Local University Entry Requirements for the Academic Year 2020/2021 & Indicative Grade Profile (2020/2021)

Page created by Edna Morgan
[Latest Copy as of 22nd January 2021]
  Local University Entry Requirements for the Academic
  Year 2020/2021 & Indicative Grade Profile (2020/2021)
      Note: Information is accurate as of 22 Jan 2021. Students are strongly advised
           to check the respective university websites for the latest information.

  National University of Singapore (NUS)
  Table 1: Grade Profiles of the 10th and 90th percentiles of A-Level Applicants offered places for
  courses at NUS in Academic Year 2020/20211 + Total number of NUS course places taken up in
  Academic Year 2020/20211
                        Representative Grade
   NUS                                                            Course
                              Profile:                                                       Entry Requirements
  Courses                                                         Places
                             3H2 / 1H1
                           10th                  90th
                        percentile            percentile
                         (UAS)                 (UAS)
Faculty of Law
                                                                                 Good overall A level results, including at
                                                                                 least a B grade in H1 General Paper
                                                                                 (GP); or a good pass in H2 Knowledge
                                                                                 & Inquiry (KI); or a minimum SAT Critical
                                                                                 Reading / Evidence-based Reading &
                          AAA/A                 AAA/A
Law*2                                                                  219       Writing score of 700 accompanied by a
                        (UAS: 85)             (UAS: 85)
                                                                                 minimum E grade for GP/KI.
                                                                                 Must indicate as first or second choice on the
                                                                                 application. The only exception will be for
                                                                                 applicants who place Law as their third choice
                                                                                 with Medicine and Dentistry as their first two
School of Medicine
                                                                                 H2 pass in Chemistry and either Biology
                          AAA/A                 AAA/A                            or Physics.
Medicine*                                                              315
                        (UAS: 85)             (UAS: 85)                          Must indicate as first or second choice on the
                                                                                 Pass in any two of the following H2
                        CCD/B                   AAA/A                            subjects:    Biology,     Chemistry,
Nursing*                                                               293       Computing, Physics and Mathematics.
                      (UAS: 66.25)            (UAS: 85)
                                                                                 Must indicate as first or second choice on the

    Double degree programmes are excluded from the table.
    Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are those where additional assessments such as interviews, selection tests, and portfolios are

Faculty of Dentistry
                                                                               H2 pass in Chemistry and either Biology
                         AAA/A                 AAA/A                           or Physics.
Dentistry*                                                           72
                       (UAS: 85)             (UAS: 85)                         Must indicate as first or second choice on the
School of Design & Environment
                                                                               H1 pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or
                        BCC/C                  AAA/A                           Physics; OR pass in 'O' level Additional
Architecture*                                                        155       Mathematics.
                       (UAS: 70)             (UAS: 85)
                                                                               Must indicate as first or second or third choice on
                                                                               the application.
                                                                               H1 pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or
Industrial             BBC/B                   AAA/A                           Physics or Economics or Art; OR pass in
                                                                     47        'O' level Additional Mathematics.
Design*3             (UAS: 73.75)            (UAS: 85)
                                                                               Must indicate as first or second or third choice on
                                                                               the application.
                                                                               H1 pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or
Landscape               BCC/C                AAA/B
                                                                     34        Physics; OR pass in ‘O’ level Additional
Architecture*          (UAS: 70)          (UAS: 83.75)
Project &
                       CCC/B                 ABB/B                             H1 pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or
Facilities                                                           133
                     (UAS: 68.75)         (UAS: 78.75)                         Physics.
                  CCD/B                     ABB/C                              H1 pass in Chemistry or Mathematics or
Real Estate                                                          161
                (UAS: 66.25)              (UAS: 76.25)                         Physics.
Faculty of Engineering
                                                                               H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
                                                                               Mathematics and either Physics or
Biomedical              BBB/C                  AAA/A                           Chemistry. Those without a H2 pass in
Engineering#4          (UAS: 75)             (UAS: 85)                         Chemistry will have to read the
                                                                               Chemistry Bridging Module (CM1417) in
                                                                               the 1st year.
                                                                               H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
Chemical                BBB/B                  AAA/A
                                                                     189       Mathematics and Chemistry and
Engineering#         (UAS: 76.25)            (UAS: 85)
                                                                               H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
Civil                   CCC/C                AAA/B
                                                                     118       Mathematics and either Physics or
Engineering#          (UAS: 67.5)         (UAS: 83.75)
                                                                               H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
Electrical             BBC/B                   AAA/A
                                                                     208       Mathematics and either Physics or
Engineering#         (UAS: 73.75)            (UAS: 85)
Engineering         Not offered as a choice from 2020.

   From Academic Year 2021 admission exercise, Chemistry will no longer be a subject requirement.
   Courses marked with a hash (#): Students without H1 or H2 Physics need to have an O Level pass in Physics or its equivalent and
  would be required to take Physics bridging modules.

Engineering                 BBC/B                  AAA/A                            H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
Science                   (UAS: 73.75)           (UAS: 85)                          Mathematics and Physics.
                                                                                    H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
Environmental               BBC/C                  AAA/A
                                                                          30        Mathematics, and Chemistry and
Engineering#              (UAS: 72.5)            (UAS: 85)
Industrial and                                                                      H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
                            BBC/C                 AAA/B
Systems                                                                   42        Mathematics and either Physics or
                          (UAS: 72.5)          (UAS: 83.75)
Engineering#                                                                        Chemistry.
Materials                                                                           H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
                            BBC/C                  AAA/A
Science and                                                               32        Mathematics and either Physics or
                          (UAS: 72.5)            (UAS: 85)
Engineering#                                                                        Chemistry.
                                                                                    H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
Mechanical                  BBC/B                  AAA/A
                                                                                    Mathematics and either Physics or
Engineering#              (UAS: 73.75)           (UAS: 85)
Mechanical                                                                338
                                                                                    H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
Engineering                  ABB/B                 AAA/A
                                                                                    Mathematics and either Physics or
(Aeronautical)            (UAS: 78.75)           (UAS: 85)
#                                                                                   Chemistry.

