JUNE 2022 - Annual Subscription £3.00

Page created by Calvin Marshall
JUNE 2022 - Annual Subscription £3.00
The Parish Church of St James’ Arnside with Storth Village Church

                             PA R I S H M A G A Z I N E

                                                                                                JUNE 2022

Annual Subscription £3.00
JUNE 2022 - Annual Subscription £3.00
JUNE 2022
Sunday 5th: 08.00 Holy Communion (BCP)
Whit Sunday 10.00 Village Service of
            Thanksgiving for the Platinum
            Jubilee of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II
            at St James (followed by celebratory

Sunday 12th: 08.00         Holy Communion (BCP)
Trinity Sunday 09.30       Parish Communion

Sunday 19th: 08.00         Holy Communion (BCP)
1st after Trinity 09.30    Parish Communion

Sunday 26th: 08.00 Holy Communion (BCP)
2nd after Trinity* 09.30     Parish Communion
                   3pm - 5pm Open House to meet the Wallace
                   family at Arnside Vicarage.
            *The Reverend Hannah Wallace’s first Sunday following
                      her ordination as Deacon on 25th June.

Evensong at St Michael and All Angels, Beetham, each Sunday at 6.00pm
            (Please note: 8.00am Communion Service may on occasion be
         unavailable, any change will appear on Pew Sheet in preceding week.)

           Morning Prayer: Every Wednesday during term time at 8.15am
      School Church: Every Wednesday except 1st June, at 9.15am (all welcome)
                           FRIDAY 10th June
                           3.30pm to 5.30pm
                           Arnside Methodist

                  AT 10.30am
JUNE 2022 - Annual Subscription £3.00
St James’ Magazine: 3

The Lord be with you this month
Priest in Charge
The Revd. Andrew B. Norman,
The Parsonage, Stanley Street,
Beetham, Milnthorpe, LA7 7AS
Tel:015395 62355                                   St James’ Parish Church: Registered
email: revdabn@gmail.com                          Charity in England & Wales. Registered
                                                           Charity No. 1143293.
Please do be in touch with Andrew if there is any support or encouragement he can
offer - a pastoral visit, phone call, Holy Communion at home - or if you would like
anyone or anything remembered in prayer.

If you would like to ask about the following: Baptisms, Confirmation, Weddings,
Funerals, Home Visits and Communions, Prayer and Anointing for Healing, Sacrament
of Reconcillation or if you have any questions about church life or the Christian Faith,
please do contact and speak to Andrew, he would be pleased to hear from you.

                           PASTORAL CARE GROUP
If you or anyone you know in the parish would appreciate a pastoral visit or phonecall,
please do speak to Andrew, Anne Jackson (01524 761174) or the Churchwardens.

                           Church Mission Statement
       The villages of Arnside and Storth have churches where EVERYONE:
                  is welcome - can worship and encounter God -
       can learn more of God and his ways. We do this together, not alone.

                            St James Church, Arnside
Priest in Charge:		 		     Revd. Andrew Bryan Norman			                     (015395) 62355
				                       email: revdabn@gmail.com
Churchwardens:		           Mr Ian Service					                              (01524) 762019
				                       Mr Edgar Shepherd				                            (01524) 761132
             Mr A Mitchell					(01524) 761583
Headteacher:		 		          Mr Nick Sharp, Arnside National C.E.School (01524) 761159

                                 Storth Village Church
Priest in Charge:		        Revd. Andrew Bryan Norman			                     (015395) 62355
Headteacher:		             Mr Simon Brabant, Storth C.of E.School           (015395) 62517
St James’ Parish Church: Registered Charity in England & Wales. Registered Charity No. 1143293.
JUNE 2022 - Annual Subscription £3.00
4: St James’ Magazine

