A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au

Page created by Chad Mullins
A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au
a natural paradise
                        on the Sapphire Coast

Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au
A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au
Welcome to Eden
                                                          Nestled within three National Parks, Eden, on
                                                          the shores of magnificent Twofold Bay provides
                                                          you with easy access to our natural paradise
                                                          and opens many pages of our fascinating
                                                          Australian history.

                                                          Explore this special part of                                  Let our heritage tales and
                                                          the Sapphire Coast                                            trails unfold
                                                          Pristine undeveloped coastline,                               Visit the Davidson Whaling
                                                          secluded sandy beaches,                                       Station, ponder on the legacy of
                                                          abundant wildlife, rain forest                                Boydtown, delve into countless
                                                          walks and tall tree forest drives                             centuries of indigenous
                                                          are waiting for you to explore.                               habitation or stand at the spot
                                                                                                                        in Snug Cove where Bass and
                                                          Spot the whales up close                                      Flinders came ashore in 1798 –
                                                          and personal                                                  our heritage is simply amazing.

                                                          One of the nation’s deepest
                                                                                                                        Discover the charm of Eden
                                                          natural harbours, Twofold Bay
                                                          provides safe access for the                                  Call in to the Eden Visitor
                                                          recreational fisherman and                                    Centre for a suggested itinerary,
                                                          provides excellent opportunities                              accommodation, tours, trails
                                                          to enjoy some of the world’s                                  and other holiday needs. The
www.visiteden.com.au                                      best whale watching between                                   Centre situated on the corner
Phone 02 6496 1953                                        September and November                                        of the Princes Highway and
Top cover photo by Peter Whiter of Duckin’ Out Visuals;   each year.                                                    Mitchell Street is open daily.
Snug Cove sunset photo on cover by Toni Ward; Top
photo on this page by Scott Blanch. Other photos in
guide are provided by Sapphire Coast Tourism, Eden
Realty, NPWS, Bauer Media and local photographers         We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands and waters of the Tadera-manji,
where credited.                                           Djiringanj people of the Yuin Nation and show our respect to elders past and present.
A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au
Experience Snug Cove  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                   6   Sights, Walks and Picnic Areas  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                              23
Visit Fascinating Sites  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                8   Regional Map  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .      24
Explore our National Parks  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                        10   Regional Coastal Wilderness  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                           25
Have a Whale of a Time  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                      12   Markets and Events  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .               26
Drop in a Line  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   14   Eden Visitor Information Centre  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                             27
Meet Old Tom at the Eden Killer Whale Museum  .  .  .  .  .                                                            16   Things to Do  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   28
Discover our Marine Life  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                    18   Shopping and Services  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                     31
Taste the Flavours of Eden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                               20   Restaurants and Food  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .                   36
Map of Eden  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   22   Accommodation  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .           39
A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au
Explore our coastal
A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au

phone 02 6496 1953
A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au
Experience Snug Cove                                                                  Photo by Toni Ward

                                Snug Cove, Eden, is where three wharves
                                unite at one of the most stunning coastal
                                vistas of NSW. It is the hub for vessels that enter
                                the crystal clear waters of Twofold Bay, the
                                third deepest natural harbour in the
                                southern hemisphere.

                                Capture the action of a            large-scale shipping from Snug
                                working port                       Cove. Australian Customs and
                                                                   Border Protection Service plays
                                Wander along the wharves           a vital role in managing border
                                and catch a glimpse of local       and security and integrity of
                                fishermen unloading their          trade.
                                catch before preparing it for
                                Sydney and Melbourne markets,      Eden welcomes the world
                                cleaning the locally grown         as an emerging cruise
                                mussels or mending their nets.     destination
                                Eden is renowned for its
                                                                   There is a growing number
                                excellent deep-sea fishing
                                                                   of visiting overseas cruise
                                with a fleet of fishing trawlers
                                                                   liners with passengers eager
                                operating daily from Snug Cove.
                                                                   to experience Australia’s
                                Travelling yachtsmen call in,      Coastal Wilderness. The Eden
                                particularly during the Sydney     Port wharf extension project
                                to Hobart Classic Yacht Race.      funded by Federal, State and
                                Port Authority of NSW is the       local government will greatly
                                manager of the Port and            enhance access for larger ships
                                provides the infrastructure for    to the Port of Eden.
Top photo by Louise Kelly
Middle photo by Julie Fourter

A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au
Photo by Toni Ward

Enjoy local seafood at a             Journey into the history
café by the wharf                    of Snug Cove
Surprise your tastebuds with         Before white settlement in Eden,
fresh seafood as you relax at one    the Thawa people of the Yuin
of the cafés or restaurants by the   nation who inhabited the area
wharf. Stay awhile and capture       knew Snug Cove as Weecoon.
the moods of the stunning            In 1798, explorer George Bass
views over Twofold Bay with Mt       entered Twofold Bay where he
Imlay in the distance.               named Snug Cove declaring
                                     it ‘a snug and safe anchorage
Explore the ocean wonders            for any ship during a blow’. At
from Snug Cove                       the wharf, you can inspect the
                                     historic cairn commemorating
Wander through the Sapphire
                                     the first European visit by Bass
Coast Marine Discovery
                                     and Flinders.
Centre to learn about the
ocean, coast and marine life of      In 1828, Thomas Raine
Snug Cove and environs. This         established Australia’s first
region is where warm waters          shore-based whaling station
meet colder waters providing         at Snug Cove. The three Imlay
unique habitats for a diverse        Brothers erected Eden’s first
representation of marine fauna       European building, a small slab
and flora.                           and bark hut at Snug Cove, in
                                     the 1830s. The first wharf for
Take a cruise to see the dolphins,
                                     shipping was built in 1860.
seals and whales in Twofold Bay
or go beyond the Bay on a deep       Stroll up Warren’s Walk and visit
sea fishing experience to bring      the Eden Killer Whale Museum
in your own catch.                   for a more detailed history of
                                     the area.

A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au
1                           6

Visit Fascinating Sites
           1. Lookout Point, Eden               3. Mary MacKillop Hall
           From Eden’s Lookout near             Call in to Mary MacKillop Hall
           Rotary Park observe the              where Mother Mary MacKillop,
           headland jutting out into the        Australia’s first saint, (canonized
           bay, separating it into its two      in 2010) established a school
           ‘folds’ that give Twofold Bay        utilising the old church building.
           its name. Across the bay at          This was in appreciation for the
           Red Point, Boyd’s Tower sits         care provided by Eden when
    2      atop the southern headland of        Mary’s mother drowned in the
           Twofold Bay where some of the        tragic shipwreck of the Ly-ee-
           oldest rocks on the NSW coast        moon at Greencape in 1886.
           are found. For information on
           Geological Trails around Eden        4. National Timber
           and the Far South Coast call in         Workers Memorial
           to the Eden Visitor Information      Reflect at this memorial opened
           Centre or visit the website          in 2008 to honour those who
           www.visiteden.com.au                 have lost their lives while
                                                working in the timber industry
           2. Seamen’s                          to build our region, state and
              Memorial Wall                     nation. This project began after
           While at Eden’s Rotary Park near     a local timber worker lost his life
           Lookout Point, visit the Seamen’s    in a tree-felling accident in 2001.
           Memorial that commemorates
           the seamen who have sailed           5. Green Cape Lighthouse
           from the Port of Eden, were lost     Green Cape Lighthouse, built in
           at sea and never returned. This      1883, was the first cast concrete
           wall was erected after the loss of   lighthouse tower in Australia.
           fishing trawler ‘Shiralee‘ and its   At 29m, it is the state’s second
    3      crew in 1978.                        tallest lighthouse.

A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au
6                                                           9

Contact the NPWS on                  1929 in the longest operating
6495 5000 for tour details and       shore based whaling station
accommodation bookings.              in Australia.

