January 2021 - Middlebury Congregational Church

Page created by Gail Flores
January 2021

Middlebury Congregational Church
     United Church of Christ
           The Green
      1242 Whittemore Rd.
      Middlebury CT 06762
FROM THE PASTOR                                      FROM THE PASTOR continued . . .

Well, we have survived 2020. I look forward to seeing what 2021        Now, as we enter 2021 we might say this past year of 2020 has
brings us, and I hope and pray it’s a better year than the one we      been a disaster in terms of all the things that have happened this
just finished.                                                         year. But, what’s interesting is the word “disaster” literally means
                                                                       “ill starred” or “bad star.” Now, I don’t put much stock in reading
This January we will hold our annual meeting via Zoom on Sunday        the stars as predictors of events in the world. But, regardless,
1/31. We will have an informational meeting about the budget the       ending the year with the “Christmas Star” of the Great Conjunction
previous week on 1/24. More information about how that is all          seems a hopeful sign. But, even more good news than the
going to work will be sent out ahead of the meeting.                   Christmas Star is that in Jesus we have a guiding star that can
                                                                       never be blotted out by cloud or gloom. Other stars might point to
The season of Christmas lasts until Epiphany on January 6th (or        disaster, but we have one that won’t.
Candlemas aka the feast of the Presentation of Christ on February
2nd depending on who you ask and which church calendar they’re         There’s a hymn called “I Want to Walk as a Child of Light” that
following.) The feast of Epiphany on January 6th is about the magi     puts it this way:
making it to see baby Jesus, and it also represents Jesus becoming     “I want to walk as a child of the light.
known to gentiles and the world. The appointed readings and            I want to follow Jesus.
prayers for the season following Epiphany are all focused on Christ    God sent the stars to give light to the world.
being made known or the world coming to recognize Jesus as the         The star of my life is Jesus.
Son of God. Some church calendars will even list this season as
Epiphanytide.                                                          In him there is no darkness at all.
                                                                       The night and the day are both alike.
One of the features of the story about the magi is that they           The Lamb is the light of the city of God.
followed a star which led them to Bethlehem. Scholars throughout       Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.”
the centuries have tried to figure out what might have caused such     Happy New Year and happy Epiphanytide!
a bright star to appear in the sky. Comets, planetary conjunctions,
dying stars, etc. have all been posited as theories.                   Peace,

The planetary conjunction theory got a lot of airtime this year        Katrina Manzi
because in mid-December the world was witness to the event             Minister
called “the Great Conjunction” or sometimes the “Christmas star,”
where Saturn and Jupiter passed very close together. They’ve not
been this close together at night in over 800 years. It was quite
cloudy when I went out to look this past month, but a number of
friends got some really great pictures. You can also find some                                SOUP SALE
good shots that professionals took online if you search. The planets
both look like stars, and they’re so close together they almost look             January 31st ⁓ 11:30am – 12:30pm
like they’re touching.
                                                                         (If you have a particular soup you liked from the last 2 sales and
                                                                                would like us to make it again please let us know.)

                                -1-                                                                    -2-
The Sunday School Scoop

Throughout December, the children learned about the Christmas
story in virtual Sunday School. Each week told a different aspect
of the story of Gabriel, Mary, and Joseph, and how they all
experienced joy throughout. As our lessons told us, each of them
still found joy, despite difficult times or difficult news. Personally,                         Silver Linings
I found those lessons resonating deep within me this year.
In our lesson for Advent 4, the background section for teachers in        Like all of you, I could never have imagined what this year would
our curriculum reads: “Nothing was going according to plan. Yet,          bring. But there have been many "silver linings" in 2020 - and I'm
after the long journey, the waiting, and the difficulties, they           grateful for them.
received great joy in their newborn son, Jesus…Many of us plan
our days, our weeks, and more. We have schedules and routines             While we have been worshiping apart/together, we've still been
we always follow.             But what if those plans are                 able to share music via our excellent livestreaming capability
disrupted?...Whatever may be the disruption, it is important for          combined with several church members who have prepared and
you to remember that things do not always go according to plan. If        presented music on Sunday mornings.
you practice self-care in the midst of change, you might just find a
little joy!”                                                              And for the several occasions when we've been able to worship
                                                                          outdoors - Dave's planning and portable equipment to the rescue!
To call the events of 2020 a disruption in our plans would be quite
an understatement. However, despite all that has transpired, I hope       But the best silver lining came as we prepared for Christmas Eve.
everyone has still been able to find joy within the holiday season,       Katrina and Dave acquired new technical skills and added lots of
if even in the little moments or the extra time spent with our            creativity. Then musicians stepped up in a completely foreign
immediate families. I hope 2021 brings us all some much needed            experience to individually pre-record music segments in a
joy, even if we have to wait for it a little longer.                      COVID19 safe way. The result was a Christmas Eve that none of
Our virtual Sunday School lessons continue in January. Thank              us would have chosen but for which I am still grateful.
you again to Norma Solberg and Janine Sullivan-Wiley for leading
the children in song (“There Was a Little Baby”) during our               Happy New Year and stay safe,
December lessons. If you’d like to teach a lesson or assist with
virtual Sunday School, please let me know. The children miss              Donna Obarowski
seeing the familiar faces of everyone at MCC, and we’d love to
have you join us.
Valerie Beard

