Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS

Page created by Ron Nunez
Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS
Business Plan 2019-22
UK Shared Business Services Ltd
Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS
Chief Executive’s
       Richard Semple

    UK SBS will become radically different as we        The next three to five years, therefore, represent a
    have a clear mandate to work with our partners      period of very significant change for UK SBS, as
    to transform the way we deliver, and the way they   we enable our partners’ parallel transformations.
    use, our broad range of services. We will achieve
    this by:                                            This three-year partnership plan, from 2019 to
                                                        2022, sets out a clear development path and
    •	Convergence onto common HR, finance and          outcomes for UK SBS that will adapt over time
       procurement processes, aligned to Cabinet        to reflect changing circumstances and demands.
       Office policy, led by the tripartite Business    A central strand is the Future Shared Services
       Design Authority.                                Programme, but there is a much broader change
                                                        required. After years of relative under-investment,
    •	Transforming, with our partners, end-to-         UK SBS has a technical debt that has limited
       end service provision, embracing modern          service modernisation in recent years. In the
       technology and techniques to provide a more      past year, we have started to address this and
       engaging user experience so that we are          will continue to do so in the coming years. This
       easier to do business with.                      will bring core capabilities up to the standards

          The next three to five years, represent a period of significant change
          for UK SBS, as well as an important opportunity to contribute and
          support client transformational journeys.

Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS
UK SBS Vision
                   Setting the highest standard of public
                   sector business service provision in
                   the digital age.

expected of a 21st century service provider.          viable UK SBS ‘change engine’. We will work
This is critical to deliver the change our partners   with our partners to secure funding for change
require and to attain the demanding ambition set      projects and risk mitigations, without which
by the Board in our vision statement:                 UK SBS will neither transform nor modernise
                                                      service delivery, hindering our partners’ own
Setting the highest standard of public sector         transformations.
business service provision in the digital age.
                                                      There is much to do; a careful balance of
This is also a time of significant change for         priorities, risks and resources is needed to meet
our partners, so more will be asked of us as          our own and our partners’ ambitions. As our
a shared services provider. The past year has         backbone, our employees have faced tough
seen significant efficiency improvements, with a      challenges before and shown the difference they
23% reduction in cost per user for core services,     can make through their expertise, hard work and
whilst user numbers have increased by 25%,            pride in their delivery. I am confident, therefore,
with further growth expected. This has driven         that with our partners’ and owners’ backing,
a marked rise in service requests and standard        our committed employees can deliver on this
customer service contacts: up over 30% in             watershed opportunity.
recent months. More complex change requests
have also increased by 30% in volume over the
last two years. This level of demand requires us
to increase capacity across all areas of service      Richard Semple
delivery, as well as the re-establishment of a        CEO

            The past year has seen significant efficiency
            improvements, with a 23% reduction in cost per user for
            core services, whilst user numbers have increased by
            25%, with further growth expected.

Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS
    UK SBS will become a very different organisation
    over the next few years. Together with our
    owners and partners, we will transform the end-
                                                        UK SBS will become a
    to-end way we work together. Enabled by the
                                                        very different organisation
    BEIS-sponsored Future Shared Services (FSS)
                                                        over the next few years.
    programme we will embrace modern technology
                                                        Together with our owners
    and techniques to ensure UK SBS delivers quality
                                                        and partners, we will
    business and specialist services, effectively and
                                                        transform the end-to-end
    efficiently, to the highest standards.              way we work together.

    A brief background to the organisation and the
    services we provide is at Appendix A.

Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS
Strategic intent and approach
With investment from our owners we will                Our relationship with our partners is enabled by
transform, to deliver a broad range of modern,         us agreeing the services we supply (the Services
highly effective and efficient 21st century business   Agreement/Catalogue), the quality we deliver
services. The team aims, with our partners, to         (Key Performance Indicators, KPIs) and the
strive to become the highest performing public         cost we incur to deliver today’s services and
sector provider - as reflected in our vision,          tomorrow’s change.
mission and values.

We have a unique partnership relationship with
our owners, who are also the major part of our
client base, and whose employees are the
end-users of our service. We will provide
seamless support to our partners so that
they can focus on their core mission.
                                                               costing              service
Vision                                                         model               agreement
Setting the highest standard of public sector
business service provision in the digital age.

As a trusted public-sector partner, we provide
high quality, modern and efficient shared and
                                                                    key performance
specialist business services to our partners and                       indicators
are proud to play our part in enabling them to
achieve the best outcomes for the UK economy
and society.

Integrity, Diversity, One Team, Versatility,

An increase
in user numbers                                           19,100
of 25% with                                                Users on two
further increases anticipated                              Oracle platforms

Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS
    Setting the highest standard of public sector
    business service provision in the digital age.

    As a trusted public-sector partner, we provide high
    quality, modern and efficient shared and specialist
    business services to our clients and are proud to
    play our part in enabling them to achieve the best
    outcomes for the UK economy and society.

