A cooperative experience for understanding - COVID-19 ROSA M. CRUJEIRAS

Page created by Casey Little
A cooperative experience for understanding - COVID-19 ROSA M. CRUJEIRAS
A cooperative
experience for
A cooperative experience for understanding - COVID-19 ROSA M. CRUJEIRAS
How the story began…
Health crisis in
Wuhan (China)
A cooperative experience for understanding - COVID-19 ROSA M. CRUJEIRAS
How the story began…
Health crisis in
Wuhan (China)
 31/01/2020: Italy confirms first cases
 22/02/2020: 60 cases in Lombardía
 02/03/2020: +2000 cases, 22 deceased
 08/03/2020: lockdown in the north
 09/03/2020: global lockdown
A cooperative experience for understanding - COVID-19 ROSA M. CRUJEIRAS
How the story began…
Health crisis in
Wuhan (China)
 31/01/2020: Italy confirms first cases
 22/02/2020: 60 cases in Lombardía
 02/03/2020: +2000 cases, 22 deceased
 08/03/2020: lockdown in the north
 09/03/2020: global lockdown

 31/01/2020: Spain confirms first case
 29/02/2020: 50 cases
 01/03/2020: 83 cases and first restrictions
 14/03/2020: lockdown
A cooperative experience for understanding - COVID-19 ROSA M. CRUJEIRAS
… and exploded
A cooperative experience for understanding - COVID-19 ROSA M. CRUJEIRAS
Science at home…

 Many people working…
 ▪Arranging data
 ▪Visualizing data
 ▪Fitting models
 ▪Explaning methods
 ▪Doing predictions
A cooperative experience for understanding - COVID-19 ROSA M. CRUJEIRAS
CEMat takes the floor…

 16/03/2020: an open call for the
 mathematical community to contribute
 using our analysis and modelling skills
 in order to create a better understanding of
 the COVID-19 health crisis
Mathematical Action against
Coronavirus http://matematicas.uclm.es/cemat/covid19/

 Collecting links and contributions of the Spanish
 mathematical community about the virus spread.

 Promoting discussion in the community using the
 contributions from researchers and groups and
 involving a variety of models and techniques.

 Establishing a Committee of Experts to evaluate
 the collaborations and report conclusions and
 suggestions to the authorities.
Mathematical Action against
Coronavirus http://matematicas.uclm.es/cemat/covid19/

 Collecting links and contributions of the Spanish
 mathematical community about the virus spread.

 Promoting discussion in the community using the
 contributions from researchers and groups and
 involving a variety of models and techniques.

 Establishing a Committee of Experts to evaluate
 the collaborations and report conclusions and
 suggestions to the authorities.
Mathematical Action against
Coronavirus http://matematicas.uclm.es/cemat/covid19/

 Collecting links and contributions of the Spanish
 mathematical community about the virus spread.

 Promoting discussion in the community using the
 contributions from researchers and groups and
 involving a variety of models and techniques.

 Establishing a Committee of Experts to evaluate
 the collaborations and report conclusions and
 suggestions to the authorities.
Mathematical Action against
Coronavirus http://matematicas.uclm.es/cemat/covid19/

 Collecting links and contributions of the Spanish
 mathematical community about the virus spread.

 Promoting discussion in the community using the
 contributions from researchers and groups and
 involving a variety of models and techniques.

 Establishing a Committee of Experts to evaluate
 the collaborations and report conclusions and
 suggestions to the authorities.
Mathematical Action against
Coronavirus http://matematicas.uclm.es/cemat/covid19/

 Collecting links and contributions of the Spanish
 mathematical community about the virus spread.

 Promoting discussion in the community using the
 contributions from researchers and groups and
 involving a variety of models and techniques.

