Page created by Johnny Buchanan


          Key Decisions

Kingston upon Hull City Council

                                       Forward Plan
What is the Forward Plan?

Forward Plan is a list of the key (major) decisions that the Council will make giving a
minimum of 28 days notice. The Plan is updated regularly.

What is a key decision?

Key decisions are defined as an Executive decision which is likely: -

  ●     to result in the Council incurring significant expenditure or making savings which are
        above a financial threshold set by the Council (by way of guidance, the Council has
        decided that significant expenditure or savings are £250,000 or more, having regard to
        the Council’s approved budget for the service or function to which the decision
        relates), or

  ●     to be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area
        comprising two or more electoral Wards in the area of the Council.

What does the Forward Plan tell me?

The Plan gives information about: -

  ●     What key decisions are coming forward
  ●     When those key decisions are likely to be taken
  ●     Who will make those decisions
  ●     What consultation will be undertaken
  ●     Who you can make representations to, and how
  ●     What documents will be presented
  ●     Who you can contact for further information
  ●     Whether the discussion and documents will be open to the public

Who takes key decisions?

Under the Council’s Constitution, key decisions can be taken by the Cabinet, Cabinet
Committees, Area Committees, an individual member of the Cabinet or an individual officer
acting under delegated powers.

However, most key decisions are taken at public meetings of the Cabinet, Cabinet
Committees or Area Committees. The dates of these meetings are scheduled and agendas
and reports are available for public inspection five working days before the meetings.

How do I make contact?

Each entry in the Forward Plan indicates the name(s) of relevant people to contact about that
particular item.

How do I get copies of agendas and reports?

The agendas and reports for meetings of Council, Cabinet, Cabinet Committees and Area
Committees (as well as other Council Committees) are available five days before the
meeting. They can be viewed on the Council’s website, Please
telephone 300300 for further information or assistance.

Some of the reports you request may contain exempt or confidential information. If this is the
case, the reports are not available for inspection or copying.


If you have any comments or questions about the Forward Plan, we would positively
welcome them. Please send them to:

The Committee & Scrutiny Team, Guildhall, Kingston upon Hull. HU1 2AA

Cabinet Member Details
 Name                            Tel No.   E-mail                                Fax No.
Councillor Stephen Brady -
                                 01482                                           01482
Leader of the Council –          
                                 615071                                          613046
City Enabler: Key Partnerships
Cllr Daren Hale, Deputy Leader
of the Council –
Economic Investment,             01482         01482
Regeneration and Planning,       615111                                          613046
Land and Property

Councillor Phil Webster –
                                 01482      01482
Finance and Transformation
                                 614808                                          613046
Councillor Peter Clark –
Learning, Skills and             01482        01482
Safeguarding Children            615127                                          613046

Councillor Gwen Lunn –
Adult Services and Public        01482         01482
Health                           615127                                          613046

Councillor John Black –
                                 01482        01482
                                 613351                                          613046

Councillor Dave Craker –
                                 01482       01482
Culture, Leisure and Tourism
                                 613450                                          613046

Councillor Anita Harrison –
                                 01482     01482
Operational Services
                                 615085                                          613046

Councillor Mike Thompson –
Neighbourhoods, Communities      01482     01482
and Environment                  615014                                          613046

Councillor Rosemary
Pantelakis –                     
                                 01482                                           01482
Corporate Services
                                 613450                                          613046


Subject of Decision                 Decision       Internal Deadline      Expected Date of
                                    Maker          for Draft Reports to   Decision
                                                   Monitoring Officer
                                                   and Section 151
Leader of the Council
Corporate Plan                      Cabinet/                              17 December Cabinet
                                    Council                               17 January 2018
Council’s Medium Term               Cabinet/                              17 December 2018
Financial Plan 2019/20 to           Council                               Cabinet
2021/22, 2019/20 General Fund                                             28 January 2019
Revenue Budget and 2019/20                                                Cabinet
HRA Budget and the Capital                                                28 February 2019
Strategy 2019/20 (incorporating                                           Council
the Capital Programme 2019/20
to 2021/22)
City Plan                           Cabinet/                      17 December Cabinet
                                    Council                       17 January 2018
Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder: – Economic Investment,
Regeneration and Planning, Land and Property
Transfer of freehold land at        Director of                   Not before 7 July
Sidmouth Primary School,            Children,                     2017
Thanet Primary School, and          Young
Woodland Primary School             People and
Humber LEP – Industrial             Cabinet       12 October 2017 22 January 2018
Scott Street Bridge                 Cabinet /                     Not before 2 August
                                    Leader of the                 2018
Hull Council Corporate Office       Councillor                    22 October 2018
Building Maintenance                Hale
programme for Hull City Hall
Hull Council Corporate Office       Councillor                    22 October 2018
Building Maintenance                Hale
programme for Central Library
Maintenance & Repairs contract Cabinet            25 October 2018 17 December 2018
for all Passenger Lifts (within all
corporate buildings and multi
occupied housing buildings)
Hull City Council – Fruit Market    Cabinet       4 October 2018  26 November 2018
LLP Loan