    Integrity, Diversity, One Team, Versatility,

Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS
What will be different (Ends)
Based on progressing the FSS programme,                       • Transparent, at tempo, effective change.
aligning services to the Cabinet Office Global
Standards, parallel transformation for our                    • Improved service resilience and proactive
partners and owner investment, UK SBS and                        security, keeping pace with the ever-changing
the services we provide will look and feel very                  cyber threat, providing security and
different. The differences we can deliver with                   reassurance.
partners and funding include:
                                                              HR and Payroll:
General :   1
                                                              • S
                                                                 eamless intelligent automation to support
• H
   armonised services and processes across                     on-boarding (including provision of new starter
  all partners and end-to-end rationalisation.                  material), bank account details for pay and
                                                                expenses, and user provisioning.
• S
   ignificantly improved data integrity through
  self-service and intelligent automation.                    • L
                                                                 ine manager self-service/automation to move
                                                                employees within an organisation (workflow to
• Intelligent automation, validation, prompts                  authorise contractual and pay changes).
   and guides to provide information necessary
   for action and updates or progress advice.                 • C
                                                                 areer development, performance and
                                                                attendance management, support for line
• S
   elf-serve customisable reporting tools;                     manager through MI and prompts for
  enhanced operational and performance                          follow up.
                                                              • Intelligent automation supports leaver process
• A
   utomated document categorisation,                            across HR, Payroll and Business IT.
  retention and deletion.

• C
   hatbots provide immediate query responses
  with on-line prompts for process journeys.                        Payroll
• Intelligent automation routes for service                        payslips
   requests.                                                        processed

• C
   ost code and line manager hierarchies
  seamlessly link across Finance and HR with
  intelligent routing even when hierarchy is

• R
   educed cost per unit for standard                                +15% year on year
                                                                          at a cost of
  transactional services.
                                                                    £2.18 per payslip
• O
   pportunity to enable UK SBS and retained
  partner teams to be freed to add value.

1 Investment in addition to Future Shared Services will be required to maximise use and capability of ServiceNow (forms,
routing, prompts etc,) PowerBi (analytics), SharePoint (records management) and other new technology.

Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS
Engaging closely with our clients
                                 is vital in understanding their
                                 needs and requirements.

    Finance:                                             Procurement:

    • Intelligent automation and changed policy         • E
                                                            -Marketplace ‘one stop shop’ broken down
       remove all paper (invoices, receipts,               into categories, sub categories and
       statements) from accounts payable (AP) and          commodities that sign-post users to the most
       accounts receivable (AR) processes.                 suitable route to market e.g. e-Catalogue,
                                                           smart form, framework, self-service portals
    • A
       uto-reconciliations for ledgers, GL accounts,      (travel, contingent labour, etc.).
      bank reconciliations (including cash
      management support automated – autoload            • C
                                                            ommon ‘Amazon’ like e-Catalogue (reduced
      bank statements, match payments, receipts,           requisition to purchase order activity).
      post bank charges).
                                                         • Intelligent automation enables auto-creation of
    • O
       nline forms for non-invoice payments such           a requisition to purchase order.
      as Non-Employee Expenses.
                                                         • Self-approval for low value purchases.
    • S
       elf-service for supplier, partner and employee
      database maintenance.

    • T
       ax engine design removes manual changes

      for VAT returns.                                          Strategic


         200,000                                                completed
         Invoices processed
         4% increase year on year                               £82M logged          Benefits

Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS

• F
   urther adoption of cloud-based technologies
  and the managed retirement of legacy systems
  and services.

• S
   tandardise business IT services across UKRI
  and UK SBS, providing added value through
  delivering new ways of working.

• S
   ecurity and resilience are built into services
  and will be offered as a service to partners.

Business Plan 2019-22 - UK Shared Business Services Ltd - UK SBS
What we will do (Ways)
     Organising and prioritising, with partners, a             and BOE users by the end of March 2020,
     considerable portfolio of change is critical to           followed by continuing agile enhancements.
     the successful delivery of our goals: both near
     term efficiencies and longer-term transformation.      •	Intelligent call routing and multi-skilling for
     To help keep track we maintain a Strategic                contact centres by September 2020.
     Roadmap, with activities divided into four
                                                            •	Grants decoupling – decoupling the current
     interdependent groups, summarised below.
                                                               UKRI grants capability from ROE, to aid
     1. Partner Activity. Working with and enabling            transition to the new Funding Service solution.
     partner change is paramount and reflects our              The current phase will complete in March
     relationship with our owners. Events such as              2020 with further work to be agreed for
     EU Exit contingency planning means that we                2020/21.
     will continually have to work together to adjust
                                                            • Implement an online recruitment tool
     priorities and resources. Reflecting our revitalised
                                                               (TALEO) by March 2020 – to enhance
     relationship with our owners and partners we
                                                               candidate and hiring manager experience.
     will review governance arrangements with a view
     to establishing a Service Management Board
                                                            • D
                                                               ata quality – working with partners to
     to guide and assess delivery of the Services
                                                              cleanse and maintain the quality and integrity
     Agreement. We will continue to embed recently
                                                              of their data we hold (critical to the services
     established Change Boards for each of our two
                                                              we provide, usability of information by
     core service platforms, in support of the Business
                                                              partners, transition to FSS and, of course,
     Design Authority. To ease the partnership
                                                              legal compliance).
     prioritisation challenge we will significantly
     improve transparency and the reporting of              • W
                                                               indows 10 upgrade – rolling-out the
     change request progress (via the Change Portal).         enhanced product to UK SBS and supported
                                                              UKRI users by December 2019 to better
     2. Service Activity. The Future Shared Services
                                                              enable collaboration and reduce risk.
     (FSS) programme is central to long-term service
     improvement. However, effort will also be applied      3. Resilience, Support and Viability. We will
     to a parallel service improvement programme,           continue to address the historical technical debt
     exploiting intelligent automation and digital          to ensure UK SBS remains in support and keeps
     technology. Key projects are below:                    pace with technological developments. Major
                                                            projects are below:
     • U
        K SBS Connect – developing a modern,
       intuitive front-end interface for the UK SBS         • A
                                                               pply learning from having moved Je-S
       Oracle platforms with deployment to both ROE           (Joint Electronic Submission system) to cloud

                     Effort will also be applied to existing service and
                     process improvement, including exploiting the latest
                     automation and digital technology.

