Implementing our Strategy 2019-2021 - Health and Safety Authority - IN THIS EDITION: National Irish Safety ...

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Implementing our Strategy 2019-2021 - Health and Safety Authority - IN THIS EDITION: National Irish Safety ...
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                                                                         NISO is a not-for-profit voluntary body,
                                                                           dedicated to the promotion of health
                                                                                    and safety in Irish workplaces

      SUMMER 2019

                                                     IN THIS EDITION:

                                         Health and Safety Authority –
                                           Implementing our Strategy
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     ED I TORI A L

                                                                   President’s message
                                                                   All Ireland Safety Awards        the All Ireland Safety Awards
         IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                   This is a very busy time of      Dinner. The theme of this
         President’s Message .................2                    the year in NISO and NISG        year’s conference is “SHWW
                                                                   with the marking by the          – 30 Years On” and we have
         NISO/National News..........3-6
                                                                   adjudicators of the All          a very interesting line up of
         New members............................7                  Ireland Safety Awards            speakers, both national and
                                                                   coming to a conclusion.          international, for the day.
         HSA Feature.............................8-9
                                                                     As the marking concludes,        Speakers include Prof Anne
         NISO Certificate in Safety,                               the All Ireland Awards           Drummond, UCD; Tom
         Health and Welfare at Work                                committee will be meeting to     Walsh, DBEI, who will look
         Courses .......................................10         review the marking and to        back to the introduction of
                                                                   conduct our quality              the SHWW Act 1989 and the
         IOSH Forum ........................11-12
                                                                   assurance programme to           formation of the HSA; Mary
         NISO Annual Conference                                    ensure that the correct award    Connaughton, CIPD; Maeve
                                                                                                                                     Harry Galvin, president,
         2019 ................................................13   goes to the correct              O’Loughlin, Middlesex            National Irish Safety Organisation
                                                                   organisation.                    University / ITV; Prof
         Legislation/                                                                               Desmond O’Neill, RSA,
                                                                     Following the quality
         Publications .......................14-15
                                                                   assurance programme, each        Tallaght Hospital and Trinity    I appeal to the government to
                                                                   organisation that entered the    College Dublin; Pat              take a long-term view and
         Upcoming events....................16
                                                                   awards will receive              McLoughlin, CEO, The             fund all areas of safety,
                                                                   correspondence advising          Alzheimer Society of Ireland;    health and welfare to protect
                                                                   whether they have qualified      Mark Cullen, HSA; and Sean       all our citizens and prevent
                                                                   for an award and to indicate     Hogan NDFEM. Visit our           injuries, ill health and
                                                                   what category of award they      dedicated conference website,    deaths.
                                                                   are receiving.          for             The costs of prevention of
                                                                     The actual award each          updates and further details.     injuries and ill health is, as
                                                                   organisation will receive will                                    all safety professionals will
                                                                   not be revealed until the        Budget 2020                      agree, minor compared to
                                                                   night of the All Ireland         Over the coming months the       the high costs of health care,
                                                                   Safety Awards Gala Dinner        government will be preparing     compensation and other
                                                                   on Friday 11 October in the      the annual budget and we in      costs associated with the
                                                                   Galmont Hotel, Galway.           NISO hope that extra             human suffering caused by
                                                                                                    funding will be allocated for    our failures.
         Members visit                                             Annual Health and Safety         the Health and Safety               Stay safe. to download                                       Conference                       Authority. Extra funding is
                                                                   The NISO Annual Health           required for health and safety        Harry Galvin, president,
         previous copies of                                                                                                                  National Irish Safety
                                                                   and Safety Conference will       with employment now at an
         the NISO Update!                                          take place on the same day as    all time high of 2.2 million.                   Organisation

         NISO Update! is issued
         by the National Irish
         Safety Organisation
         (NISO).                                                     Is your organisation interested in sponsoring the NISO Annual Health and Safety
         Material printed in NISO Update!                            Conference, Ireland’s Premier health and safety event, in 2019?
         is not necessarily endorsed by the                          Sponsorship of the NISO Annual Health and Safety Conference presents a prime
         National Irish Safety
                                                                     opportunity for organisations to reinforce their identity and reputation as leaders in the
                                                                     health and safety field.
         Editorial enquiries to: The Editor,
         NISO, A11 Calmount Park,                                        Sponsors of the 2018 NISO Conference included:
         Calmount Avenue, Ballymount,
         Dublin 12. Tel: 01 465 9760                                     Gold Plus             Silver Plus               Bronze:
         Fax: 01 465 9765                                                • Anderco             • Ayrton Group           • DB Schenker
         Email:                                             • Intel
         Design & Print: Print Bureau
         Tel: 01 4733 567                                            To discuss opportunities to sponsor the NISO Conference and other NISO events, please                                          contact Warren Azong for a sponsorship brochure on 01 465 9760 or email

