KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal - SEPTEMBER 2020 - Farm ...

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KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal - SEPTEMBER 2020 - Farm ...
             SEPTEMBER 2020   1
KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal - SEPTEMBER 2020 - Farm ...
    SEPTEMBER 2020 Volume - 8 Issue - 3
                                                             KERALA KARSHAKAN
                                                                                                                     English journal

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    The First English farm journal from the house of Kerala Karshakan
    Farm INFORMATION BUREAU                             04    Ocimum sp.- A traditional first aid kit
                                                              AKHIL RAJ B.
    Ishita Roy ias
    Agricultural Production Commissioner,               08    Bruchid Management in Legumes
    Principal Secretary (Agriculture)
                                                              Sandip Kumar Panigrahi1, Kavita Gupta2, Kuldeep Tripathi2*
    Dr. K. Vasuki IAS
    Director of Agriculture                             11    ECOFRIENDLY APPROACHES IN PLANT DISEASE
    Department of Agriculture & Development                   MANAGEMENT
    Dr. Rathan U. Kelkar IAS                                  Mrs.Resmi A.R1, Dr.AtulJayapal2, Dr. Lovely B.3, Dr.Lekshmy S.L.4
    Special Secertary (Agriculture)
    Department of Agriculture & Development
                                                        15    JOB’S TEARS; CROP FOR A HEALTHY FUTURE
    U.V. Jose IAS
    Director (I&PRD)                                          Dr. Pavankumar Goudar 1*, Navya Vishweshwar Bhat 2,
                                                              Tripthi Kumari 3
    Dr. C. MADHU
    Director (Animal Husbandry)                         19    GROWING AND MAINTAINING PHALAENOPSIS ORCHIDS
                                                              Roshin Mariam George, Dr. Beena Thomas
    Mini Raveendradas
    Director i/c (Dairy Department)

    Station Director, All India Radio
                                                        22    Protected Cultivation: High Yielding Parthenocarpic
                                                              Cucumber Hybrid
    Doordarshan, Thiruvananthapuram                           AmalPremachandran, Dr.MeeraManjusha A. V,
    P.V. Manoj
    Sayujyam, Manakkad P.O., Thiruvananthapuram

    Sandhya R.
    Adarsham, Anandeswaram, Chempazanthy
    P.O., Thiruvananthapuram

    C.R. Mahesh
    Kailas Nagar, Kizhakkekkara, Kottarakkara
    Renjan S. Karippai
    Mission Director, State Horticulture Mission

    T.K. Bhaskara Panikkar
    Renfru Cottage, USRA-72, Udarasiromani Road
    Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram -10

    Dr. Jalaja S. Menon
    Assi. Prof. College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara

    Dr. P. Indira Devi
    Prof. & Head, Centre for Enviornmentel
    College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur

                                                         ATTENTION AUTHORS
    C.D. Suneesh
    Chittilappally House, Thrikkaipatta P.O.,

    Dr.Mohan P.V
    Karuna, Near Kannur Spinning Mill
    Kakkad P.O., Kannur - 670005
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24    Plant Based Diet: A Way to Healthier Life
      Pradeepika C1,2, Selvakumar R3, Krishnakumar T1, Sirisha T1,                                             Chief Editor
      Suresh Kumar J1, More S1                                                                                 Saly Joseph

32    Quality breeding in bulbous vegetables	                                                                  Editor
      Ramavath Ramesh Babu , Basavaraj T
                                       1                  2                                                    Sreekala S

                                                                                                               Asst. Editor
35	Can zero budget natural farming double the farmer’s                                                         A J Al Unais
      Dr.Vijayakumar S1, Dr.Gobinath R2, Dr. Sivashankari3, Dr. A K Nayak4,                                    Editorial Assistant
      Dr. Aravindan S5                                                                                         Anoop R J

40    Scientific Cultivation of Aonla	                                                                         Design & Layout
      A.K. Singh, Sanjay Singh, P. L. Saroj                                                                    V. Rajesh

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                                                                                                                         SEPTEMBER 2020   3
KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal - SEPTEMBER 2020 - Farm ...
                                         M.Sc. Hort. Scholar
                                         Dept. of Plantation
                                            crops and Spices
                                       College of Agriculture

    Ocimum sp
    A traditional first aid kit
    SEPTEMBER 2020
KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal - SEPTEMBER 2020 - Farm ...
        ransition in the life style        is existing in Africa. More than       kept with stored food materials
        resulted in life style             150 Ocimum species are                 for protecting from bad effects
        disorders like diabetis,           reported in this genus and it          of eclipse. Tulsi leaves are
        o b e s i t y, d e m e n t i a ,   belongs to the family Lamiaceae.       kept overnight in copper pot
depression etc. In the midst of            Sacred basil / holy basil, Sweet       containing water and there exists
this COVID-19 pandemic we are              basil, Camphor basil, Thai             a practice of having it in the
recollecting and experimenting             basil etc. are the well-known          morning for improving general
our traditional knowledge for              species (See the table below).         health and vitality. It is reported
sustaining the life. Ayurvedic             Traditional uses, nutritional and      that black pepper and ginger
home remedies functioning                  pharmaceutical potential of            powder add with tulsi leaves in
as immune boosters, helping                Sacred basil is discussed in this      the ratio 2:2:4 is effective for
in preventing or managing                  article.                               relieving cold, cough, sneezing,
infections especially bronchial            Traditional and folkloric              headache, fever etc. In addition,
infections are gaining rebirth.            uses                                   tulsi leaf paste prepared using
Tulsi admired as the ‘Golden                        Traditional Kerala houses     curd with added honey and
remedy of Ayurveda’ and “The               and temples are featured               swallowed before food prevent
Queen of Herbs”is an important             with sacred basil raised in a          the risk of cancer as well as
candidate for achieving this               specialized imposing structure         improves memory (Khosla M.
objective.                                 called thulasithara. Women and         K., 1995).
         Tulsi is considered as            children managed the plant with        Nutritional value
a sacred plant infused with                great endearment. They used                    Holy basil (O. tenuiflorum)
healing power (Thakur et al.,              to light lamp (Diya) in every          is one of a the satisfactory
2017). In ancient literature               dawn and dusk burn inscents            sources of nutrients, minerals
holy basil (Krishna tulsi) means           circumambulate by chanting             and vitamins essential for human
“an incomparable one”. The                 prayer, sing devotional song,          health. Ocimum plants are store
entire plant including its leaves,         celebrate thiruvathira festival etc.   house of vitamins viz., Vitamin A,
stem, flowers, roots and seeds             since it is considered as praise       K, E and C. Ocimum is peculiar
have nutritional and medicinal             worthy for the Almighty God            in having low calories, moderate
potential.                                 (Khosla M. K., 1995).                  protein and no cholesterol. It
Variability in Ocimum                               Tulsi plant is regarded as    contains 5275 mg vitamin A
         Ocimum is globally                so powerful since, during solar        which is as high as 175% of
distributed and its wide variability       or lunar eclipse; its leaves are       recommended daily allowance.

