Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc

Page created by Kyle Meyer
Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc
Investor presentation
                           October 2021

discoverIE Group plc                           October 2021
Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc
Introduction to discoverIE
                    International specialist electronic engineering firm

                    Designing, manufacturing & supplying customised electronic components
                          Highly differentiated products

                    Supplying Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
                          Essential products, repeating revenue

                    Sustainable growth markets
                          Renewable energy, transportation, medical, industrial & connectivity

                    Revenue of £454m, operating profit(1) of £35.2m
                          Operating in 24 countries

                    Acquisitive
                          Fragmented market – 19 D&M acquisitions in last 11 yrs

(1) Underlying profit for y/e 31 Mar 21
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Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc
Sustainable growth Company,
                        resilient in tough conditions
                                                                                                                   SALES (2)
                         We aim to provide investors with
                                Returns of 15 – 20% pa +23% CAGR(1)
                                A progressive dividend +6% CAGR(1)

                                                                                                                                                   COVID year
                         In 5yrs to FY18:
                                Sales(2)                               up > 2x
                                Underlying EPS                         up > 2x                                                                                        (3)
                                                                                  FY13   FY14   FY15      FY16     FY17     FY18     FY19   FY20   FY21         FY22
                                Operating profits                      up > 4x
                                                                                            UNDERLYING OPERATING
                                                                                                PROFIT & EPS
                         Since FY19 our aim has been to
                         double underlying EPS in 5 years
                                FY19 + FY20 op profits up 51%

                                                                                                                                                   COVID year
                                FY19 + FY20 EPS up 35%
                                Covid actions minimise impact to
                                 only 5% & 14% lower respectively

(1) Share price and dividend growth from Apr 12 to Sep 21                         FY13   FY14   FY15      FY16     FY17     FY18     FY19   FY20   FY21         FY22
(2) Group revenue, excluding disposed businesses                                                       Underlying Operating Profit           EPS
(3) Consensus at 13 Sep 21 of 6 analysts submitting a latest forecast

 discoverIE Group
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Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc
Our business

      Business fundamentals                              Attractive rewards

          Growth markets                                   GDP++ organic growth

          Designed-in products, difficult to replace       High levels of repeating revenue

          Distinct business, competitive advantage         Sustainable margins

          Low customer concentration                       Reduced risk

          Design, not price led                            Increasing margins

          Low capital requirements                         Cash generative

          Multiple manufacturing sites & technologies      Reduced risk

          Acquisitions at the right price                  Earnings accretion

     Underpinned with high standards of Environmental, Social & Governance for a better world

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Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc
Consistent, proven strategy

                      Sales growth well ahead of GDP over the economic

                      Move up the value chain into higher margin products

                      Acquire businesses with attractive growth prospects
                       and strong operating margins

                      Further internationalise the business

                      Generate strong cash flows and long term sustainable
                       returns while reducing impact on the environment

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Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc
Focused on delivering key targets
                 Key Strategic Indicators                                                                                                                   FY25
                                                                             FY14      FY15      FY16     FY17    FY18    FY19    FY20       FY21
                 1. Increase share of Group revenue from D&M                 18%       37%       48%      52%     57%     61%     64%        65%            >75%

                 2. Increase underlying operating margin                     3.4%      4.9%      5.7%     5.9%    6.3%    7.0%    8.0%       7.7%           12.5%

                 3. Build sales beyond Europe(1)                              5%       12%       17%      19%     19%     21%     27%         28%           40%

                 4. Target Market Sales                                       n/d       n/d      n/d      56%     62%     66%     68%        70%            85%

                 Key Performance Indicators
                                                                             FY14      FY15      FY16     FY17    FY18    FY19    FY20       FY21          Targets

                 1. Sales growth

                        CER                                                   17%      36%       14%       6%     11%     14%      8%        (4%)        Well ahead
                        D&M Organic                                           3%        9%        3%      (1%)    11%     10%      5%        (4%)          of GDP
                        Group Organic                                         2%        3%        3%      (1%)    6%       8%      2%        (6%)

                 2. Underlying EPS growth                                    20%       31%       10%      13%     16%     22%      11%       (14%)          >10%
                                                                                                                                       (2)        (3)
                 3. Dividend growth                                          10%        11%      6%        6%     6%       6%     6%         6%          Progressive

