Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal

Page created by Arthur Fletcher
Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal
Automotive Sector Deal
Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal
Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal

                                             For decades, the UK’s
                                             automotive industry has
                                             powered our economy
                                             forward. Today, automotive
                                             firms from around the world
                                             choose to set up shop here,
                                             citing our history of excellence,
                                             skilled workforce and world-
                                             leading supply chains.
                                             As ever, partnership will be pivotal. In the
                                             next 10 years, the sector will see more
                                             change than in the previous hundred.
                                             From the engines that power our cars,
                                             to the way we control them and our
                                             attitudes to owning them, technology
                                             is changing what the industry looks
                                             like and where money can be made.
                                             New conditions require new thinking and,
                                             as a country, we are extraordinarily well-
                                             placed to provide this. Our rich history
                                             of scientific discovery includes the
                                             lithium-ion battery, which was invented
                                             in this country and already powers
                                             millions of vehicles around the world.
                                             And in the future, the automotive
                                             sector will shape our response to the
                                             Grand Challenges articulated in our
                                             Industrial Strategy, such as Clean
                                             Growth and the Future of Mobility —
                                             transformations which will forever
                                             change how people live, work and travel.

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal
As ever, partnership will be pivotal. This   For over a century, the UK has
first Automotive Sector Deal builds on       written the history of the automotive
the longstanding partnership between         industry. As we open the sector’s
the government and industry, brought to      next chapter, let’s work together
life through the Automotive Council and      to make sure the technologies of
will be followed by further commitments.     tomorrow are developed, tested and
As a result of the Sector Deal, both         manufactured right here in the UK.
government and industry will invest
about a quarter of a billion pounds
to develop and manufacture electric
vehicles. This includes the Faraday
Battery Challenge, which will drive the
technologies to power electric vehicles
in the future, as well as £80 million
for a new state-of-the-art automotive        Rt Hon Greg Clark MP
battery development facility in              Secretary of State for Business,
Coventry. This investment marks yet          Energy and Industrial Strategy
another step forward on our journey
towards mass producing electric
batteries and vehicles here in the UK.
The deal also aims to create a
world-leading testing environment
for Connected and Autonomous
Vehicles. Using our renowned test
tracks, we will improve the safety of
these vehicles by pushing them to the        Nigel Stein
limits of their speed and handling.          Chief Executive GKN plc and
                                             Automotive Council Chairman
And, finally, the government is investing
in a new industry-led programme
to raise the competitiveness of UK
suppliers to match the best in Europe.

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal
Industrial Strategy at a glance
Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal

We will create an economy that boosts productivity and earning
power throughout the UK

Industrial Strategy is built on 5 foundations

                            the world’s most innovative economy

                                     good jobs and greater earning power for all

    foundations of
                                           a major upgrade to the UK’s infrastructure

                                    Business environment
                                    the best place to start and grow a business

                             prosperous communities across the UK

We will set Grand Challenges to put the United Kingdom
at the forefront of the industries of the future:
        AI & Data Economy                              Clean Growth
        We will put the UK at the                      We will maximise the advantages
        forefront of the artificial                    for UK industry from the
        intelligence and data revolution               global shift to clean growth

        Future of Mobility                            Ageing Society
        We will become a world                        We will harness the power of
        leader in the way people,                     innovation to help meet the
        goods and services move                       needs of an ageing society
Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal
Key policies include:

    Ideas                                       Business Environment
     Raise total research and                   ``
                                                 Launch and roll out Sector Deals –
     development (R&D) investment to             partnerships between government
     2.4 per cent of GDP by 2027                 and industry aiming to increase sector
     Increase the rate of R&D tax credit         productivity. The first Sector Deals are
     to 12 per cent                              in life sciences, construction, artificial
                                                 intelligence and the automotive sector
     Invest £725m in new Industrial
     Strategy Challenge Fund programmes         ``
                                                 Drive over £20bn of investment
     to capture the value of innovation          in innovative and high potential
                                                 businesses, including through
    People                                       establishing a new £2.5bn Investment
     Establish a technical education             Fund, incubated in the British
     system that rivals the best in the          Business Bank
     world to stand alongside our world-        ``
                                                 Launch a review of the actions that
     class higher education system               could be most effective in improving
     Invest an additional £406m in maths,        the productivity and growth of small
     digital and technical education,            and medium-sized businesses, including
     helping to address the shortage of          how to address what has been called
     science, technology, engineering            the ‘long tail’ of lower productivity firms
     and maths (STEM) skills
     Create a new National Retraining
     Scheme that supports people to re-skill,   ``
                                                 Agree Local Industrial Strategies
     beginning with a £64m investment            that build on local strengths and
                                                 deliver on economic opportunities
     for digital and construction training
                                                 Create a new Transforming Cities
    Infrastructure                               fund that will provide £1.7bn for
     Increase the National Productivity          intra-city transport. This will fund
     Investment Fund to £31bn, supporting        projects that drive productivity by
     investments in transport, housing           improving connections within
     and digital infrastructure                  city regions
     Support electric vehicles through          ``
                                                 Provide £42m to pilot a Teacher
     £400m charging infrastructure               Development Premium. This will test
     investment and an extra £100m               the impact of a £1,000 budget for
     for the plug-in car grant                   high-quality professional development
     Boost our digital infrastructure with       for teachers working in areas that
     over £1bn of public investment,             have fallen behind
     including £176m for 5G and £200m
     for local areas to encourage roll out
     of full-fibre networks