 Sl. No. Common Name		                        Scientific Name			                Chemical compound
 1       Krishna tulsi 			                    Ocimum tenuiflorum var. 		        Methyl euginol (70%)
         (Sacred basil / Holy Basil)          Krishna tulsi
 2       Rama tulsi 			                       Ocimum tenuiflorum var. 		        Euginol (33.8%)
         (Sacred basil / Holy Basil)          Ram tulsi
 3       Sweet basil			                       Ocimum basilicum 		               Methyl chavicol (70-75%)
 4       Camphor basil		                      Ocimum kilimandscharicum		        Camphor (28.8%)
 5       Thai basil			                        Ocimum basilicum var. thyrsiflora Linalool (68%)
 6       American basil		                     Ocimum americanum 		              Terpinen-4-ol (43.21%)
 7       African basil / Clove basil /        Ocimum gratissimum 		Euginol (81.8%)
         Tree basil
 8       Bush/ Greek basil		                  Ocimum minimum 		           Geranyl Acetate (69.48%)
 9       Purple basil			                      Ocimum basilicum pourpre 		 Methyl chavicol (57.3%)
 10      Peruvian basil			                    Ocimum mirranthum 		Euginol (84-97%)
 11      Vietnamese basil		                   Ocimum cinnamon			          Methyl cinnamet, Linalool
 12      Lemon basil			                       Ocimum citriodoram 		       Nerol (23%), Citral (20.7%)
 13      Pepper basil			                      Ocimum carnosum 		Linalool (79%)

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Principle		       Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA                          indigestion etc.
     Energy			23 Kcal		1%                                                        2. Insufflations of dried and
     Carbohydrates     2.65 g			2%                                               powdered tulsi leaves can control
     Protein			3.15 g			6%                                                       the ozaena (offensive discharge
     Total Fat		0.64 g			2%                                                      from the nose). Moreover, it
     Cholesterol		0 mg			0%                                                      can be applied as a nasal spray
     Dietary Fibre		1.60 g			4%                                                  to soothe nasal congestion and
     				Vitamins		                                                              phlegm.
     Folates			68 µg			17%                                                       3. Tender tulsi leaves crushed by
     Niacin			0.902 mg		6%                                                       adding black pepper berries can
     Pantothenic acid  0.209 mg		           4%                                   be taken daily in empty stomach
     Pyridoxine		0.155 mg		12%                                                   for strengthening the heart.
     Riboflavin		0.076 mg		6%                                                    4. Juice prepared from leaves,
     Thiamin		0.034 mg		2.5%                                                     flowering tops and slender roots
     Vitamin A		       5275 IU		            175%                                 is a antidote against insect stings
     Vitamin C		18 mg			30%                                                      due to bees, worms, leach,
     Vitamin E		       0.80 mg		            5%                                   wasps, mosquitos etc.
     Vitamin K		       414.8 µg		           345%                                 5. Raw turmeric can be mixed
     				Electrolytes		                                                          with tulsi juice and applied on
     Sodium		4 mg			0%                                                           the affected area can detoxify
     Potassium		295 mg		6%                                                       spider venom.
     				Minerals		                                                              6. Ringworm rashes and other
     Calcium		177 mg		18%                                                        skin infections can be cured by
     Copper		385 mg		43%                                                         applying leaf juice or paste over
     Iron			3.17 mg		40%                                                         it. It is applicable for ear-ache
     Magnesium		64 mg			16%                                                      and other minor infections of ear,
     Manganese		1.15 mg		57%                                                     eyes and nose.
     Zinc			0.81 mg		7%                                                          7. Adding tulsi leaves to yoghurt
     				Phyto-nutrients		                                                       and mixing it with honey helps in
     Carotene-ß		3142 µg		--                                                     improving memory. This mixture
     Crypto-xanthin-ß  46 µg			--                                                can be taken regularly to cure
     Lutein-zeaxanthin 5650 µg		            --                                   diarrhoea and fever too.
                                                                                 8. Oil preparations containing
    (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)                                   tulsi leaves are effective for
                                                                                 reducing joint pain.
            It is known to have            plant has a strong bitter flavor,     9. Boiled water containing tulsi
    antioxidant properties and is          used as stomachic, cholagogue,        leaves can be rubbed on cheeks
    essential for improved vision.         ianthelmintic, alexiteric,            with a little warmth will relieve
    Moreover, it is rich in minerals       antipyretic, etc. Tulsi leaves are    sore throat.
    like potassium, manganese,             expectorant, its juice is used in     10. Dried and powdered tulsi
    magnesium, calcium, iron and           curing bronchitis, throat and chest   leaves mixed with mustard oil
    zinc. Nutrient content in 100g         infection. Hence, it is useful for    can be applied on sore tooth or
    fresh basil leaves are shown in        curing asthma, hiccough, painful      using a toothbrush cleanse the
    the table above.                       eyes, purulent discharge from         teeth can relieve toothache and
    Pharmaceutical potential               the ear, leucoderma, strangury,       bad breath.
            Sacred tulsi is a potential    vomiting, halitosis, lumbago          11. Applying tulsi leaves and
    phyto-resource having enormous         pains, burning sensation during       sandalwood paste on the
    medicinal properties as it is a        urination etc.                        forehead relieves headache.
    good remedy for number of              1. Tulsi leaves decoction added       12. Tulsi leaves and Cyclea
    ailments. All parts of tulsi is used   in boiled cow’s milk is beneficial    peltata (Padakizhangu) root
    in one form or the other. The          in curing malaria, cold, cough,       paste is a good remedy for

    SEPTEMBER 2020
KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal - SEPTEMBER 2020 - Farm ...
of Plantation Crops and Spices,
                                                                                        College of Agriculture, Vellayani,
                                                                                        Kerala Agricultural University
                                                                                                  D r. D e e p a S. N a i r,
                                                                                        Assistant Professor (Horticulture)
                                                                                        and head, Dept. of Plantation
                                                                                        Crops and Spices, College of
pimples.                               Ocimum products are available                    Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala
13. Adorning women’s hair with         in the market for meeting the                    Agricultural University
tulsi leaves can manage lice           day to day requirements like holy                References
infestation. Leaves can be put         basil essential oil, cough syrup,                          Khosla, M.K . 1995.
on the pillows and resting over        hair oil, shower gel, leaf powder,               Sacred tulsi (Ocimum sanctum
it will also give the same benefit.    basil extract, capsules, hair                    l.) In traditional medicine and
14. Apart from being a                 conditioner etc. In addition Tulsi                         pharmacology. Ancient
medicine, tulsi juice is also          gives a calming and purifying                    Sci. Life. 15(1): 53-61.
used in gardens for pest control       effect to body, mind and soul and                          Mondal, S., Bijay, R.
and as an excellent mosquito           hence used in aromatherapy.                      Mirdhaand Mahapatra, S.C.
repellent. It possess a scientific     Tulsi essential oils could relief                2009. The science behind
evidence exists for its insecticidal   anxiety, migraine, headache,                     sacredness of tulsi (Ocimum
and larvicidal activity against        fatigue and insomnia. Tulsi can                  sanctum Linn.). Indian J. Physiol.
houseiflies, blue bottle flies         be measured as a powerful                        Pharmacol. 5(4): 291–306.
and mosquitoes (Mondal et al.,         herb used by humans due to                                 Thakur, R. N., Gangwar,
2009).                                 its medicinal potential and can                  S.S., Sharma,R. and Tilak,
          Basil contains remarkably    meet almost all emergencies in                   A. 2017. Indian Traditional
high levels of phyto-constituents      day to day life and can act as                   Shrub Tulsi(ocimum sanctum)
like cryptoxanthin, lutein,            natural first aid kit at no expense.             Use in Medicine. Imperial j.
zeaxanthin etc. These help in          Prepared by                                      Interdisciplinary Res. 3(1) :
acting as free radical scavengers,              Akhil Raj. B. C., PG                    2454-1362.
prevents ROS (Reactive Oxygen          Scholar, Dept of Plantation                                USDA          [United
Species) from causing diseases         Crops and Spices, College                        States Department of
and improves immunity.                 o f A g r i c u l t u r e , Ve l l a y a n i ,   Agriculture].2018.USDA home
          Ocimum is a repository       Kerala Agricultural University.                  page [online]. Available: https://
of phytochemicals and                  Ph:8281544280.                         
nutrients with therapeutic and                  Dr. Sonia. N. S., Assistant             show/02044?format=Full.
nutraceutical benefits. Several        Professor (Horticulture), Dept.                  [April, 2018 ].

