The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

Page created by Peggy Alvarez
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021
The Channel Islands'
Wellbeing Report 2021
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

                                 We Talk Wellbeing - Foreword                                                                  4
                                 Marbral Advisory - Foreword                                                                   6
                                 Executive Summary                                                                             8
                                 :KDWGRWKHVH¿QGLQJVPHDQIRUHPSOR\HHV"                                                    20
                                 :KDWGRWKHVH¿QGLQJVPHDQIRUHPSOR\HUV"                                                    22


                                 7KHFKDQJLQJODQGVFDSHRIZHOOEHLQJDWZRUN                                                  27
                                 :KDWLVZHOOEHLQJ"                                                                           32
                                   6HOI                                                                                       34
                                   Team                                                                                       36

“The state of wellbeing in         Organisation                                                                               38

the CI clearly demonstrates
                                 Section 2: The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report Results
that despite enjoying, on
                                 Demographics                                                                                 41
average, a perceived better
                                 6HOI                                                                                         44
quality of life, people are no     /LIHVW\OH                                                                                  45

less immune to the factors         Stress                                                                                     52
                                   Resilience                                                                                 54
and challenges that affect         Happiness                                                                                  55
their daily wellbeing.”          Team                                                                                         58
                                   Relationships                                                                              59
                                   Trust                                                                                      60
                                   Communication                                                                              62
      We Talk Wellbeing          Organisation                                                                                 64
      and Marbral Advisory         Leadership                                                                                 64
                                   Culture                                                                                    66
                                   Environment                                                                                68


                                 7KH)LQDQFH$VVRFLDWLRQ,QWHUYLHZ | Joe Moynihan and Rupert Pleasant                         73
                                 7KH6RFLDO:HOOEHLQJ,QWHUYLHZ | Jade Ecobichon-Gray                                         80
                                 7KH0HGLFDO,QWHUYLHZ| Dr Philippa Venn and Lee Bennett                                     84
                                 7KH0HQWDO+HDOWK,QWHUYLHZ | Hugo Forrester                                                 90

                                 Section 4: Appendix

                                 Appendix 1: The Background to the Survey                                                     95
                                 Appendix 2: References and Citations                                                         97

The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

    We Talk Wellbeing -
    Helping people, teams and

    $W:H7DON:HOOEHLQJZH                                                                            modelling for the workforce. Visible wellbeing    We recognise that people need to be at
                                                        “Research shows that                            action develops a wellbeing culture where         the core of how we do business and how
    believe that happy, healthy
                                                                                                        employees thrive, and the business is better      they experience it. That the boundaries
    and engaged employees,                              unhealthy, unengaged                                                                              between personal and professional lives have
    PDQDJHUVDQGOHDGHUVSHUIRUP                       employees cost the UK                           wellbeing philosophy being the foundation         never been so blurred as they are today.
    better, leading to increased                        economy almost £92 billion                      of every conversation and connection in the       Addressing the wellness concerns of our
    productivity and innovation.                        in 2019.”                                       workplace, and we connect organisations           workforce is a critical and necessary activity
                                                                                                        with opportunities to talk and learn about        if we are to continue to build successful and
    This in turn, creates or                                                                            what really matters to them in terms of           employee-centric businesses.
    strengthens dynamic, inspiring                                                                      wellbeing.
    and sustainable organisations.                   2XURUJDQLVDWLRQVDUH¿OOHGZLWKFDSDEOH
                                                                                                                                                          We hope our report helps you to shape your
                                                                                                        Wellbeing needs to be part of strategy, policy,   business with people at the centre, through
                                                     dedicated and passionate people. For our
    Our range of wellbeing solutions and expert                                                         action and outcomes, the same as any other        developing a deeper understanding of your
                                                     colleagues to continue to move forward
    advice support employees at work and in                                                             critical success factor to your business.         wellbeing requirements and aspirations in
                                                     during uncertain times, they need to feel
    life, helping to build physically and mentally                                                      When we are able to openly talk about what        this emerging new working world. By putting
                                                     safe, protected and supported. The time
    resilient employees, teams and organisations.                                                       wellbeing means to us, we are one step            wellbeing at the heart of your organisation,
                                                     is now to think about support, care and
    Employee engagement and performance are                                                             closer to developing a culture where our          ZHKRSH\RXHPEUDFHWKHEHQH¿WVRI
                                                     feedback as opposed to expense. The time is
    ‘must haves’ for any successful business, and                                                       physical and mental wellbeing is valued and       providing an environment where both
    the key wellbeing enabler to achieve these                                                          where we can optimally perform.                   individuals and teams thrive and one in which
    factors is resilience.                           Our vision is to help organisations place                                                            the organisation maintains and protects its
                                                                                                        Employee wellbeing is at the heart of             ‘health’.
                                                     employees’ wellbeing front and centre, as the
    Stress, depression and anxiety continue to                                                          our vision. The health and safety of our
                                                     guiding voice of all organisational policies and
    UHSUHVHQWVLJQL¿FDQWLOOKHDOWKFRQGLWLRQV                                                         customers is our primary concern during
                                                     practices. We Talk Wellbeing was founded to
    in the workforce, accounting for 51% of                                                             these turbulent times. The events of 2020/21
                                                     provide practical solutions in supporting you
    work-related ill health and 55% of working                                                          KDYHDQGZLOOFRQWLQXHWRKDYHDVLJQL¿FDQW
                                                     to increase the visibility of wellbeing in your
    days lost in 2020, in the UK1. Professional                                                         LQÀXHQFHRQKRZZHZRUNDQGKDYHUHVXOWHG
                                                     organisation.                                                                                        Dr Glenda Rivoallan
    burn-out is now recognised by the World                                                             in a changing paradigm on how we think
    Health Organisation as an occupational                                                              about workplace wellbeing.                        Founder and CEO
                                                     We believe that visible wellbeing action
    phenomenon. We are faced with an                 matters. For the individual, it helps promote
    overwhelmed workforce.                                                                              That is why we committed to conducting the
                                                     healthier habits, for teams it challenges
                                                     stereotypes and provides positive role
                                                                                                        with our partner Marbral Advisory.

                                                                                                                                                          Kenneth Manson

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The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

