Increasing VR Headset adoption via Hand Interaction - ManoMotion - Tech Report - A technology guideline aimed to remove interaction obstacles ...

Increasing VR Headset adoption via Hand Interaction - ManoMotion - Tech Report - A technology guideline aimed to remove interaction obstacles ...
ManoMotion - Tech Report

Increasing VR
Headset adoption
via Hand Interaction.

  A technology guideline aimed to remove
  interaction obstacles from Virtual Reality headsets.
Increasing VR Headset adoption via Hand Interaction - ManoMotion - Tech Report - A technology guideline aimed to remove interaction obstacles ...

 Introduction    ........................................................................   1

 VR Experience   ........................................................................   2

 Hands on VR     ........................................................................   3

 Next Steps      ........................................................................   4
One of the greatest improvements that came along the information
revolution, is the immense decrese in the time required for a tech-
nology to be adopted.

With the path of product-conception to market being shortened, we
witnessed a significant ammount of Virtual Reality (VR) headsets
reach the market. And though VR is now a well known technology,
not every consumer-household owns a headset nor has exposure to
the medium daily.

Industry experts have reported on the issue, and though the answers
dont point to a single cuprint, User Experience (UX) seems to have
the greatest impact on adoption.

 Leading obstacles to mass adoption of virtual reality (VR) technologies
 according to industry experts in 1st quarter of 2019.

  User experience.
  (e.g. bulky hardware, technical glitches)

  Content offerings.
  (e.g. lack of quality content available)

  Consumer and business reluctance.                                    20%

  Regulation and legal risks.                                  10%

  Financing & investment.                                       12%

  Cost to costumers.                                           11%

  Goverment oversight.                              3%

       ||                       1
VR Experience
When discussing about VR experiences, the terms Immersion and
Presence come up very often. This is because this pair of key terms,
compose the core of a VR Experience. Immersion reffers to the am-
mount of aligned information our senses perceive and in turn pres-
ence is the state of acceptance to that information.

As an outcome, any improvements on the information quality and
volume would have an immediate effect on the quality of the VR
experience and therefore increase the likelyhood of overcoming the
UX obstacle of adoption.

If we further analyse the UX issue, the bulky hardware issue can be
traced to the sheer form factor of the headset but also on the inter-
action controllers. Typically VR headsets are packaged with 2
wand-like controlers that allow the user to interact with the content.
Though this is an interaction method that allows the use of haptic
feedback, there is an alternative that can achieve similar results with
less onboarding friction, hardware requirements and dependancies.

Hand Interaction is the natural way we interact with things. It re-
quires little intution and via the use of gestures can provide the sen-
sation haptics try to achieve.

There are existing VR headsets that are exploring the Hand Interac-
tion Space. Some of them being Oculu’s Quest, Varjo's VR-2 Pro &
HTC’s Vive Focus. The significant price difference among them is an
indication of how interesting and important this space is.

  ||              2
Hands On VR
One of the immediate benefits of Hand Interaction in VR is the
pre-existing experience users have with their hands. Users can use
this body part to localize and ground their presence to to virtual
enviroment as well as using the hand volume to apply physics to
virtual content.

An other possibility is the one of personalized avateering . The
ability to project the full detailed hand texture or the appropriate
skin tone can make the user empathize with the scenario faster.

     Real Hand                       3D Hand Model           Hand Skeleton

Finally, Hand Gestures, are a rich form of communication signals,
primarily used for short actions-reactions. In this gesture vocabu-
lary, the touch sensation of fingers and the palm can be used as
the feedback of action-completion. This is especially prominent in
the case of Pinch Gestures. The dense nerve ending region of
index and thumb can provide feedback even with subtle actions.

      GRAB                            RELEASE               PINCH

    ||               3
Next Steps
Financial forecasts, predict a great 2020 in regards to VR market
size. Headset manufacturers will have to push for further adoption
by focusing their attention to some - if not all - the problematic
areas as mentioned by the industry experts.
                       Market size in billion U.S Dollars


                                                            10  ...........................................

                                                            5   ...........................................
                                                            0   ...........................................
                                                                        2018          2019         2020

One fundamental aspect of this innovation/adoption race is the
way end users are going to interact within VR. One option is to
proceed with existing means and bulky hardware controllers. An-
other more promicing option that can also promote adoption is to
explore multimodality by bring hands - the natural interaction
method into VR.

    Hand Interaction - ManoMotion
                                                                      Bring total immersion and natural in-
                                                                       teraction in VR. ManoMotion has im-
                                                                        plemented a solution that allows
                                                                         users to see and naturally use their
                                                                          hands in a Virtual enviroment.

                                                                                 ManoMotion provides a frame-
                                                                                  work for real- time 3D gestural
                                                                                   analysis. Minimal hardware,
                                                                                    minimal computing power. All
                                                                                     that’s required is a simple
                                                                                      RGB camera.
 ||                                                           4
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