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KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal - SEPTEMBER 2020 - Farm ...
    Management in
           ulses are the dried edible   green gram, horse gram, red                  Sandip Kumar
           seeds of the legume          gram (ENVIS Centre: Kerala).                   Panigrahi1
           plants belonging to family   Among various threats to pulses,             Kavita Gupta2
           Fabaceae. Being a rich       Bruchids (Family: Bruchidae)              Kuldeep Tripathi2*
                                                                           ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
    and one of the cheapest source      are cosmopolitan pests. They                                New Delhi 110 012
    of protein (25-40%), pulses are     cause substantial reduction in
                                                                                ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic
                                                                                        Resources, New Delhi 110 012
    attributed as “poor man’s meat”.    quantity and quality of stored                        *Corresponding author:
    Pulses are perfect cocktail of      legumes. Losses estimated due
    essential amino-acids and           to bruchids in various pulses
    minerals with high biological       range from 30-40% within six
    value. Therefore, pulses when       months, which can reach upto
    supplemented with cereals, form     100% during severe infestation.
    a balanced human diet. Kerala       Bruchid pests form more than
    is home of many leguminous          1700 species belonging to 62
    crops like black gram, cowpea,      genera worldwide. In India,

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Table 1:Major Bruchid species infesting different legumes
 Crop			Bruchid species
 Black gram		 C. maculatus(F.)
 Cowpea		 C. maculatus(F.), C. chinensis(L.)
 Pigeon pea		 C. maculatus(F.)
 Green gram		 C. maculatus(F.), C. chinensis(L.)
 Faba bean		  Bruchus rufimanusBoh., B. dentipes Baudi, B. atomarius L.
 Chickpea		 C. phaseoliGyllenhal, C. maculatus(F.), Acanthoscelides obtectus(Say)
 Common bean  Acanthoscelides obtectus(Say), Zabrotes subfasciatusBoh.
 Pea			 B. pisorum(L.)
 Lentil			    C. analis(F.), B. lentisFrolich, B .signaticornisGyllenhal, B. erviFroel
post-harvest damage is mainly          pests. Traditional disinfestation    maintain the pest population
inflicted by Callosobruchus            chemicals include 10% dichloro       below the threshold level.
maculatus F., C. chinensis L., C.      d i p henyl tr ic hlor o ethane              Some natural enemies
analis F. Pulse crops like mung        (DDT) and / or 5% benzene            for effective bruchid control are:
bean, adzuki bean (red mung            hexachloride (BHC) dust@             • Hymenoptera (Dinarmus
bean), cowpea, moth bean and           6-8 oz per 100 cubic feet of             spp.) parasitoids for
bambara groundnut are infested         storage space. These methods             suppressing C. maculatus in
by both C. maculatus & C.              are cheapest, reliable and do            blackgram
chinensis. Blackgram is infested       not need extensive labour. Some      • Eupelmus vuilleti used to
by C. maculatus while rice bean        limitations include the need for         manage C. chinensis in
seems to be unaffected by both         long-term and careful planning           cowpea
Callosobruchus spp. Bruchid            & timing, species specificity.       • Some limitations include
resistance has been proved to be       2. Physical Control                      the requirement of nutrition
controlled by a single dominant                This involves treatment of       to bio-control agents
gene. In contrast, Somta et al.,       seeds and insects using physical         and timing & release of
(2007) reported that bruchid           agents like temperature, heat            larval development needs
resistance in the mung bean is         and moisture to reduce the               consideration.
controlled by a major gene, with       development of bruchids to an        4. Phytochemical Control
varying degree of expressivity.        acceptable level. Increasing                 It involves the utilisation
Polygenic inheritance has also         grain temperature upto 60◦C for      of plants and plant-derived
been reported in rice bean,            10-15 min killed all live stages     products exhibiting insecticidal
mung bean, black gram and              of bruchids. All live stages of C.   and inhibitory activity against
adzuki bean.                           maculatus in green gram seeds        bruchids. Some plants used are:
Management of Bruchids in              were found to be highly sensitive    neem, castor, clove, mustard,
Leguminous Crops                       to the temperature of -14±1◦C.       mahua, etc. A prominent example
        To r e d u c e s t o r a g e   Pigeon pea seeds remained            is that the use of formulated
losses, bruchid infestation in         undamaged by bruchids upon           product of neem seed kernel
pulses needs to be controlled.         solar heating at 65◦C for one        extract (A. indica) and curry leaf
These control measures include         week. C. maculatus in cowpea         extract (M. koenigii) reduces
broadly two approaches viz.            seeds were killed within eight       C. maculatus population in
Conventional approach and              days of irradiation with 0.25 KGy    cowpea.These phytochemicals
Biotechnological approach.             gamma rays. Movement of adult        act slowly, are easily degradable
Conventional Approach                  pulse beetles can be prevented       and can affect seed germination.
1.Cultural Control                     by placing 7-10 cm dry sand          5. Chemical Control
        This involves all those        layer on top of grain mass, thus             It uses chemical
practices which make host              reducing intergranular space.        pesticides like organochlorine,
environment unattractive               3. Biological Control                organophosphate, carbamates,
and unfavourable for the                       This involves the use of     pyrethrins in field and storage for
survival, dispersal, growth and        bio-control agents like predators,   complete insect mortality.
reproduction of the bruchid            parasitoids, pathogens to            Some glaring examples

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TABLE 2: Sources of bruchid resistance in Crop Wild Relatives (CWRs)
      Genus		Resistance source				Distribution
      Vigna		   V. mungovarsylvestris, V. radiata 		       India, Bangladesh,Pakistan,
      		        varsublobata,V. vexillata        		west Myanmar
      Cajanus   C. scarabaeoides, C. cajanifolius, 		      Assam, Kerala, Odisha,
      		C. platycarpus					Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra
      Lens		    L. orientalis, L. lamottei, L. nigricans		 West and Central Asia
      Pisum		   P. fulvum					Maryland (USA)
      Dolichos  D. trilobus					Kerala , Maharashtra
      Phaseolus P. acutifolius					                        Central America and Southwest N.
      Cicer		   C. echinospermum, C. bijugum,		            Southeast Turkey to Iraq
      		C. reticulatum

