Is Car Finance steering towards a crash? The 4 things lenders should do to build resilience - Target Group

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Is Car Finance steering towards a crash? The 4 things lenders should do to build resilience - Target Group
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Is Car Finance steering
towards a crash?
The 4 things lenders should do to build resilience


  •    Increasing popularity of PCP over recent years
  •    Oversupply of second-hand cars in the market
  •    Government crack-down on diesel cars to devalue the product
  •    Consumer incomes are already stretched
  •    An increase in interest rates is likely to put households into arrears
  •    How can lenders ensure they’re ready to cope?
Is Car Finance steering towards a crash? The 4 things lenders should do to build resilience - Target Group
Despite slow economic growth in the UK, the car industry has boomed in recent
times. We look at the risk of overheating, and discuss what lenders can do to build

Businesses and consumers both felt the long-term collateral damage from the 2008
economic storm caused by the Global Financial Crisis, some of which continues

So, what’s causing the current bumps in the road?

Interest rate hike on the horizon?            Increasing popularity of PCP               Affordability under pressure

With the planned UK departure                 Since the GFC and the introduction         The UK Brexit planning so far has
from the EU, there is still significant       of the vehicle scrappage scheme,           already seen disruption and pressure
uncertainty and therefore volatility          the motor industry has seen a rapid        on the jobs market with companies
in the markets. We may see a cut to           increase in PCP finance. The Finance       suggesting or actively moving
0.5% in the next 12 months, but there         and Leasing Association recorded           operations out of the UK and into the
are also indications of an interest           over 940,000 new vehicles bought           remainder of the EU; companies like
rate increase. When we start to see           on finance in the 12 months to             Aviva, BAML, Barclays, Credit Suisse
more market stability, whenever that          September 2019, with a loan value of       and Moneygram. Some businesses
may be, and we return to economic             £19bn.                                     simply won’t be able to survive the
growth in the UK, it’s likely we will                                                    uncertainty.
see an increase in interest rates to          Bank of England figures estimate that
help control inflation. An increase in        growth averaged 20% a year since           UK employment is at an all-time high,
interest rates will put further significant   2012, increasing by more than £30          but will that remain the case once
pressure on UK consumers, many of             billion in that period.                    the full Brexit process gets underway.
whom are already feeling the strain,                                                     So, while the GFC has created a new
and have been for some time.                  There’s been a growing reliance            wave of affordability testing, that is
                                              on this low-cost form of finance,          only dependent on the consumer’s
According to the ONS, British                 especially among those with low            current circumstances.
households have spent more than               credit ratings. Estimates suggest 3%
their income for an unprecedented             of the PCP market in the UK is sub-        How much does it take into account
nine consecutive quarters (Oct 2016           prime, perhaps due to lenders having       the risk of unemployment, or the
to Dec 2018), caused by sluggish              pushed consumer credit growth              increase in interest rates? People
wage growth since the GFC of 2008,            to compensate for the weakened             who had their first mortgage or
cuts to benefits, and a drop in the           mortgage market.                           PCP loan post-2008 will only have
value of the pound since the Brexit                                                      experienced super-low interest rates.
referendum vote raising prices of             They’re undertaking riskier lending in     Many will have no concept of 3, 4
imports.                                      order to reap higher yields. But is this   or 5% base rates, and may not have
                                              sustainable? With diesel car prices        factored in such rates when assessing
                                              expected to plummet with incoming          their own borrowing affordability.
                                              regulation, PCP lenders will need to
                                              compensate for such losses, as their
                                              assets lose market value.
Is Car Finance steering towards a crash? The 4 things lenders should do to build resilience - Target Group
What does the PCP market look like?        A bumpy road ahead                         Debt charities are expecting a
                                                                                      further wave of consumers getting
We are likely to see further               The motor finance industry doesn’t         into arrears on loans, including PCP,
clampdowns on diesel cars in a bid         seem to have been under the same           because of the trinity of inflation,
to improve air quality, with demand        level of scrutiny as banking, until only   increasing interest rates and
on these vehicles sure to fall. PCP        recently when the FCA conducted a          unemployment.
lenders will start to see diesel cars as   multi-firm review of the sector in 2019.
riskier assets and raise prices, and are   The growth of this sector in the UK has    Many people with loans in the UK
likely to see negative equity on diesel    put the situation on the agenda for        won’t have experienced the pre GFC
cars already out in the market. And        regulators.                                rates of 4-7% plus, let alone the 10-
it’s not just diesel cars that could be                                               17% rates of the 1970s and 80s.
devalued.                                  Overdue car loan repayments in
                                           the US have risen to levels not seen       While their debt is currently
David Oldfield, head of retail banking     since the GFC. In 2017, 6.3 million        affordable, interest rate increases
at Lloyds Banking Group, says there        Americans are at least 90 days late        of just one or two percentage
could be trouble ahead for parts of        on their car finance payments, an          points could stretch their household
the industry after a 30 per cent surge     increase of about 400,000 from a           repayments beyond their means,
in car sales in the past four years,       year earlier, according to New York        and send thousands of borrowers into
which could depress the pricing of         Federal Reserve data published             arrears.
used cars.                                 in November. Worryingly, overdue
                                           payments by people under 30 are
“We expect there will be an                rising sharply, the report said.
oversupply of used cars going
forward given the strong demand for        Pressure on incomes from either
new cars in recent years,” he says.        unemployment, a hike in interest
                                           rates, or both, has the potential to
PCP lenders supply cars to the             increase the likelihood of people
market with the borrower simply            going into arrears, and lenders should
covering the cost of depreciation.         be prepared. Handling arrears to
If depreciation of cars increases, as      achieve a good customer outcome
predicted, such a system is likely to      is challenging. One of the biggest
become less financially viable for         challenges is that these instances
consumers, especially when coupled         often come in cycles with peaks and
with further pressure on incomes from      troughs, often leaving providers less
interest rates, unemployment and           prepared than they would like, for
inflation.                                 the sudden increase in demand.

