Page created by Roger Chapman
Alpine Club Newsletter   March  2018
                                                  July 2016

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Introducing AC social
    Message from the President                                                                   media advisor, Jonny Dry

                                              the world.

                                                                                                                                           2017-18 Alpine Club Regional Lectures
                                                “Our two teams working on
                                                digitisation of the journals will
                                                eventually meet sometime in the
                                              says our Hon. Librarian Barbara
                                                                                                                                                                                        the far west of Nepal. In this talk Becky        Tuesday 10 July 2018: Graham
                                              My thanks again to all club members                                                                      LONDON                           will give an illustrated account of the          Hoyland: Yeti tracked down at last
                                              engaged as volunteers and as                                                                   55 Charlotte Road, EC2A 3QF                expedition                                                                   Graham
                                              participants.                                                                                     Lectures start at 7.30pm                                                                                             Hoyland, the
                                              As the BMC move toward a formal                                                               Contact:                                                                                          climber who
                                              agreement of new Memorandum                                                                                                                                                                                            was responsible
                                              and Articles and of the ORG                                                               Tuesday 27 March 2018: Rafal                                                                                                 for finding
                                              recommendations sometime this year,                                                       Malczyk: Exploration and First                                                                                               the body of
                                              our IT team are setting up a Facebook                                                     Ascents in the East Karakoram                                                                                                George Mallory
                                              page for debate and discussion. We                                                                                                                                                                                     on Mount

    V    olunteers are the heart of any
         successful club. The Alpine
    Club is no exception. Most of the
                                              want Alpinet to remain a source of
                                              ‘climbing’ information for members,
                                              but I am sure members will welcome
                                                                                              A     hooked climber and runner ever
                                                                                                    since Dad took my brother and                                                       Tuesday 8 May 2018: Ben & Zoe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Everest, has been on another quest. On
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         an expedition to the remote Himalayan
                                                                                              I up Flying Buttress, I have particular                                                   Dickey: Passing                                  kingdom of Bhutan he found and filmed
    work this coming year will again be       a forum page to discuss national and                                                                                                                            This presentation will     footprints of the mythical Yeti in a part of
                                                                                              passion for mountainous regions and
    done by Members. They give up time        international issues that might affect                                                                                                                          be a combination of        the country which has never before been
    to undertake a multitude of tasks;        the club. Here’s to a good year’s               more broadly culture; be it litera-
                                                                                              ture, film, music or art. Currently I                                                                           pictures and videos        visited by Western explorers.
    they are on various committees and        climbing in 2018.                                                                                                                                               created by Zoe and
                                                                                              am researching an MA on mountain                                                                                                           In a lost valley near the unclimbed
    working groups, at the George Starkey                                                                                                                                                                     her father Ben. Both
                                                                            John Porter       literature and Modernism at Lancas-                                                                                                        mountain Gangkar Punsum, Graham
    Hut, in the Alpine Club Library,                                                                                                    In September 2017 five members of the AC                              derive inspiration
                                                                                              ter University with the focus ranging                                                                                                      Hoyland believes he was stalked by the
    organisers of meets and lectures, and                                                                                               explored the rarely visited Sumur Glacier                             from mountains,            mysterious Yeti, a beast so unspeakably
    in keeping the Club informed both in       The Alpine Journal 2017                        across UK and international writing.      region of the East Karakoram where                                    landscapes and             powerful that locals says it can kill a yak
    print and online. A good example of                                                       Alongside this formal study I work        members of the team successfully made the                             walking, one by
                                               Make sure you have your                                                                                                                                                                   with one savage blow of its fist.
    where the Club’s heritage meets the                                                       for both the Mountain Heritage            first ascents of Tsagtug Kangri (6078m)                               way of painting and
                                               copy. Additional copies avail-
    modern day is found on our home web        able at a price of £26.00 from                 Trust and Mount Everest Founda-           and Sumur Kangri (5991m). In this talk                                the other by way of
    page ( Here        the AC Office or via Amazon.                   tion, developing marketing material       Rafal will give an illustrated account of the   videos; much of which result from their
    you can access thousands of uploaded
    expedition reports. The Alpine Club
                                                                                              for each to promote their work to         expedition.                                     Lakeland experiences. This promises to            EDINBURGH (AC/SMC/JMCS)
                                                                                              younger generations. I’ve published       Tuesday 10 April 2018: Jim                      be an evening with a difference. See also         22A Atholl Crescent,, Atholl Crescent, EH3 8HQ
    library is in the process of digitising                                                                                                                                                          Lectures start at 7.30pm
    not only the remaining sets of MEF         In mid-January the Library sent a              writing on and             Herrington: The Climbers
                                                                                                                                                                   Jim is a renowned                                                        Contact: or
    reports, but the remaining years of        list through Member Email of all               Footless Crow that has dealt with the                                                     Tuesday 22 May 2018: Osman
    Alpine Journals not yet on line. Only      printed books added to our shelves             history of mountain culture, how it is                                                    Ehtisham Anwar: Climbing
    the AC offers this vast amount of          in the last six months. For members            changing in a modern age, and what                                   who for nearly       Opportunities in Pakistan's
                                                                                                                                                                   two decades has                                                       Tuesday 13 March 2018:
    information to climbers from around        wishing to receive this by post, please        impact this is having. Outside of the                                                     Karakoram                                        Members’slides
                                               contact Nigel in the Library on 0207                                                                                been working on
                                                                                              mountain community I work exten-                                     a portrait series
     Cover Photo: Atmosphere on the            613 0745 or by post, or by email to            sively in the film industry directing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BRISTOL (SOUTH-WEST)
                                      A new                                                                                    of early-to-mid
     Aretes de Rochefort by Tom Hare                                                          fictional work and music videos, with                                20th Century
     Second in the 2017 AC Photo               list of additions will be distributed at                                                                                                                                                      Upper Room, Nova Scotia, BS1 6XJ
                                               6-monthly intervals.                           an upcoming film released in 2018 on      mountain climbing legends. The result is
     Competition: Mountain Landscapes                                                         the psychological impact of dementia.                                                                                                               Lectures start at 7.30pm
                                                                                                                                        The Climbers, a collection of sixty black-
                                                                                                                                        and-white photographs that document
                                                                                                                                        these rugged individualists, including the
       Committee Members                                                        Library                                                 likes of Royal Robbins, Reinhold Messner,
       President                         John Porter                            ACL Chair                         Hywel Lloyd           Joe Brown, Yvon Chouinard and Riccardo                                                                    KENDAL (ESC/AC)
       Vice-Presidents                   Sandy Allan                            ACL Secretary                     Philip Meredith       Cassin. Between the 1920s and 1970s these                                                         Hawkshead Brewery, Staveley, nr Kendal
                                                                                                                                                                                        In September 2017 Osman joined an                       Lectures start at 7.30pm
                                         Rob Collister                          Book sales                        Gordon Turner         determined men and women used primitive         expedition to attempt Thugeen Sar (Sonia            Contact:
       Honorary Secretary                Charles Stupart                        Photograph sales                  Sue Hare              gear along with their considerable wits,        Peak, ~6200m) in Pakistan. Having no prior
       Honorary Treasurer                Trevor Campbell Davis                  Honorary Archivist                Glyn Hughes           talent, and fortitude to tackle unscaled        mountaineering experience, he enlisted the
       Honorary Editor of AJ             Ed Douglas                             Honorary Keepers                                        peaks around the world. In these images,        help of an experienced, albeit gung-ho, local
       Honorary Librarian                Barbara Grigor-Taylor                  Artefacts                         Jerry Lovatt          Herrington has captured their humanity,         guide from Shimshal for the expedition.                HATHERSAGE (PEAKS)
                                                                                Monuments                         Charlie Burbridge     obsession, intellect, and frailty. The book,    Initially they naively considered Laila Peak,           Outside Cafe, Hathersage
       Sub-Committee Chairs
                                                                                Paintings                         John Fairley          published in October 2017, received both        but watching a YouTube video of a Spanish                Lectures start at 7.30pm
       Climbing & Events                 Stuart Worsfold
                                                                                Photographs                       Peter Rowland         the Grand Prize and the Mountaineering          professional mountaineering expedition               Contact:
       Finance                           John Dempster
                                                                                Himalayan Index                   Sally Russell         History Award at the 2017 Banff Film &          prompted them to reconsider and common
       Marketing, Membership
                                                                                                                                        Book Festival.                                  sense prevailed, thankfully! As beautiful as
       & Recruitment                     Tony Westcott                          AC/ACL Staff
                                                                                                                                                                                        the mountain looked, it was well above their      Lectures in the regions will resume in
       Property                          Victor Saunders                        Office Manager                    Stephen Grey          Tuesday 24 April 2018: Becky Coles:
                                                                                                                                                                                        (zero-mountaineering-experience) league.          the Autumn.
       Elective Members                  Richard Nadin                          Librarian                         Nigel Buckley         First Ascent of Lasarmula, Far West of
                                         Becky Coles                                                                                    Nepal                                           This lecture will describe this expedition and    If you would like to give a lecture or
                                         Melanie Windridge                                                                              In Autumn 2016 Rebecca Coles and                aim to encourage climbers and mountaineers        suggest possible speakers please get
                                                                                Newsletter Editor                 Adele Long
                                                                                                                                        Simon Verspeak made an ascent of La-            (novice and experts alike) to consider more       in touch with the regional lecture co-
       Assistant Honorary Secretary      Sherry Macliver                        (not on Committee)
                                                                                                                                        sarmula (6246m) in the Humla region of          expeditions to Pakistan.                          ordinators.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Steep, sunny rock on the crux
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Photo: Uisdean Hawthorn