                                 -3-                                                                      -4-
The Deacons' Bench                                       From the Mission Board
                                                                         Happy New Year everyone!

In my life's journey, I often find myself at crossroads in decisions     It's 4 days until Christmas as I write this article. I am counting my
where there is no clear choice or guaranteed outcome. Sometimes,         blessings. Every member of the congregation stepped up for our
I'm also afraid that my decision may somehow cause harm. At              projects the last two months. We were able to donate $200 to
these times, I pray that the lord can make my decision right in his      GWIM for the Veteran's Day Sandwiches, $300 to Middlebury
eyes. After all, while hanging on the cross, he looked to the            Food Bank for the Thanksgiving baskets for 3 Middlebury
heavens and implored, forgive them for they know not what they           Families, $400 for the Christmas baskets, and $2,300!!!! to
do. He overturned what could be called man's worst choice and            Wellmore for the Star Tree. This included an anonymous $500
glorified it, through his death.                                         donation.

2020 is fortunately leaving us with all its disruptions and upheaval.    The food bins, sock bin, and mitten bin have been filled on a
We prayerfully kept our gaze on our Lord's teaching as brought to        regular basis. We will continue collecting necessary items through
us in the Middlebury Congregational Church through the                   February. Thank you Mike Granja for collecting these donations
leadership of the Rev. Manzi.                                            and delivering them to GWIM.

I was lucky enough this past year to attend an estate sale and find      In other news, we usually have a blood drive in February. This
The Book of Daily Devotions that was gifted on a couples wedding         year that won't happen as our social hall does not meet the 1600
day in 1946. Its January 1 entry prayer was authored by Aquilla          foot requirement. Please continue to give blood at other venues.
Webb. It reads, “ETERNAL GOD, our Heavenly Father, we thank
Thee that Thou hast permitted us to come to the threshold of             My God is a mighty God!
another year. As we begin this journey through the weeks and the
months stretching out ahead of us, we pause a little while to ask        Blessings in Christ.
Thy special blessing and to seek Thy guidance along the way we           Brenda Romaniello
expect to travel. If we live this year through, we desire our lives to   Mission Chair
count for Thee and for the glory of Thy dear Son, our Saviour. If
at some place on the journey Thou should call us home, we desire                Keeping people Warm this Winter!
to be ready to meet Thee face to face and to hear Thee say, "Well                   We are still collecting for GWIM:
Done." We thank Thee for past mercies and for countless
blessings; for the love wherewith Thou hast loved us; for Thy              Socks for the          Hats, gloves,           Items for the
Word which has been our guidebook through life; and, most of all,           homeless.           mittens & scarves.         Food Bank.
for Thy dear Son, our risen and ascended Lord. Make this year to
be rich in blessing, and if Thou dost permit us to travel through it
to its end, let it be the best year of our lives, because we have had
fellowship with Christ. In His name we ask. Amen”

Michael Granja, on behalf of the Diaconate                               Your donations may be place in the bins outside the
                                                                                     exterior office entrance.
                                 -5-                                                                     -6-

