INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report

Page created by Suzanne Meyer
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report


      OUTLOOK 2020
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK       Introduction


                                    1.   A YEAR IN REVIEW                5.        THE KEY TO STOCKS
                                         By Michael McCarthy                       IN 2020
                                                                                   By Vihari Ross

                                   2.    HOW TO PLAY THE                 6.        OUTLOOK FOR EQUITIES
                                         SHAREMARKET IN 2020                       IN 2020
                                         By Paul Rickard                           By Charlie Aitken

                                   3.    3 LARGE CAP STOCKS              7.        WILL PROPERTY COME
                                         TO CONSIDER IN 2020                       ROARING BACK IN 2020?
                                         By Tony Featherstone                      By Margaret Lomas

                                    4.   MY TIPS FOR 2020                8.        MY FIVE TOP STOCK TIPS
                                         By Julia Lee                              FOR 2020
                                                                                   By James Dunn


                                   1.    MY TIPS FOR 2020                     1.   MY 5 TOP STOCK
                                         By Julia Lee                              PICKS FOR 2020
                                                                                   By James Dunn
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report

             In this ebook, a few of my esteemed       first year of a US Presidency is often
             colleagues have shared their              the worst for stocks.
             thoughts on investing in 2020 and
             their look at specific investments,       I believe the progress on a US-China
             as per usual, are enlightening and if     trade deal and the UK election that
             history is any guide, these experts       should make Brexit happen with less
             will be giving us great leg ups to        hitches, should be good for business
             make money next year.                     investment,     economic     growth,
                                                       company profits and stock prices.
             As they have zoomed their market-
             sensitive grey matter on to the small     I’m happy to be long stocks until
             pictures of what you might want to        at least March or April but I expect
             invest in, let me pull out my crystal     some volatile times as the US
             ball and give you my big picture for      election campaign gets nasty. And
             investing in 2020.                        May to October is often a tough time
                                                       for stocks.
             I’m ruling out a black swan that could
             unexpectedly sail into view and ruin      That said I think our stock market will
             stock markets and economies. That         be up about 10% next year, so let’s
             said, I could be more worried about       keep our fingers crossed that I’m on
             these feathered friends in 2021 — the     the money, like I was last year.

                                                       WARMEST REGARDS,TITLE

                                                       Peter Switzer
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report

a year in review

                                 Global sentiment fluctuated between      firmed, and the US 10-year bond yield
                                 confidence and concern, and              started a decline that saw it almost
                                 markets swung with the shifts. The       halve.
                                 interplay of unconventional monetary
                                 policy and an extraordinary global       The first half of calendar 2019
                                 political landscape drove markets        brought support for all asset prices,
                                 in unexpected ways. Any preview          and especially growth exposures.
                                 of the year to come starts with an       The second half was trickier.
                                 acknowledgement of the current
                                 state of play.                           After significant interest rate
                                                                          reductions around the world, central
                                 At the beginning of the year share       banks went to “wait and see.”
                                 markets were under extreme pressure      This meant every growth-related
                                 as tightening monetary conditions        economic release, from GDP to
                                 and trade disputes imperilled growth,    company earnings reports, had
                                 and investor sentiment. Crude oil        traders speculating about the impact
                                 and copper prices languished at two-     on valuations versus potential central
                                 year lows. The US 10-year bond yield     bank responses.
                                 sat at 2.8%. Both institutional and
                                 individual investor cash balances        Predicting market reactions to
                                 were high.                               news became doubly hard. Would
                                                                          investors respond to a weaker China
                                 The big shift came in January. In        GDP release or non-farm payrolls
                                 globally co-ordinated actions, central   number by selling shares because
                                 banks shifted their stance from          of the negative impact on profits, or
                                 tightening/neutral to neutral/easing.    would they buy shares in anticipation
                                 Market reactions sparked a massive       that the People’s Bank of China and
                                 influx of cash. Share markets rose,      the US Federal Reserve would leap to
                                 both industrial and precious metals      the rescue?
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report
Yet as the end of the year approaches,
share markets are higher by double-
digit percentages. Many hit all-          The Switzer team counts down their top 10
time highs in the fourth quarter.         shows & movies for you to catch up on:
Unexpected discipline from the OPEC
plus cartel lifted oil prices more than                    1. Total Control                              6. Peaky Blinders
50% from their lows, and gold hit six-                     A fearless Indigenous senator, just           The series is set in Birmingham,
                                                                                                         England, and follows the exploits
                                                           weeks into her political career, finds
year highs.                                                herself betrayed at the highest level.        of the Shelby crime family in the
                                                           Seeking redemption, she sets out              aftermath of World War I. The
                                                           to settle a score against the party,          fictional gang is based on the Peaky
The outlook for shares is dimming.                         and the Prime Minister of Australia.          Blinders, a real 19th century urban
                                                                                                         youth gang.
                                                           (Available on ABC iView)
The positive outlook due to easier                                                                       (Available on Netflix)

monetary conditions is offset by                           2. The Loudest Voice                          7. Unbelievable
high share prices and stretched                            American drama television mini-               Based on a true story & starring Toni
valuations. Unpredictable investor                         series depicting Roger Ailes as he            Collette, when an orphaned teen
                                                                                                         reports being raped, then recants her
                                                           creates and guides the rise of Fox
reactions to news as they second-                          News. Russell Crowe stars as Roger            story, two female detectives follow
                                                           Ailes in one of his best roles yet.           evidence that could reveal the truth.
guess policy responses adds to the                         (Available on Stan)                           (Available on Netflix)
                                                           3. Ray Donovan                                8. Jack Ryan

   “stocks will                                            Ray Donovan works as a mediator
                                                           for a law firm that handles celebrities
                                                           and wealthy clients. While Ray is
                                                           an expert in solving other people’s
                                                                                                         From Tom Clancy’s book series,
                                                                                                         the show centres around former
                                                                                                         US marine Ryan, on his path to
                                                                                                         becoming a CIA analyst when he’s
                                                                                                         launched into a dangerous field

  trade largely
                                                           problems, he has no control over his
                                                           personal issues.                              assignment.
                                                           (Available on Stan)                           (Available on Amazon Prime)

                                                           4. Succession                                 9. The Morning Wars

  sideways with
                                                           The Logan family is known for                 The Morning Wars depicts a behind-
                                                           controlling the biggest media and             the-scenes look into the world of
                                                           entertainment company in the world            morning television. Amongst the
                                                           (some say the plot is based on the            sex scandals & politics, Jennifer
                                                           Murdoch family) but their world               Anniston’s character fights to retain
                                                                                                         her job as the top news anchor.

