International Journal of Internet of Things 2017, 6(3): 106-148
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijit.20170603.03

 IoT Applications in Future Foreseen Guided by
 Engineered Nanomaterials and Printed Intelligence
 Technologies a Technology Review
 G. K. Moinudeen1, F. Ahmad2, D. Kumar3, Y. Al-Douri4,5, S. Ahmad3,*

 CII, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
 IRIS Worldwide Integrated Marketing, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
 YMCA University of Science and Technology, Faridabad, Haryana, India
 Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
 Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria

Abstract The impact of ‘engineered-nanomaterials’ in cost effective fabrication of micro/nanosensors, and on site energy
harvesting devices using ‘printing technology’ for Internet of things (IoT) applications has been assessed in this technology
review after analyzing the ongoing progresses reflected in market research forecasts and the anticipated future projections.
Being actively involved in the study of ‘engineered nanomaterials’ using inorganic, organic, and biomolecular
building-blocks for improving the characteristics of microelectronic/microsystems (MEMS/NEMS) based sensors/actuators,
theoretical/experimental studies of 1, 2, and 3D nanomaterials along with the developments of low-cost printing technology
for fabricating the electronic/optoelectronic devices and circuits on plastics, paper, and textiles, an attempt has been made in
this review to examine the impact of these novel nanomaterials and their printing technology to enhance the capabilities of the
related enabling technologies of IoT applications. Novel designs of supra molecular nano-building-blocks to realize
hierarchically organized molecular complexes responding to single/multi stimuli with additional electronic intelligence
realized by low-cost printing of sensors and actuators along with the wireless connectivity on flexible substrates in the
background, possible answer for meeting the gigantic requirement of trillion devices by 2020 has been searched in this study.
Combining the cost effective printing of active devices using polymeric molecules with known electronic/optoelectronic
transport properties and 2D-layered materials like graphene and other graphene like materials, is found promising to pursue
by addressing to the problems of compatible patterning for devices/circuits fabrications. A number of practical issues are
discussed in which the basic concept of ‘materials by design’ is foreseen to play a major role in the coming times.
Biomimetically produced supra molecular-complexes deserve special attentions for realizing printed
sensors/actuators/devices and interfaces to generate big-data for cloud based decisions initiating local control actions better in
IoT proliferations in future.
Keywords Internet of Things (IoT), Sensors, Nanomaterials by design, Printed intelligence, Biomimetic Material

 architectures appropriate for a number of applications.
1. Introduction Adding molecular recognition based self-assembly initiated
 conjugation properties resulting in topology dependent
 The syntheses of nanomaterials using novel paradigm of self-organizing behavior are found to mimic the Nature by
‘materials by design’ involving inorganic, organic/polymeric, acquiring the desired physico-chemico-biological features.
and biomolecular building blocks that are chemically These developments would certainly introduce more novel
conjugated through strong and weak interactions have applications in near future meeting intelligent material
already started showing ‘smart’ and ‘intelligent’ requirements [3, 4]. A variety of self-correcting features,
functionalities in form of proof of concept [1, 2]. Further autonomously applied to the undesirable changes caused by
extensions of the capabilities of these nano building blocks externally influences, are getting introduced in new materials
are anticipated in preparing supramolecular hierarchical possessing self-healing, self-cleaning, and many more
 features that have already started appearing on the horizon
* Corresponding author: (S. Ahmad)
 of R&D to mature for industrial applications [5-7]. These
Published online at kinds of nanomaterials with programmable physico-chemico
Copyright © 2017 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved -biological properties are expected to influence the huge
International Journal of Internet of Things 2017, 6(3): 106-148 107

demand of generating, mining, and analyzing the ‘big-data’ the whole IoT applications more flexible while organizing
arising from the Internet of things (IoT) applications [8]. It is their roles in addition to distributing the tasks of the sensors
quite likely that the fast-growing developments of smart and and actuators with the help of built-in material intelligence
intelligent materials might ultimately enable sharing part of already suggested. Possibly, adopting the ‘More than
the cloud computing based decision making loads of the IoT Moor’s’ approach with addition of ‘clever’ integrations of
by distributing the decision-making and action-taking functionalities might offer a better solution over and above
activities locally among the sensors and actuators the existing scaling down of the device dimensions of VLICs.
interconnected throughout. This would enable more efficient This might involve shifting to vertical integration of devices
use of the cloud resources in organizing other related and functionalities along with deploying parallel processing
activities of integrating the large number of smart objects based implementations to move ahead in future. And all
predicted to reach a trillion in number by 2020 [9]. these changes must be made at affordable cost by deploying
 While employing a large variety of engineered hybrid functional materials as ink for printing devices and circuits
nanomaterials for meeting application-specific responses in on polymeric flexible substrates including papers and textiles
abundance, it is quite possible to minimize or eliminate the as well. In this context, the concept of 0, 1 and 2-dimensional
toxic effects arising from using these synthetic materials in nanomaterials will not only help in reducing costs but also
all-pervasive IoT applications involving human beings by incorporate functionalities with more flexibilities in varying
employing biomolecular species derived from natural the fundamental properties of electrons and holes as charge
sources like plants. It is further becoming more pertinent to carriers. Currently, these possibilities are being
evolve greener methods of synthesizing these nano building demonstrated well in a number of 2D materials including
blocks from natural materials of plant origin comprising of graphene along with an ever-growing family of other
almost unlimited varieties of phytochemicals that are layered/non layered materials that are currently being studied
evolved through millions of years in Nature for minimizing as they appear better suited to convert them into active
their cytotoxicity [10]. Employing biomimetically motivated material inks for printing metal, semiconductor and insulator
green material syntheses and developing hybrid components. It would, thus, be easier to realize low-cost
nanomaterials by conjugating nano particulate inorganic, flexible electronics to provide electronic intelligence
organic and biomolecular species would enable minimizing somewhat similar to living organisms aided by the existing
the inorganic part required for some specific purpose in VLSI systems already in vogue [16-20].
addition to increasing the biomolecular part with the Development of functional nanomaterials for preparing
appropriate combinations of polymeric components of hierarchical molecular complexes responding to multiple
organic origin. This would allow incorporating the features stimuli would partly compensate for further extensions of
of soft materials with added advantages of green VLICs and MEMS/MST activities up to certain extent.
smart/intelligent compositions possessing minimum toxic Moreover, this ongoing development of ultraminiaturized
properties. Ideally, once this strategy of optimizing the devices and circuits is currently reaching its theoretical limits.
material composition is mastered using computer aided Further developments do need complementary supports from
designs involving quantitative structure activity relation data other areas of innovation. Large scale and large area printed
(QSAR), already compiled for a very large number of intelligent systems and displays using smart and intelligent
materials at atomic and molecular levels, mimicking some nano inks will be possible without cost intensive investing in
features of the living organism, would not remain a mask making and patterning facility [20, 21].
far-fetched dream [11-14]. What Nature took so long might Another important aspect in connection with the success
be possible to mimic with the help of supercomputers based of IoT applications lies in taking care of the energy
designs in a relatively much shorter duration while consumptions of the sensors that are remotely located and
synthesizing newer compositions that would be difficult to interface with existing power lines. No respite is
smart/intelligent as well as green in nature. This would currently foreseen to meet the projected energy demands
especially turn the entire ecology smart and intelligent growing enormously with continuously increasing
resulting in better living conditions. Addition of these population of interconnected information-gathering devices
materials in realizing components, devices, and systems for that are expected to reach to ‘trillion’ by 2020. Only viable
their uses in the all-pervasive applications of IoT is indeed solution, foreseen feasible in this context, is to improve the
expected to make a number of significant changes in near conversion efficiency of solar photovoltaic (SPV) devices
future as a whole [15]. and their ruggedness such that they are deployed locally to
 The ever-increasing demand put on cloud hub of IoT generate sufficient energy to meet the requirements
applications would certainly necessitate providing matching adequately. In this context, the emerging ~21% efficient
kind of ‘electronic intelligence’ using the existing perovskite solar cells appear to offer better option. Of course,
foundries of very large-scale integrated circuits (VLSICs) the stability and useable life of these devices are certainly
and micro-electromechanical systems or microsystems expected to settle down in near future as it happened in the
technologies (MEMS/MSTs). Taking into account all these case of silicon and other materials in the last six decades.
fast growing designs of future nanomaterials and their Addition of 2D-perovskites and lamellar mono crystalline
applications in responding to external stimuli, it would make materials having enhanced photosensitivity, reasonable
108 G. K. Moinudeen et al.: IoT Applications in Future Foreseen Guided by Engineered
 Nanomaterials and Printed Intelligence Technologies a Technology Review

