January/February 2019 - IN.gov

Page created by Gary Cobb
January/February 2019 - IN.gov
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January/February 2019 - IN.gov
Susan decided to become a foster parent when she met a teen                 Through fostering, Susan and Brent learned that parenting
who was in foster care, a classmate of her daughter Vanessa. Susan          children with traumatic pasts was much different from the
says she and her husband, Brent, went through the traditional               parenting they had done before fostering. “With kids who have
process. “We took classes. We got a foster care license. We were            been through trauma, it’s a dozen times harder,” says Brent.
open to adoption, so we became Recommended to Adopt. We
attended Meet & Greet events.”                                              “But fostering and adopting gave me the gift of learning who I
                                                                            really am and what I am capable of,” says Susan. Both parents
Susan told her caseworkers at the Department of Child Services              recommend learning as much as possible about attachment.
that she would be glad to take in the most difficult kids. “I told          “The quicker you get that part done, the quicker you can work on
them I wanted teenagers, but they sent me babies and young                  issues,” says Susan, “Bonding was a challenge, especially learning
sibling groups!” Susan and Brent remember feeling overwhelmed               how to bond with older children. It has to be intentional.”
by the diapers and the lack of sleep while they parented babies
who were born addicted to substances and would cry for hours                                                  CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
on end.

Despite the difficulty, Susan and Brent grieved when their foster
children left their home, even when the children were successfully
reunified with their families. “It’s really easy to get attached,” states
Brent. That attachment, though, is what Susan and Brent hoped
to teach each child in their home.

Susan and Brent adopted five children, all of whom began as
foster care placements and whose plan changed to adoption
while Susan and Brent were fostering.

Vanessa says it was a shock to go from being an only child to
having five new siblings. “But today, I couldn’t picture our family
without them,” she says. “My favorite part of being in a foster and
adoptive family is being able to witness the positive change that
children go through when they experience a permanent, loving
January/February 2019 - IN.gov
Opening hearts. Changing lives.

    W elcome to the
      Indiana Adoption
              A doption Program

           The Indiana Adoption Program is a statewide effort to create permanence for children who are wards
           of the State of Indiana. It is a program of the Indiana Department of Child Services in collaboration
           with the Children’s Bureau, Inc.

           There are many aspects of adoption and the Indiana Adoption Program is just one of those aspects.
           W e will help you consider some aspects of adoption in this book.

           The picture
                picture book
                        book is
                              is also
                                  also available
                                       available on
                                                 on the
                                                     the internet.
                                                         internet. To
                                                                    To view
                                                                       view aa current
                                                                               current list
                                                                                       list of
                                                                                            of children
                                                                                               children available
                                                                                                        available go
                                                                                                                   go to
           http:/ / www.adoptuskids.org/ states/ in/ index.aspx. YouYou may
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                                                                                                 copy of
                                                                                                       of this
                                                                                                          this “Opening
                                                                                                               “O pening
           Hearts. Changing
                     Changing Lives.”
                               Lives.” Adoption
                                       Adoption Picture
                                                 Picture Book
                                                         Book at   http://www.in.gov/dcs/2737.htm
                                                               at http://www.in.gov/dcs/2737.htm
                                                                   http:/ / www.in.gov/ dcs/ 2737.htm

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           The Indiana
                Indiana Adoption
                        Adoption Program
           c/ o Children’s Bureau
                Children’s Bureau Inc.
           3801 N . Temple Ave. Ste. 1000
                  N. Meridian  St.,
           Indianapolis, IN
                         IN 46208

                                                                                   MARY BETH    J. STIGDON

The Indiana Adoption Program would like to thank                                 PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN,
Nevaeh for the front and back cover illustrations.                                      FAMILIES & FUTURE.

                                                                                                   www.adoptachild.in.gov   1
January/February 2019 - IN.gov
Indiana Adoption Program

    Table of Contents
        What is Adoption? .............................................................................................................................62

        How Do I Start The Adoption Process in Indiana? ..................................................................................63

        How to Adopt Overview ......................................................................................................................64
                Step 1: Educate Yourself about Adoption .....................................................................................64
                Step 2: Decide What Type of Adoption You Want to Pursue ..........................................................64
                Step 3: Investigate Ways to Cover Adoption Expenses ..................................................................64
                Step 4: Select an Adoption Agency .............................................................................................67
                Step 5: Let Your Agency Know You Are Serious about Adopting ....................................................67
                Step 6: Adoption Application .....................................................................................................67
                Step 7: Attend Adoption and Parenting Classes ...........................................................................68
                Step 8: Begin the Family Preparation Process ...............................................................................68
                Step 9: Begin Searching for a Child ............................................................................................69
                Step 10: Considering a Child .....................................................................................................69
                Step 11: Prepare for Your Child’s Arrival .....................................................................................70
                Step 12: The Child is Placed in Your Home ..................................................................................70
                Step 13: File a Petition to Adopt .................................................................................................71
                Step 14: Finalize the Adoption ...................................................................................................71

        Common Challenges of Children With Special Needs ............................................................................72

        The Legal Aspects of Adoption .............................................................................................................74
        Adoption Chart ..................................................................................................................................75

        Youth Connections Program .................................................................................................................76

2    www.adoptachild.in.gov
January/February 2019 - IN.gov
Opening hearts. Changing lives.

                                                 Meet Our Children
If I inquire about a child,
does this mean I will get to                     In this book you will see many different faces of youth.
                                                 The words next to their faces only tell a partial story.
adopt this child?                                Their biography is not complete. Any young person’s
A prospective adoptive parent must have          story is worthy of telling you, yet what you read here
completed the Family Preparation process         about them is just a few short sentences.
and be approved to adopt a child introduced      The paragraphs next to each child are an introduction.
in this book. If you are just beginning that     Beyond the paragraphs, we want you to know the
process or have not yet begun, a child           whole biography of a child when you are considering
you see here may be living with a new            making a commitment as a parent; however here in this
family before you complete the Family            book we balance your need to know with a child’s need
Preparation process.                             for privacy and sense of well-being.
If you become their adoptive parent, a child’s   Children who have experienced foster care all have one
future development, well being, and sense of     thing in common: they have had to leave their home.
family and community will rest with you.         And by that very fact alone, their need for healing,
                                                 stability and nurturing requires attention. Children who
Therefore, adoption requires serious
                                                 have had to endure neglect, abuse, or trauma can face
                                                 many challenges. Those challenges can range from mild
The child’s social worker or adoption team       to severe and can also be temporary or permanent.
will help determine if you and your family are
                                                 The challenges our children face will not be detailed in
compatible with the child and there may also     the introductions. Listing a short medical or mental
be several families that are considering the     health diagnosis can sometimes be misleading and can
same child.                                      breach confidentiality. You can read about some of the
                                                 challenges that are common to many children in the
                                                 adoption program in a separate section of this book.
                                                 In the adoption program, many of the children are older
                                                 and may have physical, mental or emotional
                                                 impairments. Some have brothers and sisters in the
                                                 program with them and they may need to live together
                                                 or they may need to keep their essential connection to
Subscription Information                         each other through different living arrangements.

