It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation

It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation
Hawke’s Bay ganging up on meth
                       Is America mellowing out?
                       Big tobacco spins it wide
                       Does alcohol make you fat?
                       May 2010

It’s your
turn to shout
The Law Commission’s work is done. If implemented, its
100-plus recommendations would overhaul New Zealand’s
liquor laws. Draft legislation will soon be considered by
Parliament, and it’s time for politicians to listen to the
voices of communities, to those who face the consequences
of alcohol misuse every day.
It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation

matters of substance May 2010
Vol 20 No 2
ISSN 1177-200X
                                              02 Cover Story                       24 The slow death of                 33 Mythbusters
matters of substance is published by the           It’s your turn to shout              the ACMD                            Does alcohol make
NZ Drug Foundation. All rights reserved.                                                                                    you fat?
Neither this publication nor any part                                                   For the last decade, the UK’s
of it may be reproduced without prior                                                   Advisory Council on the
permission of the NZ Drug Foundation.
                                                                                        Misuse of Drugs has been
                                                                                        opposed or ignored by
matters of substance invites feedback
                                                                                        successive governments.
and contributions. If you’re interested in
contributing a guest editorial or article,                                              Jeremy Sare explains how
please contact us:                                                                      this unfortunate body has
                                                   What’s it really like out            been reduced to a shadow
p +64 4 801 6303
                                                   there? Our cover story is a          of its former self.                 Studies indicate that how
                                                   series of short pieces by                                                alcohol affects your waistline
Brand development/graphic design
Origin Design +64 4 801 6644                       those who deal daily with       26 Moving on MODA: a                     may depend on your age, sex,                            New Zealand’s love affair            proposed new approach               location, weight, health, social                             with the bottle.                     to personal possession              status, profession or all or
                                                                                                                            none of the above… maybe.
NZ Drug Foundation                            15 We’re on your side
3rd Floor, 111 Dixon Street
PO Box 3082, Wellington, New Zealand
p +64 4 801 6303

        When you have finished with                                                                                     01 Key Events and Dates
        this magazine, please recycle it.                                                                                   Count on us to help keep
                                                                                        The Drug Foundation                 your diary full for the rest
                                                                                        outlines its views on               of 2010.
 Become a member                                   The death of a close friend          rebalancing our drug laws
 The NZ Drug Foundation has been                   made Black Power member              to give due weight to           28 New Zealand News
 at the heart of major alcohol and                 Denis O’Reilly re-evaluate           reducing demand and
 other drug policy debates for over                his own methamphetamine              minimising harm.
 20 years. During that time, we have               use. This is the story of one
 demonstrated a strong commitment                  man’s war against P within
 to advocating policies and practices              a gang environment.             Regulars
 based on the best evidence available.
                                              22 Big tobacco hires whaling         01 The Director’s Cut
 You can help us. A key strength of the            guy to astroturf
 NZ Drug Foundation lies in its diverse                                                 Drug Foundation executive           Alcohol, tobacco and other
 membership base. As a member of the                                                    director challenges the             drugs have been receiving
 NZ Drug Foundation, you will receive                                                                                       a lot of attention here in
 information about major alcohol and
                                                                                        Government’s rejection
                                                                                        of an alcohol excise tax            Godzone. Here’s what’s been
 other drug policy challenges. You can also
 get involved in our work to find solutions                                             increase. They did it for           happening, all in one place.
 to those challenges.                                                                   baccy, why not for booze?
                                                                                                                        31 World News
 Our membership includes health                                                    12 Guest Editorial
 promoters, primary health and                     Is the Association of
 community organisations, researchers,
                                                                                        Drug policy under Obama:
 students, schools and boards of trustees,
                                                   Community Retailers really           substance beyond the
 policy makers, and addiction treatment            a grassroots group of mum            rhetoric?
 agencies and workers.                             and dad corner dairy owners?
                                                   Or is there some ‘jiggery-
 Membership and subscription enquiries             smokery’ going on behind
                                                   the scenes?                                                              And New Zealand’s not the
 or visit our website.
                                                                                                                            only country doing a lot
                                                                                                                            with drugs. Here’s a
                                                                                                                            round-up of what’s been
                                                                                        Is America’s war on drugs           happening overseas.
                                                                                        approach softening under
                                                                                                                            Quotes of Substance
                                                                                        Obama? Allan Clear reckons
                                                                                        the jury’s still out, though        Another collection of the
                                                                                        hopeful statements have             best and the worst of what
                                                                                        been made.                          people around the world are
                                                                                                                            saying about drugs.

matters of substance   May 10                                                                                        
It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation
The Director’s Cut                                                  Key Events and Dates