                                                                   Rafal Malczyk descending from Tsagtuk North summit (6078m)
                                                                   after the 1st ascent. Photo: Drew Cook
                                                                   The ascent required an arduous five hours of post-holing up
                                                                   the easy-angled glacier. Disappointingly, this top turned out to
                                                                   be simply the high point of three convergent ridges, rather than
                                                                   a true peak, and was thus dubbed Deception Point, a name for
                                                                   which we were unable to get a Ladakhi translation.
                                                                   Several days later, from the third high camp at 5680m on the
                                                                   adjacent glacial spur, the same team made the first ascent of Pk
                                                                   6078, a twin summitted peak at the head of the glacier beyond
         Full reports of expeditions will appear in the AJ.        the East Rassa Col, via its SE Face on 25th September. Once
                                                                   again the ascent was only achieved after another five hours of
                                                                   extensive post-holing. The face steepened over the final few
    2017 RASSA EXPEDITION                                          hundred metres to the lower, rocky South summit (6071m)
                                                                   before a relatively straightforward traverse was made to the
                                                                   slightly higher, snow-covered North top (6078m). We graded
                                                                   this at Alpine PD and called the peak Tsagtuk Kangri (Ladakhi
                                                                   for Twin Snow Peak). It offered superb views covering                Leaving camp 2 on day 3                           The Line!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Final pitch to the summit.
                                                                   numerous unclimbed mountains in all directions.                                                                                                                         Photo: Usdean Hawthorn
                                                                                                                                        Photo: Usdean Hawthorn
                                                                   One of the more attractive peaks that caught our eye early on
                                                                   was Pk 5991. This mountain overlooked our first high camp
                                                                   at 5500m and lay immediately in front of the impressive north                                                                                                   the light) we reached the snow cone we
                                                                   face of unclimbed Nya Kangri (6480m). It simply cried out
                                                                                                                                        Pete Graham, Ben Silvestre and                pitches to bivvy at 5800m. The wind
                                                                                                                                        Uisdean Hawthorn went to                      forced us to spoon with all our might to     had ascended to begin with, and arrived
                                                                   to be climbed. Early in the expedition we had failed to climb                                                                                                   straight back at our tent. A frenzy of
                                                                                                    it on account of poor quality,
                                                                                                                                        the Kishwar area in the Indian                keep warm that night.
                                                                                                                                        Himalaya to attempt Arjuna’s                                                               eating, and extreme satisfaction in the
                                                                                                    unstable snow, but by 29th                                                        We left camp slowly the following            balmy temperatures, allowed us
                                                                                                    September conditions had
                                                                                                                                        South West Pillar via a new                   morning, with Pete leading us to the
                                                                                                                                        route, Gandiva (E3/5.11 M5                                                                 to recuperate enough to carry our bags
                                                                                                    improved markedly to allow                                                        top of the pillar in three pitches. From     most of the way to BC that evening”.
                                                                                                    three of the team to successfully
                                                                                                                                        1400m). They decided to name                  here we had to abseil 30m into a notch.
                                                                                                                                        the route Gandiva after the bow                                                                                               Ben Silvestre
                                                                                                    complete the first ascent via                                                     Above us a headwall loomed with some
    Rafal Malczyk, Howard Pollitt & Drew Cook at Camp 3 with
                                                                                                    its steep, 45°, WNW ridge.
                                                                                                                                        given to the hero Arjuna by the               roofs blocking our view to what lay          Massive thanks to everyone that supported us,
    Sumur Kangri (L) and Nya Kangri behind. Photo: Derek Buckle
                                                                                                    Again we were confronted
                                                                                                                                        creator God Brammah in Hindu                  above. I took over and did a 30m pitch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   these sorts of trips are impossible without the help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of a lot of people. Primarily Mick Fowler, Jeff
                                                                                                                                        mythology.                                    on excellent chicken heads to a short
    During September 2017, a party consisting of                                                    with continuous post-holing,                                                                                                   Shapiro, and Kaushal Desai for being a mine of
                                                                                                    but, because of our previous        “Finally it was time to go. We left           way below the roofs. There seemed to         information. Rob Smith for keeping us well up
    Derek Buckle, Drew Cook, Jamie Goodhart,                                                                                                                                                                                       to date with weather forecasts. The BMC, The
                                                                                                    attempt, the early part of the      camp early with light bags, most of our       be a notch in the roofs which I aimed
    Rafal Malczyk and Howard Pollitt visited the                                                                                                                                      for, pulling through on huge holds, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mount Everest Foundation, The Montane Alpine
                                                                                                    climb was made less strenuous       gear already at the base of the route, at
    Nubra Valley region of the East Karakoram,                                                      by the presence of vestigial                                                      all the exposure one could ask for. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Club Climbing Fund, and The Austrian Alpine
                                                                                                                                        4700m. Intimidated by the size of the                                                      Club (UK) for their generous financial support.
    the second time that two of the team had been                                                   tracks. We graded this route        route we took a big rack. We packed           6000m mark called for a change into big      Also Mountain Equipment, Primus Equipment,
    to this part of Ladakh.                                        Derek Buckle on the first ascent Alpine AD and chose to call         food for four days and enough gas to          boots. A long pitch on steep snow took       Scarpa, Grivel, Edelweiss, Summit to Eat,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   OTEsports, GU Energy, Tiso, Garmin equipment
    The overall plan was to explore the Sumur Glacier northeast    of Sumur Kangri.                 the peak Sumur Kangri after         melt water for six. We climbed some           us to a small, but sheltered, bivvy.
    of the Shyok-Nubra confluence from which they hoped to         Photo: Drew Cook                 the major glacier system from       chossy ramps to access steep snow             We rose early and Uisdean did a couple
    make the first ascents of one or more of the many unclimbed                                     which it rose.                      leading up to a notch at 5000m. This          of big traverse pitches to land us below
    mountains in the region. Unfortunately, due to a family        Every peak/point was climbed in excellent, clear weather, but        gave the start of the real rock climbing,     the right hand of two ‘horns’ that domi-
    bereavement, Jamie had to leave the expedition early, but      climbing options were limited on account of unstable snow            and we were pleasantly surprised to           nated the summit area of the mountain.
    other members of the team successfully climbed two virgin      lying on all northerly faces. There was extensive evidence of        find excellent, featured granite leading      A steep and extremely strenuous mixed
    peaks and were the first to extensively explore several        recent avalanche activity during our time on the glacier system,     up to the start of the arête. Six excellent   step guarded entry to the gully, which
    branches of the complex Sumur Glacier.                         with at least one occurring as we passed safely beneath it. It       pitches took us to a palatial bivvy site at   gave great ice climbing up to the summit
    After a multi-day trek up the steep Sumur Lungpa, the team     was this ever present danger that prevented our venturing over       around 5300m where Pete fixed another         ridge and then the summit in a further
    eventually established a base camp by the scenic Sumur         the East Rassa Col (north-westerly aspect) onto the Rassa            pitch up to a large corner while Uisdean      three pitches. We stayed there for about
    Lakes at 5,160m. From this camp, three high camps were         glacier to the south, which was one of our primary objectives.       cleared the ledge of stones.                  about 20 minutes, then descended off the
    subsequently established on the two more-southerly arms                                                        Derek Buckle         The next day I took the lead, and the         SE face via 14 abseils to a glacier, which
    of the glacier. From the second of these camps, located on                                                                          corner provided an interesting technical      we walked down to a notch above a
    the most southerly arm at 5743m, Derek, Drew, Rafal and        The team are grateful for the support of the Mount Everest           exercise. A series of traverses, aretes       gully, where we bivvied again.
    Howard successfully made the first ascent of Point 6068m via   Foundation, the Montane Alpine Club Climbing Fund, the Aus-
                                                                                                                                        and crack lines led to a pitch reminiscent    We rose before the sun hit the gully, and
                                                                   trian Alpine Club (UK) and Duffler of Sweden.
    its technically easy SW slopes (Alpine F) on 18th September.                                                                        of the Strand at Gogarth, after which         after a further four abseils (and much       The summit
                                                                                                                                        Uisdean took over, leading a further five     gratitude for our decision to wait for       Photo: Peter Graham