    An independent Industrial Strategy Council will assess our progress
    and make recommendations to government.

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal
Executive Summary
The Automotive Sector Deal, the first in a rolling series of
intended deals with the sector, builds on the partnership
between the government and industry that has been in place
since the Automotive Council was established in 2009, setting
the direction and long-term strategic priorities for the sector.
This partnership has yielded results:       built, powered and driven means the
vehicle and engine output has               industry must continue to adapt to
increased, productivity has improved        maintain its position as a global leader.
and the proportion of UK components         It must take decisions now to ensure
in each vehicle produced in the             it remains both attractive to invest
United Kingdom is rising (44 per            in and central to the UK economy.
cent in 2016, up from 36 per cent           The UK automotive industry with its
in 20111). For the seventh successive       diverse range of products, spanning
year expenditure in research and            volume, premium and niche vehicles,
development (R&D) by motor vehicle          has benefited from the European
manufacturers has increased, and in         market, with highly integrated supply
2016 it reached £3.4bn, growing by          chains and a significant demand
20 per cent on the previous year2.          for UK-built cars across the region.
These achievements matter not just          In total, half of all UK automotive
to the industry but to the country. It is   exports go to the European Union.
through these successes that the sector     As the UK leaves the EU, the industry
is able to provide over 390,000 high-       welcomes the government’s ambition
quality, well-paid jobs, both directly in   to achieve a new relationship that
vehicle manufacturing and through the       is free from tariffs and without
supply chain3, increasing prosperity        friction to trade – factors that are
across the country. The industry is an      fundamental to the competitiveness
international success story, generating     of the UK automotive sector.
over £40bn of export revenue in 20164,      The proposals contained within
and helping the UK to maintain a            this Sector Deal are designed to
reputation for engineering innovation       complement this ambition and are
and manufacturing excellence.               aligned to the foundations set out in
Production levels achieved a 17-year        the Industrial Strategy – ideas, people,
high in 2016 with 1.7 million vehicles      infrastructure, business environment
rolling off production lines5. Today the    and places. They support its vision
sector faces a new set of challenges.       for the UK to be the world’s most
Significant changes in how cars are         innovative economy; for good jobs

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal
and greater earning power for all;          in R&D from £9.5bn to £12.5bn, as well
for a major upgrade to the UK’s             as a commitment to work with industry
infrastructure; to be the best place        to boost spending on R&D to 2.4 per
to start and grow a business; and for       cent of GDP by 2027. This will increase
prosperous communities across the UK.       to 3 per cent over the longer term.
We have prioritised an initial set          This Sector Deal demonstrates
of proposals, which have been               how the automotive sector can
agreed between the Automotive               play an important part in meeting
Council and the government. It              this commitment by investing
is intended that this deal is the           in the development of the next
first of several with the sector.           generation of vehicles.
Ideas                                       In recognition of this, the Automotive
                                            Council asked Richard Parry-Jones,
The ambitions set out in the Industrial
                                            former Chief Technical Officer and
Strategy White Paper are underpinned
                                            Head of Global R&D Operations at
by a commitment to world-class
                                            Ford Motor Company, to conduct a
innovation. It set out a further increase
                                            sector-led review into accelerating
in R&D investment of £2.3bn in
                                            the transition to the manufacture of
2021/22, raising total public investment
                                            ultra-low and zero emission vehicles.

