Inspire - Hospitals of Regina Foundation

Page created by Hazel Dean
Inspire - Hospitals of Regina Foundation
DS - HRF Spring Newsletter, Proof #4, April 26, 2022.qxp_Layout 1 2022-04-26 1:53 PM Page 1

       S P R I N G      2 0 2 2                                                    STORIES                FROM OUR COMMUNIT Y

        A Tense Beginning Leads to Seven Years (and counting)
      Of Good Luck for Regina Family
                                                                                                           can be very scary. Fortunately, the
                                                                                                           medical staff was fantastic, taking the
                                                                                                           time to answer all our questions and
                                                                                                           calm our nerves. That helped a lot.”

                                                                                                           Terra stayed in the Special Care Nursery
                                                                                                           for ten days, until her doctor decided she
                                                                                                           had grown strong enough to go home.
                                                                                                           Today, she’s healthy and strong, living
                                                                                                           the life of a typical seven-year-old. She’s
                                                                                                           doing very well in school, and enjoys
                                                                                                           activities including gymnastics and
                                                                                                           swimming lessons.

        Terra Bucsis (left) and her younger sister                                                         “Our family is just so grateful for the
                                                                                                           Rawlco Centre for Mother Baby Care.”
                                                                                                           Amy says. “I can’t even imagine how
         In April of 2014, Amy Bucsis’ pregnancy         Tiny Terra arrived in the world weighing          stressful it would have been to have to
         was going according to plan. At least it        a bit under 4.5 pounds. Amy and Russ              travel further away. We’re also thankful
         was, until Amy’s doctor told her the baby       spent a few moments with her before she           for all of the Hospitals of Regina
         needed to be delivered by C-section two         was taken by the medical team to our              Foundation donors. Their support gives
         and a half weeks ahead of her due date.         Special Care Nursery, a part of our               our medical teams access to the best
         Fortunately, Amy and her husband Russ           NICU for babies who are still premature           available technology and equipment,
         had our world-class medical team in the         but need less critical care.                      which is literally saving lives.”
         Rawlco Centre for Mother Baby Care at
         Regina’s General Hospital (RGH) to              “Terra’s situation wasn’t necessarily a           “Stories like Terra’s bring home the
         count on.                                       matter of life and death,” Amy                    importance of investing in pediatric units
                                                         acknowledges. “However, when it’s your            like the Rawlco Centre for Mother Baby
         “During a routine ultrasound on April 8,        first child, and she is so small and frail, it    Care,” says Dino Sophocleous, president
         they explained to me that my baby wasn’t                                                          and CEO Hospitals of Regina
         moving much.” says Amy. “She had                                                                  Foundation. “We are committed to
         stopped growing and she needed to be                                                              ensuring babies from southern
         delivered ASAP. The next day, I was at                                                            Saskatchewan and their families have
         RGH and Terra was born by C-section a                                                             access to the best possible care, right here
         short time later.”                                                                                at home, when they need it the most.”
Inspire - Hospitals of Regina Foundation
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       Inspire                                  S P R I N G    2 0 2 2

                                                         yssen Mining
                                                         Supports Local
         Luna Weimer, cancer survivor
                                                         Children’s Cancer Care
         As a leader in underground mine                                                              Regina’s new children’s cancer clinic will
        contracting with projects all across North                                                    be built beside our pediatric inpatient
        America, you may be surprised to know                                                         unit at Regina General Hospital and will
        that Thyssen Mining Construction of                   We are thrilled to announce             help families from all over the southern
        Canada has called Regina home since the               that Thyssen Mining has made            half of the province. It will include a
        1960s and has deep roots here. With over              a five year commitment to help          family-friendly reception area and six
        100 local employees and over 1,000                    our efforts to keep kids health         infusion bays in an open environment
        employees across North America,                       care local” says Jessica Rawn,          for the delivery of chemotherapy or other
        Thyssen Mining supports many                          director, development at                treatments. The infusion bays will have a
        organizations and volunteer groups,                   Hospitals of Regina                     clear line of site to the nurse’s station for
        helping them to build strong                          Foundation. “Their pledge of            careful monitoring of the children. The
        communities. Working with local                       $100,000 will help us invest in         clinic will also provide coordinated
        organizations, Thyssen Mining seeks to                a new children’s cancer clinic          follow up care. An estimated two-thirds
        create a positive impact where their                  at Regina General Hospital.             of childhood cancer survivors will have at
        employees work and live.                                                                      least one chronic or long-term side effect
                                                                                                      from their cancer treatment. This usually
        Thyssen Mining has supported Hospitals                                                        means regular monitoring by pediatric
        of Regina Foundation since 1988,                Last year, 28 children from southern          specialists. The whole family will benefit
        helping the Foundation invest in our            Saskatchewan were diagnosed with              from a welcoming and coordinated
        hospitals so patients can continue to           cancer and 160 were actively receiving        approach to supporting their child as
        receive the best local care possible.           cancer treatment or follow up care.           they battle their illness.