    an upward
                                                           changes when their father steps
                                                           down from the company.                        (Available on Amazon Prime)
                                                           (Available on Fox Showcase)
                                                           5. The Crown                                  10. Den of Thieves
                                                                                                         When an elite unit of the LA Sheriff’s

                                                           This drama chronicles the life of
                                                           Queen Elizabeth II from the 1940s             Department face off with a gang of
                                                           to modern times. Plus the intrigues,          ex-military-turned-criminals, things
                                                           love lives and machinations behind            are sure to get explosive. Especially
                                                           the great events that shaped the              when they try to rob the Federal
                                                           second half of the 20th century.              Reserve Bank.
                                                           (Available on Netflix)                        (Available on Netflix)
A higher probability outcome for
2020 is that stocks will trade largely
sideways with an upward bias.
However, the path could be even                             Life
rockier than 2019, with large swings      In case you’re on the road this summer, here are some of the
on the cards. Doubting the extremes       best podcasts we’ve heard this year too :
of sentiment worked well in 2019,
and could outperform in the coming                                  1. The Dropout                               4. The Daily
year. Active investors may consider                                 Thrilling tale of Elizabeth                  From the New York
                                                                    Holmes, the 19 year old                      Times, The Daily takes a
selling when conditions look terrific,                              who started Theranos - a                     deep-dive into an issue
and buying when conditions seem                                     blood testing company
                                                                    that the likes of Warren
                                                                                                                 that’s prevalent in the
                                                                                                                 daily news. It’s a great
terrifying.                                                         Buffett & Henry Kissinger                    snapshot into current
                                                                    invested heavily in. Only to                 affairs & the context
                                                                    discover it was all a scam.                  behind the headlines.
An important potential change
in stocks in 2020 is a shift in the
                                                                    2. Unravel                                   5. On Being
favoured investment style. In 2019,                                 An Australian true crime                     Through interviews with
global investors chased growth at                                   podcast, bringing you a                      writers, philosphers,
                                                                    different story to unravel                   poets, astrophysicists
almost any price, driving stocks like                               each season. The most                        - this podcast is an
Alphabet and Amazon to record                                       recent is the story of
                                                                    missing person, Belinda
                                                                                                                 enlightening discussion
                                                                                                                 on what it is to be human
levels, and supporting Initial Public                               Peisley, who was last                        & what it is to live in the
                                                                    seen in Katoomba 1998.                       human condition.
Offerings from profitless companies
like Uber. This is a fun party game,
but the music may stop in 2020. In                                  3. Interview                                 6. Who the hell
a fraught environment, investors find                               This podcast                                 is Hamish?
buying stocks with lower share prices                               accompanies the show,
                                                                    where Andrew Denton
                                                                                                                 A gripping tale of an
                                                                                                                 Australian conman who
more attractive and 2020 could be                                   has honest and raw                           duped victims in the US,
                                                                    conversations with a
the year where value investing roars                                variety of public figures,
                                                                                                                 Canada, Britain, Hong
                                                                                                                 Kong & Australia out of
back into style.                                                    celebrities & writers.                       millions. The story tracks
                                                                                                                 each deceitful encounter
                                                                                                                 and ends with his fateful
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report

how to play the australian
stockmarket in 2020

2019 was an exceptional year for          due to the unpredictability of the         that interest rates are going to stay
stocks at home and abroad, with both      President seems prudent. A big drop        low – very low – for some time.
the Aussie and US markets hitting all-    if he can’t pull off an acceptable trade   Ultra-low interest rates are a function
time highs. It was also the 11th year     deal, probably a smaller rise if he can    of low economic growth and lack
of the current bull market – one of       get it done.                               of pricing power by businesses,
the longest on records.                                                              the latter mainly due to disruption

So it is hard not to approach 2020
without some degree of trepidation,
                                           “it is hard                               by technology, and I can’t see this
                                                                                     changing in 2020.

                                             not to
more so because the outlook seems                                                    In fact the cheer squad is already
to come down to the actions of the                                                   calling for RBA Governor Dr Phillip
erratic and unpredictable President                                                  Lowe to cut the cash rate by a further
Donald Trump. If the trade war                                                       0.25% in February. Some are saying
between the two largest economies,
China and the USA, continues or
escalates again, that has to be bad
                                            approach                                 that it will hit 0.25% by June, and
                                                                                     then the RBA will embark on “non-
                                                                                     traditional” methods.

                                          2020 without
for stocks. And if the US market
sinks, the Aussie market will follow                                                 I hope that employment holds firm
and probably fall further.                                                           and that the RBA doesn’t cut the
                                                                                     cash rate, because I fear that these
Conversely, a positive trade outcome
will be supportive for the market.
It may not propel the market that
                                              some                                   cuts will do more harm than good
                                                                                     by hitting consumer confidence.
                                                                                     However, I do sense that they will

                                            degree of
much higher as this is the “expected”                                                bow to the pressure again. This
outcome, but it will at least remove                                                 means that “expensive defensive”
the biggest negative overhanging it.                                                 stocks such as Transurban, Sydney
                                                                                     Airport and the A-REITs are set to
We know that President Trump is very
attuned to the market and that facing
an election in November, he will want
                                          trepidation.”                              become even more expensive as
                                                                                     investors chase secure yield. The
                                                                                     Aussie dollar will also remain under
a strong economy, high consumer           The odds do, however, favour a deal        downward pressure.
confidence, low interest rates and full   so its not time to quit the market.
employment. The absolute last thing       Also, the “trend is your friend” and       Another trend that is likely to continue
he wants is a stockmarket in retreat.     despite the tenure of the bull market,     in 2020 is that the quality stocks with
                                          the direction is still firmly up.          both top and bottom line growth
From a risk/reward point of view,                                                    will get even more expensive. With
taking a more defensive orientation       More confidently, we can assume            so many of the major companies
                                                                                     seemingly “growthless”, there is a
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report

paucity of companies of the calibre       ) total return of 26.1% and is mainly
of CSL, Ramsay, REA or Seek. These        due to the performance of the major
stocks are going to stay in very high     banks and insurance companies.
                                          Small caps, as evidenced by the
Summing this up a strategic level:        Small Ordinaries index which
• I am not taking money off the table     tracks stocks ranked 101st to
yet, but I am also not putting any        300th    by market capitalization,
more money into stocks;                   also underperformed with a return
• I am keeping the “expensive             of 21.7%. This index tends to be
defensives” for my yield portion;         overweight resource companies and
• I am hanging on to quality stocks       is the second consecutive year of
which have genuine top-line growth        underperformance.
– and will look to increase these
weightings if the opportunity arises;     Larger mid-caps, stocks ranked
and                                       between 21st and 50th by market
• Stocks with overseas earnings will      capitalization, outperformed in 2019.
benefit from the downward pressure
on the Aussie dollar. Now let’s look at   Mean reversion, that is the tendency
the composition of the portfolio by       for prices and returns to revert to the
company size and industry sector.         long-run average level of the entire
                                          dataset, is always something to
                                          consider when making assessments
large caps or small caps?                 on how markets may perform. I can’t
In 2019, both big and small cap stocks    see much in this data to help one way
have moderately underperformed            or the other. I do, however feel that in
compared to the overall market. As        an environment of lower growth and
the table (next page) shows, the top      softer commodity prices, small caps
20 stocks, which make up about 45%        may struggle.
of the total market capitalization,
have returned (on a total return basis    Further, I think the big banks could do
including dividends) 23.4%. On a          a little better so my inclination is to
relative basis, this is 2.7% worse than   maintain a bias towards larger cap
the broader market’s (S&P/ASX 200         stocks.
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report

index returns
                              2019*         2018      2017          2016    Which sectors?

