West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Three Revision - Interim Policy Statements and Policy Recommendations March 2010

Page created by Ian Caldwell
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Three Revision - Interim Policy Statements and Policy Recommendations March 2010
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy
Phase Three Revision
Interim Policy Statements and
Policy Recommendations
March 2010
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Three Revision - Interim Policy Statements and Policy Recommendations March 2010

AA Introduction                                                                                               4
  A Development of the Interim Policy Statements and Policy Recommendations                                   5

AA Interim Policy Statements                                                                                  7
  Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople                            8
  A Sub-Regional Apportionment for Construction Aggregates                                                   29

AA Policy Recommendations                                                                                    33
  Rural Renaissance                                                                                          34
  Rural Services                                                                                             34
  Culture, Sport and Tourism                                                                                 37
  Culture and Sport                                                                                          37
  Tourism and the Visitor Economy                                                                            42
  Quality of the Environment                                                                                 50
  Integrated Approach to the Management of Environmental Resources                                           50
  Restoring Degraded Areas and Managing and Creating High Quality New Environments                           53
  Green Infrastructure                                                                                       55
  Protection and Enhancement of Historic Environment                                                         57
  Conservation, Enhancement and Restoration of Region’s Landscape                                            59
  Protecting, Managing and Enhancing Region’s Biodiversity and Geodiversity                                  61
  Trees, Woods and Forestry                                                                                  65
  Protection of Agricultural Land                                                                            66
  Air Quality                                                                                                67
  Promoting Energy Efficiency within Existing Development                                                    68
  Renewable Energy – Targets                                                                                 69
  Criteria for Ensuring that Renewable Energy is Appropriately Located                                       72
  Positive Uses of Green Belt                                                                                74
  Minerals                                                                                                   76
  Safeguarding Mineral Resources in the West Midlands                                                        76
  Future Brick Clay Provision                                                                                80

AA Appendix                                                                                                  83
  List of WMRSS Policies                                                                                     84
  Contact Information                                                                                        86

All maps in this document are available in colour on the West Midlands Regional Assembly website at:

All images (unless otherwise specified) are from the West Midlands Library (www.westmidlandslibrary.co.uk)


Context                                 AA Phase Three looked at rural           In the light of these legislative
                                        services, gypsies, travellers and        changes, WMRA, GOWM and
Following the publication of Regional   travelling showpeople, culture,          Advantage West Midlands (AWM)
Planning Guidance for the West          sport and tourism, environment and       agreed in September 2009 that the
Midlands in June 2004 which             minerals. The Phase Three Revisions      issues covered in the Phase Three
subsequently became the Regional        are the focus of this document.          Revision should be progressed
Spatial Strategy (WMRSS) for the                                                 through the new Regional Strategy
West Midlands, the West Midlands        Interim Policy                           process rather than through the
                                                                                 WMRSS Phase Three Revision. It was
Regional Assembly (WMRA), in its        Statements and Policy
role as Regional Planning Body                                                   agreed that the Phase Three issues
                                        Recommendations                          be taken forward in one of two ways:
(RPB), was tasked by the Secretary
of State to further develop selective
                                        The Local Democracy, Economic            1) Interim Policy Statements
elements of the WMRSS. This
                                        Development and Construction Act         which will provide a framework for
revision process has been undertaken
                                        2009 will, amongst other things, bring   relevant policies in the preparation
in the following three phases:
                                        together Regional Spatial Strategies     of Local Development Frameworks.
                                        and Regional Economic Strategies         Two Policy Statements have been
AA Phase One was completed
                                        into a single Regional Strategy          developed which cover the provision
in January 2008 and sets
                                        for each of the English regions.         of pitches for gypsies, travellers
out a long-term strategy for
the Black Country area.                                                          and travelling showpeople and
                                        From 1st April 2010, the Regional        the sub-regional apportionment
                                        Strategy in the West Midlands            of construction aggregates;
AA Phase Two focused on housing         will consist of the West Midlands
development, employment land, town      Regional Spatial Strategy (January
centres, transport and waste together                                            2) Policy Recommendations
                                        2008 version which incorporates          which will feed into the preparation
with overarching policies relating      WMRSS Phase One) and the existing
to climate change and sustainable                                                of the new Regional Strategy.
                                        Regional Economic Strategy (RES).        The majority of issues within the
development. This Phase was subject
to an Examination in Public (EiP)                                                Phase Three Options document
                                        Any WMRSS Phase                          will be progressed in this manner.
in Spring 2009. The Panel Report        Three legacy work will be
was published in September 2009,        incorporated in developing
but in March 2010 the Government        the new Regional Strategy.
advised WMRA that the Secretary
of State’s Proposed Changes
would not be published before July
2010. Further details can be found
on the Government Office for the
West Midlands (GOWM) website
at: http://www.gos.gov.uk/gowm/


The Policy Recommendations             GOWM also confirmed that
were approved by the WMRA in           the Policy Recommendations
February 2010. The Interim Policy      should be progressed as part
Statements were approved by            of the new Regional Strategy.
the WMRA in March 2010. The
Interim Policy Statements and          GOWM letters elating to the
Policy Recommendations were            Interim Policy Statements and
also noted by the Joint Strategy       Policy Recommendations can
and Investment Board (JS&IB) in        be downloaded from the WMRA
March 2010 as a basis for future       website at http://www.wmra.
work by the two responsible regional   gov.uk/Planning_and_Regional_
authorities, the West Midlands         Spatial_Strategy/WMRSS_Revision/
Leaders Board and AWM.                 WMRSS_Revision_Phase_3.aspx

This document draws together all       If you have any queries relating to
of the Interim Policy Statements       the Interim Policy Statements or
and Policy Recommendations.            Policy Recommendations please
                                       contact the West Midlands Leaders
Use of the Interim Policy              Board - contact details on the
                                       back cover of this document.
Statements and Policy
On 30th March 2010 GOWM
confirmed that they now expect
planning authorities to ensure
                                       Olwen Dutton
that their Development Plan
                                       Chief Executive
Documents are sufficiently
                                       West Midlands Regional Assembly
flexible to enable them to deliver
the requirements set out in the
                                       March 2010
Interim Policy Statements.