Please contact                                   The youth featured in this book are in foster care and
iap@childrensbureau.org                          they may live with a foster family or they may be living
if you would like to receive a copy              in a group home or other child-caring facility such as a
of this magazine.                                treatment center. Every child needs the love and support
                                                 of a family. We invite you to learn more about adopting
If you have any questions please call            children in the Indiana Adoption Program.
                                                 You will see a number next to each child’s introduction.
                                                 Please refer to this number when making an inquiry
                                                 about them.

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Indiana Adoption Program

                                                                                   Jaye'den                Nathan                  Nylah
 Mariyah, Aaliyah, & Tiffany                                                      Jaye'den is a bright and creative fourteen-year-old boy who
                                                                                  likes to draw. Jaye'den enjoys staying active, and likes to play
Aaliyah is a stylish and talented sixteen-year-old girl! She has many             sports. His favorite sport is football! In his down time, Jaye'den
goals for herself and she wants a better future. She is a great student and       enjoys playing on the iPad, listening to music, and watching TV.
English is her favorite subject. She enjoys gymnastics, reading, choir,           Jaye'den does well in school, and his favorite subject is math.
and dancing. She is good with her sisters and other children, but does            He is friendly, outgoing, and gets along well with his siblings.
appreciate spending time alone. She is kind and soft-spoken and will
need to be around people who support her and who will listen to her.              Nathan is a personable eleven-year-old who has a great smile! He is an
                                                                                  active and athletic boy who enjoys swimming, football, and soccer.
Mariyah, who is thirteen, has a beautiful smile and outgoing disposition.         He enjoys spending his time outdoors jumping and tumbling! In
She is energetic, sweet, funny, and happy. She is animated and is a great         his down time, Nathan likes to draw, play video games, and watch
conversationalist. She wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She          movies. He is doing well in school and gets along well with his peers.
loves reading, watching television, coloring, and making art.
                                                                                  Nylah is a curious and smart nine-year-old girl! She is very outgoing
Tiffany is a friendly, inquisitive, playful eleven year-old girl. She describes   and likes to be silly. She likes to color, style and comb hair with her
herself as “silly.” She loves attention and loves to smile! She loves watching    dolls, and meet new people. When asked what she likes to do for
tv, especially Barbie cartoons. She plays soccer and listens to Kidz Bop          fun, she says, "Go places!" She is very engaging and outgoing. Nylah
songs. She is playful, friendly, and quick to share a smile.                      is doing well in school, and likes to play learning games on the iPad.

These girls would do best in a two-parent home with a strong, nurturing           Jaye'den, Nathan, and Nylah would benefit from a family
female role model. They need a family that provides understanding,                environment that is stable, structured, and loving. It would be
patience, encouragement, and knowledge of the effects of trauma on                best if parents were able to provide a consistent routine and
children. These sisters are very bright and would do well with a family           adequate supervision. Parents should understand how trauma
who can help them reach their goals and their potential. (8136DEFIA)              affects children. Both two-parent and single-parent homes will be
Lake County                                                                       considered. These siblings hope to live in a home with an African
                                                                                  American family. (8281ABCMN) Allen County

4         www.adoptachild.in.gov                                                         Please go to www.adoptachild.in.gov to view videos.
Opening hearts. Changing lives.

 Trenton & Aaron                                                         Xavier & Tanner
Trenton is a quiet and easy-going sixteen year-old. He describes        Xavier is an outgoing and caring eleven year-old boy! He describes
himself as "very laid back." He likes school, is a quick learner, and   himself as "nice, funny, and active." He likes to play board games,
gets along well with his peers. He is athletic and enjoys playing       play basketball, and draw. He loves animals, and dogs are his
basketball and football. Faith and church attendance are important      favorite. Xavier likes to bake, enjoys crafts, and plays soccer. When
to him. Trenton’s favorite food is sausage pizza with garlic dipping    he is older, he hopes to become a firefighter. If he had three wishes,
sauce. He likes to watch football on television and his favorite team   he would want to fly, have superhero powers, and be a superhero. If
is the Cincinnati Bengals. He enjoys playing video games, and his       Xavier could go anywhere in the world, he would go to Disney World.
favorite is Madden. Trenton has played some Pop Warner Football.        Xavier enjoys learning new things and meeting new people. In the
His favorite movies are “Maze Runner: Scorch Trials,” “The              future, he hopes to join Boys & Girls Club and attend summer camp.
Avengers,” and “Fantastic Four.” If he could have three wishes, he
would invest his money, have a luxury car, and have a nice, loving      Tanner, who is ten, is a nice kid who likes to play video games,
family.                                                                 play Monopoly, and swim. Tanner is proud of his drawing skills!
                                                                        He is doing well in school, where is favorite subject is math.
Aaron is a friendly thirteen year-old boy with a good sense of          Someday, he hopes to travel to Washington D.C. to meet the
humor. His favorite thing about himself is that he is a "leader, not    president! Tanner has only one wish— to have an adoptive family.
a follower." He likes hip-hop music, the San Francisco 49ers, and
video games. Aaron likes playing football and basketball. His goal      The family that would be best for Xavier and Tanner would be
for this year is to do well in school. His faith is important to him    knowledgeable in helping children who have experienced trauma.
and he enjoys going to church with his brothers. If he could visit      Parents who provide structure, safety, and set clear boundaries
anywhere in the world, he would go to Tokyo!                            would help Xavier and Tanner to thrive. They hope a family has a
                                                                        routine and will play with them. They are affectionate and would
The family that would be best for Trenton and Aaron would be            thrive in a home that can provide lots of one-on-one attention.
a single or two-parent home that can provide structure and firm         They would like to live with a family that resides in the country
boundaries. They would benefit having a strong male role model          and has lots of pets. They would like to have a nice, kind, family
in the home. Active parents who can show these boys group and           that enjoys traveling and watches movies together. (8405ABHC)
individual attention would be beneficial for Trenton and Aaron.         Ripley County
Parents will need to be patient and understand the effects of trauma
on children. These boys enjoy attending church and would like to
continue doing so. (8378ABCIA) Lake County