Amazon Web Services, a more secure and
   stable platform for UKRI’s core business.               The adoption of a
                                                           calculated risk-taking
• F
   urther ROE upgrade activity, to include
                                                           process and culture will
  Disaster Recovery (DR) environment and
  basic DR Test upgrade, and implementation                complement the adoption
  of Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) to                    of greater agility.
  enable automated deployment of operating
  system patches to both ROE and BOE, to be
  completed by March 2020.
                                                    • Improving analytics - take analytics and
• P
   olaris House Service Improvements.                 reporting to the next level using existing
  Modernising and rationalising a range of             Oracle and Microsoft products, with further
  services, including a single multi-tenant            investment required to develop greater
  network (December 2019) and consolidated             sophistication in data science and analytics,
  service desks (March 2020).                          as well as providing ‘data lakes’.

• T
   he cyber threat must be countered through       • A
                                                       doption of modern ways of working – greater
  proactive monitoring and behavioural change         productivity and effectiveness will be achieved
  across the organisation. Building on Cyber          through more flexible and mobile working
  Essentials Plus accreditation we are working        practices, exploiting the available range of
  to gain full ISO 27001 (in 2020) as evidence of     modern digital tools, such as Office 365.
  further progress.
                                                    • A
                                                       gile project and programme delivery –
4. People, Capacity and Capability. Early             traditional transactional waterfall approaches
focus must remain on compliance activity but will     to project and programme management
quickly expand to encompass the adoption of           will not cope with the increasing tempo and
modern ways of working and up-skilling, including     volume of change. The principles of an agile
the following activity:                               approach are being adopted, with agile
                                                      delivery teams being task-organised from
• C
   ustomer and innovation culture – embedding        across the organisation.
  a central operations team to drive continuous
  improvement: cross-skilling the contact           • B
                                                       alanced risk-taking embraced – a willingness
  centres, using best practice to manage              to accept risk is critical if opportunities are to
  queues and building on customer feedback            be identified and seized. The adoption of a
  with an active focus on quality whilst              calculated risk-taking process and culture will
  maintaining productivity.                           complement the adoption of greater agility.

• W
   e will continue to focus on core-controls,
  enhancing our first line of defence and
  assurance activity through the creation of the
  central operations team, as risk can increase
  at times of change of processes and people.

• K
   nowledge and Information Management
  (KIM) – Strategic management of our
  information is the foundation stone of what we
  do with our partners, as is GDPR compliance.

How we will do it (Means)
     UK SBS is undergoing changes in its own internal          An effective plan is being developed and
     leadership, culture and ways of working as we             implemented to provide the breadth and depth
     strive to deliver efficiencies and service quality        of knowledge, skills and experience we need.
     improvement alongside an unprecedented
     increase in service volumes and the number and         • Leadership capability – it is vital to ensure
     complexity of programmes and projects for us              the team is provided with the support and
     and our partners. Much of the focus of ‘ends’             direction required to build increasingly
     and ‘ways’ is inevitably on policy, process and           professional skills during a period of
     technology, for us, and our partners. It is our           unprecedented transformation; we will evolve
     people, working together, that will provide               and re-launch our core leadership skills
     the ‘means’.                                              programme (including a module on enhancing
                                                               partnership engagement) and ensure
     People are our most important asset; they are             performance management is focused on how
     central to all we deliver. We will build the talent       managers lead, as much as what they deliver.
     in the organisation to ensure a motivated and
     flexible workforce, with the right capacity and        • C
                                                               ulture, ways of working and behaviour
     capability, at an affordable cost. With time, effort     – UK SBS will continue to work with our
     and money we will:                                       partners to adopt a more agile and risk-
                                                              managed (rather than risk-averse) approach
     • O
        ptimise workforce planning – a strategic             to delivery. We will breakdown internal
       view of the resources required to deliver              barriers and functional silos. A key initial
       growing BAU and increased change is being              step is bringing the contact centres together
       developed and maintained on a rolling three-           and creating a central operations focus for
       year basis. This will mean some initial increase       assurance and continuous improvement.
       in numbers to support service volume growth,
       continuing to rebuild our change capacity            Partnership engagement
       and acquiring new digital capability. We will
       maximise the use of our sites in Billingham          UK SBS is led by the Executive team,
       and Newport, as well as Swindon.                     overseen by the UK SBS Board, made up of
                                                            representatives of our owners and independent
     • I mproved recruitment and retention –               Non-Executive Directors, including the Chair. To
        with limited resilience within the workforce        help the working of our unique partnership we
        and a growing demand for change we must             have an established Business Design Authority
        actively work to ensure empty posts are filled.     to facilitate prioritisation of change projects
        The number of vacancies and employee                across our two service platforms, to encourage
        turnover will be reduced through modernising        harmonisation across our partners and to agree
        recruitment approaches, enhancing induction,        incremental changes to the Services Schedules.
        leveraging our three sites and, critically,         It is proposed to complement this with the
        building leadership capability (see opposite).      establishment of a Service Management Board
                                                            focused on the end-to end efficient and effective
     • Upskilled workforce – the right capability
                                                            delivery of the current Services Agreement.
        and capacity are required. The demand for
        new skills is changing and growing over time,       To support this governance structure, our
        such as the need for modern digital skills.         Partnership Managers and Service teams
        We will revitalise our customer service and         aim to build trusted partner relationships, to
        middle management training programmes.              constructively and collaboratively ensure service