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           Ireland wins prestigious ETSC PIN Award
           Ireland has been announced as the
           winner of the European Transport
           Safety Council (ETSC) Road Safety
           Performance Index (PIN) award. The
           annual award is presented to a
           European country that has
           demonstrated continued progress on
           road safety combined with a strategic
           approach to tackling the problem
           across government.
             Ireland was the second safest
           European Union Member State in
           2018, in terms of road mortality (road
           deaths per million inhabitants) and
           has moved up five places in the
           ranking of EU countries since 2010
           when it held 7th place. In terms of
           numbers killed, Ireland has cut annual
           deaths by more than 30% since 2010.
           By comparison, deaths increased in
           other relatively safe countries over the
           same period including Sweden and the
             Shane Ross, Minister for Transport,
           Tourism and Sport, said, “It is
           heartening to see that Ireland has now
           been recognised as the second safest
           European Union Member State in              could cut road deaths by 40%. As it is,    12 months, after several years of delay.
           2018, demonstrating the significant         many countries are standing still and      These welcome new measures will also
           progress made to date. Government           even going backwards. We can learn a       take several years to take full effect.
           policy and investment is working in         lot from Ireland’s approach – it’s a       ETSC is calling on the new European
           this area but we cannot be complacent       model for the European Union.”             Parliament and Commissioners to
           and need to keep road safety to the                                                    make road safety a priority from day
           fore of public consciousness.”              Ranking EU progress on road safety –       one.
             According to ETSC, Ireland’s              new report published today                   Road deaths and injuries in the EU
           performance has been driven by the            Progress in Ireland stands in            are still unacceptably high by any
           establishment of a specific government      contrast to relative stagnation in the     measure, with around 500 deaths
           road safety agency (Road Safety             EU as a whole. The numbers killed on       every single week, the equivalent to
           Authority – RSA), a long-term               EU roads fell by just 1% last year, and    three Boeing 737 planes crashing and
           strategic plan to cut road deaths with      by just 4% over the last five years,       killing everyone on board.
           specific targets, regular evaluation and    according to the latest ETSC Road            Avenoso commented:
           follow-up, and a multi-agency               Safety Performance Index Annual              “Over the next few weeks and
           approach to delivery across                 Report – published today.                  months, newly-elected MEPs will be
           government. In recent years                   The EU target to cut road deaths in      taking up their posts at the European
           considerable efforts have been put in       half over the decade to 2020 now           Parliament and new European
           place on tackling dangerous speeding,       looks out of reach. Meeting that target    Commissioners will be appointed,
           as well as drink-driving.                   would require an unprecedented 21%         together with Presidents of the three
             Antonio Avenoso, ETSC Executive           reduction per year in 2019 and 2020.       main EU institutions. It’s essential that
           Director commented:                           In many Member States, road safety       the new leadership maintains the level
             “Ireland has made great progress on       has been deprioritised in recent years,    of ambition on tackling road safety
           road safety in recent years, while at the   with cuts to traffic police enforcement,   that we have seen from the EU over the
           same time recognising areas where it        and a failure to invest in safer           last year – they must not sit on their
           still needs to do more – such as            infrastructure.                            hands.”
           improving the safety of cycling. What         The EU’s biggest and boldest recent        The 2019 ETSC Road Safety
           stands out is the strategic approach:       road safety initiatives – an update to     Performance Index Report can be
           analysing the data, setting targets, and    minimum vehicle safety standards and       downloaded from the ETSC website at
           making sure the job gets done. If           a significant increase in the scope of
           every country in Europe could get to        infrastructure safety management                                Source:
           the same level of safety as Ireland, we     rules – were only finalised in the last                      

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     NE W S

      NISO Safety Awards at
      Scifest 2019 at AIT
      On Friday, 12 April 2019, more than 400
      secondary school students from across
      the Midlands showcased their skills in
      Science, Technology, Engineering and
      Maths (STEM) at SciFest@AthloneIT –
      Ireland’s largest regional SciFest fair.
      Sinead Hussey, RTÉ’s north east
      correspondent opened the event.
        SciFest – the competition known for
      putting “STEM into Action” - helps
      engender an interest in science,
      technology, engineering and maths
      subjects among second level students
      with the aim of encouraging their
      future matriculation into STEM
      degrees and, ultimately, careers. The
      competition gives students of all
      abilities and backgrounds the                The NISO Safety Award winners, Amy Fallon and Andrea Whyte of Athlone Community College, with their
      opportunity to develop their critical        science teacher Martina Roache, receiving their award and prize vouchers from Chris McCormack, NISO
      thinking, problem solving, research          Midland Regional Vice Chair & lecturer at AIT.
      and presentation skills.
         This year, multi-disciplinary judges      nationally and 2019 will be another                and linked this device to 4G networks.
      assessed more than 194 science projects      stellar year for projects in science,              The project was supervised by their
      at junior, intermediate and senior level     technology, engineering and maths.                 teacher Martina Roache.
      from 24 secondary schools. As in             SciFest gives students an excellent                  Second Place went to Aoife
      previous years, participating students       opportunity to develop their interest in           McDermott and Aisling McCarthy of
      presented on a wide array of topics          STEM and inquiry-based approaches to               Our Lady’s Bower, Athlone. Their
      including the virtuosity of veganism         learning, while developing their creative          project “Track that Crash” creates an
      and the effect of carbon dioxide on our      and problem-solving skills and learning            emergency call when a car impacts or
      diets, through to a super solution for       to work in a team.”                                rolls. GPS coordinates, speed of
      superbugs and how colour can affect            National Irish Safety Organisation               impact and car orientation
      our learning.                                (NISO) sponsored a Safety Award and                (gyroscopic) data are sent also, aiding
        “As always, the projects entered by the    a runner up prize at AIT’s SciFest.                emergency services in resourcing
      participating students are impressive,       Both of the winning projects were                  rescue operations. The programme
      engaging and thought-provoking. Their        judged to be of critical relevance in              created also tracks movements prior to
      passion for science, technology,             current and future safety                          the incident, which can be used in
      engineering and maths is demonstrable        developments. Both teams had                       accident investigation. A call to next
      by the calibre of research undertaken.       developed their innovations to initial             of kin, using ICE contacts, can be
      As the sole higher education provider in     prototype. These winning students                  programmed. The students were able
      the Midlands, Athlone Institute of           demonstrated skills such as coding,                to demonstrate the combined
      Technology plays a pivotal role in the       writing algorithms and the coupling of             technologies and communications
      development of the region and                IT and communication technologies,                 created via SMS. Their teacher, Ellen
      continuing to supply industry with a         along with excellent multi-media                   Maguire supervised the project.
      talent pipeline of suitably qualified,       science communication skills.                        NISO would like to acknowledge
      work ready graduates. SciFest, and             This year, the winners of this                   the collegiality of the staff at Athlone
      school outreach activities like it, play a   prestigious prize were Amy Fallon and              Institute of Technology in the various
      hugely important role in helping             Andrea Whyte of Athlone Community                  collaborations developed, such as the
      cultivate the next generation of             College. Their project, called “Using              NISO Certificate in Safety, Health and
      scientists, engineers and                    Artificial Neural Networks and                     Welfare at Work, and the Young
      mathematicians,” Dr Noreen Morris,           Autoencoder to Detect When an                      Persons’ Occupational Safety and
      Athlone Institute of Technology SciFest      Internet Connected Toy has Been                    Health Quiz finals, both held at AIT
      co-ordinator, said.                          Hacked” consists of a tracking device,             since their inception. NISO also
        Commenting ahead of the event,             connected to a parent’s mobile phone,              contributes graduation excellence
      Sheila Porter, SciFest Founder and CEO,      which alerts when so-called “Nanny                 awards to the BSc in Environmental
      said: “Since SciFest’s inception in 2008,    Toys” have been interfered with by an              Safety and Health Management
      more than 65,000 students have               external party. The students had built             (ESHM), and the MSc in ESHM at
      participated in the programme                the combined technologies required,                Athlone Institute of Technology.

