JANUARY 17, 2021 | SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - cloudfront.net

Page created by Pedro Reeves
JANUARY 17, 2021 | SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - cloudfront.net
MASS SCHEDULES                                                  SACRAMENTS & PRAYER
Daily Mass Monday & Tuesday | 8:00am                            Baptism
Daily Mass Wednesday - Friday | 8:00am & 12:05pm                English | Second Saturday of each month 10:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass | 5:00pm                                    Español | Cuarto Sábado de cada mes 10:00am
Sunday Masses | 9:30am, 11:30am, 5:00pm                         Confession
Misa en Español | 1:30pm                                        Thursday | 5:00pm – 7:00 pm
*Nursery is not available during the 9:30am & 11:30am Masses    Saturday | 3:00pm – 5:00 pm (In Grace Hall)
BAPTISMAL CLASSES                                               Contact Fr. Ryan or Fr. Saenz six months in
English | First Saturday of each month 9:00am-12:00pm           advance of desired wedding date.
[Please call church office to register]                         Anointing of the Sick
Español | Segundo Sábado de cada mes 9:00am-12:00pm             Contact the parish office
[Porfavor llamar a la oficina de la Iglesia para registrarse]
                                                                Eucharistic Adoration
HELP WITH ANNULMENTS                                            Thursday | 5:00pm – 7:00 pm
English | Jack Rader | iyaayas03 @ gmail.com
Español | Zulma Diaz | zulma@stlouiswaco.com                    BISHOP LOUIS REICHER
                                                                C A T H O L I C S C H O O L (PK3-12TH)
THE PARISH                                                      Lower School Campus | 254.754.2041
Parish Office Hours:                                            High School Campus | 254.752.8349
M–Th 9:00am – 5:00pm | Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm                   bishopreicher.com

Pastor: Fr. Ryan Higdon | frryan@stlouiswaco.com
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Fernando Saenz | frsaenz@stlouiswaco.com   Blake Evans |bevans@bishopreicher.com
Deacon: Richard Menchaca | dcnrmenchaca@yahoo.com               Principal
                                                                Rob Whitworth |rwhitworth@bishopreicher.com

