INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!

Page created by Kirk Mckinney
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!
Peace Lutheran College, it’s a great place to be!
CRICOS Provider No. 01260E
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!
                  1. Acknowledgement Of Country.......................... 3
                  2. About Peace...................................................... 5
                  3. The History of Peace......................................... 7
                  4. Academic Excellence & Achievement .............. 8
                  5. Living and studying in Cairns, Australia ........... 10
                  6. College Facilities .............................................. 12
                  7. Teaching and Learning ..................................... 15
                  8. The Junior School Years .................................. 20
                  9. The Middle School Years ................................. 22
                  10. The Senior School Years ............................... 24
                  11. Planning for Life After School.......................... 28
                  12. Sport at Peace ............................................... 30
                  13. International Student Accommodation............ 32
                                                                                                OF COUNTRY
                  14. Student Health & Wellbeing............................ 34
                  15. International Student Enrolment..................... 36
                  16. Fees................................................................ 38     Peace Lutheran College proudly acknowledges
                                                                                                  the Traditional Owners of the land.
                                                                                                We acknowledge the Djabugay and Yirrganydji people as the traditional custodians of the lands
                                                                                                where Peace Lutheran College now stands – and recognise that these have always been places
                                                                                                of teaching and learning. We pay respect to their Elders – past, present & emerging – and
                                                                                                acknowledge the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People continue to play within
                                                                                                the Peace Lutheran Community.

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!
2                                                                               ABOUT
FROM THE                                                                         PEACE
                                                                                 Peace Lutheran College is affectionally
                                                                                 referred to as ‘Peace’ by its College families
                                                                                 and local community. We are a Kindy to Year
                                                                                 12 co-educational day and boarding school
                                                                                 located in Cairns.
                                               I am delighted
                                                                                 Our smaller school environment of approximately 650
                                               to introduce you
                                                                                 students has many advantages, one being the meaningful
                                               to Peace Lutheran                 relationships that are established between students and
                                               College.                          their teachers.

                                               I am fortunate enough to          Opportunities to participate in many different sports, play a
                                               hold one of the best jobs in      musical instrument, sing in the choir, join the Concert Band,
                                               the world. It is a privilege to   perform in drama and theatre performances, take part in
                                               lead and work alongside           public speaking competitions, and engage in community
                                               a team of very talented and       service and cultural immersion experiences are all available
                                               dedicated staff who are           to students at Peace.
                                               passionate about education.
                                               The best part of my job is to     Our students come from a diverse range of backgrounds
                                               have the opportunity to see       and cultures. We feel privileged to have such a multicultural
                                               children and young people         community at our school and for this reason, we have a
                                               discover and develop their        reputation for our culture of inclusiveness, where every
                                               gifts, talents and pathways       student is known by name and supported to be the best
                                               for their lives.                  possible version of themselves.

Peace is about growing, developing and nurturing students so they                OUR MISSION
can be the best they can be. Students striving to do their personal
best is what I define as success.                                                To develop informed, active, resilient
                                                                                 and compassionate citizens within a
At Peace, our goal is to provide a quality education within a safe               Christian community.
and happy learning environment where everyone is valued and
                                                                                 It is through this mission we aim to offer a quality schooling
diversity is celebrated. We want to inspire students to strive for
                                                                                 experience where God’s love for every person is evident,
excellence in all areas of their lives, and to nurture their aspirations
                                                                                 and informs all that we do.
in a caring and vibrant educational setting. We promote the
intellectual, emotional, physical, social and spiritual development
of each student and strive to give them every opportunity to use
their gifts and talents to make a positive difference in the world.
                                                                                 OUR VALUES
We believe this is the core of a good education.                                 PEACE – We encourage grace and harmony
                                                                                 EXCELLENCE – We set high expectations
I look forward to greeting you as you explore the many exciting                  RESPECT – We value all
opportunities that exist at Peace Lutheran College.
                                                                                 COMMUNITY – We build positive relationships
Elisabeth Fenske                                                                 OUR VISION
Principal – Peace Lutheran College
                                                                                 To be at the forefront of innovative education;
                                                                                 empowering tomorrow’s leaders, today.
                                                                                 This is achieved through our education model, which is
                                                                                 a progressive approach to learning; adopting modern-day
                                                                                 education transformations that connects classroom
                                                                                 learning to real life, better preparing students for their
                                                                                 future after school.

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!
    THE PEACE                                                                              THE HISTORY
    DIFFERENCE                                                                             OF PEACE
    It has been said that the pastoral care and support         WE BELIEVE THAT WHEN A     Founded in 1994, Peace has been providing                    Peace Lutheran College opened its doors on 1st February
    offered to our students is unmatched. We pride ourselves                               a quality education, developing students                     1994 amid red mud and tropical rain, but with infectious
    on the genuine care and nurture of every child in our       CHILD IS SURROUNDED BY                                                                  enthusiasm and a clear sense of direction under the
    care; we are concerned for each individual; providing a
                                                                                           academically, socially, physically,                          founding Principal, Michael Gladigau.
                                                                NURTURE, RESPECTED FOR     emotionally and spiritually for more than 25
    safe place for them to learn and grow.
                                                                WHO THEY ARE AND MADE      years. We are now educating the children of                  With approximately 250 people in attendance, the official
    Developing the whole person – academically, socially,
    emotionally and spiritually is at the heart of what we do   TO FEEL IMPORTANT, KNOWN   some of our very first students.                             opening ceremony occurred on Sunday, 12th June
                                                                                                                                                        1994, performed by Sir William Knox, Chairman of the
    at Peace. We foster a culture of excellence, encouraging
    everyone to strive to give their absolute best effort in    AND VALUED, THEY WILL      We are also privileged to have some of our past students     Association of Independent Schools Queensland. Pastor
                                                                                           who are now employed as part of our teaching team,           John Vitale, President of the Lutheran Church of Australia
    everything they set out to do.                              HAVE SOLID FOUNDATIONS,    educating the next generation. This is a true testament to   Queensland District dedicated the school to the glory of
    It is for this reason, students at Peace are confident      GROUNDING THEM FOR         the strong sense of community at Peace, where                God.
    learners and creative thinkers, equipped with the skills                               staff, students and their families are all a part of our
    necessary for success both at school and beyond             FUTURE SUCCESS.            Peace family.                                                Today, the College is a testimony to a task that has had
    the classroom.                                                                                                                                      many hands to the wheel, developing every aspect of the
                                                                                           Peace Lutheran College is part of the larger system of       school into its current niche in the Cairns Community.
                                                                                           Lutheran schools in Queensland (Lutheran Education
                                                                                           Queensland) and Australia (Lutheran Education                The school provides the Cairns community with a further
                                                                                           Australia). Peace is a school which purposefully serves      choice of quality education for children from the local
                                                                                           other Christian and non-Christian families in providing a    area, as well as those who join us from within Australia
                                                                                           quality Christian education for all.                         and around the world.