        “This year, we are thrilled to announce         Childhood cancer is relatively rare, but
        that Thyssen Mining has made a five year        when it happens it can be life-
        commitment to help our efforts to keep          threatening. During what is a scary time
        kids health care local” says Jessica Rawn,      for children and parents alike, being close
        director, development at Hospitals of           to home while receiving treatment is of
        Regina Foundation. “Their pledge of             paramount importance!
        $100,000 will help us invest in a new
        children’s cancer clinic at Regina General

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                                                                                      S P R I N G   2 0 2 2   Inspire
        Keeping up with the Jones - Regina Couple
        Invests in Health Care for the Future
        To call Ron and Lovella Jones
        community-minded is a bit of an
        understatement. If you’ve attended a
        major sporting event in Regina in recent
        years, chances are you’ve crossed paths
        with one, or both members of this
        dynamic duo.

        Ron and Lovella regularly greet visitors
        at Mosaic Stadium in their roles as
        Game Day Volunteer Managers for the
        Saskatchewan Roughriders. They also
        volunteer for the Regina Thunder
        football team. Their spirit of
        volunteerism extends to hockey, curling,
        golf, the annual Queen City Marathon
        and the Saskatchewan Winter Games.
        With Regina hosting the Grey Cup in
        2022, you can expect to see them                 Ron & Lovella Jones at Regina Pats game
        throughout that week as part of the
        festival planning committee. Their
        community spirit also extends to the            community. That was definitely a factor         “Choosing to leave a legacy gift in your
        health care sector, through their support       in our decision-making.”                        Will is a deeply personal decision,”
        of Hospitals of Regina Foundation.                                                              Lovella states. “We would certainly
                                                        Ron and Lovella felt their gift to              encourage anyone to support an
        “We retired four years ago, and were            Hospitals of Regina Foundation gave             organization that aligns with their own
        updating our wills recently,” Ron               them the most “bang for their buck” and         interests and priorities. For us, that’s
        explains. “With our interest in the             the Foundation’s commitment to                  Hospitals of Regina Foundation. The
        community, supporting the Foundation            supporting the best possible health care        Foundation’s work literally checked all
        through a legacy gift seemed like a             for residents of Regina, and across             the boxes for us.”
        perfect fit.”                                   southern Saskatchewan, really resonated.
                                                                                                        “We deeply appreciate the support of
        “We felt targeting our gift towards             “We can see the Foundation making a             Ron and Lovella, and all of our legacy
        sports medicine made the most sense,”           difference in so many lives,” Ron says.         donors,” says Dino Sophocleous,
        Lovella continues. “Not only have Ron           “Not only are they investing in                 president and CEO Hospitals of Regina
        and I been involved in sports our entire        technology and equipment, but their             Foundation. “Their generosity will help
        lives, but we wanted to ensure our              support also helps attract and retain the       us invest in the technology our hospitals
        support benefitted as many people as            best health care professionals to Regina.       need, ensuring the people of southern
        possible – and sports includes everyone,        Quality health care should be available         Saskatchewan have access to the best
        from young children all the way up to           for everyone, and the Foundation helps          local health care possible.”
        some of the oldest people in our                make that a reality.”
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       Inspire                                  S P R I N G    2 0 2 2