carrier lifetimes and higher charge carrier mobility are the clothes have potentials in sports and health related products
future hopes on which currently made efforts are hinging to replacing wrist wearable devices like ‘fitness tracker’ and
improve the efficiency closer to or if possible exceeding ‘heart rate monitor’. Similarly, ‘Hexoskin smart shirts’, for
its theoretical limits. The alternate approach of tandem example, are capable of monitoring heart and breathing rates,
configuration of PVSCs along with spectral splitting for steps and pace, acceleration, the intensity of the sporting
optimal PV conversion by a combination of suitable activities and also the sleeping positions. The fabric is
materials instead of only one is practically being aimed at machine-washable, breathable, and odor-free besides
for ~50% efficient conversion of solar radiation into providing UV-protection. Hexoskin connected Health
electrical energy for developing mini-panels with affordable Platform and data analysis software for health research are
investments [7, 22, 23]. currently in use in clinical development, sports, and fitness
 The main objective of this review is to examine the extent projects [25].
to which these anticipated advantages are possible to achieve Bristol University reported developing a self-healing
in future IoT applications as evidenced in currently emerging compound for airplane wings and fuselage. This self-healing
system performances reported or published. Single/multi carbon skin is coated with a thin layer of nano sensors that
stimuli responsive engineered nanomaterials possessing measure pressure and temperature, which, in case of getting
smart and intelligent features would collect environmental damaged due to stone chips or bird strikes, sends a signal to
data without external power sources for monitoring activate uncured material within the nano crystalline
themselves autonomously with wireless connectivity. structures to start curing the damaged area like an adhesive
Numerous IoT applications are being translated into the heals a crack. These materials would be usable in bike
businesses as noted by M/S Allied Market Research (AMR) helmets, golf clubs, tennis racquets, fishing rods, and even
in their report projecting market to grow @ 15% annually in nail polish and cracked mobile phone screens [26]. Such
revenue generation of ~ US$70 billion by 2022. smart garments are already available in the market although
 Smart material applications in ‘Market Research Projects’ most smart material technologies are still at R&D stage.
include sensors, actuators, motors, structural materials, and Small and medium enterprises currently lack the adoption of
several types of novel coatings to name a few. Driven by the smart materials due to their higher costs, according to the
potential end-users, the market could further be segmented AMR study. But the researchers estimate that with several
into industrial, consumer electronics, healthcare, retail, governmental initiatives and programs as well as the
automotive, and many more like that. The observations made increasing demand for smart materials from industries like
by ‘eSafety Forum’ are worth mentioning in this context. construction, manufacturing, and automotive would be
They concluded from the data available that on average one driving the market in the coming years [27].
third of the serious road accidents are generally caused by
driver’s fatigue. A ‘Harken Project’ was initiated for
improving driver’s safety by developing embedded 2. Engineered Nanomaterials for
non-intrusive sensors for assessing cardiac and respiratory Intelligent Sensors and Actuators
functions. Integrating sensing materials into safety belts and
seat covers of the cars could thus detect the heartbeats and Although, the IoT term came into existence about two
the respiratory conditions of the driver by eliminating the decades ago, however, a common acceptable definition is not
noise due to moving vehicle generated vibrations, and the yet settled among the businesses adopting it. Almost 98% of
body movements. The ‘Harken’ system monitors the the respondents (e.g. claiming to understand IoT) offered
fatigue-related physiological activity of the driver by widely varying descriptions. For instance, 67% of the
identifying the changes in breathing and heart rates to respondents considered IoT to add ‘Internet Connectivity’ to
anticipate and prevent car accidents related to fatigue by everyday objects. This may perhaps be the leading definition
timely alerting the driver. Another European supported of IoT from research angle, but it certainly differs from the
‘Graphene Flagship’ program succeeded in developing one proposed by Kevin Ashton, who coined the term
graphene ink for fabricating sensors for measuring the ‘Internet of Things’ in 1999 [28]. Others claim that IoT
parameters like temperature, humidity, pressure, and light by includes a network connecting multiple objects, for instance,
printing an electronic circuit onto an RFID tag. The low devices and sensors (65%); a platform to connect industrial
energy consumption and the ability to support high data components (55%); automating building services (52%), and
speeds achievable from these sensors would certainly make using wearable technology (46%). Whereas, Ashton made it
the graphene a more useful material for new communication explicit that the IoT means sensors connected to the Internet
technologies like 5G for IoT applications [24]. that behave in an Internet-like way by making open ad-hoc
 Applying graphene ink onto cotton to produce a connections, sharing data freely, and allowing novel
conductive textile is foreseen in contrast to the existing applications, so computers could understand the world
wearable sensors relying on the rigid electronics mounted on around and become humanity’s nervous system. IoT has
apparel textiles. This new ink-impregnated cotton fabric already started showing its advantages and applications
being interactive is also breathable, comfortable to wear, and accordingly right from its start. In order to have a glimpse of
washable while retaining textile electronics. These smart how various socio-economic groups are responding to IoT
International Journal of Internet of Things 2017, 6(3): 106-148 109