                              Return       Return    Return        Return   The table below lists the
 S&P/ASX 200 (Price)                                                        11 industry sectors for the
                            21.3%          -6.9%     7.1%          7.0%     Australian sharemarket
                                                                            according to the GICS
 S&P/ASX 200 (Accum)        26.1%          -2.8%     11.8%         11.8%    classification methodology.
                                                                            It shows the sector weighting
                                                                            as a proportion of the S&P/
                                                                            ASX 200, the return (including
 ASX 20 (Accum)             23.4%          -0.4%     7.3%          8.8%     dividends) for 2019 and the
                                                                            returns for calendar 2018,
 Midcap 50 (Accum)          23.6%          -7.4%     22.1%         17.8%    2017 and 2016.

 Small Ordinaries           21.7%          -8.7%     20.0%         13.2%
*2019 to 30 November

sector returns
                                                                            Two matters stand out.
 Sector                Index       2019      2018    2017 Return    2016
                                                                            Firstly, the variability of the
                       Weight    Return*    Return                 Return
                                                                            returns. Although all sectors
 Consumer              6.6%      35.9%      -7.7%     13.6%        11.9%    are positive in 2019, the gap
 Discretionary                                                              between the best performing
 Communication                                                              sector (healthcare at 47.4%)
                       3.7%      35.1%      -17.9%    -21.3%       -7.1%    and worst performing
                                                                            (financials at 15.4%) is quite
 Consumer Staples      6.1%      31.6%       4.7%     20.2%         4.8%    material. Secondly, the lack
                                                                            of consistency from year to
 Energy                5.4%      24.8%      -8.6%     23.3%        15.8%    year. So, getting the view right
 Financials                                                                 on each sector, in terms of
                       29.7%     15.4%      -9.7%      5.0%        10.3%
                                                                            whether you should be over-
 Health Care           10.5%     47.4%      19.3%     26.4%         1.9%    weight, under-weight or neutral
                                                                            (index-weight), can have a
 Industrials           8.6%      31.0%       0.0%     18.2%        10.5%    pretty big impact on portfolio
 IT                                                                         performance.
                       2.5%      39.9%       7.3%     26.0%         4.5%
                                                                            What will be the best and
 Materials             17.4%     25.3%       1.8%     22.9%        42.9%    worst performing sectors in
                                                                            2020? Here is my take on each
 Real Estate           7.6%      27.7%       0.2%      6.2%        12.4%    sector (in descending order of
 Utilities                                                                  market capitalization).
                       1.8%      15.3%      -5.1%      9.0%        19.4%
*2019 to 30 November
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report

What will be the best and worst
performing sectors in 2020?
Here is my take on each sector (in descending order of market capitalization).

a) Financials – Index-weight                      e) Real Estate – Index weight
The major banks have been laggards                With interest rates staying low and demand
and the sector has underperformed                 for east coast office and industrial property
for the last four years. While mean               strong, investor interest in trusts focussed
reversion is a possibility, it is hard to         on these sub-sectors will be fairly resilient.
see the market wanting to re-rate the             Caution around trusts trading at significant
sector in the short term while earnings           premium to NTA and shopping centre (retail)
are under pressure. And with interest             trusts.
rates staying so low and credit growth
relatively anaemic, opportunities to
grow earnings look more likely to                 f) Consumer Discretionary – Over-
come from the cost line rather than the           weight
revenue line.                                     Largely a stock by stock proposition, but one
But, capital pressures have abated                of the better performing sectors in 2019 and
and fully franked dividend yields in              one that should benefit from very low interest
the range of 5.5% to 6.5% will look               rates, an improving housing market and
very attractive to some investors. I              hopefully, an uptick in consumer confidence.
don’t think it is a sector to be short
(underweight), but I can’t quite bring
                                                  g) Consumer Staples –Under-
myself to going over-weight.
                                                  This sector surprised in 2019 with strong
b) Materials – Under-weight                       performances by leaders Woolworths, Coles,
Brazilian miner Vale resuming full                Coca-Cola and a2 Milk. Although a defensive
production should act as a cap on                 sector, it does look very pricey and for the
iron ore prices. This will limit the              major supermarkets, the earnings trajectory is
opportunities for major miners BHP, Rio           weak. Moderately under-weight.
and Fortescue, who have now taken the
easy wins on productivity .
With world economic growth softening
                                                  h) Energy – Index-weight
                                                  Over the last couple of years, OPEC has been
and the potential for a stronger US
                                                  remarkably successful at “managing” the
dollar, commodity prices look set to
                                                  production of oil from OPEC and some non-
remain in a softer cycle. While gold and
                                                  OPEC nations. Accordingly, the price hasn’t
some other precious minerals were big
                                                  been able to break down below US$50 per
winners in 2019, with the US Federal
                                                  barrel. Notwithstanding that the global growth
Reserve now appearing to be on hold
                                                  outlook is somewhat subdued, I am inclined
and trade tensions easing, I would be
                                                  to play this sector in the expectation that the
surprised if they continue to rally in
                                                  $50 price level will hold and that the returns
                                                  for Australia’s energy companies should be
Non mining material companies, such
as Amcor, Bluescope or Orora have                 largely ok. Index-weight.
appeal, but they will be pressured if
growth in the USA slows or a trade deal           i) Communication Services – Index-
is not done.
                                                  Telstra’s rebound caused this sector to be one
c) Health Care – Over-weight                      of the better performers in 2019. It came after
The best performing sector on the                 three very tough years. While pressure on
ASX in 2019, 2018, 2017 and over the              mobile pricing appears to be easing, it will be
last 5 years and the last decade, not a           difficult for the incumbents to grow earnings          Summary
sector to be short as the tailwinds of an         while customers are switching to the NBN. 5G           This is how I think you play the
ageing population, increasing demand              could be an upside. Index-weight.
for health services and increasing
                                                                                                         sharemarket in 2020:
expenditure by government keep
blowing. Some of the stocks are very              j) Information Technology – Index-
expensive but the risk is that they could         weight                                                 • In the market, but not looking to
get even more expensive.                          Very much a “stock by stock” proposition.              increase your overall exposure;
A risky call, but my hunch is to stay             The macro drivers say that this is a sector to
overweight.                                       be overweight, but the paucity of Australian
                                                  IT companies means that many of the sector             •Stick with your “expensive
                                                  leaders are hideously expensive.                       defensives” and genuine top-line
d) Industrials – Index-weight
This sector is arguably misnamed,
                                                  k) Utilities – Under-weight
                                                                                                         growth stocks;
because some of the leaders (such
                                                  This sector underperformed in 2019, and
as toll road operator Transurban and
                                                  despite ultra-low interest rates, downward
Sydney Airport) aren’t really industrials
                                                  pressure on wholesale electricity prices will          •A slight bias for the large cap
in the classic sense. Qantas is also in                                                                  stocks;
                                                  make it hard for the sector leaders.
this category.
Because of the variety of companies
that the sector covers, it is largely a
stock by stock proposition.
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK 2020 - Switzer Super Report
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK          Tony Featherstone


