Italian Entry 3 Defined Content QCF Modern Languages - For first teaching from September 2010/2011 Updated: 7 February 2012 - CCEA

Page created by Bobby Boyd
QCF Modern Languages
Defined Content
Entry 3
For first teaching from September 2010/2011

Updated: 7 February 2012
QCF Modern Languages Defined Content
Italian, Entry 3
Contents                                     Page
Unit 1: Understand basic spoken language      3

Unit 2: Speak to provide basic information    5

Unit 3: Read basic text                       7

Unit 4: Write basic texts                     9


Personal Identification                       11

Social Contact                                12

Layout of letter                              13

Everyday Life                                 14

Occupation                                    16

24 Hour Clock                                 18

Free Time/Leisure                             19

Travel/Transport                              21

Accommodation                                 22

Eating out                                    24

Health and Welfare                            26

Shopping                                      27

Services                                      29

Weather Forecast                              30

Structures                                    31
Unit 1: Understand basic spoken language
Title                         Understand basic spoken language
Level                         Entry 3
Learning outcomes             Assessment criteria

The learner will:             The learner can:

1. Understand basic           1.1   identify specific facts about people and places from
   everyday language,               exchanges or conversations containing common
   spoken slowly and                words and key phrases
   clearly in familiar face
   to face situations         1.2   identify key information from brief basic exchanges
                                    or conversations relating to work

                              1.3   follow the main themes of brief basic conversations

2. Be able to follow basic    2.1   follow brief, basic
   instructions, directions         (a) requests
   or questions expressed           (b) instructions
   using a limited range of         (c) directions
   structured language in
   familiar face to face      2.2   follow basic, predictable questions
                              2.3   extract basic personal social or work information
                                    from exchanges

                              2.4   recognise feelings, needs likes or dislikes in familiar

Additional information about the unit

                                        To achieve this unit, you need to show that you
                                        understand a small number of basic words and key
                                        phrases in familiar face to face situations provided
                                        the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is
                                        willing to repeat when needed:
Unit aim[s]
                                        You can, for example:
                                        Establish basic social contact
                                        Identify basic information about people and places
                                        Understand short basic questions about your likes
                                        and dislikes
                                        Follow basic directions

Unit expiry date                        31 August 2015
Details of the relationship between     CILT A1U
the unit and relevant national
language standards

Details of the relationship between
the unit and other standards or

Assessment requirements specified
by a sector or regulatory body

Endorsement of the unit by a         CILT
sector or other appropriate body [if

Location of the unit within the         Languages 13.2
subject/sector classification system

Name of the organisation                CCEA
submitting the unit

Availability for use                    Shared
Availability for delivery               September 2010

Unit 2: Speak to provide basic information
Title                         Speak to provide basic information
Level                         Entry 3
Learning outcomes             Assessment criteria

The learner will:             The learner can:
1. Be able to                 1.1 use polite conventions to meet, greet and take leave
   communicate basic                in
   messages in familiar             (a) social
   face to face situations,         (b) work situations
   clearly enough to be
   understood                 1.2   express brief factual information in
                                    (a)   social
                                    (b) work situations

                              1.3   express simple wishes/ preferences; likes or dislikes

                              1.4   thank others and apologise

2. Be able to exchange        2.1   express personal information
   information in social or
   work situations clearly    2.2   ask for personal information
   enough to be
   understood                 2.3   ask for directions or prices

                              2.4   ask basic questions in:
                                    (a)   social or
                                    (b) work situations

                              2.5   answer basic questions in:
                                    (a)  social or
                                    (b) work situations

                              2.6   seek clarification or repetition of simple information

Additional information about the unit

                                          To achieve this unit, you need to show that you
                                          can use a small number of basic structured
                                          phrases in familiar contexts.

