IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace

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IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace
August 2019


                                IN THIS ISSUE:
                                Healthy City — Healthy Nation

                                How Much Lead is in Your
                                Drinking Water?

                                Navigating HIPPA in the
IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace
IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace
ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE                             REVIEW
                                                                                                      PAGE 13
  3      FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK                                                                       Advocacy Update:
  9      MUNICIPAL CALENDAR                                                                           How Much Lead is in
 13      ADVOCACY UPDATE How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water?                                     Your Drinking Water?
 17      LEGAL BRIEF Tuberculosis Sanitariums
 18      AWARDS & GRANTS
                                                                                                     Feature Articles
 19      RISK MANAGEMENT Navigating HIPAA in the Workplace                                             5 Healthy City — Healthy Nation
 24      FUN IN ILLINOIS! August 2019 Festivals                                                           Rethink the Role of Local
                                                                                                          Government in Improving our
                                                                                                          Nation’s Helath

                                                                                                          21 Mental Breakdown
                                                                                                             What Happens When a City Shuts
  EDITOR IN CHIEF                         MANAGING EDITOR                                                    Down Mental Health Clinics
  Brad Cole                               Rebecca Turner
  Volume 98, No 8, August 2019. Total number 1,126.
                                                                                                         26 Municipal Golf Courses
  (ssn 0019-2139)
  The Illinois Municipal Review (USPS 258-180) is published monthly in Springfield, IL,
                                                                                                            What it Takes to Survive
  by the Illinois Municipal League, Editorial and Executive Offices,                                        and Thrive
  500 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield, IL 62701.
  Telephone (217) 525-1220                                                                           The opinions expressed in our published works are those of
                                                                                                     the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
  Subscription per year: Domestic $30.00.                                                            the Illinois Municipal League or its Board of Directors.
  POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:                    Periodical postage paid at
  Illinois Municipal Review                               Springfield, IL 62705-5180
  PO Box 5180, Springfield, IL 62705.                     and at additional mailing office.

                                                                                                     PAGE 26
                                                                                                     Municipal Golf Courses:
                                                                                                     What it Takes to Survive
                                                                                                     and Thrive

                                                                                              AUGUST 2019 | ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL REVIEW                          1
IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace
Buy Local!

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                                                                                      dollars working in
                                                                                      Illinois communities.

                                              HAVE A QUESTION OR WANT TO CONTACT IML STAFF?
                                              Phone: 217.525.1220
                                              Brad Cole, Executive Director –
                                              Allen Boesdorfer, Controller –
                                              Rachel Caton, Administrative Assistant –
                                              Kim Cummings, Advocacy Coordinator –
                                              Katie Doolin, Public Affairs Manager –
                                              Craig Elliott, Technology & Facilities Director –
                                              Patrick Hayes, General Counsel –
                                              Tera Little, Membership & Accounting Coordinator –
                                              Nathan Piper, Communications Coordinator–
                                              Mitchell Remmert, Assistant Legislative Director –
                                              Jeff Scott, Legislative Director –
                                              Rebecca Turner, Publications Coordinator –

IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace
FROM THE                                                                             OFFICERS OF THE
EDITOR ’ S DESK                                                                      ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE
The six best doctors in the world are sunlight, rest, exercise, diet, self con-
fidence and friends. Maintain them in all stages and enjoy a healthy life.           P R E S I DE N T
                                                    Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011)         Mayor Michael J. Inman, Macomb

                                                   Co-founder of Apple Inc.          F I R ST V I C E P R E S I DE N T
                                                                                     Mayor Leon Rockingham, Jr., North Chicago
It’s the best day of the year — #CityHallSelfie Day is August 15.                    S ECON D V I C E P R E S I DE N T
Sponsored by Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) and in its                     Mayor Ricky J. Gottman, Vandalia
fourth year, this is your chance to showcase your local government love.             E X EC U T I V E DI R EC TOR
To participate, take a picture of yourself in front of your city hall and            Brad Cole, Former Mayor, Carbondale
post the picture on social media with the hashtag #CityHallSelfie. There
will be trophies, recognition and prizes for the people and organizations
                                                                                     V I C E P R E S I DE N TS
                                                                                     Mayor Richard H. Veenstra, Addison
that show the most pride and creativity on the big day. Be sure to tag               Mayor Richard Irvin, Aurora
Illinois Municipal League with your Illinois City Hall Selfie by using @             Village President Greg Szymanski, Beecher
IllinoisMunicipalLeague or #IML.                                                     Mayor Michael Chamberlain, Belvidere
                                                                                     Mayor John Michael Henry, Carbondale
                                                                                     Village President Charles E. Tokar, Chicago Ridge
The Will County Governmental League (WCGL) has announced the
                                                                                     Mayor Kevin B. Hutchinson, Columbia
election of officers for 2019. President: Greg Szymanski, Village President,         Mayor Aaron Shepley, Crystal Lake
Village of Beecher; Vice President: Steve Streit, Mayor, City of Lockport;           Mayor Julie Moore Wolfe, Decatur
Secretary/Treasurer: John Noak, Village President, Village of Romeoville.            Mayor Teresa Kernc, Diamond
                                                                                     Mayor Liandro Arellano, Jr., Dixon
                                                                                     Mayor Reggie Freeman, East Moline
The Illinois City/County Management Association (ILCMA) has                          Mayor Mark Kupsky, Fairview Heights
announced the election of officers who will serve the association for                Mayor John Pritchard, Galesburg
2019-2020. President: Ray Rummel, Manager, Village of Elk Grove                      Village President Mike McCormick, Godfrey
Village; President-Elect: Ken Terrinoni, Administrator, Boone County;                Village President Rodney S. Craig, Hanover Park
                                                                                     Mayor Andy Ezard, Jacksonville
Vice-President: Drew Irvin, Manager, Village of Lake Bluff; Secretary-
                                                                                     Mayor Timothy D. Gover, Mattoon
Treasurer: Dorothy David, Manager, City of Champaign.                                Town President Chris Koos, Normal
                                                                                     Mayor Jim Ardis, Peoria
IN MEMORIAM                                                                          Mayor Scott J. Harl, Peru
Nicholas B. Blase, the former Mayor of the Village of Niles, passed away             Mayor Robert Hausler, Plano
                                                                                     Mayor Kyle Moore, Quincy
on June 17, 2019, at the age of 91. Blase served as Mayor of Niles for over
                                                                                     Village President Rick Reinbold, Richton Park
48 years, beginning his first term in 1961. Blase served as a vice president         Village President Catherine Adduci, River Forest
on the Illinois Municipal League Board of Directors for many years.                  Mayor Thomas McNamara, Rockford
                                                                                     Village President Dale B. Adams, Rockton
                                                                                     Mayor Richard H. Hill, Round Lake Beach
                                                                                     Mayor Jim Langfelder, Springfield
  IML RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                 Mayor Gary W. Manier, Washington
                                                                                     Mayor Tom Jordan, West Frankfort
  Village President Trevor Clatfelter, Sherman                                       PAST P R E S I DE N TS
                                                                                     Village President Karen Darch, Barrington
                                                                                     Mayor Mark W. Eckert, Belleville
  Mayor Hal Patton, Edwardsville
                                                                                     Mayor Roger C. Claar, Bolingbrook
  B OA RD MEM BERS                                                                   Mayor Gerald E. Daugherty, Mascoutah
  Mayor Kathy Carroll-Duda, Geneseo                                                  Mayor Gerald R. Bennett, Palos Hills
  Mayor Steve Frattini, Herrin
  Village President Sean Widener, Mahomet
  Village President Glenn Ryback, Wadsworth
  Village President Eileen Phipps, Wayne