                                                                      Inaugural National Indigenous             Public Health Association
                                                                      Drug and Alcohol Conference               Conference: Tomorrow for
                                                                      16–18 June, Adelaide, Australia           Tomorrow’s People
                                                                      The National Indigenous Drug and          22–24 September, Ngaruawahia
                                                                      Alcohol Conference aims to help           The conference aims to bring
                                                                      develop the capacity of those working     together public health workers to
                                                                      to address indigenous alcohol and
                                                                                                                share their stories of today to help
                                                                      drug issues and associated harms
                                                                                                                build a healthy future for tomorrow.
                                                                      in meaningful ways.
The Government’s rejection          revenue from excise tax
of the Law Commission’s             directly funds the mitigation     Drugs, Alcohol and Criminal               Involve 2010: Connect:
                                                                      Justice: Ethics, Effectiveness            Together We Are Stronger
proposal to raise alcohol           of alcohol harms including                                                  17–19 November, Auckland
                                                                      and Economics of Intervention
excise tax flies in the face        prevention, treatment and         24–26 June, London, United Kingdom        Involve provides a gathering where
of common sense and                 rehabilitation services. We       This Second European Conference of        those who work with young people
incontrovertible scientific         can learn from the experience     the Connections Project will discuss      can enhance skills and strengthen
evidence.                           across the ditch. In 1992, the    how the different components of           connections to promote young people’s
                                                                      drug and alcohol criminal justice         positive health and development.
    The research may be             Northern Territory put an         interventions and treatments can
complex but it is also              extra 5 cent levy on every        be combined most effectively.
irrefutable. Raising the price      standard drink sold and used                APSAD 2010: Building on the
of alcohol reduces                  the revenue to fund a range of    conference2010
consumption – including             alcohol harm prevention and                                                 28 November–1 December,
                                                                      Drug and Alcohol Nurses of                Canberra, Australia
among heavy drinkers and            rehabilitation measures.
                                                                      Australasia 2010 Conference
young people – and reduces          Evaluation showed significant                                               The annual conference of
                                                                      14–16 July, Surfers Paradise, Australia
                                                                                                                Australasian addiction treatment and
harms such as car crashes,          decline in alcohol-attributable   Drugs and Alcohol: Every Nurse’s
                                                                                                                prevention professionals will focus
violence and disease. It also       mortality as a result.            Business is the theme for 2010.
                                                                                                                on new alcohol and other drug
                                                                      Explore the role of nurses and their
reduces the likelihood of               The World Health                                                        treatment, prevention and policy
                                                                      need to be aware of alcohol and
young or moderate drinkers          Organization identifies raising   drug-related issues and how to            in the Asia Pacific.
becoming heavy drinkers.            prices as an ideal policy         start tackling these appropriately.
    The often heard but             instrument for reducing 
mischievous sound bite about        substance harm. Our                                                         2nd Sport and Alcohol
                                                                      International AIDS Conference             Conference: Finding the Balance
‘penalising the majority of         Government clearly
                                                                      18–23 July, Vienna, Austria               9–11 February 2011, Auckland
responsible New Zealanders’         understands this when it          This is the premier gathering for         The relationship between sport and
is just cleverly constructed        comes to tobacco, yet has         those working in the field, policy        alcohol will be examined. Those
misinformation. New                 chosen to ignore this advice      makers and persons living with            interested will range from health
                                                                      HIV to assess and evaluate new            educators and programme initiators at
Zealanders who drink                when it comes to alcohol.
                                                                      developments to move towards              club level through to national sporting
moderately will incur only              Of course, price alone        ending the pandemic. Rights Here,         organisation representatives, from
minor cost increases from a         won’t solve the problem,          Right Now is the theme for 2010.          academics interested in sport/alcohol
50 percent rise in excise tax.      which is precisely why the                          advertising to government bodies
An average 330ml can of beer        Law Commission says                                                         responsible for alcohol awareness,
                                                                      Addiction Treatment                       from athletes with first-hand
would cost just 17 cents more,      Government should adopt
                                                                      Leadership Day                            experience to academics discussing
and an $11 bottle of wine           its recommendations as a          22 July, Auckland                         potential performance issues related
would go up by just 96 cents.       package and not just cherry       These leadership forums bring             to alcohol.
    In fact, alcohol is already     pick the least politically        together addiction workforce leaders
costing us dearly – whether         risky options.                    from different functions: policy,
                                                                      planning, funding, training and
through delay in getting                The Law Commission’s                                                    6th International Drugs and
                                                                      education, service management and
treatment at an emergency           final report is comprehensive,    delivery, consumers and cultural          Young People Conference
                                                                      leaders to collaborate on strategy        2–4 May 2011, Melbourne, Australia
department flooded with             balanced and firmly evidence-
                                                                      and service delivery.                     Themed ‘Making the Connections’,
intoxicated patients each           based. Raising excise tax is no
                                                                                  the conference will examine the
weekend or through our tax          magic bullet, but as part of a                                              complexity and interaction of factors
dollars funding the frontline       balanced package of               Cutting Edge 2010                         that influence young people’s lives,
services mopping up the             measures, it will significantly   22–25 September, Auckland                 the growing importance of social
effects of this epidemic.           contribute towards reducing       2010 will be the 15th Cutting Edge        media and technology in young
                                                                      Conference, New Zealand’s most            people’s lives today and will recognise
(Alcohol-related issues suck        the ongoing carnage from
                                                                      important alcohol and addiction           and celebrate the role that young
up at least 18 percent of the       alcohol misuse plaguing our       treatment meeting.                        people play in addressing drug harm.
total Police budget.)               communities.                  
    It is therefore critical that       Happy reading, Ross Bell.                                                                                         matters of substance   May 10       01
It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation
Cover Story

                            Hawke’s Bay ganging up on meth
                            Is America mellowing out?
                            Big tobacco spins it wide
                            Does alcohol make you fat?
                            May 2010

     It’s your
     turn to shout
     The Law Commission’s work is done. If implemented, its
     100-plus recommendations would overhaul New Zealand’s
     liquor laws. Draft legislation will soon be considered by
     Parliament, and it’s time for politicians to listen to the
     voices of communities, to those who face the consequences
     of alcohol misuse every day.

It’s your
turn to shout
Kiwi attitudes to alcohol are in the spotlight
following the Law Commission’s release of
153 recommendations for liquor law reform.
Keri Welham talks to those at the coalface
about New Zealanders’ relationships with
alcohol and the damage it visits upon their

02        matters of substance   May 10                 
It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation   matters of substance   May 10   03
It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation
In homes                                                                                  We have
                     where there’s                                                                             150 kids
                     a lot of alcohol,                                                                         registered
                     young people get                                                                          with us. Why
                     very confused.                                                                            on earth would
                     They see it every                                                                         we want to
                     day, and they                                                                             reinforce that
                     need to know                                                                              this is okay?
                     there’s another                                                                           Tagaloa Taima Fagaloa
                     Barbara Te Kare

The Social Worker                                 There are many parks and green         The Rugby League
                                              spaces in Glen Innes but parents do not
Barbara Te Kare                               let their children play in them because    Club President
Social worker at Tamaki College and member    they have become too dangerous. Often,
                                                                                         Tagaloa Taima Fagaloa
of the Glen Innes Drug and Alcohol Group      there will be groups of young people in
                                                                                         Porirua City Councillor, Pacific Health Director,
                                              their late teens binge drinking in the     Capital & Coast District Health Board, Chair
Barbara Te Kare says those opposed to
                                              parks, and broken glass is commonly        of the Ministerial Advisory Council to Pacific
alcohol price rises need to stop thinking
about having to pay a little more for a       littered around playgrounds.               Island Affairs Minister Georgina te Heu Heu
glass of wine and start considering the           When a local stream was recently
                                                                                         Taima Fagaloa wants young people
positive impact a price rise could have       cleaned up, half the litter pulled out
                                                                                         to know that Saturday sport and an
in a household where alcohol is abused.       of it was alcohol debris – empty cartons   after-match beer are not unquestionably
     “That’s what I’d like people to          and bottles.                               woven together. The Porirua City
think more about. In the end, we’ll have          Te Kare is concerned about the         Councillor is chair of St George Rugby
a better quality of life, especially for      proliferation of outlets selling alcohol   League Club, the board of which has
our kids.”                                    in her suburb and their proximity          decided to ban alcohol at its home
     Te Kare is a social worker at Tamaki     to schools.                                ground, Cannons Creek Park, before
College. She says Glen Innes, where               “It becomes the norm.”                 and during club games.
she has worked in various community               The Glen Innes Drug and Alcohol            The ban has yet to be put to a full
roles over the last 33 years, is a decile 1   Group, which Te Kare has belonged to       club meeting but initial feedback
location with much state housing, but         for about 18 months, relayed to the Law    suggests the club’s 120 adult members
it’s also a community blessed with            Commission its concerns about the ready    support the effort to curb the drinking
positivity and a vibrant collection           availability of alcohol. The group also    culture around their sport.
of community agencies.                        called for a liquor ban in public parks        Until now, there has been a tendency
     “There are a small number of people                                                 for some spectators to bring alcohol to the
                                              in community neighbourhoods and a
that cause the majority of the harm                                                      grounds and for players to drink in the
                                              rise in both the purchase age and the
because of alcohol-related issues.”                                                      changing rooms or on the fields after the
                                              price of alcohol.
     She says alcohol instigates or                                                      game. Recently, children’s Sunday league
                                                  Te Kare says New Zealanders who
accentuates a variety of social problems in                                              games had to be postponed until the
                                              are not living in an environment where
Glen Innes. Te Kare says alcohol-fuelled                                                 changing rooms could be cleared of broken
                                              heavy drinking is a concern may be
domestic violence is a big problem, as                                                   glass from the previous day’s drinking.
are the drinking habits of parents whose      opposed to a price rise for alcohol, but
                                                                                             “We have 150 kids registered with
hangovers render them incapable of            she hopes they will reconsider that        us,” Fagaloa says. “Why on earth would
getting up in the morning to get their        stance because they can appreciate the     we want to reinforce that this is okay?”
primary-aged children off to school.          potential benefits of making it harder         Assuming the motion gets member
     “In homes where there’s a lot of         for heavy-drinking parents and young       backing, opposing teams will be informed
alcohol, young people get very confused.      people to abuse alcohol.                   not to bring alcohol with them to
They see it every day, and they need to           “People are worrying too much          St George home games.
know there’s another way.”                    about themselves.”                             The club has also broken the tradition