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           Vulnerable road users account for 70% of EU
           road deaths
           According to a new report by the           walking are able to do so in a safe            – Latvia, Greece, Portugal and
           European Transport Safety Council,         environment.”                                    Poland are the EU countries that
           road deaths on urban roads decreased                                                        made the most progress in
           at around half the rate of those on        Key findings:                                    reducing urban road deaths
           rural roads over the period 2010-2017.     • Enforcing safe speed limits is a               between 2010 and 2017.
           Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists      key challenge.
           – the three most vulnerable road user        Among the countries that monitor           • New forms of mobility.
           groups – represent 70% of those killed       levels of speed compliance on urban          The uptake of e-scooters and other
           and seriously injured on urban roads.        roads countrywide, between 35%               new forms of mobility might also
             Dovil Adminait-Fodor, lead author          and 75% of observed vehicle speeds           require new national legislation or
           of the report, commented:                    in free-flowing urban traffic are            city-level regulations, infrastructure
             “Over the next ten years, we want to       higher than the 50 km/h limit.               adjustments and educational
           see the EU and all European countries                                                     activities, similar to the road safety
           investing in urban transport in a way      • Vast differences in the level of             adaptations required for more
           that prioritises the most vulnerable         safety across the European Union.            cycling. A lack of data and
           road users. This is not just about safer     – Mortality on urban roads is                regulation is hindering progress in
           infrastructure and setting safe speed          highest in Romania with 105                this area at the present time,
           limits but also better enforcement of          road users killed annually per             according to the report.
           speed limits as well as reducing drink         million urban inhabitants – four
           driving and distraction.                       times the EU average.                    The report contains more than twenty
             “Many cities and towns are rightly         – In contrast, around nine people          main recommendations for action at
           focusing on improving air quality and          per million urban inhabitants are        EU, country and city authority level
           sustainability in cities, and                  killed on urban roads in Sweden,         and can be downloaded from the
           discouraging private car use. But              11 in the UK, 13 in the                  ETSC website at:
           safety concerns must go hand-in-hand           Netherlands and 14 in Ireland  
           to ensure that more people cycling and         and Spain.                                                    Source:

           HSA launches free asbestos awareness-raising course
                                                      interactive building highlighting            for Tradespeople’ course will provide
                                                      potential areas where ACMs may be            learners with important information
                                                      found, and their risks. A variety of         on ACMs in the workplace. It will
                                                      examples are provided including              help employers and employees to be
                                                      images of what to look out for.              aware of potential locations of ACMs
                                                      Learners will also hear a personal           and how to manage a situation when
                                                      account of the health effects of             these materials are found. Employers
                                                      asbestos exposure.                           can also incorporate the course into
                                                        Completion of the “Asbestos Safety for     staff induction or training
           The Health and Safety Authority            Tradespeople” course will help learners      programmes.”
           (HSA) has launched a free, short, on-      to improve their awareness of ACMs and         He added, “This short online course
           line course aimed at assisting             how to protect themselves and others.        will give those who may encounter
           tradespeople who may encounter             However, it does not in any way enable       asbestos in the course of their work a
           asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)       individuals to work with ACMs.               good introduction to it and plenty of
           in the course of their work. It can be       At the end of this course learners         guidance on where to seek further
           accessed through the HSA e-learning        should be able to:                           information.”
           portal The 30-     • understand what asbestos is,                 Joanne Harmon, Business and
           minute online course will help raise       • outline the health effects of              Education Support Manager, with the
           asbestos awareness amongst a range of         exposure to asbestos,                     HSA said, “Learners can take courses
           workers including electricians,            • identify potential locations of asbestos   during their own time, at their own pace
           plumbers, carpenters, installers,             containing materials (ACMs),              and can download a certificate of
           maintenance workers, caretakers and        • and outline the steps to take to           completion on passing the short
           construction workers.                         protect yourself from exposure to         assessment. Although not a formal
              If an employee unknowingly                 asbestos.                                 qualification, certification can form part
           disturbs ACMs, asbestos fibres that                                                     of an individual’s training or continuous
           can seriously harm health are released     Darren Arkins, Senior Inspector, with        professional development record.”
           into the air. The course includes an       the HSA said, “The ‘Asbestos Safety                                       Source:

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      Outdoor workers account for 23%
      of skin cancer deaths
      The Irish Cancer Society has said that
      farm, construction and outdoor
      workers account for almost one in
      four (23%) skin cancer deaths in
      Ireland. The figures have remained
      stagnant in recent years.
         The Society has teamed up with the
      Irish Congress of Trade Unions to
      urge outdoor workers to be extra
      vigilant during the summer months,
      and reduce their risk of skin cancer.
         Announcing the partnership, Kevin
      O’Hagan, Cancer Prevention Manager
      with the Irish Cancer Society said,
      “These figures from the CSO show
      that in 2016, we had over 60 deaths in
      Ireland which were related to sun
      exposure at work. That is more than
      one death a week. The dangers of skin
      cancer in these industries have often
      been neglected, because the risk of
      accidental death and injury on the job    construction, horticulture, quarrying,   Authority guidelines. We would
      is considered higher and more             postal services, environment, tourism,   encourage all of our members to
      immediate. However long-term              recreation and education.                ensure they are being SunSmart this
      exposure to the invisible hazard of the     “Workers need to take every            summer. It could save a life.”
      sun’s ultraviolet rays puts outdoor       precaution in protecting their skin        For more information on skin cancer
      workers at a high risk of skin cancer.    while exposed to the sun, and should     or how to be SunSmart, visit
         “We are really pleased to be teaming   be supported in doing so by their
      up with the Irish Congress of Trade       employers. We would also call on           The Health and Safety Authority
      Unions this summer to encourage           employers to put in place robust         also has the following sun safety
      employers and employees to take the       policies to ensure that outdoor          resources on its website:
      necessary sun protection behaviours to    workers, such as builders, postal
      reduce the number of workers dying        workers or fisherman are adequately      otection/
      form a very preventable cancer.           protected. At a minimum they should
         “Every year in Ireland, it is          be following the Health & Safety                   Source: Irish Cancer Society
      estimated that almost 12,000 people
      are diagnosed with skin cancer, and
      figures show that more men than
      women were diagnosed. Getting
      repeated sunburn throughout life
      increases the risk of skin cancer. Half
      of all adults experienced sunburn in
      the last year and a third of men have
      experienced sunburn while working
      outdoors, so we are asking people to
      take the necessary steps to avoid
      sunburn and to be SunSmart at work.”
         Congress General Secretary, Patricia
      King, added, “We are really pleased to
      be teaming up with the Irish Cancer
      Society to raise awareness of skin
      cancer among outdoor workers.
      Congress represents over 135,000
      people whose work is characterised as
      being predominantly or occasionally
      outdoors. This includes union
      members in sectors such as

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                                                                                                                                                NEW MEMBERS

           NISO Welcomes New Members

          National Irish Safety Organisation
          would like to welcome all of the
          organisations that have joined recently.
          As a not for profit organisation with               !
          charitable status, your membership of
          NISO supports our endeavours to                     !
          promote health and safety in Irish
            Contact NISO on 01 465 9760 or
          email for further
          information on NISO membership and
          to receive a copy of our Membership

          New Members
          Organisations to recently join NISO
          Alexion Pharma International
          Operations UC                                         Since forming in 1996, AirconMech is now one
                                                              !                                                                                                 !
          Cabinpac                                              of Ireland’s leading Building Services                      Dominic O’Connor Ltd. has earned a solid
                                                              ! Engineering Contractors.
                                                                                                                            reputation for providing specialist commercial,
          DS Ventilation                                          AirconMech and AMV Systems, our                           industrial and maintenance engineering
          Dominic O’Connor Ltd.                                   maintenance division, together enables us to              services to the building industry, having
                                                                  provide a first-class all-around service to include       worked on many prestigious projects involving
          LA Services                                             manufacturing, build, commissioning and                   complex steam, water, air and heating
          Phoenix STS Ltd.                                        maintenance. We specialise in the installation            installations. Accustomed to working with
                                                                  and maintenance (AMV Systems) of Heating,                 most major firms, Dominic O’Connor Ltd. has
                                                                  Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems,                 become a respected and experienced provider
                                                                  delivering first-class mechanical solutions               of building services throughout the country.
                                                                  tailored to your unique requirements.                     Web :

            Established in 2002, 4site currently employs      Established in 2010 DS Ventilation Ltd                        Secto delivers integrated planning, design,
            90 people in their offices in Limerick, Dublin    specializes in the installation of ventilation                build and commissioning of advanced
            and the UK.                                       systems including fire rated ductwork to the                  communication networks, civil engineering
            4site provides innovative engineering solutions   commercial, pharmaceutical, hospitality and                   and utilities projects across a range of sectors
            for major infrastructural developments in         educational sectors throughout Ireland. In                    and customers.
            telecommunications. Clients include Vodafone,     partnership with our clients we are committed                 Based just outside Dublin with national
            SIRO, Cignal, CityFibre, CommScope, 2RN,          to delivering a first class service on all our                coverage, Secto is an innovative company
            Three, Ericsson, Nokia, MBNL and Virgin Media,    projects.                                                     which offers Engineering and Project
            Imagine Communications and Wireless Group.        Contact us: Email                       Management expertise to Telecoms, Utilities
                               Phone: 01 405 7682 Mobile: 087 250 4725                       and Managed Services customers across
                                                                                                                            Ireland and the UK.

