Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News

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Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News
Marcos v. Robredo

The magistrates reports

The political scoreboard

The pets of the week

Inmates & detainees listing
Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News
Marcos v. Robredo

    By Troy Torres                                increasingly contemptuous against the       years appeared to fade with a narrative
                                                  corrupt oligarchs whom democratically-      deployed by a nearly-effective social media
    The race for president of the Republic of     elected presidents did close to nothing     strategy that tapped into a fundamental
    the Philippines is tightening as Filipinos    to rein in. In fact, at least two of them   question for Filipinos: Are you better off
    prepare to vote Monday. The election is a     - Joseph Estrada and Gloria Macapagal-      today than you were 30 years ago?
    rematch of sorts from 2016, when then-        Arroyo - faced charges of ciorruption
    Congresswoman Leni Robredo inched             for their role in advancing the corrupt     In the end, that narrative did not prevail
    out a victory over then-Sen. Ferdinand        agendas of the elite in Manila. On a        toward an election victory for Bongbong
    “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr. to become vice         side note of irony, those same former       Marcos, and Ms. Robredo was elected
    president. It was a come-from-behind          presidents have aligned themselves          instead.
    victory, with national polling for months     with Marcos.
    prior to the election showing Marcos                                                      But, after six years, that narrative has
    would win the vice presidency by a            For many Filipinos, as time grew            grown.
    landslide.                                    between the Marcos regime and               “There’s more corruption now,” Cecilia
                                                  democratically-elected government, so       Marquez, 44, said. “Maybe there’s
    At the time, Ms. Robredo’s victory was        too did their wonder whether life was
    a sigh of relief for Filipinos afraid of                                                  corruption in Marcos’s time. It was the wife.
                                                  better under the dictator.                  It was Imelda. But now it’s everywhere, and
    the return of the Marcoses to national
    executive power. HIs father, Ferdinand        “It’s been a long time, so people forget    Filipinos are still living in poverty!”
    Marcos, was overthrown by a People Power      what happened,” Reynard Arcillo, 57,        A mantra has become commonplace in
    Revolution in 1986 following a 21-year        said. “So many people disappeared.          debates Marcos supporters have with
    presidency and 14-year iron grip rule on      So many of my countrymen were               supporters of his opponents: The sins of
    the country. In 2016, however, Mr. Marcos’s   murdered in that regime. But Filipinos      the father should not be assigned to the
    campaign was nearly effective in reversing    are very forgiving, some will say. I just   son. Mr. Marcos himself has not placed
    the contempt most voters held against his     believe too many are willing to forget      himself in a position to be challenged
    father 30 years after the revolution.         how bad it was.”                            about this message; he has refused to
    After 30 years, many Filipinos had grown      By 2016, the memory of the Marcos           debate Ms. Robredo or any of the other
                                                                                              eight contenders for the presidency.

Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News
Inside this issue
                Feature												02                                        Pets of the week								07
                Marcos v. Robredo
                                                                             Magistrates updates						08
                MMMA Act											04                                        Inmates & detainees list				 66
                Shipping												05

So, what would have been a            and disappearances of political        “She’s a game changer,” Dr. Cyd        The irony is, Ms. Robredo’s entire
national discussion among             dissidents. Then a romanticization     Coloma said in a debate Kandit         platform makes this promise
candidates has instead become         of a better life that came at the      hosted among supporters of the         with one glaring subtraction
a war of information and              expense of the late dictator’s arch-   two presidential frontrunners in       in the equation: she does not
disinformation among Filipinos on     nemeses, the Aquinos.                  our studios. What she meant was        want to concentrate power in
social media.                                                                that Robredo would be a new kind       her presidency. Instead, she
                                      Every story of heroism needs           of president; one not beholden         counters with transparency as
The Troll Farms                       a villain. In the turning of           to the establishment, and who          a cornerstone of her governing
                                      Marcos into a legend, whose            did not come from the elite ruling     pivot.
In 2016, the American people          memory was wronged by an
encountered their first widespread                                           class.
                                      elite establishment intent on                                                 Can the Philippine presidency
assault on free and fair elections.   overthrowing him for their own         But what of the notion that            achieve economic health for the
Sprawled throughout the United        political and financial gain,          corruption, poverty, and crime         masses and a reduction of crime
States on computer screens            the villain became two dead            have increased dramatically            and poverty without the executive
and mobile phones was foreign         presidents, whose presidencies         since EDSA I? The claim seems          power wielded under martial law?
interference in the American          spanned the gap between EDSA I         undeniable.                            It seems that for half the country,
campaign season that ultimately       and the pre-Duterte period.                                                   voters have lost patience with the
led to the election of Donald                                                A New Society                          democratic model that has existed
Trump over Hillary Clinton.           It did not take much for troll farms                                          since Cory Aquino. And for the
Unbeknownst to the voting             to reset the online conversation       The 1973 patriotic hymn, Bagong
                                                                             Lipunan (written by Marcos), has       other half, there is the belief that
public was the fact that Russian      about the Marcos years versus                                                 the Republic of the Philippines
and Chinese operatives intent         the post-Marcos years by simply        made a comeback among Filipino
                                                                             voters harkening to a promise the      has not yet benefitted from the
on ruining American democracy         marking the rise of corruption,                                               presidency of a game changing
had systemized and mechanized         poverty, and crime from the            Marcoses literally brought cross-
                                                                             country in the 1970s through this      woman in pink.
disinformation directly into the      presidency of Corazon Aquino to
homes and offices of voters with      that of her son, Benigno Aquino. It    song. If martial law was the stick,    Which side will prevail? We’ll likely
Facebook accounts.                    was a clean, linear argument.          then his so-called democratic          know Tuesday morning.
                                                                             revolution was the carrot.
Highly-trained data miners            And once the current Vice
teamed with message strategists       President, Leni Robredo, began         The late dictator promised to
disguised themselves online           to pose a threat to Bongbong           build a New Society that would
as Americans, created pages,          Marcos’s bid this year, the troll      remove the oligarchs, who had
cultivated followers with             farms went for the next plot in the    grown in wealth and power to
innocuous postings that               political equation: that Robredo       suffocate Filipinos. Economic
progressively became political,       simply is a representation of          freedom is what he would give
then created and steered              all things Aquino, elite, and          to his countrymen by ridding the
narratives. The phenomenon            establishment.                         nation of its most powerful and
caught both Facebook and the FBI                                             influential families.
by surprise.                          Not everyone is buying it, though.
                                                                             “Manila was owned by 12 families,
We also know these same               “What sensible and logical             including the Catholic Church,
activities were happening within      individuals find hard to respect       and he wanted to change that,”
the Philippines using Philippine-     are opinions based on falsehoods       a personal friend of the Marcos
based troll farms. And as the years   and fabrications because, let’s        family stated on condition of
have gone by, that activity has       face it, those are simply lies         anonymity. “Marcos used poetry
increased. It is now at a crescendo   passed on as abstract ideologies       a lot, and in many ways it did give
in this final week of the election.   to those who would fall for it,”       hope to people.”
                                      Eduardo “Doods” Tuason wrote
                                                                             That hope is what Bongbong
The Rewriting of                      on a Facebook post regarding
                                                                             Marcos is trying to instill with his
                                      the elections today. “It is our duty
Philippine History                    as responsible citizens to correct     promise of a New Society under
                                      them.”                                 his presidency. And why not,
The first part of the troll farm                                             his supporters ask. Why should
campaign was simple, but had          Robredo’s momentum in these            Filipinos not enjoy the promise of
global and lasting effect. It was     final weeks is showing evidence        a president who would regulate
a rewrite of Philippine history       that Philippine voters are defying     the elite and the powerful,
under martial law. It began with a    the Neo-Marcos narrative. For          concentrate power in his hands,
softening of the freedoms denied      her supporters, she is not a           and redistribute wealth to create a
Filipinos in those years. Then a      continuation of anything.              strong middle class?
rationalization for the deaths                                                                                                                         3
Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News
The Medical Malpractice
                                                                Mandatory Arbitration Act
                                                                By Danielle M. Baza