                                                        Letter from the Parsonage,

Dear friends
Earlier in the year I wrote about the beginning   of her. A reminder – after seventy years of
of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the        service – that everything that has followed
Queen, recalling that on Accession Day (6th       has come from Her Majesty’s choice to
February) Queen Elizabeth II became the first     honour and fulfil all that was being asked of
British monarch to celebrate seventy years        her. In recognising this we remember that the
on the throne. And, as those who have lived       Queen’s lifetime of dedicated duty has not
and are living through our country’s second       been predicated on a meaningless approach
Elizabethan age, we are fully aware of the        to doing what was expected of her, but rather
historical significance of such celebrations.     an active decision to serve, regardless of the
When, in looking back on the last seven           cost that it brings.
decades, we record the extraordinary (and
perhaps unparalleled) progress socially,          Such attitudes and values do not always
technologically and culturally that have          chime well with our modern era, when in an
benefited peoples across the world.               individualistic and consumerist age we forget
                                                  the meaningfulness of sacrifice and what this
Though attitudes towards the monarchy             means in life, work and community; so that
differ and can be the cause of debate and         those around us (and not just we ourselves)
disagreement; even the most ardent sceptic        can find happiness, contentment and
would be hard pressed not to recognise the        flourishing. In this the Queen has, in our own
diligent and unstinting service that Her          unique way, heeded the words Jesus offered
Majesty has demonstrated throughout the last      to his first disciples about the way he was
seven decades. As with hope and purpose,          asking them to go, ‘if any want to become my
with faith and resolve she has sought to serve    followers, let them deny themselves and take
God and through serving God do her utmost         up their cross and follow me.’ In short, we are
for the welfare of the people committed to        taught the real beauty of life, the vision that
her charge.                                       God intends for us all, in our willingness and
                                                  choice to give ourselves wholeheartedly to
At the Coronation in June 1953, before            others. To love and serve as we trust that God
anything else, the Queen was asked by the         has already sought to love and serve us, most
Archbishop of Canterbury whether she was
willing to undertake all that would be asked
                                                                          Continued on page 5
JUNE 2022 - Annual Subscription £3.00
St James’ Magazine: 5
tangibly in the life, teachings and example of
Jesus Christ.
In The Book of Common Prayer, there is                                        Sunday
set down a prayer for our Queen that was
intended to be, and in many places still is,
                                                                                If you do
prayed daily. The prayer was originally
                                                                               not receive
written for a different time and monarch
altogether, in the ferment and fervour of the
                                                                              weekly email
English Reformation, when the political and
                                                                               with church
constitutional life of our nation was more
                                                  information, please do let him know and
fiercely contended than today. However,
                                                        he will add you to the list.
it would be difficult to find more apposite
words to frame all the celebrations that will
                                                                Pew Sheet:
take place across the country at the beginning
                                                 If anyone has any news/notices (including
of this month; as communities both locally
                                                 prompts for prayer and those who are sick)
and nationally come together, in varied ways,
                                                 to be included on the weekly Pew Sheet,
in thanksgiving for our Queen’s steadfast
                                                 please let Andrew know during the week
devotion to duty and service, including here
                                                 (before Thursday).
in our own village.
                                                 Andrew’s email is: revdabn@gmail.com
O Lord our heavenly Father,
high and mighty, King of kings, Lord of lords,
the only Ruler of princes,
who dost from thy throne behold all the
dwellers upon earth;
most heartily we beseech thee with thy favour
to behold our most gracious Sovereign Lady,
Queen Elizabeth;
and so replenish her with the grace of thy
Holy Spirit,
that she may alway incline to thy will, and
walk in thy way:
endue her plenteously with heavenly gifts;                  Friday 27th May
grant her in health and wealth long to live;
strengthen her that she may vanquish and
overcome all her enemies;                             Kenneth Matthews
and finally, after this life, she may attain
everlasting joy and felicity;                         A tribute to Ken’s life will
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Amen.                                                 appear in the July/August
With every good
wish and prayer for
God’s blessing,
6: St James’ Magazine


T   his month we celebrate the Queen’s
    Platinum Jubilee. She is the longest
reigning monarch in British history. It is
her commitment to serving God and the
nation which stands out in her life. The
Queen has been an example of joyful, wise
and generous advice on behalf of others
throughout her life and reign.