  Brad Cole, Former Mayor, Carbondale

                                                                                  AUGUST 2019 | ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL REVIEW                3
IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace
Join us for great food, speakers, entertainment, and more!

                                    State Treasurer Michael Frerichs
                                    Hosts Local Officials Day at the Illinois State Fair

         Saturday, August 17                           All local officials are invited to attend this event.

         11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                       Program starts at 12 p.m. For questions, contact:
                                              or 217.558.3709

         RSVP at
         for event tickets no later than August 9.                  Generously sponsored by:
                                                       Township Officials of Illinois, Illinois Municipal
                                                       League, Illinois Association of County Board
         Illinois State Fairgrounds, Director’s Lawn   Members, and the United Counties Council
         801 East Sangamon Avenue, Springfield, Il     of Illinois.

                     Different by CHOICE
         & leading the way in Risk Management
                                                            Contact us for a quote at
                                                           (217) 525-1220 or online at

IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace
Healthy City —
                                                   Healthy Nation
                                 Rethinking the Role of Local
                                 Government in Improving
                                 Our Nation’s Health

B Y L A W R E N C E J . M O R R I S S E Y, F O R M E R M AY O R , C I T Y O F R O C K F O R D ( 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 1 7 )

“You’re running an insurance company — and you’re going                                        worse moving forward. If we didn’t address the issue, we
broke.” Those were sobering words coming from the City                                         faced the prospect of our health fund devouring our general
of Rockford’s health insurance consultant during my first                                      fund, threatening our ability to finance our core operations.
month in office.
                                                                                               Mayors and council members get elected on issues like
Health insurance was nowhere on the list of pressing issues                                    improving public safety, growing jobs and fixing potholes.
during my campaign for mayor in 2005. But as I began my                                        We may even take on challenges like improving public
first term and our city prepared for labor negotiations with                                   education, reducing poverty and ending homelessness.
each of our three major unions, we faced an unavoidable                                        These issues, not healthcare or health insurance, are the
challenge.                                                                                     typical issues that get discussed at council meetings,
                                                                                               during election debates and state of the city speeches. We
The city had been masking the true cost of healthcare                                          have historically left healthcare to the states, the federal
by running a deficit in our health fund that had grown                                         government or the private sector.
to over $3 million. As a self-insured employer with an
annual healthcare spend of over $16 million, we had grown                                      But the financial viability of our health fund forced me
accustomed to double-digit increases in annual spending.                                       to pay close attention. And while I knew the issue was
We were financially under water and things looked even                                         important, I had no idea that following this path would

                                                                                                              AUGUST 2019 | ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL REVIEW          5
IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace
provoke a fundamental shift in how I      While state and federal leaders          became aware of during my time
    defined my job as mayor.                  debate who pays for healthcare, like     in office. My goal is to highlight the
                                              many of our most difficult challenges,   opportunities mayors, city council
    Let me share with you a perspective       state and federal bureaucracies are      members and other local government
    that took me the better part of           simply too far removed from the          officials have to improve the health of
    12 years to develop — the job of          actual work necessary to improve         their communities.
    running a city is the job of creating     health outcomes.
    a healthy city. Whether we want                                                    A CITY’S WORK IS
    to admit it or not, we are in the         To rely on state or federal              HEALTHCARE WORK
    healthcare business — literally. I just   governments to improve the health
                                                                                       While our city’s role as a self-
    wish I had realized this in my first      of our citizens is like waiting on
                                                                                       insured payer introduced me to our
    term instead of my last.                  them to pick up curbside trash or
                                                                                       healthcare role, I now view our direct
                                              fix potholes. We can hope they do
                                                                                       operations the same way.
    LOCAL LEADERS ARE                         it, but the trash will keep piling up
    CLOSEST TO THE PROBLEM                    and the potholes will go unfilled.
                                                                                       Our public works, community
                                              While we’ve waited on them to fix
    Coming into office, I would have                                                   development and enforcement
                                              the problem, our citizens have gotten
    assumed that state and federal                                                     functions serve a primary role in
                                              sicker and costs have skyrocketed,
    leaders were rightly charged with                                                  designing, building and maintaining
                                              while pharmaceutical companies and
    fixing healthcare. My experience in                                                a healthy physical environment for
                                              insurers have gotten rich.
    office has convinced me otherwise.                                                 our citizens. High quality roads and
    I now see the engagement of                                                        bridges, sidewalks and pathways,
                                              The examples that follow provide
    local government leaders as the                                                    parks and recreational facilities
                                              details and illustrations of
    only real chance for improving a                                                   and sanitary sewer and stormwater
                                              approaches we worked on or I
    fundamentally broken system.                                                       systems provide an essential

    911 Calls are Healthcare Calls
    If they don’t know it before they         medical emergency. Their ability         more police agencies across Illinois
    take office, a new city council           to quickly respond to medical            are requiring Crisis Intervention
    member soon learns that the               emergencies can literally mean the       Training for their officers.3 In fact,
    vast majority of fire service calls       difference between life and death.       county jails now provide mental
    are actually medical calls. Out of        That’s why police agencies are now       health services as a core component
    approximately 29,000 calls in 2018        being called on to respond to the        of their work.
    to Rockford’s 911 Center, 21,000          national crisis of Opioid Overdose
    of those calls were for medical           Deaths (OOD).                            In Illinois, Cook County Jail isn’t
    emergencies requiring transport                                                    just the largest institution providing
    to an emergency room, according           In response to the OOD crisis, law       mental health services in the state,
    to Rockford’s Fire Chief Derek            enforcement agencies are being           it’s the largest in the nation.4 In 44
    Bergsten. Fire service personnel are      required to carry the opioid reversal    states across the nation, jails or
    a predominant frontline healthcare        antidote naloxone (Narcan®), a           prisons care for more mentally ill
    provider in most communities.             life-saving resuscitative drug           people than hospitals.5 That’s why
                                              intervention previously only             mental health training has become
    It’s no different for law enforcement     administered by emergency medical        a requirement for Cook County
    officers, who often arrive first on the   personnel1 Moreover, one in 10 police    corrections officers.6
    scene for an automobile accident,         department calls involve a mental
    drug overdose or other traumatic          health crisis.2 This is why more and

IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace
foundation for a healthy and
prosperous community.