                                                                UPDATE: Gubernatorial candidate Congressman
                                                                Michael San Nicolas this past week affirmed his
                                                                commitment to support necessary changes to the
                                                                Medical Malpractice Mandatory Arbitration Act.
                                                                On October 31, 2018, Asher Dean Lubofsky died at Guam Memorial Hospital.
                                                                Asher was admitted the day before, and his condition worsened gradually over
                                                                night. According to his father, David Lubofsky, in previous statements to Kandit
                                                                News, his son was never admitted to the ICU despite his deteriorating condition,
                                                                the nurses never set him up with a breathing tube despite his labored breathing,
                                                                and a doctor never checked on him through the night.
                                                                An investigative report on Asher Dean’s death by the U.S. Centers for Medicare
                                                                and Medicaid Services secretly published May 3, 2019, confirmed Mr. Lubofsky’s

           The political scoreboard:
           Our coverage of this issue began:		 February 2019

           Call to action:									Reform of the MMMA Act

           Who can act?:									Senators and the governor

           What action has been taken?:			 Speaker Therese Terlaje introduced
           reform legislation - Bill No. 112-36. Senators have yet to vote on it.

           Has action led to solution?:				 As of May 7, 2022: No.

statements, and more. Asher Dean is identified in the CMMS report as          a lack of accountability is an inherently dangerous issue within the medical
Patient 6. Mr. Lubofsky constantly asked the nurses on duty for a doctor      field on Guam due to protective laws at GMH and island wide.
to see his son, and for his son to be intubated so he could breathe and
rest. The nurses, on the order of doctors whom they had called, gave          “Did my son die not only by alleged medical negligence with apathetic
the boy Albuterol and Tylenol for his symptoms.                               people who have no accountability and responsibility to their patients, but
                                                                              also due to the abuse of medical nursing staff by doctors that resulted in
Mr. Lubofsky reported these events to the Guam Board of Medical               nurses “freezing in fear” and prevented them from giving the critical care
Examiners, the Allied Health Board, and the Guam Board of Nurse               Asher needed as they waited for a doctor to wake up, too intimidated to call
Examiners in 2019, but to no avail. At the time, there was no public          again?”
record of what happened. He eventually filed lawsuits in the Superior
and District Courts of Guam for the wrongful death of his son.                The current Mandatory Medical Malpractice Arbitration Act states no one
                                                                              in Guam can bring a lawsuit against a healthcare provider for medical
Over the summer of 2020, Mr. Lubofsky caught a break. GMH was                 malpractice unless the grieving party first goes through medical arbitration
forced to disclose the May 3, 2019 CMMS report, which implicated the          at the expense of the grieving party. That expense begins at around $40,000
nurses, respiratory therapists, and doctors in the death of Asher Dean.       to $60,000 in upfront costs, making arbitration unaffordable for the poor
The report included summaries of the interviews with the medical              and middle classes. Lubofsky isn’t the only grieving party or resident who
providers, including two women who attended to Asher Dean.                    looks forward to changing the law so that poor and middle class citizens
                                                                              have access to due process through the courts. Others throughout the years
Mr. Lubofsky wrote an editorial for Kandit on November 21, 2020 that          have tried to challenge the MMMA Act on the grounds that it violates every
read:                                                                         citizen’s constitutionally protected right to due process.
“Doctors are not accountable in Guam for medical negligence and that          U.S. District Court Judge Ramona Manglona made it clear, in an order in the
creates apathy, the same apathy and lack of accountability that may           Lubofsky case, that if the MMMA Act were to be interpreted by the Guam
relate to the abuse of other staff and allows them to think they can get      Supreme Court to force medical arbitration on a grieving party that cannot
away with it. This does not apply to all doctors of course. I do not mean     afford it, then the MMMA Act would certainly violate the Constitution’s 14th
to cast a net over the whole medical community, but apathy related to
Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News
                                                              partial Jones Act reform
                                                              Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero this past week took a position on the Jones
                                                              Act. And while the specifics of her position are yet to be known, she has
                                                              expressed a desire for Congress to apply an exemption Puerto Rico currently
                                                              enjoys for the cheaper import of liquid fuel. Such a change, the governor
                                                              suggested in a letter to several members of Congress, will help to decrease
                                                              the cost of fuel on Guam.
                                                              The problem is that the Jones Act has nothing to do with the cost of liquid
                                                              fuel on Guam, according to several sources in both the local furl industry,
                                                              and in Washington, D.C.
                                                              “A foreign carrier brings the fuel directly from Singapore, and makes no
                                                              other U.S. stops, so the Jones Act doesn’t apply to that at all,” confirmed one
                                                              shipping executive.
                                                              The governor may simply have been ill-informed of the details of fuel
                                                              delivery to Guam, a Washington source said, or it could be a deliberate
                                                              attempt at pandering to voters in an election year. Nonetheless, advocating

for Jones Act exemptions on a broader scale can help in the fight            living.
to increase shipping competition on Guam, and keep Matson
Navigation from reattaining the monoploy it once enjoyed                     Two questions linger from this exposure of Hirono’s quiet campaign
recently.                                                                    involving Guam and Saipan: What the hell does she think she’s doing
                                                                             getting involved, where she should mind her damn business? And where
                                                                             the hell are the leaders of Guam and the CNMI on such a critical issue?
Shipping                                                                     During its monopoly years, Matson steeply increased its container shipping
                                                                             rates, driving up the cost of living in the Marianas, where more than 90
By Danielle M. Baza                                                          percent of all consumables are imported. APL stymied the increases, when
If Matson shipping has things its way, the company will again                it entered the market with its ships. Those ships operate between the U.S.
have a shipping monopoly on Guam. And with 95 percent of all                 mainland and Guam and the NMI under the authority of the Maritime
consummables imported by sea, a great deal of island costs rely on           Security Program.
whether Matson achieves its aim. Its only competitor - APL - is trying       APL late July of 2021 sued Matson over allegations Matson “has waged a
to prevent the monopoly from happening. And, on the national                 campaign of anticompetitive tactics to exclude APL from the markets for
stage, more conversation is happening to repeal a federal law that has       container cargo shipping services between the mainland United States
allowed Matson to control so much of our lives: the so-called Jones          and Guam so that Matson can achieve and maintain its containership
Act.                                                                         monopoly.”
A U.S. Senator from Hawaii has been back-channelling both the                It is against both federal and local antitrust laws for a company to employ
Biden and Trump administrations on behalf of a Hawaiian shipping             tactics designed to give that company a monopoly in its industry of
company’s interests. If she succeeds in her campaign, the cost of            operation.
nearly all goods sold in Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands will
undoubtedly increase even further.                                           “The establishment, maintenance or use of a monopoly, or an attempt or
                                                                             conspiracy to establish a monopoly, of trade or commerce in a relevant
The CNMI and Guam - already isolated, struggling to get by, and              market by any person, for the purpose of excluding competition or
lacking voting representation in Congress - have been the target of          controlling, fixing, or maintaining prices is unlawful.” - §69.20 of the
U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono’s (D-Hawaii) efforts to advance Matson             Antitrust Law of Guam
shipping’s financial interests in the region. Matson is the Hawaii-
based shipping company that once enjoyed a monopoly in Guam                  In a lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C., APL has alleged that
and the CNMI before APL joined the market in 2015. It also is a major        Matson has threatened some of its customers that if they ship through APL,
contributor to Ms. Hirono’s political campaigns.                             Matson will offer lower rates to its customers’ competitors.
The Biden administration, according to Ms. Hirono’s most recent letter,      “Matson actually followed through on its unlawful threats to shippers. APL
is siding with Matson. “Earlier this year,” the senator wrote to U.S.        understands Matson significantly increased rates specifically to its shippers
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, “the Biden Administration        that placed cargo with APL, and Matson refused to promise on-time
moved to remand the case back to MARAD, stating MARAD had erred              deliveries for shippers that booked cargo with APL,” the APL lawsuit alleges.
in their 2020 approval and just this month the United States District        “Matson’s threats and punishment of shippers further disciplined them
Court for the District of Columbia remanded the APL Saipan matter            from doing business with APL, hindering its ability to compete fairly in the
back to MARAD for reconsideration.”                                          U.S./Guam markets.”
The removal of the APL Saipan from the Guam trade will have a                According to the Guam Antitrust Law (codified at Chapter 69 of the island’s
crippling affect on the CNMI’s already frazzled economy. Should              criminal code), “A contract, combination, or conspiracy between two (2)
Matson succeed in ridding the Guam trade of APL altogether, the              or more persons in restraint of, or to monopolize, trade or commerce in a
Mariana Islands surely will face even steeper increases to the cost of       relevant market is unlawful.”
Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News
The political scoreboard:
         Our coverage of this issue began:		 May 2019