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Indiana Adoption Program

 Jayden                              Nathanial                              Halie                               Kaleb
Jayden is a kind, bright nine-year-old boy! He enjoys playing outside,    Halie is a fun-loving thirteen-year-old girl who is talented at
doing things like flag football, basketball, and climbing trees. In his   singing. Her favorite music is country. She hopes to be a famous
downtime, he would be happy to play a game of chess with you,             actress and singer someday! For fun, Halie likes to jump on the
draw, or play Minecraft. Jayden does well in school, but his favorite     trampoline, play games on her tablet, or ride her bike. She is hoping
day of the school year is "Fun Friday," when students get to "watch       to participate in cheer this year. Halie describes herself as an animal
movies" and "eat good food!" Jayden is a fun-loving, charismatic          person. She likes deer, dogs, and cats. Halie's favorite thing about
nine-year-old.                                                            herself is her big imagination!

Although Nathanial can be a bit shy when you first meet him, when         Kaleb is a fun, lovable, and energetic eleven-year-old boy! He
he begins to open up, his personality shines! Nathanial, who is nine,     enjoys building things, drawing, playing sports, and spending time
has a curiosity about life and is quick to ask questions and engage       outside. Kaleb's foster mother describes him as "a little MacGyver."
with others. Nathanial enjoys playing card games such as Uno and          He can build or fix anything he sets his mind to! In the future,
Go Fish. He likes playing with trucks and cars and listening to           Kaleb hopes to play football, soccer, and tennis. He is a caring and
music – especially country. He likes television and watching Paw          imaginative boy who can brighten your day!
Patrol and SpongeBob SquarePants. His favorite video game is
Mario Cart. He always chooses Mario as his character. His favorite        The home that would be best for Halie and Kaleb would be patient
sports are basketball and football. Nathanial also enjoys other           and understanding. It is important that the potential adoptive
outdoor activities such as going to the park, where he can climb          family has an understanding of how trauma can affect children,
and swing. Those close to Nathanial describe him as an intelligent        and how challenging behaviors can be a result of experienced
and funny nine-year-old boy, who is also creative and is caring.          trauma. Halie and Kaleb hope to have a home with lots of animals
                                                                          with which to play! They would thrive in a loving home that can
The family that would be best for Jayden and Nathanial would              help guide and encourage them. (8649ABDD) Vigo County
be patient and committed to their long-term wellbeing. Potential
parents will need to provide strong support to Jayden and Nathanial.
It would be beneficial for Jayden and Nathanial to join a family
that is active and focused on encouraging their growth through
education and new activities. Parents will need to provide constant
supervision and guidance. It is important that all prospective
families understand the effects trauma can have on children.
(8564ABDD) Owen County

6        www.adoptachild.in.gov                                                  Please go to www.adoptachild.in.gov to view videos.
Opening hearts. Changing lives.

 Gabriel & Elizabeth                                                      Robert, Leroy, & Shawn
Gabriel is a spirited nine-year-old boy! He likes spending his           Robert is fifteen and describes himself as “quiet, shy, and friendly.”
time outside, and will climb trees, ride his bike, and jump on the       What Robert likes most about himself is how helpful he his to his
trampoline. In his down time, he likes to watch television, listen       brothers. Robert’s favorite subject in school is art because he loves
to music, or play games on his tablet. Some of the best things           to draw. For fun, Robert plays soccer, basketball, or video games.
about Gabriel are that he is a creative, likes to laugh, and he enjoys   He wants to try out for his school’s basketball team. His goals are to
helping others.                                                          get good grades, and to be the best he can be! He is an inquisitive
                                                                         and caring young man.
Elizabeth is a very sweet and loving eight-year-old girl. She is
so active! Elizabeth likes to run, climb trees, and play on the          Leroy is an outgoing and confident fourteen-year-old boy! “I’m a
trampoline. Elizabeth is creative! She enjoys arts and crafts, such      cheerful person!” he says. Leroy excels in school, where he enjoys
as building things, drawing, and painting. Elizabeth also likes to       reading, math, and art. He likes to draw, play basketball or soccer,
play with baby dolls. Elizabeth is quick to help in the kitchen, and     and play make-believe. He says, “We act out different things and it
enjoys cooking. Elizabeth is bright, independent, and has all the        makes us laugh!” Leroy is a friendly boy who has a smile that will
qualities of a leader!                                                   light up a room.

The family that would be best for Gabriel and Elizabeth would give       Shawn, who is twelve, is very caring, and enjoys spending time
them stability. They would thrive in a family that can shower them       with his brothers. He can appear pensive when you first meet him,
in attention and support. It is important that an adoptive family        but he is a sweet kid with a big heart! He likes to draw, play with
understands how trauma can affect a child. (8705ABHC) Dearborn           toy cars, and ride his bike. His favorite sport is basketball. If Shawn
County                                                                   had three wishes, he would want to become a pro basketball player,
                                                                         drive a racecar, and have more wishes.

                                                                         Robert, Leroy, and Shawn will need strong single or two-parent
                                                                         family that maintains consistency and understands how trauma
                                                                         can affect children. Shawn thrives when he is given praise and
                                                                         encouragement, as well as clear expectations. Parents must provide
                                                                         supportive, nurturing care and help these boys maintain their
                                                                         sibling bond. (8731ABCIA) Lake County

