Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas

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Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas
2020 - Issue 50


Prince Abdulaziz   Renewable         Amin Nasser
     at IPTC         Energy            at IPTC

          Celebrating Issue 50
Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas
Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas
Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas
   2020 - ISSUE 50

   Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas (Print)    ISSN 2045-6670
   Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas (Online)   ISSN 2045-6689

                                                          Editorial Advisory Committee
     Dr Abdulaziz Al Majed, Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Petroleum Engineering, KFUPM; Dr Tariq Alkhalifah, Professor, Earth Science
     and Engineering, KAUST; Dr Sami AlNuaim; Dr Mohammed Badri, Schlumberger; Dr Abdulaziz Ibn Laboun, Geology Department, College of Science,
     King Saud University; Dr Abdulrahman Al Quraishi, Petroleum Engineering KACST; Professor Musaed N. J. Al-Awad, Head of Department Drilling,
     Economics and Geomechanics, KSU; Professor Bernt Aadnoy, Stavanger University; Dr Ghaithan Muntashehri, Saudi Aramco; Mishal Al Harbi, Saudi
     Aramco; Dr Michael Bittar, Halliburton; Robert Kuchinski, Weatherford; Wajid Rasheed, EPRasheed.

                                              EDITORIAL CALENDAR 2020

                                              NOTE FROM CEO

                                              ICCUS 2020
                                                  Remarks By HRH Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy,
                                                  at the International Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage

                                              IPTC 2020 SETS NEW RECORD IN SAUDI ARABIA
                                                 SPE/EPRasheed staff

                                              FROM THE ARAMCO NEWSROOM
                                                ●● Saudi Aramco hosts International Petroleum Technology
                                                   Conference in Saudi Arabia - Page 19
                                                ●● Cybersecurity: Raising our Game and Guard - Page 20

                                              RENEWABLE ENERGY
                                                  Wajid Rasheed

                                             IN MEMORIAM ABDUL MAJID RASHEED INTERNATIONAL EDITOR

                                      ADVERTISERS: KACST - PAGE 2-3, FOURQUEST ENERGY - PAGE 6.

                                                 Cover Photo: Shaybah pipeline courtesy of Saudi Aramco

CEO AND FOUNDER                      UNITED KINGDOM                            SAUDI ARABIA                                   BRAZIL
EPRASHEED                            - Head Office                             - Akram ul Haq                                 - Ana Felix
Wajid Rasheed                        Tel: + 44 7757 396569                     PO BOX 3260, Jeddah 21471                      - Adam Mehar                              Tel: (55) 21 9714 8690
                                  Tel: (966) 557 276 426                         - Fabio Jones
EDITORS                              Main: (44) 1753 708872                    - Mohanned AlSagri                   
Mauro Martins                        Fax: (44) 1753 725460                 Tel: (55) 21 9392 7821
                                     Mobile: (44) 777 2096692
Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas
Editorial Calendar                                                                                                        5

                Contribute to Saudi Arabia Oil
                & Gas In Issue 50 and Beyond
EPRasheed encourages editorial submissions on the topics outlined in the editorial calendar. This can provide your
company with the opportunity to communicate EP technology to the wider oil and gas community.

Please send abstracts or ideas for editorial to Preference is given to articles that are
Oil Company co-authored, peer reviewed or those based on Academic research.

                               Editorial Calendar 2020
     February - Issue 50            May – Issue 51             August – Issue 52             November – Issue 53

      Materials Closing            Materials Closing           Materials Closing              Materials Closing
       date - Jan 15                 date - Apr 15              date - July 15                  date - Oct 15

 •   Remote Operations         •   Cementing               •   Seismic                   •   Reservoir Characterization
 •   Intelligent Completions   •   Drilling & Completion   •   Reservoir Visualization   •   Drilling Optimization
 •   Digitalization                                        •   Remote Operation          •   Formation Evaluation
                               •   Rotary Steerable            Centres
 •   Production                    Systems                                               •   Wellbore Intervention
                                                           •   Advances in Drill-Pipe
 •   Artificial Intelligence   •   Complex Wells                                         •   Casing While Drilling
                                                           •   Drill-Bit Technology
                               •   Geophysical                                           •   Seismic
                                                           •   Zonal Isolation (incl.
                                                               Packers, Multi-Zone
                                                           •   Carbonate Reservoir


                                                           ONS Offshore Northern         ADIPEC - Abu Dhabi
 GEO 2020                      EAGE SPE EUROPEC
                                                           Seas                          International Petroleum
 March 3 - 5, 2020             Jun 9-12, 2020, Rome,
                                                           Aug 26-29, 2020,              Exhibition and Conference
 Manama, Bahrain               Italy
                                                           Stavanger, Norway             Nov 3-6, 2020

                                                           SPE/IADC Middle East
 IPTC*                         SEG* Artificially                                         World Petroleum
                                                           Drilling Technology
 Dhahran EXPO                  Intelligent Earth                                         Congress Houston,
                                                           Conference and
 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia       Exploration                                               Texas, USA,
 13–15 January 2020            Apr 19-21 Muscat, Oman                                    December 6-10, 2020
                                                           15 - 17 Sep 2020

       * Media Partner              * Media Partner                                            * Media Partner
Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas
Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas
Note From CEO                                                                                                         7

Note from CEO

                Welcome to our landmark Issue 50 of Saudi Arabia
                Oil and Gas. Since our first issue in 2007 we have
                stayed true to our aim “to consider global EP
                Markets in a strategic manner and foster balanced
                coverage and commentary on the International
                       Oilfield and key EP technologies.”

Over the years we have covered some of the most              While Baker Hughes has “Energy Forward” which is a
important technological developments and events in the       commitment to reducing oil and gas emissions.
Saudi Arabian Oil and Gas Industry including the OPEC
meeting in Riyadh, OGEP I and II and many of the Saudi       road-netzero-our-commitment-reducing-oil-and-gas-
SPE and DGS ATSE.                                            emissions

Now, our most urgent challenge is to reconcile our climate   Of course, that will be insufficient for advocates of a
and our energy needs. Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy,     future free of fossil-fuels. However, it is important to
HRH Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Salman spoke about precisely       remember that most petroleum demand remains inelastic.
this challenge and his remarks can be found on page 8        It is equally important to look behind the scenes to see
outlined as the four R's - Reducing carbon emissions         that electricity is not produced solely by solar, wind or
by utilizing energy efficiency, renewables, and nuclear      hydro power but fossil fuels particularly gas are a part of
power; Reusing & Recycling carbon emissions into useful      the power generation process. This is discussed in article
products and Removing emissions by carbon capture. In        “Renewable Energy”.
that regard, Saudi Aramco has been working to reduce
emissions since the 1970’s:
                                                             But that doesn’t mean complacency everyone can play
(see       their part. It may mean re-evaluating our energy needs and
h-nasser-saudi-aramco-council-wec-congress/)                 our “comfort” lifestyle.Think legacy.