adoptions in their areas of activities, a very useful survey was R&D being pursued. These surveys asked a variety of
conducted recently and the responses received are compiled businesses that have adopted IoT to explain the results they
in Table 1 [29]. have observed. These surveys consistently offered responses
 The IoT applications offer significant promises as echoing a positive impact of IoT adoptions globally as
evidenced from the findings that are proven by the global summarized in Table 2 [29].

 Table 1. Summary of the Responses from Different Sectors [29]

 S. No. Activity Resp. Remarks
 Smart Workplace Applications 72%
 A/C and Lighting 51%
 1. Works in deed! Indoor services lead the list.
 Improved Efficiency of IT Team 78%
 Enhanced Profitability 75%
 Industry Adaptions 62%
 Chemical Sensors 62%
 Picking System 46%
 The Industry Leaders reported about reducing
 Infrastructure Monitoring/Maintenance 31%
 Operational Risks and Downtime while leading to
 2. Increased Business Efficiency 83% an overall improvement in business. These points
 are important for achieving a long-term vision for
 Innovation 83%
 Visibility across Organization 80%
 New Market Expansion 40%
 Overall Industry Growth 30%
 Healthcare Organizations 60%
 Patient Monitors 64%
 X-Ray Imaging 41% IoT affects this sector very significantly as the
 maximum population is indeed inflicted by some
 3. Sensor Monitoring Medical Devices 35%
 kind of ailments that needs protection, treatment,
 Remote Tracking Assets 22% and immunity in general.

 Over all Cost Savings 73%
 Potential for Creating New Services 80%
 Global Retailers 49%
 Personal Mobile Devices 56% Creating/engaging retails for delivering
 4. personalized offers and product information to
 Create Store Location Services 30% the shoppers while in stores.
 Remote Controlled Environment 18%
 Government Adoptions - Behind 42%
 Ignorant Leaders 35%
 Building Security 57% Adoption lacks commitment.
 Street lights 32% Decision Makers claim technology for ‘smart
 Vehicles 20%
 Remote Monitoring/Control within City 27% Rating top operation. Though difficulties
 encountered. Public Sector IoT Adaptors need
 Security 57%
 major crucial steps to be taken for smart city
 Struggling Integration of New with Old 49% realization.

 Showing Cost Saving 71%
 Improved Visibility 70%
110 G. K. Moinudeen et al.: IoT Applications in Future Foreseen Guided by Engineered
 Nanomaterials and Printed Intelligence Technologies a Technology Review

 Table 2. Impact of IoT on Various Aspects of Business [29]

 S. No. Percentage Observations Received
 Aspect - Return on Investment (ROI)
 1. 34 Noted average ROI from IoT
 2. 27 Reported > 40% ROI from IoT.
 3. 10 Reported > 60% ROI from IoT.
 Aspect - Extended Influence on Several Areas of Activity
 1. 82 Noted increase in ‘business efficiency’.
 2. 81 Observed increase in organization’s IT activity.
 3. 73 Achieved definite overall ‘cost savings’.
 4. 78 Noted improvement in ‘customers’ experiences’.
 5. 72 Declared ‘enhanced business profitability’.
 6. 77 Noticed ‘improved visibility’ of their organization.
 Aspect - ‘Expected Impact of IoT on Businesses’
 1. 56 Expecting increase in their workplace ‘productivity’.
 2. 40 Foreseeing ‘reduced downtime’, and
 3. 36 Creating ‘new business models’ through analytics-driven services.

2.1. IoT - Making Everything Intelligent 2.2. The Enabling Technologies
 Growing impact of information and communication The fast-growing interest in IoT applications comes from
technologies (ICTs) combined with low-cost production of full access to a number of constituent enabling technologies
smart/intelligent subsystems/systems has started improving that are being developed under different disciplines at their
the performance of various enterprises. This is also affecting own pace and are put to use in IoT, where the electronic
even day-to-day activities particularly in relation to overall functionalities have been playing crucial roles. These basic
improvement in the quality of life by introducing enabling technologies are described below to highlight their
functionalities aided by the recent developments. Engaging a impacts on IoT covered in more detail in the references cited
large number of computers in this context is primarily based [33-44].
on standard and inter-operable communication protocols that
are not only capable of identifying the physical as well as 2.2.1. The Wireless Communications
virtual objects but also involved in integrating their attributes Short/long-range wireless communication channels
into the information network. Dynamically self-configuring covering ranges from a few centimeters to a few meters (e.g.
global IoT network has started penetrating deep into the in personal area network); and to hundreds/thousands of
surrounding environment along with consumer goods as the meters in local and global area networks, respectively, are
‘things’ comprising of electronic devices endowed with the playing dominant roles in ongoing IoT development. Wi-Fi
capabilities like localized recognition, computing, and is the common term used in wireless local area networking of
communication providing object-level tracking. Accordingly, devices employing IEEE 802.11 standards. Wi-Fi devices
subsequent to the past two major developments in the field of used in Wi-Fi (2.4/5GHz Radio Band WLAN network)
computers followed by the introduction of ‘Internet’ in the include a variety of personal computers, laptops, video-game
recent past; the IoT is certainly emerging as the next consoles, smartphones, digital cameras, tablets, digital audio
revolutionary force driving the development of ICT much players, and modern printers, besides many others in offing.
ahead. It is not difficult to foresee the stronger impacts of IoT These devices are Internet connected having a wireless
by counting the current level of usage of nearly 1.5 billion access within the range of ~ 20 meters indoors but even
personal computers (PCs) and over 1 billion cell-phones greater than in outdoors. The technologies including Wi-Fi,
connected to the Internet along with the anticipated number Bluetooth, and IR, are certainly the backbones of data
of devices to go well beyond 100 billion by 2020. All these transfer among smart devices deployed as nodes at different
features, put together collectively, are bound to influence the levels.
emerging markets generating over 40 times bigger impact as A distributed arrangement of sensor and actuators in a
a whole compared to that produced by ‘Internet Technology’ wireless sensor actuator network (WSAN) has been
as assessed [30-32]. gathering data about the physical environment for sending
International Journal of Internet of Things 2017, 6(3): 106-148 111

