Kahoot! 2021 Workplace Culture Report - Unlocking success in the hybrid workplace

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Kahoot! 2021 Workplace Culture Report - Unlocking success in the hybrid workplace
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                 Culture Report   SEP21

Kahoot! 2021
Culture Report
Unlocking success in
the hybrid workplace
Contact us today at 360@kahoot.com to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                           1
Kahoot! 2021 Workplace Culture Report - Unlocking success in the hybrid workplace
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                                                             Culture Report      SEP21

Unlocking success in the
hybrid workplace
Tech that includes and engages employees regardless of location will be
vital to healthy hybrid corporate culture and better business outcomes
We almost all agree: remote, or at least hybrid work, is here           Key findings include:
to stay. Yet while that reality begins to settle for many, some
                                                                        ▶ 77% of employees want to work remotely at                  ▶ The ability to socialize also contributes to employee
interesting cultural challenges that may result from this
                                                                          least part of the time after the pandemic.                   connectedness, according to 72% of employees
new way of work are beginning to become apparent.
                                                                                                                                       who say it’s important that they can have fun
                                                                        ▶ The hybrid model could create a two-tier system              with their colleagues during the workday.
To learn more about how the hybrid model will affect company
                                                                          favoring those who go into the office. Case in point:
culture, Kahoot! partnered with research firm Workplace Intelligence
                                                                          83% of HR leaders say face-to-face communication           ▶ Companies who leverage best-in-class technology to
to survey 1,626 full-time employees and HR leaders in the United
                                                                          is important to be successful at their company.              bridge the divide between remote and office workers
States. The survey assessed challenges to corporate culture
                                                                                                                                       will enjoy additional benefits. At these companies,
in balancing hybrid and remote workplace realities, and how
                                                                        ▶ With remote work here to stay, 84% of HR leaders             around 9 out of 10 employees say they’re productive
technology can help put employees on a level playing field while
                                                                          say that workers will use collaboration and employee         and engaged, versus less than 4 out of 10 employees
also building emotional connectedness regardless of location.
                                                                          engagement technologies more over the next year.             at companies where the tech is unsatisfactory.

                                                                        ▶ But for the hybrid workplace to succeed,                   ▶ However, some companies might not be aware
                                                                          technology that supports efficiency won’t be                 that they’re missing the mark with their existing
     Kahoot! 360 is an inclusive                                          enough — technology that drives emotional                    technologies. Just 57% of workers (but 79% of HR
                                                                          connectedness regardless of location will                    leaders) rate their collaboration and employee
     technology solution which                                            be key, since 91% of employees want to feel                  engagement tools as “excellent” or “above average.”
     engages every employee equally,                                      more connected to their teammates.

     whether they are working
     in the office or remotely.                                         Overall, the survey highlighted how technology, particularly inclusive technologies, should be an integral part of
     James Micklethwait, VP Kahoot! at Work                             a holistic package of measures to build and maintain a healthy corporate culture in the hybrid workplace. And
                                                                        since businesses who improve their “cultural tech stack” will also enjoy other notable benefits, there’s simply no
                                                                        reason not to take action. The future of the hybrid model and the success of your business may depend on it.

Contact us today at 360@kahoot.com to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                                                                                    2
Kahoot! 2021 Workplace Culture Report - Unlocking success in the hybrid workplace
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                                                                 Culture Report        SEP21

Without careful strategic planning,                                                      How important is face-to-face communications for                                              % who say “very”
                                                                                         employees’ ability to be successful at your company?                                           or “somewhat”

the hybrid model could exacerbate
traditional biases against remote
workers and create a two-tier system                                                        83%                                                   72%
                                                                                            of HR leaders                                         of employees
favoring those who go into the office.
It is true that the mass transition         Taken together, these findings indicate      HR leaders: Compared to remote workers,                                                       % who “strongly
to working from home during the             that the hybrid model could put              employees who work in an office…                                                              agree” or “agree”

