Joe the Plumber The Eighteenth Brumaire of

Page created by Victor Robinson
Workers of the World Unite!

Vol. 7, No. 1 w FALL 2009   wLABOR DONATEDw             $2 ($3 SOLIDARITY)

    The Eighteenth Brumaire of
    Joe the Plumber
1                                                The MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
                                                             The Eighteenth Brumaire of Joe the Plumber: U.S.
                  Editor: Nicol Partida                      Financial Meltdown Conjures Resurgent Specters of
                                                             Political Farce...........................................................p. 3
                  Editorial Collective:                      Matt Erard
                       Matt Erard
                   Skipper Hammond
                     Sara McClean
                      Mike Treacy                            A Case Study of Power and Media: The Washington
       SPMI member Adam Adrianson also greatly
                                                             Post............................................................................p. 5
    contributed to producing the lay-out for this issue.     Max Kantar

    The Michigan Socialist (TMS) is the magazine of
the Socialist Party of Michigan (SPMI), affiliate of the
Socialist Party USA. P.O. Box 844, Marquette MI              Barnes and Noble Sucks..........................................p. 6
49855; email:; WWW:             Richard Monroe
     All submissions to the Michigan Socialist can be
sent by email or snail mail. Submissions sent by email
should be sent to: Hardcopy           Socialist Party of Michigan Statement: U.S. Financial
submissions should be sent to: SPMI P.O. Box 844,            Meltdown Spotlights Profit System’s Failure and the
Marquette, MI 49855.                                         Need for Economic Democracy...............................p. 7
        Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the
viewpoint of the Socialist Party of Michigan, which
are expressed in editorial statements, or of the Socialist
Party USA. The Editorial Collective of the Michigan          Socialist Party of Michigan 2008 Election
Socialist reserves the right to edit all articles for
typography, spelling, and grammar without                    Results.......................................................................p. 8
consultation. On all author matters of editing, the
Editorial Collective with attempt to collaborate with
authors as much as possible.
                                                             No Car Czar’s, No Capitalists, No Bailouts, No Bosses!
Socialist Party USA - Outline of Principles:
THE SOCIALIST PARTY strives to establish a radical           Socialist Party of Michigan Statement on the U.S.
democracy that places peoples’ lives under their own         Automotive Industry Bailout....................................p. 10
control; a non-racist, classless, feminist, non-
heterosexist socialist society...where working people
own and control the means of production and
distribution,      through     democratically-controlled     Remember Stonewall? Do we even know what Stonewall
committees and assemblies; where full employment is          meant? Socialist Party Statement on the 40th Anniversary
realized for everyone who wants to work; where
workers have the right to form unions freely, and to         of the Stonewall Rebellion.......................................p. 11
strike and engage in other forms of job actions; and         Amber R. Clifford-Napoleone
where the production of society is used for the benefit
of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few. We
believe socialism and democracy are one and
                                                             Arts Review : Sex Pistols Rockumentary The Filth and
indivisible. The working class is in a key and central       the Fury and Detroit Hip-Hop Artist 'Invincible'.......p. 12
position to fight back against the ruling capitalist class   Sayan Bhattacharyya
and its power. The working class is the major force
worldwide that can lead the way to a socialist future –      Socialist Party of Michigan Condemns Corporate Parties'
to a real radical democracy from below.
     The Socialist Party fights for progressive changes      Stratified Assault on State Budget............p. 16
compatible with a socialist future. We support militant
working class struggles and electoral action,                Socialist Party Condemns Post-Election Racist
independent of the capitalist-controlled two-party
system, to present socialist alternatives. We strive for     Attacks.......................................................................p. 23
democratic social revolutions — radical and
fundamental changes in the structure and nature of           Proletarian Poetry.....................................................p. 24
economic, political and social relations — to abolish
the power now exercised by the few who control the           Nicol Partida
economy and the government. The Socialist Party is a
democratic, multi-tendency organization, with
structure and practices visible and accessible to all
2                                                                                                         The
cover article
The Eighteenth Brumaire of
Joe the Plumber
U.S. Financial Meltdown Conjures Resurgent Specters of Political Farce
                                             second time as farce." Marx wrote          unprecedented assaults on U.S.
By MATT ERARD                                this, still often quoted, but seldom       citizens’      most         fundamental
The Michigan Socialist                       contextually attributed line in his        Constitutional protections by both
                                             Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis               corporate parties, the U.S. military

W           hen         the        leading   Bonaparte; an essay principally            establishment has now embarked upon
            commentators of the U.S.         focused upon the French state’s            increasingly vigilant preparations to
            capitalist      establishment    superficial orientation to the middle      counter the rising threat of
began their exclamations of victory          class, as an essential means to quell      revolutionary upsurge against the
following the Soviet Union’s 1991            the    threat    of     volatile   class   present social order’s now universally
dissolution,     few      would       have   antagonisms.                               conspicuous decline. Having already
entertained the possibility that the                  Within     'The     Eighteenth    successfully                 established
term "socialism" might re-emerge at          Brumaire,' Marx directly goes on to        unprecedented curtailments of the
the center of American political             observe that,                              rights of personal privacy, association,
discourse less than two decades later.                 "The tradition of all dead       and habeas corpus, the recent wave of
But following Merriam-Webster’s              generations weighs like a nightmare        economic crisis, now enshrouding the
announcement of its "words of the            on the brains of the living. And just as   global capitalist order, has led the
year" at the very close of 2008, the         they seem to be occupied with              1878 Posse Comitatus Act, restricting
unanticipated return of the word             revolutionizing themselves and things,     the military from domestic law
"socialism" to everyday household            creating something that did not exist      enforcement, to become the most
usage could hardly have been more            before, precisely in such epochs of        recent of such targets.
officially pronounced. Socialism had         revolutionary crisis they anxiously                 As of last October, the
not just appeared on the list Merriam-       conjure up the spirits of the past to      Pentagon has established the first ever
Webster’s list of words of the year, it      their service, borrowing from them         permanent deployment of an active-
had taken the place of number three!         names, battle slogans, and costumes        duty military brigade within the
            Now looking back to the          in order to present this new scene in      borders of the United States. As
preceding decade, when American              world history in time-honored              reported by Army Times, the first unit
capitalism’s ideological engineers           disguise and borrowed language."           to be deployed is the 3rd Infantry
proclaimed "the end of history," from                                                   Division’s 1st Brigade Combat team,
the apparent failure of the ‘workers of             Although the present economic       composed of approximately 4,700
                                             crisis has yet to confront the world’s     troops who have spent 35 of the
the world to unite’ by the 20th
                                             ruling classes with a period of            preceding 60 months patrolling in
Century’s close, one is pressed in
                                             "revolutionary crisis," at no point        "full battle rattle" in Iraq. Under
hindsight      to      question       what
                                             since the post-War "Red Scare," have       presently established plans, the
consideration they may have given to
                                             conditions led them to so "anxiously       permanent domestic deployment is set
another one of Marx’s most well
                                             conjure up the spirits of the past to      to include over 20,000 troops by 2011.
known aphorisms; regarding the same
                                             their service." Throughout the rein of     Among the functions listed in its
human political history they claimed
                                             the Bush regime, the U.S. government       officially assigned mission are,
then to have just concluded.
                                             began to undertake exceedingly             "surveillance      activities,"      and
         Only four years after the
                                             drastic measures to expand the             providing "support for civilian law-
publication of the 'Communist
                                             suppressive capabilities of the            enforcement branches like local police
Manifesto,' Marx observed that, "all
                                             executive branch toward prospective        and rescue personnel, and situations
great     world-historic     facts     and
                                             future threats of political upheaval.      involving civil unrest, crowd control,
personages appear, so to speak,
                                             Following the past near-decade of          or catastrophes."
twice… the first time as tragedy, the