Development of the Interim Policy Statements
      and Policy Recommendations
The first stage of the WMRSS Phase       In order to test the Interim            Under EU Directive 92/43, the
Three Revision process was the           Policy Statements and Policy            Regional Planning Body is required to
publication of a Project Plan which      Recommendations at each stage           undertake a Habitats Regulations
set out the issues to be covered in      of development, Sustainability          Assessment (HRA). The purpose
the Revision. A Draft Project Plan was   Appraisals (SA), Habitats Regulations   of a HRA is to assess the impacts
issued for consultation in November      Assessments (HRA) and Rural             of policies against the conservation
2007. Following extensive dialogue       Proofing were undertaken.               objectives of European habitat sites
with GOWM, the final Project Plan                                                and to ascertain that policies do
was published in May 2009.               A Sustainability Appraisal (SA)         not adversely affect the integrity
                                         is mandatory for Regional Spatial       of any of these sites. The Habitats
Because there were choices as to the     Strategies under Section 39(2)          Regulations Assessments for the
nature and content of new or revised     of the Planning and Compulsory          Interim Policy Statements and Policy
policies, an Options document            Purchasing Act 2004. The aim of         Recommendations were undertaken
was issued for consultation from         a SA is to promote a better quality     by Treweek Consulting Limited.
June to August 2009 to help              of life through the achievement of
identify those choices (and the          sustainable development. The SA         Rural Proofing is the process by
consequences of adopting them).          incorporates the requirements of        which strategies, plans and policies
                                         the EU’s Strategic Environmental        are evaluated for their impact on
Following the Options consultation       Assessment (SEA) Directive.             those who live and work in the
a “Preferred Option” would normally      SEA is a process for assessing          countryside to ensure that rural
have been developed which would          and mitigating the negative             needs are not overlooked. Rural
then have been submitted to the          environmental impacts of specific       Proofing also assesses the different
Secretary of State. However, as          plans and programmes, and               impacts that a strategy or policy
explained in the Introduction,           is required for Regional Spatial        might have in rural areas compared
following legislative changes            Strategies under the Directive as       to elsewhere. Rural Proofing of the
arising from the Local Economic          transposed into UK law by the           Interim Policy Statements and Policy
Development and Construction             Environmental Assessment of Plans       Recommendations was led by the
Act 2009 (and advice from GOWM           and Programmes Regulations 2004.        Rural Accord’s Rural Proofing Team.
in April 2009) it was agreed by          The Sustainability Appraisals of the
WMRA, GOWM and AWM in                    Interim Policy Statements and Policy
September 2009 that the issues           Recommendations was undertaken
should be taken forward into the         by URSUS Consulting Limited.
new Regional Strategy through
Interim Policy Statements and
Policy Recommendations.

Development of the Interim Policy Statements
        and Policy Recommendations
The chart below outlines the key      Group on the Draft Interim Policy       To accompany the Interim
stages in the development of the      Statement for the Provision of          Policy Statements and Policy
Interim Policy Statements and         New Accommodation for Gypsies,          Recommendations, Background
Policy Recommendations.               Travellers & Travelling Showpeople      Reports have also been produced
                                      between October – November 2009,        for each of the topics considered.
In addition to public consultations   and also January – February 2010
at the Project Plan and Options                                               Copies of all the supporting material
stages, the development of            AA Consultation with West Midlands      for the Interim Policy Statements
the Interim Policy Statements         Regional Aggregates Working Party       and Policy Recommendations can
have also been informed by the        (WMRAWP) and Minerals Planning          be found on the WMRA website
following technical consultations:    Authorities on the Draft Interim        at http://www.wmra.gov.uk/
                                      Policy Statement for Sub-Regional       Planning_and_Regional_Spatial_
AA Consultation with Local            Apportionment of Aggregates             Strategy/WMRSS_Revision/
Planning Authorities and Gypsy        between December 2009 – January         WMRSS_Revision_Phase_3.aspx
and Traveller WMRSS Reference         2010, and also in February 2010

     Sustainability                                   Launch Draft                       Public
                              November 2007           Project Plan                       Consultation
     Appraisal (SA)
     Baseline Study and
     Scoping Report                                   Undertaking of
                              Ongoing Process         technical work

                                                      Strategic Authorities
                              May - Jul 2008          advise RPB
     SA + HRA of
                              June to                                                    Public
                                                      Options Consultation
                              August 2009

     SA + HRA of              September 2009          Development of Interim
     Interim Policy                                   Policy Statements and              Technical
                              - March 2010            Policy Recomendations              Consultations
                                                                                         on Interim
     and Policy
                              February 2010           Interim Policy                     Policy
                              - March 2010            Statements and Policy              Statements
                                                      Approved by Regional

                              March 2010              Submission of Interim
                                                      Policy Statements and
                                                      Policy Recomendations
                                                      to Government office for
                                                      the West Midlands

WMRSS Phase Three Revision

Interim Policy Statements

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
1. Purpose of Interim                    3. Summary of                            3.3 There are sound housing,
                                                                                  humanitarian, social and welfare
Policy Statement                         accommodation
                                                                                  reasons for increasing the supply
                                         issues for gypsies and                   of good quality Gypsy and Traveller
1.1 The West Midlands Interim Policy
                                         travellers and benefits                  sites. The benefits will be felt by
Statement has been developed
by the West Midlands Regional
                                         to be realised through                   Gypsies and Travellers, by members
Planning Body to inform the Local        increased provision                      of the settled community and by
                                                                                  local authorities. The need for
Development Framework (LDF)
                                         3.1 Gypsies and Travellers experience    enforcement action in relation to
process. The overall aim is to
                                         the worst health and education           unauthorised sites will be less,
increase existing rates of delivery on
                                         status of any disadvantaged group        and will be more straightforward, if
new pitches and plots for Gypsies,
                                         in England. Life expectancy is, for      unauthorised sites continue once
Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
                                         example, 12 years less for women         adequate provision has been made.
in the West Midlands within national
policy aimed at increasing such          and 10 years less for men than
provision (see Appendix 1).              among the settled community. In          4. Summary of
                                         2007, 7% of children of Gypsy/           accommodation issues
                                         Romany origin and 8.4% of                for travelling showpeople
2. Scope
                                         Traveller children of Irish Heritage
                                         achieved 5 or more A* to C grades
2.1 The Interim Regional Policy                                                   4.1 Travelling Showpeople are an
                                         in GCSE or equivalent exams
Statement addresses the pitch                                                     occupational group who make
                                         including English and mathematics
requirements by District for:                                                     their living running funfairs and
                                         in England compared to a national
                                                                                  circuses. Traditionally they have
                                         average of 45.4%. Research has
AA Residential pitches for Gypsies                                                travelled between engagements
                                         consistently shown a link between
and Travellers – from 2007 -2017                                                  except in winter months when they
                                         such measures of disadvantage
dealing with undersupply                                                          occupied ‘winter quarters’ where
                                         and the shortage of good quality
                                                                                  they lived, and stored, maintained
                                         Gypsy and Traveller sites.
AA Residential pitches for Gypsies                                                and tested equipment. Changing
and Travellers – from 2017 -2027                                                  patterns of trade and lifestyle mean
                                         3.2 Gypsies and Travellers without
giving indicative requirements and                                                that some Showpeople now travel
                                         an authorised pitch for their caravans
                                                                                  to more local engagements from a
                                         are homeless. Shortage of authorised
AA Transit sites of various types                                                 fixed base throughout the year or
                                         sites underlies the unauthorised
for Gypsies and Travellers.                                                       need to return to base on occasion
                                         development of sites by Gypsies
                                                                                  through the year. Some family
                                         and Travellers without planning
2.2 The needs of Travelling                                                       members are retired and again
                                         permission, and unauthorised
Showpeople are addressed on a                                                     occupy a base through the year.
                                         encampments on roadsides, car
County-wide basis or by group of         parks or other pieces of land. Such
authorities due to the low level of                                               4.2 Sites for Travelling Showpeople
                                         unauthorised sites provide uncertain
numbers involved and the wider                                                    are sometimes referred to as ‘yards’
                                         and often very poor living conditions
areas of search for this residential                                              which may be subdivided into
                                         for Gypsies and Travellers, disruption
and commercial land use.                                                          ‘plots’ each occupied by a single
                                         and anxiety for settled neighbours,
                                                                                  family with one or more trailers. A
                                         and costs to local authorities in
2.3 The Interim Policy Statement                                                  ‘plot’ is the unit of land occupied
                                         management and enforcement. They
also sets out some supporting policy                                              by a single nuclear family, and is
                                         exacerbate community tensions
to facilitate LDF production and                                                  broadly equivalent to a ‘pitch’ for
                                         and make community cohesion and
further textual advice and guidance.                                              Gypsies and Travellers. Plots and
                                         social inclusion harder to achieve.
                                                                                  yards for Travelling Showpeople
                                                                                  normally accommodate both living
                                                                                  vehicles and trade equipment