We will build the talent in the organisation to ensure
                a motivated and flexible workforce, with the right
                capacity and capability, at an affordable cost.

performance and improvement. We focus                    • U
                                                            ser experience feedback where individual
on person-to-person opportunities for client               customers are asked to rate the service that
discussions and feedback: from overarching                 they have received and provide comments on
partner service reviews through service specific           completion of each service request.
operational performance review meetings to
individual users talking with our contact centre for     • M
                                                            onthly meetings with partners to identify key
help and advice. With our partners, we operate             partner issues for inclusion within the regular
a Business Design Authority to provide strategic           reports.
prioritisation and joint working. It is leading the
                                                         • A
                                                            quarterly feedback report with Partnership
important work to ensure that we take every
                                                           Managers working with senior contacts
opportunity to standardise and improve end-to-
                                                           through a functional focused survey to collect
end HR and Finance processes ahead of FSS
                                                           feedback for each service.

                                                         • A
                                                            complaints and compliments process
At a partner level, review of feedback alongside
                                                           which feeds into regular partner reporting and
the service KPIs is key to service management
                                                           through these, the partnership and service
and partnership reviews. To obtain regular
                                                           management reviews.
qualitative feedback on services we have
revitalised multiple routes:

                                          Business Design Authority
                                         Service Management Board
     UK SBS                                                                                    Owner
    Executive                                                                                Executives

   Partnership                                                                              Senior Partner
    Manager                                                                                Representatives
                                                    Reviews                                   Senior
     Heads of                                                                                Functional
     Service                                                                                 Managers
    Functional                                                                               Functional
   Relationship                              Partnership Meetings                             Service
    Managers                                                                                 Managers

     Service                                 Customer (end-user)                              Retained
     Delivery                               meetings and site visits                         Functions
     Teams                                                                                   Customers

                       UK SBS                                                 Partner

Finance and budgets
     We agree a costing model with our owners and           • F
                                                               or 2021/22 the cost of Oracle licences
     partners to facilitate appropriate charging for          increases by 5%.
     services and project investment. We will work
     with our partners to evolve the costing model          • All other non-salary costs remain the same.
     to enable a move to a service-based charging
                                                            • T
                                                               he service portfolio remains the same as in
     model that encourages the delivery of end-to-end
     efficiencies, supported by a transparent partnership
     approach to forecasting volumes and planning
                                                            • The user numbers remain as at August 2019.
     of change.

     The 2019/20 figures below have been developed          Assumptions used for project costs
     from the budget for business as usual (BAU) and
     the latest forecast for projects. The figures for      These are rough order of magnitude (ROM) costs
     subsequent years are indicative only and have not      expected to be incurred by UK SBS to complete
     been agreed with our partners.                         projects funded by its owners.

                                                            • C
                                                               osts shown are UK SBS costs only and do
     Assumptions used for BAU costs                           not include partner costs.

     • A
        ssumes a 2% increase in salary cost each           • C
                                                               osts do not include the licence or
       year, balanced by a 2% efficiency gain.                implementation partner costs of the new

      Forecast income and expenditure account
                                                                          2019/20      2020/21      2021/22
      Income and costs (£m)
                                                                         Forecast     Forecast     Forecast
      Business as usual (BAU) service income                                  33.5         33.5          33.7
      Programme & project income                                                6.1         9.3           6.8
      Total income                                                            39.6         42.8          40.5
      BAU staff costs                                                         23.3         23.3          23.3
      BAU non-staff costs                                                     10.2         10.2          10.4
      Programme & project costs (forecast)                                      6.1         9.3           6.8
      Total costs                                                             39.6         42.8          40.5
      Surplus/(deficit) before depreciation                                    0.0          0.0           0.0

Breakdown of costs by directorate
                                        2019/20    2020/21    2021/22
Total costs (£m)
                                       Forecast   Forecast   Forecast
Finance                                     3.3        3.3        3.3
HR/Payroll                                  2.2        2.2        2.2
Procurement                                 4.0        4.0        4.0
General service delivery                    2.9        2.9        2.9
Service delivery sub-total                 12.4       12.4       12.4
ISS                                        15.5       15.5       15.7
Change directorate                          2.3        2.3        2.3
Corporate services                          3.3        3.3        3.3
BAU costs                                  33.5       33.5       33.7
Programme & project costs (forecast)        6.1        9.3        6.8
Total costs                                39.6       42.8       40.5

