"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022

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"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022
“Professional Excellence”

UL Hospitals Group
Nursing and Midwifery
Strategic Plan
"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022

    Forewords                                           04
    About UL Hospitals                                  07
    Vision and Mission                                  08
    Our Nursing & Midwifery Strategic Priorities        09
    Our Nursing & Midwifery Strategic Plan              10
      • Strategic Priority One                          11
      • Strategic Priority Two                          12
      • Strategic Priority Three                        13
      • Strategic Priority Four                         14
      • Strategic Priority Five                         15
    Implementation                                      16
    Appendix 1 - How was this Strategic Plan created?   17
    Acknowledgements and Stakeholder Consultation       18
    Appendix 2                                          19
    References                                          19

"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022
Foreword                                                                                               Foreword

                                          Nursing &                                                                                              Midwifery

    I am delighted to introduce our four year           making the Group an attractive place to work,          As Director of Midwifery, I am pleased to support
    ‘Professional Excellence’ UL Hospital Group         fulfil professional development and support            the UL Hospitals Nursing & Midwifery Strategic
    Nursing & Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022.       nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants in          Plan - Professional Excellence 2019 - 2022. This
                                                        providing high quality, evidence based care for        strategic plan comes at a very exciting time for
    This sets out our future direction for Nursing &    our patients and mothers.                              midwifery and nursing within University
    Midwifery and is underpinned by the vision and                                                             Maternity Hospital, Limerick.
    objectives of our groups Corporate Strategy         Our strategic plan sets our priorities to
    ‘Working together – Caring for the Mid-West’        continually improve our services. As we move           There have been many new developments
    2018-2022.                                          forward we will continue to focus on developing        nationally and locally to deliver better and safer
                                                        our Nursing and Midwifery profession. We will          maternity services including: the Maternity
    I would like to acknowledge all those who were      strengthen our collaborations with our                 Strategy Creating a Better Future Together
    involved in the development phase of the            academic partners at both undergraduate and            2016, Nurses and Midwives Act 2011 recognising
    strategy, in particular those who actively          post graduate level and with our colleagues in         Midwifery as a unique profession.
    participated in the consultation forums. I also     the CHO to advance integrated care models.
    acknowledge the commitment of Ms Mairead                                                                   Locally we have embraced many changes to
    Cowan during her time as Interim Chief Director     We will continue to promote and support                support women’s choice and recognise childbirth
    of Nursing and Midwifery in sponsoring the          learning and education for frontline staff and to      as a natural, physiological process. Future
    development of this strategy.                       embed Nurses and Midwifery led research.               developments will come on stream within the
                                                        Further enhancing and advancing the role of the        lifespan of the UL Nursing & Midwifery Strategic
    The plan outlines five strategic priorities which   Nurse and Midwife. Investing and developing            plan which include 5-Step plan to fully implement
    together underpin the delivery of a Quality         leadership at all levels of Nursing and Midwifery      a Community Midwifery Integrated Service
    Relationship Centred Care. Our ambition is to       is essential.                                          offering outreach antenatal clinics, postnatal
    commence our Magnet Journey. This is a                                                                     Early transfer Home Service, DOMINO and other
    voluntary programmes working towards                I look forward to working with you all on              elements of choice for women.
    International recognition for Nursing &             delivery of our strategic priorities, to provide
    Midwifery excellence and improved patients          Professional Excellence in Nursing & Midwifery         The Strategic plan will support the Midwives and
    outcomes developed by the American Nurses           Care for our patients and their families.              Nurses in providing high quality, evidence based,
    Credentialing Centre US.                                                                                   woman centred care for mothers and babies.
                                                        Ms. Margaret Gleeson
    We are very fortunate to have such high calibre     Chief Director of Nursing and Midwifery,               Ms. Margaret Quigley
    of experienced nurses and midwives working          UL Hospital Group                                      Director of Midwifery,
    across the UL Hospital Group. The Strategic         Adjunct Clinical Professor, Department of              UL Hospital Group
    plan will provide the direction to assist with      Nursing & Midwifery University of Limerick

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"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022
                                                                                                                ABOUT UL HOSPITALS


                                                                                                                Ennis Hospital                         University Maternity Hospital Limerick   Nenagh Hospital

