Keller Independent School District Fossil Hill Middle School Improvement Plan 2020-2021 - Fossil Hill Middle School Generated by ...

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Keller Independent School District Fossil Hill Middle School Improvement Plan 2020-2021 - Fossil Hill Middle School Generated by ...
Keller Independent School District
                                     Fossil Hill Middle School
                                        Improvement Plan

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                 Campus #220907042
Generated by                  1 of 30               October 1, 2020 12:14 PM
Mission Statement
  The community of Keller ISD will educate our students to achieve their highest standards of performance by engaging them in exceptional opportunities.

      By creating a positive culture and climate, our relationships with students and each other will result in student growth and success through strong
                                                                    instructional practices.

                                                   An exceptional district in which to learn, work and live.

                At Fossil Hill Middle School, we are intentionally exceptional. We are one family with one goal: student growth and success.

                                                             Value Statement
                                                    In the Keller ISD, we hold the following core values:

                                   Care for our teachers because the impact of their work prepares students for their future.

                                            Passionate teaching dedicated to content and craft that inspires others.

                     Relationships as the foundation for how we teach, learn, work, and play together in a safe, engaging, and caring way.

                                          Exploration and the pursuit of one’s passion that leads to personal growth.

                                                 Communication and collaboration that strengthens our unity.

                Respect for the diversity of our school community through a culture of understanding and personalized learning opportunities.
Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                  Campus #220907042
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Fossil Hill Middle School                      Campus #220907042
Generated by   3 of 30   October 1, 2020 12:14 PM
Table of Contents
Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                                                         5
  Demographics                                                                                         5
  Student Learning                                                                                     6
  School Processes & Programs                                                                          8
  Perceptions                                                                                         10
Priority Problem Statements                                                                           12
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation                                                     14
Goals                                                                                                 15
  Goal 1 : Increase Student Achievement                                                               15
  Goal 2 : Excellence in Student, Parent and Community Relationships                                  21
  Goal 3 : Excellence in Processes and Systems                                                        23
  Goal 4 : Excellence in Financial Stewardship                                                        24
State Compensatory                                                                                    26
  Budget for Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                26
  Personnel for Fossil Hill Middle School                                                             27
Title I Personnel                                                                                     28
Campus Funding Summary                                                                                29
Addendums                                                                                             30

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                            Campus #220907042
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Demographics Summary

Fossil Hill MS is located in Keller ISD in Forth Worth, Texas. We are one of 7 middle schools, and is identified as a Title 1 Schoolwide campus. FHMS
has been designated as an AVID National Demonstration Campus for 2020-2023. FHMS services students in grades 7 and 8 and has a total enrollment of
804 students (35% white, 36% Hispanic, 15% African American, 11% Asian, 3% other). Approximately 51% of students are identified as economically
disadvantaged, 46% are identified as At Risk, 14.6% are identified as limited English proficient, and 11% are receiving special education services. Average
daily attendance at FHMS is 95.8%.

Demographics Strengths

Diversity enriched campus comparable to national population diversity

Opportunities to develop multicultural awareness and sensitivity

Problem Statements Identifying Demographics Needs

Problem Statement 1: SE students and ELLs have roughly a 15-25% achievement gap with state assessments when compared to their non program
serviced counterparts. Root Cause: The number of ELL and SpEd effectively trained teachers at FHMS does not match the 11% and 14% of students it

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                Campus #220907042
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Student Learning
Student Learning Summary

Due to COVID-19 building closures, data for 2019-2020 academic year was not available.

During the 2018-19 school year, Fossil Hill was able to reach the targeted areas in closing the performance and growth gaps in several of our demographic
groups. Gaps we closed in both areas for mathematics and reading for the following students: African American, Hispanic, and White, econimically
disadvantaged, English language learners and for special education in the area of mathematics.