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
which has to be maintained, tested        Table 1 : Current Provision of Gypsy and Traveller Pitches and Travelling A
and stored while not in use.  The         Showpeople Plots
needs of Travelling Showpeople
are different from those of Gypsies                                           Gypsy and         Travelling
and Travellers but again a shortage        Local authority                    Traveller         Showpeople
of appropriate sites is leading to                                            Pitches           Plots
accommodation problems for                 Staffordshire & Stoke              282               13
families and sometimes to problems         Cannock Chase                      41                3
in carrying out business activities
                                           East Staffordshire                 17                -
sufficient to threaten livelihoods.
                                           Lichfield                          2                 -
                                           Newcastle-under-Lyme               17                2
5. Current levels                          South Staffordshire                83                5
of provision in the                        Stafford                           71                -
West Midlands                              Staffordshire Moorlands            1                 2
                                           Stoke-on-Trent                     50                1
5.1 In 2007, there were 1,094              Tamworth                           -                 -
authorised pitches for Gypsies             Warwickshire                       159               12
and Travellers across the region,          North Warwickshire                 21                -
mostly for residential rather than         Nuneaton & Bedworth                36                2
transit use. There were 209 plots          Rugby                              66                -
for Travelling Showpeople. Table           Stratford-on-Avon                  36                5
1 shows current provision at local         Warwick                            -                 5
authority level and demonstrates the
                                           Worcestershire                     240               56
current uneven spread of provision
                                           Bromsgrove                         18                8
for both Gypsy and Traveller pitches
                                           Malvern Hills                      20                17
and Travelling Showpeople plots.
                                           Redditch                           -                 31
                                           Worcester                          20                -
5.2 National issues of shortage of
site accommodation for Gypsies,            Wychavon                           123               -
Travellers and Travelling Showpeople       Wyre Forest                        59                -
are applicable in the West Midlands.       Birmingham, Black Country,
The sub-regional Gypsy and Traveller       Coventry & Solihull                169               108
Accommodation Assessments                  Birmingham                         10                25 (1 yard)
(GTAA’s - with a few slight corrections    Coventry                           20                -
where further evidence has been            Dudley                             27                10
provided subsequently) estimated           Sandwell                           15                13
requirements between 2007 and              Solihull                           37                -
2017 for 938 additional residential        Walsall                            20                55
and 219 additional transit pitches         Wolverhampton                      40                5
for Gypsies and Travellers. They           Herefordshire, Shropshire,
estimated requirements for an              Telford & Wrekin                   244               20
additional 118 plots for Travelling        Herefordshire                      81                -
Showpeople between 2007 and                Shropshire                         124               12
2012. These figures are further            Telford & Wrekin                   39                8
explained in the accompanying text         REGIONAL TOTAL                     1,094             209
to the Interim Policy Statement.
There is a need for a significant and
urgent increase in the provision of
sites for Gypsies and Travellers,
and for Travelling Showpeople.

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
       Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
5.3 Against this background, the aims       environmental landscape and habitat      6.4 The regional Interim Planning
of the Interim Policy Statement are:        assets, are properly applied.            Statement was led by WMRA and
                                                                                     involved close liaison with local
(i) To increase significantly the                                                   authority colleagues and a wide range
                                            6. Development of an
    number of Gypsy and Traveller                                                    of stakeholders, including direct
    pitches across the West Midlands,
                                            Interim Policy Statement                 contact with the various Travelling
    in order to address existing                                                     communities across the Region and
                                            6.1 The regional Interim Policy
    under-provision as expressed                                                     the (Travelling) ‘Showmen’s Guild
                                            Statement has developed from Phase
    in the sub-regional Gypsy                                                        of Great Britain’. The key stages
                                            3 of the Regional Spatial Strategy
    and Traveller Accommodation                                                      and activities can be summarised:
                                            Revision. The provision of sites for
    Assessments (GTAAs).
                                            Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling
                                                                                     1. Assembling an evidence base.
                                            Showpeople was one of five planning
(ii) To ensure there are sufficient                                                 2. Development of ‘Options’ for
                                            policy areas which formed the
      plots in the Region to meet                                                        new regional planning policy.
                                            WMRSS Revision Phase 3 which
      the accommodation needs                                                        3. Consultation on ‘Options’ for
                                            commenced in January 2008.
      of Travelling Showpeople.                                                          new regional planning policy.
                                                                                     4. Assessment of responses
                                            6.2 The West Midlands Regional
(iii) To ensure that all revised                                                        submitted to the WMRSS Phase
                                            Assembly (WMRA) and Government
      Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling                                                    3 Revision consultation.
                                            Office for the West Midlands (GOWM)
      Showpeople policies in the West                                                5. Development of a regional Interim
                                            decided that a ‘Preferred Option’
      Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy                                                 Policy Statement, including further
                                            developed within the former statutory
      (WMRSS), Local Development                                                         consultation with local authorities
                                            framework for Regional Planning for
      Frameworks (LDFs) and other                                                        and other stakeholders.
                                            the provision of sites for Gypsies,
      regional and sub-regional                                                      6. Endorsement and adoption of the
                                            Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
      strategies recognise, protect and                                                  regional Interim Policy Statement.
                                            would not be appropriate. However,
      ensure a traditional travelling way
                                            to ensure the avoidance of a policy
      of life for Gypsies, Travellers and                                            6.5 Appendix 2 gives further details
                                            vacuum, WMRA and GOWM agreed
      Travelling Showpeople, whilst                                                  of the activities involved in each
                                            to formulate a Regional Policy
      also respecting the interests                                                  stage. A Background Paper is also
                                            Statement, which will serve as
      of settled communities.                                                        available on the Assembly web site,
                                            planning guidance, until the ‘Strategy
                                                                                     which provides further explanation of
                                            for the West Midlands’ is confirmed.
(iv) To ensure that all Development                                                 how the ‘Options’ were developed:
      Plan Documents (DPDs)
                                            6.3 Until the Strategy for the West
      include fair, realistic and                                                    http://www.wmra.gov.uk/
                                            Midlands has been completed,
      inclusive policies in relation to                                              documents/Gypsies%20
                                            the status of this Regional A
      the accommodation needs of                                                     Travellers%20Trav%20
                                            Interim Policy Statement for
      Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling                                             Showpeople%20Background%20
                                            Provision of New Accommodation
      Showpeople and that the
                                            for Gypsies, Travellers and
      potential for Gypsies, Travellers
                                            Travelling Showpeople has been
      and Travelling Showpeople
                                            confirmed by GOWM as having
      to be evicted and thereby
                                            ‘similar weight to a submitted
      become homeless is avoided.
                                            draft WMRSS’. Discussions with
                                            the Planning Inspectorate indicate
(v) To ensure issues of sustainability,
                                            that the Statement will ‘carry
    both socially and economically
                                            weight in both Development Plan
    for Gypsy and Traveller
                                            Document (DPD) examinations
    communities and for the
                                            and Planning Inquiries’.
    protection of significant

