Incident Operations Arrangements - For The Flinders Ranges Council

Incident Operations Arrangements - For The Flinders Ranges Council
Incident Operations
  The Flinders Ranges Council
Incident Operations Arrangements - For The Flinders Ranges Council
These Incident Operations Arrangements has been reviewed and endorsed for use

Eric Brown
Chief Executive Officer
Date: 9 August 2021

Version Control

This document is the responsibility of the Director Works

 Version        Date            Summary of changes                               Author
 V0.1           Nov 2020        Initiation doc                                   DG

 V1.0           20/04/21        Updated format and contact details               DG

 Document location                                   Confidentiality classification

 This document is stored in:                         This document is classified as: Available for
 G:\21 - WHS\17 - Emergency Management\              Public Distribution


The Flinders Ranges Council Incident Operations Arrangements (this document) will be formally reviewed
every two years in line with review requirements of other plans as identified in the State Emergency
Management Plan (SEMP) Section 4. Informal reviews may be undertaken in the interim as required,
including to incorporate changes to legislation, staffing or as a result of findings following incidents.

This document was prepared with assistance from the LGA Emergency Management Support Unit to
support the delivery of the Council Ready Program. Council Ready received funding support under the
Natural Disaster Resilience Program by the South Australian State Government and the Commonwealth
Department of Home Affairs, and from the LGA Mutual Liability Scheme.
Incident Operations Arrangements - For The Flinders Ranges Council
Table of Contents

        Endorsement ................................................................................................................................. 2
        Version Control.............................................................................................................................. 2
        Review .......................................................................................................................................... 2
        Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................... 2
        Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... 3
Overview of Incident Operations Arrangements ................................................................................ 6
Purpose .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Links to emergency management policy and plan .................................................................................. 6
1.        Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.      Supporting State arrangements ................................................................................................... 7
                       Local incidents ............................................................................................................... 7
                       South Australian and Zone arrangements ...................................................................... 7
                       Local Government Functional Support Group ................................................................ 7
                       Zone Emergency Support Team .................................................................................... 8
1.2.      Local administrative areas ........................................................................................................... 8
1.3.      Incident operations....................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.      Incident management principles ................................................................................................... 9
2.        Operations manual .................................................................................................................. 10
2.1.      Council structural arrangements ................................................................................................ 10
                       Incident operations functional modes ........................................................................... 10
                       Council levels of incident operations ............................................................................ 12
                       Elevating operations from Level 1 to Level 2/3 ............................................................. 13
                       Council Incident Management Team............................................................................ 13
                       Council Emergency Operations Centre (CEOC) .......................................................... 13
                       Structure of CMIT ........................................................................................................ 15
                       Council Commander delegations and authorities ......................................................... 15
                       Functional roles in an CIMT ......................................................................................... 17
2.2.      Operating in an incident ............................................................................................................. 20
                       Incident Activation ........................................................................................................ 20
                       Receiving, assigning and closing off jobs ..................................................................... 20
Incident Operations Arrangements - For The Flinders Ranges Council
Incident Operations Plans on a Page ........................................................................... 21
                    Triggers to prepare for operations ................................................................................ 21
                    Transitioning to recovery ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
                    Hot Debriefs ................................................................................................................. 21
                    Lessons Management Process .................................................................................... 22
2.3.   Communications in an incident .................................................................................................. 22
                    Pre-incident briefing / communication .......................................................................... 22
                    Communicating with incident control agency................................................................ 22
                    Communicating with other ZEST & other state agencies ............................................. 22
                    Communicating with LGFSG ........................................................................................ 22
                    Receiving information from community ........................................................................ 23
                    Communicating information to the CIMT ...................................................................... 23
                    Communicating information within the CIMT ................................................................ 23
                    Field staff communications........................................................................................... 23
                    Communications with other council staff in an emergency ........................................... 23
                    Communicating with executive of Council in an emergency ......................................... 24
                    Communicating with Elected Members in an emergency ............................................. 24
                    Communicating with community in an emergency ....................................................... 24
2.4.   Resources.................................................................................................................................. 27
                    Council staff ................................................................................................................. 27
                    Council Plant and Equipment ....................................................................................... 27
                    Council owned facilities in incident management ......................................................... 29
                    Suppliers...................................................................................................................... 32
                    Volunteers and Community Organisations ................................................................... 32
                    Shared services ........................................................................................................... 32
2.5.   Systems council uses in incident operations .............................................................................. 34
2.6.   Finances in Incident Operations ................................................................................................. 34
3.     Contacts ................................................................................................................................... 35
3.1.   Critical Internal Contacts ............................................................................................................ 35
3.2.   CIMT Contacts ........................................................................................................................... 35
3.3.   Critical Local Agency Contacts................................................................................................... 36
3.4.   Critical Contractor Contacts ....................................................................................................... 37
4.     Council Information and maps ................................................................................................ 38
Incident Operations Arrangements - For The Flinders Ranges Council
5.       Templates and Plans ............................................................................................................... 39
                      i-Responda action plans .............................................................................................. 39
5.2.     CIMT Functional Role Descriptions ............................................................................................ 41
5.3.     Bushfire Plan on a Page ............................................................................................................ 46
5.4.     Storm & Flood Plan on a Page ................................................................................................... 48
5.5.     Heatwave Plan on a Page .......................................................................................................... 50
Extreme Weather Heat Checklist ....................................................................................................... 51
5.6.     Black System Event Plan on a Page .......................................................................................... 52
Black Event Checklist ........................................................................................................................ 53
5.7.     Other templates ......................................................................................................................... 54
Incident Operations Arrangements - For The Flinders Ranges Council
Overview of Incident Operations Arrangements
These incident operations arrangements describe how The Flinders Ranges Council will organise and
take practical actions immediately before, during and immediately after an emergency incident.
The purpose of these arrangements is to:
• Define the scope of incident operations for The Flinders Ranges Council
• Provide delegation and authority for the Council Commander
• Describe the arrangements that are in place for:
   Activation triggers
   Command and Council Incident Management Team (CIMT) structure
   CIMT functions and tasks
   Resources, including people, places, technology, plant and equipment
   Communication with internal and external audiences
   Support for control agencies and emergency services in accordance with the i-Responda
    operating platform
   Relationships with the emergency services, community, other councils and relevant suppliers of
    goods and services
• Describe how the operational arrangements may vary depending on the hazard type and size of

