Page created by Joseph James
F E B R U A RY 2 014
                       I SSU E 12 : WO RKIN G TO G ETHE R FO R A SKILLE D TO MO RROW

                          INSETA to open
                           new office at
                         Ikhala College
                        in Queenstown,
                            Eastern Cape

INSETA opens another office in the Eastern Cape

CEO message

Par tnering for success: Opening of FET college
SAADP says farewell to Cyril Ramaphosa
Gauteng Women In Insurance Valentines breakfast
Liber ty graduation

Prioritising the expansion of the college sector
Submission of wsp/atr and pivotal repor ts
Skills Development Facilitators code of Good Practice
                                                             John Ruskin said that “When love and skill
                                                             work together, expect a masterpiece.”

 As millions of people exchanged bouquet of roses, expensive chocolates, cheesy greeting cards and extravagant gifts to
 express their love to one another on Februar y 14th, Cupid also visited INSETA offices. A successful office valentine’s Day
 comes down to enthusiasm and par ticipation, it has been INSETA’s culture to celebrate the day with a hot breakfast just to
 share love with colleagues and express love to one another. This year’s breakfast was different from all the other years but
 INSETA staff members made it possible.

 Thanks you for making this a success beautiful INSETANS.

February is the month of love and our staff celebrated             Further existing underwriters can register for the
with a Valentines breakfast. Insurance sector ladies               qualification and also make use of the Recognition
were also spoiled at the Gauteng Women in Insurance                of Prior Learning (RPL) methodology to gain
Valentine Breakfast which was held at the beautiful                recognition for their existing achievements.
and historical music room at the Hollard Campus.                   We were privileged to be part of the Clientele Life
Motivational speaker Jodie Hill empowered the ladies               graduation this month which saw their sales staff
with her presentation entitled ‘Own and Love the                   graduate after completing their Wealth Management
Goddess’. The atmosphere at the Campus was abuzz                   Qualification through Damelin. Both underwriting
with the news of the unveiling of the new Hollard                  and wealth management are scarce and critical skills
logo. Heidi Brauer, marketing director for Hollard said            within the insurance sector and we are pleased to
“We were frank before frank was frank. Hollard was                 see the number of workers who are making personal
a challenger brand before the term was invented and                sacrifices to become qualified in their chosen
we have always challenged conventional thinking by                 profession, thereby also lifting the professionalism
introducing new ways of doing things.”                             of the industry as a whole.

The insurance industry has partnered with INSETA                   We hope you enjoy this edition of the newsletter
to develop scarce and critical skills. The ASISA                   and we welcome your contributions which should
Academy held their graduation for their underwriting               be directed to the editor Sharon Snell at
programme. We are pleased to note that the INSETA        
funded scholarship candidates fared well on the
programme and held their own amongst seasoned                      Sandra Dunn, CEO
underwriters who joined the programme to achieve
the qualification. INSETA has now registered the
Underwriters Qualification with the QCTO and this
will allow for easy entry into the profession.
INSETA to open new office at Ikhala
     College in Queenstown, Eastern Cape
The Chief Executive Officer
(CEO), of the Insurance
Sector Education and Training
Authority (INSETA), Sanda
Dunn announced that INSETA
will be opening a second SETA
office at the Ikhala College in
Queenstown, Eastern Cape on
13 March 2014.