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal
The evidence gathered from the review        our competitive advantage of
underpinned the rationale for the            being able to test anywhere in the
landmark Faraday Battery Challenge6.         UK today. It is estimated that the
Through the Faraday Battery                  CAV sector will be worth £28bn
Challenge, the government is                 to the UK economy by 20357.
investing £246m over four years              Business Environment
into a programme of competitions
                                             The Industrial Strategy White Paper
focused on the research, innovation
                                             sets out the government’s ambition to
and scaling up of battery technology.
                                             make the UK the best place to start and
In the coming months the government          grow a business. A key part of this is
will publish a strategy for the transition   our globally competitive corporate
to zero emission road transport,             tax rate of 19 per cent, our continuous
ensuring the UK continues to be a            focus on regulatory reform and
world leader in the development,             our ability to attract global talent
manufacture and use of these vehicles.       and disruptive start-ups. Our
The UK is also pursuing a position in the    challenge is to improve how we
global vanguard of the development,          spread the best practice of our
demonstration and deployment of              most productive businesses.
connected and autonomous vehicle             Our key policies include launching
(CAV) technologies, capitalising             Sector Deals – and automotive is an
on our commitment to R&D and                 early partner. We are also establishing

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal
a new £2.5bn investment fund                Infrastructure
incubated in the British Business Bank      As we set out in the Industrial Strategy
to drive investment in innovative           White Paper, having modern and
and high potential businesses. A new        accessible infrastructure throughout
UK-backed and industry-led brand            the country is essential to our
for CAV – Meridian – was set up to          future growth and prosperity.
convene UK industry around shared
priorities, and showcase our approach       We have announced an increase in
internationally. Meridian will cement       the National Productivity Investment
the UK’s status as the go-to destination    Fund to £31bn, supporting investments
for the development and testing of          in transport, housing and digital
CAV and new vehicle technologies.           infrastructure. We are investing over
                                            £1bn in boosting digital infrastructure,
Manufacturing is crucial to the             including £176m for 5G and £200m
economy, providing 10 per cent of           for local areas to encourage roll
the UK’s Gross Value Added (GVA),           out of full-fibre networks.
generating around 50 per cent of
our exports and accounting for              Our investments in infrastructure
70 per cent of business-led R&D8.           are among the government’s most
Advanced manufacturing supply               significant interventions in the economy
chains are highly complex and globally      and we are ensuring that they actively
integrated, with components often           support our long-term productivity and
crossing borders several times.             drive the growth of emerging industries.

Although we have a strong position,         To accelerate the transition to electric
there is a major opportunity to             vehicles we are creating a new £400m
deepen the supply chain presence for        Charging Infrastructure Investment
the sector in the UK. We therefore          Fund (£200m from the government
intend to launch a new supply chain         to be matched by private investors);
competitiveness and productivity            and providing £200m Office for Low
improvement programme targeting             Emission Vehicles R&D funding over
areas where key businesses need to          the current spending review period;
improve to match the best in Europe.        £100m new funding for the plug-in car
The programme will provide bespoke          grant; £40m R&D funding (matched by
training and streamlined business           industry) for new charging technologies
processes to help build the integrated      including on-street and wireless projects;
supply chain we need in the UK to           initiating a £20m vehicle-to-grid
manufacture the future generation of        R&D competition, a £23m Hydrogen
vehicles at volume. This will support the   Transport programme and making
industry’s ambition to increase the level   a commitment that the government
of UK content by value in domestically-     will lead the way, making 25 per cent
built vehicles to 50 per cent by 2022.      of all cars in the central government
                                            fleet ultra-low emission by 2022.