“The good news is that we are not starting from scratch.     We at Saudi Arabia Oil and Gas have reduced our carbon
For example, at Saudi Aramco, our Master Gas System          emissions and waste management by digital transformation
has ended associated gas flaring, eliminating about 100      so that our publication is digital. We will print special
million metric tons of CO2 equivalent, every year since it   editions from time to time to cover specific events.
was established in the 1970s.”

                                                             So this means making changes and becoming more
The service sector has also been working to reduce           efficient as every driller knows, it is good to save trips!
emissions for example, Schlumberger has committed to a
science-based target to reduce emissions.
                                                             CEO and Founder
                                                             Wajid Rasheed

                                                           | SA O&G Issue 50
Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas
ICCUS 2020                                                                                                                     8

Keynote Address by HRH
Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Salman,
Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy
Delivered by HRH Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of
Energy, at the International Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (ICCUS)
Conference, 25 February 2020, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Y    our Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and
     gentlemen: It is my great pleasure to welcome you
to the International Carbon Capture and Utilization
Conference here in Riyadh, the first of its kind held in the
Middle East. This two day event is a landmark gathering
on a topic of critical importance to the Kingdom and the
entire world, and it is wonderful to see such a large number
of distinguished participants.

My friends, although the task of reducing global greenhouse
gas emissions is challenging, we are not starting from
scratch. Past work in this area has been considerable, and
we should applaud those efforts, acknowledge the benefits
they have achieved over the years, and seek to build on
their foundation.                                                           HRH Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s

However, we must also recognize that the current scope,                                    Minister of Energy
scale and speed of such efforts will not be sufficient for the   cornerstone for the global energy and environmental
global community to address the issue of climate change,         systems of tomorrow, because it is a tried and tested
or to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the levels that         technology today. Far from being a “magic bullet” solution
must be achieved in the desired time frame.                      that exists only as a concept, a lab-bench prototype, or a
We must also acknowledge that while alternative energy           pilot demonstration program, CCUS is already making a
sources are expanding, the world continues to rely upon          positive difference, and is ready to be deployed at a greater
fossil fuels for the overwhelming share of its overall           scale.
energy needs a situation that will not change for many           At the same time, the considerable progress that continues
decades to come. At the same time, the world’s total             to be made in the research, development, demonstration
energy demand will continue to grow, given our planet’s          and global deployment of CCUS is extremely encouraging,
increasing population and rising living standards in the         and underscores the tremendous future promise of this
developing world.                                                proven technology.
Given that energy is a key input for both economic and           That’s important, because according to the
social development, we also need to develop and deploy           Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, our global
energy solutions that effectively address the problem of         climate goals may not be achieved without utilizing CCS
greenhouse gas emissions while also powering prosperity          in part because there are entire sectors such as cement,
now and in the future.                                           steel and chemicals where alternative, non-carbon options
Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, we must accelerate the          don’t exist in the way they do for power generation.
adoption of high-impact solutions such as Carbon Capture,        CCUS, though, has the capacity to reduce emissions across
Utilization and Storage and do so urgently.                      various sectors, can be tied in with the increasing focus
                                                                 on hydrogen, and just as importantly is able to transform
I strongly believe that CCUS can and will serve as a             carbon into a useful, economically beneficial commodity.

                                                               | SA O&G Issue 50
Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas
ICCUS 2020                                                                                                                      9

                                                                And of course, for some four decades the Kingdom’s
                                                                Master Gas System has been capturing gas that was once
                                                                flared and turning it into a valuable, clean fuel and feedstock
                                                                and making it the foundation of an entirely new domestic
                                                                industrial sector. The economic and environmental benefits
                                                                have been enormous, and the Master Gas System continues
                                                                to serve as proof of concept when it comes to integrating
                                                                economic viability with environmental protection.

                                                                The Kingdom is also an active and responsible member
                                                                of the international community in various climate change
                                                                initiatives. In 2015, the Kingdom joined the “Mission
                                                                Innovation” and the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), co-
          The ICCUS Conference in Riyadh is part of the         leading the CCUS challenge with the United Kingdom and
        Kingdom’s preparations for November’s G20 Summit        Mexico. That same year, the Kingdom joined the Clean
                                                                Energy Ministerial (CEM), where the Kingdom co-led the
In fact, CCUS really comes into its own as part of a much       CCUS initiative with United States, the United Kingdom
broader Circular Carbon Economy concept, which will be          and Norway.
at the forefront of Saudi Arabia’s Presidency of the G20 this   Now, the time has come for all of us to redouble our efforts
year. The Circular Carbon Economy serves as a platform          in the area of CCUS which is what brings us together
to address energy issues in a holistic and inclusive manner     today. Without a doubt, technology development will play
and CCUS plays a central role in this approach.                 a pivotal role in finding effective solutions to the carbon
The 4Rs of the Circular Carbon Economy                          emissions challenge, as well as supplying clean fuels
                                                                and creating valuable feedstocks and ultimately useful
Reduce: Minimizing the amount of carbon entering the            products. But for those CCUS technologies and systems
system by utilizing energy efficiency, renewables, and          to be sustainable and quickly scalable, we must work
nuclear power;                                                  together to create opportunities and remove barriers for
                                                                private sector investment.
Reuse & Recycle: Using carbon emissions in useful
products or applications, such as CO2 to chemicals and          That means working together to drive down the costs and
materials;                                                      aggressively accelerate the pace of implementing CCUS
                                                                at a global scale, including the construction of necessary
Remove: Eliminating carbon from the system through              infrastructure. At the same time, we need to look ahead to
CCS and Direct Air Capture.                                     collectively identify new commercial models and strategies
So, as you can see, CCUS is front and center in two of          that will enable the research, development and deployment
the four Rs making its accelerated and expanded adoption        of the next generation of CCUS technology. And we need
even more vital, since it is the linchpin of a much larger      to encourage greater cooperation and collaboration among
effort to reduce and redirect carbon emissions. And again,      various countries, industries, R&D disciplines, and the
let me stress that within the Circular Carbon Economy           public and private sectors.
framework, CCUS will deliver economic as well as                None of that will be easy, none of that will be simple, and
environmental benefits, helping us to achieve objectives in     none of that is assured of ultimate success but all of it is vital
both areas concurrently.                                        for our countries and our communities. Teddy Roosevelt
For its part, the Kingdom is already investing in the           once wrote, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth
development of new technology for clean energy solutions        doing unless it means effort, pain, [and] difficulty.” There
including utilization of CCUS.                                  can be no doubt that CCUS is worth doing, and I strongly
                                                                believe that collectively we have the clarity of vision, the
Some of those investments are already in place, and are         technological capability, and the depth of determination
making a tangible difference. For example, Saudi Aramco         required to meet the carbon emissions challenge, and to
demonstrated the Gulf region’s first world scale CO2            realize the full potential of Carbon Capture, Utilization
enhanced oil recovery project in 2015, which captures           and Storage.
800,000 tons of CO2 annually, while SABIC built one of
the world’s largest CO2 capture and purification plants to      Thank you for your attention.
provide carbon dioxide as a feedstock for chemicals, using
500,000 tons of CO2 per year.