STAAR 2019 Data as reported in Accountability Reports released by TEA are as follows: Mathematics: All students 87%, SE 50%, LEP 84%. Reading:
All students 86%, SE 45%, LEP 81%. Writing: All students 68%, SE 19%,LEP 60%. Science: All students 78%, SE 33%, LEP 69%. Social Studies: All
students 69%, SE 25%, LEP 59%

Fossil Hill Middle School was built in 1987. Since then, technology has been integrated across the campus. We have been designated as a 1:1 Chromebook
campus through TEA Technology Grant funding. All math classrooms contain interactive technology through the utilization of the Promethean boards.
 Each academic team has chromebooks assigned to them to allow for in class curricular integration. Additional technology is available through media center
check out in the form of laptops, ipads, and Nooks. Students have the opportunity of checking out a Chromebook and mifi device for at home use during
the year to allow them to access their work much like a textbook would function. General maintenance and upkeep of technology is required each year to
continue this progress.

Student Learning Strengths

Although academic growth was anticipated from preliminary data, state assessment data for 2019-2020 was unavailable due to COVID-19 closcure.

Mathematics: increases were reported in all reported subgroups with the most significant gains in SE from 47% to 50% with significant gains in all sub
groups in the 8th grade

Reading: ncreases were reported in the all students group from 84% to 86% and with the most significant gains in LEP from 70% to 81%

Science: increases were reported in LEP and Hispanic subgroups with the most significant gains in the all students group from 76% to 78% and LEP from
62% to 69%

Teachers have a variety of devices that may be used in the classrooms, interactive lessons are encouraged in lesson planning, and interactive monitoring is
seen in the majority of classrooms.

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                 Campus #220907042
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Reading and math intervention classrooms operate using TEA approved programs such as READ180 and IXL partially funded with State Comp and Federal
fund allocations.

Problem Statements Identifying Student Learning Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): ELL and SE students are reporting scores on STAAR with significant achievement gaps compared to the all students
population. Root Cause: Instructional strategies being utilized are not meeting the needs of our students served through special education and/or the ESL

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): Students identified with achievement gaps in content areas are in need of direct intervention with additional direct
instruction time. Root Cause: Students are scheduled into a single 45 minute instructional period on a traditional rotating schedule which is not meeting
their needs.

Problem Statement 3 (Prioritized): Students are not receiving a consistent delivery of powerful instructional practices such as those in AVID/WICOR
strategies resulting in across the content areas at a rate that would result in increased engagement with higher levels of questions and classroom discourse
and responses. Root Cause: Teachers have not received effective training, support, and/or instructional material to effectively deliver powerful instructional
practices in the classroom in a more consistent manner.

Problem Statement 4 (Prioritized): Although some teachers may want to embed technology more regularly, effective lessons are limited. Root Cause:
Professional development opportunities have been limited to allow teachers to identify and plan effective tech supported lessons.

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                  Campus #220907042
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School Processes & Programs
School Processes & Programs Summary

Due to COVID-19 building closure, updated data was not available for the 2019-2020 academic year.

Fossil Hill Middle School services students in grades 7 and 8 and has met all standards as set by Texas Education Agency receiving a B rating on the
Accountability School Report Card. FHMS, as part of Keller ISD's Panther Pride, utilizes instructional rounds as a manner of monitoring our curriculum
and instruction across our feeder pattern. The Panther Pride has identified powerful instructional practices as the focus for 2019-2020 rounds. Within
instructional rounds, we are monitoring our effective implementation of powerful instructional practices common to AVID and VESTED and how that
correlates to an increase in the level of questioning by teachers as well as an increase in the level of student discourse and response.

The administative team is comprised of the principal, an assessment administrator, and three assistant princiapls. Our leadership team adds our
instructional coach as well as department chairs, team leads and a head counselor. Our core teachers are arranged into professional learning communities
that allow them to plan and adjust accordingly to meet the needs of our diverse learners in both their academic areas as well as in cross curricular academic
teams. The campus utilizes Site Based Decision Making as a means of involving all stakeholders in the decision making process. Subcommittess have
been created in order to allow for more focused involvement into specific campus areas. We have special student service programs in the areas of special
education, responses to intervention, PBIS, and english as a second language programs designed to meet the needs of our most diverse learners.

School Processes & Programs Strengths

All core teachers have a profeesional learning community (PLC) with their department divided by grade level which allows them to be organized effectively
for professional development as well as other C&I initiatives. Cross curricular academic teams allow for the 4 core teachers that share the same students
throughout the school year to collaborate in the areas of kids, curriculum, and professional development. PLCs are lead by the department chair, team
leader, instructioanl coach, assistant principal, and principal on assigned days.