To obtain approvals and             Cabinet        4 October 2018         26 November 2018
Subject of Decision               Decision    Internal Deadline      Expected Date of
                                  Maker       for Draft Reports to   Decision
                                              Monitoring Officer
                                              and Section 151
relevant subsequent
permissions to redevelop Albion
Reshaping of the Commercial       Cabinet      4 October 2018        26 November 2018
Property Portfolio
Portfolio Holder: Finance and Transformation
Portfolio Holder: Learning, Skills and Safeguarding Children
New Build 6 bedroom Children’s Deputy                                Not before 26
Home                              Leader                             November 2018
Commissioning of non-             Committees                         19 December 2018
registered support services for   in Common
young people aged 16 Plus
Portfolio Holder: Adult Services and Public Health
Re-procurement of a Stop          Committees   4 October 2018        28 November 2018
Smoking Service                   in Common
New Physical Activity Strategy    Cabinet      11 February 2019      25 February 2019
for Hull
Re procurement of the Doula       Committees                         27 February 2019
and Breastfeeding Peer Support in Common
Supported Living Framework        Committees                         19 December 2018
                                  in Common
Provision of Homecare Services Leader                                30 November 2018
in response to Allied Healthcare
Ceasing Trading
Portfolio Holder: Housing
Affordable Warmth Strategy        Cabinet      08 September 2017     19 February 2018
Procurement of the new build      Cabinet      4 October 2018        26 November 2018
housing small sites programme
and entering funding
agreements for grant funding to
deliver Housing Growth
Ferensway House repairs and        Leader                            Not before 30
refurbishment                                                        October 2018
Portfolio Holder: Culture, Leisure and Tourism
Portfolio Holder: Operational Services
Procurement of the Provision of    Leader       08 September 2017    Not before 23
Enforcement Services                                                 October 2017
Wold Road & Wymersley Road        Cabinet      4 October 2018        26 November 2018
carriageway maintenance
Subject of Decision          Decision       Internal Deadline      Expected Date of
                             Maker          for Draft Reports to   Decision
                                            Monitoring Officer
                                            and Section 151
Procurement of Litter           Cabinet     29 November 2018  28 January 2019
Enforcement Services
Procurement of Highway          Cabinet   29 November 2018    28 January 2019
Portfolio Holder: Neighbourhoods and Communities and Environment
Portfolio Holder: Corporate Services

Councillor Stephen Brady

   Leader of the Council

                                KEY DECISION

City Manager                                Ref No.     0049/18

Matt Jukes
Chief Executive                             First Date of Entry - 26 October 2018

Likely dates of decision        17 December Cabinet
                                17 January 2018 Council
Subject                         Corporate Plan

Decision sought (NB if the      Approval of Hull City Council’s Corporate Plan in line
decision relates to a matter    with the citywide goals of the revised Hull City Plan
within a specific Area of the
City, the relevant Area
Committee can deal with it or
advise Cabinet on it)
Portfolio Holder                The Leader
Decision to be taken by         Cabinet 17 December 2018 - Approval of final
                                proposals for Hull’s revised City Plan and the Council’s
                                Corporate Plan

                                Council 18 January 2018 – Endorsement of Hull’s City
                                Plan and approval of Hull’s revised City Plan and the
                                Council’s Corporate Plan
Summary of issues:              The Council’s Corporate Plan forms a central part of
                                the Policy Framework. The Corporate Plan sets out to
                                make clear priorities from which the Council will
                                allocate resources and what it intends to achieve over
                                the next four years.

                                The purpose is to:

                                •   ensure that external stakeholders, (primarily Hull’s
                                    local community), have a clear statement of the
                                    Council’s priority programmes along with those areas
                                    that are to be reviewed;
                                •   enable Elected Members through the Council’s
                                    decision making processes to direct the use
                                    resources towards the priorities;
                                •   allow the Council, through all of its decision making
                                    and scrutiny processes to monitor and evaluate
                                •   act as a tool for ensuring that all of the Council’s staff
                                    are able to understand how their work contributes to
                                    the overall purpose, direction and goals of the
                                    Council; and,
                                •   enable managers to ensure that individual policies,
                                    projects and programmes are linked together across
                                    the organisation to ensure the successful
achievement of the overall priorities

                                   The Plan sets out the context within which the Council
                                   operates and will lead to a review of the overall
                                   corporate performance reporting framework to ensure
                                   progress is monitored.

Financial Implications:            The City Plan and Council’s Corporate Plan as part of
                                   the Council’s overall Policy Framework set out the
                                   strategic direction and resource prioritisation for the
                                   Medium Term Financial Strategy.
Other implications for the         Potential Impact on Service Delivery
Documents to be submitted to       Report
the decision maker for
Is the matter                      No
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and       Consultation on a draft Corporate Plan was launched by
how (NB New Policy issues          Cabinet following its decision on the 23 July 2018 and
need the views of Area             initiated with Overview and Scrutiny Management
Committees so that Cabinet         Committee on the 3 September 2018.
can assess the impact of any
policy on local residents).        Additional consultation will take place with:
                                      • Trade Unions, Chamber of Commerce, Voluntary
                                          Sector and representatives of the City’s youth
                                          during November / December 2018.
                                      • Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee 5
                                          November and 3 December 2018
How others can make                By contacting:
representations about this         Matt Jukes, Chief Executive
matter including (if the matter    Nathan Turner – Corporate Plan – Assistant City
is identified as exempt) upon      Manager (Strategic Planning and Partnerships)
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       3 January 2019
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward
Where item is identified to be     Nil
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:             Nathan Turner
from:                              Designation       Assistant City Manager (Strategic
                                                     Planning and Partnerships)
Address:   The Guildhall
Tel. No:   01482 613175
Fax. No:   N/A
                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                Ref No.       0056/18

David Bell
Director of Finance and Transformation      First Date of Entry         16 November 2018

Likely date of decision          17 December 2018 Cabinet
                                 28 January 2019 Cabinet
                                 28 February 2019 Council
Subject                          Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan 2019/20 to
                                 2021/22, 2019/20 General Fund Revenue Budget and
                                 2019/20 HRA Budget and the Capital Strategy 2019/20
                                 (incorporating the Capital Programme 2019/20 to
Decision sought (NB if the       Approve the Council’s revenue and capital budget
decision relates to a matter     proposals, including Council Tax levels, for 2019/20
within a specific Area of the    alongside the Medium Term Financial Plan
City, the relevant Area
Committee can deal with it or
advise Cabinet on it)
Portfolio Holder                 The Leader
Decision to be taken by          Cabinet 17 December 2018 – approval of budget
(and membership of the body)     proposals for consultation
                                 Cabinet 28 January 2019 – approval of budget proposals
                                 following consultation
                                 Council 28 February 2019 – formal approval of Council
                                 Budgets and Council Tax levels

Summary of issues:               Under the Budget and Policy Framework Rules the
                                 Leader of the Council is required to publish a timetable in
                                 the Forward Plan for making proposals to Council for the
                                 adoption of the budget and any plan or strategy that
                                 forms a part of the policy framework

                                 At the conclusion of the initial consultation period, the
                                 Leader is required to formulate a proposal that takes into
                                 account responses made within the consultation period.