3                                                                                        TheMICHIGAN
                                                                                        The  MICHIGANSOCIALIST
The American Civil Liberties       address rapidly expanding human             came from the architect of the recent
Union notes that, "The deployment of        insecurity at home...Under the most         bailout of the U.S. financial sector
an active unit within the United States     extreme circumstances, this might           himself – then U.S. Treasury
is also troubling given recent              include use of military force against       Secretary, and former Goldman-Sachs
evidence of the Defense Department’s        hostile groups inside the United            CEO, Henry Paulson. According to
involvement         in        warrantless   States. Further, DoD would be, by           both U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-
surveillance." Such evidence stems          necessity, an essential hub for the         OK) and U.S. Congressman Brad
from the Pentagon Threat and Local          continuity of political authority in a      Sherman (D-CA), Paulson asserted to
Observation Notices obtained by             multi-state or nationwide civil             members of Congress that its failure
ACLU Freedom of Information Act             conflict or disturbance" (i.e. the          to authorize the financial sector’s
requests, which have named such             outbreak of social revolution across        $700 billion+ looting of the U.S.
political organizations as the Catholic     the           United             States).   treasury may lead to conditions
Worker, United for Peace and Justice,                Among the circumstances,           requiring for the imposition of
Americans         Friends        Service    speculated in the report, that may          "martial law."
Committee, Iraq Veterans Against the        necessitate such a reorientation of                Taken together, such measures
War, Veterans for Peace, and the            military priorities to the homeland         and pronouncements by the U.S.
Socialist Party USA.                        are, "unforeseen economic collapse,         ruling establishment demonstrate a
         In concurrence with this           loss of functioning political and legal     starkly rising concern over its
unprecedented permanent deployment          order, [and] purposeful domestic            capacity to re-impose the tragic fate
of an active-duty brigade on U.S. soil,     resistance or insurgency" [emphasis         of the past century’s many crushed
a new report released through the           added].   The report later goes on to       and thwarted revolutions, should the
U.S. Army War College’s Strategic           quote an earlier 2008 report from the       presently deepening economic crisis
Studies        Institute       explicitly   War College’s Strategic Studies             lead to similar stage of the class
recommends an evaluation of the             Institute, asserting that, "In a sense,     struggle. To no greater an extent than
Pentagon’s capabilities to reorient the     states are being overwhelmed by             any national ruling class of the past
focus of its engagements from               complexity,      fragmentation,      and    century, however, does the U.S.
imperialist occupation abroad to            demands they simply are unable to           ruling class optimally seek to further
domestic counterinsurgency.                 meet.      They     are    experiencing     offset its own positional stability or
       As asserted within the report,       unsettling diminution in their capacity     diminish its directly instrumental
"Widespread civil violence inside the       to manage political, social, and            political control by relinquishing the
United States would force the defense       economic       problems      that     are   pretenses of democratic governance
establishment to reorient priorities in     increasingly            interconnected,     to fascistic or military command.
extremis to defend basic domestic           intractable, and volatile."                          To an extent that remains
order and human security...An                        The most ominous of                unparalleled within any other
American government and defense             speculations from within the U.S.           capitalist republic, such instrumental
establishment          lulled       into    policy establishment, on the need for       political control by the U.S. ruling
complacency by a long-secure                domestic military suppression in            class is by no means limited to the
domestic order would be forced to           response to the economic crisis,            state itself. As linguist and political
                                                                                        theorist     Noam     Chomsky      has
                                                                                        "The smart way to keep people
              Socialist Party of Michigan                                               passive and obedient is to strictly
                                                                                        limit the spectrum of acceptable

   2009 State Convention                                                                opinion, but allow very lively debate
                                                                                        within that spectrum - even
        10am-6pm, Saturday, November 7th, 2009                                          encourage the more critical and
                                                                                        dissident views. That gives people the
           The Leland Hotel - Main Lobby w                                              sense that there's free thinking going
            400 Bagley St. Detroit, MI 48226.                                           on, while all the time the
   The public is invited to attend. For more information,                               presuppositions of the system are
    call (906) 362-6342 or email                                    being reinforced by the limits put on
                                                                                        the range of the debate."

                                                                                        Continued on Page 20

4rapidly divest some or most external       however, came not from within the The MICHIGAN
                                                                                The        SOCIALIST
                                                                                    MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
4security commitments in order to           Defense Department, but directly
A Case The Washington
       Study of Power Post
                      and the
Media: The Washington Post
                                            attack are as follows:                     reasonable, within their rights, and
                                            1) The attack was orchestrated and         unchallenged in their assertions and
By MAX KANTAR                               intended to "send a warning to the         cause.
The Michigan Socialist                      Syrian government."                                 If the Washington Post had
                                            2) The attack was intended to kill an      any      commitment        to     serious