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
7. Key messages                            and Traveller WMRSS Reference            AA In the context of such polarisation
                                           Group) this figure was subsequently      in the consultation opinions and
from the WMRSS
                                           slightly adjusted in the light of        lack of consensus on which Option
Phase Three Revision                       further evidence provided by local       was preferred, WMRA decided
consultation period                        authorities to 938 additional pitches.   to develop a further Option which
                                                                                    combined elements of each of the
7.1 In developing the Interim              AA There were fundamental and            Options consulted upon, maintaining
Policy Statement, WMRA had                 irreconcilable differences in            the commitment to delivering the
particular regard to the responses         preferences between different            full 939 (now 938) pitches by 2017,
submitted to the public consultation       categories of consultee over             and being as sensitive as possible
on Options, along with other               whether a redistributive Option is       to the effects and sustainability
comments, contributed from a               preferred. Three-quarters of Gypsy       issues attendant upon developing
range of sources, throughout the           and Traveller individual consultees      a further distributive Option.
lifetime of the Phase 3 process.           preferred the non-redistributive
                                           Option 1 (so that family links could     7.3 Key messages from the
7.2 Key messages from the                  be retained) while the majority of       Options Consultation process
Options consultation process in            other consultees preferred one of the    in regards to additional transit
regards to additional Residential          redistributive Options to widen areas    pitches for Gypsies and
pitches for Gypsies and                    of provision and share ‘the burden’.     Travellers were as follows:
Travellers were as follows:
                                           AA 7 out of 10 local authorities         AA Opinions differed on whether the
AA Opinions differed on whether the                                                 total transit pitch requirements (244)
                                           preferred a redistributive Option,
total residential pitch requirements       but this was split between Option        would meet the accommodation
(939 at the time of the Options            2 (partly influenced by planning         needs of Gypsies and Travellers. 39%
Consultation - summer 2009)                opportunities and constraints),          thought the figure was about right,
for Gypsies and Travellers were            Option 3 (redistribution to provide      28% thought it was too low, 17%
appropriate. 26% agreed with the           a minimum of 14 additional pitches       that it was too high, and 17% made
figure, 31% thought it was too             in every local authority area), and      some other comment. Gypsy and
low, 30% that it was too high, and         a view that none of the Options          Traveller individuals were most likely
13% made some other comment.               was sufficiently redistributive.         to think the figures too low. Many
Gypsy and Traveller individuals were                                                of those who thought residential
most likely to think the figures too                                                pitch requirements too high also
                                           AA There was no consensus
low on the basis of their own and                                                   thought transit requirements were
                                           between local authorities across
their children’s experiences. District                                              too high. Shropshire, Herefordshire
                                           the Region or within sub-regions
and Parish Councils from across                                                     and Birmingham authorities later
                                           on the preferred Option.
the Region, but particularly from                                                   adduced evidence that figures
Staffordshire, were most likely to think                                            for transit pitch requirements
                                           AA The Options preferred by local
the figures too high arguing that they                                              had been interpreted too high
                                           authorities were incompatible with
may be based on aspirations rather                                                  because of misunderstandings of
                                           achieving the regional total of 939
than need for site accommodation.                                                   the GTAA findings. Amendments
                                           (now 938) additional residential
                                           pitches to be provided. Most local       to redress these gave an
AA In the context of such very diverse                                              adjusted total transit pitch
                                           authority consultees preferred the
responses, WMRA decided to                                                          requirement of 219 pitches.
                                           Option which gave their authority
retain the 939 additional residential
                                           the lowest additional requirement.
pitches as the planning total for                                                   AA A single geographical distribution
                                           Combining preferred Options would
the Region since it was based                                                       of transit provision was consulted
                                           have had the effect of lowering
on the local authorities’ Gypsy                                                     on, based on the findings of the
                                           the regional total by up to 20%
and Traveller Accommodation                                                         sub-regional Gypsy and Traveller
                                           which was unacceptable as it
Assessments. Following the                                                          Accommodation Assessments.
                                           would not meet evidenced need.
November 2009 consultation (with                                                    35% of consultees thought that
local authorities and the Gypsy                                                     this distribution would meet the