                 4. ROCE                                                     15.2%    12.0%     11.6%     13.0%   13.7%   15.4%   16.0%      14.5%          >15%

                  5. Operating profit conversion                             100%     104%      100%      136%    85%     93%     106%       141%        >85% of Op

                 6. Free cash conversion                                      n/d       n/d      n/d       n/d    n/d     94%     104%       157%       >85% of PAT

                  7. Carbon emissions                                                                                                        (6%)(4)    50% reduction
                                                                                                                                                          by CY25

(1) As a percentage of Group revenue
(2) Increase in the interim dividend, a final dividend was not proposed due to COVID-19
(3) Increase over FY 2018/19, the last full dividend
(4) Carbon emissions reduced by 19% including the effects of Covid, 6% reduction on an underlying basis
n/d – not previously disclosed

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Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc
                                                                                Global trends driving structural growth
                                                                                Product development driven by technology
             SUSTAINABLE                                                        Increasing electronic content

             GROWTH MARKETS                                                     Essential products
                                                                                Markets aligned with UN SDG(1)

                                  Renewable            Transportation         Medical        Industrial &
                                    Energy                                                   Connectivity

                  Mega                                                         Artificial       Connectivity,
                                 Decarbonisation           Electrification   intelligence,     automation &
                 Trends          & Diversification         & Autonomous
                                                                             sensing and
                                                                                             Internet of Things

(1)UN   SDG United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

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Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc
Our planet, Our people, Our products

            Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) priorities for a better world

              Environment                        Health & Safety                         Diversity                        Governance
                  Tonnes CO2/£m turnover           Accidents per employee                  Gender split                Internal audit covers 80%
                                                                                          Head office staff
                                                                                                                       Group EBIT & 67% Group
                   22.91        -19%                                               64%         61%         62%         Stock over two years
                                                  0.020                                  36%         39%         38%   Employee engagement
                                                                                                                       programs focused on
                                                                    0.019                                              communication, health & well

                                                                                    FY19        FY20        FY21
                                                                                                                       Community outreach
                   2019         2020               FY19    FY20      FY21                  Male      Female
                                                                                                                         Community Foundation Surrey
                                                                                                                         Manufacturing for the disabled
        •    19% fall in CO2 emissions       •   >6500 hours of H&S training   •   Focused on increasing our
        •    6% underlying fall ex-covid     •   >90 H&S reps Group wide           diversity
        •    Targeting 50% reduction by      •   Targeting >80% of global      •   38% Head Office staff gender
             CY25, with c.£3m investment         workforce to be under             diversity
        •    ISO14001 accreditation              ISO45001 by 2025              •   13% Head Office staff ethnic
             program underway for 80%                                              diversity
             target by 2025, currently 31%                                     •   Targeting 33% board gender

discoverIE Group plc                                                                                                                     October 2021     8
Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc
Design & Manufacturing division
                                                                                                               REVENUE FROM TARGET
        65% of Group Revenue                                                                                    (% of total revenue)
                                                                            REVENUE BY REGION
                    6% Organic CAGR over last 5 years (pre FY21)
                    75% in faster growing target markets                                        UK
                    Generating 87% of FY21 Group profit contribution           Asia
                                                                                23%              Germany            Other
        13% operating margin                                                                      12%                        Industrial &
        19 acquisitions completed since 2011                                N. America
                                                                                 13%                  Nordic
                Increasing specialist capability and international reach                              24%        Transport
                                                                                        18%                          Renewable
        Capital light model with capex c.2%of revenue
        R&D investment c. 2%/rev

        29 manufacturing sites / 18 countries

                        HALF YEARLY ORGANIC
                           SALES GROWTH

                                     10%   10%






               Q4 17 H1 18 H2 18 H1 19 H2 19 H1 20 H2 20 H1 21 H2 21
                             Without COVID-19    With COVID-19

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Investor presentation October 2021 - discoverIE Group plc
Strong cash flow and returns
                                                                                  Operating cash flow                                                       Strong growth in operating &
                                                                                                                                                             free cash flows
                     Operating &                                                  Free cash flow                   £49.7m

                     free cash flow                                                                                                                             Consistently high conversion rate
                                                                                                    £39.3m         £37.6m                                       Aiming to be self sufficient in
                                                                                                                                                                 funding over time
                                                              £27.1m                                £27.3m

