New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...

Page created by Aaron Elliott
New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...
#121 August/September/October 2020
$4.99 US / $5.99 CAN

                                     IN THIS ISSUE...

                                     New Products
                                     and Flavors!
                                     New HEED®, Recoverite®, and CBD

                                     Pit Stop Fueling
                                     Nutrition in 30 seconds

                                     Demystifying Keto
                                     Examining the Latest Trend
                                     ¡ How to Fuel for Team Sports
                                     ¡ New Informed Choice Certifications
New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...
New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...
The historic Going-to-the-Sun Road
c r i s s c ro s s e s i t s w a y a c ro s s t h e
Continental Divide just 45 miles from
Hammer Nutrition headquarters. Every
year, it takes plow crews weeks to clear
the winter snowpack. As they work, the
road opens for a few precious days to
cyclists, but not to vehicles. It’s a dream
ascent through the towering peaks of
Glacier National Park. Pictured here, two
cyclists ride in front of Haystack Creek.

Photo: Josh Osborne
New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...
                                                                                                                           ENDURANCE NEWS
                                Welcome to the 121 issue of Endurance News!
                                                                  st                                                       The informed athlete’s advantage since 1993

                                T    his issue is similar to the previous 120 issues in
                                     the sense that we’ve updated just about every-
                                thing in the magazine and will continue to do so with
                                                                                                                                      AN EXCLUSIVE PUBLICATION OF:

                                each subsequent edition you receive. I hope you notice
                                fewer typos and grammos due to the added assistance
                                of long-time sponsored athlete Carol Newman Cronin.
                                So, whether this is the first issue or the 121st you’re
                                reading, I hope you enjoy it and share your feedback
                                with us (positive or otherwise). As usual, we stuffed
                                this issue full of content that I believe will be of inter-
                                est and benefit to you.                                                                                                STAFF
  Racing coverage is a bit slim for this time of year, but we’ve found a few                                                            Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
races to share with you. Speaking of updating, refining, and changing, you’ll                                                                    Brian Frank
find a lot of that in this issue as well—new flavors of HEED® and Recoverite®,                                                                    Assistant Editor
new CBD Softgel Sample Packs, and so much more. Of course, no installment                                                                            Steve Born
of Endurance News would be complete without at least one or two hard-                                                                         Contributors
hitting articles on the evils of sugar and artificial sweeteners. So, those are                                             Joseph Perry, Miles Frank, Dr. Bayne French MD DC
in here, too.                                                                                                                    Laura Labelle, Dr. Kirstin Lauritzen DC MS
CHANGE                                                                                                                                              Designers
                                                                                                                                        Adrian Villanueva, Madison Apple
  It’s a subject that I ponder often. People like innovation and new things,
but they tend to be resistant to change. That presents real challenges for me
as an innovator leading a pioneering company that is constantly changing.
It brings to mind the old saying about not being able to please all the people                                                                       MISSION
all the time. Even my staff gets tired of the pace of change around here. In                                          Endurance News provides informative and inspirational
fact, I am prone to saying, “The only constant at Hammer is change.” And                                              content to help endurance athletes like you achieve peak
I mean it. It’s how I am wired; I simply cannot leave a product, system, or                                           performance and health. The views expressed favor a healthy
procedure alone if I know I can improve it. I’ve been labeled a perfectionist                                         diet, hard training that emphasizes quality over quantity, and
more than once, and I’m fine with that.                                                                               prudent supplementation to improve health and performance.
                                                                                                                      Back issues are available at
   My point is that when I develop a brand-new product and introduce it
to you, it’s simple—you try it and you either like it or you don’t. However,
things get tricky when I revise/update/improve an existing product. Some                                                         OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES
people like the new version and some don’t. The re-formulation of all flavors
                                                                                                                      Service: From day one, we’ve strived to treat each client
of HEED, Recoverite, and Hammer Whey Protein are prime examples. Many of you                                          fairly, honestly, and individually. Your trust is our top priority.
have reported how much the taste, scent, and color of the products have
                                                                                                                      Education: We educate and empower athletes with free, easily
improved. Of course, we’ve also heard from a few of you that you hate the
                                                                                                                      accessed information on health and performance.
new flavors. Just know that I lead taste testing and give final sign-off. So,
if you don’t like the new versions, blame me—I apologize.                                                             Principles Before Profits: Profits never take priority over
                                                                                                                      our values. If it says “Hammer Nutrition,” it’s good for you.
  Regular readers will have noticed that Dr. Bayne French has begun
writing for Endurance News and has joined Hammer as our Chief Medical                                                                    OUR CORE VALUES
Advisor. He’s not your typical MD and has some very distinct ideas on                                                 Innovation: Our development of new, cutting-edge products
dietary habits that produce optimal health and athletic performance. Based                                            and categories has led the field since 1987.
on his education, credentials, athletic resume, and ultra-lean, muscular                                              Product Integrity: Our consumables are researched, tested,
physique, I think he’s worth a listen.                                                                                and USA-made to the strictest standards.
  While Dr. French and I do not agree on all things diet, we do agree 100%                                            Read our complete mission statement online at
that reducing/eliminating sugar and most grains from your diet is your best                                 
option for health and vitality. Heck, I have been preaching this for over
three decades. So, no matter the name of the diet, IF it causes you to abstain
from BAD CARBS and seek healthy whole fats, proteins, and vegetables as
the bulk of your calories consumed, I like it!
Enjoy the read, and then pass this along to a friend or two.
                                                                                                                      Legal Disclaimer: The contents of Endurance News are not intended to provide
                                                                                                                      medical advice to individuals. For medical advice, please consult a licensed
                                                                                                                      health care specialist.

Brian                                                                                                                 ©2020 Endurance Marketing Group. This information is copyright protected.
                                                                                                                      Please feel free to distribute this information as long as the copyright notice,
                                                                                                                      phone number, and/or URL are included. Content must remain unchanged and
                                                                                                                      original authorship acknowledged.
ON THE COVER: Nick DiNapoli pushed past a few riders on the last lap to place 3rd OA Pro/Expert at XC Sufferfest in
Monterey, CA on February 23rd, 2020. Nick fueled his podium win with Mango HEED®, Hammer Gel®, and Recoverite®.                        4952 Whitefish Stage Road
Photo: Dustin Vaughn-Luma
                                                                                                                                         Whitefish, MT 59937
  4     Endurance News 121                                                                        800.336.1977 •
New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...
EN    CONTENTS                                                                           EN   REGULARS  

              In this issue, find out how                                                  4
                                                                                                     Publisher’s Note
                                                                                                     Starting Lines
              fueling can make you feel great.                                             8         #howihammer
              Read more on pages 12, 14, 18, 32, and 46                                    16        Ask Hammer
                                                                                           18        Product Spotlight:
                                                                                                     Hammer Gel®
                                                                                           24        Product Spotlight:
                                                                                                     Whey Protein
                                                                                           32        SOS: Electrolyte
                                                                                           34        Laura’s Kitchen:
                                                                                                     Poached & Easy
                                                                                           40        Aid Station
                                                                                           42        Coffee Helps Digestion
                                                                                           50        33 Years of Memories
                                                                                           56        From Our Athletes
                                                                                           58        Finish Chute

