Innovating for the future - British Science Week

Page created by Roland Cooper
Innovating for the future - British Science Week
                                                             ACTIVIT Y
                                                             PACK                                e
                                                                        t in g f o r the futur
                                                                 - 1 4 M a r ch 2021 .org
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     Managed by
Innovating for the future - British Science Week

    This activity pack is your ‘one-stop-    We understand that this academic           Find an activity near you:
    shop’ for supporting you during          year is quite different for schools        You can either create your own activity
    British Science Week, but it can be      and we’ve adapted this pack to best        in your class or setting, or see what
    used at any time. Feel free to adapt     support you for British Science            activities are happening near you. Last
    or extend the activities to suit your    Week 2021.                                 year we reached more than 180,000
    pupils’ needs and the curriculum you                                                people. Help us make British Science
    are delivering.                          This year, we’ve got some activities to    Week 2021 even bigger and better!
                                             complete in school, plus some which        Visit
    In addition to the activities in this    are specifically designed for pupils
    pack, there are lots of other ways       to take part in at home with their
    to enthuse and engage your pupils        families.
    throughout British Science Week.
                                             Please feel free to further adapt
    In developing this pack, we have         activities within the pack to suit to
    looked for activities which break down   your setting, taking into consideration
    the stereotypes surrounding science,     any quarantine of resources, working
    technology, engineering and maths        in bubbles and social distancing            Enter our competition:
    (STEM) and promote cross-curricular      needed.                                     Some of the activities in this pack
    learning. We encourage you to use                                                    could be followed up by designing
    British Science Week as an opportunity   We have also added in some                  a poster; simply look out for the
    to link STEM to other curriculum         suggestions on remote engagement            paintbrush symbol shown above.
    subjects and to your pupils’ own         if you are unable to accommodate            The theme for this year’s poster
    backgrounds, lives and interests.        visitors within your school.                competition is ‘Innovating for the
                                                                                         future’. For more information on the
                                                                                          competition and how to enter, read
                                                                                          on further in the activity pack or

Innovating for the future - British Science Week
Introducing the theme                                 4
    Making the most of volunteers                         5
    British Science Week at home                          6
    Gathering resources for classroom or home             7
    Beyond the Week                                       8
    Unlocking skills                                      9
    Get children leading the way                        10
    Terrific Scientific                                  11
    Herd Immunity Jenga                                 13
    Split light into different colours                  20
    Visualising classrooms of the future                21
    Does the appearance of food affect how it tastes?   23
    Who invented blue?                                  24
    Build your own gut microbiome                       26
    Going on a fact hunt                                29
    Which plastic?                                      30
    Design your own Robo-bug                            32
    STEM Person of the Week                             35
    I’m a scientist                                     38
    Bringing data to life                               39
    Poster competition                                  41

Innovating for the future - British Science Week

    the theme
    Why not start British Science Week         Encourage the pupils to come
    off with a bang, by introducing            up with an acrostic poem for
    parents and pupils to the theme            INNOVATION by asking them what
    ‘Innovating for the future’ in a fun       comes to mind when they hear it.
    way to get them excited about the          You can even turn their acrostic
    Week ahead?                                poem into a jingle which you can
                                               sing with them throughout the
       Post your brilliant activity ideas      week to remember their own ideas
       or share images online tagging          about innovation.
       the British Science Association on
       Twitter - @ScienceWeekUK - and          Engage pupils into sharing how
       using the hashtag #BSW21                innovation is a part of people,
                                               materials, animals, nature or
       Kick start the week with a simple       anything else in their everyday
       but impressive demo. Try a game,        lives.
       an audio-visual presentation,
       a mystery or special object, an         Invite a special guest or someone
       inventor’s box or a pop-up display      from the school community to
       which communicates the theme            engage the children with their        Here are some other ideas
       ‘Innovating for the future.’            experience of an innovation. They     to start the week:
                                               could highlight a special tool
       Here is a video featuring the Rube      that they use in their job and           Tell the pupils about the plan for
       Goldberg machine which you can          demonstrate how it makes their           British Science Week and give
       show the pupils. Anything that          work more efficient, or they could       them a challenge related to the
       inspires their inquisitive minds is     feature their favourite innovation.      theme. If you are sending home
       an epic start.                          See Page 5 for information on how        a family experiment, maybe you
                                               to get volunteers.                       could introduce/demo it at your
       Get the pupils to put on their                                                    setting first.
       thinking caps and experience
       INNOVATION by asking them to                                                      Innovation is around us. Where
       come up with machines they would                                                  has the topic of innovation
       like to invent from readily available                                             been in the news or your
       scrap or craft materials in the                                                   local area? Can you give an
       classroom or setting.                                                              example of innovation? Is there
                                                                                          any way you can encourage
                                                                                          conversations with pupils about
                                                                                         Launch the poster competition
                                                                                         and let parents know about this
                                                                                         (see Page 36 of this pack).

Innovating for the future - British Science Week
Making the most
    of volunteers
    Opportunities for face-to-face             Things that work well are to:                e.g. female engineers. Let the
    engagement with external visitors          1 Kick off British Science Week              volunteers/ambassadors share in
    may be limited this year, but there           with a career talk/demo from              a simplified talk how their job is
    are opportunities for getting                 one of these inspiring volunteers         making a difference in the world
    volunteers and presenters to engage           to engage the pupils for the              (or an anecdote of what science
    your pupils online.                           rest of the week. The volunteer           activity they loved to do as a child).
                                                  can highlight a useful tool or
    STEM Ambassadors offer their time             innovation which they use in           4 Book your visitors early (many
    and enthusiasm to help bring science          their jobs and how it makes their        speakers get booked up during
    and technology subjects to life and           job easier. Or, the volunteer can        Science Week), have a clear idea
    demonstrate the value of them in life         highlight their favourite innovation     of what you want them to do and
    and careers.                                  to share what and why that is.           communicate this with them ahead
                                                                                           of time.
    The STEM Ambassador website has            2 Schedule two or three different
    recently been updated to enable              guests for a career talk throughout     Volunteers come from a range
    teachers to request online STEM              the week if you can. This will keep     of careers and experiences, from
    Ambassador support. Any activity             children excited and anticipating       engineers, designers and architects
    created has an ‘online’ check box as         who the next guest will be, and         to scientists and technicians, so get
    well as a place to enter a link to a         what they do. Opportunities like        children excited about inspirational
    video conferencing call if required.         this will likely inspire them about     career talks, broaden their choices and
    STEM Ambassadors from across the             what they want to be in the             develop their interest in these careers!
    UK can respond to any online activity        future. Remember, they are never
    request. Find out more and make a            too young to explore their career       Visit Inspiring the Future’s website
    request here:                options.                                for some helpful ideas for using
                                                                                         volunteers, some of which may be
    You can also look for presenters           3 Where available, choose                 transferable when using remote
    and volunteers via Science Live              volunteers/ambassadors who              engagement.
    ( or ask parents if they     challenge stereotypes the pupils
    work in STEM related jobs to describe        might have and promote positive
    what they do in more detail.                 attitudes towards science -

