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Interpreting Twitter User Geolocation - Association for ...
Interpreting Twitter User Geolocation
Ting Zhong1 , Tianliang Wang1 , Fan Zhou1† , Goce Trajcevski2 , Kunpeng Zhang3 , Yi Yang4
                University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
                               Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
                            University of Maryland, College Park, USA
              The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
                          Corresponding author:

                      Abstract                               multi-aspect information, especially the user men-
                                                             tion/interaction network to boost the performance
    Identifying user geolocation in online social            of geolocation identification (Rahimi et al., 2015;
    networks is an essential task in many location-
                                                             Do et al., 2017; Rahimi et al., 2017, 2018; Hamouni
    based applications. Existing methods rely
    on the similarity of text and network struc-
                                                             et al., 2019). For example, (Rahimi et al., 2018;
    ture, however, they suffer from a lack of inter-         Wu et al., 2019) employ Graph Convolutional Net-
    pretability on the corresponding results, which          works (GCNs) (Kipf and Welling, 2017) or sim-
    is crucial for understanding model behavior.             plified GCN (Wu et al., 2019) to learn network
    In this work, we adopt influence functions to            structures for user geolocation. In addition, graph
    interpret the behavior of GNN-based models               representation-based methods (Tang et al., 2015;
    by identifying the importance of training users          Grover and Leskovec, 2016; Kipf and Welling,
    when predicting the locations of the testing
                                                             2017; Hamilton et al., 2017; Qiu et al., 2018) have
    users. This methodology helps with providing
    meaningful explanations on prediction results.           also been widely used for user geolocation (Do
    Furthermore, it also initiates an attempt to un-         et al., 2017; Miura et al., 2017; Rahimi et al., 2018;
    cover the so-called “black-box” GNN-based                Hamouni et al., 2019; Huang and Carley, 2019).
    models by investigating the effect of individ-              However, the existing methods lack model trans-
    ual nodes.                                               parency and fail to provide meaningful explana-
                                                             tions regarding the model behavior and prediction
1   Introduction
                                                             results, which prevents them from safety-critical
Identifying geographic locations of users in online          applications. For example, when locating an emer-
social networks (OSN) has become a key Internet              gency for a specific region, it would be more mean-
service for many downstream applications, includ-            ingful to explain why such prediction is made,
ing location-based targeted advertising, emergency           rather than simply presenting numerical ranking
location identification, political election campaign,        values.
local event/place recommendation, natural disas-                To address such limitations, we propose a gen-
ter response, and remediation, etc. (Zheng et al.,           eral framework to explain the behavior of user ge-
2018). As such, the problem of user geolocation              olocation models and the prediction results, by uti-
(UG) has received a great deal of research attention         lizing the influence function (Hampel et al., 2011;
in the past decade (Han et al., 2012; Do et al., 2017;       Koh and Liang, 2017) to quantify the impact of
Miura et al., 2017; Rahimi et al., 2018; Bakerman            in-network users on the predicted outcome. The
et al., 2018).                                               main assumption is that the prediction results from
   Earlier efforts (Amitay et al., 2004; Wing and            a trained geolocation model are typically affected
Baldridge, 2011; Han et al., 2012; Roller et al.,            by the knowledge learned from training data (i.e.,
2012; Ahmed et al., 2013; Han et al., 2014; Chong            all in-network users and their associated attributes).
and Lim, 2017) mainly focused on extracting in-              We demonstrate that the user geolocation (espe-
dicative information from user-posted contents.              cially) for the network-based methods, is largely
These approaches rely on informative words that              dominated by the geographical locations of the 1-
can link users to their specific locations via vari-         hop neighboring nodes. This finding, on the one
ous natural language processing techniques such              hand, enables demystification of the model behav-
as topic modeling and other statistical models.              ior and quantitative measuring of the influence of
More recently, researchers aimed at incorporating            individual users (both 1-hop and high-order prox-

        Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 853–859
                          July 5 - 10, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
imity nodes); and on the other hand, provides in-        2017; Wu et al., 2019) for user representation learn-
terpretation on the predicted locations for down-        ing. In spite of the superior performance, GNNs
stream applications/decision makers – which, in          (including those used for user geolocation) (Rahimi
turn, points out a direction to further improve the      et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2019) model the process of
model.                                                   learning and prediction in a “black-box” manner
                                                         and, consequently, are limited in terms of inter-
2   Preliminaries                                        pretability. Therefore, it is important to understand
                                                         how the model learns the data and why a particular
The User geolocation problem is defined as pre-
                                                         prediction is made. To demystify the geolocation
dicting the user’s “home” location (Zheng et al.,
                                                         models, we intend to uncover and explain the train-
2018). Since each location is described by a (lon-
                                                         ing process and prediction outcomes.
gitude, latitude) pair, the task can be converted
into a typical classification problem where the             There has been a growing interest to explain the
labels/categories are region ids obtained through        model behavior and the predicted outcomes in the
some space-partitioning methods, such as k-d trees,      area of neural networks. In particular, an influ-
that divides the surface of the earth into closed and    ence function (Cook and Weisberg, 1980; Hampel
non-overlapping regions. Each user is associated         et al., 2011) is used to estimate the effect of in-
with one (and only one) region-label that she/he         dividual training sample and interpret the results
belongs to. We use one-hot encoding to denote            made by a specific model. While providing an ele-
each label y ∈ R1×c , where c is the number of           gant post-training interpretation, computationally-
regions. The user geolocation task thus becomes          prohibitive cost of repeatedly retraining the model
one of identifying the geographical locations, given     is avoided, spurring wide uses in a range of appli-
the user tweet contents X and the mention network        cations, including image classification (Koh and
G.                                                       Liang, 2017), group effect (Koh et al., 2019), rec-
   Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) (Bruna et al.,           ommendation (Cheng et al., 2019), etc. However,
2014; Defferrard et al., 2016; Kipf and Welling,         whether influence functions can be applied to GNN-
2017; Hamilton et al., 2017; Velickovic et al., 2018;    based models remained unclear. We take a step to-
Ying et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2019; You et al., 2019)    wards bridging this gap by tracing the geolocation
are powerful tools of representation learning for        results from the GNN-based models back to the
graph data, which has received increasing attention      important nodes in the mention network.
over the past several years (Zhou et al., 2018; Wu          Specifically, let z1 , . . . , zm denote the m training
et al., 2020). The main idea is that, given a network    samples (nodes in the mention network G), where
G = (V, E) with attributes xv ∈ X for every node         each zi = (xi , yi ) is an attribute vector of i-th
v (v ∈ V), a general GNN is to learn a vector            node and its label. Removing one sample z from
representation of node v by:                             the training set can change the model optimal pa-
                                                        rameters from θ∗ to θ−z    ∗ , where θ ∗ and θ ∗ is the
           θ2     (k−1) θ1
  v    = fM     x v    , fA  x u      u ∈ N  (v)     ,   set of optimal parameters with and without the sam-
                                                         ple z, respectively. And θ−z       ∗ can be obtained by:
                                                           ∗ = arg min
where θ1 and θ2 are trainable parameters, and N (v)
                                                         θ−z               θ∈Θ        zi 6=z `(zi , θ), where `(zi , θ)
indicates the neighboring nodes of node v. Specifi-      is the loss of sample zi . To estimate the influence
cally, fAθ1 aggregates information from neighbors,       of every removed training sample z and avoid re-
fM   merges the node representations from step           training the model, Koh et al. (Koh and Liang,
k − 1 with the computed neighborhood informa-            2017) use an influence function strategy to effi-
tion. Both fAθ1 and fM θ2
                          can be arbitrary differen-     ciently approximate this behavior. The basic idea
tiable, permutation-invariant functions (e.g., neural    is to compute the change of optimal parameters if z
networks) (Rahimi et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2019).        was upweighted by some small , which gives the
                                                         new parameters:
3   Interpreting Geolocation Results
Previous works (Rahimi et al., 2015; Do et al.,              ∗   def            1 X
                                                            θ,z = arg min          `(zi , θ) + `(z, θ),         (1)
2017; Hamouni et al., 2019) typically leverage                            θ∈Θ   m
graph embedding methods (Grover and Leskovec,
2016; Kipf and Welling, 2017; Hamilton et al.,           where the influence of upweighting z on the param-