HUMLA, NEPAL EXPEDITION 2017                                                                                                                  MOROCCO ANTI-ATLAS MEET 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                         plans for the day were discussed and           Mohammed, at the Argana hotel, and
                                                                                                                                                                                         information relating to the best routes and    learning some Arabic in return.
                                                                                                                                                                                         shady spots shared, followed by cragging       A mid-week rest day provided opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                         or big mountain routes, and ending in          to explore the local market and haggle for
                                                                                                                                                                                         convivial suppers. Roles were quickly          souvenirs such as baboushes (flat leather
                                                                                                                                                                                         established: Nigel (Life Coach) “Well if it    slippers), to patronize the only known
                                                                                                                                                                                         all goes wrong Hazel, you can just come        source of beer, the Hotel Amandiers, or to
                                                                                                                                                                                         down”, Neil (Professional optimist) “Are       experience a traditional Hamman where
                                                                                                                                                                                         you about to start your second climb?”.        dermis-shredding vegetation is replaced by
                                                                                                                                                                                         Each walk-in generally started from a small    naked women wielding dermis-shredding
                                                                                                                                                                                         village with varying degrees of opportunity    loofahs. The meet then moved to the
                                                                                                                                                                                         for interacting with the locals, all of whom   impressive and imposing Hotel Kasbah,
                                                                                                                                                                                         seem to greet us with an equal measure of      a 12th century fortress. sitting high
                                                                                                                                                                                         delight and bemusement. The paths were         above the road affording beautiful views
                                                                                                                                                                                         often indistinct and narrow, exposing any      across the surrounding hills and plains.
                                                                                                                                                                                         bare flesh to the dermis-shredding thorny      Hosts, Jamal and Malaika, are gently
                                                                                                                                                                                         vegetation.                                    encouraging this sleepy refuge into the 21st
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        century, renovating each space to create a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        comfortable and enchanting escape from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the modern world, (aka civil servant speak
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for “poor Wifi”). Breakfasts on the balcony
                                                                                                                                        Neil Atkinson on Eagle’s Beak (HVS)                                                             were followed by more successful days
                                                                                            Mark Bielby on summit of an unamamed peak
                                                                                                                                        Photo: Adele Long                                                                               climbing and numerous forays into valleys
                                                                                            at 5400m.     Photo: Emily Ward
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        both known and unknown. New routes
                                                                                                                                        The 2017 Anti-Atlas meet was                                                                    were found at Tramline slabs, where a
                                                                                                                                        co-ordinated by Nicholas Hurndall                                                               group outing produced ascents of the 3 star
                                                Ardang, without agreeing to being           the angle eased to a 40-45 degree romp      Smith and was based initially at the                                                            Marrakesh Express and Orient Express,
                                                guided up the mountain. We therefore        to the unstable rock summit ridge. I        Hotel Argan in Tafraout, then the                                                               and new ascents (tbc) of the two-pitch
                                                                                                                                        Hotel Kasbah, in Idaougnidif.                                                                   corner crack line Chattanooga Choo Choo
                                                chose to explore the lower, nearby          attempted an unnamed 6200m peak,                                                                                                            (HS 4b) by Laura and Paul, the steep A
                                                Phupharka Himal. This range is              but reached an unclimbable cliff band       The meet was attended by 12 climbers                                                            Wee Tram (MVS 4b) by Nick and Mark,
                                                                                                                                        some who knew the area well and others                                                          and the 4-pitch Up Your Arete (HS 4b)
                                                suffering badly from global warming,        at c.5650m. We also unsuccessfully          for whom it was a first experience. The                                                         on West Gully Buttress by Neil and Adele.
                                                being significantly drier than shown        attempted the aesthetic 5800m peak          13th member of the meet was Bob, one of                                                         Climbs in the Azumer valley included
                                                in Paulo Grobel’s photos and the            from both north-west and southern           several gnomes from the Castle Climbing                                                         the new Over the Rainbow (S) by Mark
                                                                                                                                        Centre in London. Bob and his pals have
                                                recent GHT maps. Mark summited              cwms. The lengthy approaches (6 and         been known to undertake hard multi-pitch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and Laura. E numbers of the non-edible
                                                a c.5600m peak (I turned back with          9 hours respectively) and -25C alpine                                                                                                       variety were also available and partaken
                                                                                                                                        routes all over the world and can be seen                                                       of, including Moroccan Gold (E2 5b), by
                                                AMS 100m below), via a mixed,               starts proved too energy consuming.         posing for blog photographs as proof.                                                           Richard and Nick, Marrakesh Express (E1
                                                loose ridge and névé patches on the         We took an extra day on the trek            ‘Adventure’, the guidebook promised. The                                                        5a), by Nick, Nigel and Max, Saladin (E1
                                                northern side. Realising how dry and        home to climb a water-ice gully up a        drive from Agadir to Tafraout was not for                                                       5a), by Nick and Max and the bold Flying
                                                                                                                                        the faint hearted, nor was it advisable to       Nigel Bassam on Howzat (VS 4c) at Palm         Scotsman (HVS 5a), by Nigel and Max.
                                                short the faces were in Phupharka, we       4900m peak east of the Salli Khola. A       attempt it at night. It was therefore with       Tree Gorge      Photo: Adele Long
                                                decided to use the forecasted week of       few hundred metres of easy ice above        some trepidation that, having arrived at         From the first base in Tafraout, teams
                                                changeable weather to move to the           with 4 main pitches; all c.50m long,        Agadir airport at 10:30pm, spending over         climbed at Palm Tree Gorge with Mark
                                                                                                                                        one hour getting through arrivals and            and I making ascents of Jarrad (MVS 4b)
                                                glacial system up the Talun Khola.          the first being sustained WI4, the rest     reaching the hire car desk two minutes           and Trader Vics (S), while Hazel and Nick
                                                From here we climbed an unnamed             WI3/4. Conditions were perfect, a fine      ahead of closing time, Mark and I set off        did Jarrad, Farouk Fundamentals (VS 4b),
                                                5400m peak via a snow-ice gully.            end to a challenging adventure!             for Tafraout in a rather well-loved Fiat         and Berber Buttress (VS 4b). Robin Hood
                                                                                                                                        Punto. After two and a half hours of driving
                                                After a short section of c.55 degrees                                   Emily Ward      under a starry sky, we arrived at the hotel in
                                                                                                                                                                                         and Maid Marion Rocks were frequented
                                                                                                                                                                                         with ascents of amongst others, Nemo and
                                                                                                                                        Tafraout, to the welcome of a firmly locked      the Sheep (S) and Odysseus (S). Mountain
                                                                                                                                        door and no response to our persistent           ascents included the epic Riding the Wild
                                                                                                                                        knocks. Having clearly missed the pre-3am        Winds (VS 4c) by Adele and Richard and
                                                                                                                                        curfew, and disappointed that the guidebook      Eagle’s Beak (HVS) by Max and Neil at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nick Smith and Nigel Bassam enjoying the
                                                                                                                                        had not yet delivered on the adventure front,                                                   view from the Kasbah Photo: Adele Long
                                                                                                                                                                                         Anergui. The excitement continued on
                                                                                                                                        we decided to take matters into our own          Pink Lady (VS 4c), ticked off by Adele and     The end of meet dinner was punctuated
    ice climbing up an unnamed 4900m peak                                                                                               hands; we laid back the seats in the Punto       Hazel, and the excellent Gamma (HVS            by a quiz on our host country and the
    above the Salli Kohla. Photo: Emily Ward                                                                                            and settled in for a few hours sleep.            5a) at Greek buttress (Adele and Richard,      development of climbing therein. The
                                                                                                                                        Dawn was broken by the cheery chatter            Nick and Paul). Sue and Lindsay took a         winner was Paul Winder, who had wisely
    Mark Bielby and I spent                                                                                                             of climbers drinking coffee on the hotel         characteristically relaxed approach to their   used his rest day for swotting up and
                                                                                                                                        balcony and discussing plans for the day
    November to December 2017                                                                                                           ahead. After a warm welcomes of “oh yes,
                                                                                                                                                                                         climbing and mainly kept to shorter routes     utilized his enviable and un-fathomable
                                                                                                                                                                                         (and approaches). They did manage a total      ability to sleep on demand, to allow all the
    in the Humla region of Nepal.                                                                                                       I heard the knocking but didn’t feel like        of seven new routes at Maid Marion and         information to sink in and be processed
    We hadn’t intended a winter                                                                                                         getting up to answer at 3am”, “oh, was           Anzumer, and also sampled the (rather          ready for the evening’s test. It was with
                                                                                                                                        that you? I wondered where you were”,            sparsely) bolted granite of the domes to the   some sadness that the climbing was to be
    expedition but, with the frustrating                                                                                                we all made plans and headed out into the        south of Tafraoute, spending much time         ‘gno more’, at least for now. Our time in
    bureaucracy of the permit system,                                                                                                   Moroccan sunshine for the start of a super       and effort wandering through hot desert        Morocco was one of exploration, great
    delays were inevitable. Due to the                                                                                                  week of sunshine, exploring and climbing         before discovering that lines described        company and a lot of fun. The 2018 meet
                                                                                                                                        on (mostly) immaculate rock.                     as southwest-facing, actually faced east.      will no doubt already be a firm fixture in
    amount of misinformation amongst the
                                                                                                                                        The meet quickly settled into a daily            In addition to their climbing feats, Sue       many calendars, inshallah.
    agencies, we were unable to arrange             Emily Ward on the ridge of an unnamed 5600m peak with our next objectives on the
                                                                                                                                        routine of leisurely breakfasts over which       and Lindsay spent much time teaching
                                                    distant left hand skyline. Photo: Mark Bielby                                                                                                                                                              Laura Millichamp
    a permit for our planned objective,                                                                                                                                                  English to our language-thirsty young host,

                                                                                                                                               Days to Remember                                him, carefully observing what is around;       Award in the 2017 Banff Mountain