Innovating for the future - British Science Week
British Science Week
    at home
    Want the pupils to get involved in        2 Get parents thinking about how         4 Send an experiment idea home
    British Science Week at home, but           their own jobs might link to STEM        during the Week which might
    not sure how? Here are our top tips         subjects and encourage them to           spark mealtime discussions around
    for engaging parents and carers in          chat with their children about this.     STEM.
    the Week:                                   You could do this via a newsletter
                                                or send pupils home with activities    5 Try and make it as low-resource
    1   Make the most of your parent            they can do with their parents,          as possible. It can help if it’s
        newsletters, the Parent-Teacher         which may then lead onto further         something the pupils have tried
        Association (PTA), chat group and       conversations. (See Page 12 for a        or seen at school first so that they
        text messaging services if you have     great take-home activity.)               feel like the ‘experts’ when they
        them. Let all the parents know in                                                do it at home with family, allowing
        advance of the Week (at least a       3 Encourage exploring outdoors, in         them to lead the learning.
        month) what you have planned,           the community or in local cultural
        and how you’d like them to be           spots. This could be anything from        Crafty rafts from the CREST
        involved. They might be able to         going on a nature walk around             SuperStar resources is ideal for
        collect/donate materials and store      local parks to spotting STEM in           this:
        them for use during the Week; and       action on the streets around pupils’
        if you want them to get involved        houses. Why not try out some of        Why not try these fun science-based
        in any experiments at home, they        the CREST Award activities which       activities from the CREST at home
        may need time to plan and collect       are quick and easy to do as fun,       Star collection (collectionslibrary.
        materials themselves. The PTA may       outdoor challenges too:       which can be
        be able to support you financially                completed at home with few
        to run the Week or help drum up                                                resources? You could also use the
        parent volunteers.                                                             ‘Which plastic’ activity on Page 25 of
                                                                                       this pack.

Innovating for the future - British Science Week
Gathering resources
    for your classroom or home
     If you can, try to collect materials   Take photographs when out and         Collect story books and reference
     all year round that can be cleaned     about and share these with the        books linking to the theme
     and stored for use during British      pupils to foster discussion and       ‘Innovating for the future’ ahead of
     Science Week.                          raise their level of understanding    time to create a themed library. You
                                            about innovation – machines,          can even organise a read-aloud
     Alternatively, check to see whether    materials, building structures,       session of a related story book for
     there is a scrap shop/store/club       etc. The more colorful, the better.   circle or carpet time.
     open in your local area. These         You can also use these photos
     shops are often membership based       for an innovation version of the
     and can be a brilliant, inexpensive    guessing game ‘I spy’ where you
     or free resource for card, plastic,    can describe what the innovation
     bits of material – all sorts. These    is used for and the pupils will
     things can be turned into forests,     attempt to guess it.
     cars or model people; you name it,
     the kids will think
     of it!

     Look at
     to find a UK directory of scrap

Innovating for the future - British Science Week
Beyond the Week
    Once British Science Week is over,                                                           If there are older children at your                                                                                                                                             If you have the opportunity, then
    this doesn’t mean the exploration                                                            school or in a school nearby they                                                                                                                                               you could consider running a STEM
    and curiosity have to stop!                                                                  could earn a higher level of CREST                                                                                                                                              club or curiosity lab within science
                                                                                                 too. For more information, take a                                                                                                                                               class or school. Find supporting
    Some ideas for keeping students                                                              look at the different CREST levels                                                                                                                                              resources at
    engaged include:                                                                             available:
       Pupils could take part in a CREST
       Award. CREST is a scheme that                                                             Consider sharing your British
       encourages young people to think                                                          Science Week learnings by running
       and behave like scientists and                                                            a CPD session for other teachers
       engineers. Pupils can complete                                                            in your school or, where relevant,

       eight activities to achieve a Star or                                                     academy chain. Think about
       SuperStar Award which includes a                                                          incorporating the Science Capital
       certificate and badge.                                                                    teaching approach into your
                                                                                                 methods:                                                                                                                                                             Getting started guide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Find out how you can use CREST Star and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SuperStar to give primary children their first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                experience of pupil-led problem-solving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                challenges set in a real-world context.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Typical age: 5-11

                                                                                                                             s  T   a    R    aCTiviT
                                                                                                                 an eXal advenTuRe
                                                                                                                 aniM a                            indoors
                                                                                                                                                                and ou
                                                                                                                                                                       t, to fin

                                                                                                                                   re n ex ploring      ta ts !
                                                                                                                             child              r ha bi
                                                                                                                                                    Get                 thei
                                                                                                                                                               sts and                          s in a re
                                                                                                                                                    minibea                            creature
                                                                                                                                                                             als and
                                                                                                                                                                    ith anim
                                                                                                                     star                            • Enga   ge  w
                                                                                                                                                                   ntext             science
                                                                                                                                                                                              skills , us in g
                                                                                                                                                        world co eir practical

                  ent  u   rCe                                                                                        animal re
                                                                                                                                                                 p th              oters
                                                                                                                                                      • Develo g jars and po nimal’, ‘minibea
                                                                                                                                                         collectin rms such as ‘a
                                                                                                                                                                                                           st’ and

             l A v
                d Activ ard
                                                                                                                      adventu                                    s te
                                                                                                                                                       • Discus rate’                   decisio
                                                                                                                                                                                                ns abou
                                                                                                                                                                                                            t where

            a          ity                                                                                                                                ‘inverteb communicate ight live

                                                                                                                                                                 and                sts m
                                                                                                                                                        • Make       and m in ib ea

                                 ing on                                         imal
                        are sitt                                       on an an
                and Gem        e bored.

                                                             “Let’s go outs Gem,

         Cosmic frame. They ar                                       sh
                                                             safari!” down.                                                                      perStar
         climbing                                                                                                                        EST Su
                                                                                                                           Every CR comes with a
                                                              jumping                                                          activity           Card to
                                                                                                                                               er                                     re
                                                                                                                        separate plan your sess
                                                                                                                                                      ion.               ventu Card
                                                                                                                                                  on what           al Ad Organiser’s
                                        e                                                                                help yo          es tips
                               plies. H                                                                                       It inc lud             need,
                                                                                                                                            u might d to
                      osmic re         Gem                                                 ri,” says                                   t yo
              “OK,” C prowl around                                             end safa al
                                                                                                                                   en                                                                            ivity
                                                                                                                         equipm e time require                                                the act                                              habitats.

                                         a tiger.                      t a pret                                                                                             About
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         asts and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         about minibe

                                                                                          im                                                                                                                   thinking                       ture. Unclelow but
                                                                                                                                    th           discussio
              starts to ending to be                        “No, no ean a real an s puzzled.                              as well
                                                                                                                                                                                                     children                        l adven
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           an anima looks high and for help.
                                                                                                                                                                                          ed to get              to go on

                                                                                                                                        d what
                                                                                                                                                                             y is design                                      lly. Gem            Astro
                                                                                                                                                                This activit                    . Gem wants look carefu                ask Uncle
                                                                                                                                                          th                          are bored          if they

                                                                                                                            run it an u could use wi

                       et                                            “I m                ok                                                                     Cosmic
                                                                                                                                                                         and Gem find minibeasts                 thinks they

               while pr

                                                            G em   ,             m ic lo                                                                                   they will
                                                                                                                                                                 said that find any little

                                                                       ure.” Cos
                                                                                                                                      yo                 ren.
                                                                                                                                                                 she can’t                y you will

                                                                                            the                              points            the child
                                                                                                                                                                            this  activit                                       habita ts