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Indiana Adoption Program

 Abigael "AJ" & Caleb                                                       Cayden & Khloe
Abigael, who goes by AJ, has big plans for her future. When she            Cayden, who is thirteen, plays the piano and loves sports. Baseball,
grows up, AJ is determined to become a nurse, so that she can help         football, soccer, and swimming are his favorites. Cayden is a very
children. She is an intelligent and kind fifteen-year-old who often        outgoing and polite young man. If he could have three wishes, he
takes on a motherly role with younger children. AJ has a good              would want "a good church family, for the world to be a perfect
sense of humor and enjoys reading, writing, and drawing. Initially,        place, and to have an overall good family." Cayden loves trucks and
she may come off shy, but once she gets to know you, AJ is very            is good at fixing things. He is very intellectual. He loves to learn!
open and honest.
                                                                           Khloe's favorite colors are pink, purple, and yellow. She's a very
Caleb is an outgoing and friendly young man! He is fourteen, and           bubbly eight-year-old girl who loves anything that relates to Disney
describes himself as funny and his favorite thing about himself            princesses. Khloe is very artistic. She is good at drawing and
is that he is smart! Caleb loves to watch movies, and his favorite         coloring. She also enjoys riding bikes, playing softball, dancing,
movies are the Lord of the Rings series. He is very creative, and          and jumping on the trampoline. She loves to be outside. In her free
makes time to write and draw. He likes to write his own songs and          time, Khloe likes to sing and watch television.
likes to sing them to people! If he could go anywhere in the world,
he would want to go to Hawaii to relax on the beach, learn to surf,        Cayden and Khloe need a family that understands how trauma can
and maybe even try to hula! Caleb is confident, charming guy who           affect a child throughout their lifetimes. Cayden and Khloe do well
determined and eager to be adopted.                                        with supervision and boundaries. They enjoy animals and would
                                                                           do well with pets. They each need one-on-one attention and would
AJ and Caleb would like to live in a two-parent home with a mother         do best in a home where they could be the only or the youngest
and a father. They would benefit from having parents who are               children. They do enjoy church and would like a mom and a dad
strong, yet sensitive. They would thrive if given plenty of attention,     who are loving. (8785ABMN) Elkhart County
so they will benefit from being the only children. AJ and Caleb
needs a family who is knowledgeable about trauma informed
care and understands how trauma can affect a child throughout a
child's life. They will do well with a family that is calm, patient, and
understanding. (8727WS/8781WS) Hamilton County

   8     www.adoptachild.in.gov                                                  Please go to www.adoptachild.in.gov to view videos.
Opening hearts. Changing lives.

 Jessica, Emma, Sam, & Kaitlyn                                                  Jaden & Camron
Jessica is a bright twelve-year-old girl with a bubbly personality! Jessica    Jaden is a bright fifteen-year-old boy who does well in school. His
loves school, and she was on the honor roll this year. She does not have       favorite subject is science. For fun, he likes to play video games, or
a favorite subject—she likes all of them! She also participates in track       play basketball or football with his friends. Jaden enjoys cooking,
and gymnastics. Jessica has a wild imagination, and likes to create
games to play with her siblings. She makes up elaborate stories when           and he likes all types foods. In his down time, Jaden enjoys drawing
she plays dolls with her sisters. In her down time, Jessica likes to draw,     and is very good at it. He would love to travel out of the country
or ride her bike outside. Jessica is a creative, helpful, and friendly child   someday. He describes himself as happy, and his favorite thing
who is a great big sister!                                                     about himself is his drawing abilities.
Emma, who is ten, is thoughtful and caring, and she likes to spend time
with her sisters. Emma likes to play to made up games, draw, and create        Camron is a nice, thoughtful, playful, and funny thirteen-year-old
things with modeling clay. She likes to listen to music, and her favorite      boy. Social studies is his favorite subject. He is also learning Spanish,
artists are Demi Lovato and Shawn Mendes. Emma loves to read! Her              and enjoys it! Camron likes to play video games, play football and
favorite books are the “Dork Diaries” and the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”
series. She is artistic, and likes to draw. Emma is a great big sister and     basketball. Camron is active in his church youth group. What he
protective of her siblings. She is a leader!                                   likes most about himself is Camron gets along well with everyone.
Sam is a sweet ten-year-old boy. He likes to ride his bike and play            Jaden and Camron need a loving and patient family. It is important
basketball. His favorite basketball teams are the Cavaliers and the
Celtics. He likes school, and his favorite class is physical education. His    they have consistency and stability in the family so they may feel
second favorite class is recess! Sam played on the school’s basketball         safe and loved. Jaden and Camron need to know that their adoptive
team. He loves being active, and would like to try out other sports.           family will always be in their life. They do well around animals and
If he is not outside playing, Sam likes to play with LEGOs. He went            hope to have a dog in their adoptive home. Camron said he wants
fishing one time, and would like to go again! Sam’s strengths are that he
is helpful, caring, and a talented athlete.                                    to take vacations as a family someday. They both want a family that
                                                                               will talk, hang out, and play games with each other. (8826ABDD)
Kaitlyn is a friendly and fun six-year-old girl! She loves to talk and play    Vanderburgh County
with her siblings. She likes board games, and her favorite is Monopoly.
She likes to play outside on the swings, and wants to learn how to ride
a bike. Kaitlyn likes to color, and is proud of her colorings. She is very
excited about school and cannot wait to learn to read! Her sisters are
her best friends, and she looks up to them. Kaitlyn is a happy, energetic
little girl!
Jessica, Emma, Samuel, and Kaitlyn need a family that spends quality
time together, shares meals, and will support involvement in extra-
curricular activities. They will need a slow transition into an adoptive
family so they may adjust to a new home. Parents should be patient,
and able to provide Jessica, Emma, Sam, and Kaitlyn with stability. It is
important that a potential family understands how trauma can affect
children. These siblings must be placed together to nurture their strong
sibling bond. (8813ABCDDD) Monroe County

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Indiana Adoption Program

 Aquyla & Aquanis                                                           Danek                               Eli
Aquyla, who is twelve, is a bright, confident young lady who              Danek, who is twelve, is a very cool kid! He is funny, creative, and
describes herself as funny and smart! She is charming and outgoing        loving. His favorite movies are from the Harry Potter series. He
and she makes friends easily. For fun, Aquyla enjoys drawing and          wants to go to Harry Potter World and buy his own wand. Danek is
                                                                          in his school’s band, and plays the trumpet. In the past, he has played
running. She recently ran a 5K. In her down time, she will sit with       on soccer and baseball teams. He is very involved in his church, and
a good book or journal. She loves pop music. Hailee Steinfeld is her      really enjoys youth group. Danek loves to play, and he will spend
favorite musician. Aquyla dreams of becoming an actress someday,          his afternoons swimming, riding his bike, or rollerblading. Danek
but for now she is focusing on getting good grades this year! Aquyla      also likes to play video games. He is thoughtful and kind. What
believes her greatest strength is that she helps others.                  Danek likes most about himself is his great imagination!