6. Boyd’s Tower                      8. Edrom Lodge
Drive to Boyd’s Tower,               From the Navy Wharf, 35km
approximately 34km south of          south of Eden near the Chip Mill,
Eden, on South Head where            glance over at the stately Edrom
entrepreneur Benjamin Boyd           Lodge completed by John
built this elaborate sandstone                                           7
                                     Logan in 1913. Today this lodge
tower in 1847. Although the          provides an ideal setting for
structure was designed to serve      conferences, educational and
as a lighthouse, permission was      group activities and outdoor
never granted and it was used        studies.
as a lookout tower for whale
spotting.                            9. The Seahorse Inn
                                     Just 8km south of Eden at
7. Davidson                          Boydtown, discover the
   Whaling Station                   Seahorse Inn built by Benjamin
See relics of the try-works          Boyd in 1843. The inn was
and read about life of the           named after Boyd’s steamship.
19th century whalers at the          Brick cottages, a wool store,
Davidson Whaling Station site        salting down works and church
on the shores of the Kiah Inlet at   were part of Boyd’s grand style
Twofold Bay.                         empire on the shores of Twofold
Alexander Davidson built             Bay until 1849.
Davidson Whaling Station in          For details on The Killer Whale
1857. Four generations of the        Trail and Heritage Walks and
Davidson family worked with          Drives call into the Eden Visitor   5
indigenous whaling crews and         Information Centre.
help from killer whales until
A natural paradise on the Sapphire Coast - Phone (02) 6496 1953 I www.visiteden.com.au
Explore our National Parks                                     Bittangabee Bay

                      Come to where majestic mountains, tall
                      forests, vivid rock formations, lakes and remote
                      beaches form such a diverse landscape with
                      spectacular beauty and history in the National
                      Parks of Australia’s far south coast.
                      Our Parks form part of what is becoming
                      internationally recognised as “Australia’s
Haycock Beach
                      Coastal Wilderness.”

Boyd’s Tower

Light to Light Walk   South East National Parks

The Pinnacles

Immerse yourself in nature as you explore Ben
Boyd, Bournda, Mimosa, Mt Imlay and South
East Forests National Parks.

Magnificent rain forests,           To the south of Eden, camp
mountain top lookouts,              at the rustic and peaceful
beaches, estuaries and clear        Saltwater Creek or Bittangabee
mountain streams are here for       Bay. Plan a multi-day Light to
                                                                         Severs Beach
your enjoyment.                     Light walk from Boyd’s Tower
In Ben Boyd National Park,          to Green Cape Lighthouse or
Eden’s closest National Park,       a shorter section of the walk
discover intriguing history         which can be accessed from
as well as spectacular coastal      multiple points.
views, walks, geology and
North of Eden, take a walk or
explore the coastline at Severs
Beach, Barmouth Beach and                                            Newton’s Crossing
Haycock Point. These are also
great spots for a picnic or a day
at the beach. Visit the Pinnacles
for spectacular ocean views
and to see the impressive rock
formations that date back
millions of years.

                                                                      Bittangabee Bay

Have a Whale of a Time
Australian Geographic has declared the Sapphire Coast’s Port of Eden
the premier whale watching destination of Australia. With so many
species of whales travelling close to shore when migrating south to
Antarctica, Eden is an ideal place for whale watching. Twofold Bay with
its large, deep harbour is one of the few places in the world where
Humpback whales feed on their migratory route. Our waters are rich
with krill and the whales often stop and feed.

                                       Humpback whales                   Migration
                                       Observe the acrobatic displays    During the winter months,
                                       of the Humpback whales.           whales leave their feeding
                                       One of the Humpback’s more        grounds in the Antarctic bound
                                       spectacular behaviours in         for warmer tropical waters
                                       Twofold Bay is the breach.        where some will calve and
                                       Breaching is a true leap where    others mate. Although the
                                       a whale generates enough          whales pass Eden on their
                                                                         northern migration, most are
                                       upward force with its powerful
                                                                         observed further out to sea
                                       flukes to lift approximately
                                                                         and only a few venture into
                                       two-thirds of its body out
                                                                         the Bay. Best whale watching
                                       of the water, coming back
                                                                         opportunities at Eden occur
                                       down with a thunderous splash.
                                                                         during spring when the whales
                                       Other behaviours to observe       migrate south to Antarctica.
                                       include head lunging (butting
                                       into other whales), body rolls,   Species
                                       lob tailing (fluke and flipper    The majority of whales sighted
                                       slapping) and spy hopping         in the Eden area are the
                                       (whales lifting straight out      Humpback Whales seen on their
Photos supplied by Cat Balou Cruises
                                       of the water).                    southern migration.
Robyn Malcolm captured this seal riding a whale in 2015 ©

At the start of the season it is    Reservations and full details for
mainly sub adults, followed by      all cruises can be obtained from
mother/calf pods which quite        the Eden Visitor Information
frequently come right into          Centre.
Twofold Bay, giving the calves a
chance to rest.                     Shore-based
Other species including             whale watching
Southern Rights, Blue, Dwarf        When you hear the siren sound
Minke, Bryde’s, Orca, Pilot,        from the Eden Killer Whale
Sperm and several species           Museum, head towards
of Beaked Whales have been          the Rotary Park Lookout and
sighted off the Eden coast.         the platform at the eastern end
                                    of Bass Street. Further south,
Whale watching cruises              the cliff top at South Head and
The best way to get up close        at Green Cape Lighthouse are
to these intriguing mammals         recommended vantage points.
and get your chance to look into
a whale’s massive mouth is to go    Eden’s early whale history
aboard the 72 seat                  From the 1820s until 1930,
‘Cat Balou’ operating out of        whales were hunted in Twofold
Snug Cove. This cruise company      Bay. Men in open wooden
conducts specialised half day       boats, assisted by a pack of Killer
whale watching cruises from         Whales hunted various species
late September until the end of     of whales for their oil and bone.
November.                           For an in-depth insight to this
Freedom Charters, a smaller         amazing whaling history visit
vessel for 12 passengers, is also   Eden Killer Whale Museum and
available for whale watching.       see the skeleton of “Old Tom”.

Drop in a Line                                                  Photo by Julie Fourter

          Eden offers outstanding facilities and
          opportunities for all types of fishermen.
          Twofold Bay and adjacent areas are well
          stocked with a wide variety of fish.

          Everyone usually has a favourite     Game fishing
          fishing location but if you are
                                               Eden has some of the best water
          coming to Eden for the first time
                                               on the South Coast for game
          call into the Eden Visitors Centre
                                               fishing with a high success rate
          for tide charts and general
                                               per trip. Experience the thrill
          information on regulations
                                               of a lifetime, chasing some
          (which apply to all types of local
                                               of the best fighting fish in
          fishing), licences and fishing
                                               the sea including the mighty
          maps of known hot spots.
                                               marlin, yellowfin, albacore
          The free triple lane boat ramp       and striped tuna, shark and
          at Quarantine Bay, with fish         broadbill swordfish. The main
          cleaning tables, floating wharf      game fishing season starts in
          and boat washing facilities,         November and runs until the
          offers the best of its kind on the   end of July.
          South Coast.
          Access to the Bay and ocean          Reef fishing
          is direct and, with no bars or       Eden is well known for super
          shallow reefs to cross, safety is    catches of kingfish, snapper
          not compromised.                     and morwong off our local
                                               reefs. Remember to try our local
                                               beaches on the way home for a

few of our plentiful flathead.      Rock fishing
If you do not have a boat,
                                    Outstanding catches are often
fishing charters (either shared
                                    reported off rock shelves from
or private) can be arranged
                                    North Head down to Green
through the Eden Visitors
                                    Cape. Pulpit Rock at Green Cape
Centre with a variety of
                                    enjoys legendary status.
operators who depart daily
from Eden, weather permitting.      However good catches
                                    of drummer, luderick,
Beach fishing                       leatherjacket, salmon and tailor
                                    are possible from North Head
Long Beach, within the
                                    and Eagles Claw. Please take
pristine Ben Boyd National Park
                                    care when rock fishing and
North, will provide anglers with
                                    never fish alone.
lots of fun especially with the
salmon and tailor.
                                    Other fishing
Other beaches worth a try
include Aslings, Saltwater and
Wonboyn Beaches.                    Youngsters get tremendous fun
                                    fishing off our wharves either
Estuary fishing                     at Snug Cove or across the Bay
                                    at the Navy Wharf (open when
The Kiah River Inlet, Wonboyn
                                    shipping schedules allow). A
Lake, Nullica River Inlet and the
                                    small hook will yield plenty of
entrance to Lake Curalo offer
                                    yellowtail, slimy mackerel and
anglers a challenge to catch a
hearty feed of bream, whiting or