 Establishing a Committee of Experts to evaluate
 the collaborations and report conclusions and
 suggestions to the authorities.
Short-term predictions

 The variables to be predicted (1 to 7 days horizon),
 both at national and regional levels:
 - Patient requiring intensive cares
 - Hospitalized cases
 - Deceased
 - New cases
 - Confirmed cases
A cooperative predictor
 The contributors:
 - More tan 40 groups have already sent their
 predictions for any of the variables (at national
 and/or regional level)
 - A coordination group, leaded by JA Vilar (UDC)
A cooperative predictor
Sharing results https://covid19.citic.udc.es/
A cooperative predictor
 Random forest

 Time series
 SEIR Hidden Markov models
 SEAIDR Spatio-temporal models
 SIRV Bayesian expert systems
 Nonlinear regression
 Reg. with compositional data
 Functional regression
 Dynamic regression
 Generalized regression models
A cooperative predictor
 Random forest

 Time series
 SEIR Hidden Markov models
 SEAIDR Spatio-temporal models
 SIRV Bayesian expert systems
 Nonlinear regression
 Reg. with compositional data
 Functional regression
 Dynamic regression
 Generalized regression models: Richards
An example
(for the cooperative predictor) https://statgroup-19.blogspot.com/

The data: a cumulative (counting series) Y, observed at days t=1, 2, …
The elements in the model:
- Lower asymptote:
- Upper asymptote:
- Slope:
- Peak:
- Asymmetry:
 Richards, F. J. (1959). "A Flexible Growth Function for Empirical
 Use". Journal of Experimental Botany. 10 (2): 290–300
An example
(for the cooperative predictor) https://statgroup-19.blogspot.com/

The data: a cumulative (counting series) Y, observed at days t=1, 2, …
The elements in the model:
- Lower asymptote: b
- Upper asymptote: T 1
 ൗ = + ( − )
- Slope: h 1 + 10ℎ − 
- Peak: p
- Asymmetry: s
 Richards, F. J. (1959). "A Flexible Growth Function for Empirical
 Use". Journal of Experimental Botany. 10 (2): 290–300
An example
(for the cooperative predictor)
An example
(for the cooperative predictor)
A cooperative predictor
How does it work?
- Patient requiring intensive cares
- Hospitalized cases
- Deceased
- Confirmed cases
 Bates and Granger (1969) propose
 finding optimal combinations producing
 Boosting more precise and stable forecasts.

 Time series
 Random forest
 SIR Branching
 SEIR Hidden Markov models
 SEAID Spatio-temporal models
 R Bayesian expert systems
 Nonlinear regression
 Reg. with compositional data
 Functional regression
 Dynamic regression
 Generalized linear models
A cooperative predictor
How does it work?
- Patient requiring intensive cares
- Hospitalized cases COMBINATION
- Deceased CP01. Average
- New cases
- Confirmed cases CP02. Median
 CP03. Trimmed mean
 Simulation CP04. Windsorized mean
 CP05. Bates & Granger
 Time series
 Random forest
 SIR Branching
 SEIR Hidden Markov models
 CP06. Lowess
 Spatio-temporal models
 Bayesian expert systems
 CP07. Loess + Bates & Granger
 Nonlinear regression
 Reg. with compositional data
 Functional regression
 Dynamic regression
 Generalized regression models
A cooperative predictor
How does it work?
Best combination and some results for the mean absolute percentage
error (MAPE), for all the series and horizons (1 to 7 days)

Horizon ICare Hospit. Deceased Confirmed New
1 day CP02 – 4% CP07 – 4% CP02 – 0.2% CP06 – 0.4% CP02 (>20%)
2 days CP02 – 5% CP05 – 5% CP02 – 0.4% CP01 – 0.6% -----
3 days CP01 – 7% CP01 – 7% CP02 – 0.7% CP01 – 0.9% -----
4 days CP01 – 7% CP01 – 7% CP02 – 0.9% CP02 – 0.2% -----
5 days CP01 – 7% CP01 – 7% CP02 – 1.3% CP01 – 0.2% -----
6 days CP01 – 7% CP03 – 7% CP02 – 2.3% CP01 – 0.3% -----
7 days CP05 – 5% CP04 – 7% CP01 – 2.7% CP01 – 0.4% -----
But the data… oh! The data!

Intensive care and
hospitalizations: depending on
the region, it may be acumulated
or prevalence… (and not even all
the time…)
But the data… oh! The data!

Intensive care and
hospitalizations: depending on
the region, it may be acumulated
or prevalence… (and not even all
the time…)
To think about…
All models are wrong, but
some are useful.
G. Box

 Garbage in, garbage out…
A take-home message…

 1 2
 A great opportunity to A global view: better
 share knowledge also information and fair
 accross countries… comparisons…
A cooperative
experience for
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