                                 The Council is required to set a balanced budget and the
                                 robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of
                                 reserves are largely dependent on the levels of risk and

Financial Implications:          The delivery of the planned savings and major business
                                 projects are critical to the successful delivery of the
                                 Council’s budget strategy.

Other implications for the       Potential impact on service delivery
Documents to be submitted to       Report
the decision maker for
Is the matter                      No
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and       •    Trade Unions, Chamber of Commerce, Voluntary
how                                     Sector Bodies and representatives of the youth of the
                                   •    Finance and Value for Money Overview and Scrutiny

How others can make                By contacting:
representations about this         David Bell, Director of Finance and Transformation
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       8 working days before the above decision date
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward
Where item is identified to be     N/A
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto

Further information is available   Name:            David Bell
from:                              Designation      Director of Finance and Transformation
                                   Address:         The Guildhall
                                   Tel. No:         01482 613084
                                   Fax. No:         -
                                KEY DECISION

City Manager                                Ref No. 0054/18

Matt Jukes
Chief Executive                             First Date of Entry 16 November 2018

Likely dates of decision        17 December Cabinet
                                17 January 2018 Council
Subject                         City Plan

Decision sought (NB if the      Approval of Hull’s City Plan, refreshed to reflect where
decision relates to a matter    the city is now and setting out a clear long term strategic
within a specific Area of the   vision and plan for inclusive economic growth.
City, the relevant Area
Committee can deal with it or
advise Cabinet on it)
Portfolio Holder                The Leader
Decision to be taken by         Cabinet 17 December 2018 - Approval of final
                                proposals for Hull’s refreshed City Plan and the
                                Council’s Corporate Plan

                                Council 18 January 2018 – Approval of Hull’s refreshed
                                City Plan
Summary of issues:              The City Plan sets out a clear long term strategic vision
                                and plan for inclusive economic growth, to deliver a
                                growing and resilient city, creating thousands of jobs
                                and providing a better future for all the people of Hull.

                                The purpose is to:

                                •   ensure that external stakeholders, (primarily Hull’s
                                    local community), have a clear statement of the city’s
                                •   enable Elected Members through the Council’s
                                    decision making processes to direct the use of
                                    resources towards the priorities;
                                •   allow the Council, through all of its decision making
                                    and scrutiny processes to monitor and evaluate
                                •   act as a tool for ensuring that all of the Council’s staff
                                    are able to understand how their work contributes to
                                    the overall purpose, direction and goals of the Hull’s
                                    City Plan; and,
                                •   enable managers to ensure that individual policies,
                                    projects and programmes are linked together
                                    across the organisation to ensure the successful
                                    achievement of the overall priorities

Financial Implications:         The City Plan sets out the strategic direction for the
Corporate Plan as part of the Council’s overall Policy
                                   Framework and resource prioritisation for the Medium
                                   Term Financial Strategy.
Other implications for the         Potential Impact on Service Delivery
Documents to be submitted to       Report
the decision maker for
Is the matter                      No
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and       A draft refreshed City Plan was reviewed by Overview
how (NB New Policy issues          and Scrutiny Management Committee on 5 November
need the views of Area             2018.
Committees so that Cabinet
can assess the impact of any       Additional consultation will take place with:
policy on local residents).          • City Leadership Board on 13 November 2018

How others can make                By contacting:
representations about this         Matt Jukes, Chief Executive
matter including (if the matter    Malcolm Relph – City Plan – City Economy Manager
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       10 December 2018
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward
Where item is identified to be     Nil
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:          Matt Jukes
from:                              Designation    Chief Executive
                                   Address:       The Guildhall
                                   Tel. No:       01482 616322
                                   Fax. No:       N/A
Councillor Daren Hale

 Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio
Holder: Economic Investment, Regeneration
     and Planning, Land and Property

                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                 Ref No.       0039/17

City Economy Manager
                                             First Date of Entry      22 September 2017

Likely date of decision          22 January 2018

Subject                          Humber LEP – Industrial Strategy

Decision sought (NB if the       Agree the Council’s contribution to the production of a
decision relates to a matter     Humber Industrial Strategy, also referred to as the
within a specific Area of the    Humber Proposition, which will be submitted to
City, the relevant Area          Government following production of guidelines.
Committee can deal with it or
advise Cabinet on it)
Portfolio Holder                 Cllr Mancey
Decision to be taken by          Cabinet
(and membership of the body)

Summary of issues:               Following the publication of the Government’s Green
                                 Paper outlining the need to develop an Industrial
                                 Strategy, to which the Council contributed to the Humber
                                 LEPs response, the Government has outlined its
                                 proposals to develop and agree an Industrial Strategy
                                 for the UK as a major aspect of its future economic
                                 growth agenda.

                                 For Hull, the proposal is to support a Humber LEP
                                 Industrial Strategy approach, similar to that presented by
                                 the Humber Strategic Economic Plan, through the
                                 development and inclusion of an appropriate contribution
                                 reflecting Hull’s economic opportunities and needs.