Links to emergency management policy and plan
These arrangements support the implementation of The Flinders Ranges Council’s
• Emergency Management Policy
• Emergency Management Plan
Incident Operations Arrangements - For The Flinders Ranges Council
1.      Scope
1.1. Supporting State arrangements
During an incident, The Flinders Ranges Council supports the South Australian emergency management
arrangements by:
• Assessing and managing Council’s own assets and services to the community
• Supporting emergency services and control agencies in the incident
• Making Council assets available including facilities for refuge and relief
• Providing local knowledge to support the incident
• Providing assistance to other councils impacted by an emergency as a participating organisation in
  the Local Government Functional Support Group
• Supporting the community.

             Local incidents
In most incidents Council will directly support the Incident Controller and their Incident Management Team
with resources and local knowledge. This arrangement will be from Incident Controller to Council
Commander or through a Council Liaison Officer in the Incident Management Team.

             South Australian and Zone arrangements
In significant incidents, local government supports the state emergency management arrangements and
control agency through the Local Government Functional Support Group (LGFSG) and Zone Emergency
Support Team (ZEST).

             Local Government Functional Support Group
During significant incidents, local government plays a support role to the control agency, functional
support groups and support agencies who have prescribed roles in the SEMP.
For incidents involving more than one council or where the incident is beyond the capacity of a single
council, the LGFSG coordinates the response from local government. This includes:
• Ensuring effective coordination and communication between impacted councils
• Ensuring effective coordination and communication between emergency services and impacted
• Facilitating resource sharing across the local government sector
• Representing the local government sector at the State Emergency Centre, Agency State Control
  Centres, ZEST and any relevant agency Incident Management Teams.
The LGFSG is led by the Local Government Association of South Australia (LGA SA) to coordinate local
government resources as required.
The Council Commander will liaise with the LGFSG State Duty Officer or the LGLO (if appointed) on any
matters of resource coordination. The number for the State Duty Officer is 8120 1720.
Zone Emergency Support Team
When the ZEST is activated by SA Police, the LGFSG will be requested to provide a Local Government
Liaison Officer (LGLO). This role ensures local government is represented at the ZEST and enables
communication between local government and the Control Agency. The LGLO may be a staff member
from The Flinders Ranges Council, another council or LGA SA depending on the nature of the incident
and resource availability.
Once appointed, the LGLO will ensure they contact The Flinders Ranges Council, Council
Commander/s and make them aware a ZEST is now active and provide appropriate contact details for
use during the incident.

1.2. Local administrative areas
The Flinders Ranges Council is located within several overlapping administrative areas for the
purposes of emergency management, as detailed in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Administrative areas for the purposes of emergency management

 Agency or Organisation           Locally relevant areas

 Police District or Local         Far North Local service area
 Service Area

 Emergency Management             Far North Emergency Management Zone

 CFS                              Region 4, Flinders - Fire Ban District 10

 SES                              Region North, District /Flinders- Gulf

 SA Ambulance                     Far North and West Coast Region, Quorn Station

 Health service                   Quorn Health Service

 PIRSA                            PIRSA Port Augusta

 Weather District                 Weather district 10 - Flinders

1.3. Incident operations
Council has adopted The Flinders Ranges Council Emergency Management Policy that describes the
purpose, scope and authority for Council to participate in emergency management.
The Emergency Management Policy has identified that Council will maintain “incident operations
arrangements” (this document). Incident operations will be delivered by council in accordance with:
• i-Responda Field Guide
• Local Government Functional Support Group Plan
• Protection Guide for Incident Operations.
These documents are to be followed by Council Commanders and workers when participating in
incident operations.

1.4. Incident management principles
Council is aware of the principles used in the Australasian Interservice Incident Management System
(AIIMS) and will apply these key principles in their incident management:

 Flexibility       A flexible approach will be adopted by council to incident operations, given the
                   universal principles of an ‘all hazards-all organisations’ approach to emergency
                   management. The system is adaptable and can be applied across the full spectrum
                   of incidents, where the nature of the hazard, the scale of the incident, the
                   complexities presented, number of organisations involved, and the duration can all
 Management        Incident management is a process of management where the Council Commander,
 by objective      in consultation with the CIMT, determines the desired outcomes of the incident from
                   the council’s perspective. These outcomes, or incident objectives, will then be
                   communicated to everyone involved, so they know and understand the direction
                   being taken during the operation.
 Unity of          Unity of command is a principle of management meaning that everyone should
 command           report to only one supervisor. In the context of incident management this means that
                   there is only one Council Commander for any incident, directing and coordinating the
                   actions of all council resources, with one set of objectives and one plan.
 Span of control   Span of control relates to the number of groups or individuals that can be
                   successfully supervised by one person. A maximum of seven reporting groups or
                   individuals is considered desirable, as this maintains a supervisor's ability to
                   effectively task, monitor and evaluate performance.