                       2018 Alpine Club Meets                                                                                                  Rob Collister                                   the physical effort never leading to tunnel    Book Competition.
                                                                                                                                                                                               vision or goal seeking. Rob wants the          Chasing the Ephemeral takes a fresh
                                                                                                                                                                    Shortlisted for the        reader to love the mountains as much as he
                                                                                                                                                                    2017 Boardman                                                             look at getting the most from your
                                                                                                                                                                                               does, making its welfare the responsibility    Scottish Winter season by analysing the
                                                                                                                                                                    Tasker Award, Days to      of us all. Maybe reading this book is a
                                                                                                                                                                    Remember is a series of                                                   tactics and strategies required to select
                                                    ing to what people feel they can do.                                                                                                       necessity, not an option? I just wish I had
      7th ANNUAL JOINT AC/                          Contact: Marian Parsons at mppar-                     SANDSTONE                                                 reflective essays on the   been on a trip with him.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and climb the route best suited to the
                                                                                                                                                                    mountain days Rob has
         CAF MARSEILLES                                                       4-5 August 2018                                           enjoyed in the past and    Published by Vertebrate Press.                 Simon divides the winter into chapters
           29 April - 6 May 2018                                                                                                                                    several contemplative                                        Adele Long   centred on seasonal weather conditions,
                                                                                               Co-ordinators: Sarah Charlton and
    Trad and bolted on sun-kissed French             SWANAGE JOINT AC/ESC                      Marjan Schoeke                                                       articles on how they       Chasing the Ephemeral –                        then selects specific routes around the
    limestone by the sea. We will be joined              29th June - 1st July 2018                                                                                  should remain as spaces    50 Routes for a Successful                     country which have a good chance
             1 PLACE LEFT
    by keen and well informed French climb-                                                              PEAK DISTRICT                         for enjoyment in the future.                    Scottish Winter                                of being in condition given different
    ers, led by our old friend Remi Songeon.        This is a Camping Meet, staying at Acton                                                   The book is divided into three parts, the                                                      freezing levels and wind patterns. Some
                                                    Field, Langton Matravers and is held                17 - 19 August 2018                                                                    Simon Richardson                               of these are well-known classics on
                                                                                                                                               first focusing on his homeland of north
                                                    jointly with the Eagle Ski Club.                                                                                                                                                          Ben Nevis others hidden gems in the
      SKYE MEET JOINT AC/                           This campsite is located within easy
                                                                                               A camping weekend in the wilds of
                                                                                               Edale at Fieldsend campsite http://www.
                                                                                                                                               Wales, the second adventures further                                 Congratulations to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Alpine Club member        Cairngorms and elsewhere.
                                                                                                                                               afield and the third on issues of mountain
     CRAVEN POTHOLE CLUB                            walking distance of coastal climbing             environment and ethics.                                              Simon Richardson          Full of colour action photos, local lore,
               12 -19 May 2018                      and walking. There is also good biking     Meet dinner on Saturday night in a local pub.                                                                        whose book Chasing        and essential beta, there is no excuse for
                                                    and walking inland, and beach access a     Fun and games with climbing on Kinder and       Rob’s knowledge of fauna and flora seems                             the Ephemeral – 50
                                                                                                                                               borne out of a true love of the landscape                                                      missing out on one of the best winter
    This will be our third meet in Skye with        couple of miles away. Food is available    other grit venues round and about, mountain                                                                          Routes for a Successful
    the CPC. The Hut is in a superb location        in local pubs in Langton Matravers.                                                        he has made his home and his work place.                                                       climbing venues on the planet.
                                                                                               biking or just plain old walking.                                                                                    Scottish Winter took
    at the bottom of Glen Brittle and offers        Campsite website: http://www.                                                              When reading this book, he takes you with                                                      Published by Mica Publishing
                                                            Contact: Adele Long                                                                            the top Guidebook
    a great opportunity to access the Cuillin
    Ridge. Not much further afield the rest         There will be a large tent to allow for
    of the Isle of Skye can also be visited,                                                         ALPINE ASPIRANTS
                                                                                                                                                                            PAINTING COLLECTION REVEALED
                                                    some socialising. Members should bring
    including caves, climbs, cycling (MTB and       own food and drink. A BBQ will be
    road) plus walking. The hut is hostel-type                                                            25 - August 2018
                                                    arranged for one evening, depending
    accommodation, with shower, drying room         on the weather.                            Based in the Saas Valley, Switzerland,
    and kitchen facilities. The cost for the week                                              at Hotel Schönblick and the campsite            For the first time, the paintings               been difficult to know what is really there,   first time. The value of an easily adapted
    is £84 (assuming we fill the hut, otherwise     If anybody wants to stay longer, it
                                                    should be possible to arrive earlier       opposite, this meet is aimed primarily          in the Alpine Club Collection                   so it was with some trepidation that I took    database became evident as an efficient
    £105). Preference will be for those booking                                                at Aspirant members on their 1st or 2nd         are available to view by all Club               on the role of Hon. Keeper of the Paintings.   means of making initial selections of
    the whole week.                                 and depart later. Due to the opening
                                                    arrangements early arrivals should         Alpine season.                                  members and visitors to the Alpine              From the start it was clear that the only      paintings for exhibition, and providing
    Contact: Paul McWhinney at phm@                 confirm with the site before arrival.      The meet has 18 places, and starts with two or mobile: 07973396948.                                                                                                     Club Library.                                   way to understand what was in my care          information to the exhibition curator and
                                                    Cost: TBC                                  days spent developing alpine techniques                                                         was to create a photographic database,         everyone involved in preparing, packing and
                                                    Contact: John Kentish, 01474-365038 or     with three mountain guides, including           One of the Alpine Club’s many treasures
                                                                                               crevasse rescue and moving together, led by                                                     and the only way to do this was to conduct     transporting the paintings.
                                                    mobile 07796-226561 , email; meetsec@                                                      is its collection of paintings, drawings and
    UK ALPINE INTRODUCTORY                 or via Alpinet         AC member Owen Samuel.                                                                          an inventory of the entire collection,         Today, what started as a personal tool has
                                                                                                                                               prints. Mostly, these pictures have been
         LAKE DISTRICT                                                                         The Saas valley is flanked by numerous          donated by members and artists throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                               photographing each painting in turn. The       evolved into a fully fledged database—the
                                                                                               4000m peaks with dozens of mixed                                                                resulting photographs are not high quality     Alpine Club Collection—that any member
             08 - 10 June 2018 -                               OBERLAND                        climbs in the lower grades, and is blessed      the history of the club. Now, hidden from
                                                                                                                                                                                               by any means but they are sufficient for
                                                                                                                                               view in store, they are rarely seen and                                                        can use at the Visitors’ Desk in the AC
    This is a skills meet, based at the                                                        with excellent transport links.                                                                 information and show the frame and mount
                                                            23 June- 7 July 2018                                                               are little known. Only the few very large                                                      Library. It is the primary port of call to
    George Starkey Hut in Patterdale.                                                          Contact: Nicholas Smith                                                      as appropriate.
                                                                                                                                               paintings that hang in the Lecture Room                                                        view the collection. There are around 750
    The focus will be on transferring               Meet co-ordinater: Philip Children
                                                                                                                                                                                               At the same time, preparations were            paintings, drawings and prints and visitors
    techniques to Aspirant Members who              See AC website for more details.                      AC REUNION                           are familiar to members who frequent
                                                                                                                                                                                               under way for the 150th anniversary of         can browse them making use of a simple
    wish to improve their alpine skills, and                                                                                                   Charlotte Road.
    to Full Members in need of a refresher                                                           21 - 23 September 2018                                                                    the Golden Age of Alpinism Exhibition in       search screen on any of the fields displayed.
    after a break from alpine climbing.                      JOINT ALPINE                                                                      Although catalogued by Bob Lawford in
                                                                                                                                                                                               2015 in the Musée Alpin in Chamonix—           Individual records can be selected for later
    Informal guidance will be provided                                                         AC Reunion Meet at the George Starkey           his card index, and later transcribed to a
                                                               7 -28 July 2018                 Hut, Patterdale:                                                         an exhibition that was to display a major      study. The database is not yet available over
    from more experienced members                                                                                                              spreadsheet by Peter Malalleu, it has always
                                                                                               uk/UK%20Huts.html GRID REF: NY 396160                                                           part of the collection to the public for the   the Internet.
    within the club, led by Sandy Allan.            Joint with FRCC, ABMSAC, Climbers’
    Topics will range from what to put              Club, SMC, LSCC, Wayfarers, Pinnacle       This meet is open to all members, but                                                                                                          Bearing in mind that some of the framed
    into your rucksack to some basic Alpine         Club and Yeovil MC.                        is likely to be of greatest interest to                                                                                                        pictures are quite large and that some items
    mountaineering skills                                                                      members who have attended meets
                                                    Camping Attermenzen in the village of      through the year. There will be the usual                                                                                                      are very fragile, access to the Paintings
    Cost: £30.00 for the weekend (Friday            Randa                                                                                                                                                        Store is not available. However, having
    and Saturday nights) to cover the cost                                                     climbing and walking activities and a
    of accommodation and expenses of                The meet is a week earlier than normal     communal meal on Saturday night.                                                                                                               identified one or more paintings of interest
    trainers.                                       to take advantage of better snow           There will be brief presentations of                                                                                                           by using the database, it is possible to view
                                                    conditions in this mainly alpine area.     photographs (max. 20) from the year’s                                                                                                          the original paintings by prior arrangement
    For an application form, please contact
    Giles Robertson giles.robertson@gmail.          Contact Keith Lambley via Alpinet          meets and a chance to plan for next year.                                                                                                      with the Librarian and/or the Keeper of the
    com or Natalie Villarroel natvillarroel@                                                   Other than the Saturday evening meal,
                                                                                               you need to supply your own food.                                                                                                              Paintings. Photography is not allowed.                                                  CORNWALL                        Contact: John Kentish, on Alpinet for                                                                                                          The Visitors’ Desk is based on a small Mac
      GEORGE STARKEY HUT                                      12 - 15 July 2018                further information                                                                                                                            computer and, as well as the paintings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              database, includes digitised maps and the
         MAINTENANCE                                AC meet at Kelynack, St Just, Penzance,
                                                                                                ANTI-ATLAS, MOROCCO                                                                                                                           use of the scanner as well as the usual
                                                    with great access to the climbing areas.
               22-25 June 2018                      What to like: rock, sun, chips, cider,            10-18 November 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Internet browser facilities. Plans are afoot
                                                    cream teas, cake and ice cream.                                                                                                                                                           to provide other resources such as a similar
    A joint ABM/AC Hut Maintenance Meet                                                        The meet will be split between the
    organised by David Dunk and Marian              Kelynack campsite is small and secluded,                                                                                                                                                  database for the artefacts and possibly a
                                                                                               Kasbah Tizourgane in the North of the                                                                                                          selection of the thousands of photographs
    Parsons.                                        just a mile from the coast in the          region and a hotel in the main town of
    Bednights will be free to those willing to      beautiful Cot Valley.                      Tafraout to the South.                                                                                                                         in the Photo Library.
    put in a day’s work. There is no pressure       Cost of camping: Est £8 pp per night       Cost for the trip (flight, accommodation                                                                                                                                        John Fairley,
    to spend the whole weekend working;             B and B and Caravans available for those   and hire car mainly) is expected to be                                                                                                                       Hon. Keeper of the Paintings
    one day work and one day play is fine! A        who wish.                                  around £500-£600.
    free meal will be provided on the Satur-        Contact:James Woodhouse via Alpinet or     Contact: Max Streeton at malcolm_stree-                                                                                                        Left: Screen-shot from the Alpine Club
    day night. Jobs will be allocated accord-   or on 07860 329525                                                                                                             Collection database