Forecast average BAU FTE                   523        513        503

Programme & project ROM costs
                                                               2019/20     2020/21    2021/22
     Description (£m)
                                                              Forecast    Forecast   Forecast
     General capital                                               1.1         0.5        0.5
     Grants security and resilience                                0.2           -          -
     Business IT & multi-tenant network                            0.3         0.4        0.2
     UK SBS Connect                                                0.5         0.3        0.3
     BOE maintenance                                                 -         0.5        0.1
     ROE maintenance                                                 -         0.5        0.1
     DR upgrade                                                      -         0.2          -
     Data centre upgrade                                             -         0.2          -
     Soft telephony & VC                                             -         0.3          -
     Client analytics                                                -         0.1          -
     Testing & environment automation                                -         0.2        0.1
     Data lake & analytics                                           -         0.3        0.2
     Robotic process automation & intelligent automation             -         0.4        0.2
     ERP service improvement                                         -           -        0.2
     Windows upgrades                                                -           -        0.1
     Interfaces, m/ware & application programming interface          -           -        0.3
     Security operations centre                                      -           -        0.2
     Total capital projects                                        2.1         3.9        2.5
     New Solution Project                                          0.9         2.5        3.0
     Grants de-customisation                                       1.2         1.2        0.2
     Business IT                                                   0.4         0.4        0.4
     Recruitment tool development                                  0.5         0.2          -
     Service management tool improvements                          0.5           -          -
     UKRI reorganisation                                           0.3         0.5        0.5
     User service improvements                                     0.1           -          -
     KIM and GDPR                                                  0.1         0.1          -
     ISO27001                                                      0.1         0.1          -
     Robotic process automation & intelligent automation             -         0.3        0.1
     Miscellaneous                                                (0.1)        0.1        0.1
     Non-capital projects                                          4.0         5.4        4.3

     Total project funding required                                6.1         9.3        6.8

Measuring success
The UK SBS management information framework                            •	Service performance against standards set
plays a central role in measuring achievements as                         out in the Partnership Services Agreement,
we deliver our challenging and ambitious plans.                           measured by Service Key Performance
The framework is shared with the UK SBS Board,                            Indicators (KPIs).
Audit Committee and Executive and with our
partners. It includes:                                                 These capture what and how we deliver.
                                                                       Alongside hard data, it includes partner
                                                                       feedback, user experience data and client service
•	Delivery and progress of the Strategic
                                                                       management reviews. We monitor progress
   Roadmap of major change activities
                                                                       and success monthly but taking stock at key
                                                                       points in the year will also ensure we are meeting
•	Management of key risks
                                                                       expectations or managing them if the necessary
•	People effectiveness and engagement                                 investment for change is not available.

•	Key partner issues (part of our relationship                        Service performance KPIs
                                                                       KPIs are reviewed, endorsed and signed-off in
•	Financial performance versus agreed budgets                         conjunction with our owners and partners. The
                                                                       current operational KPIs are at Appendix B.

                                                    UK SBS total cost of service
                                     (excluding Property Asset Management and Grants Service Delivery*)

                                                                                                  33.5     33.5
         £ millions

                                                               29.5       28.8        29.0



                           2013/14    2014/15     2015/16    2016/17     201/18      2018/19    2019/20   2020/21

       Shows the total BAU cost with budget for 2019/20 and an estimate for 2020/21.

       Note: Financial year 2013/14 was the first full year of service to (former) BIS, when additional
       finance and HR employees were transferred to UK SBS and additional office sites were inherited.
       * Property Asset Management and Grants Service Delivery transferred out of UK SBS between
       2015 and 2018

Cost of core service per customer

        Indicative Core Cost per customer (£)

                                                400                                                      390       388




                                                      2013/14   2014/15   2015/16   2016/17   2017/18   2018/19   2019/20   2020/21

     Shows core cost per customer of the standard (core in Cabinet Office definition) finance
     and HR/Payroll services reduced from 2013 to 2016 due to cost reductions. Slight
     increases between 2016-2018 because of reducing customer base following the intent
     to close the company. The onboarding of former DECC and growth in other client
     organisations reduces the core cost per customer sharply.

 The average score across
                                     our services indicate user
                                     satisfaction of 3.7 out of 5.

The KPIs are used to measure and report                services in 2014/15, the cost for the service
UK SBS performance on the key operational              supplied by UK SBS to BIS (as at the time) proved
service process steps undertaken for partners          very competitive. We are keen to participate in
(e.g.: processing supplier invoices), and to           further benchmarking exercises.
identify, explain and address any service
under performance. They are the equivalent to          More work on cost of service (by sub-function
commercial performance KPIs reported by a              cost driver) is being undertaken to enable detailed
standard third-party provider (e.g.: SSCL / Capita).   standardisation and simplification of end-to-end
                                                       process discussions with partners.

Benchmarking our success
                                                       UK SBS cost of service
As UK SBS offers a broader and deeper range
of services than most shared service providers,        A critical high-level indicator is our cost of
comparison with others is problematic.                 service. Over recent years UK SBS’s cost to
Assessment of UK SBS services suggests                 serve has fallen whilst consistently meeting KPIs.
that less than 25% are comparable with the             The cost per user fluctuated in line with client
standard services usually offered by other             exits ahead of plans to close the Company. More
providers. However, when the Cabinet Office last       recently, with the on-boarding of former DECC
undertook its Government Shared Services (GSS)         employees and other growth in user numbers,
comparison of government department shared             this has fallen markedly.

                                   How we manage our
                                   information is of strategic
                                   importance to us. It is the
                                   foundation stone of what
                                   we do for our clients.