 Functional        The span of control is managed through functional management. Each Functional
 management        Section may be made up of a single person or a team of people scaled to the size
                   and complexity of the incident
2.       Operations manual
The operations manual addresses:
•   Council structural arrangements
•   Operations during an incident
•   Communications during an incident
•   Resource availability and accountability
•   Council systems
•   Finances in incident operations

2.1. Council structural arrangements
              Incident operations functional modes
The Flinders Ranges Council uses four Functional Modes of operation as depicted.
The Council Commander will determine which functional mode as appropriate at all stages during the
For more details of council tasks within each functional mode refer Table 1, with specific roles of CMIT
staff discussed in Section 5.2 (noting that these may change with incident level).
Table 1 - Council tasks within each functional mode

   Standby        Standby Mode is the normal ‘day-to-day’ or ‘business-as-usual’ mode for the Council. This mode is for
                  when there are no active emergencies requiring the involvement of Council.
                  Activities considered appropriate in this mode are:
                  • preparing and reviewing plans
                  • training and educating personnel
                  • exercising and testing processes and procedures
                  • maintaining situational awareness.

     Alert        Council may move to Alert Mode on receipt of any warnings, or information relating to any emergency
                  that is about to impact Council. A transition to Alert Mode may also be initiated when any of the alert
                  triggers in Table 4 are reached.
                  During the Alert Mode, information will be relayed to all relevant key personnel and organisations that
                  may become involved in the incident. It is possible to move back to Standby Mode if it becomes
                  evident that there is no need for the CIMT to move into Operations Mode.
                  Activities considered appropriate in this mode are:
                  • alerting key personnel and confirming their availability to be rostered
                  • preliminary establishment of CEOC
                  • inform CEO of council and/or CIMT status
                  • determining communication arrangements
                  • establishing the flow of information between the council and/or CIMT and control agencies and
                      LGFSG if appropriate.

 Operations       The council may move to Operations Mode when an emergency is impacting the Council area, or the
                  support of Council is requested by the control agency or via the LGFSG.
                  Activities considered appropriate in this mode are:
                  • inform CEO of Council and/or CIMT status
                  • establish CEOC
                  • establish appropriate CIMT and assign tasks
                  • mobilise personnel/equipment as requested and in accordance with i-Responda operating platform
                  • mobilise council liaison officer to control agency IMT or similar if appropriate
                  • support community relief and recovery needs as required
                  • transition to recovery arrangements
                  • Hot debrief and standing down Council workers from operations mode.
Restore         The Council and/or CIMT may move to Restore Mode when Council Operations has ceased.
                    Activities considered appropriate in this mode are:
                    • Coordinate return of deployed Council resources
                    • Complete final reports, capturing of costs, damages and supporting documentation and incident
                    • Review emergency events and effectiveness of council's response in relation to this plan
                    • Standing down Council workers on completion of final tasks
                    • Close CEOC
                    • Lessons management process.

                                                                       Council levels of incident
The Flinders Ranges Council uses three levels for the purpose of classifying incidents as identified in
Table 2. Incidents are classified in these levels to help determine the most appropriate incident
management approach by Council.
The most frequently occurring incidents for Council are anticipated to be level 1 incidents which will be
managed through standard Council resources. Level 2 and level 3 incidents occur far less frequently
and will require management outside of standard Council resources.
Note: The levels listed above are about the impact or the potential impact on the Council or councils
concerned; they are not necessarily intended to align with the Incident levels used or assigned by the
control agency to the same incident.

Table 2 - Council incident levels

 Incident Level    Description                                                Example

 Council Level     Council is able to resolve incident within existing        e.g. tree crew diverted from
                   resources using standard council resources.                normal work to respond to

       1           Task requires focused action, coordination and
                                                                              minor storm damage.

 Council Level     The incident is more complex in size, resource             e.g. major storm that causes
                   or risk and Council is required to assign                  major damage council assets

       2           additional resources above standard council
                                                                              and private property, triggering
                                                                              above normal council response.

 Council Level     The incident is unable to be managed using                 e.g. major bushfire across
                   existing Council resources and external support            whole of district or multiple

       3           is required.                                               districts requiring staff support
                                                                              from other councils accessed
                                                                              via LGFSG.
Elevating operations from Level 1 to Level 2/3
During an incident, the size or complexity of the incident may scale up, within The Flinders Ranges
Council this will occur when the following occurs:
• Is beyond the capacity of the commander or team
• At the discretion of the CEO

             Council Incident Management Team
A CIMT may be established by the Council Commander to assist in the management of the incident at
any point and for any level of incident based on the needs of the incident. When a Council level 2 or 3
incident has been identified and a response initiated, functions will need to be delivered in a
coordinated manner. These will be assigned to an CIMT.
The Flinders Ranges Council recognises that during an emergency incident both the Emergency
Operations CIMT as well as the BCP CIMT may be activated.
The Emergency operations CIMT and the BCP CIMT will work together in the following ways:



                                                 BCP                      Recovery

Recovery may begin at any time during or after the incident and is discussed further in Section Error! R
eference source not found.