     Mr. Mduduzi Comfort Manana Deputy
     Minister of Higher Education and Training

Dunn said, “We are excited to open a second office in            “At INSETA, we believe that the vision of the
the Eastern Cape, so soon after 16 January 2014, when            White Paper, speaks directly to the work of the
the Ministry of Higher Education and Training released           new SETA offices at Ikhala College. The focus of the
the White Paper on Post-School Education and Training:           new office is three-fold. One, it shall co-ordinate
Building an Expanded, Effective and Integrated System.           SETA’s activities and presence at the Ikhala college.
                                                                 Two, it shall facilitate placement of learners in the
“INSETA notes the name change of Further Educational
                                                                 workplace in respect of internships; it shall assist
and Training Colleges (FET) colleges to Technical and
                                                                 learners with SETA’s bursary information and
Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges,
                                                                 skills programmes. Three, it shall liaise with the
as outlined in the White Paper. We also welcome the
opportunity to make a significant contribution within the        steering committee, comprising of various TVET
post-school system, as mandated within the White Paper,          colleges and other Sector Education and Training
in particular with regard to:                                    Authorities (SETAs). The steering committee
                                                                 oversees the establishment and functioning of SETA
1.      Expanding access, improving quality and increasing       offices at TVET colleges, thereby managing the
        diversity of learners (as student enrolments at TVET     SETA deliverables at a college level.”
        colleges are expected to expand from approximately
        500 000 currently to 2.5-million by 2030);               “It is estimated that there are 3.4-million young people
                                                                 in South Africa between the ages of 15- to 24-years of
2.      A post-school system that can promote a fair,            age, who are not in employment, education or training
        equitable, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic         – the so called “neets”. The White Paper proposes a
        South Africa;                                            number of solutions to moving these “neets” out of
                                                                 poverty. INSETA embraces the opportunity to play a
3.      A single, co-ordinated post-school education and         small but significant role in this post-school system. We
        training system;                                         wish to increase the number of previously disadvantaged
                                                                 students in the insurance sector, and expand the pool of
4.      A strengthened and more cooperative relationship         scarce and critical skills. INSETA shall continue to work
        between education and training institutions and          with all stakeholders, so at make the White Paper, a
        workplaces in industry and the private sector; and       reality,” Dunn added.

5.      A post-school education and training system that is      It is expected that the Minister of Higher Education
        responsive to, and mindful of, the needs of individual   will give the key note address and preside over the
        citizens, employers in public and private sectors,       opening of the SETA offices.
        as well as broader societal and developmental
SAADP says farewell to
  Cyril Ramaphosa

 SAADP bids farewell to founding Chairperson Mr Cyril Ramaphosa who has been instrumental in setting up the programme to address
 the need for skilled Black actuaries. INSETA funds the development of Black actuaries through SAADP. With him in the picture is Sharon
 Snell INSETA Chief Operations and other programme sponsors, SASRIA and Deloitte.

Speaking about introducing new ways of doing things,                   in developing Black actuaries. INSETA is proud to be
more than a decade ago Cyril Ramaphosa who was                         a key sponsor of the programme and is currently in
with SASRIA at the time, was faced with the challenge                  discussions with the Association of Black Actuaries
of virtually no representation of Black professionals                  (ASABA) to look at ways to increase the conversion
in the actuarial profession. After investigating the                   rate of actuarial graduates to qualified actuaries. This
challenges, he conceptualized a programme which                        was a theme echoed by most of the speakers at the
became known as the South African Actuarial                            gala dinner. Peter Temple, the president of the Actuarial
Development programme.                                                 Society spoke at the event and discussed the global big
                                                                       data revolution and how this created more jobs for
This prorgrammes success lies in the support and                       actuaries. It seems that currently globally the labour
mentorship programmes which the learners benefit                       markets do not have a saturation point for actuaries.
from while completing their degree in actuarial science.
At a glitzy gala dinner held on the 19th February 2014,                He said that in a few years the labour market would
the actuarial industry got together to bid farewell to                 need more than 1.5 million data analyst and actuaries
Mr. Ramaphosa, as outgoing Chairperson of SAADP                        who are already skilled at using their analytical,
and further to honour him for his role that he played                  statistical and mathematical skills can fill these skills gap.
(GWII) is an organisation which was formed to provide a forum for WOMEN
within the short-term insurance industry. This forum was created to enhance
the position of women in the short-term insurance industry, facilitate net-
working opportunities, develop members’ personal and professional goals and
to promote and debate insurance and other relevant issues. Members include
insurance specialists, underwriters, administrators, brokers, adjusters, insurers,
reinsurers and UMA specialists.
Liberty Holdings Learnership
  Class of 2013 takes centre stage
On 31 January 2014, Liberty Holdings
hosted the Insurance Sector Education
and Training Authority (INSETA)
with other partners, to honour its
Learnership Class of 2013.
The 119 successful learners took
centre stage, after spending most
of 2013, immersed in a programme
covering topics such as, human
resource management, business
administration, contact centre
operations, wealth management,
long-term insurance and long-term
risk insurance assessment.