School of Computing
Business         AAA/A                             AAA/A                            H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
Analytics      (UAS: 85)                         (UAS: 85)                          Mathematics.
Computer                                                                            H2 pass in Computing or Mathematics
                 AAA/A                             AAA/A
Science                                                                   716       or Further Mathematics or Physics; OR
               (UAS: 85)                         (UAS: 85)
Courses                                                                             a good pass in H1 Mathematics.
                                                                                    H2 pass in Computing or Mathematics
Information                   AAA/A                AAA/A
                                                                          69        or Further Mathematics or Physics; OR
Security                    (UAS: 85)            (UAS: 85)
                                                                                    a good pass in H1 Mathematics.
Information        AAA/A         AAA/A                                              H2 pass in Computing; OR a good pass
Systems5         (UAS: 85)     (UAS: 85)                                            in H1 Mathematics.
Faculty of Engineering & School of Computing
                                                                                    H2 pass in Mathematics or Further
Computer                     AAA/B                 AAA/A
                                                                          166       Mathematics and either Physics,
Engineering#              (UAS: 83.75)           (UAS: 85)
                                                                                    Computing or Chemistry.
Faculty of Science
                                                                                    Very Good Pass in H2 Mathematics or
Data Science                AAA/C                  AAA/A                            H2 Further Mathematics, and a Good
and Analytics             (UAS: 82.5)            (UAS: 85)                          Pass in H2 Biology or H2 Chemistry or
                                                                                    H2 Physics or H2 Computing.
                                                                                    Very Good Pass in H2 Chemistry and
Pharmaceutic                  AAA/A                AAA/A                            Very Good Pass in H2 Biology or H2
al Science                  (UAS: 85)            (UAS: 85)                          Physics or H2 Mathematics or H2
                                                                                    Further Mathematics.

        Please refer to http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/undergraduates/is_is_prospective.html for more information.

Very Good Pass in H2 Chemistry and
                        AAA/B                  AAA/A                            Very Good Pass in H2 Biology or H2
Pharmacy6                                                             153
                     (UAS: 83.75)            (UAS: 85)                          Physics or H2 Mathematics or H2
                                                                                Further Mathematics.
                                                                                Pass in any two of these subjects at H2
                        AAA/C                  AAA/A                            level or equivalent: Biology, Chemistry,
Science7                                                              603
                      (UAS: 82.5)            (UAS: 85)                          Computing, Physics, either Mathematics
                                                                                or Further Mathematics.
Science                                                                         Good pass in H2 Chemistry and A Good
(Food               AAA/A         AAA/A                                         pass in H2 Biology or H2 Computing or
Science &         (UAS: 85)     (UAS: 85)                                       H2 Mathematics or H2 Further
Technology)                                                                     Mathematics or H2 Physics.
NUS Business School
Business           AAB/C          AAA/A                 H1 pass in Mathematics or pass in 'O'
Administration    (UAS: 80)     (UAS: 85)               Level Additional Mathematics.
                    AAB/B         AAA/A                 H1 pass in Mathematics or pass in 'O'
Administration                                  220
                (UAS: 81.25)    (UAS: 85)               Level Additional Mathematics.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Arts & Social
                    AAA/A         AAA/A
                  (UAS: 85)     (UAS: 85)
Politics &
                                                        Please               refer          to
Arts & Social       BBB/B         AAA/A
                                               1234     https://fass.nus.edu.sg/apply-now/ for
Sciences        (UAS: 76.25)    (UAS: 85)
                                                        more details.
Arts & Social
                   BBC/B          AAB/C
                (UAS: 73.75)    (UAS: 80)
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences and Faculty of Science
Environmental      AAA/C          AAA/A                 H1 pass in Mathematics and H2 pass in
Studies          (UAS: 82.5)    (UAS: 85)               either Biology or Chemistry.

    Students applying to Pharmacy should refer to https://pharmacy.nus.edu.sg/study/undergraduate/bachelor-of-pharmacy/ for
  important information on the ‘Fitness to Practice’.
    Students applying to Science should refer to https://www.science.nus.edu.sg/admissions/undergraduates/apply-to-science/ for more

1. The University provides the following notification of grade profiles and course places to enable
   prospective applicants to make informed choices in their application for admission to NUS
   undergraduate courses.
    Representative grade profiles8 of the 10th and 90th percentiles of applicants offered places
      in AY 2020/2021 for applicants holding Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-level qualifications
      are shown in Table 1 (shown above).
    The grade profiles refer to the grades scored by Singapore-Cambridge A-level applicants
      in their three H2 and one H1 content subjects. For the purpose of this notification, Grade
      C is assumed for both General Paper (GP) and Project Work (PW) in determining the
      grade profiles. Please note that certain courses may require grades higher than Grade C
      for GP. Please refer to Table 1 for the Grade Profiles of the 10th and 90th percentiles of A-
      level applicants offered places for courses at NUS in AY 2020/2021.
    The number of course places taken up in NUS for AY 2020/2021 is shown in the column
      “Course Places”. It is important to note that the number of course places changes from
      year to year.

2. Applicants seeking admission in AY2021/2022 can expect competition to be keener for
   courses with more stringent grade requirements and fewer places. In using the tables above,
   please note the following:
    The grade profiles and course places may vary from year to year, depending on the
       number and performance of applicants and the number of places available.
    Meeting the previous year’s grade scores of a course does not guarantee admission to
       that course for AY2021/2022.
    With effect from AY2020/2021, the grade profiles also take into account offers that were
       made under Aptitude Based Admissions (ABA).
    Certain courses may have specific subject requirements. Details can be found at NUS
       admissions website.

