Knowledge, attitude, and practice of adults toward hemorrhoids in Aseer region, Southern Saudi Arabia - IJMDC

Fahad S. Alamri et al, 2021;5(1):152–156.                             International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries


Knowledge, attitude, and practice of adults
toward hemorrhoids in Aseer region,
Southern Saudi Arabia
Fahad S. Alamri1, Abdulsalam Ali Alshehri2, Omar Mohammed Alfaifi2,
Basim Hassan Alshehri2*, Faisal Abdullah Alamri2, Abdullah Rafa Alshehri2,
Mohammad Saad Al-amer2

   Background: Hemorrhoidal disease (piles) is a common anorectal disease. Although the majority of patients
   can be successfully treated with conservative medication and local applicants, some patients need to undergo
   surgery during their life. Population awareness regarding the disease is essential for avoiding long life-annoying
   symptoms and complications. The present study aims to assess the general population awareness and attitude
   regarding hemorrhoids and its preventive measures in Aseer region, Saudi Arabia.
   Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional approach was used, targeting the general population in Aseer
   region aged 18 years or older. The data were collected using a pre-structured online questionnaire. The ques-
   tionnaire covered participants’ data including age, gender, educational level, work filed, and history of having
   hemorrhoid disorder. Awareness regarding hemorrhoid was assessed using 13 items covering all aspects of the
   disease. The questionnaire was published online. At the end of 4 months, data were extracted and exported as
   an excel file for filtering and errors checking.
   Results: A sample of totally 390 individuals completed the questionnaire whose ages ranged from 18 to 65
   years, with a mean age of 35.6 ± 10.2 years. 255 (65.4%) participants were male, and 45.6% were university
   graduated. As for participants’ awareness regarding hemorrhoids, 56.9% of the participants defined hemor-
   rhoid as perianal edema, while 73.8% defined it as perianal pain. Generally, 233 participants had good aware-
   ness level regarding hemorrhoids in total.
   Conclusions: In conclusion, the majority of the general population in Aseer region was aware of hemorrhoid
   and its preventive measures. More effort should be paid to improve population awareness regarding the nature
   of the disease and the new diagnostic tools.
   Keywords: Hemorrhoid, piles, population, awareness, attitude, complications, knowledge, Aseer, Saudi Arabia.


Hemorrhoids, which are also called piles, are a vascular             rectum. This can include a rectal exam performed with
deformity in the anal canal [1,2]. Physiologically, they             a gloved, lubricated finger, or with a small instrument
are cushions that help with stool control [1]. Abnormally,           that will allow your physician to visualize the rectum
when swollen or inflamed, the unqualified term                       more closely. Rectal bleeding could be a symptom of
“hemorrhoid” is often used to refer to this abnormal state
[3]. The signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids depend on
its type. Internal hemorrhoids often result in painless,
                                                                       Correspondence to: Basim Hassan Alshehri
bright red rectal bleeding when defecating [4,5]. External
                                                                       *College of Medicine King Khalid University, Abha City,
hemorrhoids usually present with pain and swelling in                  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
the perianal region [5,6]. Bleeding usually occurs in the              Email:
form of dark blood. The symptoms frequently get better                 Full list of author information is available at the end of
after a few days with constant skin tag after the healing of           the article.
external hemorrhoid [5]. Hemorrhoids can be diagnosed                  Received: 18 November 2020 | Accepted: 26 November 2020
following a physical examination of the anus and

© IJMDC.                                 152
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of adults toward hemorrhoids

