Page created by Wesley Douglas


Focusing on the
interplay between
humans, technology
& design
June 2nd                                        June 11th
                                                                             10.00 .....................Schulz & Sundbom 08.00....................... Hansson & Krznar
 Welcome to the master’s thesis                                                     The Citizen Test Process in Virtual Concept Development of User Interface
                                                                                                             Gothenburg Lab         for Remote Tank Monitoring of IBC
presentations at Industrial Design                                                                June 3rd                                                             Tanks
                                                                             13.30 ................... Göthberg & Nilsson 09.00........... Karlsson & Tenuta Martins
          Engineering!                                                                                   Sparking Inspiration       Improvement of protective film for
                                                                                                                                      radiation-induced skin reactions
It is a pleasure to present the thesis projects of 2021 at Industrial                             June 9th
                                                                                                                              10.15...................... Jansson & Widroth
Design Engineering. This year has been a highly unusual year, and            8.30 ..................... Karlsson & Sävervall
                                                                                                                                                  Next Generation Interior
presented great challenges to user centred design work in light of the              Enhancing the User Experience in
pandemic. In all thesis projects at the programme, the students have               Transitions from Highly Automated 11.15........................ Karnblad & Wallin
however managed innovative ways to overcome and even benefit                                     Driving to Manual Driving           The user experience of menstrual
from the move to digital user studies and collaboration.                                                                       residues on feminine hygiene products
                                                                             9.45 ...................... Fenelius & Wahlund
Together, all of the projects reflect the expanding role of designerly         Investigating how different information 13.00..................... Ahnell & Rosengren
ways of working and thinking, with a diverse range of projects. They         channels together affect drivers’ trust in               Designing a user friendly vehicle
also reflect the underlying tenets of the master’s programme; to                                         automated vehicles           configuration       software for AGV:s
make a difference in people’s everyday life as well as for a sustainable     11.00 ......................... Groth & Nilsson 14.15................. Johansson & Jonason
future. In these projects, the students truly show their ability to handle                          Energy Resilient Dining Designing Camera Monitoring Systems
complex design problems and design innovative, user-centred,                                                                                  in Cars for Enhanced User
                                                                             13:00 .............Lindström & Wieslander
sustainable solutions!                                                                                                                                         Performance
                                                                                             Energy flow in a household
                                                                                                                              15.30.................. Hansson & Widdgård
                                                                             14:15 .......................... Nordin & Zekan
                                                                                                                                 Enhancing the experience of remote
                                                                                           Taking Virtual Reality into the
                                               Helena Strömberg
             Master’s programme director Industrial Design Engineering
                                                                                                June 10th
                                                                             08.30 ...................... Ljungberg & Sköld
                                                                                  What makes users circulate stuff?
                                                                             09.45 ........................... Edstam & Frisk
      About the programme:                                                        Upscaling of the aquaponic niche
                                                                             11.00 ................Andersson & Marberg
INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING                                                                       Connecting the dots
                                                                             13.00 ...................Jansson & Tidblom
Industrial Design Engineering educates engineers with the ability to           Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve
design products, interactions and services that offer their users                  Situation Awareness for AEW&C
meaningful experiences and have a positive impact on people’s work                                            Operators
and everyday life. The programme offers in-depth training in user-
                                                                             14.15 ................. Isaksson & Ramberg
centered and sustainable industrial design with a holistic system
                                                                              Utilizing Steer-by-wire in the Design of
perspective on product development and how design can improve
                                                                                      a New Steering Device Concept
people’s experiences in the interaction with technology.
                                                                             15.30 de la Fuente Crespo & Riestra Nava
                                                                                                   Totem Experience
The Citizen Test Process in Virtual                                                                  Sparking Inspiration
          Gothenburg Lab                                                                 Designing inspirational user experiences in the
                                                                                          interactive presentation software Mentimeter