                                                             advent s Gem round gh, she
                                                                                                                                                                                       ast hunt                      and their
                                                                                                                                                                             a minibe                     they see
                                                                                                                                                                  • Go on               the  minibeasts       of the group
                                                                                                                                                                           out about               the rest
                                                                                                                                                                   • Find                  gs with

                                                                         w                  hi
                                                                                                                                                                              their findin

                                                             He follo nd. She looks em to be
                                                                                                                                                                   • Share

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ng minibe
                                                                                                                                                                     Kit list
                                                                        ou                  se
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         s for catchi

                                                              pl ay gr             es n’ t             for.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    r (speci
                                                                                                                                                                                                              al device
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  l microscope
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             t (you

                                                                                                                                                                                         or poote                                                               of old carpe

                                                                         w but do
                                                                                                                                                                               ting jar                 r digita                                       pieces
                                                                                                                                                                      • Collec                s and/o                                         stones,
                                                                                                                                                                               fying glasse (optional)                            logs, large

                                                              looks lo d what she is
                                                                                                                                                                      • Magni              book                     with rocks,            )
                                                                                                                                                                                fication              preferably a few weeks earlier
                                                                                                                                                                       • Identi              nment,              d
                                                                                                                                                                                  or enviro          the groun
                                                                                                                                                                        • Outdo          some on

                                                                                                                                                                          could place                                                                                                                 n

                                                               able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ct their            .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   n to condu s of their results

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        rt childre
                                           there ar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         record           or make

                                                                                                                                                                         What to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5. Suppo         their own         graphs           ast
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      story  on the             and make also take phototo use a minibe

                                  id that
                                                                                                                                                                                                         using the                 think         They couldThey might like find.
                                                                                                                                                                                               activity              where they
                                                                                                                                                                                      uce the            children                                drawings.             what they               gs to the

                                                      s,                                                                                                                                                                                                     identify

                       Astro sa lled minibeast
                                                                                                                                                                          1. Introd card. Ask the                                                                                t their findin ve in their
                                                                                                                                                                              activity                  asts.                                     guide to
                                                                                                                                                                                          find minibe                     ment to                                    n to presen      as creati
                                                                                                                                                                              they will                                                                the childre , they can be

                                                                                                                                                                                                            and equip                          6. Ask
                                                                                                                                                                                                   y cards                                                  the group
                                                                                                                                                                                       out activit                                                 rest of             they want.                   habitat.

                                 ca                    I                                                                                                                    2. Give                                                                                 as                    to their


                                                                                                                                                                                             n.                             a                                                        asts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                going on

                           al                   “B
                                                                                                                                                                                the childre                                                                              ted minibe

                                                                                                                                                                                                       will be

                        im                                                                                                                                                               n that they                                                         any collec

              little an           says Gem
                                                                                                                                                                             3. Explai ast hunt.                                      and       7. Return
                                                                                                                                                                                 minibe                                s their ideas     t
                                                                                                                                                                                                         n to discusigations. Promp

                        nd us,”
                                                                                                                                                                                          rage childre         invest
                                                                                                                                                                              4. Encou carry out their

               all arou any.”                                                  tigers
                                                                                                                                                                                   how to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    minibeasts?make sure
                                                                                                                                                                                   questions: you look for

                                                                       ns and
                                                                                                                                                                                              will                How will
                                                                                                                                                                                    • Where collect them?

                                                                                                                                                                                    • Will we harm them?

               can’t  se                                    n tiny lio          e on,
                                                                                                                                                                                       we don’t

                                                You mea Cosmic. “Com us.”
                                      “Wow!              as ks               lp
                                         d  th in gs?”
                                                              A st ro can he
                                      an           if Uncle
                                       let’s see

                                    think Un
                        do you em to look?
                          ill tell th
                  Astro w

                               a      llenge
                       Your ch                ure and
                                       advent n find.
                                animal        ca
                       Go on an y animals you                                                 GEM
                       how man

8                 12
Innovating for the future - British Science Week
Unlocking skills
    A fantastic way to encourage STEM                You could engage the pupils in this            See the table below for the complete
    interest in pupils is to introduce               STEM Person of the Week activity from          list developed by NUSTEM.
    transferable skills used by those                NUSTEM at Northumbria University
    working in STEM jobs. These skills               (                                   As an alternative and a little bit of
    will strengthen positive attitudes                                                              motivation, why not award each of the
    towards STEM and reduce their                    Ask the pupils to identify what                pupils with a sticker or certificate for
    stereotypes of those working in the              attributes people working in                   a STEM skill which they identify with
    field.                                           STEM need. It might include being              very well during the Week?
                                                     observant, creative, patient, a good
                                                     communicator, or curious.

                      Co m                           Creativ                                Colla                             a ti v e
                                                 e                                                                      gin






                             uni or



                                                                                                                                              g i n at i v
                                c at



                                                        v   e                           l                                                e
               Co m                              Creati                               Co                                Imagin




               Observant                   Open-minded                           Committed                           Tenacious

                 Creative                    Imaginative                               Patient                     Collaborative

                Resilient                 Communicator                            Passionate                         Organised

                 Curious                  Self-motivated                      Hard-working                              Logical

Innovating for the future - British Science Week
Get children
     leading the way
     A great way to encourage STEM              Get pupils running their own CREST    Encourage pupils to design
     interest in pupils is by letting them      projects and share what they’ve       and create their own display of
     lead the way. Here’s how you can           done through posters or show and      scientists through time – a photo
     help them along:                           tell.                                 exhibit of scientists who changed
                                                                                      the world with their discoveries,
        Encourage pupils to run their own       Ask pupils to research an invention   inventions and innovations.
        activities during British Science       and how this influenced how we
        Week. They could either run             live our lives today and then write
        activities for other members of         a report for the school newsletter
        the class or run some CREST at          or website.
        home activities with their family
        and take photos to present back to
        their class. Find the resources here:

Innovating for the future

                                                 Terrific Scientific
 About this activity
 How much electricity does your                                                        Instructions
 school use and how can you reduce                                                     This activity takes place over 2 weeks.
 that amount? By recording electricity                                                 In week 1, you’ll discover how much
 usage over a period of days, you will                                                 electricity your school uses. In week 2,
 learn about how electricity is used,               9 7 2 3 8 4                        you’ll find ways to save electricity.
 how it is wasted and what you can do
  to reduce this waste.                                                                Week 1
                                                                                       1 Watch the introductory video
     Time                                                                                online:
     1 hour to get started, then you’ll need
     10-15 minutes observation time every                                              2 In your class, talk about how your
     day for 2 weeks.                                                                    school uses electricity.
                                                                                         Which devices use electricity?
     Kit list                                                                            Where are they?
          Clipboard                                                                      List as many of them as you can.
          Thermometer                                                                  3 In small groups, choose different
          (handle with care!)                                                            areas of school and complete the
          Computer to access the                                                         Electric Detective worksheet for
          following resources via                                                        devices that use electricity in that
            Watch out!                                area. Are these devices on, off, or
           scientific/KS2/z6bnrj6                Use caution when handling               on standby? Do they need to be
                Electric Detective                thermometers as they are               on? Is power being wasted? Are
                Worksheet                         fragile.                               there windows open? Are hot taps
                Power Health Check Table          This investigation assumes
                                                                                         left running?
                Electricity Record Sheet          that all electrical equipment
                                                                                       4 Using information from your
                                                   has been tested and passed as
                                                                                         Electric Detectives worksheet, fill in
                                                   safe. Make sure your school has
                                                                                         the Power Health Check table and
                                                   carried out a risk assessment
       Next steps                                  for this activity before you get
                                                                                         work out how energy efficient your
       There are several interactive               started.
                                                                                         school is.
       activities to try on the Terrific
       Scientific website here.                    Do not touch electrical
                                                   equipment without a teacher’s
       We also have tailored SEND                  permission or an adult present,
       resources available here.                   and do not switch off any
                                                   equipment without an adult’s
                                                   Get an adult to supervise you
                                                    when you read the electricity
                                                    meter. If it’s unsafe for you to
                                                    read the meter, get an adult to
                                                    take a photograph of it for you.
                                                    Follow your school’s policy on
                                                    social distancing when moving
                                                    around the school to help
                                                    reduce the risk of Covid-19
                                                     When you’re recording outside
                                                     weather conditions, make sure
                                                     you don’t stare at the sun.
Innovating for the future
                                              Terrific Scientific