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
accommodation needs of Gypsies            with the wishes of the Travelling        relieve pressure on some authorities
and Travellers; 52% thought that          Showpeople community and                 and make equitable redistributions
it would not and 14% were not             metropolitan authorities. 21%            of pitch requirements in the most
sure. Reasons for thinking the            favoured Option 2 as widening            pressured Warwickshire sub-region.
distribution would not meet needs         potential choice, and 25% did
included the need for a more even         not indicate a preferred Option          9. Interim Regional Policy
spread across the region, fear            but made a comment.
of over-provision in some areas
and need for greater provision in         AA The Options for Travelling
                                                                                   Policy 1 - Residential
metropolitan and urban areas.             Showpeople were expressed on a           Pitches for Gypsies and
                                          County basis rather than at District     Travellers 2007 – 2017
AA In view of the range and               level. 60% of consultees agreed with
balance of opinion, the regional          this approach; 19% disagreed and         9.1 In view of the work undertaken
Interim Policy Statement retains          21% expressed no preference.             by the West Midlands Regional
the geographical distribution                                                      Planning Body, as part of WMRSS
of transit pitches as that                AA WMRA consider that the                Phase 3 Revision process, the
which was consulted upon.                 consultation response justifies          Options Consultation and further
This distribution was based               the regional figure of 118               consultation on a Draft Interim
upon the Gypsy and Traveller              additional plots for Travelling          Regional Policy Statement, the
Accommodation Assessments                 Showpeople, and that these               Interim Regional Policy recommends
undertaken by local authorities           should be distributed on a County        the delivery of the following level
and represents the best and               basis according to Option 1 –            of new accommodation:
most robust evidence available.           need where it arises as evidenced
                                          by the Gypsy and Traveller
7.4 Key messages from the Options         Accommodation Assessments.                Policy 1: Pitch Requirements
Consultation process in regards                                                     for Gypsies and
to additional plots for Travelling                                                  Travellers, 2007 – 2017
                                          8. Further consultation
Showpeople were as follows:
                                                                                    660 additional Residential pitches
                                          8.1 Further consultation was              required between 2007-2012
AA There was more agreement               undertaken in November 2009 with
amongst those responding to               local authorities, other stakeholders
the consultation that the number                                                    278 additional Residential pitches
                                          and the Gypsy and Traveller               required between 2012-2017
of plots allocated for Travelling         Reference Group on a draft of the
Showpeople (118) during the five          Interim Policy Statement. A note
year period 2007-2012 will meet                                                     224 additional Transit pitches
                                          summarising representations and           between 2007-2017
these accommodation needs.                the WMRA response is available
65% of consultees agreed that it          at: http://www.wmra.gov.uk/
would, 18% said that it would not         Planning_and_Regional_Spatial_
and 17% were unsure but made              Strategy/WMRSS_Revision/
a comment. Many of those not              WMRSS_Revision_Phase_3.aspx.
agreeing with the figures questioned
the validity of the Gypsy and Traveller   8.2 All representations were carefully
Accommodation Assessments as a            considered and taken into account
basis for predicting need, but failed     where possible. In particular,
to provide alternative evidence.          evidenced amendments to GTAAs’
                                          findings on current pitch provision
AA The majority of consultees (54%)       figures and requirements were
favoured Option 1 as being in line        incorporated. Efforts were made to

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
9.2 At a District level the proposed allocation of additional    9.3 Appendix 3 sets out for
residential pitches for Gypsies and Travellers is:               each local authority its pitch
                                                                 requirement on the basis of need
Policy 1: Local Authority Allocation of Additional Residential   where it arises (Consultation
Pitches for Gypsies and Travellers 2007 – 2017                   Option 1) and its proposed
                                                                 requirement for provision in this
 Local Authority                         Allocation 2007-2017    Interim Policy Statement. The
 Staffordshire & Stoke:                                          final column explains derivation
 Cannock Chase                           35 pitches              of the proposed figure.
 East Staffordshire                      15 pitches
 Lichfield                               14 pitches
 Newcastle-under-Lyme                    20 pitches
 South Staffordshire                     42 pitches
 Stafford                                37 pitches              9.4 The principles underlying
 Staffordshire Moorlands                 2 pitches               the proposed allocations are:
 Stoke-on-Trent                          40 pitches
 Tamworth                                10 pitches              AA The regional total of 938 additional
 Warwickshire:                                                   pitches 2007-2017, based on the
 North Warwickshire                      16 pitches              GTAAs amended in the light of
 Nuneaton & Bedworth                     29 pitches              subsequent evidence from local
 Rugby                                   42 pitches              authorities, is to be achieved.
 Stratford-on-Avon                       42 pitches
 Warwick                                 23 pitches              AA There is a need to take a strategic
 Worcestershire:                                                 view across local authorities in
 Bromsgrove                              14 pitches              accordance with Circular 1/2006, and
 Malvern Hills                           33 pitches              not simply to develop strategy just on
 Redditch                                14 pitches              the views of the individual authorities
 Worcester                               22 pitches              themselves taken in isolation.
 Wychavon                                42 pitches
 Wyre Forest                             42 pitches              AA ‘Need where it arises’ (Option
 Birmingham, Black Country,                                      1 in the public consultation) as
 Coventry & Solihull                                             estimated by the region’s GTAAs was
 Birmingham                              19 pitches
                                                                 the starting point. This is in accord
 Coventry                                15 pitches
                                                                 with Gypsy and Traveller community
 Dudley                                  23 pitches
                                                                 wishes and those of some authorities,
 Sandwell                                5 pitches
                                                                 as expressed in the consultation.
 Solihull                                28 pitches
 Walsall                                 39 pitches
                                                                 AA A limited redistribution of pitches
 Wolverhampton                           36 pitches
 Herefordshire, Shropshire,                                      was undertaken to reduce the
 Telford & Wrekin                                                number of additional pitches to
 Herefordshire                           109 pitches             be provided in some Districts
 Shropshire                              93 pitches              where Option 1 requirements
 Telford & Wrekin                        37 pitches              were particularly high. The primary
 REGIONAL TOTAL                          938 pitches             objective was where possible, to
                                                                 increase deliverability by reducing the
                                                                 task for Districts which had already
                                                                 made significant provision. An ideal
                                                                 maximum additional requirement
                                                                 was set at 42 pitches, three times
                                                                 the figure 14 which was used as
                                                                 a minimum pitch requirement (for
                                                                 a local authority area though

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
not necessarily all on one site) in        AA South Staffordshire: South            Coventry, North Warwickshire and
consultation Option 3 as a minimum         Staffordshire has 8 pitches in excess    Tamworth. Diversions were primarily
sustainable Gypsy and Traveller            of the 42 threshold. These have          determined by proximity and/or
community to recognise family links        been shared between Lichfield,           accessibility along the A5 route
and avoid isolation. Appendix 4            Sandwell and Telford & Wrekin            which formed the underlying rational
provides further information on the        as the geographically closest            for the Local Authorities’ GTAA in
derivation of the 14 pitch minimum         areas with either low need where         this area. Diversions in excess of 3
and 42 pitch maximum premises.             it arises requirements or high           pitches to Warwick, Coventry and
                                           capacity evidenced by the extent         North Warwickshire were made on
AA In order to maintain the regional       of unconstrained land. Individually,     the grounds of current provision
total of 938 pitches, redistribution       the increased allocations were small     and ‘needs where they arise’
obviously requires additional pitches      and never exceeded 3 pitches.            requirements which are low relative
to be provided in some other               Pitch allocations in Cannock Chase,      to other authorities in this sub-
Districts. Thus a decrease in any          Stafford, Wolverhampton and Walsall      region. The allocation to Nuneaton
local authority area’s allocation had      were not increased despite their         & Bedworth was not increased
to be balanced by an increase in           proximity to South Staffordshire         because it has the highest current
provision in other local authorities       because of their relatively high         provision and requirements among
nearby. This was done on a case            current provision and need where it      potential ‘importers’ of pitches.
by case basis, aiming to ‘divert’          arises requirements. In addition, the
pitches over as short a distance           Habitats Regulations Assessment of       Policy 2 - Residential
as possible while at the same time         the draft Policy Statement highlighted
                                                                                    Pitches for Gypsies and
increasing choice for Gypsies and          the sensitivity of Cannock Chase
Travellers by raising provision in         as a significant European site.          Travellers beyond 2017
some Districts with low requirements
under consultation Option 1 (need          AA Wychavon and Wyre Forest:              Policy 2: Pitch Requirements
where identified in the GTAA)              together these authorities had            beyond 2017
                                           requirements 26 pitches in
9.5 Given West Midlands geography          excess of the 42 pitch maximum.           A co-ordinated review of
and the current pattern of provision       Requirements were diverted from           sub-regional GTAAs should
for Gypsies and Travellers, these          Wychavon to adjoining Bromsgrove          be undertaken no later than
principles played out differently          and Redditch, both of which have          2015 or sooner if refreshed
in different sub-regions, and              very low current provision and            evidence is agreed by the
the distribution of pitches in the         need where it arises requirements.        Responsible Regional
Interim Policy Statement reflects          In both instances the allocation          Authorities to be required
necessary pragmatic decisions to           achieves the 14 pitch threshold           from the local authorities to
balance often conflicting factors.         set for a sustainable community.          inform the Strategy for the
Local authorities with a need where        Two pitches were diverted from            West Midlands (Regional
it arises requirement of over 42           Wyre Forest to Dudley primarily           Strategy). In the meantime
pitches form four sub-regions:             on the grounds of geographical            Local Planning Authorities are
                                           proximity, easing the sub regional        expected to use the indicative
AA Shropshire and Herefordshire:           pressure with only marginal impact        figures in Table 1 below to
both unitary authorities have relatively   on adjoining authority areas.             provide a basis for planning
high current provision and need                                                      for pitch provision beyond
where it arises requirements. There        AA Rugby and Stratford on Avon:           2017 if fresh GTAA evidence
was no redistribution because              together these authorities had            has yet to be established.
of the large spatial size of these         requirements 34 in excess of the 42
authorities and the extent of              pitch threshold. Pitches were diverted
unconstrained land available.              to Redditch, Solihull, Warwick,