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal
Places                                     People
The Industrial Strategy set out our goal   The government set out its vision to
of helping prosperous communities to       create good jobs and greater earning
thrive across the UK. We are creating a    power for all in the Industrial Strategy.
new Transforming Cities fund that will     To do this, we need to ensure that we
provide £1.7bn for intra-city transport.   are equipping citizens for jobs shaped
This will fund projects that drive         by next generation-technology.
productivity by improving connections      The growth of the UK automotive
within city regions. We are also           sector and the transition to the next
committing to agree Local Industrial       generation of vehicles will require
Strategies that build on local strengths   people with new skills and a substantial
and deliver on economic opportunities.     upskilling of the existing workforce.
The 2017 CAV testbed competition           This requires a coordinated national
aimed to create the world’s most           and local approach through established
effective CAV testing ecosystem by         institutions such as the Institute for
creating a number of distinct test         Apprenticeships and supporting
capabilities which would work together     the development of the new T level
as part of an open testing environment.    qualifications. The government and
Collaborative projects supported under     industry are committed to taking
this initiative form part of a unique      forward this agenda through the
cluster running from our automotive        next phase of Sector Deals.
heartlands in the West Midlands,           Under the direction of the Automotive
through our innovation centres near        Council, and with initial grant support
Oxford and Milton Keynes, to London.       from the government, the industry has
The portfolio of projects linked to        established the Automotive Industrial
the Advanced Propulsion Centre             Partnership for Skills (AIP). The AIP
(APC), a ten-year, £1bn initiative,        has developed a skills roadmap for the
funded 50:50 by government and             sector, which is guiding steps to tackle
industry to support the development        critical skills shortages as the sector
of low carbon technologies, include        grows and evolves. A key element is to
participants spread across the UK,         boost apprenticeships. The automotive
and is supported by a network of           sector has been at the forefront of
Centres of Research Excellence.            apprenticeship reforms, leading the
These centres, the ’APC spokes’,           development and piloting of the new
are linking industrial and academic        ‘trailblazer’ standards, and setting up
communities from Newcastle to              the Apprenticeship Matching Service.
Brighton and from Nottingham to Bath.

Sector Deal
Key commitments

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal

Government action to support the automotive sector


     Advanced Propulsion Centre                 to support fundamental
     ` £500m over 10 years to 2023 to           academic research);
       research, develop and industrialise    - £80m for the Faraday National
       new low-carbon automotive                Battery Manufacturing
       technologies in the UK.                  Development Facility; and
     Automotive R&D                           - £88m for the Faraday Battery
     ` £225m from 2023 to 2026 to               Challenge Innovate UK programme.
       support R&D in the sector9.            Shaping the future of mobility
     Transition to ultra-low and              ` £250m to position the UK
     zero emission vehicles                     as a global leader in the
     ` £246m for the Faraday Battery            development and deployment
       Challenge to make the UK a               of connected and autonomous
       world leader in the design,              vehicles (CAVs). This includes:
       development and manufacture            - £150m for collaborative
       of batteries for the electrification     R&D projects; and
       of vehicles. This includes:            - £100m for CAV testing
     - £78m for the Faraday Institution         infrastructure.
       (100 per cent public funding

     Business Environment

     Supply chain competitiveness and productivity improvement
     ` £16m funding subject to business   competitive UK supply chain for
       case for an industry-led national  future volume vehicle production.
       supplier competitiveness and       A robust monitoring and evaluation
       productivity improvement           framework will be set up to measure
       programme to support a             the success of this programme.
       sustainable and internationally

Industry action to support the automotive sector


 Advanced Propulsion Centre            Battery Manufacturing
  £500m match funding for              Development Facility; and
  collaborative R&D projects; and     ``
                                       £59m match funding for the
  Match funding to support             Faraday Battery Challenge
  APC and its core activities.         Innovate UK programme.
 Automotive R&D                       Shaping the future of mobility
  £225m match funding                 ``
                                       £56m funding for the
  for collaborative R&D                CAV collaborative R&D
  from 2023 to 2026.                   projects to date; and
 Transition to ultra-low and          ``
                                       Match funding for the £100m
 zero emission vehicles                CAV testing infrastructure.
 ``£80m funding over the
   working lifetime of the National

 Business Environment

 Supply chain competitiveness and productivity improvement
 In order to support the industry’s    chain companies participating in the
 ambition to increase the value        competitiveness and productivity
 of UK content in domestically         improvement programme.
 produced vehicles to 50 per          ``
                                       Vehicle manufacturers and Tier
 cent by 2022 , industry will:         one suppliers will take a leading
 ``Implement a single scalable         role in identifying key strategic
   productivity improvement            suppliers and take part in the
   programme; and                      governance of programme.
 ``Match fund at least £16m
   (contribution in kind) from supply

Government action to support the automotive sector

     Business Environment

      £100m new funding for the Plug-        at work, to come into effect in
      In Car Grant to help consumers         April 2018. This will support
      buy battery electric vehicles.         the roll out of electric vehicle
      From April 2019, Government will       chargepoints at workplaces.
      exempt zero-emission capable          ``
                                             25% of cars in central Government
      taxis from the VED supplement          department fleets will be ultra-
      that applies to expensive cars,        low emission by 2022, and the
      consulting in advance on               Environment Agency will ensure
      how to define such taxis.              all its cars are ultra-low emission
      Provide a Benefit in Kind exemption    by 2025, and stop buying or
      for employees offering free            leasing diesel cars immediately.
      charging for electric vehicles