FHMS teachers have been trained in the VESTED instructional model. More than 90% of the campus have received AVID initial or strand training and
100% have participated in on campus AVID sessions. Weekly lesson plans are written in a manner that identify VESTED and/or AVID strategies to
support powerful instruction. Daily learning objectives using academic vocabulary are also posted and communicated to ensure that students understand
criteria for success. PLCs are utilized three days a week in all core areas for teachers to plan, coordinate, plan assessments, and disaggregate data in order to
implement an even more effective educational experience for our students.

Problem Statements Identifying School Processes & Programs Needs

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                    Campus #220907042
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Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Interdisciplinary lessons are limited thus resulting in content teachers teaching in isolation with little cross curricular
connection. Root Cause: The master schedule has historically been built around departments rather than academic teams thus limiting the cross curricular
planning and the sharing of students between teachers in a grade level.

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): Teachers have struggled with knowing what behavior management step a student may be on with behavior infractions
with other teachers. Root Cause: Without a campus-wide behavior management system, communication between teachers and administration and
counselors is limited.

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                    Campus #220907042
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Perceptions Summary

Fossil Hill Middle School offers several annual events designed to engage our parents and community. We are a Communities in Schools campus which has
afforded us supports otherwise unavailable to our families. We have partnered with community businesses such as First Financial Bank, Shipley's Donuts,
Met Church, Gateway Church, and Shaw Orthodontics to provide school supplies, beautification projects, and student incentives throughout the school
year. By creating the Panthers in "the Know" Community Newsletter, families have been able to feel more involved in the happenings of the school on a
weekly basis. They are also able to see pictures of the kids that they may have missed from the previous week. We include a parental involvement section
that offers activities set up by the district to help support opportunities as well as classes that are available. We have also invited parents to numerous events
and activities throughout the year to celebrate the accomplishments of their students whether it is at an athletic event, Gold Award, concert performance, or
just muffins with mom or dads at school twice a year.

Spring 2020 climate surveys indicated that culture and climate at Fossil Hill MS could be improved. Both parents and teachers felt that the campus is in
need of building and facilities upkeep. Teachers were satisfied with the increased amount of available technology as well as provided professional
development opportunities. Concerns were brought up regarding the implementation of a consistent behavior/discipline model as well as a more clear
method of communication and expectations for all stakeholders.

Perceptions Strengths

Fossil Hill Middle School is comprised of teachers and staff members who have been part of the Panther Family for many years. Fossil Hill is a
neighborhood school. It has served the community for more than 30 years with multiple generations having attended. We are able to offer many
opportunities for families to attend campus events that include athletics, fine arts, and academic activities. Our Communities in Schools program is able to
work with families in a way we are not which has increased the home/school relationship and provided much needed support to many families. The average
years of experience as reported in TAPR is 10. The campus has a strong sense of family and show continued support of their vision and mission. Teachers
stand together as departments for what they are passionate about: the students of Fossil Hill. The traditions of Fossil Hill include the Gold Awards in
recognizing students who embody what it means to be a Panther, visiting our feeder pattern elementaries to show them what being a middle school Panther
will look like, and chanting our campus battle cry "Fossil, Fossil What? Hill, Hill" across the gym to one another. Teachers are passionate about the students
of Fossil Hill.

Problem Statements Identifying Perceptions Needs

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                     Campus #220907042
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Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): The campus has seen an increase in the number of discipline reports taking place in common areas such as the halls
and gym. Root Cause: Students do not have a uniform set of expectations to follow in the common areas as consistent as in the classrooms.

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): Parental involvement activities are poorly attended. Root Cause: Work schedules and other priorities interfere with
the level of involvement and support.