    Marbral Advisory –
    Supporting organisations to

    $W0DUEUDO$GYLVRU\ZH                         to change is the norm, it is not unusual to                                                        and more inclusive culture, we can improve
                                                     ¿QGWKDWUHVLVWDQFHLQFUHDVHVZKHUHQHJDWLYH                                                      the quality of working life for the individual
    KDYHEHHQZRUNLQJZLWK                                                                              “In Guernsey, 61% of
                                                     wellbeing traits prevail. This resistance to                                                       and organisational performance for the
    organisations undergoing                         FKDQJHFDQVLJQL¿FDQWO\VHWRUJDQLVDWLRQV
                                                                                                         businesses have said they                      employer. We are working with clients across
    change since our incorporation                   EDFNVWLÀLQJJURZWKDQGKLQGHULQJ                  are prioritising reviewing                     all sectors on these programmes and seeing
    LQ:HNQRZWKDW                           engagement.                                         company culture as a result                    excellent results as clients give essential
    RUJDQLVDWLRQVWKDWDUHµZHOO¶                                                                       of COVID-193.“                                 focus to their most valuable asset – their
                                                     Focusing on the people side of change                                                              people.
    SHUIRUPEHWWHUDQGWKHUHLV                     has shown us how important it is to widen        “In Guernsey, 61% of
    extensive research correlating                   the lens on wellbeing. We believe that                                                             Marbral Advisory are working in partnership
    SRVLWLYHZHOOEHLQJZLWKKLJK                    wellbeing is a combination of self, team         7KH&KDQQHO,VODQGVDOUHDG\IDFHFKDOOHQJHV      with We Talk Wellbeing to deliver this
    SHUIRUPLQJRUJDQLVDWLRQV                       and organisation which is why this research      with a competitive labour market, now             important piece of research into corporate
                                                     focuses on all three aspects. When an            employees’ priorities may also have shifted       wellbeing. We believe that the results of this
    Looking at attitudes close to home, Jersey       individual is not personally well, they will     as people have taken the time to re-evaluate      UHSRUWZLOOKHOSWRVKDSHKRZWKH,VODQGV
    Finance’s ‘Jersey Means Business Report          EHOHVVSURGXFWLYHDQG¿QGFKDQJHPRUH           what is important. This means that to attract     view, manage, measure and invest in
    ¶LGHQWL¿HGZHOOEHLQJLQWKHWRS¿YH         stressful. When the team they work in is         essential talent, businesses are now going to     wellbeing in the future for the sake of the
    IDFWRUVLQÀXHQFLQJSURGXFWLYLW\KLJKOLJKWLQJ   dysfunctional, trust and relationships suffer,   have to focus on culture and wellbeing more       health of our people and our island economy.
    the link between a positive work-life            DQGWKLVLQWXUQVWLÀHVLQQRYDWLRQ:KHQWKH    than ever before.
    balance and higher performance. Further          organisation has a damaging culture without
    D¿HOGQXPHURXVOHDGLQJRUJDQLVDWLRQV           an environment that promotes wellbeing,          When it is clear that wellbeing correlates
    KDYHµZHOOEHLQJDWZRUN¶LQWKHLUWRS¿YH       bad behaviours emerge that can affect            directly to business performance and an
    priorities for 2020 onwards, examples include    productivity, engagement, and decision           organisation’s ability to adapt and grow,
                                                                                                                                                        Leonie McCrann
    'HORLWWH3Z&$R1WKH&,3'DQG%XSD,I      making.                                          why is it still so misunderstood? We believe
    WKH&KDQQHO,VODQGVDUHWRNHHSXSZLWKWKH                                                      the solution lies in the ability to focus on
    UK and other jurisdictions in sourcing and       All of these factors can lead to a lack of       WKHYDULRXVLQÀXHQFLQJIDFWRUVZKLFKPD\
    retaining talent, focusing on wellbeing cannot   purpose and direction and, as we see in this     be unique to an organisation and by using
    be overlooked.                                   research, there is a noticeable correlation      insightful data to drive interventions and
                                                     between feeling purposeful at work, feeling      improvement for the good of the self, team
    As a change management organisation, we          valued, and the likelihood of employees to       and organisation.                                 Natasha Egré
    see change as a constant, but recognise that     recommend the organisation as a great place
                                                                                                                                                        Head of Client and Product Development
    FKDQJHLVQRWDOZD\VHDV\RUFRPIRUWDEOH,W     to work. This correlates with recent workforce   We hope that this report will begin to
    may sound obvious, but change is generally       research in Jersey where 39% of people           break down perception barriers to the word
    PXFKPRUHGLI¿FXOWLQHQYLURQPHQWVZKHUH        said they did not intend to continue working     ‘wellbeing’, which is often seen as an abstract
    wellbeing is not given prominence or where       ZLWKWKHVDPHHPSOR\HURQFHWKH&29,'        concept, one hard to contextualise and
    it is considered a ‘nice to have’ or indeed      pandemic was over2.                              unrelated to the performance of the business.
    something which ‘HR do’. Given resistance                                                         We believe that by concentrating on wellbeing     Jenny Winspear
                                                                                                      strategy and engagement, and a healthier          Consultant and Product Development Lead

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The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

    Executive Summary

                                                 :KDW$UH7KH$LPV2I7KH                          :KRGLGZHVSHDNWRZKHQ
                                                 5HSRUW"                                           GHYHORSLQJWKHUHSRUW"

                                                 The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report              Within this report, we also felt it important
                                                 ZDVGHYHORSHGGHVLJQHGDQG                   to gain practical and grounded perspectives
                                                 conducted by:                                      on wellbeing at work from industry leaders
                                                                                                    wellbeing, we interviewed certain members
                                                                                                    of the Jersey and Guernsey communities.
                                                    ‡:H7DON:HOOEHLQJDZHOOEHLQJ               These include the CEOs of Jersey Finance and
                                                    consultancy company and training                We Are Guernsey for a business perspective;
                                                    provider;                                       a General Practitioner and a Mental Health
                                                                                                    Practitioner; the Operations Manager for

                            Executive               • Marbral Advisory - an advisory
                                                                                                    Mind Jersey, and a Social Wellness Expert
                                                                                                    who champions wellness programs within
                                                                                                    businesses. These interviews can be found
                                      Summary                                                       after the main body of the research results
                                                                                                    with insights used where applicable in the
                                                 The purpose of the survey was to
                                                 understand the current status of wellbeing         main body of the report.
                                                 in the Professional Services sector and to
                                                 provide a platform of data-driven insights         'H¿QLQJ:HOOEHLQJ
                                                 into wellbeing at work across Jersey and
                                                                                                    What wellbeing means can, and does,
                                                 Guernsey. There has been growing awareness
                                                                                                    vary from person to person. For some, it
                                                                                                    encompasses the idea of balancing mind,
                                                                                                    body and soul. For others, it centres around
                                                 after a) the changes we have experienced
                                                                                                    value factors such as having a sense of
                                                 due to the pandemic, and b) the growing
                                                                                                    purpose or a sense of community. Wellbeing
                                                 evidence demonstrating its effect on
                                                                                                    can also be determined by living in an
                                                                                                    environment which provides quality of life or
                                                                                                    identity through work/profession.
                                                 to wellbeing by gathering data to provide
                                                 more detail on what the current wellbeing
                                                 context is. This will allow businesses to better   :KRLVWKLVUHSRUWLQWHQGHGIRU"
                                                 understand what wellbeing entails, where
                                                                                                    Business leaders, policy makers, a wide range
                                                 wellbeing initiatives may have the most
                                                                                                    of professionals (employee and employer)
                                                 impact, and help to clarify why investment in
                                                                                                    and researchers whose interests relate to
                                                 wellbeing is of importance to organisations.
                                                                                                    Self, Team and Organisational wellbeing. The
                                                                                                    to the interests of other countries.

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The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

     )RUWKHSXUSRVHVRIWKLVUHVHDUFK³ZHOOEHLQJ´LVGH¿QHGE\WKUHH                                                              While we cannot make direct comparisons
                                                                                      “The state of wellbeing in                     between individual facets of wellbeing, (i.e.
                                                                                                                                     Self, Team and Organisation) scores for
     FRUHRIZRUNLQJZHOODQGOLYLQJZHOO                                            the CI clearly demonstrates
                                                                                                                                     ‘Team’ measures were most favourable,
                                                                                      that despite enjoying, on                      followed by ‘Self’ and lastly ‘Organisation’ in
                                                                                      average, a perceived better                    the people surveyed.
                                                                                      quality of life, people are no
                                         ‘Feeling I have the necessary physical,      less immune to the factors                     Social Wellness Is Key To
                                         mental, emotional and spiritual health       and challenges that affect                     Wellbeing
                                         to live the life I want to lead’.            their daily wellbeing.”                        Regardless of the individual scores on each
                                         We surveyed three sub-domains:                                                              element of wellbeing, the research supports
                                                                                             We Talk Wellbeing                       a social wellness view of wellbeing in that
                                         1 Lifestyle                                         and Marbral Advisory                    it is not an individual pursuit, i.e. solely
                                                                                                                                     the responsibility of the Self. Our own
                                         2 Happiness
                                                                                                                                     theory that to live and work well demands
                6HOI                     3 Resilience
                                                                                   What Does Our Research                            collective responsibility holds true. Our
                                                                                   7HOO8V"                                         ¿QGLQJVGHPRQVWUDWHWKDWLQWHUFRQQHFWHGQHVV
                                                                                                                                     with others (the Team) and that of the
                                                                                   Our research demonstrates that wellbeing          Organisation are key determinants of overall
                                                                                   is related to people, processes and               wellbeing. We observed that when aspects
                                         ‘Feeling close to others and part of a    subsequently performance, both work               of Relationships and Communication are
                                         supportive work community’.               performance and performance in life               more positive, individuals also reported
                                                                                   generally. A culture of wellbeing requires        higher levels of Trust. Likewise, higher
                                         We surveyed three sub-domains:            a balance of appropriate resources and            levels of Trust were correlated with better
                                                                                   opportunities, with the commitment to             Relationships and Communication.
                                         1 Relationships                           work towards achieving optimal health and
                                                                                   resilience for the individual, the team and the
                                         2 Communication
                                         3 Trust
                                                                                   and Organisation:

                                         ‘Feeling the organisational context is
                                         supportive of wellbeing practices and
                                         alignment to core values’.
                                                                                                               6HOI            Team         Organisation
                                         We surveyed three sub-domains:

                                         1 Leadership

                                         2 Environment

      Organisation                       3 Culture

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The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

                                                                                                   The research on physical health as a
                                                                         Key Finding 3             SURWHFWLYHIDFWRUDJDLQVW&29,'LV
                                                                                                   growing and will take more prominence
                                                                         surveyed rated
                                                                                                   majority of people appeared to look after
                                                         64%             their physical
                                                                                                   their physical health.
                                                                         1 and a 3 in the          Mental health and social health scores
                                                                         last 30 days.             witnessed the biggest drop of all lifestyle
                                                                                                   measures in the 30 days leading up to the
                                                                                                   survey. Mental health is of growing concern
                                                                                                   no different, stress being the main symptom
                                                                                                   of prolonged adverse mental health. Positive
                                                                      1. Inner Health
                                                                                                   mental health improves wellbeing across
     6HOI                                                             2. Physical Health           DOOVWDQGDUGZHOOEHLQJPHDVXUHV,I\RXDUH
                                                                                                   psychologically well, you are more likely to
                                                                      3. Social Health
                                                                                                   be physically well.
     /LIHVW\OH                                                        4. Mental Health

                                                    Key Finding 4                                  Stress
                           Key Finding 1            ,QQHU+HDOWKZDVUDWHGWKHKLJKHVW
                           RIWKRVH            SK\VLFDOKHDOWKIROORZHGE\VRFLDO             Key Finding 5
                           surveyed rated
          64%              their mental health
                                                    health and then mental health.
                           at a 4 or 5 (5                                                            DWULVNGXHWRLQFUHDVLQJOHYHOVRI
                           EHLQJµEHVW¶ SUH                                                        stress.
                           only 30% post          individuals engaging in healthy
                           only 5% rating         VFRUHVLQWKHVXUYH\ZHUHQRW                   wellbeing factors i.e. Resilience, Happiness
                           their mental health
                                                  RSWLPDODQGWKHUHLVVFRSHIRU                  and Lifestyle, were all correlated with levels
                           at its best in the                                                      of stress. Research shows us that stress is
                           last 30 days.          improvement.
                                                                                                   highly linked to lower resilience and lower
                                                  Where scores on aspects of lifestyle were        SURGXFWLYLW\7KHIDFWWKDWRXU¿QGLQJV
                                                  more positive, there was a large effect on       support this view should be a key concern for
                                                  individuals' reported levels of happiness.       RUJDQLVDWLRQVDQGPRUHVSHFL¿FDOO\IRU
                           Key Finding 2
                           69% rate their         This should be considered when thinking
                           social health          about the impact that lifestyle and happiness
                            RXWRI LQWKH     physically, mentally, socially and spiritually
                           last 30 days.          well, then it suggests that happiness follows
                                                  as a result.

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The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

                                                                                                                                                             For companies to perform at their best,
                             Key Finding 6                                    Key Finding 8
                                                                                                          Resilience                                         ‘average’ resilience is not the standard for
                                                                                                                                                             benchmarking best practice, hence this needs
                             RIDOOSHRSOH                               FLWHZRUN                                                                 further action.
                                                                              DVRQHRIWKHLU            5HVLOLHQFHLVLQOLQHZLWKWKH
                             surveyed reported                63%             SULPDU\FDXVHVRI
                             DSHUFHSWLRQRIQRW                                                         global average.                                    :HDGYRFDWHWKHEHQH¿WVRIUHVLOLHQFH
                             coping.                                          stress, anxiety and                                                            training for individuals but again it is not
                                                                              SRRUZHOOEHLQJ             2XU¿QGLQJVUHLWHUDWHWKHQRWLRQWKDWUHVLOLHQW   enough to consider the individual in isolation.
                                                                                                          people tend to be happier people and more          The main causes/drains on one’s resilience
     As stress is a symptom of poor wellbeing,                                                            able to thrive despite their environment.          are often as a result of factors out of an
     and a perception of not coping, (ultimately        ,WLVWKHUHIRUHFULWLFDOO\LPSRUWDQWWKDW                                                           individual's control such as team dynamics
     leading to burn-out), it is critical that we get   organisations understand the determinants                                                            and organisational culture, and not effectively
                                                        RIVWUHVVRQLWVSHRSOHDQGWHDPV,WLV             Key Finding 10                                  targeted by resilience training alone but in
     to the root causes of why people are stressed
     if we are to gain the necessary understanding      simply not enough to provide interventions           5HVLOLHQFHLQWKRVHVXUYH\HGZDV               combination with changes in work practices
     to develop well-designed intervention              to combat the symptoms, as interventions             no better than the average person               and habits. Again, we must stress that
     strategies and avoid growing levels of             targeted at only the Self most often fail to         DQGKDGDPRGHUDWHHIIHFWRQ                   organisations must look to get to the root
     absenteeism and presentism.                        identify any other prevailing factors or causes      +DSSLQHVVZLWKLQWKHVXUYH\                    of the issue and determine new wellbeing
                                                        of stress within a given organisation. Where                                                         initiatives and strategies rather than taking
                                                        work-life balance is compromised, this adds                                                          DVKRUWWHUPµ¿[¶DSSURDFKWRVROYLQJWKH
                                                        ZHLJKWWRWKH¿QGLQJWKDWSHRSOH¿QGZRUN                                                           problem.
                             Key Finding 7              their main stressor.                                 Key Finding 11

                             51% cited having
                                                                                                             surveys suggest that people
                             LQSURIHVVLRQDO                                 Key Finding 9                  ZRUNLQJLQSURIHVVLRQDOFDUHHUV
                             services.                                                                       WHQGWREHPRUHUHVLOLHQWZHGLG
                                                                              RI                                                                        +DSSLQHVVOHYHOVLQSURIHVVLRQDO
                                                               31%            respondents                    QRWREVHUYHWKLVLQRXU¿QGLQJV
                                                                              stated that they
                                                                                                                                                             average person (international
     The global research clearly highlights the                               µVWURQJO\GLVDJUHH¶
                                                                              µGLVDJUHH¶RUZHUH                                                            EHQFKPDUNLQJ 
     risk associated with poor work life balance
     and burn-out and this is becoming a priority                              XQVXUH LIWKH\DUH
                                                                                                                                                             Lifestyle was shown to have a large effect
     ULVNIDFWRULQRUJDQLVDWLRQV,IRI                                 positive about their
                                                                                                                                                             with individuals reporting higher levels
     respondents claim to not have a good work                                IXWXUHDWZRUN
                                                                                                                                                             of Happiness. This should be taken into
     life balance, businesses within Jersey and                               post-COVID-19.
     Guernsey should start exploring ways that                                                                                                               that lifestyle has on wellbeing. The evidence
     this can be improved, as doing so could help                                                                                                            between wellbeing and its link to happiness
     to increase overall wellbeing.                                                                                                                          (both at work and at home) is mounting
                                                                                                                                                             and one of the fundamental reasons why
                                                                                                                                                             happiness is becoming a more frequently
                                                                                                                                                             used tool for measuring wellbeing at work.