Meet Old Tom
                                Its centrepiece attraction has        Perfectly situated on the shores
                                remained the same for over 80         of Twofold Bay, the museum is
                                years, but the Eden Killer Whale      also an ideal vantage point to
                                Museum has helped put Eden            catch a glimpse of the whales
                                on the international map, and         putting on a show off Middle
                                remains as popular today as it        Head, blending Eden’s whaling
                                ever was.                             past with its whale watching
                                The museum tells the story            present.
                                of one of the most unique
                                relationships in world history –
                                the story of the ‘Killers of Eden’,
                                a pod of orcas who worked
                                side-by-side with human
                                whalers to hunt baleen whales.
     (except Christmas Day)     Of all the killers, there’s one
                                who holds a special place in the
     Mon-Sat 9.15am to 3.45pm   hearts of all who have walked
     Sunday 11.15am to 3.45pm   through the museum’s doors.
     Extended hours Christmas   Over 80 years after his death,
     and New Year               the skeleton of Old Tom
     Group bookings and         remains preserved in the
     coaches welcome            museum, attracting between
                                40-45,000 visitors each year,
     184 Imlay Street, Eden
                                and surrounded by an ever-
     Phone: 02 6496 2094
                                changing array of exhibitions
                                showcasing local history.

Eden Killer Whale Museum

Opening Hours:
                     Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm
School Holidays: Monday to Friday 9.30am to 3.30pm
       School, group and bus bookings are welcome
                      7 days a week by appointment
                          Phone: 02 6496 1699
                Snug Cove Wharf, Imlay Street Eden
Discover our Marine Life
See Marine Life up Close          working in the region to
and Personal                      study the famous humpback
                                  whale migration from
Call in to the Sapphire Coast     mid October until early
Marine Discovery Centre at        December.
the wharf building, Snug
Cove, for a touch tank
experience where you can
                                  Find out about the
closely examine marine
                                  Temperate Marine
creatures from our local rocky    Environment of the
shores. Test your knowledge       Sapphire Coast
at the beachcombing table         This area is considered a ‘hot
containing amazing species
                                                                   Join in a Marine
                                  spot’ for the study of impacts
found along our local beaches.    into climate change. The
                                                                   Education Program
                                  warm East Australia Current      Choose from a guided Snorkel
Examine specimens under
                                  is a large body of water         Tour, a Rocky Shore Ramble
microscopes and learn
                                  which draws on tropical          or a Dune Tour to learn more
how beaches and rocky shores
                                  waters and forms eddies          about our oceans and coasts
are formed. See spectacular
                                  down the NSW coastline to        from the experts. Our fully
footage of marine life in our
                                  this area.                       qualified staff offer a wide
theatre and lecture room.
                                                                   variety of Marine Education
                                  Here it meets up with the
                                                                   Programs especially suited to
Spot Whales and Dolphins          nutrient-rich colder waters
                                                                   the Australian curricula and for
Look at the unique and diverse    from the Southern Ocean,
                                                                   groups of all ages.
whale exhibit with whale bones    creating a diversity in marine
and information on all of our     habitats that is rarely
local marine life. The Sapphire   matched in Australian waters.
Coast is home to an amazing
diversity of whale and dolphin
species with researchers often

Taste the Flavours of Eden
In Eden you will find yourself amongst some of the finest producers of
fresh seafood and other delicacies. Almost all of this produce is available
for purchase in Eden and the local Visitor Information Centre staff are
only too pleased to guide you to the appropriate vendors.

                         Oysters                             While visiting Wonboyn Lake,
                                                             you are welcome to have a
                         Wonboyn Lake near Eden is the
                                                             chat with the oyster farmers as
                         most southern estuary in NSW
                                                             they work or to purchase fresh
                         that farms the most famous
                                                             quality local oysters direct from
                         Sydney Rock Oyster, the only
                                                             the farmer.
                         truly Australian Oyster.
                         According to Martins Seafood,       Fish
                         one of the premier oyster
                                                             Southland Fish Supplies unloads
                         suppliers to the major
                                                             approximately 1900 tonnes
                         restaurants of Sydney, it is best
                                                             of fish from local and visiting
                         described as “a creamy and
                                                             fishing vessels. 200 tonnes
                         sweet oyster with a very mild
                                                             of value added product is
                                                             processed by Southland for local
                         Wonboyn has 8 oyster                and regional outlets. Fresh fish
                         farmers producing some of           can be purchased locally from
                         the best quality oysters in the     Hooked on Seafood and at most
                         state – more than 84,000            local restaurants.
                         dozen oysters were sold
                                                             Visitors are welcome to tour the
                         into the Sydney restaurant
                                                             modern fish processing rooms
                         market in 2013.
                                                             at Southland between 9.30am
                                                             and 11.30am Tuesday to Friday.

Mussels                            Smoked seafood                       Specialty products
Over 90 tonnes of high quality     Eden Smokehouse produces             and produce
mussels are aqua-cultured in       multiple award winning smoked        The fertile soils surrounding
Twofold Bay using long line        Atlantic Salmon, Ocean Trout,        Eden have attracted a large
methods then marketed both         Mussels, Sardines, Hoki, Eel and     number of macro farmers and
locally and into the Sydney        Gravlax. Call into their premises    food producers.
market. This local product         to see their trophies from the
                                                                        Local specialty products incude
is high in protein and low in      Sydney Royal Fine Food Show.
                                                                        award-winning cheese and
calories and fat and provides      Products are also available at       dairy products, organic produce,
something deliciously different    Sprout and Hooked on Seafood.        olives and nuts, free range meat
for the discerning palate.
                                                                        and poultry products, creative
Mussels can be bought live         Chilli products                      preserves and natural beauty
and whole at Snug Cove wharf       Internationally recognised,          products.
weekdays after 9am or at           Disaster Bay Chillies has            Explore our markets and visit
Hooked on Seafood.                 collected multiple awards in         the local butcher, specialty
                                   Australia, the UK and the USA.       shops and Eden Visitor
Abalone                            Products include a large range       Information Centre to discover
Abalone is an edible sea snail     of organically grown chilli          the abundance of local and
with a distinctive mother of       products such as hot chilli wine,    regional products.
pearl shell – 125 metric tonnes    chilli chocolates, exotic sauces,
of product is produced locally     liqueur jellies and even a sauce
per annum. It is a relatively      made with locally smoked
expensive delicacy much sought     chillies and garlic.
after by the connoisseurs of
                                   Products are available locally
cuisine in many parts of South
                                   through a number of outlets
East Asia where most of our
                                   and at the Eden Visitor
product is sent.
                                   Information Centre. Chilli Wine is
It is available locally to the     available at Eden IGA and Great
public through Pacific Shoji and   Southern Inn bottle shop.
Southern Ocean Seafood.
Map of Eden
             1                                                                   LOVE ST
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             4                                                               S                                                                                                                                                                                               IN

                                                                                                                                                                                                               IN                                                   M AR L

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    G FI                                    T




                                     STOREY                     AVENUE




                                           CLUB                                                                 Brown Oval
                                                                   Logan Ct.                                                E             DVE
                                                                                                                                               PL ACE

                                                                                                                 IRENE CR


                                                                                                                                                                            Lake Curalo


                                                                                      ST                                             KING                                                                                                                              Surfing

             10             Young Street
                                                                                                                                          EM B


                                                         DRIVE                                             Marlin Crt.