eters θ∗ is given by:                                            code1 , where the tweet content is fed into a GNN
                       ∗                                         as the node attribute. For MLP, we use node2vec to
               def   ∂θ,z
 Iup,θ∗ (z) =                       = −H−1          ∗
                                        θ∗ 5θ `(z, θ ), (2)
                                                                 generate node representations. Note that we follow
                      ∂      =0                                the evaluation metrics used by previous works.
         1    Pm   2         ∗                                      We used two real-world Twitter datasets for
Hθ∗ = m      i=1 5θ `(zi , θ ) is the Hessian matrix,            evaluation: GeoText (Eisenstein et al., 2010) and
and Eq. (2) shows that removing z is the same as
                           1                                     Twitter-US (Roller et al., 2012). Their descriptive
upweighting it by  = − m    . Thus, we can linearly
                                                                 statistics are shown in Table 1.
approximate the parameter change of removing z
    ∗ − θ∗ ≈ − 1 I
as θ−z           m up,θ (z) without retraining the
                         ∗                                             Dataset          # Train      # Val      # Test        # Label
model. The influence of upweighting a training                         GeoText           5,685        1,895     1,895           129
node z on the loss for a testing node ztest can then                   Twitter-US       429,200      10,000     10,000          256
be calculated according to the chain rule:
                                                                             Table 1: Descriptive statistics of datasets.
                                          ∗ )
                              ∂`(ztest , θ,z
      I up,loss (z, ztest ) =
                                    ∂          =0
                               ∂θ,z                                                     GeoText                     Twitter-US
         = 5θ `(ztest , θ∗ )|                                         Method
                                                                                 Mean   Median     Acc@161    Mean   Median    Acc@161
                                ∂ =0
                                                                       GCN       546      45        60.1      485      71         62.3
        = − 5θ `(ztest , θ∗ )| H−1          ∗
                                θ∗ 5θ `(z, θ ).          (3)           SGC       531      40        61.1      479      70         62.5
                                                                       MLP       555      46        60.2      545      86         59.6

  To speed up the computation, we use implicit
                                                                                 Table 2: Performance comparison.
Hessian-vector products (HVPs) to approximate
wtest = H−1                     ∗
           θ∗ 5θ `(ztest , θ ), and Eq. (3) can be
rewritten as Iup,loss (z, ztest ) = −wtest 5θ `(z, θ∗ ).             4.2    Interpretable Results
Since the Hessian Hθ∗ is positive semi-definite by
                                                                 Before explaining the results, we compare the per-
assumption, we have:
                                                                 formance of SGC, MLP and GCN (Rahimi et al.,
                         1 |                                    2018)2 models as shown in Table 2. First of all,
wtest ≡ arg min             β Hθ∗ β − 5θ `(ztest , θ∗ )| β ,
                     β    2                                      all three models can achieve similar performance
                                                                 results. While SGC performs slightly better, its
where the exact solution β can be obtained with
                                                                 superiority is not obvious compared to other GNN-
conjugate gradients requiring only the evaluation
                                                                 based models and even the simple MLP model.
of Hθ∗ β instead of explicitly computing H−1 θ∗ . We             This result implies that the improvement of UG
refer the reader to (Koh and Liang, 2017) for more
                                                                 results is limited even with the most advanced
detailed explanations on this topic, where the appli-
                                                                 GNN-based models, at least on the two widely
cation of influence functions in computer vision is
                                                                 used benchmark datasets. Next, we turn to explain
investigated. Note that the above method does not
                                                                 the results made by the SGC and MLP models. We
depend on a specific GNN implementation, i.e., it
                                                                 omit other GCN-based models due to the limited
can be easily adapted to any GNN models.
4     Experiments                                                Influence of n-hop neighbors. For each test
We now discuss in detail our experimental findings.              node, we average the influence value of the n-hop
                                                                 (n = 1, 2, 3) training neighbors in the mention net-
4.1     Datasets and Models                                      work. As Figure 1 illustrates, 1-hop nodes usually
We investigate the interpretability of two user ge-              have more positive influence on the test sample,
olocation models: (1) SGC (Wu et al., 2019), which               while in contrast, the influence of 2-hop and 3-hop
is a simplified GCN that removes the non-linearity               neighbors is relatively smaller. This is an intuitive
in each layer of GCN and has achieved state-of-the-              interpretation of the geolocation results, but it ver-
art performance for user geolocation. (2) A simple               ifies the effect of network-view modeling in user
MLP model which combines the embedding of                        geolocation (Rahimi et al., 2015; Do et al., 2017;
user-posted content and the node embedding for                          1
UG prediction. Here, we use doc2vec for user con-                       2
                                                                         We used the implementation of GCN for geolocation
tent embedding. For SGC, we use the published                        provided by

