Jack Levis An interview with - Putting Analytics in the Driver's Seat

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An interview with
Jack Levis
Director of Process Management at UPS

Putting Analytics in the Driver’s Seat

                                        Transform to the power of digital
Jack Levis

                                            goal is to turn that complex universe of      Capgemini Consulting: You spoke
                                            data into business intelligence.              of prescriptive analytics playing an
                                                                                          effective role in route optimization.
                                            Let me give you an example. We have           Can you give us more details on
                                            about 55,000 package car drivers in the       its role in overcoming your key
                                            US alone and around 106,000 drivers,
                                            globally, for our entire vehicle fleet,       Jack Levis: We have implemented
                                            and we deliver more than 16 million           a number of prescriptive analytics
                                            packages daily. When you consider the         projects across our business but the
                                            fact that every driver at UPS has trillions   one that stands out from the rest is our
                                            of ways to run their delivery routes,         route optimization program, based on
                                            the number of possibilities increases         prescriptive analytics, called ORION
                                            exponentially. However, not all of these      (On-Road Integrated Optimization and
Jack Levis                                  routes are necessarily optimal in terms
                                            of fuel efficiency and distance. Consider
                                                                                          Navigation). We formally started the
                                                                                          ORION project in 2003 and began
Director of Process Management              the fact that a reduction of one mile per     to roll out the system in 2012. We are
at UPS                                      driver per day translates to savings of       very serious about using prescriptive
                                            up to $50 million a year. The question        modeling for our routes. So much so,
                                            becomes: how do you mine the sea of           that we have 500 people dedicated
                                            data from our sensors and vehicles to         to ORION. In fact, ORION is probably
A reduction of one                          arrive at the most effective route for our    one of the largest prescriptive analytics
                                            drivers?                                      systems ever deployed.
mile per driver per day
translates to savings of                    Digitizing Operations
up to $50 million a year.
                                            Capgemini Consulting: How did
                                                                                          Our analytics system
                                            UPS start its digital transformation          enabled UPS to
Capgemini Consulting: Can you               journey?
start by giving us a background
                                            Jack Levis: Our digital journey
                                                                                          eliminate 85 million
to UPS and some of the unique
challenges that a logistics player
                                            started with an early adoption of data        miles driven per year.
of your size faces?                         and analytics tools for improving our
                                            operations. As our operations became
Jack Levis: UPS is a business that          more complex and distributed in nature,
thrives on managing complexity.             the focus has been to improve business        As I mentioned earlier, effectively mining
                                            processes, increase efficiency and            the sea of data from our sensors and
Meeting our high levels of customer         cut costs. We had been following a            vehicles to arrive at the most effective
service entails complexity. We not only     descriptive1 and predictive analytics2-       route for our drivers is a huge challenge.
aim to deliver every package on time,       based system for a long time but what         It is here that our prescriptive analytics
but we provide customers with multiple      has recently changed is our shift to          system shines. It hides this large
service options to meet their needs. We     prescriptive analytics3. I can safely say     amount of alternative routes while giving
even allow adjusting of delivery choices    that UPS is one of the few companies to       drivers clear inputs, thereby taking the
while the shipment is in route. Executing   effectively use prescriptive analytics to     guesswork out of the equation. The
this    mission     means      constantly   gain insight for successful optimization.     best part is that the system produces
orchestrating orders, adjusting route                                                     these answers in as little as six to eight
schedules and following up on package                                                     seconds. The idea is not to make big
deliveries with a massive fleet of ground                                                 changes in driver routes. In fact, the
and air vehicles. This exercise generates   Our digital journey                           optimized route might look very similar to
huge amounts of data feeds, from                                                          the driver’s normal route. However, the
devices, vehicles, tracking materials
                                            started with an early                         real benefit lies in the distance it helps
and sensors. Each of these feeds also       adoption of analytics                         reduce – a quarter mile shaved here and
comes with its own data format. Our                                                       a half mile shaved there. So, the system
                                            tools.                                        keeps looking for ways to deliver minute
                                                                                          savings throughout the day.
Jack Levis

                    How Analytics Transformed
                        Operations at UPS

     The Logistical                            Business Benefits
   Complexities at UPS                           of Analytics

                   55,000                Reduction of
                   package car drivers   85 million
                   in US alone           miles driven/ year

drivers globally
                                                    8 million fewer
                                                    gallons of fuel used
16 million
packages daily

                                         Reduction in engine idling
One driver = trillions of ways           time by 10 million
to run delivery routes                   minutes

Shaving just one mile/ driver            Reduction in carbon          C02
= $50 million                            footprint by 6,500
savings a year                           metric tons