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                             Campus #220907042
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Priority Problem Statements
Problem Statement 1: Students identified with achievement gaps in content areas are in need of direct intervention with additional direct instruction time.
Root Cause 1: Students are scheduled into a single 45 minute instructional period on a traditional rotating schedule which is not meeting their needs.
Problem Statement 1 Areas: Student Learning

Problem Statement 2: Students are not receiving a consistent delivery of powerful instructional practices such as those in AVID/WICOR strategies
resulting in across the content areas at a rate that would result in increased engagement with higher levels of questions and classroom discourse and
Root Cause 2: Teachers have not received effective training, support, and/or instructional material to effectively deliver powerful instructional practices in
the classroom in a more consistent manner.
Problem Statement 2 Areas: Student Learning

Problem Statement 3: Teachers have struggled with knowing what behavior management step a student may be on with behavior infractions with other
Root Cause 3: Without a campus-wide behavior management system, communication between teachers and administration and counselors is limited.
Problem Statement 3 Areas: School Processes & Programs

Problem Statement 4: ELL and SE students are reporting scores on STAAR with significant achievement gaps compared to the all students population.
Root Cause 4: Instructional strategies being utilized are not meeting the needs of our students served through special education and/or the ESL program
Problem Statement 4 Areas: Student Learning

Problem Statement 5: Although some teachers may want to embed technology more regularly, effective lessons are limited.
Root Cause 5: Professional development opportunities have been limited to allow teachers to identify and plan effective tech supported lessons.
Problem Statement 5 Areas: Student Learning
Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                   Campus #220907042
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Problem Statement 6: Interdisciplinary lessons are limited thus resulting in content teachers teaching in isolation with little cross curricular connection.
Root Cause 6: The master schedule has historically been built around departments rather than academic teams thus limiting the cross curricular planning
and the sharing of students between teachers in a grade level.
Problem Statement 6 Areas: School Processes & Programs

Problem Statement 7: The campus has seen an increase in the number of discipline reports taking place in common areas such as the halls and gym.
Root Cause 7: Students do not have a uniform set of expectations to follow in the common areas as consistent as in the classrooms.
Problem Statement 7 Areas: Perceptions

Problem Statement 8: Parental involvement activities are poorly attended.
Root Cause 8: Work schedules and other priorities interfere with the level of involvement and support.
Problem Statement 8 Areas: Perceptions

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                   Campus #220907042
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation
The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:
Improvement Planning Data
      District goals
Accountability Data
      Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data
      Accountability Distinction Designations
Student Data: Assessments
      State and federally required assessment information (e.g. curriculum, eligibility, format, standards, accommodations, TEA information)
      State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) current and longitudinal results, including all versions
      STAAR End-of-Course current and longitudinal results, including all versions
      Student Success Initiative (SSI) data for Grades 5 and 8
Employee Data
      Campus leadership data
      Campus department and/or faculty meeting discussions and data
      Professional development needs assessment data
      Evaluation(s) of professional development implementation and impact

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                               Campus #220907042
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Goal 1: Increase Student Achievement

Performance Objective 1: By June 2021, Fossil Hill MS will increase its academic progress measure by 3% from 75% to 78% as
measured by the STAAR results in ELA and Mathematics used in the TEA Accountability Rating Report.
Targeted or ESF High Priority
Met/Did Not Meet Goals: None
Summative Evaluation: None

 Action Step 1: Administrators, counselors and teachers will attend professional development sessions to address instructional gaps to
 meet the needs of our at risk, ELL, SE, GT, 504, ethnicity sub groups and general education students. Schoolwide PD will begin on
 August 10 with feeder pattern professional development focusing on increasing Costa's levels of thinking in all classroom settings. In
 addition, the AVID Site Team will present monthly AVID instructional strategy focus for the campus. They will provide an example
 during each monthly training with necessary supplies.
     Measures: Conference schedule                                                                                                                Progress
     PLC Agendas and Sign ins                                                                                                                        Dec
     Eduphoria: Aware Data re
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Instructional Coach                                                                                                                            July
     Core Area Subject Teachers
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6                          Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals,   Funding Sources:
     Build a foundation of reading and math                              Registration, travel, subs 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg $5,200
     ESF Levers: None                                                    Contracted Service Consultant 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg
     Targeted Support Action Step

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                 Campus #220907042
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Action Step 2: Students identified as low performing sub groups will be provided with enriched learning opportunities during the school
 day that positively impact student academic performance through math IST using IXL program software and reading IST using
 READ180 program software
     Measures: Eduphoria: Aware generated data reports for Campus and district common assessments                                                 Progress
     Student sign in sheets                                                                                                                          Dec
     specific lesson plans for intervention time
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrator
     Instructional Coach                                                                                                                            July
     SE Teachers
     IST Teachers                                                                                                                               Summative
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6                         Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math             Funding Sources:
     ESF Levers: None                                                   Professional Salaries for ISTs 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg
     Targeted Support Action Step

