July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY

July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY
July 11, 2021
        St. Michael Church
         401 S. Main Street
        Newark, NY 14513
Parochial Administrator: Fr . Felicjan Sier otowicz, ext. 105
Email: fr.felicjan.sierotowicz@dor.org                            Fr. Mike’s Message:
Parochial Vicar: Fr . Michael Mer r itt, 102
Email: fr.michael.merritt@dor.org                                                        Summer
Pastoral Associate: June Sherman, ext. 104,                          It is quite hard to believe that the 4th of July holi-
june.Sherman@dor.org                                       day is already in the rearview mirror. It means that sum-
Regional Finance Director: Mary Capone, ext.103            mer is already well under way. I have often found that
                                                           parish life, as well as regular life, slows down some dur-
Music Director: Tim Schramm, ext 110, 585-339-8546
                                                           ing the summer months. Maybe its because its often too
Parish Secretary: Katie Childs, ext. 101 katie.childs@dor.org
Hispanic Liaison: Sr. Kay Schwenzer Ext. 106               hot to do too much, or just because we need some time to
315-277-0302, kschwenzer2@aol.com                          slow down, but summer often becomes the time of year
Maintenance: Dominic Vitaro, Ext. 111                      where we take time off and get away.
Pastoral Council Chair: Lee Lauster                                  My guess is that many of you will try to take a
Finance Council Chair: Carmella Owen                       vacation during these months. Vacations are very nice
Catholic Charities of Wayne County: Deacon Peter S. Dohr , and are very beneficial for us, whether we go to some far-
Executive Director 315-331-4867                            off country or stay right in our own backyard. But might
         OFFICE HOURS (window service)                     I suggest, if you can this year, to consider taking some
         Monday –Thursday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm              time off, not simply for leisure, but to spend with the
          1 pm to 4:30 pm       CLOSED FRIDAY              Lord.
                                                                     Every summer, as parish life slows down, I plan
                                                           a week-long retreat. Now, priests are required to make a
      CELEBRATION of the EUCHARIST                         yearly retreat, but I would make it even if it wasn’t re-
             DAILY MASS (upper church)                     quired. I have always gone to the Abbey of the Genesee
  Monday 10:00 am at Senior Living Centers                 monastery located in Piffard, out in Livingston County.
             Suspended until further notice                That week spent with the Trappist Monks has always
                                                           been a powerful one for me. Year after year I have re-
            Tuesday-Thursday 8:00 am,                      ceived so many benefits from spending just a few days
 No Wednesday 6 pm Mass June-Sept.                         there in prayer and solitude. Just being able to step away
     Friday, Liturgy of the Word, with Communion           from the rigors of life for a few days and spend some
             Suspended until further notice                much-needed quiet time with our Lord, away from tech-
                 WEEKEND MASSES                            nology and deadlines and schedules, has always helped to
                Sunday: 8:15 & 10:30 am                    recharge my batteries. I always come back feeling re-
                                                           freshed and ready to take on the challenges of parish life
        SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                        that await when I return.
               Sunday 9:45 -10:15 am                                 Now, I know, of course, that not everyone is
  First Wednesday of the month, 6:15-6:50 pm               able to take a week off to spend at a secluded monastery.
                   or by appointment                       But if you get a chance, I would encourage you to spend
                     HOLY HOUR                             some time this summer in quiet with the Lord. Spend
 First Wednesday of the month, June-Sept.                  some time away from the noise of daily life and put your-
                     6:00 –7:00 pm                         self in God’s presence. Maybe make a daytrip to the Ab-
               RELIGIOUS EDUCATION                         bey, or to Mount Savior, another Monastery down in
        Please check the bulletin for updates              Elmira, in the Southern Tier. Or make a trip to one of the
                                                           many shrines throughout our state. You can even set up a
                                                           prayer room in your house, in a quiet area, to be with the
                                                           Lord. And of course, don’t forget to spend some time in
                                                           the Church before the Blessed Sacrament. I can promise
                                                           you if you take that time this summer, your lives will
                                                           continue to be enriched, refreshed, and renewed
July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY
St. Michael Church                                                                                                          July 11, 2021
Newark, New York                                                                                       Fifteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time