A     fter the Coronation the Queen said:
      “When I spoke to you last... I asked you
all, whatever your religion, to pray for me      Almighty God, the fountain of all
on the day of my Coronation - to pray that       goodness,
God would give me wisdom and strength to         bless our Sovereign Lady,
carry out the promises that I should then be     Queen Elizabeth,
making... I have been uplifted and sustained     and all who are in authority
by the knowledge that your thoughts and          under her;
prayers were with me.”                           that they may order all things
Her Majesty the Queen, Coronation Day,           in wisdom and equity,
                2 June 1953                      righteousness and peace,
                                                 to the honour and glory of your name
                                                 and the good of your Church and people;

W     e thank God for Her Majesty’s service
      and example to us all and pray for
her good health and continued Reign. May
                                                 through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
                                                 who is alive and reigns with you,
                                                 in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God’s blessings be with her always.              one God, now and for ever.

 “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted
 to your service... But I shall not have strength to carry out this resolution alone unless
 you join in it with me, as I now invite you to do: I know that your support will be
 unfailingly given. God help me to make good my vow, and God bless all of you who
 are willing to share in it.”
 Princess Elizabeth, 21 April 1947
St James’ Magazine: 7

                Arnside Christians Together Welcome to our
                          friends from Eukraine
‘Peace to you in the name of God our              The church leaders will be happy to offer
Father and our Lord Jesus Christ’.                spiritual or pastoral support to anyone who
The churches of Arnside offer you a warm          would find this helpful.
welcome to the village. We are praying for you    Rev Andrew Norman Tel 015395 62355
and for all the people of Ukraine at this time.   email: revdabn@gmail.com
We have three churches in the village: the        Rev Barbara Fairburn Tel 01524 761555
parish church of St James (Church of England)     email:
on Church Hill, Our Lady of Lourdes Roman         barbara.fairburn123@btinternet.com
Catholic Church on Silverdale Road and the        Rev Philip Smith Tel: 015395 32731
Methodist Church on Chapel Lane. We come          email:
from different traditions but we enjoying         kentestuarycatholicchurches@gmail.com
working and sharing together. Whatever               You will find information about church
your tradition, you would be welcome in any       services and other activities in the Arnside
of our churches. All the churches are open        Broadsheet each month and on the church
during the daytime and anyone is welcome          notice boards. May the Lord bless and keep
to go in to pray or to be quiet for a while.      you in the days and weeks ahead.

                            Християни Арнсайду разом
«Мир вам в ім’я Бога Отця нашого і Господа нашого Ісуса Христа».
Церкви Арнсайду запропонують вам теплий прийом у селі. Ми молимося за вас і
за весь народ України в цей час. У селі є три церкви: парафіяльна церква Святого
Джеймса (Англіканська церква) на Черч-Хіллі, Римо-католицька церква Богоматері
Лурдської на Сілвердейл-роуд і Методистська церква на Чапел-лейн. Ми походимо
з різних традицій, але нам подобається працювати та ділитися разом. Якою б не
була ваша традиція, ви будете раді в будь-якій нашій церкві. Усі церкви відкриті
вдень, і будь-хто може зайти помолитися або трохи побути.
Керівники церкви будуть раді запропонувати духовну чи пастирську підтримку
кожному, кому це допоможе.

Преподобний Ендрю Норман Тел. 015395 62355 електронна адреса: revdabn@gmail.
Преподобний Барбара Фейрберн Телефон 01524 761555 електронна адреса: barbara.
Преподобний Філіп Сміт Тел.: 015395 32731 електронна пошта:

Щомісяця ви знайдете інформацію про церковні служби та інші заходи в Arnside
Broadsheet та на дошках оголошень церкви.
8: St James’ Magazine