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!
                        EXCELLENCE &
                         At Peace Lutheran College we value excellence and we encourage
                         our students to set high expectations in all that they do. As a result,
                         we are one of the top performing schools in our region.

                         ✔ 100% of full time Year 12 students (2020) being awarded a Queensland Certificate of
                           Education (QCE)
                         ✔ One of the highest performing ATAR schools in Cairns
                         ✔ Counted among the Top 10 Performing High Schools for the National Assessment Program –
                           Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in the region in 2019
                         ✔ Counted among the Top 10 Performing Primary Schools for the National Assessment
                           Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in the region in 2019
                         ✔ Inter-school sport ‘Aggregate’ champion school for several years in Junior Secondary Sport
                         ✔ Highly competitive and well-known for outstanding sportsmanship in the CISSA
                           (Senior Sport) competition
                         ✔ Reputation for strong representation in District and Regional representative sport

                         Our graduating seniors also achieve outstanding university entrance scores, which has seen
                         the school establish a fine record in Cairns for our students being accepted on their tertiary
                         course of choice.

                           Peace Lutheran College ATAR results for 2020

                           ATAR Score                        % of the ATAR-eligible cohort

                           ATAR above 95                     22.2%

                           ATAR above 90                     48.1%

                           General Subject Grades           % of the ATAR-eligible cohort

                           A' Grades                        35%

                           B' Grades                        37%

                           'A' + 'B' Grades                 72%

                         These academic results are evidence of the hard work and commitment of these students,
                         as well as the care, attention and dedication of their teachers who have journeyed with them.

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!
     LIVING AND                                                                                                           SCHOOL
     STUDYING IN                                                                                                          LOCATION AND
     CAIRNS, AUSTRALIA                                                                                                    TRANSPORTATION
     The school grounds of Peace Lutheran                     Employment                                                  Peace Lutheran College is nestled in
     College are representative of the natural                Cairns is a regional hub for North Queensland, with         the picturesque hills in the suburb of
     beauty and relaxed coastal lifestyle of                  tourism and hospitality being two of the main industries,   Kamerunga, only 14 kilometres from
                                                              along with retail, as well as agriculture and mining.
     Cairns – gateway to Australia’s Great                                                                                Cairns city, which is a 15-minute trip
     Barrier Reef and the perfect location for                Cost of Living                                              by car or bus.
     your international study.                                In comparison to other states in Australia, Queensland
                                                              has a relatively low cost of living. Australian Education   The school has a safe and reliable transport system,
     Students who study in Cairns have the benefit of         International estimates that an international student       owning a private fleet of buses and employing its own
     experiencing a quality education whilst enjoying the     living in Queensland will spend approximately $380 per      drivers. The buses are used to transport students,
     many natural wonders of the area including the reef      week on items such as accommodation, food, clothing,        who are Boarders of the school, to activities, outings,
     and the rainforest, all located within close proximity   entertainment, transport and communication.                 sports training and events, etc. These buses are also
     to the school.                                                                                                       used to transport all students to school activities
                                                                                                                          and excursions.
     Studying in Cairns offers students an exceptional
                                                              Two world-class universities – Central Queensland           Public bus transport is also available if required, with
     education and healthy lifestyle within a warm,
                                                              University (CQU) and James Cook University (JCU),           bus stops located directly opposite the school.
     tropical climate.
                                                              both of which offer a range of education courses.

     Cairns is located on the east coast of Cape York
     Peninsula, a narrow coastal strip between the
     Coral Sea and the Great Dividing Range.

     The city is the gateway to two of the world’s greatest
     natural attractions – the Great Barrier Reef and the
     Wet Tropics Rainforest.

     Cairns has a diverse tropical landscape, home to
     mountains, beaches, wetlands, lakes, mudflats,
     mangroves, rivers and estuaries, as well as
     Queensland’s highest mountain – Mount Bartle Frere
     (1,622 metres high); and home to the world’s longest
     lava tubes – Undara lava tubes (160 kilometres long
     and 20 metres wide).

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!
COLLEGE                                                                                Hospitality Centre
                                                                                       This leading-edge building consists of:

                                                                                       ✔ A large, fully equipped commercial kitchen
                                                                                       ✔ The latest equipment, appliances and utensils
                                                                                       ✔ A well-appointed, modern café – Café Garna – serving
                                                                                         barista coffee as well as an assortment of other beverages
Located at the foothills of World Heritage rainforest,                                   and baked goods
our school is set on spacious grounds with beautiful gardens.
Our facilities include:
✔ Airconditioned classrooms with interactive white boards and modern
  learning equipment
✔ Personal locker for every student
✔ School Library
✔ Junior School Computer Lab
✔ Student Café fully catered for lunch breaks by our in-house Chef
✔ Peace Centre, hall with raised stage and seating for up to 500
✔ Multi-Purpose Centre including two undercover areas for basketball,
  netball and volleyball
✔ Spacious sports fields including two rectangular fields and one oval
✔ Junior School playgrounds
✔ Four Boarding Houses with the capacity to accommodate 86 people
                                                                                       Industrial Technology
✔ Boarder’s dining hall and recreation centre                                          & Design Centre
✔ Health & Wellbeing Centre operated by a registered nurse who attends to students     A modern, purpose-built facility which includes:
  who are unwell                                                                       ✔ A technology and design computer room
✔ Privately owned and operated bus fleet whichtransfers students to-and-from school,   ✔ Two spacious, well resourced woodwork workshops,
  to sporting fixtures and excursions and weekend activities for our                     including break-out rooms
  Boarding students
                                                                                       ✔ Large outdoor fabrication workshop