T       he United States’ recent            "insurgent"      who      is   allegedly   journalism, the justifications given by
        unilateral attack on Syria, and     responsible for the presence of            the US State department spokesmen
        the subsequent coverage of the      "hundreds of foreign fighters"             for the attack on Syria would have
events by the mainstream US media,          stationed in Iraq, who have killed         been treated with ridicule, assuming
present an impeccable illustration of       "thousands of Iraqis."                     that readers have a basic respect for
the prevailing ideologies that dictate      3) The attack was intended to pressure     human rights and international law.
how news is received, composed, and         Syrian officials to "clean up the global   To apply the respective justifications
understood        by       "respectable"    threat in [their] backyard," and if they   for the attack within a universal
journalists     and       reporters.        do not "clean up" their "backyard" to      context; we should judge the situation
         Considering the variables          the satisfaction of the US, then the US    using official US laws and standards
surrounding the US attack, this             will "be left with no choice but to take   of conduct. According to Section
instance could not be a more perfect        these matters into [its] own hands."       2331 under Title 18 of the US Code,
example to gain a clear understanding       4) The attack, according to US             "Violent acts or acts dangerous to
of the rationale behind US foreign          officials, has the advantage and           human life that…appear to be
policy and the ideological constraints      purpose of "goading such countries         intended…to influence the policy of a
that shackle our "free" press.              into action." US military analyst,         government by intimidation or
         As most of the mainstream          Anthony Cordesman, added that such         coercion, or by [using force] or
and establishment newspapers follow         strikes and "operations" like the US       violence to intimidate or coerce a
a reasonably similar framework of           killings in Syria are "the only way        civilian      population"      constitute
news reporting, there is no need to use     you can deal with" countries like          "international terrorism."[iv]
excessive space critiquing all of them.     Syria.                                              Because the US military
In this brief examination, I will use       5) The attack was also hinted at           strike, as proclaimed by its
the report and coverage put forth by        potentially falling under the recent US    orchestrators, was explicitly intended
the Washington Post on Tuesday,             claims of "self-defense" in its            to "goad" or "coerce" Syria's
October 28, 2008 entitled, "U.S. Calls      unprovoked military strikes in             government into "action," and serve
Raid a Warning to Syria."[i]                Pakistan which have killed many            as a "warning" to "intimidate" the
         On October 26th, four US           children and other civilians.[ii]          government and population, the US
helicopters flew from US-occupied                    All of these justifications       assault was a textbook case of
Iraq into Syria. Upon landing, US           were given to Washington Post              "international terrorism" by its own
ground troops attacked a civilian           journalists and were simply restated       standards. The violent US action,
center, which was under construction,       for the readership without a hint of       clearly not only "dangerous to human
killing at least seven civilians and        criticism. The report in the               life," but indeed, intended to destroy
wounding several more. According to         Washington Post for all intents and        human life, was by definition a
multiple sources, such as Syrian            purposes served most literally as a        terrorist attack.
Foreign Minister, Walid al-Moualem,         government statement issued by the         We might pause to ask: Had the
all those killed were civilians,            "Ministry of Truth."[iii] If the reasons   attackers been an part of an occupying
including "a father, his three children,    for the attack, as noted above, truly      army in Mexico, and the target had
and wife."                                  deserved any further investigation,        been a civilian center in California,
         The reasons provided for the       commentary,        or    thought,    the   whether the Washington Post and its
US military strike in Syria were very       Washington Post report presumably          friends in the State Department would
explicit. As told to the Washington         would have covered it. Therefore, the      have then called it a "terrorist attack."
Post by several official US military        proper conclusion readers are
sources, the justifications cited for the   supposed to reach is that the talking      Continued on Page 18
                                            heads of the State department are
5                                                                                       The MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
References to great movies aside, I
By RICHARD MONROE                             really don't blame this one individual,
The Michigan Socialist                        though I realize personality is at work
                                              in the overall capitalist dynamic.

I    'm laid off. I started a job at Barnes            When I first went in to apply
     & Noble last fall. I worked an           for work, I turned in an application,
     orientation, a training shift, and two   unexpectedly got an interview, and
more shifts, and that was it. It really is    then, upon calling back to check on my
quite something to get used the idea of       post-interview status, was told that I
working again, only to have the rug           had done well and should call back              Barnes & Noble's surveillance
pulled out from under your feet so            later. I did call back and the next time        cameras are only there to help ensure
suddenly. I'm laid off but I'm                was told (second-hand) that I could, yet        your safety and privacy, of course.
appreciative at the same time.                again, call back later, or fill out another
         Rest assured, I'm not trying to      application next month. Finally, a day        just plain evil. In this world of market
sugarcoat the everyday tragedies of the       later on a Sunday afternoon, I was            and commodities, bosses do tell others
market. My supervisor told me that            called and asked if I was still interested    bosses to let employees go and cut
books weren’t selling and the store was       and told that there would be an               costs, no matter what the human cost,
unable to cover the owners’ costs. So         orientation in three weeks. I’m sure I        because, to some extent, even the most
he had to reduce hours, yet again. I was      don't need to belabor how an employee         paid off upper-management hack, or
told the same thing the week before.          could easily find him/herself frustrated      wealthiest CEO, is a slave to the
The result was that I had only one four       with the bungling of a disorganized           market. When profit alone dictates your
and a half hour shift that week. This         employer. However, I was sure that this       business practices, individual
afternoon, as I rolled off of my air          job was the turn of my luck, and that,        employees' needs and concerns are
mattress, still more than a little leaden     eventually, as Christmas approached, I        made irrelevant, in spite of any personal
with sleeping pills, I got a phone call       would get more hours, save up some            reservations or pangs of conscience a
from this pleasant, impersonal master of      money, have another job to put on my          neurotic business executive may have.
small talk at work, the human                 resume, and be in a slightly better                    I'm grateful that I'm not
resources/scheduling supervisor. In the       position to approach the next stage of        ignorant enough to blame other wage-
same chipper, insincere way he would          my life.                                      slaves, individual fat-cats, or even
ask you if you wanted to purchase a                    I don't know exactly what went       overpriced bookstore chains. Lastly, I'm
Barnes & Noble membership for $25,            wrong. It's very possible that I made         grateful that I can take some comfort in
he informed me, "We’re going to have          myself a less profitable human                reminding myself that I'm not socially
to let you go."                               commodity. My final shift didn't see me       useless just because I proved an
         If I would have called him out,      looking quite as sharp as I had before,       unmarketable commodity in this
and his corporation, out on what I            I'd forgotten a lot about working a cash      instance. My education and my
consider to be a poor business practice,      register in the week I had off, and           experiences aren't useless. I have faith
I'm sure his response would've been           waiting for my ride after the final shift,    that a better, organized economy could
something about being the messenger,          perhaps a manager heard me talking to         put me, as a working person, to use
rather than the one making the decision,      a friend on my cell-phone about the           fulfilling the needs of a society, rather
and "only doing his job." It's hard not to    impersonal reference policy of Barnes         than raising the profits of a few. I know
make an allusion to the scene in the          & Noble and how that might be an              that in a better society, working
cinematic classic Cool Hand Luke,             advantage at my next job depending on         wouldn't be a matter of figuring out
where a guard, who knows he's carrying        my overall success and hours worked.          how to ingratiate one’s self to
out an injustice by confining Luke into       There’s no doubt individual behavior          individuals who can hire or fire, or
an inhumanely small confinement, tries        has some role in how well a working           conniving to somehow make it through
to rationalize what he’s doing by telling     person does in a competitive market.          yet another week so as to secure another
him something along the lines of, "Now        I could be bitter, but I'm grateful. I'm      vital paycheck. Instead, the focus would
Luke, I'm sorry about this, but you got       grateful that I have read and thought         be on how I could best integrate my
to understand, I'm only doing my job."        enough to realize that, in one sense,         own needs into a need-based economy,
In one of the greatest lines of film          there are no individual players in this       in which the well being of workers is a
dialogue ever, Luke replies, "Ah callin’      situation who are morally responsible or      central concern, rather than an
it your job don’t make it right, Boss."                                                     incidental one. ■
  6                                                                                         The MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
U.S. Financial Meltdown Spotlights Profit System’s
Failure and the Need for Economic Democracy
                                              "come together as Americans" and take                                     ruling     class
Adopted    by    the   State                  "collective responsibility" for their                                     power,       the
Convention of the Socialist                   boundless greed and ultimate financial                                    concretely
Party of Michigan October 4,                  failure under the very standards they                                     divided
                                              themselves imposed.                                                       mechanisms
                                              Congressional     Democrats,      through                                 through which