the same to the controllers/actuators through single/multi- MEMS/NEMS fabricated using micro/nano mechanical
hop communication system, wherein, the controllers/ components by modified CMOS IC technology and
actuators act in changing the behavior of the environment or anisotropic etching of silicon, respond to a number of
physical systems within certain limits [45]. It has thus physical, chemical and biological measurands resulting in a
become possible to remotely control the distributed new class of sensors and actuators with unprecedented
interactions taking place within the physical world. precision, sensitivity and resolution. Particularly, Si based
Depending upon the nature of the target application, the MEMS/NEMS platforms (also called micro system
WSAN nodes are either stationary or mobile. Sensor nodes technology (MST) and micro machines in Europe and Japan,
are generally stationary, whereas the actuators are mobile respectively, [62-68] are well suited for integration of
such as in robots and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). CMOS signal conditioning and processing circuits along
Sensor nodes are usually low-cost and low power consuming with. Syntheses of nano particulate inorganic, organic,
miniature devices with limited sensing, data processing, and polymeric, and biological species conjugated to prepare
communication capabilities, whereas the actuator nodes hybrid nano materials with size and shape specific
possess stronger computation and communication features physico-chemico-biological properties possessing stimulus
with higher energy consumption and thus always put more responsive behavior are expected to improve the capabilities
constraints. WSANs are different from the wireless sensor of these devices further. In addition, biomimetic synthesis of
networks (WSNs) involving new generations of sensor materials in combination with MEMS/NEMS based sensor
networks though there are quite a few common features platforms are expected to result in intelligent features
including the reliability, connectivity, scalability and energy derived from molecular recognition based self-regulated
efficiency. Coexistence of sensors and actuators in WSANs processes and configurations of nano species providing
makes the major difference between these two networks. large-scale green processing suitable for production.
WSANs have the ability to change the physical world, but Moreover, low cost printing using engineered nano inks
not the WSNs. In WSNs, the power consumption is of would produce sensors, actuators, and electronic circuits on
primary concern. However, this may be for meeting the rigid, flexible or uneven surfaces including low cost
real-time, reliable communication requirements in WSANs. substrates like plastic sheets, paper, and textiles. Finally,
There are situations where only WSNs are required, e.g. intelligent packaging of sensors, actuators and signal
environment and product quality monitoring. The number of conditioning/processing circuits would enhance the usage of
applications is continuously growing requiring actuators sensor/actuator technology resulting in material savings due
along with sensors wherein the network interacts with the to timely consumptions prior to their degradations because of
physical system or the environment. WSAN applications external environmental conditions.
include disaster relief operations, intelligent buildings, smart The precision, accuracy and sensitivity of the current
homes, smart spaces, and pervasive computing systems nanosensors have been enhanced significantly in areas
[46-58]. WSANs employ the feedback control systems involving MEMS/NEMS components. Further, introducing
comprising of sensors and actuators. This is the reason that engineered nano materials has the potentials to add another
WSANs are forming the backbone of many applications new dimension to the whole sensor technology, where
providing an excellent distributed control system in contrast hybrid nanomaterials in 1, 2 and 3D are offering
to wired solutions. For instance, WSANs allow more flexible unprecedented sensitivity, selectivity, and resolution via
installation and maintenance, fully mobile operations, and their topology specific physico-chemico-biological
monitoring and control of equipment in hazardous and interactions resulting in single/multiple stimulus responsive
difficult-to-access environments at relatively affordable molecular complexes. Nanoparticulate forms of inorganic,
costs [49, 51, 59-61]. Generic design of platform organic, polymeric, and biomolecular species combined with
independent WSAN was reported promising results for its MEMS/NEMS device structures are opening numerous
implementations [54]. novel possibilities not foreseen earlier. Addition of 2D
 materials (i.e. graphene and graphene like many others) is
2.2.2. The Sensors and Actuators another area, which is getting explored fast, adding still more
 Sensors provide information related to the environmental potentials to these engineered nano materials for their
parameters around a monitoring unit along with their sensor/actuator applications in particular [69].
variations with the help of appropriate transducers. The Processes used for introducing engineered hybrid
measured parameter variations are transferred to data nanomaterials in MEMS/NEMS are, in general, carried out
collection for further analytics and applications. Some in solution form, which is bound to reduce the costs once the
important features of IoT sensors are discussed here briefly. involved technologies mature. Out of several options,
 The current theme of examining the influence of printed nano sensors with intelligence are making
engineered nanomaterials and printed intelligence becomes revolutionary changes in this context as foreseen in future
more pertinent in case of sensors and actuators that form the IoT applications.
backbone of IoT data collection applications. In this context, Going by the conventional way of environmental
a number of features of these devices are seen to depend on parameters assessments using commonly available sensors,
various features mentioned in the following. it may be quite expensive with many physical limitations
112 G. K. Moinudeen et al.: IoT Applications in Future Foreseen Guided by Engineered
 Nanomaterials and Printed Intelligence Technologies a Technology Review