pandemic helped eliminate some of           office workers and remote workers
the misconceptions about remote             on a very uneven playing field. This          Are more connected to their coworkers                                                              78%
work. According to PwC, 82% of              may be especially true at businesses
                                                                                          Are included in important discussions more often                                             73%
employers now say the shift to remote       that adopt a flexible hybrid approach
work has been successful for their          where employees have the freedom              Get more training opportunities                                                      68%
company, up from 73% in June 2020.          to select how often they go into an
                                            office. The result could be a two-tier        Are more engaged at work                                                             68%
Despite this progress, Kahoot!’s            system where staff who choose to
survey revealed that more favorable                                                       Are seen as harder workers                                                       65%
                                            work on-site are able to successfully
perceptions and better treatment of         advance their careers while those
                                                                                          Are seen as more valuable                                                      63%
office workers persist. For example,        who elect to work remotely see
over 6 out of 10 HR leaders say that        their career trajectory limited.              Are more likely to regularly get raises and promotions                      61%
employees who work in an office are
more likely to get promoted and receive     Not only is this unfair and detrimental       Are more likely to stay with their company for longer                     60%
regular raises, and they are seen as        to employee morale, but it could also
                                                                                          Get the best assignments                                                 59%
harder workers and more valuable.           prove to be a significant impediment to
Notably, younger leaders were much          the success of the hybrid work model.
                                                                                          Are more trusted                                                        58%
more likely than their older counterparts   Staff will surely notice the preferential
to identify that these issues exist.        treatment of on-site workers, and in
                                            turn feel that they have no choice           The generational
There is also general consensus that in-    but to go into the office. And as fewer      divide among                                             HR leaders that say office workers are
                                                                                                                            65%     19%
person interactions are still needed to     employees choose to work remotely,           HR leaders                                               more likely to get regular raises
get ahead at work. Nearly three-quarters    we may eventually return to a model
(72%) of employees and 83% of HR            where on-site work is prioritized and                 Millennial
leaders say face-to-face communication      remote work is seen as a benefit
                                                                                                  HR leaders
                                                                                                                                                  HR leaders that say office workers
is important for an employee’s ability                                                            Baby Boomer               71%     30%
                                            only to be used occasionally.                                                                         are seen as harder workers
                                                                                                  HR leaders
to be successful at their company.

Contact us today at 360@kahoot.com to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                                                                                                3
Kahoot! 2021 Workplace Culture Report - Unlocking success in the hybrid workplace
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                                                             Culture Report       SEP21

Despite the more                                              Post-COVID-19, the majority of employees (77%) say they
                                                              would prefer to work remotely at least part of the time. Over
                                                                                                                                 overtime with no extra pay, give up promotion opportunities,
                                                                                                                                 receive lower or less frequent raises, or take a pay cut.
favorable perceptions                                         half (53%) would prefer hybrid arrangements that combine
                                                                                                                                 Notably, Millennials were much more likely to say they would
                                                              remote and on-site work, while nearly one-quarter want
of office workers,                                            to work remotely 5 days/week. Even with the lingering              make these sacrifices than Baby Boomers. This makes sense

                                                              misconceptions about remote staff, it is clear that employees      when you consider that these young workers, often known as
employees show a                                              believe that the advantages of remote work — better work-          the “sandwich” generation, are likely to be caring for their own
                                                                                                                                 children as well as their aging parents. For many Millennials,
strong preference                                             life balance, a greater ability to focus, and no commute,
                                                              to name a few — strongly outweigh the disadvantages.               therefore, remote work is an immensely valuable benefit

for remote or hybrid                                          In fact, employees say they would make significant sacrifices to
                                                                                                                                 as it gives them the ability to balance the demands of their
                                                                                                                                 work and personal life. However, if the issues around remote
work arrangements                                             work remotely at least part of the time. To avoid having to go     worker perceptions remain unresolved, this generation may
                                                              into an office full-time, around 4 out of 10 respondents would     find themselves left behind at work while their older and
after the pandemic.                                           give up learning and development opportunities, regularly work     younger counterparts successfully advance their careers.

The generational                         1 in 2                                                     Employees: To avoid having to go
                                                                                                                                                                              % who say “very” or
divide among                             Millennial employees would make                            to an office full-time, how likely is it                                  “somewhat” likely
employees                                sacrifices to avoid full-time office work                  that you would do the following?