     include:                              proteins at the target site, which              novel technologies like ionising
     • Reduction in the emergence          may be harmful to non-target                    radiation, radiofrequency and
         of C. maculatus in cowpea         organisms, remains a significant                microwaves are used to disinfest
         seeds by Spinosad                 drawback.                                       pulses. Hence saving pulses from
         application.                      2. Marker-Assisted Breeding                     bruchid attack can undoubtedly
     • Effective control of C.             Approach                                        improve the nutritional security.
         chinensis in chickpea by new              This          requires
         insecticides like Lufenuron       identification of host resistant                References
         and Emamectin benzoate @          genotypes, developing genetic                           1.Mishra SK, Macedo
         10-20 g/mu                        resources and mapping of both                   MLR, Panda SK and Panigrahi
     • Chemical control measures           simple inherited traits (SITLs)                 J (2018)Bruchid pest
         are limited by toxic residues,    and quantitative trait (QTLs)                   management in pulses: past
         pesticide resistance and          conferring bruchid resistance in                practices, present status and
         health and environment            several pulse crops.                            use of modern breeding tools
         hazards.                          Future Prospects                                for the development of resistant
     Biotechnological                              Research will lead to                   varieties. Annals of Applied
     Approaches                            a package of integrated pest                    Biology172(1): 1-16
             Biotechnology involves        management (IPM) for bruchid                            2. Srinives P, Somta P
     the use of transgenic introgression   management to be developed                      and Somta C (2011) Genetics
     and DNA marker-assisted               and promoted. This involves on-                 and Breeding of Resistance to
     breeding to reduce yield loss         farm trials with farmer assessment              Bruchids (Callosobruchus spp.)
     and augment net production.           and seed production & delivery                  in Vigna Crop: A Review. NU
     1. Transgenic Approach                of new bruchid resistant lines and              Science Journal4(1): 01-17.
             Biochemical studies have      varieties to farmers.                                   3. Tripathi K, Gore PG,
     confirmed that lectins found                  H o s t- p l a n t- r e s i s t a n t   Singh M, Pamarthi RK, Mehra
     in pulse seeds are involved           cultivars will form the backbone                R and Gayacharan C (2020)
     in plant defence mechanisms           of IPM strategy. Development                    Legume Genetic Resources:
     against bruchids and α-amylase        of bruchid resistant varieties                  Status and Opportunities for
     & protease inhibitor retard           and bio-pesticides will reduce                  Sustainability, Legume Crops,
     insect growth and development.        the use of chemical pesticides                  IntechOpen.
     Bruchid-resistant genotypes have      and increase the activity of                            4. Somta P, Ammaranan
     been developed by transgenesis        natural bio-control agents.                     C, Ooi PAC and Srinives P (2007)
     of α-amylase inhibitor(α AI-          Fumigation with essential oils                  Inheritance of seed resistance to
     1) gene from common bean              of many aromatic plants like                    bruchids in cultivated mungbean
     (P. vulgaris) in adzuki bean.         eucalyptus, mint etc. is now being              (Vignaradiata, L. Wilczek),
     The expression of insecticidal        experimented. Besides, various                  Euphytica155(1-2): 47-55.

     SEPTEMBER 2020
      lant diseases are major           methods of disease control is                  Mrs.Resmi A.R1
      yield limiting factor in          gaining momentum. Thus, there                Dr.AtulJayapal2
      agricultural production.          is evidence of a renewed and                    Dr. Lovely B.3
      Plant diseases should             increased interest in biological              Dr.Lekshmy S.L.4
be controlled to maintain the           control of plant pathogens.             1
                                                                                   Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology),
                                                                                                     ORARS Kayamkulam,
quality and quantity of food.                   Biological control is                        Kerala Agricultural University
                                                                                 Assistant Professor (Agronomy), ORARS
Different approaches may be             the control of disease by the       Kayamkulam, Kerala Agricultural University
used to prevent or manage               application of biological agents        3
                                                                                 Assistant Professor (Plant breeding and
                                                                                  Genetics), ORARS Kayamkulam, Kerala
plant diseases. Modern farming          to a host animal or plant that                              Agricultural University
                                                                                        Assistant Professor (Horticulture),
and agricultural practices              prevents the development of                                  ORARS Kayamkulam,
                                                                                            Kerala Agricultural University.
often rely heavily on the use           disease by a pathogen. It is the
of pesticides for plant disease         reduction of inoculum density
and pest control. Excessive use         or disease producing activities
and misuse of agrochemicals             of a pathogen or a parasite
led to environmental pollution          in its active or dormant state,
and many health hazards. The            by one or more organisms
control of diseases in crops is still   accomplished naturally or
largely dominated by the use of         through manipulation of the
fungicides, but with the increasing     environment, host or antagonist
incidence of fungicide resistance,      or by mass introduction of one or
plus mounting concern for the           more antagonists. With regard
environment resulting from              to plant diseases the bio-control
excessive agrochemical use, the         agents are usually bacterial or
search for alternative, reliable        fungal strains isolated from the

                                                                             KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal
                                                                                          SEPTEMBER 2020                      11
Pseudomonas fluorescensTrichoderma spp.

                     Pseudomonas fluorescens                       Trichoderma spp.

     endosphere or rhizosphere.           • Bio - control agents not        fungal genera have been used
     Advantages of biological                only control the disease       extensively for the control of
     control                                 but also enhance the root      plant pathogens. Various non-
     • Biological control is less            and plant growth by way of     pathogenic fungal strains of
        costly and cheaper than any          encouraging the beneficial     Rhizoctonia, Phialophora,
        other methods.                       soil microflora.               Fusarium and Trichoderma, as
     • They protect the plant             • They increases the crop yield   well as mycorrhizal fungi, have
        throughout the crop period        • They are easy to manufacture.   been used to reduce damage
     • They are very effective against    • They are harmless to human      caused by related strains or other
        specific pathogens.                  beings and animals.            pathogenic fungi. Pseudomonas
     • They do not cause toxicity to      Disadvantages of biological       fluorescence and Trichoderma
        plants.                           control                           spp. are the most commonly
     • Their application is safer to      • Can sometimes fail in its       used bio-control agents in plant
        the environment and to the           specificity                    disease management.
        person who applies them.          • It’s a slow process             Pseudomonas fluorescence
     • They are easy to handle and        • Expensive at startup                   P s e u d o m o n a s
        apply to the target.              • Doesn’t completely destroy a    fluorescence known as the
     • They multiply easily in the soil      pest/pathogen.                 wonder bacteria is a group of
        and leave no residual toxicity.          Many bacterial and         bacteria very effective against