First, many thanks again to our loyal church members and friends
                                                                                           Join Magnet & Help Spread
who contributed to the success of our Stewardship campaign for                                 Cheer This Winter
2021! As of this writing in mid-December, we had received 50
                                                                                            In order to spread some cheer during this Winter
pledges and another 13 automated online givers, for a total of more
                                                                                            season, let's have fun sending Magnet, our friendly
than $111,000 toward our $150,000 goal. The average pledge is
                                                                                            Winter mascot, to as many MCC friends as we can!
up, too, by about 10 percent.
                                                                                            This is a simple way to spread a little cheer, and to
                                                                                            reach out
Pledges usually continue to arrive through the end of the year, so
                                                                       to one another and say "I'm thinking of you!" This is NOT a fund-raiser,
by the time you read this in early January we’ll be closer to the
                                                                       it's a heart-warmer!
goal. If you haven’t sent in your pledge yet, please to do so now so
it can be included in our 2021 budget that we will vote on at the                             HOW IT WORKS:
annual meeting in late January.                                        Starting the week of January 1st, Magnet will make her debut by
                                                                       being dropped at the doorstep of the first home (who knows where that
Giving—and gratitude—continue throughout the year, not just            will be?). If Magnet appears at your door, you have up to a week to
during the four months from September to December. The Board           enjoy her company and then it's YOUR turn to identify a new
of Stewardship looks forward to working with the Trustees,             MCC family/friend for her to visit.           Once you select a new
Diaconate, Mission and Faith Formation boards to move our              family/friend, simply drop her off with a note of greeting from you (in
church’s mission forward throughout the year.                          the tin provided). You will also include the set of directions (which will
                                                                       pass from recipient to recipient) so that everyone knows what to do,
A happy—and healthy—new year to all as we look forward to              and so we can keep track of who has already visited with Magnet. You
worshiping together again in 2021!                                     are welcome to send a picture of you and Magnet to Jeanine
                                                                       Bonaventure at jbonaventure@middleburyucc.org and she can include it
                 — Howard Fielding for the Board of Stewardship        in our weekly Crier update. EASY & FUN! Let's see how many visits
                                                                       Magnet can make!
                                                                                    A FEW IMPORTANT THINGS:
                                                                          If you receive Magnet and do not wish to participate -OR- want
                                                                           someone else to drop her off for you to the next family/friend,
                    CHURCH RECORDS
                                                                           contact Michele Finn for assistance at michfinn@comcast.net or
                                                                          Directions are attached to this e-mail so that you can review how
Howard A. (Skip) Northrop* on December 4th.
                                                                           this works. Once we start, directions will "travel" with Magnet.

                                                                       Let Magnet do your in-person visiting with her cheerful presence and
                                                                       your words of greeting. Should you be "caught in the act" when
             The Deadline for                                          dropping her off, please mind social distancing protocols so that
          February Church Life:                                        everyone remains comfortable with the spirit of this effort.
      Monday, January 18th @ 9:00 a.m.

                                -7-                                                                      -8-
January 2021
        SUNDAY                     MONDAY              TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY            THURSDAY                FRIDAY              SATURDAY
                                                                                                                        OFFICE CLOSED   1                    2
             No matter how hard the past,                                                                                                    10:30 AA

                          You can always begin again.
                                                                                             ⁓ BUDHA

                        3                     4                          5                   6                      7                    8                   9
10:00 Virtual                                                                                    10:30 AA                                    10:30 AA
       Worship                                     12:00 AA
11:15         Coffee Hr                            7:00          Yoga
                            6:30      Diaconate    5:30          Mission     7:00 AA             7:00 Boy Scouts
                                            Mtg.                    Mtg.
                                                   7:30 AA
                    10                       11                         12                  13                     14                   15                  16
10:00 Virtual                                                                                    10:30 AA                                    10:30 AA
       Worship                                     12:00 AA
11:15         Coffee Hr                            7:00          Yoga
                            7:00       Preschool   7:00          Trustees    7:00 AA             7:00 Boy Scouts
                                     Comm. Mtg.                      Mtg.
                                                   7:30 AA
                    17                       18                         19                  20                     21                   22                  23
10:00 Virtual                                      12:00 AA                                      10:30 AA                                    10:30 AA
       Worship                                     7:00         Yoga
11:15         Coffee Hr                            6:30         Church
                                                              Council Mtg.   7:00 AA             7:00 Boy Scouts
                                                   7:30 AA
                    24                       25                         26                  27                     28                   29                  30
10:00 Virtual                                                                                    10:30 AA                                    10:30 AA
       Worship                                     12:00 AA
11:15         Coffee Hr                                                                          7:00 Book Club
                                                   7:00          Yoga        7:00 AA             7:00 Boy Scouts
                                                   7:30 AA
10:00 Virtual
11:30-12:00 Soup Sale
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