                                              continuous pledges to reach a                                             surplus value
        he collapse of the financial sector
                                              "bipartisan" solution to the financial                                    was extracted
        shows the failure of the capitalist
                                              meltdown, have predictably fallen over                                    in the past,
        economy. The inherent need of
                                              themselves to reaffirm their reliable role                                have       been
capitalist firms to expand their market
                                              as one of the two great parties of capital.                               replaced with a
shares and acquire new outlets for
                                              As Democratic House Speaker Nancy                                         central vacuum.
exploitation has reached a point at which
                                              Pelosi proclaimed on September 26th,                                      Through such a
capital concentration has created a
                                              "We will not leave until legislation is       process of agglomeration, it has become
roadblock to satisfying the system's own
                                              passed that will be signed by the             largely indiscriminate to either the
expansionary needs. In seeking to
                                              president. The markets need a message         means or source, from which it is is
prevent any reduction in their
                                              from us that we're acting." Barack            accumulated, and heedless to
extraordinary profit margins, the
                                              Obama, whose $25 million dollars in           the consequences that its unmitigated
capitalist firms have sought to drastically
                                              campaign contributions from the               depletion presents to its own future
increase their rate of exploitation of
                                              financial industry in this election has       needs.
labor, natural resources, and public
                                                                                                     Following this exposure of
assets. They have come to rely on the         The need of the largest capitalist            decades of ruling class lies, workers
sheer market manipulation of financial        firms to wipe out competition has             should reject the irrationality of the "free
assets, which must ultimately rely on         already led to a centralization of            market" and turn to the rational
investment in new sources of                  economic power, but in the form of            alternative, economic democracy. The
exploitation      or    public    resource    private ownership by an increasingly          need of the largest capitalist firms to
dispossession, in order to represent any      reckless        and       completely
                                              unaccountable ruling class of
                                                                                            wipe out competition has already led to a
genuine value of their own. In the most
                                              professional speculators. Now that            centralization of economic power, but in
recent development along this trajectory,
                                              they have failed, what earthly                the form of private ownership by an
the nation's top financial firms now seek
                                              justification can be given for bailing        increasingly reckless and completely
a return on their enormous campaign
                                              them out and handing the economy              unaccountable        ruling      class    of
contributions to federal politicians,         back to them?                                 professional speculators. Now that they
through a taxpayer bailout of hundreds
                                                                                            have failed, what earthly justification
of         billions       of       dollars.   exceeded the amount received by John          can be given for bailing them out and
         For thirty years the leading         McCain, has likewise urged bipartisan         handing the economy back to them?
recipients of the proposed bailout have       passage of the bailout package, "in the       Ultimately, working people will have to
attempted to justify their "Washington        spirit of cooperation on behalf of the        decide whether we wish to maintain the
Consensus" on decimation of social            American people."                             system of production and finance with
safety nets, massive cuts to wages and                   The capitalists are trying to      catastrophic consequences for ourselves
benefits, and privatization of public         accumulate greater portions of the tax        and our families, or whether the time has
services, in the name of mercilessly          revenues paid by working people               come for us to take over the economy
strict adherence to the "tough love" and      through bail-outs, corporate welfare,         and democratically run it ourselves.
"sacrifice" of the "free market." But now     social-service cut-backs, privatization,             During the recent housing boom,
that their ruthless exploitation has          and imperialist war. They are engaging        speculators offered deceptively low
reached an impasse, American workers          in debt entrapment, predatory lending,        interest rate loans on mortgages. As a
are being called upon to forget the           and loan-sharking impoverished nations.       result, millions bought houses they could
principles that they so callously imposed     They are gouging profits at the point of      not actually afford. Much of the funding
since the Reagan/Thatcher era. These          production                       through      for these loans came from some of the
same Wall Street powerbrokers who             wage/benefit/pension cuts, attacks on         largest and most powerful financial
demanded the near complete de-                unions, and race-to-the-bottom capital        institutions in the United States , and the
regulation of the financial sector under      flight. As banking capital has developed      world. For a brief moment, lending
"free market" principles, are now calling     from a mere medium between industrial         institutions and banks made huge
upon all tax-paying U.S. workers to           capitalists, to the sovereign base of         profits,but then, as usual, the bubble
    7                                                                                       The MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
burst, leaving the housing market, The federal government would also ethnically and across income levels.
and, with it, the entire economy, in assume responsibility or forgiveness These housing units should be
complete disarray. With many of the for defaulting mortgages while constructed by a unionized and
largest banks and financial institutions imposing a universal five year ethnically and gender integrated
on the brink of collapse, the proposed moratorium on all home foreclosures. workforce, designed to be energy
gigantic bail-out could very well cost            In the short-run, the costs of efficient, and located near mass
taxpayers upwards of a half a trillion this debacle should be borne by those transit. These projects should be
dollars. This staggering giveaway will who benefited from the scam, both owned by the government, but should
bring higher taxes and further cuts in through a steeply graduated income be operated by resident councils with
essential social services, no matter tax and an estate tax levied at a rate of the authority to set policy and to elect,
which of the corporate candidates 90% for inheritances worth more than re-call, and supervise managers.
becomes president. Once again, a million dollars. Such a tax structure,                    We need to advance from
working people are being coerced into in conjunction with an immediate end capitalism to a socialist society, one in
rescuing the wealthy few from the to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and which housing is provided to all as a
disastrous consequences of their own a drastic cut in military spending, basic right, the financial sector and
insatiable                rapaciousness. would provide the funds to prevent a commanding heights of the economy
         The Socialist Party of financial collapse while also ensuring are made publicly accountable
Michigan rejects the bail-out plan. the needed expansion of vital social through social ownership and worker
Instead, we propose that the services.                                            control of the economy, and
government take over the financial                Such a program to counter the production is oriented toward the
sector, and then delegate the immediate crisis is not enough. needs of working people, rather than
distribution of home loans to a Housing is too important to be left in maximizing the profits of a parasitic
decentralized network of non-profit the hands of avaricious speculators ruling class of multi-millionaires and
credit unions. These institutions are and         developers.     The     federal billionaires. We, the majority who
far less likely to push bogus loans government should begin building work for a living, must take control of
than     the    financial    institutions millions of units of low-density, high- our own destiny! ■
controlled by our corporate rulers. quality low-cost housing, integrated