                                                                                                                                                            High quality acquisitions over 11
                                    £13.9m                    £13.2m
                                                                          £9.6m                                                                              years
                      £7.1m                     £7.2m
                                                                                                                                                                £360m invested in 19 D&M
                                                        Operating cash flow %
                                                                                                                                                                 acquisitions, £190m new equity
                       FY14          FY15        FY16          FY17        FY18           FY19        FY20          FY21           Target

                      100%          104%         100%          136%         90%           93%         106%          141%            85%
                                                                                                                                                                Generating strong returns
                                                                                                                                                                Well ahead of cost of capital
                    66%                                                                                                                                         Higher margin, capital-lite, cash
                                                    Average EBIT ROI                                                                                             generative

                              43%                                                                                                                           Average EBIT ROI(1) of
                                                                                                                                                             acquisitions of 16%
                                      25%     25%                                                                                                               Targeting EBIT ROI > 15%
                                                                17%      17%                                                          16%
                                                                                   15%     15%
                      Target                                                                       12%       10%     10%                                    Clear approach to acquisitions
                                                                                                                                                                Must have discoverIE DNA
                     A        B        C        D        E       F        G        H         I       J       K        L        M     TOTAL
                                                                                                                                                            Group ROCE for FY21 of 14.5%
(1) Average ROI defined as average operating profit attributable to the business since acquisition to FY21, over acquisition cost (comprising up-front
    consideration, acquisition expenses, earn-out (once earned), and integration costs)                                                                         H2 15.6%
(2) All D&M businesses included acquired more than 2yrs ago. Excludes recent acquisitions: Sens-Tech, Limitor, Phoenix , CPI, Beacon and Antenova

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Acquisition case study – Noratel Group
                                                                Acquired July 2014

                            Noratel             FY15-21
                                                                Products – Power Transformers
                         Revenue growth         7% CAGR
                                                                Developments since acquisition:
                        Operating margin       10% →   14%
                                                                    Developed long term strategic plan
                              ROCE             12% →   24%          Organic growth in target markets
                                                                    Upscaled production facilities to support
                               ROI             14% →   21%
                                                                     growth including new Indian facility
                        Working capital %      29% →   14%          Manufacturing rationalisation

                         Target market %       62% →   75%          2 bolt on acquisitions in North America
                                                                     (Plitron and Hobart)
                       International sales %   28% →   47%          Working capital optimisation
                       Bolt on acquisitions        2                Upscaled finance team
                                                                    Integrated Group risk, control & ESG
                                                                    Transitioned to new CEO

discoverIE Group plc                                                                                 October 2021   11
Latest trading, financing & dividends
               Latest recommendations (1)                                                                                                       Q1 22 Trading Update
                                        Latest      Rec            Date                                                                             Strong organic orders & sales growth v last year
                Peel Hunt               1,200p      Buy            Sep-21                                                                            (+83% & +16%) and v pre covid period 2yrs ago
                                                                                                                                                     (+35% & +10%).
                Berenberg               1,220p      Buy            Sep-21
                FinnCap                 1,220p      n/d            Sep-21                                                                           Fundamentals in place for long term growth to
                                                                                                                                                     continue: record order book, good levels of design
                Jefferies               1,190p      Hold           Sep-21
                                                                                                                                                     wins, pipeline of acquisitions
                Numis                   1,210p      Hold           Sep-21

                Panmure                 1,304p      Buy            Sep-21
                Stiefel                 1,200p      Hold           Sep-21                                                           10.15p      Financing
                Average                 1,221p                                               9.55p
                                                                                                                                                    Net debt of £47m at 31 Mar 21 with gearing of 1.1x

                                                                                                     Covid cash protection action
                                                                    8.05p                                                                           Proforma gearing of 1.6x following latest
                                                          7.60p                                                                                      acquisitions of Beacon, Antenova and CPI.
                                          6.18p                                                                                     7.00p           £180m committed facility (to Jun 24) plus a £60m
                     5.43p                                                           6.35p
            5.09p                                                            6.05p

             3.40p      3.74p
                                                                                                                                                Dividend
                                                                                                                                                    Progressive dividend policy.