  These provide an indication of the grade profiles for the majority of applicants admitted in AY 2020/2021. There could be other
equivalent profiles for each course. For example, a grade profile of ABC/C could be considered broadly equivalent to BBB/C, unless
there are other pre-requisites.

Subject prerequisites for Double & Concurrent Degree Programmes                                                              /
  Specialisations / Double Major Programmes / Minor Programmes

      Programmes                                    Subject Prerequisites                                        test /
                        Please refer to www.usp.nus.edu.sg/nus-sciencespo for
Arts & Social Sciences details.
(NUS)      and     Arts Please read carefully its application procedures, including                                Yes
(Sciences Po)           the application window, at http://www.usp.nus.edu.sg/nus-
Administration     and H2 pass in Mathematics or Further Mathematics.                                               No
Business Analytics
Administration        &
                        Minimum prevailing admission criteria of both courses.9                                     No
Communications and
New Media
                        H2 pass in Computing or Mathematics or Further
Administration        &
                        Mathematics or Physics; OR a good pass in H1                                                No
Computer       Science
                        H2 pass in Computing; OR a good pass in H1
Administration        &                                                                                             No
Information Systems
                        H1 pass in Mathematics or pass in O Level Additional
                        Mathematics AND good overall A level results, including at
Business                least a B grade in H1 General Paper (GP); or a good pass
Administration & Law in H2 Knowledge & Inquiry (KI); or a minimum SAT Critical
                        Reading / Evidence-based Reading & Writing score of 700
                        accompanied by a minimum E grade for GP/KI.
                        H1 pass in Mathematics or pass in 'O' Level Additional
Administration        &                                                                                            Yes
Master in Public Policy
Administration        & H1 pass in Mathematics or pass in 'O' Level Additional
Master of Science Mathematics.

    Minimum admission criteria for Business Administration or Business Administration (Accountancy) is H1 pass in Mathematics or
  pass in 'O' Level Additional Mathematics.
     Please refer to http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/undergraduates/dd_computing_business.html for more information.

                               H1 pass in Mathematics or pass in ‘O’ Level Additional
(Accountancy) &                                                                                                       Yes
Master in Public
                               H1 pass in Mathematics or pass in ‘O’ Level Additional
(Accountancy) &                                                                                                       Yes
Master of Science
Business Analytics
                               H2 pass in Mathematics or Further Mathematics.                                          No
and Economics
Information Systems
                               H2 pass in Computing; OR a good pass in H1 Mathematics.                                 No
and Economics
Information Systems
and Master of                  H2 pass in Computing; OR a good pass in H1
Science                        Mathematics.11
(Management) (NUS)
Economics &
Business                       Minimum prevailing admission criteria of both courses.9                                 No
                               H2 pass in Mathematics AND good overall A level results,
                               including at least a B grade in H1 General Paper (GP); or a
                               good pass in H2 Knowledge & Inquiry (KI); or a minimum
Economics & Law                                                                                                       Yes
                               SAT Critical Reading / Evidence-based Reading & Writing
                               score of 700 accompanied by a minimum E grade for
Engineering &
Business                       Minimum prevailing admission criteria of both courses.12                                No
Engineering &
                               Minimum prevailing admission criteria of both courses.12                                No
                               Good overall A level results, including at least a B grade in
                               H1 General Paper (GP); or a good pass in H2 Knowledge
Law & Master in
                               & Inquiry (KI); or a minimum SAT Critical Reading /                                    Yes
Public Policy
                               Evidence-based Reading & Writing score of 700
                               accompanied by a minimum E grade for GP/KI.

    Please refer to http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/undergraduates/cdp_bcomp_msc.html for more information.
     Minimum admission criteria for Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering courses is H2 pass in Mathematics,
  Chemistry and Physics. Students without H1 or H2 Physics need to have an O Level pass in Physics or its equivalent and would be
  required to take Physics bridging modules. Engineering Double Degree Programmes are open to all Engineering courses except for
  Engineering Science. Students without H1 and H2 Physics need to have ‘O’ Level Physics or its equivalent and would be required to
  take Physics bridging modules.

An A grade in H2 Mathematics or Further
Mathematics &
                           Mathematics AND a good grade in H2 Computing or          No
Computer Science
                           Physics or Chemistry or Biology.
Double Major Programmes:
Please refer to: https://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/docs/default-source/singapore-
cambridge-gce-a-level/double_major_programmes.pdf?sfvrsn=d77b3efb_4 for the         No
full list of Double Major Programmes.
Minor Programmes:
Please refer to: https://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/docs/default-source/singapore-
cambridge-gce-a-level/minor_programmes.pdf?sfvrsn=2f296a3a_4 for the full list of   No
Minor Programmes.
Special Programmes:
Engineering &              Will be considered for the Programme if admitted to an
Medicine (Duke-NUS) Engineering course.12
Engineering Scholars   Will be considered for the Programme if admitted to an
Programme              Engineering course.12

Singapore Management University (SMU)
Table 1: Representative grade profiles13 of the 10th and 90th percentiles of applicants holding
Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level qualifications who were offered 14 places in the 2020
University Admissions Exercise, as well as the total number of course places taken up in 2020.
The grade profiles refer to the grades in the 3 H2 and 1 H1 content-based subjects. For the
purpose of this exercise, Grade “C” is assumed for both General Paper (GP) and Project Work
(PW) in determining the grade profiles. Certain courses may require grades higher than “C” grade
for GP for the purpose of admission.