We also permit and monitor both
public and private sector properties.
Whether approving the construction
of an industrial building, residential
home, restaurant or retail shop; or
enforcing property maintenance
standards, environmental regulations
                                              By the end of 2015, the City of Rockford had become the first
or stormwater regulations, the
                                              community in the nation to reach the “functional zero” definition
standards we set and manage for               for ending veteran homelessness.
others also foster the community
we become. But our health impact
involves much more.                        revenue streams to reward our             Housing and Urban Development
                                           contributions to a collaborative and      (HUD) Region V. That’s where I
THE SOCIAL DETERMINANTS                    accountable continuum of care.            learned of common sense population
OF HEALTH                                                                            health management strategies that
In a general sense, just about             APPLYING POPULATION                       were working in much larger cities
everything we do in local government       HEALTH MANAGEMENT TO                      like New Orleans. If they could
can be viewed as impacting                 MUNICIPAL CHALLENGES —                    do it there, I started to believe
community health. But our impact on        VETERAN HOMELESSNESS,                     that we could do the same. We
an individual’s health outcome goes        MOBILE INTEGRATED                         ultimately found success like they
well beyond a general influence.           HEALTH & CANCER                           did — taking a complex, intractable
                                           TREATMENT & SURVIVAL                      and impersonal problem like
Research over the last decade by the                                                 homelessness, and making it smaller,
World Health Organization indicates        ENDING VETERAN HOMELESSNESS               manageable and extremely personal.
that the place where someone               On behalf of the City of Rockford, in
lives, and the conditions in which         late 2014, I accepted the Whitehouse      The first step was identifying every
they grow, live, work and age, has a       Challenge to End Veteran                  single homeless veteran by name.
greater influence on health outcomes       Homelessness.9 By the end of 2015,        The City of Rockford Human Services
than the medical care they receive.7       we had become the first community         Department, which leads the
In fact, medical care accounts for         in the nation to reach the “Functional    Community Action Agency for Boone
only 10% to 20% of health outcomes,        Zero” definition for ending Veteran       and Winnebago Counties, served
with 60% or more now attributed to         Homelessness.10                           as the backbone agency for the
socioeconomic and environmental                                                      effort. That took a lot of work by our
factors known as the Social                To be perfectly honest, I was a           local teams with great help by the
Determinants of Health.8                   skeptic and reluctant at first to take    Veteran’s Administration. This initial
                                           on this challenge. We had been            work gave visibility and personality
This research challenges us to rethink     working on homelessness my entire         to the challenge. It became possible
our roles, redefine our responsibilities   time in office — and long before I was    to end veteran homelessness as soon
and explore new opportunities to           elected. We seemed to be making           as we had an actual list with names
connect our work with traditional          little progress. What, I thought,         on it.
hospital systems and care providers.       would be different now? But with
We have an incredible opportunity          some prodding that we could do it,        Each month we worked the list with
to work as part of a new, proactive        and promises that things could be         our community partners that were
and holistic approach. As some of the      different, I took the pledge.             members of our Community Action
examples that follow also illustrate,                                                Agency Continuum of Care. During
moving beyond the traditional              I followed up the pledge with my          these private, Health Insurance
reactive and symptomatic approach          personal participation in training        Portability and Accountability Act
also offers the opportunity for new        offered by U.S. Department of             (HIPAA)-compliant meetings, case

                                                                           AUGUST 2019 | ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL REVIEW            7
IN THIS ISSUE: Healthy City - Healthy Nation How Much Lead is in Your Drinking Water? Navigating HIPPA in the Workplace
MUNICIPAL CALENDAR                                                                                                            managers, social workers and other partners would share

                  WED    THU   FRI   SAT
                                           SUN   MON   TUE    WED     THU   FRI   SAT
                                                                                        SUN   MON   TUE
                                                                                                          WED   THU     FRI   SAT
                                                                                                                                    details on outreach and problem solving efforts for each
       1     2     3      4    5     6                                 1    2     3      1     2    3      4        5   6     7
                                                                                                                                    veteran on the list. Our Human Services staff also reported
 7     8     9    10     11    12    13     4     5    6       7       8    9     10     8     9    10     11   12      13    14
14    15     16   17     18    19    20    11    12    13      14     15    16    17    15    16    17     18   19      20    21    on the aggregate results at our monthly city management
21    22     23   24     25    26    27                                                 22    23    24     25   26      27    28
28    29     30   31
                                                                                        29    30                                    meetings, which we called RockStat.11