 Action Step 3: Teachers will integrate higher order questioning and rigorous activities in daily instruction in order to promote curricular
 connections that allow the students to see determining factors, overlying themes, and patterns in the core curriculum through the
 integration of interactive notebooks regularly and other powerful instructional practices associated with AVID. Students will begin to
 own Costa's thinking through personal question development.
     Measures: Lesson plans                                                                                                                       Progress
     Eduphoria: Strive walk through reports                                                                                                          Dec
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrator
     Instructional Coach
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.6                                   Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals   Funding Sources:                                                        Summative

     ESF Levers: None                                                   Instructional supplies for Interactive Notebooks 211 - Title I Pt A         Aug
                                                                        Impr BSC Prg $1,000
     Targeted Support Action Step

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                 Campus #220907042
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Action Step 4: On a weekly basis, teachers will use PLCs to collaborate with administration and the instructional coach for instructional
 planning, common assessment creation, data analysis, instructional rounds, and professional development in powerful instructional
 practices through book studies, conferences, and other training. ePLC will be utilized for the delivery of on demand webinars through
 Lead4ward extensions.
     Measures: PLC Sign in sheets & agendas                                                                                                       Progress
     Eduphoria pd transcripts                                                                                                                        Dec
     Eduphoria: Aware data reports
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrator
     Instructional Coach                                                                                                                            July
     Core teachers
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.6                                   Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals   Funding Sources:
     ESF Levers: None                                                   Professional Salary for Instructional Coach 211 - Title I Pt A Impr
                                                                        BSC Prg $71,967
     Targeted Support Action Step                                       ePLC professional development extension 211 - Title I Pt A Impr
                                                                        BSC Prg $900

 Action Step 5: All core area teachers will receive training and will provide students with weekly opportunities to write in their classes
 through the use of Units of Study to include techniques such as quick writes, exit tickets, what ifs, and extended writing assignments.
 Instructional models will be displayed on posters throughout the classrooms to reinforce powerful instructional practices (i.e. AVID,
     Measures: PLC sign in sheets & agendas                                                                                                       Progress
     Lesson plans                                                                                                                                    Dec
     Eduphoria: Strive walk through reports
     Common Assessment reports in ELA                                                                                                               Apr
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrator                                                                                                July
     Instructional Coach
     ELA Teachers                                                                                                                               Summative
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6                              Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math             Funding Sources:
     ESF Levers: None                                                   None

     Targeted Support Action Step
Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                 Campus #220907042
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Action Step 6: Beginning at 1st 9 wks IPR, students will be provided with extended learning opportunities both inside and outside the
 school day that positively impact student academic performance. Instructional supplies and snacks will be provided.
     Measures: Eduphoria: Aware generated data reports for Campus and district common assessments                                          Progress
     Student sign in sheets                                                                                                                   Dec
     specific lesson plans for intervention time
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrator
     Instructional Coach                                                                                                                     July
     Social Studies Teachers
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.6                              Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math        Funding Sources:
     ESF Levers: None                                              Extended learning time snacks 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg $600

     Additional Targeted Support Action Step

 Action Step 7: Students will utilize Data Talk Models to compare effort vs. achievement on assessments such as campus common
 assessments , MAPS and Interim assessments. Students will track this data using notebooks, spirals, composition books, etc.
     Measures: Data Talk Notebook                                                                                                          Progress
     Teacher Feedback Tool                                                                                                                    Dec
     Eduphoria: Aware common assessment data reports
     MAPS: Data reports                                                                                                                      Apr
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration                                                                                        July
     Instructional Coach
     District Specialists                                                                                                                Summative
     ELA Teachers                                                                                                                            Aug
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6                         Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math        Funding Sources:
     ESF Levers: None                                              Instructional Supplies for Data Talks 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC
                                                                   Prg $1,000
     Targeted Support Action Step