                                          You can, for example:
Unit aim[s]
                                          meet and greet colleagues or clients
                                          give simple information about your job
                                          ask for directions and prices
                                          express simple wishes/ preferences, likes and

Unit expiry date                          31 August 2015
Details of the relationship between the   CILT A1S
unit and relevant national language

Details of the relationship between the None
unit and other standards or curricula [if

Assessment requirements specified by      None
a sector or regulatory body [if

Endorsement of the unit by a sector or    CILT
other appropriate body [if required]

Location of the unit within the           Languages 13.2
subject/sector classification system

Name of the organisation submitting       CCEA
the unit

Availability for use                      Shared
Availability for delivery                 September 2010

Unit 3: Read basic text
Title                        Read basic text
Level                        Entry 3
Learning outcomes            Assessment criteria

The learner will:            The learner can:

1. Understand basic texts    1.1   extract basic facts about people and places
   containing a limited
   range of language in      1.2   select basic information relating to
   familiar contexts               (a) personal and social situations
                                   (b) work situations

2. Be able to understand     2.1   follow the main themes of basic texts, messages or
   basic instructions,             notes
   directions or questions
   written in basic          2.2   respond to basic requests, instructions , or directions
   language in familiar
   contexts                  2.3   respond to basic questions

                             2.4   recognise feelings, needs likes or dislikes

Additional information about the unit

                                      To achieve this unit, you need to show that you
                                      understand a small number of basic words and
                                      key phrases on a limited range of very familiar

Unit aim[s]                           You can, for example:
                                      pick out basic structured information about
                                      people and places
                                      recognise basic written information
                                      Understand messages or letters follow basic
                                      structured instructions directions.

Unit expiry date                      August 2015

Details of the relationship           CILTA1R
between the unit and relevant
national language standards

Details of the relationship           None
between the unit and other
standards or curricula [if

Assessment requirements               None
specified by a sector or regulatory
body [if appropriate]

Endorsement of the unit by a          CILT
sector or other appropriate body
[if required]

Location of the unit within the       Languages 13.2
subject/sector classification

Name of the organisation              CCEA
submitting the unit

Availability for use                  Shared

Availability for delivery             September 2010

Unit 4: Write basic texts
Title                       Write basic texts
Level                       Entry 3
Learning outcomes           Assessment criteria

The learner will:           The learner can:

1. Be able to short basic  1.1    fill in basic forms with personal information
   phrases or sentences on
   a small number of       1.2    write brief notes, messages or basic e-mails
                           1.3    produce a short letter of introduction

2. Be able to exchange      2.1   ask basic questions
   basic information
                            2.3   respond to basic questions

                            2.3   make simple requests

                            2.4   respond to simple requests

                            2.5   express simple wishes/ preferences, likes or dislikes

                            2.6   use basic writing conventions:
                                  (a) formal
                                  (b) informal

Additional information about the unit

                                        To achieve this unit, you need to show that
                                        you can write basic words and structured
                                        phrases in familiar contexts, with sufficient
                                        accuracy to be understood

Unit aim[s]                             You can, for example:
                                        fill in basic forms
                                        write brief notes or messages
                                        write basic e-mails with the help of a
                                        write a short letter of introduction

Unit expiry date                        August 2015

Details of the relationship between     CILT A1W
the unit and relevant national
language standards

Details of the relationship between     None
the unit and other standards or
curricula [if appropriate]

Assessment requirements specified       None
by a sector or regulatory body [if

Endorsement of the unit by a sector     CILT
or other appropriate body [if

Location of the unit within the         Languages 13.2
subject/sector classification system

Name of the organisation submitting     CCEA
the unit

Availability for use                    Shared

Availability for delivery               September 2010

Personal Idenitification

Le presento…                                Let me introduce you to … (formal)
Ti presento…                                Let me introduce you to … (familiar)
Piacere                                     Pleased to meet you - masc. fem.
Come si chiama?                             What is your name? (formal)
Come ti chiami?                             What is your name? (familiar)
Mi chiamo                                   My name is…
Di dove sei?                                Where are you from? (singular informal)
Di dov’è Lei?                               Where are you from? (formal sing.)
Di dove siete?                              Where are you from? (plural)
Sono di….                                   I am from …
Siamo di                                    We are from …
Come si scrive il tuo nome/Suo nome?        Could you spell your name?
Che lavoro fa?                              What do you do? (formal)
Sono /faccio…                               I am a…
Lavoro in….                                 I work in…



adesso                                      now
anche                                       also
insieme                                     together
fino a                                      as far as/until
di solito                                   usually
a più tardi                                 see you later
che peccato!                                that’s a pity