                                                                                                                  Complex carbs, all-
Erik Armes snags a cup on his way to                                                                              natural ingredients,
winning the Clermont Draft Legal U25 Elite                                                                        and a pH-balancing
Development Race in 2019. The entire                                                                              formula make Hammer
Armes family has fueled with Hammer                                                                               Gel the best source for
for over 15 years. Erik continues to fuel                                                                         long-lasting energy
with Hammer and is currently training                                                                             in a convenient, tasty,
to make the US Olympic team.                                                                                      concentrated form.
Photo: Tony Smoragiewicz

EN FEATURES                 Endurance News: Issue 121 August/September/October 2020

10 The Atypical Athlete:                       38 5 Signals Your Body
   Sevve Stember                                  Needs Rest
                                                     BY DR. KIRSTIN LAURITZEN DC MS
12 The Perils of Loading
        BY BRIAN FRANK                         44 6 Questions with
14 Moto Sports Fueling                            Hammer Athletes
                                               46 How to Fuel
20 Demystifying Keto                              for Team Sports

26 New Recoverite®                             48 Stay Away from Sucralose

28 New CBD Samplers                             52 Recover with CBD                        33 YEARS OF HAMMER NUTRITION MEMORIES
                                                     by STEVE BORN
                                                                                           Matthew Seymour competes in the 2009 Escape
30 New Cherry Bomb HEED®                        54 Hammer International                    from Alcatraz Triathlon. Look back at decades of
                                                                                           memories from E-Caps and Hammer on page 50.

                                                                             August/September/October 2020
New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...

    A LETTER FROM                                                          “So stoked to have discovered your
                                                                           company and excited to use your products
    CALEB PITTMAN                                                          for years to come!”

                                                                   Hi Brian!

                                                                   Quick note: Never in my life have I been
                                                                   forced to send the owner of a company a
                                                                   feedback message.

                                                                   I recently received my first order from
                                                                   Hammer Nutrition and can say, without having
                                                                   tried a single product yet, that I will be a
                                                                   Hammer Nutrition customer FOREVER.

                                                                   I’m training for my first trail 50K out in
                                                                   West Texas. The training is going great, but
                                                                   the how-to-fuel part is pretty overwhelming.
                                                                   A few folks here in Austin pointed me toward
                                                                   your company so I figured I’d fire off an
                                                                   initial order of a variety pack of the gels.

                                                                   I was literally almost moved to tears when
                                                                   I received this package (on my birthday no
                                                                   less) packed TO THE GILLS with not only
                                                                   additional products but also supplemental (no
                                                                   pun intended) info on how to use them and how
                                                                   to fuel for endurance sports in general. I’m
                                                                   already excited to go after more races using
                                                                   y’all’s products.

                                                                   Whoever runs your customer loyalty/service/
                                                                   fulfillment/marketing—basically whoever is
                                                                   responsible for this—I give them 1000 thanks.

                                                                   So stoked to have discovered your company
                                                                   and excited to use your products for years to

    Caleb Pittman on a training run through wild flower
    fields in Austin, TX. Caleb can rely on all of his new         Caleb Pittman
    Hammer products to keep his cool in the infamous
    West Texas heat. Photo: Megan Willin

    Drop us a line, share a tip, or tell us about your latest adventure.                 We Love                                                          Hearing
                                                                                         from You!
    We welcome your reviews our Facebook page and write a review! We check our
    page daily and enjoy hearing how Hammer Nutrition has helped you.

6    Endurance News 121
New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...
                                                             GET YOUR FREE COPY TODAY!
                                                             800.336.1977 •

                   HOW TEOR
                                                                                                                                                      The HOW TO HAMMER Product

                                                                                                                                                      Usage Manual supplies all the
                                                                                                                                                      vital information you need to
                                                                                                                  uct Manual                          use Hammer Nutrition products
                                                                                              lements Prod
                                                            els and Supp
                          Endurance Fu

                                                                                                                                                      for maximum benefit. This is
                                                                                                                                                      the final word on usage, with
                                                                                                                                                      both the advanced details and

                                                                                                                                                      specific applications you need to
                                                                                                                                                      Hammer to the next level.

                                                                       HEED®                                             HEED continue

                                                                     The real sport                                     Tips and Conside
                                                                                                        s drink                         rations:
                                                                                                                        • For  many athlete
                                                                                                                          normal conditi s, under               • In all inst
                                                                    nSustaines ene                                        of HEED will ons, 1-2 scoops                       ances,
                                                                                                                                                                  up Endurolyte carrying back-
                                                                                    rgy,                                                 completely
                                                                     Reduces cramp no sugar crash
                                                                                                                          electrolyte req            fulfill                      s Capsules
                                                                   n                                                                     uirements.               recommend                  is

                                                                                                                       • In hotter                             • When exe
                                                                  n Buffers                                                        climates, or                            rcise lasts long
                                                                            lactic acid                                  longer activiti        during
                                                                                                                                        es, consume              than 2-3 hou              er
                                                                  n Sup                                                  Endurolyte                                           rs, Perpetuem
                                                                       ports dental hea                                              s or Enduro                 Sustained Ene                or
                                                                                         lth                            Extreme in
                                                                                                                                     addition to
                                                                                                                                                                preferable opti rgy may be a

                                             t, Feel Great!
                                                                                                             ®                                   HEED.                          on.

                                   Fuel Righ


                                          since 1987!
                      The “one bot
                                    tle solution”
                      Gel and wa                  for athletes
                                  ter. HEED                     who prefer
                      profile and              contains a full              a drin
                                                               -spectrum elec k over

                                  key auxiliary
                     fueling needs               nutrients. It                 trolyte
                                     for short wor              may be used
                     system for lon                kouts or as                to meet all
                                     g duration act             part of a compre
                                                    ivities.                      hensive
                   How to Use
                   Mix 0.5-2 scoo
                                                             Serving Size
                                  ps (see chart
                   above) of HE                              One scoop con
                                ED in 16-28                                 tains 100 calo
                  ounces (app                                Individual dos               ries.
                               rox                                          age needs
                  of water. Sip 475-828 ml)                  will vary. See
                                con                                         Sec
                  during exercis tinuously                  at hammernut rets of Success
                                                            for more info

                                 serving packets
                                                  are for
                                 use on the go.

                                                                         Steven Terry, celeb
                                                                                             rating his first
                                                                         place age group
                                                                                          win at the Icem
                                                                        Cometh in Kalas                     an
 16 Call for expe                                                       Photo
                                                                                         ka, Michigan.
                 rt advice      from friendly peop                 : Rob Meenderin
                                                  le 1.800.336.19
                                                                 77 hammernutr
New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...

               pedals_packs_and_pinots • Follow                    jasonmpoole • Follow
                                                                   Bergen Peak, Evergreen, CO

     Ben Handrich Couldn’t have spent a three-day week-
     end with better company than @theadroitman and        Jason Poole Choosing the least-obvious route to
     @sethcjd. 2 days. 200 miles. Rough dirt and gravel    Bergen avoid all the people! Loving the
     roads in a part of Washington you’ve never been to.   caffeine of the Espresso Gel.

               the_happy_mama_project • Follow                     cynthia_runsalot • Follow

                                                           Cynthia Salazar Fueled with HEED and a Gel, but tasted
     Karin Reemts Even bigger pile o’visors                more like mango hot tea about halfway in - still yummy!