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      Health and Safety Authority –
      Implementing our Strategy 2019-2021
      I recently read the Health and Safety          relation to three sectors –
      Authority’s Annual report for the year         construction, agriculture and health
      1989-1990. It made for some                    and social care. Within each of these
      interesting reading and was a useful           sectors, we are further prioritising our
      reminder that while much has changed           actions and attention in relation to
      inside and outside the Authority since         specific risks. For example, in
      its foundation in 1989, some things            construction, we are prioritising
      have remained and are still core to our        actions in relation to working at
      mandate and function. As we are now            heights, occupational health and work
      on the way to implementing our latest          related vehicle safety. In health and
      Strategy (2019-2021), it is a good time        social care, our targets are risks from
      to reflect on the Authority’s first 30         work related violence and aggression,
      years and its contribution if not over         manual and patient handling and
      the next 30 at least over the next three       slips, trips and falls. For agriculture,
      years.                                         the key risks we will address are
         The most significant change for the         livestock, machinery and tractors and
      Authority since 1989 is of course the          working at heights. None of these
      depth and breadth of our mandate.              risks is new and all are well known.
      We have long since moved away from             Indeed, falling while working from a          Dr. Sharon McGuinness, CEO, Health and Safety
      being solely responsible for workplace         height was the main factor in                 Authority
      health and safety; now our mandate             construction fatalities in 1989 and it
      reaches across the chemicals life cycle,       still is today. By prioritising and
      through to market surveillance of              focusing our efforts with respect to          mindset will also only be realised
      consumer products and most recently            inspection, education,                        when companies and individuals show
      into accreditation of products and             communications and support, we are            leadership. We want to see
      services. With this broader mandate            aiming to drive real change in the            stakeholders and leaders who engage
      comes challenges and more                      numbers of workers being killed or            and motivate themselves, their
      importantly comes opportunity in               injured each year because these risks         company, their peers and their
      how we deliver our mandate and how             are not being appropriately addressed.        colleagues in seeing health and safety
      enterprises and stakeholders alike             Underpinning this focus will be an            as a positive force for motivated
      comply with regulations and work               emphasis on creating and building a           workers, quality jobs and sustainable
      with us.                                       safety mindset amongst employers and          working practices. Too often, leaders
         With our new strategy, we are               employees. No matter how determined           will say that safety is a priority but
      prioritising activities in                      the Authority is in addressing risks,        when it comes to being visible when
                                                      without a parallel interest or               health and safety is on the agenda,
                                                       willingness to think safety and act         they will often send their health and
                                                       safely by employers, self-employed          safety expert. Leaders need to step up
                                                       and workers, our efforts will not be        and be seen and heard on the
                                                        successful.                                importance of health and safety for
                                                            This brings us to the topic of         their workers and businesses.
                                                         stakeholder engagement. Without             Communications is also more
                                                         it, the Authority would not be able       important than ever. With all the
                                                          to deliver the range of services and     means and ways available to get
                                                          activities across its guidance,          information to those that use and
                                                           support, education and                  require it, the need for clear, concise
                                                           communications efforts. More            and relevant messaging is greater than
                                                            importantly, without the strong        ever. We have focused efforts on the
                                                            levels of stakeholder engagement       communication and education fronts
                                                             and buy in, continuing reductions     for many years and rightly so. In so
                                                             in fatalities, injuries and illness   doing, we have produced many
                                                             will not be seen. However, from       different guidance and information
                                                              the Authority’s perspective, it is   documents and e-tools such as
                                 te g y S ta te ment          important that we engage and         BeSMART, e-learning, Work Positive
                                                               work with those parties who         and and we continue
                                                               have a shared vision for safe and   to promote their use and uptake by all
                                                               healthy workplaces. A safety        those interested in good health and

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                                            PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST –
                                             PRODUCT CERTIFICATION:
                 • Check what product certification you                  • For the full DBEI Brexit Preparedness
                   will require for exporting to the UK                    Checklist, go to
                 • Prepare for the additional
                   responsibilities you will have as an
                   importer when sourcing products
                   (chemicals and industrial products)
                   from the UK post-Brexit
                 • If you use a UK Notified Body, transfer
                   your product certification to an EU-27
                   Notified Body
                 • Examine if you need to appoint a
                   ‘designated representative’ in the UK
                   or if your UK supplier has appointed
                   an EU ‘authorised representative’
                 • Should you need advice on
                   contact the Health and Safety
                   Authority at or

           safety practice. Our use of     workforce from school or      dedicated website              have not yet started their
           social media continues to       college but also those who    (, our       preparations, do so
           grow and with it will come      are working well into their   helpdesk ( and      immediately and follow the
           the challenge of how to         60s, 70s and beyond.          communication campaigns        Department of Business,
           impart the necessary level of     Finally, we are also        and events, we have and will   Enterprise and Innovation’s
           detail to those that need it    focused on getting Ireland    continue to bring clear        Brexit preparedness
           and do not have the time        ready for Brexit. With all    advice and guidance to Irish   checklist.
           and the inclination to read     the uncertainty in relation   businesses as they navigate      As we celebrate 30 years
           detailed guidance               to Brexit right now, the      these challenging and          of regulating, promoting
           documents. With the age         Authority is providing much   changing times. We urge all    and influencing on health
           cohort of our working           needed certainty to           businesses to follow closely   and safety this year, we are
           population getting wider,       businesses and enterprises    the Government                 also looking forward to
           messaging will be critical as   as to how regulations and     communications and advice      increasing our focus in these
           we target not just those        compliance will look post     in relation to Brexit and      areas over the next three
           coming new into the             Brexit. Through our           more importantly, if they      years and beyond.