Performing Arts Centre
This state-of-the-art, contemporary building facilitates music, drama
and dance students with the latest equipment and performance space.
✔ Boutique theatre with stage and sound room
✔ The latest AV and lighting
✔ Fully equipped recording studio
✔ Two customised music teaching rooms
✔ Seven practice rooms for instrumental music tuition

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!
COLLEGE                                                                                                                                                                           7
CAMPUS                                                       TEACHING
                                                             AND LEARNING
                                                             At Peace we understand each child is                           ✔ Establishing solid foundations for future success
                                                             different and they won't necessarily develop                     through respecting individual learning, embracing
                                                                                                                              and encouraging every child's unique skill set,
                                                             in the same way or at the same rate as                           developing the whole person.
                                                             another. It is for this reason we treat each
                                                             child's progress as a unique journey, working                  ✔ Fostering a culture of inclusiveness by embracing the
                                                             with them every step of the way to reach their                   diversity of our multicultural fabric, offering an
                                                             full potential.                                                  environment where every student feels valued.

                                                                                                                            ✔ Empowering tomorrow's leaders today through the
                                                             Through collaborative learning groups and a focus on
                                                                                                                              introduction of dynamic learning environments,
                                                             individual learning, we are able to ensure your child is
                                                                                                                              specifically designed to accommodate individual
                                                             receiving the attention that will see them grow and be
                                                                                                                              learning styles, integrate digital technologies, and
                                                             successful learners.
                                                                                                                              promote collaborative learning, all of which ready
                                                             Our dedicated teaching and pastoral care team will be on         our students for the world of tomorrow.
                                                             your child's learning journey with them, providing them
                                                             with a complete education – academically, socially and
                                                             spiritually – providing them with the skills they need to be
                                                             successful in life. This is achieved by:

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!
The Curriculum
        The curriculum aligns to the Australian Curriculum and the
        Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA)
        documents. Being a Lutheran school, our students in Prep to Year
        9 also engage in a Christian Studies program and students in Year
        10, Year 11 and Year 12 participate in a Queensland Certificate in
        Education (QCE) credited Religion and Ethics course.

        Method of study
        All year levels are fulltime study with lessons delivered on-site at
        Peace Lutheran College. Some specialist lessons may be delivered
        via distance education or other means as required.

        Duration of study
        Two Semesters per year for each year level. Semesters are broken
        down into 10-week Terms, with two weeks holiday break in between
        each term and seven to eight weeks holiday break at the end of each

        All students who successfully complete their Senior studies with
        Peace Lutheran College will achieve a Queensland Certificate of
        Education (QCE) upon graduation.

        The QCE is Queensland’s senior secondary schooling qualification.
        It is internationally recognised and provides evidence of senior
        schooling achievements.

        The QCE allows students to choose from a wide-range of learning
        options to suit their interests and career goals.

        To receive a QCE students must achieve the set amount of learning,
        in the set standard, in a set pattern, while meeting literacy and
        numeracy requirements. (QCAA, 2020)

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROSPECTUS - Peace Lutheran College, it's a great place to be!
                                                                                                                             Social and emotional wellbeing
                                                                                                                             The social and emotional wellbeing of our Junior

                                                                                                                             students is supported through “Program Achieve –
                                                                                                                             You Can Do It”. This program teaches children the
                                                                                                                             skills that contribute to their happiness through five
                                                                                                                             foundational skills:

                                                                                                                             1. Confidence
Junior School – Prep to Year 6                                What is different about Junior School at Peace?
                                                                                                                             2. Persistence
The Junior School years pave the way to cultivate active      ✔ Classrooms are designed as flexible learning
                                                                                                                             3. Organisation
and interested learners, establishing strong foundations        environments with open spaces allowing students to
which aim to equip every child for their learning journey.      work in different areas                                      4. Getting along
                                                                                                                             5. Emotional resilience
Endorsing Lutheran Education Australia’s established          ✔ Students can stand at tables, sit in booths or on the
Life-long Qualities for Learners, Peace students are            floor, or sit on wiggle stools or bean bags – whichever
encouraged to be:                                               suits their learning style best                              Curriculum
                                                                                                                             We focus on the core subjects of:
✔ Self-directed, insightful investigators and learners        ✔ Classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards,
                                                                                                                             • English
                                                                iPads and laptops and whiteboard table tops
✔ Resourceful problem solvers and implementers                                                                               • Mathematics
                                                              ✔ Unique delivery where staff team-teach making for
                                                                                                                             • Science
✔ Creative producers and contributors                           enjoyable and effective student learning
                                                                                                                             • Humanities
✔ Open and responsive communicators and facilitators          ✔ Team-teaching allows teachers to target specific
                                                                student needs, guiding them through directed learning        We offer specialist lessons in:
✔ Resilient leaders and collaborators                                                                                        • Japanese
                                                              ✔ Sporting, cultural and special interest activities
✔ Caring and steadfast supporters and advocates                                                                              • The Arts – Music, Drama and Art
                                                              ✔ Access to the school’s high school facilities – science 		   • STEM
                                                                laboratories, Hospitality Centre, Technology & Design
                                                                Centre, Performing Arts Centre                               • Health & Physical Education