                             Court                                                                               Linton
                                                       BANKS                                                                                                                                                                                           Aslings Beach


                                                                                 STREET                                                                                         Allan Gibson

                                                                                                            RESERVOIR                                                            Boardwalk                                                             Surfing
             12                                             Wellings Court                                 Hollydale Place

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tennis                                 Maritime Heritage Walk
                                                                                                                                                                            High School             Sports

                     Quarantine Bay                             Eden

                     Beach Cottages                              4km                                                                                                   BARCLAY                STREET

             14                                                                                                                                                                                                             H



                                                                                       RO                                                                                      RE

             15                                                 Ramps


                                                                                             AD                      WIRRIGA                            STREET

                    Map A

                                                                                                                                                              LO                                                                         Calle Calle Bay


                                                     Caravan Park                                                                                        CU Wahoo Ct                          ET

             16                                                                                                       Swimming Pool

                                                                                                                                                            Rose Crt
                                                      TWOFOLD                                                        Melrose
                                                        BAY                                                                                                                                      Cock’s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                > > ASL

             17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PHONE:


                                                     Twofold Bay                                      Wykes                                                                                                                                         02 6496 1953

                                                     Beach Resort                                     Lane


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hosies Rd (one way)

                        Nullica                                                                                                                                                              ET


                                                                                                                                                                                         RE                                               Rock Pool


                         River                                                                                                      O

                                                                                                                                  NG                                                ST


                                                                                              Timber                                                                                                                           >
                                  P RINCE S


                                                                                                                                BU                                                        Public                        >



             19                                                                              Memorial                                                                                     School                                                                     TWOFOLD



                    To Melb                                                                                                           R                                                                   ET                                     Mary                  BAY




                                                                                                                                                                                                   ST                                           MacKillop


             20                                                                                                                                       LL                                                                                          Hall

                                                                                                                        D   D                                                                       PO
                                                                                                     B IM

                                                                                                                     RO                        TC

                                                                       Alms Street                                                        MI                                    BA                                   ET
                                                                                                                                                               RE CATTL


             21                                                             BOYD                 STREET                                                                                                    ST                                                        George Bass Park

                                          HIG                                                                                                                                                DO
                                                                    BELL E V


NETHERCOTE                                                                                                                                                                                 AN

             22                                                                                                                       S                 Egan                             CH                                               ST


                                                                                        The                                                                                                 Eden                                      M
                                                                                                                                                        Court                                                                      EU



                                                                                       Mews                                                                                 Fishermens Fishermen’s                          MU

                                                 Ireland                                                                  PH                                                   Court         Club                                                                     Sapphire Coast Marine
                                              Timms Lane                                                                                                                                                                       AL

             23                                                                                                                                                                                               ET                 BE                                     Discovery Centre



                                                                                                                              W                                                                           ST

                                                                   Bellbird                                               VIE                                                       Twofold

                                                COURT              Crescent                                                                                                          Court
                                                                                                                                                                                              RA                                                    Museum


             24                                                                                                                      BAY
                                                                                                                                                                                         CO Victoria




                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Warrens                                         N

             25                                                                                                                                                                                                     Walkway                                   EC

                                                                                                                                                        Cattle Bay                                                                                          WE Seamen’s
                                                AL E


                                                                                                                                                                                                 Snug Cove

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Memorial        E



                                                              OSE                                                                                                                                                                                                              AM

                                                            CL                                                                                                                                     Fishing Trips and

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Whale Watching

             27                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       By                                  Marine

                                                                                                                            Cocora Beach                                              TWOFOLD                                                                                             Rescue

                                                                            Bundian Way
                                                                          Trail Head (2km to                                                                                            BAY
             28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rotary Park
                                                                            Quarantine Bay

                    A        B           C           D            E              F           G             H          I         J          K            L          M           N             O        P             Q              R         S        T         U        V         W      X        Y   Z

Sights, Walks and Picnic Areas

Eden Lookout and Rotary Park –     to the viewing platform at the     The Bundian Way Story Trail –
Map W28 (V28)                      eastern end of Bass Street. Take   Map H28
Take in spectacular 270 degree     the path northward past the        The Bundian Way Story Trail,
views of Twofold Bay from          picnic area in Apex Park, then     extends for approximately
Lookout Point near Rotary Park.    along the boardwalk and the        2km from the southern end of
Wander past the Seamen’s           maritime heritage pathway for a    Cocora Beach to Quarantine
Memorial then to the ruins of      2km walk along Aslings Beach.      Bay, features spectacular
the historic Eden lighthouse       Lake Curalo Walking Path –         coastal views over the bay and
near Marine Rescue Eden to         Map R12 (L9)                       beyond, including some of the
view the rugged coastline.                                            iconic landform features of the
                                   This walk is 6km one way and
                                                                      Bundian Way itself. Dogs are
Eden Whale                         is comprised of boardwalk and
Watching Lookouts                  wide gravel pathway. Making
From the beginning of              its way from Aslings Beach in      Quarantine Bay and
September until the end of         the middle of town, to the quiet   Keef’s Pinch – Map A (D15)
November, spot the migrating       stillness of the lake shore, and   These adjacent beach areas
whales from Lookout Point          on through eucalypt forest, salt   offer safe protected swimming
Map V28, or the area in front of   marsh and grass land to the lake   and snorkelling. Relax and picnic
the Marine Rescue Centre           mouth. The trail is accessible     as you watch amateur boats and
Map X28, or the viewing            by prams, bicycles and assisted    yachts go by, explore rock pools
platform at the eastern end of     wheelchairs. Dogs on leads are     or spot a seal or pelicans while
Bass Street Map R19.               welcome too. Access the walk       fishermen clean their fish at the
                                   from the sportsground or Scouts    cleaning tables.
Eden Heritage Trail                Hall on the Princes Highway.
For your self-guided tour of                                          Nullica River Mouth and
                                   Cocora Beach – Map I28             Boydtown Beach – Map A (C18)
historic sites around Eden
collect your Heritage Trail        Within sight of Snug Cove and      Nullica River, a tidal estuary, is
brochure at Eden Visitor           the Eden headland, Cocora          a great place for children and
Information Centre Map N19.        Beach offers protected safe        fishermen to explore. Plan for
                                   swimming for the whole family.     a picnic, swim, wind surf, take
Aslings Beach – Map R19 (X5)       This is an excellent spot for      your dog for a walk or wander
For sweeping views across          children to swim and snorkel.      along almost 3km of pristine
Calle Calle Bay and for spotting   Enjoy the children’s playground,   Boydtown Beach stretching
dolphins, seals and whales, go     covered BBQ area and public        south from Nullica River mouth.
Regional Map
                                                                                            Mt Darragh Road                                                                                                           Barmouth Beach
                                                                                                                                                                PAMBULA                                               Swimming
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Haycock Point
                                                                       Goodenia                                                                                                                                         Pambula Beach                   Picnic area, BBQs, toilets, good
                                                                       Rainforest Walk                                                                                                                                                                  beaches – fishing, SCUBA diving
                 South East                                                                                       LOCHIEL
3              Forest National                                                                                                                      Severs Beach                                                                              Haycock Point
                                                                                                                                                  BBQs, swimming
                    Park                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ben Boyd
4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   National
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Red cliffs (known locally as

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Park              “The Pinnacles) Striking contrast
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of white sandstone cliffs with red

                                                                                                                                Back Creek
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pinnacles           cliffs – a photoghraphers dream

                                                                                                                                                                        a  d
5                                                                                                   Yowak

                                                                                                                 a Riv

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Haycock Road, 8km north of


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Eden, entrance to Ben Boyd

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        National Park

                                                                                                                 NETHERCOTE                                                              Broadwater
                                                                                                                                                                                         swimming area                                     Leonards Island

                                                             Nullica River Mouth                       Quarantine Bay – 4 lane                                                           (fresh water)
                                                         BBQs, picnic area, toilets                                                                                                                            Lake                       4WD  ONLY
7                                                                                                        boat launching ramp,                                                                                                             4WD ONLY

                                                                                                             public wharf and                                                                                 Curalo
                                                                                                                   picnic area
                                                            Built by whaling king                                                                            Ne
                                                          Benjamin Boyd in 1843                                                                                      the
8                                                         Ruins of Boyds Church                                                                                         rco                                                        Worang Point
                                                                                                                         Null                                                     Ro                                    Calle Calle Bay
                                                                                                                              ica                                                    ad