       2001 North 25th Street | Waco, Texas 76708 | phone: 254.754.1221 | website: stlouiswaco.com
JANUARY 17, 2021 | SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - cloudfront.net
Sunday | 1 Sm 3:3-10, 19/Ps 40:2-10/1 Cor 6:13-20/Jn 1:35-42
Monday| Heb 5:1-10/Ps 110:1-4/Mk 2:18-22
Tuesday | Heb 6:10-20/Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9-10/Mk 2:23-28
Wednesday | Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Ps 110:1-4/Mk 3:1-6
Thursday | Heb 7:25—8:6/Ps 40:7-10, 17/Mk 3:7-12
Friday | Heb 8:6-13/Ps 85:8 and 10-14/Mk 3:13-19
Saturday| Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Ps 47:2-3, 6-9/Mk 3:20-21
                                                                     FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK
PARISH STAFF                                                   All across our Diocese, we are celebrating something new -
                                                               Called by Name Sunday. In today’s scriptures, the Lord calls
Office Administrator: Jennifer Varga                           Samuel not anonymously or mysteriously but with familiari-
jennifer@stlouiswaco.com                                       ty. The Lord calls Samuel by name. In today’s Gospel, Jesus
Director of Finance: Kari Klaskin                              Christ invites the disciples to “come, and you will see,”
kari@stlouiswaco.com                                           where he lives. Jesus invites them to be the closest of
                                                               friends, to eat and to dine with him. It is in this place of inti-
Spanish Ministry: Adriana Menchu-Johnson                       macy and in the context of friendship that Jesus doesn’t just
adriana@stlouiswaco.com                                        call to be with him, he calls them by name. As a leader,
Director of Religious Education: Zulma Diaz                    Jesus remains deeply intentional making sure to extend an
zulma@stlouiswaco.com                                          invitation that is effective because it is personal. We who
                                                               follow Jesus must do the same. If we are to be his hands
Director of Youth Ministry: Alyssa Trutter                     and feet, we must also be the means of his invitation. Do
youthministry@stlouiswaco.com                                  you know of anyone who would make a good priest, broth-
                                                               er, or sister? This weekend we invite you to help us follow
                                                               Jesus’ example by providing names and contact information
                                                               for people you think we should call by name. You can do so
MASS INTENTIONS                                                by taking the envelopes or by going on-line by following the
Saturday| January 16, 2021                                     link in the bulletin.
5:00pm Samuel DeLaGarza(L)                                                                                     Fr. Ryan
Sunday| January 17, 2021                                       VOCATION MINISTRY
9:30am Annie Terry
                                                               Second Sunday in Ordinary Time...
11:30am Raymond Helona
1:30pm Karen Johnson-Rejcek                                    We don’t always recognize the voice of God. Spend time in
5:00pm Parish                                                  silence regularly to listen to God’s voice. God calls, what do
                                                               you hear? (1 Samuel 3: 3-10). If you think God is calling you
Monday| January 18, 2021                                       to be a priest, brother, or sister, contact the Vocation Office
8:00am Bernard Ott Sr.                                         at 512 .949.2430 or Godiscalling.me
Tuesday| January 19, 2021
8:00am Harry Tichavsky                                         Collection Report for January 10, 2020
                                                               Pew Offering…...Not Available due to publisher schedule
Wednesday| January 20, 2021                                    Electronic Giving…Not Available due to publisher schedule
8:00am Paul Orta
                                                               Electronic Giving is encouraged
12:05pm Joe Dvorsky
                                                               Did you know that you can easily give on-line in a safe and
Thursday| January 21, 2021                                     hassle free way? E-giving is the safe and a highly preferred
8:00am Barbara K. Hull                                         way for many to give to St. Louis Catholic Church. You can
12:05pm Patricia Messier                                       signup for e-giving on the church website: stlouiswaco.com.
                                                               ST.LOUIS PASTORAL COUNCIL
Friday| January 22, 2021
                                                               The pastoral council meets monthly as an advisory group to
8:00am Dave Davis
                                                               our pastor. For questions or concerns please contact
12:05pm Bronson Eden
                                                               Tayla Nicholas at taternicholas@yahoo.com. Thank You!