                                                                             2.45p   2.65p   2.80p   2.97p                          3.15p           100% dividend increase in 11yrs to FY21 (7% CAGR)
                                                           2.20p     2.33p
             1.69p      1.69p   1.82p     1.82p   1.82p
                                                                                                                                                    Long term: >3x cover (underlying basis); FY21 2.5x
             FY10       FY11    FY12      FY13    FY14     FY15      FY16    FY17    FY18    FY19    FY20                           FY21

(1) Recommendations as at 10 Sep 2021

 discoverIE Group plc                                                                                                                                                                     October 2021    12
Board, GEC & History
Board of Directors
                       M M Diamond MBE - Chairman
                                                                                                       B M Thompson – Senior Non-Executive Director
                       Malcolm was appointed a Non-Executive Director in November 2015 and             Bruce joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director in February 2018. He
                       became Chairman in April 2017. Malcolm was previously Chief Executive of        is also Chairman of Avon Rubber plc. He retired in 2018 as Chief Executive
                       Trifast plc and then Non Executive Chairman for a combined period of 30         Officer of Diploma plc after 22 years. Bruce brings a wide range of
                       years. Other previous roles include Non-Executive Chairman of Flowtech          strategic and leadership expertise to the Board with proven experience of
                       Fluidpower plc and Senior Non-Executive Director of Dechra                      growing international industrial businesses.
                       Pharmaceuticals plc.

                       N J Jefferies – Group Chief Executive                                           T Graham - Non-Executive Director
                       Nick was appointed Group Chief Executive in January 2009. His
                       experience of electronics and the components industry comes from                Tracey joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director in November 2015.
                       holding senior positions for over 15 years with leading international           She is also a Non-Executive Director at Ibstock plc, Royal London
                       distributors of electronic components and computer products, such as            Mutual Building Society and Link Scheme Limited. Among other
                       Electrocomponents plc and Arrow Electronics. Nick originally trained as         previous appointments, she was a non-Executive Director at RPS Group
                       an Electronics Design Engineer with Racal Defence (now part of Thales           plc. During her executive career, she was Chief Executive of Talaris
                       plc).                                                                           Limited and Managing Director of De La Rue Cash Systems.

                       S M Gibbins – Group Finance Director                                            C Watson - Non-Executive Director
                       Simon was appointed as Group Finance Director in July 2010. A Chartered
                                                                                                       Clive, a Chartered Accountant, became a Non-Executive Director and
                       Accountant, he was previously Global Head of Finance and Deputy CFO at
                                                                                                       Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee in September 2019. He is a also a
                       Shire plc. Prior to joining Shire in 2000, he spent 6 years with ICI plc in
                                                                                                       Non-Executive Director at Breedon Group plc, Kier Group plc and Trifast
                       various senior finance roles, both in the UK and overseas. His earlier career
                                                                                                       plc and was Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit Committee at
                       was spent with Coopers & Lybrand in London
                                                                                                       Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc for 9 years. During his executive career he
                                                                                                       was Group Finance Director of Spectris plc for 13 years until 2019.

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Group Executive Management
                       N J Jefferies – Group Chief Executive*                                          S M Gibbins – Group Finance Director*
                       Nick was appointed Group Chief Executive in January 2009. His                   Simon was appointed as Group Finance Director in July 2010. A Chartered
                       experience of electronics and the components industry comes from                Accountant, he was previously Global Head of Finance and Deputy CFO at
                       holding senior positions for over 15 years with leading international           Shire plc. Prior to joining Shire in 2000, he spent 6 years with ICI plc in
                       distributors of electronic components and computer products, such as            various senior finance roles, both in the UK and overseas. His earlier career
                       Electrocomponents plc and Arrow Electronics. Nick originally trained as         was spent with Coopers & Lybrand in London
                       an Electronics Design Engineer with Racal Defence (now part of Thales

                       P H Neville - Group Commercial Director                                         M F Pangels - Group Development Director
                       Paul was appointed Group Commercial Director in March 2009. A                   Martin is Group Strategy and Development Director. He joined discoverIE
                       Chartered Accountant, he has over 15 years experience of working in senior      in July 2010 after working as an advisor to the business. Prior to joining
                       management positions for listed public companies, including Wincanton           discoverIE, Martin spent 9 years at Electrocomponents plc, where he was
                       plc and Uniq plc. Prior to joining discoverIE he was Group Chief Executive of   Regional General Manager for Europe, and 6 years with Bain & Company
                       an AIM listed software development company.                                     as a strategy consultant.