                                                                          Eli is a cute four-year-old with a big smile! He is smart, lovable, and
Aquanis is a true gentleman! What he likes most about himself is          kind. He looks ups to his older brother, Danek. Eli is a charmer,
that he plays well with others. Aquanis is eight, and enjoys playing      and he likes to make others laugh, and be the center of attention.
video games, basketball, or going to the movies. He enjoys doing          He likes to play ball, or ride his bike outside with his brother. He
puzzles or playing with his LEGOs. His favorite movie is Black            also likes to build with blocks or LEGOs. His favorite show is “Paw
                                                                          Patrol.” He is a strong swimmer, and loves to be in the water. His
Panther, but he really enjoys The Avengers series. Aquanis is an          foster parent’s favorite thing about Eli is his sense of humor! Eli
active boy who enjoys learning. His favorite subject in school is         loves to make others smile.
gym. Overall, Aquanis is a loveable, easy-going kid!
                                                                          Danek and Eli would do best in a single or two-parent family with
Aquyla and Aquanis would do best in a loving family that can              a strong, nurturing female caregiver. It is important that Danek
                                                                          and Eli are adopted together. They have thrived in a calm home
provide structure, safety, and stability. It is important that they are   with lots of stability. It would be best if Danek and Eli were the
in a home where they have supervision. Potential adoptive parents         youngest or only children in the home so they can receive the
must understand how trauma can affect children. (8838ABIA)                attention that they need adjusting to an adoptive home. They both
Lake County                                                               love animals, and want a family that has a dog. Danek loves to help
                                                                          out with the animals in his current foster home. Eli and Danek
                                                                          will need a family that understands how trauma can affect a child.
                                                                          (8850ABHC) Adams County

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Opening hearts. Changing lives.

 Kamiya, Kristal, Kristianna, & Christopher
Kamiya is an outgoing, bright, and helpful eight-year-old girl! She
enjoys riding bikes, playing with her friends, and going to school.
She is on the AB honor roll at her school! She is thoughtful and
caring, and is very nurturing towards her siblings. Kamiya loves
music, and likes to dance and sing!

Kristal is a bubbly and outgoing seven-year-old. She loves music
and dance, and hopes to take dance classes in the future. What
others like most about Kristal is she is always happy!

Kristianna, who is five, is sweet and has a lot of energy! She likes
to play outside with her friends and siblings. She loves music and
dancing, and would like to take dance classes. She is a talkative and
charming little girl.

Christopher, who is four, can be shy, but once he gets to know
you he warms up quickly. He loves superheroes, and some of his
favorites are Spider-Man and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
For fun, Christopher likes to play with his toy cars and trucks, play
outside in the sandbox, as well as color and read. He is a sweet and
friendly boy.

The family that would be best for Kamiya, Kristal, Kristianna, and
Christopher would help them experience and learn new things,
and advocate for their educational needs. An adoptive family must
remain committed to them unconditionally to strengthen their
sibling bond. It is important that potential parents understand how
trauma can affect a child. (8865ABCDDD) Monroe County

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Indiana Adoption Program
                                    CONTINUED FROM INSIDE FRONT COVER

                                    Susan recommends the book “The Connected
                                    Child.” She says the book and the classes they took
                                    helped her to understand the different situations
                                    her children had experienced, and how remarkable
                                    it is when you can help them overcome trauma.

                                    “The best part about adoption is the sense of
                                    belonging,” she says, “and the gift of love given by
                                    children who had terrible hurt in their lives, but
                                    choose to love me anyway.”

                                    Darrell, their 16-year-old son, tried hard to look
                                    after his younger siblings when he first came into
                                    foster care. Susan remembers how mature and
                                    well-behaved he was, and how badly they wanted
                                    him to experience childhood and not feel like he
                                    had to look after his siblings.

                                    To this day he is still mature and well-mannered,
                                    and he is glad to be part of a family who supports
                                    him and helped him to find a job. His advice for
                                    families who are interested in adoption is, “Be
                                    prepared for crazy kids, but don’t give up.” His
                                    advice echoes his parents’ commitment to helping
                                    all of their children through the good times as well
                                    as through tough seasons.

                                    “It’s scary when you first come [into foster care],”
                                    admits 13-year-old Dakota, “and for a long time
                                    after, maybe a month, it’s like ‘Who the heck are
                                    these people?’” But now, Dakota says his favorite
                                    thing about his family is, “Everything!” Dakota
                                    defines family as, “being kind to each other, helping
                                    and caring for each other. Family is love.”

                                    Desi recently turned 15 and her favorite part about
                                    her family is the family dog, Dixie, singing songs,
                                    and getting her nails done by her big sister.

                                    Allen, who is 10, says, “Family used to mean
                                    fighting, but now it means helping each other
                                    become something. Family is people who can be
                                    with you and grow with you forever.”

                                    Aiden, the youngest at age 9, agrees and says,
                                    “Family is the most important thing in life.”

12   www.adoptachild.in.gov         Please go to www.adoptachild.in.gov to view videos.
Opening hearts. Changing lives.

Our adoption Meet & Greet
events are fun for all! At our
December event, we played
minute-to-win-it games,
decorated photo frames, learned
how to floss, ate pizza and salad,
and made plenty of glittery,
colorful slime.

If you are a foster family who
is open to adoption, or if you
would like to meet the children
whose profiles are featured in
this book, please e-mail our team
to learn how you can attend one
of our fun, interactive events!

Message us on Facebook at
Indiana Adoption Program
or e-mail our team at

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                                               Indiana Adoption Program
                                               celebrated National Adoption
                                               Month in courts and communities
                                               across the state this November!
                                               We got to witness hundreds of
                                               adoptions and thousands of
                                               smiling faces. Here are just a few
                                               photo highlights from our events.

                                               If you would like to take the first
                                               steps toward fostering or adoption,
                                               you can e-mail us at
                                               iap@childrensbureau.org or
                                               message us on Facebook at
                                               Indiana Adoption Program.

                                               We are already excited for National
                                               Adoption Month 2019 and we
                                               hope to celebrate with you!

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Opening hearts. Changing lives.