Social Contact

 Al telefono                                    On the phone
 Pronto?                                        Hello?
 Chi parla?                                     Who's speaking?
 Sono…                                          This is ...
 Vorrei parlare con…                            I would like to speak to ...
 Può ripetere per favore?                       Can you repeat, please?
 Vuole lasciare un messaggio?                   Do you want to leave a message?
 Vorrei fissare un appuntamento                 I would like an appointment.
 Quale giorno?/ quando?                         What day?
 A che ora?                                      At what time?
 Mi dispiace, vorrei annulare                   I am sorry. I want to cancel my
 l’appuntamento.                                appointment

Le lingue                                       Languages
Quali lingue parla?                              What languages do you speak? (formal)
Quali lingue parli?                             What languages do you speak? (familiar)
Parla l’inglese?                                Do you speak English? (formal)
Parli l’inglese?                                Do you speak English? (familiar)
Imparo l’italiano da..                          I have been learning Italain for …
Parlo un po’ di…                                I speak a bit of ...
Parlo l’inglese molto bene                      I speak very good English.
lo spagnolo                                     Spanish
l’inglese                                       English
l’irlandese                                     Irish
il tedesco                                      German
il francese                                     French
l’italiano                                      Italian
Non parlo….                                     I don’t speak…

Le Invitazioni                                  Invitations
Ti piacerebbe prendere un caffè?                Would you like to go for coffee?
Ti piacerebbe prendere qualcosa da bere?        Would you like to go for a drink?
Sì, con piacere                                 Yes, I’d love to.
Mi dispiace ma non posso.                       I’m sorry, I can’t.
Buon’ idea                                      Good idea.
A stasera                                       See you this evening
Buongiorno/salve/ ciao                          Hello
Arrivederci                                     Goodbye
A più tardi                                     See you later
grazie                                          Thank you
Ci vediamo alle 8                               See you at 8 o’clock

Layout of Letter

To start a letter
Egregio Signore/Gentile Signora        Dear Sir/ Dear Madam
To end a letter
Distinti saluti                        Regards

Everyday Life

Quanti siete in famiglia?                           How many are there in your family?

Siamo in ... in famiglia                            There are … of us in my family
cioè, mio padre, mia madre ed io.                   i.e. my father, my mother and me.
mio marito / mia madre                              my husband / my wife
mio figlio/ mia figlia                              my son / my daughter
mio padre/ mia madre                                my father / my mother
mio fratello/ mia sorella                           my brother / my sister
I miei figli                                        my children
mia nonno                                           my grandmother
mio nonno                                           my grandfather
mio zio                                             my uncle
mia zia                                             my aunt

giovane                                             young
vecchio/a                                           old
il/la più giovane                                   the youngest
Masc.       Fem.                Masc. plural   Fem. plural         English
singular    singular
il mio      la mia              i miei         le mie              My
il tuo      la tua              i tuoi         le tue              Your familiar
il suo      la sua              i suoi         le sue              His/her
il nostro   la nostra           i nostri       le nostre           Our
il vostro   la vostra           i vostri       le vostre           Your
il loro     la loro             i loro         le loro             Their

Quanti anni ha?                                     How old are you? (formal)
Quanti anni hai?                                    How old are you? (familiar)
Ho anni.                                            I’m… years old .
Hai dei bambini/figli?                              Have you any children? (formal)
Hai dei bambini/figli?                              Have you any children? (familiar)
Quanti anni ha?                                     How old is he/ is she?
Quanti anni hanno?                                  How old are they?
Come si chiama?                                     What is his/her name?

Come si chiamano?                                   What are their names?

A che ora si alza?                                  At what time do you get up? (formal)
A che ora ti alzi la mattina?                       At what time do you get up? (familiar)
mi alzo alle ........                               I get up at ...
mi alzo presto                                      I get up early.
mi alzo tardi                                       I get up late.
A che ora va a letto?                               At what time do you go to bed? (formal)
A che ora vai a letto?                              At what time do you go to bed? (familiar)
vado a letto alle ........                          I go to bed at ...