9                                   TOWAMBA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TWOFOLD BAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Navy Wharf
                                                                                                                                                                                               Nullica               TWOFOLD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                fishing                      BAY                   Red Point (South Head)
                                                                                                                            Ro          ad                                                      Bay                                                                Boyds Tower built in 1846
10                                                                                                                   a  mba                                                                                                         Chipmill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   19.5m high sandstone
                                                                                                                 Tow                                                                                                                      Boyds Tower              lighthouse was never lit,
                                                                                                                                                       Boydtown                                                                                                    steps down to observation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   platform down cliff
11                                                                                                                                                    Hill Cottages

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Boyd Road
                                                                                                            e Tra                                                                                                                                       Leatherjacket Bay
                                                                                          Tow                      ck                                                                                  Historic
                                                                                             am                                                                                                        Whaling
12                                                                                               ba
                                                                                                      Riv                                                                                              station site
                                                                                                         er                                                                                                                                                          Mowarry Point
                                                                                                                        Kiah Country Gardens
                                                              Mt Imlay                                                                                                               Whelans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Edrom Lodge
                                                                                                                                                      Kiah                                                                           Built 1910-1913                        Light to Light Walk

13                                                                                                                                           General Store                         Swamp Bridge            d                                                                30km walking track

                                                               Park                       Picnic Area
                                                                                          BBQs, water                                                                                    KIAH                  oC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Duck Hole
                                                                                                                             Mt. Imlay walking                                                                                                                        Saltwater Creek

     To Bombala

                                                                                                                                  track turn off
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GRAVEL ROAD                     Fishing, beaches,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                picnic area, BBQs,
                                                                                                                               ang Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                n Cape
                                                                  Mt. Imlay                        Road                                                                                                                                        Ben Boyd
15                                  Im                         886m walking track                                                                                                   19km south of Eden turn
                                       lay                                                                                                                                          off to Ben Boyd National                                   National
                                                                             Anteat                  Scrubby Creek                                                                  Park, Boyds Tower, Chip                                      Park
                                             Ro                                                  Picnic Area, BBQs,                                                                 Mill, Edrom, Greencape
                                                a                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bittangabee Bay

16                                                d                                                    toilets, water                                                                                                                                Wonboyn

                                                                                                                                                        Picnic Area

                                                                                                                                                                                    23km south of Eden                                               Lake Resort                    Picnic area,
                                                                                                                                                                                    Turn off to Nadgee                                                                              BBQs, toilets,
                                                                                                                                                                                    Nature Reserve                                                                                  ruins, beaches
17                                                           Picnic Area

                                                                             Mt. Imlay rest                                                          Wo
                                                                                                                                                        nb                                                                                                                          Pulpit Rock

                                                                             area, BBQs,                                                                        oyn


                                                                             swimming                                                                                          d

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bay Cliff



                                                      Newtons Crossing                                                                                                                                                                     Wonboyn Beach                City Rock

                                                                                                                                                  Wallagaraugh Forest Drive                                                                                                              Green Cape

19                                                      Camping, BBQs,                                                                            Turn off 29km south of Eden                                                                                                            Lighthouse
                                                        swimming                                                                                                                                                                                     Disaster Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                   Wonboyn Cabins                                                                            Green Cape Lighthouse
                         oad                            Timbillica                                                                                                                    and Van Park
20                   ok R                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    built in 1883. Originally
                  Bro                                  State Forest                                                                                                                                                                             Walking                      a kerosine lamp.
                                                                                       C   ES                                                                                                   Ranger                                          track 5km                    Historic cemetery,
                                                                                     IN                                                                                                         Station
                                                                                                                                                       Ireland Tim

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “Ly-ee-Moon” shipwreck
21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ROAD CLOSED
           Yambulla                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pedestrian access only beyond this crossing
                                                                                                  Nadgee State
                                                                                                                                                          ms Road

          State Forest                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NO VEHICLE ACCESS
                                                                                                     Forest                                                                                                                                          Sections of the track are not clearly marked.
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Maps are essential and visitors must register.
                   Bro                                                                                                  Ludwigs Creek


                            axe                                                                                           Picnic Area                                                                                                      Jane Spiers Beach
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mt. Tumbledown

23                                Ro

                                                                                                                         BBQs, toilets

                                    ad                                                                                                                                                                      Lookout


24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Newtons Beach
                    To Melbourne                                                                                                                                                            Nadgee
25                                                                                                                                                                                       Nature Reserve
                                                                                          Maxwells Rain Forest
                                                                                           Walk – picnic area,
                                                                                           BBQs, toilets, water                                                                                                                             Walking
26                                                                            tor                                                                                                                                                           track 5km
                                                                                                             r                                                                                              Harrys Hut
                                                                                                       Mallacoota Lookout
                                                                                                              BBQs, water
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nadgee Lake

     A     B            C           D         E          F         G             H           I              J            K                   L        M                    N              O            P          Q             R         S         T         U         V         W          X        Y   Z

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CAPE HOWE
Regional Coastal Wilderness

Ben Boyd (North) National Park      Haycock Point to Barmouth           Wonboyn – Map R18
– Map S3 (S8)                       Beach – Map R3                      A favourite with fishermen,
Bushwalking, family picnics         A well established popular          Wonboyn Lake and Wonboyn
and fishing opportunities           picnic area, Haycock Point is the   Beach are renowned for
abound along approximately          start of a very scenic 5km return   supplying a good catch. The
6km of sandy beaches, rugged        walk around to Barmouth Beach       natural beauty of Nadgee
headlands and coastal forest.       on the Pambula River.               Nature Reserve from Baycliff to
                                                                        Greenglades makes the area
The Pinnacles – Map R5              Light to Light Walk –               an attractive option for a day
This natural cliffs formation       Map S10 (X19)                       outing.
of multi-coloured sands and         For the light to light trek,
clays is located on the edge of     31km one way through the            Newton’s Crossing – Map E18
Terrace Beach. The red colour       magnificent Ben Boyd National       For campsites, swimming holes
is iron oxide (rust) produced by    Park, follow the coastline from     and picnics, consider Newton’s
rock weathering over time in a      Boyd’s Tower to Green Cape          Crossing located in Timbillica
changing climate. The top layer     Lighthouse. This is normally a      State Forest at the junction of
of the white sediment marks the     two to three day hike although      Wallagaraugh River and Imlay
level of an ancient water table.    it can be broken into shorter       Creek.
A viewing area is provided on       sections by access to Saltwater
the cliff opposite the Pinnacles.   Creek or Bittangabee Bay. On        Local Rainforest Walks
                                    your walk, take in the red rock
                                                                        Two magnificent rainforests
Severs Beach – Map Q3               platforms, rugged headlands,
                                                                        are Maxwell’s Rainforest (Map
A pleasant 300m walk from the       coastal forest and white beaches.
                                                                        L26) in Nadgee State Forest and
car park at Severs Beach Road in                                        Goodenia Rainforest (Map I1) in
Ben Boyd (North) National Park      Mount Imlay (Balawan)
                                                                        the South East Forests National
takes you to the Pambula River      – Map I14
                                                                        Park entered at Chalkhills
where you can swim, fish, kayak,    Mount Imlay, at 891m high, is       Road off Mount Darragh Road,
picnic and take in bushland and     a favourite with adventurous        South Pambula. Each walk is
river views.                        hikers. From the Burrawang          approximately 1.2km return.
                                    picnic area, the marked trail
                                    of 6km return is an almost
                                    continuous steep climb to the
                                    summit. Sturdy footwear with
                                    ribbed soles is recommended.

        Last weekend in October
Markets and Events
First and third Friday of each   COMPETITION                        Normally held weekend prior
month at Littleton Gardens.      From $35,000 – Held in March.      to the Melbourne Cup. For
                                                                    details of this action packed
                                                                    community event celebrating
Second Sunday of each month.     TOURNAMENT
                                                                    the annual migration of whales
                                 Held in April.
WYNDHAM VILLAGE                                                     through the waters of Twofold
MARKET                           WINTER BOWLS CARNIVAL              Bay, visit our website at
Fourth Sunday of each month.     Held in May.                       www.edenwhalefestival.com.au

EDEN LOCAL                       EDEN LADIES GOLF OPEN
PRODUCE MARKET                   Held in June.
Third Saturday of each month.    BEGA VALLEY CAR RALLY
MERIMBULA SEASIDE                Long weekend in June.
                                 SOUTHERN MOUNTAINS
Third Sunday of each month.      CAR RALLY
NETHERCOTE SEASONAL              In the forests surrounding Eden.
PRODUCE MARKET                   Check dates with Eden VIC
Held seasonally in January,      SAPPHIRE COAST MARINE
April, July and October.         DISCOVERY SCHOOL
First Sunday of each month.      School Holidays.