                                 WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE AND EVENTS
                     DAY                                  MASS INTENTION                                             EVENTS
           Sunday, July 11                 8:15 am ~ Martha Hegeman—Brian & Gina Donnelly           Lector 8:15 am ~ S. O’Toole
 Fifteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time         10:30 am ~ Bobby Fronckowiak—Peirson Ave. Gang                  10:30 am ~ S. Hartman
          Independence Day                                                                          Collection for the aid to the Church in
             Monday, July 12                Masses suspended at Nursing Homes
             Tuesday, July 13              8:00 am ~ Peter Calviera—Steve & Debbie Gravino
          Wednesday, July 14               8:00 am ~ Anthony, Rachel & Salvatore Vito—Carolyn
    St. Kateri Tekakwitha , virgin                                                     Mowry
          Thursday, July 15                8:00 am ~ Ben Hartman—Hartman family
     St. Bonaventure, bishop and
         doctor of the Church
             Friday, July 16                            No Communion Service
        Saturday, July 17                                        No Mass

           Sunday, July 18                 8:15 am ~ For the people of the parish                   Lector 8:15 am ~ T. O’Toole
 Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time         10:30 am ~ Margaret Tedesche—St. Michael staff                 10:30 am ~ C. Wersinger
                                                                                                      Deacon Kiley Homilist

                                     Readings For July 18 2021
                           Responsorial Psalm
  First Reading            PS 23: 1-3, 3-4, 5-6                            Second Reading             Gospel
                           The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I     Eph 2: 13-18               Mk 6: 30-34
  Jer 23:1-6                  shall want.

 ST. MICHAEL’S FINANCIAL GIVING Weekly Offertory                                               GREETER MINISTRY SCHEDULE

            June 27, 2021     $4229.00                                                      JULY 18, 8:15 AM       B. Hegeman, G. Porter
           Peter ‘s Pence      $447.00                                                      JULY 18, 10:30 AM      S. Eagley, I. Humphrey

                                    Budget           Actual           Variance
      Many thanks for
      your support of                 YTD             YTD                              Today, July 11, our special collection
       St. Michael’s              As of 4/30/21                                        supports the Church in central and
                                                                                       Eastern Europe. Your donation today
 Total Collections                $229,354.00     $202,800.00       $(26,554.00)       helps restore the church and build the
                                                                                       future in more than 25 countries still
                                                                                       struggling to recover from former com-
 Total Revenue (less)             $269,475.00     $247,843.00       $(21,632.00)       munist rule. Funds from this collection
 Total Expenses                   $267,371.00     $249,325.00       $(18,046.00)       support reconstruction, education, for-
                                                                                       mation, and poverty outreach. Please be
 Net Surplus/Deficit                 $2,104.00     $(1,482.00)                         generous to the collection today. For
                                                                                       more     information,    please    visit
                        “He who is generous
                          will be blessed.”
                               ~Proverbs 22:9

                                                                                             There will be no 6 pm Mass until
                                                                                                September. Holy Hour will
                                                                                              continue once a month on the
                                                                                             first Wednesday of each month,
July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY
St. Michael Church                                                                                              November
                                                                                                                          1, 2020
                                                                                                                          14, 2021
                                                                                          The Most       Sunday
                                                                                                   Holy Body AndInBlood
                                                                                                                         Of Saints
Newark, New York