Cosa prende per la (prima) colazione?        What do you have for breakfast? (formal)
Cosa prendi per la (prima) colazione?        What do you have for breakfast? (familiar)
Prendo                                       I have …
Mangio                                       I eat …
Del pane tostato                             (some) toast
Il Burro                                     butter
La marmellata                                jam
dei ceriali                                  cereals
Il pane                                      bread

Un cornetto                                  A croissant
Bevo..                                       I drink…
del latte                                    milk
del tè                                       tea
del caffè                                    coffee
La cioccolata                                hot chocolate
Lo zucchero                                  sugar
con                                          with
senza                                        without
e                                            and

Cultural Box
Un cornetto                             Filled Croissant
Una granita (al caffè/alla fragola/al   Crushed ice drink (coffee/strawberry/lemon)


    Che lavoro fa?                               What do you do? (formal)
    Sono (faccio il/la…)                         I am …
    casalinga                                    a housewife
    cameriere                                    a waiter
    cameriera                                    a waitress
    commesso/a                                   a shop assistant
    medico                                       a doctor
    segretaria                                   a secretary
    impiegato/a                                  an office worker
    impiegato/a statale , o ‘dello stato’        civil servant
    insegnante                                   a teacher
    maestro/a                                    Primary school teacher
    studente                                     a student (m)
    studentessa                                  a student (f)
    dentista                                     a dentist
    Dove lavora?                                 Where do you work? (formal)
    Dove lavori?                                 Where do you work? (familiar)
    Lavoro                                       I work …
    in un ristorante                             In a restaurant
    in una scuola                                In a school
    in un ospedale                               In a hospital
    in ufficio                                   In a office
    all’università                               In the university
    in una clinica                               In a clinic
    in un negozio                                In a shop
    Lavoro a casa                                I work at home

    Cultural Box
    La scuola elementare                         school - years 8 to 11
    Un alunno/un’alunna                          pupil
    La scuola media                              school - years 12 to 14
    il liceo                                     High school/secondary school

Da quanto tempo lavora?                     How long have you been working?
Da quanto tempo lavori?                     How long have you been working?
Lavoro da….anni.                            I have been working for…years.
Quanti giorni alla settimana lavora?        How many days a week do you work?
Quanti giorni alla settimana lavori?        How many days a week do you work?
Lavoro…….giorni alla settimana.             I work ... days a week
Quante ore al giorno?                       How many hours per day?
Lavoro ….ore al giorno                      I work ... hours per day.
A che ora comincia il lavoro?               At what time do you start work? (formal)
A che ora cominci il lavoro?                At what time do you start work? (familiar)
Comincio alle…….                            I start at…
A che ora finisce?                          At what time do you finish work? (formal
A che ora finisci?                          At what time do you finish work? (familiar)
Finisco alle…                               I finish at…
Ti piace il tuo lavoro?                     Do you like your job? (familiar)
Le piace il Suo lavoro?                     Do you like your job? (formal)
Secondo me, il mio lavoro è…                I think that my job is …
interessante                                interesting
noioso                                      boring
difficile                                   difficult
vario                                       varied
stressante                                  stressful
terribile                                   terrible
piacevole                                   pleasant
Mi piace molto il mio lavoro.               I like my work very much.
Non mi piace il mio lavoro                  I don’t like my work.
Adoro il mio lavoro                         I love my work.
Odio/detesto il mio lavoro.                 I hate my work.
I miei colleghi sono simpatici              My colleagues are nice.
Sono in pensione                            I am retired.
Sono disoccupato/a                          I am unemployed.

Professione/Lavoro                          Occupation
Luogo di lavoro                             Place of work
Ore alla settimana                          Number of hours per week
Secondo me                                  in my opinion…

24 Hour clock

 Revise numbers

Che ore sono / che ora è?                      What time is it?

Sono le due                                    It is 2 o’clock
Sono le due meno cinque                        It is 5 to 2
Sono le due meno dieci                         It is 10 to 2
Sono le due meno un quarto/quindici            It is a quarter to 2
Sono le due meno venti                         It is 20 to 2
Sono le due meno venticinque                   It is 25 to 2
Sono le due e cinque                           It is 5 past 2
Sono le due e dieci                            It is 10 past 2
Sono le due e un quarto/quindici               It is a quarter past 2
Sono le due e venti                            It is 20 past 2
Sono le due e venticinque                      It is 25 past 2
Sono le due e mezza / trenta                   It is half past 2
Sono le 14                                     It is 2:00 pm
Sono le 18 e 20                                It is 20 past 6
Mezza or mezzo acceptable for half past
Di mattina                                     In the morning/am
Di pomeriggio                                  In the afternoon/pm
Di sera                                        In the evening/pm
È mezzogiorno                                  It is midday
È mezzanotte                                   It is midnight
Alle tre                                       At three o’clock