including constrained modifications involving lengthy hospitals/healthcare facilities must be established at reduced
procedures. However, with the recent advances made in costs by improving the overall efficiency without sacrificing
engineered nano materials, a large number of alternatives are the quality. Hospitals are being motivated to find innovative
emerging fast that are expected to overcome these ways to meet this objective. Consequently, a centralized
constraints by changing the sensor modality. Because of medication distribution system has been emerging as a
flexibility provided by a large variety of nano sensors standard model, but more facilities are also switching over to
available today, a given sensor meant for measuring a a hybrid or decentralized distribution model. There is also a
particular parameter could instead be used for a different growing trend in transferring general medical test facilities
purpose, while answering the same end-question via a low from a fully equipped central laboratory to smaller units,
cost route. This was demonstrated by employing a which are closer to the patients needing them. This leads to
temperature sensor to replace flow meters in pipes and growing demands of small and affordable diagnostic devices,
mechanical switches in refrigerator doors, thus changing the especially for point of care type of applications using
modality of the temperature sensor from measuring the room ‘laboratory on a chip’ type facility [74].
temperature to measuring other physical parameters [70]. In addition, the rising concern for National Security is
 Current market research has been linking the growth of the another factor needing serious attention for combatting
MEMS/NEMS market to the increasing demands arising out the terrorist threats and outbreaks of infectious human or
of monitoring/control requirements of the environment and animal diseases. This would facilitate developing portable
in developing better equipment and instruments. With multi-parameter measuring instruments to test atmospheric
increasing number of sensors deployed in cars, industrial contaminations including air, water, and foodstuffs as well as
equipment, installations, and ambient intelligence, it is human blood for microbial attacks in case of emergency [75,
certainly going to demand higher production of sensor and 76]. Another reason for exploring MEMS/NEMS technology
actuators consequently. Keeping in view their uses as well as is for adding a ‘clever factor’ in mitigating the limitation due
overall reliability, such sensors must be self-sustaining while to imminent terminus of the Moore’s law. The IC industry is
using wireless communication in their system networking bound to look for other ways to improve the performance of
[71]. their circuits and systems. The emerging ‘More than Moore’
 A wireless local-area network (LAN) uses RF energy in concept is expected to add new technologies to 2D-landscape
contrast to the wired network for connecting devices like of the current microelectronic devices and circuits to
laptops, printers, and similar others to the Internet, and incorporate additional functionalities via vertical integration
business networks. The simplest wired networks use using die stacking [77]. Besides, more flexible and more
‘Ethernet’ ports on the network router and the affordable production technologies are also emerging driven
computer/other devices. Although wired networks, at some by the possibility of producing lower cost, and larger surface
point of time in past, were considered faster and more secure area devices like solar cells, displays, wearable electronics
than wireless networks, but of late, the situation has reversed and disposable diagnostics devices [78]. Modified printing
with improved wireless networking standards and technology is one alternative besides using low cost
technologies resulting in speed and security in the substrates like plastics, paper, and textiles in printing
intervening period. There are reasons to replace wired intelligence at lower cost. This is to complement the existing
network with wireless network, for instance, to incorporate VLSIC capabilities better. Eventually, a large number of
added mobility to network resources from any locations nano-enabled products will emerge from future R&D
within the coverage area ultimately affecting productivity investments [79].
besides ease in operation and expansion. Even robust The current market trend is progressively relying upon
security is available at lower cost because of no additional merging of functionalities in products like cameras, music
investment in cable laying for interconnections as in the systems, computers, mobile phones, and portable consumer
wired networks [71]. The ever-increasing number of future electronics as well as the merger of MEMS/NEMS
devices required is currently the driving force behind technologies with VLSICs. In this context, there are
introducing further overall miniaturization in the devices to examples of MEMS/NEMS being introduced into portable
reduce power consumptions, and provide effective electronic products comprising of silicon-based microphones
communication networks besides convenient packaging and liquid lenses for autofocus and zoom options [80, 81].
along with their system integrations. Instead of sourcing a Similar pressures are being felt from ever-increasing demand
number of sensors from a large capacity power supply, it is of large memories of higher capacities with embedded or
preferred to provide for local energy harvesting modules stand-alone types [82, 83].
along with their associated wireless communication It is significantly important to note that the increasing use
networks individually [72,73]. of sensors and other miniaturized electronic devices is
 MEMS/NEMS sensor applications are proliferating more gradually shaping the environment available for intelligent
in human health care sector with the growing population of interactions through IoT. For this to happen, stronger needs
the elderly citizens requiring medical care through medical are emerging for low cost miniaturized devices and
infrastructures globally. For cost-effective healthcare subsystems, which are energy efficient and self-sustaining as
accessible to more number of people at affordable costs, the well as able to communicate wirelessly with other electronic
International Journal of Internet of Things 2017, 6(3): 106-148 113