Activating the CIMT
The Flinders Ranges Council activates their CIMT at the direction of the CEO

             Council Emergency Operations Centre (CEOC)
A Council Commander or CIMT can activate The Flinders Ranges Council CEOC as required to
support incident management activities. The CIMT will be located in the CEOC.
The primary CEOC is The Flinders Ranges Council Depot, Railway Tce (Level 1 and 2 incidents)
Alternate CEOC: The Flinders Ranges Council Chambers, 1 Seventh Street, Quorn (Level 3 incidents)
Operational Functions
The main operational functions of the CEOC may include, but are not limited to:
•   Coordinate and deploy resources to assist response and recovery
•   Coordinate the provision of additional resources required to support operations
•   Collect, process, interpret and distribute information and intelligence
•   Provide communications facilities
•   Liaise with Control Agencies and other external agencies
•   Carry out any other directions issued by the CIMT.

CEOC resources
The CEOC has the following resources which enable it to host a CIMT (refer checklist below):
•   Whiteboards
•   Computers
•   Office space
•   Telephones
•   UHF radio
•   Smart phone for EPIRB connections and chargers
•   UHF radio and chargers
•   Hard copy current version of this plan

Staff requirements for attendance at CEOC
Personnel attending the CEOC are required to bring a laptop or tablet, charger, phone and information
relevant to the incident.

Record keeping
Council recognises the importance of maintaining appropriate records during an emergency event.
Good record keeping practices are critical for:
•   Substantiating decisions and actions
•   Cost recovery and reimbursement
•   Insurance purposes
•   Subsequent investigations
•   Litigation and Court matters
•   Coronial inquiries
•   Risk management
•   Reviewing the performance of this plan.
All decisions made and actions taken during an emergency will be recorded in an incident log to ensure
consistency and accuracy of the information. The incident log will remain active until the conclusion of
the incident as determined by the Council Commander.
Records related to emergency events will be managed in accordance with Council’s records
management including the General Disposal Schedule 40.
Structure of CMIT
Typically, council builds its Level 1 CIMT command structure with a Council Commander and a single
Operational Team. Depending on the duration of the incident a second operational team may be

The Flinders Ranges Council will usually build its Level 2 & 3 CIMT command structure in the following
form, with:

Level 2 / 3 Structure



                   Operations                 Logistics                  Planning

             Council Commander delegations and authorities
The Flinders Ranges Council has appointed the below employees as Council Commander/s.

 Level 1                           Level 2                           Level 3

 Team leader, Construction         Director of Works, Mitchell       CEO, Eric Brown
 Danny Martin                      Foote

 Team leader, Parks and            Team leader, Construction         Director of Works, Mitchell
 Facilities Nigel Crisp            Danny Martin                      Foote

In the absence of one of the above delegated Council Commanders, the CEO may authorise any
employee to undertake the duties of a Council Commander for the incident.
The Commander/s are authorised to act in line with Council’s policies, plans and procedures and take
actions including the allocation of Council workers and resources necessary to manage the incident for
Council. The core roles of the Council Commander relate to awareness, command, and communication
are provided in
Figure 1, with a role description for each functional mode provided in Section 5.2.
Figure 1 - Core roles of a Council Commander

         Functional roles in a CIMT
As discussed in Section 2.1.1, incident operational structures for all incidents are scalable based on
resourcing and size of incident. It is quite appropriate for one person to undertake multiple functions. As
incidents increase in size and complexity so should resources committed to it through the CIMT structure.
Functional role guides for core level 2 or 3 CIMT functions are provided in Section 5.2.
Note: It is not necessary for a Council Commander to appoint an individual to each role listed above. The
size and makeup of the CIMT should reflect the requirements of the incident and the capacity of council.
For example, the CIMT may not need people specifically dedicated to Intelligence. These functions may
be fulfilled by a person leading another function. Council will determine the most appropriate function on
an as needs basis.
During an incident, The Flinders Ranges Council’s Council Commander, CEO or other delegate of the
CEO may choose to change the level of incidence response based on triggers outlined in Section 2.2.4.
This may also trigger the Council staff undertaking CIMT functional roles to change. Key CIMT functional
roles are described in
Table 3.
Table 3 - Escalation of core functional roles based on Council Incident level

 Role                        Council position able to fulfil role on escalation of incident level

                             Level 1                      Level 2                       Level 3

 Council Commander           Team Leader Construction     Director of Works             CEO (BCP)
                             Team Leader Parks and                                      Director of Works

 Operations Officer          As above                     Team leaders                  Director of Works
                                                          EHO                           Team leaders

 Communication Officer       Administration Officer       Administration Officer        Administration Officer

 Planning Officer            Technical Officer            Technical Officer             Director Finance and

 Logistics officer           Team Leader                  Team Leader                   Team Leader
2.2. Operating in an incident
2.2.1 Incident Activation
The response phase of these arrangements may be activated when:
a) Council has received advice from a Control Agency or the LGFSG that an emergency has or is about
   to occur
b) Council becomes aware of an incident within their jurisdiction that has the potential to become an
c) Council has been notified that an emergency in an adjoining area is likely to impact on The Flinders
   Ranges Council
d) Council is required as part of the ZEST.

