Information and Costs Overview 2021/22 for Day Students

Page created by Ann Avila
Information and Costs Overview 2021/22
for Day Students
The International Baccalaureate (IB)
Diploma Programme (Grades 11 & 12)
In 1968 in Switzerland, the broad and balanced curriculum of the IB Diploma Programme was established. There are currently
some 5200 schools offering the Diploma Programme in 158 countries worldwide. Students who study the Diploma and successfully
pass the examinations can go on to a range of tertiary education institutions including university, higher education institutions,
business schools, creative and performing arts, technology related institutions or enter professional training/intern programmes.

IB subject choices
The easiest way to represent the IB Diploma curriculum is by a circle with six subject groups around the periphery. Students must
select six subjects, from each subject group:

•   One language from Group 1
•   An additional language from either Group 1 or Group 2
•   One subject from Group 3 - Individuals and Societies
•   One subject from Group 4 – The Sciences
•   One subject from Group 5 – Mathematics
•   One subject from Group 6 - Visual Arts or Theatre (OR another subject from Groups 1 to 4 e.g. two sciences).

From this selection above, three subjects should be at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL). A grade total of 42
points can be achieved from the six subject groups (maximum score per group is 7 points).

An additional 3 points can be achieved by successfully fulfilling the three additional requirements that make up the ‘Core’ (TOK,
EE and CAS - outlined on the next page). The maximum score possible is 45 points.

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For the academic year 2021/2022, students at the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz can create their individual programmes from the
following range of subjects (contingent on demand):

 Group 1                    Group 2                 Group 3                  Group 4                   Group 5                     Group 6
Studies in                  Language                Individuals and         Experimental              Mathematics                 The Arts
Language and                Acquisition             Societies               Sciences
English A, German A or      English B, French B     Business Management,    Biology, Chemistry,       Mathematics Analysis        Visual Arts, Theatre or
Chinese A Literature,       German B, Spanish B,    Economics, History      Design Technology,        and Approaches,             an additional subject
English A Language and      German ab initio,                               Physics                   Mathematics Applica-        from Groups 1–4
Literature, Literature in   Italian ab initio and                                                     tions and Interpretations
other languages as          Spanish ab initio                                                         (Standard Level only)
School-Supported            (Standard Level only)
Self-Taught course at
Standard Level

The Core (TOK, EE, CAS)
Theory of Knowledge (TOK): This is an interdisciplinary course in critical thinking and focuses on the fundamental questions
of knowledge, ethics, beliefs and values.

The Extended Essay (EE): The EE is an independent research assignment of 4000 words that focuses on an area of study
related to one (or more) of the subjects studied by the student within the Diploma.

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS): CAS enables students to apply the IB learner profile in real and practical ways through a
wide range of extracurricular, ‘hands on’ activities.

Academic Tutoring
Each IB student is supported by an Academic Tutor who, in partnership with teachers and pastoral teams, is responsible for
guiding them through the IB Diploma Programme.

College Counselling

The school has an experienced College Counsellor who helps students with their applications to colleges and universities around
the world. Students gain self-knowledge by taking the Morrisby Test, widely used in schools and businesses. It yields reliable
information on a range of skills and aptitudes. Students sit the Morrisby test at the Lyceum Alpinum usually during their 4th year
and receive a detailed report based on the test results.

The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz is also a test centre for the IELTS, SAT, Cambridge, Oxford and BMAT university entrance tests.
Preparation courses by a reputable test preparation company are available at the school.

University recognition of the IB
The IBO Diploma is one of the world’s leading post sixteen qualifications globally. Universities recognize the IB Diploma as a
rigorous and established programme of study and welcome applications from IB students due to the reliable and
internationally consistent performance criteria. Universities know that IB students have been educated to think independently
and critically, to apply knowledge through research and to debate real world issues from a global perspective. Our students
enrol at some of the best universities globally according to their interests and abilities. For more details, please see page 15.