                                         1 in 5
                                                                                                    Sacrifice learning &
                                         Baby Boomer employees would make                           development opportunities
                                         sacrifices to avoid full-time office work

                                                                                                    Regularly work overtime
                                                                                                    with no extra pay                                                                 41%
Employees’ preferred work arrangements after COVID-19
  Fully on-site                    Hybrid                           Fully remote
                                                                                                    Give up promotion
                                                                                                    opportunities                                                                  40%

                                                                                                    Receive lower or less
                                                                                                    frequent raises

 22%              19%            22%                 12% 24%
 Office 5         Mostly         50/50 split         Mostly       Remote 5
                                                                                                    Take a pay cut
 days/week        office                             remote       days/week

Contact us today at 360@kahoot.com to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                                                                                         4
Kahoot! 2021 Workplace Culture Report - Unlocking success in the hybrid workplace
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                                               Culture Report   SEP21

With remote work here to stay, technology and the
virtual environment will continue to grow in importance.
There is no question that a wide range of             As employees resume on-site work at least part of        Compared to before COVID-19, how do
technologies, especially collaboration and employee   the time within the hybrid model, business leaders       you think the use of collaboration and              % who say
                                                                                                                                                                 “much more” or
engagement tools, were essential in enabling the      may wonder whether the use of collaboration              employee engagement technologies                 “somewhat more”
transition to remote work during the pandemic.        and employee engagement technologies will                will change over the next year?
Almost overnight, there was an explosion in the       begin to drop off. However, our survey revealed
demand for tech products such as Zoom, Slack,         that the opposite will be true: 84% of HR leaders
and Microsoft Teams as businesses sought to           and 65% of employees say that staff will use these
maintain their operations amidst stay-at-home         technologies even more over the next year.
orders and widespread fears around COVID-19.
                                                      HR leaders also predict that the virtual workplace
Among those we surveyed, all HR leaders and           (i.e., online platforms, tools, and technologies) will
95% of employees reported that collaboration          have a stronger influence on their business than ever     84%                           65%
and employee engagement technologies have             before. The vast majority (86%) say that the virtual      of HR leaders                 of employees
benefited workers during the pandemic. For            environment will play an important role in defining
example, respondents highlighted that these           company culture after COVID-19 — a 20% increase
technologies have helped employees feel included      from before the pandemic. However, despite the
in team discussions and decisions, communicate        increased significance of the digital workspace
and share knowledge with their teammates, be          both during and after the pandemic, only 2 out
more visible at work, and provide feedback and        of 3 employees say that their company’s virtual
                                                                                                               HR leaders: How would you rate
input to their company. Respondents also noted        environment represents their company culture well.
                                                                                                               the importance of the virtual                    % who say “very”
that these technologies have been key for employee                                                                                                               or “somewhat”
                                                                                                               environment/workplace in
engagement, motivation, and productivity.
                                                                                                               defining a company’s culture?

     Kahoot! 360 became popular as an “in person” experience.
     But since the pandemic, our customers have turned to
     Kahoot! as a way for remote teams to share knowledge and
     build team spirit. This means Kahoot! is uniquely placed to
     help our customers transition to hybrid ways of working.
     James Micklethwait, VP Kahoot! at Work
                                                                                                                   66%                 84%                      86%
                                                                                                                Before COVID-19     During COVID-19          After COVID-19

Contact us today at 360@kahoot.com to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                                                                        5
Kahoot! 2021 Workplace Culture Report - Unlocking success in the hybrid workplace
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                                                       Culture Report   SEP21

                                                       Although respondents indicated that workplace tech will      Yet while it is evident that technology can boost connectedness,
For the hybrid                                         continue to grow in importance, the survey revealed that     few studies have examined its ability to address fairness

workplace to succeed,                                  the technologies at many organizations aren’t fulfilling
                                                       deeper employee needs around connectedness and
                                                                                                                    issues in the workplace. Technology alone is not a panacea
                                                                                                                    for company culture issues, but according to our survey
technology that                                        inclusion. This is illustrated by the fact that over 9 out   there is a clear link between best-in-class tech and the fair
                                                       of 10 employees selected at least one way they would         treatment of remote staff. Specifically, at companies whose
supports efficiency                                    feel more connected to their coworkers, including more       collaboration and employee engagement technologies were
                                                       frequent communication with them, more technology-           rated “excellent,” 77% of employees say that remote workers
and productivity                                       based collaboration and employee engagement tools,           are treated fairly compared to their office counterparts. At