                                                              ✔ Refrigerators and lockers in every classroom

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Middle School – Year 7 to Year 10                             What is different about Middle School at Peace?
The important Middle School years serve as a transition       ✔ Stimulating, practical academics program tailored to
between childhood and young adulthood. We understand            make learning experiences relevant, challenging
students in these year levels have needs distinct from          and interesting
other age groups and therefore pastoral care continues to
be a vital part of our service to these students.             ✔ Structure and boundaries for a safe environment
Due to rapid changes in brain development, how this age       ✔ Smaller learning communities for individual attention
group learns and manages emotional, social and moral
challenges is a key focus at Peace.                           ✔ Connecting classroom learning to real life, better
                                                                preparing students for their future
We have high expectations of our students’ attitude to
their education; our approach fosters a willingness to        ✔ Flexible, stimulating learning spaces
learn and opportunities to succeed. This is achieved
through:                                                      ✔ Developing the skills necessary for success in their
                                                                senior studies
✔ Building character, establishing trust and
  creating resilience                                                                                                     Curriculum
                                                                                                                          Studies align with the Australian Curriculum and Queensland Authority syllabus,
✔ Practicing mutual respect, acceptance of difference,
                                                                                                                          with Peace Lutheran College curriculum following sound educational theory and
  consideration and forgiveness
                                                                                                                          practice and also evaluating and responding critically to current educational trends.
✔ Encouraging students to dream big and take risks in
  their learning                                                                                                           Core Subjects                                            Specialist Subjects

✔ Supporting students through moral challenges and 		                                                                                                 All Year Levels (Yr
                                                                                                                           All Year Levels (7-10)                                 Years 7 & 8 only                Years 9 & 10 only
  teaching them how to make responsible choices                                                                                                       7-10)

✔ Fostering productive, respectful teacher-student 		                                                                                                 Industrial Technology                                       Languages – Choice
                                                                                                                           English                                                STEM
  relationships                                                                                                                                       & Design                                                    of Japanese OR Italian

                                                                                                                           Mathematics                Digital Technology          Textiles                        Business Studies

                                                                                                                           Science                    Food Technology

                                                                                                                           Humanities                 Drama

                                                                                                                           Languages –Choice
                                                                                                                           of Japanese OR Italian

                                                                                                                           Christian Studies          Visual Art

                                                                                                                           Health & Physical


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 10                                                                                                                       Curriculum                                                   Year 11 and 12

                                                                                                                          Senior subject choices continue to align with the            Year 11 and 12 students are offered a broad choice of
                                                                                                                          Australian Curriculum and Queensland Authority syllabus      subjects. All senior students undertake Religion & Ethics
                                                                                                                          whilst ensuring our delivery is engaging and relevant,       and must select one English and one Mathematics
                                                                                                                          cultivating a desire for each child to work towards          subject, as well as three to four other subjects depending

                                                                                                                          reaching their full potential.                               on their chosen academic pathway.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Students are assisted with their subject selections by our
                                                                                                                           Compulsory Subjects                                         Careers Guidance Officer, our Year Level Coordinators
                                                                                                                           (Students must choose 1 English and 1 Mathematics option)   and our Head of Senior School.

Senior School – Year 11 to Year 12                            What is different about Senior School at Peace?              General Subjects*                 Applied Subjects^
                                                                                                                                                                                        Elective Subjects
Peace Lutheran College has one of the finest records          ✔ An experienced and committed subject specialist team
                                                                                                                           General English                    Essential English         General Subjects*                 Applied Subjects^
in Cairns for graduating seniors being accepted on their        provide the highest level of instruction to ensure
tertiary course of choice.                                      students are challenged and successful in their final      Mathematical Methods               Essential Maths           Biology                           Visual Arts in Practice
                                                                years of study.
Peace offers an outstanding program of academic,                                                                           General Mathematics                                          Physics                           Sport & Recreation
vocational, sporting, cultural and social experiences, in     ✔ A dedicated pastoral care team carefully monitors
line with the most modern educational thinking of today.        student progress and provides the guidance and             Religion & Ethics                                            Chemistry                         Drama in Practice
                                                                support necessary for future success.
Through careful monitoring of student progress and                                                                                                       Sport                          Legal Studies                     Furnishing Skills
specialist teachers, we are able to give more time            ✔ Our programs maximise teaching time, track student
to the individual needs of our students. The school's           performance and provide extensive opportunities                                                                         Business                          Music in Practice
professional, caring teachers offer advice and well-            for extended study and tutorials ensuring students
informed direction to make sure every senior student            are thoroughly prepared for summative assessment                                                                        Modern History                    Aquatic Practices
graduates, having had the best support to embark on their       success.
adult lives and careers.                                                                                                                                                                Geography                         Hospitality Practices
                                                              ✔ Our student welfare and careers team provide robust
As a Boarding school, our students have the opportunity         emotional support and advice for struggling students 		                                                                 Visual Art
to mix and forge friendships with people from a diverse         and families.
range of backgrounds and cultures, making for a richer        ✔ Our Careers team provides students with industry 		                                                                     Physical Education
and more rewarding experience for students in their             informed advice on Careers and Vocational Education.
senior school years.                                                                                                                                                                    Drama


                                                                                                                                                                                        TAFE / Vocational
                                                                                                                                                                                        Studies / Distance

                                                                                                                                                                                       General* subjects are suited to students who are
                                                                                                                                                                                       interested in pathways beyond senior secondary
                                                                                                                                                                                       schooling that lead primarily to tertiary studies and to
                                                                                                                                                                                       pathways for vocational education and training and work.
                                                                                                                                                                                       General subjects include Extension subjects.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Applied^ subjects are suited to students who are
                                                                                                                                                                                       primarily interested in pathways beyond senior secondary
                                                                                                                                                                                       schooling that lead to vocational education and training
                                                                                                                                                                                       or work.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Results in General and Applied subjects contribute
                                                                                                                                                                                       to the awarding of a QCE and may contribute to an
                                                                                                                                                                                       Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) calculation,
                                                                                                                                                                                       although no more than one result in an Applied subject
                                                                                                                                                                                       can be used in the calculation of a student's ATAR.

