Insulin Resistance in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Women: Impact of Regularity and Hyperandrogenemia

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Insulin Resistance in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Women: Impact of Regularity and Hyperandrogenemia
Zainab Hussein Mohammed et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(2), 2019, 471-476

Insulin Resistance in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
         Women: Impact of Regularity and
                 Zainab Hussein Mohammed, Maha Abdul Saheb Ridha, Hussein Kadhem Al-Hakeim*
                         Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Kufa, Iraq. *

       Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder and the main cause of infertility due to
       anovulation among reproductive-aged women. fetal programming is the beginning of the insulin resistance (IR) and
       hyperandrogenism which leads to a chain of health consequences. The disturbances in menstruation and fertility develop
       metabolic complications as age advances. An early and precise diagnosis is necessary for a satisfactory management of PCOS,
       especially at the extreme ends of the reproductive lifespan. In the present study, IR, hormones and irregularity was studied in
       PCOS and compared with the control groups. Sixty PCOS women and thirty apparently healthy women were participated in
       the present study. Serum Fasting serum glucose and sugar, prolactine, progesterone, Cortisol, LH, FSH, estradiol, total & Free
       testosterone were determined in all women’s. In PCOS women (IR-PCOS) had more obesity comparing with (non IR-PCOS).
       HOMA%B and insulin were increased while HOMA%S decreased in IR-PCOS patients in comparing with (non-IR-PCOS).
       The IR-PCOS patients had higher LH/FSH, and BMI and lower FSH than Non IR-PCOS. Serum (Insulin, HOMA%B, LH,
       LH/FSH) significantly increased in IR-PCOS patients, while serum (FSH, HOMA S%) levels were decreased as compared
       with non IR-PCOS. Furthermore, IR-PCOS patients had higher PRG, Cortisol, E2, PRL and lower free Testosterone and total
       Testosterone. In Iraqi women with PCOS, IR state is increased as women having irregular menstruation or hyperandrogenism.
       Also, PCOS has many changes in hormones and other measured parameters duo to the metabolic bases of the syndrome.
Keywords: Insulin resistance, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Regularity & Hyperandrogenemia.

                       INTRODUCTION                                 energy, thereby causing the concentration of glucose in the
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder             blood to decrease as a result, staying within the normal
that affects between 5-10% women of reproductive age and            range even when a large amount of carbohydrates is
remains the most enigmatic reproductive disorders. The              consumed. During IR, however, excess glucose is not
most common symptoms of PCOS are insulin resistance                 sufficiently absorbed by cells even in the presence of
(IR) irregular menstrual cycles obesity, acne, amenorrhea,          insulin, thereby causing an increase in the level of blood
hirsutism, and high cholesterol(1). Its hyperandrogenic             sugar (7). IR and hyperandrogenism are considered to be a
manifestations include, dyslipidemia, IR, diabetes, cancer,         key factors contributing to PCOS, and the exact
infertility and coronary heart diseases (2). PCOS is a              mechanisms behind the interactions between IR and
common endocrine disorder affecting females in                      hyperandrogenism in the female liver is not well
reproductive age. It is a complex disorder whose                    understood. Hyperandrogenism itself or combined with IR
pathogenesis is not well elucidated despite evidence of             contributes to liver damage in women with PCOS (8,9). In
multiple interaction with genetic, behavioral and                   some PCOS models, elevated testosterone is reported as a
environmental factors that contribute to its occurrence (3).        marker of hyperandrogenemia (10). Hyperinsulinemia and
This syndrome is typically characterized by anovulatory             hyperandrogenemia are play a prominent roles in PCOS.
cycles and infertility, altered gonadotropin levels, obesity,       Insulin signaling in pituitary and the ovaries either directly
and bulky multi follicular ovaries on ultrasound,                   or indirectly stimulates androgen production (11). Acne and
Hyperandrogenism and IR are hallmark features of its                alopecia     are    not     commonly      associated     with
complex pathophysiology. Hyperandrogenemia is a salient             hyperandrogenemia and therefore should not be regarded as
feature of PCOS and a major contributor to cosmetic                 evidence of hyperandrogenemia (12). Menstrual
anomalies including hirsutism, acne, and male pattern               disturbances are common in PCOS, with oligomenorrhoea
alopecia in affected women. Increased androgen levels may           and amenorrhoea in different ratios (13, 14). Although the
be intrinsic or aggravated by preexisting IR in women with          pathogenesis of PCOS is complex, it is typically associated
PCOS (4). Since IR and resulting compensatory                       with hyperandrogenism, hyperinsulinaemia and an elevated
hyperinsulinemia are closely related to its pathogenicity           ratio of the gonadotropins luteinising hormone (LH) to
and comorbidities, obesity, which is prevalent in a half of         follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (15). Many factors
PCOS women can be exacerbated (5). IR is a main                     influence menstrual regularity, including physical activity,
pathophysiologic feature in PCOS women (6) since cells              body size, alcohol intake, and smoking, in addition to
fail to respond normally to the insulin. The pancreas               pathologic conditions including PCOS (16, 17).
produces insulin when blood glucose starts to be elevated.          Approximately 85-90% of women with oligomenorrhea
Under normal conditions of insulin reactivity, this insulin         have PCOS, usually defined as cycle length greater than 35
response triggers glucose being taken into body cells, to be        days (18). However, the diagnostic criteria for PCOS has
used for energy, and inhibits the body from using fat for           evolved over time. Currently, there are three overlapping,