     SEPTEMBER 2020
fungal pathogens like Pythium,               in a shaded place for 15 -20         mainly asexual fungi that are
Fu s a r i u m , P h y t o p h t h o r a ,   minutes and sow the seeds.           present in all types of agricultural
Rhizoctonia and Colletotrichum               For seed treatment in paddy,         soils and also in decaying wood.
and bacterial pathogens like                 Pseudomonas fluorescence can         The antagonistic activity of
Ralstonia and Xanthomonas.                   be suspended at the rate of 10       Trichoderma species showed
Along with disease management                g per kg seed in the water used      that it is parasitic on many soil-
the bacteria increase the                    for sprouting.                       borne and foliage pathogens.
resistance and growth rate                   Seedling rootdip                     The fungus is also a decomposer
of plants. They are available                         Seedlings/cuttings are      of cellulosic waste materials.
in the market in the powder                  treated with Pseudomonas culture     Recent discoveries show that
form (talc based formulation).               by dipping the root or tip of        the fungi not only act as bio-
Two isolates of Pseudomonas                  cutting in slurry of Pseudomonas     control agent, but also stimulate
fluorescence (P1and P14) have                (250g in 750ml of water for 20       plant resistance, plant growth
been developed by Kerala                     minutes). This help in the control   and development resulting in
Agricultural University for the              of fungal and bacterial diseases.    an increase in crop production.
disease management and growth                For transplanted crop, dip the       The bio-control activity involving
promotion of crop plants. This               roots in the Pseudomonas culture     mycoparasitism, antibiosis and
is found highly effective for the            liquid (250g in 750ml of water       competition for nutrients, also
management of blast, sheath                  for 20 minutes) at the time of       induces defence responses or
blight, sheath rot and bacterial             transplanting and one spray may      systemic resistance responses
leaf blight in rice, quick wilt and          be given @ 20g/litre at 30th day     in plants. Trichoderma spp.
pollu disease of pepper, bacterial           after transplanting.                 are very effective against many
leaf spot and Phytophthora                   Soil application/drenching           soil borne diseases like foot
infestation in betel vine, bacterial                  For managing foot rot in    rot/quick wilt of pepper, rot of
wilt of solanaceous vegetables,              black pepper nursery, drenching      ginger and cardamom etc. They
Colletotrichum infestation in                the nursery plants with 1-2%         are available in the market in
vanilla, rhizome rot, soft rot               Pseudomonas fluorescence             the powder form (talc based
and bacterial blight in ginger,              immediately after planting           formulation).
bacterial blight in anthurium, fruit         followed by one or two sprays        Method of application
rot in cardamom and different                depending on the extent of                    For controlling fungal
fungal diseases in vegetables                disease. For managing foot rot of    diseases, add enriched cow
and ornamentals.                             pepper in the main field, drench     dung in potting mixture and
Methods for application of                   the base of the vine and spray       nursery. For enriching cow dung,
Pseudomonas fluorescence                     the plant with Pseudomonas           mix cowdung (90kg), neemcake
          Seed treatment, seedling           fluorescence @ 10g/litre at the      (10kg) and Trichoderma culture
root dip, soil application and               onset of monsoon. A second           (1kg) spray water and heap it
foliar application are the methods           spray may be given, if necessary     in a shaded place and cover
for application of Pseudomonas               during mid-monsoon period.           it with wet gunny bags for a
fluorescence.                                Foliar application                   week. After one week again
Seed treatment                                        For controlling foliar      mix the mixture, sprinkle water
          Cowpea seeds, paddy                diseases like leaf spot of           and cover it with wet gunny
seeds and rhizome of banana                  amaranthus, bhindi, cucumber,        bags for another one week.
are treated with Pseudomonas                 anthracnose of cowpea and            This mixture can be used for
fluorescence before sowing.                  most of the fungal diseases          application in soil also. In black
Take seeds in a clean vessel                 in vegetables, spraying with         pepper,Trichoderma enriched
and spray small amount of                    Pseudomonas fluorescence at          cowdung can be applied @
water over the seeds. Add                    the rate of 2% is effective.         500g/vine for controlling quick
Pseudomonas fluorescence at                  Trichoderma spp                      wilt.Trichoderma spp. is effective
the rate of 10 g per kg seed and                      Trichoderma spp. also       against wilt and rot diseases
mix well with the seeds. Keep it             known as doctor fungus,are           in betel vine and vegetables.

                                                                                      KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal
                                                                                                   SEPTEMBER 2020        13
Prophylatic application of               For all crops, the time and                 5. For controlling soil
     Trichoderma spp. is very effective       the frequency of application        borne diseases, soil application
     in controlling sheath blight of          of biocontrol agents may vary       of biocontrol agents are more
     rice. For this seed treatment            depending on the incidence and      effective. Increase in agricultural
     with Trichodermaspp.@ 10g                severity of disease.                production has several new
     per kg seed, soil application            Check list for application          challenges, making further
     of Trichoderma spp. @ 2.5kg              of bio-control agents in            growth possible only if these
     per hectare at one week                  disease management                  challenges are met appropriately
     after transplanting and foliar                   1. Chemical fertilizers     and timely.
     application of Trichoderma spp.          and plant protection chemicals              Increase in crop
     @ 10 g per litre, one month after        should not be used along with       production from the modern
     transplanting can be done.               bio-controlagents                   farming techniques is reaching
              A combined application                  2. Bio-control agents       a plateau in most of the
     o f Tr i c h o d e r m a s p p . a n d   should be used only after 15        countries including India and
     Pseudomonas fluorescence may             days of application of pesticides   the environmental problems
     be resorted to at the time of                    3. During application of    due to excessive use of chemical
     planting in the nursery and/             bio-control agents there should     fertilizers and pesticides is
     or main field for the control of         be enough moisture in the soil      becoming a matter of concern.
     diseases of pepper, cardamom                     4. Bio-control agents       So, the biological control can be
     and ginger. The application              should be applied when              alternate system, which may play
     may be repeated based on the             temperature is low especially       an important role in achieving
     intensity of disease incidence.          early morning or in the evening.    the goal of agriculture.

     SEPTEMBER 2020
                 Dr. Pavankumar Goudar1*
                 Navya Vishweshwar Bhat2
                            Tripthi Kumari3
                  Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy,

                        COA, Pasighat, 791102, CAU, Imphal, India.
                    Department of Fruit Science and Horticulture
                 Technology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 751003, India.

                        B.Sc. (Horticulture), CHF, Pasighat, 791102,
                                                CAU, Imphal, India.
                  (Corresponding Author: Pavankumar Goudar *