         Call to action:									Stopping a shipping monopoly

         Who can act?:									Senators, the governor, and attorney

         What action has been taken?:			 The governor has written to Congress
         asking for an exemption from the Jones Act on liquid fuel imports

         Has action led to solution?:				 As of May 7, 2022: No

§69.15 of the statute also           unlawful “                             the price of shipping to the
provides: “A contract, agreement,                                           Guam trade, leaving the average
combination or conspiracy which      Matson three times has taken the       resident of this region too poor
controls or attempts to control      U.S. Maritime Administration to
                                     court in Washington, D.C., suing       to purchase even food without
the quantity, price or exchange                                             public assistance.
of any article of manufacture,       U.S. MarAd to revoke the license
product of the soil or mind or       it has issued to APL to operate in     The Office of the Attorney General
any goods or services in restraint   what is called the Guam trade. The     of Guam has stated its interest
of trade is unlawful... Secretly     Guam trade involves the shipping
                                     lanes that pick up and drop off        in the case, and its outcome.
paying or allowing rebates,                                                 Guam has a local antitrust statute
refunds, commissions, or unearned    cargo in Guam, the CNMI, Palau,
                                     the Federated States of Micronesia,    nearly identical to its federal
discounts, whether in the form of
money or otherwise, or secretly      and the Republic of the Marshall       counterpart. The statute grants
extending to certain business        Islands. It is a multimillion-dollar   the attorney general broad
consumers special services or        shipping market, which Matson          powers of enforcement.
privilege, not extended to all       controlled as a monopoly from
business consumers purchasing        2012, when Horizon shipping left
upon like terms and conditions,      Guam, to 2015, when APL entered
to the injury of a competitor and    the market.
where such payment or allowance      During Matson’s monopoly, the
tends to destroy competition, is
                                     company mercilessly increased
Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News
Hafa Adai from our GAIN “Pets of the Week”. If you are interested in fostering or adopting any of the posted animals please call the shelter
and schedule an appointment to see these gorgeous animals in person. You won’t be disappointed!!!
Guam Animals in Need (671) 653-4246 / (671) 797-1004

BERNO:     (short brown adult      BOBA:     (tan puppy) This gor-     MISTY:     (dark brown adult         PROLEA:       (brown & black
dog) This handsome fella is        geous female puppy is estimat-      dog) Hi I’m Misty. I’m esti-         sable puppy) Hi my name is
Berno. He is estimated to be       ed to be about 10 weeks old.        mated to be about 2 years            Prolea and I am estimated to
about 2 years old. Berno is        This spunky girl will bring so      old. I am such a gentle soul.        be about 21 weeks old. I’m a
house trained and loves being      much joy into any family’s life.    I’m a little shy at first but then   fluff ball of energy and fun. I
in doors. He’s great on leash      She loves treats and is highly      with a few head scratches            love having a good time and
walks and he would make the        food motivated so training her                                           I will make the perfect buddy
                                                                       and belly rubs, I flourish like
perfect workout buddy. Berno       will be a breeze. Boba loves                                             for you. I love being active
                                                                       a flower. I enjoy snuggles
never wastes any food during       playing with all her doggie                                              during the day and I also love
meal time. He knows basic          toys most especially her rub-
                                                                       and being close to my hu-            lounging around in doors when
commands and loves being           ber balls. She is a fast learner    man. I still need some train-        it’s raining outside. If you need
rewarded with treats. Berno will   and playing fetch is one of her     ing on leash. I get scared           a good netflix and chill buddy
make the perfect pet for any       favorite things to do. Boba is      easily when I’m walking and          then I’m the perfect puppy for
family.                            looking for her FURever family      sometimes I need a little            you. I will keep you safe when
                                   and home. Could it be in your       reassurance from my human            watching scary movies.
                                   home with you and your fami-        that I’ll be ok when walking
                                   ly?                                 on a leash. So I’m looking for
                                                                       someone who will work with
Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News
The Magistrates
    The magistrates   reports     Reports
    Violent Crimes       Crimes Bulletin
    Here is a summary of the criminal justice system’s handling of
    the sex crimes and violent crimes magistrated since January 1,
    There have been 228 people magistrated since January 1, 2022 in local court
    for sex crimes and violent crimes. The following is a summarized breakdown of
    where these cases are:

                                              Cases adjudicated:
     Family violence cases:		134			NONE
     Child abuse cases:			25			NONE
     Assault of an unborn child:   3			        NONE
     Assault cases:				38			NONE
     Aggravated assault cases:     49			       NONE
     Sex crimes cases:			20			NONE
     Murder cases:				1			NONE
     Attempted murder cases:       2			        NONE