   Matilda Schulz         This master thesis has delivered the Citizen Test       Is it possible to create inspiration through designing   Christina Göthberg
Victoria Sundbom          Process as a part of the development of the digital     Inspirational User experiences? In an attempt to         Clara Nilsson
                          twin of Gothenburg through the test bed Virtual         answer the question, this master thesis aims to
  in collaboration with   Gothenburg Lab. The Citizen Test Process will           spark inspiration and to investigate how to inspire      in collaboration with
                 Berge    contribute to a collaborative platform, where           users to activate and to explore the full potential of   Mentimeter
                          customers can perform tests of their ideas and          the tool in the interactive presentation software
supervisor & examiner     products, where the citizens are involved as test       Mentimeter. Using a Lean UX approach, through            supervisor & examiner
   Helena Strömberg       subjects. Through a Virtual Reality simulator and an    engaging over 50 users in feature tests and              Cecilia Berlin
                          interactive app, the Citizen Test Process has a great   interviews, the space of inspiration and User
           presents:      potential of increasing the citizen dialogue in urban   experience has been explored to determine what           presents:
      June 2nd, 10.00     development. This will contribute to an inclusive and   spark inspiration in users. The result includes a        June 3rd, 13.30
                          participatory city where new measures and initiatives   comprehensive understanding of the users’ process
                          are understood and accepted to higher extent by         of inspiration, inspirational personas and guidelines
                          the citizens.                                           for how to design inspirational User experiences
                                                                                  embodied in a final design.

                                     1                                                                                     2
Enhancing the User Experience in                                                    Investigating how different information
 Transitions from Highly Automated                                                  channels together affect drivers’ trust in
     Driving to Manual Driving                                                                 automated vehicles
Alexander Karlsson        The development of automated vehicles (AV) is              The change towards automated vehicles (AV) within       Jonathan Fenelius
   Alfred Sävervall       growing rapidly within the automotive industry.            the transportation sector is in full motion.           Jonathan Wahlund
                          Currently there are 5 levels of automation, where the      Developments in AV have led to a situation where
  in collaboration with   highest level is fully capable of driving with no human    the driver becomes less involved in the dynamic         in collaboration with
           Volvo Cars     interaction. This thesis project focuses mainly on         driving task, handing over more control to the AV,                Volvo Cars
                          level 4 automation, where the driver is requested to       making trust a fundamental factor for the user to
           supervisor     take back control and drive manually in some cases.        accept and adopt the technology. This thesis project             supervisor
    Mikael Johansson      As the previous solutions from Volvo Cars have been        aims to investigate how users are affected by             Mikael Johansson
                          interpreted as negative, the aim for this thesis is to     individual information channels and how the
            examiner      improve the user experience regarding the transition       information channels together can help the user                   examiner
   Marianne Karlsson      from autopilot to manual drive. This will be carried       generate appropriate trust. This project has looked      Marianne Karlsson
                          out by exploring different information channels and        in more detail at audio and displays and performed
            presents:     verify different design concepts through user              multiple user tests in order to determine if users'               presents:
        June 9th, 8.30    studies.                                                   trust is increased when affected by more than one            June 9th, 9.45
                                                                                     channel at once, testing the theory of information

                                     3                                                                                      4
Energy Resilient Dining                                                              Energy flow in a household
Sparking discussion about everyday energy resilience                                    A study on how to visualise and motivate energy saving
                  through design                                                                              behaviour