Predicting what the share market
index will do next year is a losing
game. Instead, focus on bottom-up
                                          My top three large-cap stock
                                          selections for 2020 are: Telstra
                                          Corporation, ANZ Bank and Woodside
                                                                                   “Shares remain
analysis: identify quality companies
and buy them when they trade below
fair value.
                                          Petroleum. More on them shortly. I’ll
                                          nominate my three top mid-, small-
                                          and micro-cap stock ideas for 2020
From an asset-allocation perspective,
                                          – and a few sell ideas – in coming
                                          columns for The Switzer Report.            cheap against
I’m reasonably comfortable with
equities in 2020. Shares remain
relatively cheap against bond yields
                                          First, a recap of my top ideas for
                                          2019. After all, what is the point in
                                                                                   bond yields and
and global growth should improve          commentators suggesting positive
a little next year. So too Australian
economic growth, as another two
                                          or negative stocks ideas if there is
                                          no accountability? The blur of “top
                                                                                    global growth
                                                                                   should improve
expected rate cuts next year spur         stocks for the year ahead” stories
demand.                                   adds to market noise if they are never
Geopolitical, trade and political         followed up.
risks, notably around US President
Trump, remain. But it felt like there
were bigger threats for global share
                                          I nominated Coles Group, Auckland
                                          International Airport and British
                                                                                      a little next
markets this time a year ago.             bank CYBG (now Virgin Money UK
                                          Plc) as top buy ideas for 2019. Their
Still, I can’t see the S&P ASX 200        total return (including dividends
index delivering another total return     over one year was 37%, 31% and
(including dividends) above 20% as        6% respectively, Morningstar data
it did this year. A likelier outcome is   shows. CYBG’s performance was
a low double-digit return. However,       complicated by its Virgin Money
forecasting market indices, as I said,    merger.
is guessing.
Tony Featherstone   INVESTMENT OUTLOOK

here are my 3 tips:
1. Telstra Corporation (TLS)
The leading telco has rallied from a 52-week low of $2.71 to $3.73 as the
market reappraises its prospects. Telstra has much ground to make up: over
three and five years, the annualised total return is slightly negative. The 10-
year annualised return is only 8%. The market’s bearish view on Telstra was
based on two key factors: intense competition in all telecom segments, and
the billion-dollar hole in its earnings left by FY22 once the National Broadband
Network (NBN) is fully rolled out. Rising regulatory risk is another threat.

However, Telstra boosted its profit guidance in September because a drop in
the expected number of NBN-connected homes this financial year and more
customer remaining on its wholesale network.
At its Investor Day in late November, Telstra reiterated guidance and confirmed
more rational competition (ie less insane discounting) in the mobile segment.
And progress in the 5G rollout is on track, giving Telstra a potential first-mover
advantage in next-generation mobile.

Telstra looks like a simpler, leaner business that can better leverage a massive
competitive advantage: Australia’s best fixed-line, mobile and broadband
coverage. Plenty of costs are still to come out of the business and management
should be able to plug a chunk of the earnings hole from the NBN.
At $3.70 a share, Telstra is on a forward Price Earnings (P/E) multiple of about
17 times and expected to yield a touch over 4%, fully franked. An average share-
price target of $3.29, based on the consensus of 12 broking firms, suggests
Telstra is overvalued at the current price.

The market is too bearish and I like the thought of holding a large-cap telco
that dominates its industry if market volatility spikes in 2020. Telstra has much
ground to make up.

Source: ASX

2. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ)
After the annus horribilis for bank stocks in 2019, investors could be forgiven for
deserting the sector. There’s no shortage of risk: ongoing scandals, regulatory
threats, management and board changes, falling net interest margins, asset
sales, public disgust… the list goes on.

The savage de-rating of big-bank stocks has squashed years of strong gains.
The Commonwealth Bank’s annualised total return over five years is 4%.
Westpac and ANZ’s annual total return over that period is almost zero and
NAB has returned 1.4%.

But every stock has its price and buying when there is “blood on the street” –
look no further than Westpac’s recent woes – is invariably a better strategy.
Don’t expect a rapid recovery in bank stocks in 2020, just enough to provide
slightly better returns than the market expects.
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK         Tony Featherstone

My preference is ANZ. Like other banks, ANZ faces lower credit growth, intense
competition, the challenges of falling interest rates and declining net interest
margins. Selling non-core businesses to simplify ANZ makes sense, but it also
puts a hole in the bank’s earnings. I prefer ANZ partly because I have less faith
in Westpac, which botched its response to money-laundering allegations, and the
scandal-prone CBA.

To my thinking, ANZ is the best-governed bank and deserves a premium for that.
Cynics will argue that’s not saying much in a sector that has had governance
shortcomings exposed by the Banking Royal Commission and the Australian
Prudential Regulation Authority’s report on CBA.

Still, I have more confidence in ANZ’s governance and like what CEO Shayne Elliott
is doing to overhaul the bank by selling non-core assets and cutting costs.
In the short term, ANZ and other banks should benefit from an improving property
market and better credit demand, though don’t expect rapid gains. Longer term,
ANZ is still the best-placed Australian bank to benefit from growth in Asia.
At $24.72, ANZ is on a forward P/E of about 11.7 times and expected to yield 6.5%,
partially franked, consensus forecasts show. The expected grossed-up yield at the
current price is about 8.5% - attractive relative yield in an income-starved market.
The bank has plenty of headwinds, but they look to have been baked into the
valuation, and then some, at the current price.