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The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

                                                                                                                                  Our methods and means of digital
                                                      Trust                                                                       communication are here to stay and more
                                                                                                                                  likely to increase than decrease. While it is
                                                                                                                                  an accepted means of communication, the
                                                                                                                                  organisations that actively consider and
                                                                           Key Finding 2                                          review their policies around the boundaries
                                                                                                                                  of digital communication (and the adherence
                                                            80%            LQWHDPVZLWK
                                                                                                                                  WRVXFKSROLFLHV ZLOOEHQH¿WIURPWHDPVDQG
                                                                                                                                  individuals who are able to understand and
                                                                           citing trust all or
                                                                                                                                  embody a healthy work life balance.

                                                                                                                                                         Key Finding 5
                                                      As well as very high levels of care, there
                                                                                                                                                         32% unsure or
     Team                                             are high levels of trust within teams, with
                                                      colleagues indicating positive responses
                                                      for the questions raised in this area,
                                                                                                                                         32%             disagreed that their
                                                                                                                                                         team can overcome
                                                                                                                                                         obstacles and
                                                      including that teams are effective at
                                                                                                                                                         manage emotions
                                                      discussing workloads and in sharing relevant
                                                      information. Challenges may arise though
                             Key Finding 1
                                                      when such aspects are discussed across
                             VKRZFDUHIRU       teams rather than within teams.
           87%               WKHLUIHOORZWHDP
                             members all or                                                                                       The ability to manage emotions is one of
                             PRVWRIWKHWLPH                             Key Finding 3                                          three essential domains of resilience and
                                                                                                                                  ‘overcoming obstacles’ is a key feature of
                                                                           32% unsure or                                          being resilient overall. Respondents were
                                                            32%            disagreed that poor                                    not certain about their colleagues’ abilities
                                                                           SHUIRUPDQFHZDV                                       to overcome obstacles and manage their
     Relationships                                                         HIIHFWLYHO\GHDOW
                                                                                                                                  the average resilience scores found in the
                                                                                                                                  aspects of Self.
     $ZHOFRPH¿QGLQJZDVWKDW                                                                             Key Finding 4
                                                                                                                                  Overall, the responses for the wellbeing of
     colleagues are genuinely
     FRQFHUQHGIRUDQGFRQVLGHUDWH                   Communication                                         IHOW
                                                                                                                                  Teams were positive and encouraging to
     RIWKHZHOOEHLQJRIWKHLUSHHUV                                                                92%   technology to         between each aspect of team i.e. Trust,
                                                      Effective communication also requires the             FRPPXQLFDWHZLWK     Relationships and Communication, we
     While care is evident, what is less evident                                                            their team but 36%    observed correlations in all three. Our
                                                      crucial conversations in a considered manner.
     individuals knew how to assist (even with an                                                           or disagreed that     overall, trust, value and respect one another,
                                                      While such communication is often avoided,
     intervention such as signposting to resources)                                                         PHHWLQJVZHUH        with clear and respectful communication
                                                      such avoidance creates uncertainty and
     a colleague facing any wellbeing challenges.                                                           HI¿FLHQW             closely linked to the quality of professional
                                                      wellbeing.                                                                  relationships and workplace collaboration.

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The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

                                                     of Happiness, higher levels of Trust within      The traditional working models are being        Moreover, the analysis showed that culture
                                                     the team, and higher scores within the           challenged and will continue to be challenged   RYHUDOOVLJQL¿FDQWO\LPSDFWHGHYHU\RWKHU
                                                     Relationships/Communication scale.               by the next generation.                         wellbeing domain that we measured with
                                                                                                                                                      the other strongest relationships being
                                                     One of the strongest correlations we saw                                                         Leadership, Lifestyle, and Relationships/
                                                     across all the wellbeing domains was between     Environment                                     &RPPXQLFDWLRQ7KHVH¿QGLQJVGHPRQVWUDWH
                                                     Culture and Leadership. This is expected and                                                     that if successful and positive culture change
                                                     is well-documented, the reason being that                                                        LVDFKLHYHGWKHEHQH¿WVWRRYHUDOOZHOOEHLQJ
                                                     leaders create and reinforce the norms and                                                       can be monumental.
                                                     behaviours that are expected within a culture.                         Key Finding 4
                                                                                                                                                      Given the importance of work-life balance to
                                                                                                                                                      positive working behaviours and productivity/
                                                        Key Finding 2
                                                                                                            50%             VXUYH\HGIHOWWKDW
                                                                                                                                                      growth of the business, managing workload
                                                                                                                            their organisation
                                                                                                                                                      to realistic levels is essential and needs to be
                                                        RIWKRVHVXUYH\HGZRXOGQRW                                    has a positive
                                                                                                                                                      reinforced by senior leadership.
     Organisation                                       recommend their organisation as
                             Key Finding 1              ZHOOEHLQJZDVQRWSDUWRIWKHLU              As noted above, Happiness is a key indicator
                                                        RUJDQLVDWLRQ¶VPLVVLRQYLVLRQDQG           of positive individual wellbeing, so it isn’t
                             53% said the               or business objectives.                       surprising therefore that happy employees
                                                                                                      support a positive working environment and
                             employee health
                                                                                                        Key Finding 5
                                                     A sense of purpose at work and feeling valued      11% cite that the organisation
                                                     LVQRWRQO\EHQH¿FLDOIRULQGLYLGXDOZHOOEHLQJ     takes proactive measures to make
                                                     but it also affects the successful growth of       VXUHWKDWWKHHPSOR\HH¶VZRUNORDG              Key Finding 7
     Leadership                                      the business as it is the people who make the      LVUHDOLVWLFµDOORIWKHWLPH¶ZLWK           RIUHVSRQGHQWVZHUHQRW
                                                     business, and it is also the people and teams      HLWKHUFLWLQJWKDWLWGRHVQ¶W              sure or did not agree that the
                                                     in the business which attract talent.              happen, or they are unsure.                     organisation takes action to prevent
     7KHLPSRUWDQFHRIOHDGHUVKLS                                                                                                                      KDUPWRHPSOR\HHVIURPDEXVH
     behaviours in promoting                                                                                                                            harassment, discrimination and
     ZHOOEHLQJVKRXOGQRWJR                                              Key Finding 3                                                                violence.
                                                                                                                           Key Finding 6
     unnoticed. Leaders may be                                             IHHOWKH\
     WDONLQJDERXWZHOOEHLQJEXWQRW                       68%            have the right                                  56% said that senior
     committing to it themselves.
                                                                           OHYHORIDXWRQRP\               56%            the importance
                                                                                                                                                      Given the detrimental impacts that abuse,
                                                                           DWZRUN                                                                  harassment, discrimination and violence in
                                                                                                                           RIWDNLQJUHJXODU         the workplace can have on individuals, teams
                                                                                                                           breaks and ensuring        and the organisation as a whole, there is
     Leadership had on some of the other
                                                                                                                           DKHDOWK\ZRUNOLIH       a real need to ensure the policies in these
     wellbeing domains that we measured, we          As with having a sense of purpose and feeling
                                                                                                                           EDODQFHPRVWRUDOORI    areas are more than words but are displayed
     found that those who reported positive          valued, autonomy at work is known to drive
                                                                                                                           the time.                  through actions and behaviours.
     leadership scores also reported higher levels   greater levels of creativity.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                       19
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

     PHDQIRUHPSOR\HHV"                                                                                  For everyone to be resilient, manage stress and be happy and thrive, the wellbeing of self
                                                                                                          needs to be prioritised by embracing healthy habits and practising self-care. Now is the time
                                                                                                          to catch it, challenge it, change it and be it!