                                 1-hop                                                     60                       Positive
                                 2-hop                                                                              Overall
   Avg. Influence                3-hop                                                                              Negative


                    0.0                                                                    20
                            0           600        1200     1800
                                   Index of testing nodes
                                         (a) SGC                                                       SGC                          MLP
                                                                                                 (a) Overall vs. Positive vs. Negative.
                    2           1-hop
   Avg. Influence


                                                                          Avg. Influence


                        0           600            1200     1800                           0.1
                                  Index of testing nodes
                                         (b) MLP
          Figure 1: The influence of n-hop neighbors.
                                                                                                 100         101        102        103
                                                                                                        (b) Impact of distance.

Hamouni et al., 2019), i.e., the immediate neigh-                        Figure 2: (a) Overall performance vs. using only pos-
bors can largely contribute to the user geolocation.                     itive influence nodes vs. using only negative influence
   By comparing the results between SGC and                              nodes of GeoText; (b) Average influence varies with
MLP, we have the following observations. First,                          distance (KM) between training and testing samples of
SGC is more sensitive to training samples, e.g., the                     GeoText.
influence value of SGC (y-axis) is far smaller than
MLP. This is caused by the difference of funda-
                                                                         the inferior performance of MLP. To verify this
mental training paradigms between SGC and MLP,
                                                                         assumption, we scrutinize the prediction results of
i.e., SGC is a GNN-based model which considers
                                                                         these nodes. As shown in Figure 2(a), where the
the tweet content as attributes, but MLP embeds
                                                                         accuracy of predicting these nodes in MLP is sig-
the tweet content and nodes independently. There-
                                                                         nificantly lower than in SGC, which confirms our
fore, a small change (removing a node) in SGC
                                                                         hypothesis and gives promising explanations on
may incur significant influence on testing results.
                                                                         the classification error, i.e., the low classification
This result also implies that GNN-based models
                                                                         accuracy might be caused by those nodes whose
are more vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which is
                                                                         n-hop influence are negative (cf. Figure 1).
problematic for all existing GNN-based models as
observed in recent works (Zügner and Günnemann,                    Influence of geographic distance. We also
2019a,b).                                                            quantify the influence of geographic distance be-
   Second, for some nodes (indexed by x-axis) the                    tween training samples and testing samples. As
average influence of their n-hop neighbors is nega-                  Figure 2(b) shows, the close training data (e.g.,
tive, i.e., those data points that value are below 0.                less than 10KM) have higher impacts on locating
An interesting phenomena is that there are more                      users. However, the influence significantly drops
such nodes for MLP as compared to SGC. We hy-                        with distance greater than 10KM. In another word,
pothesize that these nodes are the main reason of                    geographically far nodes (beyond a threshold) may

5   Conclusion
                                                            In this work, we presented a framework for ex-
                                                            plaining the GNN-based models by extending the
                                                            influence function to estimate the effect of samples
                                                            in graph data. The experiments conducted on a
                                                            specific task – user geolocation – provided intu-
                                                            itive explanations and enabled quantification of the
                                                            influence of individual training samples. Some in-
                                                            teresting observations include the effects of regions
                                                            and the sensitivity of GNN-based models, which
                                                            open potentials for further improvements that we
                       (a) SGC
                                                            plan to address in our future work.

                                                          This work was supported by the National Natural
                                                          Science of China under Grant No.61602097 and
                                                          No.61472064, and NSF grant CNS 1646107.

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