An average share-price target of $28.83, based on the consensus of 13 broking
firms, suggests ANZ is undervalued at the current price. I’m not as bullish but
expect ANZ to deliver a solid double-digit return in 2020 – at a reasonable level of
risk after the sector’s battering.

Source: ASX

3. Woodside Petroleum (WPL)
Investors could be forgiven for losing interest in the energy giant. Its share
price has been largely range-bound since 2011 and the five-year annualised
total return is 3%. Woodside has fallen from a 52-week high of $37.70 to
$33.68. The stock’s 17% total return over one year lagged the market return.
Woodside said at its recent Investor Day that its Scarborough gas resource,
about 375 kilometres west-north-west of the Burrup Peninsula in the Carnarvon
Basin, is progressing towards development. Woodside and BHP had agreed
on a tolling price for processing gas from the Scarborough field through to
Woodside’s Pluto LNG facility – an important milestone.

Woodside is also targeting first production at its Sangomar Field Development
– Senegal’s first offshore oil development – in 2022. Progress on the Browse
Joint Venture – Australia’s largest untapped conventional gas resource – is
another catalyst in the next 12-18 months.

Source: Woodside Energy Ltd.
The main risk is Woodside’s project development timeline blowing out. The
company plans to get to around 150 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe)
by 2028, from 89-91 mmboe in calendar-year 2019. Woodside looks like short-
term pain for long-term gain. The company has a magnificent asset base: its key
projects have long lives and strong expansion potential.

Longer term, Woodside will benefit from rising demand for gas from a growing
global population, particularly from Asia, and because of market performances for
lower-carbon energy sources. The company is well run and governed.

2020 could be the year when the market takes more notice of Woodside’s
progression and becomes more confident it will meet its milestones on time.

At $33.68, Woodside is on forward P/E of about 20 times and expected to yield
about 4%, fully franked. An average share-price target of $27.09, based on the
consensus of 12 broking firms, suggests Woodside is overvalued at the current

The market is too bearish and overlooking the potential for several catalysts in
the next 12-18 months to re-rate Woodside. After several years of flat gains, 2020
looks like a good entry point for exposure to a standout energy company.

Source: ASX

Tony Featherstone is a former managing editor of BRW, Shares and Personal Investor magazines. The
information in this article should not be considered personal advice. It has been prepared without con-
sidering your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on information in this article consid-
er its appropriateness and accuracy regarding your objectives, financial situation and needs. Do further
research of your own and/or seek personal financial advice from a licensed adviser before making any
financial or investment decisions based on this article. All prices and analysis at 6 December 2019.
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK              Julia Lee

my tips for 2020

The easing cycle started in June 2019       CURRENCY - LOW $A                      BUY: Credit Corp (CCP)
is expected to continue into 2020,          The low $A helps support the           Annual General Meeting Season
with low interest rates supporting          Australian economy and gives           is almost over. For investors, it’s a
asset prices, including the share           an edge to companies that make         chance to revaluate the outlook for
market. Here are my tips for 2020.          revenues offshore. In 2020, Burman     a company over the next 12 months.
                                            Invest will be overweight with these   Credit Corp has said that while its
Interest rates are falling. In previous     types of companies. In particular      competitors are under pressure,
easing cycles, 1996, 2001, 2008,            continuing to support companies        total collections for CCP are up 17%
2011 have in all but one of the years       such as:                               so far compared to the previous
resulted in a positive share market                                                corresponding period. Credit Corp
performance in the following year.          1. Credit Corp Group Limited (CCP),    buys distressed debt from mainly
2001 was different, as the US ran into      2. James Hardie Industries plc         major banks and finance companies,
a recession in 2002. This easing cycle      (JHX),                                 which make up around 80% of its
started in June 2019 and is expected        3. Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp     business in Australia. The exciting
to continue into 2020. The low              Ltd (FPH) and                          part for CCP is that it’s moved into
interest rates should support asset         4. Janus (JHG).                        the US market, which is 10 times the
prices, including the share market.                                                size of the Australian PDL market.
                                                                                   It generated its first profit from the
                                                                                   US in FY18 and profit accelerated
                                                                                   in FY19. This is a company that is
                                                                                   growing in a new, bigger market.

                                                                                   BUY: James Hardie (JHX)
                                                                                   James Hardie derives a majority of
                                                                                   its earnings from the US housing and
                                                                                   renovation market. It is expected to
                                                                                   benefit from activity underpinned by
                                                                                   strong employment, wage growth
                                                                                   and aging housing stock.

                                                                                   retail market to remain tough
                                                                                   The large amount of debt that
                                                                                   Australians      hold    mean      that
                                                                                   discretionary spending will continue
                                                                                   to come under pressure. The magic
                                                                                   combination in the retail space is
                                                                                   strong new store rollouts together
                                                                                   with sales growth in existing stores.
                                                                                   In retail, the specialty stores should
                                                                                   do well and Baby Bunting (BBN)
                                                                                   would be an example of a company
                                                                                   that should do well. Most of its
                                                                                   largest competitors have closed. A
                                                                                   positive catalyst would be a possible
                                                                                   store rollout target upgrade in coming
Source: James Hardie Ltd.

The time to get into banks is when
there are signs that the economic
weakness has bottomed out and
there is a strong possibility that
interest rates will start to rise.

Banks struggle in a low interest rate
environment. If I had to pick a bank,
I’d go with unconventional and pick
Macquarie Group (MQG). It has less
exposure to the domestic mortgage
market and a strong ability to adapt
to market conditions.

The search for yield has been a
strong driver of returns. Companies
such as Charter Hall have gained 40%
in 2019, Sydney airports is up 35%
and Transurban is up 30%. With the
search for yield trade now maturing,
there’s a need to search for yield in
unconventional places.
One of those unconventional ideas
is Genworth Mortgage (GMA).
Genworth is a mortgage insurance
company. In Australia, house prices
are improving, home lending should
be picking up and growth is back at
Genworth. A key factor for a company
like Genworth is unemployment as
it’s the key driver of delinquencies.
If unemployment remains stable
and the housing market continues
to stabilise, Genworth should be
a winner. Importantly for income
investors, it has an attractive dividend
yield of 5% as well as a strong growth
profile. In the large style income
universe, Telstra (TLS) is up 30% in
2019 and should continue to perform
well. With first mover advantage in
5G, it could also benefit from potential
NBN wholesale cuts, seeing revenue
growth outperform expectations.