     Commitment is Key                                  7KH+ROLVWLF1DWXUHRI:HOOEHLQJ

     The research on the wellbeing of self is clear     The foundations of optimal wellbeing as it
     in that when the employee takes personal           applies to the self, involves individuals going                  1
     responsibility for their own wellbeing and         on a path of continuous self-improvement
     commits to a healthy lifestyle, they are more      in the areas of physical, mental, social and                Catch It
                                                                                                                                                                           Change It
     resilient, suffer from less stress, have greater   spiritual health. Everyone has a personal           Develop self-awareness of
     wellbeing and overall happiness. This is           responsibility to look after their own               wellbeing behaviour not                                Be open to making changes
     VKRZQLQWKHVHUHVHDUFK¿QGLQJV+RZHYHU         wellbeing, spot the signs of poor wellbeing           conducive to optimal                                 by adopting a growth mindset.
     true wellbeing doesn’t start and end with          and avoid burn-out. Employees also need to            wellbeing and aim to                2                    For those who are not
     the self, and both team, organisations and         feel safe in voicing their needs and concerns             understand it.                                      thriving, aim to identify
     society at large also play a fundamental part      and be enabled to speak up to employers if                                        Challenge It                the root causes of poor
     in fostering one’s individual wellbeing.           tasks, autonomy, or sense of purpose are not                                Work to challenge unhealthy          wellbeing and act
                                                        conducive to healthy workplace behaviours.                                   habits and consider healthy               quickly.
     When individuals are committed to their            ,WPDNHVDOOWKHGLIIHUHQFHWRSHUVRQDO                                   swaps. Understand the impact
     own wellbeing, the research shows that             wellbeing when work activities are balanced                                ‘team’ and ‘organisation’ have                          4
     people can, to a degree, thrive despite            and purposeful.                                                             on the wellbeing of 'self' and
     their circumstances and/or environment.
                                                                                                                                       work in alignment with                           Be It
     However, when organisations are successful         Findings of this research show that the
                                                                                                                                        personal values and
     in supporting a healthy workforce and              current status of wellbeing in the Professional                                                                      Commit to bringing your
     maintaining a culture which promotes               6HUYLFHVVHFWRULQWKH&,LVQRWLGHDO                                                                               best self to work and to
     wellbeing, the conditions are more likely to       Employees within the sample are moderately                                                                            life. Be a role model for
     produce happier and healthier individuals,         stressed, their resilience is average at best                                                                            living a healthy life
     as well as more productive and engaged             and overall, they are not as happy as their                                                                                for yourself and
     employees. Likewise, if employees are not          peers in comparison to research populations                                                                                     others.
     ready for change, workplace wellbeing efforts      around the world (Subjective Happiness
     fall on deaf ears, making any wellbeing            Scale general population data). This is in
     initiatives prone to being ineffective. A          many ways not surprising when correlated
     key part of behavioural change is that the         with low lifestyle and lack of work-life
     receiver is in a state of readiness for the        balance scores. Left unchanged, this scenario
     message to be heard.                               potentially poses an increased risk to overall
                                                        personal wellbeing.

     Employees must take personal responsibility
     to look after themselves, to commit to
     self-care and develop the skills, resources
     and attitudes to bring the best version of
     themselves to both work and life. An intrinsic
     desire to want to be healthy for its own sake
     is critical - ongoing wellbeing depends on it.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                        21
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

     What Do These Findings Mean For                                                                     2QHRIWKHPRVWVLJQL¿FDQWFRQFOXVLRQVWKDW
                                                                                                         can be drawn from this research is that it is     “The three biggest
     (PSOR\HUV"                                                                                         important to conceptualise the wellbeing of
                                                                                                         workers holistically in order to allow for the
                                                                                                                                                          wellbeing challenges
                                                                                                         interconnections between work-related and        organisations will face in
                                                                                                         QRQZRUNUHODWHGLQÀXHQFHVDQGLPSDFWV          the next 12 months are (i)
     7KHQHHGWRSULRULWLVHZRUNSODFH 7KHYDOXHRIHYLGHQFHEDVHG                                      Links between mental health illness and          the balancing of returning
                                                                                                         dietary and physical activity behaviours
     ZHOOEHLQJQRZ                     approaches                                                                                                         WRWKHRI¿FHDQGZRUNLQJ
                                                                                                         are well-known, and recent studies have
                                                                                                         indicated there might also be a link between     from home, (ii) that people
     The global research on organisational wellbeing   ,WLVLPSRUWDQWWKDW&,RUJDQLVDWLRQVLQFUHDVH
     is clear. To have a productive and thriving       their existing evidence base surrounding the      depression and musculoskeletal disorders70.      now feel empowered to talk
     workforce and to continue to develop impactful    effects of workplace health and wellbeing         This suggests that interventions should build    about their mental health
                                                                                                         in multidimensional outcomes (physical and
     organisations, people need to be well. The        programmes on employees. The research                                                              and businesses who have
                                                                                                         mental) as well as incorporate multiple levels
     long-term effects of poor wellbeing results in    demonstrates that health in the workplace                                                          not invested in wellbeing
                                                                                                         and components. However, more research
     people, teams and organisations who are sick      and indirectly productivity is affected by: (i)
                                                                                                         is needed to ascertain optimal ways of           will be on the back foot,
     and who risk burn-out. The road back from         things that employees bring with them to
     burn-out is long, arduous and extremely costly    the workplace: personal resources, health
                                                                                                         combining and operationalising components        and (iii) organisations need
                                                                                                         when developing multi-component                  to actively consider and
     to the organisation’s bottom line.                practices, beliefs, attitudes, values and
                                                                                                         interventions. Future research should also
                                                       hereditary endowments (ii) what the workplace
                                                                                                         focus on determining appropriate multi-
     Whilst this research report highlights areas      does for employees once they are there: the
                                                                                                         component interventions that have a long-        to meet the wellbeing needs
     of good practice, organisations within            organisation of work in both the physical and
     WKH&,3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHVVHFWRUKDYH          psychosocial sense and how this impacts on the
                                                                                                         term impact.                                     and expectations of their
     improvements to make in fully developing          interaction between the physical environment                                                       people.”
                                                                                                         Targeting individual behaviour may also
     inclusive wellbeing strategies, which not         and the psychosocial environment (e.g. work
                                                                                                         require interventions to expand their remit
     only lead to better engagement but promote        culture and climate).                                                                                   Hugo Forrester
                                                                                                         beyond the workplace to include commuting
     development of the entire self. The sample                                                                                                                Mind Jersey
                                                                                                         and lifestyles more generally.
     ranked their wellbeing with ‘Team’ performing     7KH¿QGLQJVRIWKLVUHSRUWDOVRLQGLFDWH
     best, then ‘Self‘, with ‘Organisational           WKHIROORZLQJ
     wellbeing’ scoring the least.

     of the workforce overall perceiving their                and developing tailored
     wellbeing to be within a healthy range, but…             LQWHUYHQWLRQVZLOOLQFUHDVH
     a similar percentage do not.                             success rates;

                                                         2    A participative approach to
     )LQGLQJWKHURRWFDXVHVRISRRU                         intervention development is
     ZHOOEHLQJ                                                EHQH¿FLDODQG

     Further exploration into the underlying             3    Interventions that target
     causes for current stress levels, lower than             organisational cultures
     average resilience levels and happiness                  DQGSUDFWLFHVWKHZRUN
     scores is needed. Organisations will have to             HQYLURQPHQWDVZHOODV
     consider their role modelling of wellbeing               WKHLQGLYLGXDO¶VEHKDYLRXU
     behaviours, their cultural practices, and the            ZLOOSURGXFHPRUHHIIHFWLYH
     promotion of work-life balance, to name                  interventions.
     a few.