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 Sylvester                                       Alan                                               Damon
Sylvester is a very lovable, calm, and          Alan, who is fifteen, describes himself as         Damon is a fifteen-year-old boy with
handsome seventeen-year-old boy. In the         funny and artistic. He hopes to have a nice,       many interests, like being outdoors and
summer he loves to play in the pool and         caring family that travels. For fun, Alan          participating in sports. He loves being
he enjoys watching the Disney Channel,          enjoys LEGOs and Pokémon. Alan’s favorite          active and likes to ride his bike and play
coloring, and dancing. His favorite movie       Pokémon is Charazard, and he likes to play         baseball and basketball. He enjoys fishing
is “Red Tails” and he enjoys when someone       with trading cards and virtual games. Alan         and camping and prefers playing outside.
reads to him. Sylvester is bright and           wants to be an inventor or a video game            Damon also likes playing video games
maintains good grades in school. Sylvester’s    designer when he grows up. He loves dogs           on his tablet and is eager to show those
favorite classes are gym, music, and art. He    of all sizes, and if he had his own dog, he        interested how to play. His favorite video
would like to be a policeman when he grows      would name it "Coco." He is very good at           game is Minecraft. Damon likes to play by
up. When asked where he would like to go        building things. He likes to build space           himself or one friend at a time. He excels
someday, he says, “to college.”                 ships out of LEGOs! He would like to visit         in school and enjoys all subjects, especially
                                                LEGOland in Chicago someday. His second            math and science. Damon describes himself
Sylvester needs a nurturing family that         dream destination would be Japan. Alan             as "funny" and "awesome." He is driven and
can provide stability, supervision, and         plays basketball, and he wants to be on a          has a positive demeanor.
appropriate medical attention. He would         team someday. His favorite NBA team is the
greatly benefit from a two-parent home.         Chicago Bulls. In school, Alan enjoys art,         Damon would do best in a family that
Sylvester needs a strong male figure who        science, and gym. Alan is an easy-going kid        can provide lots of attention, structure,
will be consistent with discipline and who      whose smile will brighten your day!                and stability, as well as nurture him. It
is willing to spend a lot of one-on-one time                                                       would be best if he was an only child or
with him. He would do best in a home with       Alan needs a loving, patient family that can       there were older children in the home.
only older children. He needs a family with     nurture him and help him reach his fullest         Parents should be patient and be able to
a lot of patience and love to get him through   potential. Alan will need a lot of one-on-         advocate for his educational and emotional
the trauma that he has experienced.             one attention and his family will need to be       needs. Both single and two-parent
Sylvester has siblings with whom he             willing to take plenty of time for him to adjust   homes will be considered. (7047BBD)
will need to maintain contact. (4063IA)         to change. Alan does best with structure and       Bartholomew County
Lake County                                     routine and it would be best for him to be
                                                an only child. Any potential family will need
                                                to be committed to supporting Alan. Alan
                                                wants a family that is nice and caring, as well
                                                as active and involved in the community.
                                                (6056SG) Marion County

16       www.adoptachild.in.gov                                                     Please go to www.adoptachild.in.gov to view videos.
Opening hearts. Changing lives.

 Avery                                           Isaiah                                          Kylis
Avery has a happy disposition and is quick      Isaiah is a fourteen-year-old who describes     Kylis is a sixteen-year-old boy who is fun to
to smile. He enjoys watching animals and        himself as nice and funny. He likes to          be around. He is very outgoing, pleasant, and
spending time outside. He likes to sit at the   joke around! He enjoys school, where            polite. He likes to spend his time drawing,
window and watch the birds. Avery gets          he participates in theater and cheer after      playing video games, riding bicycles, and
very excited to watch his foster family’s       school. The performing arts are one of Isaiah   playing with friends. Recently, Kylis enjoys
chickens and dogs. Avery loves to swing!        passions. He participates in a community        swimming, and says he enjoys spending
He has a swing inside that he enjoys. He        theater in his town where he helps build        time outdoors. He likes to be around peers
likes to put puzzles together and enjoys        sets for productions. He has flourished         and enjoys attention from adults. He likes
participating in home-based school. He          during his involvement with theater. Isaiah     school, especially math and science. When
likes listening to stories, and enjoys arts     hopes to travel to Europe someday to see        he is older, he hopes to become an engineer!
and crafts. Avery also enjoys music and         castles and learn about history. Isaiah is      Kylis hopes to have a family with whom he
watching TV programs. He especially likes       a hard worker, and has a job at a local         can go to the movies. He wants parents who
to watch the Disney Channel. Avery loves        restaurant. Those close to Isaiah think he is   are "nice and cool." What he wants people to
to spend time with others. He is bubbly and     a remarkable young man!                         know about him is he is "fun to be around."
a lot of fun!
                                                Isaiah would do best in a family that is        Kylis would do well in a home that can
Avery is a very sweet boy who needs a family    supportive and encouraging. The ideal           provide structure and consistency. He needs
that is committed to him and his many           adoptive family would be understanding          a family that is attentive to him, will let him
medical challenges. It would be beneficial to   and open-minded. It is important that           know he is important, and will ensure him
have a family that is familiar with parenting   his potential family continues to support       that he is safe. Parents must commit to
a child with special needs. Families with an    Isaiah’s involvement in activities after        Kylis' permanency. Kylis would benefit from
excellent support network, and knowledge        school and in the community. (8042CBD)          a family that is patient and understanding,
of developmental delays and medical needs       Jackson County                                  and able to encourage Kylis. Parents should
are preferred. It would be recommended                                                          provide Kylis with a variety of activities
that the family be familiar with or willing                                                     to offer structure. Both single-parent and
to learn sign language, as this would allow                                                     two-parent families will be considered.
the family to communicate with Avery.                                                           (8060DD) Vanderburgh County
(8039MN) Allen County

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 Aniya                                            Briestyn                                         Michael
Aniya is a seventeen year-old girl who           Briestyn is an intelligent, funny, and           Michael loves to try new things! He gets
describes herself as “outgoing, curious,         energetic fourteen year-old boy! Briestyn        very excited about learning new skills,
understanding, and caring.” Those close to       loves the outdoors, and doing activities such    like how to swim or how to play baseball.
Aniya say their favorite quality about her       as riding bikes, jumping on a trampoline,        Basketball is his favorite sport and he also
is her personality, as well as her passion.      and playing with animals. He also enjoys         loves to play with action figures, Nerf toys,
Aniya’s favorite thing about herself is also     watching movies, listening to rap music,         and puzzles. Michael is a polite and soft-
her personality! Aniya is in the tenth grade,    playing video games, and drawing. Briestyn       spoken fourteen-year-old. He can also be
and her favorite subject is history. She hopes   has natural athletic ability and enjoys          very funny! He enjoys making art and he
to participate in cheer, volleyball, soccer,     playing football and basketball. Breistyn’s      loves television shows and video games. He
and other after school programs. When she        favorite football team is the Seattle            hopes to become an actor when he is older.
is older, Aniya wants to be an OBGYN, or         Seahawks. He would like to play wide             When asked what kind of home he would
join the military. For fun, Aniya likes to       receiver on a football team in the future.       like, he said, "I am not too picky, but I hope
play soccer, listen to music, sing, and spend    He is eager to try new things, especially if     they have a TV!" Michael is very helpful,
time with others. She enjoys being active!       it involves physical challenges or creativity!   and his favorite thing about himself is he
When asked what’s important to Aniya, she        Briestyn has a wonderful sense of humor,         can do the splits!
says, “trustworthiness and responsibility.”      and is compassionate and caring. He is an
She wants a family that is caring, and even      engaging young man who is full of life!          Michael needs a loving, stable, permanent
when she is having a bad day will ask,                                                            home where he can receive plenty of one-
“Want to talk?” Overall, Aniya just wants a      Briestyn would be most successful in a           on-one attention. Michael would do well
loving family.                                   two-parent home, with an extended family         in a single parent or two-parent home with
                                                 support system. His family will need to          or without siblings. Michael's new family
Aniya has a strong desire to be part of a        provide close supervision and plenty of one-     will need to advocate for his education
family. The family that would be best for her    on-one attention. He needs a family that is      and provide structure, patience, and
would be calm and consistent. She needs a        encouraging, strong, and patient to help         reassurance. (8121IA) Lake County
loving and patient family that can help her      him overcome his intense emotional and
deal with the loss she has experienced. She      behavioral needs. Briestyn would do best
would benefit from having a strong female        as an only child, or as the youngest child
role model who can encourage and guide           with an older sibling who can be a positive
her. Both single parent and two-parent           role model. Briestyn needs parents who will
families will be considered. (8097SG)            show him unconditional love. (8106DD)
Marion County                                    Vermillion County