                                                         Palliative Care
                                                         Provides Comfort
                                                         for Regina Family
                                                         “Mom passed away a couple of weeks
                                                         later,” Linda says. “But I’m so grateful
                                                         for the time she had in palliative care.           “Our communities are
                                                         Honestly, the nurses and all the staff             made stronger when we
                                                         there are amazing. I describe them as              lean into care, kindness,
                                                         angels. The work they do in providing              and preserving the dignity
         Linda and her mother, Irene Piasta              care and comfort to terminally ill people          of others.”
                                                         and their families is just incredible.”            Don Morris
         When 91-year-old Irene Piasta of Regina                                                            RBC Regional Vice President
                                                         Every year, many families in Regina and
         passed away last year after a brief battle
         with cancer, her daughter Linda lost            southern Saskatchewan are faced with
         more than a mother. “She was my best            the emotional and physical challenges of
         friend, my companion,” Linda explains.          a loved one with terminal illness or
                                                         severely life limiting conditions. Our         “Our communities are made stronger
         “We used to phone each other four                                                              when we lean into care, kindness, and
         times a day. Losing my mom is like              palliative care program provides much
                                                         needed comfort and care for these              preserving the dignity of others,” shares
         losing a huge piece of my heart.”                                                              RBC Regional Vice President, Don
                                                         patients during the final stages of life. It
                                                                                                        Morris. “That is why RBC Foundation
         Irene started experiencing back pain            also empowers their families to assist in
                                                                                                        supports Palliative Care and honours the
         around Christmas, 2020. By March, the           their care, to prepare for and cope with
                                                                                                        medical professionals, caregivers, and
         pain had increased to the point where           the death of their loved ones, and to
                                                                                                        volunteers who choose to give the gift of
         she was taken by ambulance to Regina’s          ultimately heal and re-join an active life
                                                                                                        compassion to those in our community
         Pasqua Hospital. That’s when a diagnosis        in the community.                              in their most vulnerable moments.”
         of cancer was confirmed.
                                                         Thanks to a generous $110,000                  “Linda and Irene’s story is a valuable
         “We don’t even know how widespread              commitment from RBC Foundation in              reminder of the importance of
         the cancer was,” Linda states. “She didn’t      2020 and 2021, the Foundation was              supporting palliative care in our
         want any treatment, no diagnostic tests,        able to make important investments in          community,” says Jessica Rawn, director
         nothing. She just wanted to go out on           the priority needs of the Palliative Care      of development, Hospitals of Regina
         her own terms, as comfortable and pain          In-Patient Unit at Pasqua Hospital, as         Foundation. “The support of
         free as possible.”                              well as Palliative Homecare Services. The      community minded partners like the
                                                         investments in equipment such as slings,       RBC Foundation helps our palliative
         After a short stint in an assisted living       lifts, and air mattresses will be used every   care teams make a very difficult time a
         facility, Irene returned to Pasqua              day to help patients and families.             bit easier for terminally ill patients and
         Hospital in May 2021, this time                                                                their families.”
         entering the Palliative Care Unit.
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                                                                                     S P R I N G   2 0 2 2   Inspire
        Kinsmen Foundation gift
        Helps Thousands Live Better Lives
                                                                                                             “The support of partners
                                                                                                             like the Kinsmen
                                                                                                             Foundation is invaluable.
                                                                                                             Thanks to them, our
                                                                                                             neighbours, friends and
                                                                                                             loved ones have access to
                                                                                                             the best local health care
                                                                                                             Dino Sophocleous
                                                                                                             President and CEO
                                                                                                             Hospitals of Regina Foundation

         GI medical team using existing imaging system

         Our digestive system is central to our          people who suffer with GI conditions or       “The support of partners like the
         body’s ability to digest food, absorb           diseases live better lives.                   Kinsmen Foundation is invaluable,”
         nutrients and eliminate waste. Problems                                                       says Dino Sophocleous, president and
         with this body system impact our overall        ”The Kinsmen Foundation was pleased           CEO, Hospitals of Regina Foundation.
         health, can dramatically decrease our           to help fund this important initiative,”      “Thanks to them, our neighbours,
         quality of life and, in some instances,         says Board Chair Lyndsay L’Heureux.           friends and loved ones have access to
         may even be fatal.                              “We know that our gift will help out          the best local health care possible.”
                                                         the thousands of people in
         Hospitals of Regina Foundation is
                                                         Saskatchewan who rely on the GI Unit
         investing $1.7 million in our
                                                         at the Pasqua Hospital every year.”
         Gastrointestinal (GI) Unit at Pasqua
         Hospital to replace a specialized imaging
         system and other equipment which will           The GI Unit at Pasqua Hospital is the
         help our specialists provide the best care      only one in the province which
         possible. In a typical year, our GI             performs a double balloon enteroscopy,
         specialists see more than 14,000 people         a specialized procedure to view the
         and perform more than 12,000                    whole small bowel to allow for the
         procedures to save lives and improve            diagnosis and treatment of a variety of
         quality of life.                                conditions, including vascular lesions
                                                         and tumors. Thousands of people from
         A generous gift of $100,000 from the            across the province are referred here
         Kinsmen Foundation in 2021 is helping           each year.
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       Inspire                                  S P R I N G    2 0 2 2

        2021 Fall Home Lottery
        A Huge Success
         Our Home Lottery program continues
         to surprise and impress us through the
         great support of our amazing
         community. For the third time in the
         history of the Lottery’s 50/50 Add-On,
         the total reached over $1 Million in the
         fall of 2021! Thank you Saskatchewan
         for this amazing response. This proves, as
         we long suspected, that the people of this
         province are the most generous in the