                                                                                            Is Car Finance steering towards a crash?
What should lenders do to ensure resilience?
Lenders have a duty of care to be able to provide appropriate support their customers
who are in arrears. It’s a big focus of the regulator, and high on the agenda across the
industry. The need to safeguard and protect customers, using an integrated, enterprise
level approach is key.

             Capacity                   Training                    IT systems                     Culture

• Capacity                             • IT systems                              • Culture
  Is your business able to quickly       A peak in demand for service,             When things get tough, and
  and easily scale up (or down) its      such as might occur with a spike in       resilience is tested, it’s essential that
  operations to be able to handle an     people entering arrears, will likely      operational culture holds firm. There
  increase in customers in arrears?      put a strain on IT systems. Can your      should be a socially aware and
  Will you be able to achieve SLAs       systems cope with more traffic? Will      ethically conscious approach to
  and maintain customer service          your security set up still be able to     vulnerable customers, who may be
  levels, if the demand for those        keep your environment safe and            finding it harder to pay. Businesses
  services spiked?                       secure, even when under strain?           dealing with customers in arrears
                                                                                   can’t afford to let standards drop
• Training                                                                         or lose its culture of supporting
  If there is a sudden need for                                                    good customer outcomes, when
  additional heads in your customer                                                resilience is put under pressure.
  service teams, how long will it
  take to get them up to speed, to
  be able to deliver at the required

What’s important about operational resilience is preparation. By fully assessing impact
tolerances, lenders can be prepared for big changes when they happen, and be best
placed to handle them, without dropping standards or customer service.

Outsourcing such servicing to a         Target is a leading provider of          For further information:
specialist in arrears handling is one   business process servicing and
option that will help lenders to deal   operational transformation for over      visit or
with peaks and troughs in demand.       50 major financial institutions across   email
Such providers have the capacity,       the globe, including clients such as
training and IT systems in place,       DVLA, RBS, Barclays and Santander.
ready to scale up quickly to support
good customer outcomes, and are         Our leading fintech platform
able to ensure quality standards        manages assets in excess of
are maintained even at the most         £25 billion, enabling our clients
demanding times.                        to automate complex critical
                                        processing, servicing and
                                        administration of loans. Alongside
                                        loan servicing and software solutions,
                                        Target leverages deep financial
                                        domain expertise to advise on
                                        process improvement, due diligence,
                                        and regulatory compliance.

                                        Terry is responsible for building        Terry’s previous experience also
                                        upon an established compliance           includes working for the regulator.
                                        foundation and reinforcing and           He joined the Personal Investment
                                        maintaining the risk and compliance      Authority, which merged into the
                                        framework that adds value to our         Financial Services Authority in 2000.
                                        business and clients.                    During this time, Terry conducted
                                                                                 a number of regulatory reviews on
                                        Prior to joining Target, Terry worked    large financial services organisations
                                        in professional services with            and was recognised as one of three
                                        Grant Thornton as a Director in its      specialists within The FSA in Training
                                        regulatory practice. Terry’s practical   and Competence.
                                        experience includes most financial
                                        services sectors, including retail and
                                        investment banking, insurance and
Group Compliance Director
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