2.2.2 Receiving, assigning and closing off jobs
The Flinders Ranges Council has the following process for receiving, assigning and closing off internal
jobs within incident operations. External jobs are processed through i-Responda (see below)
Customer work request system -
When operating within an incident Council operates using the i-Responda principles and platform.
Details of these are contained in the following documents:
• i-Responda Field Guide1.
When operating in an incident the Council Commander will follow the i-Responda Commander Action
Plan. The flow chart of this process is in Section 5.1.
When responding staff will follow the i-Responda Worker Action Plan. The flow chart of this process
is in Section 6.
Skytrust SMS has a collated list of I-Responda trained staff at The Flinders Ranges Council

2.2.3 Incident Operations Plans on a Page
For details of how Council prepares for and their roles in emergency operations refer to the Incident
Operations Plans on a Page in Section Error! Reference source not found.. These have been p
repared for specific emergency hazards that Council may face.

2.2.4 Triggers to prepare for operations
Council will move to prepare for incident operations when certain triggers are provided by the relevant
warning authorities (Table 4). This will move from the Functional Mode of Standby to Alert or from Alert
to Operations. The details of these triggers are provided on Plans on a Page for each hazard (Part
Error! Reference source not found.).

Table 4 – Triggers to initiate incident response

    Event                                                            Agency warning / Trigger

    Storm/flash flood                                                BOM severe wind and storm weather warning

    Bushfire                                                         CFS issues TFB, severe, extreme or catastrophic fire warnings

    Heatwave                                                         SES Severe or Extreme Heat Wave or emergency warning

    Power black out                                                  Brown out warning

2.2.5 Hot Debriefs
As soon as practicable after an emergency operation, Council Commander will coordinate the
operational debrief/s with representatives from each involved Council department and any other
external agency involved as the CIMT considers appropriate.
The Flinders Ranges Council undertakes its hot debriefs as below:
• At end of shift or immediately prior to next shift
A template for hot debriefs are provided in Section 5.7.

    Available on i-VISS via
2.2.6 Lessons Management Process
After minor events The Flinders Ranges Council will undertake a lessons management process in the
following way:
•      Experience of event
•      Any matters of concern
•      What went well
•      What could be done differently
After significant events, The Flinders Ranges Council will participate in a formal debrief or multiagency
debrief. This should occur within a reasonable timeframe of the emergency event, optimally no more
than a month later.
The lessons management process may follow a more structured process which will involve the
production of a written report. Recommendations arising from this process may result in a review of this
plan and other documentation.

2.3. Communications in an incident
2.3.1 Pre-incident briefing / communication
When a warning of a predicted event is given by a warning agency or an incident occurs The Flinders
Ranges Council will move from standby to alert phase at this time the Director works Will communicate
with CIMT personnel and staff in the following ways:
•      Advise all staff by email
•      Contact CIMT members by phone, radio

2.3.2 Communicating with incident control agency
All strategic communication with the control agency of an incident will occur between the Council
Commander and the Incident controller of the incident. This may be through a Council liaison or Local
Government Liaison Officer in an established Control agency IMT or it may be in the field for smaller
level 1 incidents. All field communication between council staff and control agency staff will occur as
required at the incident scene.

2.3.3 Communicating with other ZEST & other state agencies
When a ZEST is activated, communication between Council and the Control Agency will be through the
LGFSG nominated LGLO at the ZEST and the Council Commander at the relevant council.

2.3.4 Communicating with LGFSG
The LGSFG is always active and in standby mode.
If Council becomes aware of information or warnings relating to any emergency within their jurisdiction,
the Council Commander (when appointed) will contact the LGFSG State Duty Officer (SDO) by phoning
8120 1720 (available 24 hours / 7 days pw).
The SDO and Council Commander will communicate throughout the incident to coordinate resources
and share information.

2.3.5 Receiving information from community

During work hours
All information or queries will be processed using the Flinders Ranges Council “Customer Request
Form” and passed immediately to council commander, these will then be collated on a spreadsheet for

After work hours
Calls to Emergency A/H Contact: 0428 486 031 will be managed as normal. Managed by the Director of
Works this will be the designated Council emergency contact number. In the event of leave the phone
can be forwarded or left with a back up.

2.3.6 Communicating information to the CIMT
All communication / phone calls in and out of the CIMT during an incident should be logged or recorded
as part of the CIMT Incident Log/s during an incident operational phase.
Designated phone numbers for the CEOC and Council Commander are contained in Section 4

2.3.7 Communicating information within the CIMT
Communications within the CIMT are crucial to ensure that all CIMT members are aware of the current
situation, actions being undertaken and objectives to achieve to resolve the emergency. During an
emergency, communications within the CIMT will include:
• Regular briefings
• Handover documents
• Situation reports.

2.3.8 Field staff communications
Communication with field staff is via the following during incidents:
•   By telephone to staff mobile phones
•   By UHF radio on channel 13 or 8 and channel 7 in the Hawker region
•   By Garmin, GPS/EPIRB for emergency contact in isolated areas
•   In line with Remote or Isolated Work procedure V10

2.3.9 Communications with other council staff in an emergency
Communication about an active incident operation to other staff will occur in the following ways:
• Communication to staff will be via CEO/communications officer
2.3.10          Communicating with executive of Council in an emergency
Communication about an active incident operation should be via the Council Commander to the
relevant Executive team members and the Chief Executive Officer. Likewise requests for equipment or
staff resources should all be directed to the Council Commander as a single point of contact to facilitate
prioritisation of resources to deal with the incident.

2.3.11          Communicating with Elected Members in an emergency
Council’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will be responsible for briefing the Mayor and Councillors and
keeping them informed regarding emergency events. Any request for help regarding resources or
equipment should be made from Elected Members to the CEO if required. The CEO will then address
the request to the Council Commander.