Recognition of the IB Diploma in Switzerland and Germany
For Swiss universities, students must obtain at least 32 points in their Diploma examinations and include either a Natural
Science or Mathematics at Higher Level (HL). If they choose a Science at Higher Level, they must complete the Mathematics
Standard Level course.

For admission to a German university, students must ensure they follow the guidelines outlined in the agreement of the

Please refer to our webpage for more details:

The DIS office and our Admissions team will be delighted to answer any further questions you may have.

The International Baccalaureate (IB)
Career-Related Programme (Grades 11 & 12):
an alternative academic pathway
There are more than 200 schools globally that offer the innovative and challenging Career Related (CP) Programme. The CP is
an innovative framework of international education that incorporates the values of the IB into a unique programme addressing
the needs of students looking to engage in career-related education. It is a ‘real-world’ qualification that has pathways into
Universities, further/higher education, internships in business, apprenticeships or directly into employment.

The CP integrates academic subjects from the International Baccalaureate’s highly regarded and internationally recognised
Diploma Programme and combines them with a specific unit of study that focuses on business, entrepreneurship, marketing
and corporate development. The partnership for our CP programme is with Pearson International (the world’s largest provider
of entrepreneurial education) and we offer the Pearson BTEC option in combination with three of our Diploma subjects. BTEC
qualifications open new doors into rewarding careers in STEM, health, Sport, Business, IT, Creatives and much more, so our
students can move into a the career they want with the skills employers need.

CP students commit themselves to a challenging programme of study whilst acquiring transferable skills in applied knowledge,
critical thinking, communication, and cross-cultural engagement.

We have developed a hybrid version of the CP at the Lyceum Alpinum for students who, during their final two years at the
Lyceum, wish to focus on career-related, applied learning in a field, which genuinely interests them before progressing to a
higher education programme or a career in business and related areas.

CP students at the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz will follow
• two or more Diploma Programme subjects;
• a BTEC Level 3 Diploma course in Business provided by Pearson.
• A CP Core programme consisting of four components: Personal and Professional Skills, Service Learning, Language
  Development and a Reflective Project.

In order to further strengthen the practical aspects of this course of study, the Lyceum Alpinum has forged relationships with
a range of local, national and international businesses that will allow students the opportunity to gain real-world experience
and insight into how the professional world operates.

The DIS office and our Admissions team will be delighted to answer any further questions you may have.

Pre-IB Diploma Programme
(Grades 7–10)
Pre-IB Diploma Programme – Grades 7 and 8                              Pre-IB Diploma Programme – Grades 9 and 10
These classes are suitable for students aiming to enter the            These classes prepare students for the IB Diploma
IB Diploma Programme, who already have some knowledge                  Programme (years 11 and 12) and are taught in English:
of English, or who have grown up in an international
environment. All classes are taught in English.

The Foundation Year is for students in school years 7 and 8
                                                                        Compulsory Subjects               Grade 9    Grade 10
with only an elementary knowledge of English. In this
course students focus on learning the English they need                 English
to participate fully in the mainstream classes. Year 8                  German
students can also progress to year 9 EAL (English as an
Additional Language) programme.                                         Mathematics
 Compulsory Subjects               Grade 7        Grade 8               Chemistry
 English                                                                Biology
 German                                                                 History                                            3)

 Mathematics                                                            Business/Economics
 Science                                                                World Studies                                      3)

 History                                                                Music                                              4)

 Music                                                                  Art                                                4)

 ICT                                                                    ICT
 Art                                                                    Design Technology
 Physical Education                                                     Physical Education

 Additional Subjects               Grade 7        Grade 8               Additional Subjects               Grade 9    Grade 10
 Chinese                                1)             1)               Chinese                               1)           1)

 French                                 2)             2)               French                                2)           2)

 Spanish                                2)             2)
                                                                        Spanish                               2)           2)

     Mandatory subject for mother tongue students, elective subject for others
     Mandatory elective subject for all students – French, Spanish or Chinese (for non-native speakers)
     History or World Studies
     Music or Art

English as an Additional Language (EAL support): years 7 – 10
Students are assessed for their knowledge of English when entering the school and then placed in a class appropriate to their
level. If required, the EAL Coordinator will arrange for them to receive additional support to improve their writing, speaking and
reading skills. In year 9, students who come to the school with little or no experience of English are placed in a class dedicated
to EAL instruction in a number of subjects: World Studies, ICT, Music, English, Visual Arts, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History.