       Sofie Groth        The purpose of this master's thesis was to                  Electricity is an integral part of our daily lives and is   Elin Lindström
      Karin Nilsson       investigate how a variable power system affects the         often used without much reflection. Yet we need to          Elin Wieslander
                          dining activity and explore ways to enable energy           lower our electricity usage if we want to preserve the
  in collaboration with   resilient dining in the future. The purpose was fulfilled   environment. How can this be achieved if people are         in collaboration with
 Chalmers|RISE|Boid       through four objectives. The dining activity in focus       not aware of their consumption? This thesis                 Eliq
                          was mapped out and the important values for the             investigates how to visualise the electricity flow in
          supervisor      dining experience were identified. Provocative user         the household for a mobile solution, including              supervisor & examiner
   Hanna Hasselqvist      studies were conducted to challenge the dining              electric vehicle charging and domestic solar power          Pontus Wallgren
                          activity of today and gain insights in what would be        production. Furthermore it investigates what factors
            examiner      important in the future scenario. Finally, a conceptual     affect people’s electricity consuming behaviour and         presents:
   Helena Strömberg       product was developed which embodies the most               how they can be motivated to lower their electricity        June 9th, 13.00
                          important values in a meaningful dining experience          consumption. What information do users want, what
            presents:     and communicates ways of achieving them in a                information would create engagement and
       June 9th, 11.00    more energy resilient manner.                               motivation and how can the information be
                                                                                      presented for best understanding?

                                      5                                                                                          6
Taking Virtual Reality into the courtroom                                                What makes users circulate stuff?
  An exploratory study of how to implement VR within                                    User incentives and barriers in circular consumption
                    Swedish Courts
    Carolina Nordin         Authorities within the Swedish judicial system are         What makes users circulate stuff? aimed to               Elin Ljungberg
       Adna Zekan           continuously working to improve the process of             investigate users’ incentives and barriers in circular   Sandra Sköld
                            trials. The increasing number of criminal cases            consumption. The project contained a literature
    in collaboration with   creates a demand for fast development of high-             review which aimed to identify potential knowledge       in collaboration with
      Swedish National      quality evidence. New methods to present evidence          gaps regarding consumption. To find further              Chalmers
        Forensic Centre     in a clear and structured way are crucial for the          incentives and barriers a user study was conducted,      Forming Futures
                            future of trials in Sweden. Virtual Reality is believed    which aimed to complement the literature gap. To
  supervisor & examiner     to be a powerful tool for increasing the efficiency and    get rid of products (clearance) was the discovered       supervisor
          Håkan Almius      effectiveness of presenting evidence. This thesis          gap and the project continued with a clearance           Anneli Selvefors
                            explored the potential use of Virtual Reality within       focus. The gathered data was used to create a
             presents:      Swedish Courts. The aim has been to contribute to          model to understand clearance, it consists of four       examiner
        June 9th, 14.15     the implementation of Virtual Reality as a                 areas; circular consumption characteristics,             Oskar Rexfelt
                            visualization tool that will improve the judicial system   activities, product states, and clearance options.
                            in Sweden and act as a guide for further                   The model and gathered data resulted in a tool           presents:
                            investigations.                                            which aims to ease the process of developing             June 10th, 8.30
                                                                                       circular solutions.

                                        7                                                                                       8
Upscaling of the aquaponic niche                                                              Connecting the dots
Guiding Swedish niche actors to foster sustainable food                               Designing an interactive network graph for threat
                 system transitions                                                       intelligence investigations and research
     Frida Edstam         The Swedish food system requires changes to             Creating a conceptual solution for interactive, visual   Ludvig Andersson
     Johanna Frisk        become sustainable, currently bringing challenges       representation and exploration of data to inform and     Erik Marberg
                          regarding e.g. food security, overfertilization and     build an organization’s threat landscape. This to
  in collaboration with   exploitation of the sea. One emerging technology        enhance Threat Intelligence Analyst’s ability to         in collaboration with
 Pond Fish & Greens       with the potential of addressing some of these          quickly form actionable intelligence to defend their
                                                                                                                                           Recorded Future
                          issues is aquaponics, a closed-system food              assets.
                          production technology integrating the concept of                                                                 supervisor & examiner
                          aquaculture, i.e. fish farming, and hydroponics, i.e.   The result was a general use case from which user
                                                                                                                                           Lars-Ola Bligård
       Johan Holmén
                          farming of vegetables in soil-less medium. Thus, this   requirements were defined. The requirements were
                          thesis aimed at exploring how an upscale of the         used as guidelines for the concept which was
                          aquaponic niche could be facilitated to initiate        visualized as a set of wireframes. The concept
                                                                                                                                           June 10th, 11.00
   Helena Strömberg
                          change within the food regime. Through combining        became an interactive network graph allowing users
                          a systems perspective with design thinking, the         to explore and control large amounts of data in a
                          thesis resulted in a system understanding from          comprehensible interface. The concept suggests
       June 10th, 9.45
                          which guidelines, areas of opportunity and concepts     both designs and interactions which will aid Threat
                          emerged, having the potential of guiding aquaponic      Intelligence    Analysts       when      conducting
                          niche actors to facilitate an upscale.                  investigations.