Hannick Hall Welcome Bags are needed…                               ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! ¡Entra en Nuestras Vidas!
For the month of July, we are responsible for filling                  Hace dos semanas antes de comenzar el bautismo de Estefan pregunté
10 welcome bags for Hannick Hall’s new arrivals. We                 a todos en la asamblea si iban a aceptar la responsabilidad de ayudar al
need unopened full size personal care items such as                 niño crecer en la fe, de ayudar a los padres criar al niño en la fe. Dijeron
                                                                    que sí. No son solamente los padres y padrinos que tienen la responsa-
shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, toothpaste, tooth-                  bilidad. ¿Se acuerdan que nuestros sacramentos son celebraciones co-
brush, deodorant, etc., no hair spray. Please bring                 munitarias y por el Bautismo los niños son reconocidos como miembros
them to the Parish Center or the Gathering Space                    de la familia de Dios y miembros de la Iglesia, del pueblo de Dios, de
during the month of July. Thank You.                                nuestra comunidad? Si no han visto un niño o un joven en la celebra-
Catholic Family Center, Hannick Hall is a 20 bed in-                cion Eucarística, eso debe preocuparse. Ayuden a los padres aumentar
                                                                    su fe y vivir su fe. Si son vecinos o conocidos, hablen con ellos dicien-
tensive residential stabilization and rehabilitation                do que ustedes los echan de menos en la iglesia y pueden mencionar el
program for women located here in Newark.                           programa de formación en la fe para los niños y jóvenes y el grupo ju-
                                                                      Por el Bautismo el Espíritu Santo entró en la vida del bautizado, pero
 Fall Retreat Weekends for Men, Women and Couples                   desafortunadamente muchas personas no se comunican con el Espíritu
                                                                    Santo quien vive en ellos. Intentamos caminar por la vida por medio de
             “Finding God in Life’s Treasures”                      nuestra propia fuerza sin la ayuda de Dios. Nos olvidamos de la ayuda
         Notre Dame Retreat House Canandaigua, NY                   que el Espíritu Santo nos ofrece gratuitamente. Está con nosotros y nos
Come and explore how to find God in the midst of life’s graces      espera despertarnos a la accion a la cual nos invita. ¿Tenemos el deseo
and challenges. We all experience transitions throughout our        de ser un verdadero discípulo de Cristo? Es el Espíritu Santo que va a
lives. Especially within this past year and a half. How we cope     ayudarnos; tenemos que dejar que el Espíritu Santo actúe dentro de
with the unexpected; how we discern ‘what next’ and how we          nosotros y nos mueva a la acción. Les ruego que piensen en el bien
draw strength and wisdom from others will be the focus of the       completo suyo y de sus hijos. Nosotros somos más que cuerpos; tene-
talks and prayer experiences throughout the retreat weekend.        mos que desarollar nuestras mentes, nuestra capacidad de socializarnos
Give yourself the gift of retreat this year. To learn more, visit   y muy importante es nuestro espíritu interior. Sin el Espíritu Santo la
                                                                    vida de fe, la esperanza y la caridad son imposible. Es el Espíritu que
our website at www.notredameretreat.org of call, 585-394-5700.
                                                                    actua en nuestros corazones y es el Espíritu que nos transforma si este-
                                                                    mos abiertos a su acción. El Espíritu sostiene la Iglesia; nos mueve a
                                                                    amar y nos ayuda a compartir la fe con otros.
     Fifteenth Sunday in ordinary time                                El Espíritu Santo nos regala dones y cada uno es una ayuda en
                                                                    distintas situaciones. Al pasar los años algunos dones toman mas
                                                                    importancia en la vida nuestra. La sabiduria trae el gusto de Dios y su
                                                                    vida. Uno distingue entre lo esencial y lo no tan importante. El
                                                                    entendimiento nos ayuda a reconocer mejor las profundidades de Dios,
                                                                    y el don de consejo nos ayuda a discernir caminos y opciones distintos,
                                                                    de cómo orientar nuestras vidas, ayudándonos a escuchar
                                                                    profundamente. El don de la ciencia no es la ciencia del mundo sino
                                                                    nos abre interiormente al pensamiento de Dios. El don de la piedad nos
                                                                    ayuda a estar en la busqueda de Dios, abiertos a su voluntad, y aprender
                                                                    cómo actuar con Jesús. Ah, y ¿cómo hacer eso? A veces necesitamos
                                                                    el don de fortaleza que nos ayuda, al sentrinos debiles, a ser valientes
                                                                    para enfrentar las dificultades. El séptimo don es el temor de Dios para
                                                                    mantenernos con respeto frente a Dios, respetando lo que sabemos que
                                                                    Dios quiere de nosotros, y separándonos de lo que pueda desagradar a
                                                                    Dios. Ven, Espíritu Santo, despiértanos a tu presencia activa en nues-
                                                                    tras vidas.      Hermana Kay
                                                                    Hoy: Celebración del Sacramento de la
                                                                    Confirmación de Claudia Mosqueda
                                                                    Nuestro obispo, Salvatore Matano, ha delegado a Padre Jesús el derecho
Summer blessings for families:                                      de presidir y celebrar el sacramento de la Confirmación de Claudia
   May we make our home places of relaxation,                       Mosqueda con nuestra comunidad. Ella ha cumplido su preparación y
                                                                    está lista a tomar más responsabilidades de su fe como una adulta.
            joy, love, peace and safety.                            Nuestra comunidad celebra con Claudia, apoyánd ola y felicitándola
      May we be generous and considerate,
Not thinking only about ourselves, but helping oth-
    ers enjoy the blessings of the summertime.
 Lord God, Creator of all things, guide our steps
        and strengthen our hearts during
   these months of summer and vacation days.
     Grant us refreshment of mind and body.
May we constantly strive to make a meaningful dif-
      ference in the lives of our loved ones
         and in the world around us as we
       enjoy the warm days of summertime.                           Bautismo de Sus Hijos
      We ask this through Christ our Lord.                          Si estén pensando en tener el bautismo de sus hijos en los próximos
                        Amen.                                       meses, favor de comunicarse con Hermana Kay (315-277-0302). .
July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY
St. Michael Church                                                                                     November
                                                                                                           July 11,
                                                                                                                 1, 2020
                                                                                      Fifteenth Sunday In Ordinary
                                                                                                               All Saints
Newark, New York