     5 With an adult, read your school’s        At home
       electricity meter twice every            You could try this activity at home to
       weekday – once in the morning,           discover ways of reducing electricity
       and once in the afternoon. Complete      use, saving money and helping the
       the Power Record sheet, subtracting      environment. You should always ask
       the morning reading from the             an adult should before operating
       afternoon reading to calculate           electrical equipment or accessing the
       how much electricity your school         electricity meter.
       used that day. Also record the
       temperature inside and outside and       Skills set
       the amount of cloud cover to assess      Observant, Collaborative, Curious
       how weather affects electricity
       usage. If the meter is not accessible,   Career options
       ask an adult to take a photo of it at    There are many careers in the
       the same times each day.                 real world that link to this activity,
                                                including Energy Engineer,
                                                Energy Manager, Environmental
     Week 2                                     Scientist, Environmental Education
     1 Discuss what changes your school         Officer, Environmental Engineer,
       could make to save electricity.          Environmental Manager, Electrician,
       Which devices could be switched          Electricity Network Planner, Electrical
       off? Could lights be switched off?       Engineer, Sustainability Consultant,
                                                Nature Conservation, and Renewable
     2 Start to make these changes              Technology Engineer/Consultant.
       around the school and continue           Check out more job profiles on our
       to take twice daily readings of          BBC Bitesize careers site.
       the school’s electricity meter and
       record your data on the Power
       Record Sheet. Make sure you don’t
       switch off any electrical equipment
       without permission from an adult!

     3 At the end of week 2, when you
       have completed 10 days of meter
       readings, you are ready to calculate
       your school’s power readings
       once more. Have you reduced the
       amount of electricity your school

Innovating for the future

                                               Herd Immunity Jenga
 About this activity
 Vaccines train your immune system
 to fight off bacteria and viruses and
 prevent you from getting ill. Vaccines
 changed our world by stopping
 the spread of deadly diseases and
  improving global health. Discover how
  vaccines not only protect you but
  everyone in your community.

     25 minutes

     Kit list
          Jenga set
          Pack of 50 dot stickers

                                               Instructions                            At home
                                               1 Place stickers on the ends of 10      If you have blocks at home, you could
     Next steps                                   random blocks then stack all the     try this activity at home with people
         The first tower fell down quickly        blocks to build a tower.             you live with.
         because not enough blocks
         were protected by vaccination,        2 The tower of blocks represents        You could also ask an adult to help
         so too many were infected               a group of people like the            you find out about which diseases
         and removed. The second                 community you live in. You will       vaccines can protect you against.
         tower should stay standing,             act as an infectious disease,         What do you know about these
          because when most people in            spreading through the community       diseases?
          a community are protected by           and infecting people. The stickered
          vaccination, it makes it difficult     blocks are people who have been       There are millions of children around
          for the disease to spread. This        vaccinated against the disease and    the world that do not have access to
          is called herd immunity. Herd          are protected from infection.         the vaccines they need. Can you find
          immunity is crucial to protect                                               any charities working to change this?
          those who are unable to receive      3 ‘Infect’ the community by, one by
           vaccines, including people who        one, removing the blocks with         Skills set
           have a health condition that          no stickers. Each block that is       Curious, Observant, Logical
           impairs the function of their         removed is a person that has
           immune system.                        become infected. The stickered        Career options
                                                 blocks (vaccinated people) cannot     Immunologists study the immune
            Find out more about how              be removed. What happens to your      system, which helps us understand
            vaccines work and the                tower? Why?                           how to treat lots of different health
            importance of herd immunity at                                             issues. Many immunologists work in
                4 What happens if you ‘vaccinate’       a laboratory focusing on research,
                                                 more people in the community?         such as developing vaccines against
                                                 Place stickers on 35 more blocks      infectious diseases, and others are
                                                 so that most of the blocks now        “clinical immunologists” – doctors
                                                 represent vaccinated people. Build    who diagnose and manage diseases
                                                 another tower with your blocks.       of the immune system.
                                                 Again, ‘infect’ people by removing
                                                 blocks with no stickers from the
                                                 tower. What happens to your
                                                 tower? Why?

Innovating for the future

                                             How can we make
                                             our food better?
 About this activity
 Have you ever noticed how all               Instructions                                   Which point in your arguments
 the cows in a farmer’s field look           1 Ask your teacher to help you                 were the strongest and what made
 identical? Although they may look              find out about and discuss the              them strong argument points?
 the same, there are actually many              differences between wild and
 different species of cows, and a meat          farmed food products, for example           Were there any characters that
  farmer might want a very different            wild and farmed strawberries or a           didn’t have a very strong argument?
  breed to a dairy farmer. So why is this?      wild boar and a farmed pig.
  In this activity, you will learn about                                                    Do you think the characters you
  selective breeding for food, as well as    2 Watch the selective breeding                 have been told about could ever
   its advantages and disadvantages.           video and discuss the following              agree with the other side of the
   You will think about how selective          questions:                                   debate?
   breeding can benefit humans and why
    some people disagree with it.                  If two muscular cows breed               Have you heard any arguments
                                                   will all their offspring be as           today that have changed your
     Time                                          muscular as each other?                  mind?
     1 hour
                                                   Why does the farmer have to        6 Vote on the best argument as a class
     Kit list                                      breed the offspring many times       or group.
          One set of debate character              to get the best cows?
          cards per group of 6                                                        At home
          (see pages 15-16 of this pack)     3 Look at your debate character card     Share the views of the character you
          Access to video on                   and think about which side of the      had with family members. Do they agree
          selective breeding                   debate your character might be on.     or disagree with your character?
          Space to sit in small groups         Make some notes about what you
           for discussion                      think they would want to say.          Skills set
           Copies of debate framework                                                 Open-minded, Curious, Communicator
           (See pages 17-19 of this pack)    4 In your group, take turns to present
                                               the opinions of your characters and    Career options
                                               use the debate framework to think      There are lots of careers linked to food
                                               about these. Remember to try and       production, such as farmer, chef, working
      Next steps                               be sensitive and understanding of      in genetic modification, or perhaps
      Do some more research to find            other people’s points of view when     food taster for large companies such
      out more about the different             debating.                              as Cadbury or Sainsbury’s. A career
      perspectives of the characters. You                                             in Biotechnology might be of interest,
      can join up to the free NFU scheme     5 Discuss how the debate went,           working in a laboratory to test food
      ‘Farmer Time’ which connects             thinking about the why the             products before they are declared fit for
      classrooms with a farmer via video       characters felt the way they did.      human consumption.
      chat to regularly chat about their
       work and answer their questions.