                                                                                                                UL Hospitals is the primary provider                           Nenagh, and one Model 2S (St. John’s Hospital).
                                                                                                                                                                               All three hospitals have being reconfigured to
                                                                                                                of acute hospital services to the
                                                                                                                                                                               provide services in line with the Small Hospitals
                                                                                                                379,327 people who live in the                                 Framework published by government in July 2013.
    As Directors of Nursing for our Directorate’s,      As Operational Directors of Nursing for University
                                                                                                                counties of Limerick, Clare and North
    we are pleased to support the UL Hospitals          Hospital Limerick, Ennis Hospital, Nenagh                                                                              University Maternity Hospital Limerick has up to
    Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan          Hospital, St John’s Hospital and Croom Hospital, it     Tipperary. It is one of the largest
                                                                                                                                                                               5,000 births a year and has a Level 3 Neonatal
    ‘Professional Excellence’ 2019-2022. It provides    is a very exciting time for Nursing. The Strategic      employers in the region, employing                             Intensive Care Unit. Croom Hospital supports
    the future direction for nursing services           Plan 2019-2022 represents the views of nursing          more than 4,000 staff from                                     Orthopaedic, Specialist Pain Management and
    underpinned by a commitment for continued           and healthcare care teams across UL Hospitals                                                                          Rheumatology services.
                                                                                                                throughout the Mid-West of Ireland.
    professional development of nursing                 Group. A central focus is the delivery of quality
    knowledge, skills and research. We look             relationship person centred care. The strategic
    forward to working with Nursing and Health          plan will enable leadership at all levels and shared    SERVICES ARE DELIVERED AT SIX DIFFERENT
                                                                                                                SITES ACROSS THE THREE COUNTIES:                               UL Hospitals is governed by an interim board and
    Care Assistant teams over the next four years       decision making in assuring patient safety and
                                                                                                                                                                               an executive management team lead by a CEO
    implementing the priorities set out in the plan.    professional excellence in nursing care. The plan       •   University Hospital Limerick (UHL)
                                                                                                                                                                               who reports to the board. The CEO is also
                                                        will support us to collectively work towards
    Delivering quality relationship centred care                                                                •   Ennis Hospital (EH)                                        accountable to the National Director Acute
                                                        achieving Magnet accreditation and enhancing
    underpins the priorities within the plan. We will   evidence based practice.                                •   Nenagh Hospital (NH)                                       Services within the HSE. Delegated authority for
    continue to work with patients as we plan and                                                                                                                              the operation of the services is through the
                                                                                                                •   Croom Orthopaedic Hospital (CH)
    develop our nursing services and practice. The                                                                                                                             National Director Acute Services to the CEO of
                                                                                                                •   University Maternity Hospital Limerick (UMHL)
    plan is also responsive to the wider health care    Ms. Ber Murphy                                                                                                         UL Hospitals.
    context including integrated care models,           Operational Director of Nursing - University            •   St John’s Hospital Limerick (Voluntary) (SJHL)
    national clinical programmes and collaboration      Hospital Limerick and Croom Hospital                                                                                   Our services are delivered across the six sites
                                                        UL Hospitals Group                                      There is one Model 4 hospital (UHL) within UL                  under the leadership of four clinical directorates,
    with our academic partners at the University of
                                                                                                                Hospitals. UHL is one of the eight designated                  namely: Medicine Directorate; Peri-Operative
                                                        Ms. Patricia O’ Gorman                                  cancer centres in the country and is also a                    Directorate; Diagnostics Directorate and Maternal
                                                        Operational Director of Nursing - Ennis Hospital        designated 24/7 Primary Percutaneous Coronary                  and Child Health Directorate. Each directorate is
    Ms. Mairead Cowan                                   UL Hospitals Group                                      Intervention (PPCI) centre for STEMIs and a                    led by a team of staff bringing together clinical
    Director of Nursing - Medicine Directorate,                                                                 thrombolysis centre for the management of acute                management and financial expertise to provide
    UL Hospitals Group                                  Ms. Cathrina Ryan                                       stroke. UHL is the only hospital site that has a full          quality-driven safe services, focused on the
                                                        Interim Operational Director of Nursing - Nenagh
                                                                                                                24/7 emergency service and critical care service.              experience and outcomes for the patient.
    Ms. Declan McNamara                                 Hospital, UL Hospitals Group
    Director of Nursing - Peri-Operative                                                                        There are two Model 2 hospitals, Ennis and
    Directorate, UL Hospitals Group                     Ms. Margaret Finn
                                                        Interim Director of Nursing - St Johns Hospital
                                                        UL Hospitals Group