Students in years 7 or 8 with only an elementary knowledge of English (levels A1 – A2) can enter our Foundation Year class

In English, German, Chinese, French, Spanish and Maths students are placed in classes which match their ability.

International General Certificate
of Secondary Education
(Grades 9 & 10)
From October 2020, the Lyceum Alpinum has been accredited to offer the Cambridge iGCSE qualification from grade 9 (DIS 3).
Established more than 30 years ago, the Cambridge iGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14
to 16 year olds. Not only is it truly international - it will give students at the Lyceum Alpinum a flexible and stimulating
curriculum, supported with excellent resources and training for teachers. The Cambridge iGCSE is the perfect springboard to
advanced study at IB Diploma and CP level.

The Cambridge international curriculum sets a global standard for education, and is recognised by universities and
employers worldwide.

By adopting the Cambridge IGCSE at the Lyceum Alpinum, we aim to develop learner knowledge, understanding and skills in:

•   Subject content
•    Applying knowledge and understanding to new as well as familiar situations
•    Intellectual enquiry
•     Flexibility and responsiveness to change
•   Working and communicating in English
•     Influencing outcomes
•      Cultural awareness

Although there are over 70 subjects available within Cambridge IGCSE, the Lyceum Alpinum is looking to offer a core of subject
content that ties in with our current provision, facilities and teacher resource. Currently, our thoughts on subject offerings for
2021/2022 include:

 Subject Group                                                           Subjects Offered
 Language A                        English                  German                   Chinese
 Language B                        English                  German                   Chinese         Spanish       French
 Individuals & Societies           History                  Business
                                   Design &                 Double Award             Triple Award
                                   Technology               Science                  Science
 Mathematics                       Mathematics              Further Mathematics
 Arts/Electives                    Art                      Music

Looking ahead, we would like to consider broadening our offering depending on student demand and staffing e.g. Geography,
Global Perspectives, ICT and Sports Science.

Exam fees are applicable and further details are available upon request.

For further information, please contact the DIS office and our Admissions team who will be delighted to answer any further
questions you may have.

Swiss Matura

The Swiss Matura grants holders the right of admission to all Swiss universities as well as to international institutes of
tertiary education without the requirement of passing an entrance examination. Our students are prepared for this diploma
in one of two ways: a six-year long-term programme or a shorter, four-year programme of study.

At the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz students can enrol for one of the following Matura programmes:

• S wiss Matura                                                 NB: Students seeking admission to the Swiss Matura programme have to fulfil one of the
                                                                 following conditions: pass an entrance test at one of the middle schools in the Canton of
• Bilingual Swiss Matura German/English                         Graubünden; be transferred after achieving promotion at a Swiss or international school
• Swiss Matura “Maturità Bilingue Grigionese”                   of equivalent standard; gain provisional admission and subsequently pass an internal
  Italian/German                                                 entrance examination. These examinations take place in spring. The Lyceum Alpinum of-
                                                                 fers special preparation courses for students of the region who want to undertake intensive
                                                                 preparation for the cantonal Gymnasium entrance examinations.

The aim of a Gymnasium is to provide learners with a broad general education as well as in-depth study in two selected
subjects and to equip them with the skills required at university. This goal is achieved by passing the Matura examination and
the Matura project.

The Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz offers the following subject options:

Higher Level Specialisation                                      Standard Level Specialisation
•      iology and Chemistry
      B                                                          •   Chemistry
•     Economics and Law                                         •   Economics and Law (Immersion subject)
•      Physics and Applied Mathematics                          •   Geography
•   Spanish                                                     •    History (Immersion subject)
•    Visual Arts                                                •    ICT

Matura project
The Matura project completed during the last two years of the programme is aimed at demonstrating that students are able
to complete a process of scientific inquiry in a manner appropriate to a specific subject. In doing so they are guided by a
teacher. The completed work is presented both in writing and orally.

Bilingual Matura German/English
In this curriculum, the subjects Biology and History (years 10 –12) and Geography (years 10 and 11) are taught in English.
In addition, an immersion subject has to be selected as Standard Level Specialisation (see above). Students prepare for
this curriculum by attending a language course in an English-speaking country for a minimum of 3 weeks in year 9.

Swiss Matura “Maturità Bilingue Grigionese” Italian/German
Students whose mother tongue is Italian have the option to attend the bilingual Matura programme “Maturità Bilingue
Grigionese” (from year 9 to 12). Italian is taught as a first language (4 lessons/week) and students attend 2 lessons/week
Storia (History).

Matura examinations
Final examinations are taken in the following subjects, stipulated by the Matura regulations (MAR).

    Written                                                      Oral

    1. First Language                                            1. First Language

    2. Second Language                                           2. Second Language

    3. Maths                                                     3. Maths

    4. Higher Level Specialisation Subject                       4. Higher Level Specialisation Subject

    5. Standard Level Specialisation Subject                     5. Standard Level Specialisation Subject

COMPULSORY HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS (as of school year 2021/2022)

                                                      grade 7        grade 8         grade 9        grade 10   grade 11   grade 12
 German                                                  4              4               4                 4       4          4
 Italian/French 1) 3)                                    3              3               4                 4       3          4
 English                                                 3              3               4                 4       4          4
 Latin                                                   3              4
 Mathematics                                                                            4                 4       4          4
 Arithmetic & Algebra                                    4              4
 Geometry                                                2              2
 Natural Sciences                                        3              3
 Biology 2)                                                                             2                 2       2          2
 Chemistry                                                                              1                 3       3
 Physics                                                                                1                 2       2          2
 Computer Science                                                                       2                 2
 Media ICT                                               1
 Social Sciences
 Introduction Economics & Law                                                           2                 2
 Geography 2)                                            2              2               3                 2       2
 History 2)/Storia 3)                                    2              2               2                 2       2          2
 Visual Arts or Music                                                                                     2       2
 Visual Arts                                             2              2               2
 Music                                                   2              2               2
 Higher Level Specialisation (HLS), 4)                                                                            6          6
 Standard Level Specialisation (SLS), 2) 5)                                                                       3          3
 Matura project                                                                                                              2
 Further compulsory subjects
 Ethics                                                  2              2
 Handicrafts                                             2
 Home Economics                                                         2
 Romansh 6) 7)                                           2              2               2                 2       2          2
 Physical Education                                      3              3               3                 3       3          3
 Optional courses
 Latin                                                                                  3                 3       2          1
 Chinese                                                 2              2               2                 2       2          2
 Spanish                                                                                                  2
 Music Ensemble (vocal/instrumental)                     1              1               1                 1       1
 Robotics                                                2              2               2                 2
 Touch-typing                                            1

   7th and 8th grade Italian. 9th grade to 12th grade Italian or French
   Immersion subjects Bilingual Swiss Matura (grades 10–11 Geography, grades 10–12 Biology and History,
   grades 11–12 SLS Economics & Law or SLS History)
   Maturità Bilingue Grigionese: from grade 9 Italiano and Storia
   Biology & Chemistry, Economics & Law, Physics & Applied Mathematics, Spanish or Visual Arts
   Chemistry, Geography, ICT, Economics & Law or History
   In the case of Romansh as entrance examination language (from grade 7 to grade 9 mandatory)
   Elective subject as of grade 10