                                 Whilst development of the Hull contribution can progress
                                 to meet the expected decision-making date, the
                                 development of an Industrial Strategy for the Humber
                                 and therefore for Hull, is still subject to the publication of
                                 additional guidance from Government.

                                 It has been agreed, through the Humber LEP, that
                                 submissions from the four Humber authorities will be
                                 agreed by the relevant Executive Committees (Cabinet)
Financial Implications:          There are no direct financial cost implications arising
                                 from the agreement of an Industrial Strategy as outlined
                                 as the proposed activities outlined will be developed
                                 using existing resources. However, the agreement of the
                                 contents of the Strategy will be the major consideration
                                 in the securing of additional Government funding
streams to further economic growth activity in the city.
                                   The Government is currently developing proposals for a
                                   Prosperity Fund as the major future funding opportunity
                                   for partners, including accommodating the implications
                                   on EU funding as incorporated in Brexit negotiations
Other implications for the         The agreement of the content of the Hull’s element of
Council:                           the Humber Industrial Strategy submission will be the
                                   major economic framework for furthering the relevant
                                   aspects of the City Plan and delivering future public
                                   funds for economic and infrastructure investment to
                                   deliver future incisive economic growth.
Documents to be submitted to       Report and a Hull Industrial Strategy Submission.
the decision maker for
Is the matter                      No
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and       Cabinet, Economy and Regeneration Overview and
how                                Scrutiny Commission and external partners
How others can make
representations about this
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       8 working days before the above decision date
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward

Where item is identified to be
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:          Malcom Relph
from:                              Designation    City Economy Manager
                                   Address:       Guildhall
                                   Tel. No:       (61)5002
                                   Fax. No:
                                 NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                       Ref No.          0024/17

Interim City Learning & Skills Manager,
Graham Talbot
                                                   First Date of Entry               8 June 2017

Likely date of decision               Not before 7 July 2017

Subject                               Transfer of freehold land at:

                                          a) Sidmouth Primary School
                                          b) Thanet Primary School
                                          c) Woodland Primary School

Decision sought (NB if the
decision relates to a matter within   (1) Transfer of the freehold land, in line with statutory
a specific Area of the City, the          requirements, on detailed terms to be agreed by the
relevant Area Committee can deal          Town Clerk, at:
with it or advise Cabinet on it)

                                          a) Sidmouth Primary School
                                          b) Thanet Primary School
                                          c) Woodland Primary School

Portfolio Holder                      Cllr Hale
Decision to be taken by               Director of Children, Young People and Family Services,
(and membership of the body)          Alison Murphy

Summary of issues:
                                      These schools are currently Trust Schools (also known as a
                                      foundation school with a foundation).

                                      The Schools had previously been community schools and
                                      became Trust Schools pursuant to the School Organisation
                                      (Prescribed alterations to maintained schools) (England)
                                      Regulations 2007 made under the School Standards and
                                      Framework Act 1998.

                                      At this time the beneficial interest in the land vested in the
                                      School’s relevant trust. Since that time the Schools have
                                      been entitled to a transfer of the Council’s freehold title to the
                                      land in order to register the land at the Land Registry in the
                                      name of the Trust. This has not happened to date and the
                                      current position is that the legal titles to the land are still in the
                                      name of the Council, with the Trust holding an interest in the
                                      land as vested proprietor. However the Trust has now
                                      indicated that is wishes the land transfer to take place, as it is
                                      entitled to do.

                                      The authority for the Director of Children’s Services (in
                                      consultation with the Town Clerk, City Treasurer and City HR
Manager) to make this transfer to the Trust is contained in an
                                      amendment to the Scheme of Delegation approved by the
                                      Leader of the Council dated 14th February 2013, ref:

Financial Implications:               There are no direct financial implications for the Council as
                                      this decision merely seeks to formalise a freehold transfer that
                                      operation of law deems to have been made when the school
                                      transferred to Trust status
Other implications for the Council:   N/A
Documents to be submitted to the      Decision record with accompanying report
decision maker for consideration
Is the matter confidential/exempt?    No
If yes please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and provide
reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and how      This decision will implement statutory requirements and
                                      therefore no consultation is required
How others can make                   At the address below
representations about this matter
including (if the matter is
identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations (NB:     8 working days before the above decision date
date cannot be before first date of
entry into the Forward Plan)

Where item is identified to be        N/A
considered in exempt session,
any representations received and
the response thereto
Further information is available      Name:            Richard Skog
from:                                 Designation      Operations Officer
                                      Address:         Brunswick House, Strand Close, HU29DB
                                      Tel. No:         01482 616375
                                      Fax. No:         N/A
                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                Ref No.       0043/18

Nick Howbridge
City Property and Assets Manager            First Date of Entry 21 September 2018

Likely date of decision          22 October 2018

Subject                          Hull Council Corporate Office Building Maintenance
                                 programme for Central Library
Decision sought (NB if the       Approval of capital investment of circa £300k from the
decision relates to a matter     COBM maintenance budget to appoint a contractor
within a specific Area of the    representing value for money (demonstrated through
City, the relevant Area          ‘Yor build tender’) to carry out overhauls the roofs at
Committee can deal with it or    Central Library.
advise Cabinet on it)
Portfolio Holder                 Cllr Hale
Decision to be taken by          Deputy Leader of Hull City Council.
(and membership of the body)

Summary of issues:               The works compose of a number of high priority backlog
                                 maintenance issues identified within the recently
                                 completed condition survey for the Central Library.

                                 It is proposed to renew flat roof coverings with insulated
                                 single ply waterproofing systems, renewal of pitched
                                 clay tile roof coverings and associated leadwork,
                                 including renewal of rainwater goods and Builder’s work.