COUNTRY KIDS MARKET              Held in November.
Every 3 months. For dates and    ART ON IMLAY
details call 0411 528 174.
                                 Local art and craft everyday!
                                 146 Imlay Street, Eden.

Visitor Information Centre

Visit our
visitor centre for
your travel needs in Eden
and beyond. We have a large range of
free maps and references to help you
plan your visit.
Our gift shop has a selection of souvenirs,
guide books and locally made products
at reasonable prices. Visit us for:
• Accommodation Bookings
• Fishing Charters, Bay Cruises and
  Whale Watching Bookings
• National Parks Information
• Ample Parking for Bus and Caravans
• 24 Hour Information Kiosk
We are conveniently located at the first
roundabout on the Princes Highway as
you enter Eden, from the north or south.

Open: 9am-5pm Mon to Sat
10am-4pm Sundays
Phone 02 6496 1953
Things to do

      Welcome to the National Parks
      of the Far South Coast

                                                                                                          Photography: Michael Van Ewijk/OEH Image Library
      • Enjoy unspoilt beaches, forests and fascinating historic sites
      • Stay at Green Cape Lightstation or take a guided tour
      • Explore the coast on the Light to Light Walk in Ben Boyd NP
      • Join the fun on a Discovery Walk, Talk or Tour
      • Experience campsites and picnic areas in pristine natural settings
      For inFormation Ph 02 6495 5000, Fscr@environment.nsw.gov.au
      or visit us cnr saPPhire coast and merimbula drives, merimbula nsw 2548

                                                          FREEDOM CHARTERS

                                                          Enjoy reef, game and Kingfishing on “Connemara,” a
                                                          38ft Randell operating out of Eden harbour.
                                                          •   Equipped with all modern conveniences
 Explore a quiet and pristine river with a local guide.   •   Bait, tackle and home-made morning tea provided
 • Qualified Guide • Small group tours                    •   Shared or private charters
 • All gear supplied • Flexible options available         •   No fishing licence required
 • Bring your swimmers, fishing rod or just relax and     •   Package deals available tailored to your needs
   enjoy the bird and fish life                           •   Whale watching tours during Sept, Oct and Nov

     Phone 0429 961 047 or                                    Mobile: 0415 602 446
     email: jenny@kiahwildernesstours.com.au                  Email: fishing@freedomcharters.com.au
     Web: www.kiahwildernesstours.com.au                      www.freedomcharters.com.au

Twofold Bay Cruises,
      Whale Watching and
    Coastal Wilderness Cruises

>   Whale watching – Sept, Oct, Nov with a whale guarantee
>   NSW’s most experienced whale watching operators
>   Twofold Bay cruises all year
>   Dolphins, seals, penguins frequently seen
>   75 passenger catamaran
>   Special rates coaches and group bookings
>   Coastal wilderness and wildlife cruises

...there’s so much to see!
• Boyd’s Tower • Boydtown • Edrom Lodge
• Naval Wharf • Fishing Fleet • Woodchip Mill
Cruises depart from Snug Cove, Eden
Timetable and Bookings:
0427 962 027 or 0427 260 489

Things to do

                                                      Local award-winning artist Anna Warren exhibits
                                                      nationally and internationally and has recent oil
                                                      paintings on display at her gallery, Full Fathom Five,
                                                      at the wharf. Colourful, contemporary, marinescapes
                                                      with a twist of surreal, express some of the energy felt in
                                                      nature. Gallery hours 11am-2.30pm Wed, Sat and Sun or
                                                      by appointment and everyday during the holidays.

     Shop 5, Snug Cove Wharf, Eden NSW 2551
     Phone: 0457 317 554 or 02 6496 1144
     Email: anna@annawarren.com.au

 THE PICTURE SHOW MAN                                    POTOROO PALACE

 Located directly opposite Club Sapphire and beside      A native animal educational sanctuary located 9km
 Woolworths Supermarket. Parking is available off        north of Merimbula.
 Merimbula Drive.                                        • Open 10-4pm daily (except Xmas Day)
 Log on to www.pictureshowman.com.au for details         • Talks, train rides and meet the animals at 11am
 on our current programming. Programme info line           and 2pm each day
 02 6495 3744 (follow the programme prompts).            • Ask about up close animal encounters
 See you at the movies!                                  • Blue Wren Café – breakfast, lunch, Devonshire teas
 • Closed Mondays except for school holiday seasons      • BBQ available

     80 Main Street, Merimbula NSW 2548                   Princes Hwy, Yellowpinch, Merimbula NSW 2548
     (beside Woolworths Supermarket)                      Ph: 02 6494 9225, Office 6494 9053 – Fax: 6494 9559
     Phone: 02 6495 3744                                  Email: info@potoroopalace.com
     www.pictureshowman.com.au                            www.potoroopalace.com

Shopping & Services
                                                          EDEN SLIPWAY SERVICES

               ME LIFESTYLE E
                 DICI           G
                      NE VILL A

              JOHN BOBBIN
• Master of Clinical Science Lifestyle Medicine (SCU)
  • Diabetes type 2 – Weight Loss, Stress, Anxiety
             • Bachelor of Naturopathy
          • Diploma of Nutritional Science
                                                          A wide range of boating and yachting repairs plus
         SPECIALISING IN SOFT TISSUE                      an extensive range of chandlery including Jotun
             MASSAGE THERAPY                              paint and antifoul, brushes and rollers, fenders,
   • Massage Therapist • Neuromuscular Therapy            buoys, ropes, shackles, pumps, anchors, impellers,
          Remedial – Relaxation – Sports                  fibreglass cleaners and restorers, navigation lights,
   • Workers Compensation – fully accredited              stainless steel 316 shackles, turnbuckles and a large
ALMA, ARONAH, ANTA, ATMS and Workcover (3178)             range of fasteners. Castrol oils and GME radios are
                                                          also available. Our experienced and friendly staff are
         OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY                          available to answer all of your marine enquiries.

 Shop 5+6, Angela’s Arcade, Eden NSW 2551                  Main Wharf – 249 Imlay Street, Eden NSW 2551
 Phone: 02 6496 1919 • Mobile: 0405 335 975                Phone: 02 6496 1711
 Email: john.bobbin@gmail.com                              Fax: 02 6496 3528
 www.lifestylemedicinevillage.com                          Email: office@edenslipway.com.au


• Major wholesaler of fresh fish to Canberra and the South Eastern
                                                                       210 Imlay Street, Eden NSW 2551
  areas of New South Wales
                                                                       Phone: 02 6496 3350
• Local product available through “Hooked on Seafood” Eden
                                                                       Fax: 02 6496 3590
• Over 8 tonne of fish processed weekly
                                                                       Email: fish@southlandfish.com.au
Visitors are invited to view our modern processing rooms.
Free admission and open to the public from 9.30am to 11.30am
Tuesday to Friday.