Special Programmes

Preparation for foreign language examinations/Extra-               European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) / International
curricular language courses:                                       Computer Driving Licence (ICDL)
The school’s Swiss Matura curriculum includes courses              The ECDL / ICDL is an internationally accredited course
which prepare students for the following foreign language          system for conveying essential knowledge of information
examinations:                                                      technology and validating this by means of a range of
                                                                   certificates. Within the framework of the regular Matura
• Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) C1               information technology curriculum learners work towards the
  (mandatory in the Matura programme)                              ECDL / ICDL certificate. This comprises the modules for
• Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) B2                  keyboard skills, online basics, spread sheets, presentations,
• Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri (PLIDA) C1              word processing and IT security.
• Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF) B1+/B2
• Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) A2/B1           Touch-typing
                                                                   This course is designed for students in the 7th grade (Matura)
                                                                   who want to learn or broaden their typing skills by using the
After completing the obligatory Latin classes in 7th and 8th       ten-finger typing system.
grades of the Matura programme, students can attend
optional Latin courses. In total, the Latin courses last           Learning Support Centre
4.5 years, finishing with a certificate in their penultimate
                                                                   The Learning Support Centre provides support for students
semester. Universities accept this Certificate as “Latinum”.
                                                                   by means of coaching sessions or arranges expert counselling
As a consequence, students in possession of this document
                                                                   for students with special needs (e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia,
do not have to take any Latin for courses of study requiring
                                                                   attention deficiency). For the Academically More Able (AMA),
                                                                   private lessons and/or remedial classes.
German as a Foreign Language
                                                                   College Counselling
For Matura students whose mother tongue is not German, we
offer a German as a Foreign Language remedial course,              Every year, successful high school graduates from our school
which enables them to better benefit from their Matura             start their studies at colleges or universities in Switzerland,
classes.                                                           Europe or overseas. Our College Counselling specialists are
                                                                   on hand to support the wide-ranging interests of our
English as an Additional Language (EAL)                            students, to guide the application process and to help them
The EAL Coordinator is responsible for arranging support for       make the right choices for their future. They provide expert
students in the Department of International Studies (DIS)          advice and individual counselling in matters related to
who need to improve their English.                                 school studies and professional careers. Detailed
                                                                   assessments by specialists from the Institute of Applied
Chinese                                                            Psychology in Zurich (IAP) or the study and high-school
In this optional course participants (Matura Department,           counselling department of the Canton of Graubünden can
grades 7 to 12) acquire basic language skills in Mandarin.         also be arranged. In addition, a wide range of universities
After a short introduction to the Pinyin transcription and into-   visit the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz every year and give
nation/pronunciation students learn basic grammar and              presentations to students.
vocabulary using everyday dialogue.

Students in grade 10 (Matura) will be able to take an optional
language course in Spanish. Participants learn to communicate
in everyday situations and they get to know Spanish culture and

Robotics as an optional subject (Matura Department, grades
7 to 10) enables students to grasp the art of coding in an
enjoyable way. Using assembly kits, students learn how to
build and program a robot. Instead of theoretical knowledge,
thrilling experiments and practical problem-solving skills are
part of this course which fosters critical thinking, creativity
and team effort.