NEWS FROM THE PARISH CHURCH OF THE ALPINE CLUB IN ZERMATT                                                                                     JOINT ALPINE MEET - BREGAGLIA 15 JUL - 5 AUG 2017
                                                    first ascent of the Matterhorn. To this       the building watertight through one more
                                                    day, the remains of Charles Hudson, who       winter and the plan is to put the new roof
                                                    perished on the way down from the first       on during summer 2018.
                                                    ascent, lie under the communion table.        Since so many of the climbing fraternity
                                                                                                  have a special affection for the English
                                                                                                  Church in Zermatt, Intercontinental
                                                                                                  Church Society (ICS) wishes to appeal
                                                                                                  to today's Alpine Club membership to
                                                                                                  play their part in preserving the church
                                                                                                  for future generations by supporting the
                                                                                                  appeal for funds to replace the roof.

                                                                                                                                                 Piz Palu   Photo: Keith Lambley
                                                    So strong is the link, that in 1925
                                                    members and friends of the Alpine Club
                                                    generously paid for a new roof for the
                                                    church as the above-mentioned plaque
                                                                                                                                                 J oint with ABMSAC, Climbers’ Club, FRCC, SMC, LSCC,
                                                                                                                                                   Wayfarers, Pinnacle Club and Yeovil MC.
                                                                                                                                                 Over 50 people from seven clubs and their guests attended the meet during the
     St. Peter’s English Church in                  commemorates. That roof has lasted                                                           three week period, and despite the weather forecasts being pessimistic at times
     Zermatt is a special building                  amazingly well through many storms and                                                       the weather was good for most of the meet, a few teams encountering rain and         The Fiamma     Photo: Dave Connelly.
     which has strong links with                    snowy winters, but in recent years it has     If you would like to donate or indeed find     snow on a couple of occasions.
     the Alpine Club - some have                    started to deteriorate. Repairs and patches   out more about the Church please see our       The campsite staff in Vicosoprano were very welcoming and even though
     even called it the ‘Parish                     have tried to extend its life, but the time   webpage: If you        ground sloped somewhat, most managed to find a spot flat enough not to
     church of the Alpine Club’!                    has now come to replace it.                   prefer you can call us on 024-7646 3940        require a belay in the tent.
                                                                                                  or write to the Intercontinental Church
     Reading the history and looking around                                                                                                      Again this year, rock climbing was more popular than the alpine peaks
                                                                                                  Society, Unit 11 Ensign Business Centre,
     the church, at the plaques on the wall                                                                                                      especially as for the third year in a row it had been a lean winter and a very
                                                                                                  Westwood Way, Westwood Business
     and the graves outside, it is obvious to see                                                                                                hot spring, which in common with the rest of the Alps meant the glaciers were
                                                                                                  Park, Coventry, CV4 8JA.
     why.                                                                                                                                        in poor condition. Ascents were made of Piz Badile (two teams climbing the
     The Alpine Club Centenary and 150th                                                          Please mark your gift ‘Zermatt Roof’.          Cassin route and several more the North Ridge), Piz Palu, Piz Morteratsch,
     anniversary were celebrated with Services                                                    With your help ICS will be able to keep        Piz Kesch, Il Chaputschin and Monte Disgrazia by several routes in ascent and
     held at St. Peter’s in 1957 and 2007. St                                                     this beautiful building open, so that it       descent one of which ended with a minor epic.
     Peters had a major part in celebrating the                                                   may continue to provide a focal point
                                                                                                                                                 The multipitch rock routes surrounding the Albigna and Sciora huts saw many
     centenary (1965) and 150th anniversary                                                       for alpinists, climbers, skiers, adventurers
                                                                                                                                                 ascents and the valley rock climbing and via ferrata were also popular.
     (2015) of the Whymper expedition, the          The cost of a new roof will be over           and those drawn to these magnificent
                                                                                                                                                 A barbecue for 30 people was organised by Ellen ably assisted by Adam. When
                                                    £121,000. A temporary repair will keep        mountains.
                                                                                                                                                 they volunteered to do it I don’t think they quite realised how many people
                                                                                                                                                 they would be catering for but it was a great success.

                                         MESSAGE FROM THE HON. SEC.                                                                              This summer, the meet will be held in the Valais, Switzerland, based at
                                                                                                                                                 Camping Attermenzen in the village of Randa (
                                                                                                                                                 from 7 July to 28 July 2018.This is a week earlier than usual to take advantage
     I’m writing this the morning                   stock and to think about plans for the        potentially other Clubs. That alone will
                                                                                                                                                 of better snow conditions in this mainly alpine area. I hope to see you all again.
     after the last Committee                       forthcoming year. For the Hon. Secretary      keep us going for the whole year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Piz Badile North Ridge - Climber Maria Dixon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Keith Lambley
     Meeting of 2017, which                         Team, as well as all the on-going meetings    There is work to do around the re-                                                                                                  Photo: Mike Ferguson
     followed the Volunteers’                       and business as usual stuff to keep going,    introduction of the Alpine Climbing
     Lunch.                                         we have a list of project work.               Group. We plan to produce a Handbook
     Not quite a Hogmanay party, but there          Getting to work on the concession             but, with the pending changes above,
     was a potentially mean “First Ascent”          arrangements between the Alpine Club          this is likely to be towards the end of
     cocktail to be treated with caution and        and other national Clubs is high up the       the year. We will be working with the IT
     “Old Fashioned” which is basically just        list. First will be the Swiss Alpine Club     Sub-Committee regarding the compliance
     a lot of whisky and a bit of sugar and         which, with three Alpine Meets by the         with the new General Data Protection
     some bitters being served up by Nigel, the     Club during 2018 to Switzerland, will         Regulations that are planned to come into
     Librarian and onetime hippy-hippy-shakes       ensure members having no problems             force in the spring. We are also in early
     cocktail barman. It was a good see so          receiving discounted bed nights. Next         stages of planning a London Dinner, as
     many of the Club’s members, who have           will be the Club Alpin Français and then      well as the AGM and Winter Dinner that
     given up their free time during the last 12                                                  is provisionally planned for North Wales.
     months to help the Club tick along, enjoy                                                    There is much more to do but we need
     some social time together. We thank                                                          to also get out into the mountains - in
     them for their volunteering.                                                                 Scotland, France, Iran, Nepal....
     The end of the old year and the beginning                                                                 Charles Stupart and Team          Piz Badile summit - Climbers Mike Ferguson & Maria Dixon               Via Leni - Spazzacaldeira - Climber Dominic Schneiders
     of the new is traditionally the time to take                                                                                                Photo: Mike Ferguson                                                   Photo: Rick Snell

AC Photo Competition 2017 Results                                                                                          The Alpine Climbing Group: Past and Present
                                                                                                                                                                                           amongst that group there was a wide range        2017 we hosted a visit by a team of six
                                                                                                                                                             PAST                          of experience and corresponding needs.           young Slovenian mountaineers, shepherded
                                                                                                                                                                                           Whilst a team of half a dozen taking part        by Marko Prezelj. Despite erratic and lean
                                                                                                                                          The Alpine Climbing Group was
                                                                                                                                                                                           in a formal multi-year mentoring program,        conditions typical of last winter, the Brits
                                                                                                                                          founded during the winter of 1952-53.
                                                                                                                                                                                           as practiced in other countries, would catch     and Slovenes bonded over ascents up to
                                                                                                                                          Its first President, Tom Bourdillon, wrote a     the headlines it would be expensive and          grade VIII in Glen Coe and on Ben Nevis,
                                                                                                                                          note about it in the Alpine Journal in 1956      focus all available resources on a select few.   and the two teams will be reunited in
                                                                                                                                          : 'The renaissance of British climbing in the    After researching other countries mentoring      February 2018 in Slovenia.
                                                                                                                                          Alps after the hiatus of the war years has       the scheme, and after speaking to several
                                                                                                                                          been slow and is still far from complete.                                                         Around the same time we will be continuing
                                                                                                                                          During and immediately after the war there                                                        the rich history we have of exchanges
                                                                                                                                          were remarkable advances in the techniques                                                        with Polish mountaineers, as five of their
                                                                                                                                          of alpinism on the Continent, but these                                                           youngsters visit Scotland in February and
                                                                                                                                          were balanced by the equally dramatic                                                             some of our group head to the Tatras in
                                                                                                                                          raising of the standard of free rock climbing                                                     March. Seven of our young group will
                                                                                                                                          in Great Britain, and it is curious that there                                                    be joining together, which for many of
     Matterhorn from Hirli                  Ben Tibbetts              On Dables Arete of Tacul                    Ben Tibbetts            should not have been a more rapid revival                                                         them will be their first ever expedition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to Kyrgyzstan in the summer, as well as