Socialist Party of Michigan 2008 Election
                                            across all sections of the state's two     election guides, and state government
                                            peninsulas.                                and non-profit voter information
                                                     As in past elections, the SPMI    candidate inks. Although the SPMI
                                            faced the task in 2008 of running          was able to qualify the 2004 Socialist
                                            Socialist candidates while still being     Party presidential ticket for the
                                            denied its own state ballot line due to    Michigan ballot through the defunct
                                            Michigan's highly antidemocratic           NLP ballot line, it was forced to settle
                                            ballot access laws. Despite this           for official Michigan write-in status

                                            obstacle, however, the SPMI has run        for the SP's presidential ticket in
        he final results of the Socialist   Michigan candidates on the ballot in       2008... SPMI candidate Matt Erard
        Party       of        Michigan's    each state election since 2002,            ran for a second time in a row for
        participation in the 2008           through either independent qualifying      State Representative in the 53rd
elections demonstrated a considerable       petitions or the ballot line of the        District, which covers nearly all of
step forward in its electoral outreach      Green Party of Michigan, with which        Ann Arbor. In addition to a relatively
capability and a confluence of, still       the SPMI maintains an amiable              significant amount of press coverage,
modest, but nonetheless record              relationship. This year all three of       Erard participated in a live, televised
breaking gains on Election Day.             the SPMI's nominated candidates            two-candidate debate with his
While running three candidates for          qualified through the dual nomination      incumbent Democratic opponent and
state and federal office this year, in      of the Green Party and therefore           was also featured as a live in-studio
addition to the Socialist Party's 2008      dually campaigned and identified as        guest on Frank Beckm ann's WJR
presidential campaign, the SPMI was         Socialist       Party/Green        Party   morning radio show.
able to present and provide a Socialist     candidates       and were generally           On Election Day, Erard received
alternative to Michigan workers             identified accordingly by the media,
8                                                                                        The MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
of increased voter turn-out in the 2008
                                            election. With only 1.26% more votes
                                            cast for the office in 2008 than when
                                            the prior record was set in 2004, such
                                            an increase can only reflect the
                                            outpouring of support Reynolds
                                            received for the Socialist public
                                            education platform he introduced to
                                            students and workers across the state.        2008 SPMI State Board of Education
                                                       SPMI candidate Jean Treacy         candidate Dwain Reynolds (left)
                                                                                          and 2008 SPMI congressional
                                            brought a Socialist alternative directly      candidate Jean Treacy (right)
                                            to northern Michigan's no less
 SPMI    candidate     Matt    Erard        struggling working class by running for     qualify for official presidential write-in
 following his televised debate with        U.S. Congress in the 1st district, which    status in Michigan since the 2000
 Democratic State Representative            covers both the entirety of Michigan's
 Rebekah Warren.                                                                        election.
                                            Upper Peninsula and the northernmost                 While the vast majority of
                                            counties     of     Michigan's     Lower    presidential write-in votes go illegally
                                            Peninsula. While more sparsely              uncounted in most states, regardless of
2,200 votes; more than doubling his
                                            populated than most other districts,        a presidential candidate's state-certified
vote total from the prior election and
                                            Michigan's 1st Congressional district is    write-in status, Michigan, this year, was
receiving approximately five percent of
                                            the second largest district in land         unfortunately no exception to that
the total vote cast for Ann Arbor's State
                                            among any districts located east of the     tendency. The Michigan Department of
House seat. As a result, the sole
                                            Mississippi River, while containing         State reported only 41 tallied write-in
Socialist State House candidate running
                                            over 30 Michigan counties and               votes for SP presidential candidate
in Michigan this year received the
                                            approximately 44% of the state's land.      Brian Moore statewide. Following the
highest vote total of any minor party
                                                     Despite the overwhelmingly         release of this tally, accounting for
candidate challenging the two corporate
                                            vast territory Jean faced in working to     fewer votes than even 2/3rds of the
parties for a state legislative seat and
                                            spread her campaign's message to            SPMI's own number of dues-paying
the highest vote percentage of any
                                            northern Michigan workers, she              members in good standing at the time,
minor party candidate contesting the
                                            succeeded in spreading it widely            the SPMI subsequently received
two corporate parties for any state level
                                            enough to win 2,669 votes; coming in        numerous complaints from both
office in Michigan.              SPMI
                                            third place after her two corporate party   members and non-members who could
candidate Dwain Reynolds ensured that
                                            opponents and beating her other two         clearly discern that their votes had not
every Michigan voter would have a
                                            opponents of the Libertarian and U.S.       been counted because their counties
Socialist alternative on their ballot by
                                            Taxpayers' Parties. Like the other two      failed to tally or report even a single
running for the State Board of
                                            SPMI candidates this year, Jean also        vote for the campaign. Among such
Education. Earlier in the campaign
                                            broke a new record by exceeding the         counties reporting zero votes for the SP
season, Reynolds spent nearly four
                                            vote totals of the SPMI's last U.S.         presidential candidate was the county
months touring across the state of
                                            Congressional candidate in 2004 by          of Marquette, where the SPMI's own
Michigan with Grand Rapids-based
                                            nearly 500 votes.                           Marquette County local is centered!
rock band La Dispute and opening each
                                                     The      SPMI       successfully            Although numerous reports
of their shows with campaign speeches
                                            qualified the 2008 Socialist Party ticket   have been received of write-in votes
to hundreds of young Michigan
                                            of Brian Moore for President and            cast simply for "Brian Moore" that still
working and student voters in each
                                            Stewart Alexander for Vice President        went      un-tallied,    the    Michigan
audience, and to roaring eruptions of
                                            for official Michigan write-in status by    Department of State Bureau of
cheers each time he conveyed how
                                            completing                                  Elections officials silently decided this
Socialists would address the state's
                                            the filing requirements by Michigan's       year, in direct contradiction to their
failing educational system.
                                            September 5th deadline. Among the           own published filing instructions, that
         Following the mass support
                                            required documents filed was a slate of     vice presidential candidates, whether
base Reynolds formed throughout the
                                            Michigan        presidential     electors   certified or not, are irrelevant        to
state from this exhaustive campaign
                                            composed of an SPMI member who              presidential         write-in       votes.
tour, he received a record-breaking
                                            registered to vote in each of Michigan's    Consequently the MI BOE officials
94,663 votes; exceeding the past
                                            15 Congressional districts, plus an         didn't bother to include SP vice
highest vote total that any Socialist or
                                            additional two state-at-large electors.     presidential       candidate      Stewart
Green candidate for the State Board of
                                            The Moore-Alexander ticket and              Alexander on the list of qualified
Education had ever received by nearly
                                            rightist presidential candidate Alan
10,000 votes. Such an immense
                                            Keyes were the only two campaigns to        Continued on Page 16
increase was no mere spurious product
 9                                                                                      The MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
No Car Czar's, No Capitalists, No Bailouts,
No Bosses!
Socialist Party of Michigan Statement on the U.S. Automotive Industry Bailout