                                                               | SA O&G Issue 50
Inside Celebrating Issue 50 2020 - Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas
Celebrating Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas                                     10

                     Celebrating Issue 50
                        | SA O&G Issue 50
Celebrating Issue 50 - Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas                                     11

                     Celebrating Issue 50
                        | SA O&G Issue 50
IPTC 2020                                                                                                               12

IPTC 2020 Sets New Record
  Saudi Arabia Oil and Gas was a media

                      The highly-engaging Ministerial Dialogue touched on several important issues in the industry

T   he 12th edition of International Petroleum
    Technology Conference (IPTC) attracted a record-
breaking attendance of over 18,000 attendees from
                                                                     Founded in 2005, IPTC has established itself as the
                                                                     flagship multidisciplinary oil and gas technical event
                                                                     in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is sponsored by four
1,080+ companies, and 75+ countries.                                 of the leading industry organisations in oil and gas:
                                                                     the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
This was the first international multi-disciplinary, inter-
                                                                     (AAPG); the European Association of Geoscientists
society oil and gas conference and exhibition to be held
                                                                     and Engineers (EAGE); the Society of Exploration
in Saudi Arabia. The event received the patronage of
                                                                     Geophysicists (SEG); and the Society of Petroleum
His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman
                                                                     Engineers (SPE). IPTC is focused on the dissemination
bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime
                                                                     of new and current technology, best practices and
Minister, and Minister of Defense, Kingdom of Saudi
                                                                     multi-disciplinary activities designed to emphasise the
Arabia, with Saudi Aramco serving as the Exclusive
                                                                     importance of the value chain and maximising asset
                                                                     value. The knowledge, capabilities and strengths of

                                                                     | SA O&G Issue 50
IPTC 2020                                                                                                              13

in Saudi Arabia
supporter of IPTC 2020

                      HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al-Saud, Minister of Energy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
                                       addressing the audience at the Opening Ceremony

the participating countries and the sponsoring societies          made a strong point by saying, “If we can offer real
global membership, over the spectrum of multi-                    solutions to real energy needs of the many, not just the
disciplinary technologies, are central to the success of          few, then I am confident that our industry’s place at
the conference and the corresponding exhibition.                  the heart of global energy for decades to come, will be
At the opening ceremony, His Royal Highness Prince
Abdulaziz bin Salman Al-Saud, Minister of Energy,                 Mahmoud M. Abdulbaqi, Chairman, ARGAS, said,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, commended the efforts of                 “The issues facing all of us in the upstream industry are
all the young women and men who organised the event               getting more complex and their solutions are proving
with a standing ovation. He also said, “Our ambition,             to be more challenging, and require the usage of the
vision, excitement, and determination, is to lead this            most advanced technologies. IPTC provides the most
transformation and transmit transition with all its               suitable platform for discussions and exchange of ideas
challenges and opportunities.” His Excellency Yasir               about these technologies and integrated solutions.”
Al-Rumayyan, Chairman of the Board, Saudi Aramco

                                                                 | SA O&G Issue 50
IPTC 2020                                                                                                                   14

Also speaking at the event was HE Mohammad Sanusi                    dynamic energy scene, the new energy era, the fourth
Barkindo, Secretary General, OPEC, who observed                      industrial revolution, emerging technologies, the
that, “IPTC 2020 has already become a very successful                future of gas, talent development and diversity, and
premier event from the number of participation of                    unconventional oil and gas. The IPTC “Excellence in
delegates, number of companies exhibiting, and the                   Project Integration” award winner and finalists were
quality of panel sessions. You can see everybody is                  also commended at the conference.
happy to be here.”
                                                                     The Ministerial Dialogue covered a wide range of issues
“These are exciting times for the Kingdom, as we                     in the industry such as sustainability, oil price volatility
come together behind an ambitious Saudi Vision                       and the future of the oil and gas industry. Speakers who
2030,” said Mohammed Y. Al-Qahtani, Senior Vice                      shared their views in the session included, HRH Prince
President, Upstream, Saudi Aramco. As the Executive                  Abdulaziz bin Salman Al-Saud; HE Shaikh Mohammed
Committee Chairman of IPTC 2020, he announced that                   Bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil, Kingdom of
the conference would return to Saudi Arabia in 2 years,              Bahrain; Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO, Total;
with the 2021 conference to be held in Malaysia.                     Darren Woods, Chairman and CEO, Exxon Mobil
                                                                     Corporation, and Jason Bordoff, Professor at Columbia
This year’s IPTC featured a Ministerial Dialogue
                                                                     University and Founding Director of the Center on
Session, three Plenary Sessions namely, CEO,
                                                                     Global Energy Policy.
Executive and Energy Think Tank Plenary Sessions,
five Panel Sessions, and a Society Presidents’ Panel                 The KSA Minister of Energy, emphasised that, “The
Session, that featured some of the world’s leading                   world needs a stable oil market, sustainable supply
executives, offering their perspectives on the state of              and demand growth, predictability, and production that
the oil and gas industry. These sessions examined the                has little impact on the environment. Market volatility

                 Attendees from around the globe included industry leaders, professionals, decision and policy makers,
                                                as well as senior government officials

                                                                     | SA O&G Issue 50
IPTC 2020                                                                                                           15

                                                  Visitors at the Exhibition

doesn’t allow companies to prepare properly, he said,           Total Chairman and CEO Patrick Pouyanné said
because they don’t know if price swings are temporary           his company is moving toward becoming an energy
or not. Generally, we don’t like volatility, that is the        company rather than just an oil and gas company.
goal of OPEC, to promote the stability of prices, supply,       “Companies are providing hydrocarbons because there
and demand”.                                                    is demand for them, and politicians need to emphasise
                                                                the complexities of the energy transition as well as the
The Bahrain Minster of Oil defended the actions
                                                                associated costs.”
of the OPEC-plus group against critics who said it
undermined free market economics. “After the global             Jason Bordoff, Founding Director of the Center on
financial crisis of 2008, cheap credit funded the shale         Global Energy Policy, sharing his thoughts on the
revolution in the US. The latest move by OPEC, which            market, said that, “Another dynamic that is really
His Royal Highness was leading, certainly helped bring          important is the new dynamic of shale in the global
stability to the markets. It’s all about investments in the     market, not just of how much there is, but how short
long term”, said HE Shaikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa                 cycle it is and how quickly it can respond to market
Al Khalifa.                                                     changes, even though that takes 6 to 12 months, the
                                                                market knows that it’s coming, and so in response to
Darren Woods, Chairman and CEO of Exxon Mobil
                                                                that, we see, as we did over the last few weeks, prices
Corporation said, “Fundamentals are strong, the
                                                                go up, producers hedge, and that helps ease prices back.
demand will be there over time, so we have got to
                                                                There is this new fundamental dynamic in the market, I
invest to make sure that we are in the position to meet
                                                                think, is changing the way people, traders and financial
that demand. You need to be efficient; you need to be
                                                                markets respond to these geo-political events.”
cost-competitive, and then let the markets take you
where the markets are going to take you.”