                                 The works also include the renewal of timber shiplap
                                 boarding to 2no. walkways, repairs to timber windows,
                                 repairs to 1 plasterboard ceiling, concrete repairs to
                                 suspended concrete walkway, external decoration to
                                 windows, shiplap boarding, and rainwater goods, and
                                 internal decoration to affected ceilings.

                                 There will also be some associated Mechanical &
                                 Electrical works to remove and refit existing mechanical
                                 ventilation and air conditioning condenser unit
                                 installations to enable the roofing works to be
Financial Implications:          To ensure value for money NPS Humber have prepared
                                 a detailed design and specification for the works which
                                 has been be costed, tendered and appraised. The
                                 proposed work is contained within the COBM budget

Other implications for the
Documents to be submitted to     Report
the decision maker for
Is the matter                      No
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and       Consultation upon the proposals will be undertaken with
how                                Finance and Value for Money Overview and Scrutiny
                                   Commission, Finance, Legal, HR
How others can make                By contacting Nick Howbridge, City Manager Property &
representations about this         Assets
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       8 working days before the above decision date
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward

Where item is identified to be
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:          Nick Howbridge
from:                              Designation    Property & Assets
                                   Address:       John Symons House
                                   Tel. No:       612818
                                   Fax. No:
                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                Ref No.       0042/18

Nick Howbridge
                                           First Date of Entry
                                           21 September 2018
Likely date of decision          18 October 2018

Subject                          Hull Council Corporate Office Building Maintenance
                                 programme for Hull City Hall
Decision sought (NB if the       Approval of capital investment of circa £330k from the
decision relates to a matter     COBM budget to procure a contractor representing
within a specific Area of the    value for money to carry out an overhaul of Hull City Hall
City, the relevant Area          Fire Alarm and Security Alarms
Committee can deal with it or
advise Cabinet on it)
Portfolio Holder                 Cllr Hale
Decision to be taken by          Deputy Leader of Hull City Council.
(and membership of the body)

Summary of issues:               The works comprise the renewal of existing fire alarms
                                 with new system, comprising mix of wireless and wired
                                 units. Works also include the renewal of CCTV and
                                 intruder alarm system. This is to the whole of the site
                                 including external shops to ground level.

                                 Whilst the existing systems are functional they are no
                                 longer compliant to modern standards and are largely

Financial Implications:          To ensure value for money NPS Humber are preparing a
                                 detailed design and specification for the works which
                                 has been be costed and appraised. The proposed work
                                 is contained within the COBM budget

Other implications for the       Integration with Corporate ICT infrastructure and
Council:                         information governance arrangements in relation to
                                 CCTV/wifi infrastructure will need to be specified within
                                 the contract.
Documents to be submitted to     Report
the decision maker for
Is the matter                    No
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and       Consultation upon the proposals will be undertaken with
how                                Finance and Value for Money Overview and Scrutiny
                                   Commission, Finance, Legal, HR
How others can make                By contacting Nick Howbridge, City Manager Property &
representations about this         Assets
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       8 working days before the above decision date
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward

Where item is identified to be
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:          Nick Howbridge
from:                              Designation    Property & Assets
                                   Address:       John Symons House
                                   Tel. No:       612818
                                   Fax. No:
                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                Ref No.       0041/18

Mark Jones
Director of Regeneration                    First Date of Entry 21 September 2018

Likely date of decision          26 November 2018

Subject                          Draft SPD3: Environmental Quality

Decision sought (NB if the       With the adoption of the new Hull Local Plan 2016 to
decision relates to a matter     2032 on 23rd November 2017, it means that the
within a specific Area of the    Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) notes that
City, the relevant Area          accompanied the previous local plan no longer have
Committee can deal with it or    legal status.
advise Cabinet on it)
                                 The Draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 3:
                                 Environmental Quality is partly to replace SPG Note 25.
                                 Without the guidance given in this SPD compliance with
                                 the new Local Plan’s policies on atmospheric, noise and
                                 light pollution and land affected by contamination may
                                 be open to interpretation.
Portfolio Holder                 Cllr D Hale, Portfolio Holder for Economic Investment,
                                 Regeneration and Planning, Land and Property
Decision to be taken by          Cabinet
(and membership of the body)

Summary of issues:               The quality of the physical environment is virtually
                                 important for human health and wellbeing. It has been
                                 estimated that air pollution causes around 40,000 early
                                 deaths in the UK. For Hull, following research carried out
                                 by the Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollution
                                 in 2015, it is estimated that 4.8% of deaths among those
                                 aged 30+ years are attributable to air pollution
                                 (compared to 4.7% for England).
                                 Noise and light pollution can lead to an individual’s
                                 annoyance and stress and can have a harmful effect on
                                 local amenity and the city’s natural ecosystems
                                 (including the Humber Estuary International Site).
                                 The safe reusing of land that has been previously
                                 developed is often central to addressing sustainable
                                 development within city and when brownfield land has
                                 been affected by contamination, its successful
                                 remediation ensures that any unacceptable risk to health
                                 or the environment is dealt with appropriately. The urban
                                 nature and industrial past of Hull means that this reuse
                                 of potentially contaminated land is crucial for the city’s
continued economic growth.
                                   Therefore this SPD has been prepared to guide
                                   applicants through the planning process to ensure that
                                   Hull’s physical environment is not harmed by a planning
                                   proposal and that any significant adverse impacts of a
                                   development scheme are addressed at the most
                                   appropriate stage of the planning process.
                                   The planning policies covered by this SPD are
                                   concerned with ensuring that a development is an
                                   acceptable use of land and buildings and that the
                                   predicted impacts of a proposal’s implementation have
                                   been considered appropriately.
Financial Implications:            The preparation of the Hull Local Plan 2016 to 2032
                                   required considerable investment of time and resources
                                   to prepare and for it to be adopted. The environmental
                                   quality policies contained in this document are crucial to
                                   protecting people and places from unacceptable risks
                                   from pollution. To not endorse this SDP would waste
                                   resources already spent.
Other implications for the         The Hull Local Plan and its policies aim to protect the
Council:                           health and wellbeing of the city’s population and reflect
                                   the aspirations of the City Plan and Council’s ambition to
                                   make Hull a healthier city.
Documents to be submitted to       Draft Supplementary Planning Document 3:
the decision maker for             Environmental quality
Is the matter                      Not Exempt
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and       This draft document will go for public consultation for 6
how                                weeks. It will be made available to the general public via
                                   the Council’s website and at the Wilson Centre, The
                                   Guildhall, Hull History Centre and at the Council’s
                                   Customer Service Centres and libraries.
How others can make                See above
representations about this
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       8 working days before the above decision date
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward
Where item is identified to be     N/A
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:         Kate Leeming
from:                              Designation   Policy Planner
                                   Address:      Rooms 91- 98, The Guildhall
                                   Tel. No:      01482 612369
                                   Fax. No:
                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                Ref No.        0038/18