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                          Campus #220907042
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Action Step 8: Students will be provided instructional material to reinforce critical learning components in the core area classroom for
 students demonstrating gaps (material may include additional independent readers books to coordinate with Read 180 curriculum, Jarrett,
 Sirius and other content specific intervention workbooks) during class and/or extended learning opportunities
     Measures: Eduphoria Aware/Lead4ward data talk reports                                                                             Progress
     Independent Reading log                                                                                                              Dec
     AIMS reports
     Lexile Read 180 reports                                                                                                             Apr
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration                                                                                    July
     CoreTeachers and ISTs
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6                 Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math     Funding Sources:
     ESF Levers: None                                           Instructional Workbooks and texts 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg
     Targeted Support Action Step

 Action Step 9: Students will have access to instructional technology and supporting software such as microscopes, Chromebooks,
 Promethean boards, calculators, tablets, document cameras etc... in order to gain access to technology based instructional material during
 classroom instruction.
     Measures: Technology request orders                                                                                               Progress
     lesson plans                                                                                                                         Dec
     tech utilization surveys
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Lead Teachers                                                                                                                       July
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6                      Problem Statements: None                                             Summative
     TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math     Funding Sources:                                                         Aug
     ESF Levers: None                                           various technology equipment items 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg
                                                                2110-11-HD-042-30-945-639600 $4,000
     Targeted Support Action Step

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                      Campus #220907042
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Action Step 10: Teachers will utilize various instructional materials with in the core content classroom to reinforce critical learning
 components of the curriculum. Use of AVID and other powerful instructional practices will be used.
     Measures: Lesson plans                                                                                                                     Progress
     Eduphoria: Appraise walk through reports                                                                                                      Dec
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Instructional Coach
     Core Content Teachers                                                                                                                        July
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6                              Problem Statements: None                                              Summative
     TEA Priorities: Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals   Funding Sources:                                                          Aug
     ESF Levers: None                                                   Instructional Supplies 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg $12,734.65

     Targeted Support Action Step

 Action Step 11: Co-teach model will be utilized in classes servicing SE and ELL students in order to address various learning styles and
 gaps in content foundation
     Measures: Lesson plans                                                                                                                     Progress
     Eduphoria: Appraise walk through data reports                                                                                                 Dec
     Eduphoria: Awarecommon assessment data reports
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrator
     Instructional Coach                                                                                                                          July
     SE Teachers
     Core Teachers in co-teach                                                                                                                Summative
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6                              Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math             Funding Sources:
     ESF Levers: None                                                   None

     Targeted Support Action Step

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                               Campus #220907042
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Action Step 12: PBIS Action Team will attend professional development and meet regularly to develop and assess the campus PBIS
 Pride plan for effectiveness. The team will create an incentives program geared to positively reinforce social and academic behaviors on
 campus and within the Panther community.
     Measures: Campus Survey                                                                                                                Progress
     Campus Attendance Data                                                                                                                    Dec
     Campus Discipline Data
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: PBIS Action Team
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.1                                   Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals   Funding Sources:                                                  Summative
     ESF Levers: None                                                   PBIS Program 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg 211-11 $2,500            Aug
     Targeted Support Action Step

                                 No Progress              Accomplished               Continue/Modify            Discontinue

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                           Campus #220907042
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Goal 2: Excellence in Student, Parent and Community Relationships

Performance Objective 1: Participation at parental Involvement activities will increase at FHMS by 20% by the spring 2021 survey
provided in May resulting in a more positive relationship between all stakeholders

 Action Step 1: The Fossil Hill Weekly Newsletter: Panthers "In the Know" will be created and distributed to FHMS parents
 highlighting campus activity and providing opportunities for parents to get involved on the campus and in the Keller ISD community
     Measures: Weekly Analytics from Newsletter program Smore                                                                            Progress
     Emails received from parents                                                                                                           Dec
     Sign in for campus activities for parents
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Campus Administration
     Instructional Coach                                                                                                                   July
     Counseling Dept
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: None                          Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: None                                       Funding Sources:
     ESF Levers: None                                           None

 Action Step 2: Strong Fathers using the component of Strong Families will be a campus parental involvement piece to encourage our
 families to join their student on campus and also receive instruction on how he can support the educational process
     Measures: Sign in sheets                                                                                                            Progress
     Feedback surveys                                                                                                                       Dec
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration
     Strong Fathers liaison
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: None                          Problem Statements: None
     TEA Priorities: None                                       Funding Sources:                                                       Summative