                                                                 | SA O&G Issue 50
IPTC 2020                                                                                                               16

                           Diversity and Inclusion Panel Session, which took place on day 3 of IPTC 2020

The CEO Plenary Session, focused on the theme,                     to drive things like better technology adoption, better
Vision to Prosperity: A New Energy Era Emerges, with               operational efficiency, and, most importantly, better
a panel of global industry experts including the CEOs              capital efficiency. I think that some of the things that
of Saudi Aramco, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Total,                   have traditionally challenged our industry will also
PETRONAS and Woodside Energy.                                      become opportunities for us, because I think there is a
                                                                   path to do what we do today more efficiently and attract
Saudi Aramco President and CEO, Amin Nasser said,
                                                                   investors back into the energy industry.”
“We look at this transition in a pragmatic light, because
surely, its foremost driver is a desire to move to a lower         Woodside Energy CEO and Managing Director Peter
carbon energy mix or, more precisely, an energy mix                J. Coleman commented that top-notch young talent
with lower greenhouse gas emissions. But, when it                  only wants to work for an industry that has a bright
comes to transitioning, oil and gas is not yet halfway             future. “While harnessing advanced technologies are a
there, and there is a lot more low-hanging fruit”.                 good way to demonstrate that oil and gas is a dynamic
                                                                   and future-focused industry, the best way that it will
Wan Zulkiflee bin Wan Ariffin, PETRONAS President
                                                                   attract new blood into the industry is to show that it is
and Group CEO commented, “Different governments
                                                                   serious about taking on climate change. We are part of
will adopt different policies, and only time will tell if
                                                                   the solution. We support a transition to a lower-carbon
these policies are successful or not. Technology will
                                                                   future, and we intend to play a role in it.
be a key differentiator for all the organisations in this
industry. I think there will be more non-traditional               As the world deals with the consequences of climate
partnerships moving forward, many unconventional                   change, the pressure to reduce emissions will only
partnerships between technology companies and oil                  increase, and as an industry we must be ready to
and gas.”                                                          develop the most climate-friendly product we can
                                                                   possibly produce. This figures into the design and
Jeff Miller, Halliburton’s Chairman, President, and
                                                                   operation of our facilities, and our other efforts to
CEO, said, “When I think about the path to prosperity
                                                                   offset our emissions. We must develop resources in the
in the long term, the future may look different,
                                                                   most carbon-efficient way possible, and it’s up to us as
particularly as it requires collaboration in our industry
                                                                   industry leaders to make sure that’s prioritised”.

                                                                   | SA O&G Issue 50
IPTC 2020                                                                                                      17

                                                  Crowd Picture 2

Baker Hughes Chairman and CEO Lorenzo Simonelli            geosciences, reservoir engineering, drilling and
said the industry faces a “fundamental challenge”          completions, facilities, development and production,
around the narrative of oil and gas that it must address   the unconventional business, and improved and
if it wants to maintain a social license to operate. “We   enhanced recovery. In total, the 2020 IPTC Programme
are an industry that is hated by many but essential to     Committee reviewed more than 3,500 paper submissions
everyone. As we go through the increase in population      and selected more than 700 to form the event’s
and the energy transition, it is clear that there will     comprehensive agenda. A diversity and inclusion
be more required of energy as people move into the         workshop was also held a day before the conference.
middle class.”                                             This workshop created a basis for a reflection on best
                                                           practices to increase diversity, promote inclusion, and
Other sessions which took place over three days
                                                           to encourage the concept of belonging.
included a topical luncheon address on “The Role of
the Oil and Gas Industry in Sustainable Development        In addition to the conference and exhibition, one of
and Human Prosperity”, by Sami Alnuaim of Saudi            the key youth-focused programmes was the exclusive
Aramco, who served as 2019 SPE President. Three            IPTC Education Week. This programme aims to give
“Ask the Expert” sessions featured leading academics       students from around the world a clear insight into
and industry professionals who discussed oil recovery      the industry they are about to join and provide them
and simulation and innovative seismic technology,          with the opportunity to interact with a number of major
among other topics. Two project case study sessions        industry employers who are looking to recruit the best
reviewed the application of innovative technologies        talent from institutions around the world. This year,
and practices. Two seminars covered the estimation,        over 400 student applications were received globally,
classification, and reporting of reserves and resources,   of which 93 students representing 64 institutions and 29
and new applications of machine learning to oil and gas    countries, were invited to take part in the programme.
exploration and production.
                                                           During the five-day programme, students were divided
More than 100 technical sessions took place across the     into groups to work on an assigned project, to share
three days, covering a range of disciplines, including     their ideas and best practices, to address issues and

                                                           | SA O&G Issue 50
IPTC 2020                                                                                                           18

                                          Student winners at the Closing Ceremony

brainstorm solutions. Furthermore, the students                A Science Teachers Workshop was presented to 75
participated in a field development game, ‘Unlock              science school teachers from around the Kingdom to
the Reserves’, where they went through the complete            highlight how energy works, and provided teachers
upstream cycle and had to create a reservoir model,            with interactive, age appropriate experiments using
a full development plan as well as a facility plan to          basic household items to illustrate energy concepts in
ensure the deliverability of oil production. The students      a classroom context. Awad Bin Mohammed Al Malki,
also had the chance to attend the IPTC exhibition and          Director of Private Education, Ministry of Education,
sessions, and took part in two dynamic field trips to          addressed the teachers and expressed his wishes
the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture and the            to incorporate energy education, and many of the
UNESCO World Heritage Al-Ahsa.                                 aspects explored during the workshop, into classroom
Another exciting programme targeted towards young
members was the Emerging Leaders Forum which was               Mahmoud M. Abdulbaqi, Chairman, IPTC Board of
opened with a welcome from HE Shaikh Mohammed                  Directors and Chairman, ARGAS, said, "As we close
Bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil, Kingdom               this edition of IPTC, the first ever to be held in Saudi
of Bahrain. The objective of the programme was to              Arabia, we are filled with overwhelming pride as a result
provide audience with the industry insight they need           of the record-breaking success and the opportunity to
to develop the essential tools for leadership including        hold IPTC at a key hub of the global energy industry.
collaboration to the highest level, exploration of             This year’s IPTC has surpassed expectations in terms of
leadership competencies of the future, and the necessary       top-level speakers, technical content, and an undeniably
communication skills for the emerging leaders of               impressive number of attendees at over 18,000."
the 4th Industrial Revolution. A total of 87 emerging
leaders were welcomed to enjoy the forum.

