Lithium-ion batteries - The bubble bursts - Stuttgart, October 2012

Page created by Floyd Sanders
Lithium-ion batteries - The bubble bursts - Stuttgart, October 2012
Lithium-ion batteries –
The bubble bursts

Stuttgart, October 2012

                          Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   1
Lithium-ion batteries - The bubble bursts - Stuttgart, October 2012

   Consolidation in the lithium-ion battery (LiB) market is inevitable –
   Stakeholders need to revise their strategies

     A      The large-format lithium-ion cell market will face overcapacity and price wars:
            - Demand is lower than expected
            - A lot of capacity has been built up – but new equipment to be installed will be
               more efficient
            - Prices are down to 180 and 200 EUR/kWH in 2014/2015
     B      Bottom-up calculations show that with an expected EBIT margin at or below 5%,
            "early movers" in particular cannot generate enough EBIT to finance their cost
            of capital
            New developments on the material side (mainly cathodes, electrolytes/separators)
            as well as in production technologies will lead to further cost reductions – but
            require more cash for introduction and industrialization
     C      Therefore only the already large players or companies will survive the shakeout,
            as their parent companies might be willing to provide the business with sufficient
            That's why cell manufacturers as well as their customers – the OEMs – need to
            rethink their strategies
Source: Roland Berger                                                    Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   2
A        DEMAND

OEMs will increase xEVs sales significantly in the short term –
Toyota will remain the main player

OEMs xEV sales plans by xEV type [m units]
Hybrid light                      HEV1)                          BEV                      Comments

                                                                                          • Figures are a
                                                                                            summary of OEMs'
                                                         2.6                                sales targets for their
                                                                                            xEV programs
                                                                                          • They do not include
                                                         1.3                                sub-A-segment
                                                                                            vehicles (vehicles not
                                                                                            classified as
                                          1.1    38%                                        "passenger cars")

             25%         0.8              0.3                                80%
                                                                                          • Sales targets tend to
                                                                                   0.6      be on the optimistic
                                                 17%     1.3
      0.3                                                                                   side – but were not
                                          0.7                                               adjusted by Roland
     2011               2015            2011            2015       2011            2015
     OEMs excl. Toyota         Toyota     xx    CAGR 2011-2015

Source: Roland Berger                                                                     Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   3
A         DEMAND

However, in one 2020 scenario, xEVs will represent only a minor
share of powertrains in EU, US and China – Introduction delayed

Base scenario: xEV market share in the EU, US and China, 2020 [%]
                                                                       • Market share calculated based on an
                                                                         assessment of push (legislation-driven) and
                                                                         pull (customer-driven) factors for xEVs in the
                                                                         EU, US and China
                                                                       • The market shares shown represent the
                                                                         minimum required xEV share to meet push
                                      95%                                and pull in each region – Higher xEV market
                                                           97%           shares are possible and even likely
                                                                       • The EU's xEV market share achieves the level
                                                                         required to meet EU CO2 emissions targets in
                                                                         an aggressive scenario regarding ICE
                                                                         optimization and driving resistance reduction
        0%                           2%     0%                         • The US's and China's xEV market shares are
                2%                          2%            1%   1% 1%     primarily required to fulfill pull factors for xEVs
                                                                       • Further legislative action might increase share
                                                                       • Japanese/Korean figures expected to fall
                                                                         between the US and EU
     Conventional incl. Start-Stop        FHEV   BEV/RE
     Hybrid Light                         PHEV

Source: Roland Berger                                                                         Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   4

 A          DEMAND

The EU's xEV market is primarily legislation-driven – The US and
China are driven primarily by customer pull

Summary of push and pull factors for xEVs

        1           EU                               2          USA                                3          China

       • Even under optimistic assumptions          • CAFE emissions targets can be met by        • Technology penetration is driven only by
         regarding ICE improvements and light-        utilizing ICE improvements and some           government targets for PHEVs and EVs
         weight measures, all OEMs will need          weight reduction technology – OEMs          • Fuel consumption targets can be met by
         xEVs to comply with 2020 CO2                 also have no cost incentive to apply xEV

                                                                                                    optimizing ICE in all segments
         emissions targets                            technologies on a large scale
                                                                                                  • Fleet emissions are possible, but there
       • In terms of costs, hybrid light and        • However, the ZEV mandate and the              is no clear indication yet
         PHEVs are most favorable                     ability to earn credits will lead OEMs to
                                                                                                  • If fleet emissions will be set, high xEV
                                                      build at least some PHEVs and EVs
                                                                                                    penetration expected