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EXTRA                                                                                                                         Community Groups
                                                                                                                              Environment Group – This is a motivated, energetic
                                                                                                                                                                                              Private music tuition is offered in piano, drums,

                                                                                                                              group of students who plan and coordinate the school's          percussion, vocals, guitar, bass guitar, string, woodwind
                                                                                                                              initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint. From managing       and brass instruments.
                                                                                                                              the school's recycling program, to establishing butterfly
                                                                                                                              gardens and planting trees, this group of students is           The Junior Choir (Junior School) and Peace Pipes
                                                                                                                              always excitedly planning for improvement.                      (Middle/Senior School) offer students the opportunity to
At Peace we offer a variety of extra-curricular activities    Clubs                                                                                                                           sing and perform at school functions as well as enter local
and all students are encouraged to be involved in an                                                                          Rosies – Friends on the Street – This is a not-for-profit       Eisteddfod competitions.
activity that best suits their individual interests.          Props & Costumes – This groups meets after school               organisation that provides acceptance and friendship to
                                                              to work on building replica items or costumes from their        people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.             The Concert Band comprises our Instrumental Music
                                                              favourite characters in popular culture, from anime,
Camps & Excursions                                            comics, video games, manga, movies, books, and
                                                                                                                              Peace Senior students help out regularly by providing           students and offers students the opportunity to perform at
                                                                                                                              ongoing support to the Project and going out with the van       school functions and for local community organisations.
Class camps help build positive relationships between         television, and share their fandom.                             to serve meals for the homeless. This dedicated group of
teachers and students and create a spirit of togetherness.                                                                    students work to make a difference in the lives of others       Performing Arts
There is no additional cost to attend these camps:            Students use their STEM skills (or the engineer design          through generously giving their time to serve.
                                                              process) to design, build (and sometimes redesign),                                                                             Peace engages in school and public performances.
✔ Year 5 Camp
                                                              something tangible out of a wide variety of materials with      Service Group – Middle and Senior School students               Middle and Senior students may audition for the annual
✔ Year 6 Outdoor Adventure Camp                               a specific function or purpose in mind. This creative outlet    are invited to participate in a variety of service activities   school production. Senior students engage in Drama
                                                              offers students and staff the opportunity to learn new skills   in response to needs within the school and wider                performances for school and public appearances.
✔ Year 8 Challenge Camp                                       in a non-threatening, relaxed atmosphere.                       community.
✔ Year 9 Leadership Camp                                                                                                                                                                      Public Speaking
                                                              Recess Activities – In response to the school’s policy
✔ Year 10 Activity Camp                                       of ‘no mobile phones during school hours’, the student
                                                                                                                              Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme                                  Peace offers debating and public speaking opportunities
                                                              leadership run a weekly calendar of activities during           This structured youth development program offers                and enters literary competitions. Students work with
✔ Year 11 Leadership Camp                                                                                                                                                                     their English teachers out of school time to prepare for
                                                              second lunch break. Regular weekly activities include:          students the opportunity to demonstrate initiative,
✔ Year 12 Leadership Retreat                                                                                                  organisation and leadership skills by participating in          these events.
                                                              ✔ Chess                                                         challenging outdoor activities and community service
Voluntary Excursions allow students the opportunity to be                                                                     initiatives.                                                    Sport & Fitness
involved in cultural experiences and adventure programs:      ✔ Table Tennis
                                                                                                                                                                                              Early morning fitness sessions are conducted by the
✔ Adventure Under Sail – sailing adventure available          ✔ Boardgames                                                    Leadership                                                      school’s Health & Physical Education coordinator, as well
  for Year 10 and 11 students                                                                                                                                                                 as before or after school sports training sessions for the
                                                              ✔ Drawing Club                                                  Student Representative Council (SRC) - The SRC
                                                                                                                              consists of the College Captains, Vice Captains and Year        school’s various club sports teams.
✔ Borneo Service Trip – outreach opportunity for              ✔ PUG – Peace Ukulele & Guitar Club
  Year 9 and 10 students                                                                                                      Level Representatives who serve the school community
                                                              ✔ Dance Club                                                    by representing student interests and providing a forum
✔ Italian Cultural Trip – cultural experience for Middle                                                                      for student opinions and ideas. They also represent the
                                                              ✔ Friday Trivia                                                 school and student body at school and community events.
  and Senior students

✔ Japanese Cultural Trip – cultural experience for
  Middle and Senior students

✔ New Zealand Ski Trip – adventurous experience
  for Year 11 and 12 students

 24   | Peace Lutheran College | CRICOS Provider No. 01260E
Careers Guidance                                              Work Experience
Through career information and counselling, we prepare        All Year 10 students participate in a structured work
students for life beyond the classroom. We employ an          experience program enabling them to sample real work
experienced Careers and Guidance Officer who can              in an industry of their choice. In years 11 and 12 students
support students and their parents, assisting with:           are encouraged to source work experience during their
                                                              school holidays if they have a particular career interest.
✔ Individualised careers counselling
                                                              To broaden their knowledge of careers, the school invites
✔ Vocational Education & Tertiary (VET) pathways              a range of guests to talk to our students about their career
                                                              pathway. These engaging sessions allow students to
✔ School-based apprenticeships and traineeships               interact with industry experts from our region.

✔ The job search process, including resume preparation,       University Pathways
  job seeking and interview tips
                                                              Peace has an exceptional record of producing
✔ Sourcing and advice relating to work experience             academically talented students in readiness for entry to
✔ Insight into workplace expectations and etiquette
                                                              Our students have access to experienced staff who can
All senior students attend the annual Careers and             support and guide them towards achieving the necessary
Employment Expo, which brings together a vast array of        requirements for entry into their chosen university course.
education and career providers to inspire students and
help them with their decision making.                         During Year 12, students attend university experience
                                                              days to gain greater insight and understanding about
From Year 10, students start their Senior Education and       university life and expectations. University representatives
Training (SET) plan, which is used as a guide to inform       also visit our students to offer first-hand advice and
subject selection and identify vocational pathways.           knowledge about specific courses and entry requirements.