04   matters of substance   May 10                                                                    
It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation
The whole
                                                                    we went
                                                                    through was
                                                                    very chastening.
                                                                    I don’t drink as
                                             NZPA                   much as I did
                                                                    when we started
                                                                    this project.
                                                                    Sir Geoffrey Palmer

of hosting a rowdy after-match function         The Law Commission                             impact on society.
in its local bar following every game.                                                             “I can’t tell you it was a pleasant
Instead, it promotes selected social            President                                      experience. I felt, is this what
events throughout the season. Some                                                             New Zealand has come to?”
individuals may still go for a drink
                                                Sir Geoffrey Palmer                                On-the-ground research, such as
                                                Law Commission President and former
after each game, but regular post-match                                                        the Police patrols, complemented the
                                                Prime Minister of New Zealand
drinking no longer has the club’s                                                              extensive work the Law Commission
stamp of approval.                              Sir Geoffrey Palmer is usually                 undertook over an 18-month review
    In 2008, Fagaloa successfully lobbied       in bed by 10pm, but in the course of           of New Zealand’s liquor laws. The
against a liquor licence application for        researching the reality of how alcohol         commission’s report features 1,300
a bottle store opposite Cannons Creek           is used and abused in New Zealand,             footnotes, 153 recommendations and
School. The shop was to be located              the Law Commission President went              draws on the sentiments of 50 public
between a fruit shop and a library.             out on night patrols with Police around        meetings and 3,000 submissions.
Community meetings drew up to 60                the country until 4am. It was “carnage         The recommendations, which will be
people (many of them representing other         by night” he says.                             considered by Parliament, are intended
concerned community groups), and                     “I understood the alcohol law.            to be bedded in over a 10-year timeframe.
about 800 people signed a petition              What I didn’t understand was the reality           “The whole experience we went
opposing the store. On the day of the           out there and how it has changed.”             through was very chastening. I don’t
application hearing, Fagaloa led about              In Hamilton, a group of students           drink as much as I did when we started
150 noisy protestors from Porirua’s             showed him a trio of bars known as “the        this project.”
                                                Chlamydia Triangle”. They explained
shopping centre to the District Court.                                                             Sir Geoffrey now drinks one glass of
                                                that patrons would drink until intoxicated
    While the group’s submission to the                                                        wine, three or four evenings a week. He
                                                in the first two bars, then have sex with
hearing was argued primarily on the                                                            says all of the researchers working on the
                                                random strangers in the toilets at the
grounds of hours of trade, Fagaloa and                                                         liquor laws project have been similarly
                                                third bar. The next day they would have
others were concerned about the ease                                                           affected by what they’ve learnt and seen.
                                                no memory of who they had slept with.
with which people could buy alcohol,                In Queenstown, Sir Geoffrey saw                “It’s the drinking culture you’ve got to
the “normalisation” of putting bottle           the council’s desperate efforts to clean       change. We have got here [in New Zealand]
stores next to everyday conveniences            vomit off the footpaths each morning to        a very unfortunate situation, and we seem
such as libraries and takeaway bars, the        try and salvage the town’s pristine image      to have convinced ourselves there’s
advertising for “lolly-type” drinks, which      for tourists.                                  nothing we can do about it.”
children could plainly see as they came             “I don’t think that sort of thing              At an ALAC conference in May,
and went from school, and the density           enhances our civilisation. It certainly        Sir Geoffrey said 83 people had been
of alcohol outlets in a small community.        doesn’t enhance our tourism.”                  known to drink themselves to death in
At one count, Fagaloa says, there were              Sir Geoffrey says the Police protect the   New Zealand since July 2007, 1,000 more
15 liquor outlets to service a community        masses from the reality of New Zealand’s       had died from alcohol-related causes
of 20,000.                                      drinking culture. Before he went out on        and many thousands had been injured
    “It has been a gloomy picture for           the beat, he was as unaware as many            as a result of their own or someone
us in East Porirua.”                            other New Zealanders of alcohol’s true         else’s drinking.                                                                                   matters of substance   May 10   05
It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation
Although it’s
                                                                not a very Kiwi
                                                                trait to confront
                                                                friends over their
                                                                problem drinking,
                                                                it’s a cultural shift
                                                                that this country
                                                                needs. As a
                                                                strategy, minding
                                                                your own business
                                                                doesn’t work.
                                                                Major Lynette Hutson