Appendix A – UK SBS background, clients
     and services provided
     UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK SBS) is              four service areas; Finance, HR and Payroll,
     a Company limited by shares, owned by the                Information Technology (IT), and Procurement.
     Department for Business, Energy and Industrial           Only a quarter of these fall within the traditional
     Strategy (BEIS) and UK Research and Innovation           definition of standard or core shared services
     (UKRI). It is a government shared service provider,      (as used by the Cabinet Office). The remaining
     operating within the public domain.                      75% reflects the range of specialist skills which
                                                              support partners’ additional professional
     Our owners, and our major partners, have                 service demands, for example: immigration
     undergone significant change. The creation               services in support of attracting overseas talent
     of BEIS saw the merging of two government                and cash management support. They reflect
     departments, with UK SBS onboarding over                 joint, cost effective working with partners and
     1600 new users from another provider. The seven          responsiveness to user needs. A summary of
     Research Councils, Innovate UK and Research              services provided to each client can be found on
     England were brought together to form UKRI               the next page.
     in 2018.
                                                              These charts provide a high-level summary
     UK SBS has one of the widest ranges of service           of the standard and additional services that
     provision within the UK public sector. We provide        UK SBS provides and the proportional costs
     services to six public sector partners, spanning         for UK SBS services.

                 Services taken by UKRI                                       Services taken by BEIS
           by standard and additional services                          by standard and additional services

                             Standard       Standard                      Standard        Standard
                               20%          Standard
                                              20%                         Standard
                                                                            32%           Standard
                                20%           20%                            32%            32%

               Additional      Additional                Additional         Additional
                 80%           Additional
                                 80%                     Additional
                                                           68%              Additional
                  80%            80%                        68%               68%

                 Services taken by DIT                                        Services taken by Other
           by standard and addittion services                           by standard and additional services
                            Standard        Standard                     Standard        Standard
                              32%           Standard
                                              32%                        Standard
                                                                           34%           Standard
                               32%            32%                           34%            34%

              Additional      Additional                   Additional       Additional
                68%           Additional
                                68%                        Additional
                                                             66%            Additional
                 68%            68%                           66%             66%

Client split of UK SBS charges 2019/20           Total UK SBS Service offering by standard
                                   (£000)                                  and additional services

                                                                                       Standard services
                    Other £828k           UKRI £24,517k                                      23%
                                              74%         Additional services
  BEIS £6,333K

DIT £1,664k

                              UKRI        BEIS

                              DIT         Other

UK SBS Service Take-up

                                                                                                                                                                          UKSA (user numbers included in BEIS)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       National Institute of Agricultural Botany

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      UKRI (summary) C. 8,660 users
                    services lines

                                                                                    Additional service elements
                                                        Standard service elements

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           UK Government Investments
                                                                                                                  BEIS core C. 5,328 users

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Institute for Food Research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Diamond Light Source Ltd

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 South Tees Site Company

                                                                                                                                                    INSS C. 1,794 users

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      UKRI Central Services
                   service elements

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 DIT C. 2,742 users

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Research England

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   John Innes Centre
Based on Cabinet Office’s benchmarking
definitions, our 36 service lines are broken

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Innovate UK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TWI Limited
down to service elements to more accurately

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 UK SBS
analyse which UK SBS activities relate to a




standard shared service offering.
Oracle operating system (BOE, ROE or Non-Oracle(N-O))                                                             BOE N-O ROE ROE ROE ROE ROE ROE ROE ROE ROE ROE ROE ROE N-O ROE ROE N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O N-O

Finance                                                                                                              ✓                                ✓                       ✓  ✓ ✓                                                                                     ✓                    ✓      ✓ ✓             ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓ ✓                    ✓                ✓
Customer Service Helpdesk                                     1                                                      ✓                                                        ✓  ✓ ✓                                                                                     ✓                    ✓      ✓ ✓             ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓
Accounts Payable (AP)                                         3                           3                          ✓                                                        ✓  ✓ ✓                                                                                     ✓                    ✓      ✓ ✓             ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓
Accounts Receivable                                           2                           1                          ✓                                                        ✓  ✓ ✓                                                                                     ✓                    ✓      ✓ ✓             ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓
Cash Management                                               2                           1                          ✓                                ✓                       ✓  ✓ ✓                                                                                     ✓                    ✓      ✓ ✓             ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓ ✓                    ✓                ✓
Non Current Assets                                            2                           2                          ✓                                                           ✓ ✓                                                                                     ✓                    ✓        ✓             ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓
General Ledger (Accounting)                                   5                           1                          ✓                                                         ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                     ✓                    ✓      ✓ ✓             ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓
Project Accounting                                                                        4                                                                                        ✓                                                                                     ✓                    ✓      ✓ ✓             ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓
VAT                                                           3                         ✓                                                                                      ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                     ✓                    ✓      ✓ ✓             ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓
Specialist Value-Add Services                                                        17 ✓                                                              ✓                       ✓ ✓
HR & Payroll                                                                            ✓ ✓                                                            ✓                       ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                      ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓ ✓                     ✓               ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Customer Services Helpdesk                               2                              ✓                                                              ✓                       ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                      ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
Transactional HR (Starting Work/At Work)                 15                           6 ✓                                                              ✓                       ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                      ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
Leaving Work                                             13                             ✓                                                              ✓                       ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                      ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
Payroll                                                   9                           2 ✓                                                              ✓                       ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                      ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
Reward and Recognition                                    3                           9 ✓                                                              ✓                       ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                      ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
Recruitment                                                                           8                                                                                            ✓                                                                                      ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
Training Services                                                                     8 ✓                                                    ✓         ✓                       ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                      ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
Immigration                                                                           13                                                                                           ✓                                                                                      ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓ ✓                     ✓               ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Complex Case Management                                                                6 ✓                                                             ✓                       ✓ ✓ ✓                                                                                      ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
End-User Computing                                            2 4                                                                                                                                                                        ✓                               ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓            ✓      ✓                                       ✓
Communications & Mobile Working                               3 11                                                                                                                                                                       ✓                               ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓                   ✓                                       ✓
Building IT Services                                             9                                                                                                                                                                       ✓                               ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓ ✓          ✓      ✓ ✓                                     ✓
Hosting Services                                                 8                                                   ✓                                ✓                       ✓                                    ✓                     ✓                               ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓            ✓      ✓                                       ✓
3rd Party Customer Services Helpdesk                             1                                                   ✓                                ✓                       ✓                                    ✓                     ✓                               ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓            ✓      ✓                                       ✓
Supplier Management                                              2                                                   ✓                                ✓                       ✓                                    ✓                     ✓                                                                                                                                       ✓
IT Customer Support                                           3                                                      ✓                                ✓                       ✓                                    ✓                     ✓                               ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓       ✓              ✓                ✓
Enterprise Systems Support                                    2 6                                                    ✓                                ✓                       ✓                                    ✓                     ✓                               ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓
Customer Services Helpdesk                                    1                                                      ✓                       ✓                                 ✓                                   ✓                      ✓                              ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓                                                                                                                                                   ✓                         ✓
Category Management                                                                        4                         ✓                       ✓                                 ✓                                                          ✓                              ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓                                                                                                                                                   ✓                         ✓
Sourcing                                                                                   4                         ✓                       ✓                                 ✓                                                          ✓                              ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                      ✓                ✓                                                                                                                                                   ✓                         ✓
Contract Management                                                                        1
Purchasing                                                    1                            3                         ✓                                                         ✓                                   ✓                      ✓                              ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
eCommerce                                                                                  2                         ✓                                                         ✓                                   ✓                      ✓                              ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
Supplier Database Managment                                                                1                         ✓                                                         ✓                                   ✓                      ✓                              ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓
Specialist Procurement                                                                     1                         ✓                       ✓                                 ✓                                                          ✓                              ✓                    ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓                                                                                                                                                   ✓                         ✓
Inventory Management                                                                       2                                                                                                                                              ✓                                                                          ✓      ✓
Commercial Intelligence                                                                    4                         ✓                       ✓                                 ✓                                   ✓                      ✓                               ✓                   ✓      ✓       ✓       ✓      ✓     ✓      ✓                       ✓               ✓                                                                                                                                                   ✓                         ✓
No of services taken by Client:                                                                                   4 1 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1                          1                          1                                   1                1                         1
No of service lines taken by Client:                                                                              28 6 14 27 25 34 32 32 31 32 32 29 31 32 5 27 33 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1                          1                          1                                   1                6                         6
No of service elements offered:                          69 142
•	Does not reflect variances in the way services are operated for different partners
•	User numbers are defined by licensed Oracle users as at 31 August 2019.