 The challenge: Arriving at the          Analytics has changed the way
 most optimal route for drivers          UPS functions
Jack Levis

Capgemini Consulting: What                     evaluated. We then look at the best          In the past, we used metrics that
have been the tangible benefits                way to meet those needs, and often           showed incremental change from year
that you realized by deploying                 analytics is needed.                         to year. We looked at things such as
analytics systems in your                                                                   number of deliveries made per hour, or
operations?                                    Our goal is to make business processes,
                                                                                            the amount of time expended for a route
                                               methods, procedures, and analytics all
Jack Levis: The deployment of                                                               vs. a work measurement standard.
                                               one in the same. For the front line user,
descriptive and predictive analytics                                                        Those used to be the measure of
                                               the use of analytics results becomes
systems several years ago enabled                                                           success for deliveries. But now, after
                                               just part of the job.
UPS to reduce 85 million miles driven                                                       implementing our prescriptive analytics
per year. That equates to over 8 million       With systems that require large process      system, the metrics have become far
fewer gallons of fuel used. Prescriptive       change, we spend significant effort          more sophisticated and nuanced. We
analytics adds to those gains.                 ensuring that the change can actually        have moved from looking at lagging
                                               be attained. This often requires iterative   indicators that focus on end results only
We were also able to reduce engine
                                               prototyping so that we can successfully      to looking at leading indicators.
idling time by 10 million minutes. This led
                                               achieve the business gains.
to significant savings in fuel consumption                                                  We created balanced scorecards that
– around 650,000 gallons – and we have         We followed this approach for our            guide the front-line operators on areas
reduced our carbon emissions by over           prescriptive analytics system, ORION.        to focus. The elements have been
6,500 metric tons.                             We tested the system over two years.         carefully selected and weighted. The
                                               We had to prove that the program             balanced scorecard measure correlates
Now adding to this, deploying efficient
                                               would, indeed, measurably impact             highly with true business results.
prescriptive analytics systems has
                                               costs. Not only were the numbers were
enabled UPS to eliminate miles from our
                                               impressive, but the fact that front line
routes in 2013. The surprising fact is that
                                               operators and drivers were supportive
we have realized this additional benefit
with only 18% of UPS delivery routes
                                               got everyone’s attention. That helped        The key to managing
                                               convince our senior management to test
                                               the program at other locations across        change in roll out of
                                               the country. After testing the system in
                                               15 different locations, final approval for
                                                                                            digital initiatives is
                                               broad-based deployment of the initiative     to take a collaborative
                                               across the company was given.
As we deployed                                                                              approach.
analytics, we realized
                                               Capgemini Consulting: As part
we could not continue                          of implementing analytics across
                                               your operations, did you have to             Capgemini Consulting: What
relying on old metrics.                        change the way you traditionally             were some of the biggest issues
                                               looked at your metrics?                      UPS faced when implementing its
                                               Jack Levis: An important thing to note       prescriptive analytics program?
                                               about analytics systems – especially         Jack Levis: As I mentioned earlier, our
Implementing and                               prescriptive analytics – is that change      analytics system has been built to tell us
                                               management is required. New ways
Measuring Digital                              of operating are being produced and
                                                                                            the best delivery route for a particular
                                                                                            day. If you consider that there are going
                                               front line employees must be educated        to be 55,000 different drivers, which
Capgemini Consulting: What                     and supported. This means changing           means 55,000 different routes the
is your approach to launching                  behavior.                                    model has to work for – that is a very
analytics initiatives?                                                                      hard model to build. We would have our
                                               As we deployed analytics, we realized
Jack Levis: The business drives                that we often could not continue to          parameters and all the dials tuned and
technology at UPS. We don’t look at            measure a new way of doing business          the answer would be great on Tuesday.
initiatives as ‘analytics projects’, we look   with the same old metrics. So, we had to     But the same system with Wednesday’s
at them as business projects. Before           come up with new metrics that enabled        data would not work. So, definitely the
launching an initiative, areas where           effective measurement.                       model needed to have a lot of heuristics,
the greatest business need exist are                                                        math, and business rules built in. That
                                                                                            was a big challenge.
Jack Levis