    Sir Geoffrey was Justice Minister        The Addiction                                around them, from family to employers
when this country’s liquor legislation                                                    to friends. Hutson says it upsets her to
was last overhauled in 1989. Changes at      Programme Manager                            meet the young people whose parents
that time included the liberalisation of                                                  are using Salvation Army services for
laws to help develop New Zealand’s café      Major Lynette Hutson
                                                                                          drinking-related problems. Most appear
and restaurant scene.                        Salvation Army’s National Manager for
                                                                                          haunted and startled.
    “I thought it would help make            Addictions and Supportive Accommodation
                                                                                              Everybody has a level of vulnerability,
New Zealand a more sophisticated             Lynette Hutson’s job encompasses             she says, and if too many risk factors
                                             all the Salvation Army’s work in             collide at one time, people who have
    Those changes were appropriate and
                                             mental health, homelessness and              never shown any predisposition to
addressed vital issues for that era, but
                                             addictions such as to alcohol, drugs         problem drinking can suddenly
Sir Geoffrey says New Zealand is now
                                             and gambling. While alcohol is an area       develop severe alcohol addictions.
a different country and significant social
                                             of concern on its own, it also flows         She has met successful, happy people,
change in the interim has gone unchecked.
                                             through each of these other areas of         some of them holding positions of very
                                             social need, exacerbating problems for       high standing in society, whose lives
                                             those already struggling, Hutson says.       have been shattered by an unfortunate
   Things have changed                           And it’s been a problem New Zealand      set of circumstances and the alcoholism
enormously. We did too much                  has battled since the days of early          that grew out of their despair.
                                             European settlement, when alcohol
liberalisation too quickly,                                                                   “There but for the grace of God
                                             surfaced as one of this country’s first
and we didn’t look at the                    social problems.
                                                                                          go I,” she says.
consequences.                                                                                 Hutson would like to see an
                                                 “We really haven’t made progress.”
                                                                                          increase in taxes on alcohol, restraints
                                                 Hutson says there is a double standard
                                                                                          around the number of liquor outlets in
                                             in New Zealand around how alcohol is
                                                                                          a community and alcohol taken off the
                                             used. “There’s one drink between being
                                                                                          shelves of supermarkets.
                                             the hero and being the failure, the one
                                                                                              “It should never be so entwined
                                             everyone looks down on.”
                                                 Although it’s not a very Kiwi            with food and the necessities of life.”
                                             trait to confront friends over their             She says, in New Zealand culture,
                                             problem drinking, it’s a cultural shift      there is a worry that you’ll be viewed
                                             that this country needs, she says. As        as a “wowser” if you speak out against
                                             a strategy, minding your own business        the easy availability of alcohol.
                                             doesn’t work.                                    She takes heart in the recent rise
                                                 “People withdraw from that person,       in tobacco prices and the determination
                                             isolate them, and the problem gets worse.”   for significant change that this
                                                 The Salvation Army estimates a           illustrated, but, she says, alcohol
                                             person’s drinking problem has a              reform will be a much bigger fight.
                                             significant negative impact on 20 others         “It’s more culturally entrenched.”

06   matters of substance   May 10                                                                 
It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation
I think, in
                    New Zealand,
                    we’ve had an
                    acceptance of
                    gross alcohol
                    and intoxication
                    that I don’t think
                    stands to our
                    credit at all.
                    Clive Geddes

The Party-town Mayor                           “By the turn of the century, it was    submission to the Law Commission,
                                           becoming apparent that this high           suggesting that liquor licensing hours
Clive Geddes                               concentration of licensed premises…        be dictated by the service an
Mayor of Queenstown                        created a whole range of social and        establishment is offering to its
                                           community problems in the CBD.”            customers in terms of host
Queenstown is world-renowned as                The decision to tackle liquor          responsibility and security.
New Zealand’s party town, but the          licensing was a controversial and               Queenstown has another problem
daily hangover can wear pretty thin for    long road. The mayor drove through         with the young hospitality and ski
locals whose shopfronts are routinely      changes that took effect 2 years ago.      industry workers who buy cheap
fouled by vomit, whose windows are         Now, every liquor licence that             alcohol from off-licences and
smashed in random acts of violence         comes up for renewal will be subject       supermarkets, drink at their flats
and whose early-morning sleep is           to new closing hours. Last drinks will     until around midnight, then wander
shattered by the incessant, repetitive,    be served at 4am, and all punters          into town to socialise in bars. If they
gnawing screech of Australians             must be out by 4.30am – although           are too drunk, they are denied entry,
chanting, “Oi, oi, oi!”                    exceptions have been made for              which creates problems on the streets
    It was the need to balance the         well run, host-responsible, ticketed,      of the town.
lifestyle of long-term residents, the      one-off events.                                 As a non-drinker, Geddes admits
expectations of tourists and the habits        So far, only five or six licences      it is sometimes difficult to be seen
of party-hard seasonal workers that led    have come up for renewal, and Geddes       vigorously pushing for liquor licensing
                                           says it is difficult to gauge a tangible   reform. Geddes has not had a drink
Queenstown Lakes District Council
                                           change in terms of antisocial behaviour.   since 1988. “I am one of those people
through a tough period of small-town
                                           (There were always only a handful of       that alcohol doesn’t sit comfortably with.”
liquor licensing reform.
                                           bars open 24 hours; the majority close          But he says New Zealanders’
    Clive Geddes has been mayor 9 years,
                                           between midnight and 3am.)                 attitudes to alcohol need to change.
but says the need to take a hard look
                                               But the debate and resulting change    He is dismayed by the ease of access
at liquor licensing first arose around
                                           in policy has seen a sizeable shift in     to alcohol, community acceptance of
12–15 years ago. The council’s district
                                           attitude. The licensees and the council    drunken antisocial behaviour and sport’s
plan allowed 24-hour licences, and there                                              heavy reliance on alcohol sponsorship.
                                           have joined forces with Police and
were often inebriated people stumbling     public health providers to form a               “I think, in New Zealand, we’ve
around the picturesque lakeside town at    liquor liaison group. Together, they’ve    had an acceptance of gross alcohol
8am or 9am on a weekday. Workers in        instituted council-funded community        consumption and intoxication that
the CBD would be greeted with urine or     guides who patrol the CBD on               I don’t think stands to our credit at all.”
vomit in their shop doorways. Assaults     Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.           Geddes says he does not want to see
and offences against property were         The guides intervene in about 30–40        a raft of draconian measures or over-
on the rise.                               situations a night where small             regulation of liquor licensing. Rather,
    There are 90 liquor licences for       incidents have the potential to blow       he’d like to see sensible regulation and
premises within a 500m radius of           up into assaults, fights or vandalism.     a long-term view to changing Kiwi
central Queenstown.                        The liaison group also made a              attitudes to drinking.                                                                          matters of substance   May 10   07
It's your turn to shout - NZ Drug Foundation
Overall,                                                                                   Staff are
                     we see kids                                                                                often frustrated
                     not being so                                                                               by the distinct
                     involved in                                                                                lack of remorse
                     other activities                                                                           among the
                     because they                                                                               patients who
                     are spending                                                                               have just
                     more [time]                                                                                monopolised
                     drinking.                                                                                  their time for
                     Deb Fraser                                                                                 an entire
                                                                                                                Dr Paul Quigley