                                                                                                                                          of British climbing in the Alps. One of the
         s most will already know                John Cleare, to view and select those       material. Finally, each award-winning
                                                                                                                                          reasons for the failure is that in Britain it                                                     further plans for exchanges to France, Italy
         2017 saw the first attempt              worthy of receiving an award.               picture was projected and John gave                                                                                                            and perhaps, at a later date, an expedition
     at an Alpine Club Photographic              John Cleare went through the selection      some final detail regarding his selection    has been hard to learn much about current
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to Pakistan.
     Competition. Now well into                  a number of times during a 10-day           process plus some advice where helpful.      Alpine climbing…’.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Young alpinists from Britain and Slovenia
     the digital age more and more               period. He mulled over his earlier          John was a true professional and the         Members were restricted to active                taking part in the Scottish leg of an exchange   Through the process different bodies have
     people are able to produce                  selections, making changes, until he        star of the afternoon.                       mountaineers and ‘retirement’ was                this February in Glen Coe. The Brits are re-     offered support; key among them are the
     quality images, none more so                was happy he had selected those that,       There will be another AC Photo               automatic at aged 40 years. The main
                                                                                                                                                                                           turning to Slovenia in February 2018.” Photo:
                                                                                                                                                                                           Ian Parnell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BMC, the Alpine Club and the Mount
     than mountaineers.                          in his view, were the best.                 Competion in 2018, this time with            purpose was to establish a cadre of British                                                       Everest Foundation, and part of the success
     The Alpine Club has been blessed with       The quality of images that got awards       three categories: mountain landscaper,       alpinists who were at the cutting edge of        of the main organisers, I also felt that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            so far has been due to this partnership
     photographers from the early days:          proved to very good so it was decided       mountain action and mountain                 mountaineering.                                                                                   between like minded bodies. There is good
                                                                                                                                                                                           particular approach had several potential
     Edward Whymper, Vittorio Sella and          to produce a 2018 Calendar, another         community.                                                                                                                                     momentum, and if it continues then the
                                                 first for the Alpine Club. Copies of                                                     The Alpine Club and the Alpine Climbing          pitfalls. Perhaps the key one being that it
     William Donkin, through the John                                                        2018 Competition rules can be found                                                                                                            future of British mountaineering looks
                                                 the calendar went on sale at the Club                                                    Group merged on I July 1967, the ACG             didn’t seem the best way to address the
     Noel and Finch era 1920s/30s to more                                                    in this Newsletter and on the AC                                                              need for today’s young alpinists to develop
     modern times with Chris Bonington,          dinner in Somerset and then online via                                                   becoming a special section within the AC.
                                                                                             website.                                                                                      strong independent motivation and decision                                            Ian Parnell
     Doug Scott and of course John Cleare.       the AC website.                                                                          Extract from the Alpine Journal 1967
                                                 Immediately before the dinner we were
                                                                                                                          Peter Rowland                                                    making – in my view the biggest factor in
     Moving into the digital era we have                                                                                                  p197-200: AK Rawlinson
     the likes of Paul Ramsden and Mick          given a slot for John Cleare to inform                                                                                                    successful mountaineering.                           Asian Piolet d’Or Lifetime
     Fowler. Of course, there have been,         the members present what he saw,                                                                                                          We held a series of meetings during late
                                                 what he was looking for and why he
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Achievement Award
     and are, many more.                                                                                                                                                                   2016 and early 2017 in the Lake District,
     The 2017 competition was a first            made the selections. This went down                                                                      PRESENT                          North Wales and then the Peak District,                                             AC Honorary
     for the club. However, in the late          extremely well. While John spoke, a                                                                                                       during which we, as well as canvassing                                              Member Harish
                                                 digital sequence was projected that                                                      In 2016 the up and coming mountain                                                                                                   Kapadia has
     18th and early 19th centuries the                                                                                                    talent Tom Livingstone asked me to               opinion from young climbers, were very
     club put on print exhibitions which         showed half of the competition entries,                                                                                                                                                                                       just been
                                                 including all of the award winners                                                       look into the possibility of a mentoring         privileged to hear the shared wisdom
     are well reported in the respective                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       presented with
                                                 plus at least one image from each of                                                     program for young British Alpinists.             from the likes of Paul Ramsden, Dr Tom
     Alpine Journals. There was also a big                                                       John Cleare at the 2017 AC dinner: on                                                                                                                                         the Asian Piolets
                                                 the other members who had submitted                                                      Tom had been impressed about reports             Southworth, Nick Colton, Pat Littlejohn,                                            d'Or Lifetime
     exhibition of Donkin material and                                                           judging the Photo Competition
                                                                                                                                          about mentored teams of young                    John Porter and Rebecca Coles, who all                                              Achievement
     fortunately the club still has these
                                                                                                                                          mountaineers abroad such as Steve House’s        volunteered their experience for free.                                              Award at the
     images.                                      Mountain Action
                                                                                                                                          group in the US, Marko Prezelj’s group           During this process it became clear that in                                         celebrations in
     In June 2017 it was decided to have
                                                  First: On Innominata Ridge, Mont Blanc                Ben Tibbetts                      in Slovenia and a well-established New           looking for a process that allowed young                                            Seoul, Korea.
     a competition and it was announced
                                                                                                                                          Zealand group, and was keen to see a             alpinists to meet like minded climbers,                                             The Piolets
     to all members via the club’s website,       Second: On Kuffner, Mont Blanc                        Ben Tibbetts
                                                                                                                                          similar ‘set up’ in the UK. As a result we                                                        d'Or Asia is the official award celebrating
     Newsletter, Alpinet and social media,                                                                                                                                                 gain experience from older mentors,
                                                  Third: Walking on the glass                           Andrey Golovachev                                                                                                                   remarkable ascents achieved by Asian
     where the Rules and Entry Form                                                                                                       had an inaugural meeting at the Alpine           develop skills and share motivation, we
                                                  Highly Commended: On Peuterey                         Ben Tibbetts                                                                                                                        mountaineers, and is now in its 12th
     could be downloaded. The aim was                                                                                                     Club’s George Starkey Hut in the Lakes,          had a solution ready formed – the Alpine         year. Kapadia has received the Lifetime
     to announce the results at the club’s        Commended: On Dables Arete of Tacul                   Ben Tibbetts                      which attracted 35 young keenies. A lot has      Climbing Group. Once a melting pot of the        Achievement Award for his enormous
     annual dinner in November.                                                                                                           happened since that first meeting 12 months      finest young mountaineers in Britain, there
                                                             Scotland comes to the Ecrins               Tom Hare                                                                                                                            contribution to the exploration of the
     Images started to appear soon after the                                                                                              ago, and whilst we don’t have a formally         seemed no reason that we couldn’t revitalize     Himalaya, through which he has been
     announcement and it ended up that            Mountain Landscape                                                                      mentored team we now have something              the group with an input of new young             climbing and travelling for the last 55
     there were an equal number of entries                                                                                                that I feel is potentially better and a lot      members. To that end Dave Wilkinson, Roy         years and written widely on the subject,
     for the two categories, “Mountain            First: Matterhorn from Hirli                          Ben Tibbetts                                                                                                                        including 17 books. He is the first Indian
                                                                                                                                          more British – the revitalization of the         Ruddle, John Porter, Nigel Hollingworth
     Landscape” and “Mountain Action”.            Second: Atmosphere on the Aretes de Rochefort Tom Hare                                                                                                                                    to be honoured with this award and his
                                                                                                                                          Alpine Climbing Group.                           and Charles Stupart among many others
     As is normal with these types of events                                                                                                                                               have all been very helpful and we have           acceptance speech can be read by following
                                                  Third: Biancograt                                     Tony Westcott                     Canvassing opinion at that first meeting,
     three preliminary judges and a final                                                                                                                                                  begun fine tuning arrangements for a new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            this link.
     judge were appointed. The preliminary                                                                                                and garnering feedback from over 70 young
                                                  Highly Commended: Go with the Floe                    Andrey Golovachev                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                          British mountaineers, it was evident that        intake of young members in 2018.
     judges, David Baldock, Mike Esten and                                                                                                                                                                                                  graphical-society-patrons-medal/acceptance-speech/
     Peter Rowland had the job of selecting       Commended: Vanishing Castle                           Andrey Golovachev                 there was a sizeable group interested in         In the meantime events amongst the group                                        Lindsay Griffin
     the very best images for the final judge,               Kitchen Views                              Ben Thorne                        pushing their own mountaineering but that        have already been taking place. In February