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Opening hearts. Changing lives.

Tyresa                                          Aubra "Zack"                                      Jonathan
Tyresa is a very smart and inquisitive         Aubra, who goes by "Zack," is an imaginative,     Jonathan is a friendly, adventurous sixtteen-
fourteen-year-old girl who is a joy to be      inquisitive, and funny fifteen-year-old boy!      year-old boy who loves to play outside. He
around,and she can be very insightful. For     He is very interested in computers and            enjoys spending time with adults, and can
fun, Tyresa likes to spend time with her       technology, especially video games. He            be quite helpful in the home. Riding his
friends or read. Tyresa loves to laugh and     once learned how to build a computer in           bike is one of Jonathan's favorite activities!
make others laugh, so her favorite thing       school! Zack enjoys putting things together       He also enjoys kicking around the soccer
about her self is that she is funny. Tyresa    and figuring out how they work. Zack likes        ball. Jonathan works very hard to be as
has interest in dance, gymnastics, and art.    LEGOs and comic books. He is fascinated           independent as he can be and he has made
Tyresa likes to listen to music in her down    by Greek mytholog and symbols. Zack's             great strides. Jonathan's teacher thinks he
time. When she grows up, she wants to be       favorite thing about himself is that he is a      is remarkable young man who is sweet and
a therapist.                                   quick learner. Those close to Zack like that      caring. In school, Jonathan enjoys group
                                               he smiles a lot, and he is eager to learn. In     reading time, as well as recess! He is quick
Tyresa needs an understanding, patient,        the future, he hopes to travel the world.         to lend a helping hand to his teachers. One
structured home, preferably with two           Zack describes himself as funny, helpful,         of our favorite things about Jonathan is his
parents. Her new family will need to           and believes anything is possible if you set      easy-going nature!
encourage her to have the childhood she        your mind to it!
missed out on and also will need to advocate                                                     Jonathan would do best with a family that
for her emotional wellbeing. Potential         Zack will do best with a family that is patient   can provide structure and consistency. He
parents should be active and model good        and understanding. His new family can help        needs a single parent or two-parent home
behavior. Tyresa would thrive in a home        him by providing structure and routine.           with a family that can provide supervision,
where she is the only or youngest child. She   Zack thrives on one-on-one attention and          encouragement, and attention to his
has a sibling with whom she will need to       encouragement. He would do best as the            medical and educational needs. Jonathan
remain in contact. (8122IA) Lake County        youngest or only child in a family. He needs      does well with other children and pets.
                                               a family that supports his imagination, but       (8149IA) Newton County
                                               is also comfortable in being realistic with
                                               Zack. It is important that an adoptive family
                                               understands how trauma affects children.
                                               Zack hopes he is adopted by a nice, fun, and
                                                active family. (8125WS) Miami County

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Indiana Adoption Program

 James                                             Charles                                          Austin
James is an intelligent, funny, and caring        Charles is a bright thirteen-year-old boy        Austin is a shy thirteen year-old boy when
fifteen-year-old boy. He is very clever and       who enjoys music and video games. He             you first meet him, but once he opens up,
he has a great memory. He is friendly and         describes himself as friendly and funny.         he is friendly and inquisitive. Austin has a
easy-going. James likes "every kind of animal,    Charles like likes to play basketball, as well   desire to excel in school and in Boy Scouts.
except for snakes, crocodiles, and spiders."      dance, draw, and watch movies. Charles           He gets along well with others and is polite.
James is energetic, so he loves to run and play   does well in school, and enjoys studying         Austin loves the outdoors and spends lots
outside. James describes himself as, "nice and    with his classmates. He recently participated    of time outside swimming, helping others,
sometimes funny," and he is "still thinking"      in his school's spelling bowl, as well as art    or playing sports. He likes to play football
about what he wants to be when he grows up.       club! What Charles likes most about himself      and basketball, and likes the Chicago Bears
                                                  is that he loves a good debate. When he is       and the Indiana Pacers. He wants to be
James would benefit from being in a home          older, Charles would like to be a lawyer,        a professional athlete or a police officer
where the caregivers are encouraging and          teacher, or a police officer. Charles likes      someday. Austin has a big imagination and
nurturing. He would do well in a home with        dogs, and wants to adopt one and name it         likes to talk about super heroes. If Austin
a strong male role model. James needs parents     “Max.” Charles is smart and personable, and      could go anywhere, he would want to go
who will help him express his feelings and        gets along well with others.                     to an amusement park and ride all of the
create a safe environment to do so. James                                                          roller coasters. Austin gets along well with
would thrive in a home where he is able to        Charles would do well in a loving two-parent     animals, and especially loves dogs.
participate in extracurricular and community      home with parents who are firm, but fair. He
events, and where the parents are actively        will need supervision and parents who can        The home that would be best for Austin
involved and supportive of these endeavors.       provide consistency, stability, and patience.    would      provide     structure,    stability,
(8156ABD) Scott County                            Charles would benefit from a strong male         predictability, with patient parents who are
                                                  role model in his life who can provide           available for Austin. A two-parent home
                                                  positive one-on-one attention. Charles           where the family enjoys being active would
                                                  would thrive in a home where the parents         be beneficial for Austin. Parents will need
                                                  continue to encourage him to succeed as          to be firm and consistent in their discipline,
                                                  well as advocate for his educational needs.      but nurturing and supportive of Austin.
                                                   (8161CIA) Lake County                           (8177BWS) Hamilton County

20       www.adoptachild.in.gov                                                     Please go to www.adoptachild.in.gov to view videos.
Opening hearts. Changing lives.