     Terrorizing with a deadly weapon: 2		     NONE

     Vehicular homicide:		4			NONE
     The summaries of criminal allegations and mugshots continue in the following pages.
Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News
Brandin San Nicolas:                 Tenerio Eram:                          Tresean Durrell Ramey:                 William Andrew Petrocci:
CF0004-22                            CM0003-22                              CF0007-22                              CM0004-22
strangulation; family violence       fourth degree criminal sexual con-     burglary to a motor vehicle; assault   family violence
On January 1, 2022, Brandin San      duct; harassment                       on a peace officer
                                                                                                                   On January 2, 2022, William Pet-
Niolas was accused of punching       On January 1, 2022, Tenerio Eram       On January 2, 2022, Tresean Ra-        rocci was accused of grabbing his
his grandfather in the chest. The    was accused of harassing three         mey was accused of attempting          girlfriend by the hair and throw-
victim had woken up to find          employees at the Westin Hotel.         to burglarize Champain Aguon’s         ing her against the bed frame.
San Nicolas threw and scattered      N.G., a wait staff for Taste Restau-   2014 Kia Soul. Rodolfo Balbastro       Petrocci transported the victim
things all throughout the house.     rant, said she overheard Z.C. yell,    witnessed a male walking on the        to GRMC to have her injuries
San Nicolas started yelling and      “hey that’s harassment,” before        side of the road and then looking      checked but when she told the
screaming at the victim. When        seeing Eram leaving the kitchen        through the windows of vehicles.       doctor what happened, Petrocci
San Nicolas punched the victim,      area. Another witness also saw         Balbastro called Benjamin Schiff,      got upset. Petrocci left the hospi-
he tried to walk upstairs to avoid   Eram make a gesture and touch          Champain’s boyfriend, to alert         tal and threatened the victim via
any further physical confrontation   Z.C.’s leg. N.G. said Eram was a       him that Ramey was entering into       text so she reported him to the
but San Nicolas started choking      guest and former employee at           the Kia. Ramey was arrested and        police. She had a large swollen
him and he could not breathe.        the Westin. N.G. was cleaning up       became combative and yelling at        bruise on her right hip and anoth-
San Nicolas denied hitting any-      after a party and saw Eram grab        officers. When the officers tried      er bruise around her right bicep
one.                                 an empty bottle from B.C. and          to place Ramey in leg restraints,      where Petrocci had grabbed her.
STATUS:                              poked B.C.’s breast with the bottle.   he allegedly kicked GPD Offi-
Magistrated: January 1, 2022         N.G. said she felt disgusted, told     cer Miguel Castigator in the left      STATUS:
Arraigned:                           Eram he cannot do that and Eram        thigh with his right foot. Ramey       Magistrated: January 2, 2022
The AG’s office has not made any     laughed. Police interviewed            head-butted GPD officer Steven         Arraigned: January 26, 2022
progress beyond his arraignment.     B.C. who confirmed that Eram           Arceo in the mouth.                    Trial has been set for March 23,
                                     had touched her left breast with       STATUS:                                2022 at 9:30 a.m. in front of Judge
RELEASED FROM PRISON                 an empty bottle and reached            Magistrated: January 2, 2022           Maria T. Cenzon
                                     with his left hand to touch her        Arraigned:
                                     left breast. B.C. said that she felt   Trial has been set for March 16,       RELEASED FROM PRISON
                                     uncomfortable, disgusted, and          2022 at 9:30 a.m. in front of Judge
                                     violated.                              Vernon P. Perez
                                     Magistrated: January 1, 2022           INCARCERATED
                                     Arraigned: January 26, 2022
                                     Trial has been set for November
                                     16, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. in front of
                                     Judge Maria T. Cenzon

                                     RELEASED FROM PRISON
Inside: Marcos v. Robredo The magistrates reports The political scoreboard The pets of the week Inmates & detainees listing - KANDIT News
Joyner Soram: CF0002-22                  Ronnie James Tyquiengco: Gerard David Salas:                                  Arnold Paulus: CM0005-22
assault on a peace officer; disorderly                                                                                 family violence
                                         CF0008-22                CF0006-22
conduct                                                                         child abuse; family violence; posses- On January 3, 2022, Arnold Paulus
                                         robbery; aggravated assault; assault
Joyner Soram wass accused of                                                    sion of a controlled substance        was accused of kicking his wife
assaulting a peace officer and                                                                                        in the chest area. The victim fell
                                         The Pepsi Puncher: On Janu-            On January 2, 2022, Gerard Salas      to the ground and Paulus placed
disorderly conduct. Soram showed
                                         ary 2, 2022, Ronnie Tyquiengco         was pulled over for expired tabs      his foot on her face and dragged
up to work smelling like an intox-
icating beverage and was yelling         was accused of punching Tatsue         and speeding. He was found with her by the hair. A minor, T.S age
at other employees. Frankie Cruz         Espinosa in the face, rendering        meth and arrested for the existing 11, another child, and family
said Soram was asked to leave and        her unconscious, after she bought      charges and the prior complaint       members witnessed the incident.
so he became violent and asked           him Pepsi at his request. Con-         of child abuse. Chiara Sgambel-       Paulus said that he did not do
other employees to fight. When           nie Reyes, the reporting person,       luri had made a complaint on De- anything wrong and that all he
the police arrived and asked him         called the police when she found       cember 1, 2021 involving Gerard
to calm down, he took a bladed                                                                                        did was push his wife. Officers
                                         the victim unconscious. Espinosa       Salas’s two minor children. The       noted the defendant seemed
fighting stance and officers arrested    had blood all over her face and        children were allegedly whipped
him. Soram kicked officer Tiffanie                                                                                    intoxicated.
                                         Reyes had to shake her several         with a “belt, zori and extension
Rodriguez on her leg when he was
                                         times in order for her to gain con-    cord” and sometimes a “rubber
placed inside the patrol vehicle then                                                                                 STATUS:
                                         sciousness. Officers noted bruis-      rope with two metal hooks.” The
kicked officer Jason Dodd.                                                                                            Magistrated: January 3, 2022
                                         ing and swelling on the left side      children also said he did not
                                         of Espinosa’s nose, blood tracks       usually feed them and would give
STATUS:                                                                                                               The AG’s office has not made any
                                         from upper left nose to right          their food stamps to another per-
Magistrated: January 2, 2022                                                                                          progress beyond his arraignment.
                                         eye, and swelling to her left eye.     son. Salas also made one of the
                                         Another witness, Brandon San-          children sleep on the grass after
Trial has been set for September                                                                                      RELEASED FROM PRISON
                                         tiago, told the police that Tyqui-     going to the gym to charge the
14, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. in front of
                                         engco had struck Espinosa with a       phone and use the wifi there.
Judge Vernon P. Perez
                                         bag, unknown style or color. The
                                         victim recognized Tyquiengco by        STATUS:
                                         the all-black tattoo on his upper      Magistrated: January 2, 2022
                                         left arm.                              Arraigned: March 11, 2022
Warrant of arrest issued
                                                                                Trial has been set for April 6, 2022
                                         STATUS:                                at 9:30 a.m. in front of Judge Ma-
                                         Magistrated: January 2, 2022           ria T. Cenzon
                                         Arraigned: February 25, 2022
                                         Trial has been set for August 10,      RELEASED FROM PRISON
                                         2022 at 9:30 a.m. in front of Judge
                                         Alberto E. Tolentino