                      KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal
                                   SEPTEMBER 2020                      15
Introduction                           purposes. The seed consists          0.3-8.4 g fibre, 0.7-2.6 g ash,
              The ever increasing           of four parts from outside to        22-26 mg Ca, 425-440 mg P,
     population and limited                 inside - the hull, testa, bran and   4-6 mg Fe.
     agricultural land is one of major      endosperm.                           Medicinal use
     problem that is being faced all        Structure of Job’s tears bead                The Job’s tears seed is
     over the world. In addition, to this            The actual bead like        traditionally used as a diuretic,
     malnutrition and susceptibility to     structure resembling a seed is       digestive tonic, analgesic,
     various diseases is faced by every     not a seed at all. It is a very      anti-spasmodic and anti-
     individual. So a diet which not        hard, hollow structure (called an    inflammatory agent in many
     only provides adequate energy          involucre) containing a minute       countries. It has been reported to
     but also helps in preventing           fertile female flower and two        have anti-cancer, hypolipidemic,
     and curing disease is the need         sterile flowers. Pollen-bearing      hypoglycemic, antioxidant, anti-
     of the hour. Job’s tears is one        male flowers are produced on         inflammatory and anti-allergic
     such fascinating crop which            a slender stalk that extends         properties. The fruits are used
     supplements us with all the            out of the bead through a tiny       in folk remedies for abdominal
     essential component of diet            pore. Two feathery stigmas from      tumours, oesophageal,
     along with helping us to prevent       the fertile female flower also       gastrointestinal and lung cancer,
     deadly disease such as cancer.         protrude from the pore-ready         various tumours, as well as
              Job’s tears, Coix lachryma    to receive pollen from the male      excrescences, warts and whitlows
     jobi L., which belongs to the Coix     flowers. Like other members of       in north eastern parts of India.
     genus and poaceae family is an         grass Family (Poaceae), Job’s                The active compound
     important crop used as food and        tears are pollinated by the wind.    found in Job’s tears seed is
     medicine in Asian countries. It        Following pollination, a seed-       coixenolide (473 ppm). In
     is cultivated for 1000’s of years      bearing grain is produced by the     addition to coixenolide, other
     for its use in multiple fields from    fertile female flower. The shiny     oil components, including
     food to ornaments. The name            gray beads are dispersed and         palmitic acid, stearic acid,
     Job’s tears is given due to their      planted like seeds, but they are     oleic acid and linoleic acid,
     distinctive tear drop shape. It        actually remarkable little shells    are also present which showed
     is also known as ‘Jagradi’ in          containing flowers and grains.       potent growth inhibitory activity
     sanskrit and ‘Sankru’ in hindi.        Job’s tear - food and                on a transplantable tumor. An
     Popularity of Job’s tear is rapidly    nutritional value                    anticancer drug made from
     increasing due to its medicinal                 Job’s tears is used in      this oil, i.e. Kanglaite, which
     functions and as an ideal healthy      various food items. The hulled       has been applied clinically in
     food.                                  grains are used for boiling like     many countries and has been
     Morphological description              rice. It can be milled, ground to    have proved effective in treating
              Job’s tears belongs to        flour and baked into bread. The      multiple cancer causing cells.
     the species of true grasses i.e.,      grains are also used in soups,       Soil and climatic
     Poaceae. It is a tall perennial        porridge, drinks, pastries etc. In   requirements
     grass. It grows around 3 ft. with      India, the Nagas use the grain               Job’s tears is found to
     knobbly, bamboo like stems from        for brewing a beer called zhu or     grow in tropical and sub-tropical
     the base of which new tillers          dzu. A Japanese variety called       regions. It has a wide range of
     arise. The leaves are glossy deep      “Ma-Yuen” is brewed into a tea       adaptability and can even grow
     green in colour, 2 inches wide         and an alcoholic beverage and        in considerable moisture stress
     with slightly wavy edges. They         roasted seeds are made into          condition and in marginal soil.
     are monoecious and pollinated          a coffee-like drink. According       In India, it is found in warm
     by winds. The flowering and            to Agnes Arber, the leaves are       slopes of hills up to an elevation
     fruiting spikelets are insignificant   used as fodder in part of India,     of 1600 m particularly in north
     but the receptacle are pea sized       and are especially relished by       eastern states. It adapts into wide
     that hardens and becomes pale          elephants. The grains contains       range of temperature from cool
     bluish grey and is often used          15-20 g proteins, 0.5-6.2 g          temperate to wet tropical and
     for beads and other decorative         fats, 58.3-77.2 g carbohydrates,     even to dry zones. It can tolerate

     SEPTEMBER 2020
annual precipitation of 600 –        the pupating insects in the soil as     stage of growth and drier season
4200 mm and it can flourish in       well as it increases the infiltration   as the grain heads start forming
temperature range between 9.6°       of rainwater into deeper layers.        are necessary for good yield and
to 27.8°C. The soil pH can be        Sowing                                  better quality. The field should
anywhere between 4.5 - 8.4.                  The seeds are sown              be kept weed free during the
Land preparation                     during monsoon at the rate of           initial days of plant germination
       The land should be            10-20 kg ha-1 according to the          to have potential yield levels and
stubble free without any remain      place and type of cultivation. A        to ensure the least insect and
of the previous crops. One           spacing of 60 X 60 cm or 60 X           pest attack.
deep ploughing followed by 2-3       45 cm between the rows and the          Varieties
times harrowing and planking is      plants is maintained. The seeds                  There are two main
done to obtain fine tilth of soil.   are sown at the depth of 2 to 4         varieties of the species, one
Usually summer ploughing is          cm according to soil and climatic       wild and one cultivated. The wild
useful for exposing and killing      condition. Sufficient rain in early     variety, Coix lacryma-jobi var.

                                                                                 KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal
                                                                                              SEPTEMBER 2020      17
lacryma-jobi, has hard-shelled           encountered. However, diseases          to facilitate the upcoming crop.
     pseudocarps very hard, pearly            such as Leaf blight caused by           Yield of un-husked grains varies
     white, shining oval structures           Helminthosporium coicis and             significantly from one country
     usually 1cm or less used as              Head smut caused by Ustilago            to another. In Philippine Islands
     beads for making rosaries,               coicis are seen. Spraying contact       yield is about 3.5 t ha-1where as
     necklaces and other objects. It          fungicide such as mancozeb,             in Sri Lanka, it is 2.1 t ha-1.
     includes var. stenocarpa and             captan can control leaf blight          Future Line of Work
     var. monilifer. The cultivated           disease. Head smut can be                          Job’s tear is a hardy
     variety Coix lacryma-jobi var.           controlled by spraying benomyl          and vigorous growing plant. It
     ma-yuen is harvested as a cereal         (systemic) or thiram (contact).         requires a very less fertility or no
     crop, has a soft shell and is used       Integrated insect and pest              fertility. So one can opt a place in
     medicinally in parts of Asia. As         management approach always              uncultivated and marginal lands
     the crop is still underutilized, not     stand first in crop production,         of hill regions. There appears to
     much research has been done to           hence broad spectrum of control         be a tremendous potential for
     develop new varieties.                   can be possible.                        cultivating coix in hills ecosystem
     Manuring                                 Harvesting                              to sustain the tribal livelihood.
                Around 10-20 tons of                   Normal crop is harvested       The major bottlenecks of
     FYM is mixed in the soil during          in 4-5 months if there is no            production and processing
     the land preparation ten to fifteen      seasonal variation. Duration of         technology need to be resolved
     days before sowing. The organic          the crop is always regional and         by taking research on priority
     matter helps in maintaining the          climate bounded. Plants are cut         areas viz. yield enhancement
     good soil texture and better             off at base and grain separated         by increasing harvest index,
     water retention capacity. The            by threshing. Seeds are dried in        synchronous maturity, lodging
     plant does not require much              sun prior to milling and maintain       resistance etc. A population
     fertilizer application but use of        8-12 % moisture before packing          improvement programme for
     organic mulches has been found           the grains. Threshing and               locally adapted varieties as well
     to have positive effect on the           winnowing operation are carried         as programme for development
     yield of the crop.                       out according to the need of            of composites in coix may be
     Irrigation                               the seeds, as well as consumer          undertaken by research center
                This crop is usually          requirements.                           located in the hills.
     grown under rain fed condition.          Yield                                              Besides promoting coix
     Crop is tolerant to drought                       Grain yield being              cultivation in the upland / hills,
     condition. However irrigation            a complex character, is the             special efforts should be made
     at critical stages of crop               sum of many morphological               to introduce coix cultivation
     such as germination, grain               and biochemical events which            to uncultivated marginal and
     formation etc., will increase            occur during the crop growth            degraded lands in hills and
     the yield manifold than the              and development. The yield              much importance to be given to
     rainfed cultivation. Irrigated crop      per unit land area depends              expansion of crop area in plain
     production enables the higher            on the total bio-productivity           lands. This will not only generate
     dry-matter accumulation and              and its partitioning into the           income for poor farmers but also
     thereby increases the fodder             economically important parts.           improve the structure of these
     availability in the agriculture          Yield of grains varies upon the         lands to sustain agriculture for
     s e c t o r. C r o p n e e d s 6 - 1 0   strain which is being cultivated.       future generations. A concerted
     irrigation to complete its life          Developmental stages of crop            effort is thus, needed by research
     cycle with luxurious supply of           depend on the local climate and         institutions, farmers and all the
     water.                                   soil type. In India, average yield      government organizations in
     Crop Protection                          of 2 - 4.5 t ha-1 is expected in        making improvement of such
                Job’s tears is a hardy        hill regions and little less in plain   valuable and nutritive crop into
     plant and severe incidence               areas. Grains are harvested first.      daily life of the people for the
     of diseases is not much                  Straw is removed from the field         better tomorrow.