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                                                                                                                     IOSH FORUM

          New web portal launched to support employers
          with workplace health
          The Workplace Health             to find. We hope our portal   group of committed                 135 companies or
          Leadership Group Northern        will act like an index and    stakeholders from across           individuals have been
          Ireland (WHLGNI) has             guide viewers to the          industry and government            ordered to cease work
          created a new web portal         information they want         came together to ensure            activities because of non-
          for employers to access          quickly.”                     that effective occupational        compliance with asbestos
          information on occupational        Richard McIvor,             health management is given         regulations, with a further
          health, occupational             Treasurer, Council Member     the priority in Northern           130 being warned they must
          hygiene and wellbeing.           and former Chair of the       Ireland workplaces that it         improve.
             The site signposts viewers    IOSH Northern Ireland         warrants. The Group’s                A further 31 companies or
          to a wide range of valuable      Branch and IOSH Ireland       vision is to ensure that           individuals have been
          information available to         Regional Co-Ordinating        “Workplace Health”                 prosecuted for breaches,
          employers. The website is        Committee, said: "The         receives the same                  with fines ranging from £1
          available at:                    confusion experienced by      recognition in the working         to £200,000 and some
                some employers, health and    environment as                     directors being given prison
             Supported by the seven        safety practitioners and      “Occupational Safety” and          sentences. The latest
          partners that form               consultants appears to have   striving for employers to          company to be sentenced
          WHLGNI (IOSH, NI Safety          contributed to an             have a “healthy” as well as a      was a Devon-based hotelier,
          Group, BuildHealth, BOHS,        unintentional                 “safe” culture.                    which was fined £80,000
          HSENI, PHA and the Local         misinterpretation of key                                         yesterday after asbestos
          Councils) the site is            statutory requirements        Asbestos exposure putting          containing materials were
          designed to get relevant         associated with workplace     lives at risk 20 years since       disturbed during renovation
          workplace health                 health. This valuable         ban                                work.
          information to readers           resource allows for greater   Lives are still being put at         But while these companies
          quickly. The partnership is      collaboration and signposts   risk by companies failing to       are being hit in the pocket,
          geared towards ensuring          guidance in a single portal   manage exposure to                 the human cost of asbestos
          that effective occupational      with the intention of risk    asbestos – two decades after       exposure at work is far
          health management is given       assessing “health” like       the deadly cancer-causing          greater, with at least 5,000
          priority in Northern Ireland     safety.”                      material was banned in             deaths every year in Britain
          workplaces.                        WHLGNI was formed on        Britain.                           being linked to it.
             IOSH’s Northern Ireland       10 August 2016 when a            Since the start of last year,     While it takes 20 years or
          Branch works closely with
          the Northern Ireland Safety
          Group on a range of
          initiatives, including sitting
          on the WHLGNI.
             As well as showcasing the
          various current initiatives
          and campaigns, the site
          features good practice case
          studies and videos,
          information and relevant
          links, the latest news and a
          handy A – Z of workplace
          health. The site will also
          feature details of workplace
          health events taking place
          around the province.
             Wilson Lambe, President
          of NI Safety Group, former
          President of IOSH (1998-
          1999) and Chair of
          WHLGNI, said: “There is a
          plethora of good
          information out there on
          workplace health but
          sometimes it can be difficult

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      more for exposure to lead to      who watch their loved ones
      a cancer diagnosis, the           suffer. All this is preventable
      Institution of Occupational       through good occupational
      Safety and Health (IOSH) is       safety and health. It is time
      concerned that the number         for organisations to wake
      of buildings containing           up and realise how
      asbestos and a widespread         dangerous asbestos is.
      lack of awareness and             There are no excuses.”
      uncertainty on how to               An IOSH-funded survey
      manage it – particularly          last year found there was a
      among small and medium-           worrying lack of awareness
      sized organisations – means       among tradespeople about
      people will continue to           asbestos. Of 500
      become seriously ill in           respondents, including
      decades to come.                  electricians, carpenters,
        Despite being banned in         joiners and roofers, nearly
      1999, it is present in at least   one in four said they had
      half a million buildings          been exposed to asbestos,
      constructed before this           while one in three admitted
      time, lurking in roofing,         to never checking the
      spray coatings, lagging,          asbestos register before
      insulating boards and cloth.      starting work on a new site.
        During Global Asbestos            This lack of awareness is
      Awareness Week (1-7 April),       evidenced in some recent
      IOSH called on                    court cases:
      organisations to manage
      risks more responsibly and
      stop people being exposed             CASE 1
      to asbestos, which can lead
      to fatal cancers like                 A hotelier was fined £80,000 after asbestos containing materials were disturbed
      mesothelioma.                         during refurbishment of bathrooms and bedrooms at one of its properties.
        IOSH’s Chief Executive              Concerns about asbestos had been raised by an employee but no testing was done,
      Bev Messinger addressed               and work carried on for several months.
      delegates at the
      International Asbestos
      Awareness and Prevention
      Conference in Washington              CASE 2
      DC on Saturday 6 April,
                                            A manufacturing organisation allowed its workers to demolish an internal wall,
      highlighting the institution’s
                                            exposing them to asbestos.
      No Time to Lose campaign
      to tackle occupational                There had been no asbestos survey or up-to-date asbestos management plan for the
      cancer. Bev said:                     premises. The company was fined £20,000.
        “It is unacceptable that,
                                            Former roofer Liam Bradley, 32, of Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, was diagnosed
      20 years on from asbestos
                                            with mesothelioma after surgeons operated on a collapsed lung following a fall
      being banned in Britain,
                                            from height. While the dad-of-one isn’t yet showing any symptoms, his future
      organisations are still
                                            remains unclear and he is urging organisations to provide more information for
      potentially putting at risk
                                            people at risk of exposure. He said:
      the lives of employees, their
      families and other members            “I worked for a number of small organisations on quite a few refurbishment
      of the public. Courts fine            projects, yet I was told hardly anything about the risks of asbestos, so being
      some of the worst                     diagnosed with mesothelioma came as a huge shock.
      offenders, which causes
                                            “It is incredibly frustrating that people continue to be ignorant about it. I get the
      significant commercial and
                                            sense that a lot of people think it’s an old wives’ tale, something there to scare you.
      reputational damage, but
                                            But it’s real. It’s happened to me, so it can happen to anyone else – businesses, and
      the human costs far
                                            the people who work for them, need to make it a priority.”
      outweigh the financial cost.
        “Thousands die in Britain           Through its No Time to Lose campaign, IOSH is raising awareness of occupational
      every year from cancers like          cancer and some of the most common causes. Its current focus, which began a year
      mesothelioma, while many              ago, is asbestos. The institution has free resources which can assist businesses and
      more are diagnosed with it.           individuals on how to prevent asbestos exposure. For more information, visit
      We must also consider the   
      families of these people,