                                                                                                                                    While the list grew over the course of the year, by

                  AUGUST 2019                                                                                                       December of 2015, we had housed more than 100 veterans
                                                                                                                                    and became the first in the nation to achieve Functional
                                                                                                                                    Zero.12 For a community like ours that has been beaten up,
            NOTE: For purposes of this calendar, it is assumed the fiscal
                                                                                                                                    left out and forgotten by many, I can’t tell you how much
            year begins May 1, as it does in most municipalities. Some                                                              pride there was knowing that despite our challenges, we
            municipalities, however, may have adopted a date different                                                              had done our part to serve our nation’s veterans.
            from May 1 for the beginning of their fiscal year. (65 ILCS
            5/1-1-2(5).) If so, this calendar must be adjusted to reflect                                                           MOBILE INTEGRATED HEALTH/
            that specific fiscal year.                                                                                              COMMUNITY PARAMEDIC PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                    In December 2015, the City of Rockford Fire Department
            On or before the first day of August, a report of delinquent
            special assessments and special taxes is to be made by the                                                              became the first municipal fire department in Illinois licensed
            collector. (65 ILCS 5/9-2-82)                                                                                           to provide Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) by the Illinois
                                                                                                                                    Department of Public Health. This means that for the first
            On or before March 1 with regard to data collected during                                                               time, the city could get paid to do preventive care at a
            July through December of the previous calendar year and                                                                 citizen’s home instead of waiting for an emergency call with
            by August 1 with regard to data collected during January                                                                the only option being an ambulance transport.
            through June of each calendar year, every law enforcement
            agency is required to submit racial profiling information
            and other data required to be collected from traffic stops                                                              “We’ve had some incredible success reducing 911 calls,
            to the Illinois Department of Transportation. (625 ILCS 5/11-                                                           reducing inpatient hospital admissions, and lowering
            212(d))                                                                                                                 healthcare costs,” states Rockford Fire Chief Derek
                                                                                                                                    Bergsten. “While the model is still new, we’ve seen some
            Between August 1 and September 15, nominations for the                                                                  great results and have entered into contracts with managed
            board of trustees of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
                                                                                                                                    care insurance companies to help patients — our citizens —
            are to be made. (40 ILCS 5/7-175(a)) NOTE: Cities and
                                                                                                                                    with their care.”
            villages with a population over 5,000 are automatically
            subject to the Act. However, participation is not mandatory
            for any municipality that attains a population of over 5,000                                                            The challenge of dealing with so-called “super utilizers” or
            after having provided Social Security coverage for its                                                                  “frequent fliers” is a challenge faced by fire departments
            employees. Each participating municipality may nominate                                                                 and EMS professionals across the country. Working in
            and vote for the four executive trustees who are part of the                                                            partnership with insurance companies, hospital systems
            eight-member board. (40 ILCS 5/7-174(b)(1))
                                                                                                                                    and other medical providers they can address chronic
                                                                                                                                    health conditions, mental health and substance abuse
            In counties having a population of less than 1 million, the
            collector of the municipality shall, at any time after August                                                           problems and other social support needs of the citizens
            15 in each year, publish an advertisement that a return                                                                 they serve.
            will be made to the general officer of the county having
            authority to receive state and county taxes of all unpaid                                                               The MIH program starts, however, the same way the city
            special assessments and installments. (65 ILCS 5/9-2-84)                                                                worked to end veteran homelessness — building the list
            Publication of the advertisement must be made not more
                                                                                                                                    of individuals who would benefit most from targeted
            than 30 days or less than 15 days in advance of the date for
                                                                                                                                    interventions of MIH paramedics.
            judgment. Return of delinquent special assessments shall
            be made five days prior to the date fixed for application for
            judgment. (65 ILCS 5/9-2-85)                                                                                            For Rockford, that began by working with Swedish American
                                                                                                                                    Hospital to identify so-called “super users” who were
                                                                                                                                    frequently calling 911 and driving up emergency room
                                                                                                                                    (ER) visits and hospital stays. The results so far have been
                                                                                                                                    impressive, according to Chief Bergsten.

      8                ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL REVIEW | AUGUST 2019
“In our pilot effort with Swedish         place teaching family members             program will result in less trauma,
American Hospital, we saw a 40%           how to use naloxone to revive their       better care to the patient with lower
reduction in hospital inpatient           family member. We are also there          cost to taxpayers.”
admissions with just 10 patients,”        to connect the patient to drug
stated Chief Bergsten.                    treatment at Rosecrance, if they are      IMPROVING CANCER TREATMENT
                                          ready to take that step.”                 OUTCOMES AT THE UNIVERSITY
As a result of that early success,                                                  OF ILLINOIS CANCER CENTER
Swedish American funded the               “The Rockford Fire Department is an       Embracing the Social Determinants
community paramedic program               innovative group,” states Rosecrance      of Health to improve outcomes is a
another two years and the                 President Dave Gomel. “They’re not        core component of the approach at
latest data received for 2018             just first responders to someone          the Cancer Center of the University
has demonstrated even more                that’s had an overdose. They’re           of Illinois (UIC) College of Medicine
impressive results.                       community leaders who want to stop        in Chicago. Partnering with mayors,
                                          the overdose from occurring in the        other local governments and
“Our current program saw an 85%           first place.”13                           community hospital systems, Dr.
decrease in readmissions. Once the                                                  Robert Winn hopes to improve
patients were released from the           The city’s partnership with Rosecrance    detection, treatment and survival
hospital, we have been able to keep       got a boost when the Illinois             rates for cancer patients.
them at home,” stated Chief Bergsten.

Rockford Fire is also working with
the insurance company, Humana, to
help care for their Medicare Managed
Care patients and with local mental
health and substance abuse provider,
Rosecrance, to reduce Opioid
Overdose Deaths.

While it’s still early, the partnership
with Humana has also had some
                                                     As much as hard science and research in the area of genetics and
great results, according to Chief
                                                     DNA is leading the way to innovative cancer cures, Dr. Robert
Bergsten. “We have been told that
                                                     Winn emphasizes that equal emphasis must be placed on what
we have a much higher rate of
                                                     he calls ZNA - with the Z representing a patient’s zip code.
patient engagement than traditional
case managers, which we expect to
result in better patient outcomes and
fewer hospital admissions.”               Department of Public Health (IDPH)        As much as hard science and
                                          recently approved a pilot program         research in the area of genetics and
As for the opioid efforts, the City       that allows Rockford paramedics to        DNA is leading the way to innovative
of Rockford has partnered with            transport a patient suffering a mental    cancer cures, Dr. Robert Winn
Rosecrance, the Winnebago County          health crisis to the organization’s       emphasizes that equal emphasis
Health Department and other               short-term triage program.                must be placed on what he calls ZNA
community partners to address the                                                   — with the Z representing a patient’s
crisis. The goal is to keep an addict     “In the past, all we could do for         zip code. While Dr. Winn supports
alive and help them access treatment      someone suffering a mental health         the Precision Medicine movement14
when they are ready.                      crisis was to send them to the ER and     leading to treatments that are
                                          a potential hospital admission or have    most likely to help patients based
“Within 48 hours of an overdose           law enforcement arrest them and take      on a genetic understanding of an
incident, our Mobile Integrated           them to the county jail,” according to    individual patient, he advocates for
Health Managers are back at the           Chief Bergsten. For someone suffering     a similar level of precision around an
home where the overdose took              from mental illness, we believe this      individual patient’s social needs.