 Jonathan                                         Jesse                                           Randy
Jonathan, who is fourteen, can be shy,           Jesse is a friendly and inquisitive thirteen    Randy is a friendly, humorous fifteen-year-
but he has a wonderful smile and happy           year-old boy who loves to be active and         old boy. He loves animals, especially cats!
disposition! He likes to swim, play              outdoors. He enjoys riding his bike, fishing,   He describes himself as funny, and he enjoys
                                                 and swimming. Jesse is very helpful and         joking around. He really likes vegetables,
basketball, and ride his bike. In the past, he
                                                                                                 so his favorite meal is salad from Olive
participated in the Special Olympics. He is      takes pride in his work. Jesse is independent   Garden. In his spare time, he likes to paint
very social and likes to make new friends.       and likes to try new things. Jesse’s favorite   and draw as well as play with LEGOs. Randy
He is happy to shoot hoops with his peers        sport is football and he likes to play as       likes hands-on work, such as mechanics,
or play outside. Jonathan likes to go to         quarterback. Jesse loves animals, especially    gardening, or carpentry. He likes to spend
sporting events, and is a huge Colts fan.        cats! If the opportunity arises, Jesse has      his time outdoors playing sports. He really
Jonathan is very curious and inquisitive. He     a humorous personality that can light up        likes Marvel comics, particularly The
is doing well in school, and he likes to try     a room! Jesse is a happy and sweet young        Avengers and Deadpool. Randy likes sports,
new things.                                      man who is optimistic and hopeful about         and his favorites are football and basketball.
                                                                                                 His three wishes are to be adopted, to have
                                                 the future.
                                                                                                 infinite wishes, and to be successful in life. If
Jonathan would do best in an active two-                                                         he could go anywhere in the world, he would
parent home with no younger children.            Jesse is excited to be adopted and he hopes     go to France. He wants to try the food there.
Parents should be patient and consistent,        his future home has lots of animals. He         Those who know Randy would say he is a
as well as flexible to change. Jonathan          would like to have older siblings—-an older     good kid with a big heart! Randy hopes to
will need a home that can provide                brother and an older sister. Jesse would        have a family that is active, enjoys spending
structure and routine. Jonathan responds         do best in a two-parent home that can           time with him, and will travel as a family.
very well to loving, supportive, and             provide lots of attention and reassurance.
structured environments. They should             He would benefit from having a father and/      Randy needs to be placed in an adoptive
                                                                                                 home that is understanding, calm, and
also be motivated and strong with a good         or and older brother who can be strong role     nurturing. Positive reinforcement is best
community of support to advocate for             models. Jesse needs a home that can provide     for Randy. Randy tries hard and wants to
Jonathan's needs. Jonathan wants a family        safety, stability, and unconditional love.      succeed, and a family that can encourage
where he feels understood and he knows he        (8204HC) Jefferson County                       him to reach his potential would be best for
is safe. (8181SG) Marion County                                                                  him. Parents should be flexible and ready
                                                                                                 to love Randy unconditionally. It would be
                                                                                                 beneficial for Randy to be in a home where
                                                                                                 the parents are knowledgeable of how
                                                                                                 trauma can affect a child. Parents who are
                                                                                                 active and fun would be great for Randy,
                                                                                                 as Randy is ready to live life to the fullest!
                                                                                                 (8207WS) Wabash County

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Indiana Adoption Program

 Ethen                                            Joshua                                            Joshua
Ethen is a curious seventeen-year-old boy        Joshua is a happy fifteen-year-old boy who        Joshua is a polite, easy-going, and active
who loves the outdoors. He likes to hike and     is sweet, affectionate! He likes being tickled,   fourteen-year-old boy who likes video
look at wildlife. His two favorite animals are   and will hold your hand once he gets to           games, matchbox cars, LEGOs, and playing
snakes and spiders. Ethen is bright, funny,      know you. Joshua enjoys sensory activities        outside. He's got a big smile and likes to
and helpful as well as a people pleaser,         and toys. He has a big appetite, and is not       be around people. The video games he
enjoying time spent with adults. He has a        a picky eater! Joshua is an on-the-go kind        likes the most are Mario and Sonic. His
desire to write neatly and spell correctly.      of guy, and enjoys spending time in the           favorite TV show is The Price is Right, and
Ethen easily gets interested in new things       community. He loves to watch TV, and his          he enjoys rock music. Joshua enjoys sports,
and would likely enjoy participating in          favorite movies are “Shrek” and “Home             and his favorites are baseball, basketball,
any hobbies prospective families may             Alone.” Those close to Joshua adore him!          football, and dodgeball. Recently, Joshua
enjoy. Ethen is a sweet, affectionate, and       He is a good kid who will shine when he is        was in the Special Olympics for track and
bright boy.                                      happy!                                            swimming! Joshua is doing well in school
                                                                                                   and his favorite subject is reading. Joshua’s
An active, nurturing home that can provide       Joshua will do best in a two-parent home          favorite professional sports teams are the
adequate supervision would be best for           that can provide one-on-one supervision           Chicago White Sox, the Chicago Bears,
Ethen. Prospective parents will need to          and a safe environment. Families should           and the Chicago Blackhawks. When asked
maintain a structured and safe environment       have a support network to help in caring for      what is most important to him in his life,
with consistent routine. If there are children   Joshua. He needs a family who will advocate       he responded, “Getting a home.” Joshua
in the home, it would be best if they are        for his educational and emotional needs.          hopes to have a “regular family” where on
older. Families should be prepared to            Potential parents will need to be patient,        weekends, the family would spend time
advocate for his emotional and educational       understanding, and active. (8225IA)               together by going bowling, having a movie
needs. (8224DD) Daviess County                   La Porte                                          night, or going shopping.

                                                                                                   An ideal family for Joshua is a patient, calm,
                                                                                                   nurturing two-parent family where he can
                                                                                                   have adequate supervision. Joshua hopes
                                                                                                   his adoptive parents will help him with
                                                                                                   homework and play sports with him. It
                                                                                                   would be best if he were in a home where he
                                                                                                   can be the youngest or only child. (8232IA)
                                                                                                   La Porte County

22       www.adoptachild.in.gov                                                     Please go to www.adoptachild.in.gov to view videos.
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