                                     9                                                                                    10
Utilizing Steer-by-wire in
                                                                                                                    the Design of a New
                                                                                                                    Steering Device Concept
   Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve
Situation Awareness for AEW&C Operators                                              Enhancing the Driving Experience in Highly Automated Cars

      Elias Jansson        In the Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C)              Steer-by-wire is a technology that is expected to be    Emil Isaksson
     Julius Tidblom        system, the operator is dependent on having a high           implemented into modern cars shortly. The main          Ludvig Ramberg
                           level of Situation Awareness (SA) to receive, interpret      idea of Steer-by-wire is to replace the cars’
   in collaboration with   and distribute information and data. The information         mechanical steering systems with wires and              in collaboration with
              Saab AB      is then used to, for example, perform fighter jet            actuators. This thesis has aimed to identify UX-        Autoliv
                           control and detect anomalies. The decisions the              related design opportunities that emerge from the
 supervisor & examiner     operators take are associated with high risks and            implementation of steer-by-wire, and to utilize these   supervisor & examiner
     Lars-Ola Bligård      could potentially have large impacts.                        in a visionary design of a steering device for highly   Anna-Lisa Osvalder
                                                                                        automated cars. A highly automated car is fully
                           Increasing technological sophistication in regards to
            presents:                                                                   autonomous under certain, predefined conditions         presents:
                           growing adoption of AI offers new possibilities in
      June 10th, 13.00                                                                  and otherwise manually driven. The ultimate goal        June 10th, 14.15
                           many areas, the AEW&C system is no exception.
                                                                                        has been to conceptualize the steering wheel’s
                           This study addressed this and aimed to explore how
                                                                                        substitute – a steering device better suited for the
                           AI could be used to improve SA, and thereby
                                                                                        future of driving.
                           decision making, by asking: when and how should
                           AI be implemented to improve SA for AEW&C

                                      11                                                                                       12
Totem Experience                                                    Concept Development of User
A design intervention to enhance social well-being at                               Interface for Remote Tank Monitoring
                    flexible offices                                                             of IBC Tanks
Elena de la Fuente        The goal with this project is to research and enhance    Intermittent bulk containers (IBC tanks) are mobile      Andrea Hansson
            Crespo        informal social interaction at Activity-based Flexible   plastic tanks that usually contain 1000 litres and are   Tom Krznar
 Illán Riestra Nava       Offices through the Empirical Research through           used to store liquids and solids in a wide variety of
                          Design Method. Following this method, a design           industries. The IBC tanks are used for collecting rain   in collaboration with
  in collaboration with   intervention in the shape of an experience supported     water, storing chemicals in the process industry and     Emerson Automation
             Chalmers     by a mediating tool was designed, prototyped and         vegetable oils in the food processing industries, to     Solutions | Rosemount
                          tested.                                                  mention a few. The number of tanks used by a             Tank Radar AB
          supervisor      The intervention proposed, the Totem Experience,         company can vary from a few to thousands. Radar
   Antonio Cobaleda       aimed to give a non-work related topic of                technology is used to monitor levels in stationary       supervisor & examiner
            Cordero       conversation to employees, as a basis to enhance         tanks, and as radars become smaller and cheaper          Andreas Dagman
                          inter-departmental interactions and general social       the opportunity to connect them to cloud solutions
           examiner       awareness at the office. After its implementation and    has evolved. That enables tank monitoring also on        presents:
  MariAnne Karlsson       validation, it gave meaningful insights on the context   mobile tanks. This thesis project has researched         June 11th, 8.00
                          of the study-case office, and very positive results to   customer and user needs around remote tank
           presents:      the formulated aim and research questions.               monitoring systems for IBC tanks and presented
     June 10th, 15.30                                                              them through a conceptual solution