                                                                          AUGUST 2019 | ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL REVIEW            9
“Most of the work we were focused          to understand how the Social              As part of their work to become a
     on had to do with taking care of the       Determinants of Health impacts each       nationally certified cancer center, Dr.
     person’s DNA — all the drugs are           patient. It does no good to prescribe     Winn and his team are now reaching
     developed around the genetics of           potentially life-saving medications       out to areas outside of Cook County
     the person,” states Dr. Winn. “Then it     if a patient is unable to consistently    from where a considerable number
     dawned on me that the vast majority        get that prescription filled and          of their patients are referred. They
     of issues are outside of the genetic       consistently take the medication.         are reaching out to mayors like
     issues — the environmental issues,                                                   Peru Mayor Scott Harl to build local
     how one responds to stress, the foods      “That’s why we need other partners        partnerships in what is considered
     that we eat. It became very clear          to help us serve our patients,”           the UI Cancer Center’s catchment
     that the zip code or neighborhood          states Winn. “We want to share            area. This includes Livingston,
     the person was associated with was         data with local leaders who can           Grundy and LaSalle Counties.
     a much stronger indicator of their         help us drive the interventions
     overall health and, interestingly, their   and engage the patients that will         Winn believes that the approach of
     overall life expectancy.”                  benefit from our help. This has been      connecting and engaging effectively
                                                a critical missing piece.”                with patients, through the assistance
     Understanding the unique social                                                      of local government and community
     needs of each patient is a key             Winn employs strategies like those        leaders, ensures that breakthrough
     to early diagnosis and effective           utilized by the City of Rockford in       cancer treatments can be delivered
     treatment. “Place and space where          achieving Functional Zero for Veteran     to the individuals who need them.
     you live really matters to your overall    Homelessness. Their teams build
     health,” according to Winn. To             patient lists, utilize social workers     “We’re focused on our local
     improve outcomes, Winn points to           and case managers and refer to            communities — the challenges they
     the need of identifying and engaging       community partners and networks           face and the screenings, care and
     those that can benefit from care and       to make sure a patient’s social needs     cures they need,” states Winn. “We
     connecting with local government           are being met.                            want to move medicine to a point
     leaders who know their communities                                                   where a person’s health and quality
     best and who may already have front        “It’s not as sexy as a new miracle        of life in the face of cancer is not
     line personnel who can help engage         drug, but probably as effective, if not   determined by their zip code.”16
     those in need.                             more,” states Winn.
                                                                                          THE ROLE OF THE LOCAL
     Dr. Winn attributes his unique             Dr. Winn’s approach is so important       GOVERNMENT EMPLOYER:
     perspective to the other role he plays     that it is embedded into the UIC          BUILDING A HEALTHY
     with the UIC College of Medicine. As       Cancer Center’s efforts to achieve        WORKFORCE & PUSHING
     Vice Chancellor for Community-Based        designation as a National Institute       BACK AGAINST BIG PHARMA
     Practice, Dr. Winn is responsible for      of Health (NIH) from the National
                                                                                          “You are running an insurance
     a 13-site Federally Qualified Health       Cancer Institute (NCI).
                                                                                          company,” our consultant, Mr.
     Center network known as the UI
                                                                                          Brauns stated. “You need to start
     Health Mile Square, which serves           “We were invited by the NIH to
                                                                                          acting like it.”
     Medicare and Medicaid patients in one      compete for designation because
     of Chicago’s poorest communities.          of our unique approach — we focus
                                                                                          While bargaining for additional
                                                on health disparities, we have a
                                                                                          contributions to the cost of the plan
     “Every single day we are in some           hospital, clinics and a full suite of
                                                                                          from union members helped in the
     of the most challenged, most               colleges that serve marginalized
                                                                                          short run, the biggest driver of our
     underserved and most under-                communities, and we have strong
                                                                                          rising costs was the poor health of
     resourced neighborhoods. We are            ties with those communities.”15
                                                                                          our people, including a steady rise in
     fighting that fight to bridge the gap
                                                                                          the number of our members suffering
     and reduce disparities.”                   The UIC Cancer Center approach has
                                                                                          from chronic, avoidable disease. We
                                                lead us to their current work building
                                                                                          had to do more.
     To improve outcomes for our Mile           partnerships with multiple local
     Square patients, clinicians work           governments in the collar counties.

Pushing Back Against Big Pharma
When two infants on our city’s             the fix is in — that’s the short          has received from average citizens
health plan suffered from a life-          answer.18 But I’m proud to say that       demonstrates the need for local
threatening infantile spasm                cities like Rockford are pushing          government leaders to take on the
condition in 2015, thankfully, there       back.                                     battle to improve health outcomes
was a drug available called Acthar                                                   and reform healthcare systems.
that was effective in treating             The City of Rockford has filed a
the condition. In 2001, that drug          class action lawsuit against the          Cities can hold the medical,
cost approximately $40/vile.               drug manufacturer as well as              pharmaceutical and insurance
Unfortunately for our taxpayers,           the pharmacy benefits manager             industries accountable through
when the infants on our health plan        alleging an illegal conspiracy to         strategic litigation and effective
needed the medicine, the drug had          raise the price of Acthar in violation    lobbying. But we have to work
risen to over $40,000/vile — an            of antitrust laws. While the              smart and work together to ensure
increase of 100,000%.                      litigation is still ongoing, the city     the best outcomes. That’s why I am
                                           won an important early battle as          personally advocating for mayors to
Why has the maker of the drug,             the defendants’ motions to dismiss        take ownership over improving our
Malinckrodt, raised the price so           the lawsuit were denied.19                nation’s health.
much? If you happened to catch
                                                                                                                  Lawrence J. Morrissey
the 60 Minutes story, you know my          Whatever happens with the litigation,            Former Mayor, City of Rockford (2005-2017)
answer to that question — because          the tremendous support the city

By my second term in office, we had        opportunity. We followed this up with     conditions, build patient lists, and
introduced a number of wellness            a formal Request for Proposal (RFP).      proactively drive engagement at
related activities and incentives                                                    the health center to address each
including offering a discount to our       “We knew that running a health            patient’s individual health needs.17
employees who participated in an           center was a big step, so we took
annual biometric screening and other       our time, ran an extensive and            The results since opening the health
wellness related activities. But despite   open process, and involved council        center in 2014 have been very
those efforts, and some individual         members,” stated Ryan Brauns.             positive with the city showing over
success stories, we were not improving     “Selecting a non-local vendor to          $11 million in cumulative savings and
health outcomes across our employee        operate the health center was a           a return on investment of over 3:1.
population. That’s when our healthcare     significant political concern for some,   Beyond the financial savings, the city
consultant, Ryan Brauns, convinced me      but it also gave the local hospital       has seen continued improvement in
that we should look into operating our     systems comfort knowing that our          the baseline health of their members.
own employee health center.                clinicians did not have any referral
                                           bias and would refer patients to          “The health center has helped the
OPERATING AN EMPLOYER-                     any provider covered under the city       city reduce annual increases in health
SPONSORED HEALTH CENTER                    health plan.”                             trend and turn around a health
While the original idea of running our                                               fund deficit into a surplus,” stated
own health center seemed extreme,          The city’s chosen vendor, Marathon        Mr. Brauns. “We’ve also seen that
as I looked at how much we were            Health, operates health centers for       an employer can do more than just
spending on primary care and the           both public and private employers         finance disease and injury. Employers
poor outcomes we had, I warmed             across the country, providing             like the City of Rockford are
up to the idea. We went through            evidence-based clinical care and          showing that they can prevent and
a long process with a Request for          total population health management        reverse disease and support a more
Interest (RFI) first, which was a great    services. They work to identify           productive and enjoyable career for
way to learn and understand the            patients with chronic health              their people.”

