IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic

Page created by Cecil Miles
IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic
iZone® 311
climate control system
makes the numbers
work harder.

For precision control of your ducted air conditioning.
IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic
iZone 311 puts                        ®

you in control.
Airstream’s new generation iZone® 311
climate control system works with
Panasonic, Daikin, Toshiba, LG,
Temperzone, Mitsubishi Electric           Precision engineering, BMW-style.
and Fujitsu* air conditioning brands      iZone® 311 uses the same CAN Bus protocols that
                                          Mercedes and BMW use. So it’s as responsive as it
and offers complete control over          is intuitive, and with a measured warranty rate
your ducted air conditioning system.      of less than 1%, it’s dependable too.
                                          That’s why major Japanese brands have asked
iZone’s intuitive touch screen            Airstream to develop control systems for their
interface is elegant, easy-to-use         next generation air conditioning units.
and exceptionally efficient.

* Not available at time of printing
IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic
iZone® works with Airstream.®
                                                      iZone® was created by Airstream®, the industry-leader in fully integrated air distribution systems.

iZone makes the numbers
                                                      Airstream® products work seamlessly together to maximise the efficiency of your home’s ducted air conditioning.
                 ®                                    iZone® can be retrofitted to work with your existing ducted air conditioning too.

work harder, so you don’t have to.
iZone’s touch screen technology gives you total
temperature control of each room individually.
Adjust the air distribution, temperature or airflow
to any room.
Select up to 12 touch screen consoles or sensors
– every room will be at the temperature you want,
all the time. You can also direct airflow to only
the rooms you choose for maximum efficiency
and savings.
For even more control, ask about the Airstream
iSense controller, which maximises efficiency
by detecting which rooms are unoccupied,
to provide cooling and heating only when
and where you need it.
IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic
iZone functionality makes
                                                               Easy on the eye – and your pocket                                              Home automation integration
                                                               iZone® 311 offers a choice of elegant control consoles                         iZone® 311 uses the latest technology, so you can
                                                               or sensors that you can customise to suit your home’s                          integrate your air conditioning with your home

life easy for you.                                             interior design. Changing the background colours
                                                               or facias on your controllers is as straightforward
                                                               as choosing the precise temperature you want.
                                                                                                                                              automation system, to make it even easier to control
                                                                                                                                              the temperature of every room in your home.
                                                                                                                                              Set and forget
                                                               iSense room temperature control                                                Create up to 9 ‘favourite’ zone scenarios to suit your
iZone App
     ®                                                         for optimal efficiency                                                         lifestyle, then schedule these ‘favourites’ to match
The WiFi and 4G enabled iZone® App enables you to control      This clever zone controller detects if a room is                               everyday living. But for a quick set and forget ‘system off’
your air conditioning system via your smart phone or tablet.   unoccupied. iSense will then automatically adjust                              timer, just press the four-setting sleep timer button and
The iZone® Worldwide service allows you greater control,       the room temperature or switch off the air conditioning                        iZone® takes care of the rest.
giving you 4G access from anywhere, for even more              to that room. iSense significantly improves energy
efficiency and savings. Now the whole family can               efficiency and reduces the running cost of ducted
come home to the perfect temperature.                          air conditioning system’s in homes and offices,
                                                               directing the airflow only to the rooms you are using.

                                                                                     Nature’s air conditioning at the touch of a button

                                                               Airstream® has developed an innovative way to make the numbers work even harder.
                                                               Our patented iSave® technology uses cool outside air to lower the temperature of your
                                                               home without the need for refrigerated air conditioning, to save you money.
IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic
Features                                                                                                                                                            iZone® 311

The iZone 311
                      Intuitive user navigation

          ®           Customisable touch screen background colours
                      Upgradeable saturn facias
                      Number of zones available                                                                                                                                               12*

is smarter too.
                      Maximum number of screens                                                                                                                                               12
                      Airflow adjustment                                                                                                                                                 5% increments
                      Zone temperature control
                      Wireless temperature sensor option for existing homes in 3 saturn colours
                      Temperature sensor calibration
                      Optional iSave®
                      Favourites mode
                      Filter clean alert with adjustable frequency
                      7 day scheduling
                      Sleep timer
                      Warranty                                                                                                                                                       10 years
                      Air conditioning unit control                                                                                               Full Daikin, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi Electric, Temperzone, LG, Fujitsu**
                      Zone temperature sensing options                                                                                                                             Touchscreens
                                                                                                                                                                                 iSense controllers
                                                                                                                                                                                   Zone sensors
                      Options for A/C unit control                                                                                                                                   Return air
                                                                                                                                                                                    Master zone***
                                                                                                                                                                  Auto select from temperature controlled zones
                      Modes                                                                                                                                                  Cool, heat, vent, dry, auto
                      Fan speed                                                                                                                                              Low, medium, high, auto
                      AC unit auto off feature
                      Damper control                                                                                                                                                      Tuned PID
                      Protocol                                                                                                                                                             CAN Bus
                      Remote control                                                                                                                                                Smart phone and tablet
                                                                                                                                                                                        WiFi and 4G
                      Home automation system integration

                  * With iSave® fitted to an iZone® 311 system, the maximum number of zones is reduced to 10. ** Not available at time of printing. *** Master and auto select are not available on LG systems.
IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic
Complete confidence
and a full 10-year warranty.
As an Australian company, we understand Australia’s
unique climate. And as a locally owned and operated
business, we’re here for you if you need us.
What’s more, because quality is our priority, we’re able
to offer a full 10-year warranty. This covers every element
of our air distribution systems, including your iZone® 311
control system.
IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic
Let Airstream make the numbers work harder for you.
For more information about our integrated air distribution systems, visit air-stream.com.au
or call us on (08) 9418 6631 or email sales@air-stream.com.au
IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic IZone 311 climate control system makes the numbers work harder - For precision control of your ducted air conditioning - Air Vic
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