Overview of fees

Main costs per year
Swiss Matura (according to the cantonal guidelines 9th – 12th grade) CHF                                                          640.–
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme                        CHF                                                      29,300.–
IB Career-Related Programme                                          CHF                                                      29,300.–
Supervised study lessons and homework support		                                                                               no charge
Games twice a week		                                                                                                          no charge
Additional tuition costs
Private lessons (price per lesson and person)
One-to-one tuition                                                                                              CHF                90.–
In a group of two                                                                                               CHF                70.–
In a group of three                                                                                             CHF                55.–
Coaching/special needs support                                                                                  CHF               150.–
One lesson lasts 40 minutes. Private lessons can be taken by several students if there is sufficient demand.
The prices for remedial/optional courses are communicated separately.
Examination fees (price per exam)
Entrance examination for Matura (Gymnasium)                                                                    CHF                100.–
Final examinations Swiss Matura                                                                                CHF                600.–
Final examinations IBDP/IBCP                                                                                   CHF                600.–
Fees for IB examinations (depending on choice of subject)                                                 from CHF              1,000.–
General costs (price per year)
Contribution to cultural events, Zuoz Zeitung (school journal), media etc.                                      CHF               170.–
School materials and school books                                                                           ca. CHF               900.–
Contribution to students organisation                                                                           CHF                40.–
Personal expenses
Lunch (10 vouchers at CHF12.– each)                                                                           CHF           120.–
Salad buffet (10 vouchers at CHF 8.– each)                                                                    CHF            80.–
Dinner (10 vouchers at CHF 8.– each)                                                                          CHF            80.–
Snacks voucher (per year)                                                                                     CHF           180.–
Outings, excursions, travel, etc.                                                                  according to actual expenditure
Attendance on community weekends                                                                   according to actual expenditure
Deposit International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme                                                         CHF         6,000.–
Registration fee International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme                                                CHF           750.–
Student’s hostel
We offer accommodation to Graubünden students who can not or do not want to commute between                                 On request
their parents’ home and school due to long distances. Please contact us for further information.
Boarding House à la carte
Overnight stay in the boarding house                                                                            CHF               130.–
(incl. food, supervised study lessons and games), price per night

Costs of private services and purchases outside of the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz are invoiced with an administrative surcharge of 5% and value
added tax of 7.7%.

Zuoz, December 2020

Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz is accreditated by the following international educational organizations:
•   Council of International Schools (
•   The International Baccalaureate Organisation (
•   Swiss Group of International Schools (
•   Swiss Learning partner (
•   Boarding School Association (

Universities where students have been accepted
from 2018–2020
United Kingdom (selection)        Switzerland                       USA (selection)                USA (selection)

City University London            Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne       American University            Pratt Institute of Design

Durham University                 ETH Zürich                        Babson College                 Rensselaer Polytechnic
Imperial College London           Franklin University, Lugano       Bard College                   Santa Clara University –
                                                                                                   School of Visual Arts
King’s College London             International                     Bates College
                                  University in Geneva                                             Syracuse University
London School of Economics
(LSE)                             Universitäten Basel, Bern,        Bentley College
                                  Fribourg, Genf, Luzern, Lugano,                                  Trinity College
Loughborough University           St. Gallen, Zürich
                                                                    Boston College
                                                                                                   Tufts University
New College of the Humanities     Webster University
                                                                    Boston University
                                                                                                   University of California –
Queen Mary University of London   Zürcher Hochschule der Künste                                    Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara,
                                                                    Brandeis University
                                                                                                   San Diego
Royal Holloway University         Europe (selection)
                                                                    Case Western
                                                                                                   University of Notre Dame
                                                                    Reserve University
SOAS University of London         Erasmus University Rotterdam
                                                                    Chapman University             Wake Forest University
University College London (UCL)   Frankfurt School of
                                  Finance & Management                                             Wesleyan University
                                                                    Colby College
University of Aberdeen
                                  ICADE Madrid
                                                                    Columbia University            Canada
University of Bath
                                  IE University
                                                                    Fordham University             Bishop’s University
University of Birmingham
                                  Leiden University
                                                                    Georgetown University          McGill University
University of Cambridge           Leiden University College
                                  The Hague                         George Washington University   Queen’s University
University of Edinburgh
                                  Universität München               Loyola Marymount University    Ryerson University
University of Exeter
                                  Sigmund Freud Universität         Marist College                 University of British Columbia
University of Manchester
                                  Technische Universität
                                                                    New York University            University of Toronto
University of Nottingham          München

University of Southampton         Università Bocconi Milano         Northeastern University        University of Waterloo

University of St. Andrews         University of Groningen           Parsons, The New School        Western University

University of the Arts London     Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien       Purdue University              York University

Druck: Tipografia Menghini SA

Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz AG
CH-7524 Zuoz, Schweiz
Tel +41 81 851 3000 | Fax +41 81 851 3099 |
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