                                                                           AUGUST 2019 | ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL REVIEW                        11
Healthy employees are more                    dealing with the opioid epidemic                      4
     productive and more prepared to               or the outrageous increases in                        mental-health-care-providers-heres-a-look-inside.
     serve. This is particularly true in intense   prescription drug costs, mayors and                      Ibid.

     occupations like fire and police, but it      other local government leaders have                   7
     is also true for every other employee.        an incredible opportunity to drive the                en.
                                                                                                            National Academy of Science, Social Determinants of
     Our local governments experience loss         national healthcare debate.                           Health 101, Sanne Magnan, October 9, 2017,
     when employees miss time from work
     due to injury or illness of oneself or a      Instead of just dealing with the                      9
     family member, when we are not at our         backend consequences of poor                          10
                                                                                                             Functional zero is reached when the number
     best in serving our citizens and, sadly,      health, we have a unique opportunity                  of veterans experiencing homelessness within a
                                                                                                         community is less than the average number of
     when poor health of our employees             to become part of front-end                           veterans being connected with permanent housing
     results in on-the-job injuries to our         healthcare interventions. The benefit                 each month.
     employees or to third parties.                is more effective outcomes, lower                     Homelessness-and-What-it-Means-for-Zero-2016-
                                                   costs and access to new resources.                    Communities.pdf.
                                                                                                            Built for Zero, Community Solutions Case
     Being proactive also requires                                                                       Study:Rockford Illinois: Ending and Sustaning an End
     close monitoring of health related            There is simply no reason why we                      to Veteran Homelessness
     operations. Our human resource                can’t add healthcare to our agenda.                   rockford.pdf.
     professionals and outside healthcare          In fact, as I’ve discussed in this                    12
                                                                                                             Rockford, IL Becomes first Zero: 2016 Community
                                                                                                         to Reach Functional Zero for Veteran Homelessness,
     consultants and partners play                 article, so much of what we do                        Adam Gibbs, December 18, 2015
     a major role in monitoring our                already impacts healthcare, it really       
     healthcare related operations. The            isn’t a new agenda item as much as it                 functional-zero-veteran-homelessness.
     over $16 million spent annually               is a new perspective on our work. We
     on healthcare includes medical                are on the front lines, we are closest                14
     spending, pharmaceutical spending,            to the problems and we are too                        15
     as well as working with health                numerous and too important to sit on                  research-through-nci-designation
     insurance companies, pharmaceutical           the sidelines.                                        17
                                                                                                             In the interest of full disclosure, I became such a
     benefits managers, excess insurers                                                                  stong believer in our City’s healthcare work and the
                                                                                                         work of Marathon Health, that after leaving office in
     and a variety of other health related         1
                                                                                                         2017, I joined Marathon Health as Vice President of
     vendors and programs.                         by_Law_Enforcement_Officers_in_Illinois_A_
                                                                                                         Government Relations and Vice President of Sales.
     Perhaps nowhere is this responsibility        police-on-front-lines-of-mental-health-crises-need-
     more obvious and more important               more-training?template=ampart).
     than when dealing with the high cost
     of prescription drugs.
                                                                    Lawrence J. Morrissey, J.D., is Vice President of Government Relations and
                                                                    Vice President of Sales Midwest Region for Marathon Health. He served as
     CONCLUSION                                                     Mayor in the City of Rockford from 2005 to 2017. Contact Mr. Morrissey at
                                                                    (815) 540-3354 or
     Whether taking care of our
     employees and our citizens, or

E D U C AT E .
                                                                                                                               A DVO C AT E .
   ADVOCACY UPDATE                                                                                                             E M P OW E R .

   How Much Lead is in Your
   Drinking Water?
   The Safe Drinking Water Act has reduced
   the maximum allowable lead content in
   drinking water


HOW LEAD GETS INTO DRINKING WATER                                                         A number of factors are involved in the extent to which lead
                                                                                          enters the water, including:
Lead can enter drinking water when plumbing materials
that contain lead corrode, especially where the water has
high acidity or low mineral content that corrodes pipes                                      • the chemistry of the water (acidity and alkalinity) and
and fixtures. The most common sources of lead in drinking                                      the types and amounts of minerals in the water,
water are lead pipes, faucets and fixtures. In homes with                                    • the amount of lead the water comes into contact with,
lead pipes that connect the home to the water main, also
                                                                                             • the temperature of the water,
known as lead service lines, these pipes are typically the
most significant source of lead in the water. Lead pipes                                     • the amount of wear in the pipes,
are more likely to be found in older cities and homes built                                  • how long the water stays in pipes, and
before 1986. Among homes without lead service lines, the
                                                                                             • the presence of protective scales or coatings inside the
most common problem is with brass or chrome-plated brass
                                                                                               plumbing materials.
faucets and plumbing with lead solder.

                                                                                          To address corrosion of lead and copper into drinking water,
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) has reduced the
                                                                                          the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued
maximum allowable lead content — that is, content that is
                                                                                          the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) under the authority of the
considered “lead-free” — to be a weighted average of 0.25%
                                                                                          SDWA. One requirement of the LCR is corrosion control
calculated across the wetted surfaces of pipes, pipe fittings,
                                                                                          treatment to prevent lead and copper from contaminating
plumbing fittings and fixtures and 0.2% for solder and flux.
                                                                                          drinking water. Corrosion control treatment means utilities
                                                                                          must make drinking water less corrosive to the materials it
Corrosion is a dissolving or wearing away of metal caused
                                                                                          comes into contact with on its way to consumers’ taps.
by a chemical reaction between water and your plumbing.