ST. 2001
    LOUISNorth 25th Street | Waco, Texas 76708 | phone: 254.754.1221 | website: stlouiswaco.com
             CATHOLIC CHURCH
JANUARY 17, 2021 | SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - cloudfront.net
COMMUNITY NEWS                                                               SPANISH MINISTRY
Called By Name Sunday                                                 DESDE EL ESCRITORIO DEL PASTOR
Called By Name Sunday not only is an opportunity for us as            En toda nuestra Diócesis, estamos celebrando algo nuevo: el Domingo,
individuals to be open to God’s calling in our lives. It is also a    Llamado por el Nombre. En las Escrituras de hoy, el Señor llama a
                                                                      Samuel no de forma anónima o misteriosa, sino con familiaridad. El
chance for us to allow God to call others through our invitation.
                                                                      Señor llama a Samuel por su nombre. En el evangelio de hoy, Jesucristo
Is there someone you know who may be called to the priesthood         invita a los discípulos a "ven y verás" el lugar donde él vive. Jesús los
or religious life? To share their information online, go to our       invita a ser los amigos más cercanos, a comer y cenar con él. Es en este
website: godiscalling.me                                              lugar de intimidad y en el contexto de la amistad que Jesús no solo llama
                                                                      para estar con él, los llama por su nombre. Como líder, Jesús permanece
Financial Peace University
                                                                      profundamente intencional asegurándose de extender una invitación
Financial Peace University is a class offered to our parish to help   que sea efectiva porque es personal. Los que seguimos a Jesús debemos
us apply the wisdom of the scriptures and best practices for our      hacer lo mismo. Si vamos a ser sus manos y sus pies, también debemos
finances. The class will start February 2nd at 6:30pm in the JPII     ser el medio de su invitación. ¿Conoce a alguien que pudiera ser un
Building. Please email Mike Millerick at                              buen sacerdote, hermano o hermana? Este fin de semana te invitamos a
mikemillerick@gmail.com if you have any questions.                    que nos ayudes a seguir el ejemplo de Jesús proporcionando nombres e
                                                                      información de contacto de las personas que crees que deberíamos
NOTES OF SPECIAL INTEREST                                             llamar por su nombre. Puede hacerlo tomando los sobres o en línea
Year End Contribution Letters                                         siguiendo el enlace del boletín.
The 2020 letters will be mailed out automatically for                                                         Fr. Ryan
contributions of $250 or more by the end of January. Letter for
amounts less than $250 will need to be requested.                     NOTICIAS DE LA COMUNIDAD
Offering Envelopes                                                    Domingo, Llamado por el Nombre
We still have offering envelopes available if you would like a box.   Para proporcionar la informacion en linea, ir a la pagina de internet:
Please come by the church office to pick up a envelope box and a      godiscalling.me
calendar. Thank you so much!                                          Cartas de Contribución de Fin de Año
EIM Training                                                          Las cartas de 2020 se enviarán por correo automáticamente para
The EIM Office has developed a temporary online EIM training to       contribuciones de $ 250 o más a fines de Enero. Se deberá
fulfill the compliance requirement. This training is only available   solicitar una carta por montos menores a $ 250.
for renewing applicants. Please go to www.austingdiocese.org/         Entrenamiento EIM
workshop (it take about an hour to complete). You will need to
                                                                      La Oficina de EIM ha desarrollado una capacitación temporal en
access your EIM account to gather information needed for              línea sobre EIM para cumplir con el requisito de cumplimiento.
training verification—information on how to login to your             Esta formación solo está disponible para candidatos
account is included on the workshop page. The temporary online
                                                                      renovadores. Vaya a www.austingdiocese.org/workshop (se
EIM training fulfills the compliance requirements for up to 3         tarda aproximadamente una hora en completarlo). Deberá
years as usual;. Please call the church office if you have any        acceder a su cuenta EIM para recopilar la información necesaria
questions. Thank you!                                                 para la verificación de la capacitación; la información sobre cómo
                                                                      iniciar sesión en su cuenta se incluye en la página del taller. La
FAITH FORMATION 7TH-12TH GRADE                                        formación temporal en línea de EIM cumple con los requisitos de
Mandatory Confirmation Parent Meeting
                                                                      cumplimiento por 3 años como de costumbre. Por favor llame a
Sessions for youth confirmation preparation will begin this
                                                                      la oficina de la iglesia si tiene alguna pregunta. ¡Gracias!
coming spring. On Wednesday, January 20th, there will be a
mandatory parent meeting at 7 pm in the SLAC for the parents of
students desiring to be confirmed this year. To be eligible,
                                                                      FORMACION DE LA FE 7-12 GRADOS
students must have completed 2 years of faith formation just          Reunión Obligatoria Para Padres de Confirmación
prior to their receiving this sacrament. Session times and dates,     Las sesiones para la preparación de la confirmación de los
as well as additional information is available on the parish          jóvenes comenzarán la próxima primavera. El miércoles 20 de
website. If you have any questions, please email the youth            enero, habrá una reunión de padres obligatoria a las 7 pm en el
ministry team at youthministry@stlouiswaco.com.                       SLAC para los padres de los estudiantes que deseen ser
Beyond the Pew - Parent Ministry and Resource                         confirmados este año. Para ser elegible, los estudiantes deben
Beyond the Pew is a ministry and resource for parents provided        haber completado 2 años de formación en la fe justo antes de
by Ablaze Ministries. Every week, they post videos, discussion        recibir este sacramento. Los horarios y fechas de las sesiones, así
starters, prayer resources, and other formation materials, all to     como información adicional, están disponibles en el sitio web de
empower parents to lead their children in the faith. If you are       la parroquia. Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo
looking for encouragement and support, as you seek to raise           electrónico al equipo del ministerio de jóvenes a
your children to know, love, and serve the Lord, be sure to search    youthministry@stlouiswaco.com.
for Beyond the Pew on Facebook or YouTube.

ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                                                            Waco, Texas
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