The Youth Addiction                                Fraser says the earlier young            The A&E Doctor
                                                people are introduced to alcohol,
Service Manager                                 the more likely they are to experience      Dr Paul Quigley
                                                problem drinking later in life. For this    Emergency Medicine Specialist and Clinical
Deb Fraser                                      reason, she would support efforts to        Toxicologist, Wellington Regional Hospital
Director of Dunedin Child and Youth Drug and    make alcohol more difficult for young
Alcohol Mental Health Service Mirror Services   people to purchase.                         Paul Quigley likes a beer. In fact, he’s a
                                                   The biggest problem New Zealand          qualified beer taster. “I’m definitely not
Deb Fraser works with young people
                                                faces in relation to alcohol is society’s   into prohibition.”
who are tempted by ready access to
                                                acceptance – even celebration – of              But he is sick of the strain
alcohol that is “cheap as chips” and
                                                excessive drinking, she says.               drunk Kiwis put on the country’s
sold alongside everyday household
                                                                                            hospital emergency department
items in supermarkets. Her team deal
                                                                                            resources every weekend. Every
with children who, by their early teens,
                                                                                            Friday and Saturday night, the
have already formed problematic
                                                                                            workload at ED at Wellington Hospital
relationships with alcohol and are facing           We still have an attitude
                                                                                            doubles as a direct result of alcohol-
life-long consequences. Mirror Services         that supports excessive                     related injury and illness. The ward
counsellors see young people who are            drinking. That attitude                     is over-run with young drinkers
facing charges of violence, have caused         is to get drunk as quickly                  who have wet themselves, soiled
injury to others while drink-driving or
                                                as possible, without much                   themselves, fallen over and cut
have unwanted pregnancies as a result
of drunken casual sex.
                                                thought about the                           their heads. Some are in danger
                                                                                            of choking on their own vomit and
    Fraser agrees with Law Commission           consequences of that.
                                                                                            have to be closely monitored
President Sir Geoffrey Palmer who has                                                       all night.
spoken of a “sinking lid” among young                                                           “They tie up a lot of nursing staff.”
people trying alcohol for the first time                                                        Others, who may have broken
                                                    Dunedin is particularly affected
and developing drinking habits.                                                             bones or smashed-up faces after an
                                                by the hard-drinking “southern man”
    “More young people have access                                                          alcohol-related assault, stalk around
                                                culture and the excessive-drinking
to alcohol younger than they would                                                          the ward thinking they need treatment
                                                student culture.
have in the past,” she says.                                                                more than anyone else, intimidating
    When the legal drinking age was                 Fraser says parental responsibility
                                                                                            those who have come in for heart
20, Fraser says young people were               regarding teenage drinking seems to
                                                                                            attacks, asthma or with sick children.
experimenting at 15 or 16. Now, with            be lacking in New Zealand society.          Worryingly, some patients have been
a legal drinking age of 18, many are            At adolescence, Kiwi parents tend to        known to leave ED without being
drinking by 13 or 14 at the expense             start backing off and allowing their        seen because of the frightening
of other activities such as sport.              children greater freedom when they          atmosphere the drunk patients create.
    “Overall, we see kids not being so          should actually be taking a much                And then there are the alcohol-
involved in other activities because they       closer interest in their children’s         related car crashes. One in five fatalities
are spending more [time] drinking.”             lives and offering more guidance.           on New Zealand roads each year is in an

08   matters of substance   May 10                                                                     
Many young people
                                                                                          play truant from school
                                                                                          to drink in alleyways and
                                                                                          parks. They get up to no
                                                                                          good, they urinate, they
                                                                                          vomit, they get into scuffles,
                                                                                          and scuffles can lead to
                                                                                          worse things.
                                                                                          Adele Hamilton

alcohol-related crash – about 130               “We don’t find it funny,” Quigley         The Community
deaths. The Ministry of Transport           says. ED staff work tight skeleton shifts
says, for every 100 alcohol or drug-        on the weekend evenings because of            Project Leader
impaired drivers who die, about             funding and union restrictions.
                                                And the impact of alcohol drags into      Adele Hamilton
80 passengers and sober road users
                                            the weekend afternoons as well. Quigley       Community Projects Manager at Otara Health
die with them.
    Quigley says legal requirements         says Wellington Regional Hospital is          Adele Hamilton says Otara suffers
                                            looking at collating New Zealand-based        under a proliferation of cheap alcohol
mean ED staff have to hold on to drunk
                                            research on hangovers. Overseas               outlets, even though people of all
patients – sometimes requiring physical
                                            research suggests hangovers have a            ages in the community have repeatedly
restraint and sedation – until they sober
                                            serious economic impact on weekend            called for the South Auckland suburb
up or can be released into the care of
                                            and Monday productivity. Quigley says         to go dry.
someone sober. Unfortunately, with the
                                            emergency departments see a lot of
drinkers who are just 14 or 15, their                                                         “Otara is strong about banning
                                            sports and work injuries on Saturdays
parents are often too drunk themselves                                                    alcohol,” Hamilton says, quoting a
                                            and Sundays among people who are
to come and collect their children                                                        survey where residents’ most popular
(a family environment of heavy drinking                                                   suggestion for curbing alcohol-related
                                                                                          crime was to close all liquor outlets in
is one of the risk factors for a teen’s
                                                                                          the suburb of 33,000-plus residents.
early drinking).
                                                                                              “A lot of youth come into Otara
    “In that very young group, that’s          Whatever you say
                                                                                          because they can get the cheap alcohol.
often the way.”                             about alcohol, it is not a                    They get intoxicated and make trouble.
    And when they sober up (deemed          sports-enhancing drug.                        It exhausts our resources.”
to be when they get down to the
                                                                                              Hamilton is in charge of
drink-drive alcohol limit or pass a
                                                                                          community projects at Otara Health,
variety of physical tests such as
                                                                                          a non-government organisation made
putting a finger to their nose), staff          Quigley says alcohol is no longer
                                                                                          up of community health workers,
are often frustrated by the distinct        a treat. It is cheap and easily available.
                                                                                          health promoters and community
lack of remorse among the patients          He says young people buy a bottle of
                                                                                          project teams. Hamilton estimates
who have just monopolised their             Jim Beam and a very small bottle of
                                                                                          alcohol is a factor in up to 30 percent
time for an entire nightshift.              Coke, mix it and drink it at home so          of the organisation’s wide-ranging
    “There’s no regret.” Some of the        they are intoxicated before they hit town.    work; from specific alcohol
younger ones are boastful. Even the             The ED doctor says the biggest            programmes, to projects aimed at
adults in their 30s and 40s, who are a      impact in changing New Zealand’s              neighbourhood support and Pacific
noticeable presence on the weekends of      drinking habits will come from                health where alcohol crops up as a
events such as the Martinborough Food       curtailing off-licence supplies, increasing   recurrent problem.
and Wine Festival and the Trentham          prices and reducing the blood-alcohol             Hamilton says Otara Health’s survey,
Races, don’t show any embarrassment         limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml          run to coincide with a Community Board
over their lack of self control.            of blood down to 50mg.                        initiative called “Alcohol is no excuse for                                                                             matters of substance   May 10   09
When the
                                                                  producers of
                                                                  alcohol try to
                                                                  minimise the
                                                                  problem, they
                                                                  are talking
                                                                  through a hole
                                                                  in their head.
                                                                  Sergeant Al Lawn