                       J J Morcom – Group Head of Corporate                                            P G Webster - Group Director – Acal BFi and Cross
                       Development                                                                     Selling

                       Jeremy was appointed Group Head of Corporate Development in March               Paul joined discoverIE in June 2010 as Managing Director, Acal BFi UK. He
                       2017. A physicist by background, he has extensive experience in mergers         has many years experience in senior management roles, including Head of
                       and acquisitions, having held M&A leadership roles at Spectris plc and          Product Management for Electronics globally at Electrocomponents plc.
                       Invensys plc preceded by over a decade spent in investment banking.             He began his career as a design engineer for Plessey Avionics (now part of
                                                                                                       BAE Systems).

                       G D Davidson – Group General Counsel & Company
                       Greg joined discoverIE in November 2019 and is responsible for legal and
                       company secretarial affairs. He is a qualified lawyer with extensive
                       experience of technology, corporate and commercial matters. His
                       experience includes 5 years at Wiggin & Co LLP, with clients focused
                       predominantly in the technology sector and, prior to joining discoverIE, 16
                       years at RM plc, with 7 years as General Counsel & Company Secretary
                                                                                                                                                   * Denotes membership of the Board

discoverIE Group plc                                                                                                                                                                   15
History since incorporation
                                  BFi Optilas        Compotron,            Myrra, YEG &                                                   Variohm              Cursor                                                     Beacon
  Incorporation                                      Hectronic &                                  Noratel              Flux                                                     Sens-Tech             Limitor            (£59m) &
                                     SAS                                      RSG                                                         Holdings            Controls
                                                         MTC                                        (£71m)             (£3m)                                                     (£58m)               (£13m)             Antenova
                                    (£13m)           (total £9m)           (total £13m)                                                    (£12m)              (£19m)                                                     (£18m)
        Admission to
        the official list
                                                                                      Sale of AES                                 Contour                            Hobart (£12m)                                CPI
        of the London                        Sale of ATM          Sale of UK        (completes exit
                                                                                                               Foss                                  Santon                                 Phoenix
             Stock                                                                                                              (£17m) and                             & Positek
                                                Parts               Parts            from IT Supply            (£8m)                                 (£24m)              (£4m)              (£9m)               (£8m)
          Exchange                                                                 Chain £12m total)                           Plitron (£2m)

                   management:                                             Sale of EAF
                                                                                                                                                                             £32m placing
                    NJ joins as
                    SG as CFO
                       (Jul 10)                                                                  £55m rights
                                                                           £6m placing                                                  £14m placing                 £28m placing                                       £55m placing

                       Jan                                          Jan                   Jun        Jul     Jan       Nov Jan/Feb Jan               Jan      Oct        Apr     Oct         Oct      Feb        May Aug/Sep
 1986       1994      2009         2009         2010       2011     2013       2013       2014      2014     2015      2015 2016   2017              2018     2018       2019    2019       2020      2021       2021 2021


        High Qua lity Sha reholders
            Top 5 (33%) –Standard Life Aberdeen, Black Rock, Kempen, Montanaro, Canaccord
            Next 15 (34%) – Amati, Axa, Berenberg AM, Charles Stanley, Colombia Threadneedle, Danske, Franklin Templeton, Herald, Invesco,
             Kabouter, L&G, Rathbones, Royce, Swedbank, Wasatch
            27 investors owning 1% or more
            27% of shareholders from US and Europe.
            Directors/management: 4%

discoverIE Group plc                                                                                                                                                                                            October 2021           16
Sales model and customers
Our engineering led sales model
                         Customer needs
                            Helping customers solve their technical challenges to create
                             more efficient, productive and sustainable equipment and
                             comply with increasingly stringent environmental, health, safety
                             and performance requirements.
                         Enduring customer relationships
                            Our model gains a unique understanding of customers’ needs
                             and builds long term relationships that last for many years.
                         Engineering led solutions
                            By applying our extensive technical knowledge of applications
                             and design our engineers create unique products for customers’
                             specific needs
                         Recurring revenues
                            Our designs are specified into our customers’ system designs for
                             production, leading to multiple years of repeated monthly
                             demand, creating stable, recurring revenue streams
                         Regional manufacturing
                            Manufacturing locations in Europe, Asia and the Americas
                             provides regional supply for customers, reducing transit times,
                             costs and environmental impact as well as reducing risk of

discoverIE Group plc                                                               October 2021   18
Our customers