won’t be enough.                                       and more opportunities for social or fun interactions.       companies where these technologies are “poor” or “below
                                                                                                                    average,” just 32% say that remote workers are treated fairly.
Inclusive and
engaging technology
that drives emotional                                        You can bring out a good sense of your organizational
                                                             culture while playing kahoots.
connectedness,                                               Emily Zachariasen, National Sales Training Manager, Guild Mortgage
both in person
and remotely, will
be key for a great                                     “Remote workers are treated fairly compared                   Employees: What would make you feel
company culture.                                       to workers who go into the office.”                           more connected to your teammates?
                                                                                                                     91% selected at least one option, including:

                                                                                                                     ▶ More frequent                      ▶ Being able to easily

                                                                                                                       communication with                   share knowledge with

                                                                                          of employees agree           my teammates                         my teammates

                                                                                          at companies with
                                                                                                                     ▶ More technology-based              ▶ Being able to provide input
                                                                                          best-in-class tech
                                                                                                                       collaboration and employee           that affects team decisions
                                                                                                                       engagement tools
                                                                                                                                                          ▶ Being able to recognize
                                                                                                                     ▶ More opportunities for               the achievements of

                                                                 32%                 of employees agree
                                                                                     at companies with
                                                                                                                       social or fun interactions
                                                                                                                       with my team
                                                                                                                                                            my teammates

                                                                                     unsatisfactory tech

Contact us today at 360@kahoot.com to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                                                                               6
Kahoot! 2021 Workplace Culture Report - Unlocking success in the hybrid workplace
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                                                      Culture Report    SEP21

The survey also revealed that the ability to socialize and have fun
is an important driver of employee connectedness — yet many
workers aren’t getting enough opportunities for this.
According to survey respondents, employees’ ability      The importance and frequency of opportunities for fun for employees
to informally spend time with their teammates
is an essential part of their workplace experience.           Employees: How important is it that you can do the following?   Employees: How often do you get to do the following?
For example, over 7 out of 10 employees say it is                % who say “very” or “somewhat”                                  % who say “always” or “often”
important that they can have fun with their colleagues
during the workday and 6 out of 10 would like to
spend time with them after working hours.                                                                                                                                            80%
                                                              Enjoy the work I’m doing
The majority of HR leaders also recognize how
important it is for employees to enjoy their work                                                                                                                        72%
                                                              Have fun at work
(87%), have fun at work (80%), and have fun with                                                                                                            59%
their teammates during the workday (81%) and after
hours (71%). But despite the widespread agreement             Have fun with my teammates                                                                                 72%
around this, many workers reported that they aren’t           during the workday                                                                         57%
engaging in these activities as often as they’d like
to. Adding to this issue is a notable perception gap:         Spend time with my teammates                                                                   60%
compared to employees, a higher percentage of                 outside of the workday                                                          50%
HR leaders believe that workers “always” or “often”
enjoy the work they’re doing (78%), have fun at
work (73%), and have fun with their teammates
at work (69%) and after the workday (64%).

Employers should take note of these gaps as they
consider how to create an inclusive culture where
all employees, regardless of their location, feel a
sense of connectedness. Companies may believe
                                                                 Kahoot! 360 Spirit is our flagship plan for Enterprises for
they’re promoting a culture that prioritizes fun, but            building employee engagement by helping organizations
little will come of their efforts if staff do not have
                                                                 and large teams connect with every employee. Contact
the right tools to help them connect or if managers
do not allow for social time during the workday.
                                                                 our sales team today for a demo: 360@kahoot.com.