       • No TCO advantage for FHEV, PHEV or         • No TCO advantage for xEV powertrains        • Almost no customer pull for xEVs –
         BEV powertrains                              due to low fuel costs                         except in luxury segment
       • Hybrid lights will become neutral as       • However, some customers are willing to      • Light and full hybrids would offer
         regards TCO, but will provide additional     pay for xEVs for environmental image          significant consumption advantages, but

         functions                                    reasons                                       TCO advantage is limited due to low
       • In larger-car segments, customers will                                                     cost of fuel
         be willing to pay more for higher                                                        • No willingness to pay for "green" image
         performing hybrids                                                                         – in luxury segment, innovativeness of
       • Only niche demand for BEVs                                                                 xEVs is an important purchase criteria

Source: Interviews; Roland Berger                                                                           Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   5
A         DEMAND

To meet CO2 emission targets, OEMs will mostly introduce xEV only
according to the cost of CO2 emission reductions in their fleet

Assumption for xEV usage at OEMs to comply with EU CO2 emission regulation

Gap between CO2 fleet                                                                                                     Cost of cutting CO2
emissions and CO2 targets                Usage of xEVs types to close the gap at OEMs1)                                   emissions2)

         108         2020 CO2              0   OEM will offer xEVs in segments to fulfill customer
                     emission                  requirement and skim willingness to pay – Hybrid light
                                               in large/luxury cars and minor share in medium size
                                               cars, PHEVs in large/luxury cars, BEVs in mini/small
                     2020 CO2
                                           1   Intensify usage of hybrid light in medium size and
                                               small cars and PHEV usage in larger cars

                                           2   Expand PHEV usage to medium size cars

                                           3   Increase EV penetration in smaller cars and
                                               expand usage to medium size cars
                                                                                                                         0                           High

1) Based on interviews, validation with TCO calculations
2) Assessment is based on a calculation of xEV CO2 emission reduction potential, customer willingness to pay and cost (components and other cost)

Source: Interviews; Roland Berger                                                                                 Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx      6
A         DEMAND

Hybrid light will become at least TCO neutral – Buyers of large/
luxury vehicles will be willing to pay for full hybrids and PHEVs

Pull factors for xEVs Europe, 2020

Vehicle                                                                                         COMMENTS
                                                                                                • Assessment of TCO is
Luxury                                                                        Esp. sport cars     based on a detailed
                                                                                                  calculation – taking into
                                                                                                  account necessary uplift
                                                      CO2 emissions limits                        of 200% on material
Large                                                 in company car fleets
                                                                                                  cost for OEMs to
                                                                                                  maintain EBIT margin
Medium                                                                                            per vehicle
                                                                                                • Willingness to pay in
                                                                                                  large and luxury segment
Small                                                                                             is driven by social
                                                                                                  pressure to be environ-
                                                                                                  mental compliant and
Mini                                                                                              additional functions
                                                                                                  enabled by xEV power-
                                                                                                  trains (e.g. comfort start-
                      Light                Full                PHEV                  EV
                                                                                                  stop, idle AC)
                                                    xEV type
     TCO neutral/advantage to best ICE-technology       Willingness to pay     Other reason

Source: Interviews; Roland Berger                                                                Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   7
A        DEMAND

   A significant share of powertrain electrification are stop-start and
   micro-hybrid systems – but here, LiB are not competitive

   •      Conventional starter batteries cannot be used effectively in start-stop and
          micro-hybrid applications due to poor cycle life and poor charge acceptance
   •      Initially, most of the start-stop systems used a 2 battery approach in order to fulfill
          the requirements: 1 conventional starter battery (for starting only) plus 1 AGM
          battery for power supply. Problems are cost for 2 batteries and limited life of the
          AGM battery – Lithium Ion cell makers did expect a chance here
   •      Recent developments in Lead-acid batteries (called Enhanced Flooded Battery )
          have now be presented and are likely to become a viable and cost effective
          solution for start-stop and micro-hybrid applications
   •      Companies like JCI, Exide, Banner, Moll, Shin Kobe, GS-Yuasa and others will
          probably be able to offer Lead-based products that will meet start-stop and
          micro-hybrid requirements exceeding 200,000 km or 6 to 8 years of operation
          at lower system costs than lithium-ion batteries.