                                                                                                                Croom Orthopaedic Hospital             University Hospital Limerick             St. John’s Hospital

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"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022
Vision and Mission                                                                                       Our Nursing & Midwifery
    The service we deliver in UL Hospitals Group is
                                                                                                             Strategic Priorities                                    Leadership
    guided by our vision and mission, as follows                                                                                                                       at all
                                                                                                             To deliver Quality Relationship
    Corporate Vision                                  Our Nursing and                                        Centred Care, by

    Be a valued, trusted and leading provider of      Midwifery Mission                                      •   developing leaders at all levels
    excellence in healthcare which is patient                                                                •   building workforce capacity
    centred, clinically integrated, team based and    To provide professional excellence in Nursing
    research driven.                                  and Midwifery care, by commencing our magnet           •   aspiring to excellence in                           Quality
                                                      accreditation journey and implementing the                 Professional Practice                             Relationship   Collaboration
                                                      ULHG corporate strategy.                                                                                                     Alliances
                                                                                                             •   enhancing collaboration,             Practice
                                                                                                                                                                     Centred      & Innovation
                                                                                                                 alliances and innovation
                                                      Nursing and Midwifery values of care,                                                                            Care
                                                      compassion, and commitment will guide us in
                                                      working in partnership to be the best for staff,
                                                      patients, women and families.


ULHG Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022                                                      8   9
"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022
Strategic Priority One
                                                                                                                       Quality Relationship Centred Care

                                                                                                                       Nurses and midwives build effective therapeutic relationships with patients,
                                                                                                                       women and carers, interdisciplinary colleagues and the wider community.
                                                                                                                       Nurses and midwives will lead and advocate for quality safe care through
                                                                                                                       strong leadership, team communication and collaboration.

                                                                                                                       STRATEGY                                            OUTCOME MEASURES

                                                                                                                   •   Support nurses and midwives to develop          •   Evidence of nurses and midwives
                                                                                                                       and use the skills in delivering quality            partnering with patients, families &
                                                                                                                       relationship-centred care.                          carers to improve care.

                                                                                                                   •   Enable patients to be more actively             •   Quality relationship centred care is
                                                                                                                       involved in their care.                             evident in the organisation through staff
                                                                                                                                                                           and patient experience surveys,
                                                                                                                                                                           complaint feedback and engagement

                                                                                                                   •   Consult and engage with service users in        •   Nursing & Midwifery metrics and quality
                                                                                                                       development of nursing and midwifery                improvement indicators continually
                                                                                                                       practice.                                           demonstrate improvement.

                                                                                                                   •   Implement systems to assure safe quality        •   Increased numbers of ANP/AMP and
                                                                                                                       care, which evaluates the patient and               CNS/CMS posts to support quality safe
                                                                                                                       women’s experience.                                 care.

                                                                                                                   •   Develop a culture that supports open            •   Evidence of systems and processes in
                                                                                                                       timely and clear communication to                   place to identify and manage risks and
                                                                                                                       identify risks and errors.                          account for actions taken.

     Our Nursing & Midwifery
     Strategic Plan
     The following tables outline how we will work to achieve
     our priorities, including how we will measure success in
     the context of delivering best practice.

10                                                      ULHG Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022   11
"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022
Strategic Priority Two                                                                                        Strategic Priority Three
                Leadership at all Levels                                                                                      Workforce Capacity

                Description:                                                                                                  Description:
                Nurses and midwives and the wider care team are treated as individuals, empowered,                            Nurses and midwives are respected and valued for their contribution to healthcare delivery.
                supported and skilled to lead safe quality care. Nurses and midwives are actively                             Senior Nurses and Midwives will develop workforce capacity through a sustained focus on
                encouraged to participate and influence decision making throughout the organisation and                       developing expertise and competency, recruitment & retention and building an
                work to the highest standards of inter-professional practice.                                                 international reputation for excellence.