bad behaviour”, also showed that, of all     The Police Officer                                Lawn has five staff on the Canterbury
alcohol-related behaviour, Otara residents                                                 Police Alcohol Strategy and Enforcement
were most concerned about violence.          Sergeant Al Lawn                              Team. They work on proactive measures,
     Casual drinking is rife in the Otara    Officer in charge of the Canterbury Police    such as the successful move to a one-way
town centre, despite a council liquor        Alcohol Strategy and Enforcement Team         door policy in Christchurch where, from
ban. Hamilton says, from her central                                                       3am onwards, bars have elected to only let
                                             Every week, between Thursday night            patrons out and not in. This has resulted
Otara workplace, she sees teenagers who
                                             and Sunday morning, Al Lawn sees a            in fewer people milling around the streets
have drunk themselves into a stupor
                                             theft take place. He says it’s the alcohol    severely intoxicated at 6am or 7am.
when they should be at school. Many
                                             industry’s product stealing Police                Lawn’s team has also worked on a
congregate outside liquor outlets.
                                             officers and hospital beds away from          blacklisting system in the student suburb
     Youth binge drinking is a growing
                                             New Zealanders who may have had               of Riccarton where on- and off-licences
problem, she says. Many young people
                                             their car stolen or have a worrisome          have joined forces to slap month-long
play truant from school to drink in
                                             niggle in their chest.                        alcohol-purchasing bans on individuals
alleyways and parks. “They get up to
                                                 “We’ll try to get there,” Lawn says,      who have been, in Lawn’s words, “a dick”
no good, they urinate, they vomit, they
                                             but it’s more than likely the Police will     while drinking.
get into scuffles, and scuffles can lead     be too busy loading an inebriated                 But alongside the proactive work,
to worse things.”                            teenager into an ambulance or clearing        there is always a depressing amount
     Hamilton says, while the liquor ban     the road after a drink-driving fatality.      of reactive alcohol-related policing.
has raised awareness and helped change           “On a Thursday, Friday, Saturday              One recent night, Lawn had to wait
attitudes, Police resources are too          night, most incidents involve alcohol.        for an ambulance to collect a 16-year-old
stretched to adequately enforce the ban      We run from one job to another.”              girl outside an after-ball function. She
and deal with the resultant trouble when         With 16 years of frontline Police         had an expensive dress, new shoes and
it is broken.                                experience, Lawn says he has seen a           spent 7 hours in hospital after she
     Otara Health is a member of the Otara   shift in recent years to much higher          vomited raspberry-flavoured alcopops
Gambling and Alcohol Action Group,           consumption of cheap, off-licence alcohol     all over Lawn’s car.
which says alcohol is having a devastating   in private homes before young people              “There’s a fine line between alcohol
effect on the community as it battles        head into town. He quotes research            poisoning and death for a little one
third-generation unemployment, domestic      that shows the average person arrives         like her.”
violence and a lack of life skills.          at an on-licence establishment with               The team also trawls through all
     Hamilton would like to see the          10–13 standard drinks under their skin.       fatal car accident files to assess what
alcohol purchase age raised, the number      He also says 44 percent of alcohol in         role, if any, alcohol played in the crash.
of liquor outlets in communities reduced,    New Zealand is consumed in a drink-to-        One Canterbury hotel was found to be
a ban on alcohol advertising, licensees      get-drunk mentality.                          the scene of drinking before three
heavily audited to ensure they are               “It’s nearly half the alcohol consumed.   fatalities in 6 months.
compliant with all laws and by-laws,         When the producers of alcohol try to              With the privilege of making money
and a policy of strong community input       minimise the problem, they are talking        out of alcohol goes the responsibility of
into those by-laws.                          through a hole in their head.”                looking out for patrons, Lawn says.

10   matters of substance   May 10                                                                  
Quotes of Substance

                                                                                                     As a former MP, I know
                                                                                                  how powerful the alcohol lobby
                                                                                                  can be – the fridge in my office
                                                                                                  was constantly full of free beer.
                                                                                                  Former Act MP Deborah Coddington
                                                                                                  reveals one subtle manoeuvre used by
                                                                                                  the alcohol industry to influence
                                                                                                  New Zealand politicians.

                                                                                                      One can query whether
                                                                                                  the CEO of a firm that has made
                                                                                                  hundreds of millions of dollars
                                                                                                  out of peddling alcopops to
                                                                                                  teenagers is the ideal choice to
                                                                                                  become the civic leader of the
                                                                                                  city of Auckland.
  Alcohol is not a normal                                                                         CAYAD worker Denis O’Reilly is critical
commodity. It’s a drug.                                                                           of Rodney Hide’s appointment of Doug
                                                                                                  McKay, CEO of Independent Liquor, to the
                                                                                                  position of Chief Executive of Auckland’s
    Lawn would like to see the price                                                              new Super City Council.
of alcohol go up, fewer off-licences
and greater restrictions on the hours
supermarkets can sell alcohol. He’d                                                                  Ah, modern life! Your chips
also like to eliminate all advertising                                                            come ready-salted, pornography is
of alcohol product pricing so outlets                                                             freely available right there on your
cannot compete on price.                                                                          computer... and if you can’t be
    “Alcohol is not a normal                                                                      arsed mixing your spirits and
commodity. It’s a drug.”                                                                          splits, there are a bunch of folks
                                                                                                  who’ll do it for you.
                                                                                                  Nationwide liquor retailer Liquorland has
  It’s your turn to shout!                                                                        described alcopops as “quite possibly
                                                                                                  mankind’s greatest achievement”.
  The Law Commission has completed its comprehensive review of New Zealand’s liquor
  laws and tabled its report to Parliament on 27 April. The Government is expected soon
  to respond to the Commission’s 153 recommendations. We expect the Government will                   It won’t be our licensing
  introduce a Bill proposing major reform to New Zealand’s liquor law.                            laws shaming us internationally,
                                                                                                  Mr McCully, it will be the
  This Bill will be the most significant chance in 20 years for individuals and communities to
                                                                                                  drunken behaviour down
  have their say about what sort of alcohol laws will better serve all our interests and reduce
                                                                                                  at tent city.
  alcohol-related harm.
                                                                                                  Former Act MP Deborah Coddington
  Make sure your voice is heard:                                                                  takes a swing at the Government’s
                                                                                                  unwillingness to fix New Zealand’s liquor
  • S
     tay informed through our website:                                                           laws before the Rugby World Cup.
  • H
     ave your say on the Drug Foundation and
    Alcohol Healthwatch blog:
  • R
     ead all 153 recommendations in the
    Law Commission’s Alcohol In Our Lives:
    Curbing the Harm:
                                                                                                                            continued on page 28                                                                                    matters of substance   May 10         11
Guest Editorial

Drug policy under Obama:
substance beyond the rhetoric?