      £23m hydrogen transport               ``A new £400m electric car
      programme to increase the              Charging Infrastructure
      number of publicly accessible          Investment Fund (£200m new
      refuelling stations and increase       Government investment to be
      the uptake of fuel cell vehicles.      matched by private investors).
      £20m to support vehicle-to-           ``
                                             £40m R&D funding from the
      grid projects in order to create       National Productivity Investment
      a smarter energy system, while         Fund (matched by industry),
      increasing the numbers of              to support new charging
      electric cars on UK roads.             technologies for on-street and
                                             wireless charging projects.

Moving to ultra-low and                     investment is required to deliver the
zero emission vehicles                      necessary transformation of automotive
Advances in electrification must be         manufacturing – including a UK ‘giga-
made by manufacturers to meet the           factory’ capable of producing the
government commitment to ending             quantity of battery cells needed to meet
sales of conventional petrol and diesel     the future demand for batteries from
cars and vans by 2040. Currently            vehicle-makers as well as establishing
only one per cent of total automotive       the requisite supply chains of the
production comprises electric               future. The UK faces tough competition
vehicles10 and continued international      from Germany and China, which have
competitiveness of the manufacturing        established themselves as leaders
base is dependent on the sector making      in the development of batteries.
the transformation to new ultra-low         Advanced Propulsion Centre
and zero emission technologies.
                                            The Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC)
The UK produced 1.7 million cars            is the coordination hub for managing
in 201611. Our engine sector is             the transition to ultra-low and zero
even larger, producing 2.5 million          emission vehicles. This is a £1bn
internal combustion engines for             commitment between the government
vehicles in the same year12. UK             and the automotive industry over 10
production of internal combustion           years which aims to position the UK at
engines is worth £7bn per year, the         the cutting edge of the development
majority of which are exported13.           and commercialisation of next
The strategic transition from traditional   generation low carbon technologies.
powertrains – the components and
                                            Richard Parry-Jones’s
systems that generate the power
                                            review into accelerating the
to move the vehicle, such as fuel
                                            manufacture of ultra-low and
tanks, engines and transmissions – to
alternatives such as batteries, electric
                                            zero emission vehicles
motors and the associated power             The aims of the review were to:
electronics needed to control them,         ``
                                             establish the UK as a world
represents a significant opportunity         leader in R&D in battery and
for the automotive sector. This brings       electric traction technologies;
significant benefits, with the value of
                                             support the complete spectrum
the electric powertrain two to three
                                             of electric vehicles (EVs),
times higher than that of the internal
                                             including hybrids, pure battery
combustion engine. However, significant
                                             EVs and fuel cell EVs;

Case study: the APC

     The GKN Hybrid Power flywheel           capability, additional collaboration
     stores energy mechanically in           for all partners, and the development
     a high-speed carbon rotor. This         of the next generation flywheel, with
     innovation was first used in top-       120 kilowatt peak power output from
     flight endurance racing, helping to     a 1 kilowatt hour energy storage
     power Audi’s R18 e-Tron Quattro to      system that can be manufactured
     a podium finish in four consecutive     for mass market applications.
     Le Mans 24-hour races.                    The latest design has the potential
     The APC’s Gyrodrive project               for cross-sector development,
     sought to further develop and             including with the UK Ministry of
     test this technology for use              Defence. Testing has been completed
     in the hybrid bus market.                 on machinery in the agricultural
     The technology was rolled out to an       technology sector. The work has
     operational fleet of 35 buses. This       also supported the growth of
     project has resulted in increased skills, iNetic, an innovative UK enterprise,
                                               which collaborated in the project.

                                            fundamental research to innovation
                                             and scale-up. This approach – joining
                                             up these three stages to market in a
                                            way no other country has done – will
                                             drive a significant change in the way
                                             the UK turns world-leading research
                                             into market-ready technologies.