                             & the European ‘Mittelstand’

discoverIE Group plc                                October 2021   19
Target Markets
Essential products into growth markets
                                                                                          Technology                    discoverIE
                              Mega trends                  Market drivers
                                                                                          integration                   solutions
                              Decarbonisation           Geopolitical consensus        Increasing scale of wind    Power inductors
                                                        Growing public awareness       turbines                    Turbine blade pitch
                              & Diversification
                                                        Legislative and regulatory    Diversification of solar     control
                                                         regimes                        systems                     Airflow measurement
                                                        Cost of energy
          Renewable Energy

                               Electrification          Decarbonisation               Electric vehicles           Charging
                               & Autonomous             ‘Safety-centric’ agenda       Mass transit & route        Sensing systems
                                                        Mass transit & route           vehicles                    Power control
                                                         vehicles                      Autonomous vehicles         Cabin monitoring &
                                                                                       High speed rail              control

                            Artificial intelligence,    Proactive & preventative      Monitoring & control        Embedded diagnostics
                             sensing & analytics         medicine                      Automation & robotics       Interface device & cabling
                                                        Technological & biological    Advanced surgery            Power systems
                                                        Predictive analytics
                                Connectivity &          Operational efficiency and    Automation & robotics       Wireless telematics
                                                         flexibility                   ‘Smart factories’           Fibre optic connectivity
                                                        Quality control               Artificial intelligence     AI communication
                              Internet of Things        Competition from                                           Wireless robotics control
                                                         Technology companies
          Industrial & Connectivity

discoverIE Group plc                                                                                                            October 2021      21
Renewable Energy

                                 Airflow, temperature and
                                     pressure switches

                                 Wind measurement and
                                    pitch controller

                                 Turbine power converters
                                      and inductors

                                 High voltage, high current
                                    DC and AC switches

                                     Power supply for
                                     pitch controller

discoverIE Group plc                          October 2021    22

                          Embedded computers
                             and displays

                        Foot switches to control the
                         height and position of the
                              operating table

                        Cabling and connectors for
                           medical equipment

                       Toroidal isolation transformers
                       used in C-Arm X-ray machines
                            and X-ray generators

                       Power isolator and protection
                          for operating theatres

discoverIE Group plc                   October 2021      23

                                  Rail carriage door
                               controls and connectors

                              Driver desk indicators and
                              controls, speedometer and

                                 Vehicle electrification
                                charging infrastructure

                                   Drum switches
                                   and connectors

                              Transformers and inductors,
                                smaller battery solutions
                                   for in-train power

discoverIE Group plc                        October 2021    24
Industrial & Connectivity

                                                 Power unit for
                                               satellite propulsion

                                          Wireless communications for
                                              industrial metering

                                         Telematics for remote control of
                                              industrial equipment

                                          Power & signal electronics for
                                             industrial drive unit

                                                  Position sensor
                                                for extensometers

                                         Fibre optic switching module for
                                             testing fibre optic cables

discoverIE Group plc                                     October 2021       25
Refining our industrial market focus
                  Growth areas where electronics will drive efficiency, intelligence and
                                                                              Industrial applications that
                                                                               support & enable
                                                           Industrial &       Energy efficiency,
                                                           Connectivity        automation &
                                                                              Focus on improvement

                                                                              Enablers of new
                                                                               sustainable capabilities
                                                                              Smart agriculture
                       Industrial &
                       Connectivity                         Example:          Efficient food
                                                            Resource           manufacturing systems
                                                           Optimisation       Efficient water
                                                                              Water quality improvement

discoverIE Group plc                                                                           October 2021   26
Case study: Our unique solutions for
             Renewable energy
                      Strong and trusted customer relationships across supply chain
                      Providing innovation-led, bespoke solutions to essential customer requirements
                      Multi-year design cycles provide strong visibility & recurring revenues
                      Complementary technologies create cross-selling opportunities

                             Airflow measurement                                     Pitch controller

                                                                                                        Power inductors

discoverIE Group plc                                                                                         October 2021   27
Sustainability in action
Sustainability in action
          Advancing the Electrification of Transportation

discoverIE Group plc                                        October 2021   29
Sustainability in action
          Enhancing the Quality of life and care for people

discoverIE Group plc                                      October 2021   30
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