8    Endurance News 121
New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...
                                                          Big Side of Texas Round 2 WTMX
        kaihao123 • Follow
        Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

                                                         Josh Hernandez took to the track in blistering 105°F heat
                                                         for his first race in months. The day started slowly as
Kai Hao Chen Thanks @hammernutritionmy for
                                                         deep, sloppy conditions compounded on Josh’s fatigue
supporting our training group - visit them to get your
                                                         from a heavy week of training. He relied heavily on HEED
best nutrition.
                                                         to push through and find the energy to pull off the win in
                                                         all four of his races. Photo: Bekah Hernandez
        michaeld42.195 • Follow
        Blue Mountains (New South Wales)                                   FUELING RECIPE

                                                                          Espresso Hammer Gel®


                                                                             Endurance BCAA+
                                                                           Cola Endurolytes® Fizz


                                                                             Vegan Recoverite®


Michael Daly A nice run out to Fortress Rock, the          Big Side of Texas Round 2 WTMX
Blue Mountains of New South Wales, for some more
stunning views.                                                  1st Place Overall 250 Pro
                                                                 1st Place Overall 450 Pro
New Products and Flavors! - IN THIS ISSUE...

       “The high peaks are coming into
   season, and I’ve certainly had a lot of
     time on my hands to set some goals
    that challenge me.” - Sevve Stember

N   estled in the Front Range of Colorado are many
    trailheads, wildlife preserves, state parks, and
national parks that provide an ample playground for
mountain athlete Sevve Stember.
  Sevve has approached his plans this year fluidly,
setting goals but responding to inspiration and the
subtleties of where his psyche is. During the tough
times we all faced in March and April, he stayed happy
and sane by building his base fitness with trail running,
scrambling in the Flatirons just west of Boulder, and
working on his garden.
  In May, with Colorado opening up, he could pursue
further endeavors in sport climbing, a form of climb-
ing that involves clipping into fixed hardware that was
placed in the rock by a first ascent party. Additional-
ly, he has been working on the mental training side of
things, using Eldorado Canyon to gain trust and confi-
dence in his ability to place his own gear—and even fall-
ing on it when necessary. This has been an invaluable
opportunity for improvement, which he will be able to
take into the high alpine setting later this season.
                                                               Sevve nearing the crux pitch of Solid Gold at his home crag, Clear Creek
  The early summer goal is to conquer “The Barb”               Canyon. With hundreds of routes on hand, Sevve is never bored.
in Spearhead, a section of Rocky Mountain National
Park known as Glacier Gorge. Of the mapped routes in             Sevve says Perpetuem® solves the biggest fueling issue.
RMNP, “The Barb” is on the harder end of the spectrum,         “When I’m climbing all day, I need to keep calories
rated 5.10, and it’s usually the first to be available         coming in without eating too many sugary products or
early in the season, as it dries in the alpine sun. This       having to stop and dig something out of my pack. It’s
sheer face of granite offers northwest facing ledges           nice to drink something that’s both calorie-dense and
with nothing but snow fields below. Once the technical         not too sweet.”
climbing is done, there is still a loose rock scramble to         He also brings along a Katadyn BeFree water
the true summit of Spearhead.                                  filtration system, which helps shave pounds of water
   In addition, if all goes according to plan, Sevve and his   off of pack weight and quickly filters out bacteria as well
climbing partner, Matt Sahli, will attempt a route both        as sediment from any freshwater source.
have been eyeing for years on Hallet Peak. Rated 5.11c,          “It’s a really exciting time of year,” Sevve said. “The
it will test the team’s route-finding abilities, mental and    high peaks are coming into season, and I’ve certainly
physical strengths, and communication. The training            had a lot of time on my hands to set some goals that
in the Front Range will certainly help them prepare for        challenge me. It’s been super joyful to reconnect with
this next objective.                                           the sport I’ve loved and been inspired by for over 16
   For their particular combination of trail running,          years. Not only that, but I’m at a point in my moun-
scrambling, and speed climbing, Sevve and Matt are             tain career that allows me to start actualizing climbing
always looking to shave weight from their packs and            routes and ridgeline scrambles that I’ve only dreamed
time from their ascents. On the days leading up to a big       about because I am applying years of learning experi-
climb, Sevve takes Hammer CBD Tincture before bed to help      ences. I feel fortunate to have access to our public lands,
get optimal rest ahead of what is sometimes a 10-12+           where I can move my body in a way that feels like my
hour day in the mountains.                                     form of art.”

  10 Endurance News 121

“I use Hammer Gel both before and during training and races; it
 tastes great and gives me the energy I need.” - Online Reviewer

                                           Purchase a
                                         26-Serving Jug
                                            and get a
                                      FREE HAMMER FLASK

 No sugar crash, and deliciously convenient                                       Hammer-Sponsored Athlete Sevve
                                                                                  Stember cross-trains with a trail run
                                                                                  in Arvada, Colorado. Whether he’s
  26 Serving Jugs        $19.95 ea                                                mountain climbing or running, Sevve
                                                                                  always relies on Hammer to get him
  Single-serving packets $1.40 ea                                                 through.
                                                                                  Photo: courtesy Sevve Stember

  Get a FREE 13 Tablet Tube of FIZZ
                with any order
                                                        Limit one per customer.
                                                          While supplies last
         Use Promo Code    EN121CF                        Expires 10.31.20           800.336.1977

The Perils of Loading                                                                       by BRIAN FRANK

Y   ou have almost certainly heard
    experts and veteran athletes
say you should “race like you train”
                                                As you know if you have read our
                                              literature, hourly intakes of 120-
                                              180 calories, 20-25 ounces of fluids,        WHEN YOU HAVE A BIG
and “never try something new on               and 400-600 mg of salt (sodium
race day,” right? Evidently, most             chloride)—as part of a full-spectrum         EVENT, COMPETITION,
athletes don’t think this applies to
the days leading up to the event too.
                                              electrolyte replenishment product—
                                              are more reasonable and effective
                                                                                           OR ADVENTURE, DO NOT
I constantly see athletes massively           upper limits. We’ve been advocating          ATTEMPT TO:
changing their calorie, fluid, and            this for three decades, and these
sodium intake just before a big
endurance event, competitive or
                                              numbers are now more or less the
                                              accepted wisdom of the crowd.
                                                                                           · Load Carbohydrates
not. These practices contradict
the old adages and human
                                                Unfortunately, the myths regarding         · Load Water
                                              “loading” in the days leading up to a
  The simple truth is that main-
                                              big, hot event are still surprisingly per-   · Load Sodium
                                              vasive. So, let me dispel this one more
taining constant calorie, fluid, and
sodium intake while simultaneously
reducing expenditures in the taper
                                              time and help you avoid making these
                                              mistakes.                                    IT DOESN’T WORK
phase leading up to your event al-
lows you to “load” all of these things
as much as possible.                          X CALORIES
  Hopefully, you have read our fu-            We typically eat too much already. Increasing calorie intake during days of
eling booklet, The 5 Secrets to Suc-          lower physical activity before an event only makes more work, fills your stom-
cess, and incorporated those prac-            ach and intestines, and likely leads to increased fat storage.
tices immediately prior, during, and
after your training and racing rou-
tine. But what do you do in the               X FLUID/WATER
72 hours prior to race morning?               We are not camels and cannot store water. Suddenly increasing daily intake by
Keep reading for the answers.                 more than 10% will overly dilute the electrolytes in your blood, which increases
  In the old days, athletes were              the potential for serious issues associated with hyponatremia. Additionally,
erroneously told that consuming               all that unnecessary water will excessively fill your bladder, causing you to
copious amounts of calories, fluid,           prematurely lose electrolytes courtesy of frequent elimination.
and sodium during endurance
events would allow them to achieve
optimum performance. 400-600                  X SALT/SODIUM
calories, 40-60 ounces of fluids, and         Again, we typically consume too much. Increasing it even more will not improve
1-3 grams of sodium per hour were             heat tolerance. In fact, it puts the body into survival mode where it seeks to
recommended in the ’80s. Whenever             jettison the excess to avoid toxicity. Whatever your normal daily sodium intake
exercise or competition went beyond           in the weeks prior to an event, keep it the same all the way up to race start.
three hours, stomach and GI                   Then, from the start of the event, consume reasonable amounts throughout.
problems were almost universal.
Today it’s rare to find anyone still
advocating these crazy numbers, at
                                              THE IDEA OF “LOADING” ANYTHING IN THE DAYS
least in this country. Europe and
Asia are another story.
                                              PRIOR TO A BIG EVENT IS NOT ONLY OUTDATED BUT
                                              COMPLETELY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. DON’T DO IT!
  12 Endurance News 121
What About
LIQUID ENDURANCE?                                                                         Pre-Exercise Ignitor