Module 4,
Lesson 3,
Resource Sheet 1

Debate                                       Character 1
Character Cards
                                             Adam is a dairy farmer.
                                             He uses selective breeding to
 Read about the person on the                produce cows that deliver a
 card that your group has been               greater amount of milk than
 given.                                      normal cows. This means
                                             George can make more money
 Be prepared to role-play this
                                             from his farm.
 person, saying who you are and
 what you think about selective

                                             Character 2
                                             Rachel is a scientist.
                                             She is worried that
                                             selective breeding produces
                                             populations of plants and
                                             animals that all have the
                                             same characteristics. This
                                             means that if some deadly
                                             disease, was introduced
                                             to the population, it would
                                             affect all the animals or all
                                             the plants, not just a few

                                             Character 3
     ©HarperCollinsPublishers Limited 2014
                                             François works for a
                                             company that sells a book
                                             called The selective breeding
                                             handbook, which tells farmers
                                             how to carry out selective
     Worksheet                               breeding. His boss has told
                                             him to sell as many copies of
     How can we make                         the book as he possibly can.
     our food better?

Module 4,
Lesson 3,
Resource Sheet 1

Character Cards                              Character 4
                                             Lou works for a charity. He
                                             helps people in developing
                                             countries to breed cereal
                                             crops that produce more
                                             grain per stem. This means
                                             that more food can be
                                             produced in a smaller area
                                             of land.

                                             Character 5
                                             Holly works for the RSPCA.
                                             She has seen that selective
                                             breeding can lead to
                                             deformities and disease in
                                             domestic animals such as
                                             dogs. She thinks it would be
                                             better for animals if there
                                             was a law against selective

                                             Character 6
     ©HarperCollinsPublishers Limited 2014
                                             Lee works for a vegetarian
                                             magazine. He feels very
                                             strongly that eating meat is
                                             wrong. He wants to stop all
                                             farmers breeding any animals
     Worksheet                               for meat.
     How can we make
     our food better?

Debate mark
Module 4,                                                                      Quite good argument: ✓
Lesson 3,                                               Reason why selective   Good argument: ✓✓
Resource Sheet 2                                        breeding is negative   Very good argument: ✓✓✓

 Debate                                      Adam


 After each group has spoken,
 record their strongest argument.
 Give each presentation a mark
 (quite good, good or very good).

 When the debate is finished, fill in
 the last row as a group.


     ©HarperCollinsPublishers Limited 2014


     How can we make
     our food better?

Debate mark
Module 4,                                                                                Quite good argument: ✓
Lesson 3,                                             Reason why selective breeding is   Good argument: ✓✓
Resource Sheet 2                                      negative                           Very good argument: ✓✓✓

Debate                                       Lee



     ©HarperCollinsPublishers Limited 2014


     How can we make
     our food better?

Who had the strongest argument? (You cannot vote for yourself!)
Module 4,
Lesson 3,
Resource Sheet 2

Debate                                       Why?

                                             Do you think selective breeding is a good idea or not?


     ©HarperCollinsPublishers Limited 2014

     How can we make
     our food better?

Innovating for the future

                                                    Split light into
                                                    different colours
 About this activity
 Spectrography is an incredibly                     Instructions                                      through the CD end of the tube.
 useful process for astronomers                     1 Take your kitchen roll tube and                 Do not put your eye directly to
 and other scientists. It allows them                  insert the black card so that it lines         the CD, keep a distance of at least
 to investigate the chemicals in                       the inside. Then carefully cut off             15 cm. You should see a colourful,
 objects found trillions of miles from                 any excess and tape it in place.               rainbow-like spectrum on the
 our planet. The atoms of different                                                                   transparent surface of the disc.
  elements have their own distinct                  2 Take the remaining piece of black               This works especially well if you
  patterns, and by observing these                    card and place the kitchen roll tube            cover one of your eyes.
  patterns scientists can determine                   upright on top of it. Draw and cut
  what objects such as stars or planets               out a circle that is 1cm wider than          The spectroscope is splitting the light
  are made of.                                        the end of the tube.                         into the colours of the rainbow. The
                                                                                                   CD screen bends the light as it passes
     Spectrography is not just about observing      3 Cut out a rectangle in the middle of         through, filtering the wavelengths
     space, it also has numerous applications         your circle then stick the circle to one     of the white light so that you can
     in the laboratory or in your very own            end of the kitchen roll tube. Next,          see all the colours of the spectrum.
     home. In this activity, you will investigate     taking the remaining card, cut two           Try looking at different light sources
     light and study it on an atomic level with       smaller rectangles and tape them             like the TV, computer screen, or
      your very own spectroscope.                     either side of the central rectangle         LED displays and see whether the
                                                      so that only a narrow slit is left open.     spectrum of colours you can see is
     Kit list                                         It’s very important that the final slit is   any different.
           Kitchen roll tube                          straight and level at either side.
           Two pieces of A4 black card                                                             Skills set
           Transparent CD                           4 Take your CD and stick it onto the           Logical, Creative, Observant
           Roll of packing tape                       other end of the kitchen roll tube
           Pencil                                     so that you can look through the             Career options
           Glue                                       transparent part and into the tube.          There are several career options that
           Pair of scissors                                                                        you could take that involve making use
                                                    5 Check that everything is secure              of the splitting of light: optometry. You
                                                      and there are no gaps in your                can even use it in the manufacture of
                                                      spectroscope, then hold it up to             telescopes, binoculars, cameras and
       Next steps                                     a fluorescent light while looking            spectacles, amongst others.
       How It Works is the action-packed
       magazine that’s bursting with the
       answers to your curious questions
       - every issue is jam-packed with
       the most exciting
       advances in science and
       technology and features
        everything you need
        to know about how
        the world around you
        - and the universe - works. Exclusive
        offer for schools and students!
         Get How It Works for 6 months for          Watch out!
         £9.99 plus other great offers over on:     Never use your spectroscope to look or             at the sun and don’t look at any light
         telephone 0330 333 1113 and quote          source for too long. When using your
         89AA. Offer ends 30 September 2021.        spectroscope, never look through it
                                                    with your eyes pressed to the viewing
                                                    screen – always keep it 15 cm away
                                                    from your eye.

Innovating for the future

                                                Visualising classrooms
                                                of the future
 About this activity
 Want to learn about the world of
 film? Want to stretch your design
 and technology skills and visualise a
 classroom for the future? In this fun
 activity developed by Into Film you’ll
  learn about a key VFX job role and get
  the chance to make your own film.