                                                                                                         AUGUST 2019 | ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL REVIEW          13
effects of lead occur at lower             bones along with calcium. During
                                               exposure levels in children than in        pregnancy, lead is released from
                                               adults. A dose of lead that would          bones as maternal calcium and
                                               have little effect on an adult can         is used to help form the bones of
                                               have a significant effect on a child. In   the fetus. This is particularly true
                                               children, low levels of exposure have      if a woman does not have enough
                                               been linked to damage to the central       dietary calcium. Lead can also cross
                                               and peripheral nervous system,             the placental barrier exposing the
                                               learning disabilities, shorter stature,    fetus to lead. This can result in
                                               impaired hearing and impaired              serious effects to the mother and her
                                               formation and function of blood cells.     developing fetus, including:
                                               The Centers for Disease Control and
                                                                                            • Reduced growth of the fetus
                                               Prevention (CDC) recommends that
                                               public health actions be initiated           • Premature birth
                                               when the level of lead in a child’s          • Lead can also be transmitted
                                               blood is five micrograms per deciliter         through breast milk.
                                               or more.
     HEALTH EFFECTS OF                                                                    ADULTS
     EXPOSURES TO LEAD                         It is important to recognize all the       Lead is also harmful to adults. Adults
     IN DRINKING WATER                         ways a child can be exposed to lead.       exposed to lead can suffer from:
                                               Children are exposed to lead in paint,
     The health effects information                                                         • Cardiovascular effects, increased
                                               dust, soil, air and food, as well as
     included here is not intended to                                                         blood pressure and incidence of
                                               drinking water. If the level of lead
     catalog all possible health effects for                                                  hypertension
                                               in a child’s blood is at or above the
     lead. Rather, it is intended to let you                                                • Decreased kidney function
                                               CDC action level of five micrograms
     know about the most significant and
                                               per deciliter, it may be due to lead         • Reproductive problems (in both
     probable health effects associated
                                               exposures from a combination of                men and women)
     with lead in drinking water.
                                               sources. EPA estimates that drinking
                                               water can make up 20% or more
     IS THERE A SAFE LEVEL OF                                                             CAN I SHOWER IN LEAD-
                                               of a person’s total exposure to
     LEAD IN DRINKING WATER?                                                              CONTAMINATED WATER?
                                               lead. Infants who consume mostly
     The SDWA requires EPA to determine                                                   Yes. Bathing and showering should
                                               mixed formula can receive 40% to
     the level of contaminants in drinking                                                be safe for you and your children,
                                               60% of their exposure to lead from
     water at which no adverse health                                                     even if the water contains lead over
                                               drinking water.
     effects are likely to occur with an                                                  EPA’s action level. Human skin does
     adequate margin of safety. These                                                     not absorb lead in water.
     non-enforceable health goals, based
                                               Even low levels of lead in the blood
     solely on possible health risks, are                                                 This information applies to most
                                               of children can result in:
     called maximum contaminant level                                                     situations and to a large majority
     goals (MCLGs). EPA has set the              • Behavior and learning problems
                                                                                          of the population, but individual
     maximum contaminant level goal              • Lower IQ and hyperactivity            circumstances may vary. Some
     for lead in drinking water at zero                                                   situations, such as cases involving
                                                 • Slowed growth
     because lead is a toxic metal that                                                   highly corrosive water, may require
     can be harmful to human health              • Hearing problems
                                                                                          additional recommendations or
     even at low exposure levels. Lead is        • Anemia                                 more stringent actions. Your local
     persistent, and it can bio accumulate     In rare cases, ingestion of lead can       water authority is always your first
     in the body over time.                    cause seizures, coma and even death.       source for testing and identifying
                                                                                          lead contamination in your tap
     Young children, infants and fetuses                                                  water. Many public water authorities
                                               PREGNANT WOMEN
     are particularly vulnerable to lead                                                  have websites that include data on
                                               Lead can accumulate in our bodies
     because the physical and behavioral                                                  drinking water quality, including
                                               over time, where it is stored in

results of lead testing. Links to                a Consumer Confidence Report                      materials containing lead. Since
such data can be found on the                    (CCR) for their customers by July                 you cannot see, taste or smell lead
EPA Consumer Confidence Report                   1 of each year. Contact your water                dissolved in water, testing is the only
website at                          utility if you’d like to receive a copy           sure way of telling whether there are
                                                 of their latest report. If your water             harmful quantities of lead in your
WHAT YOU CAN DO                                  comes from a household well or                    drinking water. A list of certified
Find out if lead is in your                      other private water supply, check                 laboratories are available from
drinking water.                                  with your health department, or with              your state or local drinking water
                                                 any nearby water utilities that use               authority. Testing costs between
                                                 ground water, for information on                  $20 and $100. Contact your water
FIRST, LEARN MORE ABOUT THE                      contaminants of concern in your area.             supplier as they may have useful
WATER COMING INTO YOUR HOME                                                                        information, including whether the
EPA requires all community water                 SECOND, YOU CAN HAVE YOUR                         service connector used in your home
systems to prepare and deliver an                WATER TESTED FOR LEAD                             or area is made of lead.
annual water quality report called               Homes may have internal plumbing

          EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) agree that there is no known safe level of lead in a child’s
                                         blood. Lead is harmful to health, especially for children.

                                                                                    AUGUST 2019 | ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL REVIEW                  15
2019 Lead                                REDUCE YOUR EXPOSURE TO LEAD              • Taking further steps to

     Legislation in                           IN DRINKING WATER AT HOME
                                                • Use only cold water for drinking,
                                                                                          optimize their corrosion control
                                                                                          treatment (for water systems
                                                                                          serving 50,000 people that

                                                  cooking and making baby
                                                  formula. Boiling water does not         have not fully optimized their
                                                  remove lead from water.                 corrosion control).
     Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago)
                                                • Regularly clean your faucet’s         • Educating the public about lead
     is a leader and advocate for the                                                     in drinking water and actions
                                                  screen (also known as
     removal of lead service lines                                                        consumers can take to reduce
     and has worked closely with the              an aerator).
                                                                                          their exposure to lead.
     Illinois Municipal League (IML) on         • Consider using a water filter
     a solution to what everyone has              certified to remove lead and          • Replacing the portions of lead
     agreed is a real problem in some
                                                  know when it’s time to replace          service lines (lines that connect
     communities in Illinois. With the                                                    distribution mains to customers)
                                                  the filter.
     intention of taking all communities                                                  under the water system’s control.
     into consideration, IML has                • Before drinking, flush your pipes
     respectfully opposed the option              by running your tap, taking a       EPA issued the Lead and Copper Rule
     of a one-size-fits-all approach              shower, doing laundry or a load
     promoted by some more aggressive                                                 in 1991 and revised the regulation in
                                                  of dishes.                          2000 and 2007. States may set more
     environmentalist groups whose
     solutions could financially cripple        • Contact your water system           stringent drinking water regulations
     many municipalities and citizens,            to learn more about sources         than EPA.
     communities are already at a                 of lead and removing lead
     tipping point economically.                  service lines.                      HOW EPA REQUIRES
     No group is more aware of this                                                   STATES AND PUBLIC WATER
     issue than IML, precisely because        DRINKING WATER                          SYSTEMS TO PROTECT
     we represent the interests of all        REQUIREMENTS FOR LEAD                   DRINKING WATER
     1,298 cities, villages and towns         Because lead contamination              The SDWA requires EPA to establish
     in Illinois. We do not take this         of drinking water often results         and enforce standards that public
     public health issue lightly, and as      from corrosion of the plumbing
     a matter of that insightfulness, we                                              drinking water systems must
                                              materials belonging to water system
     have worked with Senator Steans                                                  follow. EPA delegates primary
                                              customers, EPA established a
     and other key legislators on this                                                enforcement responsibility (also
                                              treatment technique rather than an
     legislation to incorporate state                                                 called primacy) for public water
     revenues for any lead service line       MCL for lead. A treatment technique     systems to states and tribes if they
     replacement approach.                    is an enforceable procedure or level    meet certain requirements.
                                              of technological performance that
     Due to IML’s advocacy efforts,
                                              water systems must follow to ensure
     Senator Steans agreed to not                                                     EPA requires all community water
                                              control of a contaminant.
     pass legislation out of the Senate                                               systems to prepare and deliver an
     without any accompanying revenue.                                                annual water quality report called a
     This year’s capital bill did not         The treatment technique regulation      Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
     include funding for lead service         for lead (the Lead and Copper Rule)     for their customers.
     line replacement, and consequently       requires water systems to control
     the initiative did not advance in        the corrosivity of the water. The       EPA’s Public Notification Rule
     the General Assembly during this         regulation also requires systems to     requires public water systems to alert
     spring session. Similar legislation is
                                              collect tap samples from sites served   you if there is a problem with your
     expected to be filed again in 2020                                               drinking water.
                                              by the system that are more likely to
     and IML looks forward to effectively
     tackling this issue in a fair and        have plumbing materials containing      For more information about these
     equitable manner for our members.        lead. If more than 10% of tap water     requirements please see www.
                                              samples exceed the lead action
     If you have questions regarding          level of 15 parts per billion, then     enforcement-responsibility-public-
     legislation, please contact              water systems are required to take      water-systems.                  additional actions including:

E D U C AT E .
                                                                                                            A DVO C AT E .
LEGAL BRIEF                                                                                                 E M P OW E R .