Finance Service Lines

                                                    Finance Services

  Accounts         Accounts        Cash           Non Current        General          Project                          Specialist
   Payable        Receivable    Management          Assets           Ledger         Accounting                         Services

                      AR                                                                                                 Historic
 Ap Invoice                     Transactional     Additions &       General           Project           VAT
                   Invoicing                                                                                              Data
 Processing                      Processing      Amendments        Accounting         Updates          Returns          Requests

Management          Debt                                                             Externally
                                 Cash Flow        Disposals &                                        Exemption           Policy
 of Invoices      Collection
                                                                  Reconcillations     Funded
                                Forecasting       Retirement                                          & Partial         Support
   on hold                                                                            Projects       Recovery

     Ap          Credit Card                     Depreciation                                           VAT
                                                                   Period End                                            Other
  Payments        Receipts                       & Revalution                                          Advice

  Employee           AR                            Capital
  Expenses        Receipting                       Projects

   GPC &
 Credit Card

                                                HR & Payroll Service Lines

                                                  HR & Payroll Services

Transactional                                      Reward &                           Training                        Complex Case
                 Leaving Work      Payroll                        Recruitment                        Immigration
     HR                                           Recognition                         Services                        Management

 New Starter       Leaver                           Pay &                                           Entry Clearance   Complicated
                                  Payroll                         Recruitment        Supplier
Administration   Management                        Reward                                             Compliance        Starter
                                Management                        & Selection       Management
                                                   Strategy                                             Checks        Management

                 TUPE/COSOP     Allowances                         Complex                            Policy &        Compromise
Performance                                       Pay Award                         Commissioning
                    & Exit       & Benefit                         Campaign           Courses         Strategy         Reference
Management                                       Implementation
                 Programmes     Management                        Management                        Development       Management

  Leave &                        Employee          Non-Pay                                                              Length of
                   Pension                                          Executive         Course
Attendance                      overpayment        Employee                                             Tier 2        Service Query
                   Liaison                                           Search         Management
Management                      management          Benefits                                                          Management

Contractual                                         Job &         Assessment
  Change                                                                              Training                         Dismissal
                                                   Grading          Centre                              Tier 5
Management                                                                            Delivery                        Managemen
                                                  Evalutions      Management

  Maintain                                                                                            Advice,             Ill
  Employee                                       Consultation      Contract                          Guidance &         Health
    Data                                           Support        Management                         Casework         Management

                                                                     Pre-                                                Tax &
 Reference                                        Assurance       employment                        Workshops &
Management                                                                                                              Pension
                                                 Management       Compliance                          Training        Management

ISS Service Lines

                                                                    ISS Services

        End User        Communications          Building IT           Hosting            Security Risk       Customer           Supplier
       Computing        Mobile Working           Services             Services           Management         Service Desk       Management

         Physical                                                                                            3rd Party          Supplier &
       Computing               Email        IT Infrastructure        Application            Security         Customer            Contract
     Device Provision         Services        & Networking            Hosting                               Service Desk       Mgmt Service

