CBI Religious School A program that is flexible, engaging, meets our students' diverse needs, and fosters community - Congregation Beth Israel

Page created by Monica Reynolds
CBI Religious School A program that is flexible, engaging, meets our students' diverse needs, and fosters community - Congregation Beth Israel
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

A program that is flexible, engaging, meets our
students’ diverse needs, and fosters community.
CBI Religious School A program that is flexible, engaging, meets our students' diverse needs, and fosters community - Congregation Beth Israel
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Synagogue and
Family Partnership
Families will meet with a teacher to create a
learning plan that meets the students’ needs. We
also understand that parents' ability to be
involved will vary from family to family, so we will
tailor the plan to meet parents’ needs as well.

It will be roughly the same amount of learning
as our regular CBI program (approx. 12 hours
per month), but it will be more flexible.

Offerings include: virtual learning, family field
trips, social action and acts of kindness projects,
independent learning, short community
gatherings, and in-person classes if we can do
them safely.
CBI Religious School A program that is flexible, engaging, meets our students' diverse needs, and fosters community - Congregation Beth Israel
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

   Torah                 Avodah                   Tzedek                   Kehillah
 Jewish Learning             Prayer,               Social Action,             Community
                         Holidays, Ritual             Giving
 ● Learn Hebrew        ● High Holiday take     ● Cook food for a day     ● Sing songs and
with a small group     home learning kits.           shelter.           listen to a story at
 once or twice a                                                              our CBI
      week.             ● Participate in an      ● Make cards for          gatherings or
                        intergenerational        people who are         Mishpacha Minyan.
 ● Adapted Jewish        Shabbat service.          isolated or ill.
Studies Curriculum                                   cemetery.           ● Go on a field trip
utilizing tech tools    ● Celebrate Rosh                                or virtual field trip to
 for engaging and        Hashanah and           ● Neighborhood or       the OJM or audubon
meaningful learning      Passover with a         Nature Clean up
                          family seder.                                 ● Go apple picking
  ● Asynchronous                               ● Participate in Get     on Rosh Hashanah.
learning and video     ● Build a sukkah and    Out the Vote efforts.
    sharing with       eat your meals in it.                            ● Cook over a fire at
   teachers and                                 ● Write a letter to       Mt. Tabor park.
    classmates.        ● Make special foods    your elected official.
                          for a holiday.                                  ● Go biking with
  ● Attend Holiday                             ● Raise money for a       classmates at the
 Workshops: Jewish      ● Bake challah for        social justice        eastbank esplanade
    Holidays and            Shabbat.              organization.
    Culture from                                                        ●Drive-thru sukkah
 Around the World        ● Participate in      ● Give tzedakah each           event
          .            Judaism and Nature       Shabbat and decide
● Jewish novel study   sessions/Torah trek.     where to donate it.        ●Virtual youth
                                                                           Groups events
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

   Lower Elementary Sample Monthly Activities:
   September 2020
        1 hour              Rosh Hashanah at-home learning kit
        1 hour              Rosh Hashanah Family Seder
       1.5 hours            Rosh Hashanah Apple Picking
        2 hours             Cook a meal for a day shelter
        1 hour              Yom Kippur at-home learning packet
30 min twice a month Mishpacha Minyan

30 min once a week          Virtual Small group arts classes

30 min twice a month Grade level zoom classes
 Total: 12 hours (approx. 3 days of Religious School)
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

   Upper Elementary Sample Monthly Activities:
   September 2020
        1 hour              Rosh Hashanah at-home learning packet

       1 hour               Rosh Hashanah Family Seder
      1.5 hours             Rosh Hashanah Apple Picking
       2 hours              Cook a meal for a day shelter
       1 hour               Yom Kippur at-home learning packet
30 min twice a month Mishpacha Minyan

 30 min once a week         Virtual Small group Hebrew classes

30 min twice a month Grade level zoom classes
 Total: 12 hours (approx. 3 days of Religious School)
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Upper Elementary Sample
Sunday Schedule
While not every Sunday will look the same, below is an option for how a
Sunday may look. Some may also include:

• Meetings with your teacher to discuss your progress
• A family outing
• Work on the take home packet for the month
                     Class via                          Family Art
                     Zoom                               Project
                      10 AM                             12 PM

    9:15 AM                            11 AM

    Mishpacha                          Hebrew via Zoom
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Lower Elementary Sample
Sunday Schedule
While not every Sunday will look the same, below is an option for how a
Sunday may look. Some may also include:

• Meetings with your teacher to discuss your progress
• A family outing
• Work on the take home packet for the month
                     Class via                          Family Art
                     Zoom                               Project
                      10 AM                              12 PM

     9:15 AM                           11 AM

    Mishpacha                          Art Class via
    Minyan                             Zoom
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Hebrew Learning
• Hebrew is open to students in grades
• Students will be split into groups of 3 -
  4 to learn in small groups that will
  remain together for the course of the
• Hebrew classes will be 20-30 minutes
  long with their Hebrew teacher
• Options for Hebrew will be on a
  variety of days and times throughout
  the week
• Families can choose to have Hebrew
  once or twice a week for their student
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Arts Learning for Students
     Music Classes with Abe

     Dance Classes with Michael

     Drama Classes with Moses

      Visual Art Classes with Lolly
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

High School Program
    Tzedek America        Electives choices: Art,
      Partnership            Writing, Modern
                           Hebrew, and more
 Madrichim program
 & Madrichim training      Youth Group, PARTY,
                          programming focused
                          on fun, community and
Core grade classes with      social connection
                          Course topics include
                          comparative religions,
   Writing and Music        social justice, and
         clubs            environmental ethics
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

 Middle School Program
• Hebrew learning with     • Small group B'nei
  Cantor Cahana             Mitzvah study with
                            skilled tutors

• Novel studies focused    • Social connections and
 on Racial Justice          fun with middle school
                            youth group Dor
• Integrated technology    • CBI Minecraft club and
 tools for virtual based     music club
 Jewish learning
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Materials and Support

                                   Teacher                     Professional
      Supply Kits
                                   Meetings                        Staff
 Your family will receive     Your teacher will act as     Our Education Team will
 a grade apropriate box      a 'lifestyle coach' to help     be available to you to
 with all the supplies you      your family come up        help make sure your year
     need for the art        with a monthly plan that            has plenty of
  projects, outings, and     fits your students needs      engagement, community,
   lessons needed for           and works with your             and connection
         activities.                  schedule.              throughout the year.
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

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