Nick Howbridge
City Property and Assets Manager            First Date of Entry 21 September 2018

Likely date of decision          26 November 2018

Subject                          Reshaping of the Commercial Property Portfolio

Decision sought (NB if the       Progress Report and the delegation of authority to the
decision relates to a matter     City Manager, Property & Assets to agree terms for the
within a specific Area of the    disposal of additional assets detailed in the report.
City, the relevant Area
Committee can deal with it or
advise Cabinet on it)
Portfolio Holder                 Cllr Hale
Decision to be taken by          Strategy approval at Cabinet, implementation by City
(and membership of the body)     Manager Property & Assets

Summary of issues:               Progress report on the implementation of
                                 approved Council strategy to reshape the
                                 commercial portfolio and improve its performance
                                 through the disposal of selected assets,
                                 reinvestment in retained assets; the approval to
                                 dispose of specific assets and the delegation to
                                 City Manager Property & Assets to agree terms of
                                 each disposal.

Financial Implications:          The implementation of the strategy will deliver capital
                                 receipts toward the Council’s annual asset realisation
                                 target and present opportunities to reinvest some of the
                                 receipts in the retained portfolio or acquire new assets in
                                 order to sustain/increase rental income.

Other implications for the       The implementation of the strategy will, over time,
Council:                         reduce the Council’s expenditure and resourcing costs
                                 associated with managing and administering the
                                 commercial portfolio.

Documents to be submitted to     Formal report
the decision maker for
Is the matter                    Yes. It contains information relating to the financial or
confidential/exempt? If yes      business affairs of any particular person (including the
please quote the relevant        authority holding that information).If not kept confidential
paragraph of the Local           the content of this report could adversely impact on
Government Act 1972 and          future negotiations regarding the disposal of corporate
provide reasons why exempt       assets and directly affect relationships with business
Who we intend to consult and       The report will be considered by the Overview and
how (NB New Policy issues          Scrutiny Management Committee
need the views of Area
Committees so that Cabinet
can assess the impact of any
policy on local residents).
How others can make                By contacting Nick Howbridge, City Manager Property &
representations about this         Assets
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward

Where item is identified to be     Nil
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:          John Haymes
from:                              Designation    Principal Property Officer ,Property &
                                   Address:       John Symons House
                                   Tel. No:       612820
                                   Fax. No:
                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                 Ref No.        0052/18

Garry Taylor
City Major Projects and Infrastructure       First Date of Entry          26 October 2018

Likely date of decision           26 November 2018

Subject                           Hull City Council – Fruit Market LLP Loan

Decision sought (NB if the        To seek Cabinet approval for the Council to provide
decision relates to a matter      a commercial fixed rate loan to the Fruit Market
within a specific Area of the     Limited Liability Partnership (FMLLP) to enable the
City, the relevant Area           provision of a new build multi-storey car park facility
Committee can deal with it or     that will provide c350 spaces on site B (former
advise Cabinet on it)             Bonus Electrical site) within the Fruit Market (plan
                                  provided at Appendix 1).

Portfolio Holder                  Cllr Hale Portfolio Holder for Economic Investment,
                                  Regeneration and Planning, Land and Property

Decision to be taken by           Cabinet
(and membership of the body)

Summary of issues:                The Council has established a Joint Venture with
                                  Wykeland to take forward the development of the Fruit
                                  Market. The public/private partnership vehicle, FLMLLP,
                                  is considering a proposal to develop a Headquarters
                                  building however, to that end have sought a loan from
                                  the Council to deliver a multi storey car park.

Financial Implications:           FMLLP have requested a loan totaling £3.2 million
Other implications for the        The construction of the car park is an integral
Council:                          building block in a chain of strategic decisions that
                                  support effective infrastructure development within
                                  the city centre.

Documents to be submitted to      Cabinet Report
the decision maker for
Is the matter                     The report is likely to be exempt in part
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and       Relevant portfolio holders.
How others can make                By writing to the Monitoring Officer of the Council
representations about this
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       8 working days before the above decision date
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward

Where item is identified to be     None received first issue
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:           Dave Gower
from:                              Designation     Senior Project Manager
                                   Address:        3rd Floor Earle House, Colonial Street,
                                                   Hull HU2 8JN
                                   Tel. No:        731 194
                                   Fax. No:
                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                            Ref No.       0048/18

Nick Howbridge,
City Property & Assets Manager

Dave Richmond,                          First Date of Entry        26 October 2018
City Neighbourhoods & Housing
Manager –