                                                              | SA O&G Issue 50
From the Aramco Newsroom                                                                                               19

Saudi Aramco hosts International Petroleum
Technology Conference in Saudi Arabia
DHAHRAN, January 13, 2020

                                             Amin H. Nasser President & CEO

S   audi Aramco today hosted the opening ceremony of
    the International Petroleum Technology Conference
(IPTC), the leading international oil and gas conference
                                                             “With IPTC 2020, we have the perfect platform to push
                                                             forward in our efforts to demonstrate that our industry is
                                                             an integral part of the long-term solution to global energy
taking place from January 13-15 in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.    challenges. As part of the energy transition, I firmly
                                                             believe, oil and gas will continue to play a significant role
                                                             for a long time to come. ”
Held under the patronage of HRH Crown Prince
Mohammed Bin Salman, the 12th edition of this leading
international oil and gas conference is being held for the   He added: “We have the capability to be leaders when it
first time in Saudi Arabia. With keynote addresses by HRH    comes to addressing the need for more energy with less
Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman, Minister of Energy and HE       emissions and I am confident that our industry has the
Yasir O. Rumayyan, Chairman of Saudi Aramco, the IPTC        talent and the innovative mindset, which is required to find
attracted more than 15,000 delegates from 70 countries.      the best and most pragmatic solutions. ”

With the Kingdom hosting the G-20 summit this year, Saudi    Mr. Nasser participated in a plenary session with industry
Aramco President and CEO Amin H. Nasser congratulated        CEOs to discuss the theme ‘Vision to Prosperity: A
Saudi government entities for their successful efforts in    New energy Era Emerges‘. Saudi Aramco’s Senior Vice
securing the prestigious industry conference to be held in   President Upstream Mohammed Al-Qahtani, Chief Digital
the Kingdom.                                                 Officer Nabil Al Nuaim, and VP Petroleum Engineering
                                                             & Development Nasir K. Al-Naimi are also scheduled to
                                                             speak during the conference.
Mr. Nasser emphasized the need to transition to a lower
carbon energy mix and highlighted the role the energy
industry has played in creating the economic prosperity      The Conference will, for the first time, incorporate
the world enjoys today.                                      workshops examining the importance of Diversity and
                                                             Inclusion in the sector, an area in which Saudi Aramco has
                                                             significantly advanced in recent years.

                                                            | SA O&G Issue 50
From the Aramco Newsroom                                                                                                        20

Cybersecurity: Raising our Game and Guard
RIYADH, February 04, 2020

                                              CEO Amin Nasser in Cybersecurity Forum.

                    Remarks by Amin H. Nasser, Saudi Aramco
                               President and CEO
          “    Bismillah-al-Rahman-al-Rahim, and good afternoon. Your
          Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, distinguished guests,
          ladies and gentlemen, it is a real pleasure to be with you at the
          first ever Global Cybersecurity Forum here in the Kingdom,
          under the patronage of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques,
          King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. I would like to thank His
          Excellency Dr. Musaid Al Aiban, Minister of State and Chairman
                 of the NCA, for this welcome addition to the calendar.”

Cybersecurity: A Key Strategic Risk
Because, in my view, the constantly evolving and strategic         energy as well as water, electricity, banking, medical, and
nature of cybersecurity threats is still not fully understood by   aviation are particularly at risk. In fact, the more critical the
industry or receiving the attention it deserves. Governments,      target and sensitive the information, the more attractive it is
business in general, and individuals are all in the line of        to those who wish our industry harm. And they do wish us
fire from cyber-terrorists. But critical industries like global    harm, right up to a digital Pearl Harbor.

                                                                  | SA O&G Issue 50
From the Aramco Newsroom                                                                                                  21

Recent Industry Experience
Events on the ground have really brought this home. In         Cybersecurity is one of the top corporate risks we address
August 2012, as the Eid holiday was starting, Saudi            in our Enterprise Risk Management Program, overseen by
Aramco was hit by a serious virus attack. Thanks to            our Board. It puts cybersecurity on a par with market share
our contingency and business continuity plans, and our         loss, disruptive technologies, serious industrial accidents,
broader resilience, our core operations continued and not      geopolitical shocks, legal liabilities, and natural disasters.
a single process or product was affected. But other attacks    We also created the role of a Chief Digitalization Officer
have followed on other companies, in other regions, and        and a Chief Information Security Officer.
the industry has indeed learned three particularly valuable
                                                               Importance of Collaboration
   ●● Perfect cybersecurity does not exist.                    But company fences, and indeed national boundaries, are
   ●● Like managing blood pressure, our battle with this       meaningless concepts in this domain. So aligning policy,
                                                               collaborating on technology, and sharing information
      equally silent killer is continuous.
                                                               and experience beyond the fence is non-negotiable. Of
   ●● And we need to do all we can to stay a step ahead.       course, there is a trade-off to be made between adequate
                                                               cybersecurity and productivity, and therefore convenience,
                                                               with each company needing to find its own balance.
Impact of Industry Modernization
                                                               But to beat a network, we need to be a network. That is
In addition, while things like digitalization and Fourth
                                                               why, for example, we are founding members of the World
Industrial Revolution technologies are opening up new
                                                               Economic Forum's Center for Cybersecurity. And last
opportunities, it is also expanding the cyber-attack surface
                                                               month we used the Forum to begin a new collaboration
and threat landscape. In just five years' time, more than
                                                               program called “Cyber-resilience in the Oil and Gas
75 billion Internet of Things devices - I repeat - 75
                                                               Sector”. That is also why digitalization and, by extension,
billion devices, will be running critical applications and
                                                               cybersecurity are key themes of the Kingdom's G20
infrastructure at nearly 1,000 times the speed today. This
is a wonderful development in many ways, connecting
new industries, geographies, and communities in ways           In addition, I believe three areas deserve special debate:
that will benefit society and the planet. But this desirable
fusion of traditional physical assets with the digital world      ●● One, how can we promote real industry collaboration
also increases the risk of serious physical damage, at a 5G          on cybersecurity, particularly in this region?
                                                                  ●● Two, how can industries work more effectively with
Fortunately, the growing digitalization our enemies are
                                                                     governments and existing international frameworks?
using to attack us is also our strength and advantage in
defense. In fact, our cybersecurity capabilities should           ●● Three, how do we deter cyber-terrorists by making
digitalize in proportion to the sheer scale, complexity,             the price of such reckless attacks too high to pay?
and volatility of digital risks. At Saudi Aramco, we are
                                                               This third topic is highly complex, involving international
increasing the pace of digitalization and state-of the-
                                                               consensus. But being able to defeat our enemies before they
art technologies. We are also improving our situational
                                                               attack us (as well as if they do) would greatly strengthen
awareness through predictive analytics to prioritize threat
                                                               our collective defenses.
protection where it is needed most.
                                                               Ladies and Gentlemen, let us make the future our ally, not
Taking Cybersecurity to a Higher Plane                         our enemy. Let us embrace the wonders of the modern
                                                               world, adapt new technologies, create new value, and
But 91% of cyber-attacks start with a simple phishing email,   meet the expectations of our customers, shareholders, and
and there is more private information on people's phones       stakeholders. But let us also raise our game and guard to
than in their homes or offices. So the human component         keep one step ahead of cyber-terrorists. Our bottom lines
will remain low-hanging fruit to cyber-terrorists unless       depend on it. Our facilities, assets, and businesses depend
people understand the seriousness of the risks, accept         on it. Indeed, our futures, not just our safety reputations,
shared responsibility, and are trained to respond. That is     depend on it.
why building a cyber-resilient culture at Saudi Aramco is
a personal priority for me, and that starts at the top.        Thank you.