     1.5 – 2 hours

     Kit list
          Pencils, pens, crayons
          A phone or tablet that can
          record video

     Next steps
      Learn more about a being a pre-vis
      Supervisor by watching the video of
      industry professional Faraz Hameed at       Instructions                              6 Get creative and draw a picture
                                                1 Read about what a pre-vis                 of how you imagine teaching and
                                                   supervisor does to help make a film.     learning might look like in the future.
      Additional worksheet
      on page 17                                2 Discuss what you think the ‘pre-        7 Label your images with any
                                                  vis’ part of the job might mean           instructions a Director might need
                                                  (hint: pre means before). Explain         to turn your pictures into a film.
                                                  what you think might be exciting
                                                  about this career.                      8 Present your pictures to each
                                                                                            other and explain the story behind
                                                3 Think about what classrooms               each image.
                                                  might have looked like in the past.
                                                  You could ask grandparents or           At home
                                                  older people in your community          Create a film showing your three
                                                  about what classrooms were like         images that includes a voice-over of
                                                  when they were kids.                    you explaining the story each image
                                                4 Draw a picture to show what
                                                  teaching and learning was like in       Skill set
        Watch out!                                the past. You might want to draw        Imaginative, Creative, Logical
        If you go on to film your storyboard,     a close-up of an object or a wider
        make sure the only images you show        shot of a whole classroom.              Career options
        are those that you have drawn.                                                    Storyboarding is a useful skill to many
                                                5 Based on your own experience,           job roles in the film industry. A pre-vis
                                                  draw another picture to represent       supervisor works in the visual effects
                                                  your experience of ‘lockdown’           side of filmmaking. Following the
                                                  learning. Think of objects or places    director’s vision and style, they plan
                                                  that could represent what it was        and develop the look and feel of a
                                                  like to learn at home.                  film by creating 3D models and virtual

1   Teaching and learning in the past.
You’re the pre-vis supervisor on a
new film; a documentary called
Lockdown Learning: Schools for the

Your job is to storyboard three
filming locations that tell a story
about the changes in learning and
teaching in your community.

     A pre-vis supervisor works in the
     visual effects side of filmmaking.
     Following the film Director’s
     vision and style, they plan and
     develop the look and feel of a
     film by creating 3D models and
     virtual storyboards.

     In the boxes opposite, draw three
     images that will help the director   2 ‘Lockdown’ learning
     and film crew visualise this new

                                          3 Teaching and learning in the future

        Visualising Class-
        rooms of the Future

Innovating for the future

                                              Does the appearance
                                              of food affect how it tastes?
 About this activity
 Use your taste buds to investigate           Instructions
 the taste of irregularly shaped fruits       1 Think about these questions:
 and vegetables and find out whether
 the way food looks affects how it                  Where do fruit and vegetables
 tastes.                                            come from?

 Time                                               Have you ever been to a farm?
 30 minutes                                         What did you see?

     Kit list                                       What are your favourite fruits
          Three samples of at least                 and vegetables? Can these be
          one kind of (washed) fruit/               grown in the UK?
          vegetable, some more
          irregularly shaped than others      2 Examine the regularly and             6 You could mark your chosen
          Pencil and paper for recording        irregularly shaped vegetables that      vegetables as vegetable A, B, C and
          results                               you have chosen. Which do you           rank them on which you think looks
           Clean knives, peelers and            think will taste better? Why?           the tastiest and write this down.
           chopping boards for preparing
           tasting samples                    3 Did you know that lots of fruit and   7 Next, cover your eyes and taste
                                                vegetables are thrown away each         a sample of both the regular and
                                                day because they are unusually          irregularly shaped vegetables.
                                                shaped? What impact do you think        Make notes on which one was the
      Next steps                                this has on the environment?            tastiest.
      Now that you have started thinking
      about how to keep both your             4 Your challenge is to investigate      8 Compare your results: did the
      body and your planet healthy,             whether the regular-shaped food         appearance of the vegetables
      why not find out other ways that          tastes better than the irregular-       affect how they tasted? Were you
      farmers are working to save the           shaped food and decide whether          able to work out which vegetables
      environment. Take a virtual tour of       the unusual-looking food is worth       were irregularly shaped just by
      a farm and access more exciting           saving.                                 tasting them? Have your views
       investigations like this one at                                                  about irregularly shaped vegetables to become a            5 When planning your investigation,       changed?
       climate superhero. Submit your           think about these questions:
        ideas to be in with the chance to                                             At home
        present your project in Parliament!         Which sense and sense organ       Why not repeat this investigation
                                                    will you use?                     with your family at home? Ask them
                                                                                      to complete the same steps and see
                                                    How will you make sure you        if their views on irregularly shaped
                                                    are not judging the food by the   vegetables change.
                                                    way it looks?
                                                                                      Skills set
        Watch out!                                                                    Observant, Open-minded, Curious
        Wash your hands thoroughly before
        handling food you are going to eat.                                           Career options:
                                                                                      The diverse and rapidly changing world
        Ensure the work surface and                                                   of food and farming has thousands of
        tools are clean before use.                                                   fantastic STEM career opportunities.
                                                                                      Whether you are interested in
        Make sure you ask an adult for help                                           robotics, animal welfare, engineering,
        when using knives and peelers to                                              horticulture, business or food
        prepare your vegetable samples.                                               technology, there is a career for you.

Innovating for the future

                                                     Who invented blue?
 About this activity
 Where does the colour in paint
 come from? Paint is made from
 pigments and all of these pigments
 used to come from natural materials.
 Black was made from burning bones,
 and the most expensive pigments were
  made from rare and precious materials.
  For example, ultramarine blue was
  made from precious stones that came
  from a mountain in Afghanistan. For
  centuries, artists have experimented
  with making their own pigments from
  the materials around them.

     In this activity, you will learn about where
     colours come from and how to make
     your own paint from natural materials.
      You will discover what happens when
      you grind, filter and dissolve leaves,
      plants and soil to create pigments.            Instructions                               1   Collect your materials – have a
                                                     In this activity you will make your own        look around and see what is in
     Time                                            pigment for paint by experimenting             the park or garden or kitchen
     30 minutes                                      with natural materials. You will collect       cupboard. Here are some
                                                     materials, crush them to make a paste          suggestions: flower petals, berries,
      Kit list                                       powder, add them to water, filter and          green plants and vegetable leaves,
            Pestle and mortar (if you don’t          dehydrate them, then finally grind to a        charcoal, sand, soil, or clay.
            have one you could use any               fine pigment.
            hard, unbreakable bowl like                                                         2 Choose one of your materials
            an ordinary kitchen bowl or a                                                         and put a small handful into your
            solid work surface. You could                                                         mortar bowl. Use your pestle to
            use the end of a rolling pin, or                                                      grind your material. Keep working
            a smooth pebble that fits in                                                          on it until you have made a paste
             your hand as a pestle)                 Watch out!                                    or powder.
             Dust mask                              When mixing paints with any sort of
             Apron                                  powdered ingredients, it’s best not to      3 Scrape out your paste or powder
             Small bowl                             breathe in the powder while mixing. If        from the bowl into a measuring
             Measuring jug                          needed, cover your nose with a mask           jug and add water – about the
                                                    or your shirt while mixing paints.            same as if you were making a
                                                                                                  glass of orange squash. Give it
        1 of 2 pages                                Wear an apron to protect your clothes.        a good stir and let the particles
                                                    Be careful to avoid plants that sting or
                                                    cause irritation to the skin.               4 When the larger particles have
                                                                                                  settled, pour the liquid into a
                                                     Be careful to collect soil samples or        shallow bowl, put it in a warm
                                                     leaves that are NOT contaminated.            sunny place and leave it to dry out
                                                                                                  completely. You could speed this
                                                     If you dry out your powder mix on a          up by heating it gently in a pan
                                                     stove or the oven, make sure an adult        lined with tin foil over a low heat
                                                     is supervising.                              or putting it into a tray lined with
                                                                                                  foil and leaving it in a warm oven
                                                                                                  until the water has evaporated.