      Get your car serviced while you are on holidays
        with loan cars available to make it easier.
                  Phone on 6496 1529
       or book online at www.edenmg.com.au
             or www.edentoyota.com.au

         SERVICE — GENUINE Toyota, Ford and Suzuki

                    AUTHORISED CAR DEALER FOR


            129-145 Imlay Street Eden NSW 2551

Shopping & Services
                                                                    EDEN GAS AND GEAR

                                                                  Jeremy Fernando

                                                                  Adam Woolacott
                                                        BAppSc (physio). Hons. MPhysio

                                                             Post Grad Dip Manip Physio

                                                   B App Sci (Sports Coaching) M Physio

                                 Neil Dmytryk                       Come in and talk to the Warren family. Our friendly
        B App Sci (Sports Coaching) M Physio
                                                                    staff are here to help you with all your needs.
                     Matthew Lehoczky
                         B App Sci (HB) M Physio                    • Gas refills • Camping goods • Helium balloons
                                                                    • Welding equipment and consumables • Steel blue
                                                                    boots and workwear • Nowra Chemicals and paper
                                                                    goods • LPG heaters and Hot water systems • Weber
                                                                    BBQs and gear • Key cutting • BOC Gas • Your home
                                                                    brew needs • 45kg LPG cylinders – no rental fees

                                                                     Cnr Bass and Imlay Streets, Eden, NSW 2551
Eden Cnr Chandos & Imlay Sts 6496 2828                               Phone: 02 6496 1082 – Fax: 02 6496 1011
Late appointments and immediate rebates • No referral necessary      Mobile: 0405 149 183 – AH: 02 6495 6079
   ONLINE BOOKINGS at                                                Email: edengas1@bigpond.net.au

                    Supply Central Eden have all your needs covered. If it’s not in Eden,
                            ask and Supply Central will try to get it for you!
                r   Pet supplies and horse gear – dog beds, shampoo, flea control,
                     collars and leads, dog coats, harnesses, dog and cat food
                 r   Push bike spare parts – tubes, tyres, pumps, lights, helmets,
                           bike carriers for cars, tool kits, oil, repair kits
           r   Stock feed and seed for horses, cattle, sheep, alpaca, goats, rabbits,
                     chooks, ducks, parrots, wild birds, budgies and more...
                             r   Ceiling fans, down lights and outside lighting
                                  r   Picture Framing r Metal wall plaques

          173 Imlay Street • (02) 6496 1249 • sales@supplycentraleden.com.au
Shopping and Services

 Shop for all your grocery needs at Eden IGA Plus Liquor, owned and
                                                                      191 Imlay Street, Eden, NSW 2551
 operated by the Sandeep family.
                                                                      Phone: 02 6496 1044
 • In store butchery • Fresh bread baked daily • Weekly specials      Fax: 02 6496 3530
 • Huge fresh food and vegetable selection • Friendly service         Email: igaeden@yahoo.com.au
 • Well stocked liquor shop • Fully stocked Deli                      www.iga.com.au
 • Market day – monthly specials • Open 7 days from 7am-7pm
 • Pack and carry to car • Free delivery*

 (*conditions apply)

 EDEN STORAGE and SOUTH                                   EDEN MUSIC CENTRE

 Why tow it home and then all the way back? Save          Come see Esther Moulds for all your music needs.
 yourself the trouble by storing your boat or caravan     • Musical tuition
 with Eden Storage & South Coast Storage Solutions.       • Music instrument sales and repair
 • Secure lock-up storage • Open or under cover           • Sheet music and accessories
 • Ideal for storing caravans and boats                   Free songs of fellowship workshop
 Proprietors: Daryl and Julie Young                       Wednesday 7pm.
                                                          Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm;
                                                          Saturday 9am to Noon

     440 Princes Highway, Eden                             16a Chandos Street, Eden NSW 2551
     (opposite Discovery Holiday Park)                     Mobile: 0429 418 929
     Phone: 0429 962 231 – After hour: 02 6496 2231        Email: esthersedenmusic@gmail.com
     Email: scsat@bigpond.com

Eden Fishermen's Recreation Club
                                           Phone (02) 6496 1577 • 217 Imlay Street, Eden

               pionship Golf Course •
• 18 Hole Cham                             Fully stoc
      wn  Bowls  •  Ch in ese /A ustralia            ked Pro Sh
  •L a                                   n Restau                 op • Club Keno • Raffles
              nne l  •  No  cro w                 ran t op
    • SKY Cha                    ds, no stre
                                            ss • Cou
                                                           en for Lunch
                                                                        and Dinner
                                                       rtesy Bus
       Dining with this view!
             • Club Keno • Club TAB
                                      • Fo
        • SKY Channel • Bingo • Regu x Sports Channels • Raffles         ng
             • Snug Cove Dining – Lu lar Entertainment • Free Child Mindi
                                    nch and D
                                             inner 7 days • Courtesy Bus

                               Eden Gardens Country Club
                                Phone: Club (02) 6496 1126 – Pro Shop (02) 6496 1054
                                       • Princes Highway, Eden www.edenfishermens.com.au
               Championship Golf Course • Fully stock
     • 18 Hole                                       ed Pro Shop • Club no • Raffles
                owls • Chinese/Australian Restaurant                      Ke
       • Lawn B                                       op en for Lunch and Dinner
                    nel • No crowds, no stress •
         • SKY Chan                               Courtesy Bus
Local Products & Food

 These gourmet products – chilli jelly, chilli gift boxes,
 chilli condiments, including the amazing Hot Chilli
 Wine, are produced using our own hand picked
 organic chillies.
 Available at: Eden Visitors Centre, Eden Killer Whale
 Museum, Roswithas Eden Deli, Sprout Café and The
 Taste of Eden Café. Hot Chilli Wine is also available at
 the Great Southern Inn.

     35 Government Road, Eden NSW 2551                        Weecoon Street, Eden NSW 2551
     Phone: 02 6496 4145                                      Phone: 02 6496 2331
     Email: disasterbay@bigpond.com                           Email: info@edensmokehouse.com.au
     www.disasterbaychillies.com                              www.edensmokehouse.com.au

 HOOKED ON SEAFOOD                                           SPROUT EDEN

 Located right on the wharf at Eden and specialising
 in seafood caught from our own trawlers.
 • Fresh and frozen seafood • Takeaways                      Award-winning produce store and café showcasing
 • Fresh fish, oysters and mussels                           fresh and value-added local and regional foods.
 • Fresh prawns and scallops                                 • Breakfast • Lunch • Cakes • Coffee • Fresh juices
 • Bait and ice also available                               • Gluten free options • Eat in or takeaway
                                                             • Picnics and catering • Fresh fruit and veg
                                                             • Free WiFi • Outdoor dining areas • Open 7 days

     Unit 7, 253 Imlay Street, Eden NSW 2551                  134 Imlay Street, Eden NSW 2551
     Phone: 02 6496 3183                                      Phone: (02) 6496 1511
                                                              Email: info@sprouteden.com.au
                                                                                                          GOLD WINNER
                                                                                                   South Coast Tourism Awards

Restaurants & Food
S2 CAFE                                                      GOLDEN OCEAN
                                                             CHINESE RESTAURANT

Enjoy the friendly environment and atmosphere of             Delicious Chinese cuisine with large range of mouth
S2 Cafe...where great coffee meets people! Serving           watering dishes to try. Friendly table service or
delicious brekkie, lunch, snacks and cake.                   takeaway. Open every night for dinner and open
•   Open 6 days from 8am to 4pm                              every day except Monday for lunch (BYO).
•   Coffee Loyalty Cards available
•   Daily deals • Outdoor dining
•   Free WiFi

    Shop 1, 126-128 Imlay Street, Eden NSW 2551               Shop 4, 162 Imlay Street, Eden NSW 2551
    Phone: 02 6496 3888                                       Phone: 02 6496 1668

                          Shop 3, 253 Imlay Street, EDEN • Phone: 02 6496 1855
                                      Email: wharfsidecafe@gmail.com

    Food I Beer I Wine I Espresso
    With magnificent water views in the Port of Eden, the Wharfside Cafe has built a
    reputation for the freshness and quality of the food and beverages it serves.
    • Breakfast 8am to 12pm and Lunch from 12pm • Free Wi-Fi internet
    • Dinner from 6pm during the holiday season • Open 7 days • Fully licensed

Restaurants & Food
 CUPPAZ CAFE                                                  ROSWITHA’S DELI

 • Family owned friendly atmosphere with                      Your one-stop location in Eden for a comprehensive
   personalised service                                       range of gourmet deli delights.
 • Open for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea                •   Gourmet foods • Condiments and spices
 • Eat in or takeaway                                         •   Cheeses • Salads • Cold meats • Sandwich bar
 • Extensive menu                                             •   Food/fruit party platters • Coffee and cake
 • Byron Bay Coffee – “Taste the Difference’”                 •   Gift and picnic hampers
 • Open from 6am Monday to Saturday, 8am Sunday
   and 9am on Public Holidays

     207 Imlay Street Eden NSW 2551                               205 Imlay Street, Eden NSW 2551
     Phone: 02 6496 1493                                          (opposite the Great Southern Inn)
                                                                  Phone: 02 6496 1353


 Come in and relax in our outdoor seating area and have a chat
                                                                             76 Imlay Street Eden NSW 2551
 with our friendly staff.
                                                                             Phone: 02 6496 2795
 •   Open early till late for eat in or take-away                            Email: erroljoyanne@activ8.net.au
 •   Large Menu • Book in for High Tea
 •   Breaky, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea, coffee, cakes and snacks
 •   We grow what we can in our own veggie patch
 •   Family owned with a friendly atmosphere
 •   Open 7 days a week – 6am Mon-Sat; Close 6pm Mon-Thurs;
     Close 7.30pm Fri-Sat; Open 8am-4.30pm Sunday

                                                       Open Wed to Monday
                                                        from 5.30pm to 9pm

             48 Princes Highway, Eden
                   Tel: (02) 6496 1200

 Quality holiday accommodation and service with properties from Eden
 to Wonboyn to suit all budgets. Roses Property Management also
 provides professional service for permanent, commercial
 and retail rentals.

                                       Contact Rose at Roses Property Management
                                                  171 Imlay Street Eden NSW 2551
                                      Mobile: 0402 134 472 • Tel & Fax: 02 6496 4242

Eden the hidden treasure of the far south coast... discover it now!
     Discover the               Green Cape Lighthouse

                                         Experience the peaceful misty mornings and relentless
                                          pounding seas from the comfortable isolation of the
                                          Green Cape Lightstation.
                                          The National Parks and Wildlife Service have carefully
                                          restored three cottages, previously the Head Lighthouse
                                          Keeper and Assistant Lighthouse Keeper’s quarters, for
                                          holiday rental in a unique part of Ben Boyd National Park.
                                         The cottage accommodation caters to couples, families
                                         and group bookings and all guests will receive a
                                        complimentary tour of the lighthouse with the
                                       resident caretaker.

                                     Please contact NPWS Merimbula to make
                                    bookings or for further information 02 6495 5000


 With fantastic views of Twofold Bay, the Bayview Motor Inn is the
                                                                     Corner of Princes Highway and
 ideal holiday base to explore the endless range of activities in
                                                                     Bellevue Place, Eden NSW 2551
 the region.
                                                                     Phone: 02 6496 1242
 • Quality accommodation • Deluxe rooms • Sensational sea views      Fax: 02 6496 1273
 • Easy access to Cocora Beach and the Bundian Way Walking Trail     Email: info@bayviewmotorinn.com.au
 • Shops, clubs and restaurants all within easy reach                www.bayviewmotorinn.com.au
 • Catering for bus and tour groups

                                                                 Have a whale of
                                                                 a time and book
                                                                 your next holiday
                                                                 with us!
                                                                 Eden Realty offer a large
                                                                 selection of quality homes
                                                                 and units to suit your
                                                                 holiday needs.
                                                                 We also offer professional
                                                                 and personal service
                                                                 for all your real estate
                                                                 purchasing, selling and
                                                                 rental requirements.

132 Imlay Street EDEN 2551
email: rent@edenrealty.com.au                   (02)      6496 1999
Visit us... edenrealty.com.au or stayz.com.au

                                                         & Toddler
       Whale                  Villas                       Pool
      Watching                  &
                           Touring Sites                                       Activities

            Eden Gateway Holiday Park, 99 Princes Highway, EDEN, NSW 2551, Australia
 Telephone No (02) 6496 1798 / 1300 73 7954   Fax No (02) 6496 1820  www.edengateway.com.au


 Fully self-contained 1 and 2 bedroom ensuite spa units plus
                                                                         178 Imlay Street, Eden NSW 2551
 spacious motel rooms located only a short stroll to Eden’s clubs,
                                                                         Phone: 02 6496 1657
 shops, hotels and harbour area.
                                                                         E: accomm@heritagehouseunits.com
 • TV and DVD player • Ocean views                                       www.heritagehouseunits.com
 • Linen supplied
 • Fully equipped kitchen with
   microwave in all units
 • Reverse-cycle air conditioning
 Rating iiii

 EAGLE HEIGHTS OF EDEN                                      CENTRETOWN MOTEL

 Incredible ocean views from each of our 2 bedroom          • 14 comfortable single, double and family units
 units. With national parks to the south and beach          • Right in town – easy stroll to shops, restaurants,
 side towns to the north, Eagle Heights of Eden               Eden Fishermen’s Club, Eden gym, Eden pool,
 makes the perfect base for day trips.                        whale museum and beaches
 • Free internet • Clifftop gazebo BBQ area                 • Enjoy our hospitality and moderate rates
 • Heated pool • Flatscreen TV with Foxtel                  • Family owned and operated
 • Off-street car and boat parking                          • Close to bus stops
                                                              Rated 

     12 Yule Street, Eden NSW 2551                           167 Imlay Street, Eden NSW 2551
     Phone: 02 6496 1971                                     Phone: 02 6496 1475 – Fax: 02 6496 4488
     Email: info@eagleheightsofeden.com.au

Eden Holiday Rentals
             We have a huge selection of
           holiday accommodation options
                 to suit all your needs
 SNUG COVE VILLAS                       CHAR-REE-LEERA

• Harbour views, boat parking, BBQs    • Beach access, incredible views, secluded


• Pet friendly, balcony, ocean views   • Pet friendly, balcony, views, BBQ

Visit us at
Telephone: 0421 027 867
        Let us show you why we believe Eden
      is the Sapphire Coast’s best kept secret!
Holiday Park
Situated in a stunning valley leading down to absolute
beach frontage, Eden Beachfront Holiday Park has
the best that nature can offer – the ocean, the placid
waters of Shadrack Creek, the raised forest slopes with
stunning panoramic views – and all of this within a
short drive of the historic township and port of Eden.

The very nature of this area brings together the
northern and southern ocean currents, brimming with
life including dolphins, whales, seals and a wonderful
array of local fresh seafood and produce.

Our Eden caravan park, is located where the ocean
meets the land, offering many relaxed options – so
whether you love activities such as fishing, surfing and
golfing, or prefer to just sit back and take in the beauty
of our forests and wilderness – it is all here for you to
enjoy at Eden Beachfront Holiday Park.

There’s accommodation for every type of holiday and
every budget, including deluxe beachfront holiday
villas, self-contained holiday cabins, chalets and a
variety of camping grounds to chose from. We also
offer popular beachfront campsites, as well as the
option for caravan parks with ensuites.

                             BOOKINGS ON
                             02 6496 1651
                             441 Princes Highway,
                             Eden NSW 2551


  Blue Marlin                                                 RESORT &
                                                              MOTOR INN
• Licensed restaurant – coaches and group bookings • BBQ area and laundry facilities
• Motorbikes welcome • Fully equipped gym and infra-red sauna • Ample car, boat and coach parking
• Indoor swimming pool • Play room and outside play area for kids • PET FRIENDLY

                                               87 Princes Highway, Eden NSW 2551  P: 02 6496 1601
                                  E: info @bluemarlinresort.com.au  www.bluemarlinresort.com.au


Our friendly staff look forward to welcoming you to the Halfway
                                                                    On the roundabout, Princes Highway
Motel, Eden. Centrally located just minutes from shops and beach.
                                                                    118 Imlay Street, Eden NSW 2551
• Solar heated pool and spa • Reverse cycle air-conditioned units   W: www.halfwaymotel.com.au
• Singles, doubles, family rooms and two room suites • BBQ          E: info@halfwaymotel.com.au
• In-house restaurant and conference facilities • Internet access   P: 02 6496 1178
• Accommodation and Restaurant                                      F: 02 6496 3316
  overnight packages available
• Functions catered for
AAA Rating 

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