Free Time/ Leisure

Quali sono i Suoi passatempi preferiti?        What are your favourite pastimes? (formal)
Quali sono i tuoi passatempi preferiti?        What are your favourite pastimes? (familiar)
Cosa Le piace fare? (nel tempo libero)         What do you like doing? (formal) (in your
                                               spare time)
Cosa ti piace fare?                            What do you like doing? (familiar)
Di sera/al finesttimana                        in the evening / at the weekend
Le piace fare sport?                           Do you like to play sport? (formal)
Ti piace giocare al calcio?                    Do you like to play football? (familiar)
Cosa preferisce fare? ….                       What do you prefer?
Cosa preferisci?                               What do you prefer? (familiar)
Gioca/giochi a pallavollo?                     Do you play volleyball? (formal/familiar)
Gioco a                                        I play ...
Mi piace giocare a                             I like to play ...
Non mi piace giocare a                         I don’t like to play ...
fare il ciclismo                               cycling
A pallacanestro                                basketball
a rugby/a calcio                               rugby/football
a tennis/a golf                                tennis/golf
a carte                                        cards
a badminton                                    badminton
Mi piace guardare la TV                        I like to watch TV
Suona/suoni uno strumento?                     Do you play a musical instrument?
Suono                                          I play ...
Mi piace suonare                               I like to play ...
Non mi piace suonare                           I don’t like to play ...
Il flauto                                      The flute
Il violino                                     Violin
La batteria                                    drums
La chitarra                                    the guitar
Il piano                                       the piano
Anch’io                                        Me too
Neanch’io                                      Neither do I
Le piace?                                      Do you like …? (formal)
Ti piace?                                      Do you like …? (familiar)
Andare                                         To go
Vado                                           I go
Vai                                            You go
Va                                             He/she goes
Andiamo                                        We go
Andate                                         You go
Vanno                                          They go
Fare la spesa                                  To go shopping
Sì, mi piace fare la spesa.                    Yes, I like shopping.
No, odio fare la spesa.                        No, I hate shopping.
mi piace andare al/in cinema                   I like to go to the cinema.
mi piace ballare                               I like dancing.
mi piace andare a teatro                       I like to go to the theatre.
mi piace fare passeggiate                      I like to go for a walk/walks.

mi piace nuotare/andare in piscina        I like to go swimming/to the swimming
mi piace guardare la tivù / i DVD         I like to watch / watching TV / DVDs.
mi piace leggere                          I like reading.
mi piace ascoltare                        I like to listen to …
la radio                                  the radio
la musica                                 music
Navigare/andare su internet               Surf / go on the internet
Il telefonino/Il cellulare                Mobile phone


La stazione (Ferroviaria) FS                      the railway station
La stazione (per gli autobus)                     the bus station
A che ora parte il treno?                         At what time does the train leave?
A che ora parte l’autobus/il pullman?             At what time does the bus leave?
A che ora arriva il treno?                        At what time does the train arrive?
A che ora arriva l’autobus/il pullman?            At what time does the bus arrive?
A che ora/ quando è il prossimo treno per..?      At what time is the next train for …?
Vorrei un biglietto per …                         I would like a ticket to…
Un solo andata per …                              a single to …
Un’andata e ritorno per …                         a return ticket to …
Quant’è?                                          How much is it?
Quanto costa?                                     How much does it cost?
Da che binario?                                   What platform?
è … euro.                                         It is… euros
costa … / costano                                 It costs/they cost
binario numero …                                  Platform number ...
Proveniente da …                                  Coming from…
In partenza a …                                   Going to…
Attenzione! È in partenza il treno per….          Attention! The train for … is now leaving.
È diretto?                                        Is it direct?
No, deve cambiare a …                             No, you have to change at…
Quanto ci vuole?                                  How long is the journey?
Dov’è/dove sono?                                  Where is/are…?
Partenze                                          Departures
Arrivi                                            Arrivals
Il binario                                        Platform
Fumare/vietato fumare                             Smoking / Non smoking
La biglietteria                                   Ticket office
la sala d’attesa/d’aspetto                        Waiting room
Il deposito bagagli                               Left luggage office
i bagagli                                         Luggage
L’ufficio informazione                            Information office
L’ufficio oggetti smarriti                        Lost property office
L’orario                                          Timetable
La fermata                                        Bus stop
Attenzione                                        Attention
Il treno/l’autobus proveniente da..viaggia con    There is a …. delay on the train/bus
un ritardo di ….minuti                            from….
A che ora parte l’ultimo treno?                   At what time is the last train?
l’ultimo treno è alle….                           The last train is at …
Vietato fumare                                    No smoking
Revise directions Step 1 and Step 2