Despite pleasing indications that the US may be considering alternatives to the war
on drugs, conflicting words and actions make any new direction on the part of the
Obama administration ambiguous, argues Allan Clear.

                                     Since President Obama’s election,            previous administration.
                                     America’s Office of National Drug                 That said, it also became clear that
                                     Control Policy (ONDCP) has been              a broader harm reduction approach
                                     making noises about a change in its          remained taboo. Harm reduction is
                                     priorities and approach to illicit drug      a health-based approach that takes
                                     control, but the jury remains hung, as       into account the realities of drug use.
                 Clear               little of substance has emerged so far.      It actively eschews moralistic and
                                     There have been some cautious reasons        punitive approaches, such as those
                                     for optimism, but recent developments        epitomised by the war on drugs. For
                                     do make one wonder.                          the new administration, a philosophy
                                          The political appointees within the     of inclusion remains beyond the pale.
                                     ONDCP give an indication of how this              The Commission on Narcotic Drugs
                                     new approach may look. New Director          (CND) is a high-level United Nations
                                     Gil Kerlikowske was latterly Chief of        drug meeting during which declarations
                                     Police in Seattle – a city with a large      and resolutions are developed and
                                     needle exchange programme in a part          passed down to the United Nations
                                     of the country that has integrated a         Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
                                     harm reduction approach into its drug        in an effort to set global drug policy.
                                     strategy and hosts an active drug reform     The March 2010 53rd CND meeting in
                                     community. New Deputy Director               Vienna represented another marker on
                                     Tom McLellan is a well known drug            how the US would present its new face
                                     treatment proponent.                         to the international community. Last
                                          Addressing the term ‘war on drugs’      year’s meeting became a tempestuous
                                     was the first change. Kerlikowske declared   event over the inclusion of the words
                                     it an unhelpful appellation and said         ‘harm reduction’ in the major Political
                                     changing the tack of the former strategy     Declaration that climaxed the meeting.
                                     would be like altering the course of a       Although it’s a consensus-driven event,
                                     massive oil tanker. Even before the          26 countries bolted at the close in
                                     appointments, the US publicly reversed       protest at the ultimate exclusion of these
                                     its position on needle exchange by           two words. In the US, harm reduction
                                     acknowledging that the science was           ranks with socialism or free healthcare.
                                     clear and that it works. This was a very     It’s incomprehensible that ‘real’
                                     welcome 180 degree turn from the             governments use harm reduction

12   matters of substance   May 10                                                         
                                               Barack Obama

as the designated approach to addressing         itself. Could it be a uniting force or        – no nothing. For better or for worse,
drug use. To exclude this language is not        would it continue in its familiar, divisive   when it comes to global drug policy,
only a denial of reality, but also a slap in     approach? Things started looking up on        what the US says often goes, meaning
the face of countries that have already          the very first day, with opening speeches     this resolution could have a truly positive
embraced this approach.                          from Gil Kerlikowske and Tom McLellan.        impact on people’s lives worldwide.
    As with pretty much all other                Both were eminently pragmatic,                    It was also refreshing to hear Tom
progressive change movements,                    reasonable, knowledgeable – and               McLellan critique the shortcomings of
discussion and dialogue between camps            devoid of war on drugs rhetoric.              the current US drug treatment system on
under the previous US administration                                                           the second day. In contrast to the usual
was non-existent. I remember leaving                                                           rhetoric that places all the blame for
the 52nd CND meeting when an ONDCP                   In the US, harm                           failure on users and accredits all good
staffer remarked that this was the first         reduction ranks with                          news to the wonders of the current
time that the US delegation had been             socialism or free healthcare.                 system, McLellan called for market
allowed to meet with ‘drug legalisers’.                                                        driven reforms that would take into
                                                 It’s incomprehensible that
Of course, within the ONDCP bubble,                                                            account the needs of drug users.
any group challenging the prevailing
                                                 ‘real’ governments use harm                       But here’s the rub. Despite
drug war paradigm is labelled a drug             reduction as the designated                   McLellan’s talk of a market-driven
legaliser – a term that, according to US         approach to addressing                        system, the US is still averse to the
propaganda, has nothing to do with               drug use.                                     inclusion of the words ‘people who use
regulating drug markets and everything                                                         drugs’ in international resolutions and
to do with selling crack to 10-year-olds.                                                      documents and continues to actively
The drug legalisers that talked to the               In fact, the US sponsored a resolution    work for the removal of this language.
delegation in Vienna last year included          that may allow more access to pain            Of course, that clause usually appears
organisations like the Harm Reduction            medication for chronically or terminally      in the context of including drug users’
Coalition, Human Rights Watch and the            ill patients. This may not seem like a big    input into policy and service
Washington Office on Latin America –             deal in the US, where patients in the last    development. If the US is serious
all of which seriously critique the              stages of illness are often provided with     about addressing stigma, exclusion and
failings of US drug policies, but none of        liberal amounts of pain medication, but       discrimination against people who use
which have strategies to make drugs legal.       this is not a global phenomenon. As a         drugs, shouldn’t it come up with a plan
    The 53rd CND promised to be a more           recent report from Human Rights Watch         that doesn’t stigmatise, exclude and
convivial love fest than last year. We           notes, 150 countries have no access to        discriminate against them?
were promised a new approach and were            medical opioids or other effective pain           So, despite a seemingly realigned
watching to see how the US presented             medication. No morphine, no Fentanyl          approach to drug policy under the new                                                                                  matters of substance   May 10   13
Far left: Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske.
                                                                                            Left: ONDCP Deputy Director Dr Tom McLellan.

administration, the US remains doggedly           Overall, the public face of the US          closed visage of paranoia and suspicion.
opposed to using the term ‘harm               at the 53rd meeting of the CND was a            No one really thought McLellan was
reduction’. This resistance comes even        reasonable one. I found myself more in          the true ‘great white hope’, but he did
while the US explicitly supports many         agreement than disagreement with most           signify a positive move for drug users.
harm reduction practices. For example,        of the statements and presentations. It             Now, you have to wonder what will
the US statement regarding demand             was middle ground; not so much about            come next. Will the ONDCP step out of
reduction reinforced support for needle       the elimination of all drug use and more        its comfort zone and move beyond an
                                              about a health-centred approach.                abstinence-based approach? Will there
                                              However, the next and more meaningful           be some heft, money and political clout
   If the US is serious about                 step must be action.                            behind the rhetoric?
                                                  The ONDCP is about to release                   We shall see, but doubts grow.
addressing stigma, exclusion
                                              its new drug strategy. At some point
and discrimination against                    in its development, I participated in a         This Guest Editorial references blogs Allan
people who use drugs,                         45-minute conference call with Director         has written – to access those links and
shouldn’t it come up with a                   Kerlikowske and 10 or so drug reform
                                                                                              for other references, please visit
plan that doesn’t stigmatise,                 groups who were invited to make three
exclude and discriminate                      or four points towards the plan. On the         Allan Clear is Executive Director of the
                                              one hand, it was a tokenistic and               US-based Harm Reduction Coalition
against them?                                                                       
                                              nonsensical gesture, but on the other,
                                              it was the first time that a diversity
exchange as well as every intervention        of input was actually considered –
that appears in the UNODC, WHO and            authentic or not. It’s hard to tell at this
                                                                                                    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
UNAIDS Technical Guide for countries          point whether the new approach is a
to set targets for universal access to HIV    cynical placation device or a more
prevention, treatment and care for            genuine but wary curiosity.
injecting drug users.                             To compound matters, Tom McLellan
    That said, the US still does not put      has announced his resignation. He
any level of support into interventions       has denied a difference of opinion but
that it does not feel are geared towards      claims he’s not cut out for government.
decreasing drug use, such as safe injection   This would come as no surprise if