                STRATEGY                                           OUTCOME MEASURES                                           STRATEGY                                           OUTCOME MEASURES

            •   Ensure Nursing and Midwifery leadership        •   Evidence of empowerment and devolved                   •   Align workforce expectations through           •   Nursing and Midwifery staff engagement
                is visible and accessible at all levels with       decision making in clinical care.                          utilising recognised workforce planning            plans in place and reviewed annually.
                clearly defined governance, role and                                                                          tools e.g.-e-rostering and safe staffing.
                                                                                                                          •   Build and strengthen recruitment and           •   Nursing and Midwifery workforce
            •   Embed and develop a culture of shared          •   Nursing and Midwifery governance                           retention activities.                              planning strategy developed.
                governance and value based leadership.             framework in place and accessible to all
                                                                   team members.                                          •   Increase student nurse and midwife             •   Flexible working hours available.
                                                                                                                              engagement and assure the quality of
            •   Enable all staff to contribute and develop     •   Nurses and midwives contribute to                          the learning environment for student
                their clinical leadership potential.               delivering the strategic priorities of the                 nurses and midwives.
                                                                                                                          •   Develop and embed support roles within         •   Safe staffing framework
            •   Recognise, value and reward Nursing            •   Senior nurse and midwife leaders are                       Nursing and Midwifery care teams e.g.              implementation plans developed and
                and Midwifery contribution to excellence           visible, accessible and promote values                     HCA’s, OTAs.                                       progressed.
                in clinical outcomes.                              based care.
                                                                                                                          •   Develop and promote diversity and              •   Nursing and Midwifery e-rostering
            •   Strengthen Nursing and Midwifery               •   All Nursing and Midwifery team                             inclusiveness in nursing & midwifery               system in place.
                leadership in collaborative working.               members can access and are supported                       teams e.g. embracing gender, culture
                                                                   with clinical leadership development.                      and ethnicity.

                                                               •   Well-developed process in place to                     •   Promote staff health and wellbeing at          •   Compliance with statutory and role
                                                                   recognise, value and reward Nursing and                    individual, team and organisational                specific mandatory training
                                                                   Midwifery contribution to excellence in                    levels.                                            requirements.
                                                                   clinical care.
                                                                                                                          •   Deliver and implement talent and               •   Improvement in patient/woman centred
                                                               •   Evidence of improved care outcomes                         succession management plans.                       outcomes resulting from Nurse/Midwife
                                                                   associated with inter-professional                                                                            participation in professional
                                                                   collaborative practice.                                                                                       development activity.

                                                                                                                                                                             •   Improvements in nursing & midwifery
                                                                                                                                                                                 turnover and vacancy trends as a result
                                                                                                                                                                                 of recruitment and retention plans.

                                                                                                                                                                             •   Evidence of student engagement plans
                                                                                                                                                                                 and continuous development of the
                                                                                                                                                                                 quality of clinical learning environments.

                                                                                                                                                                             •   Increased levels of job satisfaction
                                                                                                                                                                                 evident in staff surveys.

ULHG Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022                                                             12   13
"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022
Strategic Priority Four                                                                                      Strategic Priority Five
                 Collaboration, Alliances & Innovation                                                                        Professional Practice

                 Nursing and Midwifery lead and collaborate in research and innovation activity will be
                                                                                                                              Nurses and midwives foster excellence in clinical practice, enabling all team members to
                 embedded in the organisation. Nurses and midwives adopt a strategic approach to
                                                                                                                              practice to the level to which they are educated, accountable and regulated. Nursing and
                 collaboration, fostering alliances and effective working relationship with other providers,
                                                                                                                              Midwifery supports a culture that values learning and education.
                 academic partners, service users and stakeholders.