                                                                                         “GO LONGER,
                                                                                          GO STRONGER!”
                                                                                         “Fully Charged has become a
                                                                                          game changer for me on big
                                                                                          training days and races. It keeps
                                                                                          my legs moving without fatigue.”
                                                                                         - Online Reviewer

                                                                                        • Increases energy
                                                                                        • Promotes mental acuity
        YES!                                                                            • Improves power output
  When it comes to fluids,
drinking excess amounts only
increases the risk of overly
diluting blood levels of sodium
and other electrolytic minerals.
  That said, there is a way
to maximize cellular fluid
storage, and that’s via the
glycerol component in Liquid
Endurance. Glycerol is a naturally
produced metabolite of fatty-
acid oxidation, and it absorbs
rapidly when taken with water
or HEED®, increasing the water
content in blood, cells, and
extracellular spaces. All three of
these compartments contribute
to sweat volume, resulting in a                                                           6 Singles $8.95
significant increase in cooling                                                           24 Singles $34.95       30 Servings $34.95
efficiency during prolonged
                                     Barbora Kršmaru, a member of the Hammer OCR Team in the Czech Republic, maintains a steady
  The key to maximizing—not          stride with Fully Charged during Gladiator Race Lanškroun. Photo: Miroslav Kubena
over-supplying, but naturally
maximizing—how much fluid
the cells can hold is to use
a specific amount of Liquid
                                                                                      Limit one per
Endurance in a specific amount                                                       customer. While
of water (ranging from 16-28                                                           supplies last
ounces) for a three-day period                                                       Expires 10.31.20
prior to a hot-weather workout            Get a FREE 13 Tablet Tube
or event. Follow product dosage            of FIZZ with any order
instructions for best results.
                                         Use Promo Code EN121CF

Novel Fueling Methods

M     any of you participate in sports that can present logis-
      tical challenges when it comes to fueling during compe-
tition. Runners know well the challenges of carrying enough
calories, fluids, and electrolytes while running. And when both
hands are in constant use and you’re wearing a full-face hel-
met, it’s even more complicated. Working directly with some
of the top racers in the country, on both two wheels and four, I
devised a “solution” to this age-old problem: soft flask fueling.
  Take the Grand National Cross Country (GNCC) riders. A
typical GNCC race lasts about three hours, and heart rates
are over 160 the entire time. The riders stop only twice for
30 seconds each time, their only opportunity to consume any-
thing other than some HEED mixed with Endurolytes Ex-
treme Powder. The novel soft flask fueling system we devised
makes it easy to consume this “Hammer Bomb,” a perfect
“pick me up” at those brief gas stops.
  But, it’s the endurance race car drivers that have it the
toughest. Think of 24 Hours of Le Mans. In these races, a
driver can be in the car for almost three hours with nothing
but plain water on board. But they can load up on calories
and electrolytes during their 30-second fuel stops, which occur
approximately every 40 minutes. This is where the soft flask
Hammer Bomb is a complete game-changer.
                                                                     Three-time Indianapolis 500 Champion Hélio Castroneves tests out
  If you find yourself in similar situations or anywhere else        his soft flask fueling solution. Note: the flexible straw works from
that makes taking on fuel a challenge, the soft flask Hammer         above or below the chin guard for quick fuel without taking the helmet
Bomb might be your ticket as well.                                   off. Photo: courtesy of Hélio Castroneves

 • DO NOT OVERFILL! • Consume full mix during fuel stop
 • Shake to combine           • Clean with soap and warm water                           UltraFlask™ 500 ML $19.00

         Extreme Powder                       Hammer Gel®           Fully Charged                                Water
             (1 scoop)                        (1-2 servings)          (1 serving)                               (4-8 oz.)

  14 Endurance News 121

                                           Endurance fuel for the long haul

                                           “KEEPS THE WATTS COMING!”
                                           “I mix Perpetuem in my water bottles on 50+ mile rides,
                                            and get a smooth, constant source of energy along with
                                            happy muscles.” - Online Reviewer

                                            • Stabilizes energy & blood sugar
                                            • Maximizes fat utilization
                                            • Protects lean muscle mass
                                                                ORANGE VANILLA              CHOCOLATE
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Billy Payne catches air on his way to
winning the Over the Hump MTB Race.
Photo: courtesy Billy Payne

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                           You ask, we answer
                            Here are some of our most frequently asked questions.