                             COLLECTS for SUNDAYS IN JUNE

Sunday 5th June PENTECOST                      who is alive and reigns with you,
                                               in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
(Whit Sunday)                                  one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Collect                                        Post Communion
God, who as at this time                       Almighty and eternal God,
taught the hearts of your faithful people      you have revealed yourself as Father, Son
by sending to them the light of your Holy      and Holy Spirit,
Spirit:                                        and live and reign in the perfect unity of
grant us by the same Spirit                    love:
to have a right judgement in all things        hold us firm in this faith,
and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort;   that we may know you in all your ways
through the merits of Christ Jesus our         and evermore rejoice in your eternal glory,
Saviour,                                       who are three Persons yet one God,
who is alive and reigns with you,              now and for ever. Amen.
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
                                               Sunday 19th June (1st Sunday
Post Communion                                 after Trinity)
Faithful God,
who fulfilled the promises of Easter           Collect
by sending us your Holy Spirit                 O God, the strength of all those who put
and opening to every race and nation           their trust in you,
the way of life eternal:                       mercifully accept our prayers
open our lips by your Spirit,                  and, because through the weakness of our
that every tongue may tell of your glory;      mortal nature
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen            we can do no good thing without you,
                                               grant us the help of your grace,
Sunday 12th June (Trinity                      that in the keeping of your commandments
                                               we may please you both in will and deed;
                                               through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
                                               who is alive and reigns with you,
                                               in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
Almighty and everlasting God,
                                               one God, now and for ever. Amen.
you have given us your servants grace,
by the confession of a true faith,
                                               Post Communion
to acknowledge the glory of the eternal
                                               Eternal Father,
                                               we thank you for nourishing us
and in the power of the divine majesty to
                                               with these heavenly gifts:
worship the Unity:
                                               may our communion strengthen us in faith,
keep us steadfast in this faith,
                                               build us up in hope,
that we may evermore be defended from all
                                               and make us grow in love;
                                               for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
                                                                       Continued on page 9.
St James’ Magazine: 9
Sunday 26th June (2nd Sunday
after Trinity)
Lord, you have taught us
that all our doings without love are nothing
send your Holy Spirit
and pour into our hearts that most excellent
                                                 I thought that you’d be interested to learn that
gift of love,
                                                 between January and April , inclusive, St.
the true bond of peace and of all virtues,
                                                 James collected £1,140 excluding Gift Aid.
without which whoever lives is counted
                                                 April’s contribution amounted to £235 and
dead before you.
                                                 3 large bags of foodstuffs, which delighted
Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s
                                                 Linda and Alistair.
who is alive and reigns with you,
                                                 As you might have anticipated, they have
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
                                                 increasing numbers of requests and, sadly,
one God, now and for ever. Amen
                                                 not quite as many donations as more people
                                                 are having to economise. So, what we’re
Post Communion
                                                 sending matters very much. For those of you
Loving Father,
                                                 who like to donate foods, there is a list on
we thank you for feeding us at the supper
                                                 the Food Bank board of items they need and
of your Son:
                                                 would particularly welcome.
sustain us with your Spirit,
that we may serve you here on earth
                                                 Thank you so much for your constant interest
until our joy is complete in heaven,
                                                 and support.
and we share in the eternal banquet
with Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
                                                 Warmly, Jude
(Readings are on page 11)

                                                    Sunday 5th June
                                                Pentecost (Whit Sunday)
                                            The Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen
                                                           Elizabeth II

                                       8.00am      Holy Communion (BCP)
                                      10.00am      Village Service of Thanksgiving for the
                                      Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
                                      at St James’ (followed by celebratory refreshments)
10: St James’ Magazine

June 5th - Day of                                that morning.
                                                    T h a t
Pentecost, Whit Sunday                           morning the
Pentecost took place on the well-established     Holy Spirit
Jewish festival of First Fruits, which was       came          to
observed at the beginning of the wheat           indwell the
harvest. It was seven weeks after Easter, or     disciples and
50 days including Easter.                        followers of
   A feast day to celebrate the country’s        Jesus.      The
wheat harvest does not sound exactly world-      Church was born. The Christians were
changing, but that year, it became one of the    suddenly full of life and power, utterly
most important days in world history. For        different from their former fearful selves.
Pentecost was the day that Jesus sent the        The change in them was permanent.
Holy Spirit - the day the Church was born.          Peter gave the first ever sermon of the
   Jesus had told His disciples that             Christian Church that morning, proclaiming
something big was going to happen, and that      Jesus was the Messiah. His boldness in
they were to wait for it in Jerusalem, instead   the face of possible death was in marked
of returning to Galilee. Jesus had plans for     contrast to the man who had denied Jesus 50
His disciples, but He knew they could not        days before. And 3,000 people responded,
do the work themselves. They would need          were converted, and were baptised. How’s
His help.                                        that for fast church growth!
   And so, they waited in Jerusalem, praying        Of course, Pentecost was not the first
together with His other followers, for many      time the Holy Spirit had acted in this world.
days. And then on that fateful morning there     All through the Old Testament there are
was suddenly the sound as of a mighty            accounts of how God’s Spirit guided people
rushing wind. Tongues of flame flickered on      and strengthened them. But now, because
their heads, and they began to praise God        of Christ’s death and resurrection, He could
in many tongues, to the astonishment of          INDWELL them. From now on, every
those who heard them. The curse of Babel         Christian could have the confidence that
(Genesis 11: 1- 9) was dramatically reversed     Jesus was with them constantly, through the
                                                 indwelling of His Holy Spirit.