                                                                               Cluster Mass Schedule
               Family Connection                            St. Joseph the Worker ( St. M ichael L yons, St. Patrick Savan-
                                                            nah & St. John the Evangelist, Clyde )& Blessed Trinity (St.
Gospel Reading: Mark 6: 7-13                                Thomas Red Creek, Winter, St Jude Fair Haven, Summer & St.
            Jesus instructs his disciples and               Mary Magdalene Wolcott)
           sends them to preach repentance.                                      Weekend Schedule
 Families who work together to accomplish routine           4:00 pm ~ Saturday St. Michael Lyons
                                                            4:30 pm ~ Saturday St. Mary Magdalene Wolcott
household tasks know that the benefits are more             8:30 am ~ Sunday St. Thomas Red Creek (winter)
than efficiency. In sharing daily tasks, we accomplish      8:30 am ~ Sunday St. Jude Fair Haven (summer)
more, but we also build relationships that last—and         10:30 am ~Sunday St. John the Evangelist Clyde
                                                            4:00 pm ~ Sunday St. Patrick’s, Savannah
it’s a lot more fun! Jesus sent his disciples in pairs to                       Daily Mass Schedule
minister in his name. Perhaps the job was accom-            8:30 am ~ Monday     St. Mary Magdalene Wolcott
                                                            8:30 am ~ Tuesday    St. John the Evangelist Clyde
plished more effectively this way, but more important-      6:00 pm ~ Wednesday St. John the Evangelist, Clyde
ly, Jesus’ mission was accomplished more authentical-       8:30 am ~ Thursday St. John the Evangelist Clyde
ly. The Christian message can only authentically be         8:30 am ~ Friday      St. Michael Lyons
                                                            8:30 am ~ Friday      St. Mary Magdalene Wolcott
proclaimed in and through the community of faith. In
our work with others, we build this community of                                    Confessions
                                                            3:30 –4:15 pm ~ Saturday St. Mary Magdalene, Wolcott
faith and can invite others to share in it.                 3:15—3:45 pm ~ Saturday St. Michael. Lyons
As you gather as a family, talk about some household        7:00– 7:50 am ~ Sunday St. Jude, Fair Haven
tasks that are more easily accomplished when two or         5:20—5:50 pm ~ Wednesday, St. John the Evangelist, Clyde
more people work together. Talk about how working           St. Joseph the Worker
together not only makes the job easier, but also makes       Phone: 315-902-4130
the task more fun because we are able to spend time          Webpage: www.saintjoetheworker.org
                                                              Facebook page: St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Wayne County,
together. Read together today’s Gospel, Mark 6:7-13.                                                          New York
Ask: Why do you think Jesus sent out his disciples in       The Catholic Community of the Blessed Trinity
                                                             Phone: 315-902-4130
pairs? Observe that Jesus continues to give us a com-        Webpage: www.ccblessdtrinity.org
munity with which we share our life of discipleship—         Facebook page: Catholic Community of the Blessed Trinity
our family and the community of the Church. Con-
clude in prayer together that we will continue to rely
on the support of the community of the Church in
our life of discipleship. Pray together the Prayer to
the Holy Spirit.