Guest speakers at the graduation ceremony were Mike           learner’s reality, in a positive way. Pandle’s dedication
Gondo, Managing Director of Liberty Holdings Emerging         and enterprising nature caught the attention of a
Consumer Market Division and Sandra Dunn, INSETA              number of people during his year at Liberty Holdings.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Other important guests         Adams explains, “Akhona stood out from his peers for
included Ivan Mzimela, Group Executive – Group                a number of reasons – he worked hard; was focused,
Strategic Services; Liesel Dentlinger, Division Director -    curious and is a go-getter. The growth we have all seen
Group Human Resources and representatives from the            with him is inspiring. The young man you see today is
Department of Higher Education and Training’s SETA            definitely not the same shy young man who joined our
Performance Management Unit.                                  programme in 2013. More importantly, his efforts have
                                                              led to a contract position in Liberty Holdings Group
Janine Adams, Liberty Holdings’ Learnership Programme         Human Resources and that is but one such learnership
Manager recognised the significance of the partnership        success story.” Pandle also received the top academic
with INSETA as a critical part to the programme’s             achievement award for the National Qualification
success. “Our partnership with key industry role-             Framework (NQF) Level 4 Human Resource
players has helped us change the lives of young adults        Management.
between the ages of 18-35, through this year-long
structured learnership programme,” Adams said.                In addition, five other top academic achievement awards
                                                              were presented to the following learners:
Dunn expressed her appreciation for the cooperation           1. NQF Level 4 Business Administration: Nolwandle
between Liberty Holdings and INSETA saying, “We must               Qakaza (who is now in full-time employment);
continue to follow the example set by our late founding       2. NQF Level 4 Contact Centre Operations:
father, Nelson Mandela. At his inauguration in 1994,               Nomasabatha Rodolo;
President Mandela said: ‘We must therefore act together       3. NQF Level 4 Wealth Management: Fezile Ntuli (who
as a united people, for national reconciliation, for nation        is now in full-time employment);
building, for the birth of a new world.’ INSETA believes      4. NQF Level 4 Long Term Insurance: Ncema
that it is through working together with our partners              Motalane (who is now in full-time employment); and
that our young people can achieve the much needed             5.	Long Term Risk Insurance Assessment: Mduduzi
critical skills in all sectors of society.”                        Godfrey Kubheka.

At the graduation ceremony, Akhona Pandle received            INSETA once again congratulates the 119 successful
the Best Overall Learner Award on the 2013                    learners of the Liberty Holdings Learnership Class of
programme. His experience on the programme is a               2013. Well done!
perfect example of how a learnership can change a
The INSETA Management System (Indicium)
is now live for submission of the Workplace
Skills Plan, Annual Training Report and Pivotal
Training Report (Planned and Trained Beneficiaries).

The due date for submission of all the reports is
30 April 2014. Please note that no extensions will
be granted and it is vital to ensure that the submit
button is clicked upon uploading of all data.

               C urrent and N ew S ubmission Dates
                   f or W S P, AT R and P T R reports
                    30 April 2014 submission date ( next year’s submission )
                          WSP - 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2014
                          ATR - 1 January 2013 - 31 December 2013

Who must submit?

•   Companies with 50 or more employees must submit the WSP and ATR in the newly prescribed
•   Companies with 50 or less employees will now submit on a simplified form designed by INSETA
•   20% of total levies paid by employers will be paid to the employer who submits a WSP and ATR

INSETA will not pay a Mandatory grant to employers who:

•	Has not paid Skills levies
•	Has not submitted the WSP and ATR by the prescribed deadline date
•	Has not submitted a WSP and ATR that contributed to the INSETA SSP
• Has not implemented the WSP of the previous financial year, to the extent that it satisfies the
  criteria for implementation based on the guidelines provided
•	Have agreements with trade unions, and there must be evidence of consultation with these unions
  and sign off by the labour representative appointed by the recognised trade union, unless an
  explanation is provided