                                            catalyst not only to the vast               Senators were keenly aware of their
                                            financialization      of       advanced     own states’ corporate linchpins’
                                            capitalism, but also the increasing         commonly        held     interest    in
                                            detachment and predation of its             vanquishing      the   model      gains
                                            commanding speculators...                   automotive workers have collectively
                                                     Such realities are no less         achieved and sustained, and casting
                                            evident in the markedly divergent           them into forgotten history. In the
                                            responses the owners of the U.S.            objective of such Senators, a bailout
                                            automotive and banking industries           of such an increasingly informidable
Note: Since the passage of this             received      from     U.S.       federal   manufacturing industry could only be
statement, the Obama administration         government to their requests for            tolerated if accompanied by a
replaced the appointment of a car           bailouts of fourteen and seven-             sweeping assault in the class struggle.
czar with the appointment of a car          hundred billion taxpayer dollars,                    Reflecting the consensus on
fiefdom predominately composed of           respectively. While ultimately the          such a sentiment, among all interested
Wall Street investment bankers and
                                            financial sector directly received          parties, in so far as it pertains to
equity traders. The extraordinary
assault on the economic and                 virtually the whole looting it              automotive workers alone, the Bush
democratic rights of autoworkers            demanded with approval from both            regime, with full support from
contained within the terms of the loan      corporate parties in Congress, as well      Obama, attached the auto bailout
nevertheless remained the same.             as massive added bonuses from the           agreement to the appointment of a
                                            Fed, the comparative clout of the           "Car Czar" whose function is to

T       he tenuously averted collapse       leading U.S. auto executives was            dictatorially impose the forms of
        of the U.S. automotive              sufficient for access to the federal        "restructuring" necessary to ensure the
        industry directly follows the       purse only upon a protracted                solvency of the industry in accordance
arrant exposure of sheer parasitism         allocation by the White House               with the White House’s established
and insolvency that now characterizes       following the Senate’s purportedly          "guidelines." In addition to massive
the hegemonic financial sector of           resistant deference.                        operations cuts, estimated to result in
advanced        capitalism.        While                     No such political          the rapidly forthcoming elimination of
coinciding with news of Toyota’s 1.7        figures, however, were any more             tens of thousands of more Michigan
billion dollar financial setback and        inclined to examine the automotive          jobs, both inside and outside the
first operating loss in seventy years,      industry through class-neutral lenses.      automotive industry, the guidelines
the American automotive industry’s          Instead, both opponents and reluctant       established for the Car Czar’s
looming threat of extinction is no          supporters of the auto bailout in the       implementation and enforcement
mere       consequence        of      the   Senate, many of whom had been most          include further drastic cuts to
reverberating effects of the financial      vehement about passing the preceding        automotive workers’ wages and
crisis, but every bit as much a             financial bailout as a "clean bill" free    supplemental unemployment benefits,
contributing cause.                         of any executive pay caps, feigned the      the ability of GM to pay half of its
         Despite compounding efforts        most fervent of moral indignation           already reduced "VEBA" health care
in recent years, to uproot its organized    against UAW workers’ audacity in            obligations in company stock rather
workforce’s most hard-won historic          their decades of struggle to ultimately     than currency, and the declaration that
gains, today’s highly mechanized;           retain just under 1/4th of the value        UAW compensation arrangements
overproductive,       and        globally   that their labor alone contributes to       must be made competitive with non-
competitive automotive industry can         automobile production revenues.             union ‘transplants’ of Asian and
no longer encapsulate the same labor                 Although, in contrast to the       European        auto      manufactures
value within each individual vehicle it     financial sector, the political reach of    operating in the United States.
markets, as once was the case. Such         the automotive industry is not far          Moreover, the Car Czar has final say
endemic losses in the real economy of       enough to constitute a compelling           on any renegotiated labor agreements,
good and service production present a       force in each such, disproportionately      holds the power to nullify new and
                                            southern, Senator’s state, all such         existing contracts by sentencing the
10                                                                                         The MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
companies into bankruptcy, while the collectively bargain, or maintain the democratically determined macro-
UAW, by the same threat under the benefits they had long before already economic planning, and workers self-
agreement, is prohibited from going successfully achieved.                        management at the point of
on strike!                                    The Socialist Party of Michigan production. Such a socialization
      The provisions to the automotive calls upon all Big Three automotive process should not be limited to
bailout and despotic powers granted to workers to militantly organize against automobiles themselves, but should be
the wholly unaccountable "Car Czar" this agreement and to strike, occupy incorporated into a massive nationally
are an unprecedented assault on the plants, and take whatever other action coordinated and community-based
most fundamental labor protections may be necessary to resist any such transportation utilities program. Such
and civil liberties of all workers in attack by corporate capitalists or the a program would maintain and re-hire
every industry. Not even did the 1947 capitalist state on the most irrevocable the entirety of the existing and laid-off
Taft Hartley Act present such a danger rights of every person who works for a automotive plant and engineering
to the right of working people to living. We further call upon all workforce for ecologically attentive
organize and struggle collectively at working people outside of the auto projects aimed at the development of
the point of production as this industry to walk off the job at any electric                   and    renewable-fueled
agreement, to which the most point automotive workers at any of the automobiles, major improvements to
numerous and affected grouping Big Three find the need to do the same the                 efficiency,    range,     and
involved had no say in its ratification. in defiance of the same capitalist state sustainability of existing public
While the former allows for the that asserts its rule over all of us – transportation systems, the widespread
President to temporarily order striking officially throughout the U.S. and in development of foot and bicycle paths,
workers back to work, this agreement practice throughout the planet.              and the development of nationwide
establishes an arrangement and future              As with the entire financial high-speed railway systems ultimately
precedent in which the U.S. President, sector, the Socialist Party of Michigan connecting all major cities throughout
in collusion with union workers’ further calls for the immediate the United States. ■
corporate bosses, can indefinitely socialization of the automotive
eliminate workers’ right to strike, industry under public ownership,