SKYE MEET 2017                                                                                                                        DEATHS                                                                           NEW MEMBERS
                                                                                                                                           The Alpine Club regret to inform you of the following sad deaths                 The Alpine Club is pleased to welcome the following
                                                                                                                                           of members:                                                                      members:
                                                                                                                                             Elizabeth Hawley              Norman Hardie
                                                                                                                                             Fred Becky                    Lt. Col. Simon Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Full                       Proposed by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Al    Burgess                       J Porter & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                             Iain McMorrin                 Richard Gilbert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Anna Kennedy                        L Harrison & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                             Adrian Clifford                                                                 Ian   Parnell                       J Porter & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                           Informal tributes to deceased members are on the website and                      Marc Andre Pepin                    T Westcott & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                           full obituaries will be published in the Alpine Journal.                          John Powell                         J Porter & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             John Punshon                        R Pettigrew & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Renato Rivelli                      M Blatto & R Nadin

                                                                                                                                           NEW OBITS EDITOR                                                                  Ramsey Villanueva                   J Porter & R Nadin

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Aspirant to Full
                                                                                                                                           Rod Smith is the Alpine Journal’s new assistant editor for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Tarquin Cooper                      K Cool & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                           Obituaries section:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Richard Ive                         N Smith & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                                                 I have hugely enjoyed a long but largely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hannah Moulton                      A Dye & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                                                 undistinguished mountaineering career, starting
                                                                                                                                                                 with the stairs at home after watching The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Lili Mulvany                        N Berry & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                                                 Conquest of Everest, graduating via gritstone in            Ken Mulvany                         N Berry & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                                                 my native Saddleworth to seasons in the Alps,               Christina Richards                  C Clarke & R Nadin
                                                                                                             Dave Payne and Jim Evans                            Greenland, Norway, Spitzbergen, the Karakoram               John Sellars                        T Pollard & R Nadin
                                                                                                             looking for their swords.                           and Nepal. I was elected a member of the FRCC               Marjan Shoeke                       C Stupart & R Nadin
                                                                                                             Photo: Paul McWhinney                               in 1977 and the Alpine Club in 2003. I remain               Malcolm Townsley                    J Venier & R Nadin
                                                                                                                                                                 reasonably active on modest rock climbs, the
                                                                                                                                                                 Marsden-Edale, via ferrata, trekking in the                 Aspirant
     T   his joint meet, co-ordinated by Paul McWhinney
         with Craven Caving Club, was based on Skye at the
     Glenbrittle Hut and enjoyed mostly blue skies and superb
                                                                                                                                                                 Himalaya and skiing. I am the proud owner of a
                                                                                                                                                                 large climbing and polar library, the housing of
                                                                                                                                           which causes some marital tensions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Barney Loosemore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Callum McCue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 R Nadin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 R Nadin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Philip Peel                         R Nadin
                                                                                                                                           I am keen to uphold the Club’s tradition of producing authoritative,
     mountaineering. Seventeen members of the two clubs                                                                                    informed and interesting obituaries for our deceased members. And with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Emily Thompson                      R Nadin
     attended; six from the AC. John Fairley made an impressive                                                                            this in mind, I request the help of all fellow members. In many cases the         Mike Mason                          R Nadin
     arrival by train and bike.                                                                                                            only records the Club holds are the original application forms and very often
                                                                                                                                           little is known about the member’s subsequent career in the mountains.
     Ascents included Pinnacle Ridge; Sron na Ciche & the                                                                                  We rely on members to help fill this gap; you are very welcome to provide        6. The digital images can be in either portrait (vertical) or
     Cioch; a traverse of the Cuillin from Sligachan to Coruisk,                                                                           a summary of the highlights, even lowlights, of your activities for the Club’s   landscape (horizontal) format.
     up the Dubh slabs and back to Glenbrittle; a walk from                                                                                files. And we always want to hear from those suitably informed either            7. The images must be in their final format as defined above.
                                                                                                                                           to contribute or offer recommendations on potential contributors. One            The Competition Secretary will not perform any manipulations,
     Sligachan to Elgol and a token gesture to the caving                                                                                  does not wish to dwell on the inevitable, but the variety and richness of        resizing or other alterations to the presented images, other than
     fraternity with a visit to the chambered cairn on the south-                                                                          members’ lives is well worth celebrating.                                        to place all of the entries into a single competition folder for
     west promontory of Rubh’ an Dunain. The Hut is booked                                                                                                                                                Rod Smith         forwarding to the designated judge.
     for 12-19 May 2018 (see AC Meets).                                                                                                                                                                                     8. The images should be submitted as flattened 8-bit RGB or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            greyscale files in the highest quality JPEG format. Images in other
                                                   Tony Westcott
                                                                                                                                                        THE ALPINE CLUB                                                     formats such as PSD or images with unflattened layers will be
                                                                                                                                               PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION RULES 2018                                          9. For each image submitted please include a short title to include
                                                                    Typical weather on descent of Pinnacle Ridge from Sgurr nan Gilliean                                                                                    the location. All image files are to be named in the style: Category,
                                                                    Photo: Tony Westcott                                                                                                                                    Image Number, Image Title, Location (e.g. Mountain Action,
                                                                                                                                            1. The competition is open only to members of the Alpine Club                   Image 3 - Nearly There, Mont Blanc).
                                                                                                                                            2. The subject matter must relate to mountains or mountaineering.               10. You may not enter an image previously submitted for an
                                                                                                                                            There will be three categories:                                                 Alpine Club Photo Competition, or one so similar as to be almost
                                                                                                                                                      1.       Mountain Landscape                                           identical, irrespective of title.
                                                                                                                                                      2.       Mountain Action                                              11. Each picture will be considered separately and on-screen by the
                                                                                                                                                      3.       Mountain Community                                           judge.
                                                                                                                                            3. Each member may submit an entry of up to three digital images                12. The final udge will award first, second and third, plus one
                                                                                                                                            per category via email to the Alpine Club at photos@alpine-club.                highly commended.
                                                                                                                                   and                                                13. The judge’s decision will be final. No discussion will be entered
                                                                                                                                            Images must be submitted in digital format: they may have                       into.
                                                                                                                                            been scanned from film or transparency stock, or taken with a                   14. The entrant agrees that any image entered into the competition
                                                                                                                                            digital camera or iPhone. The images should be as shot, i.e. no                 may be used by the Alpine Club for publicity purposes, and that
                                                                                                                                            components added/photoshopped from other images.                                the images may be shown to other Alpine Club events.
                                                                                                                                            The member submitting the images must be the author and the                     15. No acknowledgement will be made for receipt of entries.
                                                                                                                                            owner of the copyright.                                                         16. The judge this year will be: TBA
                                                                                                                                            4: The images must have been captured during the 5-year period                  17. The following dates should be noted, and are critical:
                                                                                                                                            between 1st June 2013 and 31st August 2018. Also, the submitted                      Entries to arrive by end of day 31st August 2018
                                                                                                                                            images should not have been published elsewhere or entered into                      Preliminary judging completed by 15th September 2018
                                                                                                                                            other competitions.                                                                  Final judging completed by 1st October 2018
                                                                                                                                            5. There will be no entry fee but the completed and signed Entry                     Results will be announced at the Alpine Club Annual Dinner.
                                                                                                                                            Form must be included with the images, either as a scan or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Peter Rowland, Competition Secretary
     Dave Payne atop The Green Lady at Neist (and the rock          John Fairley looking back to Camasunary & Glen Sligachan                electronically with the images. The member’s Membership Number
                                                                    Photo: Tony Westcott                                                    can be found on the Membership Card.                                                      Honorary Keeper of the Photographs, The Alpine Club
     was good)     Photo: Paul McWhinney

Up Close and
                                                                                                     would be safer with a man leading the            Award (MIA). I spend about a third of                                                             expedition in the Greater Ranges. I'd
                                                                                                     group.                                           the year working overseas and the rest in                                                         also like to get to know the Alps a lot
                                                                                                                                                      the UK. Being freelance the work is really                                                        better and go to some areas which I
                                                                                                       So no real negatives then?