22                                                                                                                                                                                       23
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

                                                                                                                                     1   Strong professional relationships
                                                                                                                                         could potentially be enhanced by
                                                                                                                                         the development of inter-personal
                                                                                                                                         skills, so that team members can
                                                                                                                                         effectively assist one another.

                                                                                                                                     2   The management of poor
                                                                                                                                         performance within teams needs
                                                                                                                                         to be handled in a quick and
                                                                                                                                         professional manner, to enhance

                     6HOI                                                                                                                levels of trust.

                                                                                                                                     3   Linked to one of the ‘Self’
                                                                                                                                         considerations, appropriate
                                                                                                                                         coaching should be provided to

                                                                                                      Team                               all teams to help them be best
                                                                                                                                         placed to cope with managing

                                                                                            1   Regularly assess wellbeing across
        1    Aspects of Self (lifestyle, stress, resilience and happiness) should be
                                                                                                the organisation to identify areas
             measured as part of ongoing staff development and as a regular wellbeing
                                                                                                for improvement, looking at the
                                                                                                correlations between Self, Team
                                                                                                and Organisational wellbeing.
        2    Regular and consistent provision for stress management and the
             maintenance of resilience by way of coaching, therapy and 1/1 mentoring
                                                                                            2   Lead by example and ensure
             needs to be offered with the understanding that this should not be
                                                                                                Managers are appropriately trained
             implemented in isolation. This is not dealing with the root causes of stress       to demonstrate positive wellbeing
             and or drains in resilience and this must be investigated for wellbeing            behaviours.
             interventions to be of maximum value.
                                                                                            3   Regularly review and challenge
        3    Acknowledge the role lifestyle, work role and work-life balance, play on           cultural norms and behaviours and
             happiness and overall engagement and assess on a regular basis via line            aim for clarity of purpose for all
             management and team purpose for all employees of the organisation.                 employees of the organisation.

24                                                                                                                                                                           25
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021                                                                The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

                                                     The Changing Landscape

                                                                                                        Workplaces are about to make (if not
                                                        It is critical for the health of                already) some of the biggest cultural
                                                                                                        decisions they may ever make; decisions that
                                                        our organisations and the
                                                                                                        could fundamentally change our workplaces
                                                        future success of our                           and the ways in which we engage and value
                                                        economy that we                                 RXUZRUNLQJOLYHV,WLVWKHUHIRUHFULWLFDOIRU
                                                        understand the current                          the health of our organisations and the future
                                                                                                        success of our economy that we understand
                                                        state of play of wellbeing
                                                                                                        the current state of play of wellbeing in our
                                                        in our islands.                                 islands.
                                         Section 1                                                      While there is unequivocal evidence of the

                               Wellbeing             Q :KHUH$UH:H1RZ"
                                                                                                        power of workplace wellbeing initiatives,
                                                                                                        the unfortunate reality is that too many
                                                                                                        individuals, teams and organisations

                           Preface and context       WKHODVW\HDUHQJDJHGLQDGHHSO\VLJQL¿FDQW
                                                                                                        continue to ignore the importance and
                                                                                                        profound impact of wellbeing. There is often
                                                     SHULRGRIUHÀHFWLRQDQGUHHYDOXDWLRQ             an awareness that something is wrong, or
                                                     The pandemic has challenged pre-held               that the culture ‘could be better’, but many,
                                                     assumptions in terms of how our values             often through the volume of demands on
                                                     and belief systems align to the people and         their time, are either ignoring the problem
                                                     organisations we work with, and raised             or making best intended corporate wellness
                                                     much-needed debate on the culture of the           changes but without the evidence base
                                                     workplace we wish to belong to 4. These            behind the decisions.
                                                     circumstances have provided a chance to
                                                     slow down, pause, and consider what the
                                                     world of work means to us.

                                                     The immediate and physical change to our
                                                     working environment that we experienced
                                                     when the world entered lockdown was so
                                                     profound that it is no surprise that ‘working
                                                     from home’ became one of the most talked
                                                     about content pieces of 2020. One of the
                                                     moved the discussion about wellbeing to the
                                                     forefront and accelerated the realisation of its

26                                                                                                                                                          27
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

      Q :KDW'RHV7KH8.5HVHDUFK6D\"                                                                 Q :KDW'RHV7KH&KDQQHO,VODQGV5HVHDUFK6D\"

     Evidence based research highlighting the case for investment in wellbeing at work is              Prior to this report, wellbeing research on companies and employees in the Channel
     ZHOOEHLQJPHDVXUHV7KLVRIIHUVDEDVHOLQHIRUFRPSDULVRQWRWKHVWDWXVRIZHOOEHLQJLQWKH&,   residents enjoy a quality of life that is of a higher standard than their UK counterparts.
                                                                                                       However, recent local research indicates that the general populations of each Bailiwick are
                                                                                                       also facing considerable health and wellbeing challenges.

                                                                                                           Guernsey       According to the Guernsey and Alderney Wellbeing Survey

                                                                                                                                                                          Women reported
                                                                                                                               of all islanders                           less activity than
                                                                                                                56%            are overweight                             men. This is more
                                                                                                                               or obese                                   pronounced in the
           RXWRI                                        RXWRI                                                                                                   under 35s
           UK companies                                      UK employees
           currently have a stand-alone                      reported feeling resilient at
           wellbeing strategy / formal                       the start of the pandemic 6
           wellbeing programme 5

               64%                                               81%
                                                                                                           Islanders                                            Levels of low mental
                                                                                                                                                                wellbeing have doubled
           RI8.                                            RI8.                                        rate their sleep quality as poor                     since the 2013 survey
           employees                                         employees
           reported that their stress                        said that they had a ‘poor’
           levels had increased since                        or ‘low’ state of mind 8
           before the pandemic 7

28                                                                                                                                                                                                   29
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

                                                                                                         Q Where Does Mental                               Q What About Working
          Jersey      The 2020 Jersey Opinions & Lifestyle Survey Report found that:                            Health Fit When We                             )URP+RPH"
                                                                                                                7DON$ERXWµ:HOOEHLQJ¶"                    'HVSLWHPDQ\RIWKHEHQH¿WVFLWHGDURXQG
                                                                                                                                                           working from home16, the negative impact
                                                                                                         the Josh Bersin HR Academy14, the topic of        on employees as a result of organisations
                                                                                                         mental wellbeing ranks highest in importance      having to adopt radical work from home
                                                                                                         for both HR professionals and their               models has been well documented17. The
                                                                                                         employees, yet a third of HR professionals        potential blurring of boundaries between
                                                                                                         still feel uncomfortable talking about            work and life in those working from home is
                                                                                                         mental health challenges at work. Many HR         a key concern for employees and this concern
          RXWRISHRSOH                                                                             professionals also say their companies are        DSSHDUVWREHJURZLQJWKHORQJHU&29,'
                                                                                                         ready for mental health initiatives but have      restrictions exist. The longer-term impact of
          reported having a long-term physical or mental health condition                                                                                  this on physical, mental and social wellbeing
                                                                                                         not started to implement one. When asked
                                                                                                         ZK\VHQLRU+5¿JXUHVFLWHG                     cannot be overlooked. A 2021 working from
                                                                                                                                                           home study18 has cited that employees' work/
                                                                                                                                                           life balance has become progressively worse
                                                                                                                                                           as a consequence of working from home.
                                                                                                            1   DODFNRI+5LQIUDVWUXFWXUHWR            As a result, employees are looking to their
              62%                              60%                             51%                              implement such initiatives;                employers to help ’clear the clutter’ out of
                                                                                                                                                           work and give them time to focus on their
                                                                                                            2   DODFNRIOHDGHUVKLSVXSSRUW              jobs and their personal day to day wellbeing.