Remember Stonewall? Do we even know what Stonewall
Socialist Party USA Statement on the 40th Anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion
                                           fateful day, however, the Stonewall’s                             the rebellion
By AMBER R. CLIFFORD-                      patrons had enough. Nobody knows                                  that     lasted
NAPOLEONE                                  who threw the first bottle that day. It                           five days in
Chair, SPUSA Queer Commission              may have been Sylvia Rivera, a                                    New York
                                           transgendered activist and later a

                                                                                                             began        to
        he Stonewall Inn, a gay and        founding     mother     of    political
                                                                                                             spread across
        lesbian neighborhood bar with      movements        on     behalf       of
                                           transgendered      and     transsexual                            the country.
        a large number of African
                                           Americans. It may have been a still                               Gay, lesbian,
American and Latino patrons, was
also well-known as a safe space for        unidentified butch lesbian arrested in                            trans      and
those who did not conform to gender        the bar. Over 2000 GLBTQ                                          other queer
norms: butch lesbians, effeminate gay      Americans clashed with 400 police                                 Americans
men,       and      transsexual     and    officers on June 28. Arrests and                                  took to the
transgendered persons before the           beatings were concentrated among                                  streets      to
terms were in popular use. All of          Stonewall’s     African     American,     protest their continued oppression,
these factors brought the police to        Latino, butch and trans patrons. What     objectification,                   and
Stonewall in 1969 for the purpose of       ensued was known in the New York          criminalization. This singular
illegally raiding the bar, and arresting   press and among the police as the
                                                                                     event, the Stonewall Rebellion,
its occupants -- an action not             Stonewall riots. For gay, lesbian,
                                           bisexual, transgendered, transsexual      marked the beginning of the
unknown in New York in the 1960s.
                                           and queer Americans, and later the        modern        GLBTQ          liberation
    In the early morning hours of June
28, 1969, the New York City police         world, that fateful day marked the        movement, and brought GLBTQ
raided The Stonewall Inn. On that          beginning of the Stonewall Rebellion.     political and social struggles out of
                                                With shouts of "Gay Power,"          Continued on Page 15
11                                                                                      The MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
Arts Review : Sex Pistols Rockumentary The Filth
and the Fury and Detroit Hip-Hop Artist 'Invincible'
                                                                      nationalism."    bassist Sid Vicious, not on the basis of
By SAYAN BHATTACHARYYA                                                The critic       their musical ability, but on the basis
The Michigan Socialist                                                Ken Tucker       of whether they possessed a "punk
                                                                      of The New       attitude" to a sufficient degree! In fact,