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Renewable Energy                                                                                                           22

            Artificially Intelligent Earth Exploration Workshop:
           Teaching the Machine How to Characterize the Subsurface
                       19–21 April 2020 | Muscat, Oman

       SPONSOR            Sunday, 19 April 2020
                          07:00 - 08:00   Onsite Registration
                                          Coffee, tea, juices and morning refreshments available
                          08:00 - 08:05   Hotel Safety Briefing
                          08:05 - 08:15   Welcome Address by Committee Co-Chairs
                          08:15 - 08:30   Opening Address, Petroleum Development Oman
                          08:30 - 08:45   Opening Address by Saleh Saleh, Saudi Aramco – Exploration in the Digital Age
     REGISTRATION         SESSION 1       Big Geo-Data
       SPONSOR                            Session Chairs: Saud Zakwani & Hussein Mustapha

                          08:45 - 09:10   KEYNOTE: Artificial Intelligence Driving Faster and Greater Insights in the
                                          Exploration Workflow
                                          Steve Freeman, Schlumberger
                          09:10 - 09:30   The Road toward Interpreting the World’s Largest 3D Seismic Survey in
                                          Abu Dhabi, UAE, Using Innovative Artificial Intelligence Processing Technology
                                          Khalid Obaid, ADNOC
                          09:30 - 09:50   How to Build Mechanical Earth Models Using Machine Learning Techniques
                                          Saad Kisra, Schlumberger

                          09:50 - 10:10   COFFEE BREAK – 20 min – Foyer

                          10:10 - 10:35   KEYNOTE: Large Feature-rich Datasets, Big Models and Scalability
     DELEGATE GIFT        10:35 - 10:55
                                          Mauricio Araya Polo, Total
                                          Optimal Survey Planning of the METIS® System with Artificial Intelligence
       SPONSOR                            Remi Estival, Total S.A.
                          10:55 - 11:15   Machine Learning Terrain Classification for Seismic Acquisition in
                                          Petroleum Development Oman
                                          Charles El-Taha, Petroleum Development Oman
                          11:15 - 12:15   Moderated Discussion – 1 hr
                          12:15 - 12:30   Group Photo – 15 min

                          12:30 - 13:30   LUNCH – 1 hr – The Restaurant

                          SESSION 2       Processing and Analysis
    MEDIA PARTNER                         Session Chairs: Dimitri Bevc & Tahar Ben Youssef

                          13:30 - 13:55   KEYNOTE: Deep Learning for Seismic Signal Identification, Classification,
                                          Denoising, Imaging and Forecasting
                                          Maarten de Hoop, Rice University
                          13:55 - 14:15   Image-to-image Transformations with 3D Conditional Generative
                                          Adversarial Networks
                                          Adam Halpert, Chevron
                          14:15 - 14:35   Winning with Simple Models: Detecting Earthquakes in Groningen,
                                          the Netherlands
                                          Umair bin Waheed, KFUPM

                          14:35 - 14:55   COFFEE BREAK – 20 min – Foyer

                          14:55 - 15:15   Wavefield Solutions from Machine Learned Functions
                                          Tariq Alkhalifah, KAUST
                          15:15 - 15:35   Towards Wave-mode Separation on Field Data Using Deep Neural Networks
                                          Elita Li, NUS
                          15:35 - 15:55   First Arrival Picking of Seismic Data based on the DBSCAN Clustering
                                          Sherif M. Hanafy, KFUPM
                          15:55 - 16:55   Moderated Discussion – 1 hr

                          18:00 - 20:00   ICEBREAKER RECEPTION – Pool Lawn

                                                           | SA O&G Issue 50
Renewable Energy                                                                                                                               23

                                                                REGISTER NOW
                                                      Early Bird Deadline: 18 March 2020

  Monday, 20 April 2020
  SESSION 3       Intelligent Velocity Model Building
                  Session Chairs: Ali Almomin & Maarten de Hoop

  08:30 - 08:55   KEYNOTE: Optimization of Surface-Wave Picking by Using Machine Learning
                  David McCarthy, CGG
  08:55 - 09:15   Surface-Wave Analysis Using Deep Neural Networks
                  Ernesto Sandoval Curiel, Saudi Aramco
  09:15 - 09:35   Multi-Dimensional Automatic Velocity Picking Based on Deep Learning
                  Ahmad Kamal Azmi, Petronas

  09:35 - 09:55   COFFEE BREAK – 20 min – Foyer

  09:55 - 10:15   Ml-Misfit: Learning A Robust Misfit Function for Full-Waveform Inversion Using Machine Learning
                  Bingbing Sun, KAUST
  10:15 - 10:35   Deep Learning Velocity Model Building by Mapping Pre-stack Waveforms to Vertical Velocity Profiles
                  Vladimir Kazei, KAUST
  10:35 - 10:55   Building Realistic Elastic Models with Style Transfer
                  Oleg Ovcharenko, KAUST
  10:55 - 11:55   Moderated Discussion – 1 hr

  11:55 - 13:00   LUNCH – 1 hr 5 min – The Restaurant

  13:00 - 14:45 POSTER SESSION

                  • Ammar Alali, Saudi Aramco | Geological and Data Driven ROP Advisory System
                  • Chao Song, KAUST | Identifying Microseismic Events in Time-Reversed Source Images Using Support
                    Vector Machine
                  • Qi Hao, KFUPM | Microseismic Source Location Using Feed-Forward Neural Networks
                  • Haibin Di, Schlumberger | Integrated Seismic Fault and Stratigraphy Interpretation via Deep Convolutional
                    Neural Networks
                  • Abdullah Alali, KAUST | Time-Lapse Cross-Equalization by Deep Learning
                  • Haoran Zhang, China University of Petroleum | Low-Frequency Extrapolation of Post-Stack Seismic Data
                    Based on Deep Learning
                  • Yuanyuan Li, KAUST | High-Resolution Regularized Elastic Full Waveform Inversion Assisted by Deep Learning
                  • Umair bin Waheed, KFUPM | Traveltime Computation Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks
                  • Amr Hujainah, Schlumberger | Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Exploration-to-Production Life Cycle
                  • Pavel Plotnitskii, KAUST | Seismic Model Low Wavenumber Extrapolation by a Deep Convolutional Neural
                  • Muhammad Faisal Fayyaz, ADNOC | Automated Lithology Interpretation Using Machine Learning
                  • Gehrig Schultz, EPI GROUP | Unsupervised Machine Learning (ML) Drives Increased Capital Efficiency and
                    Minimizes Geological Risk in E&P Operations
                  • Bingbing Sun, KAUST | A Data-Driven Choice of Misfit Function for FWI Using Reinforcement Learning
                  • Ahmed Afify Shaheen, KFUPM | Detecting Earthquakes in Groningen, the Netherlands, Using Deep Learning