other, potentially more severe conditions. One source of               between participants’ data and their awareness level were
bleeding could be anal fissures, which are tears in the                assessed using the Pearson’s chi-squared test.
lining of the anus, causing pain when passing a bowel
movement. Some types of inflammatory bowel disease                     Results
can also cause rectal bleeding, as can tumors of the
rectum and colon. In the case of passing blood from                    A total sample of 390 individuals completed the
the anus, consultation of the physician is mandatory to                questionnaire, whose ages ranged from 18 to 65 years
determine if further testing is required [3,7,8]. A few                with a mean age of 35.6 ± 10.2 years. 255 (65.4%)
studies assessed the magnitude of hemorrhoids. The                     participants were male, and 45.6% were university
prevalence recorded by the different studies varied                    graduated, while only 8.7% were illiterate with a
greatly. A study reviewed the records of patients who                  primary level of education. Exactly 16.9% of the
attended the colorectal department during a specific time              participants worked in the medicine filed, and 61.3%
period, and the authors revealed a prevalence rate of 86%              had a positive history for hemorrhoids (Table 1). As for
for symptomatic and asymptomatic hemorrhoids [9].                      participants’ awareness regarding hemorrhoids, Table
Johanson and Sonnenberg [10] recorded a prevalence                     2 demonstrates that 56.9% of the participants defined
rate of 4.4% in the USA. Recently, it was estimated that               hemorrhoid as perianal edema, while 73.8% defined it
50%-85% of people around the world had hemorrhoids                     as perianal pain. Concerning causes of hemorrhoids,
[11].                                                                  60% of the participants told about defecation stretching,
                                                                       52.8% selected long duration of setting, and 46.4%
In Saudi Arabia, no studies were found focusing on                     selected chronic constipation or diarrhea. Considering
hemorrhoids or assessing population awareness regarding                complications, 48.5% reported anemia and 31.5%
this medical condition. This was the main motivation                   reported HTN. Regarding preventive measures, 69.7%
behind this research, to assess the population awareness               of the participants selected excessive fluid intake, 69.2%
regarding hemorrhoid as one of the health conditions                   selected eating fiber-rich food, and 58.5% chose going
which may end with severe complications.                               to the bathroom in need. Generally, 233 participants
                                                                       (59.7%) had good awareness levels regarding
Subjects and Methods
                                                                       hemorrhoids in total (Figure 1). On relating the overall
                                                                       awareness level with participants characteristics (Table
A descriptive, cross-sectional approach was used
                                                                       3), good awareness was recorded among 77.1% of
targeting the general population in Aseer region aged
                                                                       those aged 20-30 years compared to 49.1% of those
18 years or older. The data were collected for 2 months
                                                                       aged 50-60 years with a recorded statistical significance
using a pre-structured online questionnaire which was
                                                                       (p = 0.001). Also, 78.1% of the participants with university
developed by the researchers after intensive literature
reviews and expert’s consultation with applying all
suggested modifications. The tool covered participants’
personal data including age, gender, educational level,
work filed, and history of having hemorrhoid disorder.                 Table 1. Personal data of adults in Aseer region, Southern
Awareness regarding hemorrhoid was assessed using                      Saudi Arabia.
13 items covering the definition of hemorrhoid, causes,                 Personal data                           No            %
complications, and preventive measures. Attitude
                                                                        Age in years
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of adults toward hemorrhoids

Table 2. Awareness of adults regarding hemorrhoids in Aseer         level of education had a good awareness level compared
region, Southern Saudi Arabia.                                      to 52.9% of those with a primary level of education
 Awareness regarding hemorrhoids                No     %
                                                                    (p = 0.001) As for work field, 90.9% of the participants
                                                                    who worked in the medical field recorded a good
 Definition of    HRDs are anal injuries        97    24.9%         awareness level compared to 53.4% of those who did
                  Dilated intestinal veins      36    9.2%          not (p = 0.001). Also, 78.1% of the participants who
                                                                    had personal experience of hemorrhoid recorded good
                  Dilated anal and rectal       257   65.9%
                  veins                                             awareness compared to 58.9% of those who did not
                                                                    (p = 0.003).
                  Fecal incontinence            140   35.9%
                  Itching                       220   56.4%
                  Sweating                      30    7.7%
                  Abdominal pain                71    18.2%
                  Diarrhea                      31    7.9%
                  Perianal pain                 288   73.8%
                  Urine incontinence            50    12.8%
                  Perianal erosions             88    22.6%
                  Bleeding with defeca-         252   64.6%
                  Painful urination             31    7.9%
                  Anal pus discharge            137   35.1%
                  Perianal edema                222   56.9%
 Causes of        Long standing in bath-        102   26.2%
 HRDs             room                                              Figure 1. Overall awareness level of adults regarding
                  Eating    too        much     82    21.0%         hemorrhoids in Aseer region, Southern Saudi Arabia.
                                                                    Table 3. Distribution of adult awareness regarding
                  Long duration of setting      206   52.8%         hemorrhoids by their personal data, Southern Saudi Arabia.
                  Hot bathing with Jacuzzi      37    9.5%
                                                                                                         Awareness level
                  Defecation stretching         234   60.0%          data
                  The Frankish Chair            119   30.5%                                  Poor           Good

                  Tight pants                   84    21.5%                              No         %      No      %
                                                                     Age in
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of adults toward hemorrhoids