Zainab Hussein Mohammed et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(2), 2019, 471-476

but not entirely consistent, clinical definitions of PCOS (19,    Exclusion Criteria
20). Menstrual cycle irregularity and length are features         The present research excluded the patients with any
included in all three PCOS definitions. Late and irregular        obvious major systemic diseases including diabetes
menstrual cycles have been associated with higher                 mellitus, hereditary diseases, or other endocrine disorders.
androgen and lower sex hormone binding globulin levels
PCOS and this altered hormonal environment may increase           Controls
the risk of specific histologic subtypes of ovarian cancer        Thirty apparently healthy women were recruited as control
(21). In the present study, IR and irregularity was studied in    group. Their age range was 28.73±7.40 year which was
PCOS and compared with the control groups. The                    comparable to that of patients. None of these subjects were
measured parameters also were correlated with each other          pregnant, irregular period, or have other endocrine
in order to estimate the factor affecting parameters levels in    disorders.
PCOS group.
                                                                  Statistical Analysis
                MATERIALS AND METHODS                             Kolmogorov-Smirnov test has been used to examine the
Patients                                                          normality distribution of the results. The results of the
Sixty PCOS women patients participated in the study. Their        normally distributed variables were expressed as (mean ±
age mean range was 20 to 32 year, All of them were                standard deviation). Pooled t-test was used for the
diagnosed with PCOS by gynecology specialist according            comparison between the groups. Pearson's correlation
to the European Society of Human Reproduction and                 coefficients (r) were calculated for the correlationstudy. For
Embryology (ESRHE) consensus conference held in                   the nonparametric variables, that is not normally
Rotterdam in 2003 (Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored                 distributed, the results were expressed as medians, in
PCOS Consensus Workshop Group 2004), American                     addition to (mean±standard deviation). Mann-Whitney U
Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and                       test was used for the comparison and Spearman's
ultrasonography examination in (Center of Fertility in Al-        correlation coefficients (ρ rho) were used to estimate the
Sadr Teaching Medical City in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf                  correlation between parameters. All statistical analyses
Governorate-Iraq). They were (6-8) hr overnight fasting           were performed using SPSS Statistics version 25 program
and on treatment with metformin (Glucophage®). All the            (2017), IBM-USA. While the figures constructed using
participated women were having polycysts in their ovaries         EXELL program of Microsoft Office 2013.
by ultrasonography examination.BMI calculated from the
following equation: BMI=Weight (Kg)/Height (m2) (22),                                       RESULTS
When BMI was larger than 30 Kg/m2, the person was                 The comparison between PCOS patients and controls in the
defined obese. All hormones were calculated by using Elisa        measured parameters is presented in Table 1. There is a
Kit (The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). The                  significant increase in BMI, WHR, insulin, HOMA2IR,
estimate of serum Glucose, Total Protein provided by              HOMA%B, LH, E2, Prolactin, T.Testo and F.testo in
CYPRESS DIAGNOSTICS. The computer based HOMA2                     PCOS patients group in comparing with the control group.
calculator (available at (Figure 1)        The comparisons between regular and irregular PCOS
uses fasting insulin and glucose concentrations to calculate      women in different parameters are presented in Table 2.
the index of IR, HOMA2IR, and the index of β cell                 Thirty-eight out of sixty PCOS women (63.4%) were
function (HOMA-%B). In ideal normal-weight individual             irregular and 22 patients were regular (36.6%).
Zainab Hussein Mohammed et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(2), 2019, 471-476