         The funds raised by our fall lottery will,
         as always, stay in southern Saskatchewan
         to support local pediatrics and the
         greatest needs in Regina’s three hospitals,
         which serve the entire southern half of
         our great province.                            Dale Scott, winner of Grand Prize Showhome and $30,000 cash with Dino Sophocleous,
                                                        President and CEO, Hospitals of Regina Foundation
         We are very pleased to announce the
         winners of our 2021 Fall Home Lottery.
         Dale Scott of Regina is the winner of the
         Ripplinger built $1.2 Million Grand
         Prize Showhome and $30,000 CASH.
         Our Early Bird winner, Andrea Hubenig
         of Regina won the $700,000 Ripplinger
         built Lakefront Cottage, and Russell and
         Lynda Peterson of Regina took home a
         whopping $576,825 in yet another
         record breaking 50/50 Add-On prize.

         Hundreds of additional winners won
         cars, vacations, cash and other prizes.
         Congratulations to all our winners, big
         and small. Your continued support allows
         us to help our hospitals deliver the best
         heath care possible and make lives better
         for everyone in Regina and southern            Russell and Lynda Peterson, winner of $576,825 with Dino Sophocleous, President and CEO,
         Saskatchewan.                                  Hospitals of Regina Foundation
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         World-class Cardiac Care
         Gives Local Man a New Lease on Life
                                                              On February 28, 2016, Don                      Don said. “I owe them everything.
                                                              encountered difficulty breathing while at      Thanks to them, I was able to celebrate
                                                              home in east Regina. He was rushed to          my 65th birthday, in February 2022,
                                                              RGH, where he was diagnosed with a             with my 93-year-old dad and other
                                                              pulmonary edema, a condition caused by         family members. That’s a gift I’ll never be
                                                              excess fluid in the lungs as a result of the   able to repay.”
                                                              problems with his heart. Our
                                                              cardiologists needed to insert a couple of     “Don’s story is an important reminder of
        Don and his father at his 65th birthday celebration
                                                              stents into Don’s blood vessels that same      how fortunate we are to have the CCU
                                                              night, to clear up blockages. Over the         at the Mosaic Heart Centre in our
                                                              course of the next eight months, he            community,” says Lisa Green, senior
                                                              suffered two more pulmonary edema              vice-president, Hospitals of Regina
         When Don Brooks talks about his
         experience in our Cardiac Care Unit                  episodes, requiring the insertion of more      Foundation. “With the help of our
         (CCU) at Regina General Hospital                     stents and a pacemaker to regulate his         donors, we are committed to supporting
         (RGH), he can’t help but be unrestrained             heartbeat.                                     excellent cardiac care by investing in the
         in his praise for the unit and the staff                                                            best technology and equipment available,
         who work there. If not for them, he                  “I have to say, everyone at the CCU did        so our cardiac teams can help people like
         knows he likely would not be here today.             a fantastic job throughout the process,”       Don live better lives.”
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       Inspire                                  S P R I N G    2 0 2 2

                                                                                              Generously Support
       Amazing Events                                                                         our Hospitals
        After an incredibly challenging and             raised are invested in many areas of     McDonald’s Donation at the Till
        isolating couple of years, 2022 has come        Regina’s hospitals to help our medical   program - Regina locations - $29,000
        roaring in with events returning to in-         teams deliver the best care possible.    Mabel & Martha’s Vintage Style Décor’s
        person attendance. We are so grateful to        Because of you, lives are made better!   Pay It Forward Campaign - $1,200
        our community partners who were so
        dedicated to their fundraising events that                                               Chinese New Year Celebration - $4,890
                                                        Here are some of the events that took
        they brought them back after short              place between November 2021 and          An Evening in Greece - $96,000
        COVID hiatus.                                   March 2022 in support of Hospitals of    Z99 Radiothon - $404,324
                                                        Regina Foundation:
        Our great community has once again                                                       High Noon Optimist Club - $10,000
        shown their dedication to making health
                                                                                                   To learn how you can host your own
                                                        Long & McQuade Music Therapy
                                                                                                   fundraiser, visit our website
        care in Regina and southern                     Fundraising Drive - $500
                                                                                         , or
        Saskatchewan a priority. Thank you to
        the organizers, participants and sponsors       Freshco Donation at the Till program -     contact Brianne Moore at 306-781-7501.
        of these great community events. Funds          $2,500

                                                         #225-1874 Scarth Street Regina, SK S4P 4B3
                                                         Tel: (306) 781-7500 Email:
                                                Charitable Registration Number: 119114056RR0001
Inspire - Hospitals of Regina Foundation Inspire - Hospitals of Regina Foundation
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