Val Morada: CM0007-22
                                       family violence
Llemalt Pierre Tangelbad:
CF0009-22                              On January 5, 2022, Val Morada                                              Thomas Degracia Rabago:
family violence; possession of a       allegedly yelled at his 78-year-old                                         CF0010-22
controlled substance                   father to, “Get out of the fucking                                          assault; criminal mischief
                                       way,” and pushed the victim to the
                                       ground. When police arrived, they
On January 3, 2022, Llemalt Tan-
                                       saw the victim bound with rope
                                                                             Ryan Miranda: CM0013-22               On January 4, 2022, Phillip Bamba,
gelbad aka Monte, was accused of                                             family violence                       called the police to report a road
attacking his girlfriend who is sev-   at his ankles and wrists. Officers                                          rage incident. Thomas Rabago
en months pregnant with Tangel-        observed bruising on the victims                                            is accused of “tailgating” Bamba,
                                       arm and the victim told police he     On January 7, 2022, Ryan Miranda
bad’s child. During an argument,                                             was accused of jumping on his         pulling up next to him and calling
Tangelbad threw his girlfriend on      was afraid of his son.                                                      him out to fight. When Bamba
                                                                             wife and pinning her down to
the bed and wrapped his legs and                                             the bed. The two were in their        and Rabago pulled over, Rabago
arms around her tightly, prevent-                                            bedroom and started arguing.          threw a piece of a jack to Bamba’s
                                       Magistrated: January 3, 2022
ing her from moving. Tangelbad                                               When Miranda pinned her down,         car. Bamba tried to roll up his
                                       Arraigned: March 1, 2022
then slapped her five times in                                               he punched her right arm several      window but Rabago grabbed the
                                       The AG’s office has not made any
the face with his open palm. He                                              times and pulled her hair. The vic-   window with both hands, pre-
                                       progress beyond his arraignment.
pinched her inner thighs and on                                              tim repeatedly asked him to stop.     venting the window from rolling
his way out, threw two ceramic                                                                                     up. Rabago punched Bamba in
                                       INCARCERATED                          Their children, K.R.M. (age 15) and
plates to the floor. His girlfriend                                          K.M. (age 8) told police they were    the face three times with a closed
told the police he had prevented                                             in the room and witnessed Miran-      right hand. Officers noted a one
her from calling the police. The                                             da doing these things. K.M. ran       inch gauge mark in the driver’s
victim’s daughter, age 5, told the                                           out of the room and called police.    side hood, white surface scratches
police, “Daddy broke [the ceramic                                                                                  on the right passenger side and
plates] after slapping Mommy.”                                               STATUS:                               hand prints on the top portion of
The victim told police that Tan-                                             Magistrated: January 7, 2022          the driver’s side window.
gelbad forces her to get money to                                            Arraigned:
buy more ice and showed them a                                               Trial set for April 205, 2022 at 9    STATUS:
drawer where drug parapherna-                                                a.m. in front of Judge Alberto C.     Magistrated: January 4, 2022
lia was kept. Tangelbad said he                                              Lamorena                              Arraigned: February 9, 2022
is a recovering meth addict and                                                                                    The AG’s office has not made any
smoked sometime last month                                                                                         progress beyond his arraignment.
and knew it was wrong for him to
keep the drugs in the drawer.                                                                                      RELEASED FROM PRISON
Magistrated: January 3, 2022
Arraigned: January 28, 2022
Trial set for October 17, 2022 at
9:30 a.m. in front of Judge Alberto
C. Lamorena

Jay Peter:                             Jackson J5 Siren:                         En Urumeyang:                       AnthonyTimothy:
CF0018-22                              CF0023-22                                 CM0016-22                           CF0024-22
aggravated assault; harassment;        aggravated assault; family violence; family violence; criminal mischief       assault; criminal mischief; attempt-
reckless driving                                                                                                     ed criminal trespass; harassment
                                       On January 11, 2022, Jackson J5 Siren     On January 9, 2022, En Urumey-
On January 8, 2022, Jay Peter was                                                                                    On January 11,2002, Anthony
                                       was accused of slapping his one-year-     ang was accused of returning
arrested after an assault com-                                                                                       Timothy was accused of dam-
                                       old child on the thigh because she was    to his ex-girlfriend’s house with
plaint was made outside a bar                                                                                        aging Jennifer Marinas car and
                                       crying. Jackson’s girlfriend confronted   her car damaged. When the
in Dededo. Thomas Reyes was                                                                                          trying to assault her boyfriend,
                                       Jackson about hitting their child. He     victim woke up Urumeyang was
passing a bakery in Yigo when he                                                                                     Michael Herbert. Timothy yelled,
                                       punched her arm and told her,“shut        “throwing items in their bed-
saw a naked female standing out-                                                                                     “What the f*** are you looking at
                                       up, or I’m going to kick your ass too.”   room,” including a car headlight.
side of a silver truck. Reyes pulled                                                                                 nigga, I’ll fuck you up,” referring
                                       The victim pushed Jackson, took the       The victim was unable to call the
over, the female said she needed                                                                                     to Herbert. Timothy told Marinas
                                       child and went outside. As she was        police because Urumeyang had
help, and she got into his car. The                                                                                  that he had damaged her vehicle.
                                       walking away Jackson grabbed her          taken her cellphone. The next
victim asked Reyes to take her to                                                                                    The car’s left and right tail light
                                       right shoulder and shoved her chest.      morning the victim woke up and
the police station. Peter followed                                                                                   covers were missing and there
                                       Jackson then slapped her head and         found Urumeyang sleeping in
them in a silver truck, trying to                                                                                    were scratches to the body and
                                       tried to punch her face. The victim       her vehicle which was missing
cut off Reyes’s vehicle and run                                                                                      bumper of the vehicle. Timothy
                                       yelled for help but Jackson grabbed a     a headlight. The victim tried to
him off the road. Reyes pulled                                                                                       picked up a metal rod and swung
                                       flashlight and hit her in the forehead.   ask Urumeyang for her paycheck,
over. Peter got out of his truck                                                                                     but missed Marinas and Herbert.
                                       She fell down and lost conscious-         which was in the glove compart-
and yelled, “I’m going to come                                                                                       Timothy then tried to punch Her-
                                       ness. The victim woke up to Jackson       ment of the car but Urumeyang
back and kill you and shoot you!”                                                                                    bert but none of them connected.
                                       punching and kicking her outer thigh.     got upset and claimed he threw
The victim said she was calling                                                                                      A GHURA employee who had re-
                                       She had a contusion to her forehead,      her things onto the roadway.
police and Peter fled. The victim                                                                                    sponded to the disturbance told
                                       a small laceration to her ankle, and      Urumeyang threatened to kill her
told police that as she was leaving                                                                                  police that Timothy attempted
                                       bruising to her knee and forearm.         and her family, so she immediate-
the bar with Peter, an argument                                                                                      to enter the company vehicle the
                                       Jackson told police,“She deserved it,     ly asked her daughter to call the
ensued and Peter had torn off her                                                                                    employee was driving. He had to
                                       she disrespected me.” He also said he     cops. Urumeyang then fled with
clothes and kicked her out of his                                                                                    push him away to prevent this.
                                       only punched her 3-4 times on her         her car. Police found Urumeyang
truck.                                                                                                               Timothy was arrested and told
                                       shoulders and thighs.                     on January 11th and he admitted
                                                                                                                     the officer he still wanted to, “f***
                                                                                 to having an argument with the
                                                                                                                     that black n***er up.”
                                                                                 victim but said he only took the
STATUS:                                STATUS:
                                                                                 vehicle so could leave and cool
Magistrated: January 8, 2022           Magistrated: January 11, 2022
Arraigned:                             Arraigned: January 26, 2022                                                   STATUS:
Trial has been set for June 27,        The AG’s office has not made any                                              Magistrated: January 11, 2022
2022 at 9:00 a.m. in front of Judge    progress beyond his arraignment.                                              Arraigned: set for 2/16/2022
                                                                                 Magistrated: January 9, 2022
Alberto C. Lamorena                                                                                                  No progress made.
                                                                                 Arraigned: February 4, 2022
                                                                                 The AG’s office has not made any
RELEASED FROM PRISON                                                                                                 RELEASED FROM PRISON
                                                                                 progress beyond his arraignment.