Innovating for the future
                                          Who invented blue?

 Next steps                                5 When all the water has evaporated,     can’t see any blue in his paintings but
     Now you have pigment,
                                             you will be left with a dry powder.    we know that Rembrandt did use a lot
     you are ready to make your
                                             Put it back into your mortar and       of blue when he made these works of
     own paint. Add your powder
                                             grind it again until you have a very   art. He couldn’t afford ultramarine, so
     pigment to different ‘binders’
                                             smooth powder.                         instead used a pigment called ‘smalt’.
     to make paint. You can try
                                                                                    Do some research to find out what has
     adding it to PVA glue, water,
                                           6 Take a small pinch of your pigment     happened to the blue in Rembrandt’s
     vegetable oil, egg yolks, glycerin
                                             and mix it with a drop of water into   painting and why it disappeared. What
      or honey. Which binder works
                                             a smooth paste. Congratulations!       other colours have disappeared from
      best? Experiment with different
                                             You have made your own pigment         his work?
      materials to make a range of
                                             – and who knows, you may have
      colours and then use them to
                                             even invented a new colour!            Skills set
      make your own artworks.
                                                                                    Creative, Imaginative, Curious
                                           7 Discuss which materials made the
      More ideas and inspiration can
                                             strongest colours. Think about         Career Options
      be found in our special art and
                                             why artists might spend so much        Theatre, film and television employ
      science edition of AD magazine
                                             money on pigments made from            many artists, makers and designers to
      – issue 25.
                                             rare materials like Mexican lice, or   create the costumes, sets and special
                                             precious stones from the Kokcha        effects that we see on the stage and
                                             River valley of Badakhshan?            screen. Make-up artists work with
                                                                                    colour and pigment to create illusions
                                           At home                                  and special effects. Costume and
                                           Rembrandt is a painter who lived         textile designers and makers work
                                           in the 1600s. When we look at his        with dye and print processes to create
                                           paintings today, they look very dark     fabrics and textiles for costumes and
                                           and use lots of grey and brown. We       sets.

Innovating for the future

                                                  Build your own
                                                  gut microbiome
 About this activity
 When you eat, your food goes on                  Instructions
 an incredible journey. After leaving             1 Cut the top off your milk or juice
 your stomach it enters the intestines, a            carton (this will be your gut tube)
 tube 6-times longer than your height!               and cut a “viewing door” in one
 Here, with the help of microbes,                    side. Attach a folded piece of sticky
 your food is digested to release the                tape to add a handle to the door.
 goodness into your body. In this
  activity you will build a model intestine       2 Your gut has lots of folds in it
  with resident microbes, known                     called villi. Carefully cut out the villi
  collectively as the gut microbiome.               template, tape it to the cut end of
                                                    your gut tube and fold them over
     Time                                           to create a cross section of your
     20 minutes                                     intestine! Add cotton wool to the
                                                    inside of your tube to represent the
     Kit list                                       villi along the tube.
          A washed 1L carton of milk
          or juice. (You could paint it           3 Now what bacteria might be in
          beforehand if you want to.)               your intestines? Carefully cut out
          Scissors                                  and add the following bacteria to
          Sticky tape                               your “microbiome” tube:                     5 What happens when you’re ill
          Cotton wool                                                                             and need antibiotics? Take out
          (or toilet roll would do)                      Bifidobacterium:                         everything except the cotton
           Small food items like raisins, a              good for your immune system              wool. Antibiotics can remove your
           piece of cheese and a biscuit                                                          resident microbes. How do you
                                                         Bacteroides:                             think we can replace them?
                                                         able to digest complex foods
                                                                                                At home
      Next steps                                         Lactobacillus:                         Try making a food diary by writing
          To download a free teachers’                   fights off pathogens that could        down everything you eat and drink
          pack with three classroom                      make you sick (curious fact: this      for one day. Do you think your gut
          activities, videos and quizzes                 one can also be used to make           microbiome is happy with the fuel you
          please visit            cheese)                                have sent it?

            For more info on our research                Roseburia:                             Skills set
            please see                     helps keep your gut cells strong       Open-minded, Curious, Logical

       Additional worksheets                             Clostridium:                           Career options
       on page 22 - 23                                   when there are too many of             Quadram Institute Scientists are
                                                         these it can make you very             developing new foods and improving
                                                         gassy!                                 our understanding of how we can
                                                                                                tailor nutritional intake for health.
       Watch out!                                        Salmonella:                            We are also developing new ways of
       Do no eat the food used in the activity.          a bad bacteria found in some           diagnosing and treating infections
                                                         undercooked food that can give         when they happen, as well as
        Be careful when cutting out your villi           you an upset tummy.                    performing cutting edge research
        and bacteria templates.                                                                 that is revealing how maintaining a
                                                  4 Add some small food items like              healthy gut microbiome is critical to
                                                    raisins, a biscuit or cheese. Do            reducing the chances of developing
                                                    you think they are healthy or less          conditions such as cancer and
                                                    healthy?                                    dementia.


     Build your own
     gut microbiome                 Lactobacillus



                                            Fold here



     Build your own
     gut microbiome

Innovating for the future

                                               Going on a fact hunt
 About this activity
 Through exploration, experiments              Instructions                                3 Now, consider how you might go
 and examination, scientists gather            1 Just because a statement might              about checking your fact and how
 information and facts about the world            appear as a fact, it might not be          true, or accurate, it is.
 around us. From the tiniest microbes             true, so checking sources such as
 in our bodies to the massive planets             books, articles or other scientific      4 Create a poster or presentation to
  in our universe, their work provides us         evidence to prove this is important.       show your class how you checked
  with endlessly fascinating facts, which                                                    and confirmed the fact, the
  you might find in your favourite TV          2 What is the most incredible fact            sources you used and any other
   show, magazine or book.                       you know? If you can’t think of one         related facts you may have learned
                                                 you could use one of the mind-              along the way. Also consider what
     Time                                        blowing facts below (taken from             experiments or investigations you
     1 hour                                      Cats React to Science Facts by Izzi         might carry out to prove the fact.
     Kit list                                                                              At home
          Books containing science facts,            Pancakes are always round             Think about a science topic that you
          you can find some brilliant                because of gravity pulling down       find interesting and research some
          examples through the Young                 on the batter evenly, making a        amazing facts about this that you can
          People’s Book Prize shortlist              circular shape.                       share with your friends and family.
          Optional: access to the Internet           The peregrine falcon’s                Skills set
          Poster paper                               streamlined shape allows it to        Curious, Communicator, Self-motivated
           Arts and crafts materials                 move over 300km/h which is
                                                     as fast as a Formula 1 car.           Career options
                                                                                           Many careers, both in science and not,
                                                     Pure water is an electrical           involve gathering facts for different
      Next steps                                     insulator but tap water is an         purposes. For example, you could be
      This activity is inspired by the Royal         electrical conductor.                 a forensic scientist who collects and
      Society Young People’s Book Prize.                                                   analyses evidence to solve crimes,
      For more information about the                                                       or a journalist who researches and
      Prize, and how your school can get                                                   writes articles on different topics or
      involved, go to                                                     breaking new stories for publications,
                                                                                           like magazines or websites.
                                                                  GRAVITY, PANCAKES & ME