                                     13                                                                                    14
Improvement of protective film for
                                                                                                Next Generation Interior
    radiation-induced skin reactions
    Co-creation product design of Mepitel Film with                                             Front OverHead Storage for Trucks
               healthcare professionals
      Alice Karlsson      Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring           A truck cab is a workplace, but it can also function   Marie Jansson
Júlia Tenuta Martins      cancer among women and is mainly treated with          as a place for rest and sleep for drivers that cover   Ellinor Widroth
                          radiotherapy. The treatment is aggressive and can      longer distances. A long-haul driver can spend
  in collaboration with   cause radiation-induced skin reactions that may        several nights in the cab, which creates higher        in collaboration with
Mölnlycke Health Care     inhibit the patient's quality of life. Mölnlycke       demands on the storage solutions compared to a         Volvo GTT | AFRY
                          Healthcare’s dressing Mepitel Film can be used for     distribution driver. The Front Overhead Storage
           supervisor     preventing these reactions. However, the film was      (FOHS) is located above the windshield and usually     supervisor & examiner
         Siw Eriksson     not designed for this purpose. This study focuses on   contains both personal belongings and work             Håkan Almius
                          understanding and improving the usage of the           equipment. The aim of this project is to identify a
             examiner     dressing in radiotherapy context. Through a co-        promising direction for a future FOHS with             presents:
      Pontus Wallgren     creation approach, extensive user research was         modularity and sustainability in focus. User studies   June 11th, 10.15
                          performed, involving users in many digital             were conducted to investigate and map out truck
             presents:    workshops. The result was a three-part system          driver's needs and behaviours. The final solution
        June 11th, 9.00   developed to improve users’ interaction and            should be flexible to meet the user’s needs and be
                          experience with Mepitel Film.                          adaptable for changing technologies and market

                                    15                                                                                  16
The user experience of menstrual                                                    Designing a user friendly vehicle
residues on feminine hygiene products                                                  configuration software for AGV:s
    Ellen Karnblad        The thesis explores the user experience of menstrual   Automation is part of our everyday life, even though     Petra Ahnell
     Emma Wallin          residues on feminine hygiene products. The             we may not be aware of it. For example, when             Sofia Rosengren
                          theoretical framework by Desmet and Hekkert has        ordering a nice new jacket via an e-commerce
  in collaboration with   been used as a foundation to understand and            website, there is a good chance that the logistics is    in collaboration with
                 Essity   capture the emotional aspect of the situation.         automated and that your jacket was picked up by an       Kollmorgen Automation
                          The research showed that many users experience         Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV). In this project we       AB
          supervisor      residues remaining on the surface of sanitary pads,    present the development of a new software used for
        Siw Eriksson      while not on pantyliners. The most prominent           AGV configuration, designed based on the result of       supervisor & examiner
                          improvement areas found were to generate control,      multiple user studies, usability testing and according   Pontus Wallgren
            examiner      comfort and awareness around menstrual residues.       to usability principles. The focus has been
   Helena Strömberg       This resulted in an overall UX goal of enhancing       understanding the process of Vehicle configuration       presents:
                          security. Based on the UX goal, a final concept was    and how users use the current software to create         June 11th, 13.00
           presents:      developed consisting of three parts; a sanitary pad    new vehicles, and how that process can be better
     June 11th, 11.15     solution, a digital solution and a wrap solution.      supported by changes in the software design at the
                          Hopefully, the solutions will make users feel more     same time as centralizing features spread out across
                          secure when experiencing menstrual residues on         several software.
                          feminine hygiene products.
                                    17                                                                                   18
Enhancing the experience of remote lectures
 Designing Camera Monitoring Systems                                                   Development of a new digital software to meet the
in Cars for Enhanced User Performance                                                 needs of educators and students in higher education