                 STRATEGY                                             OUTCOME MEASURES                                        STRATEGY                                           OUTCOME MEASURES

             •   Constantly strive for discovery,                 •   Evidence of shared governance across                •   Develop a culture of lifelong learning &       •   Promotion of Continuous Professional
                 scholarship and innovation, influencing              Nursing and Midwifery.                                  Continuous Professional Development.               Development opportunities based on
                 healthcare delivery and nursing and                                                                                                                             learning needs and organisational
                 midwifery practice at local, national &                                                                                                                         development assessment.
                 international levels.
                                                                                                                          •   Incorporate evidence based finding and         •   Evidence of lifelong learning and CPD.
             •   Maximise the potential for digital               •   Increased numbers of nurses and                         best practice standards in the delivery of
                 technology to support clinical innovation            midwives leading or engaged in research                 care.
                 and seamless patient transitions.                    activity or studies.
                                                                                                                          •   Assure that Nursing and Midwifery are          •   Evidence that practice standards are
             •   Provide access to real time data that            •   Increases numbers of Adjunct Clinical                   responsible and accountable for their              reviewed and updated to incorporate
                 supports improvement and innovation in               Appointment’s.                                          professional practice.                             relevant evidence.
                                                                                                                          •   Develop Nursing and Midwifery career           •   Clinical practice is audited against
             •   Facilitate mechanisms to ensure post             •   Evidence of internal and external                       pathways and infrastructure in clinical            practice standards.
                 graduate education is intrinsically linked           dissemination of research.                              practice, education research, practice
                 to clinical practices.                                                                                       development and academia.

             •   Build reputation for nursing and                 •   Evidence of nursing and midwifery                   •   Advance our contribution to national and       •   Clearly defined responsibility, authority
                 midwifery led research and scholarships.             innovation.                                             international nurse and midwife led                and accountability are incorporated in all
                                                                                                                              research studies.                                  job descriptions.
                                                                  •   Evidence of increased numbers of nurses
                                                                      and midwives working in joint clinical              •   Develop, support and resource the              •   Evidence that nurses and midwives
                                                                      academic roles.                                         pivotal role of CMM/CNM in leading the             demonstrate accountability for quality
                                                                                                                              fundamentals of care.                              care.
                                                                  •   Systems in place to access real time
                                                                      nursing and midwifery data sets.                    •   Support on going education and training        •   Nurses and midwives are aware of career
                                                                      Evidence of increased national and                      for all staff.                                     options and supported and encouraged
                                                                      international collaborations.                                                                              to develop clear pathways whether in
                                                                                                                                                                                 career maintenance or career
                                                                  •   Increased numbers of nurses and                                                                            development.
                                                                      midwives leading or engaged in research
                                                                      activity or studies.                                                                                   •   CNM /CMM roles are sought after in
                                                                                                                                                                                 recognition of their pivotal position in
                                                                                                                                                                                 the organisation.

                                                                                                                                                                             •   CNM/CMM receive on-going support
                                                                                                                                                                                 through mentorship, coaching and
                                                                                                                                                                                 leadership development.