                     Table 2: Comparison between PCOS patients with regular and irregular Cycle.
                                          PCOS with
         Parameter                                                     PCOS with Regular Cycle n=22         Significance
                                     Irregular Cycle n=38
 Age(year)                                26.13±6.67                             29.45±8.765                    N.S
 BMI(kg/m2)                               28.67±7.60                              26.11±8.03                    N.S
 WHR                                      0.7803±0.20                            0.8266±0.04                    N.S
 FBS                                      83.75±13.78                            87.70±42.63                    N.S
 Insulin(µIU/ml)                             16.56                                    7.21                     0.006
 I/G                                       3.65±2.71                              3.69±3.82                     N.S
 HOMA2IR                                      2.68                                    1.64                     0.031
 HOMA%B                                      94.65                                   83.59                     0.027
 HOMA%S                                      88.52                                   91.22                      N.S
 FSH (mIU/ml)                             12.62±5.23                              10.99±4.76                    N.S
 LH(mIU/ml)                                  12.48                                   11.26                      N.S
 LH/FSH                                    1.32±1.03                              1.18±0.70                     N.S
 Cortisol(µg/dI)                             13.25                                    7.85                     0.008
 E2(pg/ml)                                46.08±19.74                            42.68±14.39                    N.S
 PRL.(ng/ml)                              17.33±8.38                              19.38±7.36                    N.S
 Prog.(ng/ml)                              0.93±0.03                              0.94±0.04                     N.S
F.Testo. (pg/ml)                              4.38                                    2.14                     0.024
 T.Testo. (ng/ml)                          0.72±0.15                              0.61±0.11                    0.043

                     Table 3: Comparison between IR patients (HOMA2IR≥3) and non-IR patients.
                                        IR-PCOS                               Non-IR-PCOS
        Parameters                                                                                           Significance
                                   (HOMA2IR≥3) (n=15)                      (HOMA2IR
Zainab Hussein Mohammed et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(2), 2019, 471-476

(29.79±6.29 vs. 24.73±8.85 kg/m2, p=0.021); F.Teso (2.85         correlations were found between BMI, free testosterone and
vs. 5.12 pg/ml, p=0.08) than the corresponding patients          HOMA-IR (37). Farthermore, F.Testo. level is more
without acne (p=0.021). The following IR parameters also         sensitive than the measurement of total T.testo. for
showed an increase in patients with acne in comparing with       establishing the existence of androgen excess and should be
patients without acne (Insulin=17.3 vs. 11.54 µlU/ml,            ideally determined through equilibrium dialysis techniques.
p=0.014; I/G= 3.12 vs. 4.68, p=0.23; HOMA%B= 91.86 vs.           Value of measuring levels of androgens other than T in
88.42, p=0.021).                                                 patients with PCOS is relatively low (38). Daghestani et al
                                                                 (2018) (39) showed in their results that patients in the
                         DISCUSSION                              PCOS group exhibited increases in testosterone (202.3%),
          The results in Table 1 showed the typical results      fasting glucose (9.2%), fasting insulin (49.4%), LH/FSH
of the PCOS as a syndrome related to IR, and hormonal            ratio (205.3%), and decreases in progesterone (-7.4%).
disturbances (24-25). In the present research, only fifteen      While Zhang et al 2018 (40) found The levels of LH,
patients out of 60 (25%) are insulin resistant (IR-PCOS)         LH/FSH, T.testo, fasting insulin and homeostasis model
and 45 out of 60 patients (75%) are non-IR (non IR-PCOS)         assessment of IR (HOMA2IR) index in PCOS group were
and they had significantly higher BMI (obese) than (nonIR-       higher than those in normal control group. A significant
PCOS) This result has been recorded with Miriam et al (26)       difference was found in basal LH, fasting glucose, insulin,
found ratio of IR diagnoses was higher in obese women            HOMA-IR, F.Testo levels, WHR ratios between the PCOS
than in normal BMI women. they observed a significant            and non-PCOS patients in the lean and overweight groups
association between IR and BMI. Even though obesity is           (p
Zainab Hussein Mohammed et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(2), 2019, 471-476

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