Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...

Page created by Gabriel Hubbard
Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...

• Make sure you write the date and the title

• Keep your book neat and organized – label the different tasks

• Send your work to at the end of the lesson
 (3:15). Include Monday’s work as well.
Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...
Write the date
                                                      Hoy es martes, dos de marzo
and title in your

                              Estoy enfermo
                                 (I am ill)
                    By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
                        q Recognize illnesses and health issues
                     q Recommend solutions for health problems
Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...
TASK 1: Can you remember what these sentences mean? Write down the sentences and translate
                           them in your book / Word document.             10 minutes on this J

1. My head hurts.
2. Your fingers hurt.
3. His legs hurt.
4. Her arm hurts.
5. My ankle hurts.
6. Me duelen los brazos y las manos.
7. Le duele el estómago.
8. Te duelen los ojos.                                                          Follow the structure
                                                                        1.   Indirect object pronoun
9. Me duelen el pecho.                                                       (me/te/le)
                                                                        2.   Verb doler à duele / duelen
10. ¿Te duele la garganta?                                              3.   Definite article à el / la / los
                                                                             / las
                                                                        4.   Body part
Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...
TASK 2: With the help of a dictionary such as, match the images to
                                          the health issues.                    10 minutes on this J

                                                       Illness / problem                        Image
                                     Estoy mareado
                                     Tengo fiebre
                                     Estoy constipado* / tengo gripe / tengo un resfriado
                                     Tengo tos
                                     Estoy estreñido
                                     Tengo una quemadura
                                     Tengo una insolación
g                      h             Tengo una picadura

                                                                                  * Careful - it’s a false friend!
Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...
TASK 3: Translate the gaps that are missing, sometimes in English to Spanish and other times Spanish
                                              to English!                          10 minutes on this J

                                          Write both languages

                                 Inglés                     Español
                      I have a temperature
                                                                                    Ping Pong Translation
                                                   Tengo una quemadura
                      I am constipated
                                                   Tengo una insolación
                      I have a cough
                                                   Tengo una picadura
                      I have a cold
                                                   Estoy mareado
Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...
Now that we’ve talked about different injuries / illnesses, it’s time to talk about something a bit more
                                        positive – remedies!
                  TASK 4: Find the correct translations for the Spanish remedies. 10 minutes on this J

             Soluciones                                          Remedies

    1. Usar una crema
                                           To take cough
                                                                 To relax            To rest
    2. Tomar un jarabe                         syrup

    3. Tomar una pastilla
                                                               To go to the
    4. Descansar                           To drink water                        To stay at home
    5. Quedarse en casa

    6. Relajarse
                                           To take a tablet     To eat fruit     To use a cream
    7. Beber agua

    8. Comer fruta

    9. Ir al médico
Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...
TASK 5: For problems 1-8, find the most suitable remedy! You’ll notice that the remedies in Spanish
                     always follow the same structure: DEBES (you must) + infinitive 10 minutes on this J

    Problema = Problem           Solución = Remedy                                     Debes beber
                                                                                       agua y comer
1. Tengo una picadura.                                                                 mucha fruta.

2. Estoy muy nervioso.
                                                                                      Debes usar una
3. Me duele el estómago.                                       quedarte en
4. Tengo Covid 19.

5. Tengo una quemadura.                                           Debes                Debes tomar
                                                                descansar.              un jarabe.
6. Me duele mucho la cabeza.

7. Tengo tos.                                                 Debes usar una           Debes tomar
                                                                 crema.                una pastilla.
8. Estoy mareado.
Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...
TASK 6: Follow the model of the example and create 3 conversations for pictures a-c. Your
                       conversations must include at least one problem and one remedy. 20 minutes on this J

                             Médico: Buenos días, ¿qué te pasa? (Doctor: Good morning, what’s wrong with you?)
                             Paciente: Hola, estoy muy mareada y cansada. (Pacient: Hello, I’m very dizzy and tired)
                             Médico: Debes beber mucha agua y descansar. (Doctor: You must drink lots of water and rest)
                             Paciente: Vale, muchas gracias. ¡Adiós! (Pacient: Ok, many thanks. Goodbye!)
                             Médico: ¡Hasta pronto! (Doctor: See you son!)

     a)                                  b)                                        c)
Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...
TASK 7: Follow the link to play a quiz and revise the vocabulary about illnesses and remedies. Use
                              your name so we know who is winning!

                   You can attempt the quiz as many times as you want until 3:15 today

Instructions: Make sure you write the date and the title Keep your book neat and organized - label the different tasks Send your work to ...
That was our last remote lesson!
Well done for all your hard work in the past 8 weeks, I’m
       looking forward to seeing you next week!
                    Extension: Go to and play
the “frog game” to practice the present tense in Spanish.
Send me a screenshot of your score if you manage to get
                     +200 points!!
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