sites and heroin prescription programmes,     you’ve talked to him. He has an                   OCEAN

despite evidence they do result in            openness, whereas his praetorian guard
reductions in the use of illicit drugs.       of assistants and protectors have a

14   matters of substance   May 10                                                                           
                                       on your
                                       Black Power life member, former
                                       methamphetamine user and now,
                                       arguably, one of the country’s most
                                       successful anti-P campaigners.
                                       This is the story of Denis O’Reilly.
                                       It is also a tale of community and
                                       about how strange bedfellows like
                                       rival Mäori gangs Black Power and
                                       the Mongrel Mob are working
                                       together to reduce demand for pure
                                       methamphetamine. By Kim Thomas.

                                       Denis O’Reilly’s mission was kick-started by the death
                                       of his friend Hone Day in 2003.
                                           In his own words:
                                           “Life was cool, busy and pretty low stress until…
                                       a friend [Day], a Black Power leader, took a knife and
                                       gutted himself in a bout of methamphetamine-induced
                              Denis    psychosis. His death was a shock, both in manner and
                                       cause… the emotion of those days [during Day’s tangi]
                                       fired my desire for action, kia whakarite, the desire to
                                       put things right.”
                                           Since Day’s death, O’Reilly – a Päkehä with the
                                       distinction of being a patched Black Power member for
                                       more than 40 years – has taken an at times unpopular
                                       stand against methamphetamine within his gang and
                                       in support of like-minded leaders in the Mongrel Mob.
                                           He has toured the country spreading an anti-P
                                       message and organised a series of concerts where music
                                       and free food is accompanied by support for kicking                                         matters of substance   May 10   15
I spoke my heart and asked        methamphetamine addiction. He’s a                The drug was causing very real
the gang leaders present… to         vital part of a cutting-edge community       problems for Hone Day.
                                     initiative to make Hawke’s Bay                   “Hone had committed murder at
allow this old fossil to strike
                                     methamphetamine-free.                        17. He was drunk and killed a milkman.
back against this substance              O’Reilly’s involvement with              Over his years in jail, he had an epiphany,
that had taken our friends.          methamphetamine began early in the           and by the time he came out, he no
                                     noughties when he and other senior           longer drank or smoked and certainly
                                     Black Power members were being               didn’t take drugs,” recounts O’Reilly.
                                     wooed by methamphetamine suppliers.              “He was strongly committed to his
                                         “I was going through a low point,        Mäoritanga, and he was a fantastic coach.
                                     and here was this new stuff that made        He had turned his life around and had
                                     me feel good and rosy. I took to it like     a really bright future. He was appointed
                                     a duck to water.”                            as the New Zealand Mäori Rugby League
                                         Within months of starting using the      Coach and started university studies.
                                     drug, O’Reilly began to experience its           “But Hone got seduced into trying
                                     negative effects.                            meth. It seemed to help him with his
                                         “I absolutely understand, from           studies, which were pretty full-on, but
                                     personal experience, what an addictive       within a short time, he was exhibiting
                                     drug it is. I started to become abusive,     bizarre behaviours.”
                                     and my family noticed my behaviours              Day’s friends recognised the danger
                                     were getting pretty odd.”                    methamphetamine posed and took
                                         The drug was also seriously affecting    him out of Auckland and away from
                                     other Black Power members.                   his suppliers. For some time, he stayed
                                         “We had a number of guys commit          clean, O’Reilly says.
                                     suicide. The Mob was experiencing a              Meanwhile, the drug was taking its
                                     similar thing, their losses mainly being     toll on others, with more Black Power
                                     from heart attacks. I came to my senses.     members committing suicide.
                                     I remember holding my                            Day returned to Auckland to attend
                                     methamphetamine pipe in my hands             one of the tangi and started using P again.
                                     and putting it in the rubbish bin. I said,   Within a short time, he was using
                                     ‘Fuck it, that’s enough.’ I knew this        heavily and took his own life.
                                     drug was different. I realised it had the        At Day’s tangi, O’Reilly and other
                                     potential to cause some real problems.”      senior gang leaders got together to talk

16   matters of substance   May 10                                                         
about methamphetamine.                           “A few of the brothers would rather I
    “I spoke my heart and asked the gang     shut my mouth about methamphetamine
leaders present… to allow this old fossil    and would happily shut it for me. That
to strike back against this substance that   tension is still there.”
had taken our friends, and in the                O’Reilly’s efforts within Black Power
moment, I won their agreement.               caught the attention of then Associate
    “We started thinking that more of our    Health Minister Jim Anderton. O’Reilly
men had died encountering this substance     and his team were funded to undertake
than in the gang wars. It was the enemy.     a study for the Ministry of Health and
    “I said we need to move against this     visited methamphetamine users,
drug and start protecting our families.”     distributors, their families and
    The gathering of Black Power chapter     communities.
leaders gave O’Reilly a mandate to               “We concluded that, rather than
                                             finger wagging and demonising users,
                                             a more productive approach was to be
                                             optimistic and let those struggling with
   We’re trying to encourage                 the substance know ‘we are on your
people to figure things out for              side’,” O’Reilly says.
themselves and to self-identify                  “We’re trying to encourage people
                                             to figure things out for themselves and to
the behaviours that impede a
                                             self-identify the behaviours that impede
positive future for themselves               a positive future for themselves and their
and their families. We want                  families. We want to promote hope
to promote hope within a                     within a whänau.”
whänau.                                          That job is not always easy with
                                             methamphetamine readily available.
                                                 “When people are unemployed and
                                             desperate, there is the perception that
campaign against methamphetamine, and        there’s lots of money to be made from P.
he began travelling around marae for hui         “Someone gets out of prison,
about the substance’s negative effects.      wants to make some money selling
   In some quarters, O’Reilly’s message      methamphetamine… we can’t really
was met with hostility.                      stop people selling. That’s a reality…                                                                 matters of substance   May 10   17
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