          OUR EXPERTS
                                                 OTHER NUTRIENT “QUIRKS”
                                                         Mito Caps includes r-alpha lipoic acid, which is a
                                                         sulfur-containing compound. After you take Mito
QUESTION                                                 Caps, your urine may have a medium-to-strong sulfur
                                                         smell, which is normal and harmless.
  When I take Premium Insurance Caps, I no-
tice that my urine turns bright yellow. I                Tissue Rejuvenator and Vegan Tissue Rejuvenator
have heard that it’s due to one of the B vi-             contain MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), which is
tamins. Which one? What causes this and                  another organosulfur compound that may cause urine
                                                         to have a sulfur smell.
is it normal? Also, are there other things I
should be aware of with some of your other                 Endurance BCAA+ and Super Antioxidant contain
products?                                                  glutathione, which is classified as a tripeptide
                                                           comprised of the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and
                                                           glutamic acid. Cysteine is an organosulfur compound,
ANSWER                                           so it is possible—though not as likely as with Mito Caps—for
                                                 urine to have a sulfur smell after taking either of these two
  Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is the culprit for     supplements.
the bright yellow color change in urine.
Among its many functions, riboflavin helps               Premium Insurance Caps and Mito Caps both
co-enzymes break down carbohydrates,                     contain Vitamin B6, which may cause urine to have
fats, and proteins. As the flavins in ribofla-           a fishy smell.
vin metabolize foods containing those nutri-
ents, they pass along flavin rings that have              Fully Charged contains beta-alanine. Along with
a neon yellow color. That’s why, in many                  the amino acid histidine, found in high amounts in
people, their urine can be a brighter yel-                the muscles, beta-alanine produces the dipeptide
                                                          carnosine, which has extraordinary acid buffering/
low color after consuming carbs, fats, and       pH neutralizing effects. Carnosine is also a potent antioxidant
protein. It just means that the flavins in       and anti-glycating compound. When first ingested, beta-
riboflavin are doing their job.                  alanine may cause an itching/tingling sensation on the face
                                                 and neck of some people. The effect is harmless (if it happens
  This “bright yellow color” is even more        at all) and only lasts a couple of minutes. Repeated use of
                                                 beta-alanine appears to diminish this effect.
pronounced if a person takes a multivi-
tamin such as Premium Insurance Caps that                 Endurolytes® and Endurolytes Extreme both have
contains riboflavin. It doesn’t matter when               ginger root, which is very soothing to the stomach.
they take this particular B vitamin; the                  However, some of ginger’s naturally occurring
brighter yellow urine effect will be there                compounds—zingerone and capsaicin—can have a
most of the day. The effect is normal and        burning effect on the mouth and throat if the powder comes in
                                                 contact with them. That’s why we do not recommend opening
harmless.                                        up the capsules and swallowing the contents, and it’s why
                                                 we do not include ginger root extract in Endurolytes Fizz or
                                                 Endurolytes Extreme Powder.

 16 Endurance News 121
                                  PREMIUM INSURANCE
                                  CAPS Peak Health, Peak Performance
HARMLESS.                        “FINALLY, A VITAMIN THAT WORKS!”
                                 “With Premium Insurance Caps I can tell a big difference! I have more energy,
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                                                                       • Supports optimal health
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  Why does a 7-capsule dose                                            • Supports immune function
of Premium Insurance Caps con-
tain only 50 mg of potassi-
um? That’s only 1% of the
Daily Value?

  We, of course, want to in-
clude potassium in Premium
Insurance Caps, as a multivi-
tamin/mineral supplement
would not be complete with-
out it. However, the US Food
and Drug Administration
(FDA) limits non-prescrip-
tion potassium supplements
to less than 100 mg per
serving, primarily because of
concerns with numerous pre-                                                        HIGH POTENCY            SUPER HIGH POTENCY
scription medications that                                                         Training < 8-10hrs/wk   Training > 8-10hrs/wk
can increase potassium lev-
                                                                                   120 Capsules            210 Capsules
els in the blood. This, along
                                                                                   $21.95                  $37.95
with too much potassium
from supplements (but not
potassium-containing foods),
can potentially lead to exces-                                                        Gabrielle Suver runs through the
                                                                                      dawn fog at Weeki Wachee Preserve
sively high levels of potassi-                                                         in Florida. Gabrielle uses Premium
um in the blood, an adverse                                                             Insurance Caps to support her
health condition known as                                                               intense triathlon and duathlon
                                                                                         training. Photo: Gregory Vasquez
hyperkalemia. Also, so many
foods are rich in this mineral
(see the chart on page 15 in
Endurance News #77), that                                                Limit one per
potassium via supplements                                               customer. While
is usually unnecessary.                                                   supplies last
                                                                        Expires 10.31.20
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                                        of FIZZ with any order
                                      Use Promo Code EN121CF

             HAMMER                   GEL
             Premium fuel for long-lasting energy

                                                            Here’s why maltodextrin is a superior carbohydrate

I  have used Hammer Gel for over 20 years. While
   I’ve seen tons of energy gels come and go over
that time—and, yes, I did test a few of them—I have
                                                            for energy production:
                                                            • Maltodextrin has a Glycemic Index value of
                                                            100, which is equal to glucose (100) and higher than
ALWAYS stayed with Hammer Gel. The reasons are              sucrose (58-65) and fructose (12-25). Maltodextrin raises
pretty simple: They taste great, they’re not loaded with    blood sugar levels as effectively as glucose and does
sugar, they’re devoid of                                                                     it faster than other
artificial ingredients,                                                                      simple sugars, a highly
and—best of all—they                                                                         desirable effect during
flat-out work.                                                                               and immediately
   While Hammer Gel                                                                          following exercise.
looks similar to a lot of                                                                    • Maltodextrin pro-
the energy gels flooding                                                                     vides a more sta-
the market, it’s what’s                                                                      ble, longer-lasting
inside that counts. Just                                                                     energy than sim-
take a look at the labels                                                                    ple sugars, without
on products from other                                                                       the “flash and crash”
manufacturers. If you                                                                        that’s normally as-
see ingredients ending                                                                       sociated with simple
in “ose” (e.g., glucose)                                                                     sugars. Fueling with
listed, that energy gel                                                                      simple sugars is like
contains a fair amount                                                                       lighting a piece of pa-
of simple sugar. (By                                                                         per on fire to get heat.
the way, ingredients                                                                         Sure, you do get some,
like “cane syrup” and                                                                        but it’s quick, hot, and
“honey” are also simple                                                                      out: very short-lived!
sugars.)                                                                                     Conversely, maltodex-
  And simple sugar                                                                           trin is like putting kin-
is one ingredient                                                                            dling and wood on the
you want to limit as                                                                         fire; it burns longer
much as possible in                                                                          and more evenly. And
your energy fuel and                                                                         when the heat (energy)
your diet! In addition                                                                       finally dies down, it’s a
to posing numerous                                                                           much gentler drop.
and serious threats                                                                          • Maltodextrin al-
to your health, simple                                                                       lows the body to
sugar causes rapid,                                                                          digest a greater
performance-ruining                                                                          volume of calories
swings in energy levels,                                                                     than simple sugars,
as well as digestive                                                                         without a delayed exit
distress.                                                                                    from the GI tract. This
  Hammer Gel is formulated with complex carbohy-            practically eliminates the potential for stomach distress
drates (maltodextrin)—with trace-to-zero amounts of         (no gut bombs!) while supplying the body with more cal-
added sugar—to provide you with the quick-acting,           ories for energy production. As one nutritional scientist
long-lasting energy you’re looking for without the stom-    states, “maltodextrin allows one to swallow more energy
ach distress issues that so many other energy gels cause.   in less volume.”