                                                                                 RELEASED FROM PRISON
James Pillsbury: CF0026-22 David Santos: CM0019-22 Daniel Joker: CM0020-22                                        NorelleGumabon:CM0022-22
strangulation; terrorizing; family     family violence; criminal trespass   family violence                       family violence
On January 12, 2022, James             On January 12, 2022, David           On January 15, 2022, Daniel Joker     On January 15, 2022, Norelle
Pillsbury was accused of forcing       Santos was accused of approach-      was accused of headbutting a          Gumabon was accused of hitting
his girlfriend to the floor and        ing his girlfriend while she was     woman known to him. Joker and         her boyfriend. Gumabon was
sitting on her the night before.       adjusting the driver’s seat and      the victim went to do laundry         upset after her boyfriend put up
Pillsbury used one hand to cov-        grabbing her around the waist        and an argument ensued. The           a pop-up tent for a family gath-
er her mouth and choked her            then throwing her to the ground      argument continued to their resi-     ering and didn’t like the way he
with his other hand. The victim        outside the vehicle. Santos          dence. The victim became fearful      put it up. Gumabon locked the
then locked Pillsbury out of the       approached her again and the         of Joker and picked up a broken       victim out of their bedroom. The
room. The following morning            victim punched his face to defend    broomstick to defend herself.         victim knocked on the door to
an argument ensued between             herself. Santos threw her to the     When the victim attempted to          wake up Gumabon because he
the victim’s son and Pillsbury.        ground again. When the victim        push Joker away when he ap-           had to get ready for work. Gum-
Pillsbury asked the victim’s son if    tried to drop Santos off some-       proached her, Joker headbutted        abon became upset and started
he wanted to fight, grabbed his        where, he refused to get out of      her. He also pushed her up            to shove him. She slapped his
machete, and started swinging          her vehicle so she called the cops   against the wall. Officers noted      face and struck him with a closed
it in all directions yelling, “Fuck    and he was arrested.                 that her eyes were red and watery     fist. The victim locked himself in
you, make me leave! I’m gonna                                               and the victim told officers her      the bathroom and struck the door
kill you!” He also yelled, “Fuck you   STATUS:                              vision in her right eye was slight-   with his fists out of frustration.
and your family! I’m gonna kill all    Magistrated: January 13, 2022        ly blurred. She also had large        Officers noted abrasions to the
of you! Just wait!” The victim told    Arraigned: February 28, 2022         swelling to the right corner of her   right side of the victim’s neck and
police that she feared for her life.   The AG’s office has not made any     eyebrow.                              rib area. Gumabon admitted to
                                       progress beyond his arraignment.                                           striking the victim in the face and
STATUS:                                                                     STATUS:                               scratching him after he came out
Magistrated: February 17, 2022         RELEASED FROM PRISON                 Magistrated: January 28, 2022         of the bathroom.
Arraigned:                                                                  Arraigned: February 16, 2022
The AG’s office has not made any                                            The AG’s office has not made any      STATUS:
progress beyond his arraignment.                                            progress beyond his arraignment.      Magistrated: January 16, 2022
INCARCERATED                                                                RELEASED FROM PRISON                  The AG’s office has not made any
                                                                                                                  progress beyond her arraignment.

                                                                                                                  RELEASED FROM PRISON
CarlosQuichocho:CM0026-22 Kapriel Soram: CM0028-22                             Jetson Rano: CM0029-22                 Jaybo Aiken: CM0030-22
family violence                        family violence; child abuse; harass-   family violence                        theft; third degree robbery; assault

On January 17, 2022, Carlos            On January 16, 2022, Kapriel            On December 24, 2021, Jetson           On January 18, 2022, Jaybo Aiken
Quichocho was accused of head          Soram was accused of damaging           Rano was accused of punching           was accused of entering a car
butting his son, causing a small       his father’s residence. His father      his girlfriend in the face because     parked at Ban Thai in Tumon
laceration just below his right eye.   stated that he was scared Soram         she wouldn’t give him money for        and taking a phone and wallet.
Quichocho said he got into an ar-      was going to hurt him and his           the game room. Rano was not            Francisco Fernandez Pastones Jr.
gument with his son, who he felt       two granddaughters. Soram               apprehended until January 18,          went to his car and discovered
was being disrespectful to him.        had been drinking and said, “I’m        2022 when the victim called the        the items were missing. His son,
Quichocho also said that he was        going to burn all of you and this       police because Rano showed up          Jeered-Alexander Allen Pastones
so upset at his son that he did not    house down,” then grabbed his           to her house, woke her from her        tracked his father’s phone with
think about what he was going to       father’s cane and went outside          sleep and wanted the victim to         “find my iPhone,” and noted it was
do next when he headbutted him         to swing the cane at a window.          go with him. When she refused          at the Ypao Beach Park. They no-
in the face one time.                  One of the children grabbed the         Rano told her that he would beat       ticed Aiken at the park and heard
                                       cane and ran inside the house.          her up. At that point, Rano had        the phone ping from Aiken’s
                                       Soram went inside and flipped           gone to his car to get an object to    backpack. Aiken asked them if
STATUS:                                the dining room table, threw food       hit her with. When police arrived      they were looking for something
Magistrated: January 18, 2022          in the kitchen and slapped anoth-       the victim told police, “That’s him.   and the victim told Aiken he had
Arraigned:                             er child on the cheek. There was        That’s Jetson officer. He’s the one    his phone. Aiken said he got the
The AG’s office has not made any       noticeable bruising to the child’s      that shoved me inside the house.”      phone from “a black guy behind
progress beyond his arraignment.       right cheek. Both children made                                                Ban Thai” and tried to ride away
                                       statements supporting the claim.                                               on the bike. The vitim held onto
RELEASED FROM PRISON                   Soram told officers that he had
                                                                                                                      the bike and told Aiken to give
                                                                               Magistrated: January 18, 2022
                                       been drinking alcohol.                                                         his phone and wallet back. Aiken
                                                                                                                      pulled the wallet out of his pocket
                                                                               The AG’s office has not made any
                                                                                                                      and said, “this one?” The victim
                                       STATUS:                                 progress beyond his arraignment.
                                                                                                                      reached for the wallet and Aiken
                                       Magistrated: January 18, 2022
                                                                                                                      swung at him but missed. After
                                       Arraigned: January 26, 2022             RELEASED FROM PRISON
                                                                                                                      struggling with Aiken, the victim
                                       The AG’s office has not made any
                                                                                                                      and witness were able to get the
                                       progress beyond his arraignment.
                                                                                                                      wallet and phone back. Aiken
                                                                                                                      took out a knife and said, “the real
                                       RELEASED FROM PRISON
                                                                                                                      fight is about to begin.” The vic-
                                                                                                                      tim and his son retreated behind
                                                                                                                      GVB and Aiken took off on his
                                                                                                                      bike. The victim had an abrasion
                                                                                                                      on his lower left shin and pain
                                                                                                                      on the left shoulder. Aiken was
                                                                                                                      found behind Tamuning Plaza
                                                                                                                      Hotel the same day.

                                                                                                                      Magistrated: January 19, 2022
                                                                                                                      Arraigned: February 22. 2022
                                                                                                                      The AG’s office has not made any
                                                                                                                      progress beyond his arraignment.