                                                           Indicative Grade Profile                            Number of
                                                    3H2/1H1 content-based subjects
     SMU Degree Programme                                                                                       Places
                                                    10th Percentile             90th Percentile
                                                         (UAS)                       (UAS)
                                                          BBC/C                        AAA/A
 Bachelor of Accountancy                                                                                             333
                                                        (UAS: 72.5)                  (UAS: 85)
 Bachelor of Business                                      BBB/C                       AAA/A
 Management                                              (UAS: 75)                   (UAS: 85)

                                                           AAA/A                       AAA/A
 Bachelor of Laws                                                                                                    168
                                                         (UAS: 85)                   (UAS: 85)
                                                          BCC/C                        AAA/A
 Bachelor of Science (Economics)                                                                                     263
                                                         (UAS: 70)                   (UAS: 85)
 Bachelor of Science (Information                          BBC/B                       AAA/A
 Systems)                                              (UAS: 73.75)                  (UAS: 85)
 Bachelor of Science (Computer                             ABB/A                       AAA/A
 Science)                                                (UAS: 80)                   (UAS: 85)
 Bachelor of Science (Computing                            ABB/A                       AAA/A
 & Law)                                                  (UAS: 80)                   (UAS: 85)
                                                           BBC/B                       AAA/A
 Bachelor of Social Science                                                                                          232
                                                       (UAS: 73.75)                  (UAS: 85)

Admissions Requirements

Applicants With H1/H2 Level Subjects (current A-Level syllabus)
   Passes in at least 3 H2 content-based subjects, 1 H1 content-based subject, Project Work
      (PW) and General Paper (GP)/Knowledge & Inquiry (KI).
   Other acceptable subject combinations include: 4 H2 content-based subjects, PW and GP;
      or 3 H2 content-based subjects, PW and KI.

   These provide an indication of the grade profiles of Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level applicants offered places in the previous
year. There could be other “equivalent” profiles for each course. For example, a grade profile of ABC/C could be considered to be
broadly equivalent to BBB/C.
   With effect from 2021 University Admissions Exercise, the indicative grade profiles also take into account offers made under the
Aptitude-Based Admissions (ABA) framework.

   For the H2 and H1 content-based subjects, at least one content-based subject must be
       from a contrasting discipline.
      Interview for shortlisted applicants. Shortlisted Law applicants must also take a writing test.
       Interviews for Shortlisted Law applicants are conducted in end-March to April. Refer to this
       website: https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/faqs/law-interviews-and-writing-tests for more

GP / KI Requirements For Law/Computing & Law Applicants
Law/Computing & Law applicants must meet at least one of the following requirements:

      GP / KI grade of A or B (H1 / H2 level syllabus)

Mathematics Requirement For Economics Applicants
A good pass in H2 Math or H2 Further Math or Additional Maths at GCE O-Level. Applicants who
do not have this requirement can still apply for consideration if they have alternative Mathematics
content background. The School of Economics makes the final decision on admission.

Mathematics Requirement For Computer Science Applicants
A good pass in H2 Math or H2 Further Math or H2 Physics or H1 Math. Applicants who do not
have this requirement can still apply for consideration if they have alternative Mathematics content
background. The School of Information Systems makes the final decision on admission.

Mother Tongue Language (MTL) Requirement
Unless exempted from Mother Tongue Language (MTL) requirement, you must meet one of the
following MTL requirements:
      'S' grade or better in MTL or General Studies in Chinese at H1 Level or Mother Tongue
        Language and Literature at H2 Level
      D7 grade or better in Higher MTL at O-Level
      Pass in MTL Syllabus B at A-Level
Successful applicants who have not met the MTL requirement will be offered Conditional
Admission and are required to satisfy this requirement before graduating from SMU.

1. Applicants can expect competition to be keener for courses with more stringent grade
   requirements, fewer places and higher quality of the applicant pool.

2. In using the table above, please note the following:
    The grade profiles and number of course places vary from year to year, depending on the
       number and grade performance of applicants, and the number of places available for each
       degree programme.
    Meeting the previous year’s grade profiles of a course does not guarantee admission into
       that course for the current year.

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) (not updated as of 22/1/2021)

     Table 1: Grade Profiles of the 10th and 90th percentiles of 'A'-level Applicants offered places for
                                    programmes at NTU in JAE 2019

 Representative grade profiles15 of the 10th and 90th percentiles of applicants offered places in
 AY2019-20 for applicants holding Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A'-Level qualifications. This
 excludes offers that were made under the Discretionary Admissions framework. The grade
 profiles refer to the grades scored by 'A'-level applicants in their 3 H2 and 1 H1 subjects. For the
 purpose of this exercise, Grade "C" is assumed for both General Paper (GP) and Project Work
 (PW) in determining the grade profiles. Please note that certain programmes may require grades
 higher than "C" for GP

                                                                                                                 Places taken
                                                            Representative Grade Profile
                                                                                                                       up in
              NTU Programmes                                                  3H2/H1

                                                           10th percentile 90th percentile

 Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine

 Medicine*16                                                     AAA/A                      AAA/A                        149

 College of Engineering

 Renaissance Engineering                                         AAA/A                      AAA/A                         55

 Aerospace Engineering                                           AAA/C                       AAA/A                       124

 Bioengineering                                                  BCC/B                       AAA/A                       102

 Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering                              AAC/C                     AAA/A                       174

 Civil Engineering                                               CCC/D                      AAA/A                       120

 Computer Engineering                                            BBC/B                      AAA/A                        99

 Computer Science                                                AAC/C                      AAA/A                        424

 Data Science & Artificial Intelligence                          AAB/B                      AAA/A                         52

 Electrical & Electronic Engineering                             BCC/D                       AAA/A                      608

 Engineering                                                     CCC/C                      AAB/C                         33

   These provide an indication of the grade profiles for most of the applicants admitted in AY2019-20. There could be other "equivalent"
profiles for each programme. For example, a grade profile of ABC/C could be considered to be broadly equivalent to BBB/C, unless
there are pre-requisites.
   Certain programmes may have specific subject requirements. The programmes marked with asterisk (*) are those where additional
assessments such as interviews, selection tests, and/or portfolios are required.