  18 Endurance News 121

      They taste great, they’re not                           Real Fuel, Ready to Roll
   loaded with sugar, they’re devoid
   of artificial ingredients—and best
       of all—they flat-out work.                            “GREAT SOURCE OF FUEL”
                                                             “I love Hammer Bars for an additional source of fuel
                                                              while doing my endurance events. My go-to-delicious
  When simple sugars like glucose, sucrose, and               fuel!” - Online Reviewer
fructose—especially in high amounts—are added to a
complex carbohydrate product, these two carbohydrate                                          Reliable, long lasting energy
sources digest in different solution concentrations.
Simple sugar matches body fluid osmolality and can
                                                                                                      Packable & easy to eat
only be digested efficiently when it is mixed in calorie-                                                 Suitable for all diets
weak solutions of 6-8%. Conversely, maltodextrin
matches body fluid osmolality parameters in more
calorie-dense, 15-18% solutions. The bottom line is that
when you combine sizeable amounts of simple sugars
with complex carbohydrates, you critically compromise
the efficient digestion of both.
  That’s why most Hammer Gel flavors don’t contain
ANY added sugars. And those that do—primarily the
nut-containing flavors—contain only about a gram
or two of tapioca syrup to help balance the pH of the
  You want to get the very most out of the time and
energy you spend on your workouts and events. That’s
why it’s essential to “feed the fire” with the highest
quality fuel, not sugar-laden candy disguised as energy
gels. Take it from me: after successfully using Hammer
Gel for over two decades, I can personally assure you
that it is the premium fuel your body craves so that it                                                               Single Bars
can perform at its best!      Photos: Drew Silvers                                                                    $2.50 ea
                                                                                                                      12 or more
                                                                                                                      $2.25 ea

                                                            Zach Martinez gets
                                                            out for a training ride
                                                            sporting his custom Hammer kit.
                                                            Photo: Jeff Martinez

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                                                   part 1. by DR. BAYNE FRENCH, MD DC
                   *It is worth noting here that I am referring to carbs consumed in your daily diet, not while exercising. That is
                    beyond the scope of this article and will be addressed in subsequent issues of Endurance News. However,
                    I will give you a hint: I use Perpetuem® and Hammer Gel® for my OCR fueling needs!

                    N    ow more than ever, sapiens are showing their amazing innate ability
                         to be divisive: good or bad; right or left; true or false; fad diet or
                    wonderful, ancient, panacea for performance-enhancing, adipose-shedding
                    yummy, fatty bits of enlightenment. Like most things diet, there are heaps
                    of misinformation, dogma, and emotion about ketogenic eating. My goal is
                    to help you understand a little more about what’s going on here.
                      Full disclosure: I have never recommended that patients eat a KD
                    specifically for weight loss. But, if they are interested, I do advise them
                    on how to implement it and its myriad of potential benefits.
                    BACK TO BASICS
                      Ketogenic eating is the consumption of a diet that results in the formation
                    of ketones. It is not “you’re in it” or “you’re out of it” (sorry all-or-nothing
                    sapiens); it is a spectrum. More ketones will be produced by any diet lower
                    in carbs than our standard, government-recommended, American-Diabetic-
                    Association-endorsed culinary lunacy. After a 24-hour fast, ketones are
                    commonly 0.5 mmol (millimolar), and many authorities consider this “in
                    ketosis.” A range of one to three mmol is mild-to-moderate ketosis. Fasting
                    is the quickest way to elevate ketones. What we call fasting was starving
                    for the Ancients, our fore-people from the beginning of the Paleolithic era.
                    With both scenarios, ketones are produced. It passes the DIMADS (Does
                    It Make Any Darn Sense) Test that ketones, therefore, do not represent a
                    toxic byproduct; instead, they possess many useful biochemical properties
                    that assisted our transition from the food chains’ midsection to its apex.
                      The ketogenic and paleo diets are closely related. In fact, being in ketosis
                    was a very natural part of our Paleolithic history. Both diets drastically
                    reduce carbohydrates. Relatively low carb eating is about 130 grams of carb
                    per day or less. Significant ketone generation, however, requires less than
                    50 grams per day.

20 Endurance News 121
                  Improved insulin sensitivity                           Inhibited gluconeogenesis (our bodies’
                  Muscle sparing (helps prevent the                      production of sugar)
                  breakdown of our skeletal muscle)                      Efficient metabolic fuel
                  Effects on gene expression (epigenetics)               Increased efficiency and quantity of our
                  Upregulated internal antioxidant                       mitochondria (our cellular energy factories)
                  mechanisms, thus improving cellular defense            Reduced appetite
                  Inhibited inflammatory pathways                        Weight loss

  The metabolism or burning of fats        from protein, and less than 10%                 can a plant-based, vegetarian diet.
is called beta-oxidation. As a result,     from carbs. You might think, “Ugh,              What about the Standard American
acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybu-           math.” No, it’s simple really. Eat              Diet (SAD)? Sorry, not that one—no
tyrate (BHB) are formed. These are         lots of fat from varied sources, and            hope for that one!
our friendly ketones—cute little fel-      eat some protein. Avoid potato, the             WHY PEOPLE LOSE WEIGHT ON THE KETO DIET
las, much-maligned and misunder-           Big 4 grains (wheat, corn, rice, and
stood. (Kinda like me.)                    oat), and all forms of sugar. BAM,                You may be thinking, “But isn’t
                                           you’re doing it! Some simplify the              fat extremely calorically dense?
  Burgeoning research suggests                                                             Won’t it go right to my hips?” Ac-
that ketones, especially BHB,              carby food to avoid as GPS (grain,
                                           potato, and sugar).                             tually, weight gain has little to do
helps to:                                                                                  with calories. Calories from carb
•   Reduce oxidative stress and              People who avoid ALL of the                   spike insulin and calories from fat
    inflammation1,2                        common carb sources listed above                do not. Eating a low carb, higher
                                           are most likely eating less than 50             fat diet eliminates the postpran-
•   Improve the pandemic of                grams of carb per day. It’s an im-              dial (after eating) blood sugar ex-
    insulin resistance3                    portant place to be if your goal is             cursions that drive cravings and
•   Epigenetic effects on our              to produce ketones. Being in this               hunger. Also, carbs suppress our
    gene expression4                       sub-50 club is considered very low              hunger hormone ghrelin the least.
                                           carb and may not be sustainable                 So when carbs are a staple, ghrelin
Our huge brains primarily burn glu-
                                           for most endurance athletes. Eat-               levels quickly spike again after a
cose. However, that doesn’t mean
                                           ing “good carbs” that put you in                meal, which drives hunger. Func-
we need to eat glucose. We make
                                           the low carb range of 50-150 grams              tionally, this mechanism makes
glucose from other macronutrients
                                           per day is a good longterm strategy.            sense and has served humans well
in a process called gluconeogene-
                                           Many find this to be the sweet spot             through history. If we found berries,
sis. Our jumbo Central Processing
                                           for athletic performance, palatabil-            figs, or a grove of starchy cattail
Units can also burn ketones. Many
                                           ity, and sustainability. Ketones will           roots, we were hormonally triggered
patients, once keto-adapted, report
                                           still be made in these carb ranges,             to EAT MORE. (That means we
to me that their brain fog is gone.
                                           especially if you’re supplementing              would fight baboons and short-faced
Headaches, lack of sleep, mood, and
                                           fat and ketones.                                bears, search and forage, or open
other brain-induced problems also
commonly improve.                                                                          the fridge over and over—whatev-
                                             Coming soon on the Hammer blog and            er it takes to find more.) Over time,
HOW TO FOLLOW THE KETOGENIC DIET                                                           with carb restriction and enhanced
                                             in the next issue of Endurance News:
  Like all matters involving human                                                         fat consumption, your total caloric
eating, there is confusion and mis-          • How to Eat Modified Keto while doing        intake is naturally self-restricted,
information about the KD. Most                 10+ hrs/wk of Endurance Training            especially if mindfulness with food
people immediately picture bacon.            • What to Eat When You Want to go             is practiced. (A future article on
I don’t blame them; I think about              Low Carb                                    that is coming, but it’s more than
bacon a lot, too. In reality, the KD is                                                    just what you’re eating; it’s how
not a diet at all but rather a frame-                                                      and when you’re eating.) So even
                                             The KD, being more of a system
work based on relative daily calor-                                                        though a ketogenic diet is energet-
                                           than a diet, can be tailored to fit
ic percentiles of macronutrients.                                                          ically dense, it’s not at all unusual
                                           any eating pattern. The popular
This means roughly 70% of daily                                                            to consume FEWER overall cal-
                                           Mediterranean diet can be a KD. So
calories should come from fat, 20%                                                         ories in a day. Continued on next page.