  14:45 - 15:05   COFFEE BREAK – 20 min – Foyer

  SESSION 4       Reservoir Geomechanics and Well Logging
                  Session Chairs: Ahmed Riza Ghazali & Daniele Colombo

  15:05 - 15:30   KEYNOTE: A Machine Learning Framework and Algorithms for Well Logging Formation Evaluation
                  Lizhi Xiao, China University of Petroleum
  15:30 - 15:50   Rapid Lithology Interpretation from Wireline Data: Scalable Machine Learning to Assist Geoscientists
                  Graham Baines, Halliburton
  15:50 - 16:10   Deep Learning in Identifying Petrophysical Reservoir Properties Based on Seismic and Well Log Data
                  Emad Elsebakhi, Petronas
  16:10 - 16:30   Intelligent Tracking and Statistical Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing Network by Machine Learning
                  He Lin, BGP
  16:30 - 17:00   Moderated Discussion – 30 min

                                                                                           | SA O&G Issue 50
Renewable Energy                                                                                                                           24

  Tuesday, 21 April 2020
  SESSION 5       Automated Seismic Interpretation
                  Session Chairs: Thekriat Hussain & Khalid Obaid

  08:30 - 08:55   KEYNOTE: Machine Applications for Geoscience Data Processing and
                  Aria Abubakar, Schlumberger
  08:55 - 09:15   Discussions and Results of Machine Learning Interpretation of Clinoform
                  Systems in the Habshan Region
                  Mikael Kvalvær, RagnaRock Geo
  09:15 - 09:35   New Possibilities of the Interpretation Seismic and Logging Data by
                  Machine Learning Based on the RTH’s Attributes
                  Gennady Erokhin, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

  09:35 - 09:55   COFFEE BREAK – 20 min – Foyer

  09:55 - 10:20   KEYNOTE: Deep Learning for Seismic Interpretation: Hype or Trend?
                  Stephane Gesbert, Shell
  10:20 - 10:40   Deep Bayesian Neural Networks for Fault Identification and Uncertainty
                  Lukas Mosser, Earth Science Analytics
  10:40 - 11:00   Fault Detection from 3D Seismic Data Using Artificial Intelligence
                  Peter Szafian, Geoteric
  11:00 - 12:00   Moderated Discussion – 1 hr

  12:00 - 13:00   LUNCH – 1 hr – The Restaurant

  SESSION 6       Smart Reservoir characterization
                  Session Chairs: Ali Al-Naamani & Stephane Gesbert

  13:00 - 13:25   KEYNOTE: Electromagnetic Reservoir Characterization and Monitoring Using
                  Deep Learning Inversion and Fluid Flow Simulators
                  Daniele Colombo, Saudi Aramco
  13:25 - 13:45   Predicting Rock Properties using Machine Learning Techniques and Seismic
                  Data for Reservoir Characterization
                  Shraddha Chatterjee, CGG
  13:45 - 14:05   Well Log Data Prediction Based on 3D Seismic Data Using Machine Learning
                  Roman Sukhanov, Gazpromneft Science and Technology Centre

  14:05 - 14:25   COFFEE BREAK – 20 min – Foyer

  14:25 - 14:45   Intelligent Seismic Interpretation Platform: Toward Quantitative Subsurface
                  Nasher BenHasan, Saudi Aramco
  14:45 - 15:05   Design and Practices of Seismic Interpretation Pattern in the Age of AI
                  Yang Ping, BGP
  15:05 - 15:25   Improving Workflows of Unsupervised Seismic Multi-Attributes Clustering
                  Boshara M Arshin Sukar, Petronas
  15:25 - 16:25   Moderated Discussion – 1 hr
  16:25 - 16:45   Wrap-Up by Committee Co-Chairs – 20 min

                                                                                       | SA O&G Issue 50
Renewable Energy                                                                                                     25

                                     Renewable Energy

                                          Wind Farm Coastal Area Spain (Source Linha 10)

M      odern economic growth and consumption
       has been concentrated in Western nations
with oil, gas and coal providing most of the world’s
                                                                  Against the backdrop of global warming and resource
                                                                  scarcity though, how can ‘uncapped’ consumption be
marketed energy; however, things are changing.
Through carbon emissions capping, many Western                    In this chapter we consider renewable energy
countries have in fact limited the use of fossil fuels.           sources to identify what can effectively reduce oil
Through outsourcing, many Western countries have                  and gas demand, not just theoretically, but in an
also deindustrialised. The new growth economies are               environmentally friendly and cost effective way1.
the ‘BRICs’ (Brazil, Russia, India and China) whose
industries and populations need more energy and                   Global Warming
resist capping.*
                                                                  Since the 18th Century and the Industrial Revolution,
                                                                  the temperature of the earth’s lower atmosphere has
                                                                  been rising. Through the greenhouse effect, this has
                                                                  led to an alteration of the delicately balanced global
                                                                  climate system which is gradually being warmed.
                                                                  The greenhouse effect is so termed because levels of
                                                                  certain gases in the atmosphere have increased which
                                                                  means that more heat is retained on the earth.

                                                                  In normal atmospheric conditions, sunlight reaches
                                                                  the earth passing through a layer of gases such as
                                                                  water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4),
                                                                  nitrous oxide (N2O), and ozone. Here, infrared
         Fig. 1 - Growth in Carbon Dioxide Emissions
                                                                  radiation reflects off the earth’s surface but does
                 1990-2030 (Source US EIA)
                                                                  not pass through the thermal layer as part of it is

                                                                  | SA O&G Issue 50
Renewable Energy                                                                                                 26