                                            The Faraday Battery Challenge is a
                                             government investment of £246m
                                             over four years to help UK businesses
                                             seize the opportunities presented
                                             by the transition to a low carbon
The evidence gathered from the               economy. It will ensure the UK leads
review provided the rationale for the        the world in the design, development
landmark Faraday Battery Challenge.          and manufacture of batteries for
                                             the electrification of vehicles.
Faraday Battery Challenge
The Faraday Battery Challenge will           This programme will be shaped not
support R&D in three stages across           just by its projects but also by two new
the technology spectrum, from                critical national centres. The first of

these, the £78m Faraday Institution14,    The facility will also provide support
was announced on 2 October 2017.          for training and skills development.
The institution brings together           It will work with partners across
the expertise and insight from            UK education and business and, in
its seven founding partner                particular, the Faraday Institution,
universities, industry partners           which has committed to leading
and other academic institutions to        the establishment of a national
accelerate fundamental research           curriculum for training in batteries.
to develop battery technologies.          This centre is to be hosted by Coventry
The second of these centres is the        and Warwickshire Local Enterprise
National Battery Manufacturing            Partnership in collaboration with
Development Facility15. The               Warwick Manufacturing Group. This
government is investing £80m              follows a competition overseen
in this independent, open-access,         by the APC and Innovate UK.
state-of-the-art centre, which will       The final element is the Faraday
be responsible for taking the most        Battery Challenge Innovate UK
promising early and mid-range battery     programme, which has £88m
and development activities to the point   secured from the Industrial
of being ready for manufacture.           Strategy Challenge Fund.

To date, £40m of funding has been          The government is investing £250m
awarded to 27 innovative projects          through to 2021, matched by industry,
involving 66 organisations. These          in collaborative R&D and developing
projects will improve production           CAV testbed infrastructure.
techniques, operational performance        Of this funding, £150m is being invested
and methods for recycling and the          in collaborative R&D and feasibility
recyclability of battery packs.            study projects. This includes self-driving
Shaping the future of mobility             car trials in Bristol, Coventry and Milton
                                           Keynes, and in Greenwich in south
CAVs have the potential to save lives,
                                           London, which will conclude in 2018.
improve our travel experience and
deliver more accessible transport.
The UK has an opportunity to establish
a global leadership position in the
demonstration and deployment of
CAV technologies, building on our
competitive regulatory environment.
This must evolve with the times
to support the emergence of new
technologies and new business models.
The government will ensure the UK
continues to have one of the most
open environments in the world for
transport innovation and new services.
The government’s ambition is that
fully self-driving cars, without a human
safety operator, will be on UK roads
by 2021. We will make our regulatory
framework world-leading, including
updating our national code of practice
for the testing of automated vehicles
without a human safety operator, and
by working with the Law Commission
on proposals for a long-term regulatory
framework for self-driving vehicles.

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal

Business Environment
Supply chain competitiveness                 The AIO has been successful in
and productivity improvement                 securing investment from strategically
UK vehicle makers have worked closely        important suppliers able to produce the
with the government’s Automotive             high value components that the UK’s
Investment Organisation (AIO) since          world-class vehicle-makers require.
2013 to increase the production              This has underpinned the increase in
capacity and capability of UK suppliers.     the value of components purchased
Research by the Automotive Council           from UK suppliers from 36 per cent
in March 201516 identified an additional     of 1.3 million vehicles in 2011 to 44 per
£4bn per annum of components that            cent of 1.7 million vehicles in 201717.
UK vehicle makers would consider             However, there is agreement that
sourcing from UK-based Tier one              coordinated action is required to
suppliers, i.e. those suppliers who supply   improve the competitiveness of
direct to the vehicle maker – subject to     businesses further down the supply
their international competitiveness.         chain. This is of particular importance,

due to the increasing complexity of       workforce and leadership skills
vehicles whose sub-systems demand         in companies and implement
the input of multiple suppliers, along    streamlined business processes to
with increased customisation, and         improve operational efficiency.
shorter vehicle lifecycles. Vehicle       This single, scalable approach will allow
makers have well established supplier     supply chain companies to undertake
support programmes in place               improvement projects ranging from
and invest substantial resources          six months to three years. This will
in sharing their knowledge and            have the double benefit of making
expertise in lean manufacturing and       UK suppliers more internationally
employee development with their           competitive; supporting the industry’s
strategically important suppliers.        ambition to increase the value of UK
The automotive industry is looking to     content in domestically produced
expand this support, building on the      vehicles to 50 per cent by 2022
success of its Long Term Automotive       and be more able to win business
Supply Chain Competitiveness              in growing markets abroad.
(LTASC) programme. It is leading          The government is committed
on the development of a national          to investing in an industry-led
manufacturing competitiveness             supplier improvement programme
and productivity improvement              that will be rolled out in 2018.
programme. This will develop