Contact us today at 360@kahoot.com to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                                                                            7
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                                                                  Culture Report        SEP21

Companies leveraging                                                The survey revealed a strong link between best-in-class
                                                                    technology and several key employee outcomes. Among
                                                                                                                                           tools, tech-based employee engagement activities
                                                                                                                                           (e.g., games, game-based learning or training), and

technologies that bridge                                            employees who rate their collaboration and employee                    tech that supports social or fun interactions at work.
                                                                    engagement technologies as “excellent,” around 9 out
the divide between                                                  of 10 say they are “highly” or “somewhat” productive,                  The survey also found that tech which includes and

                                                                    connected, and engaged. Among those who rate their                     engages employees regardless of location can help
remote and office workers                                           technologies as “below average” or “poor,” a much lower                employers retain their top talent. A notable 74%
                                                                                                                                           and 70% of highly engaged and highly productive
will realize a more fair                                            percentage of respondents report these outcomes.
                                                                                                                                           employees, respectively, would be more likely to

workplace for their people                                          In addition, the vast majority of employees agree that
                                                                    better tech would improve their engagement and
                                                                                                                                           stay with their employer if it implements more
                                                                                                                                           technology-based employee engagement activities.

with additional benefits.                                           motivation at work. Nearly 9 out of 10 selected at least               However, only around 1 in 3 highly disengaged
                                                                    one form of technology that would boost these outcomes,                and highly unproductive employees agree.
                                                                    including collaboration and employee engagement

“I am more likely to stay at my current                             Why best-in-class collaboration and employee engagement technologies matter
employer if my company implements
more technology-based employee                                                                At companies with best-in-class tech        At companies with unsatisfactory tech
engagement activities (e.g., games,

                                                                                                              92%                            35%
game-based learning or training).”
                                                                           of employees are productive                                                          of employees are productive

 74%                                                                                        are engaged
                                                                                                              89%                            40%                are engaged
 of highly engaged employees agree

                                                                                       feel connected to
                                                                                                              86%                            52%                feel connected to

                                                                                        their teammates                                                         their teammates

 of highly productive employees agree

                                                                    Employees: What                                ▶ Technology-based collaboration               ▶ Technology that allows me to easily

 34%                                                                technologies would make
                                                                    you feel more engaged
                                                                                                                      and employee engagement tools                  give and receive recognition

 of highly disengaged                                                                                              ▶ Technology-based employee                    ▶ Technology that allows me
 employees agree                                                    and motivated at work?                            engagement activities (e.g., games,            to easily provide input and
                                                                    88% selected at least                             game-based learning or training)               ideas to my company

 33%                                                                one option, including:
                                                                                                                   ▶ Technology that supports
 of highly unproductive                                                                                               social or fun interactions
 employees agree                                                                                                      with my teammates

Contact us today at 360@kahoot.com to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                                                                                           8
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                                                                 Culture Report    SEP21

However, some companies aren’t                                                          Do you feel like your organization offers the right                                       % who say “Yes,
                                                                                        collaboration and employee engagement technologies
aware that they’re missing the mark                                                     for employees to perform their jobs effectively?
                                                                                                                                                                                  employees have
                                                                                                                                                                               everything they need”

with their existing technologies.
This, and other notable perception
gaps, could hinder the success                                                            45%                                                        47%
                                                                                          of HR leaders                                              of employees
of company culture in the post-
COVID hybrid workplace.                                                                 How would you rate the following?                                                     % who say “excellent”
                                                                                                                                                                               or “above average”
It is critical that employers closely listen   that employers could improve their             HR leaders              Employees
to and understand employee needs               cultural tech stack. Fewer than
when it comes to the technologies              half of HR leaders and employees
                                                                                        Your company’s collaboration and                                                                79%
that can optimize their experience,            say that staff have everything
                                                                                        employee engagement technologies                                                57%
be that remote, office or hybrid. But          they need when it comes to the
according to the survey, HR leaders            collaboration and employee
have a far more positive view of their         engagement technologies that             Your company’s efforts to foster trust                                                      73%
tech than employees. Nearly 8 out of           workers need to perform their jobs.      and cohesion among teams                                                        57%
10 HR leaders say their collaboration
and engagement technologies are                Outside of technology, there are other                                                                                               73%
                                                                                        Your company’s efforts to leverage technology
                                               perception gaps that employers should
“excellent” or “above average,” while                                                   to drive collaboration among teams                                              57%
just 57% of employees agree.                   take note of as they develop their
                                               post-COVID priorities and strategy.
There are also gaps when it comes to           Specifically, the survey revealed that
how well businesses are addressing             employees feel far less engaged,         Differing perspectives on key workplace outcomes
key post-COVID priorities. Just 57% of         connected, and satisfied than their                                                      HR leaders      Employees
employees, but nearly three-quarters of        companies realize. Businesses that