     SEPTEMBER 2020
Roshin Mariam George
Dr. Beena Thomas
College of Agriculture, Vellayani

 Growing and                        O
                                                  rchids represent
                                                  a pinnacle of
                                                  evolutionary success
                                                  in the plant kingdom.

                                    They are possibly the largest
                                    family of flowering plants on
                                    Earth. Phalaenopsis orchids,
                                    commonly known moth orchids

                                    are the second most important
                                    orchid genera having an inherent
                                    charm that is lacking in other
                                    species or hybrids. Phalaenopsis

                                    has become an important cut-
                                    flower crop, with large flowers
                                    possessing unusually long-
                                    lasting qualities. These plants
                                    exhibit an incredible range of
                                    diversity in size, shape, structure,
                                    colour and fragrance of the
                                    flower. During 2005 in United

                                         KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal
                                                      SEPTEMBER 2020       19
Lianher            occur naturally in the tropical
Lianher                                                   Orange             areas and require warm humid
Happy Song                                                                   conditions. A Day temperature
                                                                             of 29-30°C is usually preferred
                                                                             and night temperature should
                                                                             not go below 15.5°C. A small
                                                                             difference is essential between
                                                                             day and night temperatures.
                                                                                      D u r i n g t h e d a y, a
                                                                             minimum of 70% humidity must
                                                                             be maintained. If the temperature
                                                                             rises it is essential to boost the
                                                                             humidity by watering and misting
                                                                             more frequently. Humidity should
                                                                             be less at night, especially when
                                                                             plants are in flowering stage.
                                                                             Phalaenopsis may be grown
                                                                             outside in places shaded by
                                                                             trees and with fine natural air
   King car                                                                  movement. In greenhouses,
   purple queen                                                              where outside air is dry, it is
                                                                             better to maintain humidity and
      States, potted orchids gained       Varieties                          secure air movement.
      a total wholesale value of US               There are several          Light
      $144 million and Phalaenopsis       varieties of moth orchid, each              Phalaenopsis need
      orchids earned 75% of all the       with its own distinct blossom      bright diffuse light conditions for
      orchids sold replacing Cattleya     style. Some of them include King   strong growth and good flower
      which was the most popular type     Car Purple Queen, Reyoung          production. Some varieties
      of 1980s. The following factors     Gold, Lianher Happy Song and       that need high light levels to
      must be considered to outline the   Lianher Orange.                    bloom may be sunburned if
      strategies to grow moth orchids     Temperature                        exposed to intense light under
      successfully.                               Phalaenopsis orchids       high temperature conditions. It is

      SEPTEMBER 2020
better to accustom them to bright      and keep the medium moist for          important to recognize and
light gradually. Even though           longer periods. Charcoal can be        control diseases and pests
light is a very important cultural     used while planting Phalaenopsis       as soon as possible. A wide
factor, its effectiveness is greatly   since it may help to remove toxic      range of pests, from insects to
influenced by temperature and          substances.                            barely visible mites attack these
humidity. Plants can be grown          Flowering                              orchids. To control insect, use
at highest light intensities when                Constant air temperatures    imidachlorpid @ 0.3 ml per litre
temperature is maintained at           above 26°C inhibit flowering of        of water at a gap of 20-30 days.
moderate level and humidity            most Phalaenopsis hybrids and a        Avoid copper based chemicals
remains high (greater than 50%).       25/20°C day/night temperature          like copper oxy chloride at higher
Air movement is important in           regime is used commercially to         concentration as copper is toxic
moderating temperatures and            induce flowering. So, growers          to orchids. To control snails and
creating uniform humidity levels       prefer to cultivate these plants       slugs metaldehyde (5%) can be
in the growing area. These plants      at daily temperature between           used. Diseases are the results
can be grown indoors under             25 and 30°C. Drier conditions          of infections by bacteria, fungi
indirect light.                        with brighter daylight during          and viruses. To keep the soft
Water                                  this time may help flowering.          rot diseases in check, spray
         A very critical aspect        Do not cut the spikes of plants        mancozeb @ 1 gram per litre
in the successful culturing of         once flowered since they re-           of water at an interval of 10-
orchids is “watering”. It is very      bloom on the same spike. After         20 days. If yellowing of leaf or
important for plant’s health that      flowering, the spike can be cut        rotting of stem is found, spray
good quality water is applied          back to the node nearest to the        Bavistin (Carbendazim) @ 1
in preferred quantities and at         flowers. This flower spike may         gram per litre of water. During
required times. Phalaenopsis           either produce a second flower         this time reduce the water to
orchids require a moist condition      spike later, develop into a keiki      the plants. If there is rotting
and hence require steady flow          or plantlet or sometimes it may        symptom, cut that portion and
of water supply. Although much         wither and die.                        apply mancozeb as a paste in the
of the water passes through the        Fertilizers                            cut portion. Also keep the plant
pot, it dissolves salts and other                At rapid growth phase        dry for few days until the rot gets
harmful materials and removes          during monsoon and cooler              under control. A good strategy
them from the media. Generally,        periods of the year, Phalaenopsis      is to inspect the plants often for
watering should be done enough         require frequent applications of       symptoms of pests or diseases.
in the day to allow the plant          weak fertilizer solutions. Growth      Isolate affected plants from new
surfaces to dry before evening.        is slower during summer months,        plants. Use mechanical methods
Greenhouses remain cooler and          so fertilizing can be less frequent.   of removal followed by low
the plants don’t dry quickly even      20-20-20 or 19:19:19 at the            toxicity chemicals. Biologically
on cloudy days.                        rate of 2 grams per litre of water     active controls like Pseudomonas
Media                                  seems to yield good results. Do        exist but may not eradicate the
          Phalaenopsis prefer          not give organic fertilizers much      problem completely.
to have their medium remain            as the leaves are soft and may                  During the time of its
constantly moist. The medium           get fungal infection.                  introduction into cultivation,
most often employed include            Other factors to be taken              more than a century ago, this
coconut husk chips, coconut husk       care of                                lovely orchid has won the favour
fibres, hardwood charcoal and                    Avoid water in the crown     of orchid growers, but for many
tile pieces (depending upon your       of the plant to prevent rotting        years its culture was considered
watering habit and humidity).          which leads to the death of the        extremely difficult as healthy and
Re-potting can be done when            plant. Good cultural practices,        vigorous specimens were rare.
the plants have over grown in the      hygienically maintained healthy        Phalaenopsis is no longer an
pots or when the potting medium        plants greatly diminish pests          orchid to challenge the master
has deteriorated. Plastic pots are     and disease conditions in              growers but is now an accepted
common since they are cheaper          Phalaenopsis collection. It is         orchid even for the beginners.