All’albergo                                       At the hotel
La reception/ il ricevimento                      Reception
Ha delle camere libere?                           Have you any rooms available?
Vorrei prenotare una camera.                      I would like to book a room.
Vorrei prenotare delle camere.                    I would like to book …rooms.
Per quanti notti?                                 For how many nights?
Per … notti.                                      For … night/s.
Per quando/ Quali date?                           what dates?
Dal … al …                                        from the the ...
Una camera singola                                a single room
Una camera doppia                                 a double room
Per quante persone?                               For how many people?
In che nome?                                      What is the name?
Al nome di…                                       Under the name of…
Come si scrive?                                   How is that spelt/written?
Quant’è?                                          How much is it?
È …..euro alla notte                              It’s … euros per night.
Posso vedere il Suo passaporto/I vostri           Can you show me your passport/s, please?
passaporti per favore?
La carta d’identita                               ID card
Mi può dare il Suo passaporto, per favore?        Can you give me your passport, please?
Ecco.                                             Here it is / here they are.
pensione completa                                 Full-board
Mezza pensione                                    Half board
Il ristorante                                     Restaurant
Con doccia                                        With shower
Con bagno                                         With bath
L’ascensore                                       A lift
La scala                                          Stairs
I servizi/ I gabinetti                            Toilets
La chiave                                         the key
Ecco le sue chiavi                                Here are your keys.
L’uscita di sicurezza/di emergenza                Emergency exit
Il parcheggio                                     Car park
Qual’è il numero della camera?                    What is the room number?
Camera numero…                                    Room number …

A che piano?                             On which floor?
Al pianterreno                           On the ground floor
Al primo piano                           On the first floor
Al secondo piano                         On the second floor
Al terzo piano                           On the third floor
Dov’è l’ascensore?                       Where is the lift?
l’ascensore è di là                      The lift is over there.
guasto.                                  Out of order
A che ora è…?                            At what time is…?
La prima colazione                       breakfast
Il pranzo                                lunch
La cena                                  dinner
…è servita dalle… alle …                  ... is served from ... until ...
Posso avere il conto per favore?         May I have the bill, please?

Certo                                    Of course
Si accettano le carte di credito?        Do you take credit cards?
Sì, certo.                               Yes, no problem.
non funziona                             it does not work

                      Davanti a      In front of
                      Dietro         Behind
                      Accanto a      beside

 Modulo (di prenotazione)                   Booking Form
 Numero di camere                           Number of rooms
 Camera singola                             Single room
 Camera doppia                              Double room
 Le date                                    Dates
 Dal                                        From…
 Al                                         To…
 Doccia/bagno                                Shower / Bath
 pasti                                      Meals

Breakfast Form - Refer to Everyday Life topic

 Eating Out

Al ristorante                               At the restaurant
Vorrei prenotare una tavola.                I would like to book a table
Per quante persone                          For how many people?
Per quattro persone                         For four people.
A che ora?                                  At what time?

il menù, per favore.                        The menu, please
Ecco il menù                                Here is the menu.
Eccolo/la                                   Here it is.
Per antipasto vorrei                        For starters, I would like ...
Insalata di pomodori                        tomato salad
Insalata mista                              mixed salad
La minestra/la zuppa                        soup
Per primo piatto vorrei ...                 For first course, I would like…
Il risotto ai funghi                        Mushroom risotto
Spaghetti alla bolognese                    Spaghetti Bolognese
Lasagne al forno                            Lasagna
Per secondo vorrei                          For main course I would like
Pollo arrosto                               Roast chicken
Salmone                                     salmon
Merluzzo                                    Cod
La carne                                    meat
Il pesce                                    fish
la bisteca                                  steak
Come la vuole?                              How do you like it?
al sangue                                   rare
bencotta                                    well done
Quale verdura c’è?                          What vegetables are there?
i piselli                                   peas
le carote                                   carrots
le Patate fritte                            chips
i Funghi                                    mushrooms
le Cipolle                                  onions
le Patate                                   potatoes
il Cavolo                                   cabbage
Cosa c’è per dolce?                         What is there for dessert?
Vorrei                                      I would like
Torta di mela                               apple tart
un yogurt                                   a yogurt
I formaggi                                  a cheese board
Quail gusti di gelato ci sono?              What flavours of ice-cream do you have?
Fragola/ crema/vaniglia/cioccolato          strawberry / vanilla / chocolate
Quale frutta c’è?                           What fruit do you have?
le mele                                     apples
le pesche                                   peaches
le banana                                   bananas
le arance                                   oranges
le pere                                     pears