2.3.12          Communicating with community in an emergency

Emergency information
When the control agency is involved, it is their responsibility to issue warnings to the potentially affected
community, and to provide advice to other support agencies of this notification. In this situation
Council’s role is to support dissemination of this information and warnings to their community.
Council will do this through the channels as identified below. When social media is used by Council,
existing topics or hashtags will be included for consistency of messaging amongst all agencies.
During an incident Council will provide information, including media releases, additional to the control
agency only when it relates to information about:
• Direct Council actions, involvement or resources provided
• Direct Council impacts.

Other council communication
The Flinders Ranges Council key messages, protocols and systems for communicating with the
community are:
• Council website
• Council Facebook
• Council staff
Flinders Ranges Council key messages, protocols and systems for communicating with the community
are to be done in line with the Policy: Governance - social media.
Ensure appropriate authorisation from either the Mayor or Chief Executive Officer has been obtained
before using social media including but not limited to uploading content and acting as a spokesperson
on behalf of Council.
Do not issue statements or make announcements through social media channels unless authorised. Do
not respond directly if approached by media for comment through social media. Refer the inquiry to the
Chief Executive Officer
The nominated spokesperson for the Council is the Mayor.
For any incident that is led by the Council Commander and when a control agency is not appointed,
Council will take the lead on issuing information to their community.

Splash page
A splash can be used during an incident to direct members of the community who access Councils
Webpage to the Control Agencies Incident Page. This re-direction ensures our community has the most
update information as provided by the Emergency Services.
The following arrangements exist for management of The Flinders Ranges Council splash page:
• Governance Officer is the primary contact point in Council for the splash page.
Communications flow chart

                                         Council CEO
                                          or Director

             Co-ordination                   Comms                                    Elected
               (if more than 1               & media                                  Members

  Control Agency                   Council
                                                       Manager BCP
   IC or LGLO                    Commander

Emergency service
                          Council emergency            Internal BCP
    staff and
                          EIMT and ops staff               teams
2.4. Resources
2.4.1 Council staff
People as a resource may participate directly within Council as a resource to assist the emergency
services, control agencies, support agencies or functional support groups or as a resource to support
another council.
At all times Council remains responsible for their staff and should consider:
- Do you know what you/ your staff may be asked to do
- What conditions they would be working?
- What support should staff have on the ground?
- Organisational capacity and capability (skills, knowledge, resources) to support the on ground
Based on the above information Council will determine what they can support and what roles they are
prepared for Council staff to undertake.

Worker wellbeing
Council will ensure the wellbeing of staff involved in incident operations by:
• Conducting hot debriefs with all staff involved in incident operations
• Reminding staff of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
• Inviting staff to participate in lessons management processes as part of the restoration phase of
  incident operations.

2.4.2 Council Plant and Equipment

Plant and Equipment Register
Register of available plant and equipment available to support council incident operations is available:
• document ref: Depot wall whiteboard
• Whilst the register identifies possible availability, the plant will only be made available by the Council
  Commander or CEO / executive delegate and may be subject to conditions including:
• Designated Operator
• Period of availability (including hours of operation per day)
• Cost recovery.

Special conditions for use of plant
    •   Pre and Post inspection by FRC staff
    •   Mileage and fuel to be recorded as required
    •   FRC staff to operate, if that option not available, licences to be checked.

Protocol around Sharing of Council Resources
Resources may be requested at any time during the response and recovery phases of an emergency
and should be directed to the Council Commander or Logistics Officer. Requests may come from
several sources including:
•   the Control Agency
•   an impacted council
•   the LGFSG
•   members of the community, including community groups.
Provision of equipment to Control Agency
Council plant and equipment will only be available to support emergency incidents in the following
• a request for Council support has been received from a control agency or the LGFSG.
• the plant and equipment have been authorised for release by the Council Commander, CEO or
  Director operations or another delegate as authorised by the CEO.
Council reserves the right not to release Council plant and equipment to support an emergency

When supporting another council or the Control Agency in an incident it is important to remember that:
• all councils are supported by the LGA Mutual Liability Scheme, Workers Compensation Scheme and
  Asset Mutual Fund
• i-Responda principles of “Ordinary Operations in Extraordinary Situations” must remain in place and
  staff must be appropriately trained in i-Responda.

2.4.3 Council owned facilities in incident management

Emergency Relief Centres
Emergency Relief Centres in The Flinders Ranges Council area are pre-identified and managed by the
Emergency Relief Functional Support Group (ERFSG), managed by the SA Housing Authority. The
ERFSG is responsible to open and operate relief and recovery centres, and Council’s role will generally
be to supply venue upon request.
Council owned property and facilities pre identified as potential relief centres are listed in Table 5.

Table 5 - Council facilities used as relief centres

    Facility                     Address                 Manager                     Contact

    Quorn Comm Hall & Oval       10 Park Terrace         Council                     8620 0500
    Quorn Area School            1 Stokes Road           Andrew Gilsenan-Reed        8648 6101

    Hawker Area School           Wirreanda Terrace       Darren Robinson             8648 4003
    Hawker Sports Centre         Cradock Road            Council                     8648 4084

Arrangements for Council facilities used as relief centres include:
•      Keys can be collected from FRC or arrangement made to be opened prior

Bushfire safer places or bushfire last resort refuges
The Flinders Ranges Council contains two listed “Bushfire safer place zones”:
• Quorn
• Hawker
and zero “Bushfire last resort refuges” as identified by the SACFS:
For maps of the zones within the townships see Section 4.
Council owned property and facilities which may be utilised within these zones are listed in Table 6.
Council will need to consider the following arrangements for these locations if used:
• Waste Disposal
• Facilities management
• Health and Safety.