devices and subsystems used as ‘smart dust’. These smart interconnected to interact with MEMS sensors embedded to
dusts comprise of large number of MEMS/NEMS/MST respond to body's internal signals [89].
based sensors, robots, or similar other devices, that can Microfluidic devices are also being used in analytical
detect light, temperature, vibration, magnetic field, and equipment like mass spectrometry and chromatography. A
chemicals to name a few, and are operated through computer microfluidic platform integrating sample definition,
network while distributed over certain specific area for injection, detection and diagnostics leads to a faster and easy
sensing through RF network [84]. The wireless sensor analysis via remotely operated handheld devices. These
networks are exploring to incorporate sensors even in devices are not only used in home defense, but also in
previously inaccessible locations. It is also becoming environmental measurements and industrial process controls
feasible to use a large numbers of sensors because there is no as seen emerging in chemical industry. In continuous
longer the need for their regular replacement or recharging processing, using microfluidics is easier, while the duration
their power sources [85]. of analytes staying in the reactor is much better controlled
 MEMS/NEMS offer special advantages in contrast to along with easy scaling. Microfluidic up scaling is not so
commonly used counterparts available commercially. much related to changing from a small reactor to a big one; it
Adding few special etching, bonding and assembly is a matter of increasing the number of reactors, without
techniques to common CMOS IC fabrication, it has been changing the process. Furthermore, it can increase the
possible to produce them without much of alterations in catalytic efficiency due to its inherent larger exposed
process lines. Although MEMS/NEMS have grown surfaces. Consequently, compared to traditional installations,
extensively in the past decade, many challenges are still there microfluidic ones are more energy efficient, safer with
in terms of their fabrication, packaging, and applications and higher yields, and easy to expand [90, 91].
upcoming solutions of these challenges will determine the In case of using MEMS micro cantilevers, a coating of
commercial success of these devices both in technical and application-specific thin layer is applied before immersing
economic terms [86]. them in the test fluid. During this process, a
 In a typical MEMS based human health care system, a molecule/microbe attached to a cantilever coating causes
clear shift from the clinical to point of care diagnostics is change in its resonance frequency. Employing molecular
noted with a slow but significant changeover from medical recognition specific cantilever coating the device can be used
diagnostics to more lifestyle oriented tests of allergy, drugs, for detecting a number of specific materials. For detecting E.
cholesterol, alcohol, and sport injuries. These additional coli, for instance, the cantilever should be coated in
application areas put together make the MEMS market more antibodies specific to E. coli cells. A cantilever array with
consumer-oriented. Perhaps the fastest growing market for different coating on each should detect a number of different
MEMS/NEMS with many interesting applications especially molecules/microorganisms simultaneously. IBM is already
includes ‘Point of Care’ monitoring in which glucose level deploying these micro/nano sensors to detect DNA, bacteria
monitoring could be cited as one of the largest single and even parts of bacteria, making the sensors ideal for
segment. But there are also many niche areas like: retinal quality testing of water and food samples [92, 93].
implants, robotic surgical devices and diagnostic pills [87]. One of the major concerns of using polymeric materials
 The introduction of nucleic acid amplification into for fabricating such devices involves considering their
molecular biology has made the laboratory detection of temperature stability, performance shift over time, tolerance
pathogens simpler. The process of diagnosing and treating a of higher electric field, and chemical/environment stability
disease facilitated by identification and characterization of [94]. Many polymers exhibit electric charging and low
causative agents in conventional form is very dielectric breakdown fields. For example, polymer based
time-consuming, besides requiring skilled personnel and electrostatic actuators show hysteresis because of charging.
laboratory. On the other hand, DNA chip offers multiplex For sensor applications, crosstalk may become another
detection including printed double-stranded DNA and serious issue to take care of. For example, resistors made of
oligonucleotide arrays, in situ-synthesized arrays, nano composite elastomers may change its resistance in the
high-density bead arrays, electronic microarrays, and presence of varying stress/strain, temperature, humidity, and
suspension bead arrays, to name a few. DNA chips have chemical environment. The thermal, mechanical, and
impacted medical diagnostic including the detection and chemical properties of the polymers to be used should be
identification of pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, understood properly in fabricating poly MEMS before taking
epidemiological strain typing, and determination of viruses them to commercial applications. These technologies in
[88]. DNA microarray (i.e. ‘lab-on-a-chip’) is further getting great demand include large area processing (e.g., roll to roll),
extended to implantable “pharmacy-on-a-chip” with proper heterogeneous polymer-semiconductor integration, and
modifications for precise drug release in body timely without appropriate packaging. Instead of making every component
injections. The delivery of insulin is one such example from polymer, a heterogeneous integration of organic and
besides delivery of hormones, chemotherapy drugs and inorganic materials is often necessary and desirable. It is
painkillers. The first, second, and third generation of devices always advantageous to integrate signal conditioning and
release their medications upon receiving signals from an signal processing electronics directly with polymeric sensors.
outside source, wired through the skin; are wireless By doing so, the signal to noise ratio is improved with better
114 G. K. Moinudeen et al.: IoT Applications in Future Foreseen Guided by Engineered
 Nanomaterials and Printed Intelligence Technologies a Technology Review

sensitivity. For large area sensor skin, for instance, operation in low (LF), high (HF), ultra-high- (UHF)
integrating electronics and sensors becomes indispensable to frequencies and microwaves. For instance, cards operating
manage interconnect complexity. Many polymeric materials @ 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz cover a distance up to 1m (with
could, thus, find applications in future MEMS including inductively coupled antenna) and are robust. Being less
conducting polymers, electro active polymers like prone to the effect of metal/liquid-contained environments,
polypyrrole, photo pattern able gelatin, shrinkable these tags are quite often used in the high-security area, in
polystyrene film, shape memory polymers, and piezoelectric particular for transportation as access-control cards. UHF
polymers such as polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) [95-105]. RFID tags operating in 866-868 MHz in European (EU)
 countries and 902-928 MHz in North America with a range
2.2.3. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology of 10m, providing faster data communications. The
 Recognizing an object using reflected electromagnetic performance of UHF tags is susceptible to the existing
radiation was although explored during World War II, but its environment as the radiation used is incapable of penetrating
details were worked out later in 1948 by using modulated materials like metals, liquids, dusts and frogs. RFIDs employ
signal that laid down the foundation of the modern RFIDs. inductive or capacitive coupling of the antenna in LF/HF,
The first generation of commercial RFIDs started getting and UHF/Microwave regions, respectively. The
deployed in 1960s containing 1-bit information to check performances of LF/HF RFIDs are relatively compromised
particularly the thefts in shops. This was followed by rapid against those of UHF/Microwave RFIDs because of antenna
growth of RFIDs in 1970s due to the availability of CMOS size [106, 107].
ICs that not only reduced their sizes with improved Chipless RFIDs possess the capability of automatic
functionalities, but also cut their costs down. Deployment of tracking through long-range communication and non-line of
PCs in collecting and analyzing data gathered from the sight data access. The major reason of RFID tags not
RFIDs opened up still better and newer applications in the replacing commonly used barcodes is their higher costs
fields of personal access, industrial productions, business including the cost of chips, batteries, antennas, and assembly
management and public transportation in 1980’s. processes [108, 109]. Still currently the RFID market is
International Standards Organization (ISO) started flooded with passive tags without batteries at low cost
coordinating the RFID regulations, after noting their [110-112]. With the evolution of microelectronics
growing popularity, to integrate the different practices processing technology, the prices of the IC chips have also
evolved in different countries and regions by offering been cut down, translating into considerable reductions in
international standard protocols [106]. the cost of a single tag. Further reduction in conventional
 There are three basic components of a RFID system passive RFID tag’s cost is currently being considered as a
consisting of tags, a reader and a computer. The low cost tags challenge primarily due to two basic constraints. One is the
are deployed in large numbers, while the reader, relatively extraordinarily high cost of investment in setting up of an
being more involved functionally and expensive, is advanced foundry for manufacturing the IC chips with finer
connected to the computer for storing and processing data features resulting in higher integration density at affordable
collected from the tags. In actual operation, the reader costs. The other is the higher cost of the assembly line to
transmits interrogating signals containing power, data and attach these chips to the package with antennas. In absence
clock information, which upon entering the detection zone of a standard integration procedure, the production
make the tags respond to the interrogating signals to activate efficiency is severely reduced. In addition, the assembly is
the internal circuits decoding the received signal by the tag becoming tougher due to the continuously shrinking size of
circuit and modulated before transmitting it back to the the chips and the flexibility of the substrates. The cost per
reader. The reader recognizes the ID codes encrypted in the silicon IC-based passive tag is, for instance, approximately
given tags from received signals [106]. US$0.05 with the deployment of modern chips which is still
 RFIDs are of three types namely - passive, active, and higher than the targeted cost of ≤ US$0.02 for meeting the
semi-passive ones. Passive tags neither have any internal massive requirement of low-cost item-level tags anticipated
source of power nor are any radio transmitter and the internal to cost a fraction of a cent [106, 113-116].
circuits are driven by the rectified energy from the signal Alternately, chipless RFIDs are attracting more attentions
received. In contrast, semi-passive tags employ a local due to their low manufacturing cost while eliminating the use
battery to operate the internal circuits, but the energy for of IC chips offering more competitive prices. Besides,
sending out the data is derived again from the interrogating chipless tags possess longer communication range since they
signals transmitted by the reader. Active RFID tags have do not deploy active devices that require some minimum
both the internal power sources and transmitters to send the power to energize [117]. These tags are successfully
interrogating signals. Semi-passive and active tags offer commercialized as surface acoustic wave (SAW) tags
longer operating ranges; higher data rates and larger compatible with the present RFID band regulations (@2.45
memories than passive ones in contrast to the passive tags GHz) offering 96 bit large coding capacity. The cost of such
being maintenance free serving for much longer durations. a tag, however, is still comparable to that of the silicon-based
Consequently majority of the prevailing RFID tags in the counterparts since they involve sophisticated sub-micron
global market are passive ones with the frequency of lithographic process and expensive piezoelectric substrates
International Journal of Internet of Things 2017, 6(3): 106-148 115