For any queries please contact the INSETA Call Centre on 086 113 0013.
Prioritising the expansion
    of the college sector

The White Paper outlines South Africa’s vision for higher       Envisaged
education, sets out our main priorities and strategies to       increase in
achieve these. It sets out an ambitious plan and hopefully      enrolments
begins to address the skills development challenges some        in Colleges
of which are:

•   the fragmented and uncoordinated system and
    organisations responsible for Higher Education,
    and the weak FET system;

•   poor career guidance for learners;

•   workplaces which are not integrated into the higher
    education system;                                         The programmes and qualifications in the college sector
                                                              will be undergoing a review and employers have been
•   inadequate provision for people with disabilities;        identified as one of the key stakeholders who will
                                                              be involved in the review process. This is in line with
•   socio economic conditions including lack of funds         the emphasis in the White Paper on strengthening
    and access for rural learners                             partnerships between employers and colleges both at
                                                              a system level and at a college level. Ideally a college
When Zuma became president he announced the                   should have partnerships with employers in the area
splitting of education into two distinct departments, that    it serves allowing for learners to be placed in industry
of Basic Education and Higher Education. This decision        to get valuable workplace experience. Employers can
allowed for a dedicated focus to address the unique           reciprocate by influencing curriculum design to meet
challenges faced by both systems at the time. A positive      workplace needs and also participate in college lecturing
change was immediately evident especially in public           in areas of expertise. Hopefully this will allow for
higher education provision. SETAs, universities and FET       workplace technological advances to be taught in the
colleges started working together, dispensing with both       colleges at a similar pace to that at which these advances
fictional barriers of hierarchies and stature, and the very   happen. Another positive development expected from the
real barrier of bureaucracy that had plagued integration      curriculum review is that the qualifications will be as far
prior to President Zuma’s announcement.                       as possible designed so that learners can articulate from
                                                              college to university and other institutions.
Strengthening and expanding the public
college sector                                                SETAs and Public Colleges