EML payments is a fast growing
digital card and pre-pay card
company. In November acquired
Prepaid Financial Services: European
provider white label payments/
banking. With many levers for growth,
this is a company which will mostly
likely double revenues over the next
couple of years.

The china-us trade war & interest
rates hold the key to stocks in 2020

Many of the world’s major stock           nature and are unlikely to be resolved    protect the US economy from the
markets ended 2019 at around record       soon because China’s economic rise        uncertainties created by the trade
highs. Whether stocks can set fresh       and the associated military and soft      war with China.
peaks in 2020 is likely to hinge on       power that brings are unlikely to be
two macroeconomic considerations:         curtailed. The perceived risk that        The Fed’s rate cuts helped extend
                                          this brings for the US and its allies     the multi-decade decline in long-term
1) The trade conflict between the US      has brought about the increased           bond rates that is tied to structural
and China.                                protectionism and nationalism we          factors such as ageing populations
2) The likely direction of long-term      have seen in recent years.                and the deflationary impacts of
interest rates.                           The tensions between China and the        technology advances.
                                          US symbiotically needing each other
On the China-US trade tussle, it is       in the short term and the need to
important to separate the long term       realign the nature of the relationship    Likely outcomes
from the short term. The tensions         over the long term are likely to weigh    In the context of the elevated prices
between the world’s superpower and        on sentiment in coming months             we see on share markets today,
the usurper have weighed on the           until, most likely, a truce is reached    there are three scenarios centred
global economy from a sentiment           that lasts until the US elections in      on interest rates in play as we enter
perspective but also from a practical     November.                                 2020.
perspective as the clash is harming
both sides. US manufacturing              As for interest rates, their importance   The first is a status-quo scenario,
indicators have been negative since       for stocks was shown again in 2019        where the Fed cuts rates modestly as
August while China’s have been weak       when the Federal Reserve’s signal in      seen over 2019. Asset prices in this
throughout 2019. Given this, there        January of an about-turn in monetary      scenario might not change materially
is a decent probability of a short-       policy drove share prices to record       but the implications for stocks differ
term truce between the pair because       highs over the year.                      according to their growth and quality
neither country wants tariffs to derail                                             characteristics as well as sensitivity
its economy.                              This shift in market expectations         to interest rates. Banks that rely
                                          from rate increases and quantitative      on the shape of the yield curve, for
Of the provisos on an imminent truce,     tightening to lower rates played out      example, would be challenged in
the first is that such an outcome is      when the Fed repeatedly cut the           such a scenario whereas defensive
subject to the currents of the US         US cash rates over 2019 to largely        assets would be resilient and growth
presidential election. It might, for                                                assets advantaged.
example, be politically expedient
for US President Donald Trump to
act aggressively towards Beijing
                                              “an outcome is                        A second scenario is a shock to
                                                                                    growth that would require the Fed
to highlight the perceived softness
of the Democrats on China. The
                                              subject to the                        to ease aggressively. The market
                                                                                    impact of this is uncertain, however,
                                                                                    as it skews to the downside the more
other proviso is that China is better
positioned to take a longer-term view
– to ‘wait Trump out’ – in the hope his
                                             currents of the                        a collective view takes hold that a
                                                                                    severe economic slump is likely.
successor will be less hardline.
                                             us presidential                        The final scenario is the small risk
                                                                                    that that inflation re-emerges. The
The fundamental issues between
the parties, however, are strategic in          election...”                        still-expanding US economy, a
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK          Vihari Ross

jobless rate at a 50-year low and the     Structural growth can be                  Companies such as Amazon,
Fed’s proposed ‘make-up’ strategy                                                   Facebook, Visa, Starbucks and LVMH
where inflation would be allowed          driven by:                                stand to benefit from these tailwinds.
to remain above its 2% target could                                                 The key feature of this growth is
push inflation to levels that warrant     - Significant technology shifts like      that it is agnostic to economic
an aggressive response from the Fed.      cloud computing, an addressable           circumstances or inflation rates.
This is the largest risk to markets       market of up to US$1 trillion that        Another well-positioned company
in our view going into 2020. In this      is dominated by the hyperscale            is Alibaba because it taps into the
scenario, a significant slump in stock    players of Google, Microsoft and          consumption growth opportunity
prices is not inconceivable.              Amazon.                                   within China as well as those in cloud,
                                                                                    payments and digitalisation.
In our view, the most likely scenario
is that interest rates will be lower
for longer, which has important
                                            “lower rates                            A structural advantage matters given
                                                                                    the uncertainties surrounding stocks.

                                           reflect a broad
implications for global equities                                                    It provides confidence a company
valuations.                                                                         won’t succumb to disruption threats.
                                                                                    It helps determine which businesses
All else being equal, lower interest
rates imply higher stock valuations
as happened over 2019. Yet at the
                                              slowdown                              will be positioned to benefit from
                                                                                    these tailwinds we have identified. In
                                                                                    the context of lower rates, a structural
same time, lower rates reflect a
broad slowdown in economic growth,           in economic                            advantage provides conviction in the
                                                                                    predictability of the cash flows a
proportionately lower forecast cash                                                 business will generate and, therefore,
flows and, in fact, no net elevation in
valuations.                                    growth”                              what it is worth.

                                                                                    The Magellan portfolios are designed
But while it is a mistake to inflate      - E-commerce growing from its             to hold such quality companies so
all valuations with lower rates, it is    current 5% of retail sales.               that they are positioned to navigate
equally important to determine which      - The shift in advertising towards        the uncertainties, known or otherwise,
businesses deserve higher valuations      digital channels and, in particular, to   hovering over 2020.
coincident with lower rates. These        on-demand video;
are the companies that enjoy resilient    - Digital payments growth.
and growing cash flows thanks to          - Demographics such as the
structural competitive advantages.        doubling of the Chinese middle
                                          class from 300 million to 600             To sign-up to Magellan’s Insights
These are the businesses that will        million in the next five to 10 years.     programme, please visit:
drive the performance of global                                           
markets into 2020.