                                     Fig. 2 - Heat From the Sun is Trapped by the
                                               Gases in our Atmosphere

trapped to keep temperatures suitable to life, about         polar ice caps. Since 1999, researchers working with
60°F (16°C). If it were not for this heat trap, the          the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica
average temperature of the earth would be below              (EPICA) have drilled over 3000 m into the Dome C
freezing. The rapid industrialisation of the 18th            ice, which corresponds to a geological timeline dating
century fuelled the demand for agriculture, land             back nearly a million years. Over time, solids and
development and transport. As more fossil fuels such         fluids are trapped in the ice, and these provide insight
as coal were burned and as forests were cleared for          into the atmospheric mixture of gases present across
development, ever greater quantities of Greenhouse           the timeline5.
Gases (GHG) were produced. Other types of gases
                                                         Researchers have found that CO2 is now about 30%
such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) also led to rising
                                                         higher than at any time, and methane 130% higher.
temperatures. Consequently, this resulted in more heat
                                                         The rates of increase are absolutely exceptional: for
being trapped and rising air and sea temperatures2,3,4.
                                                         CO2, this is 200 times faster than at any time in the
Since the Industrial Revolution, volumes of CO2 in the last 650,000 years.
atmosphere have increased from 270 parts per million
(ppm) to 370 ppm. This affects the natural CO2 cycle
                                                         Antarctic Climate Record
that takes place between the atmosphere, oceans and
forests. As greater quantities of CO2 are generated, EPICA aims to fully document the Antarctic’s
this leads to excessive loading of the natural cycle and climatic record and to compare this with Greenland’s
a decreased ability of the earth’s natural mechanisms record. To do this, scientists have employed drilling
(ocean and forests) to absorb CO2. This gas, CO2, has facilities to drill cores through the ice caps. Currently,
the greatest effect of GHGs and projections show that further cores are needed to cover extreme timescales
emissions will continue to grow. For CO2 emissions to with one core at a site of higher annual snowfall
stabilise at 550 ppm, there would have to be a major to provide a detailed record of events over the last
reduction in the emissions complemented by new glacial cycle, and the other core in a region of low
energy technologies that do not produce CO2 at all; snow accumulation. Taken together, the two cores are
however, more than 80% of today’s energy demands expected to shed light on the following key questions
are met by fossil fuels, which make replacement even not answered by the results from either the Greenland
more challenging.                                        cores or the earlier Vostok drilling in Antarctica6:
Scientists have also started tracking changes in the            ●● Are the rapid climatic changes of the last ice

                                                            | SA O&G Issue 50
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     age cyclic global events or are they restricted    from a core obtained in the western Antarctic deep
     largely to parts of the Northern Hemisphere        Byrd ice. Dating of new cores can be performed by
     where it is possible that geographic conditions    matching acidic sulphur signals against volcanic
     favour them?                                       horizons identified within the Byrd core. To extend
                                                        the dating back 250,000 years, other techniques are
  ●● Are these rapid changes unique to the last glacial needed and include ice flow modelling controlled by
     cycle or did they occur in previous cycles as matching features in the new cores (e.g. changes in
     well?                                              atmospheric, gas isotopic and chemical composition)
                                                        with corresponding features in the ice cores from
  ●● Is the relatively warm stable climatic period of Vostok and central Greenland as well as with the
     the last 10,000 years an exception to the last ocean sediment records.
     500,000 years?

Ice drill programmes have the twin goals of identifying   Polar Ice Caps
changes in past climates and in atmospheric               Some projected long term results of global warming
chemistry. One of the main ways of identifying            include: the melting of polar ice caps, a rise in sea level
climate change is to determine the proportions of         and coastal encroachment; the extinction of species
oxygen and hydrogen, two isotopes at different levels     as habitats disappear; higher intensity tropical storms;
of the core through their presence in water. Equally      and, an increased incidence of tropical diseases. The
important is the reconstruction of past atmospheric       Polar Research Institute has been conducting studies
chemistry, including aerosols and water soluble           on physical glaciology and has noted that over the
gases, in addition to the composition of atmospheric      past 50 years the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets
gases trapped in bubbles within the ice. A variety of     are thinning near the coast due to accelerating glaciers
techniques are used here including continuous flow        and increased melting.
analysis to measure chemical levels. Sodium, calcium
and sulphate levels are also measured as these pro-       Both are thickening inland due to increased snowfall.
                                                          Overall, both sheets are close to balance, i.e. the
                                                          snowfall gains are comparable to the coastal losses.
                                                          This is leading to a rise in sea level. At present, the best
                                                          estimate is that Antarctica and Greenland combined
                                                          contribute 0.2 mm per year of the 1.8 mm per year
                                                          global sea level rise8.

                                                          Several polar ice cap trends have been identified,
                                                          notably in the West Antarctic, where the ice sheet is
                                                          losing ice mass because the glaciers are flowing too
                                                          quickly, most likely due to warm ocean waters at their
                                                          termini, and that Arctic sea ice area and volume have
                                                          both decreased over the past 50 years or so.
                     Fig. 3 - EPICA
                                                          Temperature’s Up
vide information, respectively, on past atmospheric
                                                     Scientists keep track of global temperatures by
concentrations of sea salt (Na), soil dust (Ca), and
                                                     registering air and sea temperatures. According to
secondary aerosols derived from sulphur including
                                                     US environmental body figures, the global average
marine biogenic and volcanic emissions7.
                                                     temperature of the air at the earth’s surface has
All these measurements would be of little value, warmed between 0.5°F and 1°F (0.3°C and 0.6°C)
however, without accurate dating of the ice cores. since the late nineteenth century, while atmospheric
For the last 50,000 years this has been relatively temperature has risen 1.1°F (0.6°C), and sea level has
straightforward as detailed information has already risen several inches9.
been obtained from Central Greenland cores and

                                                        | SA O&G Issue 50
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                                                Fig. 4 - Polar Ice Caps

Little Boy
First noticed by fishermen in 1992, ‘El Niño’,             removes freshwater from the North Atlantic ocean. If
which in Spanish means ‘Little Boy’ or the ‘Christ         it decreases or disappears, the earth could warm and
child’, describes the arrival of a warm weather event      Arctic oceans could freshen.
coinciding with Christmas. La Niña means ‘Little
Girl’ and is used to describe a cold weather event.        Kyoto
El Niño is an alteration to the ocean atmosphere
system, which starts in the tropical Pacific but has       In order to combat global warming, the UN held a
global repercussions. These include greater rainfall       meeting in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997. This resulted in an
and flooding across the southern US and in Peru to         international agreement to reduce emissions of GHGs
drought and bushfires in the Western Pacific.              by indus-trialised nations. Not all industrial countries,
                                                           however, immediately signed or ratified the accord.
El Niño can be seen in sea surface temperatures in
the equatorial Pacific Ocean, such as those shown          In 2001, the US government announced that it would
in Figure 4, which were made from the National             abandon the Kyoto Protocol.At the time, this was
Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s             considered a major setback as the US generates 25%
(NOAA) array of moored buoys10.                            of global GHGs.

The predicted theoretical consequences suggest that        125 other governments agreed to a binding
any retreat of West Antarctica would have to be an         international treaty which runs from 2005 to 2012.
accelerating process. If these are correct, the retreat    Further to this, many individual US states have
we see today could accelerate sea level rise, and there    committed to respecting Kyoto emissions levels at a
is enough ice in West Antarctica to raise sea levels by    local level11.
five metres. Arctic sea ice cover plays two important
                                                           The Paris Agreement central aim is to strengthen the
roles: it reflects incoming solar radiation and it
                                                           global response to the threat of climate change by

                                                           | SA O&G Issue 50
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