Simon Arriola: CM0031-22               Thempa Kete: CM0032-22                 Dante Buensucesco Jr:                  Christian Reyes: CM0033-22
assault; reckless conduct              family violence                        CM0035-22                              assault; harassment
                                                                              Terrorizing, family violence as a
On January 19, 2022, Simon             On January 20, 2022, Thempa                                                   On January 21, 2022, Christian
                                                                              third degree felony and as a misde-
Arriola was accused of grabbing        Kete was located and arrested for                                             Reyes was accused of threatening
                                                                              meanor, possession of a schedule II
a woman’s legs while she was           allegations made on August 29,                                                his friends, taking an aggressive
                                                                              controlled substance, unauthorized
seated on the floor of the aban-       2021 when he asked his mother                                                 stance while clenching his fists.
                                                                              use of an automobile, violation of a
doned Diskansa Sauna & Spa.            for rice. His mother, victim 1, said                                          One of his fists was clenching an
                                                                              court order
The victim told Arriola to “f**k       she did not know if she had rice                                              ice pipe so one of his friends told
off ” and walked to the other side     and Kete accused her of lying.                                                him to leave and threatened to
                                                                              On January 12, 2022, Dante
of the building. Arriola followed      Kete threw a plate on the ground,                                             call the police. Reyes went back
                                                                              Buensucesco Jr was accused of
the victim and her boyfriend and       grabbed her face and applied                                                  some time later and yelled from
                                                                              taking his girlfriend’s rental car
threw pieces of metal and glass        pressure which caused her glass-                                              the roadway that he was going to
                                                                              without her permission after an
from window toward the victim.         es to break. Victim 1 felt pain to                                            beat one of the friends up. The
                                                                              argument. During the argument,
One of the objects struck the left     her eye. On December 16, 2021,                                                victim told police he feared for his
                                                                              Buensucesco placed both his
hand of the victim, who twisted        Kete’s ex-girlfriend, victim 2, told                                          safety. Reyes, when located later,
                                                                              hands on his girlfriend’s neck and
her left ankle fleeing from Arriola.   officers that Kete went to her                                                denied making threats toward the
                                                                              shoved her multiple times before
A witness told police that Arriola     residence and asked to borrow                                                 victim.
                                                                              driving off in the Yaris. On Janu-
is always drunk and chased after       money. Victim 2 said she didn’t
                                                                              ary 20, 2022, Buensucesco kicked
the victim, at which point, the        have money and Kete kicked her.                                               STATUS:
                                                                              his girlfriend’s front door of her
witness and the victim’s boyfriend     Victim 2 blocked a kick with her                                              Magistrated: January 21, 2022
                                                                              residence and threatened her
attempted to hold Arriola but          hand. Kete and his ex-girlfriend                                              Arraigned: January 28, 2022
                                                                              with a knife. When Buensucesco
he managed to flee. The victim         have three children together.                                                 The AG’s office has not made any
                                                                              kicked open the door he said, “Do
was experiencing pain from her         On November 11, 2021, victim                                                  progress beyond his arraignment.
                                                                              you wanna see me fucken mad!”
injuries and police found a trail of   3 called police after Kete asked
                                                                              Buensucesco then threatened
blood throughout the scene.            victim 3 for food and she told him                                            RELEASED FROM PRISON
                                                                              to kill her dog first and then kill
                                       to check her husband. Kete got
                                                                              her. The victim ran out of the
STATUS:                                upset and punched her in the
                                                                              residence yelling for help and
Magistrated: January 19. 2022          nose, causing her nose to bleed
                                                                              saw a neighbor who called police.
Arraigned:                             onto her skirt.
                                                                              Buensucesco was found under-
The AG’s office has not made any                                              neath the kitchen sink. When
progress beyond his arraignment.                                              asked about the incident that
                                       Magistrated: January 20, 2022          occurred with the victim, Buensu-
RELEASED FROM PRISON                                                          cesco claimed he was being bit-
                                       Arraigned: February 25, 2022
                                       The AG’s office has not made any       ten by the victim’s dog and so he
                                       progress beyond his arraignment.       got a knife and chased the dog.

                                       RELEASED FROM PRISON                   STATUS:
                                                                              Magistrated: January 20, 2022
                                                                              Arraigned: February 02, 2022
                                                                              The AG’s office has not made any
                                                                              progress beyond his arraignment.

Polina Kareva:                       Anthony Gogue:                         Jaytwo Joseph:                       GREG SAMUEL:
CF0037-22                            CM0036-22                              CM0036-22                            CM0038-22
family violence                      family violence                        family violence                      aggravated assault; assault
On January 21, 2022, Polina Kare-    On January 23, 2022, Anthony           On January 23, 2022, Jaytwo          On January 23, 2022, Greg Samuel
va was accused of trying to choke    Gogue was accused of pushing           Joseph was accused of grab-          was accused of approaching Greg
her husband, hit him, and cut him    or grabbing his wife from be-          bing a pipe and swinging it in       Samuel was accused of approach-
with a knife in the shoulder while   hind, causing the front of her         an attempt to hit or scare peo-      ing James Samuel with a small
he was in the bathroom. Kareva       body to be slammed into a ve-          ple. Joseph’s father grabbed the     axe underneath his shirt, pullingit
was found in the bathroom and a      hicle. Gogue then grabbed her          pipe away from him. Joseph           out and swinging it at him. James
knife was in the sink.               again, slamming her head into          then punched his father on his       ran from Greg but fell over. The
                                     the ground and the right side of       left shoulder. When police were      two began to fight when a wit-
                                     her body onto gravel. When the         called, Joseph drove off in a gray   ness came and took the axe away
STATUS:                              victim’s son intervened, Gogue         Camry.                               and separated the two. The wit-
Magistrated: January 21, 2022        put him in a chokehold until his                                            ness then called police.
Arraigned: February 16, 2022         wife called police. The victim had
The AG’s office has not made any     bruising to her right bicep area,      STATUS:
progress beyond her arraignment.     abrasions to her right and left        Magistrated: January 23, 2022        STATUS:
                                     elbow, and abrasions to her right      Arraigned: February 22, 2022         Magistrated: January 23, 2022
RELEASED FROM PRISON                 knee. There was redness to the         The AG’s office has not made any     Arraigned: February 02, 2022
                                     victim’s right and left forearms, an   progress beyond his arraignment.     The AG’s office has not made any
                                     abrasion and swelling to her right                                          progress beyond his arraignment.
                                     side rib area, approximately five      INCARCERATED
                                     inches in length, and redness to                                            INCARCERATED
                                     the right side of the victim’s neck.

                                     Magistrated: January 23, 2022
                                     Arraigned: March 29, 2022
                                     The AG’s office has not made any
                                     progress beyond his arraignment.

                                     RELEASED FROM PRISON
Teran Year: CF0040-22                 Albert Wells: CM0040-22                 Rocky Suzuki: CF0041-22                   Terry Lane: CF0043-22
aggravated assault; criminal mis-     family violence                         family violence; terrorizing              aggravated assault, family violence,
chief to a motor vehicle; reckless                                                                                      child abuse