[118-122]. deposited layer following the first print head has finished
 Developing printable chipless RFID tags is quite attractive depositing specific type of solution materials. Subsequently,
given the fact that printing is a high throughput process like the reel moves the patterned substrate to directly under the
inkjet printing, which is fully additive depositing material on second print head for taking the next material and so on
the required positions of the substrate, offering significant to manufacture multilayer-structured components in a cost
saving in using costly electronic materials for fabrication. effective and time saving manner.
Besides, printing process is quite compatible with cheap Conducting inks containing metal NPs encapsulated by
flexible substrates including plastic, paper, and textile sheets, dispersion solvents added to isolate them by preventing from
offering better options of reducing the tag costs further [123, sedimentation are deposited onto the substrates.
124]. A number of research results on printable chipless Subsequently, applying heat to the substrate with patterns
RFID tags have already been reported [113, 125, 126]. One makes the solvents evaporate, and sinter the metallic NPs
of the most promising families of the chipless tags was forming the conductive lines. For instance, it is easy to
reported using electromagnetic properties of printable fabricate a simple electronic circuit based on metal-oxide
metallic structures. According to the adopted encoding semiconductor (MOS) transistors using only a few steps in a
principles, these tags are basically put into two categories printing process while it involves over three hundred steps in
namely – time and frequency domain signature based RFID silicon CMOS IC processing. Further, the process being
tags [127-131]. The time domain tags employ a transmission subtractive, large amount of raw materials go waste. On the
line (TL) along with a capacitor terminated microwave other hand, commercially available printers modified for
circulators to introduce reflections for storing binary ID electronics fabrication only cost much less compared to the
codes and is compatible with various RFID frequency investment involved in building up of a modern silicon
regulations [117, 128, 129, 132]. In frequency domain tags, foundry (e.g. costing billions of dollars) besides spending
spectrum signatures is encoded by placing inductors nearby a huge amount of money and time in the maintenance of the
micro strip line, or by assembling an array of metallic ultra-clean rooms.
microwave resonators with different resonant frequencies Few drawbacks of inkjet printing are also there to examine.
such as micro strip dipoles, split ring/four-square resonators For instance, it produces inferior features with reduced
and other resonators [119, 125, 126, 133-136]. Observing performances due to limitations of the printing processes.
the presence of either resonances, or the shift in the The printed RFID technology may, therefore, hardly match
resonance frequency helps in recognizing the code during tag with conventional chip based tags in terms of the available
reading [121, 133, 137]. advanced functionalities, but they provide a disruptive
 Practically every form of printing technologies technology for realizing the ultra-low-cost RFID tags for
comprising of screen, gravure, flexographic, offset, and item-level tracking and identification applications towards
inkjet printings [138-140], have been used in printing the IoT vision, where low cost is of prime concern [106].
electronic circuits and devices. However, out of these It is understood that printed RFID tags would cost a
processes, inkjet printing is the most frequently used one due fraction of a cent. Currently, there are two types of the
to its digital nature and ease of operation in small-scale printed RFID tags being explored as ultra-low-cost RFID
fabrication of electronic products. Inkjet printer patterns are solutions. One is a plastic chip with printed thin film
readily modified by software on site, which is different from transistor circuits (TFTCs), in which the components and
semiconductor manufacturing process where numerous circuits are similar to those of silicon. This could be a
masks are to be prepared in advance and thus it leads to disruptive way to develop RFIDs with considerable
significantly shorter turnaround time with cost effective complexity if the carrier motilities of TFT materials are
layout modifications, compared to time consuming and improved sufficiently to meet the demand of operating at
expensive equivalents in silicon processing. Moreover the 13.56 MHz. The other more revolutionary approach is
additive nature of pattern printing saves considerable amount known as all-printed chipless RFIDs offering advantage of
of materials due to location specific material deposition by much lower fabrication cost over chip-based ones owing to
minimizing the use of ink consumption and material wastage. the absence of IC chips. Coupled with fast printing
While printing, the nozzles for ink jetting stay away from the techniques, it is expected that future chipless tags would be
substrate, which is not only beneficial for preserving the fabricated at sub-one cent or even lower cost, especially in
surfaces of the printed materials, but also facilitates ink large volumes [106, 115, 123].
depositing with higher spatial accuracy. RFIDs restarted attracting attention as a part of IoT,
 Inkjet printing is carried out on a rigid or flexible substrate though, its popularity in recent past went into oblivion in
allowing for low temperature curing (typically < 200 °C), object-level tracking due to its higher cost. Using RFIDs in
involving polymer and paper based substrates that have great common retails is found redundant with additional
potential to be employed in RFID applications. The inkjet investment in case there is no serious problem. However,
printing of electronic circuits is extended to R2R printing with the developments in manufacturing costly products, it
where the print heads containing various functional materials becomes necessary to track the items like apparel, jewelry
deposit materials on required positions on the substrate in the and medical equipment. The maximum impetus of deploying
form of web. A fast curing process is applied to solidify the RFIDs comes from apparel retails as clarified by ‘Impinj’.
116 G. K. Moinudeen et al.: IoT Applications in Future Foreseen Guided by Engineered
 Nanomaterials and Printed Intelligence Technologies a Technology Review