          of those said                    of respondents                   of adults said that             3   VWLJPD RUVHHPLQJGLVLQWHUHVW 
          that it affected                 indicated that they              their life had got                  DURXQGPHQWDOZHOOEHLQJDQG               Q Where does this leave
          their day-to-day                 were anxious, with               worse since the                                                                     XV"
          activities                       a ‘low’ or ‘very low’            &29,'RXWEUHDN               4   too many other programs to
                                           rating                                                               accommodate.                               Wellbeing services encompass everything
                                                                                                                                                           from diet, exercise, sleep, mental focus,
                                                                                                                                                           stress management, psychological support,
                                                                                                                                                           family coaching, leadership development,
     Despite huge advancements in new                     that they are working considerably more        Moreover, the costs associated with not           ¿QDQFLDOOLWHUDF\DQGPXFKPRUH,WLV
     technology, automation tools and resources           hours but that they are sleeping less too      addressing employees’ mental health               imperative for the future that wellbeing
     intended to make our working lives easier, we        13
                                                            ,WLVWKHUHIRUHQRVXUSULVHWKDWDVWKH    issues - from lower motivation and work           programme decisions are based on fact
     VWLOORIWHQ¿QGZRUNSODFHVWKDWDUHVWUHVVHG9       pandemic has continued, we have seen           productivity, to increased referrals to mental    rather than opinion. Although the do's
     and have overwhelmed employees 10. People            increasing effects on emotional wellbeing in   health services - has a considerable global       and dont's associated with the design and
     are working more hours, with employees in            the workforce.                                 impact with a prediction to exceed £6 trillion    implementation of a coherent wellbeing
     the UK working some of the longest hours                                                            by 203015. Mental health occurs along a           strategy could be debated, what is widely
     per week in Europe 11 and putting in more            Employee surveys are demonstrating that the    continuum, with thriving and positive mental      accepted is that wellbeing is critical for
     than £32 billion worth of unpaid overtime12.         biggest concerns to employees as we move       health on one end and serious mental              productivity.
     This demonstrates that the pressure on               onwards are maintaining positive mental        LOOQHVVHVDWWKHRWKHU,QEHWZHHQWKHUHDUHD
     employees is mounting.                               health and a healthy work-life balance,        range of conditions that vary in intensity and
                                                          both of which, when not managed, lead to       impact that employers need to understand
     7KH&29,'FULVLVKDVKHLJKWHQHGWKHVH            employee disengagement and ultimately          and support.
     problems, with employees not only citing             employee burn-out.

30                                                                                                                                                                                                         31
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021


     We appreciate that the term ‘Wellbeing’            $FFHSWLQJWKDWZHOOEHLQJLVDEURDGGH¿QLWLRQ
     means different things to different people.        to assess happiness, health, stability, purpose
     Therefore, it’s imperative that we clearly         and meaning in one’s life, we depict its broad
     outline our philosophy on what it means to us      nature in our wellbeing wheel with each                                                         
     WREHZHOOKRZZHGH¿QHGZHOOEHLQJLQWKH        part of the wheel representing one aspect
     VWXG\DQGKRZRXUGH¿QLWLRQRIZHOOEHLQJLV      of wellbeing. We believe that for people to                                              
     linked to increased productivity. The following    live and work well, that the health of each                                                                 

     pages provide a summary of the background          aspect of the wheel has importance, as each                                     

     as to why we have chosen to focus on nine          SDUWLQÀXHQFHVDQGLPSDFWVZHOOEHLQJERWKDW


     aspects of wellbeing.                              home and at work, and overall productivity,                                                      


                                                        innovation and contribution. We do however


                                                        acknowledge that wellbeing is highly personal

     Q :KDW'RHV 6HOI  7HDP 

                                                        and individualistic, thus the contribution of
          And 'Organisation' Mean                       each part of the wheel in helping someone
          ,Q7KLV&RQWH[W"                              to thrive may differ from person to

                                                        person, team to team and organisation to

     corporate wellbeing, it became apparent
     that future analysis should encompass not                                                                                                       


     just the organisation as a whole but also the                                                                                                                           
     ZHOOEHLQJRIWHDPVDQGLQGLYLGXDOV,QRUGHU         “It’s absolutely imperative

     for an organisation to be healthy, then its           that we consider what
     teams need to be healthy. For teams to be
                                                           wellbeing sounds and                                                                                                                    

     healthy, the employees need to be healthy.
                                                           looks like for businesses                                                
     We also see this holistically in that all levels
     have to function to enable us to work and live        and organisations, so                                                                                          
     well. Using the metaphor of cogs in a wheel,          it’s not seen as a throw                                                                        
     if one cog breaks then the machine grinds to          away word... If we don’t
     a halt. For example, if an organisation has
                                                           do something, we will
     a poor culture, then its teams and people
     ZLOOVXIIHU,IFRPPXQLFDWLRQZLWKLQDWHDP          have real issues with                                                                     
     consists of making demands and punishing              presenteeism and the
     mistakes, the individual employee will suffer.        cost to businesses and
                                                           humankind will be vast.”
     responsibility for their own wellbeing practice,
     then we cannot expect to develop teams
     and organisations. The global literature on                  Lee Bennett
     wellbeing supports the notion of the holistic                Mental Health Professional
     essence of workplace wellbeing19.