outlook for equities in 2020

                          ‘Tis the season for outlook pieces!          start the process of defusing the
                          We are cautiously optimistic about           trade war inches forward. While
                          the outlook for equities in 2020,            this is not the first time markets
                          though we do think returns will be           have believed both sides to be
                          lower than the outsized gains of             close to a deal, there does seem to
                          2019, given the higher valuation             be more willingness to find some
                          levels that markets are starting from.       common ground during this round
                                                                       of negotiations.
                          As we look back at some of the
                          headlines that were responsible for          An interim resolution to the current
                          sizeable bouts of volatility in 2019         trade impasse would probably
                          (a choice between “inverted US yield         remove the threat of further US tariffs
                          curves”, “worsening China-US trade           being levied on Chinese imports,
                          war”, “hard Brexit”, “Hong Kong riots”,      and potentially also include some
                          “spiking overnight cash rates” and           bilateral roll-back of the existing
                          “pending weak US earnings”), there           tariffs already in play. Both steps
                          is no doubt that markets had ample           would be positive for US consumers
                          reason to be nervous. Now heading            and businesses, but particularly for
                          to the end of the year, markets              the latter: any increase in policy
                          have mostly recovered from these             certainty will provide a boost
                          anxieties, as economic data seems            to business confidence and be
                          to be bottoming in many places               supportive of extending the cycle.
                          around the world. Recent data points
                          in the US have modestly surprised            The fact that the Fed has become
                          to the upside, and the consensus             more       accommodative        since
                          outlook for 2020 seems to be that            July is also positive. The chart
                          economic activity will remain in             (following page) shows the US ISM
                          positive territory. The feedback from        Manufacturing New Order index
                          most companies coming out of the             against the Fed Funds rate (with
                          recent US earnings season is that            the latter inverted) over the past 20
                          growth will likely continue to slow          years. Worth noting is the lagged
                          but remain in positive territory, and        effect the tightening policy has on
                          then improve towards the latter half         the direction of the manufacturing
                          of 2020.                                     survey.

                          Against the backdrop of better data,         With hindsight, it’s not difficult
                          the negotiations between the US and          to make the case that the Fed’s
                          China to reach a preliminary deal to
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK           Charlie Aitken

‘autopilot’ policy of rate hikes in 2018   exposed to consumer spending. US
was too aggressive; at least the Fed
has already changed course this
                                           consumers have experienced solid
                                           tailwinds over the last few years:
                                                                                    “throughout the
cycle.                                     unemployment sits at multi-decade
                                           lows, real wage growth has picked      volatility of 2019,
Despite the improvement in data,           up and household balance sheets
we think that the global economy
remains in a low growth, low inflation
                                           have been substantially improved
                                           from levels seen prior to the Global
                                                                                    the us consumer
paradigm. To us, that equates to rates
staying lower for longer. The Fed at
                                           Financial Crisis. Combined with very
                                           low inflation and some tax relief,
                                                                                      has remained a
the December 2019 FOMC meeting
held rates steady, as expected. There
                                           the average American consumer is
                                           feeling wealthier, and has therefore   bright spot on the
were few changes to the policy             been inclined to continue spending.
statement, although the prior mention
of “uncertainties” about the outlook       The chart (below) demonstrates this:
                                                                                   ongoing economic
was removed. Chairman Powell
said he wants to see a “significant
                                           US household debt as a percentage
                                           of disposable income has declined            expansion...”
and persistent move up” in inflation       from its’ pre GFC peak, whilst the
before the Fed moves to raise rates        savings rate has improved.
from here, which serves to provide
some clarity around the future rate
trajectory and likely anchors inflation
expectations around current levels.
Given this combination of factors
(low growth, low inflation, low rates)
we still prefer companies that can
generate internal growth, but we are
vigilant about the margin of safety
we pay for them.

Throughout the volatility of 2019,
the US consumer has remained a
bright spot of the ongoing economic
expansion– not a huge surprise,
given that nearly 70% of US GDP is

Consumer spending is ultimately          At this stage, we are reasonably             to spend seem unwilling, whilst
highly correlated with confidence        comfortable that the US consumer             those are willing to spend can least
in the future of the economy, both       remains in a position to support             afford it. Economic conditions would
at a household and business level.       economic expansion in 2020.                  have to worsen materially before
The weak economic data seen in the                                                    governments finally shoulder some
second half of 2019 has been largely     When we look at the key risks for            of the burden they have asked central
at the business level, and the main      2020, obviously a trade war escalation       banks to carry for the last decade.
cause seems to be the confidence-        remains near the top of the list, given
and certainty-sapping effects of the     that an economy growing around 2%              The other potential source of
ongoing trade war.                       is simply more vulnerable to such an         inflationary pressure could be a
                                         external shock than one growing at a         combination of a tightening US
US consumers, on the other hand,         higher rate.                                 labour market alongside too-easy
have mostly shrugged off the                                                          monetary and fiscal policy, leading to
uncertainty. The decline in 30-year
fixed mortgage rates have positively        “on the whole, we                         an overheating US economy.

impacted housing activity, and                                                        This would force the Fed to put up
refinancing volumes have increased          believe market                            rates and given that this is not an
significantly over the last year as                                                   income currently priced in by markets,
rates have come down. Household
durable purchases have remained
                                         volatility will remain                       it would likely have a sharply negative
                                                                                      effect on sentiment. We don’t think
solid.                                         elevated”                              this is a likely outcome in the very
                                                                                      near term – there are more concerns
Given that 2020 is also a Presidential   The main left-field risk we see on           about deflation than inflation – but
election year in the States, it would    the horizon is a sustained pick-up           we do think this is a long-term risk
seem obvious that the White              in inflation, though it’s difficult to       worth keeping an eye on.
House understands it cannot              see where the inflation really comes
afford consumers to feel the pinch       from. Fiscal stimulus – particular as         On the whole, we believe market
if President Trump wants to see          an outcome of increasingly populist          volatility will remain elevated,
a second term. Pleasingly, the           politics – is one potential source,          particularly in a US election year,
latest data point on the US labour       though we are hesitant to construct          but we think equities can still offer
market was positive with November        portfolios    based    on     political      reasonable returns in 2020. We
nonfarm payrolls of 266K (against        outcomes. Our only comment on                continue to back businesses with
184K expected) dropping the US           this matter would be that in many            economic moats that we believe can
unemployment rate by 0.1% to 3.5%.       cases, governments who can afford            compound over time.

will property come roaring
back in 2020?

                                                  I’ve been having some interesting
                                                  discussions with property investors
                                                  lately and the subject has centred
                                                  around property and growth.
                                                  Everyone understandably wants
                                                  some kind of reassurance that they
                                                  won’t buy a property, only to find that
                                                  it falls in value, and often the fear that
                                                  we are in an uncertain market holds
                                                  them back from buying any property
                                                  at all.