College of Engineering

 Environmental Engineering                                   BCC/D                     AAA/A                      35

 Information Engineering & Media                             BBC/B                     AAA/A                      97

 Maritime Studies                                            BCC/C                     AAA/C                      86

 Materials Engineering                                       BCC/D                     AAA/A                     211

 Mechanical Engineering                                      BCC/D                     AAA/A                      540

College of Science

 Double Major Programmes*17                                  AAA/C                     AAA/A                      63

 Biological Sciences*                                        AAB/B                     AAA/A                     263

Chemistry & Biological Chemistry                             BBC/B                     AAA/A                     231

Environmental Earth Systems Science*                         AAA/B                     AAA/A                      34

Mathematical Sciences                                        BCC/B                     AAA/A                     152

Physics / Applied Physics                                    BCC/C                     AAA/A                      80

Nanyang Business School (College of Business)

Accountancy*                                                 ABC/B                     AAA/A                     507

 Business*                                                   ABC/C                     AAA/A                     837

College of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences

Double Major Programmes*18                                    AAA/A                    AAA/A                      57

Art, Design & Media*19                                       CCD/C                     AAA/A                     145

Chinese                                                      BBC/C                     AAA/B                      73

Communication Studies*                                        AAA/B                    AAA/A                     168

Economics                                                     BBC/B                    AAA/A                     163

English*                                                     BBC/C                     AAA/A                      90

College of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences

History*                                                      BBC/B                    AAA/A                      49

   Double Major Programmes offered by the College of Science include Biological Sciences and Psychology, Biomedical Sciences
and BioBusiness, Environmental Earth Systems Science and Public Policy and Global Affairs, Mathematical and Computer Sciences,
and, Mathematical Sciences and Economics.
   Double Major Programmes offered by the College of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences include Economics and Media Analytics,
Economics and Psychology, Economics and Public Policy & Global Affairs, English Literature and Art History, Psychology and Media
Analytics, and, Psychology and Linguistics & Multilingual Studies.
   Admission to Art, Design & Media programme is based on Composite Score which comprises Entrance Requirement Score and
University Admission Score.

Linguistics & Multilingual Studies*           BCC/B               AAA/A               82

Philosophy                                    BCC/C               AAA/A               59

Psychology                                    ABC/C               AAA/A               134

Public Policy & Global Affairs                ABC/C               AAA/A               65

Sociology                                     BBC/C               AAA/A               139

Sport Science & Management

Sport Science &
                                              BCC/B               AAA/A               74

National Institute of Education

Arts (Education)*                             ABC/B               AAA/A                28

Science (Education *                           AAB/B              AAA/A                29

General 'A' Level Entry Requirements
If you are applying using the Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level Examination in the English
medium, you need to obtain the following:
       at least two passes in subjects at H2 level and attempted General Paper (GP) or
          Knowledge & Inquiry (KI) in the same sitting;
       meet one of the following Mother Tongue Language (MTL) requirement:
       a minimum of 'S' grade in H1 MTL or General Studies in Chinese or H2 Mother Tongue
          Language & Literature (MTLL) taken at 'A' level; or
       pass in MTL ‘B’ syllabus taken at ‘A’ level; or
       a minimum of D7 in Higher MTL taken at 'O' level; or
       an MOE-approved MTL-in-lieu*; or
       an MOE-approved MTL-exemption*

A Mother Tongue subject (Chinese/Malay/Tamil) taken at a separate sitting of the GCE 'A' level
examination is acceptable for purpose of admission. H1 non-Tamil Indian Language (Bengali,
Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu) or H1 Foreign Language (French, German, Japanese) may be
taken in lieu of MTL.

Candidates who do not satisfy the MTL requirement may still submit an application for
admissions. If selected, he/she will be admitted on a provisional basis. During their course of
study, they will be required to meet the minimum MTL requirement before they are allowed to

*For students who have been away from Singapore’s school system for some years, the
University will submit the application for MTL-in-lieu or MTL-exemption on your behalf if you are
offered admissions. MOE does not accept direct applications.

Minimum Subject Requirements
To be eligible for a programme, you need to satisfy its subject requirement. Check the minimum
subject requirement 20 and 'A' level cut-off grades (AY 2019-2020 Grade Profiles) of the
programme you wish to apply.

                             To find out more about Minimum Subject Requirements, Scan this QR code!

Computation of University Score
In computing the University Score, the University will take into consideration the following:
    General Paper (GP) or Knowledge & Inquiry (KI)
    Project Work
    Best four content-based subjects (i.e. 3 H2 and 1 H1 content-based subjects, of which one
      must be a contrasting subject. Students may take KI in lieu of GP. KI is considered a H2
      subject and can be considered as a contrasting subject to both Arts and Science. Students
      who take KI need not take a H1 content-based subject. Possible subject combinations and
      subjects to be counted in the University Score in the document titled “Computation of
      University Score”.
    A H1 subject will be counted as half of a H2 in terms of points computation.
    MTL may be included in the computation of the University Score. The better of the two
      scores (i.e. with and without MTL) will be the University Score of the candidate.
    SAT is not required for applicants presenting A-level certificates.
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not indicate that the applicant can be
admitted as admission to the University is based on open competition. H3 programmes will not
be considered in the computation of the University Score. Candidates who have taken H3
programmes may be considered for admission under Discretionary Admissions.

Special Medical Conditions to Note
Please read the document titled “Special Medical Conditions21” before selecting the programme
you wish to apply.

Aptitude Based Admissions
Refer to https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/oad2/website_files/DA.pdf for more information.

     Please refer to: https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/oad2/website_files/ALevel/Min_Subject_Requirements.pdf
     Please refer to: https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/oad2/website_files/SpecialMedical.pdf

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
What they look for
SUTD practices a comprehensive review of applications, where they consider all academic and
personal attributes to assess if a candidate is able to cope with the rigour of their programme and
will fit in well. For the former, they look for evidence of competency in Mathematics and the
Science, i.e. Physics or Chemistry, in the context of the opportunities afforded to them. Apart from
the final year exam results, they also take into consideration a candidate’s academic performance
in the 2 – 3 years leading to the final exam, as well as any supplementary tests (e.g. SAT subject
tests) that he/she may have taken.