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  LEG I S L ATI ON/ P U BL I C ATI ONS            %

      New Publications

      Code of Practice for Offshore                                            Working conditions in a global
      Diving                                                                   perspective
      The aim of this code of practice is                                      This report – the result of a
      to provide practical guidance on                                         pioneering project by the
      the safe management of diving at            %                            International Labour Organization
      work. It provides assistance on the         %                            and Eurofound – provides a
      observance of the requirements of                                        comparative analysis of job quality
      the 2018 Diving Regulations.                                             covering approximately 1.2 billion
      Available to download from                            %           workers in Europe, Asia and the                          %
                                                                               Americas. It analyses seven dimensions of job quality:
      Code of Practice for Inland Diving          %                            the physical environment, work intensity, working time
      and Inshore Diving                                                       quality, the social environment, skills and
                                                                                                                       %   development,
      The aim of this code of practice is                                      prospects, and earnings, finding both important
      to provide practical guidance on                                         differences and similarities between countries.
      the safe management of diving at                                         Available to download from

      work. It provides assistance on the                                                                             %

      observance of the requirements of                                        EU-OSH Annual Report 2018
      the 2018 Diving Regulations.            %                                Annual Report 2018: a year of
      Available to download from                            %           collaboration, commitment and
      Working conditions and workers’ %%                                       The EU-OSHA Annual Report
                                            %                                  2018 outlines significant milestones
      health                                %
      This report from Eurofound uses                                          including the launch of the 2018-19
      European Working Conditions                                              Healthy Workplaces Manage
      Survey data to examine working        %                                  Dangerous Substances campaign,       %

      conditions and their implications     %                                  publications of findings from some significant
                                                                                                                    %         pieces
                                            %                                                                       %
      for worker’s health. The findings     %                                  of work and the EU-OSHA’s events and awareness-
      indicate that physical risks have not %                                  raising activities.
      increased but remain important,                                          Available to download from
      while emotional demands have increased, underlining the %
      growing importance of psychosocial risks at work.
      Available to download from


      Share your thoughts…
                                                                                                  If you have any health and safety
                                                                                                  ideas, experiences, stories or tips
                                                                                                  that you would like to share with
                                                           %                                      NISO Update readers, we would
                                                                                                  love to hear from you!

                                                                                                  Please send an email expressing
                                                                                                  your interest in contributing to
                                                                                                  NISO Update to Geraldine at

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                                                                                                                                LEGISLATION/PU BLIC ATIONS

                  S.I. No. 179 of 2019 - Safety, Health and                                                  Regulations 2018 (S.I. No. 254 of 2018) by
                  Welfare at Work (Quarries) (Amendment)                                                     inserting an additional provision to Regulation 19.
                  Regulations 2019                                                                           The additional provision to Regulation 19 will
                  The purpose of these Regulations is to amend the                                           allow for the recognition of certificates of fitness
                  Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Quarries)                                              to dive issued outside the State to be recognised by
                  Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 28 of 2008) to facilitate                                       the Health and Safety Authority as meeting the
                  the recognition by SOLAS of equivalent                                                     requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at
                  registration cards and certification schemes from                                          Work (Diving) Regulations 2018 (S.I. No. 254 of
                  states other than Member States as compliant with                                          2018) provided the Health and Safety Authority has
                  the provisions of these Regulations. The                                                   entered into an agreement with the relevant
                  Regulations also change any references to FÁS to                                           authorities of the jurisdiction involved.
                  SOLAS and similarly change references to FETAC
                  to QQI following the establishment of the Quality                                          S.I. No. 181 Of 2019 - Safety, Health and
                  and Qualifications Ireland and make other minor                                            Welfare at Work Act 2005 (Agreement To
                  amendments, including the addition of a reference                                          Recognise) Order 2019
                  to “common operator” in Regulation 12 for ease of                                          The purpose of this Order (as provided for in
                  consistency                                                                                section 35(1) of the Safety, Health and Welfare at
                                                                                                             Work Act 2005 (No. 10 of 2005)) is to confer on
                  S.I. No. 180 of 2019 - Safety, Health and                                                  the Health and Safety Authority the function to
                  Welfare at Work (Diving) (Amendment)                                                       enter into agreements with persons or bodies
                  Regulations 2019                                                                           involved in safety, health and welfare at work in
                  The purpose of these Regulations is to amend the                                           regard to the recognition of matters related to the
                  Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Diving)                                                functions of the Health and Safety Authority.