                                                                                  KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal
                                                                                               SEPTEMBER 2020       21
Protected Cultivation
     High Yielding
     Cucumber Hybrid
                 u c u m b e r             greenhouses. Salad cucumbers      AmalPremachandran
                 (Cucumis sativus L.)      are mainly preferred for their Dr.MeeraManjusha A. V
                 is one of the most        sensory traits, saturated aroma,  Dr.AnjuPadmanabhan
                 popular vegetable         crisp texture and fresh tastes.         Assistant Professor RARS Pilicode

     crops cultivated broadly              This fact demands the breeders
     throughout the world. It grows        to work not only for increasing
     productively under conditions         of productivity and resistance to
     of high humidity, high light,         economically important diseases,
     fertilizers and moisture in plastic   but to direct a special attention

     SEPTEMBER 2020
on a wide variety of soil types;        for macro and micro nutrient
                                        however, deep, fertile soils            content. Depending on results
                                        that are well drained, with a           of these analyses, needs for
                                        pH between 6 to 6.5 is ideal.           fertilization to provide macro
                                        Poor plant growth and reduced           nutrients such as nitrogen,
                                        yield can result from soil that is      phosphorus, potassium,
                                        excessively acidic with pH below        calcium, magnesium and sulfur
                                        6. Weed and pest control are            are determined.
                                        also important management                        The time from planting
                                        practices to ensure optimum             to harvest can be relatively
                                        production in green houses.             quick in as few as 36 to 40 days
                                        Cucumber plants are susceptible         from planting depending on
                                        to a variety of insect, bacterial,      variety and weather conditions.
                                        fungal and nematode infections.         As an approximation, a first
                                        Early identification of such            harvest date can be predicted by
                                        infections or infestations is the key   counting forward 8 to 10 days
                                        to appropriate and rapid control        from the first appearance of fully
                                        methods. Disease prevention             opened female flowers.
                                        strategies include crop rotation,                Salad cucumbers are
                                        careful field selection, sanitation,    harvested at a variety of stages,
                                        soil treatments and appropriate         from quite young to mature
                                        seed selections.                        before seeds reach final maturity
                                                 It is a common practice        and harden. Those that are
                                        to utilize soil mulches. It controls    harvested prior to maturation of
                                        weeds, protect from insects,            seeds are marketed as seedless.
                                        modify soil temperatures,               Fruit is harvested when uniform
                                        conserve water and control              length, shape and diameter are
to the sensory properties of the        erosion. Mulches can include            reached and before yellowing
fruits. Recently Kerala Agriculture     peat moss or other organic              appears at the blossom end.
University have developed a             materials. Many commercial              In general, harvest length is
salad cucumber variety KPCH-1,          operations use plastic covering         determined by target market.
the first of its kind in south Indian   as a mulch to protect crops.            Typical fruit length in English type
public sector.                                   Irrigation is accomplished     cucumbers for the fresh whole
          Salad cucumbers are           either through flooding furrows         market is 30 to 30cm, garden
grown in either fields or green         or direct drip lines laid along         cucumbers destined for the fresh
houses. Green house grown               the planted rows. Cucumbers             sliced market are harvested at
cucumber plants are normally            require frequent irrigation during      18 to 23 cm, Total expected
established as transplants.             the growing period. Too little          yield depends directly on length
Greenhouse cucumber plants              moisture will affect fruit shape        of harvest period. Yields range
have very large leaves and              whereas water soaked fields can         from one to three pounds of fruit
grow vigorously. Each plant is          lead to mildew and other disease        per plant per week during the
provided five to seven square feet      problems.                               peak harvest period. A normal
of space and is always grown on                  Determining the need           harvest period of 12 weeks in
a trellis. Greenhouse cucumbers         for fertilization of cucumber           a well-managed crop can yield
require close monitoring of             growing areas is generally              a total of 8 to 12Kg of fruit per
nutrients to maintain good              made through both soil nutrient         plant.
health and productivity. Like           analysis (typically done at least                Note- Seeds of KPCH is
most commodities, cucumbers             four months before planting) and        available at Dept of Olericulture,
do best under certain soil              plant tissue nutrient analysis. For     College of Horticulture
and temperature conditions.             plant tissue analysis, growing          Vellanikkara, Kerala Agricultural
Cucumbers can be planted                leaves are sampled and analyzed         University (Rs. 5-7 per seed).

                                                                                     KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal
                                                                                                  SEPTEMBER 2020       23
                                                    Pradeepika C1,2
                                                    Selvakumar R3
                                                  Krishnakumar T1
                                                          Sirisha T1
                                                   Suresh Kumar J1
                                                           More S1

                                                  Hanume Gowda1
                                                       Sajeev M.S.1
                                        1ICAR-Central Tuber Crop Research Institute,
                                    Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
                                       2Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota
                                    State University, Fargo, North Dakota State, USA.
                                       3Centre for Protected Cultivation Technology,
                                    ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa

                                                         Campus, New Delhi-110012.

     A Way to

     SEPTEMBER 2020
           whole plant-based diet             in order to increase production,     importance of consuming
           defined as a nutritious,           develops antibody resistant          colorful phytonutrient-enriched
           c o s t- e f f e c t i v e a n d   bacterial strains in farm animals    plant-based foods. Rainbow diet
           ecologically sustainable           and results in different kind of     concept emphasizes different
diet comprising higher amounts                cancers in people. Especially        colored vegetables and fruits
of vegetables, whole grains, fruits           stressed and crowded animal          relating to the health of different
and nuts; mainly dominated by                 rearing conditions can become        organs of the body. For instance,
fresh or minimally processed                  breeding grounds of greater          consuming red colored apples,
plant foods and limited amounts               pandemics. These pandemics           cherries, beets and strawberries
of animal-based products. On                  should be stopped at least from      benefits the adrenal glands
the contrary, an animal-based                 now by avoiding consumption          health.
diet dependency contributes                   of an animal-based diet (factory             The term ‘plant-based
many health-related risks                     farmed animals). According           diet’ has changed a lot over
including most recent COVID-19                to evidence-based studies two        the decades with diversified
(Coronavirus disease 2019),                   major factors play important         foods and ample food supply
AIDS, and measles. In addition,               role in human longevity, genetics    chains. Food diversification led
it contributes to the rapid climate           and lifestyle choices. In terms of   consumers to choose healthy
change by increasing production               genetics, transmission of harmful    and nutritionally rich diet to
of greenhouse gases due to                    genes from parents is inevitable,    maintain all-round health.
large scale livestock rearing                 therefore it is better to work on    Mainly diversified dietary patterns
or creation of pasturelands                   our second-best option which         include vegan diet which is
for farm animals. An article                  is lifestyle choices especially      solely vegetables and fruit-based
published by Klaus Michelle                   food habits. Adopting healthy        diet with complete exclusion
(2020) had given detailed                     plant-based dietary patterns         of animal source and dairy
explanation, how humanity                     can change the people’s health       products, whereas vegetarian
will be finished if we continue               in a positive way for being          dietary pattern includes plant-
eating factory farming products               cardioprotective due to presence     based diet with few animal
such as farm animals (chickens,               of essential nutrients such as       source products such as eggs
cattle, pigs, ducks). Rearing                 bioactive compounds, vitamins,       and dairy. In order to access the
of livestock under intensive                  minerals, proteins and dietary       nutritional adequacy, individual
conditions including cramped,                 (Willett et al. 2019). In this       dietary choices are critical,
dirty, stressed conditions, use of            context, a rainbow diet concept      and which are purely driven by
growth hormones and antibiotics               introduced by Dr. Minich, gives      several factors such as ecological

                               Fig.1. Plant-based foods and its health benefits

                                                                                       KERALA KARSHAKAN e-journal
                                                                                                    SEPTEMBER 2020       25
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