          Office                                                                                                                Supplier
                            Mobile               Landline            Co-Location            Risk
       Productivity                                                                                                            Management
                          Telephony             Telephony              Hosting           Management                            Consultancy

       Equipment           Unified                                  Application &
         Loans          Communications            Printing                                Consultancy
                                                                    Data Backup

                        Remote Access               WIFI

                         Unmanaged          Room Bookings
                        Remote Access         (Technical
                         Management           Concierge)

                                                           Procurement Service Lines

        Procurement Services                                   Purchasing Services                                   Specialist Services

 Category                          Contract                                              Supplier         Specialist      Inventory    Commercial
                   Sourcing                          Purchasing       eCommerce
Management                        Management                                            Management       Procurement     Management    Intelligence

                   Sourcing                                             Online           Supplier                         Inventory       Group
 Category                            Manage         Online Order                                           Major
                   Goods &                                             Catalogue         Database                        Master Data   Procurement
Management                          Contracts       Processing                                            Projects
                   Services                                           Management        Management                       Management       Porta

                                                                      Automated                                          Warehouse       Supplier
                                                    Order Quality    Service Order                                        Catalogue    Commercial
                                                     Assistance      Management                                          Maintenance   Intelligence

                                                     Post Order                                                                          Supplier
                                                       Issue                                                                            Assurance

                                                      UK SBS Supporting Service Lines

                                                           UK SBS Supporting Services

                                     Customer                Management             Enterprise            Corporate
                                     Services                Information         Systems Support          Services

                                  Finance Contact             Financial             ERP Systems            Change
                                      Centre                  Reporting               Support            Management

                                   HR & Payroll                                                           Project &
                                                             HR & Payroll        Grants Systems
                                  Contact Centre                                                         Programme
                                                              Reporting             Support              Management

                                   Procurement               Recruitment                                  Corporate
                                  Contact Centre                                    Applications
                                                              Reporting                                    Support

                                   IT Customer               Procurement
                                   Service Desk               Reporting

                                    IT Service

Appendix B – Current UK SBS Service
Performance KPIs
KPI Ref       Description                                              2019-20   2018-19   2017-18     2016-17
                                                                       Target    Score     Score       Score

Customer Experience (also reported by individual service in performance reporting)
KPI-CE-1      Average User Experience Score (out of 5)                 N/A       N/A       N/A         N/A
KPI-CE-2      Response Rate (Submissions Received v                    N/A       N/A       N/A         N/A
              Transactions Completed)
KPI-CE-3      Average Quarterly Client Satisfaction Score (out of 5)   N/A       N/A       N/A         N/A

Customer Service (also reported by individual service in performance reporting)
KPI-CS-1      Contacts Resolved by Agreed Target Date                  >= 85%    85.8%     91.6%       88.9%
KPI-CS-2      Customer Service Telephone Calls Abandoned               = 90%    N/A       N/A         N/A
              in 10 Working Days

Finance Services
KPI-FIN-1     Supplier Invoices Processed in 2 Working Days            >= 85%    83.9%     94.7%       91.5%
KPI-FIN-2     Value of Managed Debt Overdue by 90+ Days                N/A       N/A       N/A         N/A
              (where UK SBS are authorised to chase)
KPI-FIN-3     No. of Working Days to Complete Key                      = 95%    97.6%     98.0%       9 6.1%
              (< £10K)

HR & Payroll Services
KPI-HRP-1     Payroll Transactions Processed by Deadline               = 100%    99.8%     100%        100%
KPI-HRP-2     Payroll Error Rate (UK SBS errors only)                  = 98%    99.1%     99.1%       98.7%
KPI-ISS-3     Network Availability                                     >= 98%    99.9%     99.9%       99.7%
KPI-ISS-4     eMail System Availability                                >= 98%    100%      99.5%       99.6%

KPI Ref      Description                                          2019-20   2018-19    2017-18    2016-17
                                                                  Target    Score      Score      Score
KPI-ISS-5    Hosted Systems Availability                          >= 98%    N/A        N/A        N/A

Procurement Services
KPI-PRC-1    Procurement Benefit v UK SBS Managed Spend           >= 6%     9.9%       7.9%       8.1%
KPI-PRC-2    Return On Investment (Procurement benefit v cost of >= 9.8     21.4 : 1   18.0 : 1   18.1 : 1
KPI-PRC-3    Initial Contact Made With Customer after Receiving   >= 90%    N/A        N/A        N/A
             Procurement Requirement in 3 Working Days
KPI-PRC-4    Average Number of Days from Launch Date to           N/A       N/A        N/A        N/A
             Deadline for Receipt of Tenders (rolling 3 months)
KPI-PRC-5    Average Number of Days to Complete Due Diligence     N/A       N/A        N/A        N/A
             on Tender Responses (rolling 3 months)
KPI-PRC-6    Average Number of Days from Evaluation Start to      N/A       N/A        N/A        N/A
             Contract Signed Date (rolling 3 months)

Risk, Information Management and Continuity
KPI-RISC-1   Major Security Incidents                             =0        0          0          0

Polaris House                     Concept House                   Queensway House
North Star Avenue                 Cardiff Road Newport            West Precinct Billingham
Swindon Wiltshire SN2 1FF         South Wales NP10 8QQ            Stockton-on-Tees TS23 2NF                

UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK SBS)
Registered Office: Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon Wiltshire SN2 1FF
Registered Number 06330639 (England and Wales)
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