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
     Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
Table 2 : Indicative Requirements for Residential                   9.6 In the absence of new GTAA
Pitches for Gypsies and Travellers Beyond 2017.                     evidence and subject to further
                                                                    higher level strategic policy which
                                   Indicative requirements          may subsequently be approved
 Local Authority                   2017-2022           2022-2027    or come into force, local planning
 Staffordshire & Stoke             77 pitches          89 pitches   authorities are expected to use the
 Cannock Chase                     13 pitches          15 pitches   indicative figures in Table 2 post
 East Staffordshire                5 pitches           6 pitches    2017, so that provision will be made
 Lichfield                         5 pitches           6 pitches    across the region. This is based upon
 Newcastle-under-Lyme              7 pitches           8 pitches    an anticipated household growth
 South Staffordshire               15 pitches          17 pitches   which is an annual 3% compound
 Stafford                          13 pitches          15 pitches   increase in the level of residential
 Staffordshire Moorlands           1 pitches           1 pitches    pitch provision for Gypsies and
 Stoke-on-Trent                    14 pitches          17 pitches   Travellers, assuming the back log of
 Tamworth                          4 pitches           4 pitches    provision has been made by 2017.
 Warwickshire                      54 pitches          63 pitches
 North Warwickshire                6 pitches           7 pitches    9.7 Indicative additional pitch
 Nuneaton & Bedworth               10 pitches          12 pitches   allocations 2017-2022 and 2022-
 Rugby                             15 pitches          17 pitches   2027 at District Level, assuming
 Stratford-on-Avon                 15 pitches          17 pitches   that each District will take a similar
 Warwick                           8 pitches           10 pitches   proportion of the regional total as in
 Worcestershire                    60 pitches          69 pitches   2007-2017, are outlined in Table 2.
 Bromsgrove                        5 pitches           6 pitches
 Malvern Hills                     12 pitches          14 pitches   Policy 3 - Transit Pitch
 Redditch                          5 pitches           6 pitches    Provision for Gypsies
 Worcester                         8 pitches           9 pitches    and Travellers
 Wychavon                          15 pitches          17 pitches
 Wyre Forest                       15 pitches          17 pitches   9.8 For the purposes of this regional
 Birmingham, Black Country,                                         Interim Policy Statement, transit
 Coventry & Solihull               59 pitches         68 pitches    pitches are identified as any type
 Birmingham                        7 pitches          8 pitches     of accommodation which meets
 Coventry                          5 pitches          6 pitches     the needs of Gypsies and Travellers
 Dudley                            8 pitches          9 pitches     on a temporary basis, for example
 Sandwell                          2 pitches          2 pitches     a formal transit site, an informal
 Solihull                          10 pitches         12 pitches    stopping-place or designated location
 Walsall                           14 pitches         16 pitches    to address seasonal demands or
                                                                    instances of emergency. A wide
 Wolverhampton                     13 pitches         15 pitches
                                                                    range of transit provision is required
 Herefordshire, Shropshire,
                                                                    in the West Midlands, to facilitate
 Telford & Wrekin                  85 pitches         99 pitches
                                                                    movement both around and through
 Herefordshire                     39 pitches         45 pitches
                                                                    the Region reflecting the culture and
 Shropshire                        33 pitches         39 pitches
                                                                    lifestyle of Gypsies and Travellers.
 Telford & Wrekin                  13 pitches         15 pitches
 REGIONAL TOTAL                    335 pitches        388 pitches

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
9.9 The proposed District allocation for additional transit pitches for Gypsies   Justification
and Travellers is:
                                                                                  9.10 Following the public
Policy 3: Local Authority Allocation of Additional Transit Pitches for            consultation, the proposed provision
Gypsies and Travellers 2007 – 2017.                                               in this regional Interim Policy
 Local Authority                        Allocation 2007 - 2017                    Statement for additional transit
 Staffordshire & Stoke                  44 pitches                                pitches for Gypsies and Travellers,
 Cannock Chase                          5 pitches                                 2007-2017 was directly based on
 East Staffordshire                     5 pitches                                 the findings of the sub-regional
 Lichfield                              5 pitches                                 GTAAs, amended for evidence
 Newcastle-under-Lyme                   5 pitches                                 provided by local authorities through
 South Staffordshire                    5 pitches                                 consultation. These determined both
 Stafford                               2 pitches                                 the regional pitch total, the allocation
 Staffordshire Moorlands                2 pitches
                                                                                  between County groups and the
 Stoke-on-Trent                         10 pitches
                                                                                  indicative allocations to Districts.
 Tamworth                               5 pitches
 Warwickshire                           40 pitches
 North Warwickshire                     5 pitches                                 Further Advice
 Nuneaton & Bedworth                    5 pitches                                 and Guidance
 Rugby                                  5 pitches
 Stratford-on-Avon                      10 pitches                                9.11 To facilitate movement around
 Warwick                                15 pitches                                and through the West Midlands,
 Worcestershire                         68 pitches                                all authorities are encouraged
 Bromsgrove                             0 pitches                                 to contribute to the creation of
 Malvern Hills                          10 pitches                                a ‘Transitory Network’. Since
 Redditch                               18 pitches                                unauthorised encampments can
 Worcester                              20 pitches                                occur anywhere and the resulting
 Wychavon                               20 pitches                                tensions can best be resolved
 Wyre Forest                            0 pitches
                                                                                  through a collaborative response,
 Birmingham, Coventry
                                                                                  this includes those authorities where
 & Solihull                             20 pitches
                                                                                  the GTAA has identified nil need.
 Birmingham                             10 pitches
 Coventry                               5 pitches
 Solihull                               5 pitches                                 9.12 Each District will be expected
 Black Country                          12 pitches                                to identify locations to deliver
 Dudley                                 3 pitches                                 the number of additional Transit
 Sandwell                               3 pitches                                 pitches identified. However, whilst
 Walsall                                3 pitches                                 indicative pitch numbers are
 Wolverhampton                          3 pitches                                 allocated on a District basis, it is
 Herefordshire, Shropshire,                                                       hoped that joint working between
 Telford & Wrekin                       40 pitches                                local authorities will enable the
 Herefordshire                          5 pitches                                 identification of suitable sites over a
 Shropshire                             20 pitches                                wider geographical area and thereby
 Telford & Wrekin                       10 pitches                                contribute to speedier delivery.
 REGIONAL TOTAL:                        219 pitches