                                                                             August/September/October 2020

         The ketogenic diet, being more of a system than
          a diet, can be tailored to fit any eating pattern.

Continued from previous page
  If you’re already comfortable        Vegetables vary in how starchy they    hit by a mastodon. (It passes my
with the concepts that fat does not    are (glycemic index). Focus on less    DIMADS Test that treating carb
make us fat and fat does not clog      starchy ones, but beets, radishes,     as a staple instead of an occasional
our arteries, then congratulations.    carrots, and yams CAN be part of a     survival food is an unnatural event.)
You are in rarefied air. If you’re     well-constructed KD.                   There is a latency in the transition
struggling with those ideas, then      GRADUALLY REDUCE CARBS AND             from sugar burning to fat burning
get some crackers and engineered       INCREASE FAT                           and ketone formation that results
low-fat cheese spread, find a com-                                            in several unpleasant symptoms.
                                          As mentioned, the fastest way       Remember, humans are effortless
fortable chair, and read some of my    to generate ketones is to simply
past articles. Basically, any whole                                           FAT STORERS. This is where the
                                       not eat. If you’re a carb eater, all   primitive brain wants to be today—
fat is good—tallow, lard, marrow,      I can say is good luck. Plummeting
etc. Other excellent minimally pro-                                           silly, old-fashioned brain.
                                       insulin levels result in a diuretic
cessed fat sources include full-fat    effect, so you’ll be going like a        When carb is kept in its right-
dairy (not milk) and oils (avocado,    racehorse. Also, our meager carb       ful place as a garnish, our bodies
coconut, and olive). Find food that    stores in the form of glycogen are     slowly and reluctantly transition
is organic, grass-fed, wild-caught,    linked with considerable water.        to being FAT BURNERS, which is
and free-running—                                      As we burn up our      much healthier. To celebrate my
insist on eating an-     “Even though a ketogenic glycogen (which is          own diet, I wear a tight-fitting half
imals that ate their diet is energetically dense, it’s important to allow     shirt that says, “I burn fat good.”
native food.          not at all unusual to consume burning and ketone        (My 16-year-old hates it, but my
  M a n y h e a l t h y FEWER overall calories in the liberation), water is   6-year-old wants a matching one.)
foods contain carbs,        course of a day.”          liberated. Oh, and     Anyway, the uncomfortable tran-
including vegeta-                                      you’ll experience      sition can be ameliorated by a few
bles, nuts and seeds, fruit, dairy,    backaches, trouble sleeping,           weeks of gradual carb reduction
and even meat. These amounts of        headaches, and just overall want       and fat increase. Adding fat with
carbs are negligible. Fruit intake     to kill me. Can you imagine our        medium-chain triglycerides (MCT)
should be fairly low. Aim for one      fore-people feeling this way? They     and using supplemental ketone
to two servings per day that are       would have had to hunt, travel,        salts (like KetoCaNa) help reduce
chewed (not blended, mashed, or        procreate, build, flee, and fight      symptoms by expediting ketone for-
juiced) and eaten with fat sources.    while feeling like they had been       mation. Another method to expedite

        KD is a framework                                              70% FAT
        based on relative daily
        caloric percentiles of                                         20% PROTEIN
        macronutrients.                                                10% CARBS
  22 Endurance News 121
the process is the modern equiva-             of fatty coffee. No insulin spike, feel    titheses of ketones. The convoluted
lent of starving—fasting. Just in the         good, fat burning continues. Even          point I’m making is that intermit-
last few years, intermittent fasting          beyond skipping breakfast, hunger          tently increasing ketone levels is
(IF) has become mainstream. There             can be good. Back before more rig-         fine.
is no shortage of podcasts, YouTube           orous Institutional Review Boards,           To help avoid the Keto Flu (and
posts, and books                                                 Dr. Cahill at Har-      the suggestion to use breath mints
on the subject, and          It takes 2-7 days to generate vard performed                by basically everyone you share air
there are many                  relatively high amounts          human studies           with), make sure you drink plenty
different meth-               of ketones, thus entering          involving subjects      of water and consume ample salt,
ods and protocols.           “ketosis.” It’s not magic; all      not eating for 40       vegetables, and fiber.
Here’s a little se- people are capable of this as it’s days! (I’m told it
c r e t , i t ’ s s u p e r a deeply natural human state. rained the entire                There is nothing fad about an
easy.                                                            time.) Our modern       ancient physiological state. There’s
                                              understanding     of hunger and eat-       nothing trendy about possessing the
   The symptoms related to the                                                           cellular machinery to generate an
non-adapted ketotic state has been            ing  patterns   don’t  align with how
                                              our  bodies  operate  and  how the An-     alternative brain fuel, replete with
termed the “Keto Flu.” Again, re-                                                        other beneficial metabolic effects. I
ducing carbs gradually as fat con-            cients  lived.
                                                                                         hope this cleared up any keto-con-
sumption is ramped up can prevent              It takes 2-7 days to generate rela-       fusion. I need to stop writing now,
this. The correct amount of dietary         tively high amounts of ketones, thus         I haven’t eaten in 5 days and have
sodium helps, too. Eating a low             entering “ketosis.” It’s not magic; all      enough ketones as it is.
carb, high-fat diet without many            people are capable of this as it’s a
processed foods is a very low sodium        deeply natural human state. But
diet. For many people, 3-5 grams of         it does not mean that you are “ke-
sodium per day appears to be a good         to-adapted.” It takes weeks for the
amount. Research has found that 5g          multi-organ adaptation in which
of sodium per day was associated            the body fully learns how to effec-
with the lowest risk of death from          tively use ketones. It starts quick-
any cause.5 However, if you eat the         ly, but it takes the body weeks and
SAD or are transitioning from the           months to fully adjust. This is not a
SAD, you will be REDUCING your              quick fix—it’s a long-term lifestyle
sodium intake from the average of           change. One carby meal can rapidly
10-15 grams a day.                          spin the dial back to fat storage.
  If you are using a lot of “Keto”          SUMMARY
branded shakes, bars, and the like,           Don’t get carried away with the
be very mindful of checking for             technicalities of the KD or any diet.
sodium content in these types of            Any relatively low carb, higher fat
products.                                   way of eating results in lower insulin
IT’S OKAY TO BE HUNGRY                      levels and some ketone generation.
   As part of misguided modern              But to form higher levels of ketones,
dietary advice, we have been pro-           your diet choices will need to be
grammed to eat regularly and avoid          more nuanced. I think these higher
                                            ketone concentrations do confer                 Dr. Bayne French, MD DC, is Hammer
hunger. Conventional wisdom has                                                             Nutrition’s medical advisor. Along with an
told us to limit our portions but to        health benefits. What isn’t clear to
                                                                                            MD from the University of Washington,
eat regular meals, especially break-        me is the validity of being in ketosis
                                                                                            Dr. French brings over 20 years of health
fast. I suggest that being hungry is        all the time.                                   experience, with a focus on wellness, to
a good thing and a very natural hu-           It makes sense to me that evolu-              the Hammer team. Dr. French currently
man=animal experience. Our mind             tionarily we normally transitioned              works at Glacier Medical Associates and is
and distorted physiology keep us            to and from higher and lower ke-                double board certified in Family Medicine
                                                                                            and Obesity Medicine. Bayne picked up
from realizing our full potential as        tone levels. Herding the now-extinct
                                                                                            obstacle course racing in 2013. He won the
Great Starvers. Oh, and what about          North American Camel into a pit                 Masters division of the Bigfork, MT Spartan
eating breakfast every day? It’s not        trap likely resulted in camel meat              Beast (2016) and the Monterey, CA Spartan
as essential as you’ve been lead to         gorging—no ketones at that feast.               Super (2016). He competed in the Spartan
believe. In the morning you’re just         A favorable late summery berry for-             World Championship Ultra Beast in 2016
starting to burn a little fat, so keep      age resulted in high insulin levels             and earned a 2nd place finish in his division.
it going! This is the underpinning          and fat formation, which is the an-