With their unique cohort-based and active learning approach, they believe that students who work
well in teams, who are not afraid to question the norm and be different, who are intellectually
curious, who persevere in the face of difficulties, and who are comfortable being hands-on, will fit
in excellently in SUTD. Through a candidate’s participation in co-curricular activities,
accomplishments and portfolios, teacher’s recommendations, and responses to their personal
insight questions, they hope to gain a better understanding of the candidate as an individual, and
if he/she has the attributes to flourish in SUTD.

Minimum Requirements

As admission to the University is competitive, do note that satisfying the minimum requirements
is often not enough to be competitive for selection. The selection will be based on merit and a
comprehensive review as outlined above.

As a guide, the University has provided the following reference data to help prospective applicants
make an informed choice in applying to the university:

Of the A Level students who were offered in the university admission exercise in 2020:
     Nearly all had taken Mathematics at H2 level, and 8 in 10 scored at least a B.
     Nearly all had taken either Physics or Chemistry (or both) at H2 Level, and nearly 7
       in 10 of those who took H2 Physics and/or H2 Chemistry scored at least a B for
       either or both subjects.

Subject Requirements (H1/H2/H3/GP/KI/PW)
    The University accepts applications from both Science and Arts stream students.
    You should possess good passes in at least three H2 content-based subjects, one H1
      content-based subject, Project Work and attempted General Paper (GP) or Knowledge &
      Inquiry (KI). Other acceptable subject combinations include: four H2 content-based
      subjects, Project Work and GP; or three H2 content-based subjects, Project Work and KI.
    While it is recommended that you have taken Mathematics and a Science subject, i.e.
      Physics or Chemistry, at H2, we do consider your results in Mathematics and the Science
      subjects taken at H1, O-level or equivalent as well. You may also be encouraged to take
      bridging modules before start of term.

Mother Tongue Language (MTL)
All Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are required to fulfil the MTL requirement for
admission into full-time publicly-funded undergraduate programmes in the universities.

The MTL requirement may be fulfilled through the following:
   a. a D7 grade for Higher MTL at Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level (the iGCSE MTL First
      Language examination does not fulfil the requirement); or
   b. a pass in MTL ‘B’ or a S grade for H1 MTL/ MTL-in-lieu or H2 MTL Language and Literature
      or H1 General Studies in Chinese at Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level; or
   c. a pass in MTL A: Literature, or MTL A: Language and Literature, or Language B MTL at
      Standard or Higher Level at International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (the IB
      Standard Level Language ab initio does not fulfil the requirement).

Those who have not fulfilled the MTL requirement may still apply for admission with no prejudice
to their application. However, if accepted, they will be required to fulfil the MTL requirement during
their course of study.

Applicants who have been away from Singapore’s school system for some years and have not
kept up with the study of their MTL or a language that can be offered as MTL-in-lieu may apply
for MTL exemption. The MTL exemption application will be facilitated by the universities as part
of the university application, and the results made known to applicants who receive admission
offers from the university. Please note that MOE does not accept direct applications for MTL
exemption. The application for MTL exemption will also not prejudice the evaluation of the
application for a place in the university.

Computation of University Score
When computing the University Score, the University will take into consideration the following:
   a. The best three H2 and one H1 content-based subjects, of which one must be a contrasting
   b. GP or KI (taken in the same sitting as the H2 subjects)
   c. Project Work (PW)
Please note that SAT, SAT Subject Tests and AP scores are optional. Do visit the US College
Board website for details and registration. You should indicate 6532 (SUTD Institution Code) on
your SAT registration forms, so that the scores will be sent directly to us by the US College Board.

Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)
1. SIT looks beyond grades and views each applicant as an individual with diverse qualities and
   talents. All shortlisted applicants will be assessed through interviews to ascertain if they are
   well-suited for the programme of choice.
2. A prospective applicant with a certain University Admission Score (UAS) can make broad
   reference to the “success rate” for applicants in the respective banding for a specific
   programme in the last admissions exercise, to assess his/her chances of being admitted.
3. Applicants may also refer to the latest Graduate Employment Survey results (employment
   rate and median salary) of the respective programmes, where available.

Admission Requirements
Applicants submitting the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A Levels must have obtained passes in at
least two subjects at A/H2 Level and offered either General Paper (GP) or Knowledge & Inquiry
(KI) in the same sitting.

In addition, applicants must meet one of the following Mother Tongue Language (MTL)
    A minimum ‘S’ grade for the H1 or H2 MTL paper or General Studies in Chinese taken at
       the GCE A Level examination
    Pass in the MTL ‘B’ Syllabus paper at the A Level examination
    A minimum D7 for the higher MTL paper taken at the O Level examination

For those who are exempted from MTL, the MOE-approved subject-in-lieu will be considered as
their MTL subject. Those who have not fulfilled the MTL requirement may still apply for admission.
Their application will be reviewed without prejudice. However, if accepted, they will be required to
(i) attain any of the minimum requirements as a private candidate, or (ii) attend equivalent courses
conducted by pre-approved language schools before being allowed to graduate.

Applicants who have been away from Singapore’s school system for a few years, and have not
kept up with the study of their MTL or a language that can be offered as MTL-in-lieu, may apply
for MTL exemption. The MTL exemption application will be facilitated by universities as part of
the university application, and the results made known to applicants who receive admission offers
from the university. Please note that MOE does not accept direct applications for MTL exemption.
The application for MTL exemption will also not affect the evaluation of the application for a place
in the university.