                                                  2020 is going to be bringing some
                                                  challenging times, and a mixed bag.
                                                  There are so many questions – will
                                                  the two big markets of Sydney and
                                                  Melbourne return enough growth
                                                  to get back to where they were and
                                                  grow again? Will Perth recover? Will
                                                  the uncertain economy mean that
                                                  nowhere is a good investment? Many
                                                  of these questions are asked by
                                                  investors who already own property
                                                  in these markets, and they’re
                                                  looking for answers as to how their
                                                  investments are likely to perform.
                                                  It’s easy when you have shares. You
                                                  know exactly what a share is worth
                                                  on a daily basis as it is priced literally
                                                  by the second. But when it comes to
                                                  property, you can never really know
                                                  what your property is really worth
                                                  until a contract to buy it is signed.
                                                  There’s plenty of speculation and
                                                  opinions from real estate agents,
                                                  but as many property owners know,
                                                  you can take most of these with a
                                                  grain of salt. I want to encourage all
                                                  property investors to stop thinking
                                                  like a share investor and expecting

results on such a short-term basis.        property that has lost considerable        the balance (or lack of) between
Property will go up and down on an         value, and so it’s no wonder they are      supply and demand at that time.
almost monthly basis, depending            usually conservative.
upon activity in the area, but this is                                                As well as this, when an area becomes
not a reflection of what will happen       What I am trying to tell you is that you   a hotspot, home-owners take the
over the longer term, which is likely to   can’t invest in property with a share      chance to upgrade to another area
be your investing time horizon.            investor mentality – you must think        and investors come in and buy up
                                           differently, particularly right now,       a lot of the stock. For a while, this
If a good report comes out about           when no one can really forecast what       results in a rental oversupply, and
an area, you can bet buyer activity        will happen to any property market.        you could find yourself renewing any
will increase until such times as that                                                lease at a lower yield than it had when
report is proven or not, and so in the
short term, median price on recent             “media hype about                      you bought it. Again, this doesn’t
                                                                                      mean you bought a property with a
sales could be up. A few months                                                       yield that is going backwards – it’s a
later, the situation could change            auction clearance                        reflection of short-term buyer activity
altogether. But, as you can’t buy and                                                 that will most likely, in the future,
sell as easily as you can a share, this     rates should largely                      work its way out. It all comes down to

                                                be ignored.”
is of little consequence to you.                                                      thinking a little more long-term and
                                                                                      realising that property investment
Property values are, of course, all                                                   shouldn’t be a speculative one. Short
about demand. Lots of sales provide        If you are buying now you must do          term movements should mean little
an immediate impetus for growth.           so with an expectation that whatever       to you. Media hype about auction
Less activity can make it hard to get      you pay will most likely change in the     clearance rates should largely be
a good handle on a value and also          short term, and it might not change        ignored. You should buy property
makes it appear, at that moment in         in the direction you hope. If you buy      fundamentally – and to do that you
time, that the area is not in demand,      during a time of short-term buyer          have to know whether it possesses
and so the value will reflect this very    interest, as we seem to be seeing          long term growth drivers which will
current situation. Even professional       in Sydney and Melbourne, once you          see it through the short-term ups and
valuations only reflect the situation      settle it’s likely there will be even      downs that short term supply and
at that moment in time, rather than        more properties listed (as vendors         demand inevitably brings.
what an area is likely to do over a        realise the short-term interest and
longer period of time.                     list their properties too late to take     If an area lacks growth drivers, then
                                           advantage of it, creating a short-term     the price you pay is less protected.
I’ve never seen a valuation that           oversupply) and this will affect the       But if it is rich in growth drivers,
takes into account the 20 Must             price at which they sell.                  then don’t bemoan the short term
Ask Questions® and considers the                                                      volatility of values and rental yields.
relative strength of an area, and          Someone may then buy the house             Those underlying fundamentals will
this is not what a valuer has to do.       right next door to yours and get a         remain intact and, over the medium
Valuations protect lenders from            better deal, but this doesn’t mean that    term, result in stable and consistent
ending up with a forced sale of a          the market is falling – it just reflects   growth to all property in that area.
INVESTMENT OUTLOOK           James Dunn

my five top stock picks for 2020

                                             1. Nearmap (nea, $2.68)
Market capitalisation: $1.52 billion         Web-based aerial imagery and location data company Nearmap has
Five-year total return: 33.3% a year         been an excellent stock exchange performer in recent years, since
FY21 estimated yield: no dividend            its backdoor listing in 2012. Nearmap is in the “geo-spatial” business
FY21 estimated P/E: no profit
                                             – it provides frequently updated, high-resolution aerial imagery
Analysts’ consensus valuation: $4 (Thomson
                                             to customers in industries such as urban planning, architecture,
Reuters), $4.08 (FN Arena)
                                             construction, infrastructure, government and defence.

                                             Nearmap is rolling-out Nearmap 3-D, which allows customers to stream
                                             and export very large-scale 3-D imagery, and new AI technology that
                                             is turning millions of aerial images, captured over a decade, multiple
                                             times a year, into valuable datasets, which customers can use to more
                                             accurately and efficiently measure change and quantify attributes. The
                                             company grew its annualised contract value (ACV) by 36% in FY19, to
                                             $90.2 million, with more than one-third of its work now in North America,
                                             but disappointed investors by reporting a loss that widened for the year
                                             to $14.9 million – instead of falling – and declining to provide guidance
                                             for FY20.

                                             NEA redressed that at its annual general meeting in November when
                                             it told the stock market to expect ACV of between $116 million and
                                             $120 million in FY20, which would represent growth of 29%–33%. The
                                             company is one of Australia’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) stars, but
                                             it must be stressed that net profit is not expected this year or in FY21.
                                             However, Nearmap is only scratching the surface of the North American
                                             market, and has plenty of room for growth.

Market capitalisation: $183 million          2. RPM global (rul, 84 cents)
Five-year total return: 8.2% a year
FY21 estimated yield: no dividend            Australians are very familiar with mining investment, but also familiar
FY21 estimated P/E: no earnings              with the goldfields adage to the effect that the real money is made by
Analysts’ consensus valuation: n/a           the people selling shovels to the miners. RPMGlobal is the modern
                                             equivalent of that – it sells tools to miners, but in its case, the tools are
                                             a suite of state-of-the-art enterprise software technology packages for
                                             miners around the world, in a wide range of commodities. RUL is right in
                                             the “sweet spot” of the laser-like focus that mining companies have on
                                             their costs and productivity – which are aspects of their business that
                                             they can control. RUL’s products allow them to do this.

                                             RPM Global slipped back into net loss in FY19, despite revenue growth
                                             of 8.5% – the loss was mostly due to an adjustment for de-recognised
                                             deferred tax. Pre-tax profit tripled, to $1.8 million. In November 2019,
                                             the company updated the market that the total contracted value (TCV)
                                             of software subscription licences had – with six weeks left in the
                                             December half-year – exceeded FY19’s full-year subscription TCV; and
                                             that annual recurring revenue (ARR) from software subscriptions had
                                             increased to just over $8 million a year – in FY19, software subscription
                                             ARR was $4.3 million. A business growing its recurring revenue like that
                                             is gold on the stock market.
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