 St James’ Day Celebrations                            Hannah’s Ordination
     on Sunday 24th July:                        Hannah will be ordained Deacon at
                                                 Carlisle Cathedral on Saturday 25th
                                                 June at 2.30pm (with refreshments from
    9.30am - Patronal Parish                     1.30pm).
  3.00pm - Arnside Christians                    If you would like to come along to
                                                 support Hannah you are invited and most
    Together Songs of Praise                     welcome.
  (outside St James) followed
      by celebratory BBQ                         Please let Andrew know if you are going
                                                 and then we can co-ordinate lifts etc.
St James’ Magazine: 11

        Sunday 5th June
            (WHIT SUNDAY)
 Village Service for the Platinum Jubilee
       of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II
        Acts 2: 1-21 - Mrs A Brown
     Romans 9: 14-17 - Mr A Mitchell           (If you would like a clearer understanding of
               John 14: 8-27                   a passage you are reading, Andrew or Ian will
                                                      be happy to discuss it with you).
         Sunday 12th June
  Proverbs 8: 1-4, 22-31 - Mr T Bradford
                                                     PRAYER LEADERS
     Romans 5: 1-5 - Mrs J Mitchell
              John 16: 12-15
                                                Sunday 5th June
         Sunday 19th June                       Mrs S E Felton
            (1st after Trinity)
       Isaiah 65: 1-9 - Mrs J Bratt
    Galatians 3: 23-29 - Mrs Y Service
                                                Sunday 12th June
              Luke 8: 26-39                     Mrs S Humphery

         Sunday 26th June                       Sunday 19th June
       (2nd Sunday after Trinity)               Mrs H Leach
 1 Kings 19: 15-16, 19-21 - Mr E G Taylor
  Galatians 5.1, 13-25 - Mrs S Woodburn
               Luke 9.51-62                     Sunday 26th June
                                                Mrs P Ellis
                                                   Our prayers must mean
                HOLIDAYS                         something to us if they are to
    if you are going to be away can you             mean anything to God.
please arrange with another reader to ‘swop’
  and let one of the wardens know who is                                  M D Babcock
            doing it. Thank you.
12: St James’ Magazine