Tuberculosis Sanitariums
and Related Illinois Municipal Code
Provisions are a Thing of the Past


The Illinois Municipal Code contains numerous provisions           Similarly, Article 11, Division 25 provides for the corporate
detailing the grant of authority, or restriction thereof,          authorities of cities to establish and maintain hospitals
that belongs to municipalities. These provisions address           for the segregation or treatment of inhabitants of the city
a myriad of topics that range from the organization and            suffering from any contagious or communicable disease.
forms of municipalities, to cultural activities, airports, flood   Division 25 has also been in the Illinois Municipal Code since
control drainage and zoning. Many provisions in the Illinois       1961 and hasn’t been amended since 1989.
Municipal Code date back to the inception of the Code
and are no longer necessary or relevant to the operation           According to a legislative liaison from IDPH, “Illinois has no
of municipalities.                                                 licensed tuberculosis sanitariums” and “there are currently
                                                                   no contagious disease hospitals in Illinois.”
The Illinois Municipal League (IML) recently sent a letter to
Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Director of the Illinois Department of Public     Consequently, there is no need to maintain Division 29,
Health (IDPH), encouraging her support in our advocacy             regarding municipal tuberculosis sanitariums, nor Division
efforts to repeal two outdated and obsolete portions               25, regarding contagious disease hospitals, in the Illinois
of the Illinois Municipal Code regarding City and Village          Municipal Code. It is our contention that if there ever
Tuberculosis Sanitariums (65 ILCS 5/11-29-1 et seq.) and           becomes a need for a program to care for and treat
Contagious Disease Hospitals (65 ILCS 5/11-25-1 et seq.).          persons afflicted with tuberculosis or any other contagious
                                                                   or communicable disease, local hospitals and the IDPH will
Article 11, Division 29 provides for the corporate                 be utilized.
authorities of cities and villages to establish and maintain
a program for the care and treatment of persons                    The Illinois General Assembly continues to add to the Illinois
afflicted with tuberculosis, the authority to levy taxes           Municipal Code every year, with little regard to the outdated
for the establishment of a tuberculosis sanitarium fund,           mandates that are already enacted. Seeking the repeal of
appointment of a board of directors that maintains the             these unnecessary provisions in the Illinois Municipal Code is
program for the care of treatment of persons afflicted with        one of many ways IML works to keep the Code relevant and
tuberculosis and the discontinuance of public tuberculosis         understandable for Illinois’ public officials.
sanitariums, among other provisions. Division 29 has been
in the Illinois Municipal Code in some form since 1961 and         If you have questions regarding legal issues, please contact
hasn’t been amended since 1992.

                                                                              AUGUST 2019 | ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL REVIEW               17

     The 2020 All-America City theme is “enhancing
     health and well-being through civic engagement.”
     The 2020 All-America City Award is focused
     on celebrating examples of civic engagement
     practices that advance health and well-being in
     local communities. For information on applying,
     please visit
                                                                            to Lewis University in support
     AWARD WINNERS                                                          of its Lewis Innovation Hub. An
                                                                            independent panel of judges
     USCM ANNOUNCES AWARDS                                                                                      Mayor John Noak of Romeoville,
                                                                            selected recipients of the Wells second from right, accepting the
     During their 87th Annual Meeting, the United States                    Fargo Foundation-funded grants         CommunityWINS® award.
     Conference of Mayors (USCM) honored two Illinois                       from 136 applicants representing
     municipalities.                                                        small, medium, large and metropolitan cities. The
     Hanover Park Recognized for Climate Initiative                         CommunityWINS® Grant Program recognizes non-profits
     The Village of Hanover Park completed an initiative of                 and cities that drive neighborhood stabilization, economic
     Mayor Rodney S. Craig to increase the number of solar                  development and job creation. Mayor Noak was recognized
     installation permits. The initiative took quick, bold steps            for his efforts in the Lewis Innovation Hub Partnership.
     to encourage solar energy growth and remove obstacles
     to solar development in the                                            ILCMA ANNOUNCES AWARD WINNERS
     community. The initiative                                              At its annual conference held in June, the Illinois City/
     sought to revamp the                                                   County Management Association (ILCMA) honored three
     permitting process, evaluate                                           members with ILCMA Service Awards. Bob Kiely, who retired
     any zoning issues that impede                                          as manager for the City of Lake Forest in February 2019,
     solar installation, streamline                                         received the Robert B. Morris Lifetime Achievement Award.
     and expedite the inspection                                            This award is presented to a retired individual who has had
     process, give residents           Mayor Rodney S. Craig of Hanover     an exemplary career in local government management and
     resources to solar installers     Park, second from right, accepting   has served no less than 20 years in local government, at
                                          the Climate Initiative award.
     and increase community                                                 least eight of those in Illinois.
     engagement by letting them                                             Steve Vinezeano, Manager, Village of Niles, received the
     know that Hanover Park was “open for solar business.”                  special award for Service to the Community.
     As a result of the initiative, 55 solar installation permits           Dorothy David, Manager, City of Champaign, received the
     were issued and are expected to generate 136,192 kilowatt              special award for Service to the Association.
     hours annually, saving the equivalent of 308 metric tons of
     CO2 per year.                                                          Lowell Crow, Manager, City of Freeport, received the special
                                                                            award for Service to the Profession.
     The initiative was completed with existing funds from
     the current budget, with no additional funding needed to               GRANTS
     achieve the goals.
     Romeoville Recognized for Economic Development Initiative              GrantFinder provides IML members with access to an
     The Village of Romeoville and Mayor John Noak were                     online searchable database of thousands of federal,
     honored with the CommunityWINS® top award in the                       state, foundation and corporate grants available
     small city category for economic development initiatives.              to Illinois communities. Visit to
     In addition to the recognition, a $75,000 grant was award              get started.

You can also read