               Prayer to the Holy Spirit
 Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
 And kindle in them the fire of your love.
 Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
 And you will renew the face of the earth.
 by the light of the Holy Spirit
 you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
 In the same Spirit
 help us to relish what is right
 and always rejoice in your consolation.                                Nationwide Mass times & locations
 We ask this through Christ our Lord.                                         for traveling Catholics:

                                                                          Heating A/C Plumbing
                                                               Thank you for sponsoring an ad in our bulletin.
July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY
St. Michael Church                                                                                              November
                                                                                                                    July 11,
                                                                                                                          1, 2020
Newark, New York                                                                               Fifteenth Sunday In Ordinary
                                                                                                                        All Saints

                     To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven
                                               “… a time to be born…”
                                               “...a time to love…”
                                               “… a time to be healed…”
                                               Please pray for the sick of our Parish.
         Steven Sapp, Leigh Ann Henry, Nate Barnes, Claire Childs, Kim Zielinski, Michael Kowaleski, Gretchen Switzer Bouwens,
             Mary Santoro, Cathy Wilhelm, David Murphy, Darlene Fletcher, ET Trunick, Donald Pieters, Marcia Palermo,
                        Jerry Sielawa, Georgette Eagley, Fran DeVelder, Mary Talbo, Ann Straight, Ivana Ernst,
                      Gloria Viola, Michael George , Ada Lasken, Phillip Juliano, Sr., Pat Havrilla & Pearl Johnson
             And please pray for our Parish friends. Scott Weber, Richard Schweitz, Jr., Bonnie Crane, Tracy Diaz-Cruz,
              Barb Gallant, Ann Maliborski, Sherry Caughell, Tom DeYoung , Pastor Patience Kisakye & Michael Bauer, Jr
                                                        “… a time to die…”
                                                  “… and a time for peace.”
              In our world and for all people, military and civilian, who are in the midst of war. Ecclesiastes 3:11

                St. Michael Men’s Jail Ministry
                       Volunteers Needed
 Location: Wayne County Jail                                      The Newark Food Closet is currently looking for volunteers to
 When:      Wednesday from 7-8 pm Rotating schedule               work once a month from 10-12. Volunteers may pick what day
             based on the numbers of volunteers.                  they would like to work Mon-Fri, we are also now open every
 Group size: 4-20 Inmates                                         3rd Sat from 9-10 and in need of volunteers for that day too.
 Lead men’s bible study sharing God’s word with inmates             Regular hours opened are Monday-Friday from 10-noon.
 using the At Home With the Word book. We discuss the
 three weekly scripture readings, as well.                           The Food Closet is located at 301 E. Miller St., Newark.
 Two volunteers per week needed                                       The Newark Food Closet is still accepting donations of
        Please contact Parish Center for more information if                      non-perishable food items. .
                     interested, 315-331-6753.
July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY July 11, 2021 St. Michael Church - 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-6753 - St. Michael Church, Newark NY
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