On January 23, 2022, Teran Year       On January 24, 2022, Albert Wells       On January 25, 2022, Rocky                On June 24, 2021, Terry Lane was
was accused of throwing a rock        was accused of punching his girl-       Suzuki was accused ofhitting his          accused of swinging a 3-foot can-
to a passing vehicle. The driver of   friend with a closed fist on the left   girlfriend all over her body with         opy pipe at victim 1 at the victim’s
the vehicle stopped to confront       side of her face five times. Wells      a slipper. Suzuki also threw an           Agat residence. Victim 1 blocked
Year, who struck the driver in        then kicked her in the stomach          empty half gallon plastic bottle of       the pipe with his forearm and
the face with a rock. The driver,     and took their one-year-old son         juice at the victim then grabbed          dodged a second strike. The two
victim 1, sustained a two-inch lac-   and left. The vitim had noticeable      a kitchen knife and threatened            began to scuffle and the fight was
eration above his right eyebrow       bruising, swelling, and redness to      the victim, “If you run, I’ll killyou!”   broken up. Lane admitted that
area. The injury was bleeding         her left cheek as well as redness       Suzuki and the victim’s five mi-          he attacked and punched victim
profusely and visibly swelling. An    to her nose and forehead. Wells         nor children were present in the          1 but denied using a pipe. On
ambulance transported the driver      caused the victim’s nose to bleed       room at the time of the incident.         January 25, 2022, Lane was ac-
to GRMC. Victim 2 reported that       and complained of pain to her           Their mother, the victim, ran out         cused of punching his two minor
he was monitoring surveillance        abdomen.                                of the hotel room and out of an           nephews while Lane was sitting in
video from inside Macheche Plaza                                              emergency exit stairway. Suzuki           the front seat of a vehicle and the
and saw Year and a female walk                                                chased the victim but she went to         victims’ were seated in the back.
up to his parked truck and wit-                                               the hotel lobby to get help. The          Victim 2, age 12, was punched in
                                      Magistrated: January 24, 2022
nessed Year kick the side of the                                              victim had swelling to her fore-          the face and got out of the vehi-
truck and strike the front wind-                                              arm, abrasions to her forearms,           cle to tell his mother that Lane
                                      The AG’s office has not made any
shield with his hand. The truck’s                                             scratches on her arms and legs,           had punched him. Victim 3, age
                                      progress beyond his arraignment.
windshield was cracked and his                                                and bruising to both knees. Their         13, told police Lane hit him in
antenna was loose. Year admitted                                              10-year-old son corroborated his          the head. Victim 2 had redness,
                                      RELEASED FROM PRISON
to throwing a rock at victim 1’s                                              mother’s sequence of events.              bruising, and swelling to his face.
vehicle. He stated that he didn’t                                                                                       Lane told police he was tired of
remember hitting victim 1 but                                                                                           the boys being disrespectful.
that he was sorry that he hurt                                                STATUS:
him. Year also admitted to hitting                                            Magistrated: January 25, 2022
the front windshield of victim 2.                                             Arraigned: February 16, 2022              STATUS:
                                                                              The AG’s office has not made any          Magistrated: January 25, 2022
                                                                              progress beyond his arraignment.          Arraigned: March 10, 2022
STATUS:                                                                                                                 The AG’s office has not made any
Magistrated: January 23, 2022                                                 RELEASED FROM PRISON                      progress beyond his arraignment.
Arraigned: February 02, 2022
The AG’s office has not made any                                                                                        RELEASED FROM PRISON
progress beyond his arraignment.

Joseph Topasna: CF0044-22 Matthew Salas: CF0045-22 Jaxdino Kose: CF0046-22                                             Daniel Davis: CF0048-22
burglary, assault, criminal trespass,   aggravated assault                  ssault on a peace officer, attempted       Aggravated assault, family vio-
criminal mischief, harassment                                               criminal trespass, criminal mischief,      lence as a felony, strangulation,
                                        On January 26, 2022, Matthew        resisting arrest, harassment, public       two counts of family violence as a
On November 3, 2021, Joseph             Salas was accused of striking his   drunkenness                                misdemeanor, child abuse
Topasna was accused of running          uncle in the shoulder with a meat
from the roadway and attempting         cleaver after telling him, “My      On January 25, 2022, Jaxdino Kose          On September 24, 2021, Daniel
to barge into a house. The own-         grandma don’t want you here!”       was accused of following a woman           Davis was accused of walking up
er of the residence, along with         Police spoke with a minor witness   and her son walking passed him,
                                                                                                                       behind his girlfriend, pulling her
                                        who corroborated the uncle’s        returning home from the store. Kose
her family members, including                                                                                          hair and slapping her face. Davis
                                        statement. Salas denied having a    yelled out, “Come over here.” The
her children, tried to hold the                                                                                        then dragged her by her hair to
                                                                            woman grabbed her son’s hand and
door closed. Topasna pushed             weapon but did tell his uncle he                                               their bedroom. The victim’s son
                                                                            walked faster. Kose yelled, “You bet-
his way through the door with           needed to leave.                                                               told Davis to leave his mother
                                                                            ter fucking stop.” When she reached
such force that the door slammed                                            her home, she saw her neighbor             alone and Davis struck him in
against the wall and made a             STATUS:                             talking to Kose. Her neighbor told         the face causing a bloody nose.
hole. Topasna then banged on            Magistrated: January 26, 2022       police that he and his brother were        Davis then left the residence.
the childrens’ room door but the        Arraigned: January 28, 2022         outside with his brother’s co-worker.      On November 16, 2021, Davis
children had locked the door.           The AG’s office has not made any    Kose walked up to them and asked           woke up and began yelling at
Topasna was yelling and went            progress beyond his arraignment.    them where he could “Bud,” referring       his girlfriends’ children for be-
to the bathroom door where                                                  to marijuana. The co-worker left and
                                                                                                                       ing too loud. Davis followed his
                                        INCARCERATED                        the neighbor and his brother went
another household member had                                                                                           girlfriend into the bedroom and
                                                                            into their house. Kose demanded
locked himself in because Topas-                                                                                       punched her on the face until
                                                                            that they let him in, banging on the
na had been violent towards him                                             front door. After trying to open the       she blacked out. The victim woke
before. Topasna kicked the door                                             front door, which was locked, Kose         up and screamed for help. While
repeatedly until his sister showed                                          tried to go through the windows,           the victim was on the floor, Davis
up and convinced him to leave                                               including the window of their sister’s     began stomping on the back
the residence. Family members,                                              bedroom, which he damaged in               of her head, causing her head
including the children, all con-                                            the process. The neighbor’s brother        to bounce off the ground. The
firmed the sequence of events.                                              called the police and went outside         victim’s daughter came to the
Topasna was located in relation to                                          to restrain Kose until the police          room and the victim yelled to call
another case. He was questioned                                             arrived. When officers tried to arrest
                                                                                                                       police. Davis then grabbed a pil-
                                                                            Kose he said, “F**k you officer, you
and admitted to what happened                                                                                          low and placed it over the victim’s
                                                                            think you’re badass.” Police used
because he was angry. He also                                                                                          head until her daughter was on
                                                                            their taser on Kose and arrested him.
stated that he was angry at the                                             Kose tried to pull away from the           the phone with police. The victim
household member that locked                                                officers saying, “F**k you officer,” and   had redness and swelling to the
himself in the bathroom because                                             fell to the ground. Kose attempted         bottom and top lip, swelling to
he thought he was not being                                                 to head butt the officers and when         her left forehead and left eye.
sympathetic towards Topasna’s                                               he was placed in the car, he kicked
emotional state.                                                            the door, spat on the back seat door       STATUS:
                                                                            handle, and spat through the divider       Magistrated: January 26, 2022
STATUS:                                                                     separating the back and front seats.       Arraigned:
                                                                            Officers told Kose to stop spitting        The AG’s office has not made any
Magistrated: January 25, 2022
                                                                            due to COVID-19 and Kose said, “F**k       progress beyond his arraignment.
                                                                            Covid-19, I hope you catch it.”
The AG’s office has not made any
progress beyond his arraignment.                                            STATUS:                                    INCARCERATED
                                                                            Magistrated: January 25, 2022
RELEASED FROM PRISON                                                        Arraigned: February 23, 2022
                                                                            Trial set for April 7, 2022 at 9:30

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