Similarly, higher cost of the pharmaceutical items combined wind.
with the cause of eliminating the counterfeits became the The concept of interfacing ‘anything and everything’ of
motivation for their RFID-tracking as they moved from real or virtual World to a global network of Internet is
manufacturer to the pharmacy via distributors [141]. emerging fast. Their participations in a number of smart
 In this context, the passive UHF RFID tags and near field systems configured to handle numerous kinds of day-to-day
communication (NFC) were the two standards chosen by the activities in smart and intelligent manner is steadily growing.
IBM in examining the future of RFIDs in IoT by considering With the help of big data analytics, taking optimal decisions
them as one of the inputs of many data channels. RFIDs are is eventually expected to put a variety of demands on various
currently being used for connecting the physical and digital resources. For example, every piece of sensors and actuators
worlds and supplying data that identify a particular object at involved in collecting the relevant data for implementing the
exact location and time by interrogating it that responds with logical decisions resulting in actions for smart functioning
unique identification code according to Zebra Technologies thereof would certainly require some finite amount of energy.
[142]. The total requirement of energy collectively would turn out
 This kind of RFID’s revival in IoT made a number of to be an extremely large especially in case of ‘trillion’
manufacturers forming a consortium by combining their devices projected to be in use by 2020. For meeting such
resources and capabilities with cloud service providers, requirements of energy besides that already met from the
chipmakers and others to make UHF RFID as a significant conventional electric supply lines, a number of methods
requirement in the future. For example, Google, Impinj, Intel would be required to generate energy locally in which case
and SMARTRAC, along with the Radio Identification photovoltaic solar energy harvesting comes on top priority.
Industry Association AIM Global, formed the RAIN While, examining different forms of solar PV energy
(RAdio-frequency IdentificatioN) Alliance, in 2014, for harvesting technologies already developed, the one based on
promoting awareness, education to accelerate the growth of printed organic materials seems better as it is simple to
UHF RFIDs in business and consumer applications manufacture at low cost. Particularly in this context of
Worldwide. Adding reading capability into the smartphones energy harvesting by organic PV devices, one can see from
is another example to cite for having access to the details of the recent developments that 21% efficient perovskite solar
the apparels, book and food products while shopping them cells are already realized on small substrates, of course, still,
from the stores, which is still inventory management struggling with shorter life span besides lead toxicity. A
combined with the powerful Internet as a complex mix of number of research teams are, therefore, steadily striving for
identification, sensor and cloud computing that promise to sorting out these problems. In order to get familiarity with
make such services more useful, ubiquitous and less the progress made in this context, some recent experimental
expensive in future [142]. and theoretical results are given below.
 The tag reader wirelessly acquires unique information For making use of full solar spectrum to extract maximum
embedded in RFID tags that are attached to the objects for energy, it is common to join a number of cells in tandem for
tracking their location as well as movement. Currently, these combining their contributions using different band gap
RFIDs are somewhat limited, in which, all the tagged items materials as one of the approaches of enhancing efficiency.
are necessary to enter a “gateway” where readers are In case of perovskite based tandem solar cells, some
positioned to pick up each tag’s signal during its passage. In significant results were reported with 14.8% efficient
the logistics industry, RFID tags are traditionally attached to perovskite solar cells employing low band gap material, the
shipping containers so that when the trucks carrying these teams from Stanford and Oxford could produce a novel
containers enter or exit the port, where RFID readers are all-perovskite based tandem solar cell with 20.3% efficiency
positioned at the gate, are tracked for their arrival or outlining a roadmap for solar cells delivering over 30% PEC
departure. In manufacturing sector, tags may be attached to in near future. This strategy was put to use after sorting out
components, such as car parts in an automotive plant, which the problems of synthesizing the right kind of smaller gap
can then be tracked as they move along the production perovskite comprising of tin, lead, cesium, and iodine based
conveyer belt. While this kind of RFID applications is broad, devices with better efficiency than the best tandem solar cells,
they still depend on tags passing through a gateway of made so far with other low-cost materials like organic small
readers. More developments are discussed later to take care molecules and microcrystalline silicon. Further optimization
of some of these limitations [143]. of the related materials to generate even higher currents by
 absorbing solar radiation better will certainly transform the
2.2.4. Energy Harvesting solar PV industry once manufacturability and stability issues
 It will be a better option to derive energy from the are taken care of appropriately [144].
environment to energize the smart devices due to various Similarly, making large area perovskite solar cells with
reasons. For instance, energy harvesting devices integrated higher efficiency is another alternative to collect more solar
with functional devices/circuits would form a part to replace radiation as reported by University of New South Wales, to
bulky and maintenance-intensive batteries. The captured fabricate 12.1% efficient 16cm2 cells duly confirmed by
energy stored in capacitors could be generated from solar the international testing center. These cells are particularly
radiation, temperature variations, radio signals, or even 10 times larger in size than the currently certified
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