                                                                                       it turns out that Sid Vicious never
     t turns out that I attended two                                  York Times
                                                                                       even learned to play bass properly, in
     music-related events last August,                                has remarked,    spite of being the band's bassist, so
     both of which had to do with                                     "The stage       that, at live performances, his bass
musicians who purport to challenge                                    performances     was never mic’d.
authority and see their music as the
                                                                      in The Filth          What the band lacked in musical
expression of anti-Establishment
                                                                      and the Fury     talent, however, they made up for in
protest. The first of the two was the
                                                                      showcase one     attitude, which they possessed
performance by the Detroit-based
                                                                                       plentifully. What they also seemed to
underground hip-hop emcee Ilana                                       of the most
                                                                                       possess in equal profusion was an
Weaver (a.k.a. Invincible) and other                                  charismatic      appetite for self-destructive behavior,
underground Detroit rappers at the         figures in rock history. Mr. Lydon's        especially in the case of Sid Vicious.
Blind Pig in Ann Arbor. The second         slicing vocals have the sharpness of a      With an over-the-top style, and for the
of these "protest music" events was
                                           buccaneer's sword, and he holds the         most part a fast, jagged pace with a
the screening of the 2000 film, The
                                           stage like a pop-music Captain Ahab."       good deal of abrupt cutting, the film
Filth and the Fury, about the British
                                                  I did not know much about the        stylistically reflects quite well the
punk rock group from the 70s, the Sex
                                           Sex Pistols before seeing this film,        giddy, outrageous and maniacal antics
Pistols. Ever since attending these two
                                           and I went to see the film with the         of the band, which were widely
events, I have been thinking about the
                                           expectation that they might be as           reported in the British tabloid press
role of musical protest and resistance
                                           profound as other political punk-                     Esther Leslie and Ben Watson
in the anti-capitalist movement.
                                           rockers like the Clash and the Manic        have remarked in their Militant
         The approach of the Sex
                                           Street Preachers. On the basis of this      Esthetix article, 'Comic Marxism:
Pistols is very different from that of
                                           film, though, the Sex Pistols, with the     Punk Rock and the Bash Street Kids,'
the underground hip-hop emcees.
                                           possible exception of their vocalist,       "When, at the height of the punk
While there undoubtedly exists a
                                           Johnny Rotten, came across as a rather      furor, the manager of the Sex Pistols,
genealogy that links punk rock to hip-
                                           self-oriented band; more interested in      Malcolm McLaren was accused of
hop via post-punk, the Sex Pistols,                                                    provoking violence and destruction at
                                           striking a rebellious pose and sporting
as depicted in this film at least,                                                     punk gigs, he replied 'you've got to be
                                           an attitude than about anything else.
seemed to be more about nihilism and                                                   able to destroy to create' ...The Sex
                                           Their rebelliousness seemed to be
chaos than offering a coherent social                                                  Pistols deliberately produced music
                                           little deeper than, say, the thickness of
critique on a basis from which any                                                     that was violent, nihilistic and
                                           a t-shirt.
meaningful program of social change                                                    politically unsafe... In 1977, the
                                                   Such a sartorial metaphor is
could be constructed. The Wikipedia                                                    listener had either to refuse the music,
                                           actually rather apt in the case of a
article on the Sex Pistols states that                                                 or become a punk in active opposition
                                           band like the Sex Pistols, since it turns
the "Sex Pistols emerged as a response                                                 to humdrum existence. There was no
                                           out that the "concept" of the band had
to the increasingly safe and bloated                                                   possibility of using the music […] as
                                           been fashioned (pun unintended) in a
progressive      rock,    disco     and                                                an ornamental addition to a regular
                                           second-hand clothes store in Chelsea,
manufactured pop music of the mid-                                                     life-style."
                                           London, owned by one Malcolm
1970s. The band created controversies                                                             As the film depicts, the Sex
                                           McLaren. (Below, for example, is a
which captivated Britain, but often                                                    Pistols did pay a price for their
                                           shirt that McLaren handcrafted to
eclipsed their music. Their shows and                                                  attitude, as they were dropped by
                                           celebrate the band's Anarchy in the
tours repeatedly faced difficulties with                                               several record companies in rapid
                                           U.K album).
organizers and authorities, and public                                                 succession. Yet, this seemed to not
                                                    McLaren even recruited
appearances often ended in mayhem.                                                     have translated into any financial
                                           potential band members, including
Their 1977 single "God Save the                                                        hardship for them since, as the film
                                           Johnny Rotten (whose real name was
Queen" was regarded as an attack on                                                    gleefully highlights with a festoon
                                           John Lydon) and, later, the band's
the British monarchy and British
 12                                                                                        The MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
showing of British pounds, the ever-      fellow underground Detroit hip-hop
increasing sums of money successive         musicians are articulating is both
record companies paid to sign them,         far more effective, and far more
they seemed to have made quite a            authentic, than the commodified
killing by turning their scandalous         protest purveyed by artists like the Sex
reputation into a bankable and              Pistols. Granted, the Sex Pistols may
profitable brand. What was at work,         have served a purpose by shocking
in other words, was the well-known          people out of their complacency and
way in which protest itself tends to        torpor; forcing their listeners out of the
get packaged, commodified, and              vapid easy-listening rut into which pop
sold for consumption in a market            music had fallen by the mid-seventies.
society. Where the band really paid the     Nevertheless, they seemed to have had
price -- as the film depicts quite          little to offer beyond a purely negative
poignantly, even if matter-of-factly --     critique. They did not offer a positive,
                                                                                          A mishmash of rebellious imagery:
was in the personal lives of individual     meaningful alternative, and this is why       McClaren's handcrafted 'Anarchy in the
                                            their music ultimately pointed only to        U.K.' shirt emblematizes anarchism,
                                            the void of pure anarchy, rather than         Karl Marx, and "chaos," all combined.
                                            towards a coherent basis for the
                                            construction of a different kind of          socialist vision – in this day and age,
                                            society.                                     in today’s circumstances. Weaver was
                                                                                         born in Israel and moved with her
                                             "God Save the Queen" was                    parents to Ann Arbor in 1988 as a
                                             regarded as an attack on the                seven-year-old, and is a graduate of
                                                                                         Ann Arbor’s Community High School.
                                             British monarchy and British
                                                                                         For a while, Weaver lived in New
                                             nationalism."                               York City and worked with the all-
                                                                                         woman hip-hop group, 'Anomolies',
                                            It is not that punk rock by itself has       before moving back to Detroit in
                                            sold     out.     Dave    Hamell,      a     2002.
band members and their associates,                                                           A native speaker of Hebrew, she
                                            contemporary punk rock musician who
especially that of Sid Vicious, who                                                      taught herself English as a child by
                                            played in Ann Arbor at the Ark some
after having become suspected of                                                         listening to hip-hop after moving to the
                                            time ago, points the way, for instance,
stabbing to death his groupie-turned-                                                    USA. She has been working as a hip-
                                            to how punk rock can be a weapon for
partner Nancy Spungen, died himself                                                      hop musician since the age of fifteen,
                                            positive, even compassionate critique,
in    circumstances     that     strongly                                                and also works as an "artist mentor"
                                            and not just an instrument for wanton
suggested suicide, while out on bail                                                     for Michigan prisoners through the
                                            nihilism. It is to the work of Hamell
and awaiting his trial.                                                                  Prison Creative Arts Project (PCAP)
         Nevertheless, the film stands      and other meaningful punk and
                                                                                         program. Tej Nagaraja, the music
testimony to the fact that, as the band’s   post-punk musicians, such as The
                                                                                         critic for the Indypendent, a New
Wikipedia article states, "While many       Clash and the Manic Street                   York City alternative newspaper,
of the Sex Pistols' outrages were           Preachers, as well as to musicians           wrote in his review of the album:
plotted, the most famous were               and bands like Rage against the              "She's a visionary in the literal sense."
evidently not." There indeed was a          Machine, Patti Smith, and many of                   Weaver lists among her cultural
core of genuine and passionate outrage      Detroit's own native artists, that we        and literary influences: Gil Scott
at the hypocrisy of society and             must turn for a satisfying                   Heron (of "The Revolution Will Not
inequities of capitalism, animating this    contribution made by the musical             be Televised" fame), Nina Simone,
band -- especially its most charismatic                                                  The Coup, James Baldwin, Audre
                                            genre of punk towards creating the
member, Johnny Rotten,who much              vision that another, better world is         Lorde, Paulo Freire, Edward Said,
later observed in 1999 that, "If we had     possible.                                    Suheir Hammad!, The Young Lords,
an aim, it was to force our own,                    Twenty-seven year old Ilana          and the long-time Detroit activists and
working-class opinions into the             Weaver (who works under the stage            socialists Jimmy & Grace Lee Boggs.
mainstream, which was unheard of in         name of DJ Invincible), living and           (The latter had been, along with the
pop music at the time.”                     working in Detroit, exemplifies how          great Trinidadian socialist C.L.R.
      At the end of the day, though, the    artists can create such a vision – a         James, a member of the Johnson-
protest music that Weaver and her                                                        Forest tendency within the United
  13                                                                                         The MICHIGAN SOCIALIST
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