 26   | Peace Lutheran College | CRICOS Provider No. 01260E                                                         | CRICOS Provider No. 01260E |   27
     Peace Lutheran College is well-known for                 Team training takes place each week. Students travel off
     its sporting achievements with our students              campus, during school time, to compete against other
                                                              schools in the Cairns region. The different sports include:
     having competed at State and National
     levels.                                                  ✔ AFL (boys)

                                                              ✔ Basketball (boys and girls)
     A wide range of opportunities are available
     including carnivals, district and regional               ✔ Football - Soccer (boys and girls)
     sport, inter-school sport and College
     teams. Our core sports program introduces                ✔ Netball (girls)
     students to various activities and provides
                                                              ✔ Touch Football (boys and girls)
     the skills for them to then participate in
     various games and team sports.                           ✔ Volleyball (boys and girls)

     School Carnivals                                         District & Regional Sport
     ✔ Cross Country – Junior, Middle                         Students can nominate for District trials which are held
       and Senior students                                    throughout the year. Students who attend District trials
                                                              may be selected in a Regional team. Peace has had
     ✔ Swimming – Middle and Senior students                  a consistent record of award recipients at District level
                                                              and has had several students progress through the
     ✔ Athletics – Junior, Middle and Senior students         Queensland Schools State Team which is the highest
                                                              possible achievement in Australian School Sport.
     Inter-school Sport
     Two competitions are played throughout the year:         Sports include:
                                                              ✔ AFL
     ✔ Cairns Inter-school Secondary Sporting Activities
       (CISSA) – for Senior School students, played in        ✔ Baseball
       Terms 1 and 2.
                                                              ✔ Basketball
     ✔ Junior Secondary Sport (JSS) – for Middle School
       students in Years 7, 8 and 9 in Terms 3 and 4.         ✔ Cricket

                                                              ✔ Football (Soccer)

                                                              ✔ Hockey

                                                              ✔ Netball

                                                              ✔ Softball

                                                              ✔ Rugby League

                                                              ✔ Rugby Union

                                                              ✔ Touch Football

                                                              ✔ Volleyball

28   | Peace Lutheran College | CRICOS Provider No. 01260E                                                         | CRICOS Provider No. 01260E |   29
Our school offers co-educational boarding                     Boarding Staff
facilities for domestic and international                     Our boarding staff are dedicated individuals who bring
students across four smaller-sized boarding                   a strong commitment to their boarding houses. Our staff
houses – two boy’s house and two girl’s                       consist of:
houses that can accommodate 86 students
                                                              ✔ Head of Boarding
in total
                                                              ✔ House Parent for each house
Boarding Houses
The boarding houses are located on our school grounds         ✔ Boarding Supervisors
and each house has its own House Parent who aims
                                                              ✔ School Nurse (Registered Nurse)
to make the house a home-away-from home for the
students.                                                     ✔ Student Welfare Officer on campus

Each house features:                                          Routines
✔ A common lounge and dining area                             Boarding students have a set routine to help them get the
                                                              most from their academic studies.
✔ Kitchenette
                                                              ✔ A certain amount of study must be undertaken
✔ Laundry
                                                                each week
✔ Shared, cubicle-style bedrooms
                                                              ✔ Dedicated study is supervised in classrooms and
✔ Cubicle-style bathrooms                                       boarding House Parents liaise with teaching staff to
                                                                ensure students are working to achieve their best.
The setup of the houses provides students with their
own private, individual space. Younger students are           ✔ Set meal times
accommodated together, allowing for connections to
                                                              Further information on Boarding at Peace can be found
be made. Senior students’ accommodation is individual
                                                              in our Boarders Information Handbook located on our
cubicle-style bedrooms allowing for more privacy and

Boarding Facilities
✔ Dining Room where students come together for meals.
  The boarder’s dining menu is managed by our own
  qualified Chef.

✔ Recreational swimming pool

✔ Volleyball, basketball and netball courts

✔ Sports fields

✔ Recreation Centre, including games room
  and media room

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STUDENT HEALTH                                                                                                               Student Welfare Officer
                                                                                                                             Our Student Welfare Officer provides support,
                                                                                                                                                                                           Staying Connected
                                                                                                                                                                                           Peace has a strong sense of community and we strongly

                                                                                                                             assessment and advice to all students from Prep through       encourage families of international students to become
                                                                                                                             to Year 12 in relation to student wellbeing. They work        involved with the Peace community.
                                                                                                                             alongside other support staff to provide pastoral care and
                                                                                                                             support for staff and parents of the College Community.       The school has several platforms that keep families
                                                                                                                             When necessary, upon ascertaining the level of support        informed and engaged with the activities and happenings
Our school offers co-educational boarding                       Our dedicated teaching and pastoral care                     required for a student, they will connect students and        at the school:
facilities for domestic and international                       team will be on your child’s learning journey                parents to external agencies and providers who can
                                                                                                                             offer expert advice to assist students as they overcome       ✔ Peace Lutheran College Facebook
students across four smaller-sized boarding                     with them, providing them with a complete                    emotional and personal struggles.
houses – two boy’s house and two girl’s                         education.                                                                                                                 ✔ Peace Lutheran College Instagram
houses that can accommodate 82 students                                                                                      School Nurse
                                                                Our pastoral care staff and teaching team work closely                                                                     ✔ College Newsletter
in total                                                                                                                     We have a Health & Wellbeing Centre located on campus
                                                                together to ensure our students are settled, feel safe and
Our Christian ethos informs relationships between staff         can concentrate on their studies.                            which is operated by a registered nurse to care for our       ✔ Peace Lutheran College School App
and students and shapes the whole school environment,                                                                        students in times of illness or accident. The nurse is also
providing a safe and secure atmosphere in which students
can learn effectively.                                          Pastoral Care Team                                           responsible for storing and administering prescription
                                                                                                                             medication required by students.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Direct communication between the school and home is
                                                                                                                                                                                           considered vital as we value your ongoing involvement
                                                                College Pastor                                                                                                             with your child’s educational development. This
The school’s pastoral care program looks to build life skills                                                                Leadership & Teaching Team                                    communication is either by email or phone.
and equip students for challenges they may encounter.           Our College Pastor has oversight of the spiritual life of
Focus areas include:                                            our school and is also actively involved in the school’s     Our leadership and teaching team carefully monitor each       You can also have access to your child’s student
                                                                pastoral care programs and student welfare services.         student’s progress, addressing individual needs. Our          information such as academic reports, school calendar,
✔ Having high expectations of self and others                   Students regularly attend chapel which is led by the         teachers are caring and are dedicated to our students,        event and excursion information and permissions and
                                                                Pastor, but students are also encouraged to be involved.     providing them with the advice, direction and support they    parent/teacher interviews through the school’s Peace
✔ Respectful relationships with caring adults                   The College Pastor also serves the boarding community        need along their learning journey.                            Parent Portal. You will be provided access to this program
                                                                at Peace through church services and bible studies and                                                                     once your child’s enrolment has been accepted and
✔ Moral values that enable young people to discern right        devotions.                                                   Supporting our teachers in the pastoral care of our           confirmed with the school.
  from wrong                                                                                                                 students are our Home Group Teachers, Behaviour
                                                                                                                             Management Coordinator, Year Level Coordinators and
✔ Social boundaries and opportunities for social service                                                                     Boarding House Parents.