                                                                           August/September/October 2020

                   WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE
                        The Super-Versatile Superfood
A     question we receive quite
      often at Hammer Nutrition is,
“Which protein do you recommend
                                                                                             with a greater risk for type II dia-
                                                                                             betes. In one study, mice were fed
                                                                                             a high-fat diet for 11 weeks. One
 the most?” While making allowances                                                          group received no whey protein,
 for an individual’s dietary practices                                                       while the other group was fed 100
 and taking nothing away from other                                                          grams of whey protein per liter of
 sources (e.g., vegan), our #1 pick                                                          drinking water (equivalent to about
 is whey protein isolate, which is                                                           12 grams for a 165-pound human).
 the kind we use in Hammer Whey                                                              The results showed that the mice
 Protein. Here’s why:                                                                        fed whey protein had noticeable
1. Superiority in protein measurement                                                        improvements in both glucose tol-
standards                                                                                    erance and insulin sensitivity, com-
                                                                                             pared to control mice that did not
  No matter what measurement of                                                              consume whey protein.7
protein quality is used, whey pro-
tein comes out on top, with whey                                                             5. Safeguards against muscle mass loss
protein isolate being the preferred                                                          and other age-related issues
form. Hammer Whey Protein is                                                                    A progressive loss of muscle
100% whey protein isolate.1,2,3                                                               mass and strength is called sarco-
2. The richest source of all nine                                                             penia, which, according to research,
essential amino acids                                                                        “could lead to functional impairment,
                                                                                              physical disability, and even mor-
  Histidine, isoleucine, leucine, ly-                                                         tality.” One study suggests that this
sine, methionine, phenylalanine,                                                              progressive muscle mass loss begins
threonine, tryptophan, and valine                                                             in most people around the age of 40
are designated as “essential” amino                                                           and increases by an estimated 8%
acids because they cannot be made                                                             per decade.8 Decreased bone mass,
by the body and must be obtained                                                              suppressed immunity, cognitive im-
from outside sources. Whey protein                                                            pairment, prolonged recovery from
isolate has the highest volume of                                                             injuries, and more are all associated
all nine essential amino acids, in-                                                           with insufficient protein intake.9
cluding the all-important branched-
chain amino acids (BCAAs).3,4                                                                  Studies on participants consum-
                                                                                             ing whey protein have shown in-
3. Extraordinary immune-system                                                               creases in strength and lean muscle
boosting properties                                                                          mass.10,11,12,13 Also, as an additional
  Whey protein contains excellent                                                            benefit in Hammer Whey Protein,
levels of glutamic acid, cysteine,                                                           each serving contains six grams
and glycine—the three amino acids                                                            of glutamine. Studies have shown
required for glutathione production.                                                         that glutamine helps inhibit protein
Glutathione is considered by many                                                            breakdown in muscle tissue.14,15,16
experts to be the most important                                                             6. Potential life-extending benefits
antioxidant of all.5,6 Additionally,
whey contains special proteins                                                                 While the research is still in its
called immunoglobulins that                                                                  infancy, studies have shown that
stimulate immune function.                                                                   whey protein isolate’s BCAA con-
                                                                                             tent mimics the health benefits of
4. Protection against type II diabetes                                                       calorie restriction and increases
  Typically, a high-fat diet produc-                                                         the life span of yeast, worms, and
es excessive weight gain, along with          Ryan Sipes mixes up a vanilla protein shake.   mice.17,18,19
metabolic complications associated            Photos: Danny Stuart

  24 Endurance News 121
7. Improved mood
                                           TISSUE REJUVENATOR
  Though not usually discussed
among whey protein’s chief benefits,
                                           Less pain.
research has shown that a fraction
in whey protein, alpha-lactalbumin,
                                           More gain.
raised brain serotonin activity and
coping ability and improved mood
under stress.20
8. Reduced aches and soreness              “DEFINITELY WORKS!”
  Study subjects consuming 20+
grams of whey protein daily were           “I’ve been taking Tissue
found to have significantly re-             Rejuvenator for a long time now.
duced levels of C-reactive protein          I’ve always had hip soreness after
(CRP), which the researchers refer          long runs and this helps relieve it
to as “a sensitive marker of inflam-        much quicker.” - Online Reviewer
9. Weight-loss support
  In a large study of nondiabetic           • Targets muscle soreness
men and women from various
countries, researchers found that           • Optimizes joint mobility
increased intake of BCAAs was
associated with a lower adjusted            • Maximizes recovery
risk of being overweight. The
article “Reduce the Risk of Weight
Gain—Branched-chain amino acids
may help” discusses this in greater
detail. You can find it on page 20 in
Endurance News #74.
  Given all the benefits that whey
protein isolate supplies, a change in                                          TISSUE REJUVENATOR
its category from “protein powder”                                             120 Capsules
to “superfood” is certainly merited,                                           $32.95
so you’ll want to make sure you’re
consuming sufficient amounts every                                             VEGAN 120 Capsules
day. Protein intake from food                                                  $34.95
and supplements should be in
the range of 1.4 g/kg to 1.7 g/kg
per day. To get your weight in ki-
lograms (kg), divide your weight in
pounds by 2.2. Then multiply that
number by 1.4 (for easy/non-work-
                                            Ryan Ingham runs in Black Canyon, Arizona using Fully Charged®, HEED®, and Hammer Gel®.
out days) and 1.7 (for high-volume/         Tissue Rejuvenator is a key part of Ryan’s recovery strategy. Photo: courtesy of Ryan Ingham
intensity training).

  Consume one serving of Hammer Whey                                                          Limit one per
  Protein mixed in 4-6 ounces of water                                                       customer. While
  (not juice or milk) immediately before                                                       supplies last
  bedtime. See “Elevate HGH While Sleep-                                                     Expires 10.31.20
                                                  Get a FREE 13 Tablet Tube
  ing” on our website for more details.
                                                   of FIZZ with any order
References available upon request                Use Promo Code EN121CF
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