Table 4. The attitude of adults toward hemorrhoids in Aseer region, Southern Saudi Arabia.
                                                                                          No               May be            Yes
                         Attitude toward hemorrhoids
                                                                                    No         %      No        %       No         %
                         Visiting doctor is embarrassing                            99     25.4%     127      32.6%    164     42.1%
 If you or someone in your family is diseased, will you see a doctor immediately?   52     13.3%     104      26.7%    234     60.0%
 Do you think that customs and traditions constitute a barrier for society in       53     13.6%      90      23.1%    247     63.3%
 delaying or not going to the doctor?
 If you or one of your family members were injured, would you resort to folk        231    59.2%      85      21.8%     74     19.0%

Finally, the attitude of participants regarding hemorrhoid                attitude and needs more explanation about what exactly
medical consultation was assessed (Table 4) and it                        the patient will do. Hemorrhoid is a self-curable disease
revealed that 42.1% of the participants agreed on that                    but may cause chronic bleeding ending with anemia
visiting a doctor for hemorrhoids is embarrassing. Also,                  besides affecting the quality of patients’ life. Therefore,
60% of the participants reported that they would consult                  improving the population awareness and improving their
physicians immediately if one of their families were                      attitude regarding diagnostic methods and management
suspected. Only 19% of the participants agreed that they                  will play a crucial role in limiting this negative behavior
could resort to folk medicine in case of have hemorrhoids.                against seeking medical consolation.
Discussion                                                                Conclusion

Also known as piles, a hemorrhoid is a swelling in the anal               In conclusion, the majority of the general population
canal or around the anus with an enlarged blood vessel                    in Aseer region was aware regarding hemorrhoid and
inside it. When the tissue in these areas becomes swollen,                its preventive measures. The thing that was negatively
possibly due to constipation and straining too much                       reported was participants’ attitude regarding medical
during a bowel movement, a hemorrhoid can develop.                        consolation for hemorrhoid and this related to methods
If the hemorrhoid becomes damaged, this can lead to                       of clinical assessment. More efforts should be paid to
pain and bleeding. Heavy lifting and other strenuous                      improve population awareness regarding the nature of
activities can also result in hemorrhoids [12]. The studies               the disease and the new diagnostic tools, which may
concerned with the assessment of the prevalence of                        eliminate the feeling of shame. Also, more studies are
epidemiology of hemorroids are scarce, and not all cover                  needed to assess the population’s awareness regarding
all aspects of hemorrhoids. Also, no studies were found                   this disease all over the kingdom to map the areas of
assessing population awareness regarding hemorroid,                       defect for medical education.
especially in Saudi Arabia. The current research, to the
best of the authors’ knowledge, is the first one in Saudi                 Conflict of interest
Arabia covering this subject. The study revealed that                     The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest
about 60% of the general population in Aseer region was                   regarding the publication of this article.
aware regarding hemorrhoid. The highest awareness level                   Funding
was recorded for hemorrhoid definition, symptoms, and                     None.
causes. Complications and preventive measures awareness
were moderately good, especially complications.                           Consent to participate
Awareness was better among young aged participants of                     Written informed consent was obtained from all the
a high level of education and those with a positive history               participants.
of the disease. Regarding participants’ attitude regarding
medical consultation for hemorrhoid, about half of the                    Ethical approval
participants feel ashamed of consulting physician if they                 The study was approved from the King Khalid University on
complained of hemorrhoids. Also, more than two-thirds                     9/11/2020. Approval no.: EMC#2020-1501.
of the participants reported that traditions and customs are
                                                                          Author details
the main barriers against this medical consultation. This
                                                                          Fahad S. Alamri1, Abdulsalam Ali Alshehri2, Omar Mohammed
may be due to the nature of the disease area and method of
                                                                          Alfaifi2, Basim Hassan Alshehri2, Faisal Abdullah Alamri2,
medical examination for diagnosing hemorrhoid, which
                                                                          Abdullah Rafa Alshehri2, Mohammad Saad Al-amer2
is against Arab traditions and which considers this area
                                                                          1. Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, King Khalid
as a shameful area to be assessed. The surprising finding
                                                                              University, Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
was that irrespective of feeling ashamed to consult a
                                                                          2. College of Medicine, King Khalid University, Abha, Kingdom
physician, more than half of the cases refused to deal
                                                                              of Saudi Arabia
with this disease by folk medicine. This is a questionable

Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of adults toward hemorrhoids

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