ULHG Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022                                                             14   15
"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022
    Within the group, we will implement this                                   We will ensure that nurses, midwives and
    strategic plan by taking the objectives and                                healthcare assistants working in our wards and
    actions outlined in the previous section and                               teams are given opportunities to feedback on
    developing locally owned implementation plans                              implementation plans and evaluate progress.
    led by each Director of Nursing and Director of
    Midwifery.                                                                 We will evaluate the success of our strategic
                                                                               plan using two main methods:
    The Nursing and Midwifery Professional
    Council 1 supported by ULHG Project                                        •     Monitoring of progress against
    Management Office will be the key forum for                                      implementation plans in Nursing and
                                                                                     Midwifery Professional Council and at
                                                                                                                                                      Appendix 1
    monitoring the implementation of the strategic
    plan. Both the Strategic Nursing Forum and the                                   Directors of Nursing and Director of
    Senior Midwifery Management Team will play a                                     Midwifery meetings.                                              How was this Strategic                               PHASE TWO
                                                                               •     There will be an annual progress report                                                                               Upon completion of phase one, the Nursing and
    key role in developing and leading key work
    streams.                                                                         submitted to the Executive Management
                                                                                                                                                      Plan created?                                        Midwifery Professional Council reviewed the
                                                                                     Team.                                                                                                                 findings of the pre consultation phase. Three
    All other forums (Figure 1) will contribute to                                                                                                    This strategic plan was developed
                                                                                                                                                                                                           co-design workshops took place in Q4 2018,
    working groups which will be represented of all                            To deliver this strategic plan, professional                           collaboratively across all nursing and midwifery
                                                                                                                                                                                                           attend by Directors of Nursing and Director of
    grades of nurses, midwives and healthcare                                  leadership is required from all nursing and                            groups in a multi-stage process to ensure that
    assistants who will collaborate with subject                               midwifery forums, each nurse and midwife have                          staff nurses and midwives team members were
    experts and relevant stakeholders where                                    an important role to play in its success.                              well represented in shaping our professional         PHASE THREE
    necessary. As part of our magnet journey, we                                                                                                      direction.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           The next phase involved the development of the
    will work towards embedding a culture of                                                                                                          PHASE ONE                                            draft Strategic Plan from the outputs of phase
    shared governance and learning.                                                                                                                                                                        two and engagement with various stakeholders.
                                                                                                                                                      In May 2018, the Chief Director of Nursing and
                                                                                                                                                      Midwifery Office commenced a consultation            PHASE FOUR
                                                                                                                                                      process with nurses and midwives seeking             In this phase, a draft document was presented
                                                                                                       Advanced &                                     feedback on the development of the next UL           and shared at a post consultation workshop,
                                                                                    Clinical                                   Nursing and
          Nursing and                                   Senior                                          Specialist                                    Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery                with senior nurse and midwife managers where
                                 Strategic                                          Nurse &                                     Midwifery
           Midwifery                                   Midwifery                                       Nursing and
                                  Nursing                                           Midwife                                     Research              Strategic Plan. An engagement plan was               all sites were represented, and additional
          Professional                                Management                                        Midwifery
                                  Forum                                            Managers                                    Governance             established to reach predominately frontline         feedback on the document was incorporated.
            Council                                      Team                                            Practice
                                                                                    Forums                                        Group
                                                                                                         Groups                                       staff e.g. student nurses, student midwives, staff
                                                                                                                                                      nurses, staff midwives, clinical nurse managers      PHASE FIVE
                                                                                                                                                      and clinical midwife managers. A total of 14         The final strategic plan was submitted to the
        Figure 1                                                                                                                                      discussion groups took place across ULHG with        CEO for endorsement. The CDONM and
                                                                                                                                                      150 nurses and midwives attending and 270            Professional Council approved the Strategic Plan
     This is the most senior professional nursing and midwifery forum in the hospital group with the responsibility and accountability for the        consultation questionnaires also submitted.          and it’s implementation.
    leadership and development of the nursing and midwifery workforce.

