,”
                                                                           says Prof Webster.

                                                                           He says Hani called for a culture
                                                                           of public service where nurses
                                                                           are guided by ethic of care,
                                                                           teachers by ethic of learning,
                                                                           police by an ethic of community
                                                                           safety and local government by
                                                                           an ethic of public service.
Shortly before his tragic killing     saw the formation of the Chris
Chris Hani made a powerful            Hani Institute, an educational       “The new enemy, he said, was
statement that continues to be        and research hub aimed at            corruption. And we in the SACP
the subject of animated debate        rekindling the spirit of Hani.       have been discussing how we
long after his death.                                                      should cut down on salaries of
                                      The institute is underpinned on      ministers and that of
“What I fear is that the liberators                                        parliamentarians so that if you
emerge as elitists who drive          promoting socialist values and
                                      principles practised by Hani and     are in parliament in Cape Town,
around in Mercedes Benz's and                                              you actually rent a flat like
use the resources of this country     others in their struggle and
                                      pursuit to serve and emancipate      everybody else,” adds Prof
to live in palaces and gather                                              Webster.
riches,” Hani said in an interview    the poor working class in
in 1993.                              Southern Africa. This year marks
                                      27-years since the tragic killing    Prof Webster says it was
                                      of Hani.                             important that research and
The charismatic leader and                                                 think tanks institutions such as
former secretary general of the                                            the Chris Hani Institute remain
South African Communist Party         Professor Edward Webster who
                                      served at the Chris Hani Institute   active as a vehicle of public
enjoyed popularity among the                                               engagement and discourse,
downtrodden for his fierce and        from 2012 to 2015 says in a
                                      context where so many of the         saying the institute should
non-partisan approach to                                                   ensure that Hani’s legacy and
worker’s rights particularly          political leaders have
                                      succumbed to personal                ideals lived on for many
advocating for socialist driven                                            decades to come.
policies.                             enrichment, Hani stands out in
                                      contemporary South Africa as a
                                      beacon of selfless struggle for      “While a director, my aim was to
Hani was ambushed, shot and                                                make the institute a leading
mercilessly killed on the             the working poor and the
                                      marginalised.                        think tank for the broad left and
driveway of his Boksburg home                                              a place where the memory of
on 10 April 1993 in what is                                                Hani could be kept alive. We
widely believed to have been a        “Eight days before comrade
                                      Chris was assassinated, he was       focused on three main activities:
well orchestrated assassination.                                           public engagement, public
The motive for his brutal slaying     interviewed by social historian
                                      Luli Callinicos. In this interview   debates, roundtables and
is still shrouded in mystery.                                              workshops on key socio-
In 2003, a joint collaboration        on the eve of the 1994
                                      democratic elections, he said        economic issues in South Africa
between COSATU and the                                                     such as the work and life of Chris
South African Communist Party         that South Africa faced a new

a partnership that works                                                                                 25.
Nelson Mandela & Tokoyo Sexwale

  Hani. This includes the land question, township economy and the National Development Plan,”
  says Prof Webster.

  Other programmes at the institute include worker education and strategic and applied research
  projects and publications.
  Chris Hani was the second most popular political figure after former President Nelson Mandela. He
  was touted as the next president of South Africa after Mandela. Despite his political involvement,
  he was able to complete a BA Degree in English and Latin studies from Fort Hare University in 1961
  and subsequently furthered his studies at Rhodes University.

a partnership that works                                                                         26.
The Chris Hani Monument

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