Source: Roland
   Source:     Berger
            Roland Berger                                                      Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   8

  Price levels around 200 EUR/kwH (approx USD 250) in 2015 do not
  provide sufficient EBIT to finance cost of capital

  Typical 96 Wh PHEV cell – Cell cost structure 2015
  Cell P&L breakdown, 2015                                                     Cell material cost split, 2015

  Total cost: approximately USD 22.1/cell (~ 237 USD/kWh)                                        USD 13.4/cell

                   SG&A             5%                                           of total cell       39%       Cathode
       Overheads           10%                                                      costs)
                  6% 1%
Energy/Utilities 0%                                                                                  18%       Anode

                                                          58%                                        13%       Electrolyte
                     18%                                        Raw material
D&A Equipment
                              0%                                                                     19%       Separator
       D&A Building                                                                                  11%       Housing and feed-througs
 Quality / Evironmental                                                                          Material cost

  1) Including carbon black content, foil and binder cost

  Source: Roland Berger LiB Value Chain Cost model 2011                                                Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   9

Our calculation takes into account declining material prices–
Driven by strong competition to capture market shares

Impact on the cell manufacturing material prices (mid-term - 2015)

                            IMPACT FACTORS ON PRICES
Input                       Raw material             Process                  Standardization Competition/              Overall per kg
materials                   cost                     cost1)                                   capacities                impact 2015
                                                                        2)                                                          • NMC 25 $
CATHODE                                                                                                                             • LMO 15 $
                                                                                                                                    • NCA 35 $
                                                                                                                                    • 18 $
ANODE                                                                                                                               (50-50 mix)


                                                                                                                                     • Solution:
ELECTROLYTE                                                                                                                            20 $

     Increasing the price      Limited impact         Decreasing the price      Overall strong price decrease
1) Investment, energy, labor    2) Process cost reduction potential for LFP available

Source:         Roland Berger "Battery material cost study V.2.4 / Q1 2011"                                     Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   10

Material manufacturer need to improve their materials to drive
down costs – resulting in additional R&D demand on cell level
Manufacturing cost calculation 2015 [USD/kg]

           ~32.5    ~25.5     ~24.5      ~23.7      ~22.8     ~17.5         ~12.8   ~20.2        ~19        Comment

                     4%         4%
                                                               7%            8%                  5%         • According to latest analyst
                                                        4%                              5%       5%
           10%                                                 7%            5%                               reports the prices of Nickel,
                    12%        13%        13%           14%                                                   Cobalt and Manganese will
                                                                            15%      16%         17%
           10%                                                                                                decline through 2015
                    12%                                        21%
                               13%        13%           14%
                                                                                     15%                    • Largely as a result thereof CAM
                                2%                                                               16%
                                                        2%                  20%                               material costs will decrease by
                                                                                        2%       2%           between 7% and 22% between
                                                                             3%                               2011 and 2015
                                                               2%                                           • The costs of LFP will increase
                    66%        64%        63%           62%
                                                                                                              largely as a function of higher
                                                                                     57%         54%          energy and utility costs which
                                                               40%                                            account for 30% of total cost
                                                                                                            • If high-capacity materials
                                                                                                              (HCMA) is ready by 2015, this
                                                                                                              will offer a significant cost
           LCO      NCA        NCM        NCM       NCM        LFP -        LMO     HCMA3)       HV           advantage over other CAMs due
                               111        523       424       FePO4                            spinel4)       to higher energy density
           ~56.49   ~34.49     ~37.8     ~36.54     ~35.27    ~34.12        ~27.3   ~20.4       ~27.46        compounded by lower material
     Quality/Environment      Maintenance          D&A Other      D&A Equipment           Energy/Utilities       Labor       Raw materials
1) Total manufacturing costs 2) High quality differences 3) not available until >2015    4) not available until 2020

Source: Roland Berger LiB Value Chain Cost model 2011                                                                    Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   11

Declining cell prices will result in massive pressure on cell and CAM
manufacturer margins - not enough to finance costs of capital

Typical 96 Wh PHEV cell – Cell price breakdown 2015 [US $ / cell]