ULHG Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022                                                                                              16   17
"Professional Excellence" - UL Hospitals Group Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022
Acknowledgements and Stakeholder Consultation                                                              Appendix 2                                         References
                                                                                                               Magnet Explanatory Note                            Aiken, L. H., & Patrician, P. A. (2000). Measuring
                                                                                                                                                                  organizational traits of hospitals: The revised nursing
                     Ms. Margaret Gleeson,                            Ms. Cathrina Ryan,                                                                          work index. Nursing Research, 49(3), 146-153
                     Chief Director of Nursing                        Interim Operational Director
                                                                                                               The American Nurses Credentialing Centre
                     and Midwifery ULHG                               of Nursing, Nenagh Hospital
                     (Project Sponsor)                                ULHG                                     Magnet Recognition Program® has established        Bashaw, E. S. (2011). Fusing Magnet® and just culture.
                                                                                                               international attention and recognition for        American Nurse Today, 6(9), 42-45. 44p.
                                                                                                               nursing and midwifery excellence and improved
                     Ms. Mairead Cowan,                               Ms. Margaret Finn,                                                                          Basheaw, E. S., Rosenstein, A. H., & Lounsbury, K.
                                                                                                               outcomes. It is a voluntary programme for
                     DON Medicine Directorate,                        Interim Director of Nursing,                                                                (2012). Culture trifecta: Building the infrastructure for
                     ULHG                                             St John’s Hospital,                      hospitals who pursue the highest international
                                                                                                                                                                  Magnet® and just culture. American Nurse Today, 7(9),
                     (Project Sponsor)                                Limerick                                 credentialing for nursing and midwifery
                                                                                                                                                                  36. 38-41 32p.
                                                                                                               excellence and quality patient care through
                                                                                                               evidence-based practice (Bashaw, 2011;             Bekelis K, Missios S, MacKenzie TA. Association of
                     Ms. Margaret Quigley,                            Ms. Cora Lunn
                     Director of Midwifery,                                                                    Basheaw, Rosenstein, & Lounsbury, 2012;            Magnet Status with Hospitalization Outcomes for
                                                                      Director, Leadership & Organisational
                     ULMH                                             Development - Nursing and Midwifery      Drenkard, 2011). The Magnet Hospital               ischemic stroke patients. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017;6
                                                                      (Project Lead)                           Recognition Programme® was approved by the
                                                                                                                                                                  Brady-Schwartz, D. C. (2005). Further evidence on the
                                                                                                               American Nurses Association in December 1990
                                                                                                                                                                  magnet recognition program: Implications for nursing
                     Ms. Ber Murphy,                                  Ms. Bernie O’ Malley,                    providing a baseline of accreditation criteria     leaders. [Comparative Study]. Journal of Nursing
                     Director of Nursing UHL,                         Assistant Director of Nursing/           (Scrivens 1995).                                   Administration, 35(9), 397-403.
                     ULHG                                             Business Manager, CDONM Office,
                                                                      ULHG                                     Luzinski (2011) suggested that achieving magnet    Drenkard, K. (2011). Magnet momentum: Creating a
                                                                                                               status often requires a fundamental shift in       culture of safety. Nurse Leader, 9(4), 28-46. 19p.
                                                                                                               culture where by excellence can be achieved in
                     Mr. Declan McNamara,                             Ms. Breda Fallon,                                                                           George, V., & Lovering, S. (2013). Transforming the
                     Peri-Operative Directorate,                      who was Interim DON Medicine             the following areas, improved safety outcomes,
                                                                                                                                                                  context of care through shared leadership and
                     ULHG                                             Directorate, ULHG for a period of time   increased staff engagement, satisfaction, and
                                                                                                                                                                  partnership. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 37(1),
                                                                      during the development of the            retention, better service and higher patient
                                                                      Strategic Plan.                          satisfaction, higher measurable financial return
                     Ms. Patricia O’Gorman,                                                                    and improved patient outcomes (Aiken &             Harris, D., & Cohn, T. (2014). Designing and opening a
                     Operational Director of Nursing,                                                          Patrician, 2000; Brady-Schwartz, 2005; Stone       new hospital with a culture and foundation of
                     Ennis Hospital, ULHG                                                                      et al., 2007).                                     Magnet®: An exemplar in transformational leadership.
                                                                                                                                                                  Nurse Leader, 12(4), 62-77.
                                                                                                               The Magnet journey focuses on transforming
                                                                                                                                                                  Kelly LA, McHugh MD, Aiken LH. Nurse outcomes in
                                                                                                               organisational culture through changes in
                                                                                                                                                                  magnet® and non-magnet hospitals. J Nurs Adm.
                                                                                                               structures, processes and outcomes that
    KEY STAKEHOLDERS                                    GROUPS                                                                                                    2012;42:S44-9. 11.
                                                                                                               empower nurses and midwives to collectively
                                                                                                               engage in shared decision-making at all levels     Luzinski, C. (2011). Introducing the official leadership
                     Prof Colette Cowan                 Strategic Nursing Forum
                                                                                                               (George & Lovering, 2013; Harris & Cohn, 2014).    journal of the magnet recognition program®. JONA:
                     Chief Executive Officer
                                                        Senior Midwifery Management Team                                                                          The Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(10), 389-
                     UL Hospital Group
                                                        Focus Group(s) Participation
                                                                                                                                                                  Scrivens E. (1995) Accreditation: Protecting the
                     Ms. Suzanne Dunne                                                                                                                            Professional or the Consumer? Open University Press,
                     Head of Strategy                                                                                                                             Buckingham.
                     UL Hospital Group
                                                                                                                                                                  Stone, P. W., Mooney-Kane, C., Larson, E. L., Horan, T.,
                                                                                                                                                                  Glance, L. G., Zwanziger, J., & Dick, A. W. (2007).
                                                                                                                                                                  Nurse working conditions and patient safety
                     Ms. Liz Early
                                                                                                                                                                  outcomes. Medical Care, 45(6), 571-578
                     Leadership Consultant -
                                                                                                                                                                  University of Limerick Hospital Group, Working
                                                                                                                                                                  together, caring for the Midwest, Strategic Plan

ULHG Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2019-2022                                                     18
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