Future proposals

We have prioritised an initial set of     boundaries further, and if the UK wants
proposals, which have been agreed         to win in this market it must become
between the Automotive Council            more efficient in getting products to
and the government. It is intended        market. The rise of digital design and
that this deal is the first of several    testing has the potential to reduce
with the sector. The Automotive           the cost and time of developing a
Council is already considering its        vehicle, and UK-based firms need
priorities for 2018. These include        not just to keep pace, but to lead in
for example, new work on digital          areas where we have a comparative
design and manufacturing.                 advantage. A formal proposal is being
                                          developed by industry and will be
Digital design and manufacturing          presented in 2018. A further range
It is not just how a car is powered and   of proposals in other areas are also
driven that will change the industry;     under consideration in the Automotive
it is also how a car is designed and      Council and its working groups for
built. The already highly competitive     prioritisation in the year ahead.
automotive industry is pushing the

Shaping the future of mobility
The government is investing £100m          These projects form part of a cluster
to create a world-leading ecosystem        that is the first of its kind in the world,
for testing CAVs using existing UK         running from the UK’s automotive
assets and capabilities including          heartlands in the West Midlands,
communication technologies, virtual        through our innovation centres near
environments, controlled environments,     Oxford and Milton Keynes, to London.
and public testing environments. This      This cooperative approach brings
is being coordinated through the new       together the best of the UK
Meridian industry brand, which will also   automotive sector with strong
seek to convene UK industry around a       adjacent industries including fintech,
set of long-term strategic priorities.     artificial intelligence and insurance.

  Case study: work on CAVs by Streetwise

 The Streetwise consortium, led by the     Streetwise will demonstrate that
 autonomous technology developer           self-driving vehicles are able to
 FiveAI, secured a government R&D          safely co-exist with other road
 grant of £12.8m to launch a fleet         users, and operate in complex
 of self-driving passenger service         urban environments.
 vehicles that will operate alongside      Many globally leading AI academic
 London’s existing transportation in       research groups are based in
 2019. FiveAI leveraged this to attract    the UK. This project establishes
 a £14m venture capital investment.        the UK as a global leader in the
                                           commercialisation of the science in
                                           autonomous vehicle technology.

Case study: Advanced Propulsion Centre – APC8

 The Advanced Propulsion Centre            to secure international investment.
 platform (APC) was established            The APC8 winning projects are:
 as a 10 year £1bn joint investment        E-Prime – A project led by Ford’s
 between government and industry.          UK based Global Manufacturing
 The platform, including the new           Engineering team working with
 APC8 winning projects supports 36         machine tool supply chain partners to
 major R&D projects worth £589m,           develop process and equipment for
 targeting a saving in excess of 34m       production of ultra-high volume next
 tonnes of carbon dioxide and creating     generation electrified powertrain
 or safeguarding 20,500 jobs. In           systems. This will include the
 addition to its core competitions,        development of new digitisation tools
 APC supports industry consensus           for both the design, operation and
 road-mapping, the acceleration of         monitoring of manufacturing plants.
 companies developing cutting-edge
 technology (especially small and          ACe-Drive - Development of GKN’s
 medium enterprises), technology-          future generation e-Drive system
 focused academic communities              platforms, utilising high speed electric
 (spokes) and the development              machines and advanced high speed
 of future supply chains.                  power electronics. In conjunction with
                                           Nottingham University, this project
 The three successful projects             aims to further grow UK capability
 awarded in the latest competition,        in the design and manufacture of
 APC8, reflect the industry’s drive        eMachines and power electronics.
 toward greater electrification of
 future vehicles. Supported by grants      VERBIUS – Development of future
 worth in excess of £26m, these            state of the art electric hybrid vehicle
 projects align with Industrial Strategy   systems for JLR, in conjunction with
                                           universities and businesses across the
 investments ensuring that the UK
                                           UK. The project aims to significantly
 continues to reap the benefits from       improve the vehicle system efficiency
 the transition to ultra-low and zero-     through utilisation of innovative
 emission vehicles by continuing to        electronic systems and componentry.
 build the agile, innovative and cost
 competitive supply chain needed

The Advanced Propulsion Centre ‘Spoke Network’
The APC has established communities   This network supports the transfer
of excellence across the country      of technology between our research
centred around key universities       and industrial base to accelerate the
with expertise in strategic low       commercialisation of cutting edge ideas.
carbon propulsion technologies.