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
Policy 4 - Identification of Residential and Transit Sites for
Gypsies and Travellers and the LDF Process

 Policy 4 : Identification of Sites / LDF Process:
 a) Local Development Frameworks – each Local Planning Authority (LPA) should identify the location
 of specific sites within their Development Plan Documents (DPD's), to ensure the requirements set out
 in the regional Interim Policy Statement (see ODPM Circular 01/2006) are met. These locations must
 be attractive to Gypsies and Travellers and take into account factors such as: impacts on significant
 environmental assets, access to the highways network and key services, any local evidence in relation
 to unauthorised encampments and historical patterns of travel and annual events. Where joint LDFs are
 prepared, the distribution of pitch numbers between authorities can be adjusted, where appropriate.

 b) Criteria-based Policies – criteria-based policies can accompany site allocations in DPDs but these should be
 supplementary only, with primary significance given to meeting the pitch numbers in the above Policies. A criteria
 based supplementary policy must be fair, reasonable, realistic and should not place undue constraints on the
 development of Gypsy and Traveller sites.

 c) Identification of a Range of Sites – each LPA is encouraged to identify a range of sites within their DPDs,
 which will meet the variety of accommodation needs, required by Gypsies and Travellers. Specifically:

 i. the allocation of small sites is particularly recommended to facilitate the delivery of private family sites, together with
 larger allocations to deliver publicly owned and run sites.

 ii. the allocation of land to meet the specific accommodation needs of New Travellers should also be made within
 DPDs where locationally required.

 iii. both stopping places and more formal transit sites, which offer a range of basic services will be required.
 Where formal transit sites are required (as identified in the GTAAs) LPAs are encouraged to prioritise the delivery
 of these in order to directly address travelling patterns or repeated incidence of roadside encampments.

 d) Consultation with Travelling communities -LPAs are expected to consult with the Travelling communities within
 their respective areas, as part of their LDF process, to determine the most appropriate type of sites which will best
 meet their needs.

 e) Rate of Delivery – LPAs should endeavour to actively promote policies and practices which encourage
 applications for new accommodation and prioritise addressing the existing backlog of need. LPAs may choose
 to take individual action or work in partnership with local Registered Providers (RPs) or Private providers but it is
 important that positive progress is made at regular stages and will be subject to a regular monitoring regime.

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
Policy 5 - Plots for Travelling Showpeople
9.13 At a County level the proposed allocation of additional Plots for Travelling Showpeople is:

Policy 5: Allocation of Additional Plots by County and Local Authority Grouping for A
Travelling Showpeople 2007 - 2012

 County                                                                               Allocation 2007 – 12
 Shropshire, Herefordshire and Telford & Wrekin                                       9 Plots
 Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent                                                     23 Plots
 Warwickshire                                                                         1 Plot
 Worcestershire                                                                       22 Plots
 Birmingham, Black Country, Coventry & Solihull*                                      63 Plots
 REGIONAL TOTAL:                                                                      118 Plots
 * As at Jan 2010, 30 of these plots were required for the relocation and
 expansion of an existing funfair operator in Birmingham. As the operator’s area
 of search extends south beyond the conurbation, provision could be made
 elsewhere e.g. within Warwickshire, if a suitable site were to be required and
 identified. Please note Policy 6 (b) below.

Justification                             sub-regional GTAAs. These                  well as more traditional concerns
                                          determined both the regional pitch         of housing needs. Consequently,
9.14 The regional Interim Policy          total and the allocation between           when allocating land for new plots/
Statement considered additional plot      Counties and groups of authorities.        yards, both accommodation needs
requirements at County level rather                                                  and commercial requirements
than at District level because of         AA In its response to the WMRSS            should be taken into account.  In
the problems of allocating relatively     Phase 3 Options consultation,              circumstances where a part yard
small plot numbers between Districts      the West Midlands Branch of                or whole yard (a collection of
for a group who often have a wide         the Showmen’s Guild supported              plots) relocation is required, LPAs
area of search and must satisfy           Option 1, to distribute additional         should acknowledge that this may
commercial as well as residential         plots upon the basis of ‘Need              result in significant geographical
criteria when developing sites.           Where It Arises’ and subsequently          movement across the Region.
                                          expressed its agreement with the
AA The time period is 2007-2012           draft Interim Policy Statement.
because of difficulties in predicting
requirements over a longer period in
a changing occupational market.           Identification of Sites in
                                          Relation to Commercial
AA Following the Options consultation,
the WMRA proposed provision in
the regional Interim Policy Statement
                                          9.15 The accommodation needs of
for additional plots for Travelling
                                          Travelling Showpeople are influenced
Showpeople, 2007-2012, directly
                                          by economic considerations as
based on the findings of the

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
Policy 6 - Identification of Residential and Transit Sites for
Gypsies and Travellers and the LDF Process
 Policy 6 : Supporting Travelling Showpeople Policy

 a) Identification of Sites – LPAs should allocate sufficient sites within their Local Development Frameworks, to
 address the level of need identified within the Interim Regional Statement after discussion with this business sector’s
 representatives and neighbouring authorities to ensure relevant, sensitive and appropriate allocations of plots.

 b) Relocation - By working collaboratively, LPAs should address any individual cases for re-location as they arise,
 which will not only meet the needs of the Travelling Showpeople communities concerned but also bring economic
 benefits for the individual local authorities affected and the wider regional economy overall. Relocation requirements
 should be justified, and clear mechanisms and criteria, including planning constraints, for identifying any necessary
 alternative site(s) need to be set out.

 c) Relocation - Where such a relocation is required between local authority areas, the resultant change
 overrides the plot numbers given in Policy 5. Annual Monitoring will track any such adjustments.

 d) To ensure all allocations are appropriate, in terms of size (to meet both residential and commercial needs), design
 and location (to facilitate ease of movement by large vehicles from the yard to the Highways network), it is
 recommended that the guidelines produced by Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain are referred to in assessing site
 capacity and scheme design.