     ESF Levers: None                                           Contracted Services 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg $2,357                 Aug

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                        Campus #220907042
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Action Step 3: Parents will be invited to attend various parent meetings designed to provide resources such as learning how to use HAC,
 resources for homework help, assessment progress, literacy supports available to reinforce literacy outside of school. Snacks and light
 meals will be provided when possible.
     Measures: Sign in sheets                                                                                                                                    Progress
     Agendas                                                                                                                                                        Dec
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Campus Administration
     Title 1 Dept
     Title I Schoolwide Elements: None                                          Problem Statements:
     TEA Priorities: None                                                       Perceptions 2                                                                  Summative
     ESF Levers: None                                                           Funding Sources:                                                                   Aug
                                                                                Supplies for parent meetings 211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg $600
     Comprehensive Support Action Step
     Additional Targeted Support Action Step

                                    No Progress                 Accomplished                  Continue/Modify                   Discontinue
Problem Statement 2: Parental involvement activities are poorly attended. Root Cause: Work schedules and other priorities interfere with the level of involvement and

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                                               Campus #220907042
Generated by                                                    23 of 30                                                          October 1, 2020 12:14 PM
Goal 3: Excellence in Processes and Systems

Fossil Hill Middle School                                    Campus #220907042
Generated by                24 of 30   October 1, 2020 12:14 PM
Goal 4: Excellence in Financial Stewardship

Fossil Hill Middle School                                    Campus #220907042
Generated by                25 of 30   October 1, 2020 12:14 PM
State Compensatory
Budget for Fossil Hill Middle School
                Account Code                                            Account Title                                        Budget
6100 Payroll Costs
1997-11-00-042-24-000-611900     6112 Salaries or Wages for Substitute Teachers or Other Professionals                       $60,394.80
                                                                                                         6100 Subtotal:      $60,394.80

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                             Campus #220907042
Generated by                               26 of 30                                             October 1, 2020 12:14 PM
Personnel for Fossil Hill Middle School
                    Name                       Position                                  Program                FTE
Leisa Nunnelee                   Math IST                        Math Interventions                                      1
Sarah Kelley                     Reading IST                     Reading Interventions                                   1

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                              Campus #220907042
Generated by                            27 of 30                                 October 1, 2020 12:14 PM
Title I Personnel
                     Name                              Position                         Program                FTE
Jessica May                      Math IST                              Title 1 Part A                                   1
Pamela Neven                     Instructional Coach                   Title 1                                          1
Shaunna Hanby                    Reading IST                           Title 1 Part A                                   1

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                             Campus #220907042
Generated by                              28 of 30                              October 1, 2020 12:14 PM
Campus Funding Summary
                                                               211 - Title I Pt A Impr BSC Prg
Goal Objective Action Step                                    Resources Needed                            Account Code              Amount
   1         1             1     Registration, travel, subs                                                                        $5,200.00
   1         1             1     Contracted Service Consultant                                                                     $22,800.00
   1         1             2     Professional Salaries for ISTs                                                                   $144,124.00
   1         1             3     Instructional supplies for Interactive Notebooks                                                  $1,000.00
   1         1             4     Professional Salary for Instructional Coach                                                       $71,967.00
   1         1             4     ePLC professional development extension                                                             $900.00
   1         1             6     Extended learning time snacks                                                                       $600.00
   1         1             7     Instructional Supplies for Data Talks                                                             $1,000.00
   1         1             8     Instructional Workbooks and texts                                                                 $7,000.00
   1         1             9     various technology equipment items                              2110-11-HD-042-30-945-639600      $4,000.00
   1         1            10     Instructional Supplies                                                                            $12,734.65
   1         1            12     PBIS Program                                                    211-11                            $2,500.00
   2         1             2     Contracted Services                                                                               $2,357.00
   2         1             3     Supplies for parent meetings                                                                        $600.00
                                                                                                                     Sub-Total $276,782.65
                                                                                                                   Grand Total $276,782.65

Fossil Hill Middle School                                                                                                    Campus #220907042
Generated by                                             29 of 30                                      October 1, 2020 12:14 PM

Fossil Hill Middle School                          Campus #220907042
Generated by      30 of 30   October 1, 2020 12:14 PM
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