  Pontus Johansson          Camera Monitor Systems (CMS) can substitute the        What is your experience of remote lectures? Our         Moa Hansson
      Sara Jonason          rearview mirrors in cars with cameras taking up        study shows that there are many challenges related      Thea Widdgård
                            visual information from the side- and rear             to both attending and performing lectures online.
                            environment of the vehicle and projecting it in real   The pandemic Covid-19 has forced many high-level        in collaboration with
    in collaboration with
                            time on displays inside the vehicle. Implementing      educational institutions to shift from traditional to   Invencon AB
             Volvo Cars
                            CMS can enhance aerodynamic performance and            remote lectures and current software is primarily
                            reduce costs, but it can also have negative            designed to facilitate business meetings. Therefore,    supervisor & examiner
  supervisor & examiner
                            consequences on user performance when driving.         we have created this new design of a software that      Bijan Aryana
      Lars-Ola Bligård
                            This thesis was conducted at Volvo Cars with the       is adapted after the needs of educators and
                            aim of investigating which – and how – design          students. To learn more about our project, you are      presents:
                            parameters impact user performance when CMS            welcome to attend our presentation                      June 11th, 15.30
       June 11th, 14.15
                            replaces rearview mirrors. Literature studies and
                            user tests among other methods were conducted in
                            order to explore this, and resulted in design
                            guidelines for how to apply this knowledge in future
                            development of CMS cars.

                                      19                                                                                  20
An introduction to
 Division Design & Human Factors                                                                      KEEP IN TOUCH!
The thesis projects at Industrial Design Engineering are to a large degree
supervised by staff from Division Design & Human Factors at the department      Do you have an idea for a collaboration with us? Do you have
of Industrial and Materials Science. The joint vision of the teachers and            questions about the work we do at the educational
researchers at Design & Human Factors is that one day, all products,            programmes or in research? Then we would love to hear from
services and workplaces will be designed to enable users to live and work in                                you!
a meaningful and sustainable way. We contribute to this vision in three main
ways:                                                                            For ideas and questions related to education, please contact:
  - by adding to the knowledge about the relation between humans and
    artefacts, as well as the activity centered design process                        Helena Strömberg,
                                                                                  for the master’s programme Industrial Design Engineering
 - by developing methods and tools for studying the human — artefact
   relation, as well as for designing and evaluating safe, sustainable and             Andreas Dagman,
   satisfying products, services and workplaces, and                                      for the 5-year programme Teknisk Design
 - through disseminating this knowledge and methodology through
   educating the engineers of the future, and through collaboration with        For ideas and questions related to research, please contact the
   societal and industrial partners.                                              representative for the area closest to your topic of interest:
                                                                                                Sustainable Urban Mobility
Our research                                                                           Pontus Wallgren,
We have developed our expertise on the relation between humans and                         Circularity and Sustainable Product Use
technology since 1974, and we continuously use it to educate user-centered            Helena Strömberg,
engineers and conduct high-quality research resulting in innovations with
                                                                                         Safe and Efficient Human-Machine Systems
real-world impact. Our research is interdisciplinary and is based on
                                                                                        Lars-Ola Bligård,
behavioral science and design theory, ergonomics/human factors, and
theories of complex socio-technical systems. We do research within four                    Healthy Work Systems and Ergonomics
main areas: Sustainable Urban Mobility, Circularity and Sustainable Product                Cecilia Berlin,
Use, Safe and Efficient Human-Machine System, and Healthy Work Systems
and Ergonomics.

Do you want to collaborate with us?
We welcome collaborations within our research in the form of research
partnerships, as well as with our teachers and students in the form of degree
projects (like the ones in this folder) and course assignments ranging from a
couple of weeks to entire semesters. Turn the page to find who to contact
with your idea!

                        Make every design
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