Indicative Grade Profile
% of First-choice applicants in respective A Level University Admission Score (UAS) bands who
received an offer22:
    ≤70: 6.5%
    >70 – 80: 44.6%
    >80 – 90: 56.2%

Number of Course Places + Graduate Employment Survey

                                         Number of
                                        Places taken   2019 Graduate Employment Survey
                                            up in
     SIT Degree Programme
                                       Intake (across Overall Employment Median Salary
                                              all       Rate (across all    (across all
                                       qualifications)   qualifications)  qualifications)
 BEng Information and
                                               131                       97.5%                        $4,100
 Technology majoring in
 Information Security
 BEng Information and
                                               100                      100.0%                        $4,190
 Technology majoring in
 Software Engineering
 BSc Computing Science23
 [Joint-Degree with                            119                       92.3%                        $4,200
 University of Glasgow]
 BSc Computer Science in
 Interactive Media and
 Game Development23
                                                99                       91.3%                        $3,800
 [Joint-Degree with DigiPen
 Institute of Technology
 BSc Computer Science in
 Real-Time Interactive
 Simulation23 [Joint-Degree                     89                      100.0%                        $4,400
 with DigiPen Institute of
 Technology Singapore]
 BSc Dietetics and Nutrition                    15                           -                           -

  The percentages are aggregated across all the programmes in the University which accept A level qualifications.
  The Graduate Employment Survey (GES) 2019 results were based on the former Overseas University programme. The current
degree programme has evolved into a joint-degree programme with SIT.

BSc Diagnostic
                               100          -        -
BSc Physiotherapy [Joint-
Degree with Trinity College
of Dublin] {Offered as a
                               174          -        -
solely SIT-conferred degree
with effect from AY2021
BSc Occupational Therapy       108          -        -
BSc Speech and Language
                               29           -        -
BSc Nursing [Joint-Degree
                               90         100.0%   $3,800
with University of Glasgow]
BBA Food Business
Management (Baking and         16           -        -
Pastry Arts)
BBA Food Business
                               42         81.0%    $2,625
Management (Culinary Arts)
B Accountancy                  187        93.7%    $3,100
B Hospitality Business         149        89.1%    $3,000
BSc Air Transport
                               70           -        -
BEng Pharmaceutical
                               101        92.2%    $3,660
B Food Technology [Joint-
Degree with Massey             72         93.0%    $2,975
BEng Chemical Engineering
[Joint-Degree with             76         82.2%    $3,500
Newcastle University]
BEng Chemical
Engineering23 [Joint-Degree
                               50         81.8%    $3,300
with Technical University of
BEng Sustainable
Infrastructure Engineering     73         92.5%    $3,500
(Building Services)
BEng Civil Engineering
[Joint-Degree with             113          -        -
University of Glasgow]
BEng Aerospace
Engineering23 [Joint-Degree    50         79.3%    $3,508
with University of Glasgow]

BEng Aircraft Systems
                                                      60                                -     -
 BEng Electrical Power
 Engineering [Joint-Degree                            84                         91.3%      $3,500
 with Newcastle University]
 BEng Electronics and Data
 Engineering23 [Joint-Degree
                                                      76                            -24      -24
 with Technical University of
 BEng Mechanical
 Engineering23 [Joint-Degree                         135                         95.2%      $3,600
 with University of Glasgow]
 BEng Mechanical Design
 and Manufacturing
                                                      88                         80.0%      $3,100
 Engineering [Joint-Degree
 with Newcastle University]
 BEng Marine Engineering
 [Joint-Degree with                                   35                         100.0%     $3,300
 Newcastle University]
 BEng Naval Architecture
 [Joint-Degree with                                   25                            -24      -24
 Newcastle University]
 BEng Offshore Engineering
 [Joint-Degree with                                   23                            -24      -24
 Newcastle University]
 BEng Sustainable
 Infrastructure Engineering                           41                         93.8%      $3,842
 BEng Telematics (Intelligent
 Transportation Systems
                                                      58                         100.0%     $3,750
 {Renamed to BEng
 Computer Engineering with
 effect from AY2021 intake}
 BEng Systems Engineering
 Systems) [Joint-Degree with
 DigiPen Institute of
                                                      60                         95.2%      $3,975
 Technology Singapore]
 {Renamed to BEng
 Mechatronics Systems with
 effect from AY2021 intake}

     No data is shown due to the small number of graduates and/or low response rates.

BSc Digital
Communications and       63          -       -
Integrated Media
BFA Digital Art and
                         39        81.3%   $3,150
BA User Experience and
                         38        83.3%   $3,220
Game Design

Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)
Application Criteria
Passes in at least 2 H2 content-based subjects and General Paper (GP) in the same sitting, a
pass in Project Work (PW), and a pass in an H1 contrasting subject.

Shortlisted applicants may be required to undergo one or more interviews and/or take written
admission or other evaluation tests as may be prescribed by SUSS from time to time.

All applications are considered individually on merit, and the offer of admission is dependent on
the number of places available in individual programmes. Admission is solely at the discretion of
SUSS and the decision is final and binding. SUSS reserves the right to refuse admission and is
not obliged to offer an explanation for the non-admission of unsuccessful candidates.

Mother Tongue Language (MTL) Requirement for Singapore Citizens and Permanent
You need to meet one of the following MTL requirements:
    Minimum of D7 for the higher MTL paper taken at the GCE ‘O’ Level examination.
    Minimum of ‘S’ grade for the H1 MTL paper or General Studies in Chinese.
    Minimum of ‘S’ grade for the H2 paper taken at the GCE ‘A’ Level examination.
    Pass in the MTL ‘B’ Syllabus paper at the GCE ‘A’ Level examination.

If you have been exempted from MTL, the MOE-approved subject-in-lieu will be considered as
your MTL subject.

For those who are exempted from MTL requirement, please submit your MTL exemption letter
issued by MOE to the Full-time Admissions office no later than 30 June in the year of admission.

Applicants who have not satisfied the requirements above may be admitted on a provisional basis
and will be required to attain the MTL requisite within the period of the University study before
being permitted to graduate from the University.