Innovating for the future

                                                     Which plastic?
 About this activity
 Different types of plastic are used                 Instructions                                  4 Gather your numbered plastic
 to make many everyday objects but                   1 Think about the objects you use               samples.
 do you know which plastic is which?                    every day that are made from
 Learn how to help the environment as                   plastic. Did you know that there           5 Half fill your container with water
 you carry out simple tests and use a                   are many different types of plastic,         and place sample 1 under the
  chart to identify different plastics for              each one useful for different                water before letting it go. Do the
  recycling. You will also find out how                 things?                                      same for the rest of the samples.
  one company supports a recycling                                                                   Observe and record which plastics
  scheme to reduce the amount of                     2 Share with a partner what you                 float and which sink.
  single-use plastic sent to landfill sites.           know about how plastics are made
                                                       from materials found in fossil fuels        6 Using the same samples (removed
     Time                                              formed millions of years ago from             from the water) fold each piece of
     1 hour                                            the remains of living things. Plastic         plastic backwards and forwards to
                                                       is often thrown away after one use            see what happens - some plastics
     Kit list                                          and this can have a negative effect           snap under pressure; others
          Ask an adult to cut out four                 on our environment by ending up               simply fold into a crease whilst
          plastic samples (approximately               in landfill sites or as litter pollution.     some plastics show a white line
          6cm by 2cm) and number                                                                     called stress whitening.
          them 1 to 4 with a permanent               3 Consider the ‘sustainability’ of
          marker. Use the following                    plastics; in other words, how often         7 Record your results.
          items:                                       they can be reused and recycled so
                                                       that we can keep using them for             8 Use this classification key to
          Sample 1:
                                                       longer.                                       identify which type of plastic is
           shower gel bottle.
              Sample 2:
              clear packaging used for
              greeting card multi-packs or           Can you identify and sort four different types of plastic in order to send
              gift sets.                             any waste materials to the correct recycling centres?
              Sample 3:
              white foam container used for
               takeaway food                                                           Does it float in
              Sample 4:                                                                   water?
              clear fizzy drinks bottle
              1 litre bowl or container filled
              with ½ litre of cold water                                      Yes                           No
              Identification chart included in
              the instructions
                                                                                                      Does it show
                                                                           Does it snap?
                                                                                                   stress whitening?

                                                                Yes                    No             Yes                 No

                                                 It is Polystyrene        It is Polythene              It is PVC               It is PET

Innovating for the future
                                                Which plastic?

 Next steps
 This activity is taken from CIEC’s              9 Find out about how scientists and     At home
 free-to-download Sustainable                      engineers are helping to develop      Many plastic items that can be
 Stories and Solutions for our Planet,             plastic waste recycling systems,      recycled have a symbol similar to the
 which contains two introductory                   for example: old plastic window       one shown here:
 activities and four further main                  frames can be cleaned, made
  activities with industry stories to              into tiny pellets and melted to be
  help young children develop an                   reformed into new window and
  understanding of sustainability:                 door frames or other products.                  Thanks to companies like INOVYN
                                                   at Newton Aycliffe in England,        Find recycling information on plastic
                                                   PVC-U is no longer a single-          items in your home and research
                                                   use material and is much more         what the letters or numbers might
                                                   sustainable. Nothing goes to waste    mean. You could also find out which
     Watch out!                                    and, more importantly, nothing is     materials and types of plastics can be
     Make sure you get an adult to cut out         deliberately thrown away to find      recycled near to where you live.
     your plastic samples from the items           its way into drains, rivers and the
     suggested in the kit list.                    ocean.                                Skills set
                                                                                         Observant, Curious, Logical.
     Take extra care during the ‘crease test
     as small pieces may splinter  off the                                               Career options
     plastic when under stress. You could                                                Watch the 2-minute video youtube.
     use safety glasses if you have them or                                              com/watch?v=3eD1-iGf-J4 of Eve
     sunglasses to protect your eyes.                                                    Davison, an engineer at a car factory in
                                                                                         the north-east of England talk about
      Gloves are optional but could prevent                                              plastics, and introduce this activity.
      cuts from sharp edges.                                                             Eve needs to know which car parts
                                                                                         are made from which types of plastic
      Recycle all the pieces of plastic if                                               so she can send any waste materials,
      possible (do not pour down the drain).                                             after production, to the correct
                                                                                         recycling centres.

                                                                                         More about INOVYN and INEOS
                                                                                         INOVYN is part of a bigger company
                                                                                         called INEOS, the people who work
                                                                                         there are committed to saving our
                                                                                         planet’s resources. They have begun to
                                                                                         use renewable materials from biomass
                                                                                         (organic waste from things like wood,
                                                                                         straw and manure) instead of fossil
                                                                                         fuels to make PVC. This produces over
                                                                                         90% less greenhouse gas emissions
                                                                                         and a much reduced impact on the

                                                                                         INEOS is also a world leader in
                                                                                         producing useful new materials from
                                                                                         previously waste plastic. Plans are now
                                                                                         in place for an ‘advanced recycling’
                                                                                         plant that will transform unrecyclable
                                                                                         plastic for use as medical products, food
                                                                                         packaging, lightweight vehicle parts and
                                                                                         pipes for safe water transportation.

Innovating for the future

                                            Design your
                                            own Robo-bug
 About this activity
 Insects have evolved loads of
 fascinating features to help them
 survive in almost every habitat on
  Earth. These amazing abilities have
  inspired robots used for things like
  rescue missions and even space
  exploration! In this activity you will
   design robots inspired by insects to
   help solve challenges like these.

     30 mins – 1 hour

     Kit list
          Pens and pencils
          Access to the internet
          Modelling material such
          as playdoh / plasticene /         Instructions                              5 Colour your robo-bug in (colours
          modelling clay (optional)         1 Choose a goal from the table and          might be an important part of your
                                               read the challenges that need            design, depending on what you
                                               solving to be successful. You could      want your robot to be doing).
                                               also think of your own goal and list
      Next steps                               2-3 challenges that might need to      6 Label the robot’s features and
      Visit and type            be solved for that instead!              show how they help solve the
      ‘insects’ into the search bar to                                                  challenges for the goal you chose
      discover even more about all the      2 Discover the different insects and        earlier.
      amazing ways insects survive, and       their abilities and adaptations.
       how scientists are building robots                                             7 You can also create a 3D robo-bug
       inspired by these insect abilities   3 Think about the challenge you’re          using modelling material. Place
       to tackle loads of exciting and        trying to solve, and which insect         it on a piece of paper and draw
       important challenges.                  features are the best for solving         arrows to label all the features.
                                              it e.g. rescue robots might need
                                              to be good at crawling over rough       At home
                                              ground, while ocean-exploring           Find an insect (inside or outside) and
       Additional worksheets                  robots might need powerful eyes         watch it closely. What features does it
       on page 28-29                          for spotting interesting things in      have that help it survive? Remember
                                              the deep-sea.                           not to harm the insect and return it
                                                                                      as quickly as possible to where you
                                            4 Draw your new robot on some             found it.
                                              paper, start with the body and then
                                              add on the insect-inspired bits you     Skills set
                                              want your robot to have.                Observant, Imaginative, Logical

                                                                                      Career Options
                                                                                      Scientists, engineers, computer
                                                                                      programmers, rescue crews and
                                                                                      sometimes even pilots are all needed
                                                                                      to research, design, build and control
                                                                                      the kinds of robots you designed in
                                                                                      this activity.

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