✔ These traits build resilience when these young people
  face life's challenges.

 32   | Peace Lutheran College | CRICOS Provider No. 01260E
                                                                                                                       Step 2: Interview                                              Step 6: Overseas Health Cover
                                                                                                                       An interview and/or assessment with either the Principal,      Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is an Australian

                                                                                                                       or appropriate Head of School, will be arranged with you       Government requirement for all students studying on a
                                                                                                                       and your child. This can be arranged via Zoom where            student visa. Day students are required to organise their
                                                                                                                       necessary.                                                     own OSHC. Boarding students can arrange their own
                                                                                                                                                                                      OSHC, or the school can do this on their behalf through

                                                                                                                       Step 3: Letter of Offer                                        BUPA Overseas Student Health Cover - this is the
                                                                                                                       A Letter of Offer from the school will be sent to you should   school's preferred overseas health provider.
                                                                                                                       your application be successful. You will be required to
                                                                                                                       sign and return your acceptance of this Offer and make
                                                                                                                                                                                      Step 7: Before You Arrive
                          The school offers the following CRICOS approved courses:                                     payment of the $400 enrolment deposit.                         Our Enrolments team will contact you about arrangements
                                                                                                                                                                                      for your child’s arrival and commencement.
                                                                                                                       Step 4: Confirmation of Enrolment
                            Course Code           Course Name
                                                                                                                       You will receive an invoice from the school requesting         Step 8: Welcome to Peace
                                                                                                                       payment of one Semester’s tuition fees in advance. Once        Your child commences their studies at Peace Lutheran
                            086286C               Junior School Studies Prep to Year 6
                                                                                                                       this payment is received, a Confirmation of Enrolment          College with an orientation of the campus and introduction
                            086287B               Junior Secondary Studies Year 7 to Year 10                           (CoE) will be issued. You will require a CoE before you        to their teacher and student buddy.
                                                                                                                       are able to apply for a student visa.
                            018202J               Senior Secondary Studies Year 11 and Year 12
                                                                                                                       Step 5: Receipt of Visa Application
                          We will consider enrolment applications from students wishing to apply for a Student Visa    Once you have received and viewed your child’s visa
                          500, subject to compliance with conditions set by Peace, and with legislative requirements   application, you must notify the school that it has been
                          of the State of Queensland and the Commonwealth of Australia                                 received.

                          Application Process
                          Step 1: Application                                                                          English Language Entry Requirements
                          Complete and submit the Peace Lutheran College Online International Student Application      Prep to Year 6                                                 Year 7 – 12
                          form and make payment of the $300 application fee. This processing fee is non-refundable.
                          Your application cannot be processed until the application fee has                           International students applying for entry to the Junior        International students applying for Junior Secondary
                          been paid.                                                                                   School will require a personal interview with the Principal    or Senior Secondary studies will need to provide
                                                                                                                       or Head of Junior School. An English language proficiency      academic reports (translated in English) from their most
                          Please note: The following documents will need to be uploaded to your Online International   assessment and academic ability assessment is also             recent school/s for the previous two years, including an
                          Student Application form before it can be submitted:                                         required and this will be conducted by approved teachers       explanation of the reporting procedures applied.
                                                                                                                       at Peace. This assessment assists in determining whether
                          ✔ Birth Certificate - certified copy                                                         students have age-appropriate achievement in literacy/         International students must also meet the minimum
                                                                                                                       numeracy areas of our curriculum, and to determine their       Bandscale appropriate to their entry year level as
                          ✔ Current Passport - copy of passport page with name, photo identification,
                                                                                                                       level of English.                                              outlined below:
                            passport number and expiry date

                          ✔ Visa/s - previous visas held for study in Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                  Minimum Bandscale Subject Requirements
                          ✔ Character reference (required for children enrolling into Years 7 - 12 and Boarding)           Year Level         General IELTS
                                                                                                                                                                      Reading             Writing              Speaking                   Listening
                          ✔ Letter of Release (if applicant is already currently studying in Australia)
                                                                                                                              7&8                   4.5                  4                   4                      4.5                       4.5
                          ✔ School/academic reports (translated in English) - latest certified copies
                                                                                                                                9                    5                   4.5                4.5                      5                          5
                          ✔ Photograph of student (NOT the Passport photograph)
                                                                                                                                10                  5.5                  5                   5                      5.5                        5.5
                          Once the application and documents have been received, our Enrolments team will
                          acknowledge receipt of your application via email and will contact you should any                  11 & 12                 6                   5.5                5.5                      6                          6
                          additional information be required.