We spent years making our data better         It is because of this collaborative
and changing the algorithm so it wasn’t       approach that our drivers are included
so sensitive to changes in data. We had       in the process, which is why there           Our challenge hasn’t
to have an algorithm and process that         hasn’t been much resistance to change
didn’t take a rocket scientist to use. In a   when implementing analytics initiatives.
                                                                                           been around identifying
step-by-step matter we tested not only        In many cases, drivers have said “my         analytics talent as
that the algorithm could be created, but      stress is reduced”. This is because
that we could transfer the knowledge to       the system makes thousands of small          much as it has been
the front line.                               decisions for them, freeing up the driver
                                              to make the larger decisions of servicing
                                                                                           in determining the
Operational                                   the customer.                                best way to train the
                                                                                           hundreds of business
                                              Capgemini Consulting: With the
Capgemini Consulting:                         significant shortage of digital skills       people who are using
Implementation of digital initiatives         across industries, how does UPS
entails large-scale change                    acquire its analytics talent?                these tools.
management. How did you
convince drivers who relied on                Jack Levis: Our challenge hasn’t been
traditional route planning to shift to        around identifying analytics talent as
new analytical tools?                         much as it has been in determining
                                              the best way to train the hundreds of
Jack Levis: We adopt a highly
collaborative approach with our drivers
                                              business people who are using these          Digital Future
                                              tools. For this, we provide role-based
in implementing these initiatives. We
                                              training that teaches employees how
are acutely aware that our drivers aren’t                                                  Capgemini Consulting: Looking
                                              to use the analytics system. When fully      ahead, what are some of the new
automatons who rely on insights from
                                              deployed, the system will offer our front-   digital initiatives UPS is working
the analytics system. When you have
                                              line supervisors and drivers the tools to    on to further drive operational
a prescriptive analytics system, usually
                                              test scenarios and make tradeoffs. They      efficiency?
problems arise because of issues with
                                              don’t need to be data experts, but they
data. Counteracting bad data requires                                                      Jack Levis: Our current analytics
                                              need to understand which parameters
collaboration with our drivers. This is                                                    systems are still largely static in nature
                                              impact which performance objective.
why we have built-in buffers into our                                                      – we need to change that. They do not
                                              Drivers are graphically shown how the
model where we acknowledge that                                                            account for unexpected situations, such
                                              algorithm is deriving different parts of
the system is not perfect and that                                                         as traffic delays or accidents. In such
                                              the route so they can compare it with
drivers have the opportunity to identify                                                   scenarios, our drivers are expected to
                                              their own experience and attempt to
flaws. We let our drivers exercise their                                                   take a discretionary call. In future, we
                                              beat it.
discretion. We tell them: if the model has                                                 anticipate moving from a static to a
you doing something that won’t meet a         In our analytics team, we also have          dynamic manifest. For this, we are trying
customer’s demand, do what’s right.           people with business backgrounds             to make our plans more flexible and with
                                              who understand the overall system            provisions for real-time updates.
                                              objectives from an organizational
                                              perspective. So, while an analytics
                                              person will sift through algorithms, the
We now want to use our                        software engineer will translate it into
prescriptive analytics                        code, the business person will ensure
                                              that the solution meets the desired
system to offer                               objectives.

innovative services to
our customers.
Jack Levis

Capgemini Consulting: How do you           As we go in to the future, we hope to
perceive analytics adding further          spin-off many new services based on
value to route efficiency at UPS?          real-time updates in the system. We        Our goal is to move
Jack Levis: Our current focus has          want to be able to offer customers to
been in trying to reduce the distance      make last-minute requests. Calculating     from our current static
                                           the costs of last-minute request changes
covered during each delivery. We will
                                           from customers is another aspect that
                                                                                      analytics systems to a
continue to do that. But we also want
to use our prescriptive analytics system   an analytics system can deliver. This      dynamic manifest.
to offer more innovative services to our   would enable us to possibly reschedule
customers. We have already opened          or re-prioritize deliveries based on
up our internal supply chain to our        several scenarios.
customers to enable them to make
specific pick-up/drop requests.
Jack Levis


1   Descriptive analytics refers to a set of techniques used to describe or explore or profile any kind of data.
2   Predictive analytics encompasses a variety of techniques that analyze current and historical facts to make
    predictions about future, or otherwise unknown, events.
3   Prescriptive analytics represents the final phase of business analytics, which mines data to suggest decision options to take
    advantage of a future opportunity or mitigate a future risk.
Jack Levis

                                          Jack Levis
                                          Director of Process Management at UPS

                                          UPS is a global package delivery company headquartered in Atlanta, USA. The company
                                          operates in over 220 countries with over 399,000 employees. In 2012, it had over 8.8
                                          million customers with delivery volume of some 4.1 billion. The company generated $54
                                          billion in revenue in 2012. UPS has been at the forefront of deploying advanced analytics in
                                          optimizing its operations. Capgemini Consulting spoke with Jack Levis, Director of Process
                                          Management at UPS.

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