 Other                     CAM                                                 Cell    Cell            Market
                                                   Cell cost                                   Delta
materials1)    CAM cost   margin                                              margin   price           price2)
                                                                                                                 • For a typical CAM
                           7.5%                                               6.0 %                                manufacturer
                                                                       22.1    1.2              1.3    22.0        – Raw materials account for
                                                               2.3                                                   up to 55% of total cost
                                                     2.1                                                           – D&A and utilities account
                                            4.3                                                                      for up to 25% of total cost
                    0.4    0.3                                                                                   • For a typical cell
              4.6                                                                                                  manufacturer
                                                                                                                   – Raw materials account for
                                                                                                                     up to 58% of total cost
                                                                                                                   – D&A and utilities account
                                                                                                                     for up to 19% of total cost
  Other Cathode CAM        CAM    Cell      Cell   Labor/       Cell   Cell    Cell    Cell    Market Market
        material SG&A     margin material   D&A    utilities   SG&A    cost   margin   Price    price  price
         cost                     cost                                                                           • In view of their limited ability
  Margin pressure                                                                                                  to offset sales price declines,
 • Any price decrease beyond 24 USD / cell (lower than EUR 200 / kWh) will                                         CAM and cell manufacturers
   have direct impact on CAM and cell manufacturer margins                                                         will compete over a shrinking
                                                                                                                   profit pool
1) Anode, separator, electrolyte, housing 2) Expected market price based on expert interviews

Source: Roland Berger LiB Value Chain Cost model 2011                                                                Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   12

To significantly reduce cell costs beyond 2015, major innovations
in CAM technology and introduction of new CAMs are necessary
Typical 96 Wh PHEV cell – Impact of material improvements on cell prices
(cost for Auto. customers)
     NCM cell                                                         NCM cell      Potential cost   HCMA cell
      2015              Cost reduction NCM cell 2015 – 2020            2020       reduction HCMA       2020      • Const. cell energy (at 96 Wh)
     (230                                                                                              204
   USD/kWh                                                                                           USD/kWh     • In 2016 introduction of higher
                                                                                                                   density NCM CAM, resulting
                                        -6%                                           -10%
                                                                                                                   in:specific cell energy increase
       22.1                             1.0                                                                        to141 Wh/kg and concurrent
                        0.4                              0.1           20.8                           19.9         reduction in NCM usage to 113 g
        5.2                                                                            0.9
                                                                        4.3                            3.4       • In 2018 introduction of high-density
                                                                                                                   HCMA CAM: further increases
                                                                                                                   specific cell energy to 144 Wh/kg
                                                                                                                   with HCMA usage to 100 g
       16.9                                                            16.5                           16.5       • HCMA price includes a license fee
                                                                                                                   of 2%
                                                                                                                 • No changes in anode, separator
                                                                                                                   and electrolyte cost assumed in
       NMC             Manu-           Energy           Labor          NMC            HCMA            HCMA         figure:
      cell cost       facturing       density1)                       cell cost                      cell cost     add. potential 10..20$ /kWh
       2015                                                            2020                           2020
                                                                                                                 • Add. cell manufacturing process
   Innovation pressure                                                                                             improvement: potential ca. 10..15$
  • Unless HCMA material is introduced, further price reduction potential of CAM materials is                      / kWh
    limited and margins remain at unacceptable level                                                             • Cell price forecast 2018..2020:
  • Also cell manufacturer need (and will) improve processes and yield rate                                        200$ / kWh (incl. approx. 15%
      CAM cost share 1) Based on a high-density 50-50 mixture of NCM 111 and LiNiO2                                margin for both CAM and cell
Source: Industry reports, experts interview, Roland Berger analysis
                                                                                                                       Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   13   13

The value chain is therefore expected to further consolidate (1/2)

                        TODAY (2012)           CHANGES BY 2020

Raw materials > Oligopoly                      > Some selected new players
Lithium                                        > New recycling companies
mining                                         > Business models integrating recycling

Anodes,                 > Dominated by Asian > New players (from specialty chemical
Cathodes,                 (Jap.) players          sector ) especially for Automotive and
Separators,             > Partially specialized   ESS
Electrolytes              precursors sourced > More integration of precursor
and                     > Some cathode            manufacturer
Precursors                materials             > Cathode manufacturing by cell
                          manufactured by         manufacturer only for top 2..3 with
                          cell manufacturer       large chemical business

Source: Roland Berger                                                Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   14

The value chain is expected to further consolidate (2/2)

                        TODAY (2012)            CHANGES BY 2020

Battery cells / > Some JVs            > Massive consolidation (cost
stacks            disintegrating        pressure, innovation)
("LiB manuf.") > Established players
                  gaining share,      > Auto-Cell manuf. JV's as exemption
                  research spin-offs
                  with public & IPO
                  funding leaving the

Battery                 > Mainly by OEMs (JVs > Increased outsourcing, but still
assembly                  LiB) inhouse          dominated by in-house assembly
                        > Selected supplier – > Some cell manufacturers try to deliver
                          LiB JVs               larger part of system (incl. electronics)
                        > Limited LiB alone     as Tier-1
Source: Roland Berger                                                 Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   15
Li-Ion-Batteries_Bubble_final_E.pptx   16
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