                   FROM OUR SCHOOLS
    Arnside National School
       Headteacher, Mr N. Sharp

T    he summer term is such a wonderful time
     in school and the pupils are extremely
excited for the term ahead. Our new Easter
                                                  by the Youth Sport Trust
                                                  to reward schools for
                                                  their commitment to the
starters in Nursery have settled well and         development of competition across their
have fully immersed themselves in activities,     school and into the community, and we are
lessons and playtimes – superstars of the         delighted to have been recognised for our
future, bursting with smiles, energy and          success. A huge well done to all involved. The
infectious enthusiasm! We are also thrilled       term ahead has an exciting mix of alternative
to welcome several Ukrainian children to the      sports including Trigolf, Ultimate Frisbee,
school and we look forward to helping them        bouldering and even indoor curling, without
settle and flourish during this difficult time.   the ice of course! The excitement is already
Over the years, we have had children with         building for our annual sports day on Monday
very limited English and it’s remarkable how      20th June and all are welcome to spectate on
quickly they find a way of communicating,         the Memorial Field – it’s a running, jumping,
often in very creative ways.                      throwing extravaganza.
   The PTA are hard at work planning a fun-          Learning outside the classroom is a
packed Summer Fair: note down Saturday            fundamental part of our curriculum and it is
18th in your diaries as all are welcome to        often an opportunity for pupils to ‘shine’ in a
attend. The term started with our annual          different setting. Our infants had a fantastic
Bunny Bingo chocolate feast and it was            trip down to Lytham where they visited a
‘eyes down’ and fingers crossed with plenty       synagogue and spent the afternoon learning
of tasty prizes to be won. Many of our trips      about the seaside, including an obligatory
and residentials are subsidised by generous       ice-cream and train ride! The Year 5s will
donations from the PTA which helps keep           soon be heading off for a 3-day camping
the costs down for parents / carers.              experience involving walking, raft building,
   Our Eco Club and Mrs Hartropp have been        ghyll scrambling and mountain biking –
very busy and Earth Day provided a fantastic      Bear Grylls would be proud of our young
opportunity to promote environmental              explorers. The Year 6 class are heading
awareness. It was a successful day and the        further afield for an exciting trip to the capital
pupils’ passion and love for our world was        where they will manage to fit in a museum,
certainly a reminder that together, we can all    boat trip, the London Eye, St Paul’s, Tower
help make a difference. The no-energy hour        Bridge Experience and a night at the theatre;
proved more difficult than expected and it        I’m exhausted just thinking about it…
clearly highlighted how reliant we are on the        Finally, I would like to take the opportunity
power of technology.                              to highlight the outstanding efforts of our
   Mrs Shipperd and Mr Hoare, our                 Year 6 class. In May, pupils sit a series of
sporting champions, have been celebrating         exams called SATs which provide national
the school’s successful Gold Award                attainment data for end of Primary. Test
achievement. The School Games Mark is a
Government-led award scheme, facilitated                              Continued on page 13
St James’ Magazine: 13
outcomes are only a tiny insight into the actual
skills, creativity, talents and intelligence of     The Meaning of Colours
the children – there are many, many ways of         through the church year
being smart, special and unique.
   “Educating the mind without educating
the heart is no education at all.” Aristotle.
                                                   I n March, April and May this year the
                                                     coloured frontal of the altar will have been
                                                   changed many times – as will the colour of
   Enjoy your summer adventures, Mr Sharp.
                                                   the priest’s vestments. Each colour – and
                                                   there can be as many as six in a church’s
            Storth School                          store – has a different meaning. They reflect
     Headteacher, Mr S Brabant                     the significance of that day or the season.
                                                      In March purple was used as a symbol
                                                   of penitence, as we were in Lent and trying
                                                   to prepare ourselves for Christ’s final act of
                                                   love for each of us.
                                                      Holy Week – the time of Christ’s final
                                                   journey – was denoted by the colour red.
                                                   Red, the colour of blood, is used for feasts of
Please continue to pray for our schools            martyrs as well as those for the Holy Spirit
in these difficult times. The virus is still       – when it more likely represents his flames
circulating at a high rate and this is still       of ‘fire’ which rested on those in the Upper
impacting staff and pupils at our schools.         Room.
We pray that staff, pupils and parents stay           Maundy Thursday, we switched to white
safe and we thank God for their resilience.        for any Communion service, as this celebrates
                                                   the remembrance of the first Communion
                                                   with His apostles which He commanded us
    God’s Abundance in Music                       to continue.
      A performance lecture:                          Good Friday, and we were back to red.
                                                   Then on Easter Sunday, the day of the
   exploring how music can open                    greatest Christian Celebration, we entered
     up the heart of the Gospel                    to an altar bedecked in gold or the ‘whitest’
                                                   with the most elaborate decoration the church
         Prof Jeremy Begbie                           ‘Plain’ White will be used for the Easter
     St John’s Church Keswick,                     Season signifying purity and Christ’s triumph
        Sun 19th June, 7pm                         over death until Ascension Day on 26th May.
          Admission: Free                          This, being a special and more significant day
                                                   in the life, death and resurrection of Christ,
                                                   goes to gold again: then immediately back to
     Jeremy is a professional painist and          white for the next ten days.
   theologian, specialising in the interface          On the day of Pentecost itself, Whit
      between theology and the arts. His           Sunday, 5th June, the colour will be? Yes,
       particular interest is the interplay        you got it, red for flames of fire.
         between music and theology.
14: St James’ Magazine

                                                 DAILY HOPE PHONE LINE
                                               The Church of England has developed a
                                               national free phone line to help support
                                               those who might feel particularly isolated
                                               at this time, especially if they have no
                                               access to the internet. The phone number is
                                                          0800 804 8044
 LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES                         and provides a collection of readings,
 Please note that during the current           prayers and hymns that can be listened to,
 situation, Church services may vary.          all of which will be updated regularly. If
    Check out individual websites/             you know of anyone who might appreciate
noticeboards for current information.          this service, please do let them know the
                                               phone number and pray that it will be a
      Storth Village Church                    blessing to many.
          Sunday: 10.30am
        (Methodist & Anglican)