English Proficiency Requirement
If you do not have a Grade C6 in GCE ‘O’ level English Language (or equivalent), you may be
required to take additional test(s) and/or English Language proficiency course(s).

SUSS Holistic Admission
The SUSS holistic admission comprises both the applicant’s performance for the following
assessment components (i.e., 4-stage assessment), AND the applicant’s grades scored for
Singapore-Cambridge A-level in three H2, one H1 subjects, General Paper and Project Work
(computed as University Admission Score [UAS]).
    Essay Writing – responses to an essay in relation to the research topic and video(s)
      [which applicant would have to prepare in advance prior to interview day];
    Cognitive exercise – analytical and logical thinking test;
    Group discussion – verbal discussion on the research topic and video(s) which revolve
      around societal issues in Singapore and/or the region; and
    An individual or cluster interview – interview by faculty member(s) to understand the
      applicant’s intent to read the programme, his/her passion for the discipline, as well as to
      assess whether applicant’s disposition and personal attributes would fit the programme.
      Applicants are encouraged to share their portfolio, co-curricular activities, community
      service, volunteering work, leadership qualities, entrepreneurship skills, internship stints,
      work experience, and other personal non-academic achievements, etc. with the faculty

Indicative Grade Profile and Number of Programme Places
The table below shows:
    The percentage of AY2020 first choice applicants in various UAS (for A-Level students)
       bands who were shortlisted to undergo the SUSS’s 4-stage assessment for admission
       into each programme offered by the University. For illustration: in the AY2020 university
       admission exercise, 91.6% of A-level applicants with a UAS of at least 60.00 who applied
       for the Bachelor of Science in Marketing with Minor were shortlisted for the 4-stage
    The percentage of shortlisted first choice applicants in various UAS (for A-level students)
       bands who received an offer to be admitted into each programme after completing the
       SUSS’s 4-stage assessment. The percentages may appear low as they do not include
       applicants who received an offer for a particular programme but did not choose that
       programme as their first choice.
    The total number of SUSS Programme Places taken up in AY2020. It is important to note
       that the number of programme places changes from year to year.

The information presented is to enable prospective applicants to make informed choices in their
application for admission to SUSS full-time undergraduate programmes. Meeting the grade score
of a programme and having the required personal attributes do not guarantee admission to that
programme. The grade and programme places may vary from year to year, depending on the
number and performance of applicants and the number of places available.

Applicants seeking admission in AY2021 can expect competition to be keener for programmes
with fewer places and a higher-quality applicant pool.

Percentage           Percentage           Percentage of            Percentage of
                       of first              of first           shortlisted              shortlisted
                       choice                choice             first choice             first choice
                     applicants           applicants             applicants               applicants
                      with UAS            with UAS at             with UAS               with UAS at
   SUSS                                                                                               Programme
                        below               least 60            below 60.00              least 60.00
Programme                                                                                              Places28
                     60.00 who             who were            who received             who received
                        were              shortlisted              an offer                 an offer
                     shortlisted            (60.00 –              (
Bachelor of
Childhood         7.0%         81.0%          Below 5%                     23.6%               79
with Minor
Bachelor of
Resource       Below 5%        80.7%          Below 5%                     29.1%              130
with Minor
School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences
Bachelor of
Public Safety
                  13.9%        60.7%           10.8%                       15.5%               59
and Security
with Minor

  Personal Attributes
  In summary, an applicant who is shortlisted by SUSS will be required to complete the 4-stage
  assessment. A total grading score will then be allocated to each applicant who has completed the
  4-stage assessment. Course offers will be made based on the total grading score, taking into
  consideration the applicant’s performance in the 4-stage assessment, applicant’s personal
  attributes and programme choice preferences (first choice, second choice and so on).

  The table below lists personal attributes which interviewers look out for in an applicant, and which
  improve the applicant’s chances of being shortlisted and/or offered a place in each respective
  programme he or she is applying for.

                                              Personal Attributes26, 27
School of Business
                Possess the integrity to do what is right, as befits the accounting profession.
Bachelor of
                Demonstrates resilience and persistence in developing functional competencies.
                Demonstrate professionalism in personal conduct and communication.
Bachelor of     An analytical and inquiring mind to make sense of and manage complex financial
Science in        data.
Finance with    A passion to acquire and share financial and technological knowledge.
Minor           An appreciation of how finance professionals can foster an inclusive society.
                An intellectual curiosity about the world and a creative imagination to solve
Bachelor of
                  complex marketing problems.
Science in
                An empathetic understanding of customers’ expectations, constraints, needs and
with Minor
                An ability to make evidence-based decisions using company and customer data.

An agile and adaptable mind to manage challenges in the supply chain and
Bachelor of
                 develop innovative logistics solutions.
Science in
                An ability to leverage digital tools to enhance problem solving, decision making
Supply Chain
                 and efficiency in supply chains.
                An ability to identify opportunities and risks in local, regional and global markets
with Minor
                 and to operate across culturally diverse environments.
                An open mind and ability to communicate with business stakeholders and define
Bachelor of
                 problems clearly.
Science in
                A willingness to diligently gather, clean and collate massive data from different
Analytics with
                A passion for data and analytics and the desire to discern underlying patterns
                 and share discoveries.
S R Nathan School of Human Development

Bachelor of        Reflective learners.
Social Work        Culturally sensitive and team players.
with Minor         Self-management skills.

Bachelor of
               Work experience or voluntary experience with young children in group
                  care/education settings.
               Respectful of others and keen to learn.
               Self-management skills.
with Minor
Bachelor of
Human          Drivers for positive change.
Resource       Passion for people development.
Management     Self-management skills.
with Minor
School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences
Bachelor of
               Responsible individuals with a passion for serving the community.
Public Safety
               Logical thinkers with a global mindset who can quickly assess situations.
and Security
               Resilient and strategic in addressing disruptions.
with Minor

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