La carta dei vini.             The wine list, please
Da bere, cosa desidera?        What would you like to drink?
Da mangiare, cosa desidera?    What would you like to eat?
Vorremo                        We would like…
Mi piace                       I like ...
Non mi piace                   I don't like ...
Preferisco                     I prefer ...
Il conto per favore            The bill, please.
Il servizio è incluso?         Is service included?

Cultural Box
Salame                             Salami
Melanze allaParmigiana             aubergenes with parmesan
Pasta fagioli                      Bean stew
Zucchini                           Courgettes

Health and Welfare

Come sta?                        How are you? (formal)
Come stai?                       How are you? (familiar)
Sto bene grazie                  I am well, thank you.
E Lei/tu?                        And you? (formal/familiar)
Sto molto bene grazie            I am very well, thanks
Che c’é?                         What’s the matter?
Cosa ha/hai?                     What’s wrong?
Non mi sento bene                I do not feel well.

Ho mal di…                       I have a sore…
Ho mal di testa                  I have a sore head/ a headache
Ho mal di gola                   I have a sore throat
Ho mal di schiena                I hava a sore back
Ho mal di stomaco/ pancia        I have a sore stomach
Ho mal di denti                  I have toothache
Ho mal di piedi                  I have sore feet
Ho mal di orecchio               I have a sore ear
Ho mal di occhio                 I have a sore eye
Ho mal di gamba                  I have a sore leg

Ho la febbre                     I have the flu
Ho fame                          I am hungry
Ho sete                          I am thirsty
Sono stanco/a                    I am tired
ho caldo/mi sento caldo          I am hot
ho freddo/mi sento freddo        I am cold

Devo prendere le pillole         I must take tablets
Deve/i andare …                  You must go … (formal/familiar)
Deve/i chiamare …                You must call … (formal/familiar)
vada                             Go
È un’emergenza.                  It is an emergency.
La farmacia                      the chemist
la polizia                       the police
Il dentista                      the dentist
Il medico                        the doctor
L’ospedale                       the hospital
Un’ambulanza                     an ambulance
Vada dal dentista                Go to the dentist
Vada dal medico                  Go to the doctor
Vada alla farmacia               Go to the chemist’s


Un grande magazzino                a department store
un centro comerciale               the shopping centre
buongiorno signore/ signora        Hello, Sir/Madam
desidera/prego?                    May I help you?
Ha bisogono di qualcosa?           Do you need anything?
cercare                            to look for
trovare                            to find
portare                            to wear
sto cercando                       I am looking for …
vorrei                             I want ...
ho bisogno di                      I need …

i jeans                            jeans
Una giacca                         a jacket
Una maglietta                      t-shirt
un vestito                         a dress
i pantaloncini                     shorts
una camicia                        a shirt
un maglione                        a pullover
una gonna                          a skirt
i pantaloni                        trousers
una cravatta                       a tie
una camicetta                      a blouse
le scarpe da ginnastica            trainers
un cappotto                        coat
I calzini                          socks
Le scarpe                          shoes
i vestiti                          clothes
la taglia                          the size
il numero                          the (shoe) size
Di che colore?                     What colour?
ecco, Signore/ Signora.            There you are, Madam/Sir.

i colori                           colours
rosso                              red
giallo                             yellow
blu                                blue
blu marino                         navy
celeste/azzurro                    light blue
blu scuro                          dark blue
verde                              green
bianco                             white
grigio                             grey
rosa                               pink
arancione                          orange
beige                              beige
nero                               black