                                                                                                                                                      varied. I work for expedition companies                                                           haven't been to before.
                                                                                                     There are without a doubt still barriers for     like Jagged Globe, with groups of young
                                                                                                     women. How our society brings up girls           people as well as the military to name a                                                            So you would like to do a first ascent?
                                                                                                     means that they are not as comfortable           few. Last year my overseas work took me                                                           I've done five first ascents expeditions.
                                                                                                     pushing themselves out of their comfort          to Tanzania, Switzerland, Iceland, Russia                                                         I climbed four first ascents in South
                                                                                                     zones; they are told to be careful more          (Elbrus), and Uganda with a couple on                                                             Georgia. I've been to eastern Tajikistan
     Informal Interview with Alpine Club Member                                                      often than boys and put off doing sports.        their honeymoon! In the UK I do most                                                              twice to attempt the same 6000m+
     Becky Coles by Stuart Worsfold                                                                  It is still less socially acceptable for women   of my summer work in North Wales,                                                                 peak but it remains unclimbed. An
                                                                                                     to spend prolonged periods of time away          the Peak District and Scotland based in                                                           expedition in the Wakhan Corridor,
                                                       Do you ski mountaineer as well?
                                                                                                     and indulge in activities that are perceived     Inverness or the Isle of Skye. In the winter,                                                     Afghanistan, saw us summit a mountain
                                                     Yes, I really enjoy my skiing, tour and         as risky, especially if they are mothers.        I rent a place near Glencoe.                                                                      on the Afghan/Pakistan border which we
                                                     mountaineering, but I'm not going to the        This all translates to fewer women being             So climbing and mountaineering is your                                                        thought was a first ascent but it actually
                                                     Alps this winter so it's just Scottish skiing   involved in climbing especially in the trad.         life then?                                                                                    turned out to be climbed. In 2016, Simon
                                                     for me.                                         and alpine climbing and mountaineering                                                                                                             Verspeak and I climbed a 6000m+ peak,
                                                                                                     spectrum. But things are definitely              Yes, I'm quite boring really.                                                                     Lasarmula, in the far west of Nepal that
                                                                                                     changing, initiatives such as the women's            What are your future climbing plans?                                                          we believe was a first ascent. But, yes, I'd
                                                                                                     trad. climbing festival and women's              I've got a few ideas for first ascents                                                            like to do more.
                                                                                                     winter skills courses are all getting the
                                                                                                     message out there that women do have
                                                                                                     the ability to get into the mountains and
                                                                                                     climb or mountaineer. From an expedition
                                                                                                                                                                            The Glacier Trust and EcoHimal in Nepal
                                                                                                     perspective, when I was starting out, I            n November 2017, Alpine Club                  During an intensive week, we visited              garlands and silk scarves; then trumpeted
       How did it all start for you with                                                             found I had less opportunities compared            members Hywel and Ingram Lloyd,               10 mountain-side terraced farms and               into a reception through an arch of red
       climbing? Did your parents climb as well                                                      to my male peers as it wasn't perceived          myself and my wife Tina, took the               plant nurseries at heights between 900            poinsettias to more garlands, scarves,
       or were they just walkers?                                                                    that I could 'at least carry some of the         opportunity of a three week trekking            and 2800m and were shown crops of                 welcome speeches, tea and lunch. This
                                                                                                     loads and be a good craic'. But this isn't       visit to the remote eastern Nepal district      coffee, cardamom, courgettes, hazelnuts,          became de rigeur for practically every
     I got into the outdoors through walking                                                         just a gender thing, it's probably true for
     with my parents, but they didn't do any                                                                                                          of Solukhumbu to visit climate change           oranges, black and Sichuan peppers,               house and school we visited, to the point
                                                       Who are your female icons?                    anyone who doesn't fit in to a particular
     climbing. Walking up Snowdon would be                                                                                                            adaptation projects funded by The               pumpkin, squash, tree tomatoes and                where we were seriously worried that
                                                     Lynne Hill was a real inspiration.              image. It led me to organise my own              Glacier Trust (TGT), and organised              more, adding to the more traditional              we must have denuded the region of
     an extreme expedition for them. In fact,                                                        expeditions which has now turned out
                                                     Learning that she was the first person                                                           in Nepal by EcoHimal Nepal (EHN).               crops of hill rice, millet and maize. TGT         marigolds!
     I didn't really like walking when I was                                                         for the best as I have people asking me if
                                                     to climb the Nose free and then climb it                                                         We travelled by road from Kathmandu             funds have also helped to introduce
     small, especially if I could see how far I                                                      they can join my trips. My dream would
                                                     the following year free in under 24 hours                                                        with Dr Morgan Phillips, UK-based co-           improved breeds of livestock including
     had to walk, so they find what I do now                                                         be that one day there was equality in the
                                                     really opened my eyes to the possibilities                                                       Director of TGT, and Narayan Dhakal,            chicken, goats, pigs and buffalo. EHN
     quite amusing.                                  to women being pioneers in climbing. I          mountains and the need for all women             Kathmandu-based Executive Director of           with the support of Eco Himal Austria,
       What made you join the Alpine Club?           met Lynne when she came to Bristol for          courses or grants became redundant, but          EHN, to visit their adaptation projects         has enabled the area to become an open
     I joined the AC initially for the               the Women's Climbing Symposium 2017.            we're not quite there yet.                       centred around the Agro Forestry                defecation free zone, and helped fund
     expedition grants, but continued to be          I got quite star struck. I learnt about                                                          Resource Centre (AFRC) they have                green-roofed gender friendly eco-San
     a member because of the community of            Alison Hargreaves and her achievements                                                           established in the mountain community           toilets, which now provide compost to
     other members.                                  later, not sure why, I guess it was the                                                          of Deusa.                                       improve the soil.
                                                     books I was exposed too. Her North Faces
       Where is your favourite place, or your                                                                                                                                                         Narayan administers the wide range of
                                                     in a single season blows my mind. Ines
       perfect spring day climbing?                                                                                                                                                                   TGT’s projects throughout Nepal with              If you’re looking for a remote, mid-height
                                                     Papert is another inspiration, climbing
                                                                                                                                                                                                      indefatigable enthusiasm and efficiency.          mountain region of Nepal to trek, with
     I love ice climbing on the Ben, although        the Hurting in full-on Scottish conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Local farmer and agricultural technician,         high-point views to the Himalayan peaks
     the other day when I was freezing doing         and her technical new routes in places like
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hari, manages the AFRC outreach                   of the Ghaurishankar and Sagarmatha
     some mixed climbing in the Cairngorms           Kyrgyzstan are very impressive.                                                                                                                  programme, runs training courses and              regions, such as Numbur, Kongde, Mera
     I was thinking about summer rock                  Do you feel that women get a fair chance                                                                                                       works with the local lead farmers to              and even Everest on a clear day some 50
     climbing.                                         in the world of climbing?                                                                                                                      ensure knowledge and good practice                miles to the north, plus the opportunity
      Do you prefer snow and ice over rock?          There's a real energy at the moment for                                                          Deusa AFRC was set up by the late               spreads throughout Deusa, Waku and                to help local people rebuild their lives
                                                     women in climbing which is fantastic to                                                          Robin Garton, AC member and Founder             other neighbouring districts.                     and economy after the 2015 earthquake
      Mostly, but I like the variety.                                                                                                                 /Director of TGT in 2013 to provide                                                               and sustainably adapt to climate change,
                                                     see and loads of super talented female            What else do you do apart from climbing?                                                       Whilst visiting AFRC, we witnessed the
       Do you get to the Alps a fair bit?            climbers. I've personally benefited from                                                         a community base to demonstrate                 distribution of revenue to 15 farmers             we can strongly recommend this area. We
                                                                                                     I like to travel, not just to climb. I got
     I try to go a couple of times a year,           some of the grants for women going on                                                            sustainable methods of adapting to              from nearly one ton of coffee beans taken         would be happy to provide contacts to
                                                                                                     into the outdoors because I liked wildlife
     usually once to ski and then once in the        expeditions like the Alison Chadwick                                                             climate change impacts that are already         to market in Kathmandu by the AFRC,               EHN and local Sherpa guides and porters
                                                                                                     - probably the only reason I endured
     summer when I'm often working. I am             Memorial Grant and Julie Tullis                                                                  impacting here. Deusa’s mountain-sides          up by 200% from the previous year.                if you would like to organise your own
                                                                                                     those long walks my parents dragged
     an International Mountain Leader so my                                                                                                           are scoured by increasingly torrential          We were greatly impressed by the                  visit.
                                                     Memorial Award.                                 me on - and wildlife and the natural
     work is leading treks. It's very civilised                                                                                                       monsoon rains and a dry season that             entrepreneurial community spirit the              If you would like to read more about
                                                       So you don’t think it is too bad on the       world still interests me. I read more
     and is great as it's not too physically                                                                                                          is getting longer each year. The AFRC           AFRC has inspired. The enthusiasm for             the Glacier Trust projects, visit their
                                                       whole, not too much of a misogynistic         nature writing than mountain literature. I
     demanding so I have the energy and                                                                                                               provides training to enable farmers             education is evident in the homes, schools        website at ; for
                                                       society?                                      also have a background in geography and
     psyche to go alpine climbing on my days                                                                                                          to move from precarious subsistence             and health centres we visited, in spite of        more information on EcoHimal http://
                                                                                                     science which I continue to be involved
     off. This year we popped up the Mittellegi      I find people in the climbing community                                                          farming methods to more resilient and           the still basic facilities currently available.
                                                                                                     in in a number of ways. When I'm not
     Ridge on the Eiger, spent the night in the      are some of the most open-minded,                                                                commercially viable agriculture. The
                                                                                                     climbing I enjoy cycling and open water                                                          Impressive as the TGT /EHN work was,                                           Tony Westcott
     Mönchsjochhütte, then popped over to            welcoming people. Any ignorance I've                                                             innovations in agro forestry that EHN
                                                                                                     swimming.                                                                                        our most memorable part of the visit
     climb the Monch the next day, before            come across has mainly been from those                                                           and TGT are introducing focus on crops                                                            Thank you to all of you who bought the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      must be the warmth of reception we
     heading back to work. In fact, it's a miracle   who don't climb. I was once removed             Is your work as a mountain leader mainly         that can stabilise landslide vulnerable                                                           2017 AC Christmas cards and included
                                                                                                                                                                                                      received wherever we went. Walking
     I passed my IML as a couple of days before      from leading an all-girls school group          UK based or all over Europe/worldwide?           slopes, retain water in soil for longer                                                           your donation to TGT. I hope this article
                                                                                                                                                                                                      down from the ridge at Nele towards               has given you some insight to the inspiring
     the summer assessment I was climbing the        going on an expedition in Bolivia because                                                        and, through clever intercropping, repel
                                                                                                     I hold the Winter ML, International                                                              the district of Deusa, we were met by             work they are doing and encourage you to
     Kuffner Arete on Mont Maudit.                   the parents thought that their daughters                                                         incoming insect pests and plant parasites.
                                                                                                     Mountain and Mountaineering Instructor                                                           more and more villagers with marigold             continue your support in future.

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