The strengthening and expansion of the public college         The role of the SETAs will be narrowed to developing
sector to turn them into institutions of choice, has been     the skills of people in sector workplaces and the
identified as the highest priority in the White Paper.        development of a pipeline for the workplaces. SETAs
We will see the college sector become central to the          will engage with stakeholders in the workplace, establish
provision of post school education and training and           their needs and ensure that providers have the capacity
enrolments are expected to increase from 650 000              to deliver on this. Colleges in terms of the White Paper
currently to 1 million by 2015 and 2.5 million by 2030.       will primarily provide training for the mid-level skills and
Already we have seen a 53% increase in FET enrolments         are being renamed to technical and vocational education
from 2010 (345 566) to 2013 (650 000).                        and training colleges (TVET). The SETAs are expected to
                                                              fund learners in the public colleges especially for specific
This expansion has been made possible by dedicated            sector occupational programmes and short courses.
funding by government and the provision of bursaries          The placement of college learners into workplaces has
for learners. Bursary funding to public colleges in 2013      been slow but expected to start improving as specific
increased to R 1.988 billion.                                 programmes are rolled out.
Skills Development                                                              “A Quality Driven
  Facilitators code                                                               Learning Environment
                                                                                  starts here”
  of Good Practice
The Insurance sector Education and Training Authority                 or any other Performance Measurement Tools are aligned
(Inseta) Skills Planning Division has designed the                    with the Organisation Training and Development Policy.
following Code of Good Practice to fall in line with                • There should be representatives from Senior
organisations’ policies and procedures in order                       Management, Line Management and Employee and Union
to efficiently and effectively carry out training and                 representatives (where an organisation has unionised
development plans in the organisation.                                employees), on the Training Committee.
Employers will be required to ensure that the                       • All the Committee meetings are minuted and made
following is in place in order to become a Quality
                                                                      available during the INSETA Skills Audit.
Learning Environment (QLE).
                                                                    • Skills Levies are paid within the Legislated Time Frames.
                                                                    • A minimum of 2% is spent on Internal Training and
• Ensure that organisational learning is in line with the
                                                                      Development Initiatives, over and above the 1% of skills
  scarce and critical skills needs of the Insurance and
                                                                      levies paid to the South African Revenue Services (SARS).
  related services sector.
                                                                    • Training and development is fair to all employees and
• Ensure that the learning environment is conducive for
                                                                      no employees must be discriminated against, in terms of
  learning prior to learner being sent on training internally
                                                                      race, gender, disability or any other criteria.
  and externally. It is essential that a logistics plan for
                                                                    • All employees are to be given opportunities to grow and
  classrooms and equipment be implemented by the
                                                                      learn as part of a learning organisation. Hosting of Career
  Operations and/or Logistics Department.
                                                                      Days and partnering with your SETA at Career Fairs.
•	Large and Medium employers (organisations with more
                                                                    •	Provision of learning must be carried out by an
  than 50 employees) must ensure that a Training Committee
                                                                      Accredited Training Provider.
  (herein also known as “The Committee”), is in place.
                                                                    • Ensure that the proper Information Technology (IT)
• The Committee must ensure the following:
                                                                      systems are in place to track and record learning within
• A Primary and Secondary Skills Development Facilitator is
                                                                      the organisation.
  appointed in the organisation, who is qualified (with a Skills
                                                                    • Employers must ensure that the learner’ credits are
  Development facilitator Certificate), and who also can
                                                                      loaded on to the relevant SETA Upload System on
  accurately complete the Workplace Skills Plan and Annual
                                                                      completion of the Programme. This arrangement should
  Training report, also the Pivotal Training plan and report.
                                                                      be made directly with all training providers within the
• A Provision must be for occasions when the Skills
                                                                      agreement documents between the parties.
  Development Facilitators or Administrators are not
                                                                    • Employers to ensure that learners are briefed on the
  available to carry-out their role. In the logistics plan
                                                                      correct career pathing plans in line with their PDPs, and
  provision must be made for substitutes.
                                                                      should a learner be studying towards a full qualification,
• At least two Representatives from Large and Medium
                                                                      that the qualification outline is printed from the South
  companies must be present at the INSETA Annual the
                                                                      African Qualifications Authority (SAQA – www.saqa.
  Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report
                                                             ) website and rules of combination to achieve the
  (ATR) Workshops to keep abreast of legislative changes
                                                                      qualification is monitored by the internal SDF.
  that may occur.
                                                                    • Hosting Skills Development Best Practice Workshops
• The above Training Committee can form part of the
                                                                      where the SETA can give updates to the Communities of
  Employment Equity Committee.
                                                                      Skills Development Facilitators within the same Subsector.
• Meet at least quarterly, in order to discuss Skills Planning
                                                                    • The Workplace Plan and Annual Training Reports as well
  for Employees and Skills Audits.
                                                                      as Pivotal plans and reports are completed before the
• Representatives to sign off on the Workplace Skills Plans
                                                                      legislated Deadline Date, and consultation within the
  and Annual Training Reports.
                                                                      organisation ( at all levels, especially when it comes to
• Records of Learning, Attendance Register (where possible),
                                                                      planning for learning), before submission.
  and Statement of Results, as well as Certificates of Attendance
                                                                    • Recommendations: Boast the Successes of Organisational
  and Competency are kept for a period of 5 years.
                                                                      Achievers. Formal acknowledgement must be given to
• Organisational Training and Development Policy is updated
                                                                      those learners who have been found competent. Those
  annually, version-controlled, and also consulted on.
                                                                      learners who have passed with distinction, must be given
• Personal Development Plans (PDP) / Balance Scorecards (BS),
                                                                      special acknowledgement, in the form of awards.
Physical Address   Postal Address   Telephone: 011 544 2000
                                    Fax:		       011 484 0862
Ground floor       P.O. Box 32035
                                    Call Center: 0861 130 013
37 Empire Road     Braamfontein
Parktown           2017             Email:
Johannesburg       Johannesburg     Website:
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