                                                                                                                                 81%                     66%
HR leaders, say their company is doing         take the time to determine why
                                                                                                       say their employees
an “excellent” or above “average” job at       there is a disconnect in these areas                                                                                    feel engaged
                                                                                                              are engaged
fostering trust and cohesion among             will be more likely to pinpoint how
teams, and leveraging technology to
drive collaboration among teams.
                                               they can address these issues. And
                                               that is a key ingredient for success
                                                                                           say employees feel connected
                                                                                                     to their teammates          90%                     76%
                                                                                                                                                                       feel connected to
                                                                                                                                                                       their teammates
                                               in tomorrow’s hybrid workplace.
However, among both audiences
there is widespread agreement
                                                                                                  say employees are more
                                                                                                        satisifed this year      79%                     55%           are more satisfied
                                                                                                                                                                       this year

Contact us today at 360@kahoot.com to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                                                                                           9
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                                                         Culture Report    SEP21

                                                                                                              There’s no question that                  from onboarding, to receiving
                                                                                                              technology will remain essential          training to sharing knowledge
                                                                                                              after the pandemic, but the post-         and connecting with colleagues.
                                                                                                              COVID workplace will require              There were more than 20 million
                                                                                                              new solutions to bring distributed        participating players across
                                                                                                              teams together. In the remote             organizations in the last 12 months.
                                                                                                              and hybrid work future, tech can’t
                                                                                                              just be deployed to solve practical       “We can see that the hybrid
                                                                                                              needs; a new breed of emotionally         workplace will present cultural
                                                                                                              engaging tech is required. In             challenges for employees
                                                                                                              fact, company culture, employee           and employers”, said James
                                                                                                              retention, and other business             Micklethwait, VP Kahoot! at Work,
                                                                                                              outcomes may depend on it.                “but this research also points
                                                                                                                                                        to genuinely viable solutions to
                                                                                                              Tools that connect employees              this with inclusive, emotionally

Tech that includes and
                                                                                                              both practically but also                 engaging technology at the
                                                                                                              emotionally, such as those within         forefront. While Kahoot’s core
                                                                                                              Kahoot!’s suite of offerings, will be     strength has always been

engages employees
                                                                                                              ideally placed to enable corporates       connecting people in person, the
                                                                                                              and HR professionals in managing          pandemic experience has shown
                                                                                                              this shift and seeing-off some of         just how successful Kahoot! is in

regardless of location
                                                                                                              the inevitable challenges inherent        driving the same inclusivity and
                                                                                                              in a remote or hybrid future of           emotional connection remotely.
                                                                                                              work. In fact, many businesses            What we’re really looking forward
                                                                                                              are using Kahoot! to engage               to now is seeing tools like Kahoot!

will be key in tomorrow’s
                                                                                                              and connect remote teams, as              360 Spirit not just connecting
                                                                                                              well as teams that continue to            remote and office workers, but
                                                                                                              work onsite. Currently, 97% of            also bringing them together

hybrid workplace
                                                                                                              Fortune 500 companies use                 emotionally and in a fun way to
                                                                                                              Kahoot! to improve many aspects           the benefit of company culture
                                                                                                              of the employee experience                and business outcomes.”

Contact us today at 360@kahoot.com to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                                                                                 10
Kahoot! Workplace
                                                                                                                   Culture Report   SEP21

Research findings are based on a survey of 1,626 HR Leaders and employees conducted by
Savanta, Inc. between July 6 – July 16, 2021. The study targeted individuals who were working
full-time, 18 to 65 years of age, and living in the U.S. Respondents were invited to take part
in the survey via email and were provided with a small monetary incentive for doing so.

For general inquiries, email 360@kahoot.com

For press inquiries, email press@kahoot.com

What is your age group?                                                What is your gender?

                9% 12%



For general
        us today
                  at 360@kahoot.com
                       email 360@kahoot.com.
                                     to discuss how Kahoot! 360 can help you succeed in the hybrid workplace.                           11
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