The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

                                                                                     6HOIFDUHDWLWVPRVWVLPSOLVWLFGH¿QLWLRQ         Resilience and stress are extrinsically linked,
                                       “A lot of people have                         includes behaviours, activities and skills         with increased resilience correlating with
                                                                                     used to take care of oneself. Within every         lower stress levels22. When one does not
                                       forgotten about self-
                                                                                     individual, there are many different               have a sense of resilience this in turn makes
                                       compassion – how to be                        dimensions. Our lifestyle measure in our           one susceptible to stress, and long-term
                                       good to themselves and                        survey represents these dimensions in              stress can lead to unhealthy behaviours. As
                                       ¿QGLQJDVSDFHWRGRVR                     considering social, inner/spiritual, physical      research is demonstrating that people are
                                                                                     and mental health.                                 VXIIHULQJIURPJUHDWHUVWUHVVVLQFH&29,'
                                       Wellbeing is about affording
                                                                                                                                        it was an important construct to measure.
                                       yourself that space and not                                                                      While stress is not a dimension of optimal
                                       feeling guilty about it.”                                                                        wellbeing, it is included as it is one of the
                                                                                         “It’s about being aware                        key symptoms of poor physical and mental
                                              Dr Philippa Venn                           of the different factors                       wellbeing.
                                              Cleveland Clinic                           that keep me well and
                                                                                         also about how I keep                          3   Happiness
                                   1   /LIHVW\OH
                                                                                         these factors topped up.
                                   The foundation of wellbein ng starts with
                                                                                         Personal insight, values and                   Happiness is critical to wellbeing and often
                                                                                         awareness are key aspects                      under-represented in both workplace
                                   personal self-care. Our inddividual health is
                                                                                                                                        wellbeing measures and strategies.
                                   the bedrock from which everything else in             too. It’s not one single                       Happiness helps to create balance in terms
                                   life is built upon. How we treat and care for         thing - essentially for me                     of the dimensions of wellbeing. People who
                                   ourselves directly correlattes to our ability
                                                                                         wellbeing is ensuring that                     are happier are more able to work and live
                                   to cope with the stress annd demands of
                                                                                         I feel authentic and true to                   well with greater outcomes in terms of
                                   everyday work and life. That may seem
                                                                                                                                        satisfaction with life23,WLVIRUWKLVUHDVRQ
                                   simple, but for many peop  ple, a commitment          my values.”
                                                                                                                                        that happiness features in our wellbeing
                                   to self-care (actions/behaaviours which
                                                                                                                                        model and satisfaction with life measured as
                                   improve wellbeing) is ofteen overlooked or                   Hugo Forrester                          an outcome. The global literature also points
                                   neglected. We all have a rresponsibility and                 Mind Jersey                             to the environment and lifestyle being crucial
                                   duty of care to ourselves; we cannot look
                                   after others if we do not look after ourselves.
                                                                                                                                        happiness at work, there is a large body of
                                   Against the backdrop of inncreasingly blurred     2   Resilience and Stress
     6HOI                          boundaries between work   k and non-work, a
                                   recent study showed that employees who
                                                                                     Good health is more than the absence of
                                                                                                                                        literature, which points to task autonomy24,
                                                                                                                                        YDULHW\DQGVLJQL¿FDQFH25 and feeling valued26
                                                                                                                                        as major contributors of overall happiness.
                                   Enactment reported less rrecovery activities
                                                                                     of wellbeing, we believe that a focus on           happiness as a part of overall wellbeing.
     OLWHUDWXUHRQ6HOIWKUHH    and, in turn, were more e exhausted and
                                                                                     building resilience which addresses how one
     LQGLYLGXDODVSHFWVRI        experienced less work-lifee balance20. Self-
                                                                                     thinks (cognitive), how one feels (affective)
                                   care and boundary manag   gement are essential
     ZHOOEHLQJSHUWDLQLQJ                                                           and how one behaves (self–regulatory) is
                                   aspects of an effective daily wellbeing
     WRWKHLQGLYLGXDOZHUH       practice.
                                                                                     critically important to enable us to assess
     chosen based on their                                                           RXUFDSDFLW\IRUÀRXULVKLQJZKHQIDFHGZLWK
                                                                                     uncertainty and change. The research is clear
     VWUHQJWKRIDVVRFLDWLRQ                                                        in that resilience is one of the core constructs
     in predicting optimal                                                           of positive organisational behaviour21.
     Resilience and Stress,
     and Happiness.
34                                                                                                                                                                                          35
The Channel Islands' Wellbeing Report 2021

                                                                                                                                      Volume Of Communication, (ii) Expectations
                                                                                    2   Relationships                                 Of Constant Connectivity, (iii) Quality Of
                                      "Collaboration has become
                                                                                                                                      Communication, (iv) Adaptation To New
                                      more complex, with many                       Professional relationships within our
                                                                                                                                      Communication Tools, and (v) Technical
                                      RI¿FHZRUNHUVIHHOLQJOHVV                   organisation are like our lungs; they breathe
                                                                                                                                      Problems were considered detrimental to
                                                                                    life into all our actions, providing the means
                                      connected through working                                                                       wellbeing30.
                                                                                    by which connections and networks are
                                      from home29."                                 created and fostered.                             These three aspects therefore play a crucial
                                                                                                                                      and ubiquitous role in the wellbeing of
                                                                                    Collaboration has become more complex,
                                                                                                                                      our teams and departments, and greatly
                                  We can grasp the concept of wellbeing for         connected through working from home29.
                                                                                                                                      wellbeing too. Gaining insights into the health
                                  the organisation (the corporate body) and         Has the changing pattern of work led to
                                                                                                                                      of Trust, Relationships and Communication is
                                  for ourselves (our personal body) though for      increasing numbers of people feeling that
                                                                                                                                      a win-win.
                                  WHDPVLWLVQRWVRFOHDU,WLVLPSRUWDQWWR    they are ‘on-demand’ rather than fostering
                                  consider the health of our teams, they are        SRVLWLYHSURIHVVLRQDOUHODWLRQVKLSV"%HQH¿WV     Such insights can...
                                  the beating heart of our o organisations, and     in improving the performance of teams can
                                  each beat of that heart ne eeds to be strong,     be gained through close consideration of
                                  coherent and healthy to s  sustain the life of    the strength of professional relationships,
                                  each business.                                    IRXQGHGRQWUXVWDQGWKHÀRZRILQIRUPDWLRQ       •   help businesses determine
                                                                                    facilitated by communication.                          ZKHUHWKH\KDYHDGXW\DQG
                                  As part of our survey, we c chose three aspects                                                          responsibility to assist in
                                  of the dynamics of teams in evaluating            3   Communication                                      ZHOOEHLQJSROLFLHVDQGLQLWLDWLYHV
                                  wellbeing and, while this rrationale is backed                                                           and;
                                  with research, it may help
                                                           p to also consider the   Clear communication is pivotal for the
                                  connection of these factors and how they link     wellbeing of teams and in that sense is so         •   SRWHQWLDOO\SURYLGHHDFKRIXV
                                  to the heart of our organissations - our teams.   closely linked to the heart that we can see            ZLWKDJUHDWHUVHQVHRIKRZRXU
                                                                                    communication as being the circulation                 SHUVRQDODFWLRQVFDQLQIRUPDQG
                                  1   Trust                                         RIWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQ,QLQGLYLGXDOVSRRU             LPSURYHWKHZHOOEHLQJRIRXU
                                                                                    circulation correlates with many lifestyle-            colleagues.
                                  ,IWKHWHDPLVWKHKHDUWRIIWKHFRPSDQ\        related illnesses and the comparison holds
                                  then trust is the nervous system of the body      true when considering organisations. Poor

     Team                         corporate, feeling, sensing
                                                            g and responding
                                  to every subtle aspect of our environment
                                                                                    communication is a symptom of a potential
                                                                                    host of problems for companies to address.
                                  countless times each day and often without
     7KHLPSRUWDQFHRIWKH       our conscious control.                            The increasing global shift towards digital as
     ZHOOEHLQJRIWHDPVFDQQRW                                                     WKHPHDQVRIFRPPXQLFDWLRQGRHVLQÀXHQFH
                                  Trust engenders collabora  ation - from problem   DQGDIIHFWZHOOEHLQJ,QDUHFHQWVWXG\RQWKH
     be underestimated but
                                  solving to innovation - thrrough permitting       implications for wellbeing at work, only one
     LVRIWHQRYHUORRNHG7KH    the expression of differingg thoughts, ideas      of six characteristics of digital communication
     three most important         and perspectives from all team members27.         VWXGLHGµ)OH[LELOLW\,Q&RPPXQLFDWLRQ¶ZDV
     DVSHFWVIRUUHYLHZDUH     Research has shown that levels of trust           felt to support wellbeing. All the others, (i)
     Trust, Relationships and     between team members is associated
                                  with ‘attitudinal commitment’; a sense of
     Communication.               identity, involvement and belonging. Trust
                                  is also positively related w
                                                             with perceived task
                                  performance and with tea   am satisfaction28.

36                                                                                                                                                                                       37
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