 Beetham St Michael and All
Sunday: 11.00am Parish Communion

  Arnside Methodist Church
  Sunday: 10.30am - See website for
details: arnsidemethodistchurch.org.uk

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic
       Saturdays 5.30pm (Mass)
 (booking for Mass required, see website for
               contact details)
    Yealand Quaker Meeting
    This is located at the top of the hill
    on Yealand Rd , Yealand Conyers.

 Further details Alan and Sue Tyldesley.
             01524 732336
St James’ Magazine: 15

           PARISH NEWS                              FROM THE EDITOR
                                                            The deadline for the July/
                                                            August 2022 magazine is
                                                                13th June 2022.
                                                             You can email me on -
APCM                                                       sandy.felton@btopenworld.
At the Annual Parochial Church Meeting,                        com
Ian Service and Edgar Shepherd were
elected as Wardens to serve for the               ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES:
coming year. We thank God for the
service of Ian and Edgar. Also elected                          Living Lord,
to the PCC were Anne Jackson, Alan                              as we offer to you
Mitchell, Steph Woodburn, Steph Griffith,                       our common life,
Ted Taylor, Roger Mashiter and Tom                              refresh our vision
Bradford.                                                       that we may know
   We congratulate and pray for God’s                           your will and seek to
blessing on those elected.                                      follow in your ways.
   The Electoral Roll of the Parish stands
for 2022 at 106.                                                 May we follow daily
                                                                 as your disciples,
Arnside Homes for Ukraine                                        care deeply for
Please remember in your prayers the                              one another in
refugees soon to be arriving in our                              community,
community and their host families.                               speak boldly your
                                                                 gospel words of love,
                                             tread gently as faithful stewards of your

                                             We ask this in the power
                                             of your holy name, as
                                             Creator, Redeemer and
                                             Sustainer of our lives,
                                             today and for ever.


Artwork marked * in this magazine is ©1994, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training
Publications, art by Steve Erspamer, SM.
16: St James’ Magazine
St James’ Magazine: 17

      Held monthly at the
     Methodist Church Hall
     (on the second Friday
         of each month)
       3.30pm to 5.30pm                               3.30pm - 5.30pm
       All are welcome.                            Friday 10th June 2022

                        WEEKLY VILLAGE
                        PRAYER MEETING
Each Wednesday at 7pm there is a Prayer Meeting at the Methodist
Church to which all are welcome.
If you have anything or anyone you would like to be remembered in
prayer, please email

                                         PARTY IN THE PARK IS
                                           BACK! - 11th JUNE.

                              Organised by New Barns Caravan Park and Arnside
                                            RNLI in aid of RNLI.

                                            Saturday, 11th June
                                        at New Barns Caravan Park,
                                     commencing at 1-30 pm until 11-00pm.

Bar and Live Music, featuring Howling Clowns,
Thieving Magpies, Twenty4Seven and Andy Mac.
There will also be a variety of Games, Raffles and Stalls.
Entrance £2 per adult and 50 pence for under 16's.
18: St James’ Magazine

St James’ Magazine: 19

              EST. 1855
Visit our showroom at 14 Appleby Road, Kendal LA9 6ES
           • New memorials •Second Inscriptions
     •Repaints & Renovations • Home visits available
20: St James’ Magazine                                  ADVERTISEMENTS

                                                                    The Parish
                                                         Magazine of St James’,
                                                             Arnside & Storth
                                                               Village Church

                          Please suport our advertisers..... and if YOU would like
                         to advertise in these pages please contact Sandy Felton at
                           sandy.felton@btopenworld.com or on 07814 520520
St James’ Magazine: 21


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St James’ Magazine: 23

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                                                                 to arrange a viewing.

                                                               Sharon Davies
                                                               Providing Care,
                                                              Cleaning Services

                                                              Tel: 07749647161

Please support our local advertisers. If YOU would like to advertise in these pages
         please contact Sandy Felton at sandy.felton@btopenworld.com
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