Likely date of decision                 17 December 2018

Subject                                 Maintenance & Repairs contract for all Passenger
                                        Lifts (within all corporate buildings and multi
                                        occupied housing buildings)
Decision sought (NB if the decision     Approve and authorise an appropriate
relates to a matter within a specific   Procurement method to seek tenders from
Area of the City, the relevant Area     suppliers to undertake maintenance, servicing,
Committee can deal with it or advise    and repairs to all Passenger Lifts within the
Cabinet on it)                          councils buildings.
Portfolio Holder                        Councillor Hale
Decision to be taken by                 Cabinet
(and membership of the body)
Summary of issues:                      The current contract for these requirements ends
                                        on 31st May 2019 (this includes all extension
                                        options). This is an essential contracted
                                        requirement and the timescales of a decision at
                                        December Cabinet will enable a full OJEU tender
                                        to be undertaken, and awarded allowing a new
                                        contract to follow seamlessly.
Financial Implications:                 The spend on the current contract value requires a
                                        full EU and OJEU tender process to ensure Public
                                        Contract Regulations are adhered to.
Other implications for the Council:     Tendering at this time could also be positive as
                                        there is the opportunity to include in this new
                                        specification, a requirement to meet with the
                                        Council’s ‘City SMART’ objective.
Documents to be submitted to the        Formal Pre-Tender Report and also Pre-Tender
decision maker for consideration        Decision Record
Is the matter confidential/exempt? If   No
yes please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local Government
Act 1972 and provide reasons why
Who we intend to consult and how         Consultation shall include NPS (Humber) who
                                         provide technical expertise on Lift engineering and
                                         repairs (they also act as Contract Manager).
                                         Consultation shall also include Corporate
                                         Procurement, Commercial Legal Team, Housing
                                         Investment Services, Finance and Human
                                         Resources as a minimum.
How others can make                      By contacting Lee Marshall in Corporate
representations about this matter        Procurement in the first instance.
including (if the matter is identified
as exempt) upon whether the matter
should be considered in public
Deadline for representations (NB:        8 working days before the above decision date
date cannot be before first date of
entry into the Forward Plan)
Where item is identified to be
considered in exempt session, any
representations received and the
response thereto
Further information is available         Name:       Lee Marshall
from:                                    Designation Senior Procurement Officer
                                         Address:    Room 154 The Guildhall
                                         Tel. No:
                                         Fax. No:
                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                 Ref No.       0051/18

Garry Taylor,
City Major Projects and Infrastructure       First Date of Entry 26th October 2018

Likely date of decision           26th November 2018

Subject                           To obtain approvals and relevant subsequent
                                  permissions to redevelop Albion Square.
Decision sought (NB if the        To seek the relevant permissions to progress the
decision relates to a matter      delivery of the Albion Square development and to
within a specific Area of the     present a planned and managed proposal to deliver a
City, the relevant Area           successful scheme on this site.
Committee can deal with it or
advise Cabinet on it)
Portfolio Holder                  Cllr. Craker Portfolio Holder for Culture, Leisure and
                                  Cllr. Hale Portfolio Holder for Economic Investment,
                                  Regeneration and Planning, Land and Property
Decision to be taken by           Cabinet
(and membership of the body)

Summary of issues:                In the context of the current and foreseeable market
                                  conditions, that the Council moves away from the
                                  previously preferred option of bringing in an overarching
                                  developer partner, to an alternative mixed public/private
                                  delivery as the preferred option. This approach will allow
                                  the Council to react quickly to current retail demands
                                  and provide the ability to ensure the legal commitment of
                                  external investment before committing any funding

                                  The proposed option of procuring smaller parcels to
                                  broaden the options of potential investors/partners
                                  increases the possibility of the scheme happening, but
                                  will require careful management of the Council’s risk
                                  through key gateway stages.

                                  In short, maintaining momentum and allowing the
                                  Council to continue place-shaping and economic
                                  regeneration, whilst minimising credential and financial

Financial Implications:           Allocation of up to £1m within the Capital
                                  Programme (to be included on the basis that costs
                                  will be recovered as part of a final scheme funding
                                  package) to procure early contractor engagement
(with break clauses).

Other implications for the         N/A
Documents to be submitted to       Report and accompanying exempt appendices
the decision maker for
Is the matter                      Exempt due to the inclusion of financial information
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and       The Forward Plan entry will be considered by relevant
how                                portfolio holders and Overview and Scrutiny
                                   Management Committee.

How others can make                By contacting the report author in writing by letter or e-
representations about this         mail
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       8 working days before the above decision date
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward

Where item is identified to be     None received first issue
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:           Garry Taylor
from:                              Designation     City Manager – Major Projects and
                                   Address:        Earle House, Third Floor, Colonial Street
                                   Tel. No:        01482 615115
                                   Fax. No:
                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                Ref No. 0028/18

Andy Burton, City Streetscene Manager
                                            First Date of Entry           4th July 2018

Likely date of decision          Not before 2nd August, 2018

Subject                          Scott Street Bridge

Decision sought (NB if the       To agree to secure a contractor to undertake the
decision relates to a matter     required removal of the drawbridge and appropriate
within a specific Area of the    alteration of Scott Street bridge in order to mitigate the
City, the relevant Area          hazard to mariners, with expedition either through the
Committee can deal with it or    Environmental Agency Framework Contract or YorCivil2
advise Cabinet on it)            Framework Contract.

                                 To recover and store the Banksy artwork whilst the
                                 Council seeks to replace the artwork in the immediate
                                 vicinity and sensitive to its origins.

                                 To re-profile the allocation of capital funds for Bridges
                                 and Structures in the Council’s capital budget to fund the

Portfolio Holder                 Cllr Hale
Decision to be taken by          Cabinet / Leader of the Council
(and membership of the body)

Summary of issues:               There is a need to undertake removal of the drawbridge
                                 and some alterations to the bridge in order for the
                                 Council to fulfil its obligations as a Navigation Authority.

Financial Implications:          A one off capital allocation be established to remedy
                                 current requirements.