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal

Implementation plan
Key deal activities

  Date                 Milestone

  Oct 2017             Faraday Institution announced

  Nov 2017             National Battery Manufacturing Development Facility

                       Faraday Battery Challenge Innovate UK programme –
                       phase 1 competition winners announced

  Jan 2018             Automotive Sector Deal announced

                       Faraday Battery Challenge Innovate UK programme –
                       phase 2 competition opens

                       CAV simulation and modelling competition

                       APC9 competition opens

  Spring 2018          CAV Testbed phase 2

  Summer 2018          CAV4 competition

  Jan 2019             Annual review of the Automotive Sector Deal


Implementation of the Automotive Sector Deal will be overseen
by the Automotive Council, which will review progress
against objectives at each of its quarterly meetings.
Separate governance groups for the         Once Sector Deals enter the
Faraday Battery Challenge, Meridian        implementation phase, bi-annual
and the Supply Chain Competitiveness       progress reports will be provided
and Productivity programme will be         for ministers in the Department
established to oversee their respective    for Business, Energy and Industrial
parts of the Sector Deal and will inform   Strategy. The Automotive Council
the Automotive Council of progress.        will be subject to challenge sessions
                                           from government ministers on an
                                           annual basis as part of the overall
                                           Sector Deals programme.

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal


1.    Growing the Automotive Supply Chain:          11. The Society of Motor Manufacturers
      Local Vehicle Content Analysis, report for        and Traders (2016), https://www.smmt.
      the Automotive Council by Holweg, M.,   
      Padgett, T. and Davies, P. (September 2015)       and
2.    Office for National Statistics (Business          tent/uploads/sites/2/SMMT-Motor-In-
      Enterprise Research and Develop-                  dustry-Facts-2017_online_May.pdf
      ment, UK: 2016           12. The Society of Motor Manufacturers
      uk/economy/governmentpublicsecto-                 and Traders (2016); https://www.smmt.
      priseresearchanddevelopment/2016                  uploads/sites/2/SMMT-Motor-Indus-
3.    Office for National Statistics Workforce          try-Facts-2017_online_May.pdf
      Jobs and Employment multipliers               13. Auto Council working paper, Internal Com-
4.    Office for National Statistics                    bustion Engines: UK opportunities, 2013.
      Trade in Goods by Industry                    14. Update from the Department of Busi-
5.    The Society of Motor Manufacturers                ness, Energy and Industrial Strategy
      and Traders (2017), https://www.smmt.             (2017), and             news/business-secretary-announc-                es-founding-partners-of-65-million-bat-
      uploads/sites/2/SMMT-Motor-Indus-                 tery-technology-research-institute
      try-Facts-2017_online_May.pdf (the            15. Update from the Department of Busi-
      current link takes you to registration            ness, Energy and Industrial Strat-
      numbers we want production numbers)               egy (2017),
6.    Update from the Department of Busi-               government/news/government-in-
      ness, Energy and Industrial Strategy (July        vestment-into-faraday-scale-up-fa-
      2017),             cility-to-make-uk-a-world-lead-
      news/business-secretary-to-estab-                 er-in-battery-innovation
      lish-uk-as-world-leader-in-battery-technol-   16. Automotive Council (2015), Growing
      ogy-as-part-of-modern-industrial-strategy         the Automotive Supply Chain: the Op-
7.    Transport Systems Catapult (2017), ‘Market        portunity Ahead, https://www.automo-
      forecast for connected and autonomous   
      vehicles’,             sites/13/2015/03/Growing-the-UK-au-
      ment/uploads/system/uploads/attach-               to-supply-chain-March-2015.pdf
      ment_data/file/642813/15780_TSC_Mar-          17. Automotive Council, (2016), Growing
      ket_Forecast_for_CAV_Report_FINAL.pdf             the Automotive Supply Chain: Local
8.    National Account; ONS Trade in Goods              Vehicle Content Analysis, https://www.
      by Industry; ONS BERD (Table 2)         
9.    HM Treasury Spending Review and Au-
      tumn Statement 2015
      uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/         Image references
      Blue_Book_PU1865_Web_Accessible.pdf           P17   Flywheel energy storage system
10.   The Society of Motor Manufacturers            P25 LUTZ driverless vehicle
      and Traders (car production for 2016)         P29	 MINI Plant, Cowley, Oxford. Credit: Flickr
                                                          - SMMT. Photographer: James Lyon

Industrial Strategy Automotive Sector Deal

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