Table 6 - Council facilities used as Bushfire safer place zones or Bushfire last resort refuges

    Facility                                Address                                   Manager                                   Contact

    Quorn                                   Town centre                               Council                                   8620 0500
    Hawker                                  Town centre                               Council                                   8620 0500

                It should be noted that these sites are NOT sites with no risk of bushfire.
       Refer to the CFS for further information about Bushfire safer places or Bushfire last resort

Use of community facilities during heat incidents
Council has approved arrangements during extreme heat events, including heatwaves.
These arrangements may be put in place during these extreme heat events including heatwaves at the
direction of Chief Executive Officer
The Flinders Ranges Council facilities nominated for extended opening hours during heat incidents are
listed in Table 7.

Table 7 - Council facilities nominated for extended opening hours during heat incidents

    Facility                                Address                                   Manager                                   Contact

    Quorn Swimming                          Silo Road                                 Andrea McCallum                           0428 746 541
    Hawker Swimming                         Cradock Road                              Andrea McCallum                           0428 746 541
    Quorn Town Hall                         Railway Terrace                           Paula Osborn                              8620 0500

Other arrangements for supporting the community during period of extreme heat include:

There is currently one client based in Quorn registered for Telecross. Red Cross are very keen to see this number
increase although there is strict eligibility criteria due to funding arrangements. Clients need to be 65+, fall within
the CHP area as well as other criteria.
There are currently two clients from Quorn registered for transport support. Red Cross would also like to see an
increase in these numbers.

Community sandbag facility

Council may assist emergency services by providing designated facilities for filling of sandbags. A
range of locations will be designated by the SES as Community Sandbag Locations. These are
established in line with the LGFSG “Joint Operating Guideline – community sandbag facility”.
Council owned facilities are listed in Table 8.

Table 8 - Council facilities nominated for filling of sandbags

 Facility                      Address                        Manager                        Contact

 Clean Filled Yard             Kingswood Bore Road            Danny Martin                   0499 486 031

Community facilities used for other purposes

Facilities that are owned or managed by Council can be already designated for other purposes both
during incidents and business as usual times. The following facilities (Table 9 and Table 10) fall into this
category and so special consideration may need to be made before they can be utilised for other
purposes during an incident.

Table 9 - Council facilities used for animal relief

 Facility                                Address                                Other Purpose

 Quorn Stockyard Arena                   Silo Road                              Large Animal refuge

 Pound                                   Quorn Transfer Station                 Animal refuge

 Hawker Dog Park                         Chace View Terrace                     Animal refuge

 Quorn Dog Park                          First Street                           Animal refuge

Table 10 - Council facilities used for other purposes

 Facility                              Address                                   Other Purpose

 Quorn Airfield                        Airport Road                              Fire response, RFDS

 Hawker Airfield                       Flinders Ranges Way                       Fire response, RFDS
2.4.4 Suppliers
Register of important suppliers is contained is available:
• document ref: available in Council’s financial system MAGIQ.

2.4.5 Volunteers and Community Organisations

Volunteer management
The Flinders Ranges Council recognises the vital role that volunteers can play in an emergency such
as providing access to community resources and local knowledge and providing a link in the information
chain between Council, emergency service agencies and the community.
Councils also recognises the importance of effectively managing volunteers to ensure a coordinated
and uniform approach. Poor management of volunteers can add confusion and create unnecessary
work for councils and agencies.

Registered Council Volunteers
Council volunteers are managed in accordance with the Council’s Volunteer Management Policy and
associated procedures.

Spontaneous Volunteers
During the event of a large emergency Council will manage spontaneous volunteers in the follow way:
• referring them to Volunteering SA.

2.4.6 Shared services
The shared services that Council accesses may be impacted by emergency incidents. Register of the
shared services is available online:
Local Government shared services used by Council:

People / services

       Position             Supplied by           Supplied to            Shared with

   Environmental              Port Pirie
   Health Officer             Regional

   Food Safety                Port Pirie

   Starfield Officer       Port Augusta
                           City Council
Rates Officer                  Outback

General                        District
Inspector                      Council of

Building Fire                                District Council of
Safety                                       Orroroo Carrieton;
Committee                                    District Council of
                                             Mount Remarkable

Regional                                     District Council of
Development                                  Orroroo Carrieton;
Assessment                                   District Council of
Panel                                        Mount Remarkable;
                                             District Council of

Waste Services                               District Council of
                                             Orroroo Carrieton;
                                             District Council of
                                             Mount Remarkable

Northern                                     District Council of
Passenger          District                  Orroroo Carrieton;
Transport         Council of                 District Council of
Network            Mount                     Peterborough,
                 Remarkable                  Northern Areas

Auditor                                      District Council of
                                             Orroroo Carrieton;
                                             District Council of
                                             Peterborough; District
                                             Council of Mount

MAGIQ                                        District Council of
(Corporate                                   Peterborough, District
Software                                     Council of Kimba,
Service)                                     District Council of
                                             Streaky Bay, Wudinna
                                             District Council,
                                             District Council of
Karoonda East
                                                                       Murray, Outback
                                                                       Areas Authority

2.5. Systems council uses in incident operations
Council supports and/or utilises the following systems that support integration of incident operations
with the LGFSG and the emergency services:

LGFSG Systems
The LGA member services website

i-Responda app
The i-Responda app allows for timely access to contacts and links, reminders, checklists, action plans
and joint operating guidelines and more.