Che taglia?                                   What (clothes) size?
Che numero?                                   What (shoe) size?
Porto la 40.                                  I wear a (size) 40.
Porta il (numero) 37.                         He/she takes a (shoe size) 37.
È per …                                       It's for ...
Il mio amico/la mia amica                     my friend (male/female)

un grande magazzino                           a department store
Il reparto di alimentare                      Food department
Il reparto di giocattoli                      Toy department
Il reparto di dischi                          Music department
Il reparto di sport                           Sports department
Il reparto di scarpe                          Shoe department
Il reparto di abbigliamento da uomo           Menswear
Il reparto di abbigliamento da donna          Ladieswear
Il reparto di abbigliamento da bambini        Childrenswear

Va bene?                                      Is that OK? Does it fit?
No, è troppo …                                No, it's too ...
grande                                        big
piccolo                                       small
lungo                                         long
corto                                         short
caro                                          dear/expensive
stretto                                       narrow
di poco prezzo/ economico                     cheap
stretto                                       tight
largo                                         wide

Vorrei qualcosa …                             I would like something …
Più grande                                    bigger
Più piccolo                                   smaller
Più largo                                     wider
Meno caro                                     less expensive
Non mi piace il colore                        I don't like the colour.
Non mi piace il taglio                        I don't like the shape.
Sì è …                                        Yes, it’s …
No non è …                                    No, it isn’t …
Buono                                         good
Molto buono                                   very good
Perfetto                                      perfect
Sì, mi sta bene.                              Yes, it fits.
lo/la prendo.                                 I'll take it. (masc./fem.)
Li/le prendo.                                 I'll take them.
Non posso trovare                             I can’t find


Dov’è l’ufficio postale per favore?                 Where is the Post Office, please?
Vorrei mandare/ spedire                             I want to send ...
Una cartolina                                       a postcard
Delle cartoline                                     cards
Una lettera                                         a letter
delle lettere                                       letters
All’estero                                          abroad
In Gran Bretagna                                    to Great Britain
In Irlanda                                          to Ireland
In Italia                                           to Italy
In Spagna                                           to Spain
In Germania                                         to Germany
Negli Stati Uniti                                   to the United States
Quant’è?                                            How much is it?
È/ sono                                             It’s/they are (singular/masc. plural/fem.
Ha dei francobolli?                                 Have you any stamps?
Per una cartolina per l’irlanda.                    for a card to Ireland
per una lettera per gli Stati Uniti.                for a letter to the United States

Posso telefonare in Irlanda?                        May I telephone Northern Ireland?
Ecco il numero                                      Here is the number.
Qual’è il prefisso?                                 What is the code?

Dov’è la banca?                                     Where is the bank, please?
deve andare …                                       You must go …
a destra                                            To the right
a sinistra                                          To the left
di fronte a                                         Opposite
accanto a                                           Beside
all’angolo                                          In the corner
vorrei cambiare                                     I want to change ...
dei soldi                                           (some) money
degli assegni viaggiatori                           (some) traveller's cheques

c’è un distributore/una stazione di servizio        Is there a petrol station/a garage round
qui vicino?                                         here?
vorrei della benzina                                I want (some) petrol
gasolio                                             diesel
senza piomba/ verde                                 unleaded
il pieno per favore.                                Fill it up, please

Weather Forecast

che tempo fa oggi?              What is the weather like today?
il tempo                        The weather
fa..                            It is ...
farà                            It will be ...
fa bel tempo                    It is fine
Fa caldo                        It is hot
fa freddo                       it is cold
fa freddo, vero?                It’s hot, isn’t it?
c’è…                            There is ...
ci sarà                         There will be ...
piove                           it is raining
la neve                         snow
nevica                          it is snowing
tira vento                      It is windy
la pioggia                      rain
le nuvole                       clouds
i temporali                     storms
il sole brillerà/ brilla        the sun will shine/ is shining
è nebbioso                      it is foggy
ci sarà il sole                 It will be sunny
pioverà                         It will rain
si gela                         It is freezing
si gelerà                       It will freeze
nel nord                        In the north
nel sud                         In the south
nell’est                        In the east
nell’ovest d’Italia             In the west of Italy
il mattino                      (in) the morning
il pomeriggio                   (in) the afternoon
la sera                         (in) the evening
oggi                            today
domani                          tomorrow
più tardi                       later


Present tense of verbs
Future (weather)
Negative sentences
Reflexive verbs
Possessive adjectives
Expressions of quantity
24 hour clock
12 hour clock
Directions (revision)
Numbers (revision)
Alphabet (revision)
Future (weather)

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