Other implications for the       Failure to undertake some works will, as the bridge
Council:                         deteriorates, lead to a closure of the river in order to
                                 mitigate the risk to shipping.

Documents to be submitted to     Structural report, Report to the Leader
the decision maker for
Is the matter                    No
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local           The report not exempt, however the Appendix to the
Government Act 1972 and          report is Not for Publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of
provide reasons why exempt         Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act,
                                   1972 as they contain information relating to the financial
                                   or business affairs of any particular person (including the
                                   authority holding that information), and the public
                                   interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the
                                   public interest in disclosing the information.

Who we intend to consult and       Infrastructure and Energy Overview and Scrutiny
how                                Commission
                                   Historic England (formal process via Planning)

How others can make                Via e-mail to Richard Townend, City Engineer (Traffic
representations about this         and Transport Network)
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       8 working days before the above decision date
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward

Where item is identified to be
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:           Richard Townend
from:                              Designation     City Engineer – Traffic and Transport
                                   Address:        Festival House Jameson Street Floor 2
                                   Tel. No:        01482 614854
                                   Fax. No:
Councillor Phil Webster

Portfolio Holder: Finance and Transformation

Councillor Martin Mancey

Portfolio Holder: Economic Investment,
      Regeneration and Planning

                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Manager                                Ref No.       0046/18

Dave Richmond, City Neighbourhoods
and Housing Manager
                                            First Date of Entry        26 October 2018
Fiona Fitzpatrick, City Safeguarding

Likely date of decision          Not before 26 November 2018

Subject                          New Build 6 bedroom Children’s Home

Decision sought (NB if the       To agree to enter a contract to deliver a New Children’s
decision relates to a matter     Home in the Ings area through the Council’s Ings Lead
within a specific Area of the    Developer, Compendium Living.
City, the relevant Area
Committee can deal with it or
advise Cabinet on it)
Portfolio Holders                Portfolio Holders :- Housing and Children’s and Young
Decision to be taken by          Deputy Leader
(and membership of the body)

Summary of issues:               The scheme aims to improve the quality of
                                 accommodation for the Council’s in house Children’s
                                 Homes provision for looked after children. The majority
                                 of the current provision is ageing and is generally
                                 considered as poor physical quality. In addition Early
                                 Support and Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny
                                 Commission visited the homes and recommended
                                 immediate remedial work and a long term proposal for
                                 improved provision. The Council is also spending
                                 significant revenue on seeking placements outside of the
                                 local authority boundary due to the lack of sufficiency of
                                 the current supply.

                                 The Director of Children and Family Services submitted
                                 a report which set out proposals to increase the capacity
                                 in the City and surrounding area in order to meet future
                                 demand of Children’s residential placements in a way
                                 that achieves best value and best meets children’s
                                 needs at the same time as ensuring that the right
                                 children were being looked after at the right time.
                                 Cabinet agreed on the 26th March 2018 (Minute 122) to
                                 the development of three additional children’s homes
                                 (1X 6 bed and 2X4 bed homes) subject to capital
                                 allocation. Cabinet further agreed to the procurement
                                 route for the proposal to be through an existing
framework contract or the YORbuild Framework
                                   contract. A delivery route for the two 4 Bedroom homes
                                   has now been agreed and is being implemented. A
                                   decision is now required on the delivery of the six
                                   bedroom property.
Financial Implications:            An indicative capital expenditure has been agreed to
                                   fund this scheme and the majority of the expenditure will
                                   be in the 2019/20 financial year.
Other implications for the         None
Documents to be submitted to       Formal report
the decision maker for
Is the matter                      No
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and       Consultation with Members, children services and other
how                                interested parties
How others can make                In writing to the address below
representations about this
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       8 working days before the above decision date
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward

Where item is identified to be     N/A
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:           Ben Goren
from:                              Designation     Project Manager, Housing Strategy and
                                   Address:        Warehouse 9, The Guildhall, Hull HU1
                                   Tel. No:        01482 615512
                                   Fax. No:
                               NOTICE OF KEY DECISION

City Managers                               Ref No.      0057/18

Tracy Harsley, City Safe & Early
Intervention Manager,
Fiona Fitzpatrick, City Safeguarding        First Date of Entry    16 November 2018

Likely date of decision           19 December 2018

Subject                           Commissioning of non-registered support services for
                                  young people aged 16 Plus
Decision sought (NB if the        To seek approval to tender a framework contract for
decision relates to a matter      non-registered accommodation based support for
within a specific Area of the     vulnerable young people and people leaving care in the
City, the relevant Area           age group 16 – 25 years
Committee can deal with it or
advise Cabinet on it)
Portfolio Holder                  Cllr. Peter Clark
Decision to be taken by           Committees in Common
(and membership of the body)

Summary of issues:                The Council has a need for accommodation based
                                  support for young people leaving the care system and
                                  moving into independent living. The proposed units will
                                  provide for up to 3 young people to be accommodated in
                                  a supportive living environment for each property with
                                  provision to support them move toward independence.

Financial Implications:           Forecasted spend on these services for 2018/19 is
Other implications for the
Documents to be submitted to      Report and accompanying appendices
the decision maker for
Is the matter                     No
confidential/exempt? If yes
please quote the relevant
paragraph of the Local
Government Act 1972 and
provide reasons why exempt
Who we intend to consult and
How others can make               N/a
representations about this
matter including (if the matter
is identified as exempt) upon
whether the matter should be
considered in public
Deadline for representations       8 working days before the above decision date
(NB: date cannot be before first
date of entry into the Forward

Where item is identified to be
considered in exempt session,
any representations received
and the response thereto
Further information is available   Name:          Neil Daynes
from:                              Designation    Procurement Manager
                                   Address:       Procurement, 3rd floor Guildhall

                                   Tel. No:       01482 615073
                                   Fax. No:
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