2.6. Finances in Incident Operations
All finances will be managed in line with Councils Procurement and Disposal Policy.
Should council seek to recoup costs, in particular for bushfire the Bushfire Joint Operating Guideline
“ unless otherwise agreed at the time of the request, councils will meet the costs of providing the
support they choose to provide. If a council intends to seek the recovery of any direct costs associated
with the provision of support to the Bushfire Operation, this must be discussed with and agreed to by
the CFS Incident Controller at the time of the request.
Direct costs are defined as “..the actual costs incurred (i.e.: fuel, consumables, minor repairs etc),
however excludes a wet hire rate. If councils incur additional staff costs i.e.paying a weekend rate,
then this may be included. Claims for damages to plant and equipment should be made via the LGA
AMF arrangements in the first instance. …”
Full JOG here:
3.      Contacts
3.1. Critical Internal Contacts

 Position                                                         Number

 Council Commander (S)                                            0498 200 506 / 0428 486 031

 Council Chief Executive Officer                                  0498 200 506

 Council Chair/ Mayor                                             0409 409 034

 Council Work/Operations Manager                                  0428 486 031

 Designated After Hours Emergency Works Contact                   0428 486 031

 Council Emergency Operations Centre                              8620 0524

These should not be the publicly available or ‘reception’ numbers, they should be the ‘all-hours’ or
‘after-hours’ numbers for the key contact within your council.

3.2. CIMT Contacts
 Role                                Contact Details        Contact Details        Contact Details

 Council Commander                   Eric Brown             0498 200 506

 Deputy Council Commander            Mitchell Foote         0428 486 031

 CIMT Planning Officer               Angie Finlay           0458 486 482

 CIMT Operations Officer             Team Leader            0499 486 031           0448 486 024

 CIMT Logistics Officer              Mark Finlay            0488 486 143

 CIMT Communications Officer         Paula Osborn           0409 754 418

 CIMT Administration Support         Vanessa Clancy         8620 0523

 CIMT Intelligence Oofficer          Sean Cheriton          0427 663 333

 Specialist EHO                      Brian Sickles          0418 834 688

 Specialist Building Inspector       Nick Heron             0419 842 677

 Specialist Animal Mngmt             Dean Brooksby          0408 354 406

 Plant Operator                      Mark Finlay            0488 486 143

 Traffic Control Team                Danny Martin           0499 486 031

 I-Responda Trained Staff            Nicholas Brown         0448 486 030
Role                                   Contact Details           Contact Details           Contact Details

 I-Responda Trained Staff               Dean Montgomery           0487 486 002
 I-Responda Trained Staff               David Sowerby             0436 435 587
 I-Responda Trained Staff               Nigel Crisp               0448 486 024
 I-Responda Trained Staff               Mark Finlay               0488 486 143
 I-Responda Trained Staff               Danny Martin              0499 486 031
 I-Responda Trained Staff               Brody Hilder              0488 486 109
 I-Responda Trained Staff               Victor Clark              0428 486 034              Hawker
 I-Responda Trained Staff               Roger Flavel              0428 486 033              Hawker

3.3. Critical Local Agency Contacts
 Position                                                    Number                       Address
                                                                                          (if applicable)

 Local Government Functional Support Group                   8120 1720                    Adelaide
 – State Duty Officer

 Emergency Services                                          08 8633 3811                 15 Short Street, Port
 – Regional Commanders/Managers                                                           Pirie SA 5540

 SA Police – Local Service Area Commander                    131 444 / 8648 5020          Port Augusta
                                                             8648 6060                    Quorn
                                                             8648 4028                    Hawker

 CFS Regional Command Centre                                 8642 2399                    40 Flinders Terrace
                                                                                          Port Augusta

 Local SES Unit                                              132 500 / 8648 6982          Silo Road, Quorn
                                                             132 500 / 8648 4247          Elder Terrace Hawker

 Local SAAS Command Centre                                   8648 7888                    Wolseley Terrace,
                                                             8648 4007
                                                                                          Hawker Hospital

 Local DEW Duty Officer                                      8648 5300                    Port Augusta Office

 ZEST Regional Command Centre                                8648 5020                    SAPOL Port Augusta

 Local Hospital                                              8648 7888                    Hospital Road, Quorn
                                                             8648 4007                    Cradock Road, Hawker

 These should not be the publicly available numbers such as ‘000’, they should be the ‘all-hours’ or ‘after-hours’
numbers for the key agencies and organisations in your council area.
3.4. Critical Contractor Contacts
Service               Supplier                Contact person   Contact Number

Waste Management      Clare Valley Waste      Mick O’Connor    0407 434 082

Facilities Cleaning   Council                 Rose French      0408 818 981

Plumbing Quorn        Kaesler Plumbing        Fayne Kaesler    0428 486 544

Electrician Quorn     Finlay Electrical       Corey Finlay     0488 119 993

Plumbing Hawker       Smulders Contracting    Paul Smulders    0427 011 449

Electrician Hawker    Smulders Contracting    Paul Smulders    0427 011 449

CWMS Pumping          Quorn Pumping Service   Billy Haywood    0428 486 633
4.      Council Information and maps
Safer Place Town Maps

See Bushfire safer zones administered by the SA Country Fire Service
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