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16                                                                                                                             Additional Fees – Day and Boarding Students (per student)
                                                                                                                                    The following additional fees are not covered in the tuition fees and are the responsibility of the parent and/or carer.

                                                                                                                                    The majority of these additional non-tuition fees are compulsory requirements.
                                                                                                                                    Please note: The costs noted below are approximate costs only, provided as a guide. We recommend you check with the supplier for more accurate cost information.

                                                                                                                                      Item                                                Additional Information
                          Enrolment & Application Fees
                                                                                                                                                                                         Uniform requirements can be viewed on our website. Approximate cost is
                                                                                                                                    School uniforms
                            Fee                         Cost of Fee   Additional Information                                                                                             AUD $450 - $650. See the supplier’s website for more information.

                            Application Fee             AUD $300      Per student. Non-refundable. Payable upon application.                                                             Lists can be viewed on our website. Approximate cost is UAD $125 - $180 per year.
                                                                                                                                    Book and stationery pack
                                                                                                                                                                                         The cost varies according to year level and subjects taken.
                            Enrolment Deposit           AUD $400      Per student. Payable upon acceptance of Offer of Enrolment.
                                                                                                                                    Bring Your Own Device                                Students in Years 6 – Year 12 are required to bring their own device to school. Refer to the
                          Tuition Fees (per student)                                                                                (BYOD) Program                                       ICT Information Booklet for information.

                            Course                             Year Level/s            Per Semester          Per Year                                                                    It is an Australian Government requirement that all students studying on a student visa
                                                                                                                                                                                         are covered by OSHC. Day students are required to organise their own OSHC. Boarding
                                                                                                                                    Student Overseas Health
                            086286C                            Prep to Year 5          AUD $9,750             AUD $19,500                                                                students may organise their own OSHC and provide details to us of their own private health
                                                                                                                                    Cover (OSHC)
                            Junior School Studies              Year 6                  AUD $12,960            AUD $25,920                                                                cover, OR we can organise OSHC on your behalf through Bupa. Approximate cost is AUD
                                                                                                                                                                                         $500 - $600 per year.
                            086287B                            Year 7 to Year 9        AUD $12,960            AUD $25,920
                                                                                                                                                                                         This is a mandatory government fee for the Senior External Examination which may
                            Junior Secondary Studies           Year 10                 AUD $14,610            AUD $29,220           QCAA fees (Year 11 & 12
                                                                                                                                                                                         contribute to the awarding of a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and contribute to
                                                                                                                                    students only)
                            018202J                            Year 11                                                                                                                   ATAR calculations. Approximate cost is AUD $780.
                                                                                       AUD $14,610            AUD $29,220
                            Senior Secondary Studies           and Year 12                                                          Special activities, courses                          Other charges may apply throughout the year for these items, although the school
                                                                                                                                    and excursions                                       endeavours to keep these charges to a minimum.
                          Boarding Fees (per student)
                                                                                                                                                                                         Bus transport to and from school (Day Students only) Day students who elect to use the
                            Fee                                Year Level/s            Per Semester          Per Year               Bus transport to and from                            school’s bus service for transport to and from school, will be charged:
                                                                                                                                    school (Day Students only)                           ✔ Per child: AUD $1,460 per year
                            Fulltime Boarding                  Year 7 – Year 12        AUD $12,910            AUD $25,820                                                                ✔ Per family: AUD $2,240 per year

                            Boarding fee includes:
                                                                                                                                    Additional Fees – Boarding Students Only (per student)
                            Accommodation | All Meals | School & Sport Transport | Weekend Activities & Transport
                                                                                                                                    The following additional fees are not covered in the tuition fees and are the responsibility of the parent and/or carer.
                            Some Recreational Activities | Laundry Service (for school uniforms only)

                            School Polices:
                                                                                                                                      Item                                                Additional Information
                            • International Student Refund Policy
                            • Student Progress, Attendance & Course Duration Policy
                                                                                                                                                                                         Your OSHC may not cover the full cost of doctor or specialist visits and does not
                            • Complaints and Appeals Policy                                                                                                                              cover medications or pharmaceutical costs. Minor medication expenses will be
                            • Student Welfare & Accommodation Policy                                                                Medical expenses
                                                                                                                                                                                         added to your school account as required. However, you must pay major medical
                            • Critical Incident Policy                                                                                                                                   expenses directly to the health provider.
                            • Deferment, Suspension & Cancelation of Enrolment Policy
                            • International Student Transfer Policy                                                                                                                      You are requested to purchase all the personal belongings required for boarding, as
                                                                                                                                    Personal belongings
                                                                                                                                                                                         outlined in the Boarding Information Handbook.
                            School Fee Credit Policy
                                                                                                                                                                                         The school has a designated drop-off time to the International Airport at the end of each
                            • Failure to pay fees by the due dates, or not honouring your payment arrangement will 			              Vacation transportation                              term. Outside of this, you are responsible for your child’s transportation at the beginning
                              result in cancellation of enrolment.                                                                                                                       and end of each term (including transportation to and from the school).
                            • Withdrawal of a student from Peace Lutheran College requires ten (10) school weeks’
                              notice in writing to be provided to the Principal. If insufficient notice is provided, payment 		                                                          You are responsible for ensuring your child has enough pocket money for the term.
                                                                                                                                    Pocket money AUD $30 per
                              of ten weeks school fees (and boarding fees in lieu of notice if applicable) is payable.                                                                   We recommend opening an Australian bank account and providing your child with a debit
                                                                                                                                    week is recommended
                            For further details please see our School Fees Credit Policy.                                                                                                card to cover extra expenses for personal items and activities.
                            • All fees are reviewed annually and may be subject to change.
                            • All fees are quoted in Australian dollars (AUD).

36   | Peace Lutheran College | CRICOS Provider No. 01260E                                                                                                                                                                                            | CRICOS Provider No. 01260E |   37
50-60 Cowley Street, Kamerunga PO Box 72F, Freshwater QLD 4870
P: 4039 9000, F: 4039 1623, E:
CRICOS Provider No. 01260E
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