 Active Dialogue with the West Midlands Branch of the Showmen’s Guild – to enable the delivery of new
 Travelling Showpeople plots / yards it is essential that LPAs develop an effective channel of communication with the
 Travelling Showpeople communities within their areas and those of neighbouring areas. The Showmen’s Guild holds
 specific knowledge as to the accommodation requirements of Showpeople, which should be beneficial in enabling
 delivery and meeting need.

Plot Requirement for Travelling Showpeople beyond 2012
9.16 An annual growth rate of 1.5% compound should be assumed beyond 2012 based on plot requirements at the start
of the period. At regional level this produces an indicative estimate of between 25 and 30 additional residential plots each
five year period beyond 2012.

Policy 7 - Supplementary Policy to Facilitate Delivery
of the Interim Regional Policy Statement
 Policy 7 : Supplementary Policy for Gypsy, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation

 Consultation and Active Dialogue with Travelling communities – to enable the identification of suitable sites, LPAs or
 groups of authorities are encouraged to open an active dialogue with the Travelling communities within their areas,
 to obtain a better understanding of their patterns of residence, travel and lifestyle. Local authority support for the
 establishment of local / sub-regional forums or networks would be helpful in terms of improving the capacity of
 individual Gypsy and Travellers and organisations to contribute to the debate around new accommodation and foster a
 more inclusive approach to Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople issues overall.

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
Design and Size of Sites                   9.20 A figure of 14 pitches – not all       Maintenance of Sites
                                           necessarily in the same place – has
                                           been identified in the Interim Policy
9.17 It is essential that Development                                                  9.23 As additional accommodation
                                           Statement as an approximation to
Control understands the specific                                                       will only be delivered as result of
                                           an ideal minimum provision at the
needs and issues involved in new                                                       the input of a considerable range
                                           District level to facilitate the creation
site/yard delivery. When considering                                                   of resources, it is essential that
                                           of sustainable communities and
site design, Development Control                                                       good quality accommodation is
                                           guard against potential isolation.
policy and processes should                                                            retained. Effective management
                                           However, it is recognised that
refer to the guidance produced                                                         and maintenance arrangements
                                           individual sites may be much
by both Communities Local                                                              should be put in place as a
                                           smaller or larger, as determined
Government (CLG) and the Homes                                                         condition of new and refurbished
                                           by local requirements, and that an
and Communities Agency (HCA),                                                          pitch provision to ensure that sites
                                           allocation of 14 pitches does not
along with any examples of Best                                                        do not fall into disrepair, leading to
                                           have to be met in one location.
Practice from within the West                                                          abandonment and loss of provision.
Midlands and from other Regions,
and, importantly, any advice               Enabling of both Private                    Role of the Homes and
obtained through consultation with         and Public Sites                            Communities Agency
local Travelling communities.
                                           9.21 LPAs are encouraged to actively        9.24 The Homes and Communities
9.18 Those preparing the design            enable the delivery of both public          Agency (HCA) administers the
and layout of sites and preparing          and private provision for Gypsies           Gypsy and Traveller Site Grant
planning applications for Gypsy            and Travellers. Whilst it is anticipated    Programme which provides public
and Traveller accommodation                that half or more of the additional         funding for the delivery of new
should consult the Police and Fire         pitch requirements will be met by           and refurbished accommodation
Services for their advice, expertise       Gypsies and Travellers themselves,          by local authorities, RSLs and
and experience in ensuring the             is it is essential that public provision    Registered Providers. The HCA
consistent delivery of high design         is facilitated to meet the needs            will use the ‘Single Conversation’
standards across the West Midlands.        of the more vulnerable sections             process to discuss the delivery of
                                           of the Travelling communities,              new accommodation for Gypsies,
9.19 LPAs should acknowledge the           including the elderly, young people         Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
diversity and complexity of the range      and those with health issues.               with each local authority and thereby
of communities that are encapsulated                                                   ensure that this element of housing
within overall Gypsy and Traveller         9.22 It is likely that most new             need is not left unaddressed.
communities, which necessitates a          provision for Travelling Showpeople
variety of site layouts. For example,      will be privately funded, but in
some sites for New Travellers may be       view of the prevailing economic
quite informal in design and may not       circumstances this assumption
feature all standard facilities, whereas   should be kept under regular
some sites for other Gypsies and           review. Any emerging evidence
Travellers may require additional land     of an increasing inability to
in order to accommodate animals            make self-provision should be
and/or commercial activities.              investigated to see whether public
                                           support can be made available.

Provision of New Accommodation for Gypsies,
      Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
9.25 Consequently, local authorities      The Green Belt                            Joint Working / Cross-
are encouraged to consider
                                                                                    Boundary Working
developing bids to the Grant              9.27 ODPM Circular 01/2006
programme and to seek advice              acknowledges the difficulties that        9.28 It is recognised that the
from the HCA, the Assembly (or            many rural authorities face in            delivery of additional pitches and
its successor body) and GOWM,             terms of the supply of affordable         plots will be challenging for many
where appropriate. Examples of            land to meet the accommodation            local authorities and it is therefore
innovation in delivery are particularly   needs of Gypsies and Travellers.          suggested that a collaborative
encouraged, with creative partnership     Consequently, while development           approach may benefit some of the
arrangements between local                within the Green Belt is normally         issues involved. The delivery of
authorities, RSLs and Registered          inappropriate, authorities in this        new accommodation for Gypsies,
Providers, and Gypsy and Traveller        situation should consider including       Travellers and Travelling Showpeople
communities. Proposals for                a ‘Rural Exception Policy’ in their       must be seen within the wider
shared-ownership or self-build            DPDs and bear in mind the possibility     agendas of community cohesion and
schemes may be suggested.                 of adjustments to Green Belt              social inclusion. Local authorities are
                                          boundaries which can be made in           encouraged to consider undertaking
9.26 Local authorities are also           exceptional circumstances for the         community development work
asked to encourage the provision          provision of Gypsy and Traveller sites.   to secure improved community
of sites through private funds, such
                                                                                    understanding of the issues
as private developer contributions
                                                                                    involved and to develop local
and Gypsy and Traveller pitch
                                                                                    leadership in order to drive forward
provision within new large-scale
                                                                                    a sustainable pattern of delivery.
residential developments.

                                                                                    9.29 Progress on the delivery of new
                                                                                    accommodation by each LPA will
                                                                                    be monitored through the Annual
                                                                                    Monitoring Report (AMR). The HCA
                                                                                    will be partners with the regional
                                                                                    bodies monitoring this and will include
                                                                                    the results in its Single Conversation
                                                                                    work with local authorities.

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