          Fatal Workplace Injuries by Economic Sector 2009-2019 (NACE Revision 2)
          Economic sector                                                    2019    2018        2017        2016         2015       2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009
          A Agriculture + forestry and fishing                              12+0+3   15+1+4     25+0+2      22+0+4         18+6      30+1   16+5   20+8   22+5   22+7   10+3
          B Mining and quarrying                                                 0        0           0           1            2        0      2      1      1      0      2
          C Manufacturing                                                        3        2           0           2            3        3      1      0      2      2      1
          D Electricity; gas, steam and air conditioning supply                  0        0           0           0            0        1      1      0      0      0      0
          E Water supply, sewerage, waste management and
            remediation activities                                               1        2           1           1            3        0      1      4      3      2      0
          F Construction                                                         2        5           6          10           11        8     11      8      6      6     10
          G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and
            personal goods                                                       1        2           2           2            2        4      3      3      2      4      2
          H Transportation and storage                                           5        6           6           1            4        4      4      1      7      3      6
          I   Accommodation and food service activities                          0        0           1           0            0        0      0      0      1      0      1
          J Information and communication                                        0        0           0           0            0        0      0      0      0      0      0
          K Financial and insurance activities                                   0        0           0           0            0        0      0      0      0      0      0
          L Real estate activities                                               0        0           0           0            0        0      0      0      0      0      0
          M Professional, scientific and technical activities                    0        0           0           0            0        1      1      1      2      0      1
          N Administrative and support service activities                        0        0           0           2            0        2      0      1      0      0      1
          O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security        0        0           5           1            4        0      0      0      1      0      2
          P Education                                                            0        0           0           0            0        0      1      0      0      0      2
          Q Human health and social work activities                              0        0           0           1            2        0      0      1      1      1      1
          R Arts, entertainment and recreation                                   0        2           0           1            1        1      0      0      1      1      0
          S Other service activities                                             0        0           0           0            0        0      1      0      0      0      1
          Total                                                                 27       39          48          48           56       55     47     48     54     48     43
          (Source: HSA, correct at 5 July 2019. Note that some accidents may be investigation and may not have been recorded yet.)

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      E V E NTS

          Upcoming Events
          Please keep an eye on our website for forthcoming courses in 2019.

          1. SOLAS Safe Pass Training:              3. Courses and events in the            4. National/All Ireland Events
            East: NISO Training Centre, A11            regions                                NISO Annual Health and Safety
            Calmount Park, Ballymount, Dublin 12                                              Conference
                                                      EAST REGION                             The Galmont Hotel & Spa, Galway
            Dates: 26 & 30 July; 2, 9 & 16 August     Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,     11 October 2019
            Duration: 1 day                           Health and Welfare at Work
                                                      NISO Training Centre, Dublin 12
                                                                                              Trade Exhibition of Health and Safety
                                                      Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk
          2. Courses scheduled at NISO                                                        Products and Services
                                                      Commencing: 17 September 2019           The Galmont Hotel & Spa, Galway
             Training Centre, Ballymount,             Contact:                   11 October 2019
             Dublin 12                                MIDLAND REGION
            Manual Handling Basic                     Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,     NISO/NISG All Ireland Safety Awards
            (NISO Certificate)                        Health and Welfare at Work              Gala Dinner
            Duration: half day                        Athlone Institute of Technology         The Galmont Hotel & Spa, Galway
                                                      Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk      11 October 2019
            Dates: 25 July; 8 & 22 August
                                                      Commencing: 23 September 2019
            First Aid Response                        Contact:
            (PHECC Certificate)
            Duration: 3 days                          MID WEST REGION
            Dates: 12-14 August                       Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,
                                                      Health and Welfare at Work
            Manual Handling Instruction               Limerick Institute of Technology
            (QQI L6)                                  Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk
            Duration: 5 days (4 days week 1/          Commencing: 24 September 2019
            1 day week 2)                             Contact:
            Dates: 16, 17, 18, 19 & 23 September
                                                      NORTH WEST REGION
            VDU/DSE Assessor Training                 Promoting Health and Wellbeing in
            (NISO Certificate)                        the Workplace – Workshop
            Duration: 1 day                           Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa,
            Dates: Early September TBC                Ballincar, Co. Sligo
                                                      Commencing: 3 September 2019
                                                      SOUTH REGION
                                                      Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,
                                                      Health and Welfare at Work
                                                      Venue: CSN College of Further
                                                      Education, Cork
                                                      Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk
                                                      Commencing: 17 September 2019
                                                      SOUTH EAST REGION
                                                      Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,
                                                      Health and Welfare at Work
                                                      Venue: Waterford Institute of
                                                      Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk
                                                      Commencing: 24 September 2019
                                                                                                 NISO, A11 Calmount Park,
                                                      WEST REGION                                Calmount Avenue,
                                                      Course: NISO Certificate in Safety,        Ballymount, Dublin 12.
                                                      Health and Welfare at Work
                                                                                                 Tel: 01 465 9760 Fax: 01 465
                                                      Venue: GMIT Castlebar Campus
                                                      Course length: 